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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 114 KB, 612x612, tumblr_mkhpdt9Uul1qbhoiro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8003359 No.8003359 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for inspiration.

Or just post wyawt.

>> No.8003360
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>> No.8003363
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>> No.8003377
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>> No.8003382
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>> No.8003458
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>> No.8003588

Post of these need to have their upper accessories taken and burned, especially that hat
all my love forever...
Weirdly endearing?

I'll dump some pics when I get back to my laptop op!

>> No.8004675


>> No.8005075

Drives me crazy when people don't stop and straighten out their frills before taking a photo. The lace is so slumped over and messy.

>> No.8005759

"j-fashion snaps" on facebook has a few pics

>> No.8005791 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 278x635, himelol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Himekaji from a couple months ago c: Best part about working in fashion is getting to dress weeby erryday~

>> No.8005810

How do you block a trip again?

>> No.8006967

/cgl/'s JFashion style guide:

>> No.8006970

Literally the most boring, uninventive troll ever. No one even believes you. You should at least find some uggo autist on tumblr and pretend to be them so that they can sue your annoying ass for defamation.

>> No.8010973
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>> No.8010976
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>> No.8012711

what dress is this? be still my heart.

>> No.8012718

She made it herself.

>> No.8012723

What the fuck is this supposed to be? It just looks dumb

>> No.8012734

ugh ashley is always so stunning...

>> No.8012746
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>> No.8012747

fugly kei

>> No.8012750

Her brand is lily of the valley you could probably get her to make you one. I wanted her rainbow prism dress but poorfag.

>> No.8012751
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>> No.8012753
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>> No.8012754
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>> No.8012755
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>> No.8012758
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>> No.8012793

One of her worst coords, imho. Still can't bring myself to hate it though.

>> No.8014916

Link for her store's page?

>> No.8014928

I really like this so much. I still hate peignoirs in Lolita though.

>> No.8014931

She looks very tall but everything is very pretty

>> No.8015840
File: 577 KB, 960x1280, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F544b642b4970860995f88e6804cc95e4%2Ftumblr_nbkal6GugJ1r20c1uo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow thankyou for posting one of my coords, It's really a compliment.

I occasionally offer this design as a jsk or skirt on my etsy store. Because of the interest shown I have made one of each available. My etsy user name is sakurafairy.

Thankyou, I about 5'8, which is tallish I guess.

So as to not derail the thread here is a coord from a favorite Lolita of mine.

>> No.8015847
File: 809 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_ngcirkOyyX1qcfpzpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her coords, wardrobe and that she's a daily Lolita. Life and wardrobe goals, although I love to wear some colour once in a while.
>mfw senpai noticed me once and I still feel so flattered

>> No.8015857

For a second I thought I recognised that shop, until I realised that all collectible shops look the same.

>> No.8015859
File: 71 KB, 400x533, tumblr_n24vrfrccO1reibl4o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this in the mori girl thread. I hope you don't mind if I post it here. I absolutely love Axes Femme. I am trying to save up for a haul for the spring or late winter. I feel as if you can still have the lolita feel without being full blown lolita.

>> No.8015865

This is literally a fucking cosplay you idiots

>> No.8015872

Which brand is that bag from?

>> No.8015877

I'd always ignored Axes Femme before but that look is gorgeous.

>> No.8015945
File: 1.78 MB, 2048x2048, collage_20141226180947447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always trying to get more people into axes femme. I wish I knew more otome kei brands though.

>> No.8016018

Is that crest attached to the cardigan or some sort of brooch? I love fake school-looking crests.

>> No.8016097

This girl is my idol

>> No.8016116

The brooch comes with the cardigan. You can remove it if you want. I wish they actually sewed it into the cardigan though, because it's a little floppy just stuck on it.

>> No.8016448

I love this girl too!!!

>> No.8016508

it's an ugly af design then it being a cosplay doesn't make it any less fug. What's she cosplaying anyway?

>> No.8016522

this is the cutest otome coord i have seen in a while (i own the jsk and it looks much better otome, it isnt super full so even a small peti makes the print look sub par)

>> No.8016610

This is a Jfashion & Casual Lolita thread, why the fuck is a cosplay on here?

>> No.8016931

She manages to be a daily lolita because it doesn't look costumey at all. All black and subdued in silhouette and details.

Personally I think if you try to make OTT sweet your daily fashion you need to get your brains checked out.

>> No.8017258

Who is she? I tried reverse image search and got nothing?

>> No.8017260

Fuck. You've just converted me, anon.

>> No.8017853

ditto, help me find this stylish as hell, beautiful wench

>> No.8017935


>> No.8018141
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>> No.8018187
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>> No.8018400

newfag here, who is this girl? I love her style!

>> No.8018429

Pls read thread, her tumblr is literally three posts above yours

>> No.8020586

Do you have a tumblr?

>> No.8020594

I love this coord! apart from the socks. there is something about transparent socks that make me cringe. The rest of her outfit is really lovely though.

>> No.8020795

I do
It's mostly illustrations and historical clothing and jewelry I find inspiring interspersed with original content.

>> No.8021260

You look pretty as fuck dude. And I'm a straight guy not hitting on you so calm down plz.

>> No.8021387

Neither of them are man, you twat.

>> No.8021393

Any tips for starting a jfash wardrobe? I'm looking to get into streetfashion-ey look as well as himekaji. I have a few workable pieces (basic circle skirts, a few loud graphic tops and some frilly stuff) but everything else is too normal fag. How do I build my wardrobe up further?

>> No.8021498

Taobao is a magical place.

>> No.8021602

I brought a few things on there, quality is super crappy though.

>> No.8021932

Then buy from stores that sell 5 dollar shirts.

>> No.8021935

*don't buy, ugh

>> No.8022286

http://myquanquan.taobao.com/ I thought this particular store had great quality for the price.

It can be a crapshoot. For my very first order, I bought a lot of dresses that were about ~$10, and I've had to get rid of all of them, because they either didn't fit my stupidly long torso or the materials were bad and uncomfortable to wear. Don't make the same mistake, and don't go too cheap.

Buy from stores vetted here on cgl or whatever else people do reviews. Look in the taobao spreadsheet for himekaji stores and look up reviews for those in particular.

Also, you can get lucky at normalfag stores too. I buy things second hand in vintage and thrift stores, and I've had luck at Forever 21, Target, Sirens, H&M, Urban Planet and Ardene.

>> No.8022914
File: 431 KB, 380x511, moridark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self posting, new to Mori. Going for a http://forestgirlfans.taobao.com/ type of look. (This Mori store tend to use shorter skirts and shorts etc)

>> No.8023084

didn't say they were

>> No.8023087

I just realized this >>8021260 was meant for >>8010976 Yeah you're awesome keep it up!

Of course you look great too!