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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 180 KB, 800x596, axispoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8003155 No.8003155 [Reply] [Original]

I like to think hetalia is now unpopular enough that all the shitty 14 year olds and asspies have left and true craftsmanship can reign once more. Is it even remotely acceptable to cosplay from Axis Powers Hetalia? Even if it does come out nice?

>> No.8003162

What happened to Hetalia's popularity? Did the kids just move on or was it some drama?

>> No.8003164
File: 328 KB, 600x948, 9479747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>true craftsmanship can reign once more
Aren't half of them just wearing shitty renditions of actual uniforms anyway? I'd say if you try not to cosplay manly characters go for it, girl.

>> No.8003168

Are these supposed to be an example?

There was always decent craftsmanship in the Hetalia fandom it just wasn't prominent. A few contests I've been in had some of the historical designs placing.

>> No.8003215

I still want to cosplay taiwan even with the stigma of Hetalia

>> No.8003217

>What happened to Hetalia's popularity?
Same reason cons aren't swarming with Death Note costumes anymore. Time happened. New shows, new wagons to jump on.

>Did the kids just move on
Attack on Titan

>was it some drama?
It's ALWAYS drama, but the leading cause is probably the first two

>> No.8003218

This picture makes me uncomfortable.

>> No.8003670
File: 336 KB, 620x349, nyo_germany.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of good work? Hell no! These are just your average 'threw this together yesterday lol' APH fans.

And no there wasn't really any drama. Not even tumblr has really gotten onto it despite 'MAH TRIGGERS' and all the racism, but hey, nobody said this show was full of characters to look up to, they're supposed to be horrible.

And I have a somewhat strong jawline, also I am 6ft so I do have a few options on who I could be. I was kinda thinking Russia's blue cold war uniform, or maybe Nyotalia Germany, as she is fine as fuck. That and no one gets her wig right, damn it.

>> No.8004018

Homestuck. That is what happened to Hetalia.

>> No.8004041

>I like to think it's unpopular enough
I don't know if that's true. It's definitely waning, but I still see groups of people who love it and they're just as obnoxious as a couple years ago; just fewer in number.

Hetalia came out in, what, 2009? Usually these things take a decade before they've faded from peoples' memories.

>> No.8004047

It seems to have become unpopular to a point where few people make fanart, fics and doujins of it but not unpopular enough for the clammy fat kids to drop out as well.

>> No.8004082

Hetalia is still popular, tbh I haven't seen many good cosplays for it. It reminds me of the Vocaloid fandom; lots of shitty mikus, but if you dig deep enough, you can find some good gems.

>> No.8004098

Why is Homestuck so popular anyway? I read the comic and don't get it.

>> No.8004114

At least in Hetalia there's some variation in the costumes... versus 100 people wearing the same outfit but a different wig.

>> No.8004117

It's "deep" and "so random"

>> No.8007680

Any good hetalia cosplay pics?

>> No.8009450
File: 302 KB, 640x960, sey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you all missed a big part of why the popularity dropped down, Himaruya wasn't working on it. Think about it we went more then a year with nothing as far as blog updates are concerned and at it's center I think that's what was the lifeblood of the fandom. I especially loved the winter outfit posts he was doing.

my favorite thing about homestuck to be perfectly honest, it got rid of so many of the young ones.

>> No.8009457

Did Himaruya give up on Hetalia due to the controversy then?

>> No.8009470
File: 249 KB, 730x1095, hun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really he was working on other things. He had a manga series about an android girl that was transported back to the Taisho era that he was working on. Now that that is over he's given more time to Hetalia including a new series online that is updated twice a week, and daily blog updates. I think it was just a matter of the fact he was working on other projects.

>> No.8009660

uh guys

hetalia has been resumed since a while ago


not to mention it's getting another season of the anime

and idk what cons you guys are going to but we still get tons of aph cosplayers at ours, even if not on homestuck level

AND the fandom's still going strong on tumblr...

(have you guys all been living under rocks?)

>> No.8009721


well, how much did you read? it picks up after act one.

i totally understand if it's genuinely not your thing, nothing is going to pease everyone, but a lot of people drop it before they even get to the plot and whine about how awful it is.

>> No.8009729

It's only acceptable if it comes out nice. (And aren't stupid enough to do a Nazi salute or something along those lines.)

I think the fandom has grown up a couple of years and Homestuck and AoT took away some of the crappier fans who only settle down long enough to do shitty closet cosplays, make retarded headcanons, and pair up everyone and their mother.

>> No.8009813

I don't care about Homestuck at all, people can like what they like and that's great, but I hate this insinuation that you can't dislike or think something isn't any good without reading/viewing the whole thing....if it's shit or boring at the beginning it's still shit and boring at the beginning no matter what it's like in other parts, and that's a valid criticism to make.

>> No.8009855


that's just how ms paint adventures are. problem sleuth is the same way. it starts slow and a tad frustrating, but it picks up, and when it picks up it gets really good and interesting.

you're right, a really slow start is a valid critisim, but considering how short act one is in comparison to the entirety of the comic, quitting before you even finish act one is like telling everyone how terrible and boring a video game when you quit in the middle of the tutorial. scene-setting (which it what it is) is necessary. the silly screwing around also introduces series-specific context and lingo, which is also important.

as far as why it got so big, see the anons above. there's a big cast in which you can surely find at least one to like (and a lot of to ship), a lot of room for headcanon, it's easy to cosplay and easier to contribute to fandom as there's pretense to nearly every possible contribution, and so on. the only real thing it has working against it is it's length, but as i said above, when it picks up it REALLY picks up.

>> No.8010176

A couple of months is not a while ago. And before that it was still nearly a year since we were getting regular blog updates from Himaruya.

I only attend Otakon, Katsucon, and Anime USA regularly and between the three of them have seen maybe 10 Hetalia cosplay.

I wouldn't say the fandom is going that strong on tumblr though. A lot of it has really died down, I don't see as many people reblogging and getting excited over those shitty ask blogs and I think that that fad may finally be dying. THERE WERE TOO MANY.

>> No.8010182

Now they moved onto Sherlock and have shitty cosplay ask blogs.
If I see another sharpie beard and a fat girl in a blond wig and wife beater....

>> No.8010184

Are they still doing the ask blogs like crazy? Idk I only follow like 6 hetalia related blogs and all the people who run those are women over 21 who laugh at that shit as you should.

Should I be thanking Superwholock for taking away the annoying babies and not Homestuck?

>> No.8010421


I think ACD is rolling in his grave.

I just didn't get the appeal anon. Like I've read other series that were slow like Medaka box and found something interesting but it seems to be nothing appealing in HS for me so I guess it's not for me.

>> No.8010909

There's a bunch of "ask Moriartys" and "ask Johns" around and occasionally I get some really bad half-assed crossplay on my dash

>> No.8010935

I'd say Kill la Kill too but that series actually requires a lot of work out

>> No.8011010

as some one who collects military uniforms, would i be looked down upon for just wearing the real thing because i didn't make it? It seems to me the simplest way to cosplay this.

>> No.8011053

what you said, I was a huge APH fan along with friends but when the part that made it enjoyable for me (the constant updates and stream of content) stopped out of nowhere, I drifted away.

That said I still like some outfits and the only cosplay I have is the school uniform

>> No.8011481

I don't think so. As long as you don't buy a complete pre-made cosplay, no one really cares. Anyway, it's very much understood that some items are too complex for most people's budget/sewing ability, and military uniforms fall into this category.

>> No.8011503


Oh, there was drama. The Hetalia fandom royally fucked up with the AB incident and others. But beyond that major issue and the all around weebiness, most drama was at an individual community level. Competing fan groups for Ask a Nation panels, from my local experience.


Homestuck was the initial loss in popularity, then the next big wave was AoT, in terms of "big fandom movements." Much in the same way that Death Note gave way to Hetalia.

>> No.8011506


I actually did some polling of the Hetalia and Homestuck communities a year back. The Hetalia community peaked in 2010, and Homestuck looks to have peaked in popularity in 2012. If we look at the peak years for Hetalia in 2010 and 2011, it's also coinciding with the American release of the anime, which did seem to have a steady following. However, if all the anime was all there was, once those 4 seasons were done releasing, there was a lack of new content for a period.

Hetalia still gets cosplayers, but it's definitely not as popular as it once was. But just because people are still cosplaying it doesn't make it "popular" necessarily. Hell, I still see Naruto, Bleach, KH, and FMA and while those were once hugely popular shows and still have their fans, I wouldn't say they are "popular" cosplays at cons.

While Hima has picked back up with Hetalia and there was some excitement amongst fans for the new anime season (5) and now 6, the fandom hasn't rejuvenated like I know some fans hoped. People just moved on. I personally think it's part of a larger "fandom hopping" trend we're seeing where people are constantly angling for the next big thing and trying to ride the waves of popularity (it's also possible this has always been a thing, it's just more evident and more condensed with social media and simulcasts being the norm now).

>> No.8011509


Continued. Sorry, long winded Hetalia anon here.

I still love Hetalia, but for me, it was always about the history. I really miss the fandom and the sense of community there was, but I don't want all the drama, weebs, and in-fighting. I much prefer this more quiet side of the fandom, like it was before it got so popular (call me a Hetalia hipster, I guess). I'm perfectly happy for it to not regain the massive popularity it had and be this side thing. The manga is brilliant as always, but I'm so glad we're not con cancer anymore.

I live in Dallas, home to the very infamous DFW Hetalia group, and I'm interested to see how the ban on Q&A panels affects Hetalia panels in my area, as well as cosplay. It seems crazy, but despite Hetalia being a fandom that's dying out, we had 6 Hetalia panels at a mid-sized con here last year. It was crazy. So maybe locally, Hetalia still reigns supreme.

>> No.8011526


i agree with most of the points here, but

>DFW Hetalia

vendetta-chan, no one ever cared about them but you. please put away your hateboner.

>> No.8011546

>but for me, it was always about the history.
But it's not accurate at all...

>> No.8011549


I'm not originally from Texas, nor have I had any dealings with their main group. I'd heard their reputation before I moved to the metroplex, so I was under the impression they were infamous around the Internet. I recalled their exploits from several old Hetalia threads, so I'm confused as to how this is a vendetta on my part. I'm just genuinely curious, given the history of Hetalia in the area, how it all plays out in the future.

>> No.8011555


Well, Hetalia certainly takes liberties with the interactions between countries. No one was really as buddy buddy as Hima points it out to be (the Axis, for example, we're all that close). But the only inaccuracy I've found thus far is that Russia's national flower isn't the sunflower. Ukraine's is the sunflower.

But what other inaccuracies have you found?

>> No.8011559


there was never any real exploits from what i remember. it was one anon who tried starting drama but no one cared.

>> No.8011564

When I go to some artists' tumblrs I can clearly see trendhopping.
For example, one girl who used to do a Sealand ask blog with really cute drawings stopped and transitioned onto Free!, then AoT, and now I don't know what's up with her.

But this isn't unique to the fandom, I follow a Sherlock fanartist who does update still but she used to do it a lot more frequently and now she hopped onto the Hobbit fandom train.

I wouldn't mind this normally but a lot of the art and doujins get deleted and you only have a certain time period to get into it. I got into Hetalia way too late because it was pure cancer at first in terms of the fandom.

>> No.8011565

That wasn't an inaccuracy. Russia just liked sunflowers because they reminded him of the sun. It was a shout out to Russia's cold winters being on par if not worse than Canada.

>> No.8011673

I thought Russia liked sunflowers because they're the nuclear flower? Like, they can help diminish the effects of radioactivity and they're the symbol for nuclear disarmament.

I thought it was a nod to Chernobyl or something...

>> No.8012051


> Meetups at Walmart
> Acting like they owned the con by demanding panel badges for every AAN member
> Audition drama
> Underage panelists at 18+ panels
> Thinking they were hot shit because they were in a Funimation video
> Encroaching on other Hetalia groups panel turf in other cities

>> No.8012055

No, there are still scary Hetalia weebs in my local comm. And theres a new generation of Hetalians. There were a pack of kids under 12 at the last con I went to who kept asking Todd Haberkorn retarded shit about Hetalia.

>> No.8012057

He has been working on other things but he still updates hetalia from time to time. Theres even a biweekly update now

>> No.8012063

The webcomic is more accurate. Diff anon, I really love political cartoons and it's fun to see how an old Japanese man interprets history.

>> No.8012077
File: 60 KB, 640x418, 2045652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a much more interesting reason for sunflowers than "Russia just likes them". Why isn't that canon?
(contributing with cosplay)

>> No.8012116

Russia's thing with sunflowers was weird. Like there's jokes with him wanting to hang out with America to see them to how he always has them on his person.

Your theory makes a lot more sense than mine.

Weird question: Could I pull off a Russia if I'm black and round faced? I wanted to do him for a long time now but because of the fandom I stayed away.

>> No.8012270

That was probably the stupidest question I've heard all year.

>> No.8012292

Well excuse me princess.

>> No.8013074


Well, if Russia is someone you want to cosplay go for it. Cosplay should be fun, so don't let your race stop you. I've seen plenty of black cosplayers in Hetalia, cosplaying a wide range of characters, just as I've seen tons of white cosplayers cosplay every non-white Hetalia nation under the sun.

Sure, you won't look like an ethnic Russian, but if you've wanted to do it for a whie, go for it.

>> No.8013104

Chernobyl is in Ukraine

>> No.8013157

Does anyone who cosplay Hetalia actually cosplay the countries they come from?

>> No.8013180

yeah fucked

>> No.8013196

My country's too irrelevant to be a Hetalia character.
>doesn't stop everyone from hating it though

>> No.8013358


You're black and trying to cosplay the whitest possible character you can think of?

It's frustrating when people don't realize that while white people can pull off POC-cosplays, it doesn't work vice versa. You can easily use makeup to paint your skin darker but it doesn't work the other way around.

>> No.8013457

Some do, yeah. For some people, their favorite character is their home country.
I know a weird lot of Canadians who really love Canada, for example.

>> No.8013463
File: 425 KB, 800x531, Bad Friend Trio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure it happens, but since you can only be born in one country, that limits your choice to one cosplay (2 if your country got a nyotalia). That would be extremely boring and terrible for photoshoots.

>> No.8013475


you have to go through a lot of bullshit to even get to the plot. I still haven't, I'm just not invested enough to sit around and grab arms or whatever.

>> No.8013486


disaster happened when it was USSR though, which meant Russia was running shit.

>> No.8013500

Then the character would be called USSR not Russia

>> No.8013502


at the time of the show he's the USSR too...

>> No.8013514

Then why is there Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic nations...?

>> No.8013516

But the wind blew it into Belarus so the Belarusians are the ones with all the mutated children. Like 70% of the country is technically not safe for life but only a small part of Ukraine was actually affected.

>> No.8013518

Cuz in the show they were seen as living in his "house" because even though they were all technically Russia the human citizens of their respective nations still considered themselves not Russian if that makes any sense. It's a similar reason why Prussia still exists. There are some people who were either born in Prussia or raised by Prussians who still consider themselves Prussian but they are dying out so Prussia is dying and Hima is showing that with that strip about his wound

>> No.8013520

Because that sounds like Cold War bullshit they teach in US schools

>> No.8013521

>"In terms of their surface areas, Belarus (22% of its land area) and Austria (13%) were most affected by higher levels of contamination. Other countries were seriously affected; for example, more than 5% of Ukraine, Finland and Sweden were contaminated to high levels (> 40,000 Bq/m2 caesium-137). More than 80% of Moldova, the European part of Turkey, Slovenia, Switzerland, Austria and the Slovak Republic were contaminated to lower levels (> 4,000 Bq/m2 caesium-137). And 44% of Germany and 34% of the UK were similarly affected."


>> No.8013522

My bad i didn't remember the facts right it was actually 70% of the radiation hit Belarus. http://www.un.org/ha/chernobyl/belarus.html

>> No.8013523

Go read a fucking Wikipedia article? For someone so critical of your country's perception of history getting the uncontroversial basics right shouldn't be hard.

>> No.8013527

Not yet but I was going to

>> No.8013538

I really want to cosplay civil war America but I know it'll only work if I have someone cosplaying as the other side or I go as the Union. I don't want to get attacked. I'm not trying to be racist my ancestors fought on both sides but mostly for the confederacy.

>> No.8013849

USSR was very similar to the USA in terms of states. It's official name was The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and it consisted of member states such as Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and Russian Soviet Socialist Republic, thus it was an union of formerly independent states, they weren't just "annexed by Russia". This is why all the different nations can be portrayed in Hetalia. They still existed, even though under unified leadership. You know like New York and Florida and shit.

>Like 70% of the country is technically not safe for life but only a small part of Ukraine was actually affected.
This is utter bullshit. The Chernobyl area itself is safe to visit without any kind of equipment save for a few isolated hot pockets. The report also uses very exaggerated rhetoric such as
>Finland and Sweden were contaminated to high levels (> 40,000 Bq/m2 caesium-137).
In truth, the total amount of radiation from Chernobyl that has found it's way to Finland during the last 50 years is as great as the amount of radiation Finns receive from background radiating radon in a year. Meaning it had no effect whatsoever. Anti-nuclear studies ought to be taken with a grain of salt.

>> No.8014381

There always were some good cosplayers out there representing Hetalia, we just got drowned in all the idiotic shennanigans of the the kids. We didn't all move on to Homestuck and Sherlock etc. some of us, like most, have a range of shows/series' that were into and now cosplay from and we want to attempt it all but we will still, every now and ghen, dig out old costumes. I personally stopped cosplaying Hetalia for 2 reasons;
1. The weebish behavior from a large portion of fans was giving us a bad name, and
2. Even if that DIDN'T bother me, there were other things I wanted to try!
Recently I've been wanting to get my old costumes back out, maybe for one last hurrah!

>> No.8014403
File: 152 KB, 512x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any more photos? Its been a while.

>> No.8014438 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 498x498, Prussia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can sort of relate. I was asked to be Prussia for a few panels in DFW, and when I tried to step up and prevent awkward silences by cracking a few jokes or elaborating on what had been said, I was told, in so many words, to shut up by the panel host. The silence was awkward to sit through. I'm pretty done with Hetalia panels, despite enjoying the cosplay.

>> No.8014442

> dat me
I can't see myself cosplaying as Canada, but he's still one of my faves.

>> No.8014443

I can sort of relate. People are exclusive as shit, and rifts in different groups were what resulted in the multitude of ask panels.
I was asked to be Prussia for a few panels in the DFW area, and when I tried to step up and prevent awkward silences by cracking a few jokes or elaborating on what had been said, I was told, in so many words, to shut up by the panel host. The silence was awkward to sit through. I'm pretty done with Hetalia panels, despite enjoying the cosplay.

>> No.8014447

This. I'm a Finn and I've literally never even heard of that. Besides I've been to Belarus and it's completely normal there, smells like bullcrap big time.

>> No.8014604


I was responding to what >>8013074 said. If a black person (not saying that Russians don't have black people) wanted to do Russia well it shouldn't matter if they are Russian or not.

Some countries like Prussia are pretty much borderline impossible to do.

>> No.8014729

I've been in this fandom a long time and have probably been cosplaying China for half a decade now for the sheer love of the character. Only during Hetalia Day though since I have other fandoms. Well aren't I a trooper? Though yea it's kinda weird how in my country the fans that go to Hetalia Day just regress further and further in age. And then you suddenly have yourselves in a room full of squeeling pre teens wailing over ships while their parents lurk behind them. Still love the fandom despite all that.

>> No.8015104

Are you me?

>> No.8015159

I'm so happy to see people liking Hetalia i just like this anime so much because of reasons it's just so relaxing to watch because it's stupidly fun

>> No.8015346


Agreed. If you're going for 100% accuracy, then it will fail. But if you just want to have fun, then have fun.


I'm sure the recent banning of Q&A at both Dallas cons is heavily because of these shenanigans pulled by groups like Hetalia. And there was no reason for 6 Hetalia panels other than the community is fractured and everyone is selfish and wants to make their own panel instead of looking and seeing, "Oh, there's already an AAN panel. Let me find out who's running it and audition." People run those like panels like dictators. I did one Ask A Nation back in my homestate before I realized what those panel concepts were and after our small "skit" it turned into just questions and I felt like I was being forced to cater to other people's fan wishes. I never did another AAN and switched to more content-centric Hetalia panels. I hope we get some good submissions for A-kon and A-fest this year, but I'm not too optimistic.

>> No.8015418
File: 34 KB, 150x150, g89302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to a con next week
>4 Hetalia panels, 3 on Friday alone
I won't be cosplaying it at this con, but jesus christ, fandom.

What pisses me off is that it seems like the Hetalia fandom has calmed down everywhere except for Texas. I'm not even in DFW.

>> No.8015475

Russia is best boy. He's my husbando bruh

>> No.8015494

bruh mine is England his seiyuu makes me go all doki doki he's so adorable.

>> No.8015503

Mine's Sweden (>yes), no shame

>> No.8015516
File: 285 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_nd19rwTPrm1sj3seeo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't read Hetalia but the fandom is pretty fun now all the weebs have moved on. The creativity is wonderful. I actually run an ask blog but we don't talk about that...

There are some amazing hetalia cosplayers, you just have to sift through the weebs still left! I'll do a photodump...

>> No.8015519

*read any more (except for random updates)

>> No.8015526
File: 345 KB, 500x537, tumblr_l87nk34zjB1qcul3o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bunch of girls looking at udders with fake blood coming from their noses. Absolutely creative. I feel like Prussia looks.

>> No.8015922

Yet you didn't say anything TO the panel host about it, just posted to /cgl/ a few months later. If you have a problem, talk about it one-on-one like an adult; maybe things could have been worked out.

>inb4 hi panel host
Nope just a good friend of the host who was in a bunch of the same panels.

>> No.8015984


There's only two or so here but a lot of HS panels this year and Attack on Titan. It never ends.

>> No.8020255
File: 925 KB, 664x1000, aph_natalia_arlovskaya_belarus__cosplay_by_samedigrimm-d4ldu5y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love ask a nation panels, but it's so hard to find ones with good chemistry between the panelists. Everyone fills all the slots with their friends and refuses to set up auditions, and then someone gets in fight and they make another panel, it's such a bummer.

>> No.8020281

At all the ones I've been to ppl in hetalia cosplays that didn't make the cut also take up the question line

>> No.8020631

I kind of want to but I've never learned how to properly crossplay so... no.
(I'm Chinese)

>> No.8021238
File: 90 KB, 402x604, fem_denmark_by_tallinfilm-d5xwwi0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man, im just finishing making a new hetalia cosplay for ALA (nyo! denmark, ax and everything), been into it at the peak of its popularity until now but I still love it and still go to Hetalia Day gatherings, i just cant help it

i'm glad some people older then like 12 still like it too

>> No.8021241
File: 127 KB, 497x750, gorgeous fucking norway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some cosplays

>> No.8021243

dat choppy wig

>> No.8021248
File: 141 KB, 480x720, aph___nyo_norway_by_sado_nishi-d34se7n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8021254
File: 74 KB, 400x600, Belarus Solo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


at least its a character thats supposed to have messy hair i guess

>> No.8021256
File: 159 KB, 367x550, France Genderbend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8021259
File: 231 KB, 750x563, Axis Italy Germany Japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8021263
File: 291 KB, 880x562, Belarus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is so pretty

>> No.8021266
File: 202 KB, 603x400, China Solo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8021269
File: 177 KB, 900x600, France UK TINYY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8021270
File: 138 KB, 650x435, Group Russia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8021273
File: 200 KB, 667x1000, Hungary Belarus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8021278
File: 621 KB, 1000x1505, Hungary Solo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8021282
File: 437 KB, 1024x1537, hungary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this cosplay doesnt have the best construction now that i take a closer look at it, but i still really like the picture itself

>> No.8021289
File: 30 KB, 473x750, ICELAND OF GORGEOUSNESS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls def make the best boys

>> No.8021293
File: 111 KB, 465x700, Japan Genderbend Solo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8021295
File: 67 KB, 500x334, Korea Genderbend Solo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8021297
File: 124 KB, 451x700, Norway Denmark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8021301
File: 159 KB, 500x747, Poland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8021302
File: 141 KB, 400x600, taiwan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8021305
File: 133 KB, 369x550, Turkey Greece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

& that ends it

>> No.8022036
File: 167 KB, 525x700, 43107199c30e449b4d0bb10c9dcbc174-d56yvms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw hell yea i hope i see you there!

I'm trying to finish up my chibiroma but I took on way, way more than I can chew.

>> No.8022047
File: 36 KB, 300x400, max_riemelt_1214418311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good Germany or Netherlands?

Love Greece here, I just wish people went with fabrics more like the clothing the drawings are based on.

>> No.8022575
File: 141 KB, 469x700, Holland Solo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oooh well if you see me make sure to say hi! ill probs be the only fully decked out nyo!denmark anyway on day three


this is the only half decent netherlands ive ever seen

>> No.8022639

I'm pissed I can't find a pic of this really hot male Germany cosplayer that's always with an Italy cosplayer that I assume is his girlfriend at most of our local cons. He's never been in an ask a nation and from pictures I've seen he's never been to a meetup. It makes me think his girlfriend dresses him up

>> No.8022659
File: 106 KB, 300x194, tumblr_mlgkxrtg8e1rj0uzpo2_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that Norway, A+
>Wishes more people cosplayed him

>> No.8022661

Same anon. I think OP might be on to something, there were a lot less awful trashy tween weeb cosplays at this past con that happened recently than I've seen in the past few years.

>> No.8022663

Do you live in Denmark, anon? I think I know which Germany you're talking about.

>> No.8022674
File: 64 KB, 400x527, tumblr_ne2niuyy1h1rmiid2o1_400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. Even if there's a new anime season there hasn't been nothing such a weeb hype... Every fandom has bad cosplays, and there's still people who don't know hetalia

>> No.8022676

No, I live in the US

>> No.8022683

Yeah most of the bad cosplays I saw in the pictures when I was looking for that Germany earlier were a handful of people who've been wearing the same awful cosplays for years.

>> No.8022739
File: 408 KB, 600x600, German-guy-and-Italian-girl-cosplay-hetalia-25345264-600-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you don't mean these two which are the first to turn up in google.

>> No.8022816

>*uncomfortably aroused

>> No.8022823

I love homestuck (it's cheesy, free, fun and active) but I agree 100%. The way some fans push it is so incredibly off putting and just cringe worthy.

If you don't like something then you don't like something, a ten thousand word diatribe and four million posts isn't going to make that better. smdh forever and always

>> No.8022840

No this guy had dirty blonde hair and natural sideburns

>> No.8022866

Maybe he's the same guy who cosplays that buff blond dude from Attack on Titan. My cosplay I mean he's naked and wearing some bondage gear.

>> No.8022885
File: 112 KB, 1024x665, hetalia__by_shiro_kuro_gang__by_shirokurogang-d52rl7g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man there's a lot of couples cosplaying this. I'd be tempted if I didn't fucking hate Italy (the character).

>> No.8022888
File: 732 KB, 280x210, tumblr_mdzjtdsopj1rv1ag5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8023024

>This picture makes me moist

>> No.8023132


Agreed. I wish there more designs for him. I love cosplaying him so much.


I love this Iceland cosplay. I'm going on vacation in Iceland in March and I'm stupidly excited to buy a sweater like in the comic.

>> No.8023168
File: 170 KB, 456x700, Group Nordic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the nordics are super cute + the best, especially the sailor uniform versions

>> No.8023199

that germany looks like pitch perfect

>> No.8023227

I did friends and auditions for mine but a fight still started because I only did the main axis and allies and not the countries that had less screen time.

>> No.8023779
File: 106 KB, 399x600, tumblr_mzez9y2jLm1rmiid2o1_400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something with cosplayers using their hair that I don't like... Anyway it's pretty good! It's almost impossible to find a good Germany cosplay.

>> No.8023794
File: 133 KB, 800x533, aph___only_gilbird_is_not_drunken_by_rotemamba-d6kqvs7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany's hair is just blond hair slicked back. Pretty much this >>8022047.
Every wig I've seen was just way too poofy for that and obviously didn't have any product in it. And you need to see the hair roots. This is a case where real hair will always look better to me.

>> No.8023847
File: 184 KB, 720x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to cosplay Norway for years (I did several outfits of him) sadly I didn't use makeup back then. (Pic related)

>> No.8024791

I really want to cosplay from Hetalia. I'm Cuban so I thought about doing a gender Bender Cuba but I look extremely white since I never go out in the sun and I have light eyes. Being that I speak Spanish I can pull off Spain I can also try Germany since I speak German but I really want to do Prussia that is my baby.

I have a friend who I want to do Italy (gender Bender) she's Italian and she would make such a perfect Italy.

Personally for me I don't really care if you're not from the country as long as you're able to pull it off, like I wouldn't cosplay Russia because I can't speak Russian I know it's snobby of me to say that but I want to host a great panel one day and it kills me when I go to a panel and they don't know anything of the country there cosplaying would it kill you to open up a text book.

Sorry for rambling

>> No.8024811


But you don't have to speak the language of the country you're cosplaying. I cosplay Norway because I'm Scandinavian in heritage and was attracted to his character, but I don't speak a lick of Norwegian.

What kind of panel do you want to run?

>> No.8026214
File: 175 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a pic of him. Sorry it's a screencap on my phone.

>> No.8026222

He's not as attractive as I remembered :/ sorry

>> No.8026297

>that poorly fitting uniform

>> No.8026304
File: 76 KB, 500x410, tumblr_lfgs57eAQw1qc7tep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's disappointing now. And he's wearing an ill fitting NVA uniform?

>> No.8026479

Canada is fucking moe-er then fuck, that's why.

>> No.8029879

> 10 hetalia cosplay
> between the three

late, but there were a ton of aph cosplayers at both those cons this year, though. i know because i cosplayed from it at both and all the photoshoots were pretty decently sized. just saying. the fandom may not be as huge as it used to be, but it's definitely still there.

>> No.8030619
File: 4 KB, 120x107, mochi reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just joined the Hetalia fandom. It's the perfect blend of being active and not too weebish. I personally like it's current level of popularity.

Considering how I don't look like a handsome man, I'm thinking of cosplaying a mochi. Anybody attempted that before?

>> No.8030630

Canada really is a moe country though.
Like Finland, but with less alcoholics and stabbings.

>> No.8032392

best doitsu

>> No.8035473
File: 101 KB, 640x480, estonia_and_mochi_america_day_2_by_emoprincess96-d6ew3ji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8035482

The neat thing about Hetalia is that there's always someone you could do. (assuming you're a girl) Have you looked at Nyotalia designs? A lot of them are canon.

>> No.8035849

Are you also 5"2 of asian descent? If so then gosh well maybe I've been living a lie in a double body.

>> No.8035851

There's the issue in my country where no one wants to audition so we end up having to find people to request to join. I've been doing China for a good long while by default because no one else wants to. Which is weird considering I live in Asia.....

>> No.8038111

hamsteak raped the fandom

>> No.8038122

I almost did China because nobody was going to at my local con's hetalia panel, but I ended up going "fuck it" and went for Japan instead since nobody gave a shit about the China at last year's.

>> No.8042247

I really enjoy the Hetalia fandom, actually. There are some interesting historical/cultural fanworks if you can sift through all the crap.

>> No.8047280

Has anyone actually hosted or been to a Hetalia-themed history and/or culture panel? Or is that what the ask-a-nation thing is already about? (Sorry, I've never actually been to a Hetalia panel and I was just curious.)

>> No.8047291

I make it a ground rule not to talk about actual history, namely nazi and facism shit, at my ask a nation panels, mainly because I don't want some weeb going up to my Germany and calling him a kawaii nazi or something. Culture, however, is something I never really thought about! It'd certainly be interesting though I doubt weebs asking for hugs and pics and yaoi ships wouldn't be interested in culture. Nevertheless, it'd be a good thing to bring up for a Hetalia meetup/mini-meet.

>> No.8048062

I make sure to ban history related stuff in my ask a nation panels as well. As france I have been asked some really inappropriate things about french history. Things barely even found in history books. Things people tried to forget.

As for culture I encourage it! Every person I cast has a background in the language and culture of the character they cosplay. I am a French student, who learns the language, history, and culture, my Germany, Prussia, and Austria all do the same. My italy is actually Italian and speaks the language fluently. The only character I am never able to properly cast is Japan but my Japan Is chinese and makes effort to to learn the language and culture for the panels, and her degree.

>> No.8048464

I've run Hetalia History panels in my area for a couple of years now. I'm also planning future panels focused on comparing and contrasting different customs, myths and such, and a game show that is half Hetalia canon trivia and half history/geography/culture/etc.

A few people in my state have attempted history ask-a-nation panels before and they have never, ever ended well, or so I've heard. I have been to exactly one.
>host was there as her own OC, the CSA
>kept trying to joke about the Civil War with the America
>America was at least sensible and shut her down every time
>some of the cast actually knew what they were talking about
>cringed with them when other people got asked questions they would just sidestep and mumble around
>history questions are rarely actually answered
>asked if anyone had anything at all to say about the Suez Canal Crisis, which is IN the anime
>solid 30 seconds of confused looks
>the England: it was bad. Next question please.

We have short Q&A sessions at the end of our panels too, nobody knows everything. But I buy a /lot/ of books for the sole purpose of researching my panels and my character's history and you know, the internet exists. If you are a Hetalian who doesn't know a lot of history hey, that's cool. But don't insert yourself into a 2 hour 'ask me anything about history!' session when you are totally clueless.

Sorry, rant over.

>> No.8049906


>I make it a ground rule not to talk about actual history
>I make sure to ban history related stuff in my ask a nation panels

This is what's wrong with the Hetalia fandom. Hetalia is a comedy based around history (and culture) jokes, yet at your panels you ban history content?! I get not wanting people to be all "omg Nazis are cool" and glorify the things we'd rather they not, but that's when you teach them a lesson and set them straight. History isn't always going to be appropriate and ignoring it won't make "things people tried to forget" go away. You can set ground rules about sensitive content or you can be a pussy and completely shut out the content the series is based on.

I have been a Hetalia fan for a long time and have never understood why in a series that is rich with clever, genuinely funny jokes about history that the biggest and "best" panel concept is Ask a Nation.

>> No.8049937

I've been to one. The panel mostly talked about what Hetalia was, goofed around, etc. I was doing Switzerland and just being a weeb back then.

There was a few things about history and what not but it was mostly just Hetalia fags being Hetalia fags.

>> No.8052549
File: 67 KB, 500x333, tumblr_nhlwdayR0t1s7c8hfo4_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realized most of my favourite hetalia cosplayers are no longer in the fandom.. any good recent hetalia cosplay???

>> No.8052957

Its not that no history is allowed. It is the sensitive stuff. I once got asked what it was like when I killed someone's grandparents in the Vietnam war while I was France. I have also been asked questions about very dark parts of French history. My panels are full of history majors but there are thing you do NOT want to voice an opinion on.

Some history is fine but some you don't want to touch with a ten foot pole or else you could seriously be saying some messed up stuff.

>> No.8052973

I feel old

>> No.8052984

The focus is more on country interactions, not individuals from that country doing this or that. So it's not about literally asking "how cool was it when you chopped off the hands of all those Africans? ^^"

>> No.8052997

You people really should visit /int/ sometime, you'd learn to appreciate the country-based racist humor. Someone makes a crude joke, make a crude joke right back.
What's the use of getting your panties in a twist over shit that doesn't affect you in the least?

>> No.8053004

I don't think it's upsetting, it's just not what Hetalia is about. France didn't kill anyone's grandpa, they just touched Vietnam inappropriately.

>> No.8053006

Oh, if that's the issue you have with it, I get that. I realize I read >>8052984 wrong.