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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8013295 No.8013295 [Reply] [Original]

new feels thread

>> No.8013296
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>mfw people talking about how theyve opened all their presents
>mfw i have the same amount of presents to open later
>mfw i cant wait for round 2

>> No.8013301
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I didn't get anything as usual

My family has this stupid thing where they figure they'll just give whatever they want to give on New Year's, which is usually some money (although my grandma gives me $90)

I got used to it by now and I don't want to make a big deal out of it, but every year I still get just a little bit disappointed and it's awkward when I hear what presents everybody else got

>> No.8013303

Does your family not celebrate Christmas?

>> No.8013320

They do, but it's more of a food thing and they don't give out presents

>> No.8013323

That's kind of weird, I guess. You should exchange gifts with friends, instead.

>> No.8013324

woops, meant to quote >>8013320

>> No.8013327

>Attend a family reunion for the first time in 3 years
>mfw I get over $400 from my relatives, $150 being from the uncle that raised me and $100 from my mom

It also has something to do with me being estranged from my family for 3 years now and my family being Asian.

>> No.8013337

No family, no children, fiancée (that I adore) is a grinch about all holidays, close friends are 700 miles away, local comm sucks, I've lived here five years and I still hate it, uni term starts soon and the endless cycle of fulltime work/school begins anew. Fuck.

>> No.8013361

nobody cares

Leave this board. You are boring and annoying.

>> No.8013403

cgl related
>want a new skirt
>boyfriend tells me not to be greedy since my mother gave me a dress for Christmas
>boyfriend attempts laundry and ruins my favorite skirt
>lets me get a new one now
its a mixed feel

not cgl related
>in middleschool people would honk at me on my walk to school all the time
>I thought it was because I was hot shit and was a cringy tomoko like kid
>walk to the market and someone shouts "negro fuck" at me from their car
>I now realize that this is because I am one out of 4 black people in this town

all sorts of bad feels. I'm happy no one was honking at me because they thought I was a sexy little middleschooler, but at the same time, why would you do that? Why would you do that to a kid?

or maybe they were trying to scare me on my walk to school, who knows.

>> No.8013413

>Tfw no jolly Christmas cause orthodox
>our Christmas means digging around a hay bale in January for nuts and candy
>have to wait for New Year to get actual presents
At least the holidays are longer for me because of the Byzantine calendar

>> No.8013419


Your town must be racist.

>> No.8013724

>tfw i bought chocolate quartet on an impulse
>tfw i don't want it anymore
nobody's ever going to fucking buy chocolate quartet

>> No.8013727

oh fuck it's called quartet chocolate
>sage for dumb

>> No.8013733

>look weeb as fuck asking for /cgl/ shit for Xmas
>younger normalfag siblings judging me to hell and back

Got a worbla sheet and a heat gun. Worth it.

>> No.8013735

favorite pic ever, OP
it just makes me chuckle every time

>> No.8013742

>tfw my family didnt get me bodywash/socks/pjs/other things I need
> they didn't give me enough money to buy myself those things and lolita.
>going to Walmart tomorrow to get some 50% off bath sets and pjs because I need them more.
>bodyline package should be here tomorrow so it looks like I'm having a Yanny Christmas after all

>> No.8013750

>quartet chocolate
which colorway? someone on LSE has been trying to get rid of their mint for ages

>> No.8013751


I guess having divorced parents isn't all bad

>> No.8013754

>visiting my parents in the south
>give me $300 in a card
>"Now you can go shopping tomorrow anon."
>don't have the heart to tell them that I'd rather not spend the money at an overpriced tourist mall and would rather pocket the money to help pay off my credit card bill which will no doubt be high from Christmas


>> No.8013779

I'm trying to get rid of mine as well, anon.

>> No.8013795

$50 to walmart
going to go buy rp i guess..

>> No.8013798

Buy things you can resell unopened without great losses.

>> No.8013804

> be me
> only wish for a little bit of money for "lolita funds", le gf says "No, I do not support that, you know I don't like those dresses! Lemme just give you another present!"
> be kinda disappointed but ok! No Lolita for christmas for me.
> finally christmas eve, still no fucking clue what my gf got me
> saves her present for last
> cry like a baby as I unbox Quartet Chocolate Mint Princess OP, Headbow, and two pair of OTKs

I would have never expected that from her, since she really doesn't understand what I like about Lolita at all and she did a really good job at hiding that from me. I am super happy!

Besides I really loved that dress and had eyed it for quite the time, dunno why anyone would want to get rid of it <3

>> No.8013809

Which cut/colorway?

>> No.8013814

>bought my baby sister a daki for Christmas because my mom won't and she really wants one
>she's speechless with joy
Okay sis, whatever floats your boat. At least it's hatoful boyfriend and not some yaoi boytoy.

>> No.8013817

Awwww, that's really sweet. Glad to hear she supports you even if she doesn't get it

>> No.8013825

Special set in wine. I bought it through an instore SS too so I doubt I'd ever get what is paid for it.

>> No.8013828

>what I paid for it
thank you phone.

>> No.8013872

ask for money
get coffee mug
>good thing i bought figures for myself on black friday; merry xmas to me from me motherfucker

>> No.8013880

>spent a lot on lolita recently, kinda spoiled myself
>don't really do much special for people for Christmas (not religious, it's just fun to give gifts)
>feel a bit guilty
>the majority of my friends and family get me last minute shit like candles and candy or nothing at all
>feel less bad
>MM, AP, and taobao coming in the mail
>screw everyone else, merry christmas to me!

>> No.8013897
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my uncles being a fucking cunt. he barely talked to us for 15+ years, split up with his wife, met someone else, and suddenly is trying to get buddy buddy with us. he didnt know my parents used to smoke, he didnt know i dont drink, he didnt know that ive been a vegetarian for over 10 years, and he didnt even know his OWN BROTHER WAS STRUCK BY LIGHTNING THREE TIMES

merry fucking christmas you old fart i cant stand you

>> No.8013955
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Can any of you seagulls convince me not to quit my job before getting a new one? I'm seriously considering it.

>three of my coworkers hate me
>I had a bad feeling about two of them the day I started working, the other one I just didn't really pay attention to
>I'm not sure why they hate me
>I think it's because I'm the only coworker who didn't go to their high school (almost everyone who works there is still pretty high school level mature)
>in other words I'm an outsider and an easy target
>last time I worked with them they started verbally harassing me in front of customers
>I work in customer service so it was incredibly embarrassing
>would yell at me for doing something wrong or not doing something fast enough while I'm talking to customers halfway across the store
>just to get a cheap laugh
>had a mental breakdown when my shift finally ended
>every time I think about working with them again I want to cry

I can't even complain to our managers because it's so cliquey. I'm the newest employee, and one's a shift leader and the other is in manager training. There's no way they'd believe me. And I do like some of my coworkers and I really like one of my managers, but... my mental health is already suffering enough. I can't keep doing this.

>also taking 18 course hours next semester, which is a first
>job is 45 minutes away from school
>general job market feels
>job keeps me from keeping up with my appearance, stress is making my break out and my skin is terrible atm
>i want to die

>> No.8013978

Don't make excuses, report them to a higher up
>including that manager if they're being a dick

But try to find another job first or save up some money. If you're over 21 you can sell your eggs for a bit of dough

>> No.8013988

>their high school
>customer service
>45 minutes away
Do I even need to say it?

But seriously, don't quit until you find something else. Those reasons aren't going to hold up when the next potential employer asks why you quit your last job.

>> No.8014009

>family knows i like cute stuff
>tons of pink barbie-like clothes

That was cute, but ugh now I have to change everything

>> No.8014011

>>8014009 here.
Wrong thread, and I cant even delete the post cause I'm on cellphone. Fuck me, right?

>> No.8014016

unless your job pays A LOT, quit immediatly. this sounds horrible

If I ran into half of what you experienced there I'd quit. I don't know how the market is where you live, but jobs in customer service are plenty... get a new one.

>> No.8014038

I've considered selling my eggs, but I have a terrible phobia of needles, and the procedure requires... a lot. But it would be good exposure therapy... ugh.

Yeah I know all of my reasons to quit are legit, I just needed to hear that I can't do it until I have another offer. It used to be just a few minutes away from where I lived, but I had to move so. What can you do. Thanks, though.

>> No.8014040

It's still kind of a feel, and it's obvious what thread you meant so, no problem.

>> No.8014055

I've had to unfriend a cosplay friend because the way she kept talking about struggling with her ED in status updates was causing me to relapse. I feel like a bad friend.

>> No.8014062
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Poster from >>8012308

People are still smoking weed and doing stupid stuff. It looks like I'm about to go to war with the people upstairs.

Also I got nothing as usual and I'm not going to get anything so that means anything I earn cosplay wise I have to buy and make myself.

To make it worse my uncle, who I mention got around $1,000+ from my dead uncle passing away couldn't give my uncle 8 bucks for medication. Guess who had to buy it.

I'm starting to hate humanity and my family.

>> No.8014063

> tfw fat and hating my looks
> tfw emotional eater
> tfw it's a vicious circle of feeling depressed due to being fat and eating more due to feeling depressed etc

why is it so hard to break the circle.
I just can't get myself to stop binge eating at times, when I try to stop eating so much all I can think of is food the entire time and sometimes I feel like I HAVE to grab food with every fiber of my being.

I just want to be cute and thin and wear cute clothes, but sometimes i feel like I shouldn't bother; I'm tall and not exactly pretty in the face either so even if I were to ever be thin I'd still look like shit.

>> No.8014068

Eat lettuce.

No really.

Binge eat lettuce and spinach.

>> No.8014100

Why don't you change your food and diet? If you binge out on something like fruit over ice cream and cookies you would lose weight more.

Also go see a therapist too.

Do you exercise? Takes no effort to work out. You can do it at home with a chair or on your bed basic stuff.

Change your ways and you can get far I believe in you.

>> No.8014105

You could just have hidden her status updates.

>> No.8014118

Going on what >>8014068 said

When I start bored eating, I make myself wraps with hommus and spinach. Just hommus and spinach on a tortilla. It's super tasty and also good for you.

>> No.8014123
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Many happy things happened this holiday.

>had the most perfect, romantic sex with bf
>managed to fall asleep effortlessly with him in his tiny bed, TWICE
>made him happy with my gifts
>(got his shirt sizing nearly right and guessed the perfect video game!)
>got tons of gifts from him and his mom
>includes an awesome gingerbread house kit
>qt lunch/cookie cutters
>many chocolates
>super soft wizard bathrobe
>and gift card for couples massage (which I've been begging for forever)
>he says gift from Japan still in the mail omg!
>his grandpop gave me a gift too and we shared a bonding moment
>my feels

In other news, I feel like I've eaten a weeks worth of calories during the occasion.

>> No.8014127
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>am living in a third world country where ordering shit online is a hassle
>dad arranges to order me some stuff from my Amazon wishlist for my birthday (a month ago)
>it doesn't show up, as half-expected
>today, it finally arrived in a small box
>"This box is way too light and tiny to have everything in it. Oh well"
>open it
>pretty much all the things I asked for are there
>this on top of some cute clothes my mom bought me, a new Macbook Air and an iPhone 4 Plus
>mfw I got to eat delicious Lebanese food and marathon all the Eva movies
>mfw Christmas was fucking great this year
I'm really grateful and I hope seagulls are having a great time too

>> No.8014130

You could try chopped carrots and/or edamame beans, they're both healthy and they satisfy the need to crunch stuff.

>> No.8014135
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>receive a little box of my favourite cookies from my parents for christmas
>box has a weird plastic lid that slides if you pick it up wrong
>don't realise, box falls on the floor when I go to put it on the table
>entire box wasted

>> No.8014136
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>have bulimia/EDNOS
>go to a friend's house and eat A LOT more carbs (and larger meal portions) than I usually do because I don't want to offend her family
>literally feel my stomach distending on the way home
>hate myself and try to purge, but can't
>end up walking around my room for 30 minutes to calm myself down
>decide to do it as often as I can for light exercise/stress relief
>my legs are already starting to ache from the exertion, good feels
>perhaps I'm not relapsing after all
Everything is going better than expected

>> No.8014157

already seeing a therapist for different stuff, but I can try.

And no I don't exercise at all, I'd like to join a gym again but right now that's just not possible, I'll try to see if I can do some things at home.

>> No.8014159

>tmj comes back
>jaw won't stop popping and grinding and sliding in and out

I'm in hell

>> No.8014160

Edamame is so carb/calorie heavy though

>> No.8014161

If it's 45 minutes it isn't really worth it though. You could also just tell your next employer that you quit due to moving. It's not uncommon at all.

>> No.8014201

>not just eating the cookies anyway

Fuck, what's wrong with you? Five second rule. Just pick them up and make sure there's no dirt on them. If you don't live in a pigpen, they're fine.

Using exercise as a form of purging is also bulimia. Just make sure you don't push it too far.

>> No.8014208

>tfw my toe is causing me a lot of pain
>it's probably either dislocated or broken
>pain is slowly spreading up foot
>have to work 9 hour shift tomorrow, on my feet constantly there
>no time to go to the emergicenter, doctor is closed for holidays

What do?

I might have some vicodin left from when I had my wisdom teeth out...

>> No.8014215

Food from the floor? Really? Lolitas are lovelies, not bears.

>> No.8014217

Skip the Vicodin, soak it in hot salt or vinegar water, unless there is swelling. If swollen, ice it.

>> No.8014218

If I dropped my favorite cookies on th efloor, I'd scramble, pick them up, and eat them anyway.

I mean, I'd be careful and check them for hair or whatever to make sure they're not gross, but I would NOT throw away a whole box of cookies just because they got a little floor on them.

>> No.8014222

The vicodin was just to get me through work tomorrow. I should be able to see someone Saturday. It's swollen, but it's also really cold? Like I can't get my toes warm. I took off my socks and tights because they were constricting, but it's also definitely a little deformed.

I think we have some epsom salts, I could try icing it and then soaking it.

>> No.8014223

Take the vicodin if it gets very severe, its an opiate medicine (hydrocodone) mixed with an anti-inflammatory that raises the pain threshold, so definitely you will feel less pain. Just be aware that opiates tend to increase pain when they wear off as your body no longer has it there to block those signals if they're still going on. Unfortunately pain is the 'base' response and your body filters and modulates it after that, so until your toe is fixed it will probably still continue to hurt because your body is trying to tell you its fucked.

>> No.8014230

To some of us, eating food from the floor is gross. Period. I don't care what it is. I don't care how clean the floor. Just no.

>> No.8014233

If you need to, you can stack Advil and Tylenol since they are 2 differently working pain relievers. In the short term. Ice and soak, take those, it should help.

>> No.8014235

Why? What makes it so gross, besides your own stupid image of 'floor=gross'?

It's completely irrational. When you were a baby you put all kinds of shit in your mouth all the time, and look, you're still alive! Shit that was on the ground, not just the floor. Shit that probably had actual shit on it. It strengthened your immune system so that some floor cookies won't kill you.

Don't be such a pansy, or don't whine about losing the cookies.

>> No.8014238

>join shitty national weeb site because apparently local lolitas organize meets there
>username references animal I like
>an hour later I receive a mail from some guy with the same animal in his name
>sounds incredibly like he knows me
>"How are you? What are you up to? Hope to hear from you soon :D"

I feel incredibly weirded out. Apparently he takes pictures of cosplayers.

>> No.8014244

I gotta sleep, that vocabulary is getting repetitive.

>> No.8014253

>next potential employer asks why you quit
I've never had anyone ask that. The only time I've been asked in an interview about past employment beyond "how long were you there?" was when a full-time position I interviewed for (and got) asked me why I was still working a part-time job elsewhere. They wanted to know if I was planning to quit if I got the job with them.

>> No.8014259

That's a completely normal reaction when you're no longer a baby. Have fun being a dog.

>> No.8014262

>prissy bitches turning their noses up at completely normal behavior

I forgot where I was for a minute, I should have known better.

>> No.8014266

Because we walk outside, then walk on them, or even if no shoes inside, feet sweat, hair falls, cats track invisible cat box germs, etc. But be my guest, indulge in your unclean habits, I'm just glad it's not at my home. And no, I was set on quilts or in a swing or playpen as a baby, my mother would not have set me on the floor or the ground like a dog, sorry. Not everyone is like you, anon. Some people live differently.

>> No.8014276

Every application I've ever filled out asks "reason for leaving" for the work history portion.

>> No.8014278

I never knew people would get so offended by someone eating a cookie they dropped on the floor for 1 second

>> No.8014285

Your mother never let you crawl around on the floor outside of that blanket, you never played in the dirt when you were a child, you never threw something across the room and then picked it back up and put it in your mouth, because you know everything that happened to you before you could even form coherent memories. If you couldn't leave your playpen or quilt, you'd never have learned to walk. Your legs would have been useless lumps. You'd be sick constantly. Chinldren need the 'gross' shit to make them strong later.

It's healthy for people to do shit like that. It's what makes us not fucking die. Continuing to eat things from the floor once we're older than a year or two isn't some horrible unnatural occurrence that should disgust you.

When you say "live differently" you mean "live in a bubble."

Wasting a whole box of cookies because they touched a probably clean floor disgusts me, are you going to tell me that's wrong too?

That kind of wastefulness is pathetic.

>> No.8014289

>Sent parents list of "ideas" in mid December, complete with links. Easier than pie.
>They get me a couple of the makeup things I wanted, which was cool, but literally nothing else. Not even the $9 sweaters or $25 boots from H&M
>Dad talking about getting an iPhone 6 for himself tomorrow when I'm still running on a pleb 4S

Well, my mom said she wanted to get me a New Years gift. Maybe I'll ask for that instant camera I've been eyeing. And I guess I can buy myself a new phone, but that would cost me upwards of $300. Ugh.

>> No.8014292

>implying everyone who comes onto /cgl/ is into lolita

>> No.8014294

No, I am a lolita.

Can't even blame it on filthy cosplayers.

>> No.8014295

Ayy where do you live

>> No.8014616

You need videos?

A lot of people think you have to go to a gym but you can lose weight/get muscles by simply doing exercises in your damn chair.

>> No.8014622


I don't know about you guys but my family members walk around with their shoes on in the house and sometimes they bring in bags from outside sitting on the concrete so it's not a good idea to eat anything off of the floor in my house.

To make it worse my mom thinks that washing it off with water and five second rule works.

Different strokes for different folks.

>> No.8014625

>tfw in love
>tfw can't stop thinking about couples cosplay and just spending time together
>tfw b/w couple
>hardly any cosplays of this
wat do
But seriously, being in love my heart is going to explode

>> No.8014636
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>> No.8014640

Just cosplay any couple cosplay. Race doesn't matter.

>> No.8014641

quit but before you do tell your boss/superiors why you are quitting, maybe at least one may be fired or at least punished

>> No.8014666

Well, I'm not a clutz too, I've only ever dropped/wasted one big bunch of stuff, a huge salad. But I'd rather throw something away. I guess the acid test is, 'if your friends were watching would you do this?' Kind of in the same class as picking your nose or spitting or farting loudly. It's more about choosing to act civilized even just in ones own company. But you go, anon, enjoy your recovered floor food. Whatever you like.

>> No.8014672
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Only stuff I got and will be getting is a grey wolf spirit hood, a YSL lipstick, a tokyo milk lotion "dead sexy" and 2 of the 3 wick candles from bath and body works.

>everyone around me bragging about a ton of huge gifts and more to come

I'm honestly content with just these 5 gifts, I expected less anyways, also stuff I got is expensive for me.

>> No.8014674

Just choose a cosplay together and don't give the race a thought.

>> No.8014683
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>have a special someone in Portland
>want to travel there sometime next year
>curious about what the current Portland area comm is like now as compared to when I started getting into lolita 8 years ago
>stumble upon a picture of a recent meetup
>sounded fun and I'm sure they seem like nice people, but
>half of the people in the group photo looked like they put thought and effort into their outfits
>tfw this isn't the Oregon lolitas I remember

I saw that their fb group page has over 200 members. Not surprised that Ashlee stuck around, but I kind of missed how active she was; I must be out of the loop, but I haven't seen much of her hipster lookbook posts either (ha, I sound like a total creeper; I just like her outfits, even though I don't wear pastel vomit).
Seeing how big they are, I wonder if there's a fringe group of people who actively attend and create meets and if there is a group of permanent itas like NYC/Upstate New York.

>tfw would like to move to that area someday (or anywhere else for that matter, so long as the career opportunities exist)
>tfw would have to let go of the community I've spent years creating and the let go of the friendships I've fostered

>so many fucking sweets in the last few weeks:
>macarons and cakes for graduation, pumpkin pie, holiday log cake, cookies, etc.
>tfw shark week = feeling extra bloated
>tfw going to a con in a few weeks

>> No.8014689



>> No.8014694

She's clearly referring to the past when she was in middle school.

>> No.8014712

>tfw applying to study abroad in Japan

Has anyone studied with GenkiJACS before?

>> No.8014721
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But places that take eggs for donations are picky about the women... need to be of a good height, be good looking with good grades. What makes you think an anon on cgl would qualify?

>> No.8014723

which Portland?

>> No.8014730

>walking with your shoes on in the house

>> No.8014734


>> No.8014745

>no shoes in my house
>eat food off the floor because who cares

I mean like, chips and stuff like that, not wet foods of course.

Maybe it was my rigorous dutchy upbringing.

>> No.8014747

Kind of a dick move to bring up being spoiled by your family that you rarely see in response to someone who is upset that they "didn't get anything as usual."

>> No.8014755

>clockwork loyalty
>being a dick

Who woulda thought?

>> No.8014766
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>Got money
>Got some gifts
>Played some board games with family members
>Ate prime rib
>Went to my room to cry, because I feel alone

And in the middle of the celebrations, I break down. Boy, you're gonna carry that weight, carry that weight a long time.

>> No.8014767

>Anon has only ever dropped one thing in their entire life.

>> No.8014776
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>got stuff
>ate good food
>played with family

>still unhappy

Wow such first world problems. much privilege.

>> No.8014777

Silly, of course I've dropped little things, like we all do. Funny thing: I won't let the cat eat things from the floor either.

>> No.8014781

You have a problem. Animals are made to eat things off of dirt. Made to eat raw, dirty animals covered in their own juices. They lick their own assholes clean, FFS.

>> No.8014784

That's why I said it was funny. As in odd. But still, I feel like I'm being gross, letting anything eat dropped food. I'm probably too prissy but better that than too slovenly so who cares. It's not a problem to you b/c you don't have to deal with it now do ya?

>> No.8014812

Inform the managers of what's happening and tell them you're quitting because of it.

If after showing them you aren't trying to gain anything they don't believe it they can enjoy having abusive managers that create a hostile work enviroment, wasting time and money on training because of it. Not to mention abuse negatively affects performance and this also tends to lead to less profit. They've got nothing to gain by keeping assholes around if they cause issues for profits.

>> No.8014813

>Implying that English people don't do this either.
>Focused only on shoes and not the fact that my relates put their bags in the kitchen from outside

Oh yeah also depending on your country it's bad taste to see the sole of your foot.

>> No.8014870

And to some of us it isn't.
I'm with ya anon mang.

>> No.8014875

Someone's an illiterate retard

>> No.8014881

Not feelsy but all the floor food has me wondering, what do you lolitas think about peeing in the shower?

>always try on my sister's gifts, get her weeby things from online that I know will surprise her an be something she likes
>only we two are into animu and talk to eachother about it, no other family member will gift us anything of the sort
>once again got something from her unrelated to any of my interests
>gift is ok I guess, but just means I have to throw out old stuff as not to get too cluttered
>just feels bad man, and feels bad that I resent it a bit

>> No.8014885

Doesn't it get on your feet? I've never wanted to pee in the shower.

>> No.8014892

Different anon, but you just spread your legs at bit? It never got on my feet.

>> No.8014894

>Some people live differently.

Thats right, not everyone's mother is a lazy whore.

>> No.8014900

It's going to go down the drain anyway so who cares? Free country, pee wherever you want, it's your bathroom.

>> No.8014902

Pee is sterile tho.

>> No.8014903

>Implying that English people don't do this either
We don't, we're not savages and don't want to waste money on cleaning rugs over and over.
Do you also put your feet on the table? I'm curious.
>Oh yeah also depending on your country it's bad taste to see the sole of your foot
Clearly I wasn't talking about those countries. Any people that I've seen wearing shoes indoors were yanks, without exception.

>> No.8014905

But your urethra isn't and neither are your external genitalia.

>> No.8014907

>your urethra isn't sterile

300 keks

>> No.8014917


>> No.8014923

I saw a dream item up for sale on FB and was going to buy it, but I decided to look through the rest of the sales album before messaging the seller. In the two minutes it took me to do that, someone else bought it!

>> No.8014924

And even if it does, you can't tell the difference between it and shower water, and it flows off instantly anyways.

This is what I think too, plus it saves water as you don't have to flush any toilets.

>> No.8014930

You have to do it while the waters running or else it'll stink.

>> No.8014935

>Dad talking about getting an iPhone 6 for himself tomorrow when I'm still running on a pleb 4S

wow you're the worst

>> No.8014949
File: 1.06 MB, 500x271, 1410980798929.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask for boring shit
>my list was literally tea and socks and cash
>open a teeny tiny bag
>tag that says "look in the front coat closet"
>kind of ominous sounding but ok lol
>look in coat closet
>brand new sewing machine
>completely unexpected
>tfw nearly in tears

>> No.8014956

>All these people complaining about gifts
For Christmas I got a message from my father saying he won't pay for my college anymore because he doesn't like the guy I've been dating for two years and am engaged to.
Merry Christmas spoiled brats

>> No.8014971

>tfw many anons' parents don't pay for their college in the first place
>who's spoiled now

>> No.8014973

Fuck I hate when this happens!!!

>> No.8014977

>texted a bunch of people merry christmas
>only one reply
>christmas is just me and my parents and they said don't ring up aunts/cousins etc because they're all busy with parties, they'll call if it's convenient
>christ i'm lonely sometimes

Dinner was amazing but it doesn't fill the hole in my heart

>> No.8014978

>tfw joined /a/'s secret santa
>first secret santa so worked hard on my cards
>sent it out a month early
>tfw got grinched/received nothing
>no signs anyone's received anything

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, I am so disappointed.

>> No.8014981

He's not paying for all of it, but it's not like I get anything else from him.
At least they get presents and I'm sure their parents pay for other things for them.
I don't have any one else to help me out with anything or gift me things.
I've been working full time since I was 17 and only recently was able to go to college at 20 because he agreed to help.
There goes all my dreams. Unless I can take out a loan I'm going to be stuck in shit jobs forever.

>> No.8014983

I was like "ok this post has been up for a few hours now, so what is the likelihood someone is going to buy it right before me again?" Gets me every time! I really need to be more proactive about buying things, but this has saved me hundreds of dollars over the past few months, so not super upset.

>> No.8014987

Nearly everyone I know has loans. It's not the end of the world.

>> No.8014989

Clearly you are. Next time don't anger your money source.

>> No.8014990

I've taken out a loan before but I have terrible credit because I'm poor and had to use credit for other things I needed.
I haven't been able to take out another one in a while so yes it is kind of the end of the world for me.
I don't have anyone to cosign on one with me so they are just looking at my bad credit.

>> No.8014993

I didn't do anything to anger him. He seemed fine with him when we first started dating and now he randomly just doesn't like him.
I think he's just lying and making things up because he doesn't care enough to help me out anymore.
He was recently talking about buying himself a new car.

>> No.8014995

>bad credit
Oh well in that case...yeah good luck. Really.
Though what was actually "needed" so much that you risked your credit?

>> No.8014998

A place to live, a car to drive because I live in a place where there isn't good public transport and I need to get to work on time and come in when they need me.
The car has broken down some times so I had to fix it.
Some other stuff I don't feel like listing but it was all necessities.
The only options I really have is to break up with my boyfriend and it's not really even guaranteed that he will keep his word and help me.
My boyfriend is my soul mate and I'd rather die than do that. I just wanted to finish school and get a semi decent job so we can get married and I can pursue my dreams and hobbies.

>> No.8015004

Oh so I guess you're all of England then huh? And the rest of the world. Sorry I didn't know such a smart person used an image board.

>Implying I have a rug

I have hardwood floors try again lol Also read the post again. >>8014622

>I've, in my own opinion.

Then shut up then. 5/10 for shitposting and being ignorant.

>> No.8015006

Sounds like even if you did get rid of the boyfriend your father would just find something else to ditch support to you over. Good luck anon, hope you find a way to keep going.

>> No.8015009

Not that anon but I wear slippers in my loft.

>> No.8015014

u mad?

>> No.8015015

Yeah thanks anon. I've made it this far so I can't quit now.

>> No.8015019

I don't need to be "all of England" (the UK is more than England beeteedubs) to know the cultural norms in my country as well as yours. Just because a few Americans or Brits do or do not do something, doesn't mean the majority follows the same rules. That is common information, not "being ignorant". Cry moar amerifat

>> No.8015031

His brother should play the lottery

>> No.8015035

Ungrateful, Entitled bitch detected

>> No.8015100

My family doesn't really do the present thing either, except for the parents of my spoiled bratty cousins. For some reason they would wait until the whole group was together before giving their kids ridiculously expensive gifts they'll never use, while the other kids who get nothing just watch on and get told to stfu and eat their food. I figured out Santa wasn't real when I was 5 or 6 because only the biggest shits I know would get gifts and kids who were well behaved got nothing. So either Santa was a lie or he was a complete asshole, you know?

My boyfriend's grandfather is doing the same thing. Walked out on his wife when their children were little and only now that his grandchildren are old enough to have kids of their own does he show up and go
no asshole, nobody wants you here.

>> No.8015211

I know that feel anon. Mine's starting to come back and now it clicks all the time and my migraines are back.

>> No.8015297

I want to see a bear in lolita now

>> No.8015321
File: 71 KB, 605x495, 1355147395916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wanted a pigeon daki ???

>> No.8015340

>no asshole, nobody wants you here.

I dunno, you sound like the asshole here. He knows he fucked up in the past and is trying to make up for it and be there for his grandkids.

>> No.8015348

I tried but it still displayed when our mutual friends gave her support on them every time she posted, it was too much for me.

>> No.8015351

I have my problem with my parents, for making the stupid decisions of having a gazillion children they weren't rich and well organized enough to raise properly, but my dada has always been supportive of my pursuing studies (though he didn't have much to give me). And he has never said anything mean on my BF.
I wasn't really unlucky in the end.

>> No.8015353
File: 20 KB, 233x217, 1391965658040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the colour that suits you best and makes your features pop is disgusting diarrhoea-yellow
>tfw you're such a deep autumn that the only colours that ever fit you are muted poopy shades and murky neutrals
>tfw mustard and olive green are the best you can hope for
I don't know if it's just me who has such weird colouring but everything I try on aside from these tends to look like shit (no pun intended)

>> No.8015356

If he wanted to be there for his grandkids he should have shown up a long time ago.
He is just old and lonely and regrets what he has done, as he should. They all do that, but they really should have known better in the first place rather than grovel and apologise. An apology won't fix all those years when he wasn't there and the hardships OP's family went through because of his actions. They don't need to apologise if they don't want to, they have a full right not to.

>> No.8015391

>no one can complain unless their life is as bad as mine!
Get over yourself, seriously. Very few people make it out of college without loans, and it's probably your own stupid fault that your credit is bad. Don't be a bitter bitch just because you have a shitty parent, wah.

>> No.8015435

How is this thread /cgl/ related?

>> No.8015464

>most people pay for their own fucking college
>you're the spoiled one here
>you're going to get divorced in a few years anyway

Dating for two years and you're getting married, daddy doesn't approve, your shitty childish attitude, nothing could possibly go wrong.

>> No.8015465

I piss in the shower. You just stand with tour legs apart and it goes right down the drain.

>> No.8015484

Forced to go on a trip for entirety of winter break although i would much rather be at home doing nothing. Get nothing except a shirt that doesnt fit for christmas. Reason being the trip counts as my christmas present although i have no desire to go. On the road christmas day. Still on the road.

>> No.8015496

His grandkids (this includes the one I'm dating) don't want to know him. Why would they? He walked out on their beloved grandmother, leaving her, their father and their uncle to starve and now he shows up pretending it's no big deal and everyone should hurry up and forgive him. Nope. He fucked up and now he had to deal with the consequences.

>> No.8015498


It must be terrible having family that wants to spend time together and can afford to go on trips.

>> No.8015502

Thats not what theyre doing. Its my parents riding off a trip that they want to take for themselves, by themselves as a crappy gift for the rest of my family. Bring me is only a necessary sacrifice and excuse for them.

>> No.8015505

First off, you sound really young. Second off, you shouldn't speak for your boyfriend or his family. Obviously there is going to be a lot of tension, but you can't know the full story or reasoning for people's actions. How do you know this is the first time he's come around, or that everyone really hates him rather than just feeling cold.

>> No.8015511

I have been dating my boyfriend for 13 years (since freshman year of high school). Everyone is getting married around me. Boyfriend and I are considering getting married, but want better jobs first. Still looking for better jobs...

>> No.8015512


You've already spent almost half your life with this guy, why not do it? I understand weddings are expensive as shit, but you can still do a modest wedding for a reasonable price

>> No.8015525

It's partially pressure from our parents too. I know my mother doesn't want me to get married until she knows that we can completely take care of ourselves (although we both live away from our parents.) I can see that she is starting to change her mind though.

I am also worried because we have been dating for so long and have been alright, that marriage might change us. Maybe 2015 will be the year though.

>> No.8015527

this, you can have a decent wedding later when you have the money.
I don't like to talk about my first wedding for this reason, but better save money, not do anything fancy now and then have your dream wedding later (to the same husband I mean, surely) instead of compromising and ending up with an "at least you tried" event,

>> No.8015530

Marriage DOES change people, either for the better or for the worse, but it changes people. If you're happy with the way you are, don't change a damned thing because of peer pressure.

>> No.8015533

>Marriage DOES change people
Only people who think of it as being "bound down" or "the end of everything fun". I say that as someone who's married.
It doesn't really change anyone, it just makes you relax and show your true colours, for better or for worse. You're not any less of a lazy piece of shit if you're single or dating someone, you're just trying harder to impress them and keep up appearances (as opposed to marriage).

>> No.8015536


I don't think that's true, at least not with men. I hear far more stories about how wives are upset their husbands are still the same person after marriage. Generally it's with bad habits, like sloppiness or being inconsiderate

>> No.8015542

Well the "showing your true colors" definitely just happens with time, not the ring. It's not super sweet and romantic but it's nice to be able to fart when you're at home with your partner and laugh about it, not be ashamed.

>> No.8015545

>You're not any less of a lazy piece of shit if you're single or dating someone, you're just trying harder to impress them and keep up appearances

>> No.8015564

That's not really what I mean anon. Farting and other bodily functions and noises are fine and something you can't necessarily control all that much (plus everyone does it), what I mean is bad habits like being lazy, verbally aggressive, stingy, even getting fat for no reason other than inactivity (of course I don't mean obesity with valid causes like disease or pregnancy).

No matter how much time you spend together you still have your own space at the end of the day, and your own bank account, your stash of secrets etc. When you get married you're kinda forced to open up your life to your partner completely. Of course that CAN happen if people aren't married, but for a lot of people marriage is sort of symbolic. It's the end of the race, you got there, there's nothing else to chase after any more. You can relax, the person is yours, (presumably) forever. So a lot of husbands and wives stop giving a fuck and stop putting up a fake façade.

Another thing that happens is that some people assume a person is always going to stay the same and then get disappointed when they change (the whole schtick with "this is not the girl I married").

Ultimately, marriage itself doesn't change anything aside from a slight shift in the way you govern your life.
But people who see it as a big step or cave in to pressure from their family ("we want grand-kids! It doesn't matter what YOU want to do with your life, we want them because we are old and bored, so we can play with them once a week and then dump them back to you!"), or people who must change the way they function because of marriage see it as such. So it's different for different people

>sorry for the novel, I just really like talking about this

>> No.8015570

>married after only two years
Lol glad I wasn't the only one who thought this.

Credit-anon, have you lived with your fiancé yet?

>> No.8015571

I'm in a nearly 4 year relationship and shit can change so much even after 2 years. But I think biologically they should be over the "hot desire, everything you do is great" phase.

>> No.8015591

If you live in the US you may still qualify for financial aid, even if your parents are rich. Some schools/states don't require you to report your parent's income. Make sure to talk to your financial aid office.

>> No.8015606

>decide to leave lolita and focus more on other styles
>i'll miss it but i'll have a lot of extra money to spend each month
>feels good man

>> No.8015609

Kind of feel this way anon. Marriage is the final step. Once you get there, you might feel like, "what's next? " I don't plan on having children. I am glad my sister wants them though. It gets my parents off my back for that.

>> No.8015619

>people you respect in the cosplay community and as people actually care about you

Feels good. I still don't wanna refer to them as friends because I don't think I know them that well and I looked up to them for years so it's a bit strange to me how it's changed now, but they refer to me as their friend now so...

>> No.8015626

I feel like a lot of people also expect marriage to always feel like it's all sunshine rainbows and like it's the first day they were in love.

>> No.8015631

What's next? Whatever you want it to be, or whatever happens in the future of course!
Try to focus on all the nice stuff you'll do together and yourself, your personal hobbies, and strengthening your relationship further. My nan used to say "love is not a feeling, it's a decision" and she's been married to grandpa for over 60 years so she must know what she's talking about.

>> No.8015646

>Christmas eve find out boyfriend has old nude photos of ex gf on his phone
>tries to say him n guy friends were sharing old photos
>but hes not the bad guy, its my fault for snooping
>Still hasn't said sorry, won't say sorry and still says it's all my fault


>Leave to go stay night at his grandparents to be there christmas morning
>decide ill just stay at my mums down the road becuz fuck his family
>Not extremely hungry, eat alittle bit of donut before bed
>wake up puking my brains out
>can't puke at times, so force fingers down throat
>Throw up from 4am-11am every 10 minutes
>Eventually feel good enough to go over grandparents
>The smell of food and roasting house only makes me feel more sick.

>sorry for not being /cgl/ related but neiher is half these stories

>> No.8015647

>my dad wants to get an iphone and all i have is a very slightly less advanced iphone!!! wah!!!
holy shit

>> No.8015659

Cool, link your leaving lolita sale.

>> No.8015665


Not really sure why he should feel bad, it's kinda fucked that you were snooping through his phone too.

>> No.8015673

You sound like a shitty girlfriend
>snoop through other peoples phones
>find old nude pics
>somehow he is the bad one here

>> No.8015675

break up with him
1) you don't trust him because you were snooping
2) he keeps naked photos of his ex on his phone
3) he doesn't see anything wrong with keeping naked photos of his ex on his phone
4) this will in the end ruin your relationship because you will be forever paranoid about it
I used to think like this but I read a thread on /r9k/ (inb4 you stop reading because of stupid prejudices) about the reverse not so recently (guy snooping through girl's phone, finding dick pics), and it slowly ruined the trust they had in each other - keeping photos of your ex is fine, but naked photos imply there is still some element of wanting towards them, and that is wrong when you're in a new relationship.

>> No.8015676

I'd agree with you here but his honest excuse seems to be that he and his friend were sharing nudes of people who didn't consent to have them shared like that. Clearly he can respect privacy even less than his gf.

>> No.8015685

>2) he keeps naked photos of his ex on his phone
what's wrong with that?
honest question

>> No.8015686

Wow, I hope I never have kids that end up like your ungrateful ass.

>> No.8015688

it implies that he still has feelings towards his ex, which would be fine but he's in a new relationship now
>it's just a picture!
then why doesn't he delete it/why hasn't he deleted it? I think OP is bad for snooping, don't get me wrong, there is something fundamentally wrong with their relationship in her side, but he has no reason to keep those photos

>> No.8015689

He's in a new relationship. If my bf had nudes of ex girlfriends it would show he hasn't moved on. Also it's a tad creepy if his ex doesn't know he hasn't deleted pictures, and if he's sharing them about then who's to say he won't do the same thing to his current gf.

>> No.8015691

>closeted ftm, but into lolita
>not very cute/attractive, basically just look like an average 12 year old boy
>get into lolita, feel kind of cute when in dresses, which is cool
>meeting another lolita after work, first time hanging out with another
>work in a warehouse, dress really casual to match, recently ended up with a shitty haircut
>terrified that she's going to judge me/look down on me because i look gross

It's not like we're having a meetup or anything, but I still feel bad that this is the first impression someone's going to get of me. Sorry, other lolita.

>> No.8015692

What's so bad if they feel alone? I'm close enough with my family, but not to the point of being completely comfortable around them, and good food and getting "stuff" can only do so much to improve a mood. If the feel were bad enough, I could definitely see myself reacting in the same way, regardless of the good holiday environment.

>> No.8015698

>decide to wear frilly feminine dresses

That's all fine and good but when you come out don't even think about bitching if someone mistakes you for a girl.


>> No.8015704

The way I see it, keeping nudes of an ex on your phone isn't a big deal at all. It doesn't imply that he still likes her on an emotional level, it's just the same as porn at that point.
Looking at porn doesn't mean anything either. No one's going to leave you for a pornstar because she has nice tits. Might still have pictures of her on your phone.

>> No.8015707

that poster IS a girl, ftm = female to male

>> No.8015710

No, we've been dating for over 3 years. He hasn't dated this ex since 2009.
Oh no I agree with you completely that I am a severe fucking idiot for snooping. What led to the snooping was that he was showing me photos on his phone(funny ones, pics he took during the day, ect.) And when he came to the nude photo I asked what's that, he said "oh it's from one of those facebook articles.. photos you wish you've seen." I just agreed whatever didn't think anything of it, but then later on I realized I recognized the girl in said photo and looked at the girls facebook, and then confronted him about it.
Ex's are ex's, they are long gone. Why even have photos if you haven't talked to them in almost 5 years?
I mean it wasn't like they were on his phone the entire time of us dating, he recently downloaded it from where ever he kept them. I don't care if he has pornstar photos on his phone, but if it's girls he/I know irl then I just feel like it's crossing the line of no respect.

>> No.8015713

there's also >>8015689's point. he's sharing pictures of his ex that he probably doesn't have permission to share, how does OP know he's not doing the same with her pictures?
>not going to touch the porn argument because I still think it's weird to have naked pictures of anyone on your phone but then I guess I am a prude
either way this relationship is bad, and OP should break up with him.

>> No.8015715

Of course having nudes of an ex is a big issue. First of all,even if he hadn't an attachment with her (which is improbable, if he has the nudes it's probable he still feels something for her) what matters is that he felt something for her a while ago. Also you are violating someones privacy by having her nudes (he sent them but he didn't gave the bf permission to keep them after the breakup) and if he's sharing them, he's a big time asshole. It's different watching porn (it's a form of entertaiment, the girl in the movie is giving consent, etc etc) than having exes nudes.

>> No.8015717

Except ex gf is someone he could easily seek out.
The bigger fucking issue is that he send his mate some nudes from his ex. Can't trust that guy.

>> No.8015720

Nah, I'm well aware. My general way of thinking is, if I'm wearing a dress, then it's my own fault if people view me as a girl. It's only when I'm in men's clothing, a binder, etc., that it might get to me a little.

I'm not super tumblr about it, shit happens, chill.

>> No.8015722

>female to male
>to male
Which means they are male. Reading comprehension, anon

>> No.8015727

>>8015530 here. >>8015564 is basically what I wanted to say.

>> No.8015733

I think you're all just looking way to deeply into this.
Yes, the sending other people nudes of an ex is a scumbag thing to do. I'm not debating that, I'm just wondering why keeping lewd pictures of an ex is inherently bad.
I mean, maybe he just likes her boobs and nothing more. Fap material. It doesn't imply an emotional attachment or that he "still likes her", not necessarily. It just means he thinks she's hot. I'm sure there's other people he could get with easier that are also hot. No need to be paranoid, here.

One of you takes the cake though
>what matters is that he felt something for her a while ago
Is this inherently bad? Would you rather he only had an ex for pumping cum into? Wouldn't this atleast imply he's likely to feel something for you, too?

>Also you are violating someones privacy by having her nudes (he sent them but he didn't gave the bf permission to keep them after the breakup)
That's... something.
That's lunacy. It has no rational, moral, or legal basis. Might aswell ask him to forget what your tits looked like.
If you give someone a pic of your ass, do you really expect him to delete it and never look at it again once it's gone? It's outside of your control in any way or form, so why would you expect him to? Who does it hurt if he keeps that picture?

>It's different watching porn (it's a form of entertaiment, the girl in the movie is giving consent, etc etc) than having exes nudes.
If by entertainment you mean a masturbatory aid, then yes, it's potentially serving the same purpose as the picture of the ex. And I'm assuming we're talking pictures taken with consent here, otherwise it's not even comparable.

>> No.8015739

It's not really snooping if he showed you the picture and you recognized it. I have much more of a problem with him "sharing old pics" with friends. If he's the kind of person who would give out old nude pics, then it's a breach of her privacy, and who's to say he wouldn't do it to you, too?

>> No.8015740

he recently redownloaded a picture of his ex, whilst in a relationship with his current girlfriend. if you don't have a problem with that, then you date him, clearly the people you quoted do.
if I were to send nudes to a partner I would at least expect them to not share them with all their friends, regardless if we were still in a relationship or not.

>> No.8015741

I'm aware of what the situation there is, but I'm asking what is inherently wrong with keeping nude pictures of an ex after breaking up.

>> No.8015761

It was pretty simple to figure out who it was simple by the background in the photo, and then seeing her photos on fb in the same background.
I really don't know if he has shared my photos..

Alright you, I do understand what you are saying. On one hand, the problem of keeping nude photos of an ex after a break up is more along the questions of why? There are many reasons why, such as merely just fap material(no emotion ties with the girl anymore, its's just a photo with tits just like pornstars or maybe it's not letting go of that special moment of receiving nudes from an actual girl rather than just download porn star photos that makes him still have it.
I can't say why he would still have it(I think he said it was on facebook or an email) so obviously he never bothered deleted the messages because well.. "I'm not dating her but I can still see her naked!". When we first started dating he an a 32GB folder of nudes of girls(not pornstars) that he either got from the girls at school or got passed around. The only problem I had with this folder was that he had photos of my friend at the time naked that he got before we started dating, and that he "forgot" they were in there.
Regardless, the entire problem I have with this is that he would even think of going out of his way to find the photo, share it with friends and then still have it on his phone. Either he didn't think about how this would make me feel, or he did and just didn't care well.. It doesn't really matter at this point since he feels no shame for his actions. He also(which for those of you who think he still has feelings might further think it) told me he started messaging people he used to be friends with, including the girl he had the nude photo of.

I am suppose to be more trusting of him, but it's quite hard when things like this happen.. Especially every few months. I realize I am a fucking idiot for continuing to date him when he could have/might cheat on me.

>> No.8015767

he sounds like a massive creep holy shit

>> No.8015768

> When we first started dating he an a 32GB folder of nudes of girls(not pornstars) that he either got from the girls at school or got passed around. The only problem I had with this folder was that he had photos of my friend at the time naked that he got before we started dating, and that he "forgot" they were in there.
What. Is this normal in Murica? I'd be out of there as fast as I can. The relationship I mean but probably also the school where every girl has nudes send around.

>> No.8015776

Can we just stop posting anything about relationship problems ever?

The response is the same every time, break up with your boyfriend. It doesn't matter how insignificant the problem. Always break up with him

>> No.8015783

Yeah, most girls I know find him disgusting..
Both are pretty normal.
The school was very small so nudes floated around quite often.

>> No.8015790
File: 17 KB, 100x100, tumblr_inline_mmysp4bYNE1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having really bad pains in my side
>Having really bad lower pains near my vaginal area
>People kept saying it was UTIs
>Ultrasound, checked bloody work, everything
>Been to the hospital several times
>One time passed out
>Constant nausea
>Vomiting off and on
>Live on ginger and pepto
>Tried probiotics to help stomach
>Pain grows worse and now blood in stool
>Afraid that my problems are going to get so bad that I wouldn't be able to go to an anime con in May

I think my problems might be extreme stress but I have no idea how to fix it because the situation that's giving me stress I can't change (part time job, people smoking weed in the hallways, etc.)

>> No.8015792

I'm going to the hospital today btw but I'm waiting for my 60 year old mom to give me money because I don't have any money on my busfar card (friends won't give me a car ride either and I just went to the hospital for something else.)

>> No.8015853

Selling brand Btssb dress. Dress has been sitting for almost 2 months. Lower price. Lower price again. Someone post about the same dress and same colorway for $20 dollars less. That dress sells in 2 days. I lower price again. Dress still sits.

I am not in a hurry to sell the dress. At this point I might as well keep it. I just wish I knew what I am doing wrong. Some of my other items I have been trying to sell have also just sat for weeks.

>> No.8015855

>boyfriend has been sick for over a year
>have to cancel trip to Japan because he needs emergency surgery
>less worried about trip being cancelled than the surgery not going right
>turns out, surgery didn't go right
>a month later, he's showing symptoms again, including new, more serious ones
>wakes up Christmas day with a migraine that just won't go away
>Christmas day is super quiet as a result
>only have lunch with a few extended relatives
>don't get to spoil the kids and watch them open their presents anyway, they're away
>whatever, things'll get better for NYE
>planning small party at ours with friends we haven't seen in a while
>cleaning house to get everything ready
>suddenly, cat starts vomiting all over on Boxing Day
>have to take cat to emergency vet overnight
>no vets on hand, just a student who administers some antiemetics so she won't lose more fluids before they can do bloodtests in the morning
>currently waiting to hear if she's okay or if we need more tests

Fucking worst Christmas ever.

>> No.8015951

If you've ever sent this guy nudes, his mates are whacking off to them, their mates are whacking off to them, strangers on the internet are jacking it looking at your tits.

Why are you dating this fucking loser?

>> No.8015956

why the fuck are you dating someone with a 32GB folder of nudes from girls he knows?

>> No.8015959

he had a folder full of nudes that were passed around without a girl's consent and you thought that was totally fine? fucking gross. y'all deserve each other.

>> No.8015965

It might be the dress. It might be people are broke after holidays or waiting for rest of in-store LP. Now I wonder which dress, I could use some reduced Baby.

>> No.8015966

I never said we were going to get married now. I'm obviously going to finish school first and save up money from a job.
And yes we have already been living together.
If you have read any of my other posts you would get a better understanding of my situation.
I've been paying for everything by myself since I was 17 with no help and have terrible credit now because of it.
My dad was fine with my boyfriend until like a month ago. Now he's suddenly changed his mind and it's probably just because he doesn't want to help me anymore. He's always valued himself higher than his own daughter who has no other family in life. I couldn't live with him after I graduated high school because he wanted to bring tons of women over.
My dad isn't the best parent but I still love him so I thought maybe he would keep his word this time.
I don't see how I have a shitty, childish attitude. I was just a little annoyed at all of the people I've seen complaining about gifts they didn't even have to get.

>> No.8015967

Trade mall card for grocery card, use grocery cash to pay CC.

>> No.8015976

You must be new. /Cgl/ is barely cosplay related. Most of the threads turn into things like this. That's what happens when a board is mostly filled with straight cis women.

>> No.8015978

I was literally raised in a barn and even I think you're being a bit extreme and holier than thou. Just because I used to eat the goat's molasses grain as a kid doesn't mean it's okay to do as an adult. There's a limit to eating stuff that fell on the floor, and a whole box of cookies probably not going to make the the cut because it's going to sit on my table for days and any bacteria on it is going to multiply. Maybe if it was just one or two it would be okay, but a whole box is fubar.

>> No.8015980

Don't tell me I can get all my taobao shit from Chinatown you dumb fucking weeb. I have been there and I know for a fact they don't carry blouses and underskirts acceptable for lolita.

>> No.8015982

I'm sure a place filled with gay trans women would be full of fucking flowers and intellectual on topic discussion.

>> No.8015983

>expecting expensive presents

My parents always had a $100 budget for each kid, anything outside of that is ridiculous and you shouldn't feel entitled to have the best just because your parents are treating themselves to something nice.

>> No.8015997

I've been to /lgbt/ and most of the topics talk about transexual or homosexuality issues or fetishes. There are few that talk about other things like what anime character is gay but it stays on the topic of trans/cis/homosexuality and actively helps out newfags or members.

Most of the topics on this board are either vendetta, self esteem boosting issues (like the whole thing with your face type that has nothing about what face type goes with what cosplay,) or venting/my own personal blog. Most of the threads end up being turned into shitposting, especially the contact/beauty threads and even the good trip fags like Ponfarr have moved on from this board.

75% of this board is constructive Lolita/J-fashion. Less than 5% is actually about cosplay and what it was about/how to do it (with the except of the help thread.) Years ago it was a shitload of trips and 3-4 circlejerking threads. It hasn't changed that much.

>> No.8016004

Yeah, she's kind of a weird kid. My mom texted me and asked me to get if for her because it was too creepy for her to buy. It's actually really cute though.

>> No.8016005

The shared interest here is literally the shallow quality of how you look in certain photographs so that's all that can be expected really

But could be worse, we could be as boring as /fa/

>> No.8016023

Sell it cheaper, don't be a jew.

>> No.8016027

I remember when cosplayers where the ones whining about how lolitas and other Jfashion wearers were the ones ruining /cgl/.

>> No.8016029

Or strict as /fit/. There's no help thread and there's no specific information and if you make a thread it gets deleted right away or ignored.

This board could be better though. We could have a sticky help thread. We could have more about cosplays and how to do certain ones with face types instead of "What face type am I to justify myself/boost my self esteem?"

>> No.8016042
File: 280 KB, 160x120, tumblr_inline_mz8uu05HuM1r34pq2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had a serious conversation with my NEET peice of shit boyfriend while visiting family that are extremely far away
>He'd rather break up with me than get a job
>he calls me abusive and manipulative
>he stops responding to me all of a sudden
>worry like hell
>I'm not worried about our relationship at all I'm worried that he'll throw away my dresses while he's not texting back because he's threatened to do so many times before

what the hell do I do

>> No.8016047

Scrape receipts together so you know how much to potentially sue him for destruction of property for?

>> No.8016050

Funny how cosplay/lolita friend finder threads get deleted for being too /soc/ but a badly disguised "rate my face" thread is left up.

>> No.8016054

lately everything concerning what threads/posts get deleted has been bad anyway. So many obvious troll threads that get to be up for way too long among others.

>> No.8016055

They deleted the fatty-chan thread too. Some they leave up though. I can never figure that one out.

>> No.8016056

Call the fucking police, you dumb fuck.

>> No.8016062

>Call the fucking police you dumb fuck

You realize there is a flaw in that plan, right?

>She calls the police
>They show up
>Turns out he didn't touch anything

>> No.8016065

Holy shit.

My family budget is usually $20 per person; when I was a kid, I had to pick things I was certain I would like because it would need to be a joint present between multiple families (eg from grandparents, uncle, and aunt together).

Not even poor, it just doesn't make sense to spend stupid amounts of money on gifts when the real present is the time you spend with your loved ones.

>> No.8016068

Hey anon, I remember you. Things have been really hard on you lately. Hope things look up soon.

>> No.8016073

$20 dollars isn't a lot though, at all, and $100 for one person sure as hell isn't bad but for the average income I wouldn't say it's a 'stupid amount of money"

>> No.8016079

>call the police
>Tell them that you believe that your property might be destroyed as a result of relationshit
Now they know that he might do something.

Another alternative is to call a friend to take your shit, you fucking retards

>> No.8016082

>help, police, my boyfriend might burn all my dresses!
>what makes you think that?
>we had a fight and he doesn't answer any calls!
Oh damn that sure is reasonable

entering crazy bitch territory here, anon

>> No.8016084

>I'm worried that he'll throw away my dresses while he's not texting back because he's threatened to do so many times before

You know, reading comprehension isn't a pre-requisite for this site, but you're a still a fucking idiot.

>> No.8016086

I don't get why that would be deleted but the rate my face one stayed up.

I personally hate that thread because you should feel good about your face type. It's all a big circle jerk and nobody actually suggests what cosplays would be good for your face type, wigs, or even coords for that matter.

>> No.8016088

yeah apparently he showed his old friends in high school my nudes, just found out today.
The entire hard drive got wiped along time ago, and not to mention he deleted it right after I bitched.
When did I ever say this was fine? I flipped shit the day I found out.

>> No.8016100

why does he even have your nudes, I mean by now you should have known that shit wasn't going to stay in his hands only
unless those were from before that

>> No.8016107
File: 499 KB, 500x281, 1358651915634.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grandfather died this year
>he always spent Christmas with me and my parents
>since his death, care of my hysterical alzheimer's-ridden grandmother has passed down to my parents
>she wakes them up in the middle of the night asking if she can sleep in their bed
>she insists my dad is my grandfather and gets offended when he kisses my mom
>she freaks out whenever there's a fire in the fireplace, a black person comes on TV or my husband of 5 years is in the room (still don't understand that one)
>because of her annoying habits grating on them my parents are at each others throats constantly
>"come sit here honey"
>"I don't want to sit next to you"
>the insults begin
>spend all of Christmas eve and day like this

>the worst part was that we briefly visited my husband's family for an early Christmas and had an amazing time
>delicious dinner, loving family, everyone happy and welcoming as per usual
>have to say goodbye to go to the shitstorm that I know is brewing at my parents' house

>aunt and uncle have been harassing my dad over the will since my grandfather's death
>say that because they have 3 kids and my dad only has me they should get 3/4 of the small fortune my grandfather left, 'for the kids to go to college'
>one of their kids is almost 30 and done with school, grandparents already paid for it
>the second one is 3 years behind in middle school and has fits of violent rage, should not go to college by any means
>they stop by on Christmas to yell at my dad and threaten to sue him for their 'fair share' of the money
>my normally serene teddy bear of a father shouting them down while my grandmother cowers

>spend some time today looking at LM for something I might want to buy with Christmas money to cheer myself up
>end up falling into a pit of despair over all this legal BS and not buying anything
>merry fucking christmas

>> No.8016108

I know the old "well u were a-snoopin' blar blar blah" rationale, but I think it's a red flag that he keeps nude photos of his exs on his phone. These aren't fucking random porn actresses, these are people he once had an intimate relationship with that he obviously hasn't entirely let go of yet. And I say that with confidence because I know plenty of guys who have had smoking hot exs. But they don't find them attractive enough to risk emotionally jeopardizing their current relationships by having nudes of exs lying about.

And yeah, it'd be one thing if they were just lurking wayyyyy back in his phone history and he forgot to delete them. However, if he's been looking at them recently and sharing them then that to me is a no-go. I'd be pissed, and if he can't understand why you're uncomfortable with that even though it was "your fault," then he sounds like a shit person.
I've nary met a nice, honest man who swaps photos of nude women with his bros.

What is with all of these shit boyfriends?

I sympathize with you anon because I myself dated a NEET who later turned r9k. He probably would've threatened to destroy my property had our relationship lasted past 4 months and he lived near me. Thankfully the worst he did was send me threats in my email for the past two and a half years, though he's recently stopped.

If he lives in your place then call the police and let them know that you're afraid your emotionally unstable bf may be plotting to destroy your property and that you do not feel safe. Save any texts/emails he sends you, and also as someone else suggested make rough estimations of your dress's worths. He could be committing grand larceny.

>> No.8016125

What is even the attraction of a NEET? Someone who refuses to work and just wants to play videogames/watch anime all day seems like a fucking loser.

>> No.8016133

Desperate/similar interest?

Like those women who sleep with the same man.

My cousin is dating/had a kid by a NEET and I have no idea what was the attraction besides her addiction to weed. He punched her in the face and he doesn't pay child support.

>> No.8016143

You know, I keep forgetting that the world is filled with stupid people. That's very stupid of me to do.

>> No.8016149

Sometimes you don't know until it's too late. I started dating my bf when he was still at uni, and now he's been a NEET for almost two years and I don't know how to deal with him.

He's not a bad guy or anything, and I really love him. He's just lazy/demotivated/really immature. Whenever I mention something like 'oh you could just get a part time job in a supermarket or something' he starts whining about "why does everything have to be about money". At least he doesn't live with me anymore. I've been banking on his mum threatening to kick him out but I don't see it happening any time soon. The worst thing is he doesn't even sign on, but he's probably the one who generates the most expenses because he has a fucking supercomputer and is crazy picky about food so he won't just eat what everyone else is eating. I need to man up and talk to him but I really just don't know how to start.

Well, I guess that's my feels. I made him sound way worse than he is I think, but I've been wanting to get all that off my chest for a while.

>> No.8016150

I mean both our actions were wrong, but his more than mine. I already apologized, but he hasn't/won't. I really don't know what led onto the conversation of "Hey look at my ex gfs naked body" with his buds but obviously he didn't see anything wrong with it.
Especially since he told me "as long as I don't know, everything is fine." So if I don't know he's cheating or whatever, everything is peachy.
I asked him to promise me he would never share photos of girls especially those types of photos, with anyone, ever.. But who knows..

Well I mean I didn't find the folder till 3 months in which we had already sent nudes back and forth at that point.. I was young and naive thinking that my partner wouldn't show my private photos off to others.

>> No.8016155

That ain't so bad, he's not really destructive, he's just a bitch. I'd get a doctor to prescribe him two heavy doses of "man the fuck up".

>> No.8016156

It's ok to vent. You should talk to him about things or even show him bills. Maybe he would wake up but be prepared to dump him if he doesn't want to change/refuse to change for anything even himself.

In my cousin's case she had a miscarriage and another kid by a different man (he's in jail.) The guy straight up told her that if she had his kid he wasn't going to take care of it or help her. Few months later she gets pregnant and has his baby.

Guy already has four other kids, doesn't work, used to stay with her and his mom back and forth. He gets food stamps but doesn't buy his kids food, instead he sells it to get weed/booze.

My cousin loves him but after all of that plus the fact that he punched her was over the reason that she refused to give him more money on his birthday after she gave him $300 is insane.

There are other men out there. My ex bf was a NEET and assaulted me (Sexual) twice and I refused to stay with him just because we play video games and couple cosplay together considering that he doesn't even hang out with me at anime cons.

>> No.8016160

Anon you need to take a stand or just ditch him, I think you're too young (any age below 80 is too young) to wait your youthful years on someone that drags you down.
I say this as the 'useless half' of my relationship. My boyfriend meet me when I was in uni and since then I've become a useless NEET, but I'm working on being a better person for both of us because if one of us is pathetic, it'll just slow the other one down too. I want us to go on holidays and to be able to treat HIM for dinner for once! Good luck I hope it works out for you two, but if it doesn't, cut that cord. You're not his mother.

>> No.8016161

He apologized, sent me a picture of him filling out job applications and demanded me to send nudes "for being such a bitch when he was actually making effort">>8016042
I'll dump him when I get back to the state.

I'm a worry wart and he's a piece of shit.

>> No.8016165

Good for you, he seems like a real fuck ass.

>> No.8016181

Oh for sure (that's why I said NEET and not fedora haha), I'm just so passive and afraid of confrontation that I don't even know where to begin with the conversation.

Well I don't live with him anymore so I don't having anything concrete financially to show him, but there's no way he doesn't cost his mum a load of money considering he lives entirely on pork chops and runs his computer for about 18 hours a day, as well as giving him money for stuff. Like, he took me out for dinner for our anniversary, which was nice, but it's just not the same when I know his mum paid for it, you know? I guess I feel guilty because when he did live with me I was actually in a position where I could afford to support him financially, and having grown up with not very much I worry about money a lot and can be overly stingy, but even if I can afford to support him I shouldn't have to. I especially shouldn't have to buy him drinks or pay for his cosplay materials (which I did at the start when I thought he was going to be getting a job).

I definitely felt like his mother when he lived with me. One time I said that I didn't like bringing his dinner to his table whilst he played games and that maybe he could get it from the kitchen himself and his reaction was "oh so you want to be a glorified maid?" (we talked about BDSM when we first started dating but nothing was ever formally discussed when we moved in together). I used to cook and clean and do the food shopping whilst pulling 45+ hour weeks at uni (a lot for a UK course) and he just sat around playing LoL. It was like having a teenage son. Definitely cemented my desire not to have kids.

>> No.8016188

The cops still aren't going to give a shit about some relationship drama, get real

>> No.8016201

I'm sorry anon, my grandmother has Alzheimer's too so I know those feels. She's beyond communication, though, and my parents don't understand why I don't want to visit her with them. I want my memories of her to be Grammy, not this full grown infant.

Sorry it ruined your holiday. You'll get used to it, as sad as it sounds.

>> No.8016202

my bf dates me and I.m a neet, I wasn't always a neet though. I used to be happy, vibrant and sociable always going out and being a great gf.
Then I developed agoraphobia, anxiety and depression. Couldn't leave room for 2 years, I was terrified, constantly trying to commit suicide, i would have starved if my bf didn't feed me. (I paid bills and rent so wasnt a total failure)

Then this year apologizefor my behaviour snapped out of depersonalization and went to psychologist. Now i'm seeing a psychologist and psychiatrist, on meds for a month now and helping cook do chores and everything.
I can even go into other areas of the house.(slowly working on agoraphobiaso i can get outta the house and get a job)

not all neets are bad or lost causes some of us just need help.

>> No.8016203

Again maybe you should have a serious talk with him or dump him after a way. You cooking, cleaning, food shopping AND doing uni is warning bells anon.

>Captcha: Loopoa Never ending cycle?

>> No.8016205

My family has always been about possessions rather than actual love, so no presents means a short Christmas. My family barely gets along well enough for our two yearly get togethers. It's kind of depressing.

>> No.8016210
File: 1.19 MB, 245x245, tumblr_ncvu8fftDI1r1l15po3_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get in contact with an old friend from high school
>"hey anon, let's hang out!"
>haven't seen him in forever, but I'm totally down
>only hang out around my house and work from home
>only person I really talk to is my husband
>so getting out there and being social would be awesome
>"Let's go get coffee!"
>"Okay! Mind if I bring my boyfriend along?"
>"No prob! The more the merrier!"
>day comes to hang out
>pick them up
>both sit in the backseat of my car
>I try to make conversation but it's just one word replies while they giggle with each other
>found out that his "boyfriend" is a actually a girl who uses male pronouns? I think?
>"I'm totes gay, anon! teehee"
>get to cafe
>my friends "boyfriend" barely looks at me from his phone
>try to make conversation
>all convo goes between them
>friend bf keeps giggling and saying "look at this Tumblr post!" from his phone and dragging friend out of the conversation we keep trying to have
>get a little convo here and there
>little meet is over. I pay for everything and drive them back home
>friend texts me later
>"sorry about my bf! He's just shy. Hey, we were wondering if you could teach us how to make costumes like you do? We want to sell them, too!"
>I stop replying

I love my work. But I find less and less time to socialize, and cons are few and in between, not that I've been to more than a couple.

No locals to hang with or share interests with.
I'm doomed, anons.

>> No.8016225

Ugh my old friend's new bf does the same thing. I'll be talking to my friend and his bf will be like "haha watch this vine" and they'll watch it and laugh while I'm just awkwardly sitting there.

>> No.8016234

>ill with serious cold (sore throat, coughing, muscle pains, headaches, dizziness)
>go in to work anyway because might be busy
>very few customers
>finished all my work
>"umm I don't think I can send you home sick anon but why don't you take a break and sit down and make yourself feel better"
I've literally nothing else to do at work but stand around so why can't you just send me home ffs.

>> No.8016243

>"Hey, we were wondering if you could teach us how to make costumes like you do? We want to sell them, too!"
That's infuriating, I hate that shit. Why would I spend my time teaching you? What do I have to gain? I wouldn't even do that for family members. Cooking, sewing, carpentry...most people pay to take classes to learn that kind of thing.

>> No.8016252

>cop don't care if someone is commiting

>> No.8016254

I think it's a stockholm kinda deal. Most people I know who date NEETs dated them before they became shut-ins.

>> No.8016260

>only hang out around my house and work from home
>only person I really talk to is my husband
>so getting out there and being social would be awesome

I know those feels so well, Anon... :( I'm guessing you aren't in Texas(Far West) by any chance? Both my husband and I work from home and can't seem to find like minded people.

>> No.8016263

They actually don't send any people just because someone may or may not destroy some of your clothes. They'll ask if he's being violent. To which you'll say "dunno but he might tear up my clothes"
That is INCREDIBLY low priority.

You've never had to do with police ANYWHERE on the world if you think that's why they move out.

>> No.8016267

when we were dating things were great and I was NEET and he had a job-he lost his job shortly after I moved in and I picked up a job along with my regular chores. He has been NEET since January.

>> No.8016272
File: 1.18 MB, 209x180, 9898989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no presents
You could always give a lot of small gifts. I got hand-warmers, socks, protein bars, and a can of condensed milk in four different boxes!

>> No.8016280

I'm very sorry to hear that anon...I wish I could say something to help but I'm sure a random stranger online can't do much :( As ridiculous and cliche as it sounds, things will get better. Try to keep your chin up, Anon!

>> No.8016283
File: 118 KB, 317x353, Screen Shot 2014-12-25 at 8.33.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some girl filed a dispute about an item I sent
>I had shipped it untracked (yes I'm a moron)
>Paypal wont accept the receipt as proof of post

>> No.8016296

Well, as long as you acknowledge it.
Pay the $1 extra for tracking next time.

>> No.8016303

To be fair, I had to pay shipping. Untracked was $20, tracked would have been $65.

>> No.8016305

Damn why is tracked so much money?

>> No.8016307

>canada post

>> No.8016316
File: 115 KB, 396x364, 1414549509585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you pick them up
>you drive them someplace
>you pay for their food
>you drive them back
>you did things for people when you didn't owe them shit and you wonder why the same people are trying to get more out of you by asking if you'll do more shit for them for gratis

Anon, I know what it's like to get caught in this pattern. But being desperate for companions can lead to bad outcomes, you will get taken advantage of if you roll out the red carpet immediately for people without getting to know what type of person they are in the now. Your generous behavior will unfortunately attract leeches.

>> No.8016339

I really hate it when people fuck around on their phones when out with people.

>> No.8016351

$100? I couldn't imagine that, I think my parents spend roughly $500 on each person in our family.

>> No.8016363

well that was unnecessary and slightly cunty

>> No.8016370

tfw no lolita friends

>> No.8016374

Thank you.

>> No.8016385

>have a con in less than a month
>struggling with the worst acne of my life
>nothing is helping

>> No.8016404

I... I had a marvelous Christmas
The day before, bf takes me on a surprise date to a fancy sushi place in our city
We continue our night walking around, go to a game arcade too, walking till I realize hey isn't this where we first kissed. Theres a Christmas tree nearby so he decides he wants to go look at it (he's foreign so I'm like it's just a tree but ok go take a look lol) he keeps looking around a little nervous and I'm like hey what's up.
Pulls out a ring
I knew it was coming but couldn't tell when... He cried a little and I lold a little

>> No.8016435

Try the makeup threads.

>> No.8016521

>sensitive as fuck skin
>makeup always makes my breakouts worse

>> No.8016529

>Australia post

For some reason, a lot of postal services don't have the option to just add tracking. You can add insurance, but not tracking or signature on delivery. So. Airmail for a light dress from here to the US is 14AUD roughly. Same dress with tracking (registered airmail OR Pack and Track, which is limited to certain countries) jumps to 21AUD. Converted to USD, that's like 11USD and 17USD respectively, but it's still a bit silly.

I had someone ask about shipping to South America for a 500g dress, and the airmail option was 15AUD, but the tracked option jumped to fucking 65AUD.

>> No.8016535

I seriously want to shoot my mom in her stupid face. Just needed to vent. I literally hate this woman. Fuck the holidays.

>> No.8016552

Wait no I mean try the skincare threads not the makeup threads.

Also try the makeup threads here too. They have stuff like that for sensitive skin. Trust me.

>> No.8016555
File: 3.10 MB, 263x261, wtfphil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have really bad genetic acne
>yes I've tried antibiotics, prescription topical creams, strict skin regimens, diet changes, etc.
>came to accept my shitty skin fate

>my foundation game has been incredibly good as a result
>hear experts and people all the time say: >"Your skin won't break out as badly if you don't wear makeup."
>try going for a couple weeks without makeup
>oil, breakouts, clogged pores erryday
>even though decent amount of facial cleanliness at the beginning and end of day--plus no touching

>wear makeup again
>less breakouts, less clogged pores, have actual confidence due to not looking sick, tired, and ugly
What the shit? Is it the 'acne fighting' makeup? Washing extra vigorously at the end of the day to take off the makeup? Absolutely zero face touching out of fear of ruining the makeup?
It feels like such a joke that the only time my skin gets better is when I'm slathering it with makeup.

>> No.8016561

misfire. I derped up and posted before I could finish.

You want to vent about it anon?

>> No.8016570

That's nice but i don't have much else to say anon. Thank you. Thank goodness I don't have to actually live with her.

>> No.8016572

I very seriously know that feel, Anon. I haven't spoken to my mother since last xmas...Needless to say the woman stalked and bothered me all year. If you want to talk about it let me know Anon.

>> No.8016573

Aww shoot.
I'm in the far north, anon.
Wish we could pal around.

I've been a victim of this many times in the past, which is why I stopped it quickly.
I totally get where you're coming from, but I can't help doing it. I'm a naturally giving person. Pretty sure it's one of my "love languages".
But yah. It's a bummer.
Feels bad, man,

>> No.8016574

>live with mum
>currently, no job (applying, but eh)
>extremely poor
>struggling to get money to eat
>needless to say, no christmas gift
>father (they're separated) gives me $100 for christmas (most he's given all year)
>give it to mom, who uses it on a small christmas dinner, food for a while, and gas money
>happy that those things got taken care of, but still secretly sad that I couldn't give or get anything this christmas

I know it's a stupid thing to care about, given the circumstance, but fuck, man.

>> No.8016576

omg so cute.
Congrats to the both of you!! I'm so jealous!

Best of luck to you guys in the new year and beyond, you sicking bunch of cute fucks!

>> No.8016629

>mfw I don't let people keep their phones out when they're with me
>mfw I argue to high heaven when they give me BS excuses when they have their phones at the table
I was recently out with my mom, sister and her friend. The friend had her phone out while we were at my sister's belated birthday dinner, checking texts and and answering her phone. I made her go in the back to finish the conversation and to put it away when she came back. She answered her phone a second time (at the table) and then gave me the excuse that "oh, we always have our phone out at home~" Yeah, okay, you're not at home, you're celebrating your friend's birthday and you're telling her (as well as the rest of us) that the people miles away aren't as important as the people in front of you at this very moment.

I hate this cellphone culture we have now, where everyone has to be connected 24/7 even when they're spending quality time with their loved ones.

>> No.8016635

*that the people miles away are more important

Wow, I should go to bed soon.

>> No.8016683

Have you ever gone back and taken Accutane again? (Presumably you've tried it before). I went on Accutane three times (6-9 month courses each) because after the first two times the acne did come back, but after the third time my skin has been clearer than ever and is looking great.

>> No.8016727
File: 16 KB, 500x394, 1403708156290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been "planning" my wedding for the past few weeks due to boredom
>courthouse wedding
>reception with 50-100 guests
>most of the money will be for honeymoon
>food to be decided, but baking own cake
>looking at short wedding dresses
>looking at rings
>not even engaged and won't be any time soon

To be honest I'm just happy to be thinking about something intricate. I've always wanted to be an event planner and gosh darnit, it's all so exciting.

>> No.8016785

>needless to say

FFS, you use "needless to say" when you're actually saying something you probably didn't actually have to say.

"I went to McDonalds for lunch. Needless to say, I fucking regretted that decision."

Not "oh lol she stalked and bothered me all year."

That's not an implied consequence of the thing you previously stated, it was not needless to say.

>> No.8016799

Oh, I see what you mean. Thank you for pointing it out!

>> No.8017174

How much do you weigh? I bet I'd date you! Lots of guys prefer fluffy girls.

>> No.8017184

>Just found out boyfriend of a few years used to like Moi Dix Mois.
> I love Moi Meme Moitie and own some pieces.
>BF knows of Moitie but never knew the connection between Moi Dix Mois.
> Mana truly is great.

>> No.8017196

too much
don't want to get on a scale it'll probably just make me cry anyway

>> No.8017872

This with a lot of abusive two relationships too, it's not like most people date bad matches in the beginning, it just happens over time.
Apart from the "I can change him/her" people, those people are just plain dumb.

>> No.8017884

How did you afford two years of bills without a job?

>> No.8017968



>> No.8017973

You're just guessing? I asked because most of us are in our 20's and don't have savings to last for 2 years. She could have had disability checks for the agoraphobia or something.

>> No.8018003


Just guessing, cause that's what I did.

>> No.8018275
File: 264 KB, 750x1200, Pochamani_Chp_2_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww! This might not cheer you up at all and you might not still be here, but I wanted to tell you that I actually prefer really heavy girls! I bet you're beautiful! I think your face is probably pretty too. Sometimes I think "handsome" broad faces that are usually considered to be more of a masculine thing actually look sexier on fat girls, because it's more proportional to their bodies than a skinny "feminine" face. Even if that's not what you meant when you said you're not exactly pretty in the face, a lot of guys care more about a girl's figure than her face, but don't admit it because they think it's somehow more shallow than judging girls by their faces. I'll take a big, soft tummy or hips some huge tits over a "traditionally pretty" face any day.

I realize that your reasons for hating your body might have nothing to do with being sexy in the eyes of men, and that women care about their bodies for more reasons than just whether or not they give me a boner, and I totally respect that, but I hope telling you this might make you feel just a little bit sexier.

There seems to be a stereotype that only creepy neckbeard perverts and minorities are into fat girls, or that only a total weirdo could like a girl over 300 pounds, but I assure you that I'm "normal" by cosplay standards. My best friend likes fat girls, too, and he's also a typical nerd. If you bought into the stereotype before, I hope you can at least try to take my word for it when I say there are a lot more guys like me than you realize. Assuming you're a nice person, I'd love to have a girlfriend like you some day!!

Please let me know if you see this post before the thread dies or on archive.moe. I know I'm being really needy and clingy to ask that of you, but your story gave me many feels and I actually put a lot of thought into figuring the right amount to tell you to have the best chance of cheering you up a little, and I'd like to know if you read it. ;_; I'd give you a big hug if I could

>> No.8018825

>At Target at the mall.
>See two lolitas, one wearing a sweet cord, the other a gothic.
>Too awkward to say hi.

I was so excited on the inside too. I've never seen any other lolitas before since I don't go to meetups. I wish I could have at least told them they were super cute. :(

>> No.8020361

Late X-mas feels
>have like 3 wishlists on different websites, amazon, ebay, etc
>lots of different items, from makeup stuff, to clothing, action figures, videogames, to books
>most aren't pricey at all and are things I really need or want
>send the wishlists to my boyfriend, tell him those are the things I want
>christmas time
>time to open his gift
>a wreck this journal, which I find a waste of money, painting brushes I don't need, candles with a smell I don't like
>nothing was on my wishlist
>I didn't want these things
>mfw I literally told him a variety of things I wanted to get for Christmas and he didn't get any

>> No.8020749

>no reply
Fuck. Guess she didn't read it or I creeped her out.

>> No.8020820


Yea, you are creeping me out too.

>> No.8021011

I'm truly sorry. That's what I get for writing something emotional after having gone all day without eating.

>> No.8021751
File: 990 KB, 498x266, no feels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My apologies for creeping you out, fluffy-chan.