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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8007647 No.8007647 [Reply] [Original]

Anything mentally scarring that keeps you up at night from a convention you'll never forget?

>> No.8007654

I once did a stiltwalker costume on a hot halloween night, wearing a rubber gas mask for like four hours. I didn't realizing my sweat had accumulated in the mask, so when I pulled it off I completely drenched some poor qt from above

>> No.8007661

Getting constantly run at for free hugs and when glomping was an "in" thing. Shit got banned the very next year.

>> No.8007665
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Not embarrassing so much as cringe worthy. I was at a con and my friends had to leave for a couple of hours, so I was wandering around by myself. I came across some furries and I ask to take a picture with one guy, partly as a joke and partly because his hyper realistic fursuit was actually really impressive. He gives me a huge unsolicited hug (ew) and then hands me...a picture of himself. With his Facebook URL on the back. I'm half curious and half perturbed so I look him up when I get home that night.
>Mfw some 50 year old man hugged me and slipped a self promo in

>> No.8007703

I went to a convention with my gf and we split up midway to go to different panels. I call her when I think her panel is done as well and I go look for her.

I see my gf walking in the opposite direction, so I sneak behind her then grope her. Moment I do it, I realized I fucked up big time. Breasts were too big; it certainly wasn't my gf. I just booked it in the other direction as fast as I could.

Fuck my shitty eyesight. I swear the girl looked exactly like her from behind.

Teenage days long gone.

>> No.8007709

Oooh, what did you say to the girl when you realized your mistake?

>> No.8007711

End up coaxed into a random transexual's hotel room and she takes my cosplay home with her. I desperately want it back to take better pictures/improve it but she'll want to have sex with me and it'll be even more awkward because she's really sweet other than trying to force a one inch penis on me

>> No.8007717

Are you the one who posted that wolf mask in another thread? That really sucks, why did she just take it?

>> No.8007720

is her name perchance Hedwig

>> No.8007735

I didn't say shit. I booked it in the other direction after I realized I fucked up.

>> No.8007905

It wasn't a snow leopard suit, was it?

>> No.8008014

Once I went to a con in a mediocre Jane Crocker cosplay with my friends and a Karkat with no horns or paint (except for her sloppy t-shirt) came up to us and told us that she was best friends with RDJ (actual quote: I call him Robbie!!111) and that she got payed 20 bucks a week to hang out on set and tell jokes

>bitch if you get twenty bucks a week to tell jokes why does your wig look like a party city horror story thats flaking with hair gel

the worst part is a couple months later my friend accidently stumbled into a homestuck meetup while going to the mall, and took a couple of pictures. In one of them, in the very corner, she was there just... looking at the camera. Craziest shit that's ever happened to me.

>> No.8008056

I'm trying to imagine that. Were you hanging over a railing or something?

>take a walk through the con hall
>some guy drops all his face sweat on me
fucking gamestop

>> No.8008170

I went to a small con and my friend and I were the only 2 to show up to a panel on Cosplay is Not Consent. The panelist was this greasy haired self proclaimed goth kid, brony, genderqueer, polyamorist. Instead of talking about what the panel was called, she went on and on about consent in BDSM. Her slides didn't work either. She kept using me as examples in her long rant and I made sure to bring up my husband, but she didn't stop.
My friend and I wanted to leave, but since we were the only ones there we felt obligated to stay. At the end the panelist wanted to give us hugs, but we opted for fist bumps instead.
I still have second hand embarrassment from it.

>> No.8008300

I was on stilts so I was towering over everyone. With the stilts on I'm nine feet tall.

>> No.8008304

I went to a con rave once, nuff said

>> No.8008644

I was looking at designs for those suck masks in an artist alley, and one of the sales people gave me a catalog to look through. Not even ten seconds later a second sales person snatches it from my hands and gives it to some girl beside me. Then I just turned around and walked away and I've never been into the vendors room since because it was so embarrassing.

>> No.8008649


>> No.8008682

This was going to be my embarrassing story too lmao

>> No.8008699
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One time some dude asked for picture of me and my friend and when he showed it to us immediately noticed my friend had a nip slip and I was so embarrassed for her that I sprinted away. I could've casually said "can you retake the picture?" and fix my friend's nip slip. But I was 15 years old and super awkward and couldn't verbalize it correctly, so I just ran.

>> No.8009130
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Yeah alright, I'll share one.

>Before a con a while ago I saw people posting progress pictures in the cons Facebook group
>One girl stood out to me in both being really attractive and pretty cool in the comments
>Make mental note to get a picture of her at the con
>See her in hallway
>Stop her for picture
>move on
>Later that night I hear someone call out the character I was cosplaying's name
>Turn around, it's her
>She talks to me, is really friendly and nice, complementary etc.
>Doesn't take me long to spill my spaghetti horribly and run away
>Go back to hotel room
>Eat pizza and cry in the shower for an hour

>> No.8009193

No, it was a fox. A really, really realistic looking fox.

>> No.8009202

>be me couple of years ago
>wearing one of those latex horsemasks that were so popular
>walking briskly to get to a panel on time
>forget about the limitations of tunnel vision
>trip dramatically head over heels over a cushioned bench placed along the wall
>pretty sure people saw

at least nobody knew it was me

>> No.8009328

message her on facebook and say you're sorry.

>> No.8009348

>be me
>have friend that DJs the rave at local con
>show up to support friend
>first rave, no one to dance with
>me and friend stand in back of room and just dance next to each other
>go to get water
>drink water
>start walking back
>emo black girl with long pink wig and trip pants and a bikini top walks up to me
>they get closer and I realize it's actually a man
>"h-hey you want to dance with me?"
>me being awkward and not knowing how to say no says sure
>we start dancing
>he's clearly high as fuck
>he's moving slow and weird
>starts grabbing my hands
>kisses one
>rip my hands out of his
>"sorry I can't do this"
>grabs friend and 360s out of the whole convention center

>> No.8009354

this was a couple years ago

>cosplays dave strider to walk around dealers room to avoid attention and interuptions
>checking hot people out behind reflective aviators too
>it's hot, nose feels sweaty, slips off shades to clean them
>hot bro cosplayer walks by
>checks him out
>he smirks and winks as he walks by
>looks down, a little embarrassed
>spots shades in my hand
>realizes i just blatently checked him out
>full on gave him a once over with no shades on
>flees dealers room in shame

>> No.8009373

>Friend introduces me to one of her friends at a small con we went to who is also the DJ
>Really cool guy we get along and exchange steam id's
>Talk and play games once and awhile
>Last year at a convention he was DJing at he drugged a raped a minor
>Turns out he was a registered sex offender before this

>> No.8009382

I was wearing tight boxers for my cosplay and later found pictures of my bulge online.

I don't know if I should feel flattered or frightened.

>> No.8009399

Already done son.

>> No.8009406

holy shit that's terrible. Wait, this guy sounds familiar, are you talking about one of the furry DJs?

>> No.8009641


>> No.8009653


>> No.8009665

^Who I am
^What I meant

>> No.8009746
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>trip dramatically head over heels over a cushioned bench placed along the wall

>> No.8009770

>a panel on Cosplay is Not Consent
Why would they have this? Why would anyone go to it? Why did you go to it?
It sounds like a really boring panel.

>> No.8010717
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>Go to meet the voice actor for the character I'm cosplaying
>In queue get compliments from fellow fans. Things are going good.
>At front of queue walking towards voice actor
>Trips up
>Voice actor come around stand to help me up
>My palms are sweaty. Drops spaghetti.

>> No.8011623


I don't have any big stories, but I wanna bump this. So some small moments of crossplaying;

>At Edmonton big mall food court
>Drawing stares from probably a lot of people
>Friend points out this big, scary looking biker type dude with leather Harley stuff, and a beard was looking me up n down till he saw my face
>to which he had a terrified look, as if staring straight into the abyss

>Going into the bathrooms, and occasionally having to explain to guys there that, yes, I do have a dick. However I am faarrrr too shy to prove it.

>One time wearing maid outfit.
>Friend and I outside,
>Middle of grassy park type area where dozens upon dozens of costumers gather
>Day was completely wind free..... except for that one gust
>Friend saw evvverything. And I had really frilly pink pantsu for reasons.

>Con rave.
>Really dark
>Not a lot of people cosplaying at this point
>Reeeally dark
>I now know what it's like to try to bat off unwanted advances when it's loud, and you're a little shy

Thank fuck I'm six and a half feet tall in heels, cause I'm sure I'd have more if I wasn't so intimidating.

>> No.8011644

Aren't you a special snowflake.
We've seen your legs dude. I don't think the biker guy was looking at you lustfully.

>> No.8011650


>> No.8011665

>have faceblindness
>Two older ladies at the con: older lady A is a guest who I really admire, older lady B is a congoer and costumer that I really admire and wins the masq
>Chilling at bar, older lady I recognise comes up
>Think it's older lady B and make conversation, congratulate her on winning the masq.
>Awkward conversation, okay. Time to take drinks back to friend.
>Friend: there you go, you got to meet older lady A!

>> No.8012373

OP of that post, your reaction made my day. Merry Christmas, anon!

>> No.8012387

>be me
>have epilepsy
>have Seizure during skit performance.
>whole crowd freaked out
>some ass filmed it.
>wake up on the floor with a crowd around me
>realize i've wet my pants.
>badly. There was a puddle.
>die inside out of embarrassment.
>have yet to go to a con since.

it's be over a year.

>> No.8012422

>being autistic

>> No.8012424

Where's the video?

>> No.8012429

It's not that embarassing. Was out of your control.
I'm sure everyone who witnessed it realized that, aswell. Seizures tend to be pretty obvious, no?

>> No.8012462

It floated around facebook and only ever got seen by my local convention crowd but never made it to youtube as far as i'm aware.

there were a lot of people sniggering about it. Comments on local groups made it worse.

>> No.8012486

>Be incredibly stupid and wear cosplay with really short skirt with nothing to preserve my modesty underneath.
>Lots of pics were taken during that con, and in one of them my panties are clearly visible. Only my cosplay group is tagged in that photo.
>One of my friends point it out, I laugh about it and point the friend who uploaded the photo that I'd be nice if he took the photo down
>He tags everybody in the photo. Like, everybody: my parents, my bf, people who didn't went to that con, people who went to that con but we didn't know, etc.
>I complain, but he doesn't take the photo down until other friend rages at him in the comments.

>> No.8012572

Those people probably were just looking for a reason to snigger about you. A seizure isn't at all something any person with some common sense would look at and think "wow, what a fool!".

>> No.8013264

do you guys run into people (usually dudes in their late teens, i've noticed) who are like super enthused about the raves? and they say stuff about how much they love the raves and then when you're finally able to slip away they're like "so, i'll see you at the rave?" and you just :^) and leave? this happens to me at every con i feel like.

>> No.8013267

Yes! And for the rest of the con all they talk about is how 'sick' the rave was, which was better (Friday or Saturday), how much fun they had, how many chicks they danced with, etc.. and it's like, I bet you've never even been to an actual rave outside of an anime convention.

>> No.8013273

This. They sound like immature assholes, and anyone you would want to be friends with wouldn't take that moment to define you as a person.

>> No.8013276

exactly!!!! also there's always a dude in a pikachu kigu with no other clothes on that is pumped as hell for the rave. it's just a fact of life i guess.

>> No.8013297

Ive never been to a convention of any kind. Im 26 now. I think im to old.

>> No.8013317

>>a panel on Cosplay is Not Consent
>Why would they have this? Why would anyone go to it? Why did you go to it?
>It sounds like a really boring panel.
Because they need panels like this for autists who have a severe lack of social skills.
When they finally learn they should ask permission before groping someone, the world improves as a better place.
>Rare you find someone who WANTS to be groped by horny nerds

>> No.8013319

>Ive never been to a convention of any kind. Im 26 now. I think im to old.
The people who hold Anime North every year are older than you. So no, you're not too old to go to a convention.

>> No.8013322

I've seen 40+ year old people in cosplay in AX

>> No.8014098

My SO's first con was at 27, and I was 23. Just go for it. Coincidentally, this >>8013319 was our first con. No regrets.

I haven't lived through anything truly mortifying yet. I tend to spaghetti or space out and not hear when people are trying to compliment me or something, but luckily, SO is there to be non-autistic on my behalf.

>> No.8014441

Im this anon.
Im thinking about building one of those pepakura Halo armor suits. Like a MKVI if i manage to not screw it up i think ill go to Dragoncon when it rolls around. Well ill try. Idk

>> No.8014453

Pretty much
Men or women

>> No.8014569

Yeah it was the guy at Akicon.