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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8000822 No.8000822 [Reply] [Original]

Is it considered in poor taste to do a Disney cosplay shoot or even just wear cosplay to Disneyland?

What about if its vaguely Disney related like Star Wars, Kingdom Hearts, or Marvel?

What about if it isn't Disney related in the slightest and you wanna do a shoot there in character?

>> No.8000826

how about you go and google the park's policies on this shit before asking if it's in poor taste you assmunch

>> No.8000827

A lot of Disney theme parks have rules against adults in costume because the can get confused with staff. If they act inappropriately it would be the park that has to deal with it. You'll probably won't be allowed inside if you're dressed as a Disney character.

>> No.8000832

Its in poor taste in the sense that you can and will get in the park for free, they usually assume you are an employee but I would not recommend doing this multiple times

>> No.8000834

doesn't stop people from doing it anyway

>> No.8000835
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>> No.8000855

Doesn't matter what you're cosplaying: if it looks like a costume, you'll be asked to either change or leave the park. A closet cosplay without a wig or things like disneybound shouldn't be a problem if it looks casual enough.

Some people manage to get in by entering the park in normal clothing and then changing into costume, but there's staff walking everywhere so they always get caught.

>> No.8000868

I'm pretty sure it's not only poor taste but simply prohibited.
Wasn't there this story about a girl crying, because she wasn't allowed to enter the park in her Tinkelbell cosplay?

>> No.8000876


> I'm a special little snowflake so why do the official rules apply to me?

>> No.8000883

It's to the point where some Lolitas get turned away because their coord looks too much like a costume, not even an actual character, but like someone who might be in one of the shows

>> No.8000887

>Is it considered in poor taste to do a Disney cosplay shoot or even just wear cosplay to Disneyland?
It is. The concept is that children should be able to meet the "actual" Disney Princesses, so the only people in costumes allowed are the Disney Face Characters. Some adult in a (probably poorly done) costume running around would destroy that illusion.
I know there are several people crying "muh childhood!!1" and "muh nostalgia!!" but face it: Not everything revolves around you. Go cosplay somewhere else.

>What about if it isn't Disney related in the slightest and you wanna do a shoot there in character?
Probably not allowed unless you have permission. Getting in there in whatever ind of obvious costume would be hard in the first place; with a less obvious copslay it might be possible though. Doing some photos would probably be alright but a complete shoot with all the equipent, time and space it takes not.

>> No.8000892

>she spent months putting together that costume
>makeup took her two hours
What the fuck?

>> No.8000981

Yes, that's her!
This is so hilarious, she really acts like her and her bf's costume are anything above cheap halloween costume quality.

>> No.8001024

This. They need to be in control of the face characters in the park and if an untrained cosplayer came in and kids thought of them as the real deal, it could end up being a disaster. I think it's a pretty sensible rule. Like you wouldn't go to a Wal-mart dressed up like you work there and refuse to help people or flip them off.

>> No.8001043

Really? Seriously? I demand a source.

>> No.8001060



>> No.8001078

Friends went to Japan's Disneyland wearing Chesire Cat and Stitch kigurumi. They told them to change clothes at the gates but since they didn't have any extra clothes with them they got permission to stay as long as they didn't have hoods on. I kinda understand why Disney is being this strict.

>> No.8001082

>Like you wouldn't go to a Wal-mart dressed up like you work there and refuse to help people or flip them off.

I wouldn't have to, Walmart's employees pretty much already do that themselves.

>> No.8001085

>I know there are several people crying "muh childhood!!1" and "muh nostalgia!!"
Why? It used to be allowed?

>> No.8001088

The only time adults are allowed to wear costumes is during October or special Halloween events. Always good for laughs because people will get pics in their shitty costumes next to the face characters

>> No.8001089

Honestly, after being screamed at for the third time in one shift by some fat ass white trash woman with crying children over something they were never trained to do, I can't blame them.

>> No.8001105

Well, children are allowed to wear costumes but I think they were more referring to people like the girl in this video >>8000876

>> No.8001120

Is there a picture of what this person wore?

>> No.8001132

No, as >>8001105 said I was talking more about special snowflakes like >>8000876


>> No.8001135

>that ugly ass make up
>2 hours
what the hell, she dosent even look like shes got mascara, blush, or lipstick on just shitty eye shadow, no way that nasty mess took 2 hours

>> No.8001136

Here's the thread with the idiot who wanted to wear her Miku wig. Takes her a page or two to start replying and showing her autism, but it's worth it.

>> No.8001137

Disneyland/world takes their park seriously as fuck and I'm glad that they do. Seriously, read up on it someday, it's extremely interesting- every little detail you see, and especially everything you DON'T see, is meticulously tailored toward the park attendees impressions. You will almost never find a piece of trash on the ground, they won't even sell chewing gum on the property because it risks being spit onto the sidewalk. You will never see an actor out of character or out of costume. You will never see anything under obvious disarray or repair. They absolutely will do everything in Walt's glorious postmortem powers to never EVER break the illusion.

>> No.8001146

Not that I give a shit about her reasoning but they let her in one park for almost the entire day, and it wasn't until she tried to get into another park that she was stopped.

This would piss off ANYBODY. As someone who works in customer service, if a customer came in violating our dress code we'd have to shut them down on the spot. If we allowed them to waltz around for almost their entire visit and then decided to take our decision back and told them they'd have to leave, we'd get sued (or at the very least in trouble with corporate).
Someone at the park dropped the ball, or else this whole thing could have been prevented.

And honestly, if anything is going to "ruin the magic" for kids at Disneyworld it's going to be the lines, parents telling them 'no' if they can't afford something, and other people being rude/disruptive.

>> No.8001149

>wears wigs for 12+ hours in sweaty FL cons
>"I've never washed a wig before"

I feel nauseous

>> No.8001233

I recall seeing a group of Lolitas at Disney Sea in Tokyo. When I went I wore a really casual coord, with a really light a-line Petti, all in Browns, no wig, and they waved me through without a problem, and there are stories of Lolita groups going through Tokyo Disneyland okay, but I think that's because the staff are a bit more aware of the groups. After all, Disney did collaborations with Baby.

If you guys ever get a chance, do the October party thing, though, it's fun as hell. Went with two friends, in comfortable enough cosplays to ride the rides without a problem, got pictures with the cast members, and between the three of us we got enough candy to cover the top of our hotel room bed. We had to ration it for months.

>> No.8001252
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>> No.8001256

Japan Disney parks aren't actually owned by Disney so their rules are different.
Also many of the costumed characters are foreigners, so Japanese people in costume are less likely to be mistaken for staff members.

>> No.8001265

>wear cosplay to Disneyland
Ahahaha, she doesn't know

>> No.8001289

I know many, many people in the LA cosplay comm who have worn non-disney cosplays to the park and have entered with no problems. If you're in a clean, casual cosplay that doesn't draw too much attention or simply in a bright wig, they can't deny you at the door.

>> No.8001310
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But it's possible to go to disney in cosplay though. I don't know the details of her visit, but she went there in cosplay.

>> No.8001325

One time I went to Disney World with my sister in our Rei and Asuka wigs but otherwise normal clothes. It was pretty cool because there were multiple employees that recognized us as being Rei and Asuka (I particularly remember a Haunted Mansion cast member excitedly talking to us for a minute about NGE) and when we were watching the parade a couple of the costumed cast noticed the wigs and gestured at us.

>> No.8001326
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>a couple of the costumed cast noticed the wigs and gestured at us

>> No.8001343

It's a case by case basis.

>be halloween 2011
>at DW with group of friends
>friend dresses up as Lea from Kingdom Hearts
>gets in
>would my friend get in dressed in her Sora costume?
>fuck no

because Lea looks like normalfag streetwear.

We were allowed to do our KH group at the night Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party where they do the parade and can meet Disney Villians

afaik that;s the only time adults can do costumes. A couple employees really quietly/indirectly were like "nice costumes"

>> No.8001366

>You will almost never find a piece of trash on the ground
Been to the parks about eleven times total and I've really taken notice of this. For a place serving millions of visitors it's squeaky clean. It boggles my mind how they do it.

>> No.8001377

they have people with dustbins and brooms EVERYWHERE.
one time i bought some popcorn and as i fumbled to get my wallet back in my pocket i dropped a bunch of it on the ground. i took two steps and looked behind me to see how bad the damage was and there was already a guy sweeping it up. i swear he hadn't been there a second prior

>> No.8001405

Mildly unrelated but I'm guessing Universal Studios Orlando wouldn't give any fucks if you went to their Harry Potter park in Hogwarts robes/student cosplay? I've not heard of them having face characters or anything.

>I just want to live the dream man

>> No.8001410

Can people confuse you for one of the park actors?

That's the rule of the thumb they follow. It doesn't matter if it's cosplay, lolita or any other silly outfit you have in your closet. The second link here >>8001060 explains it best. Look how two pair of lolita socks got a different answer.

>> No.8001412

People go to Universal in generic Harry Potter outfits all the time. I mean shit, they even sell the stuff there for Harry Potter costumes.

>> No.8001426

You can go in cosplay during the Halloween events on specific days

But honestly why would you WANT to go to Disneyland in cosplay any other time of the year? Wouldn't that impact your time at the park? I don't get it. I don't understand disneybounding either its such an asinine practice. just go to the park like a normal person there's plenty of other times of the year to dress in a costume

>> No.8001427

If you think about it it's also sort of a safety issue. If a molester or pedophile went to Disney World dressed in costume and ended up messing with some kids NOBODY is going to be happy and Disney gets a big fat headline that they absolutely want to avoid.

>> No.8001443

Yes, it was pretty negligent of the first park to let her in. But she should've known this could happen. It's common knowledge that most amusement parks don't want guests running around in costume unless it's halloween.
Even if you don't know that, it takes one google search to find out.

And she clearly isn't whining because she thought it was unfair. She's whining because she thinks her little fantasy is more important than park safety.

>> No.8001462 [DELETED] 

I'd love to see one of you whores turn up there in a Yoko cosplay and get turfed out for being a whore.

Don't worry, I'd track you down and rape you afterwards so it wouldn't be an entirely bad experience.

>> No.8001464
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>> No.8001473

This. Moving around the park in a decent costume is a bitch in halloween, imagine during normal park days.

>> No.8001475

Apparently, there were a bunch of studies done showing that a person would walk an average of 35 steps before deciding to just drop whatever piece of trash they were carrying. On top of having cleaner-uppers everywhere, like >>8001377 said, there's a trashcan roughly 35 steps in any direction, in any place you might be in the park. I've not been there enough to observe this for myself, but it's what I've been told.

Does Universal have HP face characters though?

>> No.8001487
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They don't really. They have their own official Hogwarts students and Beauxbaton and Durmstang students that do performances, but that's it.

>> No.8001517

Weirdly enough I think you could manage to wear that on a regular day if you maybe leave the headband and wig off during entry. The dress is certainly showy but the colors are subtle enough. Also EAH is a Mattel property.

>> No.8001545

Yes. You could be confused with a park employee

>> No.8001553

I go all the time in a "disney bound" styled outfit. it's pretty much a modern day version of the characters so there's no way to get mistaken for a character.

the cast members love it and the face character actors do as well, they like to see the bounding creativity

>> No.8001568

That has never stopped Traci Hines from whoring herself out at the SoCal park and scheduling meet and greets for autographs with herself there, as well. She still has never been approached on it.

>> No.8001570

>dat Ariel ass

>> No.8001581

>it's pretty much a lazy version of the characters so there's no way to get mistaken for a character


>> No.8001585

I wonder if anyone has been kicked out for wearing disney related gajinkas. For example, would a polka dot dress, black tights, red shoes, and a mouse ears with a matching polka dot bow be unacceptable? Technically the parks only have mascot versions right?

>> No.8001588

>and a mouse ears headband*

>> No.8001601

Thats disgusting. What are they being taught that they think just dropping rubbish is ok? People need more shame

>> No.8001606

But there's people whose job it is to clean up that rubbish, anon! That makes it totes okay to just drop it. Otherwise they wouldn't have jobs! Not that they deserve them, dirty illegals. Pfah.

>> No.8001656

>Disney gave her free clothes so she could stay and she's still crying bitch tears
Jesus. I live by Disney so I've heard about stuff like this but can we talk about how ungrateful that is.

>> No.8001661

Universal doesnt have face characters and I think HP is generally more accepted as something that an adult can love as much as a child, while Disney is more of a kids thing.

Not saying its right, but whatever.

>> No.8001667

Like they would tell you if they hated it

>> No.8001877
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Kinda this. Disney's thing is to make every moment magical for everyone. I'm sure in actuality I'm sure they're a bit sick of the 34th girl they've seen that day wearing a blue blouse, red bolero and yellow skirt and converse. Maybe I'm just being cynical, but my friends who Disneybound weekly put together some godawful outfits that make them look like quick Halloween costumes than a well thought out outfit. I imagine this is at least 50% of what park DBs are like.

>> No.8001915

I'm not 100% sure on this so other disney nerds correct me if I'm wrong but this appears to be 1900 Park Fare which is located in the Grand Floridian ( a resort on disney property but not inside the parks).

She may have never stepped past any of the main gates and only wore this costume for dinner but I don't know the whole situation.

>> No.8001932 [DELETED] 

>Universal doesnt have face characters
i remember it having a captain america?

>> No.8002018

Exactly this. The park's employees are very well trained in that magical moment thing - every little girl in a dress, no matter how much of a spoilt brat, gets "hello princess, how are you, you're wearing a beautiful dress etc." So if they open their mouths, they aren't going to say anything mean and more likely it will be hyperbole nice.

>> No.8002078

The problem is that it's a complete judgement call. Different employees have different standards on what's acceptable. Take wearing lolita at Versailles for example--I read one blog where the girl got in through the palace fine, but once she went to go into a garden area, the security there stopped her and said she had to change.

Hell I remember a lolita posting about how she was told she must change at Disneyland because her outfit looked like a costume, but her friend with her didn't have to. (I also vaguely remember the person saying this was Disney discrimination against thin people because her friend was fat and therefore wouldn't be confused with a real cast member.)

>> No.8002083

unless it's halloween it's annoying as fuck, anytime i go to disneyland and see someone dressing up like that over the age of 12 i wonder what the hell they were thinking

>> No.8002103

>literally not allowed to wear full costumes
>wear a simpler street clothes version instead to get in

Did you even read the thread?

>> No.8002105

Considering they sell mouse ears in the fucking park, obviously this is okay. A color coordinated dress is nowhere near a costume that kids might make a beeline towards

>> No.8002111

That's basically what Disneybounding is really. If it goes too far into costume territory (like you're wearing big costume gloves or face paint/a mask) you might get asked to change, but I mean they sell the mouse ear hats there so what you're describing sounds pretty tame.

>> No.8002115

They have some Marvel characters but they're pretty much show performers, like all the other 'characters' there. They don't really just wander the parks or have full in character hang out sessions like Disney. For whatever reason they come out on fucking ATVs and do some kind of show and then pose for pictures and that's pretty much it.

>> No.8002133

>her friend was fat and therefore wouldn't be confused with a real cast member
Which doesn't even make sense because there's definitely chubbo cast members. You won't get mistaken for a princess, sure, but there's a ton of other characters plus all the "atmosphere" cast members that are in costume and have set characters without being a true face character. Especially ones that rely on actual stage presence and not so much on perfectly matching looks.

>> No.8002153

It depends on how costume-y it looks.

"Disneybounding" is very common in the parks nowadays and I haven't heard of anyone who keeps their outfit casual enough being asked to change. They've even had big meet-ups, and the person that runs Disneybound has done some official stuff with Disney.

>> No.8002192

If I remember right her outfit was some kind of hime style with a tiara hence why she was the one asked to change. She probably looked the more "princess-y" of the two.

>> No.8002201

I'm dying because they show the face character Tinkerbell looking cute as fuck and then this hot mess is bawling.

>> No.8002205

>asked to change
>reverse size discrimination (since I guess I'm the size of most of the girls who play their princesses)

>> No.8002223

>The problem is that it's a complete judgement call.
How? The rules say no Disney costumes allowed.
Tinkerbell is an objective Disney costume unlike a lolita outfit. Therefore she should have been objectively cut off at the gate from the beginning.

It's the park's fault, no two ways about it. If they don't enforce their own rules then that's tough titty when someone gets publicity for it under the guise of "dey ruined muh dream!"

>> No.8002250

the guidelines that the employees work with is to prohibit attire that is considered "inappropriate" because it detracts from the experience of other guests. The dress code on the California website mentions that "adult costumes" may result in admittance refusal but again, it's judgement call. The security at Hollywood Studios obviously decided to let them pass--for whatever reasons. Maybe because she was 15 and looked too young to be confused with an employee, maybe because it was Hollywood Studios and not the main park, maybe because it looked so home-made that they didn't think people would confuse her with an employee, who knows.

Disney specifically pointed out they asked the couple to change *after* security noticed that children began to ask to take photos with them, which meant that their outfits did end up being inappropriate according to their guidelines.

It's even more confusing nowadays with Disneybound. Technically a lot of Disneybounds should not be allowed because they are "clothing that can be viewed as representative of an actual Disney character," but I haven't heard of anyone with a Disneybound outfit being refused yet.

>> No.8002266

>Take wearing lolita at Versailles for example--I read one blog where the girl got in through the palace fine, but once she went to go into a garden area, the security there stopped her and said she had to change.

Wait... What? We're talking the palace, yes? Why would a girl in lolita be an issue?

>> No.8002280

iirc something to do with being mistaken for a re-enactor(?) or staff in costume.

>> No.8002286

I don't see how, honestly. They are not even close. We get lolitas dressed up at Colonial Williamsburg all the time, and while there is a vague resemblance between historic gowns and lolita, its not like anyone would ever mistake it.

>> No.8002294
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You're technically not allowed to wear anything that is a costume, a historical dress, or could be considered distracting to other guests. Part of it is a traffic/safety issue, since French lolitas were having big meet-ups there, and tourists would start stopping to stare/want pictures/etc. One of the leaders of the main French lolita group was told by security to stop having meets there. Also, the palace does have special artists who perform on the grounds sometimes--they're not always in historical garb but are usually 'dressed up' in some way.

It's even more subjective than Disneyland. There have been girls who got in wearing full-blown sweet lolita, and girls who were turned down for muted classic coords. Or girls who made it by one security checkpoint and were stopped at another. Recently this girl got in and had no problems going into the palace, gardens, or the Marie Antoinette estate.... while I remember a girl wearing a similar outfit who was yelled at by security as soon as she stepped in.

And since Versailles cares even less about customer service, don't expect to get a free change outfit like you would at Disneyland.

>> No.8002297

It's straight-up not allowed. You might get away with it on halloween or when they do special events, but that's it. Most disney parks have policies against costumes on the grounds, in case some creeper dresses up as Mickey and goes around tarnishing the company name. They just can't take chances.

>> No.8002298

wait, I think I was thinking of the wrong thing, this case was probably the one where they thought they were doing a professional photoshoot so they wouldn't let them in because they didn't pay to do that.

>> No.8002308

I could see it as an issue if they are doing meetups and photoshoots and generally being a bother, but in all the living history museums I have been to and worked at, they encouraged visitors to get involved.

>> No.8002311


It's literally my first time hearing this term in as there's no Disney park near me but I guess it means toned down disney-themed wear to a Disney park?

I've seen some really cute mickey and minnie gajinka cosplays and some no doubt young kids might go up to and ask for pictures if they saw them - would that be an issue since they could be mistaken as staff? I mean imagine that the pair was attractive/cute and you can tell no doubt that they are cosplaying as gajinka versions but they aren't exactly super "costume-y" because they aren't sporting the big hands, the tails, and don't have whiskers.

>> No.8002317

>don't have whiskers
Pretty sure Mr and Ms Mouse have never had whiskers.

>> No.8002320

My bad.

>> No.8002324
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Dropped pic.

>> No.8002331

>but in all the living history museums I have been to and worked at, they encouraged visitors to get involved.

Versailles isn't a living history museum, so...

>> No.8002338

If they have in-the-moment character actors- IE, living people interpreting history as the people of history- then it is a living history museum.

But moot point, the only reason I can see them being banned at all is the local scene treating the palace like their own personal club/photo set.

>> No.8002341
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>It's literally my first time hearing this term in as there's no Disney park near me but I guess it means toned down disney-themed wear to a Disney park?

You know the trend for making character, movie or media themed Polyvore sets? (In fact there used to be a /cgl/ group!)

Disneybound is basically what happened when someone with a marketing degree latched onto that idea for Disney and got super popular on Tumblr, to the point where "Disneybound" is now often considered the term for the concept.

The idea is to make outfits "inspired by" characters/movies/songs/whatever, without it being a costume... to varying degrees of success. So the outfit might have the same color scheme as a characters, and/or include accessories that remind them of characters (apple necklace for snow white, etc).

>> No.8002342

Lolita is generally allowed at WDW, we've had plenty of meetups there and I haven't heard of anyone being turned away.

>> No.8002347
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I imagine most lolita is fine unless you're not doing super OTT sweet or anything closely resembling Alice.

>> No.8002348

>If they have in-the-moment character actors- IE, living people interpreting history as the people of history- then it is a living history museum.

They don't. Versailles is not a living history museum.

>But moot point, the only reason I can see them being banned at all is the local scene treating the palace like their own personal club/photo set.

It can be a security/safety issue for people to crowd around someone wearing a costume and a potential insurance issue if anyone thinks the people in costume are associated with the museum.

>> No.8002349

>making character, movie or media themed Polyvore sets

Ohhh! Yes, I've definitely seen those around but for other fandoms. Thanks for connecting the dots for me.

>> No.8002354

Ah. I have never been. Its on my list. I was going by >>8002294.

>It can be a security/safety issue for people to crowd around someone wearing a costume and a potential insurance issue if anyone thinks the people in costume are associated with the museum.

What kind of cords are they wearing to be an insurance/security/safety issue? Seriously.

>> No.8002363

>What kind of cords are they wearing to be an insurance/security/safety issue? Seriously.

Lolita is an extremely niche fashion that looks like an unusual costume to most people. The French group was asked to stop having meetings because visitors to the museum would start congregating around them to look at them or want pictures. That is a safety/security issue, especially at Versailles where things can get very crowded. It can be an insurance issue if someone thinks they are associated with the museum and they behave inappropriately--aka the same reason Disney doesn't want kids to think non-employees are employees.

It sounds like you're just being willfully stubborn at this point, tbh. It's not that hard to recognize why they would not want people dressed in what is considered a costume.

>> No.8002367

Costume != coord. Come on people, reading the thread isn't hard.

>> No.8002376

Not stubborn, just trying to understand it. I lived in France for two years, and odd fashion is not exactly rare there. Its their palace, they can do what they want.

I was always under the impression that lolita coords were NOT costume territory. We're talking separate from the Disney issue.

>> No.8002378

*In the end, its their palace

>> No.8002385

Depending on the outfit don't expect most plebs to know the difference.

>> No.8002394

Coord is not costume. We're talking about lolita at a castle in France. Please keep up.

>> No.8002414

That's exactly what she's saying, anon... You should probably stay on the same page too.

We weren't mixing the two up, we were talking about how lolita can (and probably will) be mistaken for a costume.

>> No.8003238

No one is saying its actually a costume, but normalfags will interpret it as a costume because of how it looks.

>> No.8003620

I have a few friends who are cast members and face characters. they've always told me when not on the clock how much the cast members love seeing the bounders and how it just adds something to their shitty day dealing with children who scream and horrible parents

>> No.8006472

I dont get that art...

>> No.8006576


Are you that thirsty for attention that you have to cosplay at theme park?

Shit like this is literally the reason why cosplayers get called attention whores.

>> No.8006577

What's not to get?

It's two face characters in the dressing room. One is a veteran actress portraying a veteran Disney Princess, while the other one is just starting out her Disney job with a Disney princess that is just starting out in her role as a household staple.

>> No.8006582

Why is her dress fucked up because one little girl said she was her favorite?

>> No.8006587


If you've ever been to Disney Land/World lately you'd understand.

The Frozen Princesses are easily the most popular princesses to see at the parks and they quite often get mobbed by people.

>> No.8006826

strange child. strange child. strange child. strange...........child.

>> No.8007166

I just came back from Disney World after staying for five days and I did see some non-cast member adults in costumes. I saw three different Snow Whites (none wore a wig, so it was easy to tell right away) and an Elsa who looked almost exactly like she worked there. It kind of confused me since I heard that was against the rules, and I guess it still is? Hmm.

I also wore toned-down Lolita every day with no problems at all. (the Bodyline Alice print in green but without the apron and the music rabbit print in green) Actually, I got compliments from cast members on my jumperskirts, far from being kicked out of the park. I guess having normal poof, Minnie ears, a Stitch backpack, and it being close to Christmas helped.

tl;dr I saw 4 adults in Disney costumes and had nothing but good experiences in Lolita.

>> No.8007192 [DELETED] 

>"Hi I want some advice but I'm going to throw a fit unless you tell me what I want to hear"
Why do these people even waste their time asking? They've made up their mind to be idiots already.

>> No.8007360

Its against the rules and honestly why would you want to cosplay at Disney anyways? Its hot as fuck in Orlando particularly.
Lolita is even stretching it, one must be careful its not too flashy. I'd leave the wigs at home especially.
I did disney bound once as Donald and wore a seifuku, it was pretty fun and thats probably the closest an adult can get to wearing a costume at a park outside of events.

>> No.8007371

garbage cans are placed 30 paces away because that's apparently the distance someone will go to dump their trash off themself.

pretty good, saves on cleanup

>> No.8007395

all i saw in that thread
>people with cheapass wigs
>more autism

>> No.8007398

There's also Disneyland and they aren't that hot depending on the time of year.

That's interesting. Maybe they changed when they got there and you saw them before they were asked to change? The Snow Whites might have been given something of a pass because they weren't in a full costume. I feel when given the choice to approach someone or not the park staff probably would prefer not to ruin someone's magical day. To be honest I might try to sneak something in if it was known you would get free Disney clothes and maybe they were going for it.

>> No.8007878

Hot as fuck unless you go there on winter, tho.

>> No.8007907
File: 336 KB, 400x594, tumblr_nf8zj8PxLn1slyfkzo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. Lolita is fine as long as you're not OTT or can be mistaken as Alice. That's why Lolita day at Disneyland has been going for the past couple years. I even wore a jsk with an Alice in Wonderland print on it for my birthday. Since It's didn't actually look like Alice's dress I was fine. It made a fun conversation piece with the face characters.

>> No.8007933

Really? At colonial Williamsburg? I have worked as a house slave in a couple of historical colonial sites (because in Virginia there are way too many of them) and never did we get a Lolita.

>> No.8007967

I know at least one of the Snow Whites and Elsa had children along. Both of Elsa's daughters were also dressed as Elsa, so that also might've been why they were still in the park.

>> No.8008039

I work far end of DoG, mostly at Prentis for trade product interpretation and trade sale coordination (fancy way of saying that trades make it, we document/interpret it and sell it), and occasionally do evening programs. Lots of W&M lolitas.

Which house do you work in?

>> No.8008042

Oh, and they LOVE Mary D's, but that should go without saying.

>> No.8008061
File: 437 KB, 700x910, anna-and-elsa08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it considered in poor taste to do a Disney cosplay shoot or even just wear cosplay to Disneyland?

No it's not, especially when you look like this. I wish one of these goddesses were my girlfriend :'(

>> No.8008062

These girls would get booted out immediately.

>> No.8008064

Why? Last time I checked, Disney World allowed this type of cosplay. Is it different for DisneyLand?

>> No.8008070

It's because they're the Yuurisans, they make better costumes and that would make Disney look bad ._.

>> No.8008077
File: 179 KB, 900x675, frozen-characters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah... I'd definitely rather take a picture with the Yuurisan Twins instead of the two chicks Disney is trying to pass off as Anna and Elsa.

>> No.8008121

Um yeah, those employees at Animal Kingdom were just being dicks. I have been going to Disney World at least five times a year ever since I was a young lad. Every time I visit, there is always some adults who are obviously cosplaying.


I have also cosplayed occasionally at Disney and if I am stopped, which is rare because the employees could careless what I wear, they tell me not to take any pictures with the tourists. That's it, they don't stop me and tell me to take off my clothes. So based on my experiences, I have just one question. Why did they stop her? I'm sorry but if someone stopped my girlfriend in Disney for cosplaying and asked her to "take off her clothes" and make her cry like the poor girl in this video, I would raise hell and ask for the manager >:(. WTF Disney! I am about to go on my Christmas Vacation, and I don't want to be stopped because I decided to dress as Jack Skellington!!

>> No.8008169

If thats the disney face characters theyre stunning compared to 99% of the frozen shit out there. Go stop by the thread.

>> No.8008180

yes actually. DisneyLand is a lot more strict on the dresscode, hair and makeup seems okay, but not full on cosplay

>> No.8008191

No they don't. They don't allow anyone in costume except for children at both parks unless it's Halloween.

>> No.8008193


>> No.8008342

In the video they're meeting Jack and Sally, it's the Halloween party when you're allowed to dress up.

>> No.8008455

I'm up in NoVA. I used to work at Mt. Vernon (back in my slave days). I've worked at Gadsby's Tavern I liked that job better since I got to wear fancier clothes and host dances. Honestly LIving History up here is weird because there are high school classes and clubs that you can take for it and then they let the kids go to the sites and work too... as you can guess it's only white kids who do it. I'm working boring old retail right now. Idk I may get back into it at one point if you can promise me that I can wear one of my fancy dresses. I just can't with the slave and peasant garb anymore, I'm too cute for that.

>> No.8008484

Did you ever work with the lady from Ask a Slave?

>> No.8008497

No I did not. But I promise you that youtube series is 100% accurate.

>> No.8008532

>they're cosplaying during a Halloween event when you're allowed to cosplay
>that means you can always cosplay as an adult even though the rules say you can't

Jesus tapdancing christ

>> No.8008553

Why is this surprising? They sell special tickets for big Halloween schebangs.

>> No.8008612

I didn't say it was surprising? I'm rolling my eyes at someone who thinks that because someone is in costume during a Halloween event when adults are explicitly allowed to dress up means that adults can always wear costumes.

>> No.8008697

Why has Anna got lips like doraemon and elsa gotta be so tanned eurgh

>> No.8008717
File: 284 KB, 622x279, Gravity_falls_mabel_and_dipper_pines_by_drtwobrainsfan-d6foza4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone showed up to one of the parks dressed as pic related, would they be stopped? They're not a face character or anything but still technically a Disney IP.

>> No.8009014

I would say no. You would look like a normal girl who likes fun sweaters and you happened to wear a pink head band.

>> No.8009018

I was thinking more of Dipper and his iconic pinetree hat.
I would say no as well as it seems inconspicuous enough, but it's harder to say if you brought, say, both Pines twins and Grunkle Stan.

>> No.8009110

The school thing sounds pretty great at least though, even if its only white kids at least they let them do it. I volunteered for a local historical site when I was in high school and the school board wouldn't even let my teacher give me extra credit for it. We had to pull a lot of fucking strings a few years later so we could have some kids come out to help with events.

>> No.8009266

Actually, all little girls get the princess treatment regardless of them dressing up or not. It's part of that whole tailored Disney magic experience they pride themselves with.

>> No.8009296

Even at the local Disney stores little girls are referred to as "your highness" by the staff in the most sweet genuine manner possible. At least from what I've observed. Seems a bit awkward especially if you get that rare girl that doesn't care about princesses or has terrible self esteem issues. I can see the marketing advantage. Little girls associating Disney with being treated like a princess and will push harder for her mom to get her at least a tiara before they leave.

>> No.8009309

That's crazy. Like maybe I just had a weird high school but they would approve almost anything as volunteer hours. My senior year of high school I was a double TA for my Astronomy teacher and my Japanese teacher. Part of both of those was going to elementary schools to teach children and for Astronomy I they would come to my school since we had a planetarium and I would help out with the third and fifth grade classes that visited. I wound up being allowed to use both of those as my volunteer hours... but we did have to have political hours since it's the DC area (hell I went to school with my congressman's kids).

>> No.8009391

We didn't have student TAs at all. I'm talking about an underfunded overcrowded suburban school with an overly bureaucratic school board. The state actually requires kids to learn about their town and to visit any local museums as school trips at least once per year, but the school board was throwing fits over bus fees (the bus company was gonna wave everything but the cost of gas) and insurance (museums were town property and therefore covered, exactly like the park the schools uses for gym class)

>> No.8009409

This. Cast members are taught that we should try to make everybody happy while at the parks. Doing things like calling the little girls princess. Doing upgrades to their meals. Always telling them congratulations or happy birthday when you see them wearing a button. I work in one of the quick food service restaraunts and we have a box with buttons. I've given buttons out when I found out they were celebrating something. People often don't know about the buttons. They have all kinds like anniversary, birthday, first visit, celebrating, and so on.

>> No.8011070

Wait did she get those clothes she had to change into for free or did they make her buy a new outfit

>> No.8011447

They usually give you them for free. It's usually just a cheap pair of sweats and a shirt

>> No.8016637

What does EAH stand for?

>> No.8016682
File: 560 KB, 780x780, 1410240244817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever After High. The fairytale sister line to Monster High dolls.

>> No.8016767

Technically, adults are not allowed to wear costumes to any character meal restaurants, even those not inside the parks. From the pictures it looks like she went to a very early dining experience (maybe breakfast?) since there's hardly anyone there, so they likely just let it go.

>> No.8016817


Universal has the Marvel face characters, so I don't think you could go in full X-Men gear or something, but with HP you're pretty much fine. I've seen people in full student robes/outfits but no specific character cosplays yet, aka Harry or Ron. They might say something then but honestly Universal is such a clusterfuck I doubt any worker would notice.

>> No.8016887
File: 548 KB, 1280x1204, tumblr_nei7uuDyMp1u2tr1no1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a dive into the Disneybound tag and found one instance that I could imagine adult costumes would be universally allowed - no wigs, middle-aged, and it looks like they put the costumes on to make adorable family pictures (= great publicity for Disney being family-centric).

On wigs, I've also heard that wigs and big head accessories aren't allowed because they would constitute safety hazards on some of the rides if they flew off.

Oh man I am getting weird confused feelings on these. On one hand they look way OTT (borderline ita?) but on the other hand I deeply want to do something that's gaudy and violently candy coloured, fuck it.

>> No.8016893
File: 261 KB, 1366x768, INTRO_Disney_BigHero6_guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious if Disney will get also ban BH6 outfits, since the characters' street clothes are ......street clothes.

>tfw enough of a little punk to own Gogo's entire outfit and am one clip-in extension away from her hair

>> No.8016898

>though the pumpkins in the background say that this might have been on the Halloween costume day

>> No.8017086

You can probably get away with wearing similar outfits, but if you wear 1:1 exact copies of the clothes, accessoires, a wig, circle lenses and full make up and thus make it look like you wear a costume you might not be allowed to get in.

>> No.8018339
File: 192 KB, 1417x700, secrethoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would some of the stuff that Secret Honey has released pass?
Although some of their collection pieces scream cosplay, I think the other more toned down stuff could be worn.

>> No.8018420

First one, definitely passable. Second dress, maybe - probably less likely if the hair is styled like Anna's. The third one I'm iffy on because the material and style look a lot more costumey. If the accessories were more casual/colourful to balance out the monochrome semi-formal look, it could probably pass.

>> No.8018679

Yeah those are the "Hat Tastic Tea Party" outfits, not their normal ones, but they are actual designs from the cartoon so I seriously think someone over there has at least a passing fancy for lolita. I mean, the purple dress Raven is wearing (bottom left), would be completely passable if it had a real blouse underneath instead of the mesh high collar thing. Some of their regular clothes are really close too, Blondie Locks dress is just a tad too bright colored but otherwise is almost spot on.

>> No.8019419
File: 75 KB, 450x630, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never knew of Secret Honey! Some of the stuff is too tacky for me but some is so cute! Definitely going to buy something from there.

>> No.8019447

One of these days I wanna go to Disneyworld in my Kilt and hit on Merida as a suitor for her hand in marriage.

>> No.8023160

please wear underwear under the kilt

>> No.8026139
File: 491 KB, 1024x768, 5356279574_2c8de3d03e_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around when Harry Potter land first opened me and a group of friends bought the robes they sell and went as Hogwarts students.

While waiting in line at the gate, a manager approached us and said while they were going to let us into the park, because we looked like performers we were not to tell anyone we were employees and to essentially behave ourselves.

We had a great response from employees and park guests who wanted to take our picture.

I've seen many other folks dressup to as witches and aurors.

The only time you can really get away with dressing up for Disney as an adult is during Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween party.

>> No.8026152

It would be such an asshole move to have bought their merchandise and then to not let you in though.

>> No.8026182

Why do Harry Potter fans tend to be cuter than average fans?

>> No.8026407
File: 4 KB, 246x205, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8026424

Probably helped that you shelled out the $100 each for the robes they might as well give you a line hopper of sorts. I remember those robes being super legit though with full house color lining and pockets. Saw someone else walking around in a Party City version and there was no comparison.

>> No.8026429

Sauce please?

>> No.8026451

Every time I go to Universal I deck myself out in a robe, scarf, sweater, the works. Go wild and have some fun, anon!

>> No.8026487

Actually managed to get them for like 40% off because a buddy of mine works there :D

>> No.8026518


>> No.8026597

because you subconsciously compare them to the movie cast, which consisted of only ugly deformed britfags

>> No.8026774

the lining isn't quite full, the back of the robe is not lined. But they do have pockets--and also an inner wand pocket which i thought was neat. sage for OT

>> No.8026797

i remember i saw a draco one time because at first i thought it was an employee and I was amused that she would choose slytherin with platinum blonde hair so she's cosplaying at work...but then i noticed she was with a harry and a luna who were wearing wigs...why would you wear a wig to a theme park??

>> No.8026838

I just spent my Christmas down at Disney with my family. Being an adult, I spent just as much time running around with nostalgia goggles on as I did looking for places I could get a drink, which may I add, Florida has some TASTY IPAs.

In my hunt for Floridian craft brews, I started talking to an off duty cast member who was also a beer fan/snob and we knocked a couple back wandering around Epcot, refiling after each pass of the American Experience part of Epcot. I asked about the frequency of cosplayers and Disney's reaction to them. It's pretty much the official statement from Disney that while they are happy to have such avid fans (aka consumers of Disney product) that yes, it would be too confusing to their real target audience (Children, and by extension, their parents with money) to have characters just walking around not paid by Disney.

The wait times at Disney World/Land are by design. You get parents and their kids frustrated by the wait, packed in like sardines and conveniently have food, beverage and souvenirs by the exits of these attractions. You maximize profits this way, by exploiting frustrations and pressure from your children.

He thanked me for the chat after our third drink together and we went on our way. Cool experience, he didn't really tell me anything I didn't know but it was good to hear an official statement from a worker.

>> No.8026840

Disney World pretty much acts like this show doesn't exist. Doesn't fit the Disney "narrative" as the happiest place on earth, too spoopy for their target audience. The only licensed merch I could find were the adult oriented "Vinylmation" collector vinyl art figure series.

>> No.8027700

I'm this >>8026838 Anon.

After reading the thread, I did see three exceptionally "soft grunge" looking girls in their own co-opted soft grunge Disney princess outfits. It was a Belle, Snow White and one that was Ariel. All their costumes were rapt with studs, Doc Martins and upside down crosses.
I was rather surprised to see that Disney had let them in, especially because they were unmistakably the princesses.

>> No.8028406

This is so tacky of her.

>> No.8028408

Actually they have had events where the official advertisements have encouraged Disneybounding.