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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 140 KB, 610x366, post-115013-0-27501700-1407958782[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8010580 No.8010580 [Reply] [Original]

Hey seagulls, since we seem to be okay with self-post threads recently, how about one for face shape? I know a lot of people don't know their face shape well and I thought it could be helpful for both lolita and cosplay. Different makeup techniques can be applied and certain face shapes look better with different hairstyles(so wigs etc)

Let's post our faces and help eachother out!

>> No.8010585

My face is round. Is that good for crossplays and contouring?

>> No.8010593

Any contouring tutorials to help a long man face look more feminine?

>> No.8010604

I'm somewhere between square and oval? Really unflattering faceshape imo but that might also be my poor self-confidence talking

>> No.8010615

yes if you are guy

>> No.8010647

I think i'm a mix between an oval and a heart.

>> No.8010653


Uhhhh so I guess it's good then?

>> No.8010662

Is there any way to have surgery for your facial shape or are you just stuck with whatever you have until the end of time? Like if you have a square facial shape but want a diamond?

>> No.8010663

>tfw oval face
I don't get why it says ideal face shape, I hate it and I have the little bone sticking out thing like in the picture which is not cute at all.

>> No.8010664

If you're a girl with a round face it will be harder to pass as a dude.

>> No.8010665

if you're going the other way then no you're going to be shit at looking manish

>> No.8010666

>will trade you for long-heart hybrid

>> No.8010667

You can have your jaw shaved down and shit injected into your cheekbones but I don't recommend it at all.

>> No.8010668

You could probably shave some off your bones or add synthetic unto it. Pretty sure the Koreans do the former all the time. But I wouldn't do that personally.

>> No.8010670

>I have the little bone sticking out thing like in the picture

You mean cheekbones?

>> No.8010672


>> No.8010673

>long heart
literal perfection

>> No.8010674

for male character crossplay? i dunno...

>> No.8010676

I fail to see how this is a problem. Cheekbones are generally considered attractive.

>> No.8010679

I don't like how they look on my face, that's the problem.

>> No.8010680
File: 77 KB, 146x180, tumblr_nfvvl3gn5K1u3mr7go3_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, but ugh. Just like another anon I am a mix between oval and square, but my face is a bit too small for this shape and I haven't found a hairstyle to make me look more proportional so I hoped science would help me but those procedures doesn't exactly sound like they would still look good after a few years.

>> No.8010683

generally, it's beautiful. I have round, wide as fuck baby face with protruding ears. life is suffering.

>> No.8010685

i guess we always want what we don't have

>> No.8010691

Fucking squared face I have
Please, I need an V-Line surgery for God's sake

>> No.8010709

I really can not tell if I have a square or heart shaped face. It is like somewhere in the middle.

>> No.8010733
File: 429 KB, 1600x2001, Jennifer-Love-Hewitt-Out-and-About-in-Studio-City-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can never tell if I have a heart or round face shape. It's pretty much like pic. Does anyone know which face shape this is? And how would it look if I had a V Line surgery?

>> No.8010737

I'm somewhere between heart and diamond, probably because of my hella hgh cheekbones.

My mother's face is very square, I'm so glad I didn't end up with her manjaw and buttchin.

>> No.8010759

heart with a weak chin

>> No.8010761

she has my exact facial shape holy shit

>> No.8010765

Thank you so much! My chin is exactly what I was confused about.

>> No.8010827

I've got an oval face shape with high cheekbones; I like it. It's my big greek nose that ruins it.

>> No.8010850

Tfw square face.... good for crossplay I guess....

>> No.8010851
File: 3.52 MB, 320x240, 5346345.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hmmm, my face shape is anime
>your reality doesn't relate to me
>tee-hee <3

ITT: long faced bitches

>> No.8010878


>> No.8010886
File: 37 KB, 168x170, 7418237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck. Does this mean I shouldn't cosplay as guys then? Is there any way to do guy cosplays justice or am I shit out of water? I already have peach fuzz and look sort of like a guy so I thought it was a good idea. I'm not comfortable cosplaying girls either.

>I really want to do Samurai flam!
>Can't do Hazama because my face is round

>> No.8010894


>> No.8010898
File: 12 KB, 139x203, 483847472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm a hybrid between round-square.
Pic related. Though I wouldn't call my cheekbones prominent, just bulky/boxy.

>> No.8010899

being squareface is suffering

>> No.8010915

You look like you would have big hips and a huge butt

>pls b in London

>> No.8010918

I'm something like oval but I have totally zero cheekbones

>> No.8010926
File: 55 KB, 252x362, 124ns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my face shape is diamond because my face is widest at the temples but with a square jaw. Kinda like pic related but with a stronger jaw. How to contour this??

>> No.8010927

>oval/long face "gracefully" taper
Yeah okay even though long facial structures tend to be gaudy and very ungraceful and have the biggest chins?
>heart "strongly" taper
Hearts tend to have the softest facial shape and aren't strong at all, next to round.

I feel like whoever made this has a long/oval face and paid a lot of homage to themselves while neglecting the natures of other faces. Lol.

>> No.8010956
File: 244 KB, 1600x900, face-shape-chart-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this chart will help people a bit. No descriptors but more variety in shapes.

>> No.8010958

I have shitty square. It looks shit from the front, but at least it can look good tilted to the side a bit.

>> No.8010961

>oval-long hybrid
Anyone know what bangs work well for a 5head?

>> No.8010962

Heart shaped here, but in some angles my face looks really square (chin isn't super pointy)

I found a post on Tumblr that actually had a lot of contouring tips for face shapes as well as eye makeup tips for eye shapes. If I can find it, I'll dump it here. Probably in a series since it's one of those really long posts. (Unless someone has a different guide on hand. Then by all means!)

>> No.8010971

Is it even possible to look cute and feminine when you have an oblong face? I feel like it's the shittest face shape of the bunch and the one that is the most ridiculed - 'horse face' etc. It's even worse when you enjoy j-fashion stuff because it tends to focus so much on the cute factor.

I also find that the 'get bangs' tip doesn't always work either, and in fact can be terrible advice if you have say, a long face with a short forehead (since it just ends up emphasizing the narrowness and length).

Any oblong face inspiration pics, or general advise to impart dear anons?

>> No.8010980

please do.

>> No.8010981

I have a bad case of the squareface, and it's been destroying my self-confidence for my entire life. I have yet to find a hairstyle that actually looks good on me, everybody tells me I should get short hair but that only emphasizes my jaw more... I have bangs and long hair, but I can never wear it up and I tend to hide behind it. Any tips for how to minimize a square jaw? Either with hairstyle or something else? I've been very seriously considering going to Korea and having my jaw shaved down, I just want to look normal and not like a man. Guys have even told me my jaw is unusually square-shaped and it's the first thing people see when they look at me...

>> No.8010982

it's posts like these that remind me half the girls here are fucking batshit

>> No.8011015

I've got a square face shape too. What I find helpful is an off-center part + layers, regardless of the hair length. I never get a haircut that's shorter than a few inches above my shoulders either because it adds to the square-ness. Side-swept bangs help break up the look and/or having long pieces at the side of your face, a bit longer than chin length can give the illusion of a thinner face as well.

Contouring makeup-wise, it can help and there are plenty of guides to show how to do that. Honestly though, it probably bothers you more than others notice because it's your face that you see every day in the mirror getting ready for the day, etc.

>> No.8011095

The green text was supposed to be mocking everyone here, silly girl

Look at how they describe themselves.
They never fail to make me laugh

>> No.8011097

what? the thread has nothing to do with anime wtf

>> No.8011118

something's wrong with them just ignore it and maybe it'll leave

>> No.8011148

You look like a cross between heart and square to me anon.

>> No.8011169
File: 35 KB, 134x168, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't figure this out. Is this square or oval or what? I used to think heart but my chin isn't defined enough. I'd love a second opinion so I can search for some make up techniques and hair styles.

>> No.8011196

Definitely not oval or square. If anything it looks round.

>> No.8011198
File: 118 KB, 674x674, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought my face looked like a rather flat heart until taking the lower angle picture and seeing how much more prominent my cheeks and jaw are. Also my face looks alot narrower than some examples of hearts I've seen with almost guitar pick-shaped faces? I went in blind (lol) choosing my first pair of glasses last year but I'd like to get a new pair with knowledge of what's supposed to actually suit my face.

>> No.8011224

Hearts have wide-ish jaws near the jowls and are very close to the round face shape. Your jaw isn't wide at all. You are blessed with a glorious V shaped jaw. Be proud.

>> No.8011236

holy shit is that a natural v line i see? you're not even on the chart. your face shape is too good for the chart.
i want to say oval but it's not it's more slim. officially jealous here

>> No.8011247

The thing that confuses me is since my face is just chubby its round, I wonder if the fat disappeared if I'd have a different face shape.

No it isn't because overweight, even when I was underweight I had a chubby face, I think I'd have to be full blown anorexic to not have it.

>> No.8011252

Same. I think I might even be cute if my face and neck weren't so fat.

>> No.8011268
File: 13 KB, 215x212, img_d_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are v master race.

>> No.8011271

I'm not sure if my face is technically 'oblong' - I have the bone structure of the 'heart', with high cheekbones and a sharp enough jawline, but I have long slav nose and unfortunately the rest of the area between my cheekbones/jaw is longer to fit that motherfucker in there.

I'll try to get a photo later.

>Only advice I can give to avoid the ol' horseface is to use makeup that rounds off your features. The classic cases of horseface that you see all have sharp, too-small features.

>> No.8011278

I can't even get into smiling, I struggle holding up the fat or something so I never smile for pictures. Thanks dad for the awkward smile.

I've redone the format of my post like 50 times and 4chan is still thinking it's spam. Please work.

>> No.8011279
File: 434 KB, 1280x1640, face-shape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry that took so long. Here y'all go!

>> No.8011280

Apparently all bang styles and most glasses frames will fit that face shape. I have it too and honestly I'm just glad I don't have a square face

>> No.8011282
File: 483 KB, 1280x1642, contour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh jk it's not a face shape specific guide to contouring. I've failed you all. Posting it anyway, though. Might help?

>> No.8011285
File: 443 KB, 965x1920, shadowliner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is specific for eye shapes, at least. Sorry this wasn't as informative as I recounted it to be. My bad, gulls.

>> No.8011298

>tfw look awful when I smile or laugh too

>> No.8011306
File: 27 KB, 323x282, Screen shot 2014-12-23 at 10.43.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choke on 1000 dicks moot. Apparently this trips the spam filter.

Can you get surgery for this or something?

>> No.8011326
File: 1.05 MB, 1206x1994, 100_0745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just hate my face because not only is it round but I have big ass lips too. I can't even smile because it looks so awkward on my face. Plus I look like a guy too.

>I think I'll stick with crossplay people with masks and helmets.

>> No.8011328

Ha, what? I wonder if it's too close to the name of another chan.

>> No.8011329

I was trying to post that exact thing! Why the hell is that restricted?

>> No.8011373
File: 88 KB, 480x640, tumblr_ngc7dwZRTy1qmg9wro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i a diamond or a heart? Also im curious would blunt bangs look ok on me? Thanks for your help.

>> No.8011415
File: 31 KB, 500x566, 1418839847922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me three anon -- i have a small mouth and like, fairly chubby cheeks so i get all squinty eyed and thin lipped when i try to force a smile for photos or w/e. one of the things that will stick with me for probably the rest of my life was what one of my classmates said to me when I was in like grade five, after the class photos came back

>"anon why did you smile like that you look retarded you've ruined the whole class photo"
>i was only trying to force a smile because the photographer had to re-take the photo four times and after each take he asked the class to smile even bigger and i'm pretty sure it was because of me

>> No.8011433

Diamond, and probably not unless they were shaped in some way.

>> No.8011450

I'm telling your mom you said that.

>> No.8011451
File: 13 KB, 513x355, 303442_10150901197294376_707520349_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't figure mine out. Stupid chart. Diamond maybe?

>> No.8011452
File: 461 KB, 874x380, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea, but it was killing me. What a pain.

God, small mouth problems again. It fucks up everything at the dentist and I can't do anything but bert stare and hope I look vaguely fashionable. Worst part is a smile and laugh all the time so I spend 90% of my life looking like an idiot.

Anyway, jumping on the face shape train here. Excuse my massive forehead.

I'm thinking diamond?

>> No.8011468

I can hardly find any information on this V shape, unfortunately but thanks for the compliments. If it's not too off topic, does anyone have any suggestions for cute, large frames that won't take up my entire face with just a cone shaped bit of chin sticking out plz x


Small mouth problems. Crowded teeth. Shitty bite. Ugh.

>> No.8011469

Looks like an oval to me.

>> No.8011471

You're a heart.

>> No.8011473

Yay thank you!

This thread is actually really helpful.

>> No.8011487
File: 31 KB, 100x100, tumblr_mcdu2714SS1r1z90h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you so much anon!

I am a round face right? Ugh I hate asking though.


>> No.8011491

>Oval face
>But not very noticeable cheekbones
>Aquiline nose with deviated bridge

I learned young that with every good thing in life comes a catch.

>> No.8011492

Not to mention only being able to take really small sips, and the dentist always talking about how small your mouth is. Especially when they have to cram something in your mouth, and the smallest size doesn't fit.

Also, it looks like you have a similar shape to the desired korean face shape, and google pulls up a ton of results for korean glasses, so that might give you an idea? Really though I think you could pull off about any shape.

Really? Just goes to show how bad I am at analyzing my own features

>> No.8011517
File: 26 KB, 379x536, My Face Shape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the marker and draw your reflection in the mirror trick then traced it over paper.

I always thought I had an oval face but I'm not quite sure what it is now, I'm guessing a heart shape?

>> No.8011536


>> No.8011537

Not to be weird but your face is kind of animu shaped. qt/10

>> No.8011551


>> No.8011577

So does nearly every girl in the world then because heart is the most common face shape among females.

>> No.8011583

Don't be so jelly.

>> No.8011585

I'm not. I have a heart shaped face as well. Nice try though.

>> No.8011589


aww baby's first day on the internet. go back to reddit you 12 year old

>> No.8011595

I'm not that anon, but if you've never seen jelly on /cgl/ you must not have been here long...

>> No.8011596
File: 79 KB, 640x480, durrdurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seriously thinking we don't use jelly on cgl

>> No.8011597
File: 57 KB, 303x293, srsly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but what they said is true.
don't shit up the thread with your four worded post because you're no longer the cute animu grill someone called you out on being, dumb ass.

>> No.8011600

>responding to a troll who's using shitty memes as their insults

C'mon faggots. Get wid it.

>> No.8011601

See: >>8010851

>> No.8011604

You are supremely jelly.

>> No.8011605

Diamond looks like Tom Hiddleston

>> No.8011608
File: 231 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huge, disgusting cheekbones
Please tell me its not square

>> No.8011609
File: 933 KB, 245x285, lolk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you are pants on head retarded. rage more, kiddo.

>> No.8011611
File: 328 KB, 377x248, img_b_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this butthurt because youre not an anime girl and look just like everyone else

Apex kek. Here's a pic to keep thread going a little.

>> No.8011613

looks like inverted triangle

>> No.8011616

Looks more diamond. Your face angles at your cheek bones too much to be square.

>> No.8011622

Stop responding to the fucking troll guys. That's probably not even the pics OP. Why does everyone fall for bait so hard?

>> No.8011624
File: 41 KB, 600x503, jaw reduction botox_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no! im not speshul anymore? ;^(
Nice shitpost. Did you type it with your sandy cunt?

Anyway, does anyone know what a jaw shaving surgery would look like when done on heart shape type of face? I want to get it done but I feel like it would make my face really oblong or squished looking. Idk.

>> No.8011625

Oh, thank god.
Would I look good with blunt bangs?

>> No.8011626
File: 686 KB, 500x281, squiiish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit doing this.

>> No.8011630

wait why the fuck am i in there? i'm >>8011597
and >>8011609

>> No.8011631

Becuase you're responding to a damn troll you asshat.

>> No.8011637
File: 60 KB, 640x480, 141224-181331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my face round or square?

>> No.8011667
File: 104 KB, 853x893, jm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an oval face. I think if you have surgery it would look fine but why bother? Oval shape is considered the most desirable.

Definitely a square. Just because your face is softer and you don't have gaunt cheeks doesn't mean it's round. You have a nice face shape.

You're an oval is my guess since your chin is wider. Your jawline is amazing.

This is making me question my face shape as my jaw is not wide. I have always thought I was a heart since my chin is small and I have a five head but now I'm not sure.

>> No.8011688 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 480x609, uh diamond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I, I'm too tired to figure out.

>> No.8011693

a faggot

>> No.8011695

im 5"2 and i have a small round face with big brown eyes , i used to like it back when i was super into jap culture since thats the beauty standard there people always said i looked like an anime character, but im not a weeb anymore and its so annoying looking like a 12 year old, guys my age /little bit older rejecting me because i look too young, anyways is there any tutorials on how to contour a round face??

>> No.8011696
File: 47 KB, 437x522, Photo on 12-24-14 at 6.40 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry for the messy hair and shit quality webcam pic

>> No.8011700

Heart, and an adorable one at that

>> No.8011702
File: 243 KB, 1258x580, makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic is me
I believe I'm a long shape, but it would be nice to hear it confirmed.

I'd say heart, imo.

>> No.8011705

bumping for good makeup resources once you know your face shape?

>> No.8011706
File: 132 KB, 640x480, 20141224_105549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking heart/long, I'm not sure though...

>> No.8011710


Square by this chart, but Heart on comparison to what actual common usage for the term is. Everything on google image search has super round-shape faces with squared jaws for 'Square', but this chart's got a much pointier chin for that shape?

You look more like an Oval shape with not super prominent cheekbones to me. Neither your chin or forehead seem particularly long compared to the rest of your face proportions. Could be a mix of both though who knows

>> No.8011714

You look like an oval/heart, to me. Like an oval with a more prominent/defined chin.
It's hard to tell without seeing your forehead, but I'd say oval/long.

>> No.8011719

Long. Your face isn't really as pointy as I'd expect for Heart, the curve of your jaw is pretty softened. It's not super long/narrow or disproportionate to your features though, you look cute.

Your haircut visually widens your face a bit and suits you really well!

>> No.8011735

Please grow your hair out and become Liv Tyler

>> No.8011741
File: 41 KB, 672x438, 97865435441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a fucking ugly round face as fuck. It bothres me all my life.
It's so fucking awful, makes me look like I'm fat, which I'm not, but my face is just so fucking round, like the moon. My only chance is to frame it to oblivion with my hair around it.
I can never wear ponytails without looking like utter shit.

>> No.8011972
File: 557 KB, 471x553, face2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas, /ceeg/? I've always thought round.

>> No.8011982

I think it's really cool that you look so good without bangs. I look derp with a bare forehead and constantly rearranging that bit of hair lol

>> No.8011985
File: 25 KB, 317x305, faceshape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me seagulls, I want to know what mine is but all I can see is upside down pentagon. I got big cheeks and jaw, and a small chin.

>> No.8012002

Structure is more oval, you just have slight chub in your cheeks.

>> No.8012010
File: 28 KB, 348x434, fivehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diamond maybe? Depends how wide your forehead is, too.
I'd say oval.

Oval or diamond, seagulls?
>tfw both parents have weak chins

>> No.8012012

Heart or triangle

>> No.8012021

Oval with nice cheekbones

>> No.8012148

>tfw op is a moron because we had this in a makeup thread

>> No.8012156
File: 71 KB, 247x265, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I should have put a pic with my forehead but I've always had bangs, my forehead isn't wide just tall. This is the best I can find of me I don't have a camera.

So am I diamond?

Also I would say you are an oval anon.

>> No.8012163

Except putting this much discussion about face shape in a makeup thread would piss off people who want to know more about actual makeup instead of face shapes and makeup/hairstyles that cater to them.

>> No.8012174

>encouraging fat girls to make those bitchy/angry comedy brows

now I know why they all look so retarded

>> No.8012177

Having a round face shape doesn't mean you're fat.

>> No.8012179

It doesn't, but on the other hand, being fat means you have a round face shape.

>> No.8012182

Nah, a cousin of mine is fat as hell and she has a diamond face shape

>> No.8012183

no rule without an exception I guess

>> No.8012243
File: 1.92 MB, 2400x2400, face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so I got bored and started making crappy comparison pictures.

Is me, heart fit best.
Oval fit best.
Your face was a mixture between square and heart since your jaw isn't wide enough to be a square and too wide for heart. pic related has a square overlapping since it fit better.
Long fit best for you.

If anyone else wants shitty edited pics just let me know who you are and I'll do them.

>> No.8012253
File: 122 KB, 600x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't quite figure out what mine is
like it's too soft to be square and not round enough to be round help

>> No.8012262
File: 127 KB, 886x942, IMG_20141126_182341_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse the pouty lips, but is this a heart shape?

>> No.8012277
File: 320 KB, 488x468, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what I am but whatever it is, it definitely look better with my jaw covered. That Korean moonface

>> No.8012383
File: 229 KB, 1612x756, loneliness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.8012580


>> No.8012637

Does anyone have a list of anime character or know where to find anime characters with round faces? Because most characters I've seen had heart shape faces.

>> No.8012665
File: 204 KB, 628x395, h2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm a heart shape. never been sure tho.
>not british

>> No.8012670

Why is a V shaped jaw so desirable?

>> No.8013015

>tfw big huge lips
>go on omegle, even other black people are taken aback by huge lips
bruh, im mad as hell

>> No.8013018

try hidamari sketch

>> No.8013039
File: 732 KB, 2480x3507, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big eyes
>tiny nose
>small mouth
>big lips
>v jaw
>facial symmetry
ideal female face tbh

>> No.8013041

This is a heart shape.

>> No.8013042

it's actually an anime gorl

>> No.8013046

Well yeah, but the shape it most accurately represents is heart. A lot of anime girls are heart shaped faces.

>> No.8013047
File: 93 KB, 606x640, 9876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wondering what is my face shape, I have always consirered my face to be quite round but my chin is kind of pointy though. My forehead is wide but not very tall. I asked my friend which one looks most like me in the OP pic, and she said square but my jawline isn't very strong so I don't think that's quite right.. Maybe heart? Sorry for the bad picture.

>> No.8013060

>>small mouth
>>big lips
this confuses me.... your lips ARE your mouth, aren't they?

>> No.8013069

>big lips

Actually, if you're talking about what the "Asian" beauty standards are, the lips must be small as well. Not just the mouth itself.

Only Americans care about having big lips.

>> No.8013077

>implying that a V shape includes all that

>> No.8013078
File: 124 KB, 500x749, bjd-2210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like a little baby cherub heart like this. so cute

>> No.8013082


I can't help you with the shape, but you are just the loveliest! You look awfully young though.

>> No.8013088
File: 9 KB, 236x240, blechhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a round faced fat girl and I hate those fucking eyebrows. Almost every fucking "plus size" fashion blogger that gets thousands of followers/notes has these rounded tipped drag eyebrows and I don't understand it. It's not flattering, and rarely can it be pulled off without having to completely shave your brows or at least pluck them to smithereens. I promise, as a makeup artist, everyone and their mother can do without these damned eyebrows.

>> No.8013090

I think they mean mouth opening, like the line your lips make when they're closed.

>> No.8013119

anatomically, your lips are your lips
and your mouth is your mouth
do you put lipstick on your mouth?

>> No.8013122

Regardless of race this is considered attractive to a good portion of men and women.

>> No.8013129

I think Asians like thin lips becuase it's childlike, big lips are seen as sexy and mature. Looking like a child is the Asian beauty standard for women.

>> No.8013131

Asians are always trying to make their lips look smaller. Mainly Koreans but I know the others try to do it too because of ulzzang shit.

>> No.8013139
File: 123 KB, 500x267, 8672245.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow thanks, you are so sweet!
And yeah I have a ridiculous babyface, I am 19 years old though.

>> No.8013153
File: 14 KB, 100x100, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. It seems to be next to impossible to find anime/manga/video game characters with round faces.

I shouldn't really care but it would be frustrating if people kept pointing out that I wasn't the right face shape for cosplay.

>> No.8013155

Then how do you do eyebrows proper then?

>> No.8013156

V shape jaw types don't have big lips.

>> No.8013164
File: 478 KB, 853x480, vlcsnap-00194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8013176

Is that a rule or did you make this up from your imagination?

>> No.8013255

> ITT girls that are so much more attractive than me complaining about their faces

fuck I'm cursed

>> No.8013262


You're super cute! Your face is sort of like mine but much broader/flatter and your frames just look perfect on you. It just looks so natural and balanced. Too cute... And your tiny hint of a smirk... I squee.

>> No.8013263

I'd say perfect heart

>> No.8013271


>> No.8013292

Story of my life. Right fucking here.

It sucks more for me because I have a hideously flat Asian nose, too.

>> No.8013307

literally every other girl feels this way though

>> No.8013351

Agreed, in fact it makes me look older than I am and I know it.

>> No.8013355
File: 395 KB, 1920x1080, tmp_10270-20140728_002714-834488133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't decide if I'm a diamond or a heart. Pardon my tired derpface, I'd been up for thirty hours.

>> No.8013360

Not anime, but the actor that plays Mary Margaret/Snow White has a round face.

>> No.8013363

I think they're super sexy.

>> No.8013369 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 529x561, WIN_20141225_133509 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's my face shape? Most people always says I have the "ching chong cartoons" face but I don't know how to interpret that.
>Inb4 what the fuck is that hair why do you look high what are those clothes
Sorry I just got up.

>> No.8013376
File: 130 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20141225_044420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help looking for my face shape. I think mine is square then i think its oval, when i smile my cheeks puff up making my face look round. What do you guys think? Thanks in advance!

>> No.8013377

Sorry for the huge picture haha. Didnt know it would be that big.

>> No.8013382

I think you're between oval and round.

>> No.8014186 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 540x960, prettyround.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

round bland and normal

>> No.8014567

I think you're a heart.

>> No.8014580

Sucks more for me because I have big nigga lips too.

>> No.8014617
File: 19 KB, 231x325, Snapshot_20141225_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the horrifying pic... what the fuck is my face shape? I have jaw issues, so it's kinda long and weird.

>> No.8014623

It looks like you probably have a weak chin. These face shape charts are shit if you have one because even if you take the styling advice for your shape it still probably won't look right to you.

I'm not really sure what a good fix for this is, and google doesn't yield many results other than plastic surgery.

>> No.8014643


Oh, um... thanks

>> No.8014646

Oval, how dumb are you ?

>> No.8014649


I always thought it might be long/oblong. Thanks for your input.

>> No.8014668
File: 58 KB, 256x350, idk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Square, heart, diamond? I don't even know anymore.

>> No.8014671
File: 625 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20141226_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is round as fuck, right?

>> No.8015089
File: 52 KB, 540x960, hooded eyes a shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my face /cgl/
seriously tho, I can't really tell if I'm like a diamond or what. I always thought my face was more square but I'm not sure whether that was just because my chin was throwing me off because it's fairly square and a little bit cleft-y (not that you can see here). Also, joining in on the tiny mouth crowd. I reckon if my mouth were wider my nose wouldn't look so huge but oh well

>> No.8015091

looks round mate

>> No.8015096

>do I have a desirable face shape or am i really just a moon?

>> No.8015097

Diamond, you have prominent cheekbones even with a little chub. That, or V/inverted triangle.

More square. Your jaw is well defined and sharp at the joints.

Oval, get a chin implant.

Diamond/inverted triangle (dat strong chin) heart shaped faces are generally characterised by higher cheekbones and a widow's peak.

>> No.8015101

>get a chin implant.

That's a thing for people who didn't shoot their jaw off trying to kill themselves?

>> No.8015103


>> No.8015110
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, img-119735856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes thank u friend for recognising my layers

>> No.8015115
File: 28 KB, 342x232, 1407060807_93357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds half sarcastic, half not. But chin implants are a real thing. You can re-shape your face entirely with implants now; cheekbones, jaw, chin... Surgery for people who have those super sticky-outy ears. Chins and jawlines are often seen as a 'welp gotta learn to love it' thing, but you can get augmentations that are purely cosmetic.

>> No.8015116
File: 23 KB, 600x400, bel-red-chin-implant-2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes a huge difference.

>> No.8015131

Thank you for your reply.

We all gotta be something. Just sayin

>> No.8015135

>>8014668 diamond

>> No.8015136

gosh you're cute

>> No.8015141

gosh you're a virgin

>> No.8015143

I just don't understand how you could totally eliminate 'round' as your face shape? Round faes can be super cute, you just need the right haircut and colour (darker colours give your face darker shadows, and bangs/fringes frame it) You look like you have thin hair but at least it's dark. Just... cut your fringe and buy something like 'secret extensions'. It's literally like a thin, nylon hairband thing that has extra hair? Idk. It's a half head of extensions and I have about three-four friends who have worn them and it looks natural.

>> No.8015146

In 90% of all cases recessive chins a the result of unhealthy nutrition and wrong breathing during early childhood which leads to an underdevelopment of the lower jaw and which could be completely avoided if parents took their children to a speech therapist by the first noticable signs of mouth breathing.
It's that easy, really. Lots of stupid cosmetic surgeries could have been avoided if people took these signs seriouly.

>> No.8015150

it could have been an honest mistake, why are you so butthurt about her face shape

>> No.8015154

I have nothing against round face shapes, I just did not think that fit the bill as closely as it could because my cheekbones are the widest point of my face and pretty prominent. But like I said, the charts were confusing to me.

Thank you for the hair suggestions. I will have to look into those extensions out of curiosity. They seem easy to wear and way cheaper than actual extensions which I was told last a few months max and for a full set would cost like $500. I don't normally wear my hair pulled back like that, just did it for the thread so it would be easier to determine shape. My hair is rather fine but I have a lot of it so they sort of negate each other. I typically wear it so it skims the sides of my face and do more sideswept bangs. Thanks again.

>> No.8015155
File: 93 KB, 720x960, face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I actually never knew that. I always assumed it was genetics. I guess if you don't build enough jaw strength up then it won't develop properly. But still, it's nice that it can be fixed! I never really thought much about my face shape until I saw people who lacked a strong jaw line and my male friend mentioned that he had his ears pinned back.

I'm gonna put my face up here. I'm getting a nosejob in a few months and a little botox above my brows (to give me more eyelid space) but I'm... lucky? I guess. For a fatty-chan.

>> No.8015157

as a reference, I've always considered myself to have a heart shaped face mainly due to my widow's peak. I can't wait to lose weight because I'm going to have deadly cheekbones.


>> No.8015170

It's rarely genetic, most of the time, it's just a result of a wrong development, the wrong food and the wrong breathing technique. It can only be fixed through therapy at a very young age though, ideal age would be 6-7 years, the younger the better. After completed puberty all chances are gone because the skull is completely developed and then you have to undergo surgery in order to get it fixed.

>> No.8015175

Yeah, makes sense. I can't believe these poor people have no chins/jaws because of neglect. So its early symptoms are speech issues? Makes sense. I'm just so glad I don't have a non existent chin. I've always felt sorry for those that have the whole face/neck thing, now I'll feel even worse for them.

>> No.8015183

Some symptons would be breathing through the mouth and a struggle to keep the mouth unconsciously closed, the kid feeling more comfortable with running around the mouth being open, and chewing with open mouth, snoring. When the kid has struggle to stop with this behavior even though the parents constantly tell the kid to close their mouth there is something wrong.
Severe speech issues are rarely a symptom with mouth breathing. That's why it often remains unrecognized until puberty.

>> No.8015184

What fucking kind of crack are you smoking? Mouth breathing does not cause recessed chins...

>> No.8015191

It does, google is your friend anon:

>> No.8015201

I'm really surprised about this. I am the same person who has been talking about the chin surgery but I'm such a mouth breather that I need about 1L of water every morning. i've had both my tonsils and adenoids removed due to breathing problems but... hey. I think my face is pretty decent. I also have verrrry narrow nasal passages (which is why lots of p.surgeons don't want to fuck with my nose). Maybe I was just brought up on a really good diet? I mean, I can't remember my family ever doing microwave meals or takeaway. I suddenly feel very grateful for genetics.

>> No.8015207

you have facial hair.
you aren't a guy??

>> No.8015214

Basically everyone in my immediate family is a mouth breather due to inherited sinus issues/allergies, and not a single one of us has a weak chin or "chronic mouth breather expression."
Genetics probably play a bigger role than you're making them out to.

>> No.8015222

>person who is white as fuck and hasn't ever heard of facial waxing.

I'm >>8015155 and have to wax my upper and lower lip, as well as my 'side burns'. It's /awful/. I also have some hairs under my chin, but I just pluck them. It's seriously a horrible, horrible thing. But I'm diagnosed with hormonal imbalances. It's something that some girls have to live with, unfortunately.

>> No.8015223

I would pin it to genetics and maternal health/nutrition as well. What a mother eats and does while pregnant has a huge impact too.

>> No.8015227

A lot of people wax their upper lip and side burns anon. Especially those of us with dark hair and very light skin.
Of course I haven't heard of waxing the lower lip and chin, but eh

>> No.8015236

Fellow round-square hybrid here. I feel like I have the most unfortunate face shape but you seem cute anon.

My problem is I have very thin hair, so I can't even have decent bangs to hide my huge ass forehead and make my huge face look more graceful. Ugh.

>> No.8015240

I always thought my sideburns were unusual. A few years ago I spoke to a guy I had a huge crush on and brought it up, and he was like 'nah all girls have that in some way or another' which made me feel 100% better.

My chin has very bristly pale hairs, and some dark ones. My neck has about six dark hairs, but they aren't coarse so I sometimes don't notice them? I went to the hairdresser once and you know how you have to tilt your head back for your hair to be rinsed? When I realised I had dark hairs on my neck I cried and the ladies there got out tweezers and pulled them out for me. It was just mortifying.

My natural hair is actually light-ish blonde/brown and everything else (including legs, pubes, a few hairs on my tummy and all my brows/facial hair) is very dark. It's odd. I've learned to deal with it all, but I just wish that I could get something like an oestrogen injection to make it go away. I'm already on a fairly oestrogen heavy pill, but all it does is stop my deadly cramps and periods.

>tfw you are doing all you can and it's not really enough

>> No.8015244

Dark hair is permanent, Anon. The proper term for it is terminal hair, once it grows in it's there for life unless you damage the follicle enough.

>> No.8015437

ITT nasty hoes who all think their fishheads are shaped like pink hearts

>> No.8015454

I never snored nor chewed with my mouth open as a child, but I did mouth breathe quite a bit due to very bad allergies and asthma (had to use a nebulizer all the damn time.) My allergies and asthma are nearly non-existent at this point and I never mouth breathe unless I have some severe allergic reaction for whatever reason. My sister has an overbite without any of this, though.
Anyways, has anyone here ever had jaw surgery? I would really like to correct my overbite (dad wouldn't allow us to have braces as a child) and am curious to hear testimonies.

>> No.8015460


>> No.8015462

4chan is 18+

>> No.8015477
File: 72 KB, 375x529, Clean Hoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think that was the hoe you were looking for.

>> No.8015680

Yeah, I have a dip. in beauty therapy (aestheticians for america) and it's just the worst. I wax/pluck as soon as new hair comes back but I haven't done a course in IPL and I'm considering it because I did electrolysis and it did nothing for me.

>> No.8015774

>paying for cosmetical surgery instead of losing weight
Your nose will lose weight with you. Trust me, I used to be moderately fat and you wouldn't believe how hard your face changes.

>> No.8015777

>Your nose will lose weight with you.
Please. Her face isn't fat at all. Nose is not the prime fat storage location.

>> No.8015782

The face stores more fat than you would think. Especially the neck does, and that kind of affects the look of your face, too.
Her face is kind of bulbous. Exactly that would go away if she lost weight instead of getting a nosejob and botox.
I'm only saying this because I actually looked incredibly similiar to her when I was weighing more.

>> No.8015784

The fucking neck isn't the nose. Keep talking about unrelated stuff please. Her nose won't get skinny.

>> No.8015794
File: 182 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oval or long? I'm currently losing weight, but I'm worried that it's going to make my fucked off jaw more prominent. Oh well, doing it for the burando.

>> No.8015805

Does anyone have a guide on what hair styles work with what face type?

>> No.8015819

You can have your overbite corrected with braces and orthodontics. See an orthodontist. I had a crossbite that I had fixed with a jaw expanding device and braces.

>> No.8015833
File: 13 KB, 320x240, 10150432783021549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always thought I was heart but I guess I'm diamond?

>> No.8015841

You're very pretty. I could see you being a Flapper back in the twenties

>> No.8015842

Damn. You are quite the lady.

>> No.8015846

OP here. Thanks - I appreciate the input.

>> No.8015867

Gibe makeup tips

>> No.8015883

Wow, are you even real? You look like that one actress from that first Captain America movie.

>> No.8015902

What do you think your face is made of, fucktard, only lean muscle? There's a layer of fat over most of your face.
This includes the fucking nose. The nose is in your face. I am talking about the nose.
inb4 your poor reading comprehension again accuses me of "avoiding the topic"

>> No.8015927

Her nose will not shrink significantly from losing weight. I will keep saying that until you admit you're wrong or shut the fuck up about how the rest of the face can be massively fat.

>> No.8016001


tfw totally skipped for 2 days

>> No.8016008
File: 817 KB, 480x640, filtered to hell and back u betcha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd love some help on identifying my face shape, and if it's good for male characters (with proper contouring), since thats all i've ever done with my bitch idiot self
>inb4 filters because u betcha

>> No.8016085

>Her nose will not shrink significantly from losing weight. I will keep saying that until you admit you're wrong
So you're denying that a nose has fat in it?

Damn anon, sounds like you just don't know shit about anatomy. Doesn't matter wether you keep saying that or not, you're wrong.

>> No.8016093

Fat is fucking everywhere. Doesn't mean you just only need to be skinny to change the shape of your body. If you have a big fucking jew nose no amount of starvation will change that. You can still have big udders, noses, ears and whatnot as a skinny person.

>> No.8016112

Well I though you were a guy in that pic if that helps. You look like you have a good androgynous face

>> No.8016128

>inb4 tumblr transboy

>> No.8016157

No way, if you're skinny that automatically makes you a beautiful goddess with no flaws.

>> No.8016168


Not really. I'm 64 kg but I'm ugly as sin with my round face and big lips.

>> No.8016174
File: 7 KB, 200x200, 133984365926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8016177

Yes, you stupid nigger.

Does that make getting a nosejob when you're fat any less retarded?
How about you lose weight first to see if the problem solves itself? It'd be a win-win.

You're such a fucking retarded person.

>> No.8016178


...64kg is skinny?

>> No.8016179

you're both fucking retarded
>what's sarcasm guys? sounds like sjw shit

>> No.8016182

Depends on your height and gender. I'm guessing that there is a short woman.

>> No.8016184

>short woman
dun goof'd, meant to say short man
64kg seems pretty standard for a manlet

>> No.8016192

I'm almost 184 cms so yeah I'm underweight.

>Sounds like sjw shit.

No need to be defensive anon. I'm not >>8016174. Some people think this anon, especially in 'Murica and some other countries.

>> No.8016194

Hard to tell what's sarcasm only through text. Stay mad, dickwad.

>> No.8016199

Hello, I'm >>8014617

I never mouth breathed or anything. I just had an overbite my whole life. So it's mostly dental issues.

>> No.8016218

i'm that pic and i gotta say >pls no

>> No.8016269

I'm 110kg and the same height and I'm not that jacked
jesus christ mr skeltal

>> No.8016297

Yeah I've been pretty sick lately. Trying to get that taken care of. It's the result of not eating right/taking a lot of antibiotics/antibiotics don't work as good from taking so many of them for infections like UTIs.

So yeah being skinny isn't that all cracked up to be.

>> No.8016447

omg. Okay, that's me in the photo. I've been to three different surgeons (my initial consultation was because I actually have a raised bump on my nose, but you can't see it anywhere else but in profile) and all of them brought up the width of my nose.

Noses are cartilage, when you lose weight you will not lose the broadness of something. That's like saying 'hey, i'm tall, but it's nbd because i'm gonna shrink when I diet!'

Bodies do not work that way. You're wrong. Read a book. I wish it were that simple but this has been an issue I have had forever and it just won't go away without the help of a scalpel.

>> No.8016454

Dang girl I can see a gorgeous face under those lipids
Is it your interest to lose weight or are you happy? Either way you look pretty good. One of the chubby people who got more lucky in the genetic lottery.

Apparently you can make your nose look narrower if you inched your eyebrows closer together, or in this case, milimeter'd.
Otherwise just wear tinted lip balm a lot. Bigger looking lips + lip moisturization. Or try lip liner tattoo but you gotta find a reaaaaally good beautution for that

>> No.8016458

Could be that Frontal Camera warp, but maybe wear bangs

I say oval

>> No.8016467

Next time you take a photo that's not from the top you wannabe

Cutest fat face I ever seen

>> No.8016469

sorry I was meant to reply to this asshole

>> No.8016474

Nothing like a heart, otherwise it's one hideous long heart.



>> No.8016481

Can confirm, I had this.

>> No.8016492

Diff anon, your nose could look smaller when losing weight since the surrounding tissue aka the fat in the cheeks can push the nose slightly out, thus making it look larger.. Other then that you're correct, just wanted to add that!

>> No.8016524

Yeah! I know. I mean, losing weight will have an effect on my face but there isn't a lot of fat there in the first place. I carry it in my lower half, so gut and upper thighs. As I said, I think I've been gifted with a great face shape/structure and just want to loose that little bit of fat that are holding my cheekbones in from slicing people open.
I'm planning on two hours of exercise a day (just starting with uphill walks, since I've already done my 'flat' ones and then working up to jogging and biking) but my nose is problematic regardless. My biggest issue with it has been how it looks when I stand profile to a camera, but the first PS I went to was like 'well it's a bit bulbous...' and it changed my view on my nose forever.

>> No.8016543

Yeah that can't be very nice to hear, i lost some weight but ended up not liking how sunk in my eyes looked so i gained some again haha.
But i hope the weight loss goes without too much trouble and that you'll be happy with your nose one day

>> No.8016559

Thanks! I'm actually going to get fillers under my eyes as well because, even now, I have very sunken in eyes with folds of skin under them (my foundation catches there too so it's worse). Idk, I'm fairly okay with my face so it's not like I have huge insecurity problems, it could just be better, so I'm going to do that. If you have the financial means to make yourself happy (like buying $400 lolita dresses) then you should do it! :)

Anyway, thanks again. I hope it all goes well too! But a little extra weight in your face is often what older celebs swear by. It fills out everything really well if you're built for it, so I'm glad that you decided to put a lil' on!

>> No.8016584

Yeah, I usually have rounded straight across bangs but I'm in that awkward side-bang-for-sight phase atm. Thank you for your feed back! Warp might be true, I never thought of that. My phone is cracked af

>> No.8016616
File: 249 KB, 1500x1000, kylie-jenner-lips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd never really given much thought to my face before, but now that you (and that other anon) has said that I can kind of see it I think? That's a little bit of a booster, thank you anon.

I might have won the face lottery, lucked out everywhere else, though. PCOS + appley body shape means I carry all my weight in my stomach and look like I'm pregnant. I'm looking to lose at least some weight though, yeah. I was previously living in an abusive + unhealthy environment and one of my coping mechanisms is to binge eat but I'm finally out of that so it's time to change those habits. Conveniently in time for the new year too, new year, new me and all that.

I generally have my brows just the tiniest little bit closer together but I was a little overzealous with my plucking this week. Lip liner tatts look terrifying tbh, I might just see if I can hit up kylie jenner for some lip liner tricks instead

>> No.8016623

I had a teacher who had her entire lipstick painted on in like a coral-pink sort of colour? It worked really well as a base but also, obviously, made it look like she had lipstick on even when she didn't. Apparently it is relatively inexpensive, but it does require maintenance every two years or so.

>> No.8016626

your skin is so clear holy shit

>> No.8016646

You look like Margaret Palermo if she were actually pretty.

>> No.8016844

it's not hard i promise

>> No.8016862

>have 1 cheek dimple
>have a chin dimple
>only 1 cheek dimple looks weird/incomplete
>chin dimple makes my chin look like an ass

Why genetics why

>> No.8016902
File: 1.12 MB, 780x870, ds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worst face shape ever. It looks bad in 90% of pictures and I need a good angle to not look like a giant square. I also need to not smile to not look like a ball.

I'm am pretty sure I have a square face but I am face retarded.

Also there a good way to ensure when cosplaying that you almost always have the photog taking a good angle or do you just have to rely on them not being aesthetically retarded?

>> No.8016904
File: 970 KB, 500x459, tumblr_nbvqbafODF1rmmysao1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing that master race smile with one dimple is da best

>> No.8017040
File: 541 KB, 1920x1080, 0928140044a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can never figure out my face shape.
Oval? Diamond? I'm on the right.

>> No.8017064
File: 213 KB, 632x842, plsnobulli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought it was round, it looks less pointy and square irl but now I'm uncertain.

>> No.8017076

oval/round, you're very pretty btw
can't tell from that angle
looks oblong, you remind me of Tina Fey
heart, you look like that villain from Sherlock

>> No.8017108

all coalburners have diamond faces

>> No.8017132

>that villain from Sherlock

>> No.8017297
File: 47 KB, 843x1124, IMG_57122785695674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help :(? I never know how to shape my brows
I was thinking im an oval but I have no idea tbh

>> No.8017301

R-Really? I think it might just be the crappy webcam quality, I even have a chin zit in the middle picture.

I have to agree with the other anon, 1 dimple is god tier. One of my best friends has it and it's so cute.

>> No.8017316
File: 62 KB, 386x514, Andrew-Scott_reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks oval, yeah
this guy

>> No.8017323

Your eyebrows are too far apart. Especially the one on the right. did you accidentally shave it off or something?

>> No.8017333

They look far apart? Damn I didnt realise I was that bad at plucking

>> No.8017342

I also only have one dimple but i think it's cute

>> No.8017392
File: 278 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to the measurements I took I'm an oval but I think my jaw looks more round or even square in some angles? I have no idea at this point.

>> No.8017521
File: 34 KB, 354x520, muh face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always considered myself either heart shaped or oval but wondering what others think.

Also what shape are my eyes? I look at the chart and back at my eyes and I can never tell. I want to say almond because that's the most normal, but then I feel like I'm forcing myself to see myself with almond eyes.

>> No.8017526
File: 883 KB, 587x934, huehue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really have no idea. Oval or square maybe?

>> No.8017753
File: 122 KB, 420x420, ( ´‿ゝ`).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8017823
File: 151 KB, 786x532, faceshape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the longest time, I was positive that I had a very round face. after seeing OP's pic related, though, I looked at my most recent selfie (left in my photo) and now I'm not sure whether I'm oval or round??
I weigh the same in both pics, and both were taken full on, no weird angles or anything. Any seagulls wanna help a girl out?

>> No.8018321

I think it looks different because you are smiling. On the left your chin is more pronounced probably because you sort of stick your chin out when you smile? At least that's what I do. Anyway, your chin is still noticeable on the right but because you aren't smiling it doesn't look as pronounced.

Final verdict: oval

>> No.8018369

Dunno, but you look just a bit like Carmen from the L word. Might be the lips.

>> No.8018566
File: 74 KB, 477x960, IMG_79248124502091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, she's gorgeous but I look nothing like her. Hopes and wishes, my friend.

>> No.8019212

You are adorable!

>> No.8019424

I'm >>8015207
Shit, I didn't know people had it that bad.
What do you all use to wax your faces?
I have some facial hair as well, but I'm a tranny see, so it's a little bit different.

>> No.8019429

They should start at your nostril, not the end of your nose. You're missing like 2cm, it's not flattering.

>> No.8019431

your boyfriend(?) is cute.
your face is wider at the top, and it narrows, going from that pic and>>8018566
I'm definately gonna say Oval. Maybe diamond, but right now I think that there are just alot of variations possible in the oval face shape.
>angled picture
guessing oval though.

>> No.8019434
File: 912 KB, 1600x869, :cgl: - Face Shape 2014-12-28 04-31-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe this will help

>> No.8019468

Shiti am missing a lot of brow huh
I never realised I was so pluck happy woops, guess its time to git gud at brow filling till it grows back through
Thank you!

>> No.8020114

you're an oblong and oval hybrid cutie

>> No.8020253
File: 186 KB, 1055x1064, Screenshot_2014-12-28-14-28-31~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's mine?

>> No.8020963
File: 17 KB, 640x480, My Snapshot80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY WHAT AM I? inb5 long. Also who should I cosplay as?

>> No.8020966


>> No.8020990
File: 897 KB, 1440x2560, 20141226_181718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite. I think I have a square face after looking at some of the charts in here. Apologies for the blur face, selfie mode is now a thing on the Note phones.

>> No.8021150


I say oval but could be diamond. Hard to tell from that black bar.

Looks diamond because widest at temples

I'm agreeing with round. There's no tapering from your cheeks to your chin or temples.

Oval. Your chin is slightly defined but otherwise there's no angles

Looks square and also like Tina Fey


I agree with oval

Heart face, not sure about eyes.

Can't enlarge pic because .png but judging by the thumbnail I'd say square? Angled pics don't work.

Diamond? Your face is too angled/covered to really tell.

Long heart

Your jawline looks too smooth to be square. I'm going with heart.

>> No.8021494

My fucking phone does the same thing and it's so annoying. It really sucks when I have a pimple and it tries to auto correct it and hit it and it only looks worse, I wish you could turn that shit off.

>> No.8022628
File: 205 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 9-24-13 at 3.44 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some makeup techniques to make your chin look smaller? I think mine is pretty wide and to make matters worse it's kind of a butt chin.

Also, I think I'm oval but I'm not sure. What do you guys think?