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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 108 KB, 450x750, tumblr_inline_nhfo58szZu1qdcg7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8026291 No.8026291 [Reply] [Original]

new one, old one is on autosage

>> No.8026315

its new years eve give the negativity a rest

>> No.8026317

This is cgl

>> No.8026318
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>> No.8026319
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Negativity? The ita threads are always the funniest ones!

>> No.8026323
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Jersey Shore lolita

>> No.8026327
File: 298 KB, 764x1024, tumblr_nhg3jbgSfH1s3n67so2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lord

>> No.8026328

I like it in a hot mess/stripper sort of way.

>> No.8026331

Just doesn't fit the Lolita aesthetic
Nb4 it's ero Lolita cough

>> No.8026334

omg its ero!!! just bc her boobs are out and nothing looks good doesnt mean its not lolita :'(

>> No.8026335

nigga you new?

>> No.8026365

>with socks
>is the least that's is concerning in this picture
Omg I hope she's cosplaying as an ita.

>> No.8026383

Didn't say it did. I still like it for some reason. It's like two completely different styles mashed together, then well fitted.

>> No.8026413

Wow You made a joke. Amazement.
I don't think you understand how inb4 works

>> No.8026415

Nevermind, I didn't get your joke
I'm tired

>> No.8026496

She has three pairs of teaparties. That amazes me more than the coord itself.

>> No.8026509
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>> No.8026511
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Posted as OTT gothic lolita. This girl doesn't know what any of those three terms means...

>> No.8026516

Well, it's a nice normalfag outfit. Just not lolita.
>the "bundt cake" skirt

>> No.8026526

She tagged it as lolita.

>> No.8026535

>show this to dude friend who doesn't know anything about lolita other than "pretty dresses"
>why does she have a frilly pad on her head

>> No.8026554

I figured that's why it was posted, I just wanted to comment that if she wasn't trying to be lolita it'd be a nice outfit. I can understand how you could misconstrue what I was saying and how it could be unclear.

>> No.8026570

this is the most polite response I've seen on /cgl/

>> No.8026573

More like Bisquick chan.

>> No.8026582

Yeah seriously, that was very sincere.

>> No.8026592

>non asian girl
>BISKO-CHAN! =(^-^)=

Please, stop that weaboo shit.

>> No.8026598

I just want to know what was going through her mind. Like .. how can you walk out of your house looking like that and think it's okay? Did she look in the mirror? Did it break?

>> No.8026607
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She's wearing sandals with... whatever the hell is on her legs- tights? Either way. Da fuck.

>> No.8026638

That's a cute outfit.
Not lolita, but still cute.

>> No.8026642

I actually like this.
It's tacky in a fun way.
I'd feel unconformable calling it lolita but maybe something else, yes?

>> No.8026680

my mom choked on her drink omfg

mom:this is making me very depressed, that dress looks so sad.

>> No.8026698

the outfit's cute, even if it's not lolita.
i've tried looking for things to critique, but aside from 'it's not lolita' there's really nothing.

>> No.8026701

is it weird that the thing that bothers me most is her makeup. or lack thereof.

>> No.8026711
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>> No.8026716
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oh wow
do you guys think it's unzipped in the back?

>> No.8026760

Pls let this be troll.

>> No.8026762

not really, it looks more like diy shit.

>> No.8026763
File: 90 KB, 720x960, 10882136_10152597690048932_4322792571718037084_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from the old thread

>> No.8026769

lmao crying for this girl

>> No.8026781
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>> No.8026784
File: 45 KB, 405x720, 10906204_10152963686281718_4016524361413948937_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not completely its but WTF HER FEET?
they're like child size
like some chinese foot binding shit.

>> No.8026819
File: 85 KB, 720x960, IMG_36909305523064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She made it herself and has set up her own "brand" selling shit like the skirt In pic related. I can't believe she thinks people will buy from her when she can't even make clothes to fit herself.

>> No.8026824

It's probably just a strange perspective.

>> No.8026827
File: 395 KB, 240x180, 1390685378970.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ik all Barnes & Noble looks the same
>still have a mini-panic attack thinking she's in my area
>do not want

>> No.8026829

But it does fit her, her body just looks awful. You can't make anything that would fit her and look good.

>> No.8026842

this picture is fucking me up

>> No.8026843

I was thinking the exact same thing.

>> No.8026857

does she have a blog? I think she's cute.

>> No.8026888
File: 122 KB, 960x960, 10534073_10204277468114356_785328364590080347_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ita as ffuuuccckkkk

>> No.8026910

is that a fucking plastic pointsetta cut off from one of those grocery store plants

also, pretty sure that's a pre-pubescent boy. i'm thoroughly grossed out right now.

>> No.8026913

why would what a prepubescent kid dresses in gross you out?

>> No.8026922

why wouldn't it?
the outfit alone is horrid, but the kid clearly has mental issues on top of that

>> No.8026929

She's probably just short. Short ppl have tiny feet most of the time

>> No.8026957

did she photoshop them to be smaller or something? wtf
look at her right hand, too - the door looks a bit curved like she used warp tool.
why didn't she fix her ugly face while she was at it?

>> No.8026965

apparently its hand made.. guh like.. .all those comments where soooo hugbox. like... omg. nice try but... no. just no. go buy bodyline plox and continue working on your sewing

>> No.8026969

angles, super thick calves, and tiny feet. all this adds to the perception that she has a size 3.5 shoe

>> No.8027059

i vomited in my mouth a little

>> No.8027084

why has only one person pointed out that thing creepy hand on a long af arm? nightmare tier

>> No.8027088

Nah. I know a person who'd order a bunch of things "they liked" and slap it on like this. They're a pretty cool person otherwise.

>> No.8027364

she is 500daysofshayla, and i don't think there's shoop in this pic
just weird angle

she is cute and i really like her coords

>> No.8027383

I think it's the angle of the mirror. Sometimes when mirrors lean forward they can make the bottom half you look really weird and small. It happens sometimes when you put a mirror on a door and she probably just needs to readjust it.

>> No.8027390
File: 15 KB, 500x282, tumblr_m7s7b7MN9b1r93lmd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat hand tho

>> No.8027431

It's a very unflattering skirt. She looks like a grandma with a fat ass.

>> No.8027596
File: 472 KB, 796x1920, tumblr_nhftynPGLX1qcgk3oo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8027719

It does look like she shopped her hands and feet smaller. Her right hand is much smaller than the hand holding her phone.

>> No.8027725

Brand ita is favorite ita.

>> No.8027751

Oh lord, he's from a comm in the state I lived in a few months ago. I've seen several pictures of him and I do think he has a lot of potential, it's just his fucking hair that gets me every time.

>> No.8027774

Looks like a replica? My second release one has plastic stars on the bow and oojia bows look like that cotton.

>> No.8027816

She's not even wearing a petti, dude.

>> No.8027854

Yeah that's a replica, I have the same one. It's definitely shittier and hangs worse than the original (+ plastic stars are missing like anon said).

>> No.8027860

right?? the fabric looks so...plasticky. i don't know what's worse, the horrible dress or the stupid face or the greasy hair or the sad bow. GURRRRRRL.

>> No.8027868

that.... actually amazes me too. i dont think ive ever seen her wear any of them.

>> No.8028074

There's nothing wrong with my outfit. I can't believe you posted me here. Do I have to explain what OTT is? Lots of accessories makes it OTT. The main colors are black and red too so it's gothic. I can't even with you people

>> No.8028075

pls be troll

>> No.8028089
File: 182 KB, 331x500, ottgothic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't even qualify as OTT if it were like early 2000s. Have you seen OTT lately?

>> No.8028101

nice use of office shirt and bargain bin sale fabric skirt

>> No.8028133

He's looked like shit for as long as I can remember and refuses to improve. If there ever was any potential there he's locked it away and swallowed the key.

Please burn that skirt.

>> No.8028170

>nothing wrong
I have never seen skirt like that work for gothic, let alone any other genre of lolita. And yes, we know what OTT means, you just didn't pull it off.

>> No.8028229
File: 106 KB, 540x960, 10417715_1641730286054487_5849828165751439652_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl on the left with her ugly beanie.
She was at a harajewkew meeting in France and I saw her, ugh.
>fugly frizzy hair
>with a fugly "cat" beanie
>ugly face without a trace of makeup
>bodyrine ugly mainstream printed dress: squirrel party
>fucking striped socks
>two fugly necklaces totally unrelated
>there was a fucking chocomint clip on her ugly beanie on the side and wristcuffs in lavender not matching the shade of lavender of her dress
>also the normalfag sweater on top of it to serve as a "cardigan"
>ugly dark purple SNEAKERS with lolita

>> No.8028234


>> No.8028293
File: 68 KB, 720x960, 1504950_831305160261046_9104680309048969372_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Any suggestions on how I can improve this coord?"

I can't even right now. Just posted to Lolita Fashion Mentoring.

this is gonna be good.

>> No.8028302

By wearing something lolita?

>> No.8028313

It's a cute outfit, but it's not even casual lolita

>> No.8028327

When you're new I know it's hard to take criticism, but you should learn to love it. The best lolitas get crit, and it helps you improve your style.

>> No.8028336

They look about 13

>> No.8028339

This was on Pintucks and Lace too, got sent to LFM

>> No.8028711
File: 287 KB, 700x1200, l564-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl that posted this on Lolita Updates says she just neeeeeds this.

>> No.8028720

Did someone tie her up? That ribbon is triiping my sight.

>> No.8028724

Are you sure it wasn't sarcasm anon?

>> No.8028728

That dress must have been made for a sissy

>> No.8028740

I kind of dig the fabric. Maybe for a tacky purse or for a hair bow or something.

>> No.8028766

I bet she smells like stale cigarettes.

>> No.8028803

What I like about this picture is that both of them are wearing bodyline but look totally different. It's honestly interesting because its the same print/dress but accessorized differently and has a completely different feel.

>> No.8028810

Lady gaga print so rori

>> No.8029025

It's bullying not criticism! Also my pictures were stolen and posted here! I want them removed now. You're all just a bunch of mean bullies!

>> No.8029041

>my complaints have meaning here
You're funny. Go back and whine to the tumblr hugbox.

>> No.8029042

lol you must be new

>> No.8029044

You've probably received the nicest critique in this whole thread. I was hoping you were just a troll, but obviously not.

Tumblr is a hugbox where you will not improve, we may be harsh here, but you'll improve in this style much faster than in the hugbox.

Take this as the opportunity to learn more about Lolita and browse through our topics. There are jerks but you'll often find helpful tidbits of advice.

>> No.8029073

>mean bullies!
wow, it hurts

>> No.8029077

It may seem like that, but honestly, compared to what others have been critiqued about, yours was hardly anything.
Being critiqued isn't easy, especially when you didn't exactly ask for it. But it's to better you. There are lots of great threads on here that can help you.
A lot of us are here to help you get better

>> No.8029084
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>> No.8029097

Could be done better but overall I like this, fuck da polees

>> No.8029101

I actually kinda like it, yeah, there's room for improvement, but damn, I've never seen anything like it. It's definitely interesting!

>> No.8029102

I agree, now I really want an Egyptian themed print done nicely <3.

>> No.8029111

this is a great skanky hoe kei look, she nailed it

>> No.8029124


>If troll...

Great job!

>If not troll...

Fuck off, really.

>> No.8029132


>> No.8029140

The only thing that I see that is costumey in this is the head piece. It's certainly a lot better than what it could have been

>> No.8029261

god i bet that looks horrible close up. like, the rhinestone trim is probably hot-glued on and the headpiece is just one of those cheap party city ones with shit just slapped on. also, i'm pretty sure those blue shoulder pieces have been shooped in.

cute print, though. i'd like to see what someone with talent could do with it.

>> No.8029334

Seriously guys, this is obviously a troll, sounds fake as fuck. Jesus, stop replying to them, it's getting kind of embarrassing.

>> No.8029366

What makes me feel sad is that she looks so happy. Look at that gleeful face. She feels like a princess.

>> No.8029391

it makes me wonder what these people wear day to day that a dress, a relatively normal looking dress without petti, makes them feel like a princess or feel 'weird' as they like to say. Is it really that unusual to wear dresses? sorry if that sounds awkward, English is not my first language.

>> No.8029452

More than likely they are long time jeans/pants wearers. I used to be like that until I forced myself to wear dresses more.

>> No.8029463

I think finally putting on a coveted thing such as "a Lolita dress" is enough. My first Lolita skirt I put on made me feel so unreal when I put my petticoat on. Was grinning non stop, was actually shaking in happiness, like I was "finally there!!". Not that I hadn't worn nice clothing before. I have, just not Lolita clothes.

>> No.8029572
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>> No.8029574
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>> No.8029629
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Actually it was made just for her by a handmade store that also happens to make bad replicas

>> No.8029646


>> No.8029674

incredible how she can make Moitie seem like shitty bodyline.

>> No.8029703

The silhouette isn't quite right and some of the pattern clashing is questionable but she still looks overall cute. One of the better attempts at a wa lolita style outfit I've seen honestly.

>> No.8029704

I just realized she is not wearing an Anubis mask but a bird mask with bunny ears glued to it

>> No.8029731
File: 674 KB, 1081x1920, tumblr_nhk26aOXHe1rmp04io1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first crop of "babby's first brand is an LP" is appearing on tumblr.

>> No.8029754

Everything about this picture hurts my eyes.

>> No.8029760
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>> No.8029769


I love it when this seagull shows up in the ita/nitpick threads. I hate her fucking makeup.

>> No.8029778

something about her face looks terrible in any picture i see her in. is it her makeup? the cut of the wigs? Like none of them look good on her, and i cant figure out what the problem is. She isn't ugly and she dresses fairly well I just can't pinpoint why she always looks terrible

>> No.8029781


Oh please, this is nowhere near ita! Vendetta much?
Only thing she should change is the shoes and go for a red pair but the rest is lovely.

>> No.8029786

Not quite ita but that fucking feather on the bonnet needs to be burned. If the bonnet color matched the dress color it would be good.

>> No.8029791

Not a vendetta, I hardly know this girl. I see where you're coming from but there's just something so off about how she looks. Her makeup looks bad, the shoes don't match anything and I just feel like none of what she's wearing looks good on her.

>> No.8029793

No, it's not ita. Just butt fucking ugly and unflattering and silly.

>> No.8029800

I thought it was shitty home made stuff, oh god it's brand?

>> No.8029815
File: 1.08 MB, 978x653, why a kilt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finger slipped

>> No.8029827

Is the guy carrying a hand fan? And is that racoon guy liner? He's next level.

>> No.8029848
File: 706 KB, 360x244, x9t6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why the two on the right end agreed to be photographed with the rest of that lot it beyond me.

Run girls. Run before they eat you.

>> No.8029851

I thought this was Lauran for a moment

>> No.8029884

God that one on the right... Her outfit is wonderful but take off those goddamned ears. Animal ears are for kids, I don't care how old you're trying to look, animal ears make anyone not 10 years old or younger look juvenile.

That said, the guy standing there is like the dividing line... The girls on the right being light years ahead of the girls on the left. If the girl in the wine colored outfit dressed for her body type and fixed that hair and makeup she'd be there, too. Her coords aren't bad at all.

>> No.8029900

What the fuck, why do itas think it's okay to just jam salopettes around their waist and call it a day?
>and it's still straining at the seams

>> No.8029963

dues anyone know where i can get this dress for normalfag wear?

>> No.8029984
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>> No.8030008

Where is this? What con or comm? So I can NEVER go there.

>> No.8030101

Are you new? Everyone and their mom with Fantasic Dolly in red does a Minnie Mouse coord.

>> No.8030119

why you post her, you know that she doesn't have humor whatsoever and she will post excuses and samefagging all over the thread.

>> No.8030149

I knew this girl irl she's a huge bitch. I wonder how the rest of the Costa Rica comm is doing

>> No.8030186

I think it's the makeup. It doesn't enhance her looks, just makes her seem older. The stark liner isn't doing her any favors either.

>> No.8030190

Who cares if everyone does it? If everyone does it, then everyone looks fucking ridiculous. Slap on a red and white dotted bow with black lace trim. There you go. Works without having you looking like an immature brat.

>> No.8030529

god she looks ridiculous to me

maybe it's the downsy face

>> No.8030573

Oh god. I thought she reminded me of that godawful Moitie ita, but I was like no it can't be her, this is some shitty offbrand non-lolita crap. Nope, definitely our French Moitie ita

>> No.8030651

They are from Sao Paulo, Brazil.

>> No.8030687

I don't see anything wrong with this group.

>> No.8030697

I think you're blind... Don't be fooled just because she's a qt asian. She's also dressed like shit.

>> No.8030698

Lol I love how you can see the other LP items shoved aside and that there wasn't even an attempt to try them on. Let's me know she's not stupid, she knows the shit doesn't fit.

>> No.8030719

She looks like she took advice from pixyteri

>> No.8030725

We are posting brazilian itas? Let me help you out there.

>> No.8030727

4chan won't let me post any photos, shit i will do it later.

>> No.8030730

You're having this issue, too? I thought it was just me, thank god.

>> No.8030741

Can I just advise everyone to never buy from this girl. She always alters her brand stuff because she's too big, but the alterations are always so poor that the dress is basically ruined. I have no problem with girls modifying their dresses, but when you're buying from this chick please ask for lots of photos of the alterations she's made, because she tries to fudge the damage on a lot of her items.

>> No.8030745


Are you guys serious? The two girls on the right might look good compared to the rest, but cut them out and you have plain, barely acceptable outfits. They're cute though, so I guess that's where you're coming from...

>VERY unflattering ankle socks (a see-through ones would've been better)
>ill-fitting dress on the left (please remove that bow at least)
>lack of color balance on the right (either go all black or add more red)
>no head accessories (I refuse to count a Disneyland hat)
>barely any accessories in fact (acceptable with simple dresses, but not busy prints)

>> No.8030751

thats racist man..

>> No.8030759

Oh I thought it was only me too.

>> No.8030763

she looks like she's missing an entire section of leg in that first shot

>> No.8030764

This is amazing in my opinion. Yes there is room for improvement but the general idea is really original and I want to see more of these. But please back off white people.

>> No.8030766

That one in the tartan skirt isn't even wearing a petti. Lazy fuckin itas

>> No.8030773


>> No.8030775

Please back off from European and Asian themes, black people.

>> No.8030779

Socks no, everything else, yes.

>> No.8030803


I have the same problem! Thought I was banned for a moment and didn't understand why cause I haven't been spamming or been a bitch.

>> No.8030825

Liner doesn't suit her eye shape and her wigs often make her face look wider than it is, and that dress kinda swamps her but also makes her look bigger.

>> No.8030833

People are getting their lucky packs already? whats the tag you have to follow to see this?

>> No.8030845

Second that

>> No.8030847

This is actually a very accurate color combo you would see with a kimono and haori. The socks need to go and the wig should not be red. Other than that it's great. I like how people who have no real clue about traditional Japanese clothing like to shit on wa loli. Take a kimono class or gtfo.

>> No.8030851

that was a casual meet up in the middle of fucking summer. bitch.

>> No.8030854

>acceptable with simple dresses, but not busy prints)
says who?

>> No.8030858

gtfo out of daily anon.

>> No.8030859

Whether is traditional or not the clashing prints In the outfut are still fuck ugly.

>> No.8030868

The basis of wa lolita is to make the two work together. Color combo in kimono styling is awfully clashy, and it could have been done better here without the shocks and wig and with an unpatterned haori. So not it's not great, you have to go the extra lenght to make it work.

>> No.8030879

This belongs in a nitpick thread. Not ita.

>> No.8030950

>a nitpick
looks like a doll with downs styled after hugo chavez that just shat herself

>> No.8031023


Of the two on the right aren't great by any strech, but they aren't ita. And their boring coords are so much better compared to the rest of that clusterfuck I'm surprised they agreed to be in the same picture.

Also wtf do fat people continue to wear ankle socks? WHY?!

>> No.8031062

>believing the egyptians were niggers because al sharpton said so
god i hate you fucks

>> No.8031068

they could use some clip in bangs

>> No.8031073

This looks really shooped guys.

>> No.8031079

>Animal ears are for kids, I don't care how old you're trying to look, animal ears make anyone not 10 years old or younger look juvenile.
>say anon in a lolita thread

>> No.8031090

>please back off white people
>egyptian costume

Egyptians were a mix of various middle eastern and mediterrean people, mostly. There were black people, but they were typically slaves (not due to their skin color, but due to the fact that they were incredibly behind in terms of society and technology, much like African tribes today still).
If you think of the average Roman person who lives in Rome, with the brown skin but caucasoid features, much like you'd imagine an italian person, you have the perfect image of the average Egyptian back then. Rome just a had a much higher amount of 'pale' Europeans.

>> No.8031114

they all look cute except the brolitas skirt is wierd.

>> No.8031115

She looks fine exept the tights so nitpick

>> No.8031117

I think its cute except the blouse

>> No.8031120


>> No.8031121

she cant help being fat guys

>> No.8031131

But she can help her lack of petti, lack of accessories, unflattering hair, those tights.... It's pretty easy, focusing on weight shouldn't be necessary.

>> No.8031140

Yes she can. It's called dieting.

>> No.8031162

u all still look like shit cry about it

>> No.8031163


>[citation needed]

>> No.8031166

That's not a brolita you dumb shit and you're fucking wrong, stop white knighting yourself.

>> No.8031170

I'm not white knighting anyone. I'm not even in that comm.

>> No.8031172


>> No.8031180

Overall, at least she's not fat and ugly.
Wasn't there a really nice Egyptian-inspred coord that got posted around a while ago?

>> No.8031188

not sure if trolling, are you aware that's a kilt?

>> No.8031200

look here, nobody cares

>> No.8031204

Second that.

>> No.8031206

I'm pretty sure it's a kilt.
Probably someone's boyfriend who decided to use the meet as an opportunity to wear it.
I don't like his outfit in particular, but I think a better one would go nicely with a classic girl for date night. Maybe something regimental or Loyal Rosette or something.

>tfw no qt kilt-wearing bf

>> No.8031234
File: 57 KB, 540x960, 10841370_10203389268111804_93664177_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not ita, but annoyed as hell that she is saying it is the irl vamp req by AaTP

>> No.8031240

(it's not letting me quote. To the post directly above)
There's an ita in my comm, when I first met her she was wearing this replica in red and claimed it was Moite.
I just smiled, nodded, and politely excused myself taking the opportunity to pay for admission to the place we were going.

>That shit ain't moitie
>That shit ain't even brand
>I know she didn't just get confused
>She's probably 400 pounds
>Shit girl you can't fit brand

how the fuck did she think anyone would believe her?

>> No.8031246

i really want to ask her if someone sold it to her claiming it was AatP it would be sad if she got swindled but if she is claiming its irl when obv its oojia fuck that chick

>> No.8031252
File: 60 KB, 740x612, 10644790_10204179592708351_9215267105392227579_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitty picture, shitty face, and WTF with the hat?

>> No.8031255

The co-ord is fine sandy-chan
being a cunt isn't cute

>> No.8031258

Her coord is meh but with that face, you need make-up.
Also annoyed by the wonky beret

>> No.8031259

this coord is fine, she just needs to style her hair and make up.

>> No.8031265


she looks frumpy. would get a different cardigan and purse.

>> No.8031267

>An African country in Africa wasn't filled with blacks, only Italian looking people
>Only blacks were salves

I bet you just loved that Exodus movie too

>> No.8031272
File: 112 KB, 221x287, 1388546936904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit they're mouse ears calm down

>> No.8031310

Please everyone just stop arguing about the race of an ancient people. I am sure Egyptians were reasonably diverse as they were a major trade country, lots of people coming through, no doubt some added to the gene pool. Does it really matter what race they were?

>> No.8031331

>An African country in Africa wasn't filled with blacks
Before you go full Africa defense force inform yourself a little about its inhabitants because a good amount of them, those living up north are just brown, not black.

>> No.8031341

Her face is fucking hideous. What a fat ass

>> No.8031350

>What are berbers
>what are levantines
>amerifat education

>> No.8031364

Fucking this, majority of those in the northern Africa area are brown.

>> No.8031372

She was claiming it was Moitie, not even AatP... Wrong brand, even. She owns a lot of replicas and is really seriously overweight and can't fit into any brand. I feel like she knows what she's doing, and just forgot what brand her dress was 'supposed' to be.

>> No.8031401

some are even really white, some arabs have light skin and green eyes.

>> No.8031410

>caucasoid features
fyi phrenology is considered a pseudoscience.

>> No.8031416

YOU cared enough to reply

>> No.8031421

>Also wtf do fat people continue to wear ankle socks? WHY?!
southern hemisphere summer.

>> No.8031425
File: 89 KB, 492x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is not even lolita. Someone told her so but a mod proceded to tell the poster she was wrong and delete her comment. Fuck CoF, and this bitch in particular. So you bought a $50 shitty dress? Congrats that is not a coord.

>> No.8031432

vendetta chaaaan

>> No.8031433

I smell...

A vendetta.

>> No.8031439

wtf you talking about, i'm not even there. i'm just pointing out stuff you dumbo

>> No.8031440

It doesn't really matter anyways because egypt is a country of mostly immigrants. There were very little native africans there at the time.

It was kind of between EVERYTHING, asia, middle east, southern europe... it was like a tosspot of everything EXCEPT fucking africans.
And yet the pyramids are somehow A BLACK ACHIEVEMENT.

>> No.8031443

How is this not lolita? I mean yeah there's not much poof but it's not ita, definitely not the worst coord I've seen

>even her skates match her coord gaiz

>> No.8031447

It depends. A lot of the countries along the coastline have more variety in race because people from other countries came and traded with them which resulted in crossover between the gene pools like I said in >>8031310
I do not think of Ancient Egyptians as black, based on artworks from the time I imagine the majority of Egyptians (not counting slaves) had a skin tone ranging from a light olive to a very dark tan, and facial features similar to those of polynesians.

>> No.8031500

Is this that Cordelia again?
She's annoying as hell.

>> No.8031522

I don't agree that particular coord is entirely eye-searing but it's not lolita and this girl is extremely infuriatingly stupid so I can see where the OP is coming from.

>> No.8031526


I hate Cordelia too (she is annoying as fuck and a special ass snowflake) but this is lolita. just needs more of a petticoat.

>> No.8031540

Oh no the vendetta's spreading, quick call a doctor!

>> No.8031545

vendetta. how is this not lolita? srsly guys. she is annoying but lets not say she isn't in lolita in this pic.

>> No.8031549

infanta is great. y u mad op

>> No.8031574

I smell vendetta

she's actually got a pretty cute face and they're outside (cold), which I'm guessing explains the beanie and hoodie. I feel like these threads are more for posting people who are trying and failing, but this girl isn't even trying

>> No.8031581

serious question: do you think maki and asuka get embarrassed by this shit?

>> No.8031584


I think she needs makeup and i think the could have gotten a better hat to cover for the cold.

>> No.8031585

^ yes.

>> No.8031588
File: 1.38 MB, 400x225, laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she thinks it's vandetta
>she thinks itas try

>> No.8031590

>cute print, though.
what universe are you living in

>> No.8031592

first time on /cgl/?

>> No.8031593

I meant ^ yes to the Maki and Asuka comment.

>> No.8031596

I'm assuming yes.
Helpful tip: In order to reply to a comment, click the number next to No. on the post.

>> No.8031599

>she thinks itas try

Eh, yes, that's my opinion. From my perspective, the funniest people in these threads are the ones who are trying extremely hard and fucking it up, like egyptian goddess bitch >>8029084 or this girl >>8026888 who stuck a plastic poinsetta to her head or any other obese 30-something year old woman wearing a homemade polysatin abomination. I'm not interested in whiteknighting any further but beanie baby just looks like she's a teenager who could afford a lolita dress and nothing else

>> No.8031612

She's annoying but honestly her attempts I've seen so far are pretty much lolita, generally just lacking in hair, makeup, accessories. Typical hit or miss newbie. Go away vendetta-chan.

>> No.8031670

kinda looks like a gyaru tried to be lolita for a day

>> No.8031675
File: 302 KB, 333x443, 2015-01-03 06.28.53 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8031677

there is an easter basket on her head

>> No.8031681

indeed there is.

>> No.8031686

>dat nasty bitch face

>> No.8031688

look at all the poor normalfags trying to eat their normal meals while this photoshoot was happening

>> No.8031708
File: 1.32 MB, 1200x896, seagull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8031712

vendetta much, it's always about this girl and your dislike of infanta dresses

>> No.8031718

Her face reminds me of a old man.

>> No.8031731

because you were crying and giving poor excuses

>> No.8031740
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>> No.8031749
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>> No.8031753
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>> No.8031756
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>> No.8031760
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>> No.8031764
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>> No.8031765
File: 97 KB, 960x638, 488248_10200994836977155_489989369_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just minus the younger girl, she looks young. Time to improve, god knows my judgement was iffy when I was her age.

>> No.8031766
File: 74 KB, 704x960, 08416556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8031768

meh, as far as wa loli goes, i've seen so much terrifying shit this could almost look good honestly.

>> No.8031769
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>> No.8031771
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>> No.8031772
File: 533 KB, 800x600, 14004_597475960263292_1313047903_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one still kills me

>> No.8031773
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>> No.8031775
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>> No.8031779
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>> No.8031782
File: 143 KB, 665x920, 05156156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like her make up and think this could have worked with a different dress

>> No.8031789
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>> No.8031791

u talkin bout this cybergoth shit?

>> No.8031794
File: 76 KB, 960x532, 0841615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl is a motherfucking gem. she didn't win a contest here with this outfit and started to say it was rigged

>> No.8031796
File: 45 KB, 463x960, 054165456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8031798
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>> No.8031800
File: 103 KB, 640x640, 056415646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the clusterfuck in her head hurts my eyes

>> No.8031801

yes. i like the makeup and the cybergoth accessories. they just didn't match with the dress at all

>> No.8031803

I want the fabric of that skirt to make ugly pillows for my cat loving friends

>> No.8031804
File: 70 KB, 720x960, 0415645645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8031807
File: 69 KB, 626x460, 1420322937107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who let this girl out of her cage?

>> No.8031809
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>> No.8031812

As a crazy cat lady, I would love the fuck out of some cat pillows, but I wouldn't even touch that print with a 10 foot pole.

Maybe you can make my grandmother a couch?

>> No.8031814

Why is it called "Ita"?

>> No.8031815

>those boobs
>that completely unnecessary flower crown
>nothing matches at all

Grade A ita. thnx anon.

>> No.8031819

What is going on with these proportions? Like... just... no.

>> No.8031821

ita comes from "itai" which is like saying "ouch" in japanese. As in, "this coord is so bad it hurts my eyes/ makes me wince"

>> No.8031822

And also if I remember correctly someone suggested makeup and then everyone was like "you don't have to wear makeup if you don't want to".
Like did you see the same picture I did?
She looks like a frog boy. Like before you stick a plastic plant on your head at least make your face palatable.

>> No.8031823
File: 59 KB, 720x960, 0548651645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8031826

hahaha is this the "folk lolita" chick?

>> No.8031827
File: 30 KB, 475x952, 0894814894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but wait anon, there is more!

>> No.8031832

that is the worst case of kyphosis I have ever seen. I used to have it too, but not nearly as strong.
Jesus, her strong makeup and nails make her look like a witch.

>> No.8031834

i dont think so. she called it 'peruvian' lolita

>> No.8031835

I like her coord and agree that she could work on her makeup, but she's one of the nicest girls in my comm

>> No.8031837
File: 24 KB, 250x277, 2-kyphosis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is just to show what is considered kyphosis and what is considered hyperkyphosis

this girl is clearly past hyperkyphosis if the angle doesn't fuck with me hard

>> No.8031841

5 bucks that you're white

>> No.8031842

OP here. My hate boner is for her attitude specifically, not the infanta dress. Although the fact that she fawns all over "Indie" brands then only owns replicas and one infanta dress is what REALLY grinds my gears.

>> No.8031846 [DELETED] 

5 bucks that you're a nigger, judging by how little you know about different peoples

>> No.8031854
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>> No.8031860
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>> No.8031866
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>> No.8031873
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>> No.8031874

Is that an empty pill wrapper on her fingers?>>8031800

>> No.8031875

I thought it was a guy.

>> No.8031877
File: 45 KB, 921x611, 05641564645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8031879

>tfw total cuties are ita
I fucking love that sorta boyish newsie look she has, and then I scroll down and see the rest. I'd love to see her in some boystyle/kodona/ouji/whatever the fuck you want to call that shit.

>> No.8031882

i think its a lego ring

>> No.8031885

I think it's supposed to be a lego... But it really does look like it.

>> No.8031887

...I quit.

>> No.8031891

lol nah, I'm English, look at your choices is calling random people slurs fun for you? does it give you some sort of perverse thrill?

>> No.8031893
File: 61 KB, 648x960, 08418918948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as you wish anon. she is indeed really cute but she is the kind of ita that thinks she knows everything already and then start a youtube channel to spread her word

>> No.8031896

is this supposed to be a LSP coord?

>> No.8031897

aside from wa lolita being intrinsically awful this looks pretty good.

why... why is she wearing that headscarf when obviously not muslim.... also the entire remainder of the outfit is terriblé

and despite the glasses, t shirt etc the younger girl is doin it better than eryone else there

>> No.8031899
File: 43 KB, 542x960, 05646514654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8031900

It actually is fun when they act like it's some kind of huge taboo to say nigger, like you do.
I'm not sure you're a brit, though. A real life british person would know that arabs can have light skin and green eyes.

>> No.8031907
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>> No.8031909
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>> No.8031910

what's wrong with this? she looks cute. you weebs are okay with OTT sweet, wa-lolita, and every terrible themed coordinate under the sun, but as soon as a girl pairs some cyber shit with her burando it's not kosher?

>> No.8031912

how fucking new are you, seriously?

>> No.8031916
File: 162 KB, 960x720, 05641651456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8031919

Damn. 10 bucks that you're white

>> No.8031923

She looks cute there, but her outfit does not. She can't seem to dress herself from the waist down.

>> No.8031926

thats not brand and as i said i think its a nice idea, her makeup is great and the accessories too. but the dress just killed it

>> No.8031933

She looks like she could fly away with that huge as fuck bow.

>> No.8031934

eh, even if the girl on the left's dress and fascinator is a little cheap looking she's still cute as hell, the other one is too. vendetta much?

>> No.8031936

she cant dress herself at all anon, believe me. some time ago she started drama in the community because she said it was ok, and was encouraging other girls to do it too, to beg in the streets for money to buy brand

>> No.8031937

how so? what would you've suggested instead of that dress?

>> No.8031944

oh my anon i thought you should have a decent and not lazy outfit to be a lolita, not just be cute. im so sorry

>> No.8031946
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>> No.8031951
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>> No.8031953
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>> No.8031956

ayyy lmao

no seriously that looks like a fucking alium trying to blend in

>> No.8031963

i dont have the slightest idea. maybe a plain black dress with a corset. im not into cyber goth myself

>> No.8031967
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>> No.8031976
File: 135 KB, 878x900, 05454155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the girl in the middle tho

>> No.8031984
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>> No.8031993
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>> No.8032003
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>> No.8032010
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>> No.8032012
File: 71 KB, 960x720, 057156161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the girl on the left has this amazing habit of wearing absurd things on her head. two cupcakes? really?

>> No.8032015
File: 83 KB, 720x960, 0894189498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a fucking cage

>> No.8032020

and to end it all, a teapot

>> No.8032021
File: 108 KB, 960x640, 089418949845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh sorry

>> No.8032058

sauce on skirt

>> No.8032072
File: 364 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_0118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a guy right?

>> No.8032075
File: 130 KB, 640x640, 10915148_856203161066554_5713859697554585817_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck this is not lolita. Maybe a different jfash, but she's been in lolita long enough to know to tag this as... You know... NOT lolita.

>> No.8032076

bodyline, jfc lurk more

>> No.8032078

Not sure if trans or not... But definitely at least born male.

>> No.8032081


>> No.8032205

this girl also sells replicas trying to pawn them off as real....also she's been selling dresses saying they've never been worn but I've personally seen them on her or her friends.

*cough cough embezzling money from her business for lolita so kawaii*

>> No.8032331

I guess the headscarf looks more like babushka than muslim one

>> No.8032344

She always look like she's holding a fart

>> No.8032378

I actually like this attempt at wa lolita.

>> No.8032396 [DELETED] 

10 that you're a nigger

>don't be proud of your white ancestors' achievements, blacks say

>> No.8032402

The kelly doll is just killing me.

>> No.8032426

Yup, is her.

She's also >>8031775 >>8031769 >>8031760 >>8031877

>> No.8032429
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-01-03-22-25-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ita rorita

>> No.8032435

burando itas are best itas

>> No.8032450

That's a girls kilt and it's the wrong length. Plus, it doesn't fit him.

>> No.8032462

This is a nitpick, oh salty one.

>> No.8032489

Bodyline's Love Nadia, they're bringing back the OP, from what I heard

>> No.8032514


>> No.8032582
File: 292 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nhn0vai3do1s3o5j5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8032612
File: 60 KB, 200x192, 2140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time i see her i'm reminded of something

i've finally figured out what it is

>> No.8032616
File: 209 KB, 300x385, dying inside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that poor innocent tjmaxx worker wondering wtf just waddled into his store

>> No.8032706

>ok with wa lolita
man do i have news for you

>> No.8032855

That is no kilt, that is a granny skirt. Come to Scotland and I'll show you the kilt shops so you can understand the shape and design better.

>> No.8032979

omg is that the bodyline dressed that that chick dyed blue and tried scalping? Someone bought it?

>> No.8033034

Vendetta. This looks fine to me. A little different, but fine.

>> No.8033053

i feel like this is from like 1998, taken with a disposable camera and shit, but then i see her hair and wonder if they had such bright dyes back then? it's seriously tripping me out.

>> No.8033076

>the ex-con looking one (nice tattoos Bubba)
>the 9 months pregnant one
>the drag queen in St. Mephisto

>> No.8033131


dude wtf is up with tartan fag. And yo, if you use eyes and look two girls on the left are skinny like they have skinny legs and huge boobs... big boobs =/= fat
thank god my titties are tiny though man

>> No.8033194
File: 255 KB, 250x135, omg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the girl on the left in >>8029815 the same as the one in >>8031764?

>> No.8033300

i was gonna be like "aw c'mon guise the coord is fine, it's just terribad makeup!!1" but that underskirt is serving no good purpose whatsoever
>maybe if she were taller
>solid candidate for a hover loli though
>just cut off the feet

>> No.8033316

lmao, someone please do it

>> No.8033405
File: 164 KB, 388x755, shittyhover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a shitty one for you.

>> No.8033683


and no, she is the same girl as >>8031827
and >>8031789

>> No.8033701

Manic Panic has been around since the 80s: so ... possibly?

>> No.8033820

You think two girls on the left have SKINNY LEGS? God, please tell me you mean fantastic dolly and girl in brown (forgot the name of the print), and not these abominations in flowery skirt and black and white.

>> No.8034034

as a raver and a lolita: PLEASE QUIT TRYING TO MAKE CYBER-LOLITA A LEGIT THING. everyone that does this looks fucking hideous.

>> No.8034041

hey anon no fair! she just got stitches and the collar is so she doesn't chew them open, don't be so mean you shitlord!

>> No.8034174

ops im really sorry, i didnt even know!

>> No.8034562

dude it looks fine, just not lolita. She tagged it as lolita.
Not a vendetta, actually like her other coords but this one just made me step back and question what the hell she was thinking.