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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 65 KB, 642x553, more classic milky berry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8053456 No.8053456 [Reply] [Original]

>>8007205 is autosage.

>> No.8053465
File: 83 KB, 453x480, 947879_lbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, there really is no good headdress in existence. The pink is very dark and peachy compared to regular baby pink, and the blue is more periwinkle than sax. The closest I've seen people come to matching the colours is with floral hairpieces which in my opinion don't fit the Alice/sweet lolita theme as well as a plain bow would.

>> No.8053476
File: 3.54 MB, 1482x1525, twinkle doll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting for shoe advice!

>> No.8053484
File: 113 KB, 736x729, 1853e93f6407eca0dc59f352407feb4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anon as was asking. The only great one i saw was this hat which I assume is handmade.

>> No.8053489
File: 181 KB, 800x800, Dame-115-gpu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funtasma Dame boots? They have an ankle length version as well.

>> No.8053526
File: 39 KB, 500x500, $_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it looks handmade. You could try looking for 'peach' pink (or even 'salmon') hair accessories rather than that blue, although this beret looks promising on ebay even if it is the soft style not a structured one...

>> No.8053646
File: 1.15 MB, 1120x794, fancyegg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought Meta's fancy egg set in blue. I'm considering buying this Meta's blouse and Bodyline Shoes300 but I'm not sure if they'll look fine with the skirt?

I'm not sure about the hat either but the bow comes off so I'll most likely wear the bow regardless. Also any other suggestions as to jewelry and leg wear and accessories would be much appreciated!

>> No.8053660
File: 63 KB, 480x480, 204284-948-2014-10-27854286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the lumiere shoes are a perfect match!

>> No.8053820
File: 62 KB, 747x631, otome classic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find that bodyline's sax is surprisingly minty at times, and fancy egg is again more of a purpler, periwinkle blue. I think the blouse is fine, and suggest some faberge egg inspired jewellery for it. This is a coord with an entirely different take on things, but I'll leave it here while I try and find you some better shoes and legwear.

>> No.8053866

yeah i agree, on the website it looked like all the shoes were a different kind of blue. Their teaparties looked like a bright baby blue and this blue is more of a muted periwinkle. I thought the 300s looked best but I was still going to research around and see because that mint tone would have totally thrown off this coord.

I was kinda holding off on actual jewlery choices because I wasn't sure of my coord yet. I'll certainly go with gold for sure though. If I do white tights, I'm sure I can find whitexgold faberge eggs for my coord. I'm honestly just stuck on the colors really, and since theres so many in the print, i can't really decide. white and gold would be the easiest to work with though since its simple.

If this helps, I was going to wear my coord for Easter! but the easter-themed stuff would only work for the holidays so yeah. thank you so much by the way!

>> No.8053990
File: 230 KB, 1427x965, fancy egg blue and gold and white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've not seen the 300s myself, but I've only ever seen bodyline shoes be the bright baby blue or minty-toned blue. These shoes are Shani Bar which I found on modcloth - depending on the photo they look like either a lighter blue or more sky blue, but definitely true blue in all the photos! If you aren't keen on heels, I think taobao brands are going to be a better option for flats as I can't see much around despite current fashion having a pastel trend (seems to be mainly restricted to pink, lilac and mint still...)

In terms of jewellery choices, I've got a blue x gold thing going here but white x gold sounds much more versatile, plus if you've got pearls in there then they're not so much like 'omg egg' for non-easter times. The ones in the first outfit are actual faberge jewellery and therefore worth more than my entire wardrobe. Also, if you do want to play up the egg theme, maybe look into an egg-shaped gold clutch? I found this one on ebay, but Vivian Alexander and Judith Leiber do amazing clutches for lots of money. The fancy earrings are Kinnari - they also have a lot of egg shaped stuff but are expensive, and the rest of the jewellery is just etsy stuff.

>> No.8053999
File: 766 KB, 1075x1000, IMGP2281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never owned something so sweet even though this is in a black colourway. Looking for any ideas.

>> No.8054111
File: 173 B, 800x800, FancyEggSkirt-babyblue-ribb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sax shoes won't go at all with Fancy Egg in sax. Like >>8053820 said it's more purple looking than blue. Like a greyish toned lavender. I don't know why Meta was selling it as sax. It's more like this color.

>> No.8054332

I love you, thank you so much! This was really helpful. Yeah some of this jewelry was pretty pricey but I'm sure I'll find something, especially on etsy. I think I'll go with white legwear and white and gold jewelry for my first coord with this skirt and then experiment in the future. Maybe with red but I'm not ready to add red into my wardrobe right now.

thank you for clearing this up, I already bought this set but it hasn't been shipped to me yet so I was just hoping to find some stuff that I could buy that could be added to the package. I'll probably go with gold shoes instead then, thanks!

>> No.8054654

Well give us some hints on ideas of how you want to wear it? Do you want to make it look a little mature; or all ott sweet?

>> No.8054817
File: 1.26 MB, 1101x622, Misty Sky Lavender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to help me color match the infamous AP lavender?

I've got Misty Sky, the re-release with the white lace. I think the original's photo is a little more true to color, so I've included it here. In my hands, at the light of my desk, It is distinctly purple, just like in the first coord here. But in natural sunlight, it reads as periwinkle, as you can see in the second.

I'd like to lean closer to elegant than cute, and maybe include a beret. Since these colors are so finicky, if possible, I'd really appreciate if I can get direct links to some pieces.

Where should I go in the color family? I don't need exact matches, but even if you try for a darker/lighter lavender, it's really frustrating when you find yourself too pink or too blue.

>> No.8054850

Oh my goodness where did you find those shoes?

>> No.8054872

I swear I'm being trolled, this happened last thread because no-one bothered to read
>These shoes are Shani Bar which I found on modcloth

Ok, that's way less blue than I thought, the stock photo with the blue blouse made me think it wasn't so far off... I think bringing sax in would have to be as a second colour and balanced in the whole outfit

>> No.8054893
File: 153 KB, 700x996, print-honeycake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone coords Honey Cake with red! How about a coord that brings out the blue?

>> No.8054960
File: 53 KB, 514x354, wlc lavender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh. AP lavender. They aren't even consistent...they have the really light, really blue-toned lavender, the more pinky lilac one, and Misty Sky lavender.
That being said, I actually think that may be quite close to the "lilac" from welovecolors.com - I have a dress that is black x aforementioned lighter lavender and these tights are too dark and too blue for it. Sunlight photo left, inside light photo right. A beret is going to be difficult to find - there's one that's periwinkle further up the thread but that might be too blue for you?

>> No.8054986

Yeah, I saw that beret and I agree that it's too periwinkle. It's a shame, since it's so cute!
I'll check around welovecolors, but I find that they're a little boring. But that's just me expecting something out of them that they're not. I do like their harlequin tights, but I'm not jumping at the idea of incorporating black into the coord. Though if someone's got an idea, maybe I'll be surprised!
I'm looking at welovecolors' dot tights, but I don't really understand what color the dots would be.

>> No.8055052
File: 110 KB, 631x865, basic bitch sweetclassic thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the dots are black? The only tights I could see working without alteration are the white stripe ones, but stripe + cloud print seems a bit odd. My preference would be to get their plain tights in lilac and modify them - it wouldn't be hard to fabric paint the bit of your legs that's visible, I'd probably go for one cute cloud-related motif (or balloons! I love balloons...) rather than a full pattern.

I have no idea what your style is so I went with black, gold, pink and basic bitch tier coord. My pinks don't even really match.

>> No.8055072
File: 34 KB, 570x380, pink hairclip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this bow on etsy - seller is janvier6

>> No.8055091

Maybe I'll play around with that idea! I was planning on some white vertical lace BL tights, but maybe darker legs could be cool.
I definitely like the balloon thing. Maybe not for the legs, but I like the motif! Maybe a head piece or necklace? Though I don't want to go overboard.

>> No.8055107
File: 96 KB, 880x568, to petti or not to petti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just starting to figure out coords for this dress, but I'm stuck, should I use a petti for this dress or no? What looks better?

>> No.8055109

It's not a lolita dress and it's not made for a petti. Maybe a minimal one. I personally wouldn't wear it unnecessarily. The shape is similar to a lot of normalfag dresses.

>> No.8055120

Mhmm, that's why I was second guessing it. Thanks anon!

>> No.8055121
File: 101 KB, 650x604, frivoliciouz olympia le-tan shoulder bag milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the most subtle thing is usually the jewellery - maybe earrings, or bracelet? I've also seen brooch pins on collars before which I think is kinda cute.

No petti drapes better in my opinion. Even when I first saw it IRL at Revelry I thought it looked nice as-is.

I got as far as this bag, started thinking about schnitzel and noodles, and gave up.

>> No.8055122

Augh I know, but the chances of me ever finding them (especially soon enough to rock this coord) are slim to none

Thanks anon, not sure if those are really my style but I'll keep em in mind!

>> No.8055285

Personally, I use a shitty small petticoat from BL for these purposes. It's got a tiny amount of poof to make a difference but not so much that it's noticeable to the average eye, I would say.

>> No.8055485
File: 121 KB, 640x854, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there anyway I can make this more exciting/interesting? I've had this JSK for a while now and really struggled to match a blouse to it but luckily a Chess Story blouse I bought for another dress matches perfectly. I'm pretty new to lolita and I just feel this coords look drab.
On a side note does anyone know of any good places for natural looking wigs that won't break the bank/aren't from taobao. I'm struggling for wigs that match my skin tone as the one I'm wearing here washes me out completely. Any advice would be appreciated!!

>> No.8055491

Looks like you need a headpiece and some patterned tights. Maybe swap out the wristcuffs for some bracelets. Boleros and sweaters are an easy way to add interest too.
What direction do you want to go? Your dress makes me want to lean classic. Is it hot where you live?
I don't wear wigs, so I'll let someone else answer that. I don't know if it's my screen, but that wig looks yellow-green to me. It might be helpful to give us a price range, too, since "breaking bank" is subjective

>> No.8055492

Add in another color complimentary to the print. From glancing at this photo, burgundy or dark blue would pair nicely. For instance, wear a wine red bolero and shoes with cream wristcuffs like the ones you're wearing and ivory/ gold legwear. Or wear a wine blouse and tights with cream shoes.

>> No.8055493

Oops, didn't notice you had a pink blouse from the photo. A jewel tone would really give more contrast, though.

>> No.8055499
File: 122 KB, 650x1057, 256270-1461-2015-01-10437536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any bag suggestions for Lief's Gardenberries in black? I'm not sure if I want to go for a themed bag or just an ordinary classic satchel.
Right now I have a black AP bolero and some knitted white tights for the rest of my coord (also black bunny heels), so it's pretty toned down as it is--unsure if the bag should be the item to give it some pop.

>> No.8055509
File: 134 KB, 734x321, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think being stuck on the direction is my main issue! Whilst my wardrobe is pretty small most of my pieces are sweet so I'm struggling to pull together more classic elements. I from the UK so it's pretty chilly round here at the minute so I wouldn't mind pairing it with a bolero! I am actually wearing a headpiece in the photo it's just obscured by the rose. It's a white Kira Kira rose/veil headpiece.
I'll admit my photos ruined the colours but that wig does run on the more yellow side. My budget is really anything under £40 so I guess I was slightly avoiding Lockshop.

I've added a picture of the print to show the colours, as I was mainly trying to pull out the lilac from it. My blouse is pretty much a perfect match to it but I'm having difficulty finding other lilac elements to add in. The 'gold' on the print is pretty much yellow so I was trying to avoid that part. Thank you for advice so far!

>> No.8055547
File: 820 KB, 1020x847, co.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't bought the shoes and the ring yet. Send help.


>> No.8055617
File: 328 KB, 549x515, gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What store is the non-baby necklace from? I can't decipher it from the pic. I've been looking for classic pearl/gold jewelry on taobao, but most stores on the list have only sweet accessories.

Also >>8053489, you just caused my wallet pain. I was looking for gold shoes as well and didn't know about Funtasma. Their booties are so cute.

>> No.8055655
File: 252 KB, 500x600, Loyal Rosette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommendations for a bag to go with this?

>> No.8055663

A clock bag would look nice in my opinion. both black and white. Or maybe a nice peachy strap bag that brings out the pink.

>> No.8055665

Where does the waist disappear to? Or is the waist just a thick belt and you've tied it thinly?

>> No.8055800

I got those shoes and was really dissapointed, they are really mint. A really dirty mint.

>> No.8055832

If you do get those Funtasma boots, be warned that they run a bit small, and have absolutely zero grip on them. I damn near broke my neck the first time I wore mine because I didn't realise they were so slippery.

>> No.8055843

what about your bag, legwear and headwear anon?

>> No.8055847

shade of red as in the rosettes would pop beautifully I think

>> No.8055848
File: 334 KB, 1254x1165, 4699664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8055853
File: 27 KB, 250x333, 8989hh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second vote for red

>> No.8055899
File: 261 KB, 850x1070, Classical puppets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dress is already bought, so...

I'm very worried about the purse, seems to be lighter than the brows on dress

Plus the bonnet is really necessary?

Also maybe I must add some violets on complements...how?

I don't know what I'm doing. Halp

>> No.8055921

honestly, I think the bonnet makes it look like cosplay and the whole thing is a bit that way anyway. I think boots would be better with this and the bag is pretty casual for something so dramatic.

>> No.8055931

add purple frilly ankle socks to match with the dress. take the roses off the bonnet and put them on the bag.
add lots of mixed metal jewelry. There's bronze and silver gears in the print, but the bonnet has gold trim. So mix all of those.

>> No.8055988
File: 6 KB, 320x320, l_p0004865537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given that you have bunny heels, what about a bunny bag?

I'm rubbish for wig suggestions, but hosetights on etsy (UK based) has some printed tights that look very close to the lilac. You could wear the printed side to the front rather than the back, and it looks like she can do any motif/colour combination if you ask. I think you will find this dress difficult to take in the direction of classic without new shoes/bag/accessories - I keep saying this, but Schuh has some irregular choice shoes on sale right now including in gold, and a gold clutch rather than themed bag tends to lend more elegance.

>> No.8056011
File: 303 KB, 850x1070, 1421271097241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so anyway, it's not to my taste anon but if you're gonna go for it, I think you should really go for it and sure, stick with the bonnet for an ott kinda look.

>> No.8056033

I'm not convinced that would look good anon.

>> No.8056044

also anon, sorry, I kinda sounded like more of a bitch than I intended, I actually think it could be quite a fun outfit to wear.

>> No.8056059

Thanks a lot, this looks so helpful and wonderful, sorry for take your time tho
btw you didn't sound bitch to me, don't worry
Thanks again

Idk, I'll try when them arrived, thanks a lot to both anons

>> No.8056070

taobao, http://tw.taobao.com/item/18236350554.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a1z10.5.w4002-1755189050.25.iD9RUf

>> No.8056089

don't add more purple/violets anon, the rose and ribbon details on the bonnet are enough color accent-wise. It wouldn't hurt to add a steampunk appropriate ring with a purple or violet stone or whatever if you want but other than that I wouldn't do it. Extra roses in the same shade as the one on the bonnet, plus same shade as the dark purple ribbon could work for an even more ott feel however,

>> No.8056182

Can you show me your shoes for this or where you got them? I am trying to find something rabbit themed for my shoes.

>> No.8056193
File: 170 KB, 1080x809, MM olive x beige x ivory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you haven't, because I think the shoes aren't going to go if they're white-white. Depending on your boobage, I think a ruffly jabot wouldn't go amiss or at least something down the front - maybe a necklace if you aren't keen on a jabot, just have a look around on etsy.
The lace trim looks very beige, not off white - so I assume we're going olive x offwhite-ivory x beige, hence the new legwear and shoe choice - the shoes (Irregular Choice because unfortunately I'm on an IC kick at the moment despite their shoes being uncomfortable as fuck on my wide feet) are a mix of gold/beige/ivory as far as I can tell, although for some reason they look decidedly like they're trying to be silvery in the photo. Olive green isn't too hard to find in berets since military colours, but you might need to match it in person at a military surplus store or something.

Navy or red satchel if you want 'contrast, but not statement bag' - you could also pin a rosette to it if you wanted.

Go big or go home. I don't think ankle socks are a good idea with this dress at all though, unlike >>8055931 - I think you'll just cut yourself off at the ankle. I agree more with >>8056011 and would even consider going for patterned legwear with a gold print (thinking of course of TejaJamilla here with the fleur de lis, but it's not really repeated anywhere in that coord...)

>> No.8056209
File: 27 KB, 231x300, eng_pm_Pyon-Pyon-BLACK-evening-retro-purse-390_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it until I look at your accessories. I would want red rose rings rather than the cameos since all the red is at the top of your coord, and the bag is very sweet-classic with all the scallops and bows, rather than gothic. I attach an alternative bag suggestion for your consideration - although this one is sold out, you can get similar beaded clutches on ebay and etsy.

>> No.8056457 [DELETED] 
File: 361 KB, 1280x1165, 4699664e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Initially when I glanced at the beaded bag I thought it was perhaps too glitzy for the simplicity of the dress, even though it's beautiful but added it to the collage anyway. So glad I did as I actually like how it looks.

I really wanted to keep the dark red very subtle but I agree it's a touch too focused at the top, which I hadn't really taken into account. Thinking in terms of subtle of balance, I think replacing the black boot laces with dark red velvet high quality ribbon could be just the little pop of color it needs. Thank you so much for your input, it was very helpful.

>> No.8056464
File: 361 KB, 1280x1165, 4699664e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Initially when I glanced at the beaded bag I thought it was perhaps too glitzy for the simplicity of the dress, even though it's beautiful but added it to the collage anyway. So glad I did as I actually like how it looks.

I really wanted to keep the dark red very subtle but I agree it's a touch too focused at the top, which I hadn't really taken into account. Thinking in terms of subtle balance, I think replacing the black boot laces with dark red velvet high quality ribbon could be just the little pop of color it needs. Thank you so much for your input, it was very helpful.

>> No.8056492
File: 286 KB, 750x1125, LDSCP00016_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The legwear is barely going to be visible with boots though, it's a pretty long dress, even without the underskirt depicted. Boots and no/ virtually no visible leg strikes be as very Victorian, I dunno, I just rather like that idea.

>> No.8056608

Good point, I keep thinking it's above knee length for some reason. I now think that dog needs to be a required accessory for every coord with this dress though.

>> No.8056810
File: 115 KB, 1093x697, closetcoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would appreciate input. I'm trying to coord this dress with something other than black and white, but it's a bitch of a colour to match because it's right in-between pink and purple. Current trying to coord with lavender + black since the pinky macarons on the tights are the same shade as the dress, and the jewellery is the same shade as the tights. I haven't bought the blouse, clutch or any hair accessories as yet, if you want to recommend anything links/source would be appreciated. Both pairs of shoes are in my wardrobe already but I'm leaning more towards the heeled ones rather than the chunky platform ones. I'm keen not to buy more than I need, hence mostly trying to pull this together from my wardrobe, but it's totally different to what I normally do (both with this dress and my usual style) so help.

>> No.8057052
File: 378 KB, 958x814, Mintxbrown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does you gulls think of this? I'm most curious about the bag. Its cute, but it both matches and doesn't match, imo.

>> No.8057094
File: 249 KB, 640x599, CONTENTLY_ViolinHair_640_Sharenator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it doesn't appear to match in a collage because the outfit seems more sweet and the bag is more classic; when you put it on this won't be as evident though. If you want to wear heels/more elegant shoes it would probably make it lean more classic. Hairstyle suggestion is attached in case you feel like an OTT outfit...I suggest doing your hair after putting your cutsew on.

>> No.8057102

i like the cutsew but the bag isnt the right shade of mint...maybe switch out to mint socks and a brown bag?
>mfw i realize im suggesting basically how i am coording the same dress in same colorway
its beautiful though right, hot damn I love quartet chocolate

>> No.8057114
File: 84 KB, 499x499, likethis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find any mint socks I care for. Plus these btssb socks match the off-white color in the cutsew pretty dang well.
Some shoes like this, maybe?

>> No.8057118
File: 67 KB, 705x521, celestial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have the full set for Celestial, so I'm trying to make an alternative coord. Thoughts on the OTKs with the OP? Will the socks be too much since the dress has a pretty busy print already?

>> No.8057132
File: 132 KB, 989x807, violin_headdress_by_sweetmildred-d70ennd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG you have the lumiere shoes? Then yes! I think the mint of the bag is okay since it looks really close to the darker mint shade in the diamonds (although slightly less blue).

>> No.8057139

I think it'll be like a JetJ art print OTT classic thing. Too busy for some people but if you do it, definitely go all-out with it rather than half-arsed.

>> No.8057142

...help...? Even "it isn't really working" would be helpful if you can give other suggestions...

>> No.8057153

Isn't the model wearing the long matching underskirt they're selling?

>> No.8057161

put this awful b/w border ruffle shit away and the bow... then I would like to see it with lavender and less black in you accessories

>> No.8057165

I don't mind it actually

The point is that she's using that dress...

>> No.8057168
File: 135 KB, 779x960, 10349002_886771954680503_4271174911929981849_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do an huntsman coord with it ... a hat and a weapon and some boots as well... any ideas?

>> No.8057169

Well I'm sorry but it looks like a cheap reinterpretation of that awful pink dress Ciel wore. The JSK is ugly, borderline ita, and I do not honestly think there would be a way to coordinate it without the outfit looking like shit.

But if you insist on the abomination, stick with the colours you aready have at hand rather than adding in new ones. Swap out the blouse for a white one with black edging or some form of black detailing, add a black sash or belt to the waist and wear a small black headbow. White socks with cutesy candy shit in a similar colour to the JSK and then black shoes. And maybe a plain white heart bag or something.

>> No.8057173

Honestly the cut color and fabric don't look very huntsman like. The way she's wearing it reminds me of Rembrandt's night watch.
Weapon wise an ornate dagger worn with a waist belt could be cute.

>> No.8057185


For some reason I always think of green and leather when I think of huntsmen. Like, leather bracers, leather arrow quivers, leather boots, leather tool belt, leather sheath (for a useful dagger), leather drinking flask...

>> No.8057225
File: 62 KB, 621x768, mallgoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the honest opinions. I'm quite comfortable doing black and white with it in a tacky mallgoth way, because I am a tacky bitch (I really want a black and white stripy pagoda umbrella and a corset shaped handbag for this outfit, but have to make do with black and ruffly for both), but was mainly wondering if I could make it work with lavender/lilac at all because the colours match so perfectly in the tights.

>> No.8057236

This reminds me more of Hannibal than Huntsman

>> No.8057242

This looks awful. These tights look cheap and rarely work with lolita. Ditch the bolero as well. Looks fuggin' pug ugly, son. I would suggest a different dress as well.

>> No.8057243

so... I should wear a Jacket like Hannibal and a shirt with a necktie and some brouges with it.

>> No.8057251

I think of the spiders or of what a modern-day hunter looks like, the favoured manufacturers of hunting gear in this country make a LOT of plaid shirts.
Um...anyway. Boots and stuff. Maybe like aristocracy riding on horseback rather than huntsman bringing home the kill? So riding boots, jacket and one of those funny little hat things that looks a bit like a riding helmet? And a cravat. Everyone needs a cravat.

>> No.8057257

That's not really a contradiction though unless you mean the elephant riding Hannibal?

>> No.8057286

Sorry for the shit tier picture but my camera broke so i can use only the phone... Well i want to coord that bag with these items but i think it's more for otome than AP pastel prints. Any suggestion to improve the coord? The tights are cream colored with bows and shoes (not pictured) are a bodyline black pair with heels.

>> No.8057287
File: 2.99 MB, 1876x2660, IMG_20150115_133038-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ops forgot pic

>> No.8057289

Is that a coord for your 5 year old sister?

>> No.8057323

I'm trying to make a coord for my girlfriend but we are both pretty inexperienced so I think I could use some help. I want to use the surface spell roses to add some color to a black felt hat but I can't figure out what kind to use because she doesn't want a beret. I tried to match the colors as best I could but I'm not sure which accessories would work best?

>> No.8057324
File: 1.85 MB, 1360x798, collage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

argh dropped the pic

>> No.8057369

I'm not sure about the tights and you're right, the bag doesn't match.
Are you gonna wear something else with it?
If you're wearing short sleeves and your coord is as casual as it is, I'd go for otks.

>> No.8057380


And people wonder why we think this is ageplay hmm.

>> No.8057392

Just because we're considered "adults" doesn't mean we can't like cute things. Who automatically thinks it must be a fetish is a perv.
There's also people who have a fetish for wool, just I stop wearin woolen sweaters now?
Fuck that, as long as you coord doesn't look bad or slutty, go for it.

>> No.8057581
File: 52 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.550378893_v77x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please wear this.
Can't post the link. Greyhound Brooch on etsy.

>> No.8057587

I'm sorry, but this >>8057287 is just clothing from the little girl's section. And it would look bad even on them. That fucking bunny is killing me.

>> No.8057637

I came here for some coord advice not to being insulted because i love OTT sweet.
>i bet you are a granny classic troll and too old to pull off sweet
Infact, anon. Seems now everyone that loves OTT sweet is labelled as ageplayer while i love only how it looks, also i never seen kids with such clothing.
Seems still a woman must not wear sugary cute clothing due to this stigma well i don't want to do a SJW talk now.
Are you blind? These are ADULT clothing items... the cutsew is from Bodyline, the skirt from AP and the bag offbrand but NOT from a children brand.

>> No.8057681

SJW is actually pretty pointless, because it's either "women can dress how they want" or "dressing like this objectifies women"... so. Yeah. SJW is pointless.
I'm gonna wear whatever I want and look cute as fuck.
OPs coord wasn't something I'd wear personally, I don't like the rabbit on the cutsew, but then again, I'm relatively old and it could look very cute on a younger girl.

>> No.8057705

Not a fan of the gloves and ankle socks together with this outfit, what about wrist cuffs and floral pattern black tights? A cloche hat would be better than beret, and pink roses.

>> No.8057706

I'm 24 but i look better in cuter styles rather than classic, even if i would dress in plain gothic or classic in black in the near future. In my opinion it's wrong to say everyone should dress as they want because they have to consider what better suit them in terms of bodytype and colors, regardless if it's a cute or mature style. It's all how you wear the items. Also, i hate how some SJW says if you dress feminine is submissive and so on. So, both extremes are awful.
I have a bodyline white blouse but i'm not sure if it would look good, i think a pink or lavender blouse would look more appropriate but the only pink i have is that cutsew for now.

>> No.8057738

I think a cutsew fits better than a blouse with that skirt anyway, I'd prefer a different one, without a print, but it's not bad. Or a colored blouse, depends on the blouse though.

>> No.8057781

Except this isn't OTT sweet. It looks like casual sweet as far as I can tell from the picture. And casual sweet is pretty much just what little girls wear.

If you have a white blouse maybe try that one instead. And which color will your tights be? I really like that jsk and the bottom accessories though.

>> No.8057782

Yeah, and casual classic is what grannies wear. So? Doesn't mean it can't look good.

>> No.8057787
File: 353 KB, 500x753, TB2MsXxaXXXXXXKXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!199340297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to buy this Chess Story blouse. Or AP cutsew in lavender or pink, i like the Fairy Marine cut but its expensive in auctions.

>> No.8057792
File: 240 KB, 640x732, my-grandma_o_286836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grandmas don't actually wear casual classic though unless they are really classy. :^)
What's really throwing me off is the cutsew. A blouse would make such a difference and pull it out of the little child territory.

>> No.8057793

True! Casual classic tend to look really like vintage clothing.
I bet you dislike fairy kei, also casual sweet is a thing for daily and you can add a small petti. I would prefer to look "like a little girl" as you say than like a granny.

>> No.8057822
File: 141 KB, 700x437, childrensfashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blouse is cute, but for such a casual coord it's almost a bit too elegant. I have no experience with Bodyline cutsews, but this one looks pretty okay http://www.bodyline.co.jp/bodyline/showProduct2.asp?id=7100&pageNumber=1&pageStop=stop_5&noSubType=N
Obviously not as pretty as the AP ones, though. Or browse taobao.
A blouse would have to be pretty simple to fit the skirt. Actually, what children wear also kinda looks more like classic, so yeah, according to that logic, classic would lose either way.

>> No.8058029

Yeah, classic is reminescent of victorian children clothing so who says sweet is ageplay is salty.
I like a lot sheer/tulle sleeves and so i thought to buy that blouse, maybe it's better for another coord.
I think Pumpkin Cat has some pretty sweet blouses, i need to check. Thank you for the suggestion! I like that cutsew but from the reviews there is a weird cream colored lace that looks off....

>> No.8058037

Too bad about the cutsews. Have you checked BonBon21 on Taobao? As far as I recall they had some cutsew-like tops.
My-lolita-dress also sells a cute one, but it's a replica.

>> No.8058078

reading comprehension anon, there's even a line drawn on the pic to indicate where it falls without the underskirt.

>> No.8058083

It falls down to a tiny asian woman's knees. How's that superlong? Sorry, I have to admit, I didn't really read it.

>> No.8058146

Who still needs help?

>> No.8058196
File: 101 KB, 640x480, coord idea 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted the beginning of my coord in the last thread but I have since made changes. I found it difficult to find bear themed accessories(especially ones that were all in a similar style) so I decided to change my theme to rabbits(since there are a lot more rabbit accessories and there are rabbits on the dress).

What do you think of what I have so far? Which brooch should I go with(* or #)?No brooch? Should I go with the hat(I really like it, except for the tassles)? What about the fluffy rabbit slide? Is there anything I should take out? What about the bag?

Feel free to suggest anything aswell.

>> No.8058199
File: 45 KB, 250x333, france.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like some more exciting suggestions, I'm just wearing a beret and plain lace tights

>> No.8058210

Yes, bobon 21 is suitable a lot! Or also that soft sister taobao brand has cute casual tops. I need to check.

>> No.8058213

Not a fan of the socks.

>> No.8058215

Do you have a link?

>> No.8058224

Do you think I should find rabbit themed otk's? Or should I go with tights?

>> No.8058228

Light pink sheer socks just look pretty unflattering and boring. Either get matching otks, doesn't have to be rabbit themed, I think simple ones would also work. The colors and theme suggest spring, so I wouldn't go with tights.

>> No.8058231

Lavender Misty Sky skirt chan here >>8054817
Looking for something classic-leaning and simple but interesting. Maybe slightly otome, maybe not.
I've been wearing it with those white pointed toe BL bow heels. I'm aiming to stay away from pink and black.
Another anon had the idea of balloon motifs which I'll be playing around with. Sounded cute!

Anon coord chans, thank you for what you do!

>> No.8058238

Thanks. What do think about the rest of the outfit?

>> No.8058239

How about adding in color? I'd bet wine or burgundy would look good with that dress. Maybe emerald or sage.

>> No.8058242

Honestly, I'd need to see it worn. Do you have the name of the print?

>> No.8058244

Kinda, does /cgl/ approve now? I'm pretty much at the 'looking forward to wearing the everloving shit out of this coord' stage (but my passion powerlevel may prove premature).

>> No.8058245
File: 586 KB, 780x545, 19th century france for anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to hit all the bases with how to make a plain dress interesting: weird shoes, patterned tights, and adding in another color.

>> No.8058248

Romantica JSK in pink by Meta

>> No.8058261

I agree with your idea, I like the subtle red. The boot laces are a great idea!
I'm a little worried that your huge headpiece will overwhelm your bob. I'd need to see it together in person, though, since I do like the stark straightness of the wig.
All in all I'd call it a success!

>> No.8058263
File: 1.00 MB, 1400x900, revised coord for anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bag is a little overdone for such an austere dress, even with the OTT vibe you seem to be going for. I also don't love the lace tights you chose, but overall it looks nice. Maybe something like the Classical Puppets theater of tragedy bag?

>> No.8058268

I think this anon's colour ideas were great.

What about changing up your footwear and hat? You could try tall button or lace-up boots and a cloche hat. With that bib, you also have a nice spot to display an interesting necklace.

Does the dress have waist ties in the back, or just a solid ribbon the whole way around? If possible, you could add a contrasting belt or sash to cover it. A short puffed sleeve bolero and/or a fur collar could add some texture.

It's a fairly plain dress and I'm not sure how some of these ideas would look worn. Sorry if my ideas are unhelpful.

>> No.8058269

Now that I took a closer look at the print, why focus on the rabbits? They also look very cartoonish, so I don't think it's a good idea to mix them with accessories that hit a different tone.

>> No.8058306

I originally wanted to go with a bear theme. However I had trouble finding accessories to suit. I was also thinking pairing it with sweets themed stuff.
I'll ditch the rabbit stuff since it doesn't work.
I don't have the dress yet(ordered it from CC a few days ago), so I'm just trying to get some ideas as to what I'll wear.

>> No.8058311
File: 147 KB, 800x802, Lolita-Princess100-cotton-cutout-female-White-lace-sweet-short-socks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the cardigan is lacking in detail, just a simple trim or subtle embroidery embellishment would make such a difference. Also, as a general rule, I think round neck cardigans are more suitable for lolita, particularly sweeter styles. You also run the risk of the puffed sleeves of the blouse looking awkward beneath it.

I think with all the pink, white/off-white socks with a bit of detail on them will help balance everything out. Even frill ankle socks would be an improvement.

>> No.8058316

Great I'll change it to frill ankle socks. Do you think then I should switch to pink tea parties?

Thanks for all the help!

>> No.8058317

The theme of the print seems more like toys and candy, so you don't have to focus on just rabbits or bears.
It's not too elegant and very sweet, so I'd use accessories that are the same. I really like the shoes you chose, but they'll only work if you stick to the same colored blouse.

>> No.8058323

Excellent! I'll stick with the shoes so(as I already have the blouse at home). Would they work though with frill ankle socks? Or should I go with OTK's

>> No.8058328
File: 4 KB, 225x149, mqRkDWvkLVF0LT_9kP2xzMw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she shoots, she scores!

I really like your collage btw, it has pazazz

>> No.8058330

>He who wishes his own happiness by causing pain to others is not released from hatred, being himself entangled in the tangles of hatred.


>> No.8058331
File: 117 KB, 725x880, something like this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's such a terrible photo, why didn't you just use stock images? Anyway, I couldn't imagine everything together so I went with cream and wintery, but I guess you'd use a pink jumper if you want it to be more sweet.

>> No.8058335

I think ankle socks are a good idea, you should browse mu-fish on taobao, they have some really cute ones. And also pretty neutral otks. Just have a little color contrast between socks and shoes.

>> No.8058338

Those shoes don't got with the rest at all... Not even sure about the tights and sweater.

>> No.8058343

I based it on the initial description of the shoes - have no idea whether that's the ones anon has. Couldn't find any white bow tights that weren't kids' ones so knit tights instead.

>> No.8058346

wtf but also kek, kinda

>> No.8058347

BonBon21 and I think Bodyline sells cream white tights with small lavender bows on it... But yeah, I'd not go with anything cream anyway.

>> No.8058351

Great Thank you!

>> No.8058357

I wanted it to be pink and sax with socks and tea parties, but anon said something about white bow tights and lace up bodyline shoes so I tried ivory/cream instead.

>> No.8058364

this is how Gautama Buddha has chosen to speak to the people of /cgl/, he hopes that one day they too, will tread the path of the enlightened ones.

>> No.8058365

There's no cream in the skirt and I wouldn't bring it in. Tea parties are perfect for a more casual coord.

>> No.8058368

thanks anons!

yeah it's a bit of a weird colour, like a greyish-taro, it's very nice looking though

>> No.8058371
File: 865 KB, 736x869, classic misty sky skirt for anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't that great, it was really difficult. I aimed for casual classic. About the colors, though: they aren't a perfect match (the boxes off to the side are all different colors the print looks) but they are blue-toned, not pink or grey, so they shouldn't clash with the print.

>> No.8058375

OP here, the coord is cute (shoes aren't suitable for this type of skirt) but i wanted something more for spring/summer. I will do a collage soon to see if my updated idea of coord is ok.

>> No.8058416

love the tights anon, thank you - I was thinking of picking up an alternative pair and they fit the bill. Finding nice quality, not too cutesy white tights isn't easy. The Classical Puppets theater of tragedy bag isn't my thing tbh although I think it's a good match (I have an irremovable bug up my ass about certain goth cliches, so crosses and coffins are out). The search for my perfect bag continues I guess.

In my head I like the almost pilgrim-like look of the headdress covering a lot of the bob wig, how well it will work in person however, I'm not sure.

>> No.8058431
File: 37 KB, 531x543, kjhgfdsxcvbnm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ditched the bag and i used the stuff i have at home (still i need to buy bolero and bow), the necklace would be in lavender/mint (i will create that by myself) and the rainbow stars bracelet.

>> No.8058454
File: 946 KB, 961x639, romantica for anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to play the devil's advocate here because I love the bunny theme, so here's a quick coord!
Fair enough, coffin bags are not for everyone-- but I've had the original Moitie coffin bag on my list forever. Maybe a simpler Meta bag if you can find one secondhand? Something like:
An anon has that last bag, it's breathtaking...
I like it other than the purple bow, a plain pink headbow would look nicer.

>> No.8058477

I'm Romantica anon and I love the coord. The only thing I'd be worried about is the ears. Aren't things like that ita? I don't want to make my comm look bad by looking like one(they are incredibly well dressed).

>> No.8058502
File: 156 KB, 900x1080, 9d37db07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inspired by the embossed purse in your link, I think I just found my dream bag. Thank you anon. My body is ready.

>> No.8058503
File: 455 KB, 910x478, ears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're pretty costumey, so you could go with a headbow if you wanted, but it's not like brands don't sell similar things themselves.

>> No.8058534
File: 22 KB, 570x379, il_570xN.578668565_e3he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbh bunny ears are very common in coords, especially in ott ones. The one anon posted looked adorable to me. If you're okay with it, I think you should try it! But if not, you can get a regular pink/white or even gingham bow as long as you're able to tone it down. I also found cute bunny clips at places locally that were Daiso-like. example is one i found in etsy that would match the bag.

>> No.8058538
File: 337 KB, 2400x1800, btssbredhood.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just want to grab some opinions before I start to flesh out this coord some more.
Pretty basic here, just starting to build my closet and I just got red hood dress.
Have: red tea parties, socks, and tights
Need to get: Blouse, head wear, accessories
Figured I should nail down the colors I want before shopping.

I was thinking pink blouse, with some type of pink leg-wear,
keeping the red tea parties, and adding a red head bow...
Still learning balancing the colors around.

Or just play it safe with a white blouse...
Sorry lots of text.

>> No.8058552

Ah, ok I'll try them so. Sauce on the ears please?

May I have sauce on the clip please?

>> No.8058557

Also is the bolero in >>8058454 white and can I have sauce please?

>> No.8058563

I personally prefer white blouse/legwear with red head bow and cardigan because I don't like pink x red.

>> No.8058577

Not that anon but it's Bodyline, it's their usual off-white that's more white than off-white.

>> No.8058584

>>8058552 had to reformat the link since 4chan thinks its spam
etsy.com/ listing /178369756/ bunny-hair-clip-easter-bunny-hair-clip? ref=market

and the bolero is from bodyline in the cardigan section, it says offwhite tho

>> No.8058586


>> No.8058589

So i will get a plain pink headbow, i thought to coordinate accessories as the colors of the skirt like lavender, mint or yellow but better i go by only pink! Thank you!

>> No.8058590
File: 542 KB, 764x751, dangerous nude jsk for anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foxcherry33 on taobao!
I'd go with the red Chess Story bolero, I feel like it fits with the Red Riding Hood aesthetic more. The coord looks really cute overall! Mint headwear matching the dress body would probably be the best to keep the colors balanced.
I gave not making this look super ugly a shot, I hope I at least somewhat succeeded.

>> No.8058600
File: 27 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would like some general recommendations for this. I've thought about going the typical circus look with harlequin socks, but it seems overused and tacky at this point.

>> No.8058614

If those tights actually match I will be very pleased, source? I'm not a fan of socks over tights ever though. I wore the original outfit anyway because I actually like being a tacky goth with this dress. >>8058273

>> No.8058619

When I was thinking about getting this my first plan was to do an oldschool coord with white RHS, white lace top otks and a big white headbow. simple but could be nice.

>> No.8058631

I'm currently thinking of doing same sort of thing with the socks, but I've seen people wear them with PC and something about them feels off with dress. I'm thinking of going with teaparty shoes, and possibly a red velvet headbow.

>> No.8058636

Thanks both for input.
Thinking of leaning toward white blouse, with the red bolero.
I really want to make a red bolero with a hood, so I just might do that.

>> No.8058647
File: 199 KB, 796x944, RC not PC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this dress would go quite nicely with some of the colour schemes AP used in Radiant Candlelight coords - none of these coords depend on the print motif so should be pretty transferable to Puppet Circus.

>> No.8058651
File: 804 KB, 959x613, puppet circus ideas for anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the dress really speaks for itself, so I'd keep it simple! I threw together a bunch of accessories you might like.

>> No.8058655

Mu-fish on taobao for all the legwear. The original coord would be fine with different tights, tbh.

>> No.8058673

Yeah, but it loses the tacky goth element which is what I love about the dress.

>> No.8058696
File: 256 KB, 720x480, 1420248731672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tacky goth element
Just shop at Hot Topic.

>> No.8058704
File: 217 KB, 500x500, ya dont say.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>classic is reminescent of victorian children clothing so who says sweet is ageplay is salty

By that definition all lolita looks like ageplay, but I dare you to argue any looks more like ageplay to the common passerby and seasoned rufflebutt alike than sweet. If I look at this pic, without knowing what I do, I see two girls who have daddy issues and their friend who likes fancier sundresses. Nothing sandy or salty about that. Also classic is closer to what was actually worn in the victorian era but pastels are what little girls wear now more often than not.

>> No.8058712

Am I ita for wanting to incorporate black rabbit ears into my classic coords? If fucking fawn antlers are allowed then I want to have cute fuzzy rabbit ears.

>> No.8058719

I have never in my life seen a child dressed this way.

>> No.8058721
File: 451 KB, 2400x1800, 1421372598874e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another vote for white blouse and red bolero, careful with the shoes though anon, they look a bit orangey-red here, the bolero and dress features a cooler tone of red by the looks of things.

I like the idea of a brown leather look bag, I think it create a nice balance with the reds and add to the country feel.

>> No.8058724

Not everyone lives in the States...have you seen how fucking much transatlantic shipping is?

>> No.8058732

There is a market for tacky mall goth crap, look around and I'm sure you'll find something that caters to you.

>> No.8058736

could you just stop? either accept the help or ignore it. just stop with your excuses, no one actually cares if you look good or not or how expensive shit is, we all know its an expensive hobby. you should've been thankful people were giving you advice on how to improve your coords in the first place.

>> No.8058737
File: 54 KB, 500x375, huehue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't live in the US, friend. Shipping fees are a poor excuse for being tacky.

>> No.8058750

Oh! I really like that necklace and ring too.
And a brown bag would be great idea, going to look at some.
Thank you for replying.
I am going to shop more for boleros and blouses too.

>> No.8058774


>> No.8058836
File: 23 KB, 355x340, 51xXJOrIuYL._SX355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to see a honey/gold wig with this (if it suits of course), I think it would give everything the 'pop' I think it needs

>> No.8058859

I'm making collages again!

>> No.8058897
File: 96 KB, 480x480, 137511-e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideas for coording this without going country loli on it?

I want to wear it for summer but I can't seem to get it to go anywhere that isn't country-sweet lolita...

>> No.8058905

with gingam, that's pretty much the hand you have dealt. Nothing wrong with it, so why not play it to the skirt's strengths?

>> No.8058942

add a touch of vintagey charm to take away the super sweet factor, using light leather browns/tans for your shoes and/ or bag is a good start. Hat rather than headbows etc.

>> No.8058951
File: 815 KB, 882x567, gingham for anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you can get away with a standard sweet-classic look pretty easily.

>> No.8059005
File: 132 KB, 500x750, product_variety_big_12323_2519_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought black tights would be best but I doubt taobao tights would fit her and it is usually too hot to wear tights anyway. Should I go with ankle socks more like in the pic? Would wristcuffs be too sweet for this outfit?

>> No.8059029
File: 166 KB, 750x750, TB2RlRmaFXXXXXOXXXXXXXXXXXX-1726648128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh and what about a hat like this? I'm starting to worry I have horrible taste in hats

>> No.8059033

Would be cute with a ribbon matching the dress tied around it.

>> No.8059037

And a couple cute matching flowers too now that I think of it.

>> No.8059098
File: 457 KB, 2142x1102, Hj8TTieWgf7O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts or suggestions?

>> No.8059106

It looks lovely overall. However, the bow on the blouse may cover some of the lovely bust detailing of the JSK. I would also go with a lighter wig for contrast since a darker one may make the coord too heavy.

>> No.8059113

sauce on headdress?

>> No.8059114

Should I go with a smaller jabot or bow or just stay with a collared blouse? Thanks for your help!

>> No.8059115

I really hate this, sorry, Ankle socks and that hat and/or the lace gloves is never going to look good. please just don't.

>> No.8059116

I think the wig is fine, but I'm concerned about the jacket. It could be hit or miss. Maybe it's just my opinion but I never like those semi casual military style jackets.

>> No.8059121

I think a smaller bow would be best.

>> No.8059142
File: 104 KB, 800x600, shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm getting older, so I'm trying to go from sweet to classic. Plus, I haven't worn country in a long time and can't see many opportunities for wearing it again. If I can't get a less Dorothy-like coord out of it I guess it might be time to let the skirt go.

Nothing actually wrong with country or sweet lolita, it's just time for me to "graduate" from it.


This seems interesting so I gave it a shot. None of the reds match in my collage, but I can work on that.

Was this anything like what you had in mind, or am I very off?


Ah, this was pretty much where I was headed, but I used too much pink. I'll try again with more red and see if I can get it to look more classic.

Thanks, anons.

>> No.8059166

I really love Atelier Boz jackets (I think the one in my picture is a replica), but I'm a bit lost on what kind of jacket to pair it with.

>> No.8059285

Yeah because that's what the average child wears. What a great point.

>> No.8059322
File: 73 KB, 480x640, 1370055-cha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering this beret with chocolate quartet op in brown. I have other accessories (two mocha hair clips that look very cute and pick up the light brown in the dress very well) but I need a more sold beret. Does this work? Thanks gulls

>> No.8059360

Thank you, Anon! I love the headpiece. Where'd you find it?

>> No.8059413

Phew just what I was planning on doing

Is it because the ankle socks are too short and would leave too much non-black space? Clashing styles? The gloves can go but the heat makes tights a huge pain in the ass.

>> No.8059417

I think it's something like that. I'm just envisioning it and it looks really bad. maybe it's because needing to cover your hands, but having almost completely bare legs doesn't make a whole lot of sense? idk.

>> No.8059450

Ok that makes sense, thanks!

>> No.8059623

Can I get the source on the bolero please?

>> No.8059626

I'm not sure a fluffy beret is the best idea. Can you not find a nice beige/light brown wool beret instead?

>> No.8059663
File: 42 KB, 676x473, jacket maybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a tan satchel would work better than a statement bag, but I like the idea of this!

I would like the military jacket with a more gothic coord, at the moment it's very vintage with the hat and gloves - if you'd gone with button-detailed boots and a high collared blouse I would've been more convinced.

Maybe a bolero or short blazer would be better? I'm a sucker for the Millefleurs boleros, and there's usually a few black peace now blazers kicking around on various second hand sites. I love the bust detailing on that dress, so maybe a low cut blazer will show it off more.

>> No.8059705
File: 87 KB, 640x480, rabbit coord 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romantica Anon here, what do you think of what I have so far in regards to jewelry? Should I go with necklace #1(Which comes with a matching brooch)? or #2(matching bracelet)? Or am i going in the complete wrong direction with the jewelry?

Also gonna get cracking on a toy theme coord.

>> No.8059762

Red Maria on Taobao, IIRC!

>> No.8059765

Whoops, didn't see this, but it's still in stock on the VM website.

>> No.8059770

>tan satchel

Yeah, I, uh, worked in the crown bag since I have it in my closet. But I did have a feeling it didn't seem to fit. A more sedate bag would fit in better with the retro theme.

Glad to hear I'm not going in a terrible direction, thanks!

>> No.8059787

I actually think bringing out some of the mustard/gold tone with a gold pendant would be nicer, and go for something other than a rabbit perhaps (referencing something else in the print). I think things can get a bit out of hand with themes sometimes.

Having said that, I think '1' is the better of the two, all white going to get a bit lost in the print.

Reminder too to be careful with your pinks, lighting in photos can be deceptive but it looks like you might be running the risk of mixing warm(ish) pinks with cool - it's always worth checking other stock photos if you can to try to gauge the colors a little better.

>> No.8059793
File: 495 KB, 660x990, 15566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up this skirt on LM a while back but it's kinda just been sitting in my wardrobe even though I really like it. I'd love to take it in a classic-gothic direction if at all possible but I've never been happy with anything I've come up with.

Um help?

>> No.8059842

I love it and have been considering to buy it too. Personally I'm not fond of this in an all black coord. I'd go with a white blouse. If you look at the beginning of the thread someone had a somewhat similar idea with a flower patterned black skirt.

>> No.8059851

I'm not sure which combination to go with for this one. I like the most left one best, but do the others look off?

>> No.8059856
File: 111 KB, 999x443, fairyfrill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped the photo

>> No.8059879

>that bag
Link, please?

>> No.8059886

Hot topic doesn't sell tacky goth clothing anymore.

>> No.8059888

Thank you kind anon!

>> No.8059900

I think far left looks best too. The jacket wonks up the silhouette and white blouse make you look too bulky around the arms and a bit in the torso. I imagine the fabric for the JSK is pretty light, so you can sort of tell there's something underneath it. Do have any girlier black hair pieces? Imo the beret doesn't fit the feel of the far left coord right now.

>> No.8059904

Really? The one near where I live still carries Tripp pants and all the other good stuff.

>> No.8059913
File: 1.23 MB, 999x862, buyingstuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at the moment, I just started last year so I'm still building on the accessory and blouse end. I'm waiting on a taobao order that probably won't even be shipped out for another month because I'm dumb and bought a couple of dresses that take 30+ days to make.
pic related.
Doe you think the floofier headpiece at the bottom would work nicely?

>> No.8059923

is it supposed to be that baggy at the waist?
That looks weird
That white blouse does not fit you, it's humongous.

>> No.8059933

yes, it's VM fairy frill low waist jsk

It really isn't, the sleeves are just big and poofy.

>> No.8059939

Oh okay, I don't think that white blouse and the drop waist work very well, it makes you look 20x fatter than you are.
I think the flowy black headdress from taobao would be fine.
Do you have any other blouses?

>> No.8059940
File: 251 KB, 1367x653, coordhelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blouse/legwear advice? I'm trying to decide if any of these blouses would work (note that the middle one doesn't come with the cincher shown and the right one would have black ribbons instead of red). For the legwear, should I go with solid or printed? I prefer tights to OTKs.

>> No.8059946

duly noted
no other white ones, my other black blouses aren't very different either atm, one has a high collar and ruffles, the other is also "chiffon" with a fluttery collar >>8059913
are on the way in the next little bit

>> No.8059949

White blouse looks huge and I can't imagine any way to wear it that wouldn't look weird. Left is best for that reason but maybe try a different white blouse? Also the wig and beret look cute.

>> No.8060006

i think the first blouse would look stunning with the skirt anon, second is ok and third...not so much. I'd be tempted to just go for high quality black lace tights, as boring as that may sound, then add really gorgeous, interesting shoes, bag and headwear.

>> No.8060060

Who cares what people thinks if a person wear sweet and also well i don't see that much nowadays children wearing frilly dresses, usually they wear pants or skirts that are more pratical and more bright colored or dark rather than pastel. I don't care if you still think sweet look like "here see! I have daddy issues!" or the common passerby, i'm tired of this. I don't think you aren't that salty but i prefer to not reply anymore. This a place to help people to coordinate stuff, not to shitposting.

>> No.8060068

My local HT doesn't do mallgoth anymore either. It is all tumblr fandom stuff. Dr Who, MLP, etc

>> No.8060120

usually the mallgawff is in the back of the store where the lingerie and socks are.

>> No.8060156
File: 1.72 MB, 1056x888, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get some input?

First real coord, not sure what to do about headgear and accessories, or if my legwear really work.

I do have the barrette that came with the dress, but it's kind of big.

>> No.8060162

Different black shoes imo, those are pretty ugly.
either a simple black headbow or try putting the barrette onto a headband. How big is it?

>> No.8060174

Tried the headband thing, it's not too big for that, but it doesn't lay flat, and I don't really want to glue it down. It's like 5" across and maybe 3" wide? I was a little wary of using a black bow since my hair is black, but I can definitely do that.

Those are just the shoes I have, I've got another pair of black heels but I didn't want to look too strippery since it's a mini jsk, and I was planning on buying some new shoes soon as well. They're not nearly as ugly in real life, though, promise.

>> No.8060206

I think you need an underskirt to your knees or just above them.

>> No.8060211

It's a mini JSK, it's not supposed to be full length. It's AP, but I don't plan on telling anyone that it's lolita should they ask. I'm aware that it's too short for that.

On another note, is there a word for stuff like that? Salopettes and babydoll style dresses that aren't really lolita but are coorded the same way as lolita? Or is it just like general alt fashion?

>> No.8060223
File: 489 KB, 929x409, viking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all I have so far. (I'm pretty bad at coording.) The taller boots aren't the exact ones that I want but I'm debating between a shorter boot or a taller one. I have 0 idea what type of blouse that I want to use besides that it has to be long sleeved. The tights have a cable knit pattern so they have a bit of texture. Any ideas?

>> No.8060228

Lower boots, and those tights don't really match the maroon on the dress very well.

Blouse I'd go either gray to match the lighter part of the print, or wine/maroon if you can find something to match the trim.

>> No.8060267

For what it's worth, in Japan, they still call that shit lolita fashion.

>> No.8060284
File: 1.17 MB, 1346x1046, celestial clusterfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this skirt coming in the mail, and knowing AP it's gonna require that I wear it with the black underskirt, so I tried to balance the coord with more black and gold. Any feedback at all would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for shit-tier collage.

>> No.8060287 [DELETED] 

Seagulls how would you coord a SoftCream JSK from Bodyline in mint or blue colorway to make it look like some real good burando coord

>> No.8060297

Your colors are all wrong with this. If you really want to do a black-and-navy coord, you will want to match your navy better. The tights and flowers in the left corner are too blue and instead need to be match the navy in the lace of the skirt.

Colors aside, the blouse is not very elegant and looks off with the coord.

>> No.8060298

>sorry for shit-tier coordinate

>> No.8060307
File: 102 KB, 640x480, 6539_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright /cgl/ coord me this motherfucker
>hard mode: make it god tier or so
(coord of mint colorway of this JSK also accepted)

>> No.8060308

yeah the flowers were just an example, the ones i have are actually definitely navy. you're right about the blouse, thanks. would a simpler, chiffon one work better do you think?

thanks i c ould help bro

>> No.8060318
File: 143 KB, 400x600, ergi-viking-series1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's the quality of that dress? Any pics? I like the print and colors but the stock photo and pics of the girl selling them wearing it didn't convince me.
The tights look way too solid imo and the red might be too saturate . I'd go with the shorter boots since the dress is already pretty long judging from other pictures.

>> No.8060328

I don't mind the socks but I'm not crazy about the gloves either. (sorry).

>> No.8060334

Only thing I'm not convinced by is the cardigan. Something about the neckline + the neckline of the dress bugs me.

>> No.8060347
File: 105 KB, 445x768, brown-viking-necklace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The candy rock beads bother me so much.

I get what she was going for since glass beaded jewelry is time period accurate, but damn, it's a bit too colorful and candy colored for lolita. Something like pic related (but smaller and more subtle) would have been nicer.

>> No.8060352

>a bit too colorful and candy colored for lolita
Heh. Well for her outfit maybe.

>> No.8060418
File: 59 KB, 327x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any suggestions on what to coord this with?

>> No.8060422

White and black and gold accessories.

>> No.8060426
File: 769 KB, 1056x629, 1421440351954e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some ideas

>> No.8060437

funny you mentioned that, as I was specifically trying to avoid the white blouse route heh. I guess I'd just love to play with the black and the other color tones.

>> No.8060446

The only problem is I'm pretty tall. 5'8" so I always assume dresses are going to be on the shorter side for me.

>> No.8060478 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 409x501, 56775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's wrong anons but I really want to try a goth maid outfit with this, I've sat on the idea and it won't just budge, I want to make it work.

Please help me turn this into a monumental sophisti-weeb reality.

>> No.8060482
File: 34 KB, 409x501, 56775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's wrong anons but I really want to try a gothic maid outfit with this, I've sat on the idea and it just won't budge, I want to make it work.

Please help me turn this into a monumental sophisti-weeb reality.

>> No.8060544

>shitty bodyline dress
>hasn't put in any effort or attempt at coord
>demanding attitude

>> No.8060587

>First blouse and lace tights
Excellent, thanks so much!

>> No.8060597
File: 789 KB, 600x806, ice cream conehead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it, why not

>> No.8060604

They all look the same to someone outside of lolita... daddy issues for all!

>> No.8060617

see >>8058647
and >>8058651

>> No.8060742

Just weeb out with it. Rectangle headdress, cat ears, collar with bell, OTK black socks with white lace toppers (preferable with visible garter belt), white lace wrist cuffs, high heeled moitie-esque platforms...and a tail?

>> No.8060751

They really don't all look the same, I have no idea why you seem to think that. Gothic looks like goth, classic looks like weird old lady clothes or dolls, and sweet looks like weird anime or loli shit. Hell, most people would never think they are all the same fashion.

>> No.8060794

What about a blue blouse? Infanta has some navy chiffon ones...

>> No.8060803


Little dipper has a navy underskirt, if you want to get out of having to coord with black.

>> No.8060836

In that picture, specifically, they all look the same, is what I meant, sorry.
I mean, all the girls have huge bows in their hair which is seen more as little kiddish, than old ladyish. It doesn't look like a sun dress at all.

>> No.8060902
File: 1009 KB, 1046x701, soft cream for anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a bad attitude but you seem new so I'm taking pity

>> No.8060925
File: 737 KB, 722x687, slepnir for anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked >>8060426's headwear so I made my own coord around it.

>> No.8060940

Source on bag? I love it.

>> No.8060947
File: 257 KB, 1390x844, coord1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the dress came in and I love that it has two sets of ribbons in the back to adjust the underbust and waist sizes. However, these add some decent bulk so the full length cardigan doesn't work as well. I'm looking for boleros in ivory or black that don't look like they're supposed to be cheap bridal wear.

>> No.8060948
File: 907 KB, 887x725, celestial for anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to keep it classier with this one, here's some inspiration

>> No.8060952

It's from Modcloth!

>> No.8060972
File: 648 KB, 898x688, boleros for anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8060977
File: 906 KB, 605x605, gardenberries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you don't mind the selfpost. this is how I coorded my jsk, so I hope it helps with what you're trying to imagine with the bag.

>> No.8061051
File: 565 KB, 650x600, bbvbvbvbv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time ever doing one of these.. Am I going in the right direction? Any help at all will be greatly appreciated

>> No.8061065

You're going pretty nice and safe! I like it. It helps that that dress is so beautiful that it can stand on its own. What do you plan for a headpiece? How about a bag?
Personally I think heels would look better than those shorter shoes, but the ones you've got are non-offensive.

>> No.8061107

i'd say if you're going for different colored shoes, you should balance that with your bag and/or accessories. I'd like the lace tights with this though if you match the texture with your bolero, it'd give it a balanced look.

>> No.8061130

Make sure you have some simple bracelets and/or rings so that your arms aren't so bare with the short bolero.

>> No.8061131

The one on the right is 7000 yen and is on fururun.

>> No.8061141

Thank you guys! I was having a lot of trouble with accessories, I've been looking for flowery stuff cause I'm pretty sure the theme is flowers, but I'm having trouble finding something that'd suit without it looking gaudy. If I changed the shoes I'd probably go for gold and accessorise with gold coloured jewellery (for the bottom of the dress, or would silver work better? I can't really tell the colour) I'm not sure if theres any other themes that could fit with it or if having a themed bag might be too much for it. I'd like to keep it simple but still lolita, if that's possible.

As for headpieces, I have absolutely no clue what to go for. Same with wigs. I'm still fairly new to lolita and I'm not sure what'd suit.

>> No.8061147

Isn't the underbust ribbon supposed to tie in front?

>> No.8061163

Try some chunky mary janes! Flat/ platformy type. Plus you can find comfy real leather ones if you're into that, instead of cheap bodyline. I think they'd be pretty cool.

>> No.8061166
File: 57 KB, 763x510, pearls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about silver jewellery in flower shapes? Since you've got short sleeves, a charm style bracelet would be really cute. All the stuff on the right was found on pinstripe and pearls.

>> No.8061192

I think you'd like frannie rose for inspo

>> No.8061199

What are some bracelets/rings I could make easily to go with classic lolita?

>> No.8061211

This may change some things. I'm already taking the cardigan ribbon off because it doesn't match the reds (it's more pink irl)

>> No.8061218

decent cameos and charm bracelets are least likely to look cheap. I personally dislike fake pearl bracelets because they usually look fake, so would avoid long strings of pearls although pearls may be cute incorporated into a charm bracelet.

>> No.8061222

Awesome, thank you! That's exactly the kind of thing I was looking for. Do you reckon a short slightly curly light brown wig would look okay with it? I'd go for a blonde or something but unfortunately lighter hair colours look shocking on my skin.

Is that Fanny Rosie? I googled her and got her tumblr, she's pretty much what I strive to be! Thank you!

>> No.8061251

Yeah, I think that'd be fine - imo blonde could be too light anyway

>> No.8061422

I agree with the OTKs
The idea is an OTT coord.

I'm also trying to get a different headress from the original series, but I still cannot find it. I don't want a plain bow.
I have the same as you.
Have you thought about a different headress?

>> No.8061472
File: 569 KB, 517x603, h.naoto_lavender_gothic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, cgl,

I want to improve my coords. I'm still learning and building my wardrove. I have some ideas here and there, but I want feedback in them.

Specially, I'm trying to find a way to coordinate a lavender AP blouse, which I adore, but I find hard to coordinate.

Aside of that, I want to evaluate the coords I have done already (not for points, no, but for critique to improve)

This coord has a round headress but is a little bit hard to see.

>> No.8061496
File: 955 KB, 702x577, DDH_help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other coordination I'm struggling with.
I don't know what kind of jewerly I should wear.
I'mplanning to get some of the set's accesories.

>> No.8061911
File: 272 KB, 452x311, co.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell in love with those shoes you posted, but they're unavailable everywhere. Thanks, though.

The only bag I have that is even remotely lolita is pic related, it's actually very pale in real life.

>> No.8062147

Cute although I do not like the purse and purple flower. Also what is up with the cross earrings? >>8061496
Also cute! I do not like the pink bodyline shoes you have picked out for this but that is because they are just a hideous design.

>> No.8062148

I own real pearls but when I post here for con crit people always tell me to "take off the shitty Jo-anns pearls" or something along those lines...

>> No.8062212

Oh snap. Not that anon, but I think I'm the one who mailed you that bag from Canada. Looks good, anon!

>> No.8062224

I have the bonnet. I think it would be fine for something OTT if I were to support the floppiness with flowers and pearls, but as for an alternative option, I can only think of a veil headpiece being an appropriate alternative. Though, I don't know how keen I am on wearing a veil. I like flat and floppy bows on the head, but not sure how well that would transfer to something OTT.

Soooo, I'm not too sure what to do about a headpiece.

>> No.8062568

Do you also take really terrible photos?

>> No.8062678
File: 2.45 MB, 2000x1219, vmcoord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really not sure where I'm going with this?? I know it's an OP but It's more low cut than I'd like so I'm looking to coord it with a blouse without it looking terrible.

>> No.8063212

Thanks anon.

What kind of bag? plain black?

>> No.8063804

th-thank you based anon
sage for no contribution

>> No.8063962

Plain black or black x white or white. The book purse doesn't really fit with a sweet dress and the tones of the purples don't match.
Don't take what I say as gospel, only change if you agree. I am not the best at lolita but I enjoy helping people make coords.

>> No.8063985

Adding a blouse you'd probably want to avoid anything with a collar like that. It'll look hella awkward. High-collared would probably work best.

>> No.8065561


Can I get links to these shoes and headdress?

>> No.8066178

get a high collared blouse and ditch the choker, but overall an okay coordinate. a bit busy.
nice and simple. i like it. Look into a hat or headdress, blue or white flowers would look nice.
very pretty
there's no saving that disgusting dress. sorry ladies.
lighter colors with this piece would look so much nicer than blacks. i like the blonde wig, but everything else should be swapped. good luck though, that skirt is a lovely piece.
nothing about this is nice. that dress is just... eugh.
middle one.
cute. a different blouse and bag would be nice, and since there's no blacks on the skirt i wouldn't put any black in the coordinate. it looks out of place.
get rid of the jacket, it won't sit well with the dress. try putting wine colors instead of blacks.
the colors are okay, the items themselves are not. switch the blouse, socks, shoes, and gloves.
this is not a lolita dress.

>> No.8066180

I'm >>8066178

sorry, >>8060223
I meant to write that to

>> No.8066663

>wine colors instead of blacks
Wouldn't that be too much of one colour, though? Other anons suggest different cuts, which I think would work, but the jacket is a necessity due to the weather.