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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 907 KB, 887x725, 1421471878152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8062698 No.8062698 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>8053456 on autosage.

>> No.8062699

I thought it would be nice if we started the new threads with a coord from the last thread like on /ic/.

>> No.8063012
File: 866 KB, 1426x688, metaswanlake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i'm pretty broke from school starting again, but I wanted some help to improve a basic bitch coord with a dress i got with some christmas money. I can't afford much else but it'd be helpful if i was able to make it a bit more interesting with accessories. A cheap bag would be nice too but i'll just prob use one of my pink ones instead if my budget is too tight. I'm mainly looking for help for future coords and help inspire me to make this basic coord much better.

I got the Meta swan lake op from yja, it doesnt have the collar or detachable sleeves though. I'm using my pink bow tights for now and pink bodyline shoes and pearl jewelry. However is there any other way I can make this dress work differently? I had an idea for feathers after seeing this hairpin on Meta's website. It's only in pink but I could make something similar for myself. I'd appreciate it if someone helped give me more ideas!

>> No.8063032
File: 50 KB, 557x474, Jewellery ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that purse and own it myself, but it does NOT go with that outfit, either go black or lavender. Neither does the random purple rose. I assume those are lavender socks on the far right - if so, wear those rather than the black or white socks.

I like the black shoes and am really not sold on the cardigan. I think the pony bag is adorable, especially if you want to go with matching jewellery - you could also consider jewellery with the print motifs in it, I've just attached some random stuff I pulled off etsy

>> No.8063043
File: 166 KB, 1181x720, tried it with a cardigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would actually wear a cardigan over this rather than a blouse underneath - I've revised your coord slightly.
I wouldn't move the bow on the front at all, I think it's fine where it is unless you want it to become the headbow. I do however hate the red beads and pearls that you want to wear and think they are likely to look awful, especially if you're wearing the gold + card suits stuff as well. I'm not entirely sold on red x black headbow although I think it'll really depend on having good hair game - maybe balance all the red with a couple of white accents, like heart clips (especially since if you do wear the cardigan, there's no white at the top)

>> No.8063092
File: 180 KB, 1150x733, hime swan lake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definitely think you could make it work really well with the feathered hairpiece and your current ideas - if anything a statement bag might be worth it? Swan bag?

For other ideas, it makes me think 'swan princess'/fairytale when I look at it so that could be an interesting direction to take it in - hime with gold jewellery and a princessy theme? I gave up trying to match the pinks, but hopefully you get the idea...

>> No.8063220

Yes, they are lavender. So I'll go for those instead. Their tone is pinkier, but they might work.
How do you use your bag? I like it a lot, but I'm failing to find it a place to be.

I will consider the print motif of the bag since there are different ponieson the dress.
I will look on Etsy, thanks a lot!

>> No.8063229

I bought Divine Cross a wile ago, but I'm kind of stuck on what kind of blouse to wear because of the little ruffles on the straps. I was thinking of a square necked one, does anyone have a better suggestion?

>> No.8063232

Currently I wear it with outfits that have the same shade of purple as a main colour. I have a dress that was made for me in the exact same colour, and have shoes that are a close shade (the Bordello boots that everyone has) and a blouse that are the same shade (the American Apparel Secretary blouse in purple chiffon) which helps me balance the colour throughout the outfit.
I am hoping to wear it in a green x purple outfit once my Surface Spell library JSK arrives, but I'll see whether I can balance it well enough.

I honestly don't think it makes much difference unless the bib of the shirt looks odd with the strap ruffles. High collar would be fine with it as would a peter pan collar, especially if the collar covers the straps anyway.

>> No.8063490
File: 151 KB, 339x244, IFS0015-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what I'm doing with this skirt. Nothing in my wardrobe goes with it. I was thinking a gold chiffon blouse but just can't find one anywhere. Maybe a military style jacket? Please help, cgl, you have been so wonderful in the past.

>> No.8063623
File: 812 KB, 1006x992, MeltyCreamDonutCoordIdeas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coording Melty Cream Donut sskirt. Kinda stuck on this one (What socks/bags work? What should go on the head? what other blouse/cardigans/cutsews could also work?)

I'm aiming for an otome everyday sort of look but open to all suggestions (otome to OTT).

Please help.

>> No.8064154
File: 266 KB, 653x511, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to make something casual with some items I've won recently. The cardigan and the bag are both a lot more of a wine than in these pictures. Should I go for a beret? or a simple black headbow?

>> No.8064417
File: 151 KB, 837x721, carousels and music notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about white? I had lots of issues finding a navy blue military jacket that I actually liked, so left it out, but I went for navy/white/gold with music note and carousel accents to pick up on the print.


>> No.8064436

No amount of cutesy donut clipart is gonna make this look good. Start from scratch.

>> No.8064438

Those shoes don't really suit that skirt imo. If you want to go for a more otome look could i suggest a brown blouse? Darker shoes are fine if you have enough of it to balance out. I like both socks you have picked out. I will make you something up when i get home from work.

>> No.8064468

Source on stockings?

>> No.8064491

>they're stockings
>they have the brand name printed on them

anon you're a mess

>> No.8064542

...oh, I misread your post and thought you called them tights.

...it looks like I'm the mess.
(They're still from Innocent World tho.)

>> No.8064574

Well...I got the picture from the mu-fish page (replicas), since the originals are now long gone from the IW page.

>> No.8064652

Well some suggestions would be nice or pointing out what went wrong would help but whatever.

Thanks I really appreciate it.

>> No.8065174
File: 205 KB, 1480x788, navy x stripes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got inspired and now I'm stuck. I already own things on the right, but am not sure about which pair of shoes, legwear, headwear, and other accessories. I want to make a taobao order at some point, so would prefer sourcing stuff from there.

>> No.8065240
File: 128 KB, 1315x1200, lavender green coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a hypothetical casual coord because I really want to try out this color scheme. I don't own any of the items yet (except for the star clip and star bow), so would appreciate some critique/suggestions.

>> No.8065407

I like the navy shoes with this plus I think some silver or gold (metallic that matches the jacket buttons) x white patterned tights would be cute.

>> No.8065423
File: 84 KB, 570x433, il_570xN.379948205_gl2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't go with the navy shoes as I feel they are too feminine and would make the coat look off. I think the bottom right ones are perfect for that. Honestly if you own all of that, put it on and we'll see what looks off.
Also your outfit will look more nautical than the inspiration so check out etsy for relevant accessories.

>> No.8065450

>pastel wig

Nothing about this is casual.

>> No.8065455


I'd nix mixing bxw stripes with navy, honestly. The gilet inspo you have isn't really the best kind of colour-matching (though it's pretty creative). Even then, the inspo coord is much better because it's a gilet, so the white sleeves help to tie in the striped pants, while the length of the pants and the flare of the sleeves help to offset the large block of navy.

Whereas with yours, once you put the jacket over the dress, it's going to immediately look like you accidentally coorded a navy coat with bxw, no matter what colour shoes or accesories, there's a high chance it looks like you mixed up black and navy by accident rather than on purpose.

>> No.8065475

dont use plain tights, get pattern ones, it just looks like too much purple

>> No.8065523

I tried it on and it does look pretty awful on the top half, especially since I actually have the velvet version which is a bit darker. Do you think there's any way to make the dress work with navy with or without the jacket? (e.g. striped jabot, white wristcuffs to bring in more white, headdress mixing black and navy, etc)
I know it's not the most conventional colour scheme which is why I really liked the original outfit.

>> No.8065563

Can I get links to these shoes and headdress?

>> No.8065565

the hoodie won't work, the skirt will sit a lot higher on your waist than you have it placed so they would sit awkwardly together

>> No.8065589

purple and mint wouldn't work together. don't do this. also that bag is terrible, and that dress is overplayed. try again

>> No.8065597

this is cute and it's been years that I don't see a queen of hearts coord that I like. Not sure about the headbow tou.

>> No.8065729

This is the one time I think ankle socks > tights. Purple and mint need to be balanced, especially bodyline's chewing-gum fluoro mint. I'd actually go for a white rather than purple blouse if you're wearing a purple wig, or natural hair + purple blouse.

>> No.8065731
File: 649 KB, 2036x2000, mcdforanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon, a couple of ideas to hopefully help you coordinate the skirt. This is pretty much how i would coordinate it if i owned it, apologies if this is too muted, i wear very toned down sweet and otome myself. Alternatively to the donut bag, i think any brown handbag would be nice, innocent world makes some lovely satchels. You could go for a cardigan aswell in an Ivory or Brown. I think that beige would compliment this skirt aswell if you wanted something different.

>> No.8065747

Thanks anon this looks cool. You're right about the hoodie, I thought it would look super cute and casual but perhaps its better suited for a salopette pr low waist op/jsk instead.

>> No.8065826
File: 1.54 MB, 1010x1196, donuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon i made this last night myself, i was working on one last tights and shoes and i fell asleep. sorry. i could have polished it more but i saw the other anon get a better idea, so i'm just posting mine to show the different options you have. With the stuff I have, you can choose to tone it down or up, and I'm showing you how you can play with the pinks or beiges in the skirt. Also I saw the stripes in the skirt and kinda reflected that with the legwear but I'm not sure if it'll actually work.

>> No.8065840
File: 147 KB, 908x788, bxw-blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's the best way I can see things working out: make your coord solely black and white, try to keep it simple, don't overload it with too many stripes and things (stripes are very busy on the eyes to begin with).

For the blue, pick a STATEMENT item, something really special that you would want to showcase, these are the items on the right in the pic. Don't overload your outfit, pick just one statement item, not three, and make it something good, because that's where people will look.

Top off with small touches to blue (make sure it matches your statement item), but again, nothing too overpowering. Simple stone earrings or rings, something small that reinforces that the blue is intentional.

(I know you said navy, but I hope you can consider blue, because it's brighter, it will pop more. As for the shoes, well... I added white lace tights and then the shoes didn't match. I guess you can switch them to black lace tights and go back to boots, I thought the coord was too heavy with black tights)

>> No.8066036
File: 85 KB, 960x720, Untitled drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first coord planned, having trouble deciding between purses, and if I should wear the detachable apron or not. I'm leaning more to going without because it feels too maid-ish and that's not the vibe I'm trying to put out for my first meetup. Any suggestions would be splendid! Thanks! Also was going to think about making my own headbow, what color would anyone suggest? Sorry for the formatting, google docs is rough for me right now.

>> No.8066064
File: 2.03 MB, 2262x810, metahimeswanlake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my gosh, thanks so much! I considered doing hime but pushed it away, but now I have a huge inspiration to do it anyways. I probably won't get a statement bag, but do a hime white bag instead for my actual coord.

I made another collage of things I could/might use in the future. Tell me if theres things I should definitely avoid? Also, I was planning on getting gold shoes for a different coord, but would it work for this as well? I was planning on getting the ones on the left, but I prefer the color that is on the right. Would it still work with the left shoes, or should I just get the shoes on the right instead? Also would white shoes work instead for this coord?

Thank you, I really appreciate all the help!

>> No.8066066

I don't think those shoes with the straps would look good with striped socks so I would keep the shoes black but with a simpler design. Besides that, you can go a more maid route with frillier wristcuffs and a maid headband (like a plain white headband with a row of lace). What does it look like without the apron? Since more black will be exposed I think you need some more black accents (jewelry, headband, etc.) to pull it together. Tldr more white for maid and more black for otherwise.

>> No.8066069

Thank you kind soul this is fabulous!

>> No.8066079
File: 25 KB, 250x333, wonder cokie 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! I do have a pair of white socks with simple small pink hearts on them, or I could just replace the strap with a short piece of ribbon and tie it in a bow in the front. It just looks like the jsk version with sleeves and a collar, I'll look into black wristcuffs and maybe the milk back since it has more black in it (I still need more accessories anyway) Along with a black headbow.

>> No.8066161

Thanks, I love the blouse and socks you've suggested (love the shoes and beret and thick ribbed rights in >>8065731)
I don't really like the white shoes though, since the skirt is more beige and brown tones, the white is kind of harsh (but thats just my opinion)
Thanks again anon!

>> No.8066330
File: 142 KB, 1000x1200, lita_royal_blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have these for statement shoes, do you think they'll work at all?

>> No.8066351

Oh I should've mentioned that those are Antaina shoes and the colors are usually customizable! So yeah like you could match any of those to the color you selected, I was just showing off different styles. But yeah I agree, Id steer clear of harsh whites and go for creamier colors instead! Since you're mostly going for an otome style, you have the skirt as a statement piece and you can use the components of the outfit to compliment it. Just be sure to balance the colors you choose. I think berets with this would look adorable, and maybe using rosettes to glam up any pieces you have (such as a simple cardi/bag). Good luck anon, have fun with your skirt!

>> No.8066357

The brown heel is out of place and the blue looks too bright

>> No.8066361

(Btw forgot to say im the second anon with the cardigans on top) just didn't want to confuse you

>> No.8066830

I like the color combination, but as another anon said, get different tights or ankle socks and the wig is overkill. A natural colored wig with mint and lavender accessories will be fine. Also, don't go too overboard on the lavender, the blouse is the perfect shade, the wig and tights look to harsh.

>> No.8066852


>dat wire wrap

Hnnnnngh I love that artist. Good taste anon, and good job for working it in.

>> No.8066858

I think you need tan and gold in the outfit for those blue shoes to work which might be too many colours. There would need to be black and white (dress/blouse/tights), gold and blue jewellery, and probably a small tan bag with gold clasp. Bonus points if your natural hair color is close to the colour of the wood

>> No.8066983
File: 49 KB, 180x320, 44615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think because the print is more yellow than gold that you will have to look for items that are very yellow-gold - I like the shoes on the right more for that reason. White shoes will definitely work instead, but I would go with the white x gold meta socks rather than white tights so that you still have the element of gold in it (especially if you are planning on going with a white x gold bag)

No apron, and I love the milk bag and think it is adorable. How about going with black x pink x white? That way you could just have plain pink socks (which I think is fine given that you have RHS that cover them anyway), keep the cut accessories, and maybe go for black x pink wrist cuffs to make it all tie together.

Picture because there haven't been any for a while.

>> No.8067084
File: 43 KB, 300x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this off another seagull and while I love it I'm looking for new ways to coordinate it beyond white tights/socks and pink shoes (what I have gravitated to in previous coords).

>> No.8067157
File: 145 KB, 737x1104, I like apple pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apple pie and cream was my first thought, and after etsy-ing all the accessories (some are scented!) I'm hungry and can't be bothered colour-matching the jewellery pastry to the bag/head pie. The tights are kids' ones so they'd probably need cutting into OTKs with a bit of lace on the top. There are a variety of options for hair accessories depending on whether you want to wear a pie on your head or not.
Since it's quite a fun dress I went for a pie bag (remove the cherries and replace with apples) - if you wanted to be more vintage-y and formal you could look for a knockoff Judith Leiber apple clutch and pair the dress with seamed tights + pink pumps + victory roll hair.

>> No.8067207

Thanks! You and the other anon have been really helpful, can't wait to pull this outfit together! All of those shoes (in cream or even a brown or pink to match the donuts) are fabulous

>> No.8067257
File: 748 KB, 826x760, rabbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am feeling a little all over the place trying to put a coord together for this dress. I really like the idea of having the cream underskirt to extend the length a bit. However, I am not sure if a cream blouse or a black blouse would be best. Any changes and suggestions would be appreciated.

>> No.8067267

cream blouse and maybe lace tights?
Not feeling either of those purses, but I don't really like that kinda thing in the first place.
Dem shoes though <3

>> No.8067270

There is a bit too much black right now, especially if you are going to have a white layer underneath. I would go for a cream blouse or maybe even a cream bolero. Also I think it might be interesting if you switched the black waist ribbon to a white/cream one.

>> No.8067271

I had some ideas for alternate simple looking bags. I for sure agree on the lace/textured tights to go with it. Time to look for a cream blouse.

>> No.8067282
File: 42 KB, 250x333, AphroditeJSKshort-Pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any suggestions for blouses or cardigans I could wear with this? The bib on the front throws me off. Also, I'd love some suggestions for socks if anyone has any!

>> No.8067387
File: 33 KB, 434x581, dear_celine_bell_sleeved_lace_blouse_ii_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8067483
File: 147 KB, 857x769, cardigan options.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either get a cardigan that will sit over the bib, or one that scoops around it. I found black tights with a heart print if that floats your boat.

>> No.8067484

Thanks, anon! That's really helpful!

>> No.8067516
File: 65 KB, 492x437, IMG_7152_副本_副本_副本_副本.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please send help

>> No.8067646


Ah, should have mentioned -- your statement piece cannot introduce a new colour. Black, white, blue, that's all you're allowed to have. Anymore is too much.

You'll also want to pick something interesting, not just a pair of normal shoes. I guess in a pinch you could modge glitter onto it or something?

>> No.8067656
File: 158 KB, 966x1062, crosses and stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went lighter and introduced white to the black/red/gold. If you want to go darker just swap the blouse for black and wear the entirety of mu-fish's Rose Cross series, or ignore the crosses entirely, and go for black/red/gold with the roses as the main motif.

>> No.8067674

My last adventure with glitter shoes had me vacuuming glitter out of the carpet for months, so probably no to that one. I might put a hold on the idea of blue or navy with it unless something amazing turns up in my wardrobe/life.

>> No.8067755

Headdress where??

>> No.8067766

Headdress by Sinister.

>> No.8068045
File: 11 KB, 290x387, 30dec7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this dress a while ago, not the real one from VM but the replica from HMHM. Its much more lighter and see through.
So I can't wear a blouse with a different colour under it. The Problem is, I don't want to wear an all white coord (the pic has not the real colour).
What colours would you use for a classic coord?

>> No.8068102

You can wear a cardigan/ bolero instead. Actually, you could probably get away with no blouse if you have nice enough arms and it's summer.
The strap things are quite frilly/ detailed/ long as it is and basically like a cap sleeved op.
Otherwise adding colour in the accessories & shoes, as long as you balance it (eg. if you use coloured shoes, bring the colour up top with a necklace or headdress, gloves).
Adding a coloured blouse underneath wouldn't be the first thing I'd think to do anyway (probably because I like having a lighter blouse colour).

>> No.8068107

Oh yeah and I think lace tights would be nice, and focus on texture and interesting designs instead of prints and colours, like the dress does.

>> No.8068109

Is it ok to use a dark colored bag in an otherwise light coord? My shoes are dark and my hair is dark, plus the print of the dress is floral and has some darker parts...

>> No.8068114


That's way too general, especially for lolita, and with a print to boot. You're better off posting your coord, use a wig that looks like your hair. Or at least post some of the colours so we can see if they clash.

In general if it's a monotone coord and none of the shades clash (like warm or cool pinks clash with each other), then it's ok.

>> No.8068137

Excuse the bad quality. The white of the purse matches the trim of the dress perfectly. The colors do not clash, I am just worried about spreading them evenly through this coord...

>> No.8068140
File: 110 KB, 600x800, 69258-3736-2014-05-19271864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this awhile ago (babbys first coord) and have managed to get a blouse and some socks but I'm kind of stuck on what to do for a wig. Ideas?

>> No.8068147
File: 387 KB, 532x462, picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic.
Which blouse and socks? Also what is your natural hair and skin tone like?

>> No.8068156

Chocolate brown, like on the dress. Wavy. Bob- medium long.
Or a light brown if that suits you better.
That's if you want to be all matchy.
Honestly, I'd just use my own hair (if it's a non OTT co-ord) but I have pretty reasonable hair for lolita.

>> No.8068159

Of course... shoes matching the bad is a general fashion 'rule', so if its there (and especially balanced by your hair) it's fine. Plenty of old school co-ords use darker shoes and bag, regardless of the dress.

>> No.8068160
File: 27 KB, 500x500, 013907beige-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a nice off brand peter pan collar blouse that is short sleeve and I have these socks from innocent world. My hair is a really dark brown and I've got an olive skin tone. (Also totally up for suggestions if these socks/blouse is a god awful combination.)

>> No.8068165


...I can't figure out if you mean to say that the white trim of your purse matches the white background on the dress, or if the white trim of the purse matches an unseen white trim on a beige dress...

Anyway, if you're worried about how to spread the colour out, you can add a dark bolero to better spread out the colours. It doesn't look like you're trying to force black onto pastels, so you should be okay.

>> No.8068169

I agree, I wouldn't wear a blouse underneath and would go with a cardigan over the top. If you have the white version, basically any colour will go as long as you balance it well - I really like white x maroon and white x navy.

Natural brown - probably one of those mid-length curly ones. What's wrong with your own hair?

It's still really hard to say. Do you not have stock photos you can post in a collage to help?

>> No.8068220

My own hair is cut into a pixie cut and I haven't seen many lolitas with a pixie cut lol.

>> No.8068453
File: 198 KB, 1055x806, cthulhu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would the tights with this jsk still qualify as lolita?

I love the jacket, source? How's the skirt quality if you own it already? I hear about it being kinda uneven.
Also I wouldn't use the black rose ring or the silver rose earrings but stick with the gold accessories.

>> No.8068496
File: 1.35 MB, 1066x800, P1050486_meitu_10_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls help?
Got this as a present, i don't have any bodyline but this dress has some sort of potential i guess and it's kinda cute...but what do seagulls?

>> No.8068571

Tfw I've been trying to find this dress second hand forever.

>> No.8068578

I use tights very similar to those (the scales aren't as prominent, though) with that jsk. As long as your silhouette is good, why wouldn't it qualify as lolita?

>> No.8068584

Some people are a little more strict about things being cute/elegant and maybe the grungy, dirty look wont sit well with them. But thanks.

>> No.8068586

I'm in love with that pie bag. Thank you anon!

>> No.8068591

Me too anon.
I want it I don't have a single lolita dress so it has to be mine.

>> No.8068621

for what it's worth, I think the combination looks pretty rad, where are the tights from anon?

>> No.8068624
File: 152 KB, 655x691, 83566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shameless repost from the previous thread, I didn't get much feedback but then the thread was kinda at the end of its life. I would love to take pic related in a more gothic-classic kinda direction but I'm pretty stumped. I've worn it with a white blouse on a number of occasions which works well, but I'd really like to try something different. Any help would be greatly appreciated

>> No.8068626
File: 38 KB, 301x526, il_570xN.251203684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

galstern on etsy
They have a couple of similar ones. Expensive though.

>> No.8068653
File: 60 KB, 400x628, T22qDnXbhXXXXXXXXX_!!11942814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it would be beautiful with this Infanta blouse. But the navy and black combination is hard to pull off.

>> No.8068667
File: 366 KB, 407x595, carnivalllll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need help coording twinkle carnival in black.

i own the matching headbow and otks, but i'm looking for a more interesting way to wear the dress that isn't so matchy.

everything pictured is stuff i own, but i'm in need of a blouse, a purse and some kind of headwear. i'm also more than willing to switch out anything pictured if you guys have any ideas

>> No.8068829

ah that's beautiful indeed, thanks! I've never fully understood the navyxblack=bad fashion sense thing tbh, if it looks deliberate then I think it can look wonderful. Since the skirt has darker royal blue tones too, I think it should be fine, besides I think it's supposed to resemble tones of a midnight sky. I can really see a black waistcoat with this now.

>> No.8068851

For a beginner lolita would you recommend getting a cookie-cutter set off of taobao?

>> No.8068874
File: 69 KB, 753x398, socks and dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do people feel about mixing brands in a coord? To me, in general it should be ok but in this case I want to wear an AP JSK with BTSSB socks, and they have the name written on them. Do you think it would look weird? Picrelates is the dress and socks I'm talking about.

>> No.8068894

why would there even be a problem?
I actually wore sweet cream house with Baby socks too lol. The had the B logo on them.

>> No.8068907

Have you ever looked at the break down of a coord before? Mixing brands is done very commonly unless someone is wearing a full set.

>> No.8068911

>Can I wear my adidas shoes with my nike sweater?

>> No.8068954
File: 491 KB, 805x595, ideas01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the stripe tights better, it adds a slight golthic-classic maturity to a slightly sweet design I think. A gold pendant and blackxgold slightly mature bag (possibly just the metal parts in gold) would pull it all together beautifully. Swapping out the laces on the boots for quality black ribbon might work too. Also consider slightly gothy yet cute gold and black eye make-up too. Perhaps consider some extra hair embellishments in gold as well.

>> No.8068969
File: 361 KB, 500x779, T2E19mXjxbXXXXXXXX_!!11942814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blouse also comes in another color which is also in the print I think. If you're feeling like trying something risky and potentially ugly.

>> No.8068978
File: 205 KB, 398x455, Screen Shot 2015-01-20 at 2.24.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solid advice but those shoes are fugly, as well as the bottom left bag. I'd go with the top right bag and maybe some shoes like these.

>> No.8068987

It's BPN, on maiden clothing. The silver rose thing was supposed to be a detachable charm because I couldn't find a nice stock photo of a gold one.

It usually only works with quite casual coords, with a small headbow, headband or hat.

Wear with pink and icecream accessories?

I second navy, since the skirt already mixed navy and black it's so much easier to do than with, say, a black OP

>> No.8069024

Thank you guys, I guess I was being overly cautious

>Can I wear my adidas shoes with my nike sweater?
kek you are right

>> No.8069082

f+f did a similar thing with the jsk version and tbh it was pretty fug and the reason I went for the skirt, fun for the challenge though perhaps(!). It's a cute blouse in itself though.

>> No.8069097
File: 27 KB, 280x347, 766534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bag...hmm yeah it's not the best but the shoes, really? Fuuuck though, I just discovered they're over $1000 so, ok yeah, let's go with fug, it's the simpler (saner) option all round.

>> No.8069329
File: 426 KB, 600x600, 6395-2-xl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NGL I think both pairs of shoes are kinda fugly, but then I'd go for the crazy shit that Irregular Choice brings out. The black ones remind me of those AaTP gladiator sandals as well, which is probably why they aren't doing much for me.

>> No.8070065
File: 85 KB, 480x640, White IW Melody Border.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to pair this with anything NOT music themed/black and white. Send help?

>> No.8070347


>> No.8070372
File: 111 KB, 350x467, Ista Mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some help with this. What type of headwear would be good? I've seen a bunch of people using a veil but I'm not sure that would look very good on me though.

>> No.8070390

I like bowler hats with this, personally.
An old-school style rectangle headdress could also work nicely.

>> No.8070391


Is this really a thing? I was paranoid people were just being nice here with my meta coord. Navy and black is a no??

>> No.8070411

A rectangle headdress is a great idea. Thanks anon!

>> No.8070416
File: 77 KB, 500x667, tumblr_ng6hcj5h3n1qathrmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally not fond of the veils. I like the rectangular headpieces, berets or even something like this.

>> No.8070565
File: 96 KB, 390x488, bow-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some advice, opinions and a few picture examples. I can't wear headbands. I've tried to wear them for the last 15 years of my life, but I'm really sensitive to them and get horrible headaches no matter what I do or how I wear them. Lolita head bows look terrible on me anyway. I decided I want to quit suffering with the headbands and head bows and find some alternative Lolita headwear.

I know there's hats, but right now I don't have any that are Lolita appropriate and I don't want to wear only hats. Do smaller bows ever look nice with Lolita, like the kind you'd clip into your hair? What about bows being pinned at the back of your head so you can't see them from the front? (Picture is example of what I mean) Any uncommon or non traditional head wear to find in Lolita that looks nice? And, I'll get lynched for even suggesting this, do you think is it ever appropriate to wear nothing in your hair with Lolita?

>> No.8070588

Of course small bows are fine. People don't do this because lolita has become very "2d" because it is an Internet based culture and people share their pictures online, so everything has to be at the front of a coord so it is in the camera.
Even nothing in your hair is fine if you do a nice updo.
Other things you can get are nice floral clips, berets/hats, pearl head bobby pins, etc

>> No.8070629

Thank you so much for the advice. I'll definitely start wearing other things then! I'll have to look for different clips and pins and things now.

I need to work on worrying less about people judging me. I'm horribly sensitive. I never used to worry but now that the fashion is so much more popular I fear running into a bully or ending up online somewhere.

>> No.8070660
File: 223 KB, 495x627, Innocent World JSK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to find some pretty shoes that goes with my jsk from IW! First I wanted to find some shoes in the same color as the jsk, but the color is a mix between brown and violet and very hard to match. When I see something in bordeaux they are often too red. So now I'm thinking beige, since there are beige stripes at the skirt.
Anyone who could help me?

Also, I'd like some shoes with heel, but not plateau.

I'd appreciate any help!

>> No.8070716

I have a similar issue - headbows always give me a headache after a few hours! - so I tend to stick with clip-in hair accessories. Flowers are great for classic, like the ones VM and MM sell. Vintage hats and fascinators can be lovely too. Innocent World do a lot of clip-in bows, they're usually smaller than the ones on headbands but can still be super-cute if you're into sweet looks, and their hair accessories page has lots of great ideas for styling your hair to complement smaller hair accessories.

>> No.8070833

Do you think these points are still all ok because of the black/music note motif, or do I just ignore that? I've seen some pretty awful coords with the white Melody Doll replica that introduced a third colour, and was rather hoping to avoid that look

>> No.8070868

Thank you, the Innocent World bows are exactly the kind of thing that suits my tastes. Classy and cute at the same time.
I don't know how I forgot all about the fact brands sometimes put out clip on bows.

>> No.8070900

I have very long hair, and I often wrap small braids around my head like a faux-headband and add ribbon and flowers or a small bow clip to match my outfit.

>> No.8071053
File: 1.36 MB, 1129x1597, cheapcoord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to put together a coord based on this JSK and blouse, and I'm unsure of what colour shoes to go with. I want the black shoes as I don't have a basic pair of shoes yet, but I don't want to look lazy and basic.
Also looking for other shoes that come in a US10 to start my wardrobe with and any bags that would fit with this coord and others.
The headdress is also up for changes. I just already own the one I put in here.

>> No.8071192

I don't think it really is a thing. It can be hard to pull off if you don't alternate the colours correctly, but generally I think it's fine. I do it all the time with more casual clothes, and a lot of dresses/accessories are navy and black. Just make sure your navies are all the same and your blacks are all the same or it looks like you thought they were all the same colour

>> No.8071268

I prefer red, but the style might be a bit sweet? The bows don't really go with the high collar and all that.

>> No.8071280
File: 1.13 MB, 1095x1557, coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the awful picture quality, but hopefully yiu get the idea.
I'm not sure about the pearls or the pin.
Red beret is still in the mail, which I'll wear with a few pink bows. If the mail is a shit again then I'll wear a pink headbow with a red clip.

>> No.8071286

you, jesus christ I cant type.

>> No.8071306

I think just plain black or dark brown shoes would be all right too, as long as they suit the style. I don't get why people think the colours have to match exactly...

>> No.8071361
File: 87 KB, 823x641, shoes.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Navy and black is a no if you can't balance it and look like you got dressed in the dark. Example - navy tights with an otherwise all-black outfit, or black tights with navy outfit. It makes a difference what shade the navy is as well - if it's really close to black it looks more accidental, if it's brighter or more like a French navy then it's more obvious you mean it to be that way.

What about tan, or beige x black? I amassed some for you anyway - I have no idea how casual or fancy you're being, nor am I sure how beige your beige is so they sort of span the spectrum. From asos, F21, Hush Puppies, Topshop, Fluevog and Irregular Choice. Also, Fluevog make a very brown-violet burgundy shoe...

Hush Puppies, Clarks, Hotter, Irregular Choice, Naturaliser, Fluevogs. All make loliable shoes; most up to a size 10. For more unusual colours check out the Hush Puppies Erika Lonna or Vivianna boot. I also like the red better; if you want to wear black you might have to go with a black headdress.

>> No.8071379
File: 43 KB, 199x300, IMG_8296_副本-199x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were to get this skirt, how even should I coord it. I love love love the skirt but Im starting to think an all white coord would be super hard to make look right? Or would a good option be to get black tights and blouse? or pass all together? I would really appreciate anyone's feed back or anyone's insight on all white coords.

>> No.8071553

You could go with all-white and choose one of the jewel tones to accent in your jewellery, or pick one of them out to be a coordinate colour.
I like the idea of white x blue.

>> No.8071556


I think a navy blouse like >>8068653 would look good with it. Maybe wine or another colour from the skirt. Tights matched with blouse colour, long black boots, black bag and black headgear (I'd make a collage but I have to go to school). Where's the skirt from? It looks kind of weirdly shaped at the waist.

>> No.8072080
File: 71 KB, 600x900, grey-black-rose-aroma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dress is in the mail. I'm starting out still and most of my stuff for my one other dress is cream or wine. I do have black fur-edged half gloves and this one silvery blouse but the ruffles might make the from sit weird? Open to other fair inexpensive add ons.

>> No.8072177
File: 272 KB, 713x375, Sko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the help! I already have a nice pair of blacks that i use with the dress but i feel that It would look even better with something matching.

I've looked at the burgundy shoes from fluevog and the beige bodyline shoes, but I'm afraid they would look more ivory than beige..

>> No.8072182

I own those bodyline shoes and they are definitely beige just fyi

>> No.8072227
File: 203 KB, 937x1285, simple black x grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a 'vogs store close to you? It's always easier to colour match in person.

It should sit fine unless the dress is super tight on you. Inexpensive add ons - grey floral tights are from Amazon (the Gatta Daphne ones) and the rest is just F21 stuff. They have the black hair bows in lots of different fabrics - velvet, suede, pleather, lace, sateen, satin and twill, so you can choose one depending on what sort of texture you want. I went for sateen because the dress looks sort of textured and shiny.

>> No.8072255

re: navy&black: i honestly don't even see how those examples would be bad? unless the navy i default to in my head is, as you said, bright enough. my idea of navy is similar to that of >>8070416 tbh. and, as that coord in itself is an example of what we're talking about, i think it looks completely fine? idk what you think of it though.

>> No.8072269
File: 361 KB, 636x401, Screen Shot 2015-01-22 at 12.12.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm looking to coord this dress which I recently bought (I hope the picture shows up clearly enough). I'm really a bit unsure because this dress is definitely beige and I had been expecting it to be more pink. These are my ideas so far (a selection of tights). Bit unsure about the beret because I want a more elegant look and I'm not sure it gives that...I have drop pearl earrings currently and plain off white tights if they'd be more suitable. Thoughts on the shoes, and ideas for accessories and a bag would be much appreciated. Thanks

>> No.8072271

It works because she's balanced it with hair and headdress, plus her shoes are black as well. I would consider that a brighter shade of navy as well.

>> No.8072274
File: 182 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a close up of the print of it helps, also, forgot to mention I've been considering some lace gloves like the one in OP but I have small hands so I have no idea where to get nice ones that'll fit

>> No.8072278
File: 11 KB, 236x259, 3df862c11af680fc6dcbb2dced09365a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh, I like the tights in the middle. No beret if you want to be formal, do you have enough hair to do a crown braid or something victorian-esque? I also love the wedding updos where it's all slicked back and then has pearl hairclips in it, plus those are easy with clip-in hairpieces/extensions. If you've got shorter hair, maybe a pearl headband would be less overwhelming.

>> No.8072280
File: 86 KB, 619x699, TB2BydOapXXXXawXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!58435469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going for a more sophisticated look why not opt for a flower headband or pin? There are plenty of flowers on the print and the necklace has one too.

>> No.8072288

My hair is a bit longer than shoulder length so I could probably try that (or persuade a friend to help me). I really like the idea of the pearl pins. Thank you!

>> No.8072307

Not keen on those ones in particular (bit large for my head) but I think smaller flowers (like on a slide/clip/band) could look nice, thanks

>> No.8072326

I like it! I agree about the beret, it doesn't look quite right with the rest if your super princessy coord. Can I have a sauce though? Because I love it!

>> No.8072346

Thanks! The beret is from here: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.90.E5QwSs&id=42289864357&ns=1&abbucket=2#detail
It's really cute so I might actually just get it anyway (though not for this coord)

>> No.8072353

Thanks based anon! Definitely get it, it's super cute! I need to do a taobao order soon so I can get it!

>> No.8072390
File: 26 KB, 260x342, 257528-8319-2015-01-11375869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What to wear with this?

>> No.8072402

For some reason I thought of Christina Ricci as Wednesday Addams. White shirt collar, black tights and lace up boots, pigtails?
Otherwise...it's a black dress. It goes with a lot of things. What sort of outfit do you want?

>> No.8072406

Do you have the name of that? It's gorgeous!

>> No.8072454
File: 581 KB, 1854x830, vv alice coord collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else just make random coords for fun?

I felt like making a guro coord focused around body horror.

>stop trying to make guro happen! it's not going to happen!

Thinking about it, I've never seen this dress worn except by one image that turns up on Google search?

>> No.8072505
File: 42 KB, 618x345, fc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advice on trying to make this apron-style skirt not look dumpy?

>> No.8072510
File: 35 KB, 602x255, fc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this one is bordeline ita, the skirt is troublesome so I'm willing to try risky things.

>> No.8072515
File: 116 KB, 280x373, SugarFairyCakeApronSkirt-mint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the dress image for anyone interested in taking a shot.

>> No.8072566
File: 838 KB, 606x701, coordinates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say go with the other anon's sugestion of jewel toned blouse, either blue or red, something from the print (probably not yellow though) and maybe a white vest, jacket, or other top to make it more visually interesting.

Here are some ideas

>> No.8072707
File: 561 KB, 2322x1123, 12997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the damn time, I'm not that great at it but it's a fun way to pass a few minutes here and there. One thing I'm quite keen on trying is creating slightly more mature looks since I'm not exactly that young myself.

I do stop by to try to help out here too, I also really like to see what takes different people have on things.

>> No.8072938

Still at a loss about which bag I should pair with this, everything else has already been taken care of (although I accept shoes suggestions too!)

>> No.8072964

Pic won't load, it's AaTP La Traviata jsk II in navy

>> No.8072979

Do the Emily Temple Cute thing. Basically all their winter coords are turtleneck, tights, boots, blazer/cardigan. Tan boots and tan blazer if you want more normalfag friendly, I think black is too dark. Pastel or white tights and turtleneck.

Or you need to go OTT and wear the first outfit with a giant cupcake on your head and fifty million accessories.

>> No.8072997

I really like the top version with blue except for the shoes.

>> No.8073042

Thanks, I really want a reason to keep this piece so I might have to go full OTT (you never go full OTT!) for fun one day. Cupcake on head, engage!

>> No.8073270
File: 277 KB, 1200x1000, cord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me know what you think. I'm open to ideas. Although, I really don't like giant head bows so give me some alternatives! :) Thank you guys!

>> No.8073291

Do your tights have black on them? That might be a little out of place. Any of the other colors of those same tights would be adorable if that's the case (besides the completely black ones).

>> No.8073293

The upper wig and the shoes on the right

>> No.8073391

why would you pick the cream and black tights? the ones on the model would look way better

>> No.8073399
File: 25 KB, 240x320, 136978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wig on the right, shoes on the right, and please don't wear those tights unless you have the ones being worn in the stock photo. I don't like the fluffy hood, get white fluffy earmuffs if you want the warmth, or consider a beret, or even one of those fur rectangle headdress things.

>> No.8073452

For the love of god don't buy from glw

>> No.8073457

Not that Anon, but can I ask why? I'm a newbie lolita

>> No.8073468

Shitty quality and overpriced. People buy from them because "omg lolita in the name" but they look like shit.

>> No.8073495
File: 863 KB, 1465x1863, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you guys don't mind replicas but I'm new and working on this coord and something just seems to be missing. Any suggestions?

>> No.8073518
File: 34 KB, 250x333, 01_28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have Camille in brown and I keep going back to the drawing board on this one. Everything I seem to come up with is basic bitch so maybe you ladies can help.
All that I want is maybe a high collar blouse and a more classic feel with maybe pairing the brown with cream.
Any help is appreciated, this'll be my first coord and I want to make it look good.

>> No.8073520

If you're going with that blue as an accent, switch out those socks for the same.

>> No.8073658

How do you wear a dress there just one solid color without looking boring?
Does it have to be monochromatic? (I.e. pink dress goes with pink shoes or can you add a colour, like pink dress + blue socks + white shoes)

>> No.8073684


A lot depends on what dress it is and what you want to do with it. For eg if it's an oldschool dress and you want to coord it in an oldschool way, then sticking to colour x white is the best way to go. If it's an oldschool dress and you want to update it to sweet lolita a little, carefully another pastel colour would work. If it's one of the classic lolita pieces (eg some of the ones in this thread), then you can (usually) coord it with brown, gold, creams, mix and match other colours. For the white dress that's further up in this thread it's better to go with not-so-heavy dusty colours that don't look too jarring on something so pale.

It really depends on the dress and what you want to do with it.. We wouldn't go through coord threads so fast if there was a set formula for every type of dress out there.

>> No.8073694


You guys are right, I'm just gonna go ahead and order the blue/white ones. I just already have these available, since I use them in another coord. >,<

Sorry! I forgot to put on the picture that I was referring to the headdress part not the wig, that's just part of the stock photo!

I really like the ear muffs idea! I think I'm definitely going to get big white fluffy ear muffs, thank you!

Yeah, I do agree they're overpriced. I just feel iffy about getting wigs from random chinese stores off of ebay. I feel like the quality is always a coin flip.
Do you have any recommendations of places I can buy wigs like that from, that are cheaper? I'd really love the advice of someone more seasoned than me! Thank you so much!

Thanks for all the advice guys. I definitely think I'm going to buy the shoes on the right. I'm also going to order the blue/white tights that the model is wearing. Then get white fluffy ear muffs as my head piece. :)
As for the wig, hopefully anon, or someone else can give me better alternatives!

>> No.8074374

red and wine colors. maybe pick a motif or theme and go with that in the accessories. Can't go wrong with florals.

>> No.8074376
File: 122 KB, 1137x699, Camille skirt ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accessories, and seconding balancing the blue.

Found some nude x black heart tights on F21 if you want them

I used someone's photo because the stock photo looks quite a lot darker than how it photographs. Brown x ivory, or brown x wine? Teal blue/peacock blue is also another good colour to go with, and you can always make more of the buttons with an Excentrique-ish military style jacket and regimental stripe blouse. I may have done an axes femme order recently...

>> No.8074409

What would you consider to be all the items you would need to make the fullest possible coord before going into OTT?

>Extra hairpins/barettes
>Earrings if you can see them
>JSK or skirt
>wristcuffs or gloves
>long necklace
>Extra poof petticoat
>Shoe Clips

What am I missing?

>> No.8074416

Makeup (not strictly 'necessary' but a teeny bit of eyeshadow/mascara/lippy helps you look put-together even if you have amazing skin)

>> No.8074431

You can dye/ paint a lot of shoes from that shop I think (if they're what I think they are). They even sell kits for it.

>> No.8074448

Where did you find those brown boots?

>> No.8074456

I'm so confused as to where you guys see blue in that picture??
>cream cookie in ivory has mint in the print
>op seems to have matching mint blouse and headbow
>brown accents in print
>"why are you using brown socks?"
>I'm now paranoid I'm going color blind.

>> No.8074460

It looks blue to me in that picture but it's quite normal that some people see colors as light blue where others see light green.

>> No.8074465

Left are Funtasma, right are Forever 21

>> No.8074475
File: 990 KB, 1126x756, dessert-op-collage-halp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me co-ord dessert op in ivory in a few ways.
Left side is just other ivory items I own, not necessarily what needs to go with it.
I have blonde hair that reaches mid-lower back.

>> No.8074545
File: 107 KB, 868x629, coord around the shoes and everything becomes clear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like what you have is perfectly fine, but I think it'd be gorgeous with muted tones - olive green, dusky pink, even a very purple-taupe shade - especially with blonde hair. I'm guessing you have enough hair for all the awesome braided updos and things as well. If that's not your thing, you could up the contrast and go for jewel tones - particularly sapphire blue, emerald green or deeper forest green.

The bow definitely reads blue to me, and because the sheet is a lot greener against the blouse it looks a lot more blue - although if I zoom in it looks more minty aqua, and greener than the bow. I think the socks are still too big a chunk of brown though, would go for printed biscuit socks instead or something with mint green.

I got inspired by the anon who said red wine florals.

>> No.8074554

This is pretty good for a beginner! As the others said, balance the mint/ blue with some legwear in that colour. Probably tights/ otks since you're wearing boots. I actually think boots are a bit strange with it since the dress and chiffon blouse are so summery. If you have any shoes in that dark brown colour, try them instead. Your legs look like they might get really hot, it's a bit of a season clash.
What are you thinking for headwear?

>> No.8074558
File: 106 KB, 500x667, Moss-marchen-is-perfect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sleeves are quite bulky so I'm not sure if I could add colour through boleros (though I have a bolero with puff sleeve space and I might try it out)

I'd love to try adding distributing colours through brooches like this but it's more 'dolly' than elegant. Maybe an antique doll look or something.
Thanks for the colour ideas! I hadn't thought of greens.

I do wear milkmaid braids a lot, that's pretty much all I can do, haha.

>> No.8074579
File: 46 KB, 350x467, 3683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about a capelet, vest or a short winter jacket? Excentrique does corset-vests that are desiged to be worn over OPs (see pic related, although clearly you're not going for that colour combination) and actually this might look nice with a strapless bustier as well.
Antique doll look sounds awesome - you could definitely bring in another colour in accessories (hat/shoes/bag) but if you want to do the brooch on a shoulder thing, definitely think about balancing it (like how in that picture it's balanced by the asymmetry of the sash)

>> No.8074634
File: 1.22 MB, 1500x744, so-many-problems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, posting some ideas

>> No.8074635
File: 1.39 MB, 1072x1024, some-ideas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I'm going to bed

>> No.8074663

Oh, actually it's navy but thanks!

It's Innocent World's Rinks OP. I bought it from lacemarket.

Thank you! That cardigan is very nice shaped. I'll try to find something like that.

>> No.8075104
File: 709 KB, 898x902, coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought this gorgeous dress, no I don't know what to do with it.
Blouse and head wear ideas?

>> No.8075192

Not these socks, please

>> No.8075216

Lace tights?

>> No.8075232
File: 831 KB, 820x902, 1422048225739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe an off shoulder blouse

>> No.8075253

If the grey matches up, why don't you use the grey tights in this other coord?

>> No.8075256

The dress is actually black, the picture there is just lit up to make the details visible.
Otherwise, yeah.

>> No.8075268

Oh i see. Tbh tho your choice in legwear kinda sucks. The second is a bit better but those kind of socks will only really work if you're trying to go more ero with your coord.

Sorry tho I cant help much on mobile, but love the shoes. Maybe go for a blouse that has ruffly sleeves and/or has floral lace.

>> No.8075274

I don't like my legwear either, do you think I should just do plain black tights?
I guess that would probably make find a matching blouse easier.

>> No.8075300
File: 45 KB, 590x290, lameFirstCoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello seagulls
I want to "test" lolita; Ilove purple and I found that dress... but I'm a lame lame begginer and this is the only idea I have
Tried to look for some purple accesories on taobao but I found none
Any judgement/help on this 1st "coord"?

>> No.8075416

Thank you anon!
Just fyi it is dark in person, a really rich chocolate. If I apply that to the color boots it should be fine. The coord isn't what I'd choose, which is good because now I have some more ideas to run down. You're awesome!
Also, is the headband from axes femme as well?

>> No.8075735

Not that anon, but it says innocent world in the photo!

>> No.8075749
File: 2.51 MB, 1368x1092, basicbitchfloralsorry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry anon i was at work! I'm a sweet lolita so I couldn't really help but I tried. I made a basic coord for you with some suggestions, I hope it at least helps? I'm still sorry though if I'm way off with this!

>> No.8075751

also sorry, like just assume the blouses are in black and match up. Also the baby blouse on the right are the same, the bottom pic just has it without the ribbon tied. the tights are all from taobao under "black floral tights" search term but i found the third from the left one in the goodgirl taobao store.

>> No.8075756

I think the shoes are uggo and it would benefit from something less clunky. That purple's going to be hard to match, so stick with black, maybe some grey if it gets too heavy. Maybe some super delicate black lace wrist cuffs and a smaller black headdress (styles like MMM)

>> No.8075783

Oh anon, you are good to me.
Thank you!

>> No.8075818
File: 197 KB, 1088x886, Basic black with some gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Headband is Innocent World - I think you can just make it out on the photo.

You have a plain black dress and you're struggling that much with a black-on-black outfit? In terms of blouses, just look at the Atelier Pierrot blogs - the first page of the Tokyo one has a corset dress paired with high-collared blouse + bow, and also with the scoop-necked off the shoulder blouses with princess sleeves/ruffles they sell. I personally like the look of the latter, though they can be a bit of a pain to put a bolero over if you don't also own a princess-sleeved bolero (keep an eye out for second hand millefleurs). Also the high collar ones are often more readily available and cheaper. I'd go for subtly patterned tights instead of horrendous cheapy lingerie catalogue ones, something like the Pamela Mann brocade ones or Jonathan Aston

That dress would look fine with entirely black accessories. Maybe silver-toned butterfly theme jewellery, plus a purple butterfly hairclip (the ones that flutter and were super popular in the late 90s) would look nice as well. I think you'd be better with more elegant heeled shoes if you're going with those tights, something like the Hush Puppies Erika Lonna.

>> No.8075850
File: 118 KB, 951x627, send help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so I had a go with the suggestions from >>8070347 (which in my opinion are more applicable to >>8074558) and I'm not convinced they work that well since there is a black sheet music print on the JSK - my aim is to get away from black/white/music note but I feel like these look off somehow.

>> No.8075922

You know what, this is just an idea that I think is cute. You could do brown with it and then add cute accessories like a violin bag. It connects with the color while relating to the sheet music. Sorry though, I know you wanted to get away from sheet music but hopefully my thought process still manages to help you with connecting to a different piece/color

>> No.8075943

That's something I hadn't thought about! I usually have it with piano-print/keyboard stuff or music note print stuff. Would the brown be ok with the black print? I know some people get upset about brown x black (but I guess it's like the navy x black thing maybe?)

>> No.8076110
File: 289 KB, 700x1200, p325-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly love how much of a clusterfuck this skirt is, but I am having trouble making a coord for it. It was given to me as a set with L301 (beg) and L062 (blk), but I'd really want to steer out of Bodyline. (I've expanded my wardrobe since then, but I want to wear the skirt still) Any help is appreciated.

>> No.8076112

Wow, looking at that for any length of time kinda gives me a headache.

>> No.8076114
File: 112 KB, 800x450, Gertrud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first thought was the witch labyrinth in pmm. It is one of those "this is so obnoxious I love it" pieces for me. I really do want to make it work somehow.

>> No.8076115

I agree! It's very OTT but really interesting and weird. Coord-wise I think you'd want to play it fairly plain but maybe spin it a little steampunk?

>> No.8076122

I'm open to that! Any good tights or wig (my skintone is pale, natural hair color is dark brown) recommendations for this? Headpieces as well because while I feel a hat might be most suitable, I'm not sure what style is best.

>> No.8076166
File: 206 KB, 956x1015, Copper and Black Lace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanted to put the abellitage cog tights with it but it was waaay too busy and on closer inspection it looks like there aren't any cogs with it. I basically layered on the black lace and copper; all accessories etsy, blouse Marble (on sale at the Atelier Pierrot website), boots found on ebay using 'victorian lace boots' as search terms, tights generic black lace ones found when googling for flocked lace tights. If you have enough hair for the style, best tutorials in my opinion are at the Cute Girls' Hair blog.

>> No.8076169

I think maybe it'd be fine as long as you match the browns. It does sound a bit hard to pull off but I think its mostly because the dress is a big chunk of white with black. I'm always responding when I'm on mobile though so I can't make a collage right now. I'll see if I can try something later (sorry anon)

>> No.8076172

That's totally fine! I'm just stuck in this rut of music notes and piano keys with it to the point where I'm seriously considering selling it because I don't find it as exciting to wear. On the other hand, it has the minute waltz on it and little teeny paw prints...

>> No.8076174

Source on the brown shoes in the middle?

>> No.8076196

Thanks a lot, I'll use these advices

>> No.8076281

Where is the blouse from anon? It's stunning.

>> No.8076340
File: 215 KB, 1024x927, 135265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bridge of Bubbles skirt anon again here, I put this together using anons blouse suggestion. I think I'm happy with it but any last feedback/suggestions would still be appreciated.

>> No.8076357

Oh this is lovely, thank you!

>> No.8076561
File: 78 KB, 581x741, 232109-5351-2014-12-06024845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

requesting a look with this OP! I love it so much, but I feel like my coording options with this are so limited because of the print. any headress/wig ideas? thanks!

>> No.8076967

sauce on the dress?? plz.

>> No.8076977

Did you even read the text with the image?

>> No.8077064

Fuck you I own those shoes. They might be fug with this dress but there is nothing wrong with them as shoes.
Classical puppets iirc

>> No.8077082

I feel like you should be going for a bag with some yellow in it because otherwise the yellow is only on the skirt/hat, and maybe go with solid black tights.

>> No.8077242
File: 75 KB, 587x779, sailor pastels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree with >>8077082 about the yellow. The yellow is just a pop of colour and doesn't really need any more balancing since it's all over the skirt. If it was just, say, in the hat and bag and not on the main piece/skirt you would need to balance it more. I do however agree about the tights - as nice as those are, they're going to be barely visible and probably just look like you're wearing sheer tights between the busy skirt and boots, solid black or more subtly patterned black on black would improve things.

I think it's still quite versatile although it's definitely not going to work its way into a gothic coord any time soon (maybe sweet-classic though) - what about the print is stumping you? That being said, I went for a basic-tier sailor inspired outfit rather than adding in another colour or vintage-ing it up.

>> No.8077401
File: 1.55 MB, 1600x1205, gcjkvjdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my first coord and im debuting it at katsu. im kinda nervous cause it's a bit plain but i think overall its pretty decent for a first one? any thoughts if i should change something?

>> No.8077405

I think you need some brown up top, and how will that choker be seen with the high neck blouse? Also, the shoes don't fit the feel of the coord. I hate to be a downer but I'm not sure this works at all...

>> No.8077412

I think it's not so much 'a bit plain' as 'a bit all over the place'. I'm not sure how you plan to wear a choker AND a high-collar shirt with a bow, so nix the choker for starters. The tights look too white for the dress, and aren't balanced by anything - although this may be better in person. What isn't great is that yellow gold though - the crown looks super cheap and there's none of that shade of gold on the print as far as I can tell.

>> No.8077485
File: 445 KB, 1187x832, Night of black coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now I am stuck, I ordered the jsk well before halloween and didn't receive it until last month. Now I just don't know what to do that isn't super Halloween-y

>> No.8077496

Go vintage! Nix the blouse, get a nice jacket in the style of late 40's Dior New Look, black seamed stockings, and heels (maybe in that lovely bronze-copper shade of the dress, although black will do) plus a hat because hats.

>> No.8077553
File: 178 KB, 650x591, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay! So would the brown now option in pic related work better than the crown? Also, I forgot to mention the bow on the blouse is detachable but I'll get rid of the choker as well

>> No.8077557

Fucking fingers

>> No.8077587
File: 861 KB, 938x1407, dream sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have an AP tea party to go to, and I'm thinking of wearing dream sky, but I'm unsure how to coord it. I like the idea of adding lavender (mostly because of the moon bag) but I'm not sure if that would be too print-heavy. Also, for a tea party, I'm not sure if the sax cutsew is too casual. I'm stuck and would appreciate advice.

>> No.8077607

It would be better, yes.

>> No.8077658

thanks anon for the coord! i never thought of decorating the sailor hat before. it's such a cute idea!

>> No.8077696

I like lavender as well. I don't think the sax cutsew is too casual, the sleeves are pretty awesome. You would be better with a sax underskirt if you can find one though.

>> No.8077701
File: 729 KB, 900x900, the lepidopterist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I need a better shawl/scarf, better jewelry too, but I'm calling it

>> No.8077705

do more tiny red roses in the jewelry - necklaces, maybe rings and earrings to match the print

>> No.8077736

You need to follow through with your ideas rather than half-arsing the lot of them.
If you want to go with black x purple, I love the idea of the shawl/scarf - something like that, but maybe in a heavier lace to match the choker. The lace arm warmers and gloves are kinda fugly, so no. If you want gloves, find some really nice vintage opera gloves in a delustered satin or something. The bag is too heavy for the rest of the floatiness - maybe a different fabric would be better, or a lace overlay to offset how heavy the velvet is. I also think you could stand to improve the shoes to be a bit more delicate, but they'll do.

I'd say no to the purple things because they are unlikely to match each other, let alone the print - irl those boots are a VERY bright almost violet purple.

In terms of green - I absolutely love the idea (it'll be green x purple x black, though), and also think you should follow through with a full set of green beetle-wing jewellery where it does that iridescent green-purple thing, or even green butterfly wing. Black chiffon bolero would work, but you'll need to balance the green on top if you go with those tights, so definitely think about that with your headpiece (I can see some sort of awesome purple butterflies on a green wreath/floral headband thing happening) as well as something like a brooch on the bolero.

>> No.8078641
File: 90 KB, 640x480, Gobelin coord 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an idea about coording Lady Sloth's Gobelin JSK in the wine colourway and I was hoping for a bit of concrit and suggestions on where to go forward from this/improvements I could make.

I'm pairing wine with Ivory and using roses as a theme for the accessories. In the picture the blouse is supposed to be in an ivory colour, all the roses are a wine colour and the bag is black. I couldn't get pictures of the proper colours due to those pictures not being available.

Any suggestions on a bolero? What should I change?
Any suggestions on anything in general?


>> No.8078794
File: 71 KB, 426x640, 15_1_25_06_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a black bolero would be good.
Personally I think the rose necklace will be too much with the neckbow that also features roses, and especially if you are wearing the bolero with the rose brooch clipped to it.
The overall coord is fine but a bit boring, to add more interest I would get a more interesting bag or have a more intricate hairstyle. I can't tell what pattern your tights are but there are tutorials out there on adding appliques to tights - I would not add red roses but scattered small ivory ones would be nice.

>> No.8079317

Vintage you think? Yeah that might work... Thanks

>> No.8079595
File: 637 KB, 900x900, the lepidopterist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take two. The shawl still sucks, but hopefully anon will get the idea

>> No.8079701

Really? Because it just came up on the fb comm sales pages a day or so ago.

>> No.8080067

....you basically only listened to the advice you wanted to hear, didn't you? Adding another bag doesn't make the purple work, the skulls have nothing to do with the print and you still haven't balanced the green, and both the shawl and the fishnet gloves didn't get any less ita.

>> No.8080118
File: 175 KB, 360x329, Screen Shot 2015-01-26 at 10.36.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking for things with that idea in mind but I can't seem to find anything that isn't really papery or this weird dotted fabric. All I've found so far that I like is the necklace above. They have it in red too but it's more of a blood red so I was unsure. I can't go with earrings unfortunately (Because even sterling silver irritates my ears) so I'm probably going to have to stick with incorporating the pearls. If you've come across any nice red rose jewellery then that would be much appreciated.

>> No.8080170
File: 101 KB, 570x562, il_570xN.457081110_18pm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe bitsweet on etsy?
If you have trouble with earrings, maybe consider trying ear cuffs (if it's specifically a piercing issue rather than general contact issue)

>> No.8080176

Thank you anons for give so many ideas; I think I'll go for black accessories, with some butterfly details maybe.
Thanks a lot for your time.

>> No.8080246

A black bolero sounds great, thanks for the recommendation. I don't have a neckbow, the bow in the pic is actually a hairbow(my fault I should have made it a bit more clearer).

Do you think maybe a book bag would be a better choice? I saw a nice one in the Aliexpress thread and I was thinking of getting one anyway but if it'll work in this case, I'll have a justification to get it(I don't want to get things I won't use).

I changed the tights, if these don't work with the coord then I'll definitely go with your suggestion of appliques. I can wear natural tights underneath so they won't look too bad. I know sheer tights don't look great in lolita, but these don't look too bad, so I was hoping these might work.

I know it's a rather boring coord, but it's my 2nd outfit and I really want to get the basics of coording down before I move onto more adventurous stuff.

Is there anything else you'd recommend?

>> No.8080248
File: 86 KB, 640x480, Gobelin coord 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic

>> No.8080254

Love the new tight choice. I would say try them on and see, they look pretty opaque. The other thing I am wondering about is whether your red roses are going to match, the necklace and brooch look too bright for the ring and especially bright when compared to the dress.

If you want to use the book bag you might want to bring some brighter gold accents into the outfit to tie it in as it has very yellow gold on it and your jewellery is more antique gold, plus there is no book motif obvious in the rest of the outfit so it has to make more sense than (for example) if you were wearing it with a library print dress.

>> No.8080256

forgot to delete the gloves. Oh well. Decided on adding skulls since I couldn't find butterfly jewelry I liked. Also already said the shawl sucks, but couldn't find a better one.

>> No.8080721

all the roses are the same color as the ring. There wasnt any pictures of the alternate colour roses, so I just went with what pics i could find.

As for the bag, I'll keep an eye out for an alternative and repost when I find something.

Thanks for the help!

>> No.8080734

The bolero is from Meta, but the blouse doesn't have text on it. Don't be a bitch.

>> No.8081230

>blouse Marble (on sale at the Atelier Pierrot website)
Seriously, I know it's an imageboard, but neither of you can fucking read

>> No.8081728

The cardigan is axes femme and should still be in stock

>> No.8081736

Seconding bitsweet, it is nice!

>> No.8082767
File: 333 KB, 640x640, collage_20150127171835693_20150127171842918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm again that Toy Parade fag, i will provide with stock pics if necessary. Which cutsew will match with the skirt? I will do a collage with the suggested cutsew using stock pics later. I want to do another coord with lavender or mint color as accent.

>> No.8082821
File: 329 KB, 3000x1000, cutsewsapbodyline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here stock pics

>> No.8082958

The one on the far right

>> No.8082997
File: 1.05 MB, 1328x1017, katatonik-jester-purple-by-little-kat-comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because why not, suggestions for a mardi gras themed cord?

(note I realize this isn't lolita but I still wanted to attach an image)

>> No.8083058
File: 54 KB, 641x527, aptoyparademintlavendercoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a coord with lavender and mint, i'm not sure about the creepy cute theme (bats will be used on the cardigan). Maybe i should go for the usual sweet non creepy accessories.

>> No.8083152
File: 945 KB, 1000x1500, CATALOG_20GR_20OP01_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys feel about red shoes with this?

>> No.8083170

That sounds nice, and then maybe a red hair accessory. Something balancing but still understated.

>> No.8083649
File: 227 KB, 350x467, DN skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are, you need some Dangerous Nude on your body.

Too much cute and not enough creepy. At the moment the accessories just look random because you have such a sweet bag, tights, and shoes and the main pieces are all generic sweet. If you want to go creepycute you need something like the cloudberry bat shoes and a handbag with slightly more edge. Like a beheaded bunny or something.

Yes but only with red elsewhere in the coord.

>> No.8083848

When did underskirts become mandatory for all fancy/oty coordinates?

>> No.8083851

Like other anons said, I think red shoes would be adorable! Just balance it out with a red accessories and such.

>> No.8083854

When girls over 5'5" wanted to dress in lolita.

>> No.8083900

bumping for maybe some more ideas on this?

>> No.8084117

When people started being all like 'ewww knees' (and AP got fucking short)

>> No.8084120

The outfit posted here would also work with your dress. >>8074545

>> No.8084123
File: 81 KB, 540x547, tumblr_niuto3JVuB1qbilw3o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think the whole 'ew knees' shit is a myth.

Unless the skirt is riding up their butt, only newbies and trolls like to point that out.

I think >>8083848 was referring more to this sort of thing, when underskirts become ridiculous and it's unnecessary to have that many tiers of frills (mind you, not to say that there aren't other things wrong with this outfit).

>> No.8084128

That's hilarious. In all seriousness though, wasn't it noobs critiquing noobs that somehow makes people think they need a wig to wear lolita?

>> No.8084414
File: 11 KB, 269x187, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its coord help but maybe ill have to try the Taobao or aliexpress thread..
>I cant for the life of me find anything thats the same color burgundy/maroon/wine color.
Im trying infantas dark redish cape thing and ciciworks stuff.. but any other ideas? Im going batshit over this and im collecting a 100 different reds. I have the socks (i regret deeply not getting the tights instead) so i was trying to bring browns into it...

>> No.8084506
File: 72 KB, 600x600, 44240041f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're talking about the bordeaux colourway, right? Or the brown?

Does it not match Putumayo's current bordeaux? They even have a few of their items on sale right now (though a lot of the bordeaux items are out of stock already)

Coord-wise, I think white is a better match than brown, seeing as the frills are white. Brown is going to be tough, it already has connotations of blood + shit to most people, the subject matter of mushrooms probably won't help you much (I could see it working out with strawberries x chocolate but not mushrooms), and if the bordeaux leans towards purple (maroon/wine colour) then it will clash with brown anyway.

Personally if colour is proving to be really tough to match I'd much rather buy matching things in person, with the skirt in front of me so I can see the colour match. But a lot of times I end up having to sew my own matching tops or making matching headbows from scratch, maybe that's a little hard for you.

>> No.8084857

Yes the bordeaux colorway. I actually just checked the site and there is one sweater/jacket thing i liked but i believe i need a SS to buy.

oh also i forgot to mention the white is a bright snow white color. It doesnt match the shade of the three blouses i have. Which half were labled as white not off white.

I think im going to have to buy other putomayo (probably in fall when the color returns if i miss the sale) things or like you said make it myself. I regret so much buying it in this color even if i love the color. I already did the struggled of buying a million browns to match something, i probably would have had a brown to match the brown skirt. the OP was just terrible with the velvet waist thing an tie and the back.. but it wouldve been easier
Anyway thanks anon.

>> No.8084860


lol i know what you mean anon. I have the OP. The tie is satin and beige. The back is white and made out a weird stretchy polyester. Putumayo doesn't know how to fuckin coord.

>> No.8084878
File: 132 KB, 575x800, foxcherry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy an OL blouse off ebay. Those are usually the true bright white colour, as it's more corporate a shade to wear - then wear matching socks, brown shoes, and this thing that has mushrooms on it on your head.

>> No.8084940

I'm having the same problem trying to find a bordeaux blouse, but I need it to be more of a maroon because IW sucks at taking accurate photos. I'd love to find a blouse and just dye it but most of them are polyester. Argh

>> No.8084949

axes femme? Or is their maroon too red? The last maroon I owned was the IW birdcage which I thought was kinda on the purple side...

>> No.8084957
File: 2.37 MB, 1968x1106, tartancoord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think? I tentatively got some stuff on closetchild and wanted to play around with some coord ideas. (I say tentatively because I'm still waiting for their confirmation email that the things I want are available.) The cmloli blouse is there because I'm not sure if the bunberry blouse fits, mostly because of the bow on it, but I did match the bag to the bow on the blouse. Thought it would be a cute idea but yeah not sure if the bow on the blouse goes with my main piece. If that doesn't work out then I'd otherwise use a black meta bag I have with their typical logo/design on the front or some other square-shaped black bag. Any ideas on other accessories? If the bunberry blouse is fine, maybe a pearl bracelet or two and a gold ring?

>> No.8084974

I don't like your headbow and I don't like the legwear. The headbow looks a darker shade of red from your tartan, would much prefer you to go with true red. The blouse looks like it ought to be okay with the dress, even with the bow, and pearls would definitely match that. The legwear/shoe combo I'm not sold on to be honest - I'd much rather plain black lace-top OTKs as stripes + tartan is a bit ehhh.

To be honest, unless you're dead set on black everything I would have gone with a schoolgirl inspired thing, white blouse and white OTKs, black shoes, blazer, and bag, and pigtails with red ribbons.

>> No.8086148

Heh, finding a zombie bunny bag that looks good with lolita!Maybe i should coordinate with a bat theme?

>> No.8086218

Thanks, I looked but the one they have right now is a bit too red. There's another but it's pinstripes. Maybe I'll keep my eye out on their auctions though. I actually have a cardigan from them that's the perfect colour but it's a bit too long for my lolita dresses :(

>> No.8086306
File: 46 KB, 479x750, 1403355233848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replace the striped stockings for white lace ones and find a headbow in a better matching shade of red, and I think it will all come together well. If you go for the pear bow blouse it may look a bit odd with the jsk if the red bow at the neckline isn't removable.

I think a redxblack (possibly blackxwhite) hat such as a beret would also look good.

If you really want to stick to black leg wear, consider a red bag for balance and extra 'pop' of color, otherwise it's just black and a block of red. blackxwhite accessories could also help break things up a little (see pic related).

>> No.8086311

tbh I think you need some white, you can't just ignore the trim on the dress. White lace stockings would look alright, and you definitely need a bow that matches. The shoes are ok, the bag and pearl blouse are good, so go for more pearl accessories.

>> No.8086326

those shoes! where did you get them? they are divine!

>> No.8086419
File: 49 KB, 360x420, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I recently got this dress while I was in Japan but have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to creating a cord I'm really new to all this so any help would be much appreciated!

>> No.8086452

Super cute! I think this would be nice paired with pure white and gold. Like a white blouse, white tights, gold shoes, gold purse and gold x white floral hair accessory, just simply.

>> No.8086494

I love the pearl accents!

>> No.8086826

Sorry, by white lace stockings do you mean lace topped otks or white version of the black ones I have? And I'll see if I can find a beret, yeah I understand about the bow, wanted to see if I could get away with it but I understand. What about a red bow with white lace?
I guess I didn't want to do an entirely black/white or school girl themed thing is I guess I felt maybe it would look a little more old school than I wanted for this particular coord. I also am shying away from OTKs because I have chubby legs but if I find some that look ok I'll try it.

Okay I probably sound retarded asking this again but could you show me what you mean by white lace stockings because right now I can't get the image of white floral lace stockings out of my head.
Thanks for the suggestions! I'm still new at this.

>> No.8087240
File: 116 KB, 657x758, Alphabets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bats would be cool. Zombie bunny plush bag would be cooler.

I know the feeling. I actually got rid of most of my dark red/maroon/wine/bordeaux/burgundy in my wardrobe for that exact reason - Nothing. Fucking. Matched. I hope you have good luck in your search, at least it's a popular normalfag colour this season as well!

Green/gold/black, you could use black shoes for this. I ended up with a star + alphabet motif because of the headbow, but picking up the swans in jewellery/tights would be better - maybe a feather motif.

>> No.8087373

Washyoursockswashyoursockswashyoursocks WASH YOUR GODDAMN SOCKS

>> No.8087490

Okay, ignore my last post (>>8086826)

I changed a few things around? I also had another idea with a different, white blouse but I wanted to see if I could stick with this one because I think the blouse/bag thing is cute, idk. Should I change the shoes and if yes, to a different style, or red? Other idea I had was just to make a red/white bow myself to match the red better. Once again also would put some pearl bracelets (not sure what other kinds of accessories/jewelry I could put)

>> No.8087493
File: 1.89 MB, 1406x1092, tartancoord2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my image, woops.

>> No.8087626

that jsk will look VERY off with black

>> No.8087827

holy shit anon. not that person, but socks stain badly on the bottom, especially if you have cheap shoes. no washing gets rid of it, although she could use oxy or something I guess.

>> No.8088079

I don't think so, not 'very' at least. I do however think that picking out the navy/royal blue shade contained in the plaid, in place of the black would perhaps look better/ more coherent.

I get the impression anon is trying to do something other than pairing it with white for a slightly less sweet and young look. It's probably what I'd do with it too tbh.

>> No.8089884

Hey anon, I'm looking to sell that exact BPN jacket! Email in name field.

>> No.8090608

I like this a lot as-is. Maybe a more frilly blouse?