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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8058235 No.8058235 [Reply] [Original]

Any more ALA 2015 stories or photos?
What party was best party?
What the fuck happened to the seagull meet?
Did you have a good time?

Old thread is kill >>8048531
It might be silly to make another one, but since only two people dumped photos and some folks might have been busy with work right after getting back, I thought I might as well. And people might want to continue complaining about the new location. Or continue complaining about the people complaining. Or maybe they want to see if the anon they dropped their spaghetti all over still wants to talk to them. Or thank somebody for their bartending and/or party-hosting skills.

>> No.8058246
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The only photo that matters from ALA

>> No.8058382
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Our great leader!

>tfw you will never be gently caressed by him

>> No.8058536
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>tfw was too beta to go to any parties.

>> No.8058574

im still up to meet tsrbruh if she's in socal

>> No.8058618


>> No.8058625

Video Game Room Dpt Head here.

How'd we do this year? Any particular suggestions on things we could've done better? Obvious issues that were overlooked (our bad) was a lack of febreeze to tackle the B.O. issue.

Always looking for input!

>> No.8058634

There was barely any BO issue at all, it came to a point where I was joking with a friend that you guys probably advertised about deodorants in the hotel.

The weather played a huge part in that too, it was raining so people weren't sweating.

>> No.8058640


It was mostly at the DDR setup with people working up a consistent sweat there.

>> No.8058646

Guilty Gear Accent Core +R please.

>> No.8058715

First ALA, I'm really glad I went. I got to spend time with a lot of good friends and met a bunch of cool new people, too.
Was a little disappointed the seagull meet sort of fell through, but other than that there weren't many issues for me. I probably should have checked out more main events/panels though.
I liked the comfortable, fun vibe of the con a lot. The industry party Saturday night was pretty fun.
Most of the hotel staff I interacted with, both at the Marriott and the Hilton were really nice and professional. The con staff were great, too.
It's too early to know if I'll go again next year, but I definitely had a good time. I went because a lot of people told me it was a really great con and I was not let down.

I really need to take more pictures at cons though. Sorry about that.

seems like a bro

>> No.8058824

Glad you enjoyed yourself!!

>> No.8058872
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>Going to ALA just to get drunk

>> No.8058917
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But I'm too young to drink

>> No.8058934

My apologies for the sparse attendance at the cgl meetup. I had the last minute opportunity to throw a party in the 17th floor suite, and I jumped at it. Unfortunately, this meant that I was stuck behind the bar when the meet was starting, and that all the oldfags were up there in the room already. I was told by Freeman that the meetup was small and almost all anons. I will do my best come the next con, probably Fanime, to mobilize the group and make the meetup great.

>> No.8058943

I was muy sad. And then the industry party dramus made me not go.

>> No.8059079

Dramu deets pls

>> No.8059267


Your game selection seemed a little lackluster. It didn't appear to have changed much from the year before. It was also a bummer that Steel Battalion wasn't working...

>> No.8059287

I bet you also think it's too illegal to do drugs, lol, fag.

>> No.8059292


Yeah, unfortunately we weren't able to find the Xbox's power cable during the con. Do you want to know where we ended up finding it? Under the Xbox. The whole fucking weekend.

As for the lack of games, that was a bit of a bummer, but we ended up spending most of our budget getting our two Wii U's and the additional PS4's that we got. Next year we plan to add the Xbox One to our library with the bigger space we're going to have.

>> No.8059300
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pls no bully

>> No.8059305
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>> No.8059368

Thanks. Still mad I didn't get one of the 'I know Maguma' ribbons, though. I think you didn't have them on you when I saw you.
the industry party had drama? the one saturday night in the 17th floor suite, right? it seemed pretty chill when I was there

you can go to parties and make friends without drinking or doing drugs
I believe in you anon, attempt to contain your beta by the next con and make lots of friends at the seagull meet

>> No.8059375

There were some issues with people who were supposed to be allowed in not being able to go during the early parts of the night. Saturday night was a lot more exclusive. When I had the room on friday it was a lot more open as we weren't trying to entertain vips. Also, there are a good number of seagulls who don't drink/do drugs that still like to party.

>> No.8059376

That reminds me. Me and a friend tried looking for the seagull meet-up but couldn't find anything. It was Friday 8-9pm on the pool deck right?

>> No.8059386

>tfw you were in the 17th floor Suite until 4:30am

>> No.8059395

Not having the updated versions of Ultra was a bit of a drag. Unless something changed after I left the tournament there, make sure that multiple stations have the current versions of their games!

>> No.8059402


Yeah that was an oversight on my part, my bad! Will definitely have Ultra next year.

>> No.8059414

Yeah I was gonna head up there Friday night (to join some friends who were there) but got caught up doing other things
But I ended up getting in Saturday and had a good time regardless and met some cool people. I do wish I had made it up there friday night to hang out with more seagulls, though.

it was supposed to be there at 9, but I think a lot of the older tripfags didn't make it until after 10-ish (I'm guessing for staff work reasons and/or already being tied up with parties) and the groups sort of missed each other so not much happened

>> No.8059453

Man ALA was super fun. Shout out to Dr scientist for being such a freakin awesome dude. Who knows if I can go to next years sice it's kind of at a sucky time of the year.

I haven't gotten any of my pictures back yet. I was commander Jill from cross ange all weeked and it was suuuper great when people recognized me

>> No.8059480

I had a long flight home from ALA.

When I got home, I poured myself a 7up and got turnt up.

>> No.8059514


>> No.8059515

I still have many of them so i shall have them at future cons.

In regards to the industry party dramu, it's really not much in drama as it is just a staff note for the future in the realm of professionalism. It was not an ALA sponsored party but ALA staffers were involved and they should still be at ALA standards.

>> No.8059627

Well... Unless Capcom drops SFV before then.

>> No.8059634


you guys should have tournament of whichever fighting game is hyped and prize support

also a great oversight and potential for fun/breathing fresh air into old games was not running project M on the old nintendo wii/wii u

simple, hackless sd card based save state thats only about 512mb and is a completely new game

>> No.8059849
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Best party was bunny party

>> No.8059854

That was a fun party.
5040 never forget

>> No.8059884

>90% girls
>buff male bunny
>hugh hefner
>some guy all the way in the back that doesn't care
picture describes /cgl/ perfectly

>> No.8060021

Oh and I thought the whole "no bags" rule was kinda shitty.
Like I get that it's just a precaution, but just have a bag check at the front table instead of that stupid locker bullshit.

>> No.8060072


>> No.8060348


>> No.8060367

Who brought the itasha car?

>> No.8060496


I get your frustration and after a while, we put up a backpack sign against the wall and had people drop their bags there. The bag check is a good idea and I will try to work that into next year.


Project M is a great idea! And it's not like we have a lack of Wii's.

>> No.8060499

>The bag check is a good idea and I will try to work that into next year.
I must've taken off before you guys established that. Thanks a bunch though. That would make things a bit easier.

>> No.8060512


No worries, listening to and trying to solve peoples complaints ends up being a lot less of a headache than just telling everybody to fuck off.

>> No.8060683

Where are the mad ribbon collection then?

>> No.8060684

Slightly off topic, who is G? I'm pretty sure they were at ALA, but I couldn't figure out who they were.

>> No.8060698

The ALA (AKA the 5040)

1 part Skyy Vodka
9 parts 7up

Chase with 7up. Bud Light is an acceptable substitute.

>> No.8060712

only drama thing I ran into was kim's party..super elitist guy tho

>> No.8060736
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>> No.8060753

i could only watch this on mute

>> No.8060775

I saw him do these in person. It was bad.

>> No.8060792
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I missed the seagull meet but Mr. Freeman stayed with us on night 1 so I got a ribbon! But I'm sad to hear it was kind of meh.

Most of my time was in the AA where I think I got a bit of con plague from the humidity thanks to the rain. They said they had the AC up all the way but it was still really warm and suffocating a bit.

The lights went out day one and our area was left kind of shadowed once they came back on.

Got to check out the Industry Party upstairs thanks to friends too and man they really needed some fans in there. Poor Bartender looked sweaty and rushed.

Other than that, met a lot of nice congoers in the AA, got to see old friends and got one of those cute sheep plushies the Dealer's Hall seemed packed with.

>> No.8060832

I kinda overdid sheepshit this year...

But holy fuck those plushies are adorable!

>> No.8060853

Nigga thinks he's the shit

>> No.8060967

he's a small bald funny asian man who has excellent taste in cosplay choices and trips here.

>> No.8061054

The ricer Civic? I believe it's some guy from /jp/ since that car gets posted over there from time to time. I saw that same one at Miku Expo.

>> No.8061056

Worst ALA ever and moving to Ontario won't make it better. RIP greatest con ever.

>> No.8061110

Is there any chance of ALA getting a Japanese artist to perform next year?

We just got back from Lantis Festival and one of the performers mentioned she was at some no-name con last year. It made me notice how weird it is that California cons don't really get Japanese artists, aside from AX. I'd expect more.

>> No.8061563

Chaz and friends don't have the money or the pull to get Japanese guests.

>> No.8062287

It's on the table of possibilities now that we're moving and expecting to grow. We shall see what plays out.

>> No.8062404

I was surprised to learn people actually got sick at the con. I was freezing my ass out on Day 2 because I didn't expect it to rain and my shoulders were uncovered in cosplay. Somehow, despite being around so many people, I made it through the weekend without a hitch.
That was so well done.

>> No.8062557

The combination of little sleep, shitty food, partying hard, and contact with a lot of people is a breeding ground for illness. Our room took emergenC as a precaution each day, and some took naps in the afternoon so that the partying did not come at the expense of sleep.

>> No.8062651

No leave the Nip GoHs to AX. ALA is fine as is.

>> No.8062662

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiXCmfWu3Zc&feature=youtu.be Who here got turnt up

>> No.8062690

It hurts

>> No.8062735

1 part vodka
9 parts 7-up

based master bartender

>> No.8062756
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>> No.8062838

Hnngh, that's where they were hiding all the Asian boys~

>> No.8062933
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>> No.8062936
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>> No.8062964

I didnt think this could get any better. But it did...

>> No.8062978

You should take lessons from them. I'll make sure to take some 7-Up for you at the next ALA.

>> No.8063049

Out of town industry here. Thank you guys for all the fun! Ribbon culture is something I want to see at more conventions, and ALA had lots of neat touches I hadn't seen at other conventions. The rain was a dampener, but I was happy to see everyone pushed together in smaller quarters. Appreciate it!

>> No.8063082

That "party" looked like shit. I don't understand they hype behind this, it looks like your typical hotel room drinking room with a bunch of random faggots.

>> No.8063096

I really the ribbon touch - seeing how I can get it to be a thing here at MT cons.

Thanks for attending! That was such a great one.

>> No.8063114

I have wife

>> No.8063176

top kek
Look at how the dudes avoid the girls

>girl on one bed
>6 guys on the other
>girl standing in middle with drink, everybody gives her a wide circle

>> No.8063208

Damn guys. We've been outclassed.
There's always next year...

>> No.8063222

Oh shit. It better get ready for a blackout.

>> No.8063235

Jfc there's just so much wrong with this. I wouldn't think so badly of it if anyone actually looked like they were having fun but holy shit

>> No.8063266

the cringe is real

>> No.8063392

That video was pretty cringe. I'm glad they are having fun though.

I'm going to show up next con and show you guys how it's done. I'll be looking forward to FAnime

>> No.8063400

you better show up with like 4 bottles of skyy and 2 cases of bud light if you wanna top that

>> No.8063407

It's just not the drinks that I'm talking about. I just mean the whole party vibe in general. No legit drinking games are going on, no music which should be slightly toned down. Although I'm certain /cgl/ can throw better kickbacks than that one.

Also I rather drink Corona, Don Equis, or Blue Moon for beers. I'd choose better ones but that suit gets expensive. I'm down to take shots with you though scientist. Next con for sure mark my words.

>> No.8063413

All jokes aside, I know how this shit works. 5 years and counting. Lessgoo.

>> No.8063417

That's the response I want to hear. Does cgl have any heavy drinkers?

>> No.8063419


>> No.8063421

Pot meets kettle

>> No.8063676

Oh Thank the heavenly father I left this party beforehand. I knew the room number sounded familiar. I feel bad for my friend who attended this.

>> No.8063731

>Being outclassed by that

Your party must have sucked ass.

>> No.8064819

thought I posted this cause its different.

Everyone usually comes in with slow-mo steady cam con vids. This guy filmed a cheesy action trailer using his smart phone and built in SFX


The whole thing made me laugh with how silly and low budget it was

>> No.8064994
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>> No.8065017

I don't go around Facebook having profile pics of cute girls to fish out responses and laughs at the expense of desperate loners.

>> No.8065603

Who is Kim now? I dont recognize the name and I know most of the movers and the shakers of the cali con scene.

>> No.8065659

This is the best shit I've seen in months holy shit

>that Moss though A+

>> No.8065913

>Morgana you're going down
>Morgana shoots a laser beam
>Guy blows up

I laughed so hard at that part

>> No.8066003


>> No.8068037

Was anyone able to record the Crunchyroll live stream on Day 3?