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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 45 KB, 1040x173, no excuse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7966910 No.7966910 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't had one of these in a bit.

Anyway, I had an idea for my crazed surgeon character. I thought it'd be pretty cool if I could make a human-flesh brigandine + splint (not real, for those who might be a bit too literal). I've got some canvas and some metal lying around, what would be a good material for the cosmetic layer to get that fleshy texture, as well as how to make it look fleshy and a bit patchwork.

Another stupid idea of mine. Would learning hairdressing for the barber part of barber-surgeon and perhaps giving people period haircuts and beard grooming be a terrible idea?

>> No.7966916

The one time I had first aid done with fake wound appliances and fake blood everywhere was certainly a great roleplaying moment. I managed to summon the town guard with my screaming.

Latex seems to be the go to for skin texture and you might be able to cheat by buying a Halloween leg or similar and butchering it up.

Grooming would be great! Maybe braiding and such for the ladies, moustache and beard waxing for the mens. Actually cutting seems a little risky but a new hairstyle could be called a haircut without the long lasting fashion problems.

>> No.7969262
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I really have no idea where you're going with the " human-flesh brigandine" thing if you're not some sort of flesh-crafting necromance and actually want to interact with people, but the rest sounds good.

I whole heartedly support getting a bunch of gauze and stage blood to perform "surgery", but I would avoid trying to cut hair or shave without being taught professionally, and having access to properly cleaned equipment (there is a reason barbers are so highly regulated).

That said, I can think of other ideas past the fake blood and bandages:

*Glass or pottery jar full of water and rubber leeches.

*Urine flask full of apple juice to sample the patient's "urine" by smell, sight and taste. If you want to make a scene, add a drop or two of the stage blood to the apple juice and loudly admonish them for frequenting brothels.

*plastic teeth + tooth-black + stage blood...

>> No.7969592
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Sorry to change the topic but I've come to the point where I'm making the pteruges. Instead of the regular flat one I'm thinking of making them like the other pic but staggered.

I've now decided instead of making it historically accurate I'm going to make it Greek based with element of fantasy like leather hand guards. I'm also going to add things from different cultures to make my character more like one who travels the world.

So on my level of completion: I have my tube and thorax done but waiting on the pteruges so I can then dye things for the edging as well as buy the metal fittings. I have the sandals. My sword (kopis from calimacil) and boeotian helmet are being shipped. So now I need greaves, personal items, spear, and the clothes.

>> No.7969610

Forgot to put my name

I've discovered that the fabric I use to make my armor also could work as a scabbard so since the calimacil ones dont come with any I'm thinking of making one out of that fabric, but lining it with some kind of material. What kind of material would work for it and not damage the blade?

>> No.7969612

with latex weapon we used talc powder...but for injected foam i'd say... Jigaloo, i used it on my injected foam and it gave it a protection against tear

Update us on the scabbard, i'm curious to see how it turn.

>> No.7969619

Do you think a layer of short fake fur would be good as well? So that pulling it out it wont rub against the fabric and have more grip to stay in.

>> No.7969623
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ah, you meant INSIDE the scabbard.

it's not metal so you do not need to be concerned about rust , so you can actually use stuff like that without any problem.

>> No.7969625

Is there any person out there who sells scabbards for calimacil weapons?It seems odd that they wouldn't. Not that I mind making my own since I can customize it however I want.

>> No.7969634

Calimacil weapons will fit into most LARP scabbards, just check the measurements. Other than the wonky scabbards for boffer kinda junk.

>> No.7969639

Oh well thats good at least for certain weapons.

For a greek spear will I have to make that on my own? I haven't found one online yet everytime I google items for larps I discover items that I had previously not seen.

>> No.7969649

that's... not entirely true. Sometimes you need a longer one because of the tip.

>> No.7969655
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fun fact about the OP pic: long after the game I've talked with another player from the game and the blind shaman was mentioned as coming to another larp this is how basically the conversation went:
>the player of the blind shaman will come too
>I don't know... she didn't really played it out that she is blind
>Well... she didn't had to play it, she is actually blind

Anyway, about the flesh brigandine. Are you talkind about making it look like flesh or look like skin? Also-also: do you want to make it kind of ritting?

>> No.7969657
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>Another stupid idea of mine. Would learning hairdressing for the barber part of barber-surgeon and perhaps giving people period haircuts and beard grooming be a terrible idea?
Not really but if there are not enough players it won't be really fun to do and you will mostly do nothing.
If the game has somewhere around a hundred players then it's viable

>> No.7969810
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also some of you might be interested that our blacksmith wants to sell his old armor

>> No.7969837


>> No.7969873
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>> No.7970522

The biggest mistake everyone makes is using individual lames when making peturges. They are one, continuous dagged strip.

>> No.7970601

OP here.
Well, see, he's undead, and started the whole surgery business primarily to keep himelf fed. "Science", "Donations" and "Lives are at stake" is also a handy excuse for graverobbing. As for the frankenbrigandine and frankensplint, well, undead, as well as waste not want not.

On to hairdressing. The larp's pretty big, won't be a weekend event for a while though. Plenty of vikings beards and shieldmaidens to braid, and holy warriors to embalden. Might be one of the better ideas to get me out of NEETdom.

>> No.7971019

Larping seems fun.
How do I get into it?
Where do I learn about larp events?
Is there a website or something?

>> No.7971056

First, where are you? Hopefully not the states.
Then we can narrow down.

>> No.7971060

In the states...
Is larping not very popular here?
I've not really heard about it besides /cgl/ and /tg/.

>> No.7971064

it's not that it's not popular, it's just that it kinda sucks over there

>> No.7971068

Yeah I live in the states and I've tried to find a group but two of the three around me have said that they are not in operation anymore. So it kinda sucks. What state?

>> No.7971070


>> No.7971075
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Dickswords, poor costuming, immature playerbases, overly complex rulesets, frequently containing pay to win and ludicrous veterancy bonuses that make it impenetrable to new players (NERO) or overly combat focused to the detriment of everything else (Dagohir, amtguard).

>> No.7971080

Illinois, specifically Chicago

>> No.7971084


I think this should help a bit

>> No.7971101

>everything in the US is shit
Hot damn!

>> No.7971337

Not OP, but im totally stealing your ideas for my rennfest character. Thanks!

>> No.7971365

Surprise surprise

>> No.7971374

well from what I've seen they go all out for stuff like halloween and furies are really big there, so why is larping not as crazy over there?

>> No.7971530

short answer? people don't put any effort into it

There is a longer answer too but that would be really long as it is a complex thing, You can't really point only at one thing and say "that's causing EVERYTHING"
Also what I see from here it looks like that the US larp scene won't really change in the next few years

>> No.7971992
File: 598 KB, 1500x1425, scaled gloves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I want to throw together a barbarian-esqe costume together, but I'm really not sure about a few things. I want to make a cloak with a fur mantle and some fur bracers/gauntlets as being /fit/ obligates me to go shirtless. Would anyone have any good inspiration pics or tutorials?

Should I bother going with faux fur over a real pelt? I have no idea how and if I should get a real pelt. Faux fur pelts also seem a little off for how much they cost. A coyote pelt seems to be the same price as faux fur and I'd rather get something that looks good and keeps well.

I was thinking of going for a Monster Hunter-esqe vibe on the gauntlets by using those little metal scale chevrons as the "face" portion of the glove. Anyone ever work with those or have any patterns I could try out? I might try tipping the fingers with some oversize fake claws since that seems berzerker-y enough that I sort of want to give it a try, but I worry it might be a bit cringeworthy if I do it wrong.

>> No.7972146
File: 100 KB, 960x960, ganok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real fur.
Bonus for keeping you warm.

Fake claws migth be a pain in the ass to wear really.

>> No.7972188


How do I go about getting some real fur that isn't going to give me mange or something? I'm assuming it's not something you go to Amazon or Ebay for.

>> No.7972206
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Never bougth some myself.
But if i had to i'd buy it from a viking reenactor group i know.

So ,that may be an option to contact your local reenactment group.
other option is to contact hunters , ''Coyotes are assholes and they eat your dogs'' , so if you live in a rural area you can cut a deal with one.

i just choked on a olive core but i'm alrigth now thank you.

Try craiglist maybe?

>> No.7972261

I'm really sad that my favorite local LARP doesn't have people dressing up for it. It's a military-flavored sci-fi setting with aliens and cyborgs and all sorts of cool shit you'd expect people to be dressing up for, but everybody just shows up with jeans and a t-shirt.

>> No.7972636
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I'm with frendian, go for real fur.

You can find some decent pelts on eBay. Both vintage peices and not.

I collect vintage furs (and hats) and here is my two cents. If you are buying vintage it's best to look at it in person.

Furs can have all sorts of issues that you wouldn't know about from a photo. Avoid furs with tears as it is likely the skin is weakening. Also check for shedding. Unless it's rabbit (which sheds constantly) it means the skin is dry and the shredding is unlikely to stop.

Some of the best places to find vintage furs are antique shops and flea markets, really large ones in rural areas often have the best deals. Colder areas are also more likely to have furs.

I've heard of some people having luck finding them in thrift stores but I've never found that to be true in my area.

You are likely going to want something with allot of fur you can cut up and repurpose, so a large stole or coat. Finding a cost that is lined with fur is likely to be less expensive. A fox or mink stole that still has its head attached might add Some barbarity.

Also ask any older relative if they have something in the attic. I have 7 furs and have only bought one myself.

Finally any vintage fur you purchase should be wrapped in a large plastic bag and stuck in a freezer for about a month to make sure to kill any mites. They won't hurt you but are yucky and if left will destroy the fur. It's unlikely to be needed but best to do.

>> No.7973325
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asking in this thread too:
Anyone from here will go to the KOLA conference in Poland at the first week of January?

Or the PORTAL conference in Croatia at the end of February?

>> No.7973344
File: 103 KB, 960x642, tumblr_nfj03wbx1h1r8ryazo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so endlessly horrified that someone looked at this picture and thought it was a positive representation of their larp. Penis swords, crappy sports field and spray painted sports padding. Ugh.

>> No.7973349

I'm not even surprised. But if you go to facebook you will find more horrifying things. Like people who not just post pics produly about their shitty costumes but even tries to explain why it is the best thing ever since the nuclear bread slicer

>> No.7973353
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On the other end however I am quite impressed with this get up. Sure it's not cosplay quality but it's damn fancy for larp!

>> No.7973469
File: 88 KB, 720x479, 480708_388809794506382_229198581_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nuclear bread slicer
Such is life in the zone

most thing that are cosplay quality will not endure getting hit by weapons, compromise are to be made unless you go ''full histo'' where everything is more solid.

My grandmother used to have a lot of fur coats and she put them in storage in a specialised place, a year after she passed , my mother remembered the coats and went to the shop who did not wanted to give them the coat back without the receipt ...so her coats are still in storage and non recuperable since 2011.

be the exemple to follow, make an effort and look good, other people will try to look like you.
Pic unrelated but look at the guy in white doing his sweet ninjas moves

>> No.7974238

Leather tanneries usually also sell lots of furs. Everything from cow hide to zebra, to coyote.
extra points for the furs being fresh from the animal. No worries about it being old, stinky and moth ridden.

>> No.7974335

Ameri-fag here, I'm normally on /tg/ but hungarian larpfag linked me here. I was curious about the American larp scene, and he suggested I ask you, >>7969262 gropey. So, what do you know about it? I believe there's the SCA active in my area, but from what hungarian larpfag has told me I'm not too impressed.

>> No.7974373
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hey Caer adamant, I have trick question for you. Let's say I want a scarf for one of my costumes with a very detailed symbol. What is the best method that's not way too expensive to put that symbol on it? I don't care about being authentic.
Because I think it would be kind of "fuck you too" kind of work to embroider it on the scarf.

And when I say detailed symbol I mean something like pic related, maybe less dense

>> No.7974833
File: 53 KB, 400x586, midking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My grandmother used to have a lot of fur coats and she put them in storage in a specialised place, a year after she passed , my mother remembered the coats and went to the shop who did not wanted to give them the coat back without the receipt ...so her coats are still in storage and non recuperable since 2011.

You know I meant to mention that you were likely to know more about non-vintage furs. Not surprised I was right!

>I believe there's the SCA active in my area, but from what hungarian larpfag has told me I'm not too impressed.
I think Hungarian was not including the SCA when talking about american larp. The SCA isn't a larp we don't role play. Individuals usually have a persona to help focus their garb/fighting gear/research.

There is fighting, both tourneys, skirmishes, and full on battle (as well as ranged weapon competitions), and lots and lots of arts and sciences; everything from clothing, fiber arts, cooking, singing, well yeah list goes on.

Also the fighters wear armor and fight with ratan batons, not dickswords.

So yeah if you are a history enthusiast who wants to fight and hang out and learn stuff the SCA is for you!

If you want to have roleplaying, or desire more fantasy rather then historical elements then try to find a good larp group in your area if you can.

hmmm well anything that complex would take time. Here are a few options that would work:

Painting on the fabric: Either use fabric markers or fabric paint. If you are using markers test to see if they will bleed with the fabric you are using. If using paint work thin rather then thick to keep it from flaking off. Sometimes you can set the paint by ironing over it with a pressing cloth (something you don't care about). I'd test the pressing first before doing it to something you have spent hours on.

Screen printing with freezer-paper stencils: http://www.instructables.com/id/At-home-screenprinting/


>> No.7974847
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Some companies will print custom fabric in small runs (less then a yard in some cases), this has it's limitations. You'll need a large resolution image to do this. If you are interested in this let me know and I'll write even more, although all of my sources are in the US.

Finally there is embossing velvet. This is actually something that might take as long as embroidery, but it's too cool to leave out.

Basically you would need to carve a custom stamp to do it.

how to carve a stamp: http://www.atlasquest.com/tutorials/carving/
how to emboss velvet:http://www.instructables.com/id/Emboss-Velvet-with-Rubber-Stamps-and-a-Household-I/

>> No.7975223

the embossing velvet sounds cool although my image is still too complex for this.
But in the meantime I found a place here which do digital printing on fabrics for a reasonable price so I will probably do that.

>> No.7975234
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I am having such a difficult time trying to decide on a color scheme. I need to figure out which color to choose for my chiton and chlamys . Plus what color to use as a border.
I need to figure out a color so I can finish a good part of my kit.

Also does anyone know a good place to buy a leather gauntlet that covers the hand for only one arm?

>> No.7976315

>But in the meantime I found a place here which do digital printing on fabrics for a reasonable price so I will probably do that.
Do they use water or acid based dyes? Are you doing a design with a white background or a dark colored one?

>> No.7977247

I've asked this before and never got a response, anyone know about the quality of windlass steelcraft larp weapons?

>> No.7977290

I just took a quick look on their site and it looks like to me that they don't actually sell the weapons they just link to other sites that has them.
And none of those sites looks like that this is their main profile, just some extra something that they can sell on the side

>> No.7977969
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meanwhile, nearly finished sewing my jerkin. Anyone knows a nice pattern that I can cut out on it?

>> No.7979628
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>> No.7979630
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>> No.7979839

educate me, what am i looking at exactly?
a Jaques ?

>> No.7979859
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leather jerkin, part of the fashion in the 16th century like on this pic >>7977969
Although I just started the "slashes" hopefully I will finish it tomorrow.

And here is a pic of a finished version

>> No.7979905
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Anyone got pictures of the new Landsknecht-tastic warband that just entered swordcraft and wrecked shit? I'm mad jealous.

Anyway, my current warband's in shambles, and I'm planning a backup kit. I'm normally a bit anti-weeaboo, but after recently hearing about the Ikko-ikki, I too want to be a gun monk wearing a badass hood. I suppose it beats out how overplayed samurai and ninja are.

>> No.7980436
File: 495 KB, 2896x1448, 10683661_10205194903293851_5464495912466916144_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean these guys?

>> No.7980448

that's the one. You follow us? Keep forgetting their generic arse name but I can't stay mad at their dedication to tactics and kit, at least by SC standards. I still think the current state of my kit's pretty below-average, due to idiotic novice me thinking it was a good idea to make a monk robe out of arctic fleece, especially more idiotic once summer rolled around. At least it was dirt cheap. What's your opinion, having been to europe-tier larps? Curious as a frame of reference.

>> No.7980457

no, I just did a quick search to see this group and had to realize that they are not really dressing as landsknechts. More like some generic german stuff / warhammer fantasy.
Although they have a good taste in polearms

>> No.7980596
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moar progress

>> No.7980598
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>> No.7980606

looks alright to my untrained sleep-deprived eyes except for the splotches, which I assume are temporary. Further adjustments?

>> No.7980611

the splotches are water "stains". If you put a little water on the leather you can bend it easily and if you put pressure on it too while it's wet it will remain in that form to some degree.
And yes it's still in progress, I need to do the bottom flaps, then the whole back side. Then put a lot of oil on it.

Then wear it a few times and figure out if it needs a few more slashes or not

>> No.7981338

Could you guys link your favorite larp shops? I don't mean dark prince armory or generic shit shops.

>> No.7981845

Awesome. I still need to get around to making mine.

>> No.7982114

Hey, I'm trying to do an apocalypse nomad outfit for this event in Virginia, and I've got this big ass bolt (actually only about 8 feet) of burlap I'm thinking of turning into a skirt. I'm having some issues securing it with just rolling or tying, so does anybody have any tips on that in case I can't find one of my belts to secure it? Also, any tips on keeping my mobility up with it on would be nice.

>> No.7982146

So how many kilos do your guys' armor weigh and how mobile are you in it?

>> No.7982163

Mail Hauberks weigh 10-15kg and it all hangs off your shoulders. Sleeves just make it worse. For the love of god wear a full gambeson and a second belt around your waist, otherwise the only way to deal with the pain is to channel the hate, the suffering, the FURY into whatever's nearest. Don't be like me and learn the hard way. I can't recall how heavy plate is, but from what I recall it's heavier than mail but distributed a lot better, thus being a lot more comfortable and easier to wear, and almost as flexible if you're wearing properly fitted armor (/r/ing the video of that guy sitting/rolling/climbing ladders etc in plate with ease) as opposed to larpshop crap, which a lot of RPGs get wrong.

>> No.7982179

Thats pretty reasonable for the protection. How comfortable is mail if worn over a gambeson? Can one go a full day wearing it?

>> No.7982182

If you're in Melbourne, Australia, there's Kongas Kreations (www.kongaskreations.com.au) run by a giant of a knight named Kon, who retails Calimacil and a little Epic Armory and Battle Legend, as well as some of his own stuff, is planning on running his own workshops next year, generally has more weapons and armor, and Of Science and Swords (www.ofscienceandswords.com.au), run by a chaos lord/ork named Avi, who gets Calimacil (No stock till 24 Dec), Epic Armory, Dark Moon, Battle Legend, Palnatoke, Forgotten Dreams and Alteirs Nemesis, generally having more props, makeup and costume stuff. They run in person stalls at each Swordcraft, Konga recently starting to open up his warehouse. They tend to be pretty reasonable about exchanges and refunds, and quite honest about Epic Armory and Battle legend's questionable longevity.

Wish I could help you, haven't worn mail since, working on my own gambeson currently before I borrow mail again.

>> No.7982296
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My half plate is somewhere around 18kg if I remember correctly. You will notice it is actually lighter than the mail hauberk of this guy >>7982163 if you consider that it protects in more area

Also I can definitely can wear it all day, did it numerous times. I don't say that your smile will be honest at the end of the day but it's pretty much possible
You can say the same for mail, although It's a little easier to sleep in mail than in plate armour

>> No.7982317
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Friendly reminder to gas the kikes race war now

>> No.7983017
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I weigthed myself with and without armor and the kit in total weigth 70lbs (wich is pretty ligth since it's flat ringmail) + all the other stuff like the helmet and the gambeson and all that stuff.

it's around 31kg.

i am really mobile and if i am not doing the frontline i'm doing the ''human cavalry''.
wich means being heavy and mobile and with the help of recon troops we find ways to sneak behind enemy line to smash at high speed and violence at the ennemy.

Human cavalry is something i started with other big and loud guys who will take so mch attention from the frontlines that it gives the chance to our allies to use that momentum to pierce the enemy lines.

>> No.7983159
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>> No.7983274

My maille comes in around 15Kg. Don't have a gambeson yet, just use multiple layers of tunics right now. Luckilly I don't have to wear the armour all the time, so I can handle the discomfort for the couple of hours I have to wear it.
At Empire there is a group in the Brass Coast that does massages for IC money. Might try and book them one event for after the battle.

>> No.7983280

Retarded and missing name.
Just recovered from LARP-flu. Had an event last weekend. 40K Rogue Trader game. Fantastic time, especially me and the rest of stealth characters Hard Skilling the stealth missions. Crawling belly first through wet grass at 4am means that this week I have had a stinking cold.

>> No.7983288

you know, you don't actually need a gambeson for chainmail. If you wear proper (authentic) civilian clothing under that's enough most of the time. Because that would mean several layers of linen and wool.

>> No.7983297

The linen tunics I have do the job for the most part, stopping me getting bruises. More the ache from the weight on the shoulder muscles. I keep talking about getting fit and doing exercise, maybe I should bloody well do it over the winter months rather than being a lazy shite.

>> No.7983304

a layer of kind of thicker wool helps a little on the shoulder but then again, it will be always several kilos on your shoulder, if you wear it all day you will feel it no matter what

>> No.7983400
File: 151 KB, 694x1023, steampunk_soldier___armoured_fury_by_leadmill-d3f6sz3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope to attend Victoriana next year in the UK as I want an excuse to dig out my old Steampunk project. Just come back from a Regency themed larp player event, need some new riding boots and jodphurs. Fest-larp season doesn't start until April for me so the armour and leather stays in my shed.

>> No.7984002
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So whats every ones thoughts on Battle of the nations? Should more Larps be "Full Contact," like BTN. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-w_F6-XvTk
Also should more larp events/locals have a better/higher standard of armor for it's participants?

>> No.7984090

Hello LARP people.
My younger sister has recently taken up larping. I would like to try it. Im shit at acting and worried people will think I am stupid. Advice for first timers?
She told me it is like a big impromptu acting session.

>> No.7984127

If you're worried about looking like an idiot, you could always play an idiotic character.

Stupid answers aside, First, try to just speak naturally. The worst think you can do in acting is try too hard and deliver STILTED DIALOGUE LOUDLY BECAUSE IDIOTS THINK THIS IS HOW BRIAN BLESSED DOES IT. Understatedness is probably the best thing you can go for, and tends to be pretty easy for people with little to no acting experience, Wickus in District 9, Wilford "Diabeetus" Brimley, Jason Statham, BURT REYNOLDS, and many more, for example, had no acting experience before their careers.

Another brief tip, when it comes to character building, just keep it simple. (2 adjectives max) [Alignment] [Nationality] [Species] (Archetype/Existing Character) is a good building block, to me at least. Don't write a novel, is what I'm saying. I make do with Evil Dr Nick, for example.

>> No.7984184

I will be "crew", and they tell me what to do. I dont get a character, just go on a team like "ghost" or "zombie" iirc
So I just follow their instructions, try not to get *too* into it, and talk naturally?

>> No.7984199

no no no, that's too far in the other direction. Don't just be a boring mook unless you're going to play up your blandness for self deprecatory laughs. You've got to get into it, and while i gave a little character building advice, I was primarily talking about delivery, which you seemed worried about. Most won't mind if you politely question orders or shout out what's going on, like "BEHIND YOU!" or "Watch for archers" etc if you're not in a tryhard faction. Try to be unique, but not totally divorced from your faction, like a xena clone hanging out with a bunch of zombies and vampires, or a technomancer hanging out with vikings (Unfortunate things I've witnessed).

>> No.7984468

>Should more Larps be "Full Contact," like BTN.
none of the larps are full contact like BTN. There shouldn't be any.

>> No.7984484

>So whats every ones thoughts on Battle of the nations?
BotN is a competitive extreme sport, so it's apples and oranges to compare it to larping.

>Should more Larps be "Full Contact," like BTN
Short answer: No.
Long answer: In my opinion, that whole "full contact" thing in a larping context is a big overrated buzzword which a lot of people have a huge hard-on for. In a larp context, it's not about contact level, but about LOOKING LIKE it has a contact level. Big swingy stuff you see in european larp videos? It's called acting, all blows are actually pulled. In my experience, a lot of larpers who live and play outside this kind of culture have a very hard time wrapping their heads around it, always trying to force competitiveness into it - worst offenders are the US NERO-and-derivative folks and the Dag/Bel/Amt folks. Also, BotN and larping is still two completely different kind of hobby, so it's pointless to talk about making larp be like BotN.

>Also should more larp events/locals have a better/higher standard of armor for it's participants?

No, larps need better/higher standard of costume. Again, different things. BotN has armor standards because of safety requirements so you won't get killed IRL. In a larp, combat can break out anywhere, any time, and making rules with MUH FULL CONTACT in mind and putting armor requirements for everyone who participates in any fighting eliminates a ton of interesting situations and is just generally silly.

>> No.7984904
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The higher the standard is = less people
in trainings and Gn de Guerre (wich is kinda ded) it was a little more ''contact'' than bico.

But then again, many people are really scared to even go on the frontlines when they see some of us bleeding of geting fingers broke.
(photo is in black and white for whatever reason but yeah, i was bleeding and that happen all the time in my case)

Nobody except asshole will laugh at you for not being a good ''actor'' and you dont want to spend time with these guys anyways.
people will apreciate effort way more than if you were a broadway actor with a shitty attitude.

>> No.7989011
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bump with back of the jerkin. Now only the flaps remain, and then oiling it up

>> No.7989217
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aaand done with the falps and one layer of linseed oil

>> No.7989220
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also obviously it's still "wet" so it will be a lighter color in a few hours, but with a few more layers I can darken it slowly as much as I want

>> No.7989353
File: 2.03 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got my sword. It feels so nice in the hand. I love all the detail. Now to make a scabbard.

>> No.7989511

I like the look of it. I'll be interested to see how it looks worn.

>> No.7990023


>> No.7990124
File: 225 KB, 2048x1228, 10847353_857767587608457_6325090100763623771_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little something I finished half past midnight: I made some larp-safe latex bombs for my totally-not-Witcher gear (to be worn as an actual Witcher cosplay on a convention this Sunday). Shitty pic, but that's what I could get out of the lights I had at home.

>> No.7990148

you can see it soon as I will wear it with my wizard robe on Sunday as me and another hungarian larpfag will go to a local con

>> No.7990769
File: 2.36 MB, 2448x3264, DSC03715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a kind of magic

>> No.7990800

Oh that print turned out nice

>> No.7990812

yeah, although the fabric is a little stretchy and sadly synthetic but they can't do it with anything else (as long as I don't order at least 100 meter and bring the fabric)

>> No.7991100

So after swinging the sword around and doing light taps on my arm I could see why Americans would not like these. If you hit very hard then you could bruise someone and leave them in some pain if repeatedly hit. Although that's why you pull blows and not go your hardest. Then it's not that much of an issue. Knowing how Americans works I wouldn't trust many of them to not pull their blows on someone not wearing armor.

Also I want to larp because it just seems really fun. I was in drama during high school and I really enjoyed it so this seemed like a good step. However I have read and seen that many people use this to escape their daily lives. What are your opinions on these people. From what I've seen these people seem to be those who don't function well within normal society. From your experience Is this generally true?

>> No.7991107

>However I have read and seen that many people use this to escape their daily lives. What are your opinions on these people. From what I've seen these people seem to be those who don't function well within normal society. From your experience Is this generally true?
I don't have a general opinion on these people apart from "you shouldn't bring your IRL problems to the game" because every one of them is different.
Some are genuine and true assholes or idiots
Some just need a little help
Some are just... meh...
But it differs from person to person

>> No.7991110

At least here (Serbia) the larpers seem to be in it for the fun, not escapism. We mostly get regular nerds who keep their geek life and public life separate.
Most of our weapons are wood and styrofoam-based but the armour is real. With our group not so much, but our sister group has a really skilled smith as their armour looks terrific.

>> No.7991113

Oh that's good. I feel though that many people here in America would bring tier problems into it. I was talking to some larpers the other day and they seemed "odd" and similar to those online who don't seem to realize when to stop.

>> No.7991118

well I hat to dissapoint you but... that's what happens in the US. Your fears are totally valid so tread carefully.
Don't forget that I'm on the other side of the big pond. But I lure here a US larper for you who can write a lot about this

>> No.7991125

I am fine with dealing with those people since I won't get better than that probably. Although I hope they let me use my new kopis

>> No.7991131

That's.... not very likely. I mean there is a chance but it heavily depends on the actual game you want to go. There are HUGE differences in rules over there from game to game

are one of those groups are the Green Banner

>> No.7991151

Hopefully it works out well. I have to say though calimacil makes a beautiful kopis. It feels so great I can't wait to use it, first I have to finish my armor.

>> No.7991155

also, just out of curiosity: did they sent it to you in a trashbag?

>> No.7991156

Yes, as well as the Flaming Knights (Plameni Vitezovi). You can check out Plameni DarkArmoury on Facebook if it's open to public, there's pictures of some of their work.
Also I've seen a real blacksmith at work last year when I was visiting Finland, it was really cool. There was a stall in the big market square, it's there every Christmas, and he was working in the cold, making I think some knives (puukko) and later spurs.

>> No.7991161

No? It was in a thick plastic clear bag inside a box with brown butchers paper.

>> No.7991165
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thankfully we have our own blacksmith too he made most of our armor but recently got really into making daggers.
This is his newest replica based on a real one

>> No.7991167
File: 54 KB, 720x540, solar9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat mosaic floor

Here we call them the CaliMALcil ( mal means pain in french ...it also mean bad depending of the situation but calimacil weapons are good, just painful)
Normaly people will not hit you hard unless theyre expecting to be hit as hard, on the frontlines it's very very hard and i advise to not go there without an helmet atleast.
add to that the excitement that swordsman feel when they finally get close enough to make a breach and smash the enemy (after the pikes or the flanks have done their job) so theyre excited and will hit hard any opposition.

Now if you have someone with irl frustrations hiting you with all his strength , you can get injured yes.

> "you shouldn't bring your IRL problems to the game"
Read, Leave you damn girlfriends at home godamnit!, if she dont want to be there she'll only be a drag on everybody, and if she want to be there, it's a larp woman, dont date those.


>> No.7991168

They sent yours in a trash bag? Did yours come from Canada? Mine was shipped from a place in the United States. So it didn't even go through customs or anything.

>> No.7991171

You know what I'm talking about, don't pretend otherwise. Calimacil ship their product tho Europe in plastic trashbags. Even to Australia. But not to the US for some reason.

... On the other hand, US people always complan that calimacil weapons are destroyed easily but we still couldn't do that while using as intended... maybe that's the uspdie.
Anyway, there is a conspiracy

>> No.7991175

Well I'm greek so my house is filled with stuff like that. Statues, busts, Ancient Greek pottery. I have spears and stuff like that.

I took French for 2 years in highschool but my teacher just had us watch French tv most of the time so I didnt get to learn too much.

I tried to get my girlfriend to larp with me but she's not into that stuff. I could imagine how annoying it would be to bring someone who doesn't want to be there.

That's kinda interesting. Did they also put newspaper in the packaging?

>> No.7991179

as far as I know: no.
Also don't forget that calimacil weapons harder at the first time, you need to "soften it up" but using it a little on something (or someone)

>> No.7991183
File: 34 KB, 307x467, copy-of-larp-dagger-brennus-the-celtic-dagger-[2]-7897-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe theyre using the longers ones...would make sense, the longer it is the more it can bend.
but thats just my theory.

>my teacher just had us watch French tv most of the time
I am deeply sorry for you and would like to apologise (unless he made you watch the rare good shows but they are so rare i really doubt that)

it's not only anoying to you, but to everyone else, same goes for boyfriends ( but its less comon). and if you ever get into a couple argument into a larp, lemme tell you i'm gonna hate you really hard.

also that.

Also, pic related kindof, it's the model of my first calimacil weapon, gift from my first girlfriend, the dagger was so hard the Gm did not wanted us to use it other than ceremony since it looked so godamn amazin (so we tougth) , said girlfriend bougth herself a sword from calimacil and it was so hard the GM also did not wanted us to use it.

>> No.7991186

nah, I'm pretty sure we use the longest category calimacil weapons (except the staff and other stuff like that) and they are perfect... although a bit short.
We really like the bellators for example, they are perfect for a hand and a half sword... but they sell it as a twohander for reasons unknown

>> No.7991193

It felt a bit on the hard side on the edge but with a nice soft tip for thrusting.


It was some terribly acted show with children. It was so poorly made. She also just took films we had seen and put the language to French and had the subtitles in French.
Does anyone know what kind of paint works well on fabric? Also for a shield could I use my metal one and cover it with a layer of foam?

>> No.7991199

yeah, the edge will soften up a bit.
Also I have to get some sleep now because I'm working today too... I'm already all sunshine nad happiness about it

>> No.7991227

>it was some terribly acted show with children
It wasn't TeleFrancais was it?

>> No.7991236

No it had an old man and a mime and these 4 kids that lived in a mansion

>> No.7991443

>But I lure here a US larper for you who can write a lot about this

American larper here as lured. What's up?

>> No.7991454

We were talking about how US larpers bring their problems into the game and how it attracts more "odd" people.

>> No.7991466


Oh, hell.

Gaming society in the US - not just Larpers, mind - was for the longest time only associated with people who had major behavioral and social issues. Largely for good reason, because a TON of early gamers were people looking for escapism since they legitimate HAD no usable behavioral or social skills (Ill call these people "brokens").

It was never *all* gamers, but it was certainly a *significant minority*.

So in larping, which is a game style that relies *heavily* on social skills*** gets into their weird feedback loop where the brokens start playing the larp, and because of their terrible social skills they start driving sane and rational people away. They don't drive each *other* away because they're too stunted to realize how they're being treated, as well as how they treat others. Eventually what you generally get is a game populated entirely by brokens who are the only people who can stand one another.

(The fix for this is either not letting brokens play in the first place, or aggressively removing them on the part of game staff. But being exclusionary like that is a complete reversal from the "tolerance" culture that is in vogue in the US right now.)

A major thing that brokens do is they bring outside issues into games. Whether it be job issues, partner issues, or whatever. They don't have the social skills to be able to compartmentalize between real life and the larp (this is also why you get a lot of brokens substituting larp life for real life, and when you get brokens running around the streets throwing beanbags at passers-by). The fact that brokens bring that shit into the game is almost always a function of their lack of social and behavioral skills.

Almost any larp that has enough players to make up more than a couple of "locations" (NERO, Vampire, etc) are innundated with this problem.

***Some games bypass this by not requiring roleplay and only caring about the fighting. Amtguard and Belegarth, most notably.

>> No.7991476

Well I actually had a friend who fit into this category who got me into RPGs and such. Which I guess lead to larping. He really had terrible social skills and ha a thing with a girl in Australia. He ended up going to this psych ward. So he'd probably start larping with me if that didn't happen. What percentage of larpers in the US would you say are like this?

>> No.7991493



Perhaps up to 33% if we exclude the "battle-only" games like Belegarth.

What's important to note is that the longer a game lasts, and the more players you get, the greater the odds of getting a "critical mass" of brokens into your games. Once they get to a certain point, they start driving sane people out of the game - a process that seems to happen fairly quickly once the critical mass is reached.

So if you're looking at a small, local, or new game, you're got a better chance of avoiding those sort of people in any real quantity (although I don't think I've ever seen a public game that doesn't have at least *one*).

>> No.7991500

Good thing im looking at some smaller groups. Someone directed me towards Dying kingdoms but it looks really big and I'm not sure I want to join as a new player.

>> No.7991787

this reminds me that even with very high level of tolerance segregation will happen

>> No.7991835

Is it true that there are some good American LARPs unaffected by this problem but they tend to keep a low profile? Is finding these rare larps a case of knowing the right person?

>> No.7991837

Science agrees with you. See for yourself with this interactive article/web toy: http://ncase.me/polygons/

>> No.7991841

I know, we had to make a very simplified version of this program back in university for social simulations or whatever is the english term. Also simulated traffic jams and shit like that

my bet that yes they exist and you can find them, knowing the right person could help too. I mean the US is fuckhuge with a lot of larps, the shit ones only the most visible because everyone likes to talk about really shitty things and use as examples. (plus if it's really shitty chances are the players/organizers are idiots too who try to advertise it as loudly as they can without realizing how shit it is)

>> No.7991847

What advice would you give to someone who wants to travel to Europe to participate in a decent LARP, beside what was said in http://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/35603776/#35611896 ?

>> No.7991856

choose your lapr carefully. I mean if you want a lot of fighting don't go to the Harry Potter larp. If you want a lot of intrigue, plotting and little to no fighting then don't go to Berget.

See what are the costume standards and rules are and if you are okay with them or not.

Have huge amount of cash to throw at traveling agencies

have huge amount of cash, just in general. That could never hurt.

If the game is not international, as in only players from one country you better learn the local language.

Probably there are a lot more advice that could be said but really without talking about specifics I just throw general stuff at you

>> No.7991857

Is it worth trying various LARPs to find a decent/good one, or are decent/good US LARPs so rare that it's just not worth the cost and bother? Also, someone who wants to leave a LARP because it's shitty may be tempted to get mad and/or insult everyone. Is that a bad idea?

>> No.7991860

it's ALWAYS (well except if you are completely new and it would discourage you) a good idea to try out different larps. Even if they are shitty.
Otherwise how can you get experience about them?
Of course sometimes it's just doesn1t worth it, like if they are waaay too far or far too expensive for you, etc

>Also, someone who wants to leave a LARP because it's shitty may be tempted to get mad and/or insult everyone. Is that a bad idea?
I... eeerm... kind of.
My personal opinion is that if something is shit then you just tell it. Without sugarcoating but in a collected, sane way, not just calling everyone a nigger.
So getting mad doesn't really help.
But then again I'm pretty much one of the least liked person around the larpers in my country so you might want to ask someone else too about this.

>> No.7991866

What advice would you give to someone who's completely new?

>> No.7991869

SO i don't get it. Do you guys suit up in full plate and have it with dull swords and billhooks? kinda like the guys at my range with full kit and using sim-minutions?

>> No.7991870

have fun?
Also go with one or two friends or someone you know (or make friends beforehand with other players)
don't try to be a lone wolf or some shit like that at first, it won't be as much fun.
Join an in game group or something along that line.

Also put effort in your stuff, and never be too afraid to ask questions.

>> No.7991875

nope, that's buhurt or reenacting.
Larp is more about a story then the fights (which some people tend to forget)
You dress up according to the setting and your character. Some of us in full plates, some of us in peasant cloths, yet again in some games you dressed as a space ship captain or as a vampire. Heavily depends on the game.
But the weapons are always "safe". If they are sword and the like then it's padded with foam, if they are firearms then it's nerf or airsoft (with eye protection of course) etc
Although there are a fuckton of different games with different approaches. You can find one or two exception for nearly everything

>> No.7992687
File: 86 KB, 465x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I know this is Roman armor yet most Greek arm armor was custom and disappeared from use pretty early. I haven't found any Greekish looking arm armor so this is the next best thing. Do any of you know of something better? If not how would this look when paired with my Greek armor. Does anyone have any pictures of Greek larpers with this or any other kind of arm armor?

>> No.7993398

People get really carried away in the fighting. We have a poor struggling HEMA community because everyone who wants to swordfight gets stolen by LARP.

That said, HEMA and LARP don't really get on very well. LARPers get laughed out of real bouts, and HEMAfags usually hurt someone in role play.

>> No.7993863
File: 2.27 MB, 3264x2448, DSC03750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kind of surprised on that. I mean what I see here is mostly the other way around, that people deem larps not good enough and rather join to some (mostly shitty, because we only have a very few proper) swordfighting group
But then again I never really understood why can't larp and hema coexist.

Also just arrived from the winter con and helped to remove the fake scars from another hungarian larpfag's face

>> No.7993911
File: 124 KB, 666x1000, good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the USA it's thats almost encoraged most people only go to one game type through eather lack of time or lack willingness to try something new

>> No.7993921
File: 1.90 MB, 1500x1950, toch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also threw the grapevine many game leaders hate the other groups for "stealing players". so the my game is best better then all other games mental state is all to common.

>> No.7993929
File: 442 KB, 1365x2048, SAM_0340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I alrady got that much from talking with various US larpers over the years. For us it's almost unthinkable to go to only one game IF you are serious about larping.
Then again we don't have monthly games so if someone wants to larp all year then he has to go to other games

>> No.7994351
File: 90 KB, 720x720, 1236319_565219790198714_1191413236_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final kit is looking good.

Also i'd like to think that another hungarian is disguised as a more hardcore version of Santa claus that only exist in your country and gives bruises to bad kids.

Pic unrelated

>> No.7994980
File: 2.23 MB, 2448x3264, DSC03718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ho-ho-ho motherfucker

>> No.7995046
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also about the final kit:
this is what I wore basically

>> No.7996190

if you wanted safe arms you chose the wrong culture

>> No.7996234

Is the guy in the background dressed as Vladimir Putin?

>> No.7996273

Well they did have arm armor, it's just not as widely used. Plus I just need to worry about one arm as my shield will protect the other.

>> No.7996295
File: 210 KB, 720x960, Ancient greek full plate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its incrediably rare, but the bronze age Greeks DID have complete arm armour, as well as leg armour. Pic related. They are essentially bazubands.

>> No.7996301
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That said, it was found slightly more commonly in the contemporaries of the Greeks, such as the Minonians etc. They didnt fight in phalanx though.

>> No.7996303

I seem to recall that there were some finds from Olympia but dated later in the Iron Age. Although still scarce. I couldn't really find any online that would fit me and I'm no armorer. So I thought the Roman manica might look nice. Or maybe a simple leather bracer similar to an archers arm guard.

>> No.7996313
File: 58 KB, 470x830, 1353337970269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manica are way way way late bro.

>simple leather bracer
This would be better. A bronze vambrace would be best.

>> No.7996317
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>> No.7996319

I know it's late but it would look better than nothing and most larpers wouldn't know. I tried to find some arm armor that looked Greek but it's difficult. Unless I could get someone to make a custom leather arm guard. I have some ideas but not the skill to do it.

>> No.7996322
File: 333 KB, 530x800, 7155546127_41bd0db5c8_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, even simpler than the leather or bronze vambrace would be a simple wrap with laced-on vamplate like the greaves of >>7996301 or the pic posted in this reply. You could easily get some brass, bronze or copper sheet in 16 gauge from a hardware store, cut it into an oval with tin shears, and shape it over a length of pipe. If you wanted to go really crazy, you could even work harden it or heat very lightly in a fire, and use a length of steel round stock like a simple die to hammer in a raised design.

>> No.7996336

I was actually thinking of making something out of the same material as my thorax. I seem to recall someone on here who said they would be willing to make some greaves for me for a good price. Trying to create a Greek panoply is pretty expensive. I also bought a Scythian bow recently, so I could make myself a Greek archer and have more use for a leather bracer.

>> No.7996374
File: 25 KB, 659x466, Bronze age vamplate simple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! And then a simple bronze oval vamplate over that if you ever want to dress it up.

I promise you, follow my (rather poorly drawn guide and you'll be amazed what you can do.

Step one: Use sheet shears to cut out oval from sheet of 16 guage brass from Ace hardware. File/sand edges smooth.

Step 2: Bend it. You can use your hands, or get fancy and use a length of steel pipe.

step 3: drill some holes

step 4: Lace it over your linen greave/fore arms.

You are now spiffy, and Greek as fuck.

>> No.7996437

Alright time to make a trip to get some metal. Do you by chance have a good diagram for larp arrows?

>> No.7996446

I have to admit seeing how cool that falcata is makes me want to ditch my Roman legionary stuff and go full thorakitai since the only larp group near me won't let me stab with latex weapons and the only latex gladius I've found looks pretty shit. At least I can reuse some of my Roman stuff for it.

>> No.7996451
File: 110 KB, 960x960, coeurdemitril.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, youtube is down, but there is a lot of video showing you how to make a safe one.

The cork the penny and 2 layer of foam and all that shit.

If you got a lot of money you can get the (calimacil?) arrows wich are pretty neat. but cost 12$ each.

Or the Coeur de Mitril ones that are 8$ each and to some taste, better than calimacil in term of safety (less hard) pic related, many colors avaible, made in Quebec so ...i dont know about the shipping

>> No.7996456

Yes we need more Greeks, for some reason calimacils gladius blades look odd.
Nemesis makes a nice looking kopis as well but it's more expensive.

Well that's better than what I pay for actual arrows.

>> No.7996468
File: 55 KB, 720x540, solar4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dat feel when the greatest export from you province is the best larp stuff ,maple syrup and being the only polite french on earth

>> No.7996676
File: 115 KB, 486x500, Greek Helmet Evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a good chart or know any good reference to Greek/Macedonian helmets in use from the 3rd through 1st centuries BC among the successor kingdoms to Alexander? All I've got is this one that cuts off the dates at 500.

>> No.7996690
File: 40 KB, 300x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alexander had a variety of helmets. Boeotian for cavalry, also pilos,Thracian helmets to name a few. No pictorial graph though I should make one

>> No.7996696

I'm not really sure, but for the Hellenistic period, Chalcidian, Thracian, Pilos and Boeotian helmets were used everywhere.

>> No.7996727

For Macedonian ones, get a jar of ajvar and put it on your head

>> No.7996789

>Boeotian for cavalry, also pilos,Thracian helmets
All of those are cool helmets, however I can't find any that will fit my massive fucking head.

>> No.7996791

whats the circumference of your head?

>> No.7996793

24.25 inches around
front to back 9 inches
side to side 7.5 inches

Admittedly my head isn't actually that massive, but the Indians who make all the nice historical reenactment helmets tend to make them pretty small.

>> No.7996795


this one is 27 inches

>> No.7996836

probably not

and trash bags

>> No.7996851

circumference isn't as important as the front to back and side to side measurements

but that one would totally work, though Boeotians were usually a cavalry helmet not an infantry helmet

>> No.7998566

Do any of your groups have a Grim Reaper figure? I remember once going to watch a battle and they had a gamekeeper guy with his robe and scythe making sure that people died at the right time and didn't get trampled or anything.

>> No.7998683

That's the job of a GM, but that's a totally rad way to handle it. Maybe a fantasy judge or a divine/demonic overseer or arbiter might be groovy as well. Ours have to wear safety vests, but having costumes under it would be pretty rad as well.

>> No.7998773
File: 922 KB, 885x757, THISISWHATAFUCKINGPUGIOLOOKSLIKECALIMACIL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't calimacil do research?

>> No.7998882

historical accuracy won't sell as good as cool factor. Plus production technologies have their limits too

>> No.7998914

but the real one looks so much cooler than the shitty mini gladius

>> No.7998945

the cool factor is subjective

>> No.7999289

Because the main buyer of calimacil weapon are teenagers or weeaboo with too much money who only buy katana or huge longswords anyways.

All player who want a really good looking weapon go for Nemesis.

I personaly would never buy a calimacil new, only used stuff if i have a good price(usually when kids go back to school and want to sell their new stuff so they can buy the new call of duty or whatever)

>> No.7999307

>huge longswords
truth to be told, all of their weapons are tiny

>> No.7999431

Nemesis looks nice even if they are a bit more expensive than anything else. Shame I can't find a gladius though.

On their website it says their weapons are safe to stab with, do they have squishy tips? Because the only game near me is butthurt about calimacil "hurting too much" and not being "stab safe" and I like to stab people.

>> No.7999477

what's the deal with nemesis? the pictures I saw didn't really convinced me and their web page tells fuckall about the weapons

>> No.8000000

Should shitty LARPs like this be tolerated, or are they hurting the hobby too much?

>> No.8000007
File: 243 KB, 516x421, 1418688489283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that is a get

>> No.8000021
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>> No.8000024

The numbers have spoken we must get rid of all shitty larps

>> No.8000033
File: 44 KB, 720x540, solar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8000051

Get says no

>> No.8000069
File: 28 KB, 274x209, ffcb3499af82f0957f07b21b462b0229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing a British 16thC kit, and hoping to do a jack of plate, which has the plates sewn as opposed to a Coat of plates or a Brigandine, which are riveted. I'm having a little difficulty finding information about their manufacture, and all I've found helpful is this image and another image I'll post next. What order are the plates stitched together? What kind of thread is used?

>> No.8000070
File: 190 KB, 800x600, 800px-A_member_of_the_Tudor_Group_makes_a_Jack_of_Plates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8000073
File: 170 KB, 800x1067, 800px-Jack_of_plate,_English_or_Scottish,_c1590,_Royal_Armoury,_Leeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3/3 Hopeful end result.

>> No.8000102
File: 110 KB, 700x525, 9.JackNMSDetailofStitching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>British 16thC kit
>jack of plate
There is half of your problem. Sew Jacks of plates are primarily 17thC, bro.

Waxed linen (cotton is acceptable modernly) or ideally sinew cordage (available from Tandy leather) are the ideal choice in threading.

>> No.8000115

Hmm? Going by Wikipedia at least, the jack I linked was 1580-90. Granted, the page was largely devoid of sources, something I've had difficulty with as most sites that google links to jacks of plate are talking about coats of plate. Anyway, cheers clownbro. Got any references for this stuff?

>> No.8000132

Yes, you will find some rare pieces ahead of the curve a decade or two, but the hey-day of the sewn JoP is the early to mid 1600s.

Go ask the armour archive forum beau. You'll be linked to dozens of patterns by people who do the same thing.

>> No.8000160

Would anybody happen to have advice for mocking up a facial tattoo for a character? I had it suggested to me that I should just use a felt-tip pen, but I feel like larping all day would cause it to smudge and drip down my face.

>> No.8000215
File: 169 KB, 690x690, 887004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I found they do have a gladius and the prettiest one has a "wood handle" when they say that are they talking about actual wood or foam with a wooden texture?

>> No.8000216
File: 150 KB, 327x500, tumblr_mn6gyiWtFT1rwjpnyo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea why it posted with that picture.

>> No.8000223

''professional'' makeup.

The kind you can find in costume shop, then put a coat of scealing powder on it.

Heee...i'm not makeup expert but it should do the trick and stay on your face.

Plus, it comes in many colour

>> No.8000667
File: 1.79 MB, 2000x2976, 1301240582971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is an xray image of one.

>> No.8000669
File: 372 KB, 1200x1600, 1302470780560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the original one, the xray is about the front right part

>> No.8000707

in my own opinion, it shouldn't be tolerated. But I was always a little more aggressive about things like this.
All in all it's something that the US larpers have to decide. If they are okay with things like that then it's their funeral

>> No.8000895

So how does nemisis compare to calimacil in durability? I keep hearing that if I buy a calimacil weapon I'll never need to buy another weapon again.

>> No.8001052

>Yes, you will find some rare pieces ahead of the curve a decade or two, but the hey-day of the sewn JoP is the early to mid 1600s.

In Jamestown, yes.

In civilised parts of the world where men were men, and sheep were unafraid, however, they were obsolete by the 1620's. their main era of prominence in England is the Elizabethan era, 1560-1600, by the civil war in the 1630's, they were being scrapped as out of date.

also, page 161 of this book:


>> No.8002127
File: 273 KB, 1200x1600, Photo3118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every weapon break at a certain point.
here is the many weapon break i've seen over the years.

Spears and polearm
- Spears where somebody fall on it (thats why i ALWAYS drop my spear if somebody is falling on it and get my short weapon out until i can get it back)
- polearm tip are not eternal, eventually it will break from to many use

- swords will break over time , think about 500 big hit on a metal armor or a shield and yeah, the tip will eventually break
- swords will bend , but someday it will bend to much and snap
- your foam will become more and more soft until the rod pierce trough it

- Axes are the worst for durability, a real axe is some sturdy shit but a foam axe will probably have the tip torn off while you try to trap an enemy weapon with it (wich kinda defeat the purpose of the ax if you cant do that with it)

Hammer and contondent weapon in general
- they will last a reaaaal long time , the bigger the head , the more chance it will just be torn.
overall, it's pretty much my favorite weapon for smashing withot worrying too much about durability.

You will lose it during a nigth of drinking and a kid will find it the next morning, he will keep it.

i lost 2 dagger like this, fucking assholes if i ever find it in your hands i will punch you with my mittons, i dont care if you are 4.

- the shield itself will probably last forever if it's made of wood, the padding around it will probably need to be remade every 1 or 2 years depending of your use, dont be cheap, use evazote it's gonna be worth it in the long run and its more compact so less ugly.

Pic related, my shield with some evazote around it and painted linen fabric over it.

>> No.8002130
File: 42 KB, 604x403, 10689903_10203629800640153_7395655925506270890_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8002254

You've said before that you don't think cheesy American LARPs should stop and that you didn't want to tell people how to have fun - clearly you were talking about different issues then. So what makes a LARP intolerably shitty and not merely cheesy?

>> No.8002288
File: 799 KB, 1941x2117, IMG_20141218_234257~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how the kit turned out. It reminds me a bit of the character art from FFTactics, which I love. The jerkin looks great. It looked so stiff in the previews but it looks like you got the fit perfect. To your companion also looks great and i love the commitment to the very hair and beard. Would want to hang out at a convention with.

So I went to my biggest sca event this past week, Yule at the baronet of Bhakail. It's mostly a brewing and drinking event which I didn't know before arriving. So yeah a good time was had.

There was also vendors, court, a feast ( I was of board as the tickets had some out) and dancing.

Of board seating was down stairs in the rathskeller (held at the German society) and we did a potluck which was fine as one of the ovens went out and the second course of the feast took an eternity to come out. We had quite a few of those with feast tickets make their way downstairs to pick at our leftovers.

Any way I'm hoping for the holidays to give me some time to work on new dresses as I'm tired of wearing the same gown. Pictured is some trim I'm weaving on my loom for a 16th century Florentine gown. Gold, green and light green.

>> No.8002290

the people mostly and their mindset.
I mean I can ignore shitty costumes, I had my time with shitty costumes too. I can ignore bad rules, I played in more than enough games with bad rules.
I can ignore a lot of things if I have to.
But if the people looks all the shit and instead of saying "yeah this is shit, we will improve it when we can" they say "THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER! Everyone says otherwise is WRONG!" then you have problem.
The mindset that everything is great and you don't need any effort is what in my opinion dangerous to larps (and to a lot of other things as well) Larps that are based on that principle are a very special kind of hugbox and shouldn't be tolerated.

But that's my opinion and I can understand if people still have fun on those games. I just don't accept it.

>> No.8002573

Thanks - also, we just got a pretty good video about ourselves (among other things) yesterday. I'm pretty sure this is the best video material we have ever so far about ourselves, and while there is a lot of room for improvement, it shows quite well why metal weapons are overrated in this regard.

(tl;dr: HLF and me doing larp combat disguised as cosplay show combat)


>> No.8002578

forgot because I suck at linking videos on 4chan: we start at 3:49

>> No.8002727

I still think it's not THAT good to show it to random people

>> No.8002856
File: 26 KB, 219x292, MarMule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what do you guys do for the random day to day needs of your characters? How do you carry your shit around? What do you eat off of? What do you sleep on?

Pic related, its what I'm thinking of making to carry my shit around.

>> No.8003562

All of my shit gets left in our tent area. No reason to carry it about.
Bedding is an air mattress that gets covered in blankets to hide the fact it's an air mattress.

>> No.8003589

Inept surgeon anon here. Apart from the pockets in my apron I was considering a burlap sack I stick my stuff in, as well as prop severed parts for extra hilarity/bad hygeine points. Would it be alright if I went all "GET IN THE BAG" or "Clickety-clack, get in the sack" on defeated enemies?

>> No.8003612

How do you get your shit to the camp sight?

>> No.8003637

Setting up camp is during OOC time before time in begins. I take all my non weapon kit down in a giant camping bag, lug that to the area, set up tents, unpack shit, put bag and other OCO stuff back in the car.

>> No.8003759
File: 67 KB, 497x442, 7ac8f71e54f89c3d1584936448dd80eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8004032

What kind of fabric would work for a historical looking tent? Heavy canvas?

>> No.8004050


Would you have any recommendations for at least a semi decent LARP?

>> No.8004055
File: 717 KB, 533x800, 1284134208113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are there any good LARPs in Euroland that operate in English? I really want to go to a good one, like the hungarian or russian LARPS all these photos are from, but I'm worried the language barrier will prevent me.

>> No.8005471
File: 190 KB, 816x896, guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just follow my makeup guide. This goes for ANY face makeup. Pic related.

Ah, I concede. Anything after the 1550 and before 1450 is objectively crap anyways, so moot point.

Also, fun fact: maille shirts were sent in bulk to Jamestown out of the ToL stock as they did excellent against flint and chirt arrows as used by the Powhatan.

>It reminds me a bit of the character art from FFTactics


Any way I'm hoping for the holidays to give me some time to work on new dresses as I'm tired of wearing the same gown. Pictured is some trim I'm weaving on my loom for a 16th century Florentine gown. Gold, green and light green.

Pics are required when done.

It really depends on how long the event is. It could all fit in a haversack or it could require a goat-cart.

Tent or sail weight canvass. No substitues, and you need to water/fire proof it. Making a proper tent and not a fancy day shade is both difficult and expensive. Just an FYI.

When I get control of my life back, I'll restart the LS&DT larp... thinking of starting a crowdfunding thing for it. Should I?

>> No.8005607
File: 118 KB, 593x768, 209603_3263393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, while the video work wasn't the best I like your dramatic combat.

If you are interested in constructive criticism I'd suggest hemming your printed fabric scarf so that the non-printed white part doesn't show. It really sticks out and to anyone who sews it's a dead give away that is printed rather then embroidered or woven. Kinda ruins the rest of the excellent look a bit.

>So what do you guys do for the random day to day needs of your characters? How do you carry your shit around? What do you eat off of? What do you sleep on?
I currently only go to one day events. I generally carry my stuff in one or two sturdy baskets. For eating of of I hand a wooden mug for water and nonalcoholic beverages and a small silver goblet for mead and such. My other dish wear is a bit lacking so I am working on it.

I like that idea of yours though.

>Pics are required when done
I'll try to oblige, depends on which board we are on when it's ready. Pic related, the style I'm going for, although less trim.

Your invite to the 12th night event is teasing me, as if love to go but it's so do very unlikely. I really appreciate that the dancing is scheduled for before the feast. It so frequently is done at the tail end of the events and gets pushed back and back. The feast at the yule event was so late I only got to join two dances before needing to leave.

>> No.8005616
File: 2.27 MB, 4128x2322, 2014-12-13 21.20.38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The feast at the yule event was so late I only got to join two dances before needing to leave.

The Yule event I went to last weekend lasted all day long. There was a ton of stuff going on and they did court after feast with dancing scheduled at the very end. Needless to say everyone was too tired and no dancing was done :(

Pic is from court, which was really cool. I got to see a guy get made a court baron.

>> No.8005617
File: 57 KB, 680x373, aethlemeare.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumping these, i think i have the full set

>> No.8005618
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>> No.8005620
File: 49 KB, 680x373, ansteorra.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

home sweet home

>> No.8005621
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>> No.8005622
File: 53 KB, 680x373, atlantia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8005623
File: 49 KB, 680x373, atenveldt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8005625
File: 51 KB, 680x373, calontir.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute bro-tier

>> No.8005628
File: 78 KB, 680x373, drachenwald.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8005631
File: 56 KB, 680x373, ealdormere.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8005632
File: 53 KB, 680x373, Glean Abhean.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

total bros

>> No.8005634
File: 50 KB, 680x373, lochac.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8005635
File: 57 KB, 680x373, meridies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8005636
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>> No.8005637
File: 52 KB, 680x373, outlands.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8005644
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>> No.8005648
File: 52 KB, 680x373, trimaris.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sworn enemies

>> No.8005689
File: 52 KB, 680x373, west.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8005701
File: 1.09 MB, 3300x1886, CompleteKnownWorldMap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wrong, not the complete set but close enough

>> No.8005739
File: 55 KB, 680x373, east.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Court looks nice, looks like a great venue as well. Shame about the dancing it's one of my favorite parts.

Are you the anon from the earlier sca thread with the amazing striped dress?

How could you forget the most important?

>> No.8005756

>How could you forget the most important?

He didn't though. He already posted Atlantia.

>> No.8005840

How should we deal with them? Just tell people not to tolerate them? Or should we call them out online and name name or even fuck up their games in person and ruin their fun?

Also, is Australia more like America or more like Europe when it comes to the amount of shitty larps?

>> No.8005854

>How should we deal with them?
Show them something better, if they insist their game is THE BESTEST EVAR! fucking laugh at them, and keep laughing until they realize how retarded they're being.

>> No.8005956

I can speak for Swordcraft I guess. We don't have dickswords, we have simple Euro style rulesets, and there's some decent kits. However, apart from quests, your classic sandbox LARP which we're supposed to have every couple of months, though not for a while due to the new land we got, we mostly do battlegames on a footy oval. The orgs and a sizable amount of the playerbase are or were SCA, though there's still a fair few people who just want to goof off. However, I have memories of these fat weebs in bad plastic tatami and kimonos from another LARP who were trying it out, so perhaps all isn't perfect. I've heard good things about Shattered Throne though.

>> No.8006609

>Are you the anon from the earlier sca thread with the amazing striped dress?

Nope, but I remember that dress. It was awesome.

>looks like a great venue as well
it really is. it's an Episcopal church. the priest loves us and personally plays the organ for the processional and lets us drink as much booze as we want.

>> No.8006613
File: 83 KB, 960x640, protectorate- 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic

this is from one of the two big events my barony puts on every year

>> No.8006617

>If you are interested in constructive criticism I'd suggest hemming your printed fabric scarf so that the non-printed white part doesn't show. It really sticks out and to anyone who sews it's a dead give away that is printed rather then embroidered or woven. Kinda ruins the rest of the excellent look a bit.
well, I got it a few days before the con so I didn't had time to do anything with it, but it will be hemmed

If I would now an easy and sure way to change how people think I'm pretty sure I would be in the news or something.
So there is only the long and hard way where you would need a a bunch of people who slowly show others how else could this be done. And while hypothetically it is possible I don't know if there is any real chance for that. I mean you would need people who won't give up and do it for years, and even then nothing is guaranteed

>> No.8006621
File: 97 KB, 960x640, protectorate-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll dump a few

>> No.8006633
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>> No.8006635
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>> No.8006637
File: 86 KB, 960x640, spurs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8006639
File: 83 KB, 960x640, dubz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8006641
File: 77 KB, 960x640, hug it out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8006649
File: 80 KB, 960x640, sword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8006665
File: 343 KB, 2048x1150, geas1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a few from the rapier tournament at the next event

>> No.8006667
File: 355 KB, 2048x1150, geas2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The barony next door to mine puts on this event. Most of their folks are stationed at the huge army base there so there's always lots of new faces around.

>> No.8006670
File: 361 KB, 2048x1150, geas3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8006672
File: 345 KB, 2048x1150, geas4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl on the right here is extremely good. She won the tournament iirc.

>> No.8006676
File: 295 KB, 2048x1150, geas5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8007361

so...if i get that straigth, i live closer to pensiic than most of the people in the sca since i live in Montreal?

Oh god i need los money

>> No.8007474
File: 425 KB, 1973x1388, pennsic33-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He didn't though. He already posted Atlantia.

>it really is. it's an Episcopal church. the priest loves us and personally plays the organ for the processional and lets us drink as much booze as we want.
The best!

Nice photo-dump as well

>so...if i get that straigth, i live closer to pensiic than most of the people in the sca since i live in Montreal?
>Oh god i need los money
Not closer then me since it's in western Pennsylvania, but closer then most. You could even look up your local group and see if you could join them, might make logistics easier

Montreal's group:

You'd be in the east kingdom like me! It's the best no matter what the clown says!

>> No.8007488

oops, dropped trip

>> No.8007537
File: 58 KB, 500x333, svarti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what fabric would you recommend to make a veil like this out of?

>> No.8007618

how is armstreets quality?

>> No.8007640

It looks like a black gauze. Here are some options I found:

Cotton: https://www.onlinefabricstore.net/black-gauze-fabric-.htm
Silk: http://www.dharmatrading.com/fabric/silk/silk-gauze-3mm.html
Linen: http://www.moodfabrics.com/black-solid-sheer-gauzy-linen-107472.html?utm_source=google_shopping&gclid=CO6Rwf6P2cICFcFr7AodDFYA4w

>> No.8007736
File: 188 KB, 1024x1024, angelus-brand-acrylic-leather-paint-purple-171-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's painted leather before, What can you tell me about your experience with it?

>> No.8007789

What system did this use?

>> No.8007799

Brush marks are the fucking bane of your life, as are any creases in the leather. I've only done it to shoes to change the colour rather than doing any intricate designs, but they don't look as nice as shoes that were that colour to start with.

>> No.8008051
File: 1.99 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit and miss, but the customer service and price are tops. Not everyone on the production staff is 100% with measurement conversions, or with SCA/BotN requirements. Both of these are getting better though, and as I said, they have amazing customer service to get you what you need.

Keep in mind... You'll be waiting a while for they item to actually get delivered.

Use unfinished leather, or make love with a deglazer before applying it. Evenly coat, and try not to leave stroke marks.

SCA light/rapier combat. Positive force, limited grappling, and full targeting. Rapiers, sideswords, sabers, daggers, two handed swords, pistols, off hand parrying devices (capes, bucklers, shields, canes, loaves of bread, whatever) and currently in the trial phase- Pikes.

I fence when I don't feel like fighting. Pic related, im in green.

>> No.8008204

>two handed swords

Completely unheard of in Ansteorra.

Also, only thrusting attacks and draw cuts are legal. Percussive strikes are strictly forbidden. A third style of combat between rapier and heavy called cut and thrust is done but is a fairly recent innovation. Percussive strikes are allowed, light blades are used and the armor is basically a heavy helm, fencing mask, gorget and gauntlets.

The way that you and the other guy are striking each other in that pic would get you dq'ed from a rapier tourney in Ansteorra right away and possibly booted from the event.

>> No.8008239
File: 33 KB, 280x280, sca-atlantian-thug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut and thrust has gained great steam here in Atlantia. The guy im fighting in a laurel, and one of the pioneers of fencing and cut and thrust.

Then again, what can you expect from a group where the heavies tap each other and think arms/legs are chivalrous targets.

Im sorry Ansteorra is such ass.

>> No.8008248 [DELETED] 


>> No.8008260

Assteorra a shit. Real Kingdoms are talking.

<3, Trimaris

>> No.8008332

for all the time I hear the SCA people saying they aren't larpers they sure do like to show up in larp threads and talk about the SCA.

>> No.8008346

As do hemafags and reenactors. We share many interests and have a lot crossgaming. If you're trying to troll, you're way late to this well establshed party.

>> No.8008400

the hemafags usually show up just to shit on larp and the reenactors bring neat shit to larps and have great costuming

don't get me wrong I don't hate the SCA but I'd rather at least talk about fighting techniques or cool costuming that they bring from their game to larps than see a map of every SCA kingdom

>> No.8008492

Nice get, but I still don't see your problem. Gropey, SCAnon, Adamant and Ontariofag have been nothing but awesome and regular contributors. Not all the hemafags have been trolls, and you seem to be passive agressive about our scafriends.

>> No.8008671

A sponge is your friend when applying the dye, doesn't leave any ugly brushmarks. If possible, dilute the dye and do it in layers.

>> No.8008716

Some of the first larp threads I lurked in were made up of 90% pictures of cool stuff by gropey and some other namefriend. They ain't so bad. Except the fucking suspect chasing fawn/doe-girl stuff. Gave me the chills.

>> No.8008754

You know the craziest part? They came to him.

>> No.8008807

Ah, fawn-girls, my newest fetish all thanks to Gropey!

>> No.8008852

I have and what would you like to know?
It honestly depends on what you use.
1.) it must be acrillic
2.) lots of layers
from my experience it holds up extremely well, and i haven't had an issue.(assuming were talking about hardened leather)

I was looking at picking up some footwear from them, perhaps not though.

ALSO any of you guys who use latex or plasta-dipped weapons, whats your experiance with them? do they slap, or sting, raise welts on bare skin? or is it just pussys who complain about that?

>> No.8008935

because there aren't that much SCA threads, and while it's true that SCA is not larping that doesn't mean we should forbid them posting here.

The hemafags are usually behave themselves, you only notice the loud assholes

there are still mostly pics thread but usually on /tg/, and it's kind of less common now. Probably because of less time and the 45 second limit between posts

>> No.8009394

>I'd rather at least talk about fighting techniques
If you're not doing hema or sca then there is no point. Our techniques would be both dangerous and illegal in boffer or latex games.

This isn't bluster. If you through a flatsnap a moulinette or a aggravo thrust in a larp, you'd hurt someone.

>> No.8009545

What am I supposed to use to pad a helmet ?

>> No.8009568

Martial arts training weapons are plastidipped foam wrapped half inch plastic rods (full diameter is about an inch). That is where my experience comes from, and with properly executed techniques, they can very much so raise welts and wicked bruises. Most of the time thou, after a day or two, the bruises and welts are gone. I use to practice three days a week, and only once did I have problems with a bruise remaining.

>> No.8009681

I was thinking sheepskin/goat leather gloves

>> No.8009686

You. I like you.

Don't like it? Don't come to the threads. The SCA is no a larp because there is no characters or plot. Its a social club. Western martial artists and reenactors are the same. >>8008346 hits it on the head.

And we do post lots of patterns, advice etc. If you don't see it your blind.

Hey man, some girls like collars and chains. Some girls like romance. Some girls like being chased through the woods while dressed as a fae creature. Dare you enter my magical realm?


You're welcome!

GDFB has good, document able shoes from many cultures and periods for decent prices. Because they are a CAS/Hanwei brand, they have many US and EU distributors. KoA is the only people you should order from though http://www.kultofathena.com/footwear.asp

There are some techniques that can be used, but the lack of weight to the weapons does not really help, as do the abstract damage concepts many games have.

Linen or cotton canvass stuffed with wool, linen or cotton batting. Accept no substitutes.

>plastidipped foam wrapped half inch plastic rods
>raise welts and wicked bruises

Are you hemophiliacs or something?

>> No.8009700

Where could I get this helmet padding?

>> No.8009703
File: 41 KB, 540x720, padding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my pic.

I got some bad news anon, but that paint wont last long. The amount of movement, flex and contact that gloves go through will peel it off in a few wears.

>> No.8009705
File: 58 KB, 540x720, padding in viking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you'll need a needle and thread, or find someone that can sew. I would NEVER trust padding from an online purchase. They don't have my helm or my head to work with.

Then again, for ACL/BotN and for SCA, I count on my padding a lot more than you probably will.

>> No.8009708

Oh I could make something similar to that thanks. Should I use any adhesives to stick it to the metal? I'm mainly going to use it for larping

>> No.8009716
File: 157 KB, 1000x1000, bas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't suggest adhesives, as they can mat down the fibers of the padding, and thus ruin their utility. In a full helm, the friction from your head and chinstrap should keep it in place. In a helm or helmet, you can rivet, lace or sew it in to the helmet directly. pic related.

If you really wanted to you could use sticky-backed velcro, and that would allow you to remove the padding for washing.

>> No.8009727
File: 22 KB, 659x466, pannels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Further suggestion: Four trianglish pannels, sewn into an oval. Quilt into tubes and stuff with padding before sewing them together. Pic related.

>> No.8009748

Thanks I'll get on that soon

>> No.8009870

Pretty much this.
most of the fighting techniques concentrate on killing the other guy and thus hitting the head and other vital parts. And the head is not an allowed hit area in 99% of the larps.
Plus you simply can't use most of the techniques because of the weapons. They doesn't really bind for example.

And don't make me start on the HP system games where one guy can simply allow himself to be hit one or two times in the chest just to get close to you, thous daggers being "effective" against swords and polearms, etc

Historical fighting techniques are most of the time useless in larp fights with the exception of a few very basic stuff.

Also we reached autosage

>> No.8009896

and here is the new thread


>> No.8009901 [DELETED] 

What if I were to give the gloves a light sand using a low grit sandpaper just to scuff them before applying the paint, Think that would make it hold for a little longer?

>> No.8009903
File: 281 KB, 1024x768, notme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I were to give the gloves a light sand using a low grit sandpaper just to scuff them before applying the paint, Think that would make it hold for a little longer?

>> No.8010098
File: 92 KB, 960x643, sucrebleu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun facts, if i remember correctly, the first larpthread i remember started on /k/ before going to /tg/ and after that we had our field trip to /cgl/ and then people became less rude.

>> No.8010156

No, we did full contact sparing. I could swing a short staff made out of the world's softest material, it wouldn't matter. When the end reaches speeds in excess of 80mph, it will hurt no matter what. I've at points even swung so hard that the end of the staff has hit the sound barrier, and cracked.

>> No.8010415

yeah, painting leather gloves like that arent going to hold up whatso ever. I use it on hardened leather armor and its alright, but thats going to go through to much flex. your better off not painting it.

>> No.8014015

Cease and desist! And finally provide me with some fucking contact info, or hell - find me on fb! search for Bogdan Landjev - can't miss me. I will let you in on the whole larp in greece thing that I have going on.