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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7954958 No.7954958 [Reply] [Original]

Brum MCM was this weekend. How did that go? Was there any drama or stuff to be had?

Are there any cons people going to before Christmas? What's everyones con plans and shit for next year?

Previous Thread Recap:
Various cosplay bitching
Liam got a press pass
Valentine is a dick

>> No.7954993

Well that's our entire scene covered, /thread

>> No.7955002

Our autists are world class.

British is best, even when it comes to autism.

>> No.7956303

Next year predictions:

Cgl will bitch that Expos are horrible shit fests (they are) and that people will stop going to (they won't) even as attendance increases.

Amecon will finally die when everyone has a horrible time at the shitty venue they've picked for Chibi.

The residential con scene in the uk will suffer a massive general die off. Leaving Minamicon and Kitacon as the only half decent residential events worth attending. Everything else will either be shitty day events or Animeleague weeb fests.

There will be at least one group of rejects that attempts to start a new convention and fails horribly.

Cosplay will continue to have the same people being dicklords and competition winners.

Everything you love will eventually die.


>> No.7956310

family con, fifty shades of grey, blah de blah drama

>> No.7956552

>Cgl will bitch that Expos are horrible shit fests (they are) and that people will stop going to (they won't) even as attendance increases.
That already happens though, you dont need to wait for next year

>> No.7956719

The UK con scene is really dying and it's fucking depressing. Every con seems to be shrinking to a shitty hotel-based con or a glorified dealers room.

I miss the good old days...

>> No.7956752

I really hate the negativity everyone has of how the UK scene is dying. We just desimated the rest of Europe in ECG this year with a double win that's never been done before yet everyone keeps saying our scene is dead and no good... It's the people complaining of this that are killing it.

We have some amazing talent (as proved above already) and a growing con scene, yes there may be more kids/egos/crazys but that's just down to numbers in general growing.

We have a great scene and should be proud of it

>> No.7956842

>Few cosplayers get their tits out and win a cosplay contest
>This means the con scene isn't dying guys!

No, cons today are a lot smaller and lower in quality than they have been. It's nothing to do with 'talent' a few individual cosplayers have, nobody gives a shit about them. It's about the con experience for the thousands of people who attend cons for fun.

>> No.7956857
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Cons aren't about anime or video games or anything anymore. They're just events that people use for self promotion. You're not a cosplayer now unless you have your own facebook page with +100 likes or some kind of competitive success. It's sad.

>> No.7956972

Con scene =/= competitive cosplay scene.

Our internationally competitive cosplayers are the same ring around the roses year after year of late (admittedly this streak has been somewhat broken by the new WCS reps so perhaps 2015 will herald some new talent).

Old greats like Fatkraken, Sephnoir, TheKillingDoll and Xaerael made cameo appearances at EuroCosplay and then went back to what summounts to 'cosplay retirement'.

The Facebook Cosplayers or League of Sexy Cosplayers or Sexy Cosplay Girls or AnimeLeague Guests or whatever you want to call them of Tabitha Lyons, Tasha McKenzie, Andy Valentine, Lisa Marie, Stacey Rebecca, Ai Honey, Chiquita Cosplay and the like have notoriety on 4chan and sex appeal on facebook. They guest frequently because they can be relied upon to provide the same content and eye candy whilst getting to push their merchandise on free passes. They think they're well known but really the UK cosplay com. (and really their 'popularity' is mostly relegated to the /co/splayers) is so well connected that it's possible to know just about everyone in it through one to three people.

Same faces. Same stories. In fact, same level of costumes if not the same costumes over and over.

As for the cons. Expo ComicCon is expanding across the country and Showmasters endeavors to match it. But both are glorified dealers rooms, with a few demos or stage presentations, a smattering of guests (a lot of guests if your Showmasters) and a cosplay comp just to pull in the punters.

Conventions, because more interactive and limiting in numbers, have flickered and gone out.

Minamicon is the UK's longest running anime con (Expo has run more times but not for more years) and one can only hope that it will continue. Whilst it does pretty much do the same panels year after year and is mostly attended by the same people year after year it is at least Japanese/anime themed in the vast majority of it's content.


>> No.7957012

Kitacon started as an anime con but has effectively become Party con. There's little to no focus on the source material or culture apart from the screen some anime. If anything this is the equivalent of a UK cosplay/anime scene re-union. Unless they pull their fingers out this year and get some guests that aren't just there to promote their facebook page and actually run some interesting panels then yes it'll be fun, but it won't be much at the same time.

Ayacon, the best con that combined the culture and the party, is gone.

Amecon suffered for moving to Keele, as much as they tried to make it work and now they're pawing at Kita's coat tails and relegated to a proven terrible venue. Is this a sign that the committee literally don't give a fuck apart from appearing to put on a con?

Gemucon proved said aforementioned venue terrible as well being one massive cock up all round. And that's saying nothing of it's attempt to be the next Aya at the same venue, crashed horribly and not even being able to refund it's registered attendees because they'd already spend the money on deposits they couldn't get back.

Fuyucon/Fushicon might as well not have existed for all the events that ran. That was more like a bunch of people who happened to be staying in the same hotel who happened to all be into anime.

Hyper Japan, though very true to the anime/Japan spirit is more a market for knock offs.

I've heard good things about Onecon but I wouldn't know.

Tokonatsu seems to be doing well for what it is. A unique experience combining the festival nature with anime. More games than panels and the most interactive whilst not necessarily drunk con.

Sunnycon is basically like a school outing. Enough said.

So yeah. The con scene is dieing.

>> No.7957015

Anyone with any sense knowns conventions run at a loss. They also always require more hours than you expect. And every time something goes wrong and no one wants to be liable. The pool of people willing to fork out an arm and a leg to run the fun for others to enjoy is getting smaller and smaller as the people that currently do get sick and tired of it.

So unless you know someone with more money than brains, time to kill and a group of dedicated people who will actually do assigned tasks and not just join up to say 'look at me I'm running a convention herpderp'....then give it a year or two and all we'll have left is Expos, Showmasters and Hyper Japan.

>> No.7957046

I enjoy toko only because of the people I go with. Event is the same as Kita and ame in the way that it has nothing to do with anime anymore.

>> No.7957063

You know the 2014 team came fourth of 22 in craftsmanship at WCS? I wouldn't call that breaking any kind of "streak"

>> No.7957074

I was referring to the recently elected Fushigi Yûgi pair. Not the Tsubasa pair.

Also the streak I mean is the same set of faces in the competitions and winning them in the UK. Not where they came in the finals.

>> No.7957086

But the 2014 reps were new faces - at least in the competitive scene. Neither had entered anything like it previously

>> No.7957091

They're in the same friend group as last year's reps though. I guess it would seam like they're not new?

>> No.7957096

I know its best to go out on a high and leave people with good memories.

But god fucking dammit, Ayacon needs to come back.

>> No.7957100
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>nichijou life awaits if you hang yourself
I wish

Still waiting for money back from him...
Toko is pretty damn good and I agree about the others, especially Kita and Ame.

>> No.7957102


The combo of venue, excellent management and summer is matched by no one.

>> No.7957107

Nax, you've never been to Toko.

>> No.7957243

Technically all UK WCS reps have been new to international competitions except Yuka who had done ECG. Just because they're "familiar faces" in our small cosplay community doesn't mean they're the same people every time. Any other competitions have came AFTER WCS except for Yuka.

Fair enough now most people entering and winning are the same, but look at most countries and it's the same issue everywhere. The same people enter competitions over and over, so the same people win. The UK isn't so different from anywhere else, guys.

>> No.7957260

Thought Bubble is a decent enough event, and while its not the same as cons like Ame or Kita. The people who go have very few complaints.

>> No.7957289

No one cares about competitive cosplay.

>> No.7957318

I'm pretty sure they have entered all 4 years. This just happened to e the year they won.

>> No.7957321

And Snap getting lamped was the icing on an already delicious cake

>> No.7957329

This is correct, they've entered the prelims for every world cosplay summit event held in the UK

>> No.7957358

I wouldn't even say the scene is dying.

We're all just growing out of what we used to enjoy and what we enjoy now isn't being catered to because the events seen as "successful" and popular are glorified binge drinking with a high ticket price (that are entirely existing on hype and hype alone).

Y'all complain that cons are becoming childish weeb fests but outside of expos and mature events that's basically what they've been for god knows how long. It's the case here, it's the case abroad.

Basically, we're growing up and it sucks.

(I will actually speak completely in defence of "weeb fests". Those events tend to be zero drama zero fuss places you can go, cosplay, buy a few bits of half decent merch and art and actually be encouraged to see people who enjoy the medium and arent attention seekers in it for the self-promotion)

>> No.7957393

>tfw my mother went to the Brummy MCM
She's not into anything related to it. She went along with a family friend. I didn't go. It's weird hearing my mother talk about this stuff.

>> No.7957416

>I've heard good things about Onecon but I wouldn't know.
And you never will.

It was a nice con last year but the venue was the middle of nowhere in middlesborough and maybe a couple of hundred good attendees at most. 2014 moved to a better looking venue but was cancelled as only 30 people actually bothered to buy tickets in advance.

>> No.7957427

Because frankly, the first year was pants.
The venue, if it wasnt in the middle of nowhere, would of been fine, but it was like the most generic, boring convention. Which is a shame because the entire committee are top people on a personal level.

And they're the reason that kita is being watered down, since a whole bunch of the people behind onecan have their finger in kitas pie.

>> No.7957433

>And they're the reason that kita is being watered down, since a whole bunch of the people behind onecan have their finger in kitas pie.


>> No.7957445

You heard me, the people involved in onecon are also involved in a bunch of capacities with Kita.

>> No.7957467

British people are 50% autistic anyway, what with the silent passive aggression and deep fear of talking

>> No.7957503
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>> No.7957628

the 2014 reps were Emi-zone and Felixize - the 2014 prelims were there first attempt. You're thinking of team 2015 - they've entered three times in total

>> No.7958545

he actually hasn't
Micnax why do you say stuff like this? keep it real nigga

>> No.7958612

I was considering going to MCM London next year, but it's gonna cost a fair bit getting from Glasgow to London and back, and that's without accomodation, and I haven't even started on my cosplay yet.

I know there's a Glasgow MCM now, but I can only imagine how pathetic and bush-league that's gonna look.

>> No.7958693
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>Kitacon started as an anime con but has effectively become Party con
>Party con

That's all I want

>> No.7958773

What is the cosplay competition there like?

>> No.7958789

Why? You can have nights out for much cheaper than a Kita badge and hilton hotel room.

>> No.7958832

MCM is the same where ever you go. Full of stalls selling bootlegs, cheap T&A, cosplay "celebs" and Star Wars extras all jostling around trying to get you to spend your money.

>> No.7958850

At least MCM London has a Goodsmile stall now selling official nendos

>> No.7959264

God, I can guess who this is. Get aff y'sell.

>> No.7959346
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The competition in which next to none of last years 10 finalists/groups actually cosplayed anything that appeared in print and for which this year we have a very western comic themed line up of Game of Thrones, How to Train Your Dragon and Disney.

>> No.7959408

It normally clashes with other cons down south, this year it was Hyper so it was ok but people out of the local counties probably wouldn't bother travelling unless they were a fan of one of the artists .

Since its a newish event it could grow pretty well, I hope so anyway It's been my favourite event all year. The standard of cosplay I saw this year was better then Manc MCM. The DC cosplayers on Saturday were a lot of fun

>> No.7959492


>> No.7959494
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DC cosplayers are never fun. All of them are total cunts. This is fact.

>> No.7959562

You are misunderstanding.
They have entered every UK WCS qualifier so far. They have been beaten every time till this year.

>> No.7959627

No, the original statement was team 2014 were the ones who had entered multiple times. It's team 2015 [the current team] who have entered repetitively, but they haven't entered every time - they didn't try on the UK's first year.

>> No.7960079

It's gotten better and bigger every year.
I think this was it's 8th year and its the 5th I have been to. The cosplay has been getting better every year which is nice too, having the cosplay photobooth there helps it too

>> No.7960110
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>> No.7960512

totally agree with that, the entire atmosphere is great too, even though there are a lot of traders it doesn't feel like a glorified dealers room or anything. The panels are always extremely interesting too

>> No.7960772

Is Kita worth going to for anything other than the parties? I actually have a social life so I can't say weeaboo disco is a ticket-seller for me, plus I don't have that many friends on the cosplay scene.

>> No.7960833

Honestly yes.
I actually find that people bring out their best cosplays for kitacon. It also has a lot of good panels and the atmosphere in general is wonderful.

>> No.7960964

The parties and the panties. And watching the weebs fail to get into others panties.

>> No.7961798

Another great Brit thread...

>> No.7961882

>Amecon suffered for moving to Keele,
Sadly it did. I loved the student union at Leicester, it was a really easygoing venue, nice and close to the city without random people wandering in, decent cheap accomodation. But they knocked down the buildings used so Ame had to move. I think it's a real shame.

Keele is beautiful if you want to take photos, but it's such a faff to get around. If you're wearing anything other than flat shoes or trainers, forget it.

I think Aya got the balance perfect and it's a real shame that they've stopped. But most of the committee for these cons have all reached the age of about 45 so they either can't be arsed anymore or they've got to go back to real life. And there's nobody suitable to pick up the mantle; too many people with no experience want to do it selflessly, or people want to just do some self-promotion, or the scene is full of special snowflakes who whinge about how crippling autistic they are and how that makes them a wonderful person who is completely suited to running a social event.

I have booked in for Amechibi next year (at the hotel over the road of course) but now I've just found out that SOAD are doing a gig on the Friday night, so I'm wondering if I should miss the first day for that. It means completely changing my plans, getting to Nottingham at about 2am... but... SOAD...

>> No.7961924

Thinking of doing a panel for Kitacon next year, anyone have any experience with how easy it is to organize/get a time slot?

>> No.7961935

They're events organizer is really helpful if they see the messages...

>> No.7963254

>But most of the committee for these cons have all reached the age of about 45
If most of the Aya committee are 45 they are looking damn good for their age

>> No.7963361

>But they knocked down the buildings used so Ame had to move. I think it's a real shame.
No they fucking didn't. They've actually made a lot of improvements to the inside of the buildings, if anything it's BETTER than before!

>> No.7963364

What happened to the usual dramacows like Ophelia and piratetoaster, have they stopped cosplaying and posting here?

>> No.7963374

Fran's been trying to get commissions and offering them for cheap. Maybe she doesn't have time for cgl anymore.

>> No.7963382

They got AIDs and died painfully.

>> No.7963387


She's just being as cunty and skanky as usual

>> No.7963462

yeah toasters decided to take a break from actually cosplaying and is doing commissions for a bit. She just got £400 from someone on face book for some cosplays so shes doing alright I guess. it confuses me because I've seen her make clothes and other shit and its all amazing quality yet she cosplays such basic lazy cosplays. wasted talent.

>> No.7963479
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PT and her gf are still together, think theyve both stopped cosplaying.

>> No.7963565
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I don't know if they're being ironic or not.

>> No.7963583

>is a violent mental and emotional act

There. Simple.

>> No.7963606

wait pt is gay? damn blue really did a number on that one

>> No.7963648

What? Have you ever seen her ''costumes'' she barely knows how to hem shit. Who in their right mind paid her £400???

>> No.7963741

Ive been speaking to her on tumblr a bit as from what I can gather shes thrown herself into dressmaking in the past year or so. Ive seen her cosplays and they dont really seem to require much sewing and she just goes for simple store bought stuff which is what confuses me, as Ive seen dresses and skirts etc shes made and their top tier. Shes just lost interest in cosplay I guess.

>> No.7964188

I now right? She has some nerve to ask for that much when she can't even sew good costumes together for herself.
The person who agreed to pay her must be an idiot.

>> No.7964285

You guys are really clutching at straws if you're bitching about this. I know her and I know this quote was for 3/4 cosplays plus wigs and props. The guy saw her previous work, liked it and agreed to pay that so I don't see a problem. Also I think it was £450 and the guy added a 'tip' that was like £40 for whatever reason.
She's also made about £200 in the past two weeks from other commissions that her customers have been happy with.
It's better than sitting around scrounging benefits or getting naked on the internet for money (cough ophelia cough).

So on a related note, where has BLUE dissapeared to?

>> No.7964300

Does no one else think that's incredibly poor money? I know commissioners who charge double that for one costume. Though I guess if it's for someone who has no qualifications or experience it's probably a rip off..

>> No.7964304

Yeah but taking £200 and £450 for a project is one thing. But the cost of materials and accessories always eats into it.

So let's just say she's taking half that figure in profit, that's £325.

5 days of 9-5 at £6.50 is £260. She has to complete those commissions in 50 hours to make it worth more than a paying job.

And that's without considering overheads.

Big numbers don't necessarily mean big profits. As most cosplay work takes longer than expected.

>> No.7964311

See that's why I don't understand people getting angry. It works out at like £115 per cosplay including the wigs, that's a bargain isn't it?. I don't know what the prop is but I doubt it's too complicated.

>> No.7964318

Brits will really complain about anything. What I find funnier is that girl on the uk cosplay commissions page quoting shit like £150 for a vest and shorts and wondering why no one wants her

>> No.7964326

It's funny because people are stupid enough to pay a shit tier cosplayer to make their costumes regardless of how much they're actually paying.

>> No.7964346

Who is this?

>> No.7964357

She became a camwhore.
There are links to her stuff in the archive if you look her up

>> No.7964383
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Same girls? I was hoping to see more of them together :/

>> No.7964484

Blue is at uni and is becoming less socially awkward everyday.

>> No.7964562

Still in love with fran or has he finally moved on?

>> No.7964570
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I don't fucking know, ask him yourself.

>> No.7964576

What's he active on these days? Does he lurk here still?

>> No.7964581

>I don't fucking know, ask him yourself.

>> No.7964582

LOL she can barely dress herself in her own costumes - £400 sounds like bullshit. There's no way she improved that much in a year to warrant charging that much, this is actually hilarious.

>> No.7964584

I know, this is actually hilarious to me. More fool everyone involved.

>> No.7964598

Seems like someone can't read. It's £450 for 4 cosplays, 4 wigs and a prop. That seems pretty reasonable to me. It's weird that you guys care so much.

>> No.7964639

Its about cosplay and a shitty cosplayer, its relevant on cgl.

>> No.7965085
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All that photoshop...and doesn't bother to line up the stripes on the arm band.

>> No.7965090

Wow she looks freakishly skeletal, shoop to da face.

>> No.7965094

Also how the fuck do you shoop a person so much yet do nothing about the shitty fraying ribbon on the boots?

>> No.7965095
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League of fatties pls go

>> No.7965125

Jesus this girl is such a train wreck. I've seen her unshooped Jinx photos and they're all just awful. Why do all these skinny fat flat chested girls think they can cosplay jinx regardless of their busted up faces

>> No.7965146
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>Why do all these skinny fat flat chested girls think they can cosplay jinx regardless of their busted up faces
She's not skinny fat, she's just skinny. Skinny fat would imply there's something on her that can wobble. She's a skeleton. But they thinkt hey can be Jinx because they're not wearing much and that overshadows their bad faces.

Honestly I don't know why she in particular gets away with it. Do people actually think she's hot? She looks like Sloth. I'd jam my dick in a lot of things, but that ain't one of them.

>> No.7965148

Everything that is wrong with cosplay photo editing in one picture.

Behind every shitty cosplayer there's an asshole spurning them on.
When she's out of her social comfort zone she's actually a nice person but as soon as she's with friends, she's a total cunt. Don't know what side is really her. Probably the cunt.

>> No.7965165

I get really bad vibes from her. Used to be fb friends and she would like all my cosplay photos and tell me how much u suited X character. Then the first time we 'met' in person she blanked me and then spent the next hour side eyeing me from the table next to me and whispering to the guy she was with.

>> No.7965195

Yeah, she's a self centered bitch alright.

>> No.7965207
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What's the fresh drama on this mess? I lost my daily dose of special snowflake and attention seeking statues when she had that Facebook clear out.

>> No.7965936

My experience of Chloe is that she's very nice but she also wants to be popular. And that, as with a lot of cosplayers with a similar goal, they meet a lot of people, interact with a lot of people online but don't recognise them in person.

And I'm getting really tired of the number of times that I hear people saying 'X blanked me, ergo she must be a stuck up cow'. I've even heard that about myself and there is a very tiny list of people I would outright ignore.

If you want to talk to someone anons it's customary to go up and say hello, maybe include an introduction...your name, when you last spoke etc? Just in case it doesn't immediately click.

If after that they brush you off. Then they're either busy/not really listening or they're being a snob. Again, without their personal schedule you have no idea what you've just walked into.\

Sage for posting social logic.

>> No.7965991
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I bet this is Chloe.

>> No.7966004

I said, to her face, "Hey Chloe it's X! Are you wearing X later on tonight, would be cool to do some photos together!" As we were cosplaying from the same series, she looked at me like I had just told her she smelt like shit, then went and sat the table beside me and proceeded to sneer at me for an hour. So, yeah.

>> No.7966017

You don't know her if you think she talks like that.

Girl's rude. Unless you have a massive ass camera or a load of likes she can sponge she ain't interested.

>> No.7967373

Her attitude is going to bite her in the ass very soon. A lot of people are getting tired of her shit. Gonna be glorious.

>> No.7967797

I got bored of her 'why am I not popular' posts.

>> No.7967803

She didn't credit a photographer, then proceeded to delete everyone off of her facebook

>> No.7967805

Is that meant to be sexy? The combination of her face in general the badly applied false eye lashes just make her look confused.

>> No.7967808

And the 'why aren't I a cosplay guest' posts

>> No.7967838

This so much. It's the waiting to be asked. Why not just e-mail a bunch of events saying 'this is who I am, this is what I can offer, if you're interested, here's my details.'

Isn't that what everyone in marketing does?

>Wants to be a 'Professional' Cosplayer

>No fucking clue what 'Professional' means

>> No.7968250

There's a fair few people who trash post on facebook. Why is only Chloe the only one being brought up? Sure she's a bitch but there are others out there.

>> No.7968256

That is one ugly, melted-looking face.

>> No.7968261

So bring up others.

>> No.7968267

Emma Bridget Colgan is pretty fucking terrible.

>> No.7968268


>> No.7968274

It's just non-stop dull posts along the lines of "bored!" or vague-booking. Check her page yourself.

>> No.7968414

MCM are planning on putting up tickets for May Expo in the next few weeks... seems a bit early don't you think?

>> No.7968468

And yet they will still be sold out quickly

>> No.7968534

I tend to remove chronic shit posters. The two Chloes mentioned above are definitely the worst I've seen.

>> No.7968574

I don't get why people that have cosplay pages still talk about nothing but cosplay on their 'personal' timelines.

But then I don't get why people add/accept friend requests from people they've looked at for maybe 5 seconds.

I don't think it's snobby when a cosplayer says 'please like or follow my page' rather than accepting someone they don't know to their personal timeline.

>> No.7968576

I don't see why so many people have a problem with this?

>> No.7968586

Are they putting up all available tickets for sale though, that's the question.

>> No.7969685
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£45 for London MCM. That's one way to prevent over crowding.

>> No.7969760

All London event prices are going up. They should make the Birmingham one the main one and play down London. London is only going to get more and more expensive to hold events in and charging more for entry only works up until you're charging so much nobody can go.

>> No.7969762

While that'd be great in theory, there's always going to be greater demand in London.

>> No.7970503

Is this the same girl? Why is she constantly biting her lip? I'm wondering if she has a facial disfigurement or not.

>> No.7970816

Yep. She has an under bite.

>> No.7971378

No, they're different girls but both called Chloe and both notorious attention whores and shit cosplayers who only cosplay the sluttiest thing going, even though neither of them have a decent body.

>> No.7974252
File: 176 KB, 989x894, Saddenki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Kitacon is almost defiantly a no go next year. I'm Starting to wonder if its the event that's changed or just me. I kind of want to go to kitacon just to smite this one bitch and her friends but she's not worth wasting time and money on, no matter how good her reaction would be.

>> No.7974315

Share your fantasy anon.

>> No.7974452

Fuck that, most of them lurk here and they're all unemployed or students so they'll just start non-stop harassing me and my bud all over again.

>> No.7974463

They'd be able to peg you based on what you wanna do to them? Wow. Sucks to be you anon.

>> No.7974466
File: 12 KB, 500x500, what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7974483

What did they do to you?

>> No.7974525

Shhh don't say peg around here, I heard it's illegal to do in britain now

>> No.7974529

I'd just have to be there and they'd do something worth recording.

>> No.7974568

And illegal to show female ejaculation. Ugh.

>> No.7975209

That's been illegal since the 50's though.
Squirting is classed as urination under the obsenity laws.

>> No.7977516

How do cosplayers like this:
facebook Kittehkatcosplay288
get so many likes when they only have a couple of costumes?

>> No.7977893
File: 137 KB, 659x576, 1415043751676.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy likes on facebook. There's services set up where you pay for a bunch of fake accounts to like your page.
There's no way any real account would like a page that shitty.

>> No.7979447

Is this thread autosaging yet?

>> No.7979454

I actually feel kind of bad for Ophelia. It seems like her friends have ditched her, and now she just spends her time posting trashy selfies on tumblr.
It's funny because I read in a thread about a year ago about how her friend circle only lasts a year before she fucks everything up. Like clockwork.

>> No.7979457


>> No.7979491
File: 132 KB, 1000x750, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F1298308142fd2915215dfe29aa5fc442%2Ftumblr_ng2sxuYEY41r40s14o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7979687

Trashy? Yes. Would DEMOLISH with my dick? Yes.

>> No.7979712
File: 139 KB, 1000x750, tumblr_ng2ik2mw0S1r40s14o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's not pull punches.

>> No.7979749
File: 24 KB, 650x572, BzwOTKsIgAAzIaX.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget the camwhoring

>> No.7979951

Can confirm bullshit. Why do you give a shit what she posts on her own tumblr, smells like vendetta.

>> No.7980615

Whoa, what the hell happened to her? She looks awful, I almost feel bad.

>> No.7980622

Can confirm not bullshit, at least on the friend circle issue. It's up to her what she posts on tumblr, but it's true she has no friends left. If y'all wanna tap it like a maple tree, that's your call, but don't say you were never warned not to stick your dick in crazy.

>> No.7980623

Eh, it's easy enough to make up bullshit on /cgl/. I mean by all means tell us your story of what happened and why she lost her friends, it's free entertainment, but if you want people to actually believe this stuff you should bring proof.

>> No.7980624

She's still friends with a lot of people in the cosplay/lolita scene. From her tumblr I've seen she's split with her bf months ago but that doesn't mean she doesn't have any friends

>> No.7980629

I'm good. I don't mean to turn everyone against her, lol. I was just saying, it's true, it's up to you what you believe, it's not like it matters either way.

>a lot of people in the cosplay/lolita scene
Literally no lolita associates with her. As for cosplay, maybe two or three.

>> No.7980631

I'm not inclined to believe anything either way but you've clearly got a story so share with the class. You can't come to /cgl/ and not gossip, anon.

>> No.7980635

I could, but last time I did, she sent her little fuckboys to send hatemail to the wrong person and a friend of mine got a load of super personal bullshit in her tumblr inbox. I don't want to be responsible for that again. Sorry :(

>> No.7980638

lmao bullshite

>> No.7980639

That's understandable, I've seen her do the same thing to several others. It's best just not to post about it at all though, she's legitimately crazy and it's best to just not risk getting her attention.

>> No.7980640

If it helps you sleep better.

>> No.7980650

She managed to even push piratetoaster away like that's an accomplishment

>> No.7980668

Don't forget to vote for Andy Valentine as the "Cosplayer of the year" in the Convention Awards 2014!

>> No.7980788

What award even is that!

>> No.7980857

I would empty my balls in that.

>> No.7981046

The one where people vote for the best conventions etc from the year.

>> No.7981049

The one made and "rigged" by AL groupies?

>> No.7981141

Thought that was Kelly Jean from thumb

>> No.7981263

If it was Kelly Jean she'd be naked with a dildo up her.

>> No.7982088


>> No.7982331

seriously, you must not know anything about her. She smokes weed all day and as a result is paranoid as fuck and will lash out at absolutely anyone.

>> No.7983073
File: 91 KB, 835x614, noufckincant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7983100

She use to do some 'modelling' so I don't know why she didn't pursue that. What happened to her learning to become a seamstress? Wasn't she an apprentice to some designer at one point?

>> No.7983138

tbh they all look the same

>> No.7983149

Why does she do this and always focus on this angle when she has no arse?

>> No.7983173
File: 950 KB, 2048x970, ddd-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any FavouriteUK tog / Videog?

>> No.7983184

Girl needs some squats or some shit. Jesus.

>> No.7983193

Any angle where her face is away from the camera is better

>> No.7983324

Because her face is so busted and she's got no tits so a below-average ass is the best she can offer.

>> No.7983342

My favourite thing about this is that you can only see 1/3 of her face. gg

>> No.7983354

>Chloe Warburton
>Lucas Ambrosio
Kinda their style. She knows her face ain't worth shit and he doesn't care about anything as long as you're mostly naked and up for a bit of anal after.

>> No.7983394

I like actually don't mind Andy Valentine. I've met him a few times, and yes he is a massive wanker. I've never met anyone who loves himself as much he does. But despite him being a massive tool he's quite funny and friendly in person.

>> No.7983420

Sonesh is a good all-round tog.
Sebastian is highest quality but most exclusive.
Nert is lower quality but most accessible and friendly.
For video it's all about SneakyZebra.

>> No.7983427

SneakyZebra do some really boring CMVs right now. Their last one was so bland and boring.

>> No.7983434

Yeah but nobody else is doing anything better, either. Every other outfit is copying their style and SZ get the most content out the fastest.

>> No.7983440

Sonesh is good
Never heard of Sebastian
Nert is still the most lovely tog on the scene
Sneaky Zebra only film their friends and people with a lot of of "likes". They are a bit up themselves. Glitch Visuals are alright, same with Shades on.

>> No.7983454

I don't recall Shades On copying Sneaky Zebra's style?

>> No.7983458

>Never heard of Sebastian
Dude Kelly Jean always hires, used to trip on here, kinda a prick.
>Glitch Visuals
tbh they're getting as bad as Sneaky Zebra the way they have their tongues glued to Tabitha Lyons' backside.

>> No.7983461

They're the ones that do everything at 300x slow-motion, right?

>> No.7983466

Yeah -

>> No.7983488

Well her face is almost as bad a train wreck as Chloes....
And I remember Sebastian now. His photos aren't that good

>> No.7983494

Smile250 has some great shots and does something a bit different from the norm, but his choice in music so far is pretty poor.

Electrospectrum does some nice con videos but he really needs to learn to stop the camera from shaking in his shots.

Or maybe I'm just happy to see something that isn't another Sneaky Zebra snorefest.

>> No.7983498

Tab's is nowhere near the horrific visage of Chloe's face. There is not a single person in the country with a face more fucked than Chloe. Tab is practically Playmate of the Year in comparison.

>> No.7984376
File: 80 KB, 600x600, tumblr_nfyr84hAeW1r40s14o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the English whore look.

>> No.7984560

She looks like she has had botox, her face is so swollen n shiny. Gross.

>> No.7984567
File: 105 KB, 1000x750, tumblr_ng04y9VqG31r40s14o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Computer glare maybe not sure why she would get botox at 21.

>> No.7984955

I can't be the only one who thinks Ophelia is gorgeous. Maybe not so much with the huge eyeshadow now, but she has such an amazing bone structure and face shape. Yes I'm jelly.

>> No.7984957

Kelly Jean hates sneaky zebra after she asked them not to include her in a video and did anyway.

>> No.7984960

kelly jean scammed Gamers helping gamers of like $200...back when she was broke and back before she started doing that twitch whore for free gaming supply shit

who cares about what she thinks

also she's a home wrecker

>> No.7984964

>kelly jean scammed Gamers helping gamers of like $200

>> No.7984967

I wouldn't say gorgeous but she cares about her appearance and it shows.

>> No.7984971

>selling these prints for a good cause u guise
>spam, spam, spam facebook, twitter, /cgl/
>people donate/buy prints, for good cause why the fuck not

>suddenly more prints of different cosplays up on her site

>why u do this AI_honey?
time goes by.....GHG

@ai_honey where's the money for these kids though?

>whoops lol

>> No.7984999

Tabitha is disgusting. Watch her tmo video for proof.

>> No.7985016


Link it.

>> No.7985027

I've always been jealous of her face shape and her eyebrow game.

>> No.7985031

thats the girl that wrote usernames of /b/ tards with period blood on herself in like 2008 right?

went by ophelia immortal

>> No.7985096
File: 108 KB, 1000x750, tumblr_nfsxhkSeLm1r40s14o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed but I always thought if she was American she'd be in porn.

>> No.7985407

What did she do?

>> No.7985639


>> No.7985650

The way I remember it she said she was selling one specific print for charity but people got confused and thought she was selling everything for charity and got pissed when she donated less than they thought she had raised. It was other peoples' fault for not reading which things she was selling for charity and which she was doing for herself.

>twitch whore for free gaming supply shit
>also she's a home wrecker
But also this. I think the GHG thing was a big misunderstanding to be fair to her but she's total fucking scum in every other way.
>tries to break up three relationships, one marriage
>tells boyfriend they need to go on a break but makes him promise they won't see other people either, stages an orgy and dumps him after four months of stringing him along
>publicly shamed the wife of a guy she was fucking after he refused to leave her
>claimed Lucas raped her and got him banned from cons but when she was asked to provide a case ID she first didn't and when she eventually did it was found all the charges against him had been dropped but she whined to keep him banned regardless
>'leaked' own nudes several times over many years whenever her popularity starts to dip
>Accused Seanky Zebra of filming her without permission after they promoted Jessica Nigri instead of her, when there were loads of witnesses who watched her willingly posing for their video
>wouldn't talk to a kid at LFCC until it was pointed out to her that he was disabled and then she posed for loads of photos with him for the e-karma
>sells prints of pictures which photographers have said they never gave her permission to do
>Whines until conventions pay for her travel & board and then no-shows the event to hook up with one of her fuckbuddies
>bitched out Stacey Rebecca to stop Nigri from talking to her
>bitched out Yaya and Sands when they didn't want to do a group skimpy cosplay with her
>spitroasted by Asus reps for a computer
>fucks League players for efame and plane tickets

>> No.7985660
File: 54 KB, 640x960, 1412623439264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since original Anon is unlikely to

She's really not that bad. She has an unfortunate forehead and she's got a thick voice but as far as your standard Essex slags go she's above the average

>> No.7985665

And that's a porn I'd watch again and again. Like I get why you'd look at her and think oof what a cheap slapper but she's the kind of cheap slapper I'd bury my dick in. I'd go so deep in her asshole neither man nor beast could pull me out

>> No.7985876

Shes used to be really pretty. Then she went slag-core

>> No.7985888


SIZE:..............36 MB
Description……. Cute chick getting naked then becoming kinda weird, talking about how she gave a head to her dog, sucking her tampon full of blood,... The cap was asked for month on anon but i never post anything there so here it is.

>> No.7986197

Wondered how she could afford one of those computers when she doesn't have a job. Makes sense.

>> No.7986200

I thought Kelly and Sands were best buddies? Has Yaya also distanced herself from Kelly now?

>> No.7986287

doesn't she make a fuckload streaming on twitch?

also i don't get why she's so popular tbh, her cosplays are super fucking skimpy to the point where its not even sexy

like the one where her ass is nastily hanging out of her ass

do industry dudes just have sex with her at conventions because she's easy? is that the only appeal?

>> No.7986292 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 500x306, tumblr_nc0nh2OxR31r40s14o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate the porn look at all I just think that's what she has could be due to the camming.

>> No.7986296

Literally never heard that rumour before so it's probably bullshit since they're still good mates. Plus you must be old school if you're still calling her sands

This thread is full of high school style Chinese whispers... You people really have nothing better to do!?

>> No.7986301

Whats the problem? That's the user name a lot of people know her by. No smoke without fire and all that.

>> No.7986318
File: 368 KB, 515x1066, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not hard to get popular at Twitch. No ingame skills or good cosplays required. Whoring bit ensures getting enough likes and donations. I still find this conversation in her FB page funny.

>> No.7986346

so holy shit,
she has 10k subscribers

at 1000 viewrs if you run a 60 second ad an hour over the course of a 4 hour stream session it equates to roughly $20 for a twitch partner

she has 10 times that + asus sponsorship...the fuck

thats a pretty decent amount for fuckinging around on vidya

>> No.7986355
File: 71 KB, 1280x1024, 1391736074033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7986358 [DELETED] 
File: 642 KB, 259x193, mgif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whores everywhere I guess being a geeky whore pays well

>> No.7986364

http://www.animeleague.net/forum/showthread.php?99078-Cosplay-Burlesque oh dear

>> No.7986381

Well it only counts people who aren't using adblock to filter ads but pretty many of them does disable it to supportstreamers I'm sure.
+ she gets 2 dollars per every sub
+ All donations she gets

No wonder so many ex-porn stars are streaming League/CS

>> No.7986383


>> No.7986385
File: 20 KB, 600x337, oph2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from one of Ophelia's videos but I just have the .gif saved.

>> No.7986474
File: 652 KB, 1440x1080, sakuraeverythingwillburn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there so many plebs who support these ass clowns? They're the real problem and there's nothing you can do to stop them.

>> No.7986476

nice blowjob knees

>> No.7986477
File: 1.67 MB, 250x142, violinbreakdown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7986479

The only reason Sands is still 'friends' with Kelly is because Kelly is emotionally manipulative and Sands is too nice for her own good.

>> No.7986532

>her ass is nastily hanging out of her ass

>> No.7986784

>Accused Seanky Zebra of filming her without permission after they promoted Jessica Nigri instead of her, when there were loads of witnesses who watched her willingly posing for their video

You have that a little wrong.
She did pose for them willingly, yes but then later asked them not to include the footage used.
They were not required to oblige but its still a dick thing to do

>> No.7986832

What was so wrong with the footage that she asked them to not include it? Also which video was it?

>> No.7986842

The latest MCM one.
Dont know why she didn't want her bit in though.

>> No.7986856

Oh the one where she's standing with Jessica? I wonder why.

>> No.7986860

Because theyre friends with Lucas and she wants them to side with her

>> No.7986876
File: 465 KB, 1280x728, assdamn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would bury my face in these so hard

>> No.7986985
File: 72 KB, 664x537, 10841583_10152840172085266_1129693762_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do we think of the photoshop on this?
Let's play spot the difference.

>> No.7987028

who is this?

who are they??

who are all these nobodies???

>> No.7987050

Well >>7986876 is Emi-zone and Felixize who were the UK reps for WCS this year.

>> No.7987071

The short one fuck yes, the black one has a weird ass and her legs look stubby 2/10

>> No.7987076
File: 149 KB, 575x740, 1280837781002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can counter with german ass

>> No.7987077


Thats shadow...she's not black...

>> No.7987080

Its Lady Noctis, who claims shes a cosplayer but only wears latex..

>> No.7987101

Huh. Weird shadow. It looks like she has a tan line on her ass. Whoops.

>> No.7987189
File: 229 KB, 1366x2048, 10704248_10154790993455084_2006037427493237652_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they look long enough to me

also she's not black?

>> No.7987196

lmao that blur tool around their vaginas

>> No.7987199

Tights my friend.

>> No.7987202

There's videos of them in this from Hyperjapan, and enough press photos from the TIFF event to prove they didn't need a blur tool...

>> No.7987205

source on where I can get dance tights in that colour pls

>> No.7987209

Ask the girls?
I'm sure I seen it answered on Emi-zone's ask.fm

>> No.7987210

She's not black and I don't see what's wrong with her ass? I think the only reason you said this is because you thougt she was black at first and tried to find anything wrong with her.

>> No.7987218

I buy these in classic pink http://www.dancedirect.com/uk/Products/Ballet/RV1000/

>> No.7987234

It's on here

>> No.7987236

lol this landwhale. Wraps herself in latex to contain the rolls.

>> No.7987240

Amazon. co . uk also sells dance tights in a few colours. This looks like the natural shade they have.

>> No.7987251
File: 573 KB, 640x404, crotches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm. Taken from their intro during the japan event. Video taken from the wcs team page.

>> No.7987318

why do English girls have no ass :(

>> No.7987352

There are a few girls in our scene who have asses but they're not the ones who get noticed and push to be popular. Same way the girls who have actually big tits aren't all over the place like the ones who spend a fortune on push-ups and the actually prettier girls aren't anywhere near as well known as dogfaces like Chloe and Tabitha and Stacey. The girls who don't have asses spend way more time and effort trying to make people think they do have asses so the ones who actually have asses get ignored.

>> No.7987355

MOAR, for the love of all that is holy. If you can't post it here then go to anon-ib, the Ophelia thread there is barren

>> No.7987365

this, all the scantily clad girls have zero talent and rely on their cheap bodies and push up bras to get noticed. Where as all the actual talented people in the UK (though most can only name 2-3) tend to be more confident in themselves and their skill so don't trash it up by pretending their bodies are something they're not, but then they don't get huge followings as all the sleezy guys couldn't care less for a well constructed costume over a padded bra

>> No.7987382

Yeah I used asses in my post but it goes for actual talent, too. With everything in our scene, faking it and acting like a big deal beats actually doing it, whatever 'it' happens to be.

>> No.7987392

link to ophelia bread

>> No.7987401

>Dat almost money shot

>> No.7987418

whatever happened to kelly jane and tealpirate or whatever they are going by now? Been out of the UK scene for ages

>> No.7987946

Why is she so popular if she has to shoop her photos this much? If she worked out she wouldn't need to shop her photos. Lazy. And what's with all the latex? So she's more a fetish 'model' than cosplayer?

>> No.7987950

Kelly Jane is into larp now. She was an awful cosplayer.

>> No.7988010

Lady Noctis is the size of a house and is just some wannabe fetish model whose worn maybe 1-2 costumes and calls herself a cosplayer

>> No.7988937

jesus do you have a brain just go on her tumblr or find her cam page not really that hard

>> No.7990194

Saw this and laughed, never seen someone who looks so unlike the photos she presents herself in

>> No.7991862

Oh. They look much better from behind...

>> No.7991883

Same, was really surprised to see her in person, she looked shorter, bigger, and unlike her photos. Why lie to your fans?

>> No.7992064
File: 68 KB, 960x641, 10806191_266584190132397_8504372239534399812_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this her without the photoshop?

>> No.7992150

Yes it is, it's worse in person.

>> No.7992226

Not even the latex can hold that stomach in....

>> No.7992453

She looks like someone drew on an edamame.

>> No.7992808

It has improved vastly.

>> No.7992819

>those shitty latex seams
You glue it, how could it turn out so uneven?

>> No.7992871

It looks like she made a mistake and didn't roll out the seam correctly. It's just lazy.

>> No.7993279

She doesn't make any of her outfits herself. She gets them made for her.

>> No.7993311

cosp board of the other site

>> No.7993399

I swear I read her saying she makes them herself

>> No.7993691

In this photo she looks so much like a young female actress but I can't for the life of me remember who

>> No.7993905

That's probably because she doesn't credit anybody, and tries to take all the credit herself.

>> No.7993909

Any other camwhores in our scene?

>> No.7993939

She definitely doesn't make them

>> No.7995082

She calls herself a 'petite model'

>> No.7995342

Don't search for this it's only posted on CP websites just a warning unless you use tor.

>> No.7995475

Did anybody actually manage to get kelly jeans saucy videos?

>> No.7995977
File: 49 KB, 320x541, tumblr_ncgalqipBr1r40s14o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can look really nice but chooses to look trashy for some reason.

>> No.7996394

Go away kelly, no one wants to see your bucket.

>> No.7997916

have you seen her spaniel eared tits? Any photo is just shooped and her dress sense is only ok when it's boring. In real like she looks haggard as fuck and chooses to wear camo like some 12 year old boy from 2005

>> No.7998688
File: 39 KB, 540x960, Bve-3ZgIUAE27e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen her stream and it doesn't seem she shoops an awful lot rather than uses filters a lot. Her tits are fine too not amazing but there's nothing wrong them girl vendetta detected.

>> No.7998872
File: 23 KB, 650x616, B1hQJj5IAAAHqBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ophie pls go, I know how mad your saggy butt must be but this is embarrassing

>> No.7998978

Hi Annie/Amber.

>> No.7999004
File: 132 KB, 720x480, jelly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7999078
File: 17 KB, 491x128, tool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there so many tools in the cosplay scene?

>> No.7999093

There is literally no ass there.
There is nothing to be jelly of. I have more ass and I'm a guy

>> No.7999100

"i'm a guy" is the best defence. She's clearly not squatting enough but I wouldn't say no.

>> No.7999105

I heard he once deadlifted a whole group of slutty cosplayers then fucked them in the ass. True story.

>> No.7999106
File: 2.97 MB, 576x432, 1407180950608.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a guy and my ass is fantastic. Quit being a tight male toosh suppressor.

>> No.7999108

Annie/Amber pls go

>> No.7999111
File: 229 KB, 717x880, back-to-reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7999112

Only on /cgl/ will people get angry because people get naked online and make money for it or because people try to improve themselves.

>> No.7999114

Le ebin annie may may there
>thread full of ophiebashing
>hurr durr must be that one person

>> No.7999115
File: 2.07 MB, 294x210, 1414023805456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be nice being that deluded.

>> No.7999117

How is that deluded? She gets £2k+ a month for being naked online for like 3 hours a week. If I were an attractive female I'd do the same.

>> No.7999118

What's going on other than trying to make fun of an attractive girl for no real reason and making fun of someone who tries to stay fit for no real reason there comes a point where you have to realise you're being extremely petty and perhaps have self-confidence issues yourself.

>> No.7999119

You clearly have never ventured to any other board
Or to any other site on the internet

>> No.7999121

Everyone knows /cgl/ for their needless bitching venture on to any other board or site and you'll find that out.

>> No.7999122

Literally no one else says 'Ophie pls go' apart from those two and that little group so yeah I'm pretty sure I'm right.

>> No.7999123


>> No.7999126

When did I claim otherwise?

>> No.7999127

you're pathetic for capping that

>> No.7999132

No, I'm bored.

>> No.7999135

Being bored is no excuse for acting pathetically, you're probably really out of shape and insecure about yourself. Most people shit talking other peoples appearnce and fitness regimes tend to be insecure maybe you need to work on that during your bored times.

>> No.7999142

Raymatt is such a sweetheart I genuinely cannot think why you'd have reason to dislike him.

>> No.7999144
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I don't even know where to start.

>> No.7999150

Try to defend being a shitty person for no reason other than the 'lulz' nobody posted in this thread has done anything relevant to cosplay drama. Shitting on people like these 2 needlessly puts a lot of people off getting into the UK scene and is likely a factor in its decline.

>> No.7999153

He rides a penny board and brags about his work out schedule. That's boarder line pico Hitler.

>> No.7999154

This whole thread is full of uncalled for mad, what do you expect?

>> No.7999157

>three people posting on /cgl/ is the reason the UK scene is in decline

>> No.7999159
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>> No.7999160

You can't say this doesn't give an awful impression the the casual browser who may be interested in getting involved?

>> No.7999164

You should probably stop back pedaling now.

>> No.7999166

I'm not other people have said it before.

>> No.7999168

I highly doubt most newcomers come here first before getting into the scene.
While it's certainly not a secret clubhouse it's also generally frowned upon to visit this site.

>> No.7999191

Ass clowns like you are why cons have gone down hill.

>> No.7999196

Yes, people trying to not be cunts ruined everything.

>> No.7999197

The worst kind of cunt is the cunt who doesn't realize they're being a cunt.

>> No.7999640

He talks shit about everybody and acts nice in front of people to get laid.

Have fun with your delusions

>> No.7999646

He's also become really arrogant in how he talks to people since he started lifting, and it shows when he talks to a lot of people.

Some guy him and his friends briggs kept trying to talk to at MCM just ignored them constantly and shut them down

>> No.7999760

He tries to act alpha but always falls flat on his face. It's sad to watch.

>> No.7999770

Exactly, and acting alpha=being a dick according to most guys
Plus this person calling him sweetheart is probably some emotionally immature girl who's crushing on him

>> No.7999816

No, I'm a friend who's known him for about 3 years and never seen anything that could warrant someone having a grudge against him. He can act a bit arrogant when he's with a certain group but I've never seen him act maliciously to anyone.

>> No.7999843
File: 27 KB, 310x310, 1413816061202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never seen anything that could warrant someone having a grudge against him
>He can act a bit arrogant

Did you really just type that?

>> No.7999849

I know this is a cosplayer i'm talking to, but you don't have to absolutely loathe or have a grudge against someone to dislike them/think they're a tool or an ass?

Apart from cosplayers, most people tend to distance themselves and shun people who are rude/abbrasive/nasty/horrible in general to others, even if they're not any of those things to them directly.

Plus: >>7999843

You being serious? Arrogance and the way i've seen calvert talk down to people is something people would warrant as grudgeworthy. But i digress, he's not done anything to you so he's the nicest guy ever

>> No.7999868
File: 55 KB, 460x762, 1397175398318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7999843 was pointing out a contradiction.

>> No.7999875

I was backing up >>7999843
Hence my using Plus

>> No.7999877

Quit being a baka.

>> No.8000017

Please do share your stories then. I've genuinely never seen him be a dick but do enlighten me.

>> No.8000075

He was stealing badges at kita 2014 so his friends could get into the party.

>> No.8000772

Sounds like a top friend tbh

>> No.8000881

Actually, no. That group was using spare badges (from people who had registered and not shown up, or left earlier) to get into the parties.

>> No.8000896

Yet he went around telling people he was stealing them.

I mean, i know he's thirsty as fuck and wants to desperately be alpha, get laid and actually seem attractive, but lying? lol

>> No.8000898

Covered his friend Briggs when it came out that he'd raped a couple of girls by lying about where he'd been and what he'd done, and also saying these girls came onto him and then drifted onto his friend when he turned them down.

Saying his friend was second choice, lying for a rapist AND pretending girls want him

>> No.8001356

Who is the some guy?

>> No.8001794

Amber is in Japan so I highly doubt she would give a fuck right now.

I know he is a cosplay photographer but that post is not even remotely related to anything cosplay related. People who enjoy nerdy things are allowed to work out and have other hobbies.
I've given Calvert a ton of reasons to be a dick to me through the couple of years we've known each other and he's never been anything other than cool and helpful. If you're gonna talk shit, at least bring up someone who deserves it.
inb4 "read the thread", I still don't see it.

>> No.8001863

Amber's in japan and Annie's in the hospital. Try again.

>> No.8001872

Jeez she's piled on the pounds, her breasts look so saggy here isn't really sad that they can be saggy and so small

>> No.8002548
File: 45 KB, 600x498, 1418907168588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a terrible angle to me.

>> No.8002634

Ergh sick of this girl already it's not even cosplay drama. Let's go back to laughing at Valentine and his cosplay video diaries or Kelly's awful streaming declaring her tits aren't out

>> No.8002640

It's not even drama.

>> No.8002710

Maybe not everyone is a coach keyboard dojo warrior and some like to workout.

Bet you 10 dorra that you posted a screen cap of your last League ranking.

>> No.8002732

Pretty sure the whole Briggs thing got thrown out the window when the European guy in his room said he was in the room the whole time and she threw herself on him and he told her to piss off and he ran out crying.

Though Briggs is trying to act like he's some big guy lifter as well now because he lost a little weight.

>> No.8002761

Kieran is just butt hurt as he started a fake which hunt on no evidence.

>> No.8002770

These entire threads are just people butthurt about people who have not much to do with anything and then calling it drama when nothing dramatic has happened. Just not liking someone or someone being a bit shitty isn't drama it's a part of every day life and is pretty dull.

>> No.8002781

"This guy is happy about the progress he has achieved about that makes me feel bad because of my victim complex"

Basically what OP meant

>> No.8002784

It's either that shit or Kelly or Ophelia have their semi naked or naked bodies on display what a scandal it's so dull and not drama.

>> No.8002813

Calvert posts lol and cs:go score screens as well.

>> No.8002844

Lol, wouldn't be the first time if it was Faramon shit stiring. Is he still around? Last I heard of him was that he was cheating with some guys wife until she was getting deported lol

>> No.8002850

The horror that people enjoy their life!

How will I live knowing this fact?

>> No.8003229

Laura is just delusional and is too dumb to realise that her self proclaimed enemies are bored of her and her real enemies are her friends. If you met Laura/ophelia's clique you'd know that as soon as you have one of them on their own they'll bitch about the others without any encouragement. It's a shambles.

>> No.8003230

Only ophelia would come to a thread where there's bitching about her and pretend to be her own fan.

>> No.8003491

who are you referring to? laura only has about 2 friends by the looks of things. are you a friend of hers?

>> No.8003495

Considering her "clique" consists of Piratetoaster and her gf Im not surprised

>> No.8003510

No clique just people paying her.

>> No.8003700

Megan, Rob, Leanne, Fran and those cam girls who've yet to realise how crayola she is

>> No.8003702

Why's Annie in the hospital?

>> No.8003781

Leannes the only one shes friend with still now AFAIK

>> No.8003813

I don't think she associates with cosplay/Lolita people any more so have fun finding out.
how do you know she's in hospital?

>> No.8004061

She passed out in her town center.

>> No.8004373

I don't think she's dumb she seems unstable and preoccupied with camming by the look of her blog.

>> No.8004576

Well she does have a history of unbridled loyalty to awful people. Top kek

>> No.8004577

I heard she was hit by a car