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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 69 KB, 300x283, what i learned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8026871 No.8026871 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8026881

Blankety, Blankety, Blank.

>> No.8026883

most underrated post of all time

>> No.8026893

I learned that cgl actually has the most productive and constructive lolita community, sand and all.

>> No.8026924

ankle socks and fatties don't mix
>Thank you CGL!

>> No.8026932

don't let tumblr run a convention ever again

>> No.8026934

I learned that efame is essentially camera whoring.

>> No.8026955

Mr Yan will always find a way to make Bodyline even cheaper.

>> No.8026967

despite the number of people making them 90% of gijinka cosplay will still be completely unrecognizable

>> No.8026970

Cosplay is steadily becoming less of a hobby and more of an advertisement for gamergirls.

>> No.8026972

I learned from that that it's actually possible for all the 4chan boards to come together in peace and harmony for a common cause, as long as the cause is something good, like laughing at tumblr.

>> No.8026974


Also I've always thought cgl had a blind hatred for jniggs and yaya and others like them but apparently there are legitimate reasons

>> No.8026998 [DELETED] 

I learned that if your boyfriend dumps you the best reaction is to accuse him of rape so all your friends side with you against him even if he abandoned you just because your a crazy obsessed Tumblr bitch. It will also make all the other girls on /cgl/ who hated you (rightfully so) suddenly like you because lying your way tru life is the best way of living. :)

>> No.8027000

Ah screw off with that old drama shit.

>> No.8027027 [DELETED] 



Coincidentally, there are three zeroes at the end of the number which describes the amount of cocks Voldefart sucked for popularity / just to shit on Matt.

>> No.8027062
File: 59 KB, 500x500, 1418477472169.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches and whores hide among the good people.

/Po/ is slower than this board.

>> No.8027072

That this board is one of the easiest to make upset.

>> No.8027075

Nah that's /a/. I was just there and wow. Wow kek.

>> No.8027103

Im glad this comment got trips and not the shit above it

>> No.8027104

Yeah seriously. I used to go there and say Sailor Moon Crystal wasn't that bad and it caused a shitstorm like every time.

>> No.8027112

Every cosplay photographer is either a cosfame chaser, a pervert trying to shoot girls, someone trying to make money from it or a shitty photographer.

>> No.8027115

Talk shit about Ping Pong. That'll throw them off.

>> No.8027123

I know one that doesn't fit any of these.

>> No.8027161

I highly doubt they have been posted on 4chan more than once. Read the like 5 current threads, pretty much the same shit over and over again.

>> No.8027169

Yeah, I never seen their name get mentioned in those threads, but I have seen their photos floating around. He doesn't bother with watermarking/stamping his work either because I guess he takes just so many photos. He's great though, and has a good attitude towards the hobby.

>> No.8027172

Lolitas have shit fashion sense - not even thinking of itas.

>> No.8027176

>What /CGL/ taught me in 2k14
Put yourself out there man. Sure people can be catty, but they can be nice too and it's still a fun place to be. CGL finally made me actively participate in the community and I'm having fun, which is cool.

>> No.8027178

Sorry anon, not ashamed to admit it but outside of lolita I am totally cas and don't care what I'm wearing. I do my best to put together a nice outfit when I want to dress formally and wear lolita.

>> No.8027191

You can't trust tumblr with anything really.


We called them promo models back in the day. I guess these days many are just promoting themselves.

>> No.8027247

Don't say you'll make all of the cosplays. Reality will come knocking and say you'll only make one of the cosplays.

>> No.8027249

Me too tbh. I haven't put on make up or showered for like 7 days. Lol.

>> No.8027264

>not showering in 7 days

I hope you haven't left the house, and have just gone into hermit mode.

>> No.8027268

I went two weeks without showering once when I was ten

>> No.8027269

Yeah but that's then, also we aren't fully developed when we are ten. I think i started to get smelly (i don't know how to word it any other way) when i was 11 or 12.

>> No.8027270

I learned that the janitors are sjws who hate lolitas

>> No.8027273

its true

>> No.8027286

Every lolita has sand in their vagina regardless of whether or not they have a vagina.

>> No.8027287

I was 9, away at camp, and didn't shower for over 3-4 days because "lol no parents no rules!!1!" And I was SHOVED into the showers by a counsler Brussels she has recieved multiple complaints about my hygiene. If this was a comedy movie, she would have pulled out the petition form signed by everyone.

So, yeah 7DayAnon, go wash yo stinky ass.

>> No.8027292

I learned the entire community is nothing bunch a fucking bunch of fakes and frauds worse then the popular girls club back in high school. Trust no bitch involved in cosplay...ever.

>> No.8027293

Brussles? Wtf? And I was going somewhere with that story and now I can't remember...dear god I hope this sickness goes away soon.

>> No.8027495

I miss when jewt renamed the board /DRAMA/

>> No.8027558
File: 148 KB, 640x852, SubstandardFullSizeRender_45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes things can be both worthless and priceless all at once. I'm still waiting for it to propose, or at least make a pass or something.

>> No.8027560

Ugh .... Gross , even as a joke

>> No.8027561

Waiting for our queen to return is a lost cause and I will never know happiness again.

>> No.8027564

Whats "cas"?

>> No.8027568
File: 1.85 MB, 2448x3264, FullSizeRender_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the creepy thing to death though. I figured it would be funny for like twenty minutes and then just be creepy but it never gets old.

>> No.8027570

I full sized that image and laughed so hard I choked

>> No.8027571

It's even better in person. I get my dorm inspected sometimes so when I go to work I tuck it under the covers with just that face peeking out on the off chance someone comes by

>> No.8027597
File: 1.01 MB, 2322x4128, Ballerina Yan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got a new petticoat in the mail yesterday. After I tried it on I decided that Mr Yan needed to have a turn.

>> No.8027598

I am in tears, anon. This is genius.

>> No.8027599
File: 131 KB, 562x960, IMG_20150101_023947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow! I put him in meta a little bit ago! If you live in the bay area we can have a double date?

>> No.8027602

I want to see a fucking wardrobe post all posted like this I'm crying anon

>> No.8027607

February anon. Please remind me in the upcoming threads. I don't even go on egl but I'll make an exception

>> No.8027610

Same here anon. I don't even put on any make up on when I'm not in Lolita.

>> No.8027615
File: 2.44 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20150101_042052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo dawg, I hear you like tacky coats. So I put a tacky coat on your tacky coat so you can waifu while you waifu

>> No.8027617

I almost want to buy squirrel party for the sole purpose of dressing him in it. If a date isn't going well and I never want to see that person again, I'm going to casually slip away to put him in a chair facing my bed and insist on "letting him watch"

>> No.8027622

Someone said Love Nadia is restocking. I'd wait for that.

>> No.8027625

That shit will backfire so hard and it will be cringy as fuck.

>> No.8027630

I just need the wizard hat to complete my set.

>> No.8027637

I learned how to make $17k quick and easy.

>> No.8027639

It sounds like your body is ready. I did see the hat on the site, I was surprised. I thought it was his speshul hatto. He did give a coord rundown at one point, haha!

>> No.8027648
File: 231 KB, 600x600, IMG_0355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misako once modeled it on the waifu couch.

>> No.8027655

Is it sad that this applies to two separate things now?

>the con was fuuuun
>muh harddrive!

>> No.8027914

What i Learned on /CGL/ in 2014 is no matter how hard you tried, no matter how much effort you put in, There will also be people who think you are shit.

There is nothing you can do, so just accept that people are salty. but it shouldn't stop you from doing what you love.

>> No.8027919


>> No.8027936

That cgl gives better advice for lolita coords than anywhere else and I've learned more from here than any Facebook lolita group that I'm in

>> No.8028083

She looks so sad.

She has no idea how many girls would love to be in her position on the waifu couch.

>> No.8028136

I don't care if this is old AF, it needs to be a meme. This pix made my day.

>> No.8028140

I learned that it's as easy to plant a seed of something good here as it is to rustle jimmies...as long as you do it stealth-like.

>> No.8028146
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>> No.8028162

There are more lesbian/yuri-friendly seagulls than I thought.

>> No.8028177

Alternative hobbies tend to attract queer people in every sense of the word. Or maybe it's infectious. I'm as straight as they come but I still kind of want to cuddle up with a qt lolita gf...

>> No.8028321

This. Being lesbian made me care a lot less about what people think, so I had very little trouble getting the courage for lolita

>> No.8028514

If a date isn't going well, why on earth would you bring the dude to your bedroom?

>> No.8028722

To make Mr. Yan jealous of course.

>> No.8028755
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>> No.8028772
File: 1.55 MB, 1200x1161, misako_bl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is everyone getting these old Bodyline modelling pics from? Are there any more aside from these and the hat one?

>> No.8028785

Male advice can be hard to get

>> No.8028811
File: 34 KB, 355x236, things-that-blew-your-mind-when-you-were-a-kid-1-30991-1346448555-3_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well compared to itachat and tumbleweed-egl..... that's actually true.


>> No.8028825
File: 74 KB, 550x550, IMG_0651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really know, they're like a cgl chain email. No one knows the origin of them and if you don't repost and buy a pair of booby glasses then Mr Yan will break into your house at night and replace all your brand's lace with plastic raschel lace.

>> No.8029186

I learnt that I should make sure to stay way off radar (and thus unknown) as a cosplayer so that I don't end up posted about on cgl, especially the Ausfag dramu threads.

>> No.8029282

Old Bodyline website probably? Dunno if it's still up.

>> No.8029307

what u need bb :^)

>> No.8029313

If I ever want to make money for a cosplay shooting vacation with friends, I can't use kickstarter anymore because some other dipshits ruined that already.