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8032314 No.8032314 [Reply] [Original]

Two USA qualifiers happening this weekend (PMX and Newcon) with still no 2015 finals location announced this late.

Some top tier participants in the qualifiers this weekend.

>> No.8032321
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>> No.8032323
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>> No.8032329
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>> No.8032340
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>> No.8032373

You are being sarcastic with the top tier comment, right?

>> No.8033207

Yes, dear anon, that was sarcasm.

>> No.8034101

So it happened this weekend, anyone has any info on who won the these qualifiers?

>> No.8034112

Look up the World Cosplay Summit Preliminaries FB page. I tried to post the link but apparently it's considered spam.

>> No.8034266

can anybody confirm or dismiss the rumor about WCS/TV Aichi now asking for an application fee/entrance fee for all teams?

>> No.8034601

There is also a rumour about having to take a virgin test

>> No.8034699
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Ikkicon winners

>> No.8034703
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Newcon winners

>> No.8034711

Jesus christ I want to cry.

>> No.8034899

What happened to the World Cosplay Summits high standards that they used to have ???
I feel like Europe, Russia and North America are a joke compared to the Asian countries. Which are always fantastic.
What the hell happened.

>> No.8034959

omguh ma azns always the perfect

>> No.8034961


That's just you

>> No.8035061

you have to send in a resume, and they pick form the resumes. There has to be 3 teams or the prelim is cancelled.
if all they get is ok, then ok is what gets picked

>> No.8035103

Countries where there's been consistant good management and it's held at a large event typically send better entries, even in Europe. There's been no real continuity in the US, first there was the 2004/5 debacle and no cons would host it, then it came back but Anna Fischer happened, and now it has all these prelims, but the list of cons change every year and nobody knows where finals will be held. Given the amount of time and money that you have to put into having even a chance to go all the way, most of the best people in the US will try maybe twice before they decide it's not worth it because nobody really knows what will happen in any given year with prelims.

>> No.8035155

Sorry no one wants to hold your hand anymore, Krystal

>> No.8035159

Wut? Dude don't vague vendetta. Explain yourself.

>> No.8035483


Why are you still hung up about not winning? Move on.

>> No.8035505

What exactly did Anna Fischer do again?

>> No.8035506


>> No.8035519

Isn't Krystal the one in charge of the teams? I met her in the 2012 round, she was nice... What happened here?!

>> No.8035551

Can we have some actual information without OMG VENDETTA!!!!! being thrown around? My impression is that WCS has always been either rigged or a joke in the USA but I have no idea why.

>> No.8035564

How old is that Amelia? Damn.

All of these winners are so sad.

>> No.8035571

This. I'm really curious

>> No.8035803


Sit down, maybe no one wants to talk to you as you're obviously incapable of being not crazy.

>> No.8035809

Just look at her wild places thread, speaks for itself.

>> No.8035810

Is no one noticing that AMAZING SAMUS?!

>> No.8035824

What's your issue? That is my only post in this thread; I'm not the one making random, accusatory posts that make no sense because for some reason you think that everyone here is Krystal. Is there a reason you want nobody to talk about WCS's drama? Either spill the gossip or shut up.

>> No.8036532

Yes, but I am also noticing that shitty Megaman.

>> No.8036557

Has anyone ever noticed the WCS logo (on the certificates) looks like a dick?

>> No.8036570

i don't envy the US staff, tbh. they probably spend a lot of time making up for past failure.

>> No.8036815

Current failure does not fix past failure

>> No.8036832
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>still doing qualifiers and finals
>not already having your team chosen by a committee as soon as WCS 2014 ended already so that they can spend the majority of the year making their cosplay so that the US can win finally
If the US wants to step their game up and finally win, they have to treat this like the Olympics

>> No.8036848

Fuck that just give me that Samus.

>> No.8036849

>Living in a country with so few cosplayers and cons that you can actually do that

>> No.8036903

>My country holds as of 2014 the largest convention in the world
>a very large portion of attendees is cosplayers
>we, like in almost every other country, select the representatives in one go

>> No.8037016

Yeah, idk why the US insists on doing this qualifier nonsense. Especially given the 2014 team, it hasn't seemed to have improved the scope of participates or quality of cosplayer we send to Japan.

>> No.8037032

Then don't bitch about asking for qualifiers if it changes again.

>> No.8037035


So, only private selection, cheating, and rigged.
Am I doing this right?

>> No.8037037

What's your issue?

>> No.8037055

I wasn't planning on it.

What the fuck is wrong with this thread? Everyone is belligerent, salty, and not productive. Jesus, if you're gonna gossip and shit talk, at least do it thoroughly.

>> No.8037061

It's sad when we have better cosplayers judging the qualifiers than the people entering them.

>> No.8037062

>expecting productivity on 4chan

are you lost

>> No.8037063


Well, it would be nice to see a miracle once in a while.

>> No.8037078

Good point anon. I expected too much.

This, but also sometimes surprisingly unqualified? Like, Twinzik got called in as a last minute sub for some other judge that couldn't make it to the Texas qualifier for whatever reason, but when they (maybe just one of them?) competed a few years back, they didn't even get Wild Card. So like. Why would you ask someone you didn't think was even good enough to get second to determine who's best in a different year? JUST NONSENSICAL.

>> No.8037209


the same reason that they are having rounds at small cons. beggars can't be choosers and resources are scarce.

>> No.8037221

They do the rounds at smaller cons because they are the only ones gullible enough to think the wcs brings a crowd and will feed and transport the leeches know as the WCS staff

>> No.8037239

True. Sad that both Acen and Katsu got fed up with working with them, they managed to alienate the two biggest cons they were working with.

>> No.8037350

Jesus christ I cant believe Im the only oldfag here. After WCS several years ago, one of the American girls posted a huge thing on her blog and Cosplay.com. She said they had chosen the winners in advance before the competition had even started. During the parade and show, all the camera crews kept focusing on the team that "won" that year and basically ignored everyone else even though the contest hadn't even happened yet. The contestants were told to bring their costumes, but the judges put out random restrictions days before the event (after everyone was already in Japan) to disqualify a bunch of costumes and manufacture drama. It was basically Heroes of Cosplay before Heroes of Cosplay. This was awhile ago, so I don't know if it has changed, but the US entrants are always a joke anyway so I wouldn't be surprised if it was fixed. People have known WCS was a joke for years but now theres a newer influx of cosplayers that don't know and think it's a legitimate contest. Can't find the blog because its buried under so much recent asspatting about US qualifiers.

>> No.8037385

everybody who is remotely involved with WCS knows that once it gets to Japan and the "finale" there, nothing is fair. A lot of the euro teams get told in their first briefing that they are encouraged to do their best, but shouldn't get their hopes too high. The Japanese officials will chose what they think works best for TV, not what is objectivly the best team.
See: the 10th anniversary, were Team Japan won with bought costumes after they let the all-japanese audience do a second voting.

>> No.8037695

Is the judging still rigged? It seems like a shame we can't get our shit together the way that other countries do. Why not just do the entire thing online, or does WCS still need a convention to leech off of in order to pay for the winners' flights?

>> No.8037701


The US got second in 2013, though. They were only beaten by some very well done mecha cosplay. So USA can have moments.

Also, it is interesting that after the anniversary, they started craftmanship judging. I think as more countries get involved they have had to adapt because they are accountable to more people. Not sure how much that helps, but if you piss off too many people you won't have an event anymore.

>> No.8037737

2013 was fairly judged. 2014 was not. Previous reps from both years I am close friends with have vouched for how the judging was ran: 2013s rules were conpromised on the day of craftsmanship judging so the judges refused to work until it was fairer. As a result in 2013 Team Italy, USA and Thailand ranked 1,2 and 3 in craftsmanship judging AS WELL AS the finals, so craftsmanship had a lot of value in 2013.

By 2014 they changed the rules again and it was rigged as usual. I didn't mind the winners, but I doubt they were the best overall. That said most awards are a fix anyway. The cyperous award in 2013 went to a team with average wigs and an inaccurate beard (Japan) and in 2014 a team where one of the characters wasn't even wearing a wig, it was a fabricated headpiece (Spain). Most awards are a joke. Why do you think they run the event for 10 days and the finals at the end? They figure out who they want to win from how people act during the events, then botch the awards.

>> No.8037830


In that case maybe we need to look for what the observers are looking for that are lurking in the background. If everything is judged, then maybe on top of performance and craft, a lesson in behavior, etiquette, and how to operate in the social events is in order.

>> No.8037902

Most of the US top tier cosplayers understand that WCS is a joke and a waste of time and money.

>> No.8037919

>waste of time and money
Newfag here, I thought you get your trip paid for when you qualify? Or are you expected to make the trip cross-country to wherever the finals are being held on your own dime? If the trip is paid for and you have the cosplays already, is it much of a loss?

>> No.8037928

wasn't this during the year where they did Kuroshit and Macross Frontier? I remember following their blog, they had pretty decent construction skills.

>> No.8038060

This basically. You still have to get to a qualifier con which will probably put you about $200 back for travel depending and pay the registration for the con itself. If you go on to the next round I think they do cover some things but no all. I'm messaging my friend who has gone through both US prelims and finals before for clarification.

Also typically you don't just pull together costumes you already have for WCS, you make costumes with WCS skits and judging in mind. And if you want to go the extra mile you usually have to pay for good materials and tools.

>> No.8038181

That was Dia and Elizabeth circa 2008 or 2009, the 2nd year the WCS made a comeback. The year of the original scandal was 2005, when AX botched the prelims because Japan said "no fatties" and they had to cobble a group together from solo entries rather than pick the ONE group that entered (and had great costumes, but sadly yes one older, heavyset woman). Then when they got to Japan, Italy was the predetermined winner who had already lined up sponsorships and a few cosplay-related modeling gigs (nothing worth bragging about, I'm sure, although they probably did).

>> No.8038208

I knew some Aus competitors who put over fifteen grand into their qualifier, semi-finals and finals cosplay. That, coupled with having to fly to a qualifier and the semi qualifier + con entry sets you back massively. So yes, it is a lot of money to spend if you want good cosplays (I think they places second but the first group had cool costumes and rigging wire as well as a catapult)

>> No.8038215

OUCH. Wow that's a lot if you have to pay for your travel. Our con was approached as a potential qualifier host but the price tag was several thousand dollars to fly in the judges/fly out the winners. Maybe each country does things differently.

>> No.8038218

How long until fat ugly chicks dressed in retarded dresses are crowned the US winners?

>> No.8038357


I believe hosting conventions fly out their first place winner to the final, and wild card choices goes on their own dime. Flying judges in, though. Why not get local judges? It would be smart to think about a convention's budget, especially smaller cons with less to work with. Fly in one staff person to oversee things, I get, but no more than that is necessary.

also, the US needs sponsor $$$ like other countries get.

>> No.8038362

in most countries, yes, you get your flights/accom in Japan covered. BUT. Sometimes it's not everything. Sometimes the flights are covered from specific airports/airlines and the winners have to cover travel to/from the airport. Here in the UK I know of at least 3 individual representatives who have had to cover travel costs to different cities to fly. They also had to cover some travel costs within Japan itself, and all costs for excess bags to actually get their costumes there - nothing else is covered. So winning itself is pricey before you even consider making any costumes for the event.

WCS also asks teams to bring three costumes, one for press, one for parades and one as backup. And THEN finals on top. So that's typically 4 costumes each, 8 costumes total, then things like sets/accessories too. It's a really pricey competition but part of the excitement is having to make new stuff, I guess.

>> No.8038364

Where have you been? That was last years team.

>> No.8038371

>>8038215 Actually, I think >>8038357 may have been right about the Australian finals, but that could have been Madman. I know Tessu and her partner flew to Brisbane for free because Nai already lived there, but I'm still not sure if that was WCS or MCC.

>> No.8038408

That is every year's team.

>> No.8038469

I can verify that only first placers in the US prelims get anything covered. Also last year I think htere was a prelim and the US finals on weekend so the winners from the prelim on Saturday had to be flown to the next con to compete again on Sunday.

>> No.8038483


I believe flying winning teams is common for Mexico and Brazil as well as USA and Australia, all who run qualifying rounds. The part I am not clear on is flying staff or judges. Staff I understand, maybe one guest judge for good reason, such as a past winning team member judging finals, maybe even both members if the money is there. Just respect con budget and limit those requests to where they will bring the best value, or get bigger sponsors to fill the bank.

>> No.8038619

The flight and stay in Japan is totally complimentary. :)

>> No.8038637

There are several qualifying teams with guys on them this year. Maybe you can root for one of them since you find fat girls so disgusting.

>> No.8039323

That's just... incorrect. The last prelim was ASTL in April and the finals were a solid month later in May, at Acen.

>> No.8039445


not totally. luggage fees are still paid by the team, or the team's country organization, because nothing can be shipped to Japan.

>> No.8039474

just gonna say, working with them, they tell you to just grab a popular cosplayer from your area to be a judge and dont respond to you when you ask what their credentials should be
then spring that they'll find you judges...and then not keep you in the loop. trying to talk to them is a clusterfuck, i dont understand how the US gets to take part with the ppl running it are just, horrible at their jobs

>> No.8039484

It's not just the US. They have a cosplay karaoke contest for WCS and the Philippines is ridiculously biased every year.

>> No.8039852

Considering that USA placed so low this year, seems like Japan doesn't too.

Of course, it could have been the boring ass skit maybe?

>> No.8039876

Last thing I heard from WCS a group of organisers got together and had a serious meeting with the WCS people that didn't go down too well (possibly after the rigged Japan win), because some organisers barely see the point in hosting WCS prelims any more.

Honestly I'm partly surprised it's still running, it takes so much investment from the foreign cons and from the participants. I always feel like the "but it's an amazing experience" cool aid past participants all seem to drink from is just rationalising a terribly expensive and stressful (albeit socially rewarding) experience. A lot of people say you might as well pay to go to Japan on your won dime and have a better time, and that's probably true.

>> No.8039878

>What the fuck is wrong with this thread? Everyone is belligerent, salty, and not productive. Jesus, if you're gonna gossip and shit talk, at least do it thoroughly.

My guess is it's WCS devs trying to prevent people from talking about drama/gossip that would make them look bad.

>> No.8040437


Not working.

>> No.8041506

Like what else is there?
Last year was obviously rigged.
The US has shitty qualifiers which is given from signs that big cons dropped them or host them. The application process is pointless as it is dropping off potential cosplayers who might be better than who makes it.

>> No.8041551

Has that always been the case? I only ask because it seems beyond absurd to ask all the teams to pack everything in travel luggage, including the set pieces.

>> No.8041562

What makes you think last year was rigged? And are you talking about the US or the world championships?

>> No.8041722


Not always. It was a rule that came up in 2011 to deal with people bringing extra large/heavy props.

>> No.8041893

Also to make things more fair since some teams got shipping covered and others had to pay to get props and sets to Japan. Now you can't ship things, it has to go on the plane.

>> No.8045012

They'll eventually run out of US cons willing to hold prelims. My bet is that finals location still hasn't been announced because they're having trouble finding a big con to host it.

>> No.8045075

They are also having to worry about dropping qualifying rounds are certain cons due to the lack of sign ups. I wouldn't be surprised if the finals take place in a newly started or small attendance con.

>> No.8045374

That would suck for the finalists. My bets are on Sakuracon, Anime Boston, or Anime Matsuri this year.

>> No.8045655


Or maybe even a convention that is not as anime-based.

>> No.8047090

ah, that's apparently why FanCom Con had to cancel right before their show. they didn't get the minimum amount of signups or something.

>> No.8049757

Other way around

>> No.8049810

what's left for WCS now in the US. it's going to run out of options soon.

>> No.8049813

You mean WCS got fed up with Katsu and Acen? Even then, super bad move to stop working with them...

>> No.8049884


>> No.8049897

no, that's just a wcs staffer butt hurt that acen and katsu wont pay for their bullshit anymore. So of course, they are the victims. Any smart con won't support their dumb asses after the team they sent this year and how low they placed. The skit was boring as fuck. I don't care how good their craftsmanship was, their skit was horribleand it negated the craftmanship

>> No.8049967


so, what place did they get exactly. you seem to know.

>> No.8050045

Most other industry type things when they go "hey, we want to hold a thing at your con" don't go "and you have to pay us to do it, but we really want to hold it at your con." WCS is an exception really. You'd think they'd be able to get airline and hotel sponsorship for the trip to Japan at least instead of demanding payment for those from the host con.

>> No.8050046


>> No.8050053


So.........when was that supposed to be?

>> No.8050073 [DELETED] 

they dont ask to host anything, cons have to approach them...and that is a mistake

>> No.8050197

The gazebo just addressed you. Do not insult it.

>> No.8050198
File: 84 KB, 600x800, BuARCWYCMAAucKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No rank. That's how bad it was

>> No.8050309


No one under 3rd place gets a rank, genius lol who are you trying to fool

>> No.8050310


>> No.8050433

There are other awards, genius. Also there is a ranking list that seems to be suddenly hard to find that used to be up on the wcs USA fb that had the US at near dead last

>> No.8050434

they fucking do, but in private and the team decides weather to announce their rank or not. Usually it means they didn't rank high if they didn't publish their rank.

>> No.8050458

I know at one point they had all the scores published, and the US was in the lower half with like half as many points as the winners.

>> No.8050646

this is all true - your costumes/set/extras must be taken on the plane. BUT. It doesn't mean you can't buy extra bags for your flight, or have people who accompany you to Japan bring things for you. Teams that have lots of helpers or have the spare cash to bring extra bags usually do and have the bigger sets and costumes. Also teams that are sponsored by airlines usually get extra bags for free.

So it's not as fair as it sounds. If you have friends and dolla you can still take tons of extras, where poorer teams or teams travelling alone have to condense.

>> No.8050693


Even in US qualifiers, if you can afford to fly it, you can pack more than teams who can't.

>> No.8050699

It's not published, so you're a country organiser blatantly undermining.

>> No.8050965

I dont see any announcement, who is competing at kami to laugh at?

>> No.8051257

https://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/thread/S7727220#p7727421 This is what I was recalling seeing for the scores, maybe they didn't put them on their site but someone compiled them here?

>> No.8051265

Oh that's only the niconico user given scores, not any of the other scores nor full totals, so that doesn't really say anything aside from niconico viewers weren't entertained by it.

Btw, love the URL haha

>> No.8051311


they just opened the applications

>> No.8051589

Or just beg for donations like two certain unsportsmanlike cunts that tried to double dip and got salty when they lost with their shit skit

>> No.8051596

The rankings are given to the teams in private. The alternative prizes are just as rigged as 1st and 2nd place are in the overall competition also. I shouldn't need to point this out also but just incase you're still unclear about the nature of this competition - their final ranking is a load of bullshit also to confirm with how wcs wants the competition to go.

>> No.8051687

I need to know the story behind this.

>> No.8051908



>> No.8051993

Fox gloves cosplay. Begged for donations to ship their shit to whatever preliminary or final they were in and when they didn't win the trip, they just scowled onstage

>> No.8052023

They just announced finals are in Detroit. Midwest Media Expo.

>> No.8052047


Well, that's really not that uncommon. Even some of the big vendors demand certain perks and compensation for drawing attendance (like I've heard shit about Crunchyroll? or maybe it was Funi demanding premo-realestate basically for free in dealer's halls). The thing is though, I'm pretty sure almost no one cares about WCS in the states. It's not the kind of thing that's going to make people go to a con (aside from maybe cosplayers intent on entering). There's not much benefit to the con.

>> No.8052057

Wow....they sure went to the dregs

>> No.8052062

That would be CR

>> No.8052086

That's so random and underwhelming.

>> No.8052120

Same organizers as Youmacon, just in the spring.

>> No.8052131


sponsors would solve this issue.

>> No.8052185


Thought so. Sounds like them.

>> No.8052201

No one wants to sponsor a bunch of misfits that party on someone else's dime without producing results

>> No.8052271

neither does anyone want to believe someone with no proof

>> No.8052344


The reason for it is what >>8039474 said.

The US staff are fucking terrible. The reason the prelims and finals keeps changing cons is because they're communication is miss or miss. Then last second they cancel because no one applied because the contests are announced really last second. I really hope WCS just pulls out of the US altogether at this point

>> No.8052349

so who here doesn't run a con or WCS

>> No.8052364


Does running it into the ground really count as running?

>> No.8052557

Fail rank and sending hambeasts to Japan because of their "craftmanship"

There your proof, faggot

>> No.8052694


The qualifiers and dates for 2015 were actually announced in fair advance on their Facebook and when their new website was created, at least 3-4 months or more out, and in some cases longer.

Doesn't seem that last minute.

>> No.8052789


The final was actually supposed to be ACEN up until this announcement. So yea it was as announced, just in a completely different state on completely different dates. I guess that counts?

>> No.8052845


ACEN was never formally announced as the final by WCS. Other people said it was based on assumption, not helped by one convention announcing ACEN as the final when they announced the qualifying round at their con. But WCS never confirmed that on their side, and they may have asked for that info to be removed later because it confuses people into thinking it is an official announcement.

>> No.8052870


If a qualifying convention announced it as the finals then thats probably what all of the qualifying conventions were told in their contracts. Obviously at least a couple cons weren't informed of the change in location until after the announcement if they're pissed enough to post here.

>> No.8053054


Or they just assume last year's event is going to host this year's final and don't verify the info first.

Would you also believe some random convention about guests or events for Anime Expo? I hope not.

>> No.8053254

I'm sorry, what's going on with Madoka's wig? Blunt bangs, no effort at spiking at all, not fluffy enough. Did she just have a spare pink wig sitting around that she needed to use?

>> No.8053309

Acen was never going to do it again after last fiasco

>> No.8053326

No way acen was going to do it again after last turd

>> No.8053987


The qualifying locations are responsible for transportation of the winners to the finals. So why would a con assume the finals location when they're likely told where the finals are when they agree to host it.

Either WCS is so poorly run they are withholding the finals location and expecting conventions to agree in blind faith, or they changed it and didn't inform any of the qualifying locations about it.

>> No.8054391


Because a con is stupid enough to think "Oh it was held here last year, it HAS to be held there this year". And they decide to run their mouth without getting their facts straight. It's a common mistake to make.

You know, the Kamicon thread's around the corner and the person who talked to WCS has been posting there. How about somebody asking if they knew anything about where the final was held in advance of everyone else.

>> No.8054896

Some competitors had two months as their max amount of time.

After that they still had to decide if they were entering or not.

>> No.8054900
File: 75 KB, 786x1017, i_came_in_like_a_pokeball_by_zerojigoku-d72a7jc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that is announced that Midwest Media Expo is holding the finals, how do you feel? http://www.midwestmediaexpo.com/

>> No.8054915


lol detroit

>> No.8054968


The only convention that may have been impacted by a short notice was Anime Next. The rest of them had 4-6 months between when it was announced by WCS and when it was held.

captcha: aseam

>> No.8055446

But that con was nearly a year ago

>> No.8055661


The point is that someone said people were getting two months notice on where the qualifiers were held. The shortest notice for this year was three months, and it's four months notice for the final, which only impacts winners.

How long in advance do you people really NEED?

>> No.8055829

anyone serious about competing starts working on their ideas and figures out where to go later. Look at the years before qualifiers, they were just as ridiculous as they are now with returning to cons. The only events that have held them longer than a year or two are NDK and Katsucon. Teams that are really into the competition start their costumes and skits long before the venue is announced.

>> No.8055868

AHahaha. Talk to any con that's ever agreed to host WCS. The US organizer expects to be treated like a special flower, and when they're not, they huff off and find some new con. That's the reason the qualifying events move every year.

>> No.8055887

Where's your proof? Physical, not your hearsay

>> No.8055956

Can confirm. They are very difficult and unpleasant to deal with.

>> No.8055972


Go home WCS devs.

>> No.8055975


Confirm then.

>> No.8056175


naw, man send them in here and get them to explain themselves if all the shit is true.

unless its not, which is possible because cgl likes to lie sometimes.

>> No.8056224

Okay, So who are these said "US Organizers"? From what (little) I've heard, there aren't THAT many people involved.
So name names people, Aren't most of them former cosplayers themselves? And can anyone actually present proof that they are so horrible and greedy? (Aside from cons not hosting them every year)

I have heard enough hearsay to choke PixieTerri, And while rumors are what /cgl/ does, It's surprising to have this long of a thread without hardly any names or some sort of proof without being questioned on it.

>> No.8056258

http://wcsus.com/frontend/staff-bios/ This is the staff.

>> No.8056285


>> No.8056289

So all these bitches are ... bitches?

>> No.8056410


I want to give my friends solid proof to stop competing in this and you're too salty ass delusional to provide it on a forum that is so notorious for bullshit. Even I don't believe you. Buck up or fucking shut up.

>> No.8056420

You have to sign an NDA to compete in WCS. For a cosplay competition. Take it how you will. I didn't sign it.

>> No.8056484


Don't they expire after you're done?

>> No.8056495
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WOOF, she actually chose this as her bio picture?

>> No.8056508


Generally NDAs don't expire.

>> No.8056522

No. Basically if you talk shit about WCS anywhere, the Japanese will SUE YOU. Or something. Like I said, I didn't sign it cause if I decide to talk shit, I would be legally gagged and that's lame.

>> No.8056525

Some of them do, some of them don't. Often you're allowed to talk about general stuff after the event, but not give the behind the scenes dirt no matter hos fucked up it was.

>> No.8056570

This person again.

Several things:
> Proof identifies
> Identification leads to salty relations
> Salty relations = bad in this very relations-based field

Also, I don't give sixteen pixie shits whether you believe what I say or not. You ask questions, you get answers. It's up to you to decide if the matrix presented before you is real or illusion.

>> No.8056619


WCS would go through the trouble of an expensive international legal battle because somebody in the USA talked bad about them.

That's like a restaurant filing a million dollar lawsuit because someone posted on Yelp that the food was cold.

>> No.8056635

Except an NDA is a legal document restricting what you can and cannot share publicly, and if you chose to break it you're taking on a potential risk. It's absolutely nothing like your example because everyone with a brain knows nothing would come of that lawsuit.

>> No.8056647

It was goofy when it was presented to us, we basically said nope and that's why you don't see any former WCS alum prior to 2012 involved with it anymore. It was two parts, an NDA and a Code of Conduct and it was stated that if we signed and we broke the NDA, we would potentiallu get sued. Now why would I want to sign that? I basically said that I didn't sign up to WCS to get told what to say and what not to say, I went in it to cosplay. And I peaced out and while I'm sad I'm not involved in it because it was a lot of fun, I'm not going to sacrifice my right to speak out on dumb shit because I signed a dubious legal document that prevents me from doing so.

But if you dig that kool-aid, go for it. It just wasn't for me.

>> No.8056649


after being stuck in a conferences room in 2010 where there was no audience, i'd probably demand more too. have you seen the videos from that?

>> No.8056654

To be fair, one of us did have the document reviewed by a lawyer who said it wouldn't hold up in court. We provided that feedback to the organizer and we parted ways. I'm not sure how the NDA looks like now and if it was drafted by a lawyer.

>> No.8056682

What the hell went down at acen?

>> No.8056725


Call the damn cops, I want proof of your salty shitstain, bitchhh

>> No.8056728

I got in late, but it didn't matter because there was hardly anyone there

>> No.8056890
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>> No.8056919


Just because you're posting anon doesn't mean it's not obvious who you are, WCS dev.

>> No.8056949


it is interesting that a lot of last years teams didn't come back either.

>> No.8057123


Or, its listed in the contract for WCS since there's always a contract for outside events and people coming into a con.

>> No.8057140


Either that or when they do actually do anything they act like such major divas and change things at the last second that events decide to pass on them the following years.

>> No.8057349


That doesn't make sense. If the final location is listed in a qualifier contract it could be considered a breach on WCS' side if they change it, unless they have disclaimer language reserving the right to change with reasonable notice. So best to have something general such as "future US convention held in the first half of 2015" or something similar.

This is why
conventions do not announce guests until they are signed on and finalized. You can lose a guest for announcing them too early, and piss off potential attendees too.

This assumes WCS and the qualifiers talking to them can even legal.

>> No.8057424

With cgl logic, then that doesn't mean you aren't a staff

>> No.8057470


This is really interesting to me - I was a 2014 rep from another country and we weren't presenting with anything resembling an NDA or any code of conduct in the form of a contract.

Do you think this something that's exclusive to the way the USA organisers deal with it? Or has it been phased out since you were a rep?

>> No.8057847

No, it didn't exist during Soni stint.
Laura Butler is a fucking control freak who knows the scam she is sailing is starting to be known, so she is trying to keep it hush hush. Pro-tip: have any friends in the finals? Don't expect to see them for longer then 5 minutes with how that bitch makes them jump hoops during the entire con

>> No.8057866


is japan aware of all of this?

>> No.8058050

Every country has their own thing

>> No.8058065


I guess someone fucked it up for everyone else? Why is America the reason we can't have nice things?

>> No.8058087

The more things Americans have that aren't cheeseburgers, the less room there is for cheeseburgers.

>> No.8058099


And they say Hetalia is not educational.

>> No.8058337

I didn't sign an NDA or a Code of Conduct when I competed (I probably would've gotten in a lot of trouble if I did given how absolutely sloppy drunk I got in Japan). It was requested by the organizer to sign it if we wanted to continue associating with WCS and judging for them, and we saw it and said no. It started in 2013/2014.

>> No.8058354

Oh no, the sacred burg

>> No.8058439


I didn't know Cupcake Cosplay was in the staff.

Didn't they represent US once?

>> No.8058476

Yup 2013.

>> No.8058498

Never seen of any of these people. Maybe someone could let me know their cosplay names because they seem mediocre.

>> No.8058523


Tiffany Tezna and Cassandra May are Cupcake Cosplay.

Apart from CC, they all seem pretty mediocre. No idea who the rest of these people are.

>> No.8058659

Wasn't Laura one of the US team in the godawful first year?

>> No.8060335
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>> No.8060358

Still no clue who they are by they cosplay names but thanks none the less.

>> No.8060481


Check them out on Facebook, they're pretty known. I tried posting a link but it was marked as spam so.


That shiny as fuck fabric. Why.

>> No.8060568

Given that was apparently horrible and nobody would have anything to do with WCS after, why would one of the people most directly affected by WCS crap choose to run it in the US?

>> No.8060630

Because she's a mediocre house wife that has literally achieved nothing else in life and so she's riding this power trip for all that it's worth.

>> No.8060646

Pretty much this. I'm on staff for an event that used to be a WCS qualifier and Laura Butler is the reason we won't ever be a qualifier again. She is cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Such a shame because I was really looking forward to competing for WCS in a few years... But I won't unless it comes under new management. And I don't see how it ever will because that woman lives for the power she things WCS gives her.

>> No.8060675

This, but for all WCS members. If they'd just be kind, professional people they'd be a wonderful organization. As it is, they are all power tripping and rude.

If any of you are reading this, we want to like you. But you make it very hard.

>> No.8060685

Starlight Honey and BreathlessAire are their cosplay names individually. I know Cassie is still fairly heavily involved with judging WCS, although I think Tiffany has stepped a bit now that she has a baby.

>> No.8060808


So has anyone thought of going to the Japan organization and voicing complaints? If enough past participants and convention staff came forward with their concerns and evidence, would there be a chance that she would be investigated, removed and possibly replaced?

>> No.8060979


links stat

>> No.8061037

Management level con stuff rarely ends up posted publicly online. Generally because doing that gets you kicked off management for not knowing when to shut up. This is one of the few places people can and will talk about that kind of thing because it's anon.

>> No.8061287


You probably answered your own question.
Lets see how many teams actually end up showing up to the finals and how many cons fuck their winners because the contract was breached by WCS.

>> No.8061704

Well what a disappointing rumor, I had my popcorn all ready too

>> No.8061751


Fuck over Team USA because WCS fucked you? Then the convention is no better than WCS, the teams entering do not deserve that kind of treatment for their effort, and Japan needs to shut down the entire shitshow in the US for a few years until someone with some sense is put in to run things as it is supposed to be that will not allow that to happen.

Seriously, fuck that.

>> No.8061884

I'm pretty sure Japan doesn't give a shit about how it's run in america, or even if america participates.
The only way I can see the US team changing hands to better management is if someone with too much money basically buys/bribes it off of WCS and takes control.

>> No.8062214


If someone acting on behalf of your organization is making it look bad, why allow them to represent you further? What if sponsors for your event get wind and start pulling out because they think the whole organization is corrupt based on what one country does?

WCS Japan has a lot riding on the country organizers. If one of them cause a loss of face, that could be a huge impact.

>> No.8062237


Because Japan doesn't give a fuck about what happens in the US. Do you seriously think Japanese sponsors care about stupid drama in a different country?

>> No.8062266

>>8061884 I'm pretty sure Japan doesn't give a shit about how it's run in america, or even if america participates.

Not really true. That weeb fascination with Japan runs both ways. Japan wants America, and they want the highly visual popular cosplayers they see online to some degree. They want the WCS US finals to be a big event at a big con with a Japanese industry presence. I've talked to some of the Japanese staff and they want it really badly. They just can't get the foothold they need in the US. Like they don't get why people don't WANT to be in WCS, why cons don't want to host it, and a lot of the stuff the US does like the prelims they don't really care about. To them it just seems like its a big deal but they just don't get why the US doesn't really want to deal with their cosplay olympics.

>> No.8062315

>Like they don't get why people don't WANT to be in WCS, why cons don't want to host it, and a lot of the stuff the US does like the prelims they don't really care about. To them it just seems like its a big deal but they just don't get why the US doesn't really want to deal with their cosplay olympics.

And if they knew the answer, they would pull the current organizer.

>> No.8062322

Yes. And most of the cons they want to host them would also require significant acts of good faith from WCS to even consider it.

>> No.8062464

Oh, you're a failed team

>> No.8062605


Or a staff person.

>> No.8062700

doesn't sound like it, so probably not

>> No.8062705

Seems like half the staff are failed teams too.

>> No.8063072


Any business, no matter the country, wants their marketing dollars spent on something that will not cause them undue embarrassment if they are connected to it.

>> No.8063418

Haven't only 3 of them been on a team and CC got second place so don't know where you're looking at

>> No.8065904

Wait so the contest has known to have fixed results for several years, shady rules for judging, etc and people still want to give them the benefit of the doubt?

The hell? Burn it to the ground. US should just have its own championship.

>> No.8065912

>US should just have its own championship.
This would be cool but there's not much of an incentive for it, even though cosplay is more mainstream nowadays.

>> No.8066067

Pretty much a who will pay for it kind of deal.
You would need sponsors and people to run it.

>> No.8066113


You go ahead and work on that for us, and then come back when you have it all lined up.

>> No.8066139

Hell if I know. It's a better idea than this wcs crap. Why anyone would bother to "compete" if it's barely a competition in the first place I don't know.

>> No.8066247

Why do people buy Facebook likes?
People want attention and to feel like they are better than everyone else. What else is a better way to say "I am better than most cosplayers in the US" than becoming the representatives for the country in this supposedly fair world cup of cosplay.

>> No.8066344

wasn't there the Yume Cup for a couple of years at NYAF or something before it was absorbed into NYCC, because they were buttmad at losing WCS?

>> No.8066346

Yes, there was, I know it was in the works before the falling out.

>> No.8066876

Thanks anna fischer

>> No.8071187

honestly, I've tried to find anything negative about them online, and could only find this thread. Are there other places where people have negatively reviews WCS US?

>> No.8071279

No, because this is anon and other places aren't.

>> No.8071287


WCS is pretty aggressive about going after anyone who talks shit about them.

>> No.8071295


they are really good about getting any negativity taken down or silenced. Luckily, they haven't been successful on here yet. I've seen some people make comments in the con's facebook group and then their comments and posts get deleted.

>> No.8071344

like con-goers posted? because con-goers are allowed to say whatever they want, and its not the fault of the con or the con itself saying it.

>> No.8071351

You can check Rynn's LJ archives. She was part of WCS USA 2010 (I think) and documents her whole trip to Japan. It's not blatantly shitting on WCS, and she's very diplomatic, but she highlights some rigging suspicions, disorganization, and inconsistency in the rules. Even now though, she still advocates for WCS a lot.

>> No.8073517

i read it, but I was really wondering about the US part

>> No.8073521

i was really wanting to read about the us part since everyone seems so fed up with it

>> No.8076041 [DELETED] 

Can also confirm, they can't be reasoned with once they figure out you're trying to legit do business and not just kiss their ass and treat them like a god

>> No.8076096
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Kami-Con qualifier is mysteriously cancelled last minute. There were DEFINITELY enough teams. One of the organizers was blabbering her mouth off about how Kami started working with WCS on the Kami-con thread here, maybe that's why?

>> No.8076100

>One of the organizers was blabbering her mouth off about how Kami started working with WCS on the Kami-con thread here, maybe that's why?

That was totally why. Didn't you see one of the WCS people not so subtly call her out in the thread?

>> No.8076108

Yeah, I just went through it. Good god she is a child. I hope she elaborates on why it got canceled--don't see why she wouldn't after posting about exposing literally the whole history of their relations with WCS.

>> No.8076126

Funny you should say that, I follow a buch of last years reps online and one of the UK girls was moaning about the rigging of the finals recently - it's not USA related drama but I guess it shows that not all teams are necessarily happy with the way things go down.

>> No.8076233

When it first got posted it said "due to breach of contract" for a few minutes and then was edited so yeah, almost positive its because kami staff was stupid enough to talk about it here.

>> No.8076261

Oh, good find anon. What a bunch of fucking idiots.

>> No.8076460 [DELETED] 
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>>posting about exposing literally the whole history of their relations with WCS.
are you serious? I posted nothing that had anything to do with the US branch of WCS. I only said what I was told in Japan when I asked about how to get involved with hosting WCS. Apparently Japan has no idea what crap is happening with the US branch, but oh well. I did not post anything about contract terms or anything in any emails. but yeah, thats totally the entire history of dealing with them that I posted. everything. At the same time, they're the ones that broke contract, not us.
Nothing I posted went against NDA

fun stories about NDAs!
things they have to have:
-The definition of "confidential information" that the NDA deals with;
-Any exclusions from the confidential information;
-The obligations and duties of the party receiving the confidential information;
-The time periods for which the NDA will be valid and enforceable; and
-Any miscellaneous provisions.

the one posted here is from WCS, Kami-Con's says breach on contract on it.

Also eve was in the Kami-Con thread stirring up people, so anything negative that was posted (not by me, I was very careful not to say anything that I shouldn't, and I didn't) was basically her fault for trying to make WCS seem like its perfect. I can also tell you she's doing the same thing in here.

>> No.8076462
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>>posting about exposing literally the whole history of their relations with WCS.
are you serious? I posted nothing that had anything to do with the US branch of WCS. I only said what I was told in Japan when I asked about how to get involved with hosting WCS. Apparently Japan has no idea what crap is happening with the US branch, but oh well. I did not post anything about contract terms or anything in any emails. but yeah, thats totally the entire history of dealing with them that I posted. everything. At the same time, they're the ones that broke contract, not us.
Nothing I posted went against NDA

fun stories about NDAs!
things they have to have:
-The definition of "confidential information" that the NDA deals with;
-Any exclusions from the confidential information;
-The obligations and duties of the party receiving the confidential information;
-The time periods for which the NDA will be valid and enforceable; and
-Any miscellaneous provisions.

the one posted here is from WCS, Kami-Con's says breach on contract on it.

Also eve was in the Kami-Con thread stirring up people, so anything negative that was posted (not by me, I was very careful not to say anything that I shouldn't, and I didn't) was basically her fault for trying to make WCS seem like its perfect. I can also tell you she's doing the same thing in here.

>> No.8076465

can you not read? I know the post was from wcs. I said they edited it within minutes of posting. Unfortunately I didn't get caps.

I would advise you to stop posting at all, you are only digging your hole deeper.

>> No.8076466

It's actually the opposite. Kami-Con has been fed up with WCS for being incompetent for months and have had numerous problems with them. WCS simply did not fulfill their obligations and even pissed off Kami-Con to the point they no longer wanted to work with them.

I think both sides are glad to be done with each other.

>> No.8076480

I saw it get posted, but never saw anything listing breach of contract other than Kamicon's post

>> No.8076504

this is probably Eve (who has been lurking and posting shit in this thread and the Kami thread) trying to make WCS look innocent. How the hell would you know how many teams there were otherwise? Neither Kami or WCS posted how many teams there are, and I've only seen Lunaladyoflight post she was entering.

What do you people want? Do you want the fact that the WCSUS staff are incompetent people to come out or not? Or would you rather follow whatever the WCSUS staff say here and go and attack the cons that don't dance their little dance. You've all been complaining about the staff and now you stick up for them. Hell, this is the second con to have to cancel WCS a month before the con, and there wasn't a FanDomCon thread on here when it got cancelled.

That said, all those posts blaming the con are probably either just eve or a combination of WCS staff trying to throw shade away from them, keep marching to their tune guys, thats why they still have 'power'

>> No.8076507
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Posting to say that you do realize that you can still see and screen cap an edited post right?

>> No.8076515

why would they change it though?

>> No.8076544

EVERY con they don't renew with it's because of "breach of contract." That should tell you something about the contract.

>> No.8076547


Your guess is as good as mine anon.

>> No.8076558

Out of curiosity, why were there 2004 and 2005 teams, then US didn't participate until 2008 again?

>> No.8076589

Not sure about 2004, but 2005 was the year of the RoV girls. Gorgeous costumes, good performance, basically shoe-ins except the Japanese judge said no bigger girls and they couldn't move forward. It went to a smorgasbord of other cosplayers. While in Japan, it was reported that the American team was mistreated and left to fend for themselves and it was all rigged in Italy's favor (they had FranDan on the team) and basically it stopped being in the U.S. until 2008 when it came back to NYAF, which was my year. We went to the Japan not expecting a win, but simply to see if things have changed. From our experience, we were treated very well and had a lot of fun. And that's the cliff notes version of it. You can find a lot of info about it on the coscom forums.

>> No.8076598

they're at least being a lot less try-hard than you guys

>> No.8076604

Thanks for the info! It was curious to me but it makes now hearing that it's connected to the whole FranDan rigging and whatnot. That's great to hear 2008 was better.

>> No.8076624

Yeah, sure. Everything was fine, even the staff member was tslking about hiw WCS was a benifit to the con, then some anon in the kami thrwad claims they're reporting her behavior to WCS and bam, days later the event is canceled.

>> No.8076665

The anon said they were reporting Eve using 4chan to conduct business (she says 'get Ray to contact me' or something), fact check yourself, the anon was extremely angry about Eve posting

>> No.8076679

WCS is basically American Idol

No one cares about it anymore

>> No.8076692

Either way, someone claimed to be sending the thread to wcs, event gets canceled. Im sure its just coincidence that Kami-con would be praising the event on /cgl/ and then decide to cancel it days later because of how terrible it was.

>> No.8076695

that was probably them trying their best not to say shit about how fucked up wcs is and once it fell off the track all the cargo came out of the train

>> No.8076720

You keep saying that kami staff was praising WCS and they never do in that thread. At all. Some anon that might be staff complain about them being a pain in the ass to work with and the vp girl says she sees it as 'pure entertainement' for the congers to watch. She also says stuff like, 'we'll see how this works out'
There is literally no WCS praise from anyone who might be kami staff in that thread, go read it.

>> No.8076774
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>> No.8076844

I took her tone as positive. So sorry for thinking she was happy to have, as she put it, a cheap attraction for attendees.

>> No.8076856

So basically we are down to 8 teams unless some of those teams that were entered for the past two qualifiers that got canceled wants to make the trip to Detroit at the chance of nailing a spot to compete next day at the finals.

>> No.8076885

I think it's 9. There's still that team from ANext that was chosen really long ago. Unless a team dropped out?

>> No.8077008
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I hope the winners from Nan Desu Kan win to be the team for USA.

>> No.8077450

Their skit is the only one I have actually enjoyed.

>> No.8077541


Get off 4chan WCS devs.

>> No.8077703

self post detected

>> No.8077788

Even if her tone was positive, that doesn't make it praise. If she gushed about hosting WCS, or seemed excited about them, fine, but all she said was that she saw WCS as something for the con goers to watch or sit through. It's a factual statement, not high praise. In fact, she seemed wary of dealing with WCS and everyone in the thread bitching about WCS.
I think the only praise that came from her is when she mentioned being excited about meeting rufflebutt cosplay because she used her tutorials.
Pointing out that someone keeps saying there was WCS praise in another thread when there wasn't any makes me a WCS dev? Yes, this makes 100% perfect logic.

>> No.8077832

Haha try again. If you watch the skit compared to some of the others, they made way better use of their time and had some more interesting effects, such as the cauldron. It reminded me a lot of this year's 2014 German team as well. The other skits have either been too long of a ramble (which I don't think translates well when they have to dub it in Japanese with American accents), or they have one cool effect but the costumes are lacking or in dire need of rehearsal.

This. Her tone was pretty neutral, the kind you use when you want to be professional and polite about something even though you wanna spill your guts if she had the opportunity.

>> No.8078555


I think Karmaluna is gonna Detroit-based and were planning on doing the Kami qualifier, so that actually makes their life easier.

I don't think any teams have dropped. ANext only had one team, so yeah, that makes nine altogether. That's still about as many as last year's finals. Are all the teams keeping their original skits and costumes?

>> No.8078559

Probably, maybe more now than ever. Based on this system I think it's the safest bet considering the short time most have unless they were selected back in August in AZ.

>> No.8078596

I agree, their skit has definitely been the best so far.

ANext Kuroshit had bad construction and an all over the place skit. I really wanted to like itbut it was just sloppy. I've talked to the girls before though, and they seem normal-fag-tier normal and really sweet.
Saboten Persona winners had the cool stilts costume and some interesting light effect on stage, but the set was janky as fuck and they were really out of sync with their music/sound effects. But their craftsmanship seems solid and the stilts are a pretty significant show stopper--not to mention there's a dude on the team, which offers some diversity.
Saboten Wild Card AKB had some terrible dance skit that was really awkward to watch, but the girls seem cute and their costumes look well made. Met one of the girls once from lolita stuff and she seemed nice, a little into herself.
NDK Mystic Wiz were probably the best of the group all around, as previously mentioned. Really amazing craftsmanship on one of the costume (the other seems kind of mediocre) and a unique skit idea with a good set. Girl in pink turned her back to the audience a lot, but other than that, they'll probably win this year. I think dark haired girl is also vaguely Tumblr famous.
NDK Howl's Moving Castle group was boring. I was surprised they even placed, they had a minor wardrobe malfunction during the performance and the costumes are so unimpressive.
Newcon KLK was honestly painful to watch. The set pieces were so janky and cheesy, and the entire skit was basically some boring fight scene. I was really surprised they placed first, but the cosplayers themselves are kind of attractive.
Newcon Smash Bros was fine, the Megaman was kind of laughable, but the construction on both costumes was solid and they had some light up parts. Skit itself was a generic fight scene.


>> No.8078601

Ikkicon ParaKiss winners were seriously awful. Construction seemed fine, but after I watched their skit, I was like, how the fuck did they win. The transformations were so bad and cumbersome, and they were both so painfully awkward on stage. I have no idea how they got first. I may also be biased because ParaKiss is one of my favorite series.
Ikkicon Slayers were cute. I was surprised they chose such an obscure/old school series to go with, but both cosplayers seemed like they were comfortable onstage and were pleasant to watch. They based their skit off of some song from Anastasia though, which I feel would just get totally get lost with a Japanese audience?

In any case, my bets are on either NDK Mystic Wiz or the AKB (or Kuroshit girls if they get their shit together), only because USA might want to send some attractive people after last year's hambeasts.


>> No.8078608

Pretty sure the ANext team is changing everything, one of them hinted at it on her fb. They also got ripped apart here a few WCS threads ago, so that may have made them reevaluate what they already had.

But yeah, only them and the Saboten groups could conceivably have time to change everything.

>> No.8078643

Last time that a qualifier and final were held the same weekend, the winner came from that qualifier. Something to think about.

>> No.8078645

Couldn't have said it better myself. I've been following the skits and the later selections have felt seriously underwhelming. A huge part of it is that major well known teams have competed the past 3 years, and it felt like it peaked once Cupcake got selected. I remember watching 2012 and 2013 and seeing quite a few impressive teams.

I remember the Kuroshit girls asking for feedback here. I think they are the victim of a huge problem with most skits, winners and not, who compete at WCS. Many of these skits rely on a single shock factor, usually at the end of the skit, and so the rest of the skit is bland or the costumes are sub par and they think that they are going to blind the audience with that one cool trick. Better skits have a cool trick but disperse a solid choreography.

I'm super appalled at the Paradise Kiss duo. I'm concerned that when judges look at the skit, it's as if they forget that western jokes (except Disney because Disney in Japan is huge) won't translate well. Then again I've noticed less WCS seasoned judges this round in judging.

>> No.8078673

Sorry, I am a dude. This was me. >>8077008

I just find them the most pleasant looking ones out of the bunch in regards to costume and actual physical appearance.

>> No.8078768

How are you complaining about western jokes not translating well and not complaining about the skit that was an english song parody from a 90's movie with boob jokes?

>> No.8078835

I totally agree--up until Cupcake got selected, I feel like all the bigger name/better talent/more experienced cosplay duos have already gotten tired of competing or actually won the competition. It's funny because as WCS has increased their availability within the WCS with all the qualifiers and stuff, the level of talent among the competitors has gone down. Having one selection round at either AX or Katsu, which I feel draws a huge crowd of ultra-talented cosplayers, would probably be the most prudent selection process.

I also remember that. I felt bad because, as I said, I actually really liked the concept, but it just seemed unfocused and unpolished, and their costumes and wig choices did not work to their strength. I hope their new costumes and skit are better, they were really outgoing and pleasant IRL and could actually be a positive representation of USA. People in the thread gave them pretty constructive advice and they were brave (or dumb?) enough to ask for feedback so I'm really rooting for their improvement.

The choice of judges this round is really worrying... like, Saboten had very reasonable and experience judges and then the judges at NDK were like... embarrassing. Like, why would you choose the WCS representative from last year to judge if USA placed second to last internationally?? JSHFLAHBWEJHFBWAEJL HOW DOES THE USA EXPECT TO WIN IF WE DON'T PICK QUALIFIED JUDGES?

The Paradise Kiss skit was horrendous. It looks like a joke. Link for those who need further reaffirmation of how shitty the judging system has become. http://youtu.be/wpqGOg_gzck

>> No.8079154

Are you talking about the Slayers skit, anon? I liked the skit if it was for a local performance but not for WCS. They were one of the better rehearsed. Unfortunately I don't think anyone would understand the whole joke. Team Finland's 2015 duo won with another Anastasia song to Rune Factory. I don't think they are going to be using those for finals. Team USA would have likely had to unless they already are making new costumes and a new skit.

I agree. It's a double edged sword to make too many qualifiers. On one hand it opens up more slot but they literally had to take masquerade participants to fill a quota or they'd have to cancel. If they need qualifiers, it would be best to keep them at a reasonable number and it also spaces time out for groups to really work on something.

I also think a lot of older cosplayers cycle between years now to try again, due to work and money and tired. I've hesrd from a few competitors that going to Katsu was massively expensive for them and investing time in a skit where there is only one winner is a challenge. I am hoping secretly we'll have a new crop or returning people if they reconsider the qualifier system.

>> No.8079229

Where did you find USA's placement for last year?

>> No.8081131

Not that anon, but they were floating around in the WCS threads around the time of the competition. You can probably find em in the archive.

>> No.8081625

There wasn't WCS in 2004 at least in USA. 2005 was the first year.

>> No.8082141

There was. 2003 was the founding yesr. In 2004 USA sent two reps. I remember they were a Kei from Dirty pair and a Nadia from The Secret of blue water. 2005 was the year of the RoZ contribution and the group that did for USA did a Rozen Maiden trio.

>> No.8082205

is there a video of the whole skit? Although just from seeing the last half, it's pretty cringe worthy.

>> No.8082214

Wow, I'd heard people talking that ParaKiss skit up big time, and I'm seriously disappointed.

>> No.8082222

I haven't seen one besides the half cut version. I couldn't find the other contestants either, and I only found Newcon's skits after some digging.

I liked the concept and costume choice since ParaKiss has so much potential, and the costume change is cool except it leaves her without some kind of hoop underneath so the dress looks droopy and sad. Their wig styling is horrendous and they do too many awkward movements during transitions like they are trying to be engaging but it looks confusing and cringeworthy.

>> No.8082242

I was incredibly disappointed as a ParaKiss fan. The Miwako's color choices seemed really bland, too. It seems just about everyone who does that outfit uses those colors. And the gown wasn't just droopy and sad, it didn't really seem stage ready at all.

>> No.8082261

Ugh those Miwako colors. I felt so sad to see the Caroline's gown. I can't see that being WCS ready at all either, not with some other teams tackling some serious ball gowns.

Our only current hope is the group that won NDK. Unless someone at FandomCon seriously steps up their game.

>> No.8082307

No one in Japan knows or cares about the drama in the USA.

What the organizers in Japan do care about is that the USA stops sending fatties to compete.

They must shake their heads and wonder how it is that the Americans still haven't figured out that this is a television show and that they need to pull in an audience and advertisers every year to keep it going.

>> No.8082324

If more groups got this I think it'd make things better. WCS has never been about being the most skilled but who puts on the best show. In the process the most entertaining skits use the benefit of having really good costumes and sets.

And that being said too I think that's where a lot of judges have also failed looking at. Last year I feel like they picked Green Jello because of the detail on the dress. Aside from the poorly fitted other outfit, the silk painted dress alone isn't something that audience cares about. You can't see that from the stage. And the series isn't well known. The most popular were from classic series, like the Cat Returns from Mexico and Princess Knight from Spain got applause midway because they hit the crowd in the feels.

>> No.8082629

The teams don't need to get it, the organizers do. There is a lot of emphasis on craftsmanship in the US and teams have to put focus on that to win. Its not the teams fault they are playing to what US judges want to see.

>> No.8082639

I think it's both. The judges and organizers definitely need to stop treating it like it's some kind of mass craftsmanship contest. But also teams when preparing should really be thoughtful about putting on a performance. I hate repeating examples but Cupcake cosplay and Dia/fatwetdog's CCS skit are good examples of this. A perfect mix of craftsmanship and performance. It is a bonus both teams got the Brother Award, but I strongly feel that a lot of it relies on how careful teams prepare the right mix. A lot of teams this year feel like they sat on their laurels alone without a clue on what to do. Good craftsmanship will always propel a skit to look better and polished but teams should take it upon themselves to also be aware of who is their audience too when submitting ideas.

>> No.8082882

that CCS skit is so boring though. Nothing about it was unique or compelling. The German team from 2014 did the same concept much better.

It really doesn't matter if the performance is amazing though, the judges have proven they weigh craftsmanship above it so what is the point of putting more effort into it when you have a better chance of winning putting that effort into the construction of your costume?

>> No.8084251


You mean Midwest Media Expo, as FandomCon got cancelled.


Green Jello were going for the wow factor of the costume changes, but wardrobe swaps are very commonplace now, and unless done exceptionally, they become like fighting in skits. Where Cupcake excelled was that they used a change that was extremely clean and, more importantly, unique from wardrobe changes done in the past. It will be a tough act to follow for any team going forward.


You want a balanced entry where everything is at least good, if not great.

>> No.8086581

It seems a lot of teams are now going for the costume changes =\ The Yukari in the ParaKiss skit apparently had two on stage, and the Miwako had one. I found photos of them and honestly it just made it even more cringeworthy than the skit already looked.