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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7995878 No.7995878 [Reply] [Original]

So now that the fire from the burning train's been extinguished, what's next for Ireland?

>> No.7995929

Your Ma !!

>> No.7995986

Was the last thread deleted? Fuck, I wanted to read some more of the fuckery

Anyone have any links to con reports?

>> No.7996038

My god lads, give it a rest. Ireland is a tiny country with like, eight cons at which precisely nothing happens ever.

We don't need a constant general ffs.

>> No.7996045


>> No.7996058

We have at nearly a con a month actually, and we have more drama than countries three times our size.
We do need a general, if you don't like it then just don't look at it.
Who's going to Akumakon? Is anyone else excited to meet Patrick Seitz?

>> No.7996148

Cry more!

>> No.7996157

Only on this board because some lads on another board told me this one has the most boards.

Anyway why do we have a presence here?

>> No.7996458

Same as this anon.
Did anyone eventually post pics?
I saw some on FB, not a ball pit in site!

What about the video that was coming?
More stories about staff?
Did anyone actually cosplay?

>> No.7996661


>> No.7996666

Why did you fuck off from /int/ and now force these generals of what you have no interest in?

Not complaining tbh, stay away from it you fat fuck.

>> No.7996981


Dear God you must love beating a dead horse as much as you love beating off a horse .
Give it a rest.

>> No.7997007

>other countries are allowed have con/cosplay generals all the time
>Irish cons and the people who go to them are discussed at length
>Ireland is fucking tiny yet these threads always manage to hit the bump limit in a fraction of the time it takes a country ten times our size to do on /cgl/

Whinge all you want lads, cosplayers and cons are always discussed in these threads yet the same two or three people make a habit of crying about these threads the minute they go up. I'd call that pissing in the wind onto a dead horse. Filter it if you don't want to see it, otherwise you're just as bad as the Beast.

>> No.7997031

Discussed? O really most people just use this thread to stir shit you fat fucks. Because we are so small its only a matter of time before one of the threads targets will end of offing themselves or shooting up a convention.
At least give it a break over the Xmas season

>> No.7997034

>people bitching about other people
>on /cgl/

I'm shocked and appalled. Alert the media immediately! This WILL NOT STAND.

Giving your crying up over the Christmas season would be a better idea.

>> No.7997040

>its only a matter of time before one of the threads targets will end of offing themselves or shooting up a convention.

Nice hyperbolic shitposting. Are you Potsy's apprentice or something?

>> No.7997051


It's only a matter of time before Ireland has its own Chlorine Gas attack

>> No.7997101

It'd be merciful and you know it

>> No.7997102

What happened to the last thread which had the fail train on it's opening picture?

Did Nathan get it deleted or something?

>> No.7997123

That thread and the one before it were deleted, yes.

>> No.7997131

It got deleted very shortly after some mong posted the little girl dressed as pikachu in the thread. So I'm guessing that was the reason for it's deletion.

>> No.7997152

Yeah, that was poor show. Anon was doing so well with the edits up until that point

>> No.7997276


Its just one guy from /int/ who keeps making them because the shitty threads over there died.

If you criticise the his threads or make comments like you did, he just tells you to "stop whinging" or "quit your complaining, cry some more!"

etc. Just ignore it.

>> No.7997283
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>mfw two of the more recent threads weren't even made by me

The tears, they sustain me

>> No.7997376

I thought your constant masterbating to pony porn sustains you

>> No.7997384

I've made Irish threads in the past and i've never even been on /int/
I just find the drama delicious.

>> No.7997409
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>this board has the most boards

>> No.7997827
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I just want to say emigrants have ruined the Irish parts of the internet for the past number of years

>i do miss muh le tayto and muh barry's tea ;__; turn off le immersion XD

>> No.7997838

Fucking hate ex-pats, they never shut up about Ireland when they're gone and they're the most insufferable arseholes about the most minor things when they're back for any length of time.
>The bus would NEVER be this late in Australia, this country is a disgrace
Great, fuck off back there, then.

>> No.7997841

emigrants and heritagefags are the biggest cancer of this country
with the exception that heritagefags actually buy our shit, annoying as they are

>> No.7997844
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I see you people and us Slavs share a great many similarities when it comes to expats
>outside of the country
"muh motherland! greatest country on earth! remove kebab! god is a serb!"
>back in the country
"god what a shithole! you are all criminals! Well back in CANADA we actually have functioning railways! And people get paid!"

>> No.7997858

half the fucking people who comment on Irish rebel songs on youtube are Serbs

>> No.7997863

top kek
I wonder why. Aside from obnoxious expats we don't really have much in common, unless you count one rock band from the 90s.

>> No.7998139

Someone should shop Nathan's pimply face onto this

>> No.7998811

Ah now here, We still got a little more time to talk about the failtrain at least until more drama comes about. Discussing plastic paddy's is meh at best.

Now where are those pics and fire up that video if there's one! This shit keeps me warm in the coldness of winter

>> No.7998812

A lot of people missed the thread just as info started pouring in.

>> No.7998864

Is there any Irish lolita activity at all?

>> No.7998911

Oh absolutely.

There are too lolita groups in Ireland, the amazing group and the baby group

The girl who ran the lolita panels are Arcade and Eirtkaon is in the amazing group. they don't really go to cons but they're always at the japanese picnic in the summer and they all look amazing and just perfect

the baby group are what they sound like. they're at all the cons and are the 'weeaboo lolita' kind.

>> No.7998912

There's only one major com in Ireland is there not? Well a good one anyway

>> No.7998915
File: 71 KB, 435x750, tumblr_n2wh9zYFnH1s0alb0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you look up 'irish lolita' on Tumblr you'll see some posts by some member of the good group
>pic related
I don't think I've ever seen her at a con but her outfits are amazing

>> No.7998917
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>also pic related
these girls are so high standard it's great

>> No.7998919
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and then there's the 'baby' group
all you have to do is stick your head into any nom con to get a glimse

>> No.7998920

Very qt. I never see any of them around the city though, feels bad.

>> No.7998921

Yeah, there's one major com and one excuse for what they call a 'com'

>> No.7998924

I've seen them once or twice and they're always so pleasant in appearance and manners

I've chatted to the first girl (in the reddish wig) before and she was nothing but lovely

>> No.7998929

jesus fucking christ
do they actually class that shit as lolita?
what a joke, I'm pretty sure none of those are actual dresses
I know the whole 'brand' arguement is a big deal and I've seen a lot of girls wear knock offs and bodyline and actually manage to make them look decent, but this is dismal
>knock offs and pieced togther shit from penneys

>> No.7998932

>the second one from the left

That's a man, baby!

>> No.7998938
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I've been waiting for the perfect moment to break this out


>> No.7998942

I don't know where or what this is from but I need it

This is perfect for every fucking thread on this board


>> No.7998944

I thought women loved Penneys if it was for anything non-expensive? I never thought a woman would actually try to piece together a coord from there though, jaysus.

>> No.7998949

who needs brand when you have penneys, anon

>> No.7998950

But burando looks so pretty.

>> No.7998951

but anon, penneys offer such high quality alternatives as seen above in that line up photo?

Everything is fitter so well and I mean, they look so good they don't even need pettis!

>> No.7998953


Speaking of burando, she owns Iron Gate

>cries in a corner
>dream dress/skirt
>more expensive than my house
>but damn she wears it so well so the sadness is eased

>> No.7998954

I think you're onto something here. The burando is starting to seem more and more unnecessary.

I'm surprised the up-and-comers aren't wearing converse with their coords

>> No.7998956

>look up an Iron Gate skirt
>one sold for $650

Fucking hell. I knew getting into burando wouldn't be easy on the pocket but I didn't think yiz had it this bad. There was me feeling bad spending €100 on a new PSU for my new PC build.

>> No.7998957

How can Iron Gate be more expensive than your house?

>> No.7998958
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>> No.7998959

How didn't I notice that in the first photo. Dayum girl.

>> No.7998960

it was a joke, anon.
It's obviously not more expensive than my fucking house
it's just really expensive

>> No.7998961

I'm starting out and I've bought two reasonable priced dresses second hand

Second hand Angelic Pretty + Second hand Innocent World = $450ish for me which wasn't awful because I'd been saving for a long time

>still haven't bought blouses or pettis yet

>> No.7998965

I can't imagine how you'd feel if you were out either and people came over and started trying to touch your burando, or how paranoid you'd be somebody would spill something on it or something.

I think it's all worth it though, I think it's a very tasteful/wonderful fashion and it's a shame we don't see more of it in the city or all over the country in general.

>> No.7998967

that's something I'm worried about yeah
I think I'll only wear it to meets (if one of the groups doesn't mind me attending at some point) but that'd be it for the start

>> No.7998969

You never wear your stuff out from time to time regularly?

You'd probably be hailed as a goddess joining the baby group.

>> No.7998970

Like I said, I only have 2 dresses and no blouses/pettis/accessories yet so I haven't had a chance to. We'll see how it goes though. I don't really know anyone in either group so I don't know how to go about joining

>> No.7998974

I know one of them, she posts/lurks here from time to time and >>7998917 has posted here in the past too talking about her loli panel at Eirtakon. I'm sure it'd be the more the merrier. There's a Facebook group too called 'Irish Lolitas' but I don't really know how official that is.

>> No.7999097

Doesn't Sinead Lynch run one of the Lolita groups?

>> No.7999101

Is that Sinead Lynch's little butt monkey friend in the middle?

>> No.7999104

Sinead Lynch and Jessica Flanagan run the Irish loli FB group

Who are they?

>> No.7999129

Little butt monkey?
Context plz?

As far as i know they do, although to be honest, I've never seen Jessica Flanagan wear actual Lolita.. just granny clothes that could pass as Lolita-ish

>> No.7999163

You contact them via livejournal. Go to the comm list on EGL and you'll find them.

>> No.7999187

I think I'd rather spend cash on high end indie lolita than buy brand

Like this for exampe - http://www.lacemarket.us/ooak-handmade-rennaissanceelizabethan-lolita-set-including-matching-hat-and-blouse/

>> No.7999195

This looks cute, yeah. I suppose having the beret and the blouse would be nice too instead of spending insane amounts on just a single piece of burando for a coord.

>> No.7999221

Any cosplayers to look at for at cons?

>> No.7999263

Psst, newcomer Lolitas who want to buy nice things and not remortgage their homes!

I'm the girl in >>7998917 , and I buy literally every stitch of Lolita clothing I own second hand. Not from western markets either, Closetchild is where I get a lot of my stuff, and since they're Japanese, they'll literally knock €50 off something because there is an extremely faint mark on some part of the dress that isn't even visible. I've gotten quite a few of my dresses for less than €80 in near perfect condition.
While there are pieces that will always be expensive because of popularity, you can build a fairly A+ Lolita wardrobe for very cheap if you stalk Closetchild.

Also >>7999163 don't worry if you're only starting out, we'd love to have you! Drop a message to our livejournal and I can invite you to our actual group!

>> No.7999266

Ahh, meant to reply to

>> No.7999270

Try contacting them on tumblr/facebook, it's probably the easiest way to register your interest and get to know people. >>7998917 and >>7998915 are both really nice

>> No.7999271

I think she owned 2 Iron Gates tbh

>> No.7999288

Where do you get your wigs from? They look like they're good quality

I wanted to get a wig like Katrina's from Sleepy Hollow or one of the fabulous LotR wigs, discovered they LotR ones were made by a custom wig company in the UK and custom theatrical wigs can cost $3000+

>> No.7999300

I get all of mine from Lockshop Wigs, the quality is really great and they're on average around €30 each. They're totally worth it, I have one still in great condition that I got summer of last year.

>> No.7999310

Serious question
How do I become a photographer without making it obvious I'm just a creeper/horny dude?
Do I just walk around cons with an expensive camera or do I need to set something up before the event?

Also is quid pro quo something viable when it comes to taking and distributing pictures?

>> No.7999324


>> No.7999352

I've seen her wear brand from time to time, it's a little upsetting but she's actually one of the best-dressed in the babby comm, if not THE best-dressed. She always manages to look so dowdy, though.

>> No.7999388

I'm in the group too and a lot of my wardrobe is from Taobao and Bodyline (I'm picky about what I buy from them so I have the nice dresses).
Both the brand pieces I own were purchased second-hand (a blouse and a Baby jsk) and I got them for quite cheap.
I have a fairly big wardrobe now too done on a strict budget. I wear it at least twice a week too.
I sew a lot too, one of my favourite dresses is one I made myself (check out the Otome No Sewing mooks if you're interested).

The group is lovely!!

>> No.7999399

I'd personally love to go to some meet ups. I've just started so my wardrobe is still not amazing. but i have a few nice pieces as well as Bodyline. I'd be afraid of joining a group so well established for fear of being made fun of for being new. i've heard of it happening quite a lot in other comms.

>> No.7999409

Don't worry about that. The girls are very nice and you can rest assured that that won't happen.

>> No.7999416

Ah no. I'm not the anon you replied to, but we're friends. Our comm has received a few new members this year, sure if you don't grow as a group, you die out! Get in, what have you got to lose?

>> No.7999424

True. I'm just afraid since i'm new to the fashion people will snigger if i make beginners mistakes.

>> No.7999429

I agree, we've had a bunch of new members recently and they've fit in really well.
Join us!

>> No.7999430

Nope won't happen. I went to my 1st meet this year and I looked like absolute shite. However everyone there was very nice, and I'm hoping to the next meet with a much better coord. The irls in the group are lovely and even though I was very shy were nice and friendly.

>> No.7999436

Do you have many meets ups? Do many of you go? I am interested in joining once i get a bit better.

>> No.7999441

Best that you join up with us if you're scared of making little slip-ups. Nobody criticizes anyone, but I think we all act as each other's inspo and visual aids. Some of the more long-standing girls even lend items if you're stuck for an outfit for a meet.
The other group value extreme nurturing over improvement, which leads to group pictures like >>7998919
Tis up to the individual which they prefer.

Love to my homegirl.

>> No.7999464

There are a good few meets in a year, sometimes there are dry spells around exam seasons/other times when people are busy, but it's active enough. Attendance varies, I think the average would be maybe 6-7? The big meets, like Hanami in April usually have 10+ in attendance. Certainly not as big as other countries' comms, but it's not necessarily a bad thing. Still, the more the merrier and all that.

>> No.7999518

I don't remember anyone looking shite this year, haha. But I agree with you.

Yep! The girls are great for solid advice!

Love right back! (See you Sunday!)

>> No.7999537

Noooo I'm working Sunday! But thank you for the heads-up, I'll drag a co-ord in with me and try catch the end of meet café session if anyone's still about.

>> No.7999548

Oh no!
Do if you can! I know I'll still be floating around and I'm sure some of the others will too.

>> No.7999557

>I don't remember anyone looking shite this year

>>7999430 here. Thank you for your kind words. I thought honestly I looked terribad(I was in Sheep Garden, at the picnic) but it was my first coord and I hope that I'll look better at the next one.

>> No.7999569

You'll be grand!

>> No.7999578
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I never knew they did emily temple cute and they currently have the skirt version of my dream dress

>> No.7999580

Where was that picture taken? Don't really recognise anyone. I went to one meet a good while back with what I think is the baby comm? They all seemed pleasant enough and a few had nice dresses from what I can remember.

>> No.7999583

It's nom con's cosplay thing from 2013

>> No.7999592

It was actually supposed to be a J-Fashion show. And was it 2013? Could've sworn it was this year.

>> No.7999600

Ah so just a random bunch of girls then? I think I recognise the girl second from the left but she looked a lot cuter and was much better coordinated when I saw her. To be fair this is a horribly unflattering photo which makes it even worse. I'd die if I saw such a bad photo of me.

>> No.7999605

Oh yeah, that was 2013. I was approached by the guy who ran the fashion show segment and asked if I'd like to be in it, but I was kinda busy that day.
>Super nice bloke
>Had to refuse
>Felt bad

>1 week later
>Saw that photo
>Felt sort of relieved and worse at the same time?

>> No.7999612

>Kinda busy
Bit of an understatement. Now I remember, it was 2013 alright. The years are all starting to run together for me.

>> No.7999673

Glad you girls sorted something out, the more the merrier indeed. I was at the hanami in April too and your outfits were great. Was my first time going to one but I'll definitely be back!

>> No.7999805

I don't know how to feel. Is it a Christmas Miracle (TM), or a case of really bad financial timing? Do you think you're gonna buy it?

>> No.7999806

Impossible. It's always painfully obvious to women.

>> No.7999862

Your question is unclear. Do you want to be a photographer despite being a bit creepy, or are you asking if it's possible to use photography as a veil/vehicle for your creepiness?

If it's the second, don't waste your money on the equipment. You can but tissues and lube and be creepy at home via the internet. That way everybody wins.

>> No.7999865


>> No.7999990

If you're an actuakl creeper/horny dude don't bother, women can sense creepiness

>> No.7999991

I saw Crazy Lizard Lady at the Appeal the 8th Amendment meeting outside the Dail tonight

>> No.8000019

Become a good photographer.

>> No.8000057

What does JSK mean?

Also, what sizes does lolita run to? I'm slightly overweight (US 10 *Philip Lim fits me great, Dunnes Savita in the same size is a big steaming pile of shit) due to having a bit of a belly, but I have have a massive chest

Are there any Lolita brands that would fit me?

*I'm not normally able to afford Philip Lim, dress cost me about €70 secondhand, later found that it retailed at $650 new

>> No.8000087

Oh man I saw her too, in the N7 hoodie?

>> No.8000093

JSK means Jumperskirt, a term used to refer to dresses that have straps instead of sleeves of any kind, normally worn with a blouse underneath.

The standard size that Lolita brands make falls somewhere around a UK size 8-10, sometimes they cater to slightly larger or smaller sizes. A lot of taobao stores and indie brands either do bigger sizes or custom sizes, which is handy enough.

>> No.8000097

I'm the poster who originally asked if there was any lolita activity at all. Good to hear I am not the only one. I do live down the country though. Thanks for the closet child tip, managed to snag a dream dress tonight fairly cheap!

>> No.8000161

Enquire about commission from someone online
They ask for measurements
Go into a dressmaker to get measured because I don't trust myself to do it correctly
The thick in the dressmakers was 'that's not a standard measurement'
It was 'shoulder to halfway point between elbow and hand'
I dunno, but even if it's a non-standard measurement wouldn't it be something someone trained in dressmaking could actually be able to take?

>> No.8000171

And I'm pretty sure I saw you too cunt

I recognised you from Eirtakon, you were giving me some pretty serious stinkeye

Next time try not and make it so obvious aye?

>> No.8000182

Probably just didn't want to deal, there's no reason that she wouldn't be capable of doing it.

>> No.8000214

I was going to go up to Dublin today for the Sex Workers vigil(and would have stuck around for the Repeal the 8th had I realised it was on) but was sick, kinda glad I didn't now geez.

>> No.8000222

I wasn't looking for free measurements, there's a €10 charge to get measurements done

>> No.8000231

No, I mean she just didn't want to deal with possible negative consequences of giving you a non-standard measurement. The standards are set and you do them a certain way, but anything non-standard would be guess work. If you used the non-standard measurement and it wasn't measured how the person creating the garment would have done it, you could come back later and blame them, or whatever other negative scenarios. I would never expect a professional to work for free, so that wasn't what I meant.

>> No.8000528

Where? Some of us are based down the country.

>> No.8000746

What dress did you snare? I love Get! stories...

>> No.8000929

Yeah a few of us are, I'm based in Limerick and I think there are 1 or 2 others based there too.

>> No.8000953

Am based in Cavan. Not seen any frillies since moving down 3 years ago.

>> No.8000954

Chocolate fascinate fairytale in the ivory colourway. I am really excited, it's such a cute print!

>> No.8000977

Wow, excellent acquisition! Now comes the fun of planning a full outfit. I've finally figured out how to make my Christmas Co-ord work. It was going to be full shiro until the shoes I ordered were delayed (CHEERS, BABY...)
Now it'll be white with gold.

(polite sage for my riveting tale)

>> No.8001020

Hey looks like Simon that git with his Companion Cube toy made a video of OtakuCon.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNPCgd4Hj2c

>> No.8001119

inb4 deformation lawsuit

>> No.8001133

>the entire convention was run out of a hallway bar two rooms, one of which was cramped and half empty by day 2 anyway

Fucking desperate

>> No.8001190

Actually a really good video.
Bigger crowd than I thought there was but you can see the decrease on the 2nd day......maybe it was the slim hallway though......and three rooms.

On a side note: does that ballon guy go to every con???

>> No.8001230

is "creepy" the big new buzzword for feminists?

it's like you can't avoid shoving it into every sentance

>> No.8001235

To be fair, the lad basically worded his question like "I'm creepy, is there any way for me to not make this come across as obvious when I'm photographing at cons?"

>> No.8001237

No, "creepy" has long been used to describe off-putting people who have little regard for the personal comfort of others.
Accusing "feminists" of using it regularly says more about how you view men than how they do. Or perhaps it touched a nerve? Lol.

>> No.8001499

Ah, most of the culchie lolis are a bit further south! There's one or two in Donegal, though (bit far, I know), and a grand few in the North North.

>> No.8001534

Don't really like Simon but good man for doing the video! Wow it was much smaller than I thought. Anime Dublin was bigger than that and that's just a cheap 1 day event. It probably looked like there was more people cause there was fuck all space. 5 people in that corridor would make it look packed and the trade hall was crowded with mostly traders and tables with a tiny walkway for maybe 5 attendees to squeeze into. Brilliant! This has made my Christmas! The main guests must've been shocked and embarrassed by that travesty.

>> No.8001547

Does anyone have any deets on the girl who freaked out because she had a balloon phobia and balloon guy was at the con?

>> No.8001555


So being homophobic and anti-yaoi only extends to when you're not getting paid for it

>> No.8002757

I don't know why, but Irish women are just sexual kryptonite to me. I just am not attracted to them.

I was at a night club two days ago and the first girl I start chatting up is Asian, it's like I didn't even register the Irish girls when I saw her.

>> No.8002760

It depends on the woman. I'm mad for the culchies it seems.

>> No.8002771

Cosplay and J-Fashion board, pet. Try to stay relevant.

>> No.8002944

Yellow fever

>> No.8002965

As a country we've been smacked around by the genetic ugly stick.

>> No.8002972

Nothing wrong with that at all sure!

>> No.8003112

Limerick as well here

>> No.8003141

no, it's more of an attitude problem than physical appearance. I don't have anything against Irish women in that regard

yeah, keep thinking that

>> No.8003172

I always hear Irish lads saying Irish women have an attitude problem, but I can honestly say I've never really noticed one. I think they tend to be more up for a laugh than the average girl, which I'm a fan of myself. I do tend to go more for country birds, though, maybe that's it.

>> No.8003187

I'd rather have an "attitude problem" than be someone's quiet little dishwasher and servant tbh

>> No.8003201

Yeah, it seems like quite a lot of Irish lads just want a second mammy who they can also have sex with in that respect. I'd rather have a girl that I can have a laugh with, personally.

>> No.8003240

Not necessarily. Maybe if you're talking about the strictly catholic country aul' shites, but this generation of us have quite a few rides in our midst.
It comes from being a kind of a "port" country, we mix easily and decently enough with people from all over, thus broadening our gene pool and diversifying our genetics.

There are a few in the con scene who look like farm animals of various kinds, but they're the mouth-breathing minority.
So long as we're not inbred or level 9,000 aspies, we're a daycent bunch.

>> No.8003241
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instant fucking classics

>> No.8003268

does anyone have fave cosers??

>> No.8003272

Who is this one Irish person who keeps calling cosplayers "cosers" and can't spell?

>> No.8003280

you can call cosplayers cosers too...

>> No.8003307

You're literally the only one I've ever seen do it.

>> No.8003367

Fuck off Roorah you fat mess

Reminder that this and the OP is a fat boring cunt who doesn't even care about cosplaying and is the one forcing these threads

>> No.8003374

Irish lolis: your fella is randy and he wants the ride in one of your best coords. What do you do? What DO you do?

>> No.8003381

>/int/ cancer

Go away please

>> No.8003383

So who in the con scene looks like a farm animal?

>> No.8003388

fist him

>> No.8003392

Tell him no, it won't fit him.

Dunno about any of the other girls, but my significant other is NORMAL and as a result is indifferent to my lolita wardrobe and... you know... removes clothing prior to activities like that.

>> No.8003396

Like I know everybody's names.
Do I look like a copy of the Yellow Pages

>> No.8003397

i do

>> No.8003399

I can name a few heifers to be honest.

>> No.8003437

Enjoy your future divorce, I'm sure you'll make some unlucky chap very miserable and impoverished

>> No.8003443

indeed, more money for me

>> No.8003508

Like that young wan that does the horrifically ugly Misty cosplay and calls herself a "model?"

>> No.8003591

>You will never impregnate Amy King

>> No.8004448

I found the creepy guy!

>> No.8004455

The word for guys like that is "weaboo"

>> No.8004471

>look at my adjectives, see how I delight in being judgmental

>> No.8004478

Ugh, wasting triple dubs on a useless comment like that...
The dude just likes Asian girls, or at least... the stereotype of Asian girls. Let him come to the realization that they're humans by himself, and don't go watering down the tragically hilarious definition of what a weeaboo really is.

While we're on the topic, any good local Weeaboo Horror Stories?

>> No.8004480

Oh look, here he is again.

>> No.8004481

Well, Potsy is always a classic

>> No.8004483

Not really a weeaboo horror story so much as a general one, though, Potsy's not actually that weeby.

>> No.8004496

P. sure we're all bored of her now. Threads have been doing so well without her.

>> No.8004501

I dunno if it counts, but I met a girl a few years ago who was studying Japanese. I was into j-fashion so I thought "cool, that's a useful pursuit" and we got to chatting a little.
But she would only speak in fucking Japanese. Now I wasn't studying it, so I'd just let her say her piece and then go "ok cool but if it's alright with you can we carry on in English from here?"

Nope. More Japanese. I think she'd apologize for speaking Japanese IN Japanese and then keep on doing it. And her mannerisms were forced, like every sentence began with "ahhhh, so!" and she'd close her eyes when she'd smile. Just like in her undubbed Japanese animes!
I eventually had to learn to say "I do not speak Japanese" in moonspeak for her. We stopped talking shortly after.
Thanks be to god.

>> No.8004505

I always wonder about that girl. Like, do you think she carried on like that with normalfags too or just expected us to know Japanese because we're into j-fashion?

>> No.8004534

PROBABLY the latter, although I suspect her family might get some free lessons too.

>> No.8004552
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This artwork...
Looks like Nathan might keep pushing this ego-trip so we'll have many more lols to come

>> No.8004554
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When I look at the logo I can't help but think of the Soviet Union.

>> No.8004560
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>> No.8004568

I challenge anyone to read that font. Seriously what does it say?

>> No.8004574

Merry Christmas from TIFF and the OtakuCon committee

>> No.8004647

Nothing says professional like Microsoft paint.

>> No.8004684

I've told mine that too.

Same here.

>> No.8004718

It's barely legible...

>> No.8005061

I worked two years in printing and that font hurts my fucking eyes so much

>> No.8005183

Fuck off Roorah you fat mess of a cunt

>> No.8006115
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My my, somebody's a bit obsessed aren't they? That wasn't even me you fool. It's good to see you put your Saturday night to good use though :^)

>> No.8006555

Good the type of people who we talk about here are assholes anyway

>> No.8006912
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Its sad that the collage that was thrown together to mock him was made with more skill.

>> No.8007861

So how's everyone's Christmas coming along? I've got all this dosh and I've only spent it on food and drink on nights out so far. Not even a game from the Steam sale.

>> No.8007866

I'm exhausted but from Christmas onwards I have 4 days off and I'm planning co-ords and hoping to see all the pals so it should be fine.

It'll be fine.

>> No.8007867

Ooh, are they Christmas-specific coords?

>> No.8007869

Sort of, sort of not? I don't really go in for seasonal prints, but my colourschemes could be considered festive. Lots of red and white, gold accessories, tartan, so on..

>> No.8007870

Sounds good. I still don't know a whole lot about the fashion but I'd imagine some women would be adverse to shelling out a lot for a seasonal print they could only wear one time of the year and living it to sit in the wardrobe for the rest of it.

>> No.8007871

Not anon you're replying to, but you'd just wear it all winter, sure December isn't called Mí na Nollag for nothing. Prints in general aren't really my thing, though.

>> No.8007874

Well if you have the spare cash or absolutely love the print, there's nothing to stop you. I'm just an old fashioned person who prefers solids. A print has to really be something else for me to buy it, holiday-specific or not.

>> No.8007875

Makes sense! How come you guys don't like prints?

>> No.8007880

For me, I'm just more into pretty fabrics and interesting cuts, the only prints I'm really into are florals. They just aren't for me, I guess, I'm rarely drawn to them. They're grand on other people, though.

>> No.8007881

Yeah especially if it's just snowy motifs or something.
Although I'm the kind of eejit who would probably wear a winter print in June if I thought it was pretty.
(so long as it wasn't made of velveteen or smth)

>> No.8007882

I'm the kind of eejit who would 100% wear a velveteen dress in summer. And summer dresses in winter. The weather rarely occurs to me when I'm deciding what to wear, I'm stupid as hell.

>> No.8007883

They date quickly. Also, they're great for wearing to meetups once or twice, but after that you're into Mangled Chanel Suit territory. And since many are too flash for day to day wear, I find simple pieces are a better investment.

>> No.8007885

Ngl both myself and one of my friends have worn velveteen jsks during the late spring/summer.
Chiffon blouses and cold drinks all day.

>> No.8007886

> Also, they're great for wearing to meetups once or twice, but after that you're into Mangled Chanel Suit territory

Is this something that weighs heavily on every loli's mind for each meetup? Though the girls in the 'proper' Irish comm sound lovely but I'd imagine some girls get really fucking nervous thinking they're going to be silently judged for whatever they're wearing to a meet. I suppose it'd be odd to NOT think that way if you've read /cgl/ for more than a week and hear about how some lolis carry on.

>> No.8007889

To be honest, when I was first starting out and didn't have a large wardrobe, it was something I thought about a lot. I care a lot less now because I have a decent wardrobe and I know the girls are lovely anyway, so I sort of feel like I have less to prove, maybe? I imagine newbies worry about it, yeah, but they really needn't.

>> No.8007891
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>how some lolis carry on
Doesn't apply to our comm, I know everyone hears horror stories, but we're actually normal human beings with manners.
I just don't like repeating outfits more than twice because personally I start to feel visually boring.
>don't be mad at her when she's on to the next one

>> No.8007894

Good to hear you're all so accommodating. Keep up the good work lads!

>> No.8007896

I wouldn't even consider it "accommodation", it's just understanding that nobody is made of money and people often have bills getting in the way of shiny new dresses. So long as you show up groomed and with all the elements of your outfit in place, you're grand. Doesn't matter if your dress is ten years old.

>> No.8007902

I'm having serious second thoughts about joining after I'd heard that girl talk about some Irish loli being a cunt to her because she was Romanian. On the outside everyone seems lovely but you never know.

>> No.8007903

>it's just understanding that nobody is made of money and people often have bills getting in the way of shiny new dresses

I know but you can't be too sure with people these days anon. Human decency, consideration and common sense is lost on a lot of them.

I still can't get over a story I read in a thread yesterday where some girl showed up to high tea for a meet and none of the other people there had the money to pay for their food so she had to pay hundreds of dollars to bail them all out. I know there's not a chance it'd happen with yizzer but still, fucking hell.

>> No.8007904

Jaysus, what happened? When was this?

>> No.8007910

It was in the confessions thread I think, it's still up.
Poor girl. I feel a little ashamed, I genuinely thought we didn't really have people like that, what with all that happened in the past.

>> No.8007911

That was actually nobody in the comm from what I can tell, I'm in the comm and I'm the only one I know apart from me who's living abroad and it certainly wasn't me (I was the Irish girl talking in that thread).

>> No.8007913

>I'm the only one I know apart from me
Hurr, what are words. Well ye know what I mean.

>> No.8007915


>somebody actually asked someone if they were a gyppo at a meet

Why do I find that so funny. I'm just picturing some rough looking youngone in burando squaring up to another girl at a meet and asking her if she's a bleedin' gyppo in a thick North Dublin accent.

>> No.8007917

How can you even mistake someone for a gyppo? I've seen Romanians, they look like regular white people while gyps are brown and look vaguely Indian. I'd understand if we were talking about pikeys here, but even so...

>> No.8007920

I wonder if there's ever been a pikey lolita.

>> No.8007921

Whoah now, try stay within PC terms.

I have a North Dublin accent, but my ma raised me right. I wouldn't dream of that carry-on.

>> No.8007923
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>on 4chingchong

>> No.8007924

>tfw I've never actually heard a Dubliner call anyone a gyppo
I imagined it in a London accent.

>> No.8007926

Being an edgelord isn't mandatory. It's easy to tell who people are in Irish threads, cover your arse.

>> No.8007927

Ah I'm the same as you but it's just the first thing that came to mind. I know this side of the river gets a bad rep but the scummiest places I've ever been here have all been over on the South Side.
Really? Surprising. Though a lot of people here tend to think Romanians and the Roma people are the same.

>> No.8007928

I get the feeling he's an /int/ transplant, probably doesn't realise yet that everyone's always trying to suss out who everyone is in these threads.

>> No.8007929

>implying I know any of ye
I don't even have a facebook, I fear no man

>> No.8007930

I've managed to accumulate 10 dresses since i started wearing Lolita a few months ago. Do you think it would be enough of a cycle to prevent the "boring" aspect? I'm still not fully confident to ever go to a comm meet up yet but i hope to maybe next year.
Are the meets ups centered in Dublin?

>> No.8007931

They are, but there's a grand few people outside of Dublin too, it's no major issue if you're not based there. And sure 10 is grand, even less would be, as long as you're an alright person yourself.

>> No.8007932

>then you interact with us here and irl
You should

>> No.8007934

I'm not from that cancerous shithole, I just lurk in the shadows
hoarding me burando in the dark til the time is right

>> No.8007935

Well, I'm Maximum Culchie, even when I'm living in Dublin I don't actually have many Dublin friends, and no Dubliner I hang out with would dream of calling anyone a gyppo.

>> No.8007937
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>imblying I go outside

>> No.8007938

You'd have liked the /int/ generals, they seem more your sort.

>> No.8007941

>hoarding me burando in the dark til the time is right

kek, nice

>> No.8007944

but they don't know anything about lolita and they're fat
>inb4 implying I'm not

>> No.8007948

Ah, I reckon there were a few sad, skinny NEETs in there.

>> No.8007949

Gyppo is so early 2000s. We've moved onto hating black taxi drivers now.

>> No.8007950

I have a formula for identifying shite areas scattered around Dublin.
>"Bally-" anything

>> No.8007951

Even that's pretty passé, haven't heard anyone who wasn't a white taxi driver complain about a black taxi driver in years.

>> No.8007954

I'm from the real Ballyer.


Nothing tops Ballyfermot in terms of pure kip though.
You'd be surprised at how many people refuse to get into a taxi with a black driver in it.

>> No.8007956

Still? I don't mind 'em myself, at least you don't have to be making conversation. Fucking hate chatty taxi drivers, can't hold onto my spaghetti.

>> No.8007957
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Oh god, my mother still does this. And she refuses really loud too

>> No.8007959

same tbh

>> No.8007963

I don't care either as long as they're not really chatty though you have to strike a happy medium. I was sitting in the front seat getting a taxi home splitting a taxi with a friend and once she got out (her gaff was on the way to mine) it was complete and utter silence until we got to mine. Not so bad if you're in the back seat looking out the window or on your phone but it's hell up front.

I only like chatty taxi drivers when I'm locked. I had one on the way back from Eirtakon on the Saturday night, was a sound bastard with some funny stories

>> No.8007964

how so?

>> No.8007969
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>Walk up to taxi
>Sees anyone who's not white behind the wheel
>Starts loudly refusing to get in and to get into the next one while I stand there dying of embarrassment asking her to at least stop saying it so loudly

>> No.8007972

What if she gets in because the driver's white and then he turns out to be Eastern European, is that an issue?

>> No.8007978

I have pointed this out exactly. That skin colour has nothing to do with being from/knowing the area, but she's just super racist about it. Once they're white she never complains. It's super embarrassing she still does it. I often walk or get a bus home before or after she does if I know she's getting a taxi so I can at least avoid being involved with it

>> No.8007980

Doubt that was anyone in our comm.
I know if I was at a meet and heard that, you could be damn sure I wouldn't stand for it! (Seriously, even my non-lolita friends know that I won't stand for that kinda thing).
Maybe it was a different group?

>> No.8007982

doesn't make him any less white

>> No.8007983

Could've just been a lone loli who decided to join a comm when she went abroad. I'm so curious about her though, literally no idea who it could be.

>> No.8007986

whoever it is, she better stay out of our comm or else

>> No.8007987

I know, I was just wondering if it was a skin colour issue or an issue of just hating all foreigners.
Sure that's auld wans for you, I suppose. I've older relatives who'd do they same, and they'd all try to justify it by saying "Oh, he won't know the area", blah blah blah. Just admit you hate the blacks, granny.

>> No.8007989

the same*

>> No.8007990

I remember when my mam told me the first time she ever saw a black lad in this country when she was a teenager, he might as well have been an extraterrestrial.

>> No.8007991

Well, sounds like we're shot of her now, for a while at least. I wonder what country it was in.

>> No.8007995

Must have been!

I'm curious about this too- did the anon say where she was when it happened? We might be able to figure it out then.

>> No.8007997

She said it was a non-English-speaking European country. And it wasn't Italy, because I'm studying there and got crazy paranoid when she said it even though I've barely said a word to the lolitas there so I asked.

>> No.8008021

Is it more important to be well dressed or a nice person when joining a Comm?

>> No.8008026

Nice person, but it's irritating when people act as though the two things are mutually exclusive.

>> No.8008029


>> No.8008032

Actually, sane would be the most important thing. No sane person would show up to a meetup in Milanoo and cons, and sane people know how to get on with people easily without causing drama.
It's the delusional people in the fashion who are the worst. They're always the most passive aggressive, too.

>> No.8008063

Probably a lone lolita then.
I know you wouldn't dream of doing something like that thankfully!
Have you met any over there?

>> No.8008083

Nah, talked to some online and I know there's a girl into the fashion at the college, but she hasn't actually bought any clothes yet. I'll get on it after Christmas, sure.

>> No.8008117

Unlikely, lolita generally comes in small sizes only, covers your tits and arse, and doesn't light up.

>> No.8008122

but can it be sold for scrap metal?

>> No.8008124

Whats the story about the "Cosplay IS consent" sign in Otakukon?

>> No.8008133

>downgrade your Iron Gate to an iron gate

>> No.8008135

>tfw I'd really like a horse print

>> No.8008137

Angelic Pretty, so.

>> No.8008138

wear it with a tracksuit top

>> No.8008160

I have ye on Facebook anon! You're adorable and I'm too spaghetti to talk to you

>> No.8008164

TFW my granny got me shire from penny's as a loli gift
Thanked her and wore it but god it was ugly.

>> No.8008165

scotland forever

>> No.8008167

Ooh sounds very cute! Gold & white is more christmassy anyway. I feel you on the slow post though, so frustrating.

>> No.8008168

Hiya Scotland! You guys are alright, ye hate England ALMOST as much as we do.

>> No.8008173

Ah, it's not even the post's fault. There's a setback at the factory. Can't be helped.
And I'm kinda looking forward to it now, I just hope my sister's puppy leaves me and my outfit in as many pieces as when I started. Pitbulls, man. Adorable sacks of enthusiasm and teeth.

>> No.8008179
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success breeds jealousy

>> No.8008183

one of the members of staff was accused of sexual assault and the organizer made a public post under the cons name that basically said, "he didn't do nuffin! Bitches make shit up"

Weather the guy did it or not. he did nothing to help the situation.

>> No.8008186

Not Irish but my comm briefly had someone like that. She just assume that because we like Japanese fashion we must all speak Japanese, and when she realized that most of us don't she posted this long rant about how we were "fakers" and flounced. We still joke about it two years later.

>> No.8008203

That is hilarious. How do people manage to make all these assumptions just because someone's dressed a certain way?

I've had mad stuff assumed about me.
>Lolita is traditional national costume in a country whose history can be summarized with "famine, lads."
>I can speak Japanese, read Japanese, write Japanese. Fluently.
>I want to BE Japanese and like samurai swords.
>I can design complicated clothing (as opposed to compose outfits which are only complicated in comparison to "All Penney's Everything") and so should be a designer
>I have an extensive knowledge of anime and manga.
>I want to be a princess. Like for real. At my age.

What, no.

Strangers be crazy.

>> No.8008219

"wait a minute, these aren't real japanese people!"

>> No.8008247

Is Pat Kenny a secret weeb?

>> No.8008251
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>> No.8008322

Ah lads, I can't be fucked listening to that arsehole go on for hours, what're you on about?

>> No.8008366

Eirtakon coverage.

>> No.8008471

head down to Long Lane lads, beat a few gyppos

>> No.8008485

>whoa whoa guys "gypsy" is offensive, we shouldn't say that

>doesn't say anything about Northsiders being called poor and prone to racism


>> No.8008500

It was the Northsiders taking the piss out of themselves, though.

>> No.8008506

>not shooting up down the back of the 27

Ah lads, c'mon now.

>> No.8008540

I get the "traditional national costume" one occasionally and it's so weird. People will assume I'm from some heretofore unheard of Eastern European country and start talking to me in broken English and trying to give me directions and stuff. Then when I reply fluently in our native language they get all flustered and walk away. It's actually quite funny and I definitely prefer it to people thinking it's a cult or fetish thing.
>can you imagine a country with lolita as its national costume though

I know right. Dang us for trying to fool her with our traditional Japanese fluffy dresses and pony bags and curly wigs and shit. Such deception!

>> No.8008560

>doesn't light up
Oh really now?
The dress has horses on it and all, I think we found our Traveller Loli.

>> No.8008565
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>However, I'm bothered by the fact that the lights are forming a runway to her vagina, so there's that.

>> No.8008661

Well now. I stand corrected.

Not sure I'd consider it Traveller Lolita though, it'd need the addition of at least one scrunchie and a few stale crumbs down the front.

>> No.8009225

Gypo/Gypsy is an ethnic slur, especially Gypo.

I guess I won't be taking my Roma friends to a con.

Is the girl you're talking about Romanian or Romani/Roma? Not all Roma wear traditional dress etc.

>> No.8009226


Also, keep in mind that even the traditionally dressed Roma women I know often refer themselves as Romanian rather than Roma.


that's pretty racist tbh

>> No.8009243

This didn't even happen in Ireland, Potsy, and surely you know by now that cgl isn't an accurate portrait of the con scene. But if you read the thread being referred to, the girl in question is Romanian and didn't seem all that fond of Roma people herself.

>> No.8009812

You better get yer keyboard in gear and send me a message! I love talking to people.

>> No.8009882

>a country with Lolita as it's national costume
Well according to your bonkers friend, that's Japan!
Seriously though, what would the culture be like...

>> No.8009950

>I'd better comment stating the obvious in addition to letting everyone know just how offended and outraged I am on behalf of minorities again!

I'm sure the gang of 20 Roma mates you were conveniently planning on bringing with you to the next con are feeling so oppressed right now because somebody somewhere not even in Ireland used a slur and physically can't attend now. Terrible so it is!

>> No.8010054

Potsy has friends????

Calling bullshit

>> No.8010087
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Seems that way. She likes to jump into Facebook 'discussions' on non-issues and let everyone know just how offended trivial bollocks makes her while having two-person circlejerks with people on her friends list.

>> No.8010185

Your Roma friends don't rely on you to "bring" them anywhere, whitey. I'm sure your millions of non-imaginary weeaboo Romani friends can find their way to a con if that's what they're into.

>> No.8010302

I thoroughly enjoy how Potsy makes herself seem so popular.

Talks to several children at immagration centre and suddenly she's the official nanny for the group.

How's that Garda Vetting going????

Too busy to go to Dublin for a rally?
Translates to sitting on her fat arse asking for game recommendations.

>> No.8011165

Awh keys, keys no.

>> No.8011173

I was rooming with a girl one Eirtakon and she kept on going on how much she wanted to learn Japanese at university and go to Japan and she put on a squeaky voice when she said this. I asked her if she was good at languages at school and said no.

Good luck with Japan, I heard Japanese people really love weeaboos (LOL no they don't)

I heard one of the Resident Evil cosplayers tried to bring a prop grenade onto a plane.
Not sure if this is true or not but he was bitching on MCM Expo's FB group about not being allowed to bring his guns on the boat to England for London Expo

>> No.8011178

What the fuck is a Roorah?

>> No.8011183


I still have to wrap presents and get my father's present (we're going to Athlone Town Centre to M&S tomorrow and he wants a book so I'm getting him something from Easons which is in the TC)

Threw my smelly sock at the cat to see if it'd pass out, she ran off instead.

Might be going to Athlone geeks bowling on St Stephen's Day

I called it Boxing Day in front of a neighbour one and she howled "It's St Stephen's Day!"

>> No.8011193

Why the fuck did she have to bail them out? Surely it's their own fault for turning up without means to pay?

Anyway, is anyone here into ball jointed dolls?

>> No.8011212

I took a taxi from a boards.ie party a few years back, mentioned the party to the taxi driver, turned out he was one of the After Hours regulars

>> No.8011221


>> No.8011229

He also announced Anime League were involved in the con, the founder of Anime League and the con director of it's con ALCon (FailCon am I rite?) has a reputation for being a creeper of underage girls (even has his own Encyclopedia Dramatica page)

>> No.8011249

Travellers aren't a race though, they're just white people who live by the side of the road

>> No.8011254

Talking to children at an immigration centre?

Say wut now?

>> No.8011258


Does't the Beast have a BJD?

>> No.8011603

I'm curious, but I hear woeful things about the BJD scene (and not just from the online ether, someone in Ireland told me she went to a doll meetup and it was ridiculous) and I'd be worried about messing up the face-up.
I might buy one at some point, but it'd be pre-painted, and I'd abstain from any communities.

tl;dr: They're pretty, but often owned by horror story material.

>> No.8011742
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>> No.8011813

idk, they're expensive. lizard lady has one though.

>> No.8011840
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>finally bought some new fucking games during the sales

It's about damn time. How many of you here enjoy the vidya anyway?

>> No.8011893


>> No.8012427

I hate to contradict, but Lolita is originally a french fashion.

>> No.8012433

How do you figure that? French influences doesn't mean French origins.

>> No.8012494

Do you hate to contradict because you're crap at it, or...?

>> No.8013848

There's very few people into BJD's in Ireland but met a few nice people at Eirtakon.

>> No.8014258

Wow, I'd have told them all to go fuck themselves, you fuck up you deal with the consequences, I'm not in the habit of paying for other peoples fuck ups

I remember something from a couple of years back, someone from Nom Con (girl who dresses like the princess from Mario) arranged a meet in some park in Dublin, didn't put down a time for the meet, cue some people travelling from outside Dublin and hanging around the park and nothing happening.

>> No.8014264

Do you have a link to that thread?

Anyone else's Christmas ruined by a drunk family member? My father kept on asking me if I remembered a deceased family member. Cunt, he can't handle drink (turns into a right pain in the hole) but drinks anyway and pisses everyone else off.

>> No.8014271

Well maybe if Travellers weren't anti-social then people wouldn't be racist about them?

Most people who bitch about Travellers have only had bad experiences with them.

You're a SJW aren't you? Isn't it SJW rhetoric that you can't be racist against white people? So why are you whining about people being racist against white people?

I got beaten up at school every day by the scum because I was disabled and therefore an easy target, so I say fuck 'em all

>> No.8014275

Oh look the Mighty Whitey trope, I'm sure you're Roma friends don't need you defending them

>> No.8014280

Nothing major, just the everyday crippling fear that my father will die a painful alcohol-related death, since I can't remember the last time I saw him go a day without drinking half a bottle of whiskey. At least he doesn't do anything horribly upsetting.

>> No.8014302


I'm not an official Nanny. It's all grassroots shit. I don't really feel like going into details either. And frankly with the mountains of shit I've gotten from the Edgelords here I'm entitled to enjoy how far I've come in the last couple of years.

And I'd have no trouble getting Garda vetting. I'm not working professionally with kids so I haven't need it. /cgl/'s delusions of what my life is like these days has little baring on that.


>Well maybe if Travellers weren't anti-social then people wouldn't be racist about them?

replace traveller/romani for black, etc.

if you actually allow people to integrate you'll see a lot less anti-social behaviour. it was the same for the Irish not that long ago, what short memories we have culturally.

>You're a SJW aren't you? Isn't it SJW rhetoric that you can't be racist against white people?

this is the bottom line of any racial advocacy group that isn't headed by clueless white people. racism = prejudice + power, etc. we don't need to focus on racism "against whites" because we are the institution.

>eaten up at school every day by the scum because I was disabled and therefore an easy target, so I say fuck 'em all

that's ableism and that sucks. but not an excuse to be racist.


it's still good to stand up for marginalised people, plus it's not as if people that aggressively defend their friends is anything new to the con scene anyway.

Roma people don't have much of a voice in society so if people are talking shit the least I can do is correct them. I'm just doing my best to signal boost.

It annoys me that people can post the same 2 FB screencaps of a mistake I made several months ago while being attacked by Gamergaters but people can be actually legitimately racist and somehow that's okay. There's no consistent standard here.

>> No.8014306

>grassroots nanny
So not legally qualified to deal with kids, basically.

>> No.8014308

You didn't even apologise properly to the lad you accused of not being white even though he was black you fucking eejit. Minorities here don't need the likes of you to 'signal boost' them either whitey.

>> No.8014310


also, just to clarify "white" is a social construct in of itself since the lines between what is and isn't white isn't an absolute.

with travellers it's complicated since they're "white" Irish however they're also a distinct ethnic group. again, since racism = prejudice + power, it is possible to be racist against them. it's a similar case with slavs who often get discriminated against for taking our jobs, etc.

tumblr tends to be dominated by americans who have a certain perspective on racism. it's not always right. however when we're talking about white people as the dominant ethnic group in "white" countries, no you can't be effectively racist the majority of white people.

This is way off topic so it's the last I'll say about this specific topic.

>> No.8014321


Again, I don't have an actual job. I show up to help from time to time. People at the centre haven't asked for vetting, but I have no problem getting it if I need it. Also, I don't appreciate the implication that I'm a predator.


I learn, generally I do apologise and I cahnge my position based on what other people say. Many people here harassed me relentlessly and continued to do so, and don't apologise or feel any shame over it.

I can admit I was wrong to make assumptions. But this is a card Gamergate plays a lot to hide the fact that it's primarily a movement that serves the needs of those of relative privilege.

There's no level of honesty in what you're saying and everything is just working backwards from the position of needing to harass me in some way. Again, people can be ACTUALLY RACIST and somehow that's acceptable. It's always been the case in these threads that people say fucked up shit and it gets glossed over for attacking me over every little detail.

It's obsessive, creepy and unhealthy.

>> No.8014323

>This is way off topic so it's the last I'll say about this specific topic

So you'll tie the noose and be done with it? One can only hope for a true Christmas miracle

>> No.8014325

I never implied you were a predator, Christ above, I was implying that you're not qualified to properly deal with kids.

>> No.8014379


and you know


insulting my very existence. but whatever. watch as eveyone turns a blind eye to this

and still acs like i'm some sort of bad guy. this place drains my sanity.

>> No.8014387

Well, yeah, I do, since you just said it.

>> No.8014390

Nobody cares. Just do it.

>> No.8014483

No one said that you were a predator though, you're a massive drama llama with a toxic personality, something that kids shouldn't be subjected to

You sent people PMs telling them that you were going to kill yourself for fucks sake

>> No.8014485

Blah blah blah

>> No.8014531


so past mental health issues(close to 3 years ago now) should dictate future viability?

i'm trans, and i have other mental health issues. suicidal or "attention seeking" behaviour comes with the territory. most of us go through that phase. it was also something triggered by *people like you* by constant abuse, harassment and a general lack of will to understand what it's like to deal with severe social anxiety and borderline symptoms. i'm pretty stable now even more so when i'm around kids.

i just think you completely lack any form of empathy tbh which would make you a much greater danger to have around children. there are people here who display psychopathic traits but i doubt if they revealed they worked with kids anyone would call them out on it. healthy, compassionate people don't tell marginalised individuals with a history of mental health issues to kill themselves.

but somehow that's okay.

>> No.8014538 [DELETED] 


also, newsflash, *even people who work with kids can be suicidal at some point in their lives*. some of them may have break downs like i did. it doesn't mean that this person is a threat to others. if i was as unstable as i was then i wouldn't consider this as a career. but i've come a long way, a fact you consistently refuse to recognise since you're a malicious abuser.

i've never been a real threat to anyone else yet there are several individuals here who are deeply amoral and would gladly bully someone to suicide if they saw reason to. i'm a convenient bogeyman so you never, ever, have to look at yourselves and how thoroughly horrible you are.

i am, at least in a certain capacity, perfectly capable of looking after children. the worst i ever did was sort of cry once and that was when i was trying to entertain 25+ children at once and I was already exhausted going in.

you can't claim i may be unsuitable for it due to an image of me constructed and upheld by psychopaths(for want of a better word).

>> No.8014866

What a joke.

You are THE most known online persona in Ireland.
Part of me thinks you like.

Known for being a cunt.

>> No.8014904

Hey remember the brief period we had where we could have a thread without white-saviour catfish getting involved?
Yeah, I miss that. What a glorious time it was.

>> No.8015128

>so past mental health issues(close to 3 years ago now) should dictate future viability?

Jesus, I have mental health issues myself and even I know that's how it works, and for good reason, too.

>I will rehash my mental instability forever so long as it allows me to play the victim card and seem special and somehow better than everyone
>But if it should disqualify me from something where mental stability is a requirement then suddenly it shouldn't count. Why can't they leave the past in the past???

Oh my god, you.

>> No.8015132

When the fuck was that? She's been popping up here for years, basically as long as Irish threads have been made.

>> No.8015138

Best post of the thread.

>> No.8015182


You are people with *actual* abusive personalities. You have a basic disregard for the welfare of others around you and other psychopathic traits.

You don't get to dictate what I can or can't do.

>> No.8015193

Thanks for the stellar armchair psychoanalysis there, you fucking failure of a human being. Whether or not there are people with 'abuse personalities' here is irrelevant to the fact that you got fucking told by >>8015128 which sums up your pitiful existence pretty well; you harp on about how much of a damaged special snowflake you are constantly and bring it up when it's needed to suit your agenda but at the same time, you think it's unfair when other people do the same fucking thing.


I really wish you would just hang yourself and be done with it.

>> No.8015199

>Thanks for the stellar armchair psychoanalysis there,

You're the ones who were making unwarranted assessments judgements on me in the first place. Fuck off.

You don't want to show any compassion towards the difficulties I do face, yet you still want to use it against me. Either I am actually mentally ill and deserve some sympathy or you don't get to use it against me.

And it's possible to have some issues but have them in check enough to be able to look after children. For some people, being around children is in fact healing.

You know nothing, so fuck off and die you dumbass fucking edgelord.

>> No.8015203


Also please note that the ACTUAL PROFESSIONALS that I see have given me the go ahead to do this and have said they would help me get Garda vetting if I need it. Your shit opinion is irrelevant.

>> No.8015216

You deserve fuckall sympathy because you're an insufferable human being nobody here wants around. I don't give a shit about your mental illnesses.

>And it's possible to have some issues but have them in check enough to be able to look after children. For some people, being around children is in fact healing.

If only the people who were stupid enough to let you be around their kids knew about your internet antics and some of the absolute bollocks you post. I don't think any sane person here would let you within three miles of a family member under the age of 12. I know I fucking wouldn't.

>You know nothing, so fuck off and die you dumbass fucking edgelord.

Sorry m8, I actually have a life worth living at the moment. Can't say the same for you unfortunately. If I had to choose between being strung out on heroin and homeless for the rest of my life or being you, I'd gladly take the needle and the boot out the door.

Merry Christmas :^)

>> No.8015248


If people saw this shit, who do you think they'd be likely judge as unsuitable as working with other people?

People IRL aren't all amoral edgelords or awkward nerds

again, you're an abuser. What you're doing is a form of abuse and any well rounded person wouldn't do it. You're in no position to judge me.

I have a life worth living, and I didn't earn it on the backs of others. I fought bitterly for years and worked hard to overcome my difficulties. And you want to take that away from me.

You're fucking waste. I'm sure you have some shit nerd friends to reassert your ~edgy~ personality but at the end of the day you'd never survive showing your true face.

>> No.8015260

>I have a life worth living

Top kek. Do you even really live? Seems like all you really do is exist and get in the fucking way.

Also, taking something away from you implies you have anything worth taking in the beginning, which you don't.

Feels fucking great being straight, white and never checking my privilege too. That must make you so angry! Grrrrrrr!

Here's to another year of your laughable existence, abomination!

>> No.8015264


What do you do, exactly, that makes your existence worthwhile? What do you do that makes up for your toxic attitude towards the marginalised, and complete lack of personal morals once external social pretenses are dropped?

And yeah, if you're straight and white you shouldn't be judging the experiences of people who aren't, since you can't understand them. My experiences at least give me a lot of compassion for other marginalised people even if I can't speak for them.

You're a sheltered brat and edgelord eternal. You're literally priding yourself on how angry you can make people who've probably had a harder life than you. I can't think of much more pathetic than that.

>> No.8015278

>My experiences at least give me a lot of compassion for other marginalised people even if I can't speak for them.

Oh yes, my mistake. You were born a straight, white male and willingly threw it all away to be whatever the fuck you are now. So marginalised and misunderstood! Do you want a medal?

>You're a sheltered brat and edgelord eternal.

This is rich coming from someone who lives in a first world country, is white and lives off of benefits and disability. God, you're right there down in the trenches with the most oppressed in society! The way you go on you'd think you were on par with people who've been sold into slavery or raped thousands of times over the course of however many years when in reality, all you've done is sit on your hole on the internet for the past ten years becoming Ireland's most notorious lolcow, complete with your own ED page.

You are nothing.

>> No.8015290


>Oh yes, my mistake. You were born a straight, white male and willingly threw it all away to be whatever the fuck you are now.

and now you show your true colours.

Nice transphobia.

>> No.8015300

Thank you, Mr. Leno

>> No.8015302


nice meme

>> No.8015303

Nice jaw

>> No.8015324


at least the edges are on my face not in my personality.

let's see your glorious countenance, shitlips.

>> No.8015328

>unironically using the term 'edge'
>lul nice maymay

Could crack nuts with that jaw pal, you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.8015334


you're completely unironically being an edgelord. i'll stop saying it when it stops being a thing.

again, let's see what you look like.

>> No.8015342

>implying I'd put my picture up for a fucking abomination like you to save and stick in your fap folder

You're not worthy, Leno