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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8035080 No.8035080 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>8009458 is on autosage.

>talk meetups
>talk cosplay progress
>talk gossip

Let's do it. Schedule is out; what will you be attending? Are you still working on your costume? Are you looking for a badge or for someone to buy yours off of you?

>> No.8035088


>> No.8035106

New Thread. New posts!
Cosplays are finished 90% packed. Just posted up the ALA 2016 Panel on Social Media. We're gonna have peeps from Ontario come talk about the new venue in detail, it'll be epic~

Panelwise I'm hosting Con Going 101, Dramatic Hentai/Yaoi Manga Reading funtime Theater, Cosplay Chess, and Battle Cosplay. competing in AMV contest and Masquerade! I'mma be a busy guy~

>> No.8035116

No tai chi? Hope I can just join you at the pool deck in the morning,

>> No.8035134

Yeah just gonna do Tai Chi on the pool deck in the morning. No official panel. I'm thinkin' like 7:00 AM maybe 8.

I enjoy it a lot more when I'm not really restricted or need to fill up a time slot with it since it should be done just to relax and rejuvenate. If enough people wanna come by and join, then we can do some taichi along with breathing and chakra exercises.

>> No.8035143

Awesome, as usual it depends on hangovers and such but I'd love to join you!

>> No.8035146

Bitchin'! I just made a post on the FB Group about it, figured maybe others will be interested but yeah, no better way to start the day!! AX, ALA, and Fanime!

>> No.8035162


What are you bringing to the meet-up this year?

>> No.8035190

>was supposed to get an industry badge so didn't buy my own badge
>make sure that I'm confirmed for a industry badge with the booth organizer, everything is good so far
>fast forward to now, organizer tells me only my industry badge was rejected
>"maybe it's cause I submitted it right before the deadline!"
>not sure whether to believe them
not sure what to do badge-wise now, guess I can't go to the meetup

>> No.8035198

>Con is 9-11
>ALA is 3 letters
>Boeing (747)
>2977 victims
>4 is the death number in Asian cultures
>19 terrorists... 9-11... 1-9 19.
>47 Story 7 World Trade Center
>1+1=2=twin towers
>Hosted at Los Angeles Airport
>Planes take off from airports
>4(Death) 000 countdown attendees
>There was an information leak showing the events that were to come, but nobody listened

ALA confirmed for Japanese terrorist attack on American citizens


>> No.8035486

I'm last-minute second-guessing this con. I /can/ go, but I don't know if I /really/ want to. I'm only going for one day, and I don't know if that's enough time for shenanigans or not.

I think if I could find a place to crash Friday night so I at least get in some Friday night drinking, I might have a better time, especially with the /cgl/ gathering that night. Other than that, I don't really know what I'm looking forward to at this con.

>> No.8035647

Bring your ID, Business Card if you have one, and any credentials that prove your industry status. Press/Industry can approve you on site at their discretion.

I'm sure someone will be able to help you. Contact Solomon, I think he's got space and wouldn't mind.

>> No.8035673

shiiiit i just realized that the Jojo Panel and the cosplay wrestling federation panel run into each other.

Any suggestions on where to go?

>> No.8035952
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>> No.8035979
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Got my ribbons, got my button sets made but I'm still trying to finish one print for my table.

Cosplay? All but one is finished and I'll hopefully be working on that all day/night then maybe a 3am Kinkos run to get stuff printed.

Tomorrow, gonna bake my rum-brandy cake and start on the cookies to bring with for the Seagull meet!

DM me on twitter [or plain tweet] if you need a place. Sadly we go to sleep a little early [usually after karaoke] since a most of us are in the AA but you're welcome to at least have a place to sleep!

>> No.8036008

First timer here, what is there to do at this con besides showing off cosplay?

>> No.8036013


>> No.8036045

Cosplay Chess
AMV contest
Scavenger Hunt
multiple dances
Game room
Karaoke Room
Rock band
Ribbon collecting
Swap Meet
Ice Cream Social
Formal Ball
Live Music
Dub Shows
Tabletop Gaming
Manga Lounge

thats just some things i can think of off hand

>> No.8036066

> AMV contest
More like watching more rewards be handed out to Ship Happens

>> No.8036114

worst smash
marvel is shit and dead
are you fucking serious
Sorry Maguma I like you and all but those are shit.

>> No.8036137

Cosplay wrestling, at least you won't be bored.

>> No.8036144

They are games that people play still to this day. I'm sorry that you don't like them but we aren't gonna pander to a tiny handful's interests. We're gonna get games that everyone will play. I'm sure you can find a game you like, and if all else fails you can bring your own games and I'm pretty sure you can play them in the game room. OR for the future, you are always able to give us suggestions for games to get for the following year. We do listen and we will take suggestions. SethBullock constantly asks for ideas and he is open to em.

>> No.8036153

I'm confused by your statement. Are you saying the AMV contest is just Ship Content??

>> No.8036156

I'll try and bring some of my own stuff. Sorry for being so anal about video games.

>> No.8036192
File: 10 KB, 100x100, tokio_29.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, it happens. Life goes on. We can't win em all, lol.

>> No.8036254

Are you making that recommendation because you've been to the Jojo panel or you watched Cosplay Wrestling?

>> No.8036386

Haven't decided yet. I think I will wear CWC to the meetup so maybe something related.

>> No.8036404

It's an AMV that wins awards at basically every con ever.

>> No.8036407

Is it okay to bring some green to the meetup? Only if it's in someone's hotel room, that is.

>> No.8036622

Oh my goodness that would be so nice! Also going to sleep early, that's extremely hard to find at ALA, and that's kind of what I'm planning after I have to work Friday. I probably wouldn't be up more than an hour or two after the /cgl/ gathering anyway. I'll hit you up tonight! :3

>> No.8036827

How long do they close off the pool deck until?

>> No.8037003

Guess I'll try my hand at the game tournaments for once

>> No.8037114

Gotcha and I understand that entirely. Wasn't too pleased with the Be a Man Nighthawk AMV at ALA. like 12 different wins? Seems unfair. But normally I haven't seen that before or after that specific AMV.

Pool deck is closed at 11 and is closed all night till like 8/9 AM??

>> No.8037122

sure wasn't that way last year bruh

>> No.8037127

Which AMVs were seen elsewhere winning what? I just hadn't heard otherwise

>> No.8037143

both actually. I wasn't overtly impress with that panel back at Anime California, while I had a blast watching Cosplay Wrestling at AX

Looking at the schedule, the Jojo panel starts 15 minutes before wrestling one ends. I'm sure you won't be missing much by going into jojo panel a bit late.

>> No.8037151

meant the pool deck but aight

>> No.8037157

Ahhh well. That's the official statement for the pool deck. we have it extended for a bit for the con. normally it closes at 10

>> No.8037805

Is it the same people hosting it from Anime California?

>> No.8037855
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Oh shit nigger, It's Freeman
Where have you been man?

>> No.8038197
File: 984 KB, 2000x2000, artek_snufkin_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone recognize this cosplay?

>> No.8038230

I've just been not cosplaying and not conning for a while. Had a pretty bad AX, so I'm skeptical about cons right now.

>> No.8038237

Is there such a thing as a good AX? I feel like it's too big to have a really good time.

>> No.8038264

What the fuck whoever doesn't recognize Snufkin needs to sudoku

>> No.8038266

Oh hey, it's The Hobbit

>> No.8038295

>getting drunk as InuYasha
>becoming ultimate catgirl trash as a Miqo'te
time to say goodbye to the hotel but hey here is hoping this con won't crash and burn.

>> No.8038331

Yeah,Kyra Buckner or something.

>> No.8038347

Kira Buckland. All aboard the JoJo Band Wagon. :/

>> No.8038481

Better than that autist who used to host the panels. I went to the ALA jojo panel a couple years ago... 1/10 would cringe again

>> No.8038512

I think that describes most panels that are focused on a series/genre.

>> No.8038527

I have to ask, which armour set?

>> No.8038674

I've never gone to ALA, but I am going to be in town visiting relatives. The website says they are no longer selling passes does that include one day badges being sold at the door?

If so is there things to do in the area/around the con with out a badge?

>> No.8038699

See >>8027023
Also, they don't have one day badges.

>> No.8038843
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>> No.8038975

Pool deck isn't closed to non-con goers, just closed to non-hotel guests.

If you're a guest of the hotel, con staff cannot keep you out of the pool deck area. If they do, report them to the manager on duty at the Mariott, Marissa. I spoke with her and she confirmed that staying at the hotel grants rights to the pool deck and it is not for con use only.

>> No.8038995

OP here
i heard of this in the last thread but i passed it off as speculation. i have a badge but no room, how do i beat the system and get to my meetup on the pool deck? this is shitty for most people who are going to their cosplay meetups and have no hotel room, honestly

>> No.8039003

Go to the pool deck with your room key, show staff your room key. If turned away, report staff to the manager at the hotel. I literally just got off the phone with the manager on duty (Marissa) and confirmed that she will be there all of this weekend. She assured me that the pool deck is open to all non-con attendees, as long as they are a hotel guest.

Also she seemed pretty irked that con staff is spreading misinformation around. It's ALA's last year there, Mariott isn't going to let them get away like prohibiting access to a huge area when it's not in their contract.

>> No.8039017

Sorry, I misread your post. You're fine to access the pool deck as a con-goer with just a badge. Con security won't get uppity with you; my initial post there was intended for those without a badge who are staying at the hotel.

>> No.8039035

Honestly, it says on your hotel reservation that the pool area is restricted for ALA.

>> No.8039037

Go ahead and give the hotel a call right now. Hotel guests have access to the pool deck as per manager's say. All she said in regards to non-con attendees going there was that it'll be crowded.

>> No.8039087

Next year you'll have to have a badge, kekekeke. Even if you're staying at the hotel.

>> No.8039097

That's fine. I understand and fully plan to get a badge next year. No hard feelings bruv, but I love that pool deck and technically have a right to be there as a guest.

>> No.8039129

what an excellent way to lose favor with the hotel that's hosting a con

>> No.8039148
File: 8 KB, 100x100, tokio_04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if we rented the whole building to ourselves it won't! ALA 2016 has the entire Convention Center and the entire Radisson. But hey, if you don't have a badge, you can just purchase one while you're there! There will be onsite registration for anyone who wants to buy their badges at con~

I feel ya bruh. No sweat~

>> No.8039155

Good to hear (I assume at least) that the reg cap will be high enough that you guys aren't worried about no at con reg next year. As long as you guys don't sell your souls like Fanime did, I'll keep supporting you (at least when you fuckers let me)

>> No.8039185



>> No.8039224

While ALA will be getting bigger over the next couple years, we don't intend to change the core aspect and elements that have made ALA the enjoyable convention that it has come to be known for. Same game, bigger stadium.

>> No.8039340

Are there any seagulls in AA that we should be visiting?

>> No.8039346

Anyone else stranded in the Hilton?

>> No.8039347

I know this feel brother. I was too slow to get Marriot rooms, so now Im with all the uncool kids in the Hilton.

A-at least its right next door...

>> No.8039350

I have a picture of the finished cosplay, but I'm too self-conscious to post it here.

>> No.8039355

So much admiration for you. I was going to cosplay Snufkin, but I dropped the project. You're inspiring me to pick it back up again.

>> No.8039358

Would you want pictures of mine for an idea on what not to do in yours?

>> No.8039361

Oh, honestly, I doubt it's as bad as you think it is. Post pics.

>> No.8039367

I'll email them to you. If you want them shoot me an email at yourdadlooks@dicksinhisan.us
I'm completely serious that is my actual email.

>> No.8039372

Heh, we're staying at the Travelodge because we're cheapskates. I'm not selling in the AA, so no way to justify spending more than minimally necessary for a con I'm attending just for fun.

>> No.8039375

Next level incredible email. Messaging you now off my side email.

>> No.8039385
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I don't have a table, but I will be my buddy's assistant for their table. I'm giving out some of my 5x7 prints for free to folks who recognize me or ask if I like seagulls. Only bringing one of each. We will be at Table 10A. I'm really excited!

>> No.8039392


I have to hunt you down. I'll be cosplaying Sirena von Boo on Saturday.

>> No.8039417

I seriously need to make more Monster High prints in time for AX. Can't wait to see your cosplay!

>> No.8039421
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Actually, the email host for that address is not responding at the moment, I'll just post it here.
Pls be gentle I made the whole thing myself.

>> No.8039423

Are you the Solaire cosplayer?

>> No.8039425
File: 48 KB, 450x600, acal049v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you know?

>> No.8039428

Forgot trip. You looked familiar.

Oh shiiiit, we'll definitely hunt you down if the table layout isn't non sense (but it's usually non sense).

>> No.8039435

Neat. I wish I talked to you more at the AC meetup, but I spaghettied the fuck out of there too soon.

>> No.8039463

Speaking of which, have the game tournament schedules been posted yet? I don't want to be busy and miss one of them

>> No.8039469

You guys sound super fun to be around

>> No.8039490
File: 2.94 MB, 480x270, Chosen Undead.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, nigga, those arms are fucking tiny. How the fuck you lift that sword and shield, nigga? How the fuck you take off your helmet, nigga? How the fuck are you gonna bear the burden of the sun, nigga? Do you even praise, nigga?

>> No.8039495

Tim Burton has really upped his CGI game.

>> No.8039552

Nice! How did you do your hat?

>> No.8039575

He's a gravelord servant masquerading as a sun praiser


>> No.8039579

I'm panicking

>> No.8039644

I really like it.

>> No.8039657

Out of towner with no guaranteed room parties to go to. Is there a hotel bar that's open reasonably late?

>> No.8039661

>Karaoke Room

I'm excited now, I have a few questions though,
>will there be any events involving karaoke?
>will there be a database?
>do we have to bring our own off-vocal tracks to jam?

So excited for my first con other than AX!

>> No.8039669

Events, I don't know.
Database yes
You can bring your own stuff as well~

>> No.8039673

awesome, which database is it. and does the it have an ability to shift the key of the songs it has? If not then t'is all good, I'll bring my own anyway~

>> No.8039756

I am unsure.

>> No.8039804

Beanie kun was pretty cool at anime california.
If you arent a total autist attend the meetup and I will try to accommodate you. Inviting anons went well at the last con and I like meeting new ppl.

>> No.8040138


I always drink with you at the meet-ups but I don't think we ever party together.

Gotta make that shit happen this year!

>> No.8040168

tfw no badge and ghosting
i want to go to the dance though ;_;

>> No.8040197
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That Nonon though, hnnnnggg. I will trade you a cgl ribbon for it!

>> No.8040215

It's hard for me to explain, but I just looked up how to make a witch hat, and pushed the pointy part of the hat into itself.

>> No.8040229

>One day left to ALA
>Promised to drive two of my friends
>Haven't packed any my clothes
>Haven't got a haircut
>Didn't bother to wax or pluck hairs
>Only showered twice this past week
>need to cut nails
>Broke my brush teeth 2x floss 1x daily rule
>Don't even know if there's gas in my tank
>stopped studying everythingI was studying
>don't want to get out of bed
>only thing I've been keeping up with is lifting, but I lost my spotter

why live

>> No.8040255

Holy shit bruh. Get out of bed, get it together, and have a great con. You can do it.

>> No.8040284

No problem, thank you so much for your help, I can't wait for ALA!

>> No.8040373

I accidentally put all of my beanies in the dryer :(

>> No.8040387

>was up till 3am last night working
>will be pulling an all nighter tonight

>> No.8040418

Did they shrink or pill or something? What happened? D=

>> No.8040477

Yeah, there are loose fibers e'rywhere. I can't think of the term. I bought a fabric comb, but I don't think it will help.

>> No.8040681

>was too late to get room at marriott in con block
>booked a room at the marriott under regular rate anyway
>make a marriott rewards account because why not
>hotel staff are noticeably much nicer to me when I harass them to make sure I'll get a refrigerator than last year

huh, who woulda guessed

>> No.8040693

Can you ask them for extra mints?? I would kill for some of those mints. I would get like 100 and sell them on the god damn back market they're so fucking good.

>> No.8040712

beginning game. i decided last minute to work on something. it shows but i'm too stubborn to ditch it

>> No.8040725


i'll try anon, if they give them to me ill bring them to the meetup, you'll know the code word when you hear it

>> No.8040728
File: 1.69 MB, 1280x720, yeehaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So excited for Table Top Gaming room

>> No.8040743

You are a fucking god

>> No.8040913
File: 7 KB, 525x52, wat did u say bout me u little bitch ill have u know i graduated from navy seals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a cheeky bloke aren't you m8

>> No.8041101
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Maybe I should have forked over the extra cash to get a Marriott room instead of a Hilton

>> No.8041131


ya you should've, cheapass, we could've had mints all around

>> No.8041136


Hey, Maguma. Me and buddies love ALA with all our heart, but last year's ALA pissed us off with what not having walk-in sign ups anymore. Is that going to happen still for ALA 2016? I'm skipping this year, but I'm also graduating this year and I want to come back in 2016 for one last, big party.

Oh, and what's going on about ALA not in the Marriot anymore? I fucking loved that pool deck!

>> No.8041142

I...I've stayed at the Marriott all of my ALA's, and I've never tried these mints...

>> No.8041144


We outgrew the hotel and the Marriott chose not to renew our contract. We are at the Ontario Convention Center and Radisson (with two more hotels right next door for overflow). There will be on-site reg all three days, no need to worry.

>> No.8041171

is spiders-anon gonna come back and terrorize us again with his army of spiders?

>> No.8041183


That dude was an asshole. I mean wtf.

>> No.8041209


if they only give me like three i'll cut them into slivers so everyone gets a little bit

>> No.8041258

Where the fuck do I get a /cgl/ ribbon?

>> No.8041446
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It is almost time

>> No.8041456
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What's the first thing you intend to do at ALA?

>> No.8041459

Go on 4chan

>> No.8041464
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>> No.8041519

You can get them from me. I don't know what I'm going to require as a phrase this year, but I'm sure if you come to the /cgl/ gathering Friday night, it'll be your best bet of getting one. I just found my stash and I have 50 or so left.

>> No.8041520

Where exactly will the Seegull meeting be?

>> No.8041532

Look for the naked molerat, 10pm by the fountains, etc...

But no, I believe it's actually 9pm Friday on the pool deck. Look for the clusterfuck of cosplayers circlejerking.

>> No.8041538

But that's a very typical Friday at 9PM by the pol deck at ALA.

Is there some specific kind of cosplayer I should look for?

>> No.8041542

Well, I'll be there as Underwear Ryuko, so I won't be hard to spot. But ha, this is my first time going to the /cgl/ meet, so I'll be as lost as you will be, probs. We'll lump together and wait for a tripfag to find us.

>> No.8041548

Why no circle jerk facebook event this year?

>> No.8041550

I'll just look for Underwear Ryuuko on Day 1 at night. I'm probably gonna be cosplaying as Enrico Pucci.

>> No.8041555
File: 181 KB, 640x640, Kongou.(Kantai.Collection).full.1620372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a tripfag, but I'll be as lost as you two.
I can recognize Beanie-kun and that's about it.

Friday I'll definitely be there as Kongou though.

>> No.8041560
File: 109 KB, 540x720, freeman_hoodie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be wearing my HEV suit hoodie, with goatee and glasses.

>> No.8041589

god yes i won't be alone as weather

>> No.8041596
File: 24 KB, 689x693, 1321075670956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you see a half-assed Pucci with purple satin at the JJBA gathering, just pull me off to the side and converse with me. We can be friends.

>> No.8041608
File: 27 KB, 130x113, 1414720990494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i honestly can't fucking wait for ala even more now

>> No.8041617

Will hug to death

>> No.8041634

underwear ryuuko as in
striped bra + panties?

little reveling for something like this isn't it?

>> No.8041641

>Con environment is Beachwear appropriate.
>Bra is probably just a bikini top

>> No.8041662


When are ya'll arriving

>> No.8041666

I'll be there at noon. TIME TO SET UP BITCHEEEEEEEES

>> No.8041667
File: 179 KB, 538x601, 1418867213277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW not arriving until 8-9 pm Friday night

Hopefully I will get there in time to get my badge and attend the meet-up

>> No.8041668

Me, but I'll be stranded in the Hilton.

>> No.8041673

Not sure, but I'm staffing the con, so I'll definitely be there before 3PM.

>> No.8041680
File: 979 KB, 428x250, ME - Party Hard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be there tomorrow at like 12pm. Staying in the Hilton like a pleb though

>> No.8041682

You can... walk to the marriott. it's next door.

>> No.8041693

I think the implication was that s/he was going to be staying in the Hilton, rather than than the Mariott.

>> No.8041706

Gonna get here on day 0 at like 3 am


>> No.8041806

Getting there sometime early in the morning (like 10 am) for ride reasons
If you see a girl in a brown tanuki sweatshirt, that's me!

>> No.8041811

I will be dressed as the classic Chris Chan. I will probably get into character and start yelling about blue arms or something.
I didnt make one this time, whoops. Too late now.
Most of the seagull crew gets there a day early.

>> No.8041826

Im bring edibles if anyone wants to get high with me friday night !

>> No.8041877
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>> No.8041899
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Yesssss Layton's ready. See you guys Saturday.

>> No.8041936

Blue arm sonic wasn't around for CC might as well crossdress, go as current Chris, and bring pepper spray.

>> No.8041981

Is it too late to sign up for cosplay chess? How is that anyway. I've never done it

>> No.8041988
File: 112 KB, 700x469, 168406_10150396308910223_860255222_16854309_7956678_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not too late since we barely got any pre-sign ups so just show up at 2:30 on the patio, you can't miss it lol. It's always been a lot of fun and one of the bigger events at ALA.

>> No.8042005
File: 195 KB, 533x800, cosplay chess-100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically 2 people will be playing an actual game of chess, and then my partner and I announce the moves while making commentary and such. The pieces "Duke it out" and capture one another till there's only one left.

>> No.8042041

Getting there by 3

>> No.8042093

Who plays the chess games? Regular folks? 'cause if it were me I'd probably be super tryhard

>> No.8042192

Heading there tomorrow morning, be there around 1'ish. See you guys!

>> No.8042252

We'll be there tonight. Not sure what time we're heading over; maybe 6:00.

>> No.8042257


someone should bring a damn sign to these gatherings,

either way, ill be wandering around as tracksuit!ryuko or tired-person-who-got-sick-of-cosplay-wearing 2 harpies-on-her-shirt

>> No.8042275
File: 19 KB, 194x338, 1250611770037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I go to ALA and get my picture taken with popular tripfags, will I become cool?

>> No.8042293

Someone please bring the naked molerat sign.

Not going to lie, it's easy to hear us all hooting and hollering and seemingly being jackasses but actually we're just enjoying ourselves.

>> No.8042329

It's two grandmasters

The game lasts 15+ hours. All the people on the losing side, including the chess player, are all executed.

All the people on the winning side who died are also executed.

Cosplay chess kills about 25 people each year at ALA.

>> No.8042330

So Who's still packing up for ALA?

>> No.8042331

1/9-1/11 Never 4Git

>> No.8042373

We actually have the game played out pretty lame at the start, allowing lots of captures to take place, so you see lots of conflict from both sides. then after a point near the end, the game goes cut throat

>> No.8042454


>> No.8042492
File: 1016 KB, 1840x1840, IMG_20150108_095528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready for ALA. See you guys soon!!

>> No.8042547
File: 148 KB, 960x720, 10403385_10155086560780504_4620486164522177719_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Brace for impact...

Exhibit 1: Creek is gone

>> No.8042550
File: 116 KB, 960x720, 10406894_10155086572045504_4324737978224932855_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exhibit 2: Rocks hiding hot tub are gone

>> No.8042552
File: 133 KB, 960x720, 10462729_10155086577145504_4509963382400552049_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exhibit 3: Hammocks, pls go

>> No.8042554

Exhibit 4: Gathering areas? What gathering areas?

>> No.8042556
File: 113 KB, 960x720, 10917434_10155086582235504_1067922364804682320_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image eaten

>> No.8042559
File: 143 KB, 960x720, 10929927_10155086607285504_805841545271984821_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exhibit 5: Fences

>> No.8042561
File: 117 KB, 720x960, 10898169_10155086620970504_6363846931099759256_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exhibit 6: No more jungle

Hopefully the fences and the chairs are an easy fix. If not, it shows the Marriott really isn't handling ALA's shit this year.

>> No.8042575

Bit of a waste of space.Would the hotel not move those?

>> No.8042577
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My cold decided to finally break and I'm back in action. Not going to be wearing anything new. Just going as Teddie and Tequila Joseph.

Also new CWF Championship Belt. Our 1 year anniversary show is gonna be HYPE!

>> No.8042593


I'll partake with you anon, come to the meet-up

>> No.8042710
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>> No.8042714

my dick is diamonds

>> No.8042717

You'd better have a pair of costume handcuffs.

>> No.8042718


Hope you bringing that Fanta

>> No.8042723

Don't die on me, liver.

>> No.8042739


>> No.8042782
File: 2.40 MB, 3920x2204, DSC_6450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I got a pretty good view from here.

>> No.8042792


Wow, the Mariott really wants us out lol. Look at all those FUCK YOU chairs

>> No.8042795

Into the pool they go

>> No.8042806
File: 1.91 MB, 1366x768, Shaft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8042817

Well one of our room mates just fucked us, does anyone have room for 2 guys?

Party/420 friendly and bringing a bunch of alcohol to share.

We'll pay whatever but won't be in till tomorrow around 12

>> No.8042892

Me too ma nigga

>> No.8042954

Does any anon have white safety pins they could bring for me? I've lost mine :<

>> No.8043111

what the fuck. best part of the pool area gone.

>> No.8043161


To be fair, we trampled the shit out of their grassy areas every year, especially that one

>> No.8043177

/cgl/ ribbon passcode hint: It's my waifu's name

Anon is resourceful, I'm sure you can find it.

>> No.8043179

fug are you serious

>> No.8043186
File: 62 KB, 597x528, suuuuuuuuxgull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't make it. Have fun ya'll. Will be lurking posts tho.

>> No.8043246

Oh no :( We'll miss you.

Does anyone know if that one wig dealer that's at every convention sells wefts? Epic something.

>> No.8043253
File: 85 KB, 960x691, ECW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<3 <3 hearto.

Epic Cosplay Wigs.
And yeah they will be there.

>> No.8043429

We'll be there shortly. Going to make a trip for some alcohol, if anyone wants to join us. Let's say around 6:30 PM.

>> No.8043681

Does anyone have room for one in their hotel room just for tonight?

>> No.8043696

What's there to eat there?

>> No.8043701


Fuck haha. I was almost tempted to dress up in his "Don't Call Anybody" wardrobe with some printout copies of the "Do not buy Sonic boom" covers.

>> No.8043712

>wearing an EC wig on day 2
i love their wigs, holy shit. i'll be dropping by

>> No.8043732

We got list hunting for liquor and found Burger King.

Related, anyone suggest a good clean sugar-free white rum? Like Don Q or Vizcaya's. Liquor store doesn't have anything I'm familiar with.

>> No.8043835

Hold me seagulls, my costume has white pants and I just started my period two weeks early WTF

>> No.8043845


>> No.8043912

Is anyone here staff? I missed the cut off so I volunteered and don't know what to expect.

>> No.8043924

You could try using both a tampon and a menstrual pad. Doubling up is probably the best bet.

>> No.8043929

So am I
I made a pretty last minute Green Baby

>> No.8043931

I'll love to see that>>8041596

>> No.8043968

Stop us and say hi if you see us, anons. White beanie today and mint (or purple if I find wefts) tomorrow. With a cute British guy.

>> No.8043971

>sees photos of what Marriott looks like right now
>pool area is gigafucked
>boy the Marriott sure does love making life difficult for cosplayers
>remembers I'm going to be in a mermaid tail most of Saturday
>what if they kick me out of the pool

>> No.8044048
File: 886 KB, 800x600, ALA ribbon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the Ribbon hunters out there I will be handing out these on Saturday, just look for the Joker.

>> No.8044114
File: 122 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two hours away. in n out break

>> No.8044148

holy fuck. I'm scared.

>> No.8044278

Sugar free rum? You know what rum is made from, right?

>> No.8044499

There's no sugar left after distilling, but a lot of white rums have it added after.

>> No.8044535

Finally heading out. See you guys eta 5-6 hours.

>> No.8044569


>> No.8044590

Not really considering the hotel hates ALA

>> No.8044661

Time to eat in and out and then do a mixer run

>> No.8044737

Anyone who can't make it and WTS 2 badges?

>> No.8044778

thats why i always bring tampons
plus in case that same scenario happens to someone else im always the one to lend a tampon or pad to someone.

>> No.8044975

Anyone know how much they charge to use the atm

>> No.8044982


Thank you tampon-chan for saving women from the perils of bleeding vaginas.

>> No.8045155

Cheesecake is go.

We're walking around a bit, then going to the liquor store around 5:00, if anyone wants to join.

>> No.8045202

where at?

>> No.8045218

voldie is in so cal?

brb going to stab her like i promised

>> No.8045223

Voldie dead and Sieg in prison? Sounds like heaven.

>> No.8045232

promised to stab her....w/mai dick

>> No.8045257

Good for the hotel not putting up with weeaboo shit this year

>> No.8045263

Sorry, didn't have internet so we just went. Hotel wifi is ghetto.

>> No.8045277

If I am paying for a room I will fucking go in the god damn pool if I please.

>> No.8045281

dick would be diamonds if hotel security harassed chicks in lolita to the point where they'e in tears

then cry even harder because now they have salt water/tear stains on their brurando print

hnnnng fuck thats hot

>> No.8045316

Are you guys going to the pool later?

>> No.8045345

Yeah, we'll be there.

>> No.8045420

your obsession with voldie is seriously creepy

>> No.8045457

See you guys at 9 then

>> No.8045461

What part of the pool area are we meeting at?

>> No.8045476

Just listen for docs yelling.

>> No.8045502

So is the gathering at 9 or 10 tonight?

>> No.8045511

Whos got cheap parking lots in the area?

>> No.8045563

Where in the pool deck is the meet?

>> No.8045593

>Tfw at pool deck but have no idea if any of these people are seagulls
D-did I miss the meet

>> No.8045612

So is the meet a bust? Ppl leaving.

>> No.8045621

Meet is kill

>> No.8045624

Where's the party? Where's the booze? Pls

>> No.8045633

I'm here with Pixel and we're on a couch and moderately sober, plz send assistance.

>> No.8045652

is voldie there? if she is wave your hands in the air plz

>> No.8045667

What's a Voldie

>> No.8045699



>> No.8045716

The crowd seems even younger and more immature than usual this year, this is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.8045720

what are they doing? how young is the crowd?

>> No.8045726

Who keeps letting them in?

>> No.8045732

Someone left glasses in our room.

>> No.8045742

U mean dis is not where we get da free alcohol for underage kids?

>> No.8045756

ITT: inside jokes and "cool kids"

>> No.8045765

Maybe you're just getting old.

>> No.8045876

>Every gathering must be mid-40's otaku discussing Lain
Kill yourself

>> No.8045888

Sorry I was throwing a sick exec suite party, I couldn't leave for the meet up. In the end I saw quite a few anons so shit happened as intended. Brb dying

>> No.8046107

You going for it again tonight?

>> No.8046151

meet me at the pool deck at 9:30 am. I'll be in my kigu and im ready to kick your shit. 1v1 me fag

>> No.8046162

I'll watch

>> No.8046204

>mfw I've thought this about ALA for years

It's the highest number of unsupervised awkward teens I've ever seen in one place.

>> No.8046207
File: 2.34 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

win by default fag didn't show up
voldie 1 sieg 0

>> No.8046209

Yeah I know, I can't see.

>> No.8046213

Tonight is my night to party. Also jungle juice is gonna be in production really soon.

>> No.8046252

Is there gonna be a /cgl/ meet up or was it yesterday?

>> No.8046278

yay voldie wins! also nice body pillow

>> No.8046300

Lets make one

>> No.8046305

That was yesterday but we can meetup later. I got stuck bar tending so I couldn't go but most of the trips and anons were in the room anyways.

>> No.8046364

Everyone knows the sickest parties end with 7up and Bud Light cans stacked in front of a TV.

>> No.8046369
File: 1.36 MB, 200x150, 1416110528548.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW the rain saved ALA

>> No.8046375

Cool, I'll be at the con till 5, I'm just at the con to drop off something and meet up with a fellow seagull at the pool area, assuming I get to skate through without a badge

>> No.8046445

Dude that post in the ala Facebook page? Someone screen cap it please it's fucking gold.

>> No.8046571


>> No.8046590

why? i was sad i didn't get to go :( no friends

>> No.8046598

Wait were you that 1617 room? Cause I was there and I found others. It was kind of lame though

>> No.8046603

Was that the room on the posters? Either way, no, the party wasn't there. I think there were too many people, though.

>> No.8046650


>> No.8046679

This place is killing me m9, pls help

>> No.8046712
File: 168 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent you a message on fb

>> No.8046747

We were in a huge suite on the 17th floor.
Want booze? Jungle juice is almost ready.

>> No.8046784

Voldie, I'd stab you
With my dick

I still think you're cute

>> No.8046805

I'll pass, I already left, the place was just too depressing for me

It's AX all over again

>> No.8046825


Any way to make Sure Andrew lets me in? He's been tough to get past lately, regardless of who you know.

>> No.8046827

how was it depressing?

bunch of nerdy kids sitting around drinking after paying hundreds of dollars?

>> No.8046842

I had a lot of things I wanted to say to someone over there that I wasn't able to deliver because I pussied out, something even 5 bottles of Dos Equis can't salvage.

>> No.8046870

Anything tonight? Time/location?

>> No.8046871

The rain is unfortunate.

>> No.8046878

Was just shown a flyer that said the suite party tonight requires an industry to badge to enter, what the fuck?

>> No.8046883

Cool kids only

>> No.8046884

I love it, it reminds me of rain in the tropics

>> No.8046885


Where's the jungle juice at?!

>> No.8046898

do you seriously want to fight me?

i was joking, but i'll actually meet you if you're serious and want to do this....

just to be clear, you're a young man, over the age of 18 an are consenting to conflict resolution?

>> No.8046903

When was the last time it rained during ALA?

>> No.8046909

Anyone go to the Crunchyroll Ambassador Program panel? I forgot all about.

>> No.8046911

Who /in their hotel room doing nothing/ here?

>> No.8046914

Tfw bought abunch of drinks and they are pretty much still full

>> No.8046938

Maybe you have voldie confused with someone else...

>> No.8046953

Lets do something about it.

>> No.8046964

When and where

>> No.8046995

Up to you, friend and I aren't doing shit.

>> No.8047018
File: 133 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking sike bitches. I ain't voldie

>> No.8047025

Fuck the lobby and ballrooms are packed. I'm in my room at the Hilton watching football playoffs.

>> No.8047066

Plz touch me not-voldie

>> No.8047069

For someone who shits on voldie's looks 24/7 you sure have no clue what she looks like

>> No.8047081

Any word on that blue striped panty Ryuko from yesterday at the pool? Need some hugs from her.

>> No.8047092

Not me, but I'd kill a man for that body pillow

>> No.8047094

Who ever has no plans and wants to just chill, meet At the Hiton lobby at 9. Bring drinks so we can drink and not make it awkward.

>> No.8047099

>everyone standing around in the lobby not knowing who to look for
>not awkward

>> No.8047102

I'll be waving a PMX 2015 poster, probably just sitting.

>> No.8047133

You better be waving or else I'm walking by pretending to not notice

>> No.8047136

Why not just tell each other what you're wearing here?

>> No.8047140

You better notice me!

>> No.8047145

I want to bully Pixel

>> No.8047147

Thats too easy

>> No.8047162

So that's what, around 5 people that are for sure meeting up at the Hilton? Any more?

>> No.8047173

I'm one of the 5 that may stop by, but got no drinks.

>> No.8047180

I might go

>> No.8047195

Yeah, my friend and I will be waving the poster. We will just hit some 18+ panels if we can't decide on anything. Or karaoke.

>> No.8047209


Not doing that sober

>> No.8047215

Senpai pls, we will be a few drinks and sing barbie girl drunk.

>> No.8047223

I am heading down shortly, I'l be waiving shortly for a few minutes

>> No.8047246

On our way

>> No.8047264
File: 1.46 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cgl orgy is in my room, RSVP.

>> No.8047273


Pick me beanie kun!

>> No.8047308

Hey its Mike. Do you want to meet up?

>> No.8047313

Room # on that orgy.

>> No.8047324

Few of us already here at Hilton lobby. Any more on their way?

>> No.8047349

We're taking a break, there's been a bit too much to drink. Maybe later.

>> No.8047365

Pixel and Sam are epeening over whose better wife material. I wish I could record this.

>> No.8047367

I vote for sam

>> No.8047453

There better be something like this for Fanime

Or Sakuracon

Fuck me, I hate seeing so much I'm missing because of work.

>> No.8047499

Although im only a regular attendee I was given the opportunity to work the masquerade cameras for the first time. It was a pretty cool experience; very tiring. My favorite act was the madorka one.

>> No.8047500
File: 3.26 MB, 4128x2322, 20150110_184621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image wasn't uploaded for some reason.

>> No.8047609

Anyone know what Blue Rose Cafe is like? I'm interested in going after accidentally passing by the room today, but I couldn't see inside or whatever.

>> No.8047672

I want to sniff Pixel's shoes

>> No.8047673

I want to pixelate pixel

>> No.8047692

Definitely a much better crowd up here in the suite today.

>> No.8047695

Which suite?

>> No.8047703

Is this the big party suite with bodyguards outside?

>> No.8047720

Is anyone up to chill out and do something?

>> No.8047741

Nigga its 3:28

Go to sleep

>> No.8047759

No u

>> No.8047961

Jungle juice is trap

>> No.8048095

Making an ELITE IN PARTYING ribbon to hand out to shitty party hosts

>> No.8048171
File: 1.63 MB, 295x254, 1413435318686.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blue Rose Cafe

Don't waste your time.

>> No.8048238

Leaving soon and still have Dash's glasses, can anyone at the Marriott take them for me?

>> No.8048256
File: 3.49 MB, 4000x2248, P1020308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big ups to the Scientist for bartending on Friday night. Sorry I only got to say like two words to you before I had to leave. You were hella busy anyway.
That drink was godlike by the way!

>> No.8048270

Ahhh! So that's where I left them! I'll be back in a couple hours. I'll try and find you.

>> No.8048290

Totally my fault though. Really sorry about that!
If it's easier to drop them off at the front desk, I can pick them up there.
If not, they're totally replaceable.

>> No.8048351

Fakku-chan I love you

>> No.8048355

We'll be around for a few hours, let me know when you get here.

>> No.8048363

Sounds good. Mike is still there. They're actually his glasses. I'm trying to get a hold of him now.

>> No.8048409

5 gallons of jungle juice later, ALA is kill. lessgoo

>> No.8048453

Left them at con lost and found. See you guys later, it was fun.

>> No.8048504
File: 595 KB, 960x1280, 2015-01-11-11-12-14_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, yes. Hot dead penguin terrorist has arrived, totally fucking hungover. I'll be hanging around the lobby giving out pins to people who recognize me or say they're /cgl/ peoples.

>> No.8048532


Move along, thread and con are kill