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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7997431 No.7997431 [Reply] [Original]

Room inspiration thread, because there wasn't a thread for this when I checked.

>> No.7997433
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Totoro room

>> No.7997438

Sort of relevant but
PLEASE ANY UK LOLI SEAGULLS LET ME LIVE VICARIOUSLY THROUGH YOU AND BUY THE ROCOCO SET http://newtonsfurniture.co.uk/furniture-collections/rococo-collections.html

>> No.7997443
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>> No.7997445
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>> No.7997451
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>> No.7997452
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Would love to know some good terms to search for the pretty, decorative boxes that are next to the dress form in this picture.

>> No.7997457
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>> No.7997458
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>> No.7997462
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>> No.7997555

They're hat boxes, anon.

>> No.7997592

You want to search "hat boxes", anon, or look at local craft stores in the hobby box section.

>> No.7997751

Thank you!

>> No.8001228

I recently had an epiphany.
These threads are a good reminder for me to keep up my room.
However I've been held back on redoing it entirely from the fact that I'm broke and don't want to waste money on furniture.
But then I remembered recently, I'm a woodworkers son with a shop in my basement.
I can just MAKE my own furniture.
So when the weather warms up I'm planning on ripping up my old nasty carpet and redoing my entire room.

On the subject of these threads, I'm starting to notice in rooms in general that people don't really seem to take advantage of everything three dimensionally.
What I mean is that often times I'm finding it's just crap hanging on a wall or the walls are barren without much thought put into them.
I'm not really seeing any vertical decorating.

>> No.8002474

>I'm not really seeing any vertical decorating.
I agree with this. It's hard putting up wall decorations that look lovely and not tacky... I used to have some posters up but I ended up not liking them. I'm thinking of replacing the posters with some wall shelves and plants probably!

>> No.8002873

Not to mention the thing I think we're all guilty of where everythings kind of in a ring against the walls.

Granted it's the easiest way to be space efficient, but even just having a table in the center can do wonders to a room.

>> No.8002917


Some of the last few threads included rooms where girls hung up their dresses along the wall, whether for decoration or laid out (hung out?) in a coord, and anons got into a frenzy saying the dresses would fade after facing the sun repeatedly, why hang dresses on the wall, what kind of obssessed person hangs up their next day outfits, and so on. So I guess no one wants to post lolita rooms where the walls are being used for something other than posters anymore.

>> No.8002945

I'm not strictly talking about hanging stuff on walls though, I'm talking about how it's rare to see someone utilize the entire three dimensional space of their room.

>> No.8002953


Using your wall space to plan outfits for the next couple of days or to store your favorite dresses where you can see them before your fall asleep isn't utilizating the vertical space on your wall?

>> No.8002960

If a lot of lolis are living in rented space, or even just a home they eventually plan to sell, they probably don't want to put stuff on the walls because they'll have to cover the holes when they move.

>> No.8002964

Holy fucking shit. I lost it. I need this.

>> No.8002982

Agh, you're right! This is how my room is set up right now. I'm not sure what exactly I can do to spruce it up a bit. Maybe a big, colorful rug that matches my room's colors?

>> No.8002986

I love seeing dresses displayed on the wall! I personally wouldn't do it because I got nervous about anons talking about sun damage, so I'm thinking of trying out different things to decorate the wall space, like when I mentioned wall shelves and plants here >>8002474

>> No.8002989

/r/'ing some pretty, dark purple rooms?

Bf loves purple, and I love jewel tones in general. Want some ideas to make our living space really nice.

>> No.8002990
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One tip that I can share when it comes to hanging framed posters is to buy Command strips. You just stick a strip onto the back of the poster and stick it on the wall.

You can easily remove the Command strips too; they don't fuck up the paint on your wall and, of course, don't leave holes!

Pic related, Command strips!

>> No.8003031
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i thought i saved more purples. these are a little bit vibrant

>> No.8003033
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not dark but good use of gem purple + yellow

>> No.8003057


>Frilly pink kotatsu

New life goals, being comfy and kawaii at the same time.

>> No.8003163
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>> No.8003314 [DELETED] 
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I'm thinking of doing my sewing room in a Madoka theme because right now it's just a bunch of boring storage boxes and not fun to be in. I want to make big felt wall mural things modeled after the witches' labyrinths and decorate all my containers. Got the idea when I bought a couple of these.
Oh and a big Charlotte swooping down on my sewing table would be cool too.

Thanks, I've seen the commercials for those and was wondering how well they worked.

>> No.8004528

Depending on where you live, Craigslist is actually a good source. Out of curiosity I looked up some victorian furniture while fantasy shopping and found multiple hits for couches and stuff for around 100$ if you come pick it up. Especially if you live in Texas or anywhere in the south

>> No.8005100
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I've got a few saved anon, some are better than others but i'll dump what i have

>> No.8005103
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>> No.8005106
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>> No.8005109
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>> No.8005111
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>> No.8005114
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>> No.8005126

Wow this all looks like mind numbing weeaboo shit

>> No.8005139

Look at where you are.

>> No.8005151
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>> No.8005162
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>> No.8005169
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Not really purple, but dark!

>> No.8005198

Wow, I'm such a piece of shit. My first thought was "wow, that looks like a Line Play bed!"

>> No.8005530

Theyre also sometimes referred to as photo boxes. I know Michaels Crafts sells them in varying sizes and often also carries matching items like false book shaped boxes and decopauged statuette stuff with the same paper covers.

>> No.8005543

Anyone know if these wall stickers are on taobao?

>> No.8006156

I have such a small room. I want to fix it up, but I'm so lost on how I can efficiently organize everything and have it look nice @v@

Hoping this thread saves me.

>> No.8006165

They were made by a graphic designer Redbubble or something.

>> No.8006191

I've seen these often in the home decor section of stores like Winners / Marshalls / TJ Maxx / etc as well.

>> No.8006195
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You mean like this? I love the idea of building layers into a space, but you do need to be a/ pretty permanently settled and b/ fairly handy or have $$ to pay someone else in order to pull it off.

>> No.8006204

I have a mighty need for a frilly pink kotatsu like that one. Maybe when I'm redecorating my room I'll get myself one.

>> No.8007049


I came off more negative towards that than I actually am.
I guess it's more like, if your room would look good as a diorama than you're using the full dimensions of it?

Maybe not necessarily THAT vertical, some kind of centerpiece might work out nicely.
I don't know, interior decorating is hard.

>> No.8007061
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so fucking jealous.

i sleep on a fucking couch. :'(

>> No.8007080

Also I might as well update on >>8001228 in terms of ideas.
In terms of color, I'm definitely thinking of some really dark rich colors and avoiding white completely in the color scheme.

Maybe a thick deep maroon carpet and some dark furniture, I'm just really sick of white being such a prominent color in my everday life.

>> No.8007133
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>> No.8007135
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>> No.8007168
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>> No.8007236
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I have a couple tips on maximizing space and cute-ifying your room:
1. Utilize walls, especially if tabletop and floor space is limited. For me, I didn't have room to put picture frames or display all of my jewelry, so I hung up framed pictures and mounted some decorative hooks on the wall for my necklaces. You could also get a shelf with hooks built in so you can double up. Another idea I've seen in these threads is to make a corkboard display of accessories, cute and functional.
2. Utilize the space under your bed. Bed risers work well for added space.
3. A shoe rack helped me organize my shoes so I could see them all at once. Since mine is three tiers tall it cuts down on space needed to store my shoes. You can always store them under your bed or behind a closet door, but I prefer a shoe rack. I was bad about hoarding shoe boxes which just take up room. Throw them out.
4. Fairy lights/Christmas lights make a room look cute with minimal effort/cost.
5. I sorted my clothes generally by color- white, cream, pink, red, purple, blue, green, gray, black. It helps me get dressed quicker and looks better. Also, go through your clothes and get rid of anything you haven't worn in a long time or doesn't fit anymore. You find you have more space when you get rid of clutter.
6. You can buy cute drawer and makeup organizers cheaply on ebay. My vanity tray keeps my perfume/lotion contained and looks pretty on my dresser.

I get a lot of ideas from YT room tours, so I definitely recommend checking those out.

>> No.8007242
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I have an entire folder dedicated to room inspiration, so I'll share some now. If I think of more tips I'll add them

>> No.8007248
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Storing socks folded in a drawer/box is useful for seeing the patterns if you're a lolita

>> No.8007254
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Storing accessories vertically saves space. You can use decorative tiered cake stands

>> No.8007256
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>> No.8007261
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>> No.8007274
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>> No.8007285
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>> No.8007433

Organizing my socks to look like this now!

>> No.8007966
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Hi anons!

So in late January I'm moving house, and I figure it's a good opportunity to give my room a do-over. Pic related is the bedroom I'm moving into -- the house is already fully furnished, but I can change the decor if I need (though I want to avoid painting walls/replacing carpet if I have to).

The room comes with a walk-in wardrobe and spa ensuite, so space isn't an issue here -- how do you anons suggest I make use of the space to make my room look cute? I'm a big fan of pastels, whites and creams. Dimensions of the bedroom are 7.4 x 5m if that's any help!

Currently my room contains a desk with sewing machine, though it seems I can move these to a cosplay room -- I also have figures out on display, so being able to display those and having some table space somewhere would be nice. Would I feasibly be able to incorporate a kotatsu and/or TV into the room with the space available?

>> No.8007970

I am in love with this.

>> No.8008104
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Dat view! I'm jelly.

The colors should be a good base for a light look without needing to paint. Some cute pastel art prints in light-colored frames for the walls, if you can hang stuff. Fabric drapes/swags around the door entrance and windows would soften up the sharp angles and give a more romantic feel. Sort of like pictured, but with lighter colors and a little less drooping down.

You could maybe fit a kotatsu if you turned the bed sideways from how it's angled now, so you make the space on the left of the door into sleeping area and the right corner (away from the windows) a social space with the TV and kotatsu.

>> No.8008783
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Haha thank you! It's quite a nice place, I can't believe I'm moving in there myself.

We bought the house, so hanging etc isn't an issue. I like the idea of draping fabric though -- I'm not sure if I want to go as hard as your pic (I want to keep some of those classic motifs, but also with a slightly more... childish feel? I feel like a lot of these rooms coming up are too "vintage" for my tastes, hahah.) so I'd probably like to drape with some lighter fabrics such as chiffon or something.

I found a floor plan of the room (pic related) -- placing the bed in the middle of the room is a bit of a weird design choice, but due to the placement of the walk-in robe I suppose it can't be helped.

Do you think it would be too much of an obstruction to lay the bed lengthways on that end window? I plan to replace the bed frame, so I'm wondering if there's a style of bed that will lend itself better to that. A daybed style perhaps?

>> No.8008814


Thinking on it, I might install a wall unit on that right wall and mount the TV to the wall also -- so I can store consoles/games etc and not have it take any floor space. It then leaves a bunch of empty space at the end of that room though (I'm taking the black lounge out also) which irritates me, but I don't want to put anything up against the wall because of all the windows...

>> No.8008856
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Yeah, I was thinking lighter fabrics & colors, I just couldn't find a good picture for what I had in mind.

The layout is kind of tricky to work with - the windows are amazing but there's not a ton of options for where to put the bed if you're going to avoid the doors AND not block the windows. I did a quick mock-up of an idea for the current bed and adding a kotatsu, if you have the room and furniture measurements you can always play around with seeing how things fit together.

A sofa bed against the right-side wall is probably the most space-efficient option, and will be nice for entertaining (it sounds like you expect to have guests/friends over in the room to visit, along with it being a bedroom?).

>> No.8008866
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If you could find shelves the right size, this could be one idea for working with the windows, the bench would obstruct a little of the view but could make for very cool sitting space and display your figurines and/or books nicely. (if the walls on the sides of this image were open, not closed in like pictured, I mean)

>> No.8012406
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A great way to organize makeup!

>> No.8012497
File: 68 KB, 500x750, bfabcda30753d3adc1805fe9f6901857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of throwing your brand shopping bags away you can keep them and store stuff inside like in this pic.

>> No.8013130

God how I want a walk in closet in my life.

>> No.8013242

anon, do you have any YT room tours to rec? is there a certain way to search? i ended up w/ some pretty underwhelming rooms.