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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 83 KB, 493x400, 68958949956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7998356 No.7998356 [Reply] [Original]

How does /cgl/ feel about people like this? This girl has been self promoting the shit out of her store for the past few weeks on every single group, page, and everything else.

Anyone else have horrible experiences with people like this?

>> No.7998402

Thanks to people like this, everyday im less and less encouraged to return to cosplay

>> No.7998411

i already hate this girl but i also really dont "get" selling prints at all and especially not pushing them. like the first package is five 8x12s for $75 and on sale. i honestly just dont think anyone buys prints except if its a hot girl with titty out

>> No.7998425

Lauren pihl is a pretty good self promoter. The question is why is self promotion wrong? Why do people have such a negative reaction to it?

>> No.7998434

>25% of the profits go to the model in the photos

Okay so for the $75 bundle, the model is making less than $20 like that. IMO the model should get 40%-50% of the profit since they presumably made the costume, styled the wig, did their own makeup, etc. If the models were wearing costumes, wigs, and makeup done by the photog then yeah I get that 25% is suitable but. Thats definitely not good enough for when the model contributes a lot of work too...

Then theres the $50 Winter Prints Bundle which has 4 different cosplayers, does the 25% - $12.50 - get split between them? Like, do they make $3.12 each off these prints?? Thats kinda.....

Actutally looking now, the Jack Frost cosplayer makes LESS from that bundle than from the one individual print of himself, which gives him a whopping $3.75 compared to the $11.25 this photog chick gets!

Then theres the Zelda poster, the cosplayer gets $10 compared to the $30 the photog gets. That's bullshit.

>> No.7998441

Life is bullshit and the bulk of profits go to advantage taking sociopaths. the only thing that shocks me is that she isn't taking more. This is the beginning of monetizing cosplay for cheap labor and profits for anyone willing to take advantage of someone else

>> No.7998467

This. Do people actually purchase these?

>> No.7998479

I'd buy it if it's from a cosplayer I actually like(Amie Lynn, Risa Light, Mandee, etc) but It's more about the appreciation really. Given the option, I think Patreon would be much more convenient since having the prints make me feel weird.

>> No.7998486

pihl is a shit self promoter. how many prints do you think she sold? zero.

>> No.7998490

Pihl had people talking about her and she gets good money for shoots you think she doesn't want this or care if people buy her scam prints? She does this shit to get people to talk about her and you're all doing it. Phase one complete.

>> No.7998971

Yeah but we're all talking about how annoying she is with, how she's taken people's money...nothing spoken about her is good

>> No.7999017

You guys have no idea how to run a business. She's talking about sharing profit. $40 sales does not mean the cosplayer is getting $10. The actual profit of the sale could be $20 or even $5. So the cosplayer is getting a lot less than what you're thinking.

>> No.7999031

most people agree her photos are of excellent quality though. people are just jealous she's charging for what she's worth

>> No.7999039
File: 35 KB, 472x429, 390i293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does /cgl/ feel about people like this?
They're idiots who haven't come to terms with the fact that their hobby isn't going to be paying dem bills like they had hoped. Even JNig lives at home and Yaya is a leech to her partners.
>Anyone else have horrible experiences with people like this?
>don't "like" any cosplay pages
>not involved in any cosplay groups
>don't have tumblr
>don't have twitter
>not friends with attention whores or mooches
>literally never see this shit except for maybe on the rare occasion where a rogue new friend from a con turned into a sellout

>> No.7999073

considering every cosplayer with 100 likes or more is selling prints now, someone must be buying them

>> No.7999227

Most people are upset she's charging that much after repeatedly ripping people off and not giving pictures for money taken. Canceling shoots and keeping money.

>> No.7999265
File: 31 KB, 540x960, 10859318_974487232566307_1525375051_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except she doesn't even need the money from shots, considering she has an entire separate account for getting sugar daddies.

>> No.7999296

I don't mind self promotion as long as they don't spam and prevent me from seeing other content. If they do, it's as simple as hiding them. Nbd.

Who actually uses Facebook for more than just the picture album function anyway? Or am I out of the loop on this?

>> No.7999297

>someone must be buying them
Not exactly. Maybe they follow this famous cosplayer with 100k likes and they see how well this person is doing aand they think that they are also popular and have the chance to make money from their stuff.

>> No.7999328

Yep. Assuming people are buying them is a false assumption. It's like assuming people love buying shitty deco and lopsided bows because there are so many etsy shops selling them

>> No.7999401

>JNig lives at home

lel like with her parents? jesus christ already, if you don't have your own place by the time you are 40 you are in some shit

>> No.7999652

>after repeatedly ripping people off and not giving pictures for money taken. Canceling shoots and keeping money.

Huh? This is really fucking shitty. Is there any proof of this?

>> No.7999708

This is true. I had a shoot scheduled with her this past Katsucon and she couldn't make it. My options were forfeit my deposit or shoot at another con (which means Katsucon 2015)

>> No.7999719

PT once sold a photobook. How many people do you think paid for that?

>> No.7999723

She canceled on two of my friends at Anime Boston. They asked for a refund, but she didn't have the money to refund them! Then, she canceled on a friend of mine during Conneticon, too. Don't book her, she will spend your money, then cancel your shoot.

>> No.7999729

I hate prints and don't understand them. Unless there's a massive amount of people actually /requesting/ for prints of your photos, why even bother? You're going to lose money because maybe 5 people will buy your prints. Ultimately, ONE KNOWS WHO YOU ARE or usually cares even if you promote the fuck out of yourself.

>> No.7999750


This bitch

>> No.7999756

What about her?

>> No.7999761

wtf is that cleavage?

>> No.7999762

Yup. And she constantly brag about using the deposit money on her extravagant lifestyle .

>> No.7999768

She bitches about other cosplayers about doing sexy costumes when she does the same exact thing. She acts as if she is so much better than other cosplayers even though she is far from it. She suffers from jealousy and tries to promote herself by bringing other cosplayers down.

>> No.7999791

Free photoshoot this weekend. No fatties though.

>> No.7999801

She's only 25 you salty cunt

>> No.7999828
File: 49 KB, 625x625, Joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She always reminds me of an ugly version of Buffy's mom. She just looks like a middle aged lady wearing her daughter's clothes and trying waaaay too hard to be sexy.

>> No.7999866

Dat MILF tag.

>> No.7999921


Her photos are gaussian blur wrecks half the time. Most of her "paid shoots" are with friends who are getting free shoots, but she keeps claiming the paid slots are taken to sucker in newbs. Her history of scamming people is well-known, and you can even just see the reviews on her Page. I had one friend shoot with her at Otakon this year for 45 minutes, and she ended up only getting 3 photos. Luckily she didn't pay, but the post processing was just shit. Oversaturated colors, bumped up contrast that just made the blacks overwhelming in the photo, and rubberized skin. I like some photos from her, don't get me wrong, but in the end there's more photos from her I dislike

>> No.7999924

I need this. Can you still buy it?

>> No.7999934

she looks like an ugly Tina Fey, something I never thought I'd say. Also what is going on with her boobs?

>> No.7999989


>> No.7999997

I always love how claims are made by anon yet no proof is given. I have had a pleasent experiancenwith her. While I feel the price paid was a bit much for what ingot I do not regret it cause I have trier my handbag this kind of work and it takes so much time and work.

>> No.8000006


She love to attack other people she doesnt know also

>> No.8000014

No one here likes you. Stop posting.

>> No.8000382

How much was your deposit, anon?

>> No.8000425

Dude fuck off

>> No.8000438

She looks like if PeacockFeather didn't have whatever she has.

>> No.8000577

She and Dave yang are both over charging for very few photos, and they are both heavily mooching off of Cosplayers. Not to mention they both heavily shop their photos to the point where you almost don't even recognize the person. Be wary of them both.

>> No.8000585

I admit I have bought one print and got Reika's photobook as gift. I could maybe buy prints from some other cosplayers I like/find inspiring but shipping costs usually are too high to order them online so fuck it.

>> No.8000638

Especially since it's probably not even a real photo print, rather just a piece of paper spat out by a computer printer at Walmart or some internet print shop.

>> No.8000665

that is what irks me the most about people selling prints. most of them never held a fine art grade quality print in their hands yet demand to be overpaid for their walmart printer tier quality.

I would actually love to buy prints from some cosplayers with good photos if there was any guarantee the quality would be decent. People underestimate how much of a difference the choice of paper can make.

>> No.8000689

I worked in a walmart photo lab a few years ago and 1-hour prints were all made with a Fuji lab. Instant prints were ink on photo paper shit though.

>> No.8000712

And everyone who sells prints should have stated paper statics next to each print imo. And not just size but paper weight and small description of it. Guess too much asked.

>> No.8000727

She's living Margaret Palermo's dream

>> No.8000924

Lauren Pihl is the fuckin worst when it comes to ripping off people. She hates shooting at cons so she'll promote she's attending a con , takes the deposit and then cancels out on the con. Now she has your money and you are SOL or forced to shoot in her terms which is an inconvenience. Why do you think she's openin slots for Otakon already? She's ripped off most of the people in Massachusetts area. She had a GoFundMe to support her lazy ass because she was telling people she was homeless. Her version of homeless is because she was living with her parents. She's just a spoiled trust fund kid. Tells everyone she's homeless and then drops $7k on a camera and new photo equipment. She's burned too many bridges already.

>> No.8000932

Phil is pretty bad. She posted on personal page she used up all the money from the deposits she took before the con happened and then just bailed on people telling them some lame excuse

>> No.8000936

If you don't see something wrong with living at home when you're 25, then you have some issues.

>> No.8001015

They're the reason I'm getting tired of cosplay.

It's actually pathetic that they think their hobby will pay them a pretty penny. I know a cosplayer who has like 50+k likes on Facebook, has a nice face and a good body yet he's always broke and his prints don't even sell. No matter how popular you are, cosplay is still so underground that people will not buy your prints enough for you to earn a living.

>> No.8001031

"He" that's the problem. Nobody cares about dudes. Even fat cow like ivy doomkitty can make money

>> No.8001073 [DELETED] 


>> No.8001080

Wait a min this girl is from Texas. I didn't even know who the fuck this was at first, and now kinda glad I didn't

>> No.8001084

At least he can get laid at con, if he chooses the right cosplay.

>I would love to have a one night stand with a good uncle Dante cosplayer, for example...

>> No.8001198

There's pics of her vag and boobs online if you know where to look

>> No.8001708

I thought she announced she wasn't going to Ota

>> No.8001742

Anon's intel is outdated. She said she's going to AX instead of otakon. Good luck doing $200/hour shoot in Cali

>> No.8002870

You think the people buying prints from cosplayers really give a shit about that?

>> No.8002872

But didn't she already start booking for Ota? Does that mean she's already taken money for Ota and then canceled or did no one buy her shoots so she cancelled.

>> No.8002881

It's perfectly normal in many cultures to live at home until your mid twenties, basically until you get married and start your own family. And even then if the parents/grandparents are old enough the adult children can stay at home to take care of them in turn.
It's only weird for her because she's American and Americans are apparently supposed to get booted out as soon as it's legal for them to live alone.

>> No.8002899
File: 3.67 MB, 1440x2292, Screenshot_2014-12-19-10-35-41-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8002903

lmao I know her, she spams this stupid set all over her facebook. It's supposed to be a 'sexy christmas Mai' and she's selling the set for 2.50
This is one of the better pictures

>> No.8002937

Same. Recognized the location in one of her pictures and was like shit.

>> No.8002950

Pretty much this. Whenever I buy prints, even if they're art prints, I end up just putting them in a plastic sleeve and putting them in a binder or a folder and shoving them in my closet to look at later. I generally keep my room clear of weaboofag shit. If someone came over to my house, they would have no idea I'm a geek.

>tfw no one comes to my house
>tfw my house looks like I don't even live in it

>tfw it isn't my home
>hold me, /cgl/

>> No.8002954

I believe facebook is updating their TOS to where they can delete promotions unless they paid for the promo space. If it's true then a lot of this will be harder to do without someone reporting it.

>> No.8002967

Because in america typically one goes to college and has a job that's stable enough where they can afford to rent by that age. Even if they move back home after college, most people have lived on their own at least once by the age of 25.

I hope Nig is at least saving up her money or investing it, or else it's pretty pathetic of her character to be living off her parents/ bf like a 16 year old when she's a skip away from turning 30.

>> No.8002998

Jnig is textbook slut, she's blow all her money on a party lifestyle and marry the first guy who will have her as soon as the work dries up.

>> No.8003009

she did

she does

apperantly Jnig makes inexcess of $15k a convention, she attends 4-5 a year.

she has more in liquid assets than most college grads have to their name at her age

she has no debt, no children, and takes home 2X what is considered a decent salary where she lives

>> No.8003109

>15k per convention
Don't believe everything you hear. Lol.

>> No.8003693

Lol now she's going to DMV for a month.

>> No.8003751

Shame she's making all that money now yet has absolutely zero prospects for the future lel

>> No.8003938

I think the majority of these coswhores deserve to be shipped to a fetish convention instead of a family friendly one. I know a friend who gets off buying their prints, it's really pathetic on both sides. Once they turn their hobby into a "business" I usually hide their shit until 2 weeks when they finally delete their fan page and say they're just in it for "fun" now. Happened 3 times now and it's hilarious. Coswhores who self promote have become such eye sores in the community. It's so lazy to become a cam whore to get your friends to try to pay for your tickets/costumes. It's just never going to be respected when there are better cosplayers who still cosplay for the fandom alone, and make you look like shit in comparison.

>> No.8005351

Considering she that she usually gets paid a fee and factoring in expenses provided by the organisers such as flights, hotel, etc. this is probably not far off how much she actually costs to get to a big convention.

>> No.8005359

>flights, hotel, food, travel expenses
That's not money she pockets. Even casual people pony up somewhere between $1-3k per con for those reasons. I can see her making in the realm of 2-5k per con, but not much more. Even professional actresses and actors don't get paid over 15k to be guests.

>> No.8006488

Someone on my FB said she just upped her price to 1k for up to five hours with 25 photos

>> No.8006508

I don't have anything against Lauren. I actually had a shoot with her at Anime Boston last year and even though it took a really long time to get the photos back (apparently she had computer and health problems) I really liked the result. They're some of the nicest looking photos I've had of that costume. I understand why she needs to charge as much as she does, it's more than I can afford now (I paid $60 for my AB shoot but now she's up to what... $150?) but I don't fault her for it.

Honestly you people will bitch about anything.

>> No.8006593

She doesn't need to charge that much at all actually. She chooses to charge that much which is ridiculous after how many times she's fucked people over because she had computer and health problems. She constantly has computer, health, lens, memory, hard drive problems. You are the exact definition of one of her victims. If you pay for a shoot, you should get your pictures not after a really long time.

>> No.8006606

>five hours
who the fuck is going to shoot with you for five hours, unless it allows for multiple costumes spread over days/doesn't include costume changes/makeup time in the five hours?

>> No.8006615

hi josh!

>> No.8006619

her camera constantly broken down for a few months, which led to dozens of canceled shoots. but yet, when she listed her camera for sale she said it was perfectly fine. she's just a liar.

for all we know she probably still lives at home with her parents, fuck this homeless shit

>> No.8006751

Pihl is the biggest liar in the New England area. She repeatedly lies on her fan page and then gloats about taking everyone's money with no intentions of going to the con.

>> No.8006837

$1k for 5hrs now

>> No.8006907

these prices better come with sex

>> No.8007347

Sex is given if she needs a place to stay. That's how she got to Katsucon this year

>> No.8009004
File: 148 KB, 640x665, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avalon Cosplay is pretty annoying. "Hey AC Fans"
"Photographers message me if you want to do a shoot"
"Here's another annoying video of myself." Stop.

>> No.8009129


That's just actual promoting though. She doesn't do it every second like Pihl does on her FB, FB page, and FB groups

>> No.8009370

I don't know who's worst Pihl or Ashb. Both are not inspired by fatties.

>> No.8009372

Or you flip it like Pihl "must be amazing"

>> No.8009381

name one photographer who's inspired by fatties. i would shoot them if they pay me but they're useless for portfolio building.

>> No.8009440
File: 26 KB, 400x600, mario_400w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is one girl who keeps posting her cosplay shit and begs people to buy her photosets although she only have 2.5k likes on her facebook. It gets very annoying so fast.

>> No.8009447

I didn't get any photos from Pihl until I gave her the Ultimatum about me telling people about her possible scamming. I don't know why she starts booking for Otakon since its not even half a year yet. Even though I am happy that I got my photos back but I wouldn't go back to her since not only her prices skyrocketed but so is her ego ever since she took pics of that one famous cosplayer.

>> No.8009738

They all do this, though. Before I unliked a ton of their pages for being average-tier attention whores, this was literally my entire fucking news feed.

>"Buy my prints!"
>"Invite me as a guest to cons!"
>"Looking for photogs for Blahblahcon!"
>"Here's my wishlist because sooooo many ppl are asking to buy me stuff lololol"

jfc, please fuck off.

>> No.8009851


>> No.8010071

Domi seriously bugs me. She spams her wishlist everywhere and when hopeless neckbeards actually buy her stuff, she just posts a photo of the gift with the same title every time, "Thank you."
Like damn would it kill you to at least pretend to be grateful.

>> No.8010130

Anyone under 50k likes trying to sell prints is sad

>> No.8010266

Phil and yang, two of the most overrated "photographers" in New England

>> No.8010298 [DELETED] 
File: 283 KB, 1280x1920, Callie Calypso 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8010300

Big tits are pretty disgusting.

>> No.8010315

>Big tits are pretty disgusting
Only HER tits

>> No.8010319


>> No.8010398

Never heard of Yang

>> No.8010693

Lol well aren't you just blissfully ignorant?

>> No.8010744

I don't. I don't do share for shares, like for likes or sell prints. I know someone who started selling prints once she hit 1,000 likes. I'm almost at 3,000 I ask if people want them but no one is interested. The only thing I try to sell are old wigs I haven't used.

>> No.8011289

I'm surprised this thread doesnt mention even more people. Especially with all the cosplayers promoting their cringy christmas cosplay print sets

>> No.8011370

because none of them is as bad as lauren phil. every day she post to multiple groups. this one is from today;


Due to a cancelation, I now have one more slot open for Katsucon, on Saturday at 9-945AM *golden hour*

Contact me now to book!

>> No.8011411

I guess I probably shouldn't have said ALL, tbh. Cause I did keep following some who weren't all attention whorish.

>> No.8012127


Hard to have a cancellation, when there was never a booker in the first place.

Her professionalism really shows after she tried to rip into a studio in Japan for listing their prices for studio space rentals and equipment rentals, saying no professional company lists these costs online.

She is smoking some powerful shit on that pedestal. She also admitted to privately charging different prices to people at cons, different from what she advertises, which is ironic, as she's suddenly posting her prices online.

>> No.8012161

>Her professionalism really shows after she tried to rip into a studio in Japan for listing their prices for studio space rentals and equipment rentals, saying no professional company lists these costs online
Most studios in my area do that, and if I have to call them up to find out that info I cross them off my list of studios to check out unless they look amazing.

>> No.8012257

You can't make this shit up. I wonder if she rants like that on her own wall.

In a business sense, it's HORRIBLE to have your prices listed right on your webpage. It's also a bad idea to have so much text about it- people can get confused, not want to read much, or feel overwhelmed with so much information about pricing. Thats why I don't have them on my website, unless I'm working at a con every shoot is priced per person, with them, so it's less confusing for them. I feel like if she took any business courses they'd go over the do's and don't's of having your own website, and theres a LOT of don'ts on her website o.e

1. Pricing on the webpage
2. Too much text
3. NOT ONE GALLERY (unless im just completely missing it)
4. The typeface is horrible, and unappealing to look at.
5. It looks like a mix of ebay and family dollar for photography, as far as the quality of her websites layout and theme.

All in all, the website looks cheap. Even if you're selling cheap stuff, you want to make it look as good as it can so you sell more. For example, thats how Rue 21 stays in business XD They have semi-okay quality, cheap clothing on very nice displays and with all the right colors.

Her work is clearly good, but thats only after looking at tiny thumbnails of her setups. I'm hoping she re-does her website to show off more of her skill, and less text.

>> No.8012300
File: 147 KB, 606x348, Screenshot 2014-12-24 16.38.54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kinds of idiots get confused by pricing info on websites? Pic related is a screenshot from a random studio I have bookmarked. This is how I see most studios handle showing their pricing. Real hard read, that.

I'm curious as to what photographer's website she's shitting on specifically.

>> No.8012312

Pricing on the web site means she can't arbitrary charge whatever she wants based on the client. She's notorious for charging unknown people an outrageous amount of money while shooting cosfamous for free. all the fucking time

>> No.8012371


What's worse is she originally complained about the site being full of jibberish (Japanese) and someone sent her the Google translated link, and then that's when her criticism really began! Especially bitching about the typeface!

>> No.8012442


Hey Lauren! In a business sense, it's horrible to accept money for shoots then cancel them and not refund the money or do the shoot, but fail to deliver photos. Not throwing stones or anything, but yeah!

>> No.8012481

Bad for her clients. Good for her pocket!

>> No.8012826
File: 38 KB, 278x253, scrooge-mcduck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8012835

ugh... another texas cosplayer dying to be "cosplay famous" Reminds me of that bitsy bitch

>> No.8013246

I have this girl on my personal fb and it's literally non-stop "I need photographers" and her stupid fetishes and wishlists...

>> No.8013266

is there a reason why she constantly needs photographers? does she not have a usual group?

>> No.8013601

they wont shoot her anymore because she's a little bitch and she's fat.

>> No.8014037

Don't generalize. I am a photographer, have shot with her before, and one of my pictures of her is doing really well right now. I would work with her again, it's just that I am going for a different feel of photos for 2015, and looking for the right type of cosplayers that fit that mold.

>> No.8014168

Oh? What's your page? I need photographers

>> No.8014193

5 more cancellations from a new lens. She's living off those non-refunable deposits.

>> No.8014378

I unfollowed her fan page because of the 24/7 whoring

>> No.8014399

>Not sure whether to self-promote in a thread blasting self-promotion haha

>> No.8014408

pretty sure anon is making fun of how Avalon self promoting herself on facebook. she's literally whoring herself whenever a decent photographer announced they're going to a con..

>> No.8014412

I don't really think there's anything wrong with finding new photographers, as a photographer myself. I would love to have a stable posse of cosplayers I can continually work with, but I am not established yet (only been doing one year).

>> No.8014727

she just doesn't shut up about it ... she posts at every convention group that she's attending and needs a photographer, why can't she just afford one?

>> No.8014783

eventually a cosplayer will get to a certain point where she'll either have some go-to guys she can count on shooting with her or will be asked automatically by some as a matter of course. if you keep having to find new ones, that's a bad thing.

>> No.8014861

she could afford AssB, so that's saying something

>> No.8015364


She didn't pay AshB. They're friends, but she'll probably say she did to help AshB get money from news

>> No.8016453

Pihl rep is so bad. She got called out this year for being a staff photographer and also trying to charge people at the same con. She ended up bailing out and took the deposits.

>> No.8016514

When will people realize Assb and Pihl are not inspired by fatties. You won't get your pictures.

>> No.8016538

same time people realize that if you're fat, cosplay might not be the best choice for you. hint: not going to happen

>> No.8016800

She literally does free shoots for her friends or any famous cosplayer that gives her the time and day
>Grandma Han

>> No.8017305

It's Raining Neon no longer shoots with AssB. Neon shoots for herself now

>> No.8017656

I'm surprised by that. Kayla isn't all that popular or good looking. Nice for Ashb to do that though

>> No.8018465

Probably drama over Neon editing the fuck out of any photos she gets back. She always fucking edits off a few extra inches from her wait

>> No.8020915
File: 381 KB, 521x803, destiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the butt hurt bc she has her legs spread like always

>> No.8020934

nah. probably AssB started charging and Neon got tired of her riding her coattails. Neon was better off without her anyway.

>> No.8020958

No I am having a hard time booking photographers for Katsucon bc everyone was already booked before Christmas.

>> No.8020964

Not everyone has opened yet, for example me! :) I usually fill half of my slots with people I want to work with, then the other half to find new people to work with. All free :D

>> No.8020982
File: 19 KB, 262x395, datshoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAAAAY better off without AssB.

She should look up some photoshop for dummies. There's this tool called Liquify, maybe that'll make her waists seem a little less shooped.

>> No.8020987

I'm new to photoshop. I thought that's how she shopped her waist. how could she have done that so i can avoid it?

>> No.8021057
File: 1.11 MB, 1000x777, 8786856454654767978987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does use the Liquify tool, which is what you aren't supposed to do if you're trying to not look like a fatty. You can see how distorted and blurry the edging around her "waistline" is.
The fact that she tried to pass this off as legit on her website is laughable and her fans are actually stupid enough to believe it, judging from the "ahmagad ur so skinny" comments. Autists.

>> No.8021070

hi deanna

>> No.8021079

No staph

>> No.8021081

i really like her costumes and her personality, but this is fucking pathetic. i'm able to overlook a little photoshopping, but this is too sad.

>> No.8021088

Do you only shoot cosplay, or are you booking for fashion or casual shoots too?

>> No.8021096

the trick is to not let people see the originals

>> No.8021098

Bitsy? Who?

>> No.8022017

I don't know what your deal is. The Katsucon photographers are literally begging for people to shoot on Facebook right now. You must have pissed them off or incredibly picky.

>> No.8022027

I do everything. But currently my goal is to get emotive shots that can win mainstream competitions, so model/costume has to be of a certain level.

>> No.8022040

Everyone and their mother is booking Katsucon right now. You're not looking in the right places.

>> No.8022048

You sound like Lauren Phil. You should post a status on you page and shoot everyone down. "You're too fat" "your cosplay is shit" "I don't shoot vocaloid" (unless you're hot/popular)

>> No.8022060

I shoot for free. I believe I have a choice as to who I want to shoot.

>> No.8022066

"Must be amazing" lol

>> No.8022797

I can't stand that type of shit. She isn't fat and there's no need to be editing herlself just to appeal to other people.

>> No.8022824

She does though wearing something skin-tight like that.

>> No.8022837

This is normal for her. She's always bitching at people on her page and being dramatic.

"I don't do sexy costumes" Oh. Okay.

>> No.8022852

Until she shows the money shot

>> No.8022859

Yeah it really does get annoying. I hate when those kind of cosplayers spam their wishlist. Like you're already getting money from your "fans" for your sets, you're making them buy shit for you too?

>> No.8023081

She is kinda fat, though. Not obeast fat but she is clearly overweight especialy for her height.
I had no idea her pictures were shooped this bad until I actually saw her at a con and found the 20 lbs she always shops off of her arms and waist.

>> No.8023117

I had to follow the link to figure out if you're talking about Neon or Destiny. they're both geting fat.

>> No.8023118

>shoot with someone
>she's fat
>don't know if I should leave her fat or make her skinny or what in photoshop
>don't want to ask because shit gets awkward (up there with "oh, when's the baby due?" when they aren't pregnant)

>> No.8023212

Jesus fucking christ, that picture on the left is terrible. The entire waist is out of proportion to the rest of her body. She looks WAY more attractive on the right. Sometimes in photoshop less is more.

>inb4 everyone calls a cosplayer with curves that aren't tits is a fatty fat fat

>> No.8023373
File: 104 KB, 570x858, datwaistcurvetho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire waist is out of proportion to the rest of her body

that's literally every single picture on her fanpage. this one is one of the worst i've ever seen.

>> No.8023389

Ask them. "How much and what type of correction would you prefer for the photos". I like to proof mine with the photog and briefly discuss it and only have glaring bad things corrected, usually due to angles, lighting, etc. I don't expect much slimming for my photos unless something photographs oddly, then it's a correction. But then I like myself recognizable and more realistic too so there's not a big difference between photo and RL. Airbrush out a pimple, smooth a chub or a wrinkle, whiten teeth, sparkle eyes, smooth hair, correct skin tone if it's mismatched due to lighting. That kind of thing. Likely the same things you'd want to do to feature it in your portfolio.

With a fatty, I think it's better to decide beforehand with their input, and what you are willing to do.

>> No.8023392

Actually it seems like Neon has attempted to slim down lately (purely judging based on photos not shopped by her) while Destiny seems to no longer care about her appearance. Not saying either are thin girls but one seems to be attempting to look better.

>> No.8023417

She always whores herself out

>> No.8023417,1 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 


I've seen her in person and I can definitely confirm she does not look like that. She's about 20lbs heavier. She should really stop with the composites or read up on some tutorials because her poor editing skills are becoming much more noticeable.

I'm surprised no one has called her out on her videos yet. It took no more than a few seconds to find out those "poems" were copied and she's trying to get credit for it.

Sad to think that I actually liked her at one point.

>> No.8024027
File: 128 KB, 1365x2048, IMG_129897537146666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking bitch. Battle Bunny Beth. She is constantly on the "promote your cosplay" page on Facebook or hounding some other Facebook group to like her page. Just fucking stop!!

>> No.8024040

Jnigs is definitely smarter than she comes off as. Props to her.

>> No.8024231

>who is bitsy
>she's a whore

Oh I see.

>> No.8024312

Her nipple is showing...

>> No.8024342

I'm on staff at a con that had her and we only paid her $2000 for the weekend other than hotel and flight expenses. In total the con paid her ~$5000 or so.

>> No.8024407

haha o damn. Link? Is her whole FB cringey?

>> No.8024413

Wait. Is she trans?

>> No.8024416

You failed Human Anatomy didn't you?

>> No.8024424

So with AshB quitting the paid photo shoot business's, is anyone even come close to Lauren Pihl's sky high pricing?

>> No.8024430

You mean at cons only, or outside of cons also? I know I got quoted once by Knightmare6 for $2,500 for a shoot, which I guess is reasonable, since it was for the Summer quote. I wanted a shoot where we have it snow in a forest during the Summer, so he mentioned either wait for Winter so its cheaper ($150) or he could rent a studio, have some prop builders set up some rented trees and have a snowblower rain artifial snow with a fog machine on the ground

>> No.8024434

That shit just sounds fucking overpriced!

>> No.8024541


>> No.8024549

K6 Kickstarter?

>> No.8024560

ugh please no more cosplay photographers doing kick starters!

>> No.8024577

Anyone gonna buy Pihl's cosplay photography book scam?

>> No.8024816

considering that's a price including renting a studio and trees, it's probably realistic but over the top, so not to farfetched

>> No.8024818

wait, she's doing a book now?

>> No.8025359

How the Fuck does she have a verified Facebook account?

>> No.8025369

After a certain amount of likes, facebook will ask you if you want to verify your page. It'll ask for ID to prove you are who you say you are. And if the names match up, you get a pretty little blue check mark. Tons of people crave the check mark but really, being verified isn't that big of a deal. Facebook isn't forever.

>> No.8026505

Lauren is looking for people to shoot. Apparently she's very insecure about her skills. Please help her out!

>> No.8026529

Kelly Jean's gotta be the archetypal desperate self promoter.


Even when she is whining about being ill she still gotta get her tits out there. Long history of sleeping around at events for free passes, swag and hotels. Swore blind she wasn't doing any camwhoring until she was silenced by someone sharing videos of her fucking herself on cam. Doesn't have a real job. Naturally she sells prints at prices even JNig wouldn't dare and she streams on Twitch where she constantly begs for donations and subscribers. She's so up her own ass about her e-fame and has worked herself into such a position of power by sleeping around that she gets people banned from events if they don't swear loyalty to her. God forbid you are a cosplayer also with a table or panel at a con she has one at. There are no depths she won't sink to to make a little extra cash, raise her 'profile' and sink whoever she views as her competition.

>> No.8026594

"Derp Cat Cosplay"
Her Sora will make your eyes bleed.

>> No.8026617

I had no idea she was this bad. I always just thought her Lilith was an abomination and that's about it.

>> No.8026662

She is literally begging people to send her get well messages on Twitter. Actual god damn pornstars are less self-serving attention whores than she is.

>> No.8026822
File: 244 KB, 314x349, kellyjean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought >>8026529 was exaggerating so I went to her page. Literally every picture in her recent photos is a webcam selfie with her tits out. Over half her uploaded photos are selfies with cleavage sticking out. She doesn't even have generic con photos or "professional" shoot photos like other famewhores do. It's like she wants to put in the bare minimum effort and still get the same amount of attention and praise as Yaya or Jnig.

>> No.8026953

She wants to market herself that way that's fine, but coswhores should stay at fetish conventions instead.

>> No.8026966

Considering anyone can buy likes, I hope they use more than that as criteria!

>> No.8026968

I like how she's totally selling a crotch picture as if it isn't fap material for her followers.
Why do cosplayers have such insane determination to keep up these kind of charades up. If you're selling yourself you should at least own up to it.

>> No.8026975

Dude if I was a chick, I'd do the most lewd costumes and sell the shit out of my prints.

There's a hidden market in neckbeards, it's not like it's unknown.

>> No.8026976

actual porn stars seem like fairly chill people, its kind of insulting to compare them to coswhores.

>> No.8026995

They're literally marketing themselves as a product. If they wanted to be treated normal, they shouldn't be in the camwhore business. It's not that hard to put the camera down.

>> No.8027051

can someone tell me what is wrong with her face

>> No.8027179

she overdid it with the heal tool

>> No.8027492

gross abuse of the heal tool but also shitty unblended dodging and burning followed up by tons of blurring. she also reshapes her face and eyes.

>> No.8027496

I'm sure she edited this but the way I see her waist is that there's hair in front on top and the other line is the shadow from her arm. It's not like the waist was edited to look that fucked.

>> No.8027843

LOL people on CGL judging bodies.

>> No.8027906

More like judging bad photoshop.

>> No.8027934 [DELETED] 
File: 294 KB, 492x646, whore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything makes me mad it is this shit. A bunch of posts about "look at my boobs", then "send me free shit". The Amazon wish list she posted isn't "all cosplay related", half of it is shit like a PS Vita or a sealed copy of Pokemon Yellow

>> No.8027946

Literally sick and fucking tired of seeing people in my FB list posting this shit into my feed. "Here's tits! Now buy me shit plz'' Isnt that essentially prostitution? It's fucking horrible to blatantly expect people to fill your orders for expensive stuff just coz you upload shit online that people upload online every day for free expectin nothing. There's being body confident, and ten there's just selling yourself.

>> No.8027948

Were you expecting any better? From all the insecurity thread generals by now you should have gleamed that the majority of seagulls are 110-140 pound recovering anorexics/bulimics who think they're horrible obeasts because they have to grow up and not be 90 pounds anymore. Of course they'd be harsh because they're even harsher on themselves. (Though as another anon said, bad Photoshop gets universal hate as it so deserves).

>> No.8027986

Camwhoring isn't prostitution but it's a step away. If the neckbeards weren't supporting it they'd resort to porn or soft core, that's what their turning their hobby into because that's where the money/fame is. Everybody has a price they'd sell themselves out for, it is sad to watch friends fall into it. Sure it'd be nice make a living off selfies but eventually your fans are gonna turn on you when you don't put out enough satisfying content. Something they usually figure out after they've already whored themselves out, which is why they get criticism.

>> No.8028358

>If the neckbeards weren't supporting it they'd resort to porn or soft core
I'm really surprised more don't. There's gotta be more money in porn than selling cosplay prints. It has to be less effort too. Making any costume, no matter how simple and clickbaity, then having photos taken and printed out and shipped to people and begging for FB likes and Twitter followers has got to take more time and effort and pay less than making a couple hundred bucks in an afternoon taking a dick in your ass for 15 minutes. Look at all the skinny big-titted blonde girls who do this FB begging. You already look like your paint by numbers pornstar so why not go all the way?

I mean fuck it if I had the body for it I wouldn't waste my time with this cosplay print Facebook page crap I'd happily suck dick on cam instead. Sasha Grey's a got a fuckload more money than any of these girls and she's legitimately much cooler to boot.

>> No.8028624

what the fuck is wrong with her boobs?

>> No.8029026

It's true. I did an amateur vid right out of high school with my then-boyfriend and we made enough money to pay our rent for three months. Just for fucking, something we did every day for free anyway. After we broke up, I wish I would have pursued it further on my own but I was too chicken shit and now I regret it.

>> No.8029414

Isn't Pihl whoring around now while homeless? Lives rent free while taking care of some neckbeard's pets.

>> No.8029532

She lives at home, she's never been homeless. Not to mention she has her own car and is hitting cons left and right and driving around MA and CT for shoots. If that's homeless, then a lot of fucking people are better off than the Middle Class in the US

>> No.8029536


That sort of thing can have social repercussions, though.
Selling your cosplay pics much less, unless it's lewd.

>> No.8029541

It's because cosplay is a placebo for a personality and character and gives them some "flavour" and "depth". It makes the guy think she has a hobby and that she likes the same things he likes. Pornstars are a dime a dozen, and you have to be really business-savvy to become a pornstar (not to mention be attractive). This gives them some visual interest and makes them feel less dirty and slutty. So they can feel good about taking their clothes off for money because hey, I'm not a camgirl or pornstar, I'm a COSPLAYER!

And that's just it, Sasha Grey is cooler. She's also a clever businesswoman, but not just anyone can be as famous as she is and the cosplayer ladies probably know that.

>> No.8029554

Did you guys see this vid where Pihl is name-dropping like crazy?


>> No.8029836
File: 50 KB, 1024x576, B6XcqBfCYAEiyGQ.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell she's in it for the love of gaming and the community because she's totally not begging for donations with her plastic tits out.

>> No.8029986

I don't think they are fake but that makes it more funny to me. That she goes to the effort of massively stuffing her bra just to stream shit games of LoL.

But hey if that shit pays the bills, why not.

>> No.8030107

She was whining a few weeks ago that she was 'only' making $300 a month from streaming and used that as a reason to beg for more subscribers, more donations and people to turn off ad block.

>> No.8030413
File: 20 KB, 375x281, 1413586190769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aside from the boobs what the fuck is up with that costume that looks horrible I can't even comprehend it

>> No.8030449

is this an iggy azalea cosplay

>> No.8030450
File: 750 KB, 500x375, 1363136715913.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well. Some of my cosplaying friends have liked her page. It's time to die.

But to be serious people like this make me extremely sad. They've taken something that has existed as a form of escapism, meeting people with similar interests, crafting and expressing your love for something and turned it into a way to make a quick buck and satisfy their bottomless thirst for attention and vanity. It's not a dear hobby for them, it's a cheap alibi to make money and power off of people who think you're into something they love and to gain depth to your brand by not being a generic camgirl. They also harness people's good intentions and cry misogyny/slutshaming when called out for their actions and don't even bat an eye at how they're ruining something that has a much deeper meaning than showing your tits for donations.

They're the reason I'm finding myself less attracted to cosplay as a hobby, because they're the ones who get thousands of FB likes and shares, act as the face of cosplay and get featured on cosplay-related articles. It legitimately saddens me.

>> No.8030453

What annoys me the most is that I think she's really pretty but she has the same facial expression in EVERY photo. She looks so bored to be taking the picture. Cmon show your personality girl

>> No.8030459

She is showing her personality. Both of them.

>> No.8030494

fake tits

>> No.8030522


>"wah i have the flu"
>full make up
>tits out
>hair done

maximum kek.

>> No.8032287
File: 67 KB, 478x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of photoshop...

>> No.8032293

Her arm is bent the wrong way. I don't get how neon can shop her photos so poorly and actually think they look good enough to post.... (I also don't believe her ass has ever looked like that, but that's beside the point.)

>> No.8032338


Going back to the topic, just saw this pop up in my fb feed. She's also bitching about people not wanting to book for Magfest because everyone's taken

Hey guys I'm in DC for a few weeks, anyone in the area have some cosplays they want shot? Looking for some epic stuff to create during this month down here, to build my portfolio.

18 yrs old and willing to sign a modeling release form, or have a legal parent/guardian sign modeling release
Have a cosplay of great or better quality
Located within 1 hour of Manassas, VA or DC
Post or send me a photo of your completed cosplay, who they are and what series they're from.

Hope to work with you guys soon!

>> No.8032465

There aren't enough cosplayers at Magfest. The ones that are attending know better than to fall into Pihl's trap.

>> No.8032504

5 more shoots away from that new 17-35mm lens

>> No.8032554

Look up original photos of her Yoko costume. She was flat as a board. It was even a running joke on /cgl/ back when tripfags were swarming. I don't know when she got bolt-ons, but it had to be within the past couple of years.

>> No.8032566
File: 437 KB, 456x1024, minamicon20083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind, I found some of her old photos for you. Either she's wearing two bras every day now with two sets of falsies and a ton of fashion tape to prevent nip slips, or she just got fake tits. She used to be an escort, so I'm going with the fake tits belief.

>> No.8032568
File: 92 KB, 428x640, 7e36d7f0dd060d867d532e655724f702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one. She's a b cup at best.

>> No.8032592

You gotta live your life for you.
I learned that when I realized I was in a similar situation.
Because they may keep on shitting it up and ruining it, but the biggest thing you can do is to just keep doing the good stuff, you know?

Forget about the posers and attention whores, just focus on making the cosplay you want to and doing a damn fine job.

>> No.8032595

She looks better here than she does now.

Reminds me of those horror stories you hear about where people get insane plastic surgery options, often times at risk of their own health.

>> No.8032601

I agree and disagree. I think the makeup has taken a turn for the worse, but I think her fake tits really balance out her giraffe neck.

>> No.8032604

I just really don't like plastic surgery.
Not necessarily body mods, though I do have my limits i.e. corset piercings, it's just something about balloon tits and silicone butts that freak me the fuck out.

>> No.8032898

The fake tits/ridiculous push-ups with padding/whatever they are wouldn't bother me so much if she didn't make her tits look like they're fake as shit. It's really distracting because they don't look natural at all or very presentable. Maybe it's just me but a little subtlety would be much better because if you make your rack look like that, you're pretty much giving up all your credibility.

>> No.8033449
File: 122 KB, 858x570, 10846489_770916516310706_7968294664811213513_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't get how neon can shop her photos so poorly and actually think they look good enough to post

Because her beta faggot fans will believe anything. I believed it myself until I started going to college for and took some design classes. Since people are catching on she's trying to cover it with shitty filters, blurring, and special effects like in pic related, which is ironic since its only making the shit shooping that much more noticeable

>> No.8033453

now she's boking for Dragon*con. nine fcking months away. how many people is she going to scam?

>> No.8034050
File: 53 KB, 960x540, 10420250_421602421326042_4806516427416668415_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if I may take two minutes to be vaguely serious: I have always worn what I like when streaming. I have streamed in tees and jumpers. But I refuse to be bullied into not wearing things that have cleavage (when it is not even breaking the rules - often in cosplay which is supposed to look that way!). I am a stubborn lady, so when I started to receive unnecessary harassment (rape threats, really??) it just made me more want to show how I will not be forced to dress one way or the other to appease anyone. I will continue to do so until this is not an issue, because I hope one day it is not.

Kelly Jean never had any of that to begin with.

>> No.8034078

"Empowerment" that's draining the pockets of neckbeards.

>> No.8034088

Why is prostitution illegal but escorts are 'a ok'?

>> No.8034094

promoting prostitution is illegal, not prostitutes. Atleast in my country

>> No.8034138

It's in how they word it. Exchanging money for sex is illegal. Exchanging money for "companionship" is not. Hookers always say that they are being paid for their time only and that if anything further happens that is totally coincidentally the choice of two consenting adults and nothing to do with the money that was handed over.

But I'm not sure how Kelly Jean got away with it because when she was doing it it was actually part of her job at a strip club and I don't know how a physical business can use the same obviously bullshit lie.

>> No.8034154

She fucked Volpin Props while he was still married (if he has, fuck if I know.) and when I mentioned that in a thread she was posting in, it got deleted immediately. So she must fuck janitors too now.

>> No.8034171

Some people have said they've seen her with moot himself. Dunno how true it is but it's come up in multiple places.

>> No.8034172

Every time I've asked about this rumor not a single person has had a source for it.

>> No.8034188

If you mean the Volpin thing, he quietly admitted it himself and his wife has spoken about it quite publicly after Kelly Jean went on several public rants against her. If you mean the fucking chan mods, there's never been evidence of that, it's just one of those things that has come up so frequently in so many different places. Also it is really striking how if people say anything bad about her it usually gets deleted super quick while similar messages about other people go untouched.

>> No.8034196

Nah I mean the former. That's disappointing but if you have sources for his wife's rants I'd be interested. They're still together so I guess their marriage survived if that whole thing is really true.

The latter varies. I used to get banned a lot for saying anything at all about Jessica Nigri on the basis of "don't single out specific cosplayers," but threads ripping apart less popular people would last weeks.

>> No.8034214

Hasnt he fucked multiple cosplayers while he was married though? It's his wife's own fault if she chooses to stay with his dumb trifiling ass instead of dropping him.

>> No.8034237

Private LJ and FB posts are the only still existing sources. Each of the girls deleted their public posts like a year ago. They seem to have buried the hatchet now they've all realised that Volpin's really the bad guy.

Yeah that was really the upshot of it. Kelly is just the most prolific and loud-mouthed of the women he was banging and she is the one that let it all slip when she began badmouthing his wife for not liking anal. Allegedly he's not cheated since then but you know when a guy has a fucktoy in every city in multiple countries I don't know why you would ever trust him to stay faithful again. He's a gross dickhead for sticking his dick in so many places it doesn't belong, Kelly Jean's a gross dickhead for harassing and shaming his wife and his wife's a fucking moron for not cutting his balls off and leaving.

>> No.8034516

some girl working at target gave me her cos-card before letting me check out

>> No.8034593

Kek worthy should share her info.

>> No.8034705

was she just giving it out to everyone or did she somehow know you were into cosplay too?
that's such a weird thing to do.

>> No.8034715

she was just giving them out
she's not even good, she does sluttified versions of kid show characters
I made a thread about it months ago when it happened, it'd probably be considered vendetta now that I actually do know her

>> No.8034770

>sluttified versions of kid show characters
oh dear jesus you have to share a link

>> No.8034786

>she is the one that let it all slip when she began badmouthing his wife for not liking anal


>> No.8034819

Different anon delivers, take it to the archive.

>> No.8034821

Forgot to quote


>> No.8034833

Kelly Jean has this weird thing about being superior to other women because she likes it in the ass. To say she has distorted priorities would be an understatement.

>> No.8035501

wat wat in da butt!

>> No.8035521

Loves that deposit money

>> No.8035705

She's doing a Q and A with a Professional Cosplay Photographer in this group

tinyurl (DOT COM Forward Slash) qcxeoxq

>> No.8038044

Shitty answers and then Elysium appears to provide nothing worth value to the conversation

>> No.8038616

youd think she be used to it from johnny ruckus tapping that

>> No.8038660

white knight came to save the day. her answers demonstrated she has no clue what she's doing.

>> No.8038880

I think you mean black knight

>> No.8038944

Her work seems to be really really hit or miss. She has a few shots I would consider "good" (and probably a lot of those have to do with the location/cosplayer being good) but most of them are really meh. Just decent shots taken in sunlight with a nice camera. But yet she thinks she should be teaching people.

>> No.8039557

which is funny how he's white-knighting her after talking all that shit about her on his fb after she dipped on those paid photoshoots.
these fucking people are too much fun sometimes, kek.

>> No.8039875

Is that the guy she always refers to as her husband/hubby? Are they even married?

>> No.8039905

She has no clue about taxes

>> No.8039924

She also doesn't know much about cameras. I switched from canon to Nikon for more pixels!

>> No.8039933

Did she learn that from the Hallmark?

>> No.8039949

why are you in cgl?

>> No.8040042


She said she was 34D in the past

D cups arent always gigantic, Tenleid is also a D cup and she has similar sized boobs to Ai-Honey

She's probably just using "boob magic" to push them up as much as possible.

>> No.8040053
File: 17 KB, 261x527, tumblr_nglukxGlwx1slvq7fo1_400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8040055

>Naturally she sells prints at prices even JNig wouldn't dare

Remember when she said she would never sell prints?

>> No.8040058

that wig is so bad

>> No.8040065
File: 87 KB, 637x960, 10912881_10103709846190398_1844455795_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, it's pretty impressive how good she is at pre-liquify photo release control.

>> No.8040217
File: 331 KB, 1277x1920, tumblr_ncpacudNdV1slvq7fo4_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8040218
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>> No.8040222
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>> No.8040225
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>> No.8040235

and then Pihl set up a GoFundMe for her epilepsy medication

>> No.8040266

Stop posting

>> No.8040341

ew, what the fuck?

>> No.8040352

Is she even good at LoL? Or does she just stream arams and poro king?

>> No.8041001

What for? Where's the money from all her shoots?

>> No.8041698


probably nose candy

>> No.8041718

I heard she's getting sued.

>> No.8041727

At most it'd be small claims and even then under dubious evidence

>> No.8042091

How is she traveling the DMV area when she's poor? That makes no sense.

>> No.8042251

you're just biased against the disabled, she has epilepsy, therefore she's a special snowflake!

>> No.8042284

I've never seen this happening but I guess it's more American thing

>> No.8042391

I'm sure it's for a legit reason like visiting family or something. No responsible adult would drive five states away for bullshit reason and not work for a whole month.

>> No.8043003

Here's the thing these so called popular photographers have to understand. The reason why not many people want to work with them is that their standards are way too fucking high. I understand the prices if they are going to do something epic like going to other places outside of the cons with such expensive equipment but the prices can be too high for people who spent most of their paychecks on a shit ton of fabrics and only shooting at the convention areas. Plus they want to make sure the cosplayer is either cosfamous or their cosplay had to be 100% accurate such as no minor mistakes or it matches their body types. Hell there are a few of these photographers who refused to shoot with them because of their race since most of the people they work with is either asian or white girls with big boobs.

What happens if their regular cosfamous models got so bored working with the same photographer and decides to go someone else? Then they will have to get new people as well as lowering their standards if they want to make more money or stuff for their portfolio.

>> No.8043142

Sorry to break it to you. These pro photographers charge so much because their demand is there. For exAmple, Lauren Pihl is full booked for Katsucon, while tons of low-tier photographers are still begging for models on cosplay.com/ tumblr/Facebook.

>> No.8043194

girl is not booked at all sorry. she's got shits load of open hours, but she's creating the fake demand

>> No.8045211


That girl is jobless and has medical bill and a ticket to pay off. Why on earth would she lie and pass up free money?

>> No.8045585

I know someone who posted up her schedule and she had at least a block for 2-3 hours dedicated to walking around, hanging out, and shopping. it even said such on the block in her excel sheet

>> No.8045587

she's going as press

>> No.8045959
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This is the worst cosplay giveaway I've seen

>> No.8046189

Did you see her list? All D list cosplayers and bottom feeders

>> No.8047153

If she's smart she'll transition into a marketing/business development/promotional/motivational speaker job.
Like how 3rd string college athletes become off-prime ESPN hosts or local news correspondents.

>> No.8047177

I don't get this
>Some one isn't charging money
>They shouldn't get any thing out of it?
I mean, unless there's a subtext of "I try to get the model to sleep with me".

>> No.8047198

Pushup bras + the 50-60lbs she's gained and maybe some hormonal birth control,yeah, I can see the 2 cup increase without surgery.

>> No.8047204

Oh, god, she's out in Manassas? That's legitimately an hour + out of DC, easily an hour and a half from National Harbor. She must be visiting family.