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8003108 No.8003108[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are they nice, are they catty, e-fame hungry?
Old and new, where are they now?

Lets have a discussion!

>> No.8003424

I think Lor should tone down her makeup but I think it's mean to just say she's ugly, she isn't.

>> No.8003427

She looks like a crow

>> No.8004337

They are humans and should be treated like everyone else

>> No.8004357

I actually like her makeup.

>> No.8004540
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I've been reading up on Lauran's blog lately. It's fun going through posts from ten years ago and to see how her style (and lolita in general) has changed. She's really got a ton of neat clothes now, and posts lots of cool everyday clothing coords, lots of VW... I was surprised to read she's only 5'4", since she looks a lot taller in photographs due to her thinness and heeled shoes.

>> No.8004550

Yeah, I don't think she is ugly but her makeup is harsh and makes her look old.
She is my favorite, she seems nice and she doesn't let the negative attention get to her. If I was in her shoes, I would of left lolita a long time ago.

>> No.8004562

Yeah she's not ugly i've seen worse, it's just not the right makeup for her type of face
But she's so funny and nice and sweet so i don't really give a damn about her appearance

>> No.8004772

What happened to the other popular lolitas from that time? All I know is her and octavekitten.
Does Kammie still post outfit shots? Does faunkegin and herajika no longer wear lolita?

>> No.8004788

Kammie is still wears lolita often and travels to cons a lot. I don't know if she posts outfit shots but I see con photos with her in them regularly.

Faunkegin went mainstream bohemian hipster and stopped wearing lolita several years ago in favor of lookbook attention and sponsored blog posts to get free shit. Not sure what happened to her since she sold out.

Herajika sold off a bunch of stuff recently on egl comm sales iirc. I haven't seen her post anything in a while. From what I hear she has an amazing career that keeps her super busy.

>> No.8004797

how did she end up in hair-ajookoo anyway? I remember everyone going crazy over her and Mistress M's japan vacations (or do they live there?)

>> No.8004802

She lived there for a while, eventually got deported for working as a hostess, married some rich old Japanese dude, after that I dunno.

>> No.8004805

I have heard this rumor several times but is this true? And how is Alice in Japan still? What does she do?

There is that one lolita who is now an Excentrique model. Forgot her name.

>> No.8004825

Is it me or does it seem like most of the older popular lolitas have stopped wearing lolita and have moved on to otome or not wearing any jfashion?

>> No.8004849

I just remembered, what happened to rapeblossom and princess Skye?

>> No.8004877

It's true. She still lives in Los Angeles. Last I heard she's still married to the same guy and they have a bunch of tiny cute dogs. She still updates her outfit blog.

Alice went to Japan to study, graduated, and then got a job working there. Living the dream.

Psychodollfie is the excentrique model.

>> No.8004886

Psychodollfie is living the dream too!

Do you know what happened to the Oregon lolitas? I remember they were the big ones when I started getting into the fashion.

And listerinepree or whatever her name is. She dropped off the face of the planet too.

Remember when efame was based on wardrobe posts and how many comments you got on daily-lolita? Tumblr really changed things up.

>> No.8004893

Psychodollfie is the Excentrique model? I always thought she looked a bit puggish but she looks very classy in the Excentrique photos. I am impressed! The minimal makeup suits her much better than her old makeup look. I wonder if she still wears lolita.

>> No.8004907

Haven't heard anything about listerinepree or her friend briony. I thought I saw Swdpunk from the Oregon comm try to do some retro stuff a couple years ago without much success.

>> No.8004914

Psychodollfie stopped wearing lolita when she became a professional model, the only time she wears it now is when she's paid to.

>> No.8004943

I remember the Daily Lolita days. I got into Lolita towards the end of the DL days so the ones I remember outside of the ones already listed are osea_chelleo and... this one Lolita who was tall and wore mostly classic. I think she was from Argentina? She always looked very put together. Another Lolita I loved was lilacambiance because she reeked class and there is no other Lolita like her that I have come across. I have lost track of a lot of the Lolitas from the DL days and it appears to be that very few of them still wear the fashion. Infiniteneeya, lauran, jahr, octavekitten, crazysporkiam, and redtonic are the only ones I still follow from the LJ times. If anyone knows the Tumblrs to the older Lolitas please post them here.

>> No.8004957

I remember they had some huge falling out, not sure if they ever patched things up again. It made me sad because they seemed like such great friends and I loved the photos of their adventures together.

Listerinepree is married with a kid now, she's more into Dolly Kei and general witchy stuff these days. She has a vintage shop on Etsy called Crone & Crow Vintage, and looks pretty fabulous for being post-baby!

>> No.8004998

Good for Listerinepree. She seemed like the nicer of the two, Briony always came off as such a mega bitch.

>> No.8005003

lor is perfect people need to stop saying awful shit about her bc she doesnt look asian tbh, lor is cute and nice and funny and has beautiful coordinates, the only criticism ive ever agreed with is that the fringe of her wigs sometimes look a little choppy

>> No.8005025
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Skye also fazed out of lolita into more generic feminine twee stuff. After the Princess Portal she had another blog that wasn't about lolita, and I haven't heard of her since.
There's this camwhore or model or whoever who sort of looks like her so sometimes anons claim she became an alt model but I don't think that's true.

I never kept up with rapeblossom but google tells me she actually is an alt model now and did a stint with SG.


>> No.8005040

She isn't perfect, but I really do admire her. I don't think her videos are that great, but she churns out a lot of content and is always wiling to give advice to others. Anyone know if that alternative fashion show she was going to be featured has aired yet?

>> No.8005045

>beautiful coordinates
they're cute, but I wouldn't consider them "beautiful".

>> No.8005056

I've met Cadney IRL and she's a total sweetheart. I don't get how people think she's fake? I don't get that vibe from her at all

>> No.8005058

That rape chick kicked up a ton of drama, but it was all completely deserved. That image you posted was part of a photoset where she portrayed herself as a little girl who takes drugged candy from a stranger and then wakes up naked with the implication that she was raped.

Aside from that, she posed for tons of nazi themed photos. And then there was some picture I can't find where she's sitting on a swing, looking up at the viewer with a confused, innocent look, wearing a t-shirt that reads "Pedophilia is not a crime" or something like that. Psycho as fuck.

She got kicked off of SG for all this.

>> No.8005065

i dont like lors nose, its big, crooked, and nasty looking. but other then that i like her, her coords are cute, she has a big wardrobe, and shes funny.

>> No.8005177

jesus fucking christ, lor looks fine, super cute in fact, you need to lighten up, the same people who dismiss her for having a big nose and that would make her want to do something like cosmetic surgery are the same people who would judge her for doing so. lor is a better and cuter lolita than most seagulls i would imagine.

>> No.8005187

I remember her, she kept getting banned from LJ for posting questionable photos of nude kids and Nazi rape self-insert stories.

>> No.8005192

Lor is indeed pretty ugly.
I wouldn't judge her for cosmedic surgery but she's doing pretty well without. Like the anon said, she's a nice person with cute coords and a nice wardrobe.

I know lor is your waifu but to be in complete denial about her apperance is pathetic, like you're a jnig fan.

>> No.8005195
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I miss the old GLB regulars like Choconyan and Unuu.

>> No.8005201

I didn't even get fake vibes from her blog. She seems like a really genuine person who hasn't let efame go to her head, and I admire that.

>> No.8005270

I'm a different anon and I don't even think she is ugly. Is she conventionally attractive? No she isn't but that doesn't mean she is ugly. There are plenty of people who think she is attractive, just like I am sure there are plenty of people out there who think your ugly.

>> No.8005283

i need to lighten up? what are you even talking about. i said i liked her, shes cool. i have nothing against her. im just not crazy about her like you seem to be and think her nose is ugly. sheesh!

>> No.8005286

I know this may make me sound selfish but I don't want her to get cosmetic surgery....

As a prominent nosed lolita, I look up to her and I'm sure there are other prominent nosed lolitas out there who look up to her too. I wouldn't be a lolita now if it wasn't for her, a lot of lolitas hate on us girls with larger noses just because we don't fit the "kawaii little girl" ideal.

>> No.8005374

Choconyan!! I tried digging up some info on her a few months ago but couldn't find much. Does anyone know anything about this girl?

>> No.8005386
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She's just gotten back into Lolita apparently. I talked to her a bit back then, she's insanely nice. Not like saccharine sweet, just like a chill ass chick. Always adored her and totally not ashamed of that. I prefer her old style to new look, but she's an adult and I'm happy she is still wearing clothes she loves.