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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 49 KB, 612x960, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8055857 No.8055857 [Reply] [Original]

Images that cosplayers post up that nets them thousands of new followers! GO!

>> No.8056065

what's on her leg?

>> No.8056073

i want to say a tattoo, also she's sucking in soooo hard

>> No.8056074

Posting a single picture on facebook is never going to get you thousands of new followers.

>> No.8056097

her waist is def photoshopped

>> No.8056113

What horrible Photoshop skills. Look at all the bending/warping in the background and how the idiot just used a blur to make it less visible.

>> No.8056122
File: 48 KB, 640x358, OKARUTO+%282%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mark with which the Others branded her when she signed the Contract

>> No.8056126

Jesus, /cgl/ really is full of catty bitches

are you really that jealous of some bimbo with mediocre facial aesthetics and fake tits?

>> No.8056128


Jealousy? Over what? The picture looks like shit.

>> No.8056131


> "What catty bitches"
> calls her a bimbo
> mediocre face
> fake tits

Bruh are you that big of a hypocrite?
You're insulting her just like everyone else.

>> No.8056132
File: 32 KB, 543x886, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is up with this perfect square

>> No.8056137

Why are her boobs a different color?

>> No.8056147

yes but I'm a guy and I point out the actual issues, not some stupid shit like "the background is blurred" and "she's totes sucking in her stomach" to make it seem like I don't care about how hot she is

>> No.8056150


Who gives a rats ass what your gender is? Literally doesn't change how you're no different than everyone else in saying she looks like shit.

>> No.8056153


You're as much of a catty bitch as everyone else here.

>> No.8056157

>wig and bikini
She's a regular attention whore who felt as though she didn't get enough attention from normies so she slapped on her meecoo wig to cater to weebs.

Not even that attractive bruh, just go to /s/ or google "hot bikini babe" or something if you want to see more "beautiful" girls.

>> No.8056166

not even mad, just pointing out the obvious

>> No.8056168

Boobs are definitely fake but I like the shape.

>> No.8056173
File: 46 KB, 479x720, roflbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8056179

I LITERALLY just said she's hot

>> No.8056185

My penis cares.

>> No.8056190

Wow, Bitch much, I think she looks great.

By the way, if none of you knew,This is Mary, Cinnamontoastken's girlfriend. In this video she shows how to get big cosplay boobs, so that might explain why her boobs look fake. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZk5ON9T7KY
Sorry for ranting, but I just wanted to make this clear.

>> No.8056215

She's pretty but this video makes her look stuck-up.

>> No.8056225

So what if you're a guy?
You'll never bone someone like that being a greasy little manplanet whining about ~*~WOMMINZ~*~ having a problem with picture quality, which actually is pretty important in a hobby that's centered around aesthetics.

You permavirgin moron...

>> No.8056232
File: 271 KB, 612x960, 463743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She seems to have a nice body (yes, I know her tits are fake, but they suit her) I don't know why she has to shoop herself that much

>> No.8056238

she really did shoop in her waist on the (her left, our right) and possibly her butt on the same side, but there it looks more like it was poor editing while trying to blur the bg

>> No.8056260

butthurt landwhale detected

>> No.8056275
File: 126 KB, 720x480, FAGGOT IDENTIFIED.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8056287

butthurt manbeast orbiter detected
I can almost hear your cheeto fingers from here..

>> No.8056313

Rare but happens sometimes, best example for that was when JNigs Pikachu cosplay went viral ages ago.

>> No.8056316

She really is sucking it in though.

>> No.8056321

It kinda looks like the same tattoo my grandfather had to get to mark the spot for radiation therapy for cancer

>> No.8056328

Sorry, was supposed to be a reply to >>8056065

>> No.8056331

She would still be very attractive even without photoshop

>> No.8056377

I've seen some of her make up tutorials before, i hate them and they feel like the same tutorial everytime. Link below is her Mars tutorial


Maybe she knew someone who had to go through it and got a tattoo for them? Its horrible having to see people go through such a thing.

>> No.8056400
File: 194 KB, 1367x2048, IMG_36069946465585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were saying?

>> No.8056405

Everything looks so ill fitting, hell even her underwear look ill fitting. I hope its just the pose.

>> No.8056472

That's a wall. Humans build them for various purposes.

>> No.8056476

masamune didn't gain thousands of follwers for that
and there's already a thread up shit talking masa and the AD crew so it's kind of obvious who this butthurt person is

>> No.8056498

Tfw I didn't even know her name just seen this shared multiple times on fb within the past 24 hours with countless praises, which is related to this post. Nice sandy vag though?

>> No.8056512

>thousands of new follows
>673 people

>> No.8056516

The cosplayer....not the photographer. Masamune is the Tog.

>> No.8056521

Kek why are defensive?

>> No.8056523

Her costume isn't even that great.

>> No.8056527

Her fucking bang is wrong

>> No.8056531
File: 66 KB, 960x592, IMG_39980103352166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got +1k followers recently. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.8056541

More than that, she was on 10K on the 8th Jan and now she's jumped to 12K, and I think there was a big increase before the 10K as well.

>> No.8056543

She gained 2k+ actually lol
I love it though

>> No.8056547
File: 48 KB, 601x640, IMG_40340831437028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she has the bod for it.

>> No.8056550

before the mememe posts she had around 6k

>> No.8056558

She has 12k now so I guess the mememe cosplays worked.

>> No.8056560

I don't give two farting shits what you dumb ugly cunts thing, this bitch's me!me!me! cosplay has got it goin' on, and whether there's been photoshop or improperly cut bangs, or ill-fitted clothing, she is ten times more bangable than 90% of you will ever be.

inb4 I know her or whatever you people say to try to make yourselves feel better, I literally just saw this bitch for the first time of my life.

Call me thirsty all you want, but this bitch be gatorade when the rest you harpies be bags a sand.

>> No.8056563

Why are you attacking us though? I've only complimented her. Kek! Way to make us hate her.

>> No.8056564
File: 2.06 MB, 174x174, 1418400374269-0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8056574

I hate those shoes with a burning passion.

>> No.8056577

Her bangs aren't even cut right wtf are you smoking

>> No.8056579

Wow you sound like a nigger.

>> No.8056581

Oooooh man hi this is the cosplayer and this is the funniest fucking comment I've ever read in my life bless your soul.

no need to attack people who don't like the cosplay tho it's fine haha not everyone's gonna like it s'all good! <3

unflattering and uncomfortable but oh well too late now

they're only slightly rounded but I agree I could have cut them better

>> No.8056588
File: 758 KB, 668x960, 8648.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had more boobs before you lightened this picture.

>> No.8056589


Too much fuckin' sharpen.

>> No.8056593

i <3 u nicolette

>> No.8056594

lol yeah

I think it's the gif edit since all I did was add a meitu filter

>> No.8056595
File: 225 KB, 382x600, 127b287f49e23f18990d08aacf0184615c6932f4.49964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would much more telling with the original image from social media. But yes, you can see some low error level areas where shoopage occured.

>> No.8056596

Why announce yourself when it's obvious you've been here fighting the numbers of likes this whole time?

>> No.8056597

love you too anon bb

>> No.8056602

wait what?
I'm not fighting the numbers of likes someone just linked me when I was posted lol

I announced myself cuz I didn't care

>> No.8056606

I never understood how these things worked, does it like highlight or w/e the pixels making it easier to see what has been edited? Sorry for being stupid.

>> No.8056614

Wait, so you're the real Church of Ass?

>> No.8056615

if the area is much brighter than the rest, that signifies photoshopping. The problem with >>8056595 pic is that it's tough to tell because it's not the original image. Also happens to images that are resaved.

>> No.8056631

Are you ever gonna do the after dark series?

>> No.8056640

Kim pls leave

>> No.8056643

Ah, my nightly dose of trash arguing on cgl.

What a bimbo lol.

>> No.8056648
File: 106 KB, 1296x1846, 5484208402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically this is a sellout thread? Rosanna had a fun ride there for awhile.

>> No.8056650

Whiteknight much?

>> No.8056652
File: 515 KB, 1500x1500, 1287861097183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is awfully negative

>> No.8056655

Welcome to cgl newfag?

>> No.8056660

Ah, i see, that makes sense, thank you for helping me understand.

>> No.8056667

Is she the same lady who was getting pissed at people when they saw that she didn't have any underwear on beneath her loincloth/what ever that is? Or was it a different chick with the same costume?

>> No.8056668

>Maybe she knew someone who had to go through it and got a tattoo for them? Its horrible having to see people go through such a thing.

I went through radiation therapy five years ago for a tumor in my brain, it was the coziest series of hospital visits ever. The doctor told me that I might lose my appetite for a few months or get a mild rash, I'm so glad none of those horrible things happened to me.

If someone got a tattoo for me I'd presume they have some issues that greatly exceed mine.

>> No.8056672

While there is some shooping, it doesn't seem to be that bad. Still would love to see the original photo, though.

I'm jealous that she can afford fake tits, if that's what you mean. I'd kill a man for rhinoplasty, jaw shaving, and a breast lift.

>> No.8056674

>those enormous breasts
>that tiny, short cleavage
I don't understand.

>> No.8056678
File: 22 KB, 500x281, all-in-the-game-yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending no one
>white knight

>> No.8056679

The secret is that they're not actually enormous, she's wearing a push-up. They honestly look pretty average in that picture to me.

>> No.8056680

They must be pleaser specials. I had the same ones in patent black. They are Gods punishment for whores, fuck the second circle of Hell.

>> No.8056683

why not go get it done in south korea? even paying for a plane ticket, it's thousands cheaper. trust me, i've done it.

>> No.8056687

I would get it done in South Korea, they seem to do jaw shaving the most. I trust them to do it right. But I simply don't have the money right now. Maybe in a few years.

>> No.8056689

We're cosplayers here, so of course we're talking about cosplayer likes, not photographers.

>> No.8056692

Fuck me, it's not a good night because i'm actually so fucking stupid that i mixed up Chemo with Radiation. Please feel free to laugh at me.

I am glad that things went well for you then.

>> No.8056693

how could she possibly do that in a bikini top though?

>> No.8056732

When my grandfather had radiation it was fucking horrible. The chemo did mess him up, but the radiation was worse. He also had very advanced cancer (and he was very young for a grandfather) so that made it worse

>> No.8056760

those fat tree trunk legs....

>> No.8056768

you must be a girl

>> No.8056778

not into cankles, sorry.

>> No.8056781

I like her cosplay and I have nothing against her personally (I don't even know her) but tattoos and piercings seriously ruin displays for me...

>> No.8056846

How do you get images to do this? Is it like a program? Sorry I'm dumb but I've seen this more than once and I'm curious to know how to do this.

>> No.8056910

Don't apologize for your quest for knowledge.

That being said, here's a site I found that will do it for you, along with teach you what it means:

This image: http://fotoforensics.com/analysis.php?id=127b287f49e23f18990d08aacf0184615c6932f4.49964

Tutorial: http://fotoforensics.com/tutorial-ela.php

>> No.8056920

>confirmed for not being a high test alpha male

>> No.8056936

Most people are girls here. Surprise, nigga!

>> No.8056946
File: 346 KB, 600x583, 1401155071909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never tongue-punch her fartbox the morning after a Chinese buffet.

W...w..why live?

>> No.8056952

Thanks man.

>> No.8056971

Cosplay big boobs aren't possible in revealing outfits. They're fake AF.

They're also perfectly round rather than teardrop shaped (gravity) so they're also obviously fake (and a bad job at that) for that reason.

A good boob job won't be too obvious, the surgeon shouldn't go up to such a size that they're round instead of the aforementioned tear shape. If they defy gravity (yaya, jnig) they're clearly a shitty fake boob job.

>> No.8056978

Everyone also reacts differently to it, if you were in otherwise good health (besides the tumor) it would have been a lot easier on your body and you wouldn't have as many side effects.

Also depends on the area that needs to be hit with the radiation, larger areas will have worse effects. The side effects are radiation sickness, there's a variable amount of radiation that makes people sick.

>> No.8056984

Don't lose hope, man. She's in this very thread. Who knows where life will take you.

Yirico, if you're reading this, I will tongue-punch your fartbox any day, no matter where you've eaten. I just hope you know I mean this sincerely. <3

>> No.8056988
File: 168 KB, 512x384, MoonTear1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw your comment makes me want to replay Majora's Mask

>> No.8057013
File: 1.88 MB, 300x233, 1366362644572.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dem child bearing hips

>> No.8057027

Why are boys so gross?

>> No.8057029

oh man someone should run a few of It's Raining Neon's shooped treasures through this thing.

>> No.8057035

Do you mind telling us how much you spent, with a break down?

>> No.8057044

>MM3D on its way

I really wanted that Skull Kid statue. I hope they release more preorders for it.

>> No.8057067

What happened to her? She was really popular two years ago but she's not that big anymore

>> No.8057069

ITT: reverse image searching, because you're all too much of a dick to name your images

>> No.8057072

Что за хуйня в ОП-поcте?

>> No.8057090

>why are boys so intimate

Because we're not after your money or power.

>> No.8057091

>tongue-punch your fart box

>> No.8057103

You wouldn't tongue-punch a stranger's fart box, would you?

>> No.8057104

these men would

>implying she's not a stranger just because they've seen her photos online

>> No.8057115

Well that's more they can say about most women.

>> No.8057160

damn you humble too. love it. stay beautiful girl, inside and out

>> No.8057244
File: 50 KB, 487x507, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not restrictedly image, but when she posted this short video to celebrate 7000 likes, she gained over 5000 new likes on her page, shes now on over 13k likes.

>> No.8057262
File: 76 KB, 638x960, 1236461_594130230651225_1178824028_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she got a trip to Tokyo for TGS after this pic.

>> No.8057278

The only other difference is removal of a few moles on her stomach which is apparent with her in a different picture, in same 'outfit' in her gallery. But thats a common edit alot of cosplayer prefer.

>> No.8057284

I agree, being a perv myself, its a turn off when the panty is all slacked and doesn't look 'filled'. Like looking at a set of saggy tits rather than perky ones. :(

>> No.8057295

People are pissed because they couldn't get a panty shot, cant get a panty shot if no panty exists. Lol

>> No.8057296

Whoa, whoa, whoa, ladies, ladies...I think we're all missing the point here, which is that I would totally destroy her buttpipe if given half the chance.
Shit, I might. Anybody got her rates?

>> No.8057307

Which one? I only recognise the one in the middle, shes good, but from looking at that image, i doubt they offered her a free trip based on that image alone.

>> No.8057311

Holy mother of god. Why hasn't she got decent images instead of cheap looking point and click photos! She needs to capitalise on this while she can.

>> No.8057315

Think thats just shadows, or where the light isn't falling onto as much.

>> No.8057320

Its actually bronzing cream, she demos it in her youtube vid on how to get bigger looking boobs.

>> No.8057322
File: 55 KB, 625x417, 33680_108657159198537_1404076_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Precious won a trip after a Konami costume contest at Comic con.

>> No.8057327

That would make more sense.

>> No.8057339

it's her body, all of you are being bitches. who cares if she photoshopped or not? she didn't do it for you, she did it so that she could look the way she intended to. she's beautiful out of cosplay and has a very nice body. to the girls bitching at her, nobody cares that you don't look as nice as her until you point it out by attacking her. boys, you're fucking pigs. she's not there for you to look at. as she even explained in her video. which explains why her boobs look fake. as a lesbian, i can spot which boobs are real and which ones are not. i shit you not.

>> No.8057347

That looks so fucking uncomfortable.

>> No.8057518
File: 122 KB, 632x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away belle, noone here wants your opinion here. Go back to your Variable thread.

>> No.8057531

>as a lesbian
Is this the /cgl/ version of "as a guy"

>> No.8057575

Whats being a lesbian got to do with being able to tell if her boobs are real or not?

>> No.8057887


>> No.8057901
File: 74 KB, 960x1280, 123753836875412471872345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no problem with fake boobs but these look hard as rocks.

>> No.8057904

>Haters gonna hate.
Even if I hate the trend I'm actually very surprised somebody went through all the way with it and not just slapping on an old wig and calling it a cosplay.
Same here, she took the time to search for the exact underwear (or make it) but god these shoes are ugly.

>> No.8057909
File: 28 KB, 550x550, 25mm_googly_eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8057922

Those look painfully hard. I wonder, if she lays on her stomach will she be propped up by them?

>> No.8057933

what exactly is so great about them being natural? a lot of people find the exaggerated rounded shape that yaya has attractive.

Surprise: tastes in boobs differ among guys and even if you're a flatty-chan yourself it doesn't mean you should hate on 'fake bimbo tits' because there are people interested in you too.

>> No.8057940

Fake boobs look good when done correctly. I have seen so many botched enhancements. Mostly due to them going up too fast in size and the implants not taking to the muscle underneath the breast tissue.

>> No.8057957


She says they are real under the exact same pic on facebook.Don't have a problem with fake boobs but with liars.

>> No.8057962
File: 8 KB, 364x489, 13476036575892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those look like if someone touched them, they would just pop and explode. I'm worried for her.

>> No.8057976

That... is a bald-faced lie.

>> No.8057994

I know not a single non-virgin who likes hard fake boobs.

Yes, they may look appealing to some people, but they're not fun to play with, which is ironic, given their similiarity to baseballs.

>> No.8058109
File: 359 KB, 762x552, banimai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except she didn't say that.

>> No.8058126

I don't even mind revealing cosplays and stuff. She's super pretty and she obvious has a nice body, but the way she photoshopped her waist is scary and it looks like she's like, half empty and folding in half from the thumbnail

i think her waist would look sexier if it wasn't photoshopped so unrealistically

>> No.8058144
File: 26 KB, 201x182, legit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading the comments below the pic might help.

>> No.8058153

If she was actually doing the underwear correctly, she'd have a thong on.

>> No.8058178

I can't speak for other guys, but I like boobs more for aesthetic reasons. So it can be fake or real.

>> No.8058683

will there ever be a perfect me!me!me! coslpay? it's not even hard! how do people keep fucking it up.

Also the girl in the me!me!me! cosplay earlier in this treads legs look fuckin huge + fat ankles. the character is thinner than that.

>> No.8058685

Too bad she's lying.

>> No.8058706

They ain't even fat, they look juicy as hell lol

>> No.8058718

theyre fat. they are wider than her waist. that is not high test. that's just shapeless fat tree trunks.

>> No.8059158

Of course they are wider than her waist from that angle.

>> No.8059162
File: 52 KB, 930x800, two-pears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her legs, as long as the waist is small I want big fat thighs.

>> No.8059358

having really fat thighs would just fuck up my aesthetic. fat legs aren't kawaii.

>> No.8059370

no one is this stupid to believe

>> No.8059401

>theyre fat. they are wider than her waist. that is not high test.

Where are you from? Bizarro World
Where everything is backwards. All of your nutty asinine points are exactly what (real) males find attractive. Believe it

Not that I'm head over heels over this girl but she's definitely not what you're trying to make her out to be

>> No.8059410

This bitch got me so sprung Sonic the Hedgehog bouncin' off me for speed boosts

>> No.8059457

Holy shit what is this pink stuff in her crotch area???

>> No.8059471

i thought hips were supposed to be wider than the waist not legs?

they're fat. you like fat legs. fine. good for you. go find you some tree trunk dwarf ladies to jack off to instead of trying to convince a board of mostly girls that she's attractive.

>> No.8059473

i think the bottoms are too big and they're bunching up there.

>> No.8059475

I think girl in the op should cosplay the m!me!me! chick. she has the big fake gravity defying tits and nice body type for it.

>> No.8060958
File: 60 KB, 720x480, IMG_255555006402781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idol material? Riighhhhhtttt

>> No.8060961

Who is this

>> No.8060962

nO Way that's the same person

>> No.8060964

Yep it is. Check Nor Cal gathering

>> No.8061028

What in the sweet jeebus is on her crotch???? Are those period panties?

>> No.8061080
File: 326 KB, 2048x1426, 10682196_850778784943637_6853862334223709935_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep it's me?? iunno what this has to do with this thread tho

>> No.8061102

You look way different in this pic than the other. Must've been a weird timing with the camera in between facial expressions...

>> No.8061124
File: 204 KB, 500x311, deealwayssunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should cosplay Dee.

>> No.8061126

How do people even manage to shoop their photos and not care that people will notice?
I always get scared someone will realize and call me out if I use anything but a filter

>> No.8061307

she should cosplay a giant bird

>> No.8061326

yfw she's mac's wife IRL

and the waitress is played by charlie day's wife

>> No.8061883

Only women do this, because most guys are too blinded by teh smexy to give a crap.

I know a girl who had a shooped photo to bring her tummy in, and it was very, very obvious. Not a single person commented on it. Everyone told her how amazing she looked.

My personal opinion is, shoop effects, shoop lighting, shoop whatever, but don't shoop your body.

>> No.8061898

She has a lot of health issues now from all the drugs and sex

>> No.8062118

The lack of a wig annoys me

>> No.8062153

>I'm a guy
Dick or gtfo

>> No.8062156

5 stars

>> No.8062159

tattoo she got for a wedding
all the bridesmaids/bride got the same one
I know her

>> No.8062167

Her boobs are def fake, I know her.
But she is super sweet, and nearly impossible to hate once you meet her. My first impression of her when I first met her was that she was stuck up, but other than being high maintanence she's actually very sweet.

>> No.8062185

>only women do this.


>> No.8062209

bitch looks haggard as fuck. genuine question, not trying to troll: is she in her 30s?

>> No.8065326

>Gets bad cheap boob work
>"M-my tits are r-real guys! YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME!!"
This delusion its actually hilarious, she surely has some hardcore mental issues.

>> No.8065404

Oh, child, you've wandered into a place on par with /pol/ in terms of socially unacceptable behavior, these people are just better at being subtle about it.

>> No.8065798

Saved as reaction photo.

>> No.8065803

>>Tfw Still uggo tho

>> No.8066065

She has the perfect hair for the character.

>> No.8066122

ta gueule

>> No.8066127

bretty cool

>> No.8066173

/cgl/ is a dead cancer filled with landwhale cunts, much like /co/

>> No.8066545
File: 16 KB, 400x240, potato dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8067042


>> No.8067166

She has to be otherwise people might use her lies as ammo against her. You can bet her type is to suck up as much as possible to gain more fans. But at the end of the day, a camwhore will always be just that. Fake.

>> No.8067708
File: 132 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow this is actually a rare case where i think someone would actually look better without makeup and circle lense.....

also she looks kinda old how old is this chick

>> No.8067726
File: 786 KB, 500x275, tumblr_naq6dk1ynk1su9o7lo3_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also she looks kinda old how old is this chick

Too old for this shit

>> No.8067735

wow, what the fuck? is that leprosy?

>> No.8068370

contouring her boobs to make them look bigger

>> No.8071410

why didn't she just get bigger boob job if she was gonna do that shit

>> No.8071416

my guess

24, and she night club freqs

or 27 and clean diet

>> No.8075004

oh dear god, my boner.

>> No.8075016


>> No.8075337

It was for a fucking video tutorial lol

>> No.8075341

>Jesus, /cgl/ really is full of catty bitches

That's not really news.

>> No.8075350

>cheeto fingers


>> No.8075351

LOl sc'uz me LADIES, but I'm a GUY with muh OPINONS and jus wntd to let yall kno that I hav opininos as a maleanone on the wimminz board!!!111

>> No.8075362


I thought this was a cosplay thread, what the fuck

>> No.8075376


>> No.8075388


Also happens when images have actual shapes in them.

>> No.8075398

Nigga how is this even close to fat gtfo jelly ana-chan

>> No.8075736

Its an unflattering candid photo. it happens.
I have seen yirico in person and she's beautiful. Y'all just salty. but what else is new lol.

>> No.8076318

i'd stick my penis in her.

is that the point of the thread?

>> No.8079998
File: 186 KB, 800x1204, SilentWitch 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8084440

bump to preserve mememe goddess

>> No.8084499
File: 76 KB, 493x528, kawaiikiti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kawaiikiti and her naked post
She had one with her side boob showing but looks like she took it down.

>> No.8084938
File: 38 KB, 504x450, moar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg! more?

>> No.8085804


>> No.8086064


>> No.8086070
File: 110 KB, 923x1806, 10495323_923870517640098_4715995205890997059_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she posted this selfie on her page and jumped thousands of followers overnight. just for a fucking cleavage selfie
she'll prob jump on the mememe bandwagon soon ehough

>> No.8086086

Is Mememe still a thing?

>> No.8086156

As long as its an excuse to show skin and get shit load of followers, yes. it will be. Especially as the characters is based around sexuality, well something sexual anyway. I have no will power to look into the video, nor do i have the energy to examine the message.

>> No.8086160

wtf? I see this sort of selfies all the time. e.g look at my new wig (shot is 2/3 filled with cleveage) and they don't get 1000's of new likes, maybe shittons of likes for the image. Whats so special about that poorly taken photo?!

>> No.8086604

fuck if i know. timing i guess. she was at a con and people just swarmed her page

she does great professional shoots and those shots some of them are worth it. her stuff is great and the photos are great. this selfie just through me for a mindfuck because it's like no one had ever seen Yoko tits before

>> No.8086613

Yeah, thousands of bought likes maybe. Those saggy boobs and butterface didnt earn her thousands of likes

>> No.8087947

power button

>> No.8087957

So whats the cost of a pair of tits these days, and how much time does it take to see a return on the investment? Seems like every cosplayer female doing that shit these days

>> No.8088783


>> No.8089702


Don't have implants myself, but if buying boobs sells more prints, why WOULDN'T they?

>> No.8089715

Miku actually wears that bikini so it is technically cosplay? just because its not complicated doesnt mean its not cosplay.
it would be different if she was wearing some random bikini with a miku wig. then its shittier than this already is. calm down.

>> No.8089730

if you're gonna shoop your waist and ass why not shoop out your dumb tattoo as well

>> No.8089737

is she actually japanese/ does she even actually speak japanese?
it bugs me when cosplayers and "kawaii" models (like dakota) put their captions and shit in japanese, and then english...and apparently also spanish??

>> No.8090459

I've seen better cleavage pictures in the promote your page facebook groups.