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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8044636 No.8044636 [Reply] [Original]

So who is going to this party at Katsu?

>> No.8044640

Wow it sure is a shame there isn't already a Katsucon thread or anything like that right on the front page.

>> No.8044649

it's a party that's separate from Katsucon so it's not at the con itself.

>> No.8044650

Don't know the bitch who's hosting it. I was expecting Jess Nigri to host a party since she announced she was coming this year. I'll care about a party if she's hosting.

>> No.8044653

No Nigri, no care.

>> No.8044675

Pretty much.

>> No.8044715

Not with this bitch hosting. Nigri or gtfo

>> No.8044759

Oh this cunt. Yeah she's a real piece of work. Take my advice and don't bother going to this shit. Find Nigri at the bar and have a good time with we instead.

>> No.8044768

Wait this is the bitch what was shitting on Nigri the other day for saying "nigga" on her instagram lol

>> No.8044771

She surely loved letting her vj out at Otakon. My kids had to see that. I think they were traumatized

>> No.8044776

That shitty ass Fashion Week Ryuko? Yeah I'm sorry anyone had to see her vag and flap jack tits.

>> No.8044784

Well she IS the Rev Al Sharpton of cosplay....and just as annoying.

>> No.8044786

I used to enjoy Maki, she has decent cosplays (when it's not all completely tits and ass), but her attitude lately keeps getting worse and worse.

>> No.8044796

She's the worst. I hate my friends for being friends with her. She is so butthurt about everything. I want to block her to hide her comments but I can't, because drama.

>> No.8044808

Decent cosplays meaning the catsuit she bought from Yandy for her Catwoman when she claimed she made it? Okay. I agree with the attitude problem. She has this nasty, entitled attitude and she's turning a lot of people away from her. The shitting on famous cosplayers is the new thing she's doing now. Smart of her to shit all over Nigri when they'll be at the same con in a month.....

>> No.8044812


Jay Justice sure looks better, did she get plastic surgery?

>> No.8044821

Anon, she eats and breathes drama. It's a shame you have to see her bullshit. No one deserves that.

>> No.8044823

She's a peasant compared to Nigri and Nigri don't give a shit. She won't care.

>> No.8044846

Not going. It's nowhere near the con and has this shitty person as a host. Plus who goes to con parties hosted by a comic book store?

>> No.8044855

>Cough, anime con, cough
>Comic book party

>> No.8044868

Fantom Comics is a privately owned comic book store in D.C. and they are desperate for customers so they'll use anyone to promote them and for any event.

>> No.8044876

Can we just not talk about her? I think she enjoy the hate, and causes all these drama to get attention. Just ignore her and hope she disappears...

>> No.8044883

Anon, you are correct. She loves the hates she gets and I bet my next paycheck she will post about this on her Facebook in order to rile up her white knights and bring attention to herself. Let's not give her the satisfaction.

>> No.8045018

bitch looks like a fucking crack whore. dusty ass bitch

>> No.8045070


What gives it away? The amount of racial topics she talks about? Or how about the amount of controversial topics she posts on facebook?

>> No.8045071

so has this become the new Katsucon thread?

>> No.8045184

Both. She tries to make it seem like she's an advocate for black cosplayers but at the same time talks shit about them, especially if they cosplay they same thing as her. Her tweets about having white men as sex slaves are pretty disgusting as well.

>> No.8045241

No really. Let's stop talking about her.

>> No.8045244

please, for the love of god. stop bumping this thread.

>> No.8045264

That's hilarious.
Also somewhat arousing.

>> No.8045268

her boyfriend is white

>> No.8045369

And that is validating how?
This is just as bad as, I have a black friend so I'm not racist.

>> No.8045451

She treats her bf like a slave at cons. He's literally her bitch and he takes it because he has mad jungle fever.

>> No.8045512
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>> No.8045548

You read my comment wrong. The other anon knows what I'm talking about.

>> No.8045609

Not to be rude or anything, but I have a real question, if you all don't like her, why give a shit about some shitty party funded by some shitty comic book store. I get that it's the cosplay community and that is important to those who cosplay....someone enlighten me please.

>> No.8045625
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I've preselected everyone's outfits for the party.

>> No.8045638
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>> No.8045641

Puke.jpg thanks anon

>> No.8045647

No problem. Anytime.

She will rise to the point that she falls.

>> No.8045760

Man, that whole shit was hilarious. Watching all those keyboard warriors lose their lunch on her status about it was the highlight of a slow and boring day for me.

>> No.8045824
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>> No.8045972

she's a mediocre cosplayer. bad attitude. and i think she's some sort of online fem domme? what's with these new coswhores being pretty much prostitutes.

>> No.8045997

These SONICBOOMBOX parties are actually a lot of fun.

>> No.8046020

Actually all of this is pretty spot on about me anon. I'm impressed. Except I'm not JUST an online domme. I do it IRL too :)

Also lol I've never talked badly about a black cosplayer for being black. That one is false mang. You were all doing so well.

>> No.8046168

Please get shot multiple times by police.

>> No.8046185


No :)

>> No.8046196

They are and tbh the cosplayer is super chill despite all her drama she gets into...

>> No.8046206

Summoning the janitor to delete this. Not surprised this already got out of hand.

>> No.8046301

Hey thanks for calling out the African American Anime Lovers group on your facebook. We all pretty much hate you for making us looks bad.

>> No.8046304

Another member of the AAAL here and not a fan of this self-hating girl at all.

>> No.8046308

What's a nubian?

>> No.8046350

>I'm not JUST an online domme. I do it IRL too :)
What are your rates?

>> No.8046358

Probably hide the salami

>> No.8046381

Serious question: Does whoever is hosting an afterparty really have that much of an effect on how good or bad it is? Or are people saying they won't go out of principle? And does someone like Nigri actually mingle with the attendees?

>> No.8046454

You're welcome! You can always kick me out the group. But I forgot you guys don't operate with much common sense

>> No.8046461


Ohohoho Anon. You have to message me for that, silly goose.

>> No.8046725

Oh boy, time to embarrass myself over FB.
Won't be the first time.

>> No.8046783

I'm not an admin but i'll tell the admins and you and your page will be reported. If facebook gets enough reports for a group, they WILL delete it so I'd prepared for that. We don't need someone in our group who's a self-proclaimed self hater who shits on black cosplayers but pretends to be for them.

>> No.8046795

Not really but usually the parties with the more famous cosplayers do better. NYCC last year had Nigri and Han hosting and it was fan-fucking-tastic because they actually mingled with the fans and the way it was organized was impressive. I went to a no-name wannabe popular cosplayer's one and it just wasnt as good.

>> No.8047116

Shitty attitude, bad body. Overtly racist. Anyone who disagrees with her, or has an argument that isn't with her bullet proof ideology = racist/bigot.


>> No.8047126

Shitty attitude, bad body. Overtly racist. Anyone who disagrees with her, or has an argument that isn't with her psychotic ideology = racist/bigot.

What's funny is as much as she hates the white devil, she's getting porked by one!


>> No.8047142

The whole group she hangs around is like that, which is pretty much why most people despise and make fun of them. Old news, move along, stop giving these trashy bitches the attention they don't deserve, please.

>> No.8047144

Who does she roll with?

>> No.8047146

i dislike that she uses her burlesque "job" to validate all her slutty cosplays, and also the fact that she promotes her burlesque shit all the time

>> No.8047151

I love you bae <3

>> No.8047174

sarah fong, sister cacao, C&C

>> No.8047178

also the mouthy blonde that was with them at dragoncon. don't remember her name.

>> No.8047232


>> No.8047319

KO Cosplay with blonde wig?

>> No.8047320

Byndo Gekt and blonde wig?

>> No.8047441

AshB and blonde wig? She's very mouthy.

>> No.8047457

Anon's probably talking about Syren Cosplay.

>> No.8047513

That Cassian girl is part of it too.

>> No.8047528


Song related?

Fuck it, I might just go to this thing since I live here in DC.

>> No.8047943

Lol k. Please try. I never asked to be in AAAL BTW. Someone invited me. But please, be my guest :D

>> No.8047944

Me? Promote my burlesque? On MY page? Inconceivable!

Also I don't need an excuse to do slutty costumes. I just do them. #thuglife

>> No.8047948

I do skimpy cosplays because I like the design... And because I have the body for it #yolo

>> No.8047957


And one mooooore thing. I've stated on several occasions that most of my costumes never see a stage because they'd be hard to take off in 3 minutes. Even the slutty ones.

0/10 come up with better lies :)

>> No.8048370

You have the body of a used up coffee filter. It might have once been pretty, but you got stained with a nasty, ugly color.

>> No.8048380

Whoa now

Just because she can be a bitch, and is most of the time, don't drag her color into it.

>> No.8048387

Can we all just a agree that this bitch is an attention whore dramu twit and stop commenting on this thread. She's going to keep replying with her super duper witty repartee because she doesn't even have any whiteknights that want to defend her here.

>> No.8048428

Or maybe this thread is just fuel to her ego. People who wish to talk shit about you without you knowing can be a form of jealousy and envy. People obviously don't have anything better to do than talk shit about her, so in a way, she is apart of their lives because they care.

>> No.8048734

not familiar with Syren. I am only familiar with the DMV gang.

>> No.8048958


lollll I didn't even post that one xD But you are entitled to your wrong opinion <3


>When no one comments "HURRR SHE HAS NO WHITE KNIGHTS"

Make up your mind, anon. This is really confusing me :(

>> No.8051133

Maki's upset because she's the urban market.

>> No.8051191

plus she's not used to not having the feature to block anyone who doesn't follow her doctrine.

and of course not be able to talk to all of her yes men.

>> No.8051245

If this is how a "featured guest" acts online she should be removed. That's how you lose guests.

If she can't turn off her ghetto bullshit act for two seconds to make her sponsors look good, she should be removed. It's not someone they want representing them because it effects attendance.

If she's such hot shit she should have her own unsponsored event and host it herself for all her neckbeard jungle fever fans and not tarnish any event by being just general trash.

I say have her removed. Report her to the event coordinator. If their sales take a hit because of her they'll remove her and do whats best for their business.

>> No.8051302

God, why these

>> No.8051458

I wasn't aware /cgl/ supported anti-blackness and general racist rhetoric. Please tell me these and various other posts are trolls or /pol/ escapees.

... well they kinda have to be I suppose if they support JNig. I thought you fucktards hated her?

>> No.8051486

I was wondering the same thing. Nigri I guess is the lesser of the two evils because I've noticed there's a heavy hatred for Maki because of how outspoken she is. I mean you can dislike someone, but there's no excuse for some of the racism I'm seeing, though.
Then again, it's cgl so lol.

>> No.8051491


There's an option for hiding threads you know.

Also there's a difference between criticizing hypocrisy and being racist.

Lurk more, and maybe you'll wise up within five years. I have faith in you.

>> No.8051668

sonicboombox must be loving the free advertisement.

>> No.8051863

same to you

>> No.8052153

Someone up there told her to get shot multiple times time by police. Whoops, I wasn't aware that was considered 'criticizing hypocrisy'. Silly me thought it sounded a tad bit like racism.

Lurk more, and maybe you'll learn to control your rampant autism.

>> No.8052195


I don't really give a shit about any cosplayer, but if you think if nigri doesn't get the same amount of criticism and threats online, you need to lurk more yourselves. Getting threats doesn't take away from a person's general shittiness either. I'm not obligated to like someone just because they got death threats, so stop conflating the two.

>> No.8052260

Just like I'm not obligated to like someone just because they're black. Shitty cosplayer.

Don't like her attitude.
Doesn't make me racist.

>> No.8053209

>if you think if nigri doesn't get the same amount of criticism and threats online

Yeah nobody said that once, and nobody is really conflating anything since nobody suggested at any point that you have to like, or even sympathize with, someone because they received threats. Nor did anybody say you were racist for not liking her attitude. Unless you were the anon who said she should be shot by the police, everything you've just said is pretty much irrelevant.
But keep that trusty ol' dictionary beside you. Maybe one day you'll hit your mark and use a word in its proper context. I have faith in you.

>being this retarded

>> No.8053494

I....do have my own events? I produce burlesque shows and they all sell out. So.....????

Furthermore, I'm not sure how me talking about issues = holy shit WHAT A SHITTY PERSON/RACIST. That's funny. I didn't know people weren't allowed to have opinions. How silly of meeeeee.

Good show, anon. Jolly good show.

>> No.8053821
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There she goes.

>> No.8053828
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Encouraging more racial divisions.

>> No.8053846



>I was wondering the same thing. Nigri I guess is the lesser of the two evils because I've noticed there's a heavy hatred for Maki because of how outspoken she is. I mean you can dislike someone, but there's no excuse for some of the racism I'm seeing, though.

Not sure if you're lazy or just not nearly as literate as you purport yourself to be hun.

>> No.8053924

it's okay if I'm a racist cunt because I'm entitled to my own opinion

>> No.8053967


Great job. People only want you for your tits and ass.

They'll go see anybody's tits and ass, so you're not special.

>> No.8053974
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There's few things more cringe-worthy than white guilt

>> No.8054350


I'm a glorified stripper, anon. That's kind of the point <3


Yep. So racist. The most racist racist to ever race. Vroom~

>> No.8054458
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That about sums it up. You could actually be doing something worthy with your life.

>> No.8054482


Assuming I'm not already? Oh Anon, you're so funny. I don't make a living being a burlesque performer. If one of your lurkers on my friends list did their job better, you'd know that <3

Keep going btw. I'm trying to make the last 15 minutes of this 16 hour shift pass quickly.

>> No.8054486


But silly me, I forgot that you guys don't care but somehow you do. Lollllll

>> No.8054519
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Nobody assumed that was your living, that's just what you're known for. You were teaching and now you are a nurse's assistant to a private care patient. Not even a nurse. The assistant. Congrats. You're a 'glorified' nanny.

>> No.8054533

We love you too, Maki.

>> No.8054538

AHAHAH. Glorified nanny. That's too perf.

>> No.8054546
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I-it was here, Doctor.. I tried to tell her to stop, but she said she was my teacher and that she'd call my parents and say I was a bad child..

>> No.8054557


Yet I still get paid. Lol. Carry on.

>> No.8054573

At least I don't have to wipe bums to get my paycheck.

>> No.8054583

Then we have something in common :)

This seriously isn't fun anymore. I thought you guys could be more creative :(

>> No.8054590

You're right. This isn't. I'm bored now. Toodles.

>> No.8054593

You're grasping at straws seeing how I said none of that in my post.
I doubt you run any successful shows with that glaring lack of reading comprehension.

This returning to my point: your actions and speech represent those who hire you. You are costing them money by warding off attendees with the "lel haters on a hate". You should and most likely will be dropped from the event.

Hopefully if people stop staring that that picture of your butthole and actually report you to the event.

>> No.8054594

I was sad that I wouldn't be able to go to Katsu this year. Then this thread happened. Yikes.

I'll stick to MAGfest, the most cringeworthy thing about our guests so far has been the asslicking fanboys Jon St John has trailing him.

Maybe next year. Will keep lurking katsu threads.

>> No.8054599

Seriously?? Stop bumping this damn thread

No one cares

sage for crap

>> No.8054604


Doubters gonna doubt. People listen to 4chan. You are correct. Completely correct. I'm sorry I was wrong about you the whole time.

Those who weren't going to come just aren't. Those who will probably are coming to see friends, chill and have a good time. Me hosting has nothing to do with how good the parties are, and they are a fucking blast

But yes, you know. I'm gonna get dropped.

>> No.8054741

I'm amazed that y'all have the time and energy to hate on one person so much. Go do something with your lives.

>> No.8054752

you must be new here. cgl runs on hate. this is small-time shit. cgl has done far, far more hate on others.

>> No.8054758

I actually am new. I regularly find that i have better things to do than troll 4chan looking for things to hate.

>> No.8054763
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Top kek. Did the person in question send you here to whiteknight them?

>> No.8054768

Nope. Merely a friend who finds this whole thing amusing.

>> No.8055250

Nobody cares about your life

>> No.8055258
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>I regularly find that i have better things to do
I'd argue stuffing your face and then stuffing your whale body into shitty cosplays are not "better things to do."

>> No.8055670

lol. she ain't got nothing.

I remember when someone showed a white girl with a bigger ass than her, and somehow it was racist. Lmfao

>> No.8055681

This is truth.

>> No.8055682

I care about my life enough to post, and you care enough to respond. You are technically incorrect, the best kind of incorrect.

Sage for you're a faggot.

>> No.8055690

This is why Fooly Cooly cosplay gets better reception.

>> No.8055694

I can't believe she demanded Nigri to apologize for saying nigger.

Hell Yaya says it all the time.

>> No.8055697
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Why in the world did you post here with your cosplay handle?

>> No.8055706

Just to be clear, it was nigga, not nigger. And if anyone tries to act like there isn't a difference, they're stupid as fuck.
I wonder, in that thread that Maki started, how many people came in there and sided with her knowing damn well they've said that word before. This girl posts anything on FB, and they're lined up to lick her boots.

>> No.8055924

Fooly Cooly cosplay gets naked too...... I mean shes hot but shes doing the same thing... The only big difference is Maki talks about controversial topics more.

>> No.8056427

Isn't she Jonte Spruill? I met her once in her harley cosplay. She wasn't that bad. I wouldn't call her a 'regular' of that group. Just another African-American cosplayer who gets lumped in with it. She was with Mira, who is too darn adorable!

>> No.8056590
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Get off /cgl/, fatty.

>> No.8056601

A lesson people never seem to learn: if you're posted on 4chan just fucking ignore it.

>> No.8056724

Eh, not that bad from the back.

Have to see the front though.

>> No.8058013

hell even Bieber says nigger

nigga nigga nigger nigga. Whatever. George carlin said it himself. it sjust words. gettover it

>> No.8058015

Fooly has nudes?? Do show!

Fooly has admitted she does naughty pics, such as amazon from dragons crown. HOWEVER-- she doesn't get controversial doesn't bitch about race. Hell she didn't get mad when there was a white girl with a bigger ass than her. Something Maki thinks is a biological impossibility, therefor it's somehow.. racist(???)

What other controversies has fooly been in? I mean she's more willing to suck some D.. So.. y'know.

>> No.8058067

That's not what it's really about. It's all about attention. People make a huge deal about getting posted on 4chan because of the attention, good and bad, it brings in. I have friends whose names were mentioned here once with no followup, and they went off in this fucking tangent about it.
The rule of thumb usually goes that the more they protest something ("I would NEVER want to be cosfamous" or "omg I hope I NEVER get posted on cgl") the more they want it to happen.

>> No.8059758

This is why I respect Jazmin Jolly, Fooly Cooly and Knightmage. They are all awesome black cosplayers who don't post about controversial shit to get attention if a day that ends with Y goes by that they aren't spoken about. Princess Mentality, Jay Justice and this bitch live for racial topics which is why they are hated on so much. I'm not saying you can't be opinionated but when you post about shit like that EVERY FUCKING WEEK, people will get fed up and yes, you WILL get on cgl. Don't say "I don't care about drama or cgl" then hop on here to defend yourself when that happens. the reason people shit on those cosplayers is because they KNOW they care about being shit on.

>> No.8059761

So many fucking people last week on facebook were crying about being on cgl then turned around and say they "didn't care". UM.

>> No.8059789

Never heard of Syren, but Byndo and KO are ones to stay away from.

Then again, not a fan of Maki since she kowtows to Ayumi Nini.

Ugh, upstate cosplayers.

>> No.8059792

Yeah, that's Jonte. Good kid. Her and Mira make quite a team.

>> No.8059808

Ayumi lurks here

>> No.8059810

Jay Justice is the absolute worst. Glad she won't be cosplaying for a while.

>> No.8059822

Oh she does? Well, where else does a "well-connected" cosplayer such as herself get all her info from?

Wouldn't doubt we'll see this on her page.

>> No.8059874

does Jazmin Jolly even cosplay? shes got maybe one or two costumes.

>> No.8060192

i really ended up liking something about that fla queen quite a bit. rpdr ftw

>> No.8060200

nice try jnig

how's living with the folks going? do they like your fake tits?

>> No.8060546

both nigri and the nigress have souls full of dog shit.

>> No.8060574

I really wish people would stop that shit. I remember when tumblr was up JNigs ass for saying "i tired to be a pale asian flower" or something else like that and proceeded to say she was reinforcing negative asian stereotypes and violence against asian women. and all i could think was "wow you are some insufferable cunts".

>> No.8060778

Jay Justice follows me on tumblr. and I really wish she wouldn't. Like I like her costumes and everything but her need to be like "I'm BLACK AND DISABLED" all the fucking time is annoying as hell and the fact that she bitches at people for not knowing she's disabled it hella annoying. I also hate the blog cosplaying while black.

but heaven forbid you say any of this because apparently it makes you a racist. idk how about you just judge my costumes based off of my talent and not feel the need to pander to me and compliment me just because of my race. Idk I get told I'm people's favorite black cosplayer and I don't even consider myself to be black. (i'm waiting for people to give me shit for my Misty Knight coplay because I'm not dark enough though hopefully Katsucon will bring me that joy).

>> No.8061004

Yup I saw it all over my feed last week too. I wonder if we run in the same circles and know some of the same people.

>> No.8061009

who are byndo and ko? i've never heard anything bad about them here so i'm wondering what their deal is.

>> No.8061044

Jay Justice is disable? First I ever heard of this, but then again I don't care enough about her, just see her occasionally posting bullshit on my friend's walls

>> No.8061047

Byndo Gehk and Kitsune Kid (formerly KO Cosplay with her ex Miggy and their friend)

>> No.8061112

Ayumi is yellow fever jailbait trash and Miggy is a racist himself.
KO is just a sellout.
>everyone well known in the north east is crap
>the only nice people are the ones who don't push their "make me famous" FB page.

>> No.8061160

she really said something against asians?

Who cares? It's just words. I don't apologize to no one when I say nigga or asian. Neither does anyone if they say racial slurs.

>> No.8061177

That's not really saying anything negative about Asians, though. Just that she was trying to be a pale Asian beauty, a Yamato Nadeshiko.

>> No.8061417

if you live in the northeast, then you're probably in the same circle.

>> No.8061474

the blog cosplaying while black is kind of cool. there are some really cool cosplayers posted there that wouldnt get attention otherwise because black cosplayers tend to not be circulated as much. and lol "i get told i'm people's favorite black cosplayer" uhm want a cookie? lol. and why are you waiting for people to give you shit for your misty knight cosplay? i've seen white people cosplay storm and they've done an awesome job. stop waiting for bad shit to happen dickhead.

>> No.8061791

What did Byndo Gehk do though? She's not really bitchy at all and a fairly nice person.

>> No.8061970

>Yamato Nadeshiko
definitely not racist.

>> No.8061973

pity that Maki surrendered and ran off. I was having fun making her my house nigga.

>> No.8061999

Byndo has nudes out there. That's why she changed her name from GammoGahato Cosplay.

>> No.8062007

how is Yamato Nadeshiko racist in any way
why is this word so overused nowadays?

>> No.8062007,1 [INTERNAL] 

cause white titties are sexier than black titties

>> No.8062664

What really? Links?

>> No.8063695

Oh I knew about that.

>> No.8063737

Where can I find them?

>> No.8063740

her ex leaked them and they're glorious.

>> No.8063760

I hate that guy. Like I know her personally and the guy who did that to her was a text book abusive asshole without being physical. He wedge himself into her friendships and dictated who she was and was not allowed to hang out with. He decided that I was not ok because I encouraged her to keep cosplaying what she wanted to and to dress how she wanted to. And since her shitbag ex did that I will go down defending Byndo Gehk in that whole situation.

>> No.8063942


>> No.8063944

link about the sex slave thing?

>> No.8063949

hahaha that bitch is in that facebook group? jesus fuck i didnt know (am in it too)

tribe south fo Egypt, they're black. in general it means 'black person' now

>> No.8063953

fuck your common sense

>> No.8063973

she does have a point, anon

>> No.8063979

>the nigress

this isnt /pol/ anon

>> No.8063991

I'm gonna have to third that request for nudes!

>> No.8064341

Then you clearly don't know her. She bitch about cosplayers and photographers all the time

>> No.8064414

So true. She was complaining nobody wanted to take a pic of her at DragonCon and begged a cosfamous photographer to take a pic of her.

>> No.8065085

what point?

>> No.8065088


>> No.8065295

Thats a fake rumour m8, she doesn't have any nudes out there, she changed her name because she wants a solo career, without being tied with Ko Cosplay. Fresh new start.

>> No.8065496

Don't forget Thieving Cunt, Bully for starting cosplayers, and worming her way into people's live to steal their man.

Oh lawd Miggy. He's also a manchild.

KO.....don't get me started. She was horrible at Megacon.

That's what I heard too. So full of herself.

Why doesn't she wanna be tied to her? Is she tired of KO's shit too? Did she.... deliver a KO to KO Cosplay?

>> No.8065516

>She was horrible at Megacon.


>> No.8065552

Friend of mine didn't know the anime she was from and thought she was from Skyward Sword....and she bitched him out cause she thought he was looking at her lower back tat and her ass.

He couldn't really see in his wig though, so he couldn't tell.

But she kept chewing him out about being a perv and looking at her the entire time.

Seriously KO, if you're bitching about pervs all the damn time, you have some issues you need to work out.

And btw, the cosplay she was doing was Bellows from Gargantia on the Verdant Plane. Google the character.

>> No.8065557

The nudes are of Byndo, not Ko/Kitsune Kid

>> No.8066248

Links to them?

>> No.8066297

Dude, nobody wants nudes of KO.

>> No.8066314

Stop spreading the nigga bullshit

>> No.8066332

What does Gammogahato have to die with KO? Fuckin noob!

>> No.8066458

They are good friends, but yeah Byndo/Gammo isn't part of the trio that was KO Cosplay

Also nudes of Kitsune are okay too but doubt any exists, but it'd knock her down a peg or two of her attitude

>> No.8066463

Her attitude sucks from getting hit by cars everyday

>> No.8068714

why is fooly cooly cosplay just as bad as maki? i've yet to see her display a racist bitchy attitude