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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8024752 No.8024752 [Reply] [Original]

Let's share some cosplay related secrets.

As a guy, fangirls have become a huge turn on and fetish for me. I love it when girls tell me that I'm cute, handsome, have gorgeous smile, etc. I can't get enough of this. It has even become a little bit of an obsession.

Even though I despise it, I can totally understand the fishing for compliments strategy many girls try on social networks and such. But I prefer the surprised comment after you send her a picture for the first time and she's completely out of her mind.

Even though I get so much positive reactions online, I'm totally shy when it comes to real life girls that I really like. Meh.

Picture not really related.

>> No.8024796

Work on integrating your real life and online persona/way of life.
It'll save everyone (that interacts with you) a lot of bullshit.

>> No.8024831 [DELETED] 

I'm a prospect for a local unnamed m/c, I sell MDMA and Crystal for the club at anime conventions because I'm short and unattractive enough to be unassuming. Despite any stereotypes, I don't use, I have all of my teeth and I am educated.

Not going to disclose the chapter, Not disclosing what I ride. I see a lot of familiar faces and customers on here.

The dudes wearing cuts around conventions aren't cosplaying, real deal.

>> No.8025554

a guy


>> No.8025614

I'm for some reason highly attracted to fujoshi... I also have no standards.

>> No.8026126

Damn I wish I looked like pic related. When I put on my nerv uniform I just look like someone put a white rag on Guts. The scars don't help either.

>> No.8026158
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I'm really jealous of my best friend. She's so much prettier, smarter, thinner, and just has more confidence than me. I feel like I try really hard with wigs, lenses, lashes, and trying to coordinate, but even with minimal effort, she always outshines me.
I've taken a break from lolita and cosplay so I can try and feel better about myself before going back. Can't stay away from cgl though.

>> No.8026166

dat bait

>> No.8026172

but Guts is superior
who wants to fuck shinji??

>> No.8026174

I know that feel. We can only be the best of ourselves and try not to compare.

>> No.8026177

>As a guy, girls are my fetish

You bold daring sexual revolutionary you.

>> No.8026179

Perhaps this is a good thing - your channel your jealousy to the productive ends of trying harder, instead of just sitting on your ass and hating.

>> No.8026193

Find another com full of itas and fatties to get that ego boost.

>> No.8026195

I look forward to more fujoshi sharing your good taste.

>> No.8026236

I'm trying to channel my negative thoughts into something worthwhile. I just got back on the treadmill for the first time in a few weeks so thanks anon.

>> No.8026256

Aside from wanting a boyfriend to you know, have a partner and shit... I really just need someone to take my picture. I'm terrified of setting up shit with photogs and stuff and none of my more popular cosplay friends are better cosplayers than me, they just have boyfriends with good cameras.

Also cons would suck a lot less if I had someone to cuddle with after.

>> No.8026288
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tldr; I'm an adult guy with lots of cosplay friends and unrequited romantic interaction feels like a high school mine field.

Long version:

I'm not much of a cosplayer, but I've done group things with people who needed a guy for the party and were willing to develop costumes for material costs plus a reasonable amount extra.

One of the people who helped with this asked me out and I turned her down. Lived far apart, very different lifestyle, in general wouldn't have worked.

Pretty sure that by doing this, nearly all of the people in that part of my cosplay friend list are now definitively off limits. I wasn't planning on pursuing any of them anyway (similar reasons to above), but it kind of irks me how one person asking me out seems to make everyone else they know off in a default "no" situation simply to avoid screwing up their group dynamics. You know, high school stuff.

>> No.8026347

Besides Kaworu no-one.

>> No.8026390

I get money from guys who don't get the obvious signs that I won't date them or have sex with them. They spoil me with anime gifts or things I need for my cosplays.

>> No.8026403

I feel you, anon. My cosplay blog is popular but I'm still afraid of approaching photogs. Try looking for photographers who are advertising with reasonable or free rates on Facebook, etc (or look through other cosplayers' photos to see who they're using) - once you find a few you can usually go to the same people at different cons.

>> No.8026409

Try not to compare yourself to her. When people compare themselves to others, they usually compare their low points to someone else's high points.

>> No.8026414

What's your blog? Depending on your location, I could talk to a few friends.

>> No.8030017

Similar deal here. While I have a good camera, I don't have a boyfriend or cosplay friends that I know well enough or live near enough to set up decent shoots of my cosplays. It feels pretty bad to work really hard on perfecting something and then not be able to get a cool picture of it.

>> No.8035765
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Cheer up, anon. I know exactly what you mean. I have a friend like that too. She's not necessarily the better cosplayer out of the both of us (we're equal I'd say), but she often does fanart versions of very popular fujoshi-bait characters and slams a shit ton of jewellry on herself (which sometimes aren't even part of the fanart). That combined with fanservice photos and the fact she's socially very outgoing of course gets her all the attention.

My way with dealing with it is concentrating on my own work and trying to ignore the jealousy whenever the feels get bad. (Like, immediately start thinking about something else when jealous thoughts come up.. ignorance can be bliss.)

We'll get through this, anon.

>> No.8035782

lmao your fetish is men

>> No.8035818

I want to be Shinji and get fucked by Kaworu.

>> No.8035823

I have a friend who's fairly well known in my cosplay comm who confessed to me last summer that she doesn't make any of her costumes. She made me promise not to tell anyone. However, people are complimenting her on construction and sewing techniques and heralding her as some craftsmanship god, when in reality she's just a liar. I want to leak this info so bad but I would lose her friendship. We're really close and she's helped me through a lot, so I would feel extraordinarily bad. But at the same time I feel like the truth needs to get out.

>> No.8035831

I post in progress and self post threads all the time just because you guys always tell me how cute I am, that I have nice eyes, or I have a nice body, etc.

I already know exactly what you'll say when I post, but I post anyway because it makes me feel good.

>> No.8035842

Don't we all?

>> No.8035845

Does she commission them? Find out where she commissions from and leak it that way. Most commissioners don't approve of clients lying about where their work came from.

>> No.8035855

I go to /cgl/ meetups with the hope of hooking up with a qt.

I've never had any success.

Kill me.

>> No.8035862

>as a guy
Why is it necessary to say this? Couldn't you have just made the thread without bringing up your gender? What does it accomplish even (other than being a transparent cry for attention)?

>> No.8035867

Similar feel. I've got a good camera and a boyfriend and friends who would be willing to take photos for me, but they SUCK SO BAD at anything photography related. Like, I genuinely have no idea how anyone can be as bad at taking photos as my loved ones are. I try to give them pointers and describe what I want, do my best to work with them, but it always comes out looking like shit.

>> No.8035875

It establishes that the individual is not a lesbian or a special snowflake that believes they live outside of the gender binary.

>> No.8035888

oh he's still a special snowflake all right

>> No.8035935

I know a girl who's not famous, but definitely well-known now, thanks to TLC. She's a fake bitch who lives her life for the attention of neckbeards.

How can she claim to be a lesbian if she does everything to get male attention? All she does is post camwhore photos of herself online and bask in the attention. She went on national TV claiming she lived her life as a "living doll", but bitch wears jeans and a tshirt regularly.

She talks and acts like a different person depending on who she's with.
It's like she has no actual personality of her own.

>> No.8037021

Judging by the severe level of thread derailment, you have landwhale fishing down to a science, OP. Your relationships irl'll be fine.

>> No.8037702

>friend who's fairly well known in my cosplay comm who confessed to me last summer that she doesn't make any of her costumes.

It'll get out. It always does. ALWAYS.
All it takes is one little comparison pic and that's it, her reputation is forfeit.

If you want to be a good friend impress upon her now that she needs to learn and fast. That way when someone does find out she's already making stuff on par with the commissioned things. That will lessen the blow.

Also liars fucking suck. How in the hell can you take compliments for other people's skills? When people are complimenting you, they aren't complimenting YOU. They are saying someone else is awesome. So it doesn't count for anything.

>> No.8037728
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I've adopted very unhealthy habits in order to lose some EXTREME weight before August.

His ex-best friend is coaching me in extreme weight loss so I retain all muscle and can even bulk. Bitches, I'mma get /fit/ for a guy!
Because he needs to have his jaw broken.

>> No.8037746

>lifting for guys
never going to make it

>> No.8037913

Maybe you could try not being such an impotent bitch. If someone else interests you in the group, nothing but flimsy and disgustingly woman-like emotional barriers are holding you back.

>> No.8038623

>because he needs to have his jaw broken

>> No.8038950

PenusAngelic is p/ famous tho, since when was she claiming to be a lesbian?

>> No.8038994

It's not her.

>> No.8039010

I only come to this board because while I would like to cosplay I have no buttfucking clue while character I would cosplay as.

So I just live vicariously through all of you wonderful people.

>> No.8039014

Because /cgl/ is mostly seegirls

>> No.8039020

I have very few fb likes and am not famous at all and usually this doesn't bother me because I'm in this hobby for other reasons -- friendship, improving my skill, 3D fanart of my favorite characters, etc.

But sometimes I'd just really like to be "cosfamous" or whatever, it seems nice. And sometimes I get bitter that my craftsmanship is way better than people with 200x more likes than me (literally).

I hate excessive attention and I'm not willing to whore myself out so really I'm fine. But sometimes I'd like to be a little higher profile I guess.

>> No.8039038

Live by these facts:
>there will always be someone prettier than you
>pretty people will all get old
>when people get old, they die
>people can't care or be beautiful when dead

>> No.8039174

Anon I hope you day you're able of cosplaying!!

>> No.8039184

you heard the man, lets just stop living at all since it won't matter when you die. and all your silly emotions? pathetic! you don't need those either.

>> No.8039581

So do you ride the bus to school or does your mom still drop you off in the carpool line?

>> No.8039587

I have a video of someone relatively cosfamous in my area trashing all their fans, I'm so tempted to post it

>> No.8040018

This is stupid. At best you're going to look like some crazy ex-girlfriend railing on a guy behind the shield of 'but he cheated, waaaaaaah'. At worst, you're getting banned from the con for assaulting another attendee.

I know it hurts and you're angry at him, but just get over it. He's not worth the hassle.

>> No.8040030

You'll just look like another dumb ghetto ho fighting over a guy. Why don't you get in shape for yourself and not so you can potentially have a harassment case with multiple witnesses...

>> No.8040171

I'm extreme jealous of a "friend" (not actually sure why I still hang out with her) who is more popular in cosplay than I am despite her inferior craftsmanship and having no knowledge of anything she cosplays aside from memes and tumblr posts. It drives me completely insane knowing that no matter how much effort I put into my costumes she will always be regarded as "better" because she cosplays trendy things.

>> No.8040276

>women who think they're as strong as men
It's funny how hard actually lifting seperates men from women.
Doesn't even take a year for women to reach their natty limit

>> No.8041225

You should out that scumbag. If you feel bad about their lying then how do you think the people that actually made your friends costume feel? Commissioners make money mostly based by word of mouth and recommendations. Your friend is stealing credit and business away from the actual person that made it. Does she compete? Is the taking awards and prizes for it too? Think about it. If your friend can so easily lie about making costumes then what else are they lying about?

>> No.8042709
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I know that feel anon. Knowing people like Eevee cosplay whose stuff is shit will always have more likes than me bothers me cuz although my shit isn't perfect, it's much better than hers. I know pointing out specfic names is bad but she's the big one I can think of. But having a low profile is also nice. As long as cosplay is making you happy and stuff it will all be good.

>> No.8042720

Do they frequent cgl? If you really want to get it off your chest you can do it here.

>> No.8042736

just do what the coswhores do, and buy likes

>> No.8042748

Seriously can you imagine a guy coming on here and telling us all that he was bulking up to punch a girl in the face for cheating on him?

Please learn to feminism, tool.

>> No.8042754

That is literally what she just did, anon.

>> No.8042760

idk he's pretty cute.

>> No.8042772

I only go to anime cons to meet girls. Not that I don't like anime, but I guess I don't like it enough to go to a con for another reason. Most of my anime taste is not represented at my cons, just the most popular stuff and Black Butler. It makes me feel like a scumbag. Plus I've never had any real success. So.