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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 113 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_ni4c3waqEB1ttdt2jo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8052692 No.8052692 [Reply] [Original]

The old one is autosaging

Less arguing and more pictures,we are here to laugh and cringe

>> No.8052696

Oh man, as soon as I saw that skirt at Hot Topic I knew it would end up on some ita.

>> No.8052708
File: 80 KB, 400x534, tumblr_ni27xtCyCP1s7wemgo2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can be such a spoilt princess at times. Sigh. Kawaii desu ne?
>Sekai de ichi-ban OHIME-SAMA
>Sou iu atsukai KOKORO-ete
>Yo ne?

Please no.

>> No.8052740

i think shes cute the wig is just off

>> No.8052742

kek, I bought that exact wig for my weeb friend this Christmas.

>> No.8052760
File: 119 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flower crown was cute. She, however, was not.

>> No.8052775

That looks like a night gown.

>> No.8052793

Damn, at least she could get thinner framed glasses.

>> No.8053069
File: 100 KB, 720x960, 10906373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Headbow: Angelic Pretty. Blouse: Atelier Pierrot. Skirt: Triple Fortune. Bolero, Belt and Shoes: Nissen SmiLeLand (Japanese plus size shop). Tights: Target. Invisible Earrings: 1928 (Vintage from the 80s). Necklaces: Alice & the Pirates & Angelic Pretty. Ring: Angelic Pretty. Bracelet: some super cheap jewellery shop in the bottom floor of a Las Vegas casino whose name I forget."

>> No.8053073

How did she managed to spend so much to look so shit?

>> No.8053104

I have no words. Truly a work of art. The ita Gods must have blessed her.

>> No.8053165

Brand itas are the best itas.

>> No.8053172

Is this tiferet? Fucking tiferet.

>> No.8053180
File: 77 KB, 480x640, amandine jsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That poor poor dress.

>> No.8053187

I disagree. The flower crown looks hideous and she is more or less salvageable if you add better petticoat and remove the glasses and the random black bits. And maybe cleaned up the room a bit.

>> No.8053219
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>> No.8053259

The text and the Miku wig makes me feel like I've been transported back to 2009. Itas never change, huh?

>> No.8053278

Holy shit she makes brand look like walmart tier grandma clothes.

>> No.8053455

I somewhat know this girl and while I admire Lolita from afar that wig with that outfit makes me cringe. Gosh I really want to meet her and show her how to decently coordinate

>> No.8053466

How did she manage to get that skirt shape..
Not awed, just confused.

>> No.8053481


kill me.

>> No.8053488

>cleaned up the room
>there is literally nothing on the floor
>table behind her with some books on it
>bed with some clothes she was probably looking through, on top of what looks like a tablet

That room isn't messy at all.

>> No.8053493

Omg these these thights

>> No.8053509
File: 131 KB, 683x1024, 14209286039810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In our comm itas may not have a single coord, but absolutely must have lots of quality photos of their shit

>> No.8053512

wtf ur bra is showin sista

>> No.8053515

That JSK is cute, reminds me of PonPonPon.
But uh.. yeah.. wear a blouse next time.

>> No.8053519

she also tried to sell this dress for about 100$, claiming that was the actual price lol

>> No.8053580
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>> No.8053583

She's pretty though, even if she leaves the house showing a granny bra. Silky hair! She needs a Lolita Mother like how new drag queens get a drag mother. she'd be pretty decent if so. maybe i just got a crush.

>> No.8053586
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>> No.8053590
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>> No.8053595
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>> No.8053609

She looks poor. is that why this entire outfit looks so bad?

>> No.8053612

Ugh. No.

>> No.8053621

At least he's trying to fix dem teef? I don't know why I'm trying to find something nice to say.

>> No.8053644
File: 110 KB, 640x640, 10890743_378707732310782_1143991260_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instagram is a goldmine.

>> No.8053650
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>> No.8053654
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>> No.8053661

these aren't itatastic enough to be here bruh

>> No.8053662
File: 94 KB, 640x640, 10691703_420822821424230_2098486048_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8053664


People need to start buttoning their cardigans from the top and not the bottom if they want to even attempt cardis with lolita. A cardigan is not a fitted jacket, ffs.

>> No.8053666
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>> No.8053668
File: 111 KB, 640x640, 10891011_630092370435882_1922000006_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking Mexican lolitas, man

>> No.8053670

Why the 50s housewife updo?

>> No.8053672
File: 103 KB, 640x640, 10895244_822736797768760_368791851_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta admit though, when you look at the #lolitafashion tag you get a lot of good lolitas too

This isn't one of them

>> No.8053678

Even the mask in the background looks disapproving.

>> No.8053683
File: 116 KB, 640x640, 10919199_324907774363103_896483070_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totes kawaii

>> No.8053685
File: 125 KB, 640x640, 10891103_901664063198412_826536869_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not completely ita but there's too many things that bother me about it to be considered just nitpick

>> No.8053692

I was actually the girl who sold her the overskirt and how she got it looking wonky is beyond me. That skirt was so soft and poofy, any minimal poof petti would have made the proper lolita silhouette. And Jesus fuck Christ those shoes and tights...
I kinda regret selling now even though I hate teddy bears.

>> No.8053694

Her choice and fit of dress kills everything but I really want that headdress.

>> No.8053699

Find a half-moon filigree piece, some pearl beads and wiring, and two flower clips.
That headdress is easy as fuck to make, but it does look nice. Makes me think about making ones like that to sell, especially after the epic one that Midori wore at the BABY/AATP fashion show.

>> No.8053704
File: 185 KB, 640x640, 10349817_253624494834374_787788754_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looked in the punklolita tag. Much regret for my eyesight, many lols for the rest of you.

>> No.8053705
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>> No.8053709
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>> No.8053711
File: 76 KB, 640x640, 10326654_278295345628470_1918146151_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Going to stop going through the sludge for a bit. Even itas get mundane after a while.

>> No.8053714

The girl in the middle could be saved. She's close... change the hair and makeup, fluffier skirt...

>> No.8053715
File: 992 KB, 500x273, 6754342.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's with the stupid pose...
>oh no

>> No.8053722

Lol all these years and she still looks like shit.

>> No.8053737

>dat tilt shift

>> No.8053755


Jesus dem teefs.

>> No.8053861

This makes me really sad for some reason

>> No.8053961

Who will be honestly interested in knowing the brand of her rings which are invisible on this pic? Or are they the only burando she has to brag about?

>> No.8053981
File: 285 KB, 853x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8054006

Oh fuck that dress is so cute

>> No.8054011

So I took a closer look at those tights. Squinted and everything.
And after a thorough eye over, I conclude those tights are fucking homestuck tights.

Fucking. Homestuck. Tights.

>> No.8054019

Not kawaii, not lolita.

Elegant if she didn't have an attention whore attitude.

>> No.8054028

they arent
its a pair of tights from a popular storenvy store iirc
nothing to do with homestuck lol

>> No.8054030

I wish fairyfags wouldn't tag their shit trend as lolita so they can parade in their pastel puke as they please.

>> No.8054198

I think this is supposed to be like Ciel Phantomhive? Like, a casual version?

>> No.8054210

It appears to have been made by Sakurafairy on etsy

>> No.8054261

i thought the same thing

>> No.8054272

Probably bought it scalped from that Anime Expo booth. Poor girl. So young, so stupid.

>> No.8054276
File: 153 KB, 640x1281, ichibancon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8054292

Cruella deVille...

>> No.8054307

I can't get over how unfortunate Kuranosuke's face is.

>> No.8054369
File: 60 KB, 496x960, ichi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8054378
File: 88 KB, 960x540, ichi 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the little Hot Topic itas the best.

>> No.8054387

fb .com / rawrtigershop

Doesn't mean they're not ugly as sin, though.

>> No.8054389

It looks like she's wearing a literal tent.

>> No.8054404


>> No.8054411

What the fuck is that on the left? Is it an attempt at mori?

>> No.8054430

if you stare at her eyes long enough, she's cross-eyed

>> No.8054440


>> No.8054461

I'm trying to figure out what that girl kneeling in the front with the shawl is supposed to be.
She gives me a "creepy yet helpful forest witch" vibe.

>> No.8054471

IDK. It was his attempt at mori... But I think your description fits well.

>> No.8054491
File: 66 KB, 516x535, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl in the middle is someone I hate in my comm.. no matter how much brand she owns, she looks so mediocre.

>> No.8054497

What's going on with her boobs?

>> No.8054509

Blech, some people from my local comm are in here... real bad second hand embarrassment seeing them posted.

>> No.8054548

I'm so sorry...
They seem really nice though... So at least there is that.

>> No.8054551

Pretty sure they're under the waist

>> No.8054564

Oh god I feel you so hard on this

>> No.8054610
File: 91 KB, 140x273, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the best reaction image ever

>> No.8054689

Is she wearing a cone of shame?
She should be, for dressing like that!

>> No.8054721

Eh they look fine worn with AP's OTT sweet pastel stuff (milky planet, etc) as well as other Jfashion like fairy kei or pop kei. Not so much with a red alice theme.

Said girl is a cosplayer first and foremost and I don't think she really "gets" lolita per-se and treats it more like something to wear at the last day of a con.

>> No.8054723

This is florida right? I recognize the two brothers(the spiffy looking asians) from a meet.

>> No.8054734

Naw, this con was in NC. But I don't know those guys so it's totally possibly they're from Florida.

>> No.8054754

The only thing I have wrong with this is that it looks like she did the waist tie in the front.

>> No.8054759

She's not even wearing a petti. You fail lolita

>> No.8054806

It's a shame, this girl is so beautiful. I hope she learns to dress better!

>> No.8054839

does she actually look like that or is it shoop? cause damn she fine

>> No.8054927

Maybe they came from up there, I think they said they came from some other comm or something like that. I wasn't at their table so I don't remember.

>> No.8055115

Damn dat shoop. This arm shape, that skirt suddenly stopping mid-air and that uncanny face.

>> No.8055123

It looks really shooped

>> No.8055127

I adore Black Butler but so many of these idiots ruin it for me.

>> No.8055139


I'm not sure if I'd call it lolita, but I love the girl on the rights outfit

>> No.8055141

Same. It appeals to my inner 13-year-old Gaiafag, although I'm not proud of it.

>> No.8055183

Not lolita, but holy fuck are all of those three girls cute. 10/10 would go gay for

>> No.8055185

W2c that phone case

>> No.8055267

Looks like he jumped into his mother's linen closet and came out wearing all the tablecloths.

>> No.8055284

Looks like hannibal/Anthony Hopkins

>> No.8055290

She's also drowning in her wig

>> No.8055291

fucking flower crowns. They make flat hair look even worse

>> No.8055294

for some reason i really like this just not as lolita

>> No.8055295

Why are they all so ugly in such an average way? Can't really tell from the picture but the only decent looking one seems to be the girl with the black headbow and maybe the guy on the right. And girl in red looks well dressed for a swingers party.

>> No.8055296

Just be thankful she isn't wearing striped socks for the first time in her life

>> No.8055439

I still don't get why she's always in those fucking striped socks when her Poupeegirl is entirely brand socks
>because they're the only thing she can fit

>> No.8055442

>see picture
>would smash
>see caption

>> No.8055443

If only she had a short dyed dyke haircut, it would be
>tumblr in a nutshell

>> No.8055444

>tiferet's Poupee
Sounds wonderfully rage-inducing. Link?
I miss Poupeegirl so much.

>> No.8055465

I miss it too.

>> No.8055472

The skirt part looks like it's just the back bow, but I do agree that her arm is shaped really oddly.

>> No.8055480


Me too.

>> No.8055716
File: 36 KB, 541x960, 1391576606420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8055790

Does Kuragehime cosplay count as ita, though? Especially since that's clearly not one of the Baby collab dresses.

>> No.8055801


it's sad, but the right one's status as a titcow partially offsets her lackluster attire in my opinion

>> No.8055804

But she's disgustingly fat, you can even see it in the dress below her boobs, she's an overstuffed sausage.

>> No.8055821


has that image been edited? the left one's arm seems almost as fat as her lower thighs

>> No.8055828
File: 13 KB, 262x350, 34220924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have that blouse in white and black. It stretches a lot but it seriously looks horrible on fat people. I don't even know how she managed to squeeze her arms into the sleeves. I'm smaller than she is and I have trouble with the sleeves.

>> No.8056530

They're twins. One lives in Atlanta. The other lives in South Korea.

>> No.8056699

That isn't the ita, you idiot.

>> No.8056710
File: 550 KB, 526x622, ughhhhhhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the right isn't terrible, but the left coord is like...what are you doing??

>> No.8056711
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>> No.8056717

the right one is only marginally better

>> No.8056721
File: 1.22 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-01-14-21-58-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ita chan stop.posting in ruffle chat. Your Coord is shit and so is your hair. Wear a better headdress. OP doesn't want to see your crap hair with crap.coord.

>> No.8056729

Shit is that skirt from H&M? I swear I almost bought that last week

>> No.8056745
File: 145 KB, 640x640, lolitasweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roaming the Lolita hashtag on Tumblr wasn't a good idea...

>> No.8056746

Nah, just a skinny arm. Mine are shaped the same. She cute.

>> No.8056753
File: 571 KB, 500x793, hellokittynoob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8056762

She looks so tired, poor thing.

>> No.8056827

I fail to see how that's ita at all. Yes, the coord does need tweaking and improvement (and headwear) for it to look a lot better. But "hurts my eyes because so tryhard" ita? No.

>> No.8056835

I'm not the anon who posted it, but even though it's not eye-searing tryhard pastel vomit it's still a really shoddy coord. Even if you're to ignore the limp and crinkled skirt, literally nothing matches and I'm pretty sure that's a pointed-collar secretary's blouse. She wouldn't necessarily have to start from scratch if she nixed that awful shirt, but it's still within the realm of ita for me because there's just too much nitpicking that can be done.

>> No.8056841

She's 14, she just needs a guiding hand to steer her in the right direction. Making fun of kids is like kicking puppies.

>> No.8056844

I am very much reminded of sissy dressup pics I've seen on Fetlife. Sorry, gurl.

>> No.8056850

has anyone got a close up of her actual face ? that looks like a halloween mask

>> No.8056857

I'm not in the photo but I was there for a short while. Hot topic girl and girl in the red milanoo dress were extremely young, like probably 15 tops. It'd be a stretch to put them at 16 or 17. They were just painfully, painfully clueless and young. Girl in the red insisted that her friend was wearing gyaru. I caught her later in the hallway trying to hike her skirt up higher. If I were an inch shorter, I would've seen her underwear. I kept feeling the urge to pull her aside and warn her about pedos and why it's probably a very bad idea to do that at her age (or any age at a convention jfc)

>> No.8056865


I'm sure she's lovely IRL and could improve her coords, but so far there aren't too many of her posts that are actually really good. The JSK looks really uncomfortable on her.

>> No.8056902

who is this?

>> No.8056914

It would be a nice casual coord if the blouse wasnt shit and the skirt looking like a crumpled pile of used toilet paper. I have that skirt, and it needs a lot of petti. She's so cute though, there is potential....

>> No.8056917



>> No.8056945

Oh my god this helped me realize that her face reminds me of bad burn victims, the way their skin looks stretched uncomfortably tight. It's not in every photo of her, but I think it goes along with the "mask" resemblance.

>> No.8056953

cute outfit, but not lolita

>> No.8056956

A 14 (almost 15) year old is not a kid, they need to be pushed in the right direction immediately.

Dressing yourself like a retard stops being cute once you start being able to dress yourself (so like, 7 years old maximum).

>> No.8056966

She posted in a thread where the OP specifically asked for wigless, natural hairstyles. So to be fair, her coord wasn't up for crit. I imagine if she'd been looking for coord crit she would have worn something better. Stop being such sandy cunts for the wrong reasons.

>> No.8056982

Come on though, a lot of people have had questionable taste at 14-15, myself included. I learned from my mistakes as I grew older and my tastes changed.

>> No.8056986

Were you born an adult? 14 is exactly the kind of age where people start dressing like idiots to express their individuality and join weird subcultures they can't pull off.

>> No.8057180

A 14 year old is very much a kid, what are you on about? It's okay to look like a mess and experiment with how you want to express yourself at that age.

>> No.8057184

>#pale #thin #nymphet #softgrunge
what the fuck

>> No.8057188

Her body language also always looks really uncomfortable (shoulders hunched up, arms held awkwardly to the side) and in combination with her weird shiny face and awkward pained expression she really does look like someone who's in constant pain.
Every time I see her I feel bad for her but then I remember her antics in defending Mr. Cummymouth and I really just want her to go away.

>> No.8057198

Right? Ugh..

>> No.8057210

Her face reminds me of someone who ran into poison ivy.

>> No.8057237
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>> No.8057265
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>> No.8057268
File: 98 KB, 720x960, my_sweet_lolita_outfits_by_racheldeviating-d8dkv5k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8057269
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>> No.8057271
File: 142 KB, 1024x683, unikitty_the_lolita_princesse_by_lomise-d8dwl5r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8057273
File: 354 KB, 1024x1536, goth_lolita_by_x_shadow_raven_x-d8dyqxq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaand 5/5. Thanks, Deviantart...

>> No.8057275

I love u for that horror picture show

>> No.8057292
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>> No.8057294
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>> No.8057298

Oh shit, they're from NC's comm? I'm currently trying to join, and I wondered how many ita's would be there. At least the admins seem to be well dressed.

>> No.8057316

wtf her feet

>> No.8057318

I so badly want the person on the right to be dressed as an Ozzy Osborne cosplay

>> No.8057444

So my girlfriend and I were at a con a while back when we were approached by this little gem. My girlfriend is a very good classic/shiro lolita and spends a lot of time planning her coords. Anyway, this "fairy kei lolita" had a lot of GREAT advice to give and was extremely eager to share. She even handed us business cards for joining her group, which she assured us would be more than willing to "help with coord ideas." Pic related, I think we all could learn a lot from her.

>> No.8057463
File: 518 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20141122_171357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, dropped the image.

>> No.8057473

>petti but no skirt
By lolita standards she's standing there in her underwear...

>> No.8057489

>surprised that someone in "fairy kei" is only wearing a petticoat
That's what they do.
Did she at least have leggings pray tell?

>> No.8057520

You know, I don't think she was.

>> No.8057537

The main NC lolita comm is actually pretty good. There are some newbies and itas, but there are also some very well dressed and experienced girls, and IMO the good outweighs the bad. There's little to no drama, too.

Most of the girls in that photo are actually a part of a combined SC and NC general j-fashion comm, which has a lot of itas and newbie posts (in addition to different mods than the NC lolita group), but also is slightly more active. A lot of NC lolitas are in both groups.

>> No.8057961
File: 805 KB, 1756x1756, IMG_20150111_065437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8057968

> "lot of GREAT advice"
> no skirt

Today's captcha: fHole

>> No.8057973

Change the jacket into something that actually matches the color scheme of the dress, and it would look a lot better.

Also, is that a swingers petticoat she is wearing?!

>> No.8057980
File: 63 KB, 422x960, 10646705_826991400697808_7717634514041443185_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to disagree.



My eyes.

>> No.8058017

Ahem, there are white knee bunny thighs!
If you wanted to fairy-kei this, go look for them.
This outfit looks nice, as a Fairy-kei outfit inspired in Lolita.

>> No.8058019

What's that around her waist? A part from a yukata?

>> No.8058020

Messy rom
wtf with bow

>> No.8058023

old school sweet-OT-gothic.

sounds like what AP wants to do now...

>> No.8058024
File: 10 KB, 489x77, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was quite defensive. She got some good suggestions too

>> No.8058027

2 punk things from Putumayo or h.Naoto
is not meant to be Lolita, s it?

>> No.8058032

those arm warmers

>> No.8058040

Fcus on the face only and you will win

>> No.8058041

thats me she's replying to, I was pretty confused as to why she got like this

>> No.8058043

If you cannot even iron a skrt, you are lost as a normal human being.
no peti?
what is that combination.
Is lazy and needs research.

>> No.8058049

This is actually cute. She writes much better and seems to have complete reasoning compared to most RC people

>> No.8058052
File: 39 KB, 1024x576, Jellydress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl on the left is actually cosplaying as Princess Jellyfish

>> No.8058053

>that mentality of "plz be nice to me guise, I'm super fragile"

I am so trying not to comment...
It's like she fails to see how someone who has been in the fashion for a while can develop a "skill" of identifying quality lace, or for that matter, quality in general. Like an art collector identifying a fake from a distance. Not saying anyone is perfect, but damn, even I think she's wearing crap lace.
The shirt looks a bit ill fitting also.
And wtf is up with the wide belt?

>> No.8058059

comment dude, it'll be good for her to see 'people like THAT' are in the fashion

>> No.8058063
File: 161 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daaaamn, dropped my pic.

>> No.8058064
File: 100 KB, 720x960, 10252053_10204786139126077_8821314227317434022_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"LSD Lolita". Just no.

>> No.8058066

You had great points too. It was cheap looking lace. She just got defensive for no reason.

>> No.8058070
File: 52 KB, 640x847, 10341991_827020024028279_6542762807852627259_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to nicely tell her that the blouse she's looking at as an alternative is total shit but I just can't.

Pic related

>> No.8058074

This blouse smells like somebody left it near a gas pump for a week.

>> No.8058075

How high are you? Even with white tights like you suggested this is barely anything close to good fairy kei inspired Lolita, it's closer to shitty decora

>cheap raver kid bracelets in mismatched colors up to her elbows
>shit-tier wig that hasn't been styled or brushed with random hair accessories
>ugly cardigan that's way too plain
>black printed tights UNDER mint OTKs she scrunched down (even though there's no mint anywhere else in her coord as far as I can see)
>random giant ice cream necklace that matches nothing, not even the print

It might work if she scrapped everything but the dress, her smaller pink headbow, and the socks (shoes are just not the right shade) and added in mint accessories and a mint bolero, and a better quality wig that was actually styled.

>fairy kei jimmies successfully rustled

>> No.8058082

this looks like it was a joke.

>> No.8058084

It's weird, because she reacted fine to other crit and was the one throwing accusations, but what can you do

also someone just posted my-lolita-dress, isn't that a milanoo front?

>> No.8058091

Read the thread; we know. The other one still looks like shit.

>> No.8058097

i sure hope so

>> No.8058100

From what I've been told, they are a Taobao reseller, and legit if it says it's from an indie brand.

>> No.8058154

Thanks for telling me anon. Do you have link to that SC & NC j-fashion comm's facebook or something? The Lolita comm has meets that are typically too far away from me, so I'd be willing to join that other comm too even if there is ita's and newbies.

>> No.8058162
File: 38 KB, 980x120, Screen Shot 2015-01-15 at 22.10.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this in response to same girl, I'm laughing

>> No.8058164

diffanon, I'm in that group though, just add this to the end of the regular facebook link


>> No.8058165
File: 178 KB, 351x347, 1420235512572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8058211

Wow, she really needs a petti, or 3. The skirt this deflated looks like old vagina. Ew.

>> No.8058212

To be fair though she really did start responding positively after her little whinge about the lace

>> No.8058225


she looks like she's got the downs

>> No.8058229

Yeah, she did, which is nice. I think she was just a bit offended at being accused of buying Milanoo, which I probably would be too, but just cause it's not Milanoo doesn't mean it isn't cheap. She did well after that though.

>> No.8058259

once again, i didn't accuse her of buying anything of milanoo

>> No.8058266

Yeah but I can see how it could be interpreted that way

>> No.8058277

I know you didn't, you said it looked like Milanoo quality, which yes, it does. Her saying that no one can tell lace quality from a picture was dumb, but seeing as she took other crit very well, it seems your comment was misconstrued as implying she had bought something that's known as being shit quality, and to be fair I can see why she was a bit defensive. Still nbd though anon

>> No.8058312

Her hair is the nicest bit though.
Tight curls would be lovely in old school.

>> No.8058340

Half of her petti is leeking out

>> No.8058622

>not bothered to order bodyline

>> No.8058687
File: 1.96 MB, 1963x1800, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this girl from the chilean comm just post her kodona and punk lolita evolution and it's awful

>> No.8058691
File: 2.03 MB, 2004x1800, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8058693

this is actually a joke tho like how dense are you

>> No.8058708

such a hot mess

>> No.8058766

No. Its a taobao reseller. Her markup is about max $10 more for bigger items, but she's nice and her English is good.

>> No.8058769

how is it a joke if it's not even funny
literally no redeeming values here

>> No.8058804

It has fucking bunny ears.

>> No.8058830


Your link doesn't seem to be working for me.

>> No.8058887

I think because it's a secret group you have to be personally invited by someone in the group already, sorry. However, the NC lolita page is public, so I'm sure you could get an invite from someone in that group since there is a lot of overlap.

>> No.8058895


>Thinks lolitas can't tell cheap lace from a mile away
>asked for concrit
>no nitpick pls


>> No.8058952
File: 333 KB, 1488x1984, 10926234_10203343986990892_7805303842562297432_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not all like that, dearest anon

>> No.8058960

I really like her style, but it's not lolita at all

>> No.8058975

I like this girl a lot, just not as lolita/kodona, she makes great street looks tho

>> No.8059090
File: 222 KB, 270x538, voldie double chin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8059094

Seig your waifu a shit

>> No.8059117
File: 61 KB, 924x618, 10940631_1059319740752272_3163878902776542836_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8059122
File: 36 KB, 432x346, witch-the-witch-from-snow-white-31444288-432-346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8059152

Those beady dead eyes

>> No.8059203

She is so very ugly, poor girl.

>> No.8059272

the girl on the lefthand side looks pretty Lolita to me.i think was posted mostly because Gangnam style

>> No.8059289

I found the girl on the left.

>> No.8059334

dat watermark

>> No.8059384 [DELETED] 

>: ichi2.jpg (60 KB, 496x960)
the bottom left corner one is cute
thats about it

>> No.8059388

Damn. If the public one is the I'm thinking about then that's too bad because my request hasn't been accepted for that one despite messaging a couple of admins multiple times so I don't think I'll be getting into either group.

>> No.8059438



>> No.8059478

taobao reseller usually with free shipping... honestly i regret not using the site a few times because buying from infanta though aliexpress is more expensive then that site

>> No.8059488

fuck off this isnt that bad. also this is old as hell and as been posted to death. this is pretty cute. simple but cute.

>> No.8059517
File: 602 KB, 1272x1920, tumblr_nh0mx58sCF1u5fpdmo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8059521

>dem swag shoes

>> No.8059540

>sieg the "boohoo I'm too afraid to go to the gym" fatass
>making fun of a somewhat chubby girl
I don't like Voldie either but fucking hell, dude, you're pathetic.

>> No.8059542

>spending that much effort to look like complete shit
>"wow that looks like complete shit"

>> No.8059568

Her arm look weirdly warped in at several places but especially on the left between her waist and bust. Looking close, I see some bad liquifying tool application on her legs too. What happened to the 'love yourself' and 'real womyn have curves !!1!' mindset of Tumblr ?

>> No.8059572

Not thaaat bad, actually

>> No.8059573

If you've ever done acid it's pretty funny.

>> No.8059733

you still fucking uglo daniela

>> No.8059738

>Going to stop going through the sludge for a bit. Even itas get mundane after a while.>>Anonymous01/13/15(Tue)18:17:53 No.8053714 Anonymous 01/14/15(Wed)00:17:53 No.8053714▶>>8053704The girl in the middle could be saved. She's close... change the hair and makeup, fluffier skirt...>>Anonymous01/13/15(Tue)18:17:54 No.8053715 Anonymous 01/14/15(Wed)00:17:54 No.8053715▶

blonde one is cute

>> No.8059741


gnarf mean this >>8058952

>> No.8059743

nitpick here,

Diamonds + lace gloves? and red?
it is unbalanced. Makeup? hair accesories don't have matching red.

I would use black gloves, no lace.

blue coord: boobs look too big due to blouse,
Wig looks plastic and fake. Lace stockings have nothing to do With the print, they just add much more noise.
I find it hard to use lace stockings With a busy skirt like that.
shoes are fine in both.

>> No.8059744

that blonde is such a weeb her pussy tastes like rice wine vinegar (sushi rice vinegar)

>> No.8059754

shoo shoo taste goblin

>> No.8059829


She looks cute, vendetta chan.

>> No.8059831


She is seriously fuggo.
I don't find her outfit very Lolita either, more like a bad otome.

>> No.8059833

Silly anon, that's obviously "folk lolita". Try to keep up.

>> No.8060233

nope still not funny

>> No.8060239

I guess people with brain damage do tend to be more easily amused.

>> No.8060257


>> No.8060285


Honestly all fat girls are automatically Ita. No amount of burando can hide poor self control and zero social sense.

Landwhales are truly the female equivalent of beta.

>> No.8060431
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 10349131_10203450648046264_971667674650311589_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8060612
File: 37 KB, 454x457, 10431549_10152472757825378_3428063606750019905_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8060718

She isn't really ita anymore just bad hairstyle and an unfortunate face.

>> No.8060730

The fit, blouse, hair, shoes, awkwardness...nope, still ita.

>> No.8060811
File: 135 KB, 774x1032, my_new_lolita_dress_came_in_today_by_stormdeathstar9-d8e60i7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8060815
File: 126 KB, 960x640, 10906411_10152940182749070_5517051603104810241_n_by_zoeleena-d8e1ha9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8060883

but why?

>> No.8060893
File: 43 KB, 500x500, plz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-Is this...is this suppose to be lolita?

>> No.8060906

Is that a blouse under an op? wtf

>> No.8060907

jesus fucking christ

>> No.8060910

How dense can you be? Someone made what must be the 50th "what substyle do YOU want to see!" topic in rufflechat while saying they wanted to see "psychedelic lolita". She made this coord to make fun of them because it's an idiotic idea.

>> No.8060912

I don't really blame her(?) it's one of those really awkward OPs where the sleeves are shirred so they technically could be bunched into straps like a jsk, which looks like shit, or you can stretch it over your shoulders like an OP, which incidentally also looks like shit. I really hate those.

>> No.8060920

I actually like this.

>> No.8060927

From the filename, it looks like a "hey check out my new dress" sort of thing, not "my coord!"

>> No.8060944

Fuck me, she shoops herself thinner in the exact same way I used to before I stopped being such a faggot.

>> No.8060945


Then explain the blue scarf.

>> No.8061094


>> No.8061106

Why is this an excuse, though? If I'm so excited about a new purchase that I need to post a picture of it before I complete its coord, I either take a picture of just the dress or I make a really boring all-white coord.
A photo should be able to stand on its own and speak for itself.

>> No.8061127

The cat's face says it all.

>> No.8061138

the second pic isnt really ita
i hate that gold bag and shes got a bad case of ugly face tho :(

>> No.8061162

I did not see the cat I the bkg.
rooms that messy make me ill.

>> No.8061165

Look hard at the pix...with everything else so nightmarishly wrong, would that even matter at this point ?

>> No.8061167

Posted pix will be judged. Period. We all know this so I'm not sure why this is even an argument/defense.

>> No.8061173

>posting voldie
>more than one seagull defends her

Congrats you are the most hated trip.

>> No.8061203

It burns!

>> No.8061204

Yes and a check out my filthy room too.

>> No.8061281

This co-ord is much better than what I've seen on here. I love those leggings!

>> No.8061306

Oh this isn't bad really...



>> No.8061372

nope, its nitpick. She makes it, somehow.
onlything painful to look at is her body and face, not the outft.

>> No.8061373

>what are ITA dressup threads
fucking newfag

>> No.8061376

Her hair is the only thing that's fine. With the right outfit it would look great.

>> No.8061436
File: 34 KB, 511x768, IMG_202118148875309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8061466

Another example of dressing head to toe in brand but looking like shite.

>> No.8061618

Why do people like this look at Lolita and immediately think "oh thats just wearing skirts" , where are you that wearing a skirt is so shockingly different it deserves it's own subgenre? fuck. Not even remotely Lolita.

>> No.8061642

Do triple fortune skirts really have that much give? I was thinking of buying one but was worried they wouldnt fit

>> No.8062066

I have one and they are the most plus size friendly skirt out there anon
They can honestly accommodate 60"+ comfortably

>> No.8062079

Thanks anon!

>> No.8062087
File: 56 KB, 720x960, IMG_91367133933024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8062135

To be fair, she was just asking if the skirt was lolita, not trying to claim it was lolita already. Super new obviously.

>> No.8062136

She's joking, right?


>> No.8062193
File: 63 KB, 720x960, 10933795_1107892939227451_7674300295065455681_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I don't know where else to ask this
Is this skirt long enough for lolita it hits right about my knees when I don't pull it up past my belly button"

>why the fuck can't plus size girls dress for their body type?
>stop accentuating the fact that you are a potato

>> No.8062204

this thread is auto sage

>> No.8064514

10/10 anon, I laughed so hard I choked!