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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 130 KB, 959x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8018531 No.8018531 [Reply] [Original]

Lyz Brickley bought this suit but hasn't disclosed where she's bought it from while quite a few people have asked. Anyone know were I can look into buying a suit like this? Everything I've found is not as good as this suit. Thanks~

>> No.8018539

That's obviously commissioned.

>> No.8018547

Not OP but I'm curious on where this is commissioned from too.

>> No.8018549

Same one that did Precious'

>> No.8018552

I'm wondering who can make a suit like this if anyone isn't selling it on a website somewhere. Just figured I'd ask if anyone's seen anything like this for sale, or If they know where I can commission someone, and for how much...

>> No.8018553



A lot of different sites sell it.

>> No.8018560


>> No.8018564

Thank you so much! I hope this is a credible site- I've never heard of it.

>> No.8018586

Look around. I used a latex outfit off a website like this for a different costume--it worked well for me, but not for others. There are some etsy sites that do hte other plug suit (Rei?) for like 500$ ...so yeah. The one review on that plug suit seems actual legit. Again, just do your research.

>> No.8018592

I've heard bad things about Latex Catfish. They're like the Milanoo of latex.

>> No.8018599

Who the hell is Precious'

>> No.8018607 [DELETED] 

are you retarded? that suit looks nothing like precious's. OP suit looks cheap, low quality, and inaccurate and as you can see from the link here >>8018553 sells for $2000 whereas precious's suit is somewhere like 1600 euros.

>> No.8018610
File: 69 KB, 600x900, 1-319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for linking to this site, I needed a laugh

>> No.8018611

are you retarded? that suit looks nothing like precious's. OP suit looks cheap, low quality, and inaccurate and as you can see from the link here >>8018553 sells for $200 whereas precious's suit is somewhere like 1600 euros.

>> No.8018647

Are there any other sites that are more credible that latexcatfish?

>> No.8018648

Kurage Kido is my latex idol and he does un-fucking-believe-able plugsuits. Latex Catfish is very meh, but his are phenomenal.

>> No.8018654
File: 44 KB, 948x711, Gabourey-Sidibe-Precious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't aware they came that big

>> No.8018672

please don't buy this its laughably inaccurate
it looks like the one they sold on cosplayhouse and the collar area and back of it is awful

>> No.8018686

But it seems to be the best I can buy on my budget. I'm not willing to spend more than $250-275. The ones for 78$ on amazon look way shittier. This happens to be the best I'd seen ...

>> No.8018704

>I'm not willing to spend more than $250-275
Well then you're not willing to have a nice, accurate plugsuit. Accept that what is seen in OP is pretty much what you can expect for your budget. If that's okay with you, go for it! If not, suck it up and either make your own or shell out more money.

>> No.8018714

What exactly are you expecting when working with just flat surface?
Where is your shit, hotshot?

>> No.8018716

>not willing to pay more than $275
You're in the wrong hobby.

>> No.8018725

Not so much, hun. Considering I do my best to make due with what I have to work with, living from paycheck to paycheck, I consider almost $300 incredibly pricey for one outfit that I most likely would never wear in public.

>> No.8018728

Well I for one support you anon. It's all about fun anyways. No matter what bullshit everyone else spouts here.

>> No.8018739

Thank you. I'm not looking to be next top cosplay model- i typically craft all my own costumes on a relatively low budget and that's half the fun. For once, I wanted to save up and buy myself something nicer than I could normally afford. I never got sucked into the anime but my boyfriend loves it. I can appreciate the character and art style, and I think the outfit is gorgeous. I may sound cheap but it's not easy shelling out $300 as is.

>> No.8018766

I wouldn't pay $500 for any cosplay no matter how accurate it's suppose to be. I've seen Persona 3 cosplays cost that much.

Also who the hell is Precious? I'm still confused on what they have to do with Evangelion plugsuits?

>> No.8018783
File: 92 KB, 640x960, plug suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is precious cosplay and her plug suit was from andromeda-latex . com

>> No.8018797
File: 127 KB, 1095x730, neon_genesis_evangelion_by_crystalgraziano-d7pov6l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Can (Not) Afford This.

>> No.8018800
File: 13 KB, 211x173, 1408304949094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we just turn this into a plugsuit thread?
Does anyone have any tips on how to make plugsuits?
I want to make one out of preferably latex but have no idea where to start.

>> No.8018806
File: 153 KB, 1440x810, evaq01_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Considering that I'm almost 29 it would be silly for me to cosplay 14 year old children.

Even if I use the excuse that "LOL I'm doing the movie version," I'm still cosplaying as 28 looking like 14 year old children.


>> No.8018810

Then settle for a shitty plugsuit. It might seem ridiculous to you but plenty of people pay $500 for good latex suits, so take your broke ass somewhere else.

>also, you can take that hun and shove it up your ass

>> No.8018811

>am 28
>am still cosplaying "children"

Stay basic.

>> No.8018812
File: 12 KB, 480x360, lol wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8018814

dont need to shit on evangelion just say you are too fucking poor to cosplay it and we will laugh at you like everyone normally does

>> No.8018821

Poor isn't even an excuse.

That cosplay on a budget meme going around not long ago and ridiculous costumes for what they were spending.

Joann's coupons, using craft foam and paper mache instead of Worbla and you can crank shit out.

>> No.8018822
File: 329 KB, 598x401, thats money honey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look I

You should probably just try something easier or get a commission

>waste money, blood, sweat, time, tears trying to make a shitty plugsuit bc you don't have the skill
>spend $$$ commission one

>> No.8018824

Fucking newfags, seriously..

>> No.8018830
File: 195 KB, 515x415, hey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I've seen people complain all of the time on this board about cosplaying people around your age group. Prime example is that Bad cosplay thread with the girls cosplaying Shoujo and they shouldn't because they are 'too old.'

I wanted to do Plugsuit Kaworu or Asuka since 1995 but I didn't get into cosplaying until a year ago so I'm self conscious. I'm already ugly and caramel so the last thing I would need since this damn board sucked me in again is to see my almost 29 year old ass in the bad cosplay board with some ass claiming I'm too ugly/old to do Asuka.

It's bad enough that my community posted me here years ago in a vendetta.

>> No.8018834

>years ago

and you're still hung up on it

>> No.8018837

Who said money was an issue? I would feel bad that I'm paying half of my rent money on a cosplay that I will end up selling in a year or two because I'm too damn old. It's been mentioned here that 30+ is too old for certain cosplays and in this case it would be too old because I wouldn't pass as a 14 year old Asuka no matter how much damn makeup I put on my face.

>> No.8018838


>> No.8018839

Awwwww did the intewnet buwwies huwt yo feewings?

You're fucking 30. Act like it.

People are going to talk shit regardless, ESPECIALLY on this drama-based board.

Either put in the effort to make a costume look better so people have less shit to point out or fuck off to /r9k/

>> No.8018845

>Implying I go on this board every day.

>> No.8018858

So? SO MOVE ON, holy christ why on God's Green Earth would you give a fuck about what some mean bitch on 4chin said about you? especially past 2 hours? oh my god

>> No.8018859

Wow did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? Are you bitter because of something or on your period?

The point is people are going to talk more shit because I'm cosplaying out of my age group and I'm from South America with a round baby face. I'm not comfortable with it because of some vendetta bitches who go to my community frequently go to this board. Really is that hard to understand?

No wonder anons hate tripfags. God I don't even know who the hell you are.

To sum it up stop trying to cause drama.

>> No.8018863

don't forget, you're here forever

>> No.8018864
File: 1.96 MB, 888x1184, 9426782103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to compete.

>> No.8018870

oh damn you really are a newfag

anyway you definitely need to get off this board, no one is going to give 2 fucks for your backstory or sob story, tumblr is better for that.

>> No.8018872

The point is, everyone cosplays outside their age range, body style, skin tone, etc despite people causing drama for it.

You're not special.

To sum it up, stop trying to gain sympathy.

>> No.8018881

What the fuck is going on with /cgl/ today

>> No.8018886
File: 1.67 MB, 320x179, dis gunna be good.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8018888
File: 142 KB, 640x640, ITS THE SEAGULLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The usual, obviously

>> No.8018889

You know, I hardly post to threads on /cgl/, but elitist assholes like Vallelator is the reason why I stay anonymous because tripfags in general have this "special snowflake" syndrome.

If you're the OP of the thread then please don't feel bad. Just ignore him and do what you love. Despite how drama induced this board is just try to focus on the positive and please just cosplay what you love. Even if you aren't pale or can afford expensive necessities for a costume there are ways on how to achieve a high quality cosplay without being overboard on splurging money.

Just ignore the obvious trolls and stay strong anon. There are ton of catty bitches in this community but what really matters is cosplaying someone who you love. Cosplay nowadays to tripfags is circlejerking and attention whoring and they don't know the true love of cosplay. Let them be bitter anon, in the end who is happy? :)

>> No.8018890

Wow, everyone here is so bitter and hostile. Peace out.

>> No.8018891

Pictures of you cosplay please .Christmas cakes are my fetish.

>> No.8018892
File: 416 KB, 720x1280, i do not like summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this everyone's first day here or what is going on?

>> No.8018895

I'm an elitist because I'm telling you to cosplay what you want to and get over yourself.

You should look up the word, I don't think you're using it right.

>> No.8018905

>2 hours

It happened a while ago and they still go to the community. All they do is post on the forums to start drama and then post it here for lulz. One time they posted personal information but nobody paid attention to it.

Wish I could turn the bitch in but she sucks the mod's dick.

I don't want any sympathy. I don't care if you give me sympathy or not. I'm just ranting on an image board. If I wanted fake sympathy I would just go to the feels thread that isn't even about cosplay in the first place.


That's bullshit. What 30 year old you know that still cosplays and tries to pass as a 12 year old or a 13 year old kid?

>> No.8018906
File: 37 KB, 404x489, rei smiles here too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw what you did there

>> No.8018910

People in my age group.

See it all the time.

Do you even go to cons?

>> No.8018916

>People in my age group
>Doesn't post pictures
>Doesn't give out age so most likely talking out of their ass

Stay classy.

>> No.8018917

3, all of which are in Dallas ironically.

Listen, I know it happened more than 2 hours ago, go back and read, what I'm trying to tell you is just move on, you being mad about it still is like drinking poison and expecting bitches to die from it. Just...let it go

>> No.8018925

New much?
I'm 28. I said that earlier for one thing.
I also self-post all the time.

>> No.8018942

Any other places to buy plugsuits from? I heard latex catfish is hit or miss.

>> No.8018945

>Excepting me to know trips.

I ignore tripfags and anything with self posts I hide so no I don't know who the hell you are or Clockwork for that and I don't really care. I do that because of that one WWII trip and that one Hetalia Prussia trip who kept shitposting everywhere.

I only know Ponfarr, Todd, Blue, and a few others and they don't even come here any more.

Again I don't see any positive comments about people who cosplay outside of their age group. Most seagulls complain about how they are too old to cosplay and they should cosplay within their age group so why should I bother? Unlike you I have self esteem issues so if some vendetta bitch is going to post me because I'm Hispanic then I rather just avoid it altogether.

>> No.8018974

I'm talking about plug suits you can cosplay other shit on the cheap just not this

>> No.8018987

I'm Hispanic, 5'5" and a later age and I cosplay tall white characters all the time.

If you're going to be so far gone that you're afraid of what seagulls think of all people then you are in the wrong hobby or on the wrong board.

Like I said earlier, either deal with the drama, ignore it and get over it, or find something else where no one will say anything about you.

>> No.8018998

Where my pictures tho?

>> No.8019002

>paycheck to paycheck


>> No.8019004


>> No.8019006

Then act your age, not your shoe size

>> No.8019010

>to sum it up stop trying to cause drama

Don't instigate it because you can't grow up nor get your life straightened out.

>> No.8019019


I like me a bang booty, but what the fuck is up with these proportions??

>> No.8019022

>don't instigate it
>Keeps on talking even when that anon leaves

Hahahaha I love /cgl/

>> No.8019027


dont care would tap that ass.

>> No.8019061

yeah it is when that photo is photoshopped, obviously.

r u srs

>> No.8019131

>someone ignores what you look like

You are so thirsty tonight, Christ

>> No.8019412


>> No.8019553

what the fuck is this thread even

hory sheeeit

>> No.8019561

If you're not willing to pay nearly a grand for this, then I'm gonna throw it out there that you need disregard the cosplay side altogether and realize that you don't know SHIT about latex. Don't jump in to it because you want to do a single cosplay; the cost for anything latex is insane, but you get what you pay for.

>> No.8020416

Someone shouldn't ever be told not to cosplay something if they're not willing to spend almost a grand on it- that's absolutely absurd. Were all just adults playing dress up. How does someone spending 250 on a cosplay (no matter how inaccurate or shitty you may think it looks) affect you in any way? It really doesn't. You're just telling someone to give up on something because YOU won't be pleased with how it looks. But really, it only matters how the buyer feels.

>> No.8020584


No, what I'm saying is that you don't know anything about latex. I've been designing and selling latex costumes for about 5 years now and have been modeling and participating in fetish events for even longer, and the material cost is absurd. For one costume that I did last spring the materials alone ran $450 because latex is goddamn expensive. If you skip on the quality, expect to have seams burst and unexplainable rips, so really, it runs around $30-45 a yard for something that you don't have to worry about ruining itself just from use. There is one site where you can get it for around that much per yard shipped, but anything else just don't even bother with it. Want to try MJ Trends? Have fun having your ass randomly blow out the back. That shit is so low quality.

Not to mention, the process for assembling latex is entirely different; everything must be done 100% by hand (not that that's out of place for cosplay), but everything must be cut with a rotary, polished with a chemical to remove anything that will get in the way of the adhesion, and seams must be double glued and placed wrong side over right side. The entire working of latex is 100% different, and if you don't find someone who knows what they're doing then it just won't work.

I don't give a shit how much someone spends on a costume, but having that commissioned will run about $1,000 due to materials and labor, you know, if you don't want it to spontaneously explode on you.

>> No.8020606

her figure is perfect for Asuka, I cant wait to see this finished cosplay.

>> No.8020612

I'm in Europe, so that comment fails. I don't want to act 40.

>> No.8020613

I had a nightmare last night where my comm kick me out because I was over 24. They all stood there looking at me with disgust as they shouted "granny", "old hag" and more mean things about my age. I ran out crying of the room. Then I woke up sweating.

I got PTSD from this thread. Thanks, /cgl/.

>> No.8020626

This. I also hang in the fetish community and, while I hate latex, I have friends who love it. A good quality minidress will be a couple hundred if it is to custom measurements. That shit is impossible to deal with unless it is expensive.

>> No.8020640

Doesn't look too bad. Has there been any word that she is actually going to get other stuff to make it look more complete? Gloves, wrist cuffs, soles, or that backpiece? I would definitely like to see what one of Latex Catfish's suits would look like when it actually looks like it has the appropriate parts, and not just that suit.

>> No.8021593
File: 1.39 MB, 960x960, 10805783_822313587832887_1316981394641851018_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you make those parts out of?

>> No.8023046

Why pink wigs though?

>> No.8023073
File: 541 KB, 1000x666, asuka_shikinami___neon_genesis_evangelion_by_mostflogged-d77ap9m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very disappointed in her wig, but not surprised. At least its better than MF's, that's not saying much. (Pic related)

That's just a picture of the girl trying it one. I'm guessing it might be her own hair or w/e.

>> No.8023077

thats her hair, bro

>> No.8023104
File: 1.39 MB, 919x915, Asuka_flightdeck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand. What's wrong with her wig?

>> No.8023115

Precious'? It's practically unstyled, and for spending thousands of dollars on her custom plugsuit it's the least she could do. I guess i should give her credit for at least trimming it though.

>> No.8023141
File: 75 KB, 960x960, 10730912_821789911218588_2496624482173356550_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually the latex designer gave it to her. Maybe you should offer to style it for her?

>> No.8023164

Then it's worth thousands of dollars. Basically she's just modeling the suit, is she even calling this a cosplay? Or is she really just wearing it for the designer and their website?

Also it would take less than an hour for some super simple styling for her wig, i don't think it would do any good to even offer.

Also i feel a little silly getting into a tiff about this, in the end there's nothing i could really do about it and it is what it is, i guess.

>> No.8023171

And she still can't pull Asuka off.

>> No.8023228

Where is this from?

>> No.8024006
File: 58 KB, 473x960, 10629839_719043354855722_4108583442083367727_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm liking the Rei suit from the same latex place as >>8023141

>> No.8024199

Manlet huh? That's why he never learns...

>> No.8024214

Why does nobody every get Rei's hair style right?

>> No.8024215

I don't know. Not even most figurines get it right.

>> No.8025816

If you're still around anon can you drop the good website you've used to buy quality latex please?

>> No.8025833

>hundreds of dollars on a plugsuit
>ones of dollars on a wig
Are you fucking shitting me?

>> No.8026018

I'd really like you hear what you would do to improve them.

>> No.8026019

Commission someone better.

>> No.8026400

For real, if you are willing to spend hundreds to even thousands on a costume, you better be willing to spend a decent amount on a wig or wig commission.

>> No.8026550


Sure thing, the best bang for your buck is Elastica Engineering/ Sheetlatex . com.
It's the best quality for an affordable price, since you don't have to bulk order. For the US, after shipping and tax, it's roughly $25-45 a yard. I've used lots of different latex from different companies, and 4D/radical rubber are also great, but it's MUCH more expensive. Avoid MJ Trends like the plague; cheap latex like that splits like crazy and can't even hold the glue for the seams. Plus, Elastica Engineering latex holds a GREAT shine and even has a small amount of shine from just being washed, no polish. It's really hard to find good latex that you don't have to bulk order, so I really recommend them.

>> No.8027154

im actually laughing

>> No.8030776

geez and you people complain about the french Asuka?!

>> No.8030777

Classic case of the wrong body for the cosplay.

>> No.8030931

She was given a suit to model and did her best cosplaying a character she liked. I don't get all the hate other than just being jealous.

>> No.8031025

Because there are so many skillsets involved in costume design, you probably can't get it all right.

>> No.8031752

I wonder how sex would be with plugsuit girl

>> No.8031792

Holy shit, her tits looks awful in previous photos, but from this angle they're just ridiculous.

>> No.8032278

which one?

>> No.8033006
File: 1.95 MB, 4550x3202, Asuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wrong body
There's no living human in the world who has the 'right' body for cosplaying Asuka, you retarded fucking hambeast.

>> No.8033068

I see a VPL

>> No.8033166

Isn't that exactly what a hambeast would say though, you planet?

>> No.8033189

Proportions vs. measurements, anon.

Many cosplays would be 100x better if people paid attention to proportions. The girl in OP's pic looks really good because she's thin, though she needs a bit of padding in her thighs. It's not hard for a girl with the right shape but larger waist to use a cincher to make it look more proportional. But no one is saying it needs to be 1:1 measurement, just look similar.

>> No.8033828

OP is pretty fuckin close.

>> No.8034058

lol no

>> No.8037851
File: 192 KB, 500x334, sandpanda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lyz has the right body for most anime girls.
>tfw she never does anime girl cosplay.

>> No.8038494
File: 672 KB, 744x1052, 02e5f3ff2fecc2eaa27a64b13787dcd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like >>8018783 is more of a pinup or fanart version of Asuka. I still really like it and she is my number two favorite Asuka next to the Eva twins.

>> No.8042014

Eva twins?

>> No.8042024

No clearly the curvy girl with the massive breasts is closer.

>> No.8042037

>No clearly it's the girl with the shit tier latex plugsuit

lol, nice

>> No.8042040

No one was talking about the costume. Please learn to read before losing your shit.

>> No.8042044

Who cares about the the cosplayer if the costume is shit?

>> No.8042048

People who can read and follow conversation.

>> No.8042657
File: 173 KB, 1280x854, 11483245.gross.jpg-0-1280-1280-90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8043580

This person does not have the right body or facial structure. Also, that plugsuit and wig are horrendous.

>> No.8044247

I like her for Asuka. If the plugsuit was stretch vinyl and she has a better wig I think it'd be legit.

>> No.8044248

she could be wearin a suit made from rubber gloves for all i care, im just mirin that thigh gap.

>> No.8044334

>thigh gap
>legs spread apart

I'm not saying she doesn't have a gap, but that pic doesn't.

>> No.8044689

So... With a latex suit tight enough to hug the hip bones like that... how difficult is it to don and doff? I can't imagine it would be easy. Lots of lubricant, right?

>> No.8044736

If she stood normal, there wouldn't be a gap, bruh.

Her legs are spread in that pic.

>> No.8044775

but she has a huge nose

>> No.8044793

wtf, no she doesn't

>> No.8044826


Just looked at other pics of her to see if anon is right and
lol she has a huge nose

>> No.8044884
File: 95 KB, 640x640, 10384347_606031749523750_8851001504460805755_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol huge. Jelly hambeast samefag detected.

>> No.8044891

It is a little large for her face, since her face is already fairly thin, especially in >>8018531, but it's not something to go "lol look at that fucking beak" about.

>> No.8044905

I'd say it's pretty average sized. Her other features balance it out well and I think that overall she's very pretty.

>> No.8044914

Latex is shit-tier solution for skintight. The only right material is tape.

>> No.8044922

Correct me if i'm wrong but some people coat the inside with either lubricant or a powder so they can put it on, and when they take it off they kind of just.. peel it off?

But i'm no expert and have never made or worn anything like that before. I'm just going off of what i've read from others' experiences.

>> No.8044926

baby powder works really well, plus it helps fend off sweat.

>> No.8044927

You're going to have to MacGyver it with tape, birdseed and bubble gum. It's the only way.

>> No.8044929
File: 294 KB, 649x1229, neon_genesis_evangelion_asuka_langley_cosplay_by_sailormappy-d6iuouc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone's talking about latex, but what about stretch PVC or vinyl? Would they be suitable materials? I'm wondering 'cause Rei's plugsuit is a dream cosplay of mine.

Girl in pic said she used stretch PVC and it looks alright, but the close up shots reveal that her seams look really stressed...

>> No.8045397

(latex worker here)
PVC would honestly be much easier to work with and exponentially cheaper. PVC is a shit material, though, and loses its shine once it's stretched out. It's a bit harder to sew with than regular fabric (cotton, satin, etc.), but not terribly so. I'd say you'd be fine using it, but it won't be a costume that lasts super long, as it is susceptible to stress on the seams and a general worn-out look.

If you don't have the money to drop on latex, I'd say it's a suitable substitute, though it won't be nearly as nice or durable.

>> No.8045400

>Lyz Brickley
s-she's famous on here?

i know her husband really well....

>> No.8045404

why not just wear that shit anyways
29 is really too old to be worried about what a bunch of venom spitting 16-19 year olds think

also, chances are you don't even socialize with people in that age group, you're an adult might as well do it

>> No.8047168
File: 440 KB, 1275x1920, as5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how comfortable is latex to wear at conventions?
im planning on spending about 150$ on the latex catsuit that i'll be building off of for asuka, is that too cheap?

>> No.8047179
File: 83 KB, 640x359, asukaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8047230

It depends. I made the mistake of wearing a latex suit to Otakon about 4 years ago. I thought I was going to die. I took the thing off in the tub when I got back to the hotel, and the amount of sweat that splashed into the tub was disgusting as hell. But it also explained why I hadn't needed to go to the bathroom for 8 hours despite the water I was chugging.

>> No.8047478

Those damned jerseys. I'm mildly concerned that she's probably doing this at the midway museum.

>> No.8047502

it's okay, I saw Asian Captain America on the deck of the USS America posing for photos with amused naval aviators.

>> No.8047521

God I fucking hate smelly as little gooks in my country. They're fucking disgusting and disrespectful as fuck and they don't even live in their own country anymore but they act like they own the place and take issue with the residents. Fuck them.

>> No.8047592
File: 687 KB, 2094x1489, f2c9df76bc7ddbca88e4a081df93f053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though it's not a perfect plugsuit lulubird's asuka will always be my favorite.

>> No.8048416
File: 115 KB, 640x853, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8048418
File: 111 KB, 350x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8048425
File: 102 KB, 500x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any other good variations of this cosplay with this fabric?
i think this one looks particularly nice

>> No.8048446

>living paycheck to paycheck
>poor as fuck
>considering dropping $165 on plugsuit
>a really shitty plugsuit
>will only be worn at cons


>> No.8048568


I'd be very, very careful with one that cheap. Cheap latex doesn't stay together; if you bump into something wrong you could have a total side split. Besides, the one in the photo you posted is PVC, not latex. I'd recommend to anyone who is not willing or able to spend big bucks to opt for PVC for their own sake. No fun dealing with a fucked costume at a con.

>> No.8048759

I love this thread. A lot of people need to research materials before taking any move on buying or making a plugsuit.

>> No.8048793

because people in that situation tend to make poor decisions in the needs vs wants dept.

have poor resource management skills

and have little foresight in future financial obligations

>> No.8049667

Hell, some people still don't even understand that latex is not even close to the same thing as all the other shiny stuff. Not a good place to be if you actually consider using it.

>> No.8051838

Stop pretending you know people, you don't leave your house.

>> No.8051881
File: 880 KB, 800x875, 43923970_big_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok here is some guides I've found to make a pretty nice plug suit.

This one has a ton of references for the suits.

A full tutorial on making an Asuka plus suit
>Part 1


And I will also post some images that I think might be useful.

>> No.8051886
File: 1.49 MB, 900x5100, evangelion_asuka_plug_tutorial_by_nyunyucosplay-d6cqgz1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8051887
File: 1.05 MB, 900x4000, expanded_pvc_basic_armor_tutorial_by_nyunyucosplay-d5xy715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8051890
File: 377 KB, 1000x543, wip_rei_plugsuit_2_by_sweet_empathy-d6nttwu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A WIP of a Rei cosplay

>> No.8051892
File: 249 KB, 1108x786, asuka_plugsuit_wip_3_by_sweet_empathy-d3v0btb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP of some Asuka cufs

>> No.8051894
File: 251 KB, 600x388, News13809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A add for a set of plug suits that were sold at "Eva store".

>> No.8051895
File: 40 KB, 630x529, Bibber get into the robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And last but not least a little dash of rage.

>> No.8051936
