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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 124 KB, 440x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8020134 No.8020134 [Reply] [Original]

Stupid tumblr trends/fashion thread. Didn't see one, the old one got off topic so let's try to keep it fashion related!

>> No.8020136

Faun make-up by its self is bad, but faunx(any fandom thing ever) is vomit inducing.

>> No.8020137

You mean like this >>8020112

>> No.8020318

Really extreme undercuts. shows very little long term planning. gonna look like a fool when you try and grow that out.

>> No.8020339
File: 48 KB, 208x208, heh lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only sorta bowing im bout to do is bending over to grab my knife from under my bed to kill a gross whale like you

>> No.8020350

that edge tho

>> No.8020354

Those aren't bad at all. All you have to do is wear nice/ not shit wigs while it grows out. Or just man up and shave your whole head.

>> No.8020355

>4chan is 18+

>> No.8020360
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, all this booty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a shitty undercut for a while, so I decided to just shave my head. Best decision I've ever made.

>> No.8020365

I hate that artstyle, it's fucking grotesque, I don't get why it's so popular.

>> No.8020369

wait, what don't you like about it? im pretty curious

>> No.8020373

>shaving your head ever regardless of gender
unless you have a medical reason or you're balding there is no reason to make yourself look that awful

>> No.8020374

Not that anon but
Pick one.

>> No.8020377

>it's so popular

>> No.8020378

I meant buzzed, slip of the mind, my mistake.

>> No.8020379

I hate the puffiness of the face and the annoying expression on her face and the way the body just looks... compressed or something?

>> No.8020380

>m-muh hair
Some people are flattered by long hair, some by short and some by REALLY short hair.

>> No.8020384

it doesn't look good unless you somehow managed to make it through life without a lumpy skull, sorry

>> No.8020388

i was curious simply because i see this art style on SO many clothes and accessories these days online that i wondered what about it was appealing and repulsive to different people

personally the only kawaii shit like this i'd buy would probably be from omocat

>> No.8020397

chubby people can look very attractive and can be drawn that way
I think it's very good on a technical level BUT the art in OP's pc makes the girl look completely gross. she looks like a smelly midget, every bad feature is exaggerated tenfold. that and the obvious tumblr pandering

>> No.8020412
File: 118 KB, 400x339, tumblr_nhbbznzsxX1th2rfqo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8020414

That's because it is a chibi.

>> No.8020417

*tips ribbon while drinking 9th coffee*

>> No.8020422

Careful you don't cut yourself on all that edge.

>> No.8020427
File: 338 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_nh7vb4Scm71r4fn9bo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8020432

her face is gross

>> No.8020433

We get it, you're fat.
Quit your blubbering or anon might practice their harpooning on you too.

>> No.8020435

No it's because it's trash art, there is cute chubby chibi art.

>> No.8020445

Sorry that nobody found your post funny anon. If it makes you feel any better, I have an autistic nephew.

>> No.8020459


>> No.8020467
File: 86 KB, 467x700, tumblr_mh9pawP9Iy1rbvxhyo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not bowing to the queen
Where do you think you are, bitch?

>> No.8020470

You know, if this kind of makeup was only done for stage plays or street art or whatever...it wouldn't be so bad.
It's the fact that these girls (and guys) wear this makeup as an "everyday" makeup that bugs me so much.
It's like shoehorning cat ears into your everyday ensemble...it's just so stupid.

>> No.8020477

don't underestimate what people will do just for notes. i doubt she actually went outside looking like that.

>> No.8020483

For some reason she doesn't look as bad as she usually does in that pic.

>> No.8020486


>> No.8020487

I've not seen cute chubby/fat chibi art, examples please?
This is also getting into super-deformed chibi territory. So the deformity+fat puts people off.
>those tiny feet

>> No.8020499

Most people do not look good bald or with a buzz and don't find out until after. Few have good head shapes for it. But most people can pull off some kind of undercut or modified hawk worn as a bitch flip, etc. I like a buzzed undercut that's a pop of color, actually. And I'm an old fart and not even into that kind of thing, haha!

>> No.8020509

Silly anon. PT is Japanese on the <inside>. Didn't her magical Azn wind chimes tell her so or some shit?

>> No.8020517
File: 239 KB, 597x800, 291ed5caf6d3c2515749a819f9ecb4b4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all about how you draw it really. The OP pic looks bad because it's shit tumblr art and it's going to look bad regardless.

>> No.8020521
File: 41 KB, 250x257, matterofact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, her windchime proves that she's adopted/part japanese etc...

>> No.8020522

Agreed, at a summer festival or club or for Halloween. Especially with the rest of a faun costume. It would be cute.
But as an everyday thing on the street? No. Though most just take pix in their bedrooms, I've noticed, thankfully.

>> No.8020528

This chibi doesn't look fat, it just looks chibi.

>> No.8020538
File: 426 KB, 1195x570, chibi_chubby_yeng_hua_and_ouleng_by_maxedman-d74uod2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat enough?

still cuter than the OP pic

>> No.8020539

this also looks bad, not a good example to use

>> No.8020540

Nice that you have someone you can share experience with anon! Good for you!
I didnt make that first post though, but good try old chum. Say Hi to your tard cuz for me
>you know this board is going severely downhill when that post isnt receiving keks

>> No.8020554

>still posting
well i kekked at that if it's any consolation

>> No.8020556

It's not disgusting though.

>> No.8020557


>> No.8020566

it's pretty deformed, like if it wasn't for the coloring it would resemble something from a how to draw manga book

>> No.8020567

>it's pretty deformed
Not even that anon, but it's supposed to be. It's a super deformed chibi. Are you retarded?

>> No.8020570

>how to draw manga
i remember that fucking shit from my elementary/junior high years. and indeed it was fucking shit.

>> No.8020607

Top kek

>> No.8020621

Yes that their joke and why those books are referenced every so often here in threads?
Anon you're not fooling anyone I know you must be 13

>> No.8020630

Not so much tumblr but stupid trends in general; I want a keyhole sweater and I feel so guilty.

>> No.8020641

Actually, anon, I am a newfag when it comes to cosplay/anime boards and threads. You can think whatever you want about how old I am, but due to your clear not-understanding that I was agreeing with the joke I'd have to assume you're not much older than your own estimate. Either that or you're semi-autistic. Or both.

>> No.8020656

Same here. Just wish I had the tits for it.

>> No.8020680

I have the tits for it but wearing it with all the hype would be kind of embarrassing.

>> No.8020715

I don't have the tits for it but I can multilayer bras.
I had one on my watch list but by the time I got my Christmas money it was gone.
you'd think people would cash in on this trend faster, give america half a year or more and everyone will have them.

>> No.8020717

I said good fat chibis, haha. Wow, these are terrible.

>> No.8020725

Not that anon, but maybe they meant it isn't that normal here to chime in without anything to add except your own personal blog unless it's just a couple of words at most. You seem to be doing fine otherwise,I wouldn't have thought you were new.
Welcome to sandy vagina land, keep all hands in the cart, all forms of responding to aggression with more if the same will just derail threads but I'm sure you'll figure it out fine.

>> No.8020727

There are some people, both male and female, that look really hot with a buzz cut. But you're right, unfortunately you don't find out if your face/head's right for it until after you've done it. Bodytype is part of it too - when you think of male skinheads, you think of thickset guys, but I've seen skinnier guys that it looks really hot on. But then if you look too skinny, you look like you've walked out of a concentration camp. It's one of those things where it's rare anyway, so people that look good with it really make an impression on you, but it definitely doesn't look good on everyone.

>> No.8020734

Please let me know if anyone finds a meme sweater. Want one so bad.

>> No.8020758

...it's not like that kind of sweater would be sold in raver shops since ages, keyhole sweater is just a bad translation of cutout sweater.

>> No.8020770

Always remember...

Our dear queen Pixyteriyaki Photoshop the SHIT out of her pictures...

And tumble trends I hate? Half passed 'closet' displays, drawing fatties with no cellulite nor indication of fat, bandwagonning, ext (meaning I can't remember anymore atm))

>> No.8020773

Well, I look forward to my stay! Thank ya kindly, anon.

>> No.8020797
File: 529 KB, 599x605, 3SqoCS4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the epitome of stupid tumblr fashion

>> No.8020809

I've seen some girls who are skinny or I realy should say slender...who look very fey and pretty in bald/partial bald or buzz cut styles. Like pixies, haha. But you are so right, body type and also dressing style have a lot to do with it in addition to good proportions. It highlights anything glaringly out of proportion with the wearers body as well.

>> No.8020837

Ugh cat ears. There's 2 girls at my cosmetology school that do that shit. Not sure if they're anime nuts or Arianna Grande-retard fans.

>> No.8020847

I hated that God damn undercut hairstyle. The overwhelming majority of the people who sport that hairstyle do not have the face to pull it off. You need some strong, angular features to look good in that stupid Skrillex cut. Then when it starts to grow out??? They never think it through.

>> No.8020850

the whole ensemble looks weeby as fuck but I dig that skirt so much

>> No.8020873

Read upthread for Christ's sake. It's already been discussed.

>getting real tired of lazy fucks who don't read before posting

>> No.8020875
File: 172 KB, 1484x1113, but why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend of mine sent this to me after it popped up on her dashboard...is this actually a thing now? And if so...why?

>> No.8020879

This is the kind of thing I would do to piss my sister off. But it's actually a trend to dye your pit hair now. Because for some reason choosing not to shave your armpit hair means you have to be as obnoxious about it as possible.

>> No.8020900

heh, you should look up free bleeding

>> No.8020912

Different anon, but no god no, i don't even need to look that up to guess what that is.

>> No.8020939
File: 232 KB, 1640x1480, 1419791383730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right? im very edgy!

good try lol


i actually didnt say >>8020433 but honestly it dosent matter, your mad is delicious!

oh pt

oh god.... no.... please no.

>> No.8020942
File: 58 KB, 529x411, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"tampons are an invention men created to force women to rape themselves"
idk whats up with pads tho

>> No.8020950

because brown stained clothing is kawaii

I mean what about people with major blood phobia's? This isn't very Kosher for them. I have a friend who used to feint at the sight of it.

>> No.8020954
File: 28 KB, 425x181, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sure they tag it with tw tags because tumblr

>> No.8020957
File: 1.95 MB, 500x281, NIGHTMERE FUELLLLL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8020960

That's fucking disgusting, if you want to do that shit in your own time, whatever (it's still vomit inducing but w/e) but for the love of fucking god don't post that garbage to the internet.

Also that is the face of some inbred sperglord that would do something as disgusting as that.

>> No.8020965
File: 925 KB, 212x176, B3vlg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because fuck personal hygiene! It's just another way the patriarchy is oppressing women!

>> No.8020970

just put on a pad holy shit
she was skateboarding, that means probably everybody saw her disgusting bloody... eugh i cant even talk about it, soo gross
does she not know you can get some seriously bad infections from leaving it wet like that? it feels like she dosent even care about her own body and hygiene just to make a statement. really bad.

>> No.8020975

The thing Ive never gotten about this is why not just use a diva cup/moon cup/whatever you call it instead? Those are female inventions and one cup has to be a better investment than many stained clothing, having uncomfortable soaked underwear all week, and smelling of blood. Or even going fucking oldschool and using cloth liners. Being proud of your femininity and roaring and all that shit is fine and dandy but leaking bodily fluids in public is a fucking health hazard.I bet they'd be pissed if someone had a nosebleed on their organic fair trade quinoa burger.

>> No.8020983

i think it's the insertion they have the problem with

>> No.8020984

Now I want to do freepooping and no one will stop me. My body, my rules, let the diarrhea flows.

>> No.8020992
File: 96 KB, 640x480, tumblr_nh9a6lwUdC1r4ky17o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8020994

This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life. I have a gallon of fake blood in the cabinet and I can see this being a decent prank on my sister.

>> No.8020995

And yet, if you're an overweight man, you shouldn't be let in public because you're "gross and smelly."

>> No.8021002

Let's start a kawaii freepooping movement? Because body fluids are pure love, and let them everywhere is pure freedom!

>> No.8021006

{insert witty response here}

>> No.8021013


If this is some piss poor attempt at being a speshul snowflake up against evul meeeeenz then it failed more miserably then as planned. This shit is disgusting and unhygienic.

>> No.8021030

I kind of like that sweater though...

>> No.8021053
File: 1010 KB, 500x248, nnno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking tampons are rape
>simultaneously being absolutely fine with smearing their own bodily fluids on everything and everyone

>> No.8021056

It's a hazard to do this, however.
Like okay you want to be a special snowflake, you might as well do it responsibly.

It's a hazard to do this shit because no one wants to sit on your blood if you leave it on, say, a bus seat.

>> No.8021059

I don't have a reaction photo appropriate for how gross this is.

>> No.8021069

I...I can't..this has to be a gag or something.

>> No.8021078

It's a hazard for yourself too, it's actually dangerous to leave blood all up in your junk like that. Hell, even in like ancient egypt and shit they'd empty it into pots and shit.

>> No.8021091
File: 51 KB, 672x450, whattheactualfucksummer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, hundreds of years in learning how to fight disease through bodily fluid containment and then we decide to repeat this shit because of the "patriarchy".

I feel the suffragettes rolling in their graves right about now.

>> No.8021097

accept the fate of extremist feminist going backwards in history and let them die with their stupidity

>> No.8021100

It's pretty much all bullshit and piss poor attempts at satire. There may be a small handful in the world who really think like this (and they are so far off the deep end it's not even funny) but for the most part it's just folks making fun of feminists/women on the whole.

>> No.8021107

You leave a little whirlwind of dead skin cells all around you all the time. Every time you exhale there's a cloud of spit and mucous and bacteria and etc swirling.
This is just dumb. If you leave a tampon in for many hours, you can sometimes develop toxic shock syndrome. But that's rare and just not something that anyone encounters in normal use. Literally no one has ever gotten sick from freebleeding. You're just adding some made up nonsense to justify your personal distaste for something harmless.

>> No.8021109


no, if it has to do with a woman's body they refuse to tag it.

i'm a transman who tumblr saviored every iteration of mensturation because it makes me physically ill (just saying this makes my stomach churn) but no, it's never tagged.

>> No.8021121

Just simply because no one's ever died directly from free bleeding doesn't mean it's sanitary.

You can transmit STDs and shit through blood/vaginal secretions. Even if it's dry.

And with the 1 in 4 statistic of someone in the US having an STD, this doesn't help free bleedings case.

>> No.8021127

Do you have any idea how fast blood gets bacteria in it? Having rotten blood on your vag can cause a fuckload of issues. Why do you think meat rots? It's the same principle you retarded troll.

>> No.8021128

Are you stupid?
There's a vast difference between dead skin cells and bodily fluids anon. If you've ever taken basic biology theres a thing called bloodborne pathogens, as to say, thing like AIDs (and ebola, though that's pretty far unlikely here), and I imagine letting yourself bleed all over the place from your vagina might be a good way to transfer STDs as well.

>> No.8021131

if you're following someone who is posting content like that you can message them to tag their posts
you can also unfollow
or make a post
you need to be your own personal advocate

>> No.8021146

i do too anon, dosent look to good on that fat ugly gremlin though!

>> No.8021161

>lets try and keep it fashion related
>this coming from /cgl/

Pfff okay, ebay=/=Gucci btw

>> No.8021163


i stopped using tumblr actually

the point was, things relating woman's bodies isn't a thing people usually tag. they argue breasts aren't sexual so they don't tag nudity nsfw for example, or how they shouldn't be ashamed of whatever.

yeah, it's their blog, but i'm not telling them be ashamed, i'm asking them to tag something so i won't feel like puking when i check tumblr

>> No.8021174

Or maybe you should just stop being a pissbaby and stop following shitty blogs?

>> No.8021178

but you're not asking them
like if you want someone to tag something, go to their inbox and ask them to tag it
nine times out of ten they will say okay and be cool with it
i don't understand, i ask people to tag shit sometimes and they do it and then it's done and over with

>> No.8021184

I tried anon. :( I just wanted to laugh at shitty fashion sense. I can dream, i guess

>> No.8021188


what part of "they refuse to tag anything regarding female bodies" are you not getting

>> No.8021197

there's a thing called unfollowing
i mean it's absurd that you're acting so victimized by this, it's an awful mentality to have

>> No.8021200



i do

the original point was people argue with you when ask them to tag particular things

nowhere did i say i don't unfollow, i was just pointing out they argue if you ask

>> No.8021202

I think you're getting the wrong idea. In my opinion, that anon is just stating how ridiculous some tumblrfucks are that they don't tag anything female because "PATRIARCHY BODYSHAMING etc. bullshit. You're taking them too literally.

>> No.8021236

I don't ask people to tag their posts because I don't tag mine myself but I usually unfollow when their content is nsfw.
I'm not against nsfw content if it's occasional but it does get annoying to see that shit on my dash, especially when I'm in public.

>> No.8021274

>some girl got blood on her inner thighs one time at the park because muh feminisms
>OMG FEMINIST EXTREMISTS are spreading EBOLA and AIDS by smearing their BLOOD ON EVERYTHING!!!
>Also someone made an obviously fake twitter parody post about tampons being rape, it must represent the core values of all feminists
>Also teenagers are having rainbow oral sex parties because I read about it in a chain email once

>> No.8021276

feminist detected

>> No.8021304

wow nice recap bro

>> No.8021311

I will happily bow down to the matriarchy if you just clean that shit and get some braces holy fuck.

>> No.8021320
File: 1.47 MB, 292x376, 1415378514308.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ebola and AIDS

>> No.8021336
File: 70 KB, 474x429, 1417787830739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this about sums it up

>> No.8021340

I'm more grossed out by that smeary lipstick

>> No.8021348

I never see this kind of weird stuff on my tumblr dash. Or the SJW either. I must follow boring people, thankfully. Artists and historical fashion mavens. It's so nice.
>sage for just rambling

>> No.8021357

Honestly, I've never seen that, so it's surprising. I follow people who fucking tag eeeeeeeeverything.

>> No.8021378

Not that anon but it is just such an ugly common art style to me. But I guess drawing boring sameface white fat girls with tiny waists and maybe a few piercings is the easiest way to get money.

>> No.8021478

Well, glad I have a great head shape when I'll shave my hitler jugend-hairdo off.

>> No.8021497

I agree with that freebleeding shit being disgusting and unhygienic, BUT.
Armpit hair is NOT the dirty factor in your pits. They do not enforce smells nor does the gunk stick to them, because it!s the bacteria of the skin and sweat that makes the smell and dirt. I don't care if you love to braid your pits or if you vomit like a pussy at the sight of them, but don't go spreading false information, kthx bai.

>> No.8021501

I feel like this sort of thing happens a lot more to fandom centric blogs. Like, I had to make a separate fashion, photography and other cute things sort of blog last year, and that's where I've been escaping to whenever my dash starts to piss me off.

To stay on topic, I'm not sure what new trends have been cropping up. Last time I fucked off away from tumblr we were still trying to shoehorn black people into everything.

>> No.8021522

How do you guys see this shit all the time? Are you all just afraid to unfollow people or something?

>> No.8021549

Who's that? Looks familiar

>> No.8021556

What does armpit hair have to do with hygiene, anon? I'm curious to hear how you think armpits work.

>> No.8021565

There's been a trend about dyeing your armpit hair because they want to go against beauty standards and shit.

The usual "smash the patriarchy with the special snowflake method" tumblr likes to pull.

>> No.8021570

Ok, redux edit-chan maybe you should consider dysphoria exists and take some time to actually listen to trans people?

>> No.8021589

Idk man my pits def smell different when they've been unshaved for a day or two.

>> No.8021591

Do you mean unshaved or unwashed? Sweat is sweat, no matter if it's on your skin or your pit hair.

Personally I smell either way if I don't wash them for longer than a day or two. The smell with hair is more musky though which isn't that bad of a smell to me personally.

>> No.8021597

Different anon but the hair and unshaven dead skin increases the surface area for sweat to cling to. Even if you bathe regularly, some people have more sweat odor. Shaving exfoliates the area too. I'm less fragrant when clean-shaven and I'm not even very sweaty/smelly in general.
Just my observations, it's a personal decision to shave/not shave.

>> No.8021620

Oh shit, I just realized I said displays
*cosplays *ect

>> No.8021644

Men can't be raped silly anon. And who are you to oppress them in their noble cause?!?!

>> No.8021646


She looks nice here compared to other pictures of her.

>> No.8021656

this fat bitch and her eyes man

>> No.8021662

my dash has been plagued with things like
>gurls can't b mean to each other uwu
>if u r mean to another girl ur reinforcing the patriarchy
>gurls should b lovelies to each other!
>muh sisterhood
if you're a cunt i'll call you a cunt, how's that for gender equality

>> No.8021669

Then shouldn't guys shave too? Pit hair is disgusting whether on a woman or a man. I don't know why we shouldn't all just shave then.

>> No.8021672

I have never heard of this and I really wish I didn't see this picture. Seriously I hate paying for tampons and pads but I would never not use them. Ugh it's gross enough at that time of month.

>> No.8021680

we should
whenever my boyfriend lifts his arms up in a short sleeved shirt, I make a disgusted face and he gets the picture.
>inb4 whipped
If I can shave my fanny because you find pubic hair gross, you can shave parts I find gross as well.

>> No.8021683

They should. They should also be wearing moisturizer, exfoliating, and wearing makeup so there aren't so many pimply, deep purple eye-bagged weak jawed uggos walking around.
>in b4 sarcasm
No really, feminism is going in the complete opposite direction of progress on this one. We should be raising everyone's aesthetic standards, not trying to barbarize ourselves.

>> No.8021684

Free Bleeding was a thing that /b/ made up. Don't worry, it's all fake as jnig's tits.

>> No.8021691

Yes. Armpit hair on guys is extremely gross.

>> No.8021692

>Post formatmind

>> No.8021696

I was wondering if it was more a made up thing used for shock value to gross people out. You can 'bleed freely' with a pad, sometimes wearing a tampon makes my cramps worse.

>> No.8021728

I had to buy lube when I first started to wear tampons. I prefer them because I have heavy bleeds, so I wear them with a pad as well. Got on the pill (for the nausea, uncontrollable bleeding and cramps mostly), so I only get my period 3-4 times a year, but they're always my go to.

But yeah, 'free bleeding' was something that was made up. I'm sure the photos are 'real' in that they are actually ladies, but the 'blood' is probably cornsyrup and food dye.

>> No.8021796

armpit hair isnt so bad, just keep it shampoo'd conditioned soft and deoderized. It's extremely unattractive but if you are attractive i promise you, keep it clean and nice smelling and it won't break your relationship. It's probably 5 steps better than revealing you have a penis to a guy. Yeah if you're a shemale 1/10 guys will smash your head in, but the other 9/10 will suck you off.

>> No.8021800

milkbbi is love, milkbbi is life

>> No.8021806

it ain't gay if I'm wearing a skirt anon

>> No.8021813

I actually like the idea of putting sequins and glitter and shit in your armpit hair if you don't shave it, but holy fuck that looks disgusting

>> No.8021814

Her teeth bother me more than the freebleeding stuff honestly

>> No.8021817

She's cute, like a human chibi
No problems here

>> No.8021820
File: 144 KB, 600x900, Pikachu-Hysteric-Glamour-Harajuku-20141116DSC1098-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand how you guys can complain about Tumblrcore fashion but fucking worship some of the wilder variants of J-fashion.

>> No.8021827

It's simple : we don't. People here are mainly lolita or gyaru, they stick to styles with community and rules or a really set aesthetic, they're mostly not attracted by overly 'creative' and oftent weird and not good outfits, j-fashion or not.

>> No.8021829
File: 36 KB, 244x220, 1359724557385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On this board attractive girls are called ugly while fat ork-faced ones are said to be 'cute'.

What the fuck is wrong with this board ?

>> No.8021833

> they're mostly not attracted by overly 'creative'
Yeah, creativity is certainly dead around here. Better make sure you find a strawberry bag for your strawberry print.

>> No.8021837

>decora, creepy cute, fairy kei and VK threads
>"muh set aesthetics and rules, we no like creativity here"
inb4 "not all seagulls, I speak for the 99% of us"

>> No.8021839

What are you even talking about?
What attractive girls have you even seen slammed here?

>> No.8021841

>decora, creepy cute, fairy kei and VK
>not being styles with really set aesthetics
R u kiddin me ?

>> No.8021843

It's become tumblr infested; what did you expect.

>> No.8021848

I wonder if you are a loli. Thats the kind of stuff people say about us everytime, I wouldn't go outside with my face like that in a normal day, but it's cute

>> No.8021856


>> No.8021861

So, if someone compliments a person you don't find attractive, they are also retroactively guilty of bashing someone you do find attractive? What kind of logic is this?

>> No.8021869

By that logic, Tumblr fashion has pretty strict aesthetics too, though. We've got
>cats on everything
>warm, dark colors
>circa 2011 twee christmas-lights-in-your-bedroom "I love books so much I literally black out entire pages except for a single #deep phrase in them so I can take a photo and post it on my blog" aesthetic
>spikes on everything
>small dashes of pastel colors put against black
>thigh-high stockings with creepyyeha garters/garterbelts
>inverted crosses
>emojis on everything
>hair buns 24/7
>"cyberghetto"/"2000 n late" circa 80s internet aesthetic
>Nike symbol
>eggs on everything
>"clean" palette with mostly simple colors and patterns
>edgy and/or incorrect Asian text on everything
>milkbbi or other print sweaters coupled with white cheerleader skirt, white knee-highs and white sneakers
The only difference is that most of this shit doesn't have identifiable names except for seapunk and vaporwave (which are pretty much oversaturated and dead anyway). People can still differentiate them and know what is what.

>> No.8021876

bless you, anon

>> No.8021901

You can exfoliate your armpits too, anon.

>> No.8021903

*etc. Short for Et Cetera.

>> No.8021908


>> No.8021913

I think the lack of creativity problem in these fashions is from the rampant efforts to become internet famous. As soon as someone does something slightly different, they/someone else label it as something else, as a means of being the first to jump on a new trend.

>> No.8021917


I love that one on the rights face tho haha

>> No.8021918

I don't think I've ever seen an example of the last one, but now I really want to.

...pretty comprehensive list, anon

>> No.8021920

Last year I have seen more people getting into meditation, crystals and shit like that. They are all " pro healthy lifestyle with good vibes" while smoking pot and doing acid and drawing mandalas all over their hands, as if they were something trendy...

>> No.8021928

mandalas were literally the only only other religious symbol I learned at a fully hardcore christian school and that's... fucking weird.

>> No.8021952

>eggs on everything
A girl I know opened a Storenvy (or was it Redbubble? I don't know) full of really simple food drawings (mostly eggs) with the Japanese name underneath. Shit you can make with Photoshop+Google Translate in 5 minutes.
I'm not sure how much she's making off of it, but it makes me want to open a piss-easy shop.

>> No.8021955

they start as fandom then discover the sjw crowd telling them their fandom is "problematic" and at the end all they end up doing is shitposting because that way they don't get told they're **~problematic~**
I did the same last year, I got a sideblog only for fashion and photography

>> No.8021974

that spiritual crystal shit exists since I have the capacity to remember
my aunt used to collect crystals and have an sketchbook only for drawing mandalas

>> No.8021976

I think they mean that's it's considered hip by young people who aren't those kind of hippies.

>> No.8021981

Yeah I need to know w2c

>> No.8021984


I thought freedbleeding was a /pol/ troll that some feminists took serious.

>> No.8021995

The part with the eggs is more of a Weibo thing, the rest is common for soft grunge, the japanese text fad was started by the soft grunge brand shopwithasianstereotypes.

>> No.8021997


>> No.8022001

u forgot deliberately poorly drawn eyes on things

>> No.8022009

I actually didn't mean to respond to that particular post. Sorry about that.
I agree that unshaved armpits aren't exactly unhygienic but that is also trusting that these girls still wash their pits.

>> No.8022016

i cant stop staring at those eyebrows, sheesh

>> No.8022022

if you stare long enough they'll fly away

>> No.8022041

example of the last one

>> No.8022044

You know how in those sci-fi movies they'll have people get replaced with exact replicas of themselves but with like preprogrammed thoughts/opinions?

That's what happens. You can unfollow as many people as you like but eventually more people who were cool will turn into them.

>> No.8022052

Idk I personally think a lot of the street snaps in Kera are awful.

>> No.8022054
File: 19 KB, 640x480, 16539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. You always have to be busy switching out the people you follow when they reveal themselves.

>> No.8022056

... are they selling clothes or these crappy drawings of clothes?

>> No.8022057

>look at the blog descriptionsofspecialsnowflakes

>> No.8022058

the clothes
they actually look pretty decent

>> No.8022061
File: 146 KB, 600x900, Yuriko-Tiger-Shibuya-2013-11-08-DSC0327-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't top this piece of weeb. She really does make everyone else in the street style gallery shine bright.

>> No.8022065

is that avril lavigne

>> No.8022067

she's pretty which is what makes this the saddest

>> No.8022073

exactly why I stopped using tumblr. I followed a lot of art and fandom blogs but holy shit suddenly it seemed like everyone went SJW.

I'd follow a new artblog and within 2 weeks I'd start seeing SJW shit on my dash again. I'm at a point where my jimmies are rustled the moment I see anything remotely close to social justice and I wish it wasn't like that.

You can't stop it. The only thing I can do at this point is unfollow every person who posts anything other then just art or pictures, but I just can't be bothered.

>> No.8022076

tumblr saviour, man
blacklist everything, even seemingly safe words like "woman" and more specific ones like "marginalized"
im an aesthetic blog but its been difficult to maintain when everyone keeps ranting about nothing all over my dash

>> No.8022077

Genuinely curious what's wrong with it? The style is a little outdated I guess but I think she looks both pretty and cool.

>> No.8022078

Try tumblrsavior to save yourself from posts about black riots, feminism, the patriarchy, transgender issues etc. You can always tell people to tag their shit because you're triggered by their political posts.

>> No.8022080

I have it actually, the problem is that because I had to blacklist even the most common words I wasn't seeing the stuff I DID like.

I want to delete all my blogs but muh sentimental value and the fact I draw shit keep me from doing so. The drawing part because I still like it as a art posting platform and it felt sweet seeing my art get notes.

Maybe I should just delete everything but the art blog

Laughed at the last part, I almost want to just to see if people will get mad at how dare I not care about those issues.

>> No.8022082

Some might actually try to understand, though. Like they'll think that those with anxiety may not want to see topics like that, or something.

>> No.8022088

Just mention you're trans and it makes you have panic attacks. They'll give.

>> No.8022092

Oh, I've (anonymously) asked a transwoman and interesting artist if she could tag her posts about transgender issues as it triggers me. She was totally understanding and started doing that. They don't assume it's because you fucking hate their whining unless you tell em so. I mean they can't assume that, it goes against their justice nature.

>> No.8022093

u could try whitelisting a couple of things you know will be tagged with things
eg i blacklist cancer (for the disease) but whitelist pisces so that horoscope posts still show up

>> No.8022099

I remember when one of the first plus-size Jfashion lines came out somewhat recently, her's was about clothing with an egg print. Is that where the trend came from?

>> No.8022103


To be honest I'd feel bad essentially going "I am offended by your posts tag them" since I'd rather just avoid it. I feel like if I start asking people to tag things I'm contributing to the part I hate about tumblr.

>> No.8022113

I made a post ages ago asking people to use the 'social justice' tag, because tumblr is my escape, and lost a handful of followers- not that it mattered but it proved how touchy people get about it. Fuck 'em.
I felt like literal Hitler when I filtered 'feminism' with a bunch of other stuff that's clearly important irl, but I'd never go back, so much better.

>TFW people never tag nsfw though, just pictures with no tags or text, so you always accidentally give your parents flashes of hardcore between your feeds of cute animal photos

>> No.8022118

you dont even need them tagged most of the time, if its a text post that just contains the word itll get blocked

>> No.8022122

Looks like a Vocaloid reject.

>> No.8022123

I know, I have tumblr savoir, but if you want people to make sure you are able to tumblr savoir posts about a certain topic, you're generally asking them to tag it.

>> No.8022128

do you have post block on xkit bc its very useful especially for popular garbage posts

>> No.8022135

Thanks for all the replies but right now I'm just deleting everything. I think I might come back so I can start over anew, but for now I don't want the account anymore

>> No.8022138

fair enough

>> No.8022142

I can only imagine the shit far back into the blog that's riddled with shitty fandom stuff back from when I was a bit of a weeb still.

Glad to know that it's at least somewhat gone from the internet.

>> No.8022151

i just had a major clean out with the mass post editor
everything fandom, social justice or meme related is gone and ive never felt better about myself

>> No.8022161

sounds great man, in my case I feel like I'm better off starting all over again, and make my art blog the primary one next time (unfortunately I couldn't switch so my artblog had to go too)

>> No.8022167

What are some good basic things to black list on tumblr savoir? I'm having trouble with things

>> No.8022171

did a quick check to make sure I still know the url of some people, and went through my messages before deleting

> tfw see a sweet message of an old friend
> tfw they turned SJW and you don't talk to them anymore

feels bad. the message was old too btw.

>> No.8022174

nah, some still trickle through. Only way to ensure that your dash is SJW-free is to be really picky about whom you follow and if you must follow SJWs, only follow those who tag everything.
Posts circulate so even if you aren't following someone you want to follow, maybe try following their friend who reblogs their outfit posts but doesn't post sjw bollocks*

*this is easier said than done though as they tend to hang in groups, but posting habits can differ even among sjws

I'd love to follow someone who talks about their life and some fandoms but I'm 10000% sure that my dash would turn to cancer quite soon.

>> No.8022177

>I'd love to follow someone who talks about their life and some fandoms but I'm 10000% sure that my dash would turn to cancer quite soon.

it will, trust me, I tried. I liked seeing fandom stuff but SJW will start to seep through even if the person reblogging it isn't really a SJW at all

>> No.8022179

-ships/fandoms you dont like/dont care about
-racism/ableism/feminism etc
-specific words like internalized and bigoted
-general words like man/woman/girls
-certain phrases tumblr loves "friendly reminder"/"why is nobody talking about"

also whitelist things in case the general words block them out, such as chararcter names etc

>> No.8022182

this is why i only follow aesthetic blogs lmao
no opinions, just garbage

>> No.8022189

>you will never be this pathetic

>> No.8022193

Just keep doing it whenever you see a post that you didn't want to see. Check their tags or prominent phrases or words like the other anon pointed out.

>> No.8022199

Why would anyone use such a broad tag, though?

And why would they clog up that tag with shit you wanted filtered? It doesn't make sense from a practical standpoint.

>> No.8022207


I guess if they would say the same about mooncups huh?

>> No.8022209

I tried to follow this lolita who has a cute blog and thought she'd be sane. I go to her blog and what do I see? SJW crap. Turned on my heel and walked away. Now I only follow fat people porn (foodffs) and some others, though I do have to admit that I liked reading about womyn in science etc. Too bad they shit it up with "muh patriarchy is why nobody knows about this!" (while the truth is that people in general don't give a fuck about science unless it's widely accessible pop culture kind of shit, and blood transfusions or carbon nanotubes are generally not it).

That being said, I'd love a tumblr where people talk about modern science and medicine but it's difficult to find those because it's either did-yuo-kno type of stuff, dumbed down "DUUUUDE! SO OAHSUME! MAGNETS BITCH!" fodder, and shitty journalism full of weasel words.

biomedicalephemera is a cool blog to follow when it comes to those things, she posts nice stuff and explains everything very well.

>> No.8022210

Thank you both so much

Also does anyone know the names of the really popular sports animes? Like the volley ball one, bike one etc. They all have weird names and i can't figure them out to block them

>> No.8022211


that's it.

>> No.8022221

by blog I meant blogspot and tumblr*

>> No.8022225

haikyuu, free!, kuroko no basuke/basket (also kuroko's basketball sometimes), yowamushi pedal or yowapeda

>> No.8022231

I've seen it called a response to 'period shaming' seriously, are these girls ashamed of everything?? Maybe I just grew up in a different society but I've never once been ashamed of having a period, having leg hair or any shit like that but you shave your armpits and you wear tampons because it makes life more comfortable and clean. fuck sake. Its' like anything suggested to better them from cave people is called something shaming

>> No.8022235

Fucking thank you so much. You are my actual tumblr savoir

>> No.8022241
File: 134 KB, 340x340, ...lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i blacklist
>white/thin/straight whatever privilege
>superwholock/homestuck (if youre not in to that stuff ofc)
>a bunch of superwholock and homestuck terms
>genderfluid, nonbinary, ftm, mtf, all that stuff
>(◕‿◕✿) (because tumblretts just loving abusing this face)
and a few more things, also right when i see someone post anything ive got blacklisted i unfollow them. gotta keep that dash clean! keep in mind you can blacklist urls too of just generally annoying people and that will keep any post with them/by them/reblogged by someone you follow off your dashboard.

>certain phrases tumblr loves "friendly reminder"/"why is nobody talking about"
this is also a really good idea, this too.

again, good try lol

>> No.8022244

It just makes me furious when ppl act like they're special or fishing for asspats for something stupid like not shaving

>> No.8022246

for real, my nan tells me they used to use rags and had to change and wash them all the time, plus the chafing and discomfort was unbearable. Pads and tampons were created for a reason, to make women's lives more hygienic and comfortable.

>> No.8022250

Yeah I kind of agree there, but a lot of people DO use the social justice tag so I was being hopeful. Specific tags make more sense, either way just tag it something and give me a way to filter out otherkin political debates from muh frills!

>> No.8022256

The url thing is helpful. I know a few people who reblog from people I'd like not to see but are otherwise ok. Glad I'm not friends with any SJW so I'm not guilted into re-blogging 'their cause'. Ugh.

>> No.8022261

They used rolled up papyrus or fabric too, as early tampons.

>> No.8022270

>>8020942 >>8020960 >>8020965 >>8020970 >>8020975 >>8020984 >>8020994 >>8021013 >>8021053 >>8021069 >>8021091 >>8021097 >>8021100 >>8021107

>Freebleeding was pretty much an inside job from /b/ or /r9k/ to make tumblr look worse.

Look it up, freebleeding was a niche and quiet thing but they really knew how to push it to the SJW and they ate it right up. Just like /b/ with the 'waterproof app' for apple phones.
Fucking idiots let themselves get played and they still don't even realise it.

>> No.8022273

Yeah, I used to follow some "poc history" blog because it interest me like hearing about female artists and scientists but fucking people can't shut their mouth about HOW YOU DIDN'T KNOWN THIS BECAUSE THE MEN KEEP YOU DOWN. I don't fucking care, I can know this now and that's what I'm here for.

>> No.8022278

Uuh, whether that's true or not, people believed it and are actually doing it now, so they succeeded.

Also who are you quoting? You seem so fucking new.

>> No.8022288

It's interesting to see how political correct tumblr tries to be, yet at the same hates half of the world and insults them.

Always found it interesting how 'white people are so fucking stupid' and the alike is perfectly fine and even encouraged sometimes, yet when someone even dares to say anything less then super positive about a race then they're actual Hitler.
Which always ends up with 'no you can't be racist against white people'

it's pretty hilarious.

>> No.8022291

i agree man, why the hell did you quote everybody? you quote like 1-3 people or the original poster of something youd like to reply to, not everybody who replied to that post man.

>> No.8022297

>Someone in my class once said that "white people food is boring"
>I asked her if she liked italian pasta
>she said yes

>> No.8022300

I always lol when its white teen girls doing this.
> Daddy IS !the man', sweetheart, and probably the reason you have internet (and fawn makeup supplies)

>> No.8022308

That and even though a large base of tumblr is white males, some even straight, there's the huge "yes all men" and more jokes about straight guys than you could fill a book with.
How do those guys see themselves by being a part of that?

Back on to cgl are any top tier lolitas rabid SJW? I know most are a bit, but are any of them nonsensical OTT ones?

>> No.8022318

in my years on tumblr seeing SJW evolve into what it is today, I have come to the conclusion that most seem to forget that some white people are in fact not American. Yet everything I see from SJW is always held up to American standards.

>> No.8022319

Not new, it's just once I mentioned it somewhere else and people ignored it and kept taking about where they thought the craze must have come from. Personal sperg vendetta, I just wanted to be heard/read this time.

>> No.8022325

according to them though, the Irish, Slavs, Mediterraneans and the like aren't white. Can't be white unless you were in Hitler's secret aryan clubhouse!

>> No.8022338

ParfaitDoll/Victoria Alice Stella Rose or someshit

>> No.8022348

And again we are derailed talking about SJWs.

>> No.8022363

cadney, nicholael and petitpasserine post SJW things a lot

>> No.8022365

So steer it back on topic, you aren't helping.
I'm always surprised that she vaguely sticks to the rules when she wears lolita, it contradicts the rest of her tumblr ways.

>> No.8022379
File: 258 KB, 320x240, 1328989075053.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if this is actually new or not but I've noticed a sudden influx (on my dashboard, at least) of girls wearing confederate flags on everything...even as nail art.
I have promptly unfollowed all the blogs that were posting and reblogging this shit

>> No.8022393

so does peachie

>> No.8022397

You should try living in Alabama. Shit is fucking everywhere. I hate it.

>> No.8022403

Holy shit she looks good for once

>> No.8022415
File: 14 KB, 516x184, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny because the blogs of radical feminists (who are hated by Tumblr and treated like an extreme version of Satan because they're really against the trends of being genderqueer/having special pronouns/etc) are actually a lot less nonsensical than those of most SJWs.

I admit that I am interested in feminism myself, but not the typical Tumblr "CRUSH THE PATRIARCHY WITH UR HEELS!! uwu" type of liberal feminism, which is absolute bullshit. My friend found pic related on her dash lately and we were entirely fucking baffled by it because these people make zero sense.

>> No.8022420

Britbongs, Ausfags and Yuropeen white people are just as racist as Burgerlandian ones, though

>> No.8022423

Man, really a bummer when your educe people down to their genitalia when you want to have sex with them. Why don't you just have a nice talk about their hobbies instead?

>> No.8022426

Is Nicholael a Lolita? She mostly seems to be into pastel goth

>> No.8022435


You just gotta push it as another kind of body shaming, or equate it to healthism and/or ableism.

Like some people have had colostomy, right? Or a leaky anus? It's not their fault and they shouldn't be shamed for it! Which means that every considerate tumblrina should check her poop privileges and start living life as these people do. By freepooping.

Or just say that shaming people for shitting themselves is just another form of patriarchal oppression, because it reduces the anus to just another hole solely for men's pleasure, instead of it's natural healthy function. But you can protest that. By freepooping.

>> No.8022437

What kind of lazy fuck leaves a tampon in for hours?

>> No.8022445

A trend I've been seeing (on black tumblr at least) is the hate for Iggy.
Which is totally fine by me

>> No.8022446
File: 508 KB, 720x723, Screenshot_2014-12-29-12-34-06-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this kind of hyper-aggressive "destroy the patriarchy" shit but Tumblr seems to love it. I didn't think anyone actually wore these kinds of shirts out either, but I saw one on campus the other day and couldn't stop staring in disbelief.

>> No.8022449

that's actually a myth, you have to leave a tampon in for literally days before you can get toxic shock syndrome
freebleeding was also made up by 4chan as a troll thing, so based on principal freebleeding is harmful because you're participating in anti feminist bullshit while trying to participate in feminist bullshit

>> No.8022450

> push it
> freepooping
Do we get a kawaii rainbow holo badge with a cute poo on it? #Everypooper

>> No.8022452

Then don't follow those people?
My dash is full of cute lolita coords, anime and food because the people I follow post that

>> No.8022453

Sorry, but this is wrong. Armpit hair does trap sweat and it makes it smell worse. Guys don't actually smell worse than girls for any reason other than pit hair.

>> No.8022461

>you have to leave a tampon in for literally days before you can get toxic shock syndrome
No anon, it varies from person to person. People with a more sensitive PH can get it much faster.

>> No.8022465

she's so ugly lol

>> No.8022466

Where does the sweat go otherwise? Unless you wipe it off or it drips off it just ends up on your skin and in your clothing.

>> No.8022473

it has little to do with ph though, the tampon's absorbency has more to do with getting it than ph

>> No.8022474


even worse, they seem to forget that not all non-whites people are a minority. Like, people from other countries use the internet too.

>> No.8022477

>"why is nobody talking about"

I fucking hate this phrase. Bitch, if NOBODY is talking about this (and someone always is) then it's not that fucking important.

>> No.8022481

Oh I didn't mean it like that, it's not the people themselves but I mean stuff like getting offended when a country's pro-gay adverts doesn't have any black people, even tho said country barely has any black people. It's stuff like that and the American standard is simply most commonly used.
Sorry that it probably sounds kind of weird, I'm not sure how to explain well what I mean.

>> No.8022489

I remember when I saw someone say "there aren't enough POC in anime/manga"

>> No.8022497

No, I get what you mean now. It does get pretty retarded when they complain about things that don't have the same context as they would in America.
For people who claim to be accepting of all cultures, groups and nations, they seem to think Murrica is the whole world.

>> No.8022500

I get what you mean. It's like when they get pissed off about no black people in anime or in Japanese media. Yeah, obviously not, you know how many black people live in Japan? I don't either but probably less than 1% of the population.

I think it's because most SJWs are from USA and don't understand anything outside of it. They're not taught about anything outside of the USA other than stuff that the USA was impacted by, or that the USA is involved in.

>> No.8022503

That reminds me of all that SJW shit in the Dangan Ronpa fandom, where a bunch of fans projected American/western values onto a very Japanese game.

>> No.8022506

It's not like America has as many black people as tumblr wants you to believe either. The way they talk it's like there's a massive 50% that are just hidden away by the mean whiteys.

>> No.8022512

This. Iggy is a terrible rapper and person anyway
Kekworthy that they're praising Azealia Banks (who is a rape apologist and a sexist) for calling her out, though

>> No.8022514

>They're not taught about anything outside of the USA other than stuff that the USA was impacted by, or that the USA is involved in.

Holy shit this.

People seem to think that the entire world is either USA, terrorist land or ebola filled Ethipoia. There is no in between for them.

>> No.8022516


I live in a country where I could go an entire year without seeing a single black person, with no effort on my part.. Hell, any non-caucasian person really.

Yet every time some artist from here posts a comic/ensemble that doesn't contain a heavily (offensively I'd say) coded POC they get flooded with hatemail and asks. So most of them include them now for the sake of being PC even though they never spoke a single word to any "colored person". I'm sure eventually they're gonna start getting hatemail for portraying them wrongly or something.

>> No.8022519

>like getting offended when a country's pro-gay adverts doesn't have any black people,

I think the worse part is that when representation does happen, they get offended by that too.

> there's a black, gay, whatever person in media
> but why are they X AND NOT Y?? This kind of representation doesn't count!!

>> No.8022523

They're like 13% of the population and have been there a while, though.

>> No.8022524

Listen, hating on her for being shit is one thing, but when people start hating on her for 'appropriating' or shit like that, that's fucking enough.



>> No.8022527

I think that anon here answered that last part for you >>8022519

I remember as a kid even I found it weird how you had those cartoons with perfectly political correct groups of kids; two white kids, one black, one asian and one free pass

>> No.8022528

Don't want to derail even further but I have to know - what did Azealia do? Search terms to find articles would be enough and appreciated.

>> No.8022530

Tell me more.
All I know about is the arguing about Fujisaki being transgendered even though he's really not

>> No.8022535

Which is not much is what I'm saying.
And you have to factor in heavy ghettoisation where your story about the high society or the art academy or the beauty doctors doesn't require 1/10 black people to be realistic. Kind of how a story about vietnam soldiers doesn't need to pass the bechdel test.

>> No.8022539

One girl, the last "minority".

>> No.8022543

She defended Bill Cosby calling him a "father figure" to black people, wrote a diss track that basically consisted of attacking some rapper simply by referring to him as female, acts pretty homophobic, etc. Nothing huge, but yeah. Google "Azealia Banks homophobia" and stuff, it should come up.
She called Perez Hilton a faggot once and that got people angry too, but he is a faggot and threw a colorist remark at her so it doesn't really matter

>> No.8022557

>getting offended when a country's pro-gay adverts doesn't have any black people
I have experienced this so many times, people are generally very US-centric despite sjws qqing about how everything is "Euro-centric" (it's really, really not unless you count the "lol wacky gay europoors" or "sjw haven of Scandinavia").

I live in a country where I have only once seen a brown person and have never in my life seen a real black man. Yet our adverts have black and Asian people, which is probably like the only two "popular" minorities they could get here, because people kept whining about political correctness.
Don't get me wrong, we have minorities, but they're all whites except for gypsies or mountain people who usually don't tend to buy anything from H&M or Tiffany.

There's nothing racist about it, it's just why would someone include Asians in an advert marketed at a non-Asian, non-US European country? Asian countries don't tend to have black people in their adverts, but it's okay because they aren't white I guess.

>> No.8022559

That's really all I can remember at the moment, haha.

This one isn't really about western/japanese values, but I feel it is vaguely relevant. A bunch of "if you say anything wrong about mentally/physically disabled people you are an irredeemable monster"-crowd people also painted Komaeda as a complete psychopath, no matter what... even though the way he acted in the main storyline was in part due to his frontotemporal dementia. And he was totally harmless before Monokuma showed up, as well as in the Dangan Island storyline.

>> No.8022561

...is that not how it is used? do you change your tampon every ten minutes?

>> No.8022566

>how everything is "Euro-centric"

the only thing I say argue is Euro-centric is history, but most sjws don't have actual historial knowledge to make good arguements out of it beyond "evil white man ruining everything".

>> No.8022569 [DELETED] 


supposedly you should change it every 4 hours

>> No.8022572

She literally intended to use the fact that she's white as a selling point. She came out and said this (in privacy, but it still counts).
She's not taking influence from rap and creating something new out of the genre like what happened with rock music, she's literally doing the exact same shit and putting on the exact same persona any black female rapper can, except she got ass implants on her ridiculously flat white girl butt and has to put on a fake accent to actually achieve success. She brings nothing new to the table, she's just pretending to be a black girl without the black part.
That's what pisses most people off. It's not even a joke when people say she's a stand-in for people who want to listen Nicki Minaj but don't like black people.
I won't derail anymore than I already have, I just wanted to say this.

>> No.8022581

i read the shirt in shreks voice

>> No.8022590


they are all such edgy tryhards

> I'll kill you

right, you will. The only thing worse is the PC insults like "I'll pee on your things", "I hope you step on a lego", etc.

>> No.8022591

Looks like something Yo Landi would wear. I'm okay with this and I don't see anything wrong with it.
If guys can get away with wearing a "Cool story babe. Now go make me a sandwich" shirt, why can't girls be vaguely rude on T-shirts? Do you have a problem with that "fuck you you fucking fuck" shirt from The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, anon?

>> No.8022605

>implying those Spencers tshirts aren't as obnoxious

>> No.8022682



>> No.8022727
File: 358 KB, 391x597, dkmnedoas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still not there?

>> No.8022752

I think you're confused. Rad fems are exactly the scum you're talking about. And they are extremely into genderqueer things and pronouns, cartoonishly so. Why? Because when marginalized people complain about what they're doing they can deflect by picking apart their language (not using the very specific pronouns they use, not doing "perfect" feminism). The people complaining about them are minorities that get shouted over by them.

>> No.8022927

Carbon nanotubes are fascinating! I spent a long time at the nanotube exhibit at the local science museum, of course it was dumbed down for children to understand but it was still cool. My tumblr is basically science (chemistry) reblogs, lolita, and occasionally sailor moon.
(sage for OT)

>> No.8023158
File: 58 KB, 255x191, 1412786949403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember I tried to show some SJW friends Macross and Turn A Gundam so they can see that there is SOME diversity in anime (albeit oldschool). Instead they called me a racist and told me that the shows were sexist. They aren't my friends anymore and now actively try to bash Tomino for "insulting" SnK whenever they see me on campus.

>> No.8023495

>>Turn A


Why did Tumblr have to be the breeding ground for such an abhorrent subculture? Was LiveJournal this bad because I honestly don't remember (I was much younger when I used it and didn't really get into any of the communities until much later, and even then it was just fandom crap)? Seriously though how does LJ + Twitter = the fucking laughing stock of the Internet? My guess is a third variable: millennial girls. Although from my experience, the whiniest mutual follower I had was in fact 34 years old, so age is not always a factor (autism and personality disorders can be though!).

>> No.8023498

If they're so obsessed with not wearing pads and tampons (which are uncomfortable if you get the wrong ones, they should just use menstrual cups...can't even feel them.

>> No.8023537

they're cute

>> No.8023580

>when oscob won't stop being human garbage

>> No.8023824

Not omocat, milkbbi

>> No.8023923
File: 18 KB, 288x317, 1410916362689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not "real" radical feminism then, because it goes against the entire idea of it. All the radfems I know make fun of "genderspecials" (they believe in the abolition of gender roles in general and want to only pay attention to biological sex, so creating a million new genders/pronouns is the opposite of that) and don't consider transwomen to be "real women." The rest of Tumblr hates them.

>> No.8024558

the hell?! sorry ill just keep using those oppressive tampons and save myself from nasty ass clothes.

>> No.8024590

then wear a fucking pad. make your own damn pads out of hay and fair trade wool for all i care but dont stain the damn bus seat cause of your weird feminist bullshit.

>> No.8024765

i love you.

>> No.8025232
File: 42 KB, 442x933, 1419069928859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8025759

it's clearly a troll account anon
most likely made by a /pol/tard

>> No.8025760

The people who wear those cool story sandwiches have them as joke gifts or are probably some of the biggest sperglords ever.

>> No.8026491

The Brits are actually hugely xenophobic and don't like foreigners of any kind.

>> No.8027098

sorry for going back to this topic AGAIN but I actually find that I start to get B.O. faster if I HAVE shaved my armpits? I mean I still shave anyway because I prefer it aesthetically and it still takes long enough to start smelling that it doesn't matter. But I'm just curious. How DOES this work?? Am I just a weirdo? Does armpit hair slow stank or speed it up for the majority of people????