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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 26 KB, 500x315, tumblr_inline_mherxzEcGn1qad55j[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8046457 No.8046457 [Reply] [Original]

How bad was your first coord?

What kind of Milanoo monster did you wear?

Or, did you do your research first? Was your first coord not-so-awful?

Share experiences, photos, etc.

>> No.8046463

My first "coord" wasn't milanoo, but it was a handmade rectangle skirt from quit fabric that couldn't hold a petti (not that I had one) and a lacy tshirt from F21.

My first coordinate after I considered myself a real lolita was a Twinkle Journey replica and I didn't really match colors very well but I still looked leagues better than that first disastrous attempt.

>> No.8046467

My first coord was bodyline gingham cake skirt and a weird cheap blouse from them. It was cold so I tried coording it with black since my coat and tights were black. Didn't work. I also messed up curling my hair and it looked bad right before I left so I couldn't fix it.

>> No.8046486

I had a first actual lolita coord which sucked, and then another one before that which was truly cringeworthy.

>> No.8046537

My first coord was an ugly fanplusfriend black n' white jsk (which I bought at regular anime shop double or triple priced) with civil non-matching blouse plus terrible high-heel boots, without any headdress(at first I wanted to add fucking cat ears, but hopefully I didn't lol). Without a petticoat, of course, because I didn't had one. And I wore that crap at animu-meet for 13-years old weaboos in our city, and many people told me "you did a good cosplay" kek.
Sadly there's still photos of me somewhere in weaboo groups.

>> No.8046545

Handmade skirt from Joann's fabric, thrifted office lady blouse (it had puffy sleeves, definitely lolita!), plain white tights, flats, unstyled hair with some cheap ass ribbon hairbows... bag that coordinated in color but not style.

The only thing I can say is that I at least had some color sense, but everything else about the outfit was terrible.

I still have the skirt though, I can't bear to sell/give it away, even though I never wear it anymore.

>> No.8046546

>first Lolita coord
>"I got this, I have brand, I'm not like those itas!!"
>buy a btssb JSK and btssb blouse

>dress gives me a terrible boobloaf
>blouse too big at the waist yet too small at the bust with gaping buttons
>neither time nor money to buy a new one
>"Fuck it, it's under my JSK, no one will know!"
>no headpiece
>no accessoires
>shitty black shoes that did not look Lolita at all
>felt super cute and glad to avoid being ita "because I wear brand"

I still cringe thinking about that. Thankfully this was for a con and when I entered the comm I was better dressed.
>a-at least it wasn't milanoo

>> No.8046555
File: 172 KB, 330x495, DR00054_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my first dress. It's one of those you tried dresses, it could've been ok if not for some details and the overall feel. Didn't really help myself by wearing a normalfag pointy collar blouse, no socks and real fucking ugly ballet flats with weirdly coloured buttons on them.

>> No.8046561


I feel if we took off all the lace, lacing and bows, and did a simpler design overall, we'd have a winner. Unfortunately F+F does not know simplicity.

>> No.8046599

My first coord was in '06/'07.. bodyline wa with a nonmatching gawffick pettiskirt, striped kneehighs, platform mary janes, pastel pink wig with uncut bangs and one of my bjds carried on my shoulder. Jesus fuck. So shame.

>> No.8046627
File: 88 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe I was 13/14 years old. It could've been worse I suppose..

>that awkward posture
>no make up
>no accesoiries
>unstyled hair

>> No.8046637

Remove the bows, eyelet lacing near the bottom of the skirt and the boob lacing
Wear with a nice black blouse

Though the lace overall could use changing you could definitely alter it

>> No.8046690
File: 1.04 MB, 889x960, whichone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it was too bad(I couldn't find my black tights when I took the photo so I just overlayed some black quickly because I was asking how it looked)

>> No.8046750

My first coord wasn't great, but it wasn't completely ita, I think. The worst part was probably the fact that I was wearing a frilly T-Shirt underneath because I didn't have a blouse, and brown normalfag shoes with a red dress, but I did have a proper petti, headwear, and a nice quality wig with trimmed bangs. Then again, I'm way too self-conscious to leave the house for more than the grocery store unless I'm sure I look halfway passable.

>> No.8046773

My first coord was with Baby's Claudia the fairytale princess...
Still in love with my first dress-

>> No.8047848

wheres the cream-y coloured blouse from?

>> No.8052617

It's just a blouse I found at the thrift store that's actually way to big, but it gives the sleeves that billowy effect.

>> No.8052640

face looks young, neck looks old

classic tell of looking at woman's neck to determine age currently failing

how old are you

>> No.8052660

My first coord was surprisingly not really its, since I had to wait so long before my mom would get it for me, I had time to research and stuff. I guess my first full one with shoes and everything was a really pretty classic dress from Infanta (a size too big, but I'm finally getting it adjusted soon) and that matching headbow, and a surprisingly nice long sleeved blouse from bodyline, and brown lolita shoes. I think I just had plain tights. at least I had a good petty.

>> No.8052663

*too ita

>> No.8052667


>> No.8052679

Short-sleeved brand OP with plain dress shirt, no legwear, no accessories, no makeup, flat hair and cheap Payless mary janes. Yes, I went outside like that.
I like to think there are no pictures but I suspect my grandma has one framed somewhere. Father told me I looked like a gothic Alice in Wonderland. I was like 14 or 15 at the time and was so clueless when it came to fashion that in hindsight I'm actually impressed with myself for not wearing jeans with the damn thing.

>> No.8052724

I was really happy with my first full coord. I spent a lot of time researching the fashion previously and tried the best with what I had. I was really well received with my comm and on Tumblr.

>> No.8054239
File: 68 KB, 540x960, IMG_288629401015248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first coord
I still wear it on occasion because my friends like seeing me in it. Honestly, I'm just glad it wasn't milanoo, because I almost ordered from them.

>> No.8054424

Looks like a shitty cosplay

>> No.8054479

I'm well aware
I don't think I could ever part with it though, it's where I started out
And it's sure as hell a lot better than some milanoo lace monster

>> No.8054691

Holy fuck that thing is ugly

>> No.8054695

>moonstruck chocolates bag

>> No.8054698

What the fuck are you talking about? Do you see any wrinkles on that neck?

>> No.8054700

That dress is really... interesting...
I just hope you don't use that wig anymore. The bangs are terrible.

>> No.8054703

That wig really wasn't meant for you... maybe with make-up you could make it match your face but it doesn't look good...

>> No.8054728

Tidy your room

>> No.8054787

I live a couple hours away, but yes, I'm in the PDX comm

The whole thing is being retired soon, I kept it only because my teacher offered me extra credit to wear it. It was my first wig that I cut, it's going to be replaced shortly

Yeah, I had never really bought a wig before at the time, so I thought I was doing good. But I plan on getting a new one soon.

My bad, I was in the process of a possible move and was cleaning my room when the doorbell rang. I was so excited that I had to put it on immediately.

>> No.8054826
File: 571 KB, 336x798, yeahmanno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was really not cute. I got better briefly, lost a lot of weight, but ultimately don't wear lolita anymore. I look better being a youthful looking man than trying to be a cute girl any day lol.

>> No.8054833
File: 156 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first coord was pretty cute, I think. I did some research and lurked for about three or four months before finding a dress on Lacemarket and god damn, was it perfect for me! I'm Cthulhu obsessed and was in love with the sailor aesthetic (still am).

>> No.8055433


>> No.8055539
File: 78 KB, 158x533, BUUUUURRNNNNN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never managed to afford enough lolita to create *good* coords, but oh boy did I create a bad coord.

It's not a coord. it's a monstrosity.
But hey, I was young and carefree.

And I've learned thoroughly from this dark time portrayed here.

>> No.8055542
File: 133 KB, 238x684, at least it aint milanoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and there's this too. Which was a while after I got into lolita. A better time.

>> No.8055557

do you have any form of social media that documents your clothing now? i used to follow you on tumblr but last i remember that account's dead.

>> No.8055565
File: 1.51 MB, 1080x1440, momshreddedthisdresswhenifailedcalc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first purchase was a huge taobao order, and it could've gone way worse.

>> No.8055588

No fucking way. I will trade you my entire closet for that dress.

>> No.8055589

why are you here? go fuck a geobasket

>> No.8055600

>dat filename

>> No.8057202
File: 21 KB, 358x477, 1010108_467540870039097_697522580_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could have been worse. enjoy a potato quality pic. good times. my poof was huge. i remember worrying that people would think i didnt have a blouse, when the dress didnt allow for one and being really scared of being judged when i joined my comm.

>> No.8057207

Are you fishing for compliments or something? I won't say it's good but it's better than the way some of the weebs in my comm dress, and they've been into the fashion for months or even years.

>> No.8057398

What you needed was a nice jacket or bolero.

>> No.8057439

Didn't you just post this in the draw thread, like a week ago?

>> No.8057450

yes and I think she said it was her first try

>> No.8057465
File: 129 KB, 800x600, IMG00094-20121130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could have been worse...

>> No.8057474

Yeah, I only have 3 coords right now, but that one was my first one. I don't have decent photos of myself in the other ones yet.

>> No.8058540

I'm not fishing for compliments.
I'm just posting my first "coord" since this is a first coord thread i guess?
but it could have been worse, yeah

>> No.8058561

If it's her first coord it's her first coord, not everyone started out wearing neon legwarmers or something. It looks like a pretty standard first coord to me.

>> No.8058568

Mine was a homemade one that was a black and white coord when I was a teenager. Thank god I at least had someone else to sew it.

It's as bad as you would expect it to be.

>> No.8058573
File: 73 KB, 366x683, antiqueshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what I ever saw in this dress but I thought I was ttly steampunk. So much attitude too.

>> No.8058592
File: 520 KB, 1109x1920, tumblr_n2m432ZP7o1tvbpq8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first coord. I researched tons before getting into lolita physically but I didn't have the funds to put together a well thought out coord >u< (The ears are inexcusable though)

>> No.8058598

OT but is that a conure?

>> No.8059294

Lookbook I guess? Honestly I update facebook more regularly than anything, but I'm trying to document it better. It's @babybird

>> No.8059311
File: 334 KB, 256x202, kawaii desu ne.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more pics of bird. Also you look good.

>> No.8059323

What dress is that?

>> No.8059460

That's a cute dress, anon.

>> No.8059486

which i ended up getting after i realised. i fixed this coord up to be so much better later on.

>> No.8059755

It's an old bodyline print, I don't think it's on the site anymore.

>> No.8060029

I love the parrot.

>> No.8060044

My first proper coord was fine-but-boring I think, except for no hair accessory. Black Bodyline dress (doesn't matter which, I ordered like three at the same time and can't remember which I tried on first), black tights, black Bodyline shoes, Classical Puppets petticoat, Gothic Lolita Wigs black wig, and some Taobao accessories. I have one embarrassing early photo where I'm trying to cover up lack of blouse (I didn't order everything from the same site and a Taobao JSK and petti arrived before the other stuff) with a scarf. A fleece scarf. It was only a bedroom selfie while trying the dress on to see if it fit, but it looked pretty awful. I keep it to remind myself that, although the coords I wore out of the house were fine, my first bedroom attempt wasn't all that. Helps me remember that newbies in their enthusiasm just want to wear their dress even if they don't have anything to go with it (although I still get to sideye if they wear it out or post coord pics to tumblr).

>> No.8060048

I feel like that'd be fine if it didn't have that godawful print.

>> No.8060050

Don't like the blouse that much though. At a distance it looked fab but looking closely the collar is really weird.

>> No.8060058


>I kept it only because my teacher offered me extra credit to wear it
I keep seeing posts like this and wondering what the fuck kind of universities you guys go to. Seems a bit unfair; if I was a professor I wouldn't offer class credit for something like an outfit no matter how much I liked it.

I'd call that a "not bad" rather than a "cute". I mean, it's fairly cute as an outfit but as a lolita coord it's merely okay. The dress is pretty nice but those Oxfords don't match stylistically.

>those clown shoes
I remember when that chunky style was really popular in the Bibles. Dark times.

I actually kind of think this is okay? Like, it's poor as a lolita outfit, but it isn't one of those things that in hindsight, it's hideously embarrassing to have even left the house in. From a normalfag perspective the colour matching and stuff is fine.

>> No.8060059

Brand itas fuel me.

>> No.8060124

>tfw first purchase was also a huge Taobao order
>got an email from SS saying both of the blouses I picked had sold out
>couldn't find any new ones that would match the dresses I'd picked in the same price range, ended up not getting any
>spent several months with only one non-ita outfits (an OP) despite spending $800 on my first order

>> No.8060143

I thought lolita was just petticoat + lace + frills back in 2008.
So I wore my first "coord" to a convention, which consisted of a black ruffled overskirt made of polyester, a white square dancing petticoat (it peeked out the bottom, to you know, give a little more coordination), black clown-esque shoes from hot topic, white socks, white blouse with horrible puffy sleeves, white lace overshirt, black corset, & a B&W maxipad headdress a friend made for me. I thought I was so cute at the time, I look back and fucking cringe

>> No.8060148

I literally got every item minus the socks, corset, headdress, and shoes from Goodwill.

>> No.8060254

If I had a picture I'd post it for you, anon~

>> No.8060256

eeyep. This dress along with Chess Chocolate, Glass Bottle of Tears, Meta's Fairy Tale, and the rest of the little wardrobe I had been slowly building over the previous year. I cried for weeks, but at least now I know to keep my academic shit together.

>> No.8060268

What the fuck is wrong with your mum? A Chess Chocolate, taken out of circulation forever?

>> No.8060272


>> No.8060353
File: 140 KB, 637x637, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this doesn't really count 100% since this was just a test fitting. Before I wore it out and about I had a navy bolero but I can't find pictures of that.

>> No.8060520

Oh jesus yeah I used to wear the clown shoes all the time.

>> No.8060542
File: 260 KB, 479x385, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just so happy to get my first dress.

>> No.8060563

Wtf why are you keeping ramune bottles? Are they to kawaii to throw away? You must be like 14...

>> No.8060591

Read the filename and weep, anon.

>> No.8060596

not her but I used to keep mine because I like the glass ball inside of it. only kept one at a time though. Something about the ball was calming

>> No.8060614

Do you have ocd?

>> No.8060633

Hmm...I think my first coordinated outfit wasn't too bad - just mediocre. Oddly enough, I've made more ita looking shit outside of my first meet up (ex: trying on a blue Anna House skirt with a non-matching blue tee shirt from AE with no socks).

This was probably 7 years ago, so iirc:
>grey pinstriped jsk, handmade from a comm_sales user
removed the bad lace, had no lining, and worn with a slip-type petticoat
>white short sleeved high neck blouse
Bought at a flea market while overseas
>grey trouser socks with pretty black embroidery from Macy's
>Platformed patent leather dress shoes with a single ankle strap from Payless
>Black dull-satin headband from Claire's

I don't know what happened to the photo. I'm really bad about keeping a time-line of my outfits and it didn't help that a lot of files have been destroyed because of viruses.

>> No.8060637

>I don't actually know what OCD is, but I want to use it as a buzzword!

>> No.8060638
File: 254 KB, 1222x1630, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First outfit; I made wristcuffs and a beret out of this speckled brown and cream fabric; but they were badly made and pretty much falling apart; haha. Of course my first outfit was the infamous clock dress.

>> No.8060644

>>8060637 i have a type of it myself. If someone says they keep trash because a marble in it is calming they could very well have some kind of ocd.. it might not be the case but it's still odd.

>> No.8060657

I have a type as well, more the hoarding type (though not as extreme as you'd see on Hoarders or anything), and people always get really surprised when they find out, because my workspace and my room are always a mess. It's just because I feel like something bad might happen if I throw certain things away. It manifests itself more in odd habits than obsessive neatness, so a lot of people don't believe me when I say I have it (not that I often tell people).

>> No.8060663

Is this supposed to be rare? I have one. Is your closet nice?

>> No.8060851

I got each one at a different location, one I got when I went to my first location, another was from the first time going to the coast, etc. They have sentimental value to me.
I'm hoping to turn a few of them into bottle lights

>> No.8061041
File: 102 KB, 556x960, omg wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my very first lolita coords, but one of the first.
It wasn't as bad as it could've turned out but not that nice either.

>> No.8061058
File: 414 KB, 1280x1707, firstcoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First coord was all Krad Lanrete all the time. I think I did OKAY, but the blouse was off-brand and you can really tell >> All, those OTKs really didn't go at all...

>> No.8061075

That's the detail people ignore: the obsessive part. You obsess over these things so you have a compulsion to keep them. It's in the name. I'm baffled why people can't grasp this.
>sage for OT, sorry

>> No.8061439

>all these people with Taobao or recent brand releases as their first coord

I spent like five seconds trying to figure out wtf was wrong with your legs before I realized there were no legs in there. Cute capelet though.

>> No.8061453

Can't read the filename for some rrason, why did your mom shred your dress anon?
I'm sorry that happened to you.

>> No.8061462

I have the hoarding type as well, but I am also hyperactive and have anxiety, so I see why she would find that calming. I have to keep my hands busy at all times or else my nervous ticks get very bad.

>> No.8062000

Thats so horrible anon

>> No.8062029

My first coord took a few weeks. I purchased my first "real" Lolita dress in the form of an ivory and gold OP made by Chantilly. Then I accessorized it with matching OTK's from AP and a cream-colored half-bonnet from btssb.

>> No.8062340

That hair :(
Those shoes :'(

>> No.8062416

Oh, wow, I think I used this dress in my first coord, too, except in pink. Bodyline, right?

>> No.8062429

Oh God, what a hot mess for such a nice dress. Usually mistakes are when items aren't lolita, but with that everything is lolita but nothing matches.

>> No.8062433

Because she failed calc.

>> No.8062495

Yeah it was! Its actually my first lolita dress ever

>> No.8062900

Yeah, I just wasn't in a place where I was willing to spend the money/time to find things that really went together. I thought I'd never get the courage to wear Lolita out of the house. Hah.

>> No.8063931
File: 128 KB, 682x432, just like in the animes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have two rinsed out ramune bottles from my first real convention artistically placed on the "kawaii" level of my display case.

>> No.8064147
File: 554 KB, 960x686, actuallyreallymilanoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a dumbass and don't have a full body photo anywhere any more, I guess?

It was actually really milanoo (blouse, "dress" and black shoes with white lace deco with plain white stockings). Added the chain-things, white lace on the sleeves and black lace at the bottom of the skirt.

No make up. Not even mascara. Or lenses.
Just plain and aparently constantly angry coplita.

>> No.8064177

Odd quirk that this reminded me of: I actually really like ties in some outfits. I think it is insanely hard to pull off, though.

>not saying I like it here, just reminded me

>> No.8064546
File: 131 KB, 500x754, 577090_10151275572021224_238476756_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on the left.
Bad choice buying a replica but I thought Sugary Carnival was the end all be all of lolita. After that never bought a non-natural colored wig again. Lost weight, did a few decent coords (kinda stopped buying lolita due to having to pay medical bills lol), but that will always be the most eye-bleeding embarrassing thing I ever wore.