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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7992840 No.7992840 [Reply] [Original]

My circle of friends wants to do terraformars cosplay, mainly the humans but think it'd be pretty awesome to do a cockroach to include in the group like the image.

However, our concern is getting yelled at, confronted or even attacked off the convention grounds (Anime Expo/LA) due to people thinking it's a racial thing and not listening to us saying it's a cockroach costume.


>> No.7992844
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>> No.7992849

Uhhh... Looking at these, that may be a valid concern.

>> No.7992861
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Looking the human's uniforms, they're white jackets with white pants (and underneath some armor that'd be made from craft foam) but could be confused with some other series.

A few of us humans might wear antenna but a cockroach would cement the deal no questioning which series we're from.

>> No.7992879

>be big
>be tall
>be basketball american
>be buff
>be maked
Easy cosplay.

>> No.7992886

We're a mix of whites and asians. Decently tall (F: 5'3-5'7. M: 5'7-5'-10).

>> No.7992896
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>basketball american

>> No.7992904
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>Decently tall (F: 5'3-5'7. M: 5'7-5'-10)


Manlets, when will they ever learn?

>> No.7992944

Good luck my friend. I was going to do one as well but had that same concern. Too many racist people in the south for me to even attempt at getting away with it.

>> No.7992953

That is decently tall though. Since decently tall means basically average.

>> No.7992971

Me and a friend are planning to cosplay as some of the team members. I'm pretty stumped on what materials to use for the jacket and pants. Not really keen on using vinyl but the fabric should still have a bit of sheen to it. Does anyone have any suggestions?

>> No.7992974

Before the riots across the country I'd do it but now.. i'm not so sure...

>> No.7993006


>> No.7993010

Cotton sateen, joanns carries a botomweight. Its fantastic to work with

>> No.7993019

.....are fucking sjws really pulling the race card with this show? A fucking humanoid cockroach is racist? Please fucking get me off the planet

>> No.7993026

As far as I know, it hasn't really gotten around to tumblr yet, thank god. But honestly, to someone who doesn't know what it's supposed to be (they don't look very cockroach like other than the antenna, and I imagine the gross sheen cockroaches have don't translate to costume very well) the character might look somewhat....questionable.....

>> No.7993054

Oooh i'll have a look for that! Thanks for your help!

>> No.7993065
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I get what you're saying. I got that vibe from reading the manga and I was trying to figure out why. I think it has to do with the fact that, although the colors of the skin are accurate for a cockroach, it's a really anthropomorphic cockroach, and the face is reminiscent of a hominid, not a cockroach... and so we are left with a black / dark brown skinned, ape-like ultra violent cockroach.

I feel like because that wasn't what was intended, it is better to look past, but I would understand that people's first impressions would be that someone's doing some bizarre blackface.

>> No.7993103

I'm just waiting for a muscular black dude to get pingpong ball eyes, fake antenna.

Easiest/Laziest cosplay ever.

>> No.7993111

Why not just get a black guy to be the cockroach

>> No.7993123

Putting out a want request for a black guy to be a cockroach is a bit much.

>> No.7993150

gonna be giganigga

I'm sure you'll find a hulked-out black anime fan somewhere who would love to be part of a group

>> No.7993193

Can you just be innacurate to the source and make the head look an actual cockroach? Would look cooler anyway.

>> No.7993200
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then my female 6'0" self is extremely tall

>> No.7993202

>decently tall means basically average.
I'll never understand why girls will tell their obviously hideous friends that they're "pretty average" and other hilarious acts of walking on eggshells. You can be patronizing, you can ever sugarcoat things, but then taking it into "you are clearly lying as hard as you can" territory is the reason why people like Pixyteri exist.

>> No.7993203

You are extremely tall though

>> No.7993204

>I'll never understand why girls will tell their obviously hideous friends that they're "pretty average" and other hilarious acts of walking on eggshells.
Most people don't openly critique their friends' appearances.

>> No.7993318

you're more or less a giraffe by female standards

and/or an african elephant if you're stocky

>> No.7993353

>tfw no tall gf to laugh at manlets and womanlets together

>> No.7993365

>average height is short

>> No.7993368

tfw no tall gf to give my kids a shot at not being short

the short life is pain

>> No.7993446

I see your concern but I think you'll be fine. Please do the roaches, I settled with Michelle for Ala and I am halfway finished with her costume. Gonna go check out the recommendation for the shiny fabric Monday. I'd post what I got so far but cgl hates my mobile uploads.

>> No.7993501

Exactly. Now you get it.

>> No.7993554

We are focking amazons, it just feels so great to look down at people.

>> No.7994070

I want to see an obese topless tanned samoan guy be Johj.

>> No.7994072

can I marry you?

>> No.7994607
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>> No.7994623
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I want to marry cap'n Komachi.

Some hot manly charismatic guy cosplay him please.

>> No.7994661

He only likes dead bitches. Haven't you figured that out yet?

>> No.7994674

doesn't matter, would still find way to have bee babies with him

>> No.7995774

Let's go to Mars and fight big SJW cockroaches, anon.

>> No.7995779

Inside the con the series is big enough where people will know what youre cosplaying, but I think this may be one of those costumes you dont put on until you get in the convention building.

>> No.7995860

it's the surrounding areas to get food/hotel to be worried about. Especially given the area around the place and the latest civil unrest.

>> No.7996991


>> No.7997884

Well you know, the cockroaches ARE a racial thing. That's the whole joke with them, isn't it? They're huge violent nigger savages. That's exactly what the anime is going for, in plain words.
Same deal with Mr Popo, I guess. It's not suddenly not a racial thing because it's an anime. That's not the question. It IS a racial thing.
The real question is wether you give a shit.

Might just want to get rid of the costume for when you go in public.

>> No.7997922

more people should, I enjoy when someone tells me my hair looks terrible when I wasn't sure about a new haircut.

>> No.7997948

You need to stop drinking the kool-aid

>> No.7997956

Am I not right though? You really think they ACCIDENTALLY made them look like huge black guys?

>> No.7997980


The cockroaches have nothing to do with being black or nigger savages. That's like saying that Saiyans are basically black people because they have tales and grow into apes.

Also Mr Popo isn't black.

>> No.7997992

If he isn't black, then why does the cosplay community come unglue everytime someone "black faces" when they are cosplaying the character. Anything that can be turned racist will be come racist in the cosplay community. It is just full of people wanting to oppress others by making them feel at fault for some sort of prejudice.

>> No.7997998
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Mr Popo has blackface. I don't care that he's not actually african.
And no, it's not at all like saying that Saiyans are basically black people. Saiyans are regular white anime guys with monkey tails that grow into gorillas.
If you can seriously look at this picture and say this has absolutely nothing to do with an overstereotypical representation of negros, à la blackface, you're absolutely delusional.

Maybe you just struggle to see this clearly because of how much of a touchy subject black people are in the west. You can't put oooga booga big savage black men in media here.
It's different in japan. There's barely any black people there, and the only words they have for black people is derogatory, atleast it used to be until a few years ago. As a result of that, they're pretty lax when it comes to things that would be perceived as INCREDIBLY racist over here, e.g. Mr Popo, the Jynx pokemon, or the things we're discussing here, the big spooky "cockroach" men who are really just huge black dudes with antennae. And, and I know you're going to ridicule me for pointing this out, another byproduct of that different culture is that in doujins and hentai, the savage rapists are always either orcs or black guys.

Keep in mind I'm not saying to ban these things, that they're bad or good, or that I personally dislike or like them. I'm not an SJW, I'm not stormfront. This is all just objective observations. Just staying realistic, here.

>> No.7998015


>Blackface is a form of theatrical makeup used by performers to represent a black person.

That's why. It's offensive and has offensive roots. It's no different than a person white washing to be whatever character they are trying to be that is a lighter skin color. Cosplayers get offended because of that.

It's been proven that Mr. Popo isn't blackfaced in DBZ. I forgot his roots but he has an origin compared to people who blackface.

The point is you're thinking too hard and grasping straws. Have you even watched Terra? I have and trust me the cockroaches are not based on black people.

>> No.7998016

yeah ok I went and read the synopsis for TFM and it is LITERALLY about a bunch of pretty, light skinned people going to mars to fuck up a race of uppity cockroach slave people that live there after humanity sent their ancestors to terraform it centuries before

If you can read the synposis of this thing, look at the designs, and NOT think it's a racist thing then your head is up your ass.

>> No.7998019

People got their heads stuck in their asses because they think it's either

>it's racist and you're racist for cosplaying it

>it's not racist and it's ok to cosplay it

When in reality those two things have nothing to do with eachother.

>watched Terra
Try reading it if you actually want to discuss it

>> No.7998027
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>the savage rapists are always either orcs or black guys.

>> No.7998036

You just had to fuck up this thread didn't you faggot.

>> No.7998046


>b-b- but if this thing I like is racist, people will think I'M racist!

>> No.7998056

>White anime guys

Saiyans are not white. They are from another planet. From Dragon ball Z perspective they are savages just like the common stereotype of black people. They love fighting and basic things. They have tails and even grow into apes. Cutting off the tail is the equivalent of domesticating them just like how the white people did with black folks back during slavery times. Half Saiyans being strong is just like the whole mixed race age back in the old days too (white and black babies being outcasts to both white and black societies but regarded as being hotter than a black person.) But because they look like white people don't bat an eye.

Why do animu and mango fans think that all anime characters are white? They are JAPANESE unless they are noted to be white in the series because animu and mango are from Japan. In DBZ's universe there are really no races at all except for Saiyans, Namekians, etc. The only person who MIGHT have origins of being Asian might be Grandpa Gohan himself so it's up to the viewers to assume who is what but Saiyans are NOT WHITE dammit.

I don't watch or read the manga with the giant roaches (and I sure as hell don't want to) but I had to call out the DBZ thing.

As for the rest I'm not touching that.

Seriously you guys are looking too much into anime. Next thing you're going to say is that the doctor from Monster isn't Asian.

>> No.7998062
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ha ha ha

hooooo leeeeeeeeee shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

>> No.7998070

>Saiyans are not white. They are from another planet.
Please, stop saying things like this. Of course they're not fucking european or asian, but they're designed to look like normal white people. Just like most anime/manga characters with light skin.
This is about as absurd as claiming that the 8-year old loli isn't actually a loli because she's 9000 years old in the canon. No, she's still a loli by design.

>From Dragon ball Z perspective they are savages just like the common stereotype of black people.
>They love fighting and basic things.
>They have tails and even grow into apes.
They're animalistic warriors. If anything, they're inspired by native americans. Yes, you can search for analogies with black people, but they're not at all obvious or make sense.

>Why do animu and mango fans think that all anime characters are white? They are JAPANESE unless they are noted to be white in the series because animu and mango are from Japan.
Because they literally don't make a difference when drawing european characters and asian characters, atleast not in most cases. In most cases you're going to see the same generic anime guy, except maybe a bit more muscular and with a buzzcut, to show that he's american.

>Seriously you guys are looking too much into anime.
you say this right after you explained why super-saiyans are analogous to african slaves.
Meanwhile, I'm pointing out that the giant massive naked darkskinned violent attack cockroach monsters don't just look like muscular black people out of pure coincidence.

Japanese media tends to be extremely racist when it comes to black people. Again, I don't give a shit about how this "impacts our culture" or whatever stupid shit SJWs love to spout when it comes to these things, but you can't deny the fact that they're huge black guys.

>> No.7998353

My high school English teacher wore that after we finished reading Metamorphosis, I never thought there would be another good use of that costume.

>> No.7998376

Are you anon >>7997998 or someone else because you didn't read the original post.

>Saiyans are regular white anime guys with monkey tails that grow into gorillas.

There nothing there says that Saiyans look white there.

Also apple and oranges with the loli. I'm not getting into that either and it's off topic.

>They're animalistic warriors

They still have similarities to being savage natives just like black people. Also I don't know any representation that has Native Americans with tails. That's always blackshaming with the whole "Black people are monkeys/apes" so that implies that Saiyans are close to being black than anything else if you want to be literal.

>Because they literally don't make a difference when drawing european characters and asian characters, atleast not in most cases.

It depends on the series. The differences are the names usually but people who assume that everyone is 'white' is just stupid considering that animu is from Japan. Unless the anime series points out they are white (which they do by the way,) then it's dumb to just 'assume' everyone is white until otherwise.

>you say this right after you explained why super-saiyans are analogous to african slaves.

Because it's just a damn giant roach. If OP wants to cosplay a damn giant roach let them. That's why I said seriously you guys are looking too much into this. Are you anon >>7997884 and >>7997956 who's jimmies were rustled? Maybe you need kool-aid.

>> No.7998393
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I love /cgl/

>> No.7998395

>but they're designed to look like normal white people. Just like most anime/manga characters with light skin.

nope. "white people" in anime are AMERICAN FUCK YEAH! and easily recognizable as such.

>> No.7998524

Wait, how is Goku Japanese, you just said he was from another planet?

>What a faggot

>> No.7999193
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You're accusing me of not having read the post that I wrote.
>There nothing there says that Saiyans look white there.
>>Saiyans are regular white anime guys

>They still have similarities to being savage natives just like black people
Yeah I guess african tribes and native americans are pretty similiar in many ways.

>Also I don't know any representation that has Native Americans with tails.
I don't know of any negros with tails, either. But yeah, native americans were pretty animalistic. Praying to the big bear gods, building totems consisting of various animal parts of animal gods that they worshipped... African tribes aren't that far developed yet.

> assuming that everyone is 'white' is just stupid considering that animu is from Japan.
You still fail to see the point.
Here's an easy way to portray what I'm saying: First, look at sword art online characters. They're all supposed to be japanese, but they have absolutely no japanese features whatsoever. Now, look at Junji Ito characters. While he doesn't have an incredibly unique drawing style, he DOES make every single japanese person look actually japanese with typical asian features.
It doesn't matter wether the characters are all japanese, sword art online characters don't actually look japanese, while junji ito ones do. Which is why I refer to them as "white". Again, I'm talking DESIGNS, for fucks sake.

To further drive it home, picture related is a japanese character and an american character in street fighter. They sure look different, huh? One's clearly asian and you'd be stupid to call him white by his appearance, right?

>Because it's just a damn giant roach
No, it's a giant fucking nigger with antennae. Get real, you stupid fuck. How fucking delusional can you be.
>muh kool-aid

>> No.7999203

And also, you keep saying shit like
>if OP wants to do it then let him
Wholeheartedly agree there. You seem to think that because I don't delude myself into thinking that the cockroaches in terraformars aren't giant baboon spooks, I'm somehow saying "this means you can't cosplay it".
No, fuck that, cosplay what you want. Just don't be so delusional about it. I'd cosplay it, if I was big enough.

>> No.7999204

>Bringing Junji Ito into the hurt feelings tirade
oh come on /cgl/ you're better than this

>> No.7999206

Junji Ito is a pretty good example of someone who has a pretty normal drawing style, yet draws characters to look very japanese.
There's also that one anime that does it, but I forget it's name. Ironically people constantly complain that it's not moe enough.

>> No.7999222

How can anyone look at this picture and think it wasn't a caricature?
I don't understand

>> No.7999283

No, cockroaches are known for their curly short hair and their thick lips.

>> No.7999320

If you're trying to say only ONE of those characters is white, you're wrong. I might have just misread though. Also, while he was born in America and spent most of his life there, Guy is pretty much Japanese, at least in terms of descent, he was born in Japan Town in Metro City, so he's Japanese-American.

>> No.7999344

Flowers of evil, the rotoscoped anime

>> No.7999349

I thought he was half-japanese, I'm wrong then.
The comparison still works, though. Ryu is fully japanese and looks more western than Guy does.

It's to demonstrate that lore ethnicity doesn't really have much to do with how japanese artists design their characters. I'd call Ryu white, even though he's Japanese.

>> No.7999474
File: 180 KB, 300x552, ryu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For one thing Ryu doesn't even look white if you seen the older Street fighter games so I have no idea what you are trying to prove with that picture. Now if you compared someone like Ken I can understand considering that Ken is half Japanese and can be mistake for a white guy but Ryu for the most part doesn't look white nor is mistaken to be white. Nobody thinks he is white nor a representation of being a white video game guy. The reason why he looks white in that picture from SF4 is because that's the damn art style. If you look at the older pictures Ryu clearly looks asian and least western as picture related.

>I'll call Ryu white

Then you would be considered a dense motherfucker, a scrub and most likely laughed at by anyone who knows the character.

>You're accusing me of not having read the post that I wrote.

You're missing the point. You said that Saiyans are regular white anime guys. WHITE anime guys. Not "They look white." Saiyans are not regular white anime guys. They are Saiyans. Even if they were humans they wouldn't be consider white.

>I don't know of any negros with tails, either.

Are you autistic? Black people have been accused of having tails like monkeys and being apes. Saiyans are apes.


So your point of them being "Native american like" just because they are savage is moot when they have features to be linked to stereotypes of black people. Just like Mr. Popo having black skin and red lips being similar to blackface.

>Wholeheartedly agree there.
>No, it's a giant fucking nigger with antennae.

Where does it say it's a giant black person? It seems to be that your post at >>7997884 shows how mad you are. It's not like Hellsing that clearly states "We are Nazis." They are again "Giant roaches."

>Tl:DR: Getting offended by giant non human roaches is like getting offended by Saiyans because they have tails and grow into apes. That's the point. It's stupid.

>> No.7999487
File: 163 KB, 453x334, WHAAA1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the savage rapists are always either orcs or black guys.

Do you even read NTR?

>> No.7999508


I was thinking the same thing. For one, orcs aren't black people, and most of the creepy rapists I've seen in hentai/eroge/manga/doujin are Japanese dudes (unless it's a fantasy setting, and even then the people aren't black). I have seen those niche titles with a black guy as the lead, but they're not the type saturating the markets.

>> No.7999511

>And most of the creepy rapists I've seen in hentai/eroge/manga/doujin are Japanese dudes

Projection. The fanbase that buys this stuff hate themselves that they project themselves as something ugly, hence why Orcs and ugly old men are quite commonplace in doujins because it fits their mindset.

>> No.7999563


I never seen a lot of orcs in rape hentai or doujinshi. I mostly read about shotas, women, (usually futas,) Japanese guys, and DILF/ugly old men. I think the only black guy I've seen was in a HOOCH hentai?

In fact the one with the fantasy setting had a pig guy, a white prince dude, and some creepy nerdy white looking magician guy who kept raping snake ladies and angels. So it strike me as funny that he would say orcs and black guys.

>> No.7999663

Actually, Orcs are heavily inspired by black people in most games. WoW and Skyrim especially give the orcish people "black american" style accents. Still, in Warhammer they're just cockneys, so it depends on the media.

>> No.7999675

I just came here for Char

>> No.7999720

>In fact the one with the fantasy setting had a pig guy, a white prince dude, and some creepy nerdy white looking magician guy who kept raping snake ladies and angels. So it strike me as funny that he would say orcs and black guys.

The gist is anything ugly.

>> No.7999725

But there are black people in Skyrim, they're Redguards and have black American accents. Orcs sound just generic, if a bit rough.
Youre talking out of your ass.

>> No.7999744

Your teacher was obviously awesome and ahead of the trend

>> No.7999757

I've heard Orcs talk with black American accents fairly often. Redguards usually sound white to me, aside from the one at the Dark Brotherhood hideout. Redguards aren't really "black" either, they're closer to Arabic, just certain members of the race have more African type features.

>> No.7999758
File: 546 KB, 1105x1600, 1_BlackKnight01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked it up again and it was called the Three Heroes Adventure. I'm not into NTR or rape but it was hilarious and cringe worthy.

The only 'black person' was the black knight. Everyone else was like these guys.

>> No.7999796

Are you kidding? Redguards have been portrayed as black throughout the whole tes series, have black voice actors voicing them and even Afros. Chanel the Chorrol court mage is just one of the examples. Orsimer are usually voiced by white people and have nothing to do with muh racist symbolism. The Arabic thing is only a recent addition and even then they are clearly black. The people inspired by Arabs would actually be the Khajiit, who even greet you with "may your road lead you to warm sands" for fuck sake, as well as the whole travelling merchant thing (go away /pol/).
Orcs are just Orcs.

>> No.7999802

This is a whole series and the 'black knight' is actually a cute white chick that they end up raping.

>> No.7999842

>The reason why he looks white in that picture from SF4 is because that's the damn art style.
Meanwhile Guy looks full japanese.
Yep, it's the art style. You're smart as fuck.

I don't even want to bother with the rest of your post because you're already being a complete fucking retard.

You just keep making new lies and fabrications that I then prove wrong. Instead of acknowleding you're wrong, you make new ones.

>> No.7999872

You read it too anon? I know I was like "man she's hot I would totally bang." I really liked the futa angel too but I felt so bad for her.

But yeah I don't see orcs/black people in hentai so I'm not sure why anon even said that in the first place.

I'm not that anon but let it go man.

>> No.7999882

Man the level of autism you have is ridiculous.

>Ryu is fully japanese and looks more western than Guy does.

Again that's the art style. Do you want me to pull up Street Fighter Alpha and compare Guy to that Ryu? I find it laughable that you pulled up SF4 instead of I don't know the picture I had in >>7999474 because you know you're wrong. In the previous games Ryu looked Japanese just like guy. Nobody thought he was white. He didn't look white in the previous games either. If you want to be technical Ryu was whitewashed if anything.

Again what the hell does that have to do with Saiyans or the black roaches? They are not humans.

>My point was that your jimmies was rustled because black roaches reminded you of black face when it has nothing to do with black face.

Everything else I've proved wrong, down to the weak argument you had with:

>Saiyans are animalistic warriors. If anything, they're inspired by native americans.

Which you knew was bullshit because Saiyans look just like the joke pictures of black men with monkey tails.

I find it funny that you ignored everything, even with the bullshit comment about "another byproduct of that different culture is that in doujins and hentai, the savage rapists are always either orcs or black guys."

Go back to tumblr you SJW and go back to drinking kool-aid.

>> No.7999885
File: 119 KB, 584x600, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't expecting this

>> No.7999900

Heck yes I read it.
The whole thing.

I happened to like the naga. She's so cute.

>> No.7999946

You remember the part when she beat the magic guy over and over again?

People in exhentai's comment section said that she had stockholm's from being raped so much lol.

>> No.8000116

If the roaches are supposed to be a commentary on black people, why are there black characters in the MARS teams, who aren't walking stereotypes?

>> No.8000522

It is hard to tell ethnicity in manga. L from Death Note is half European, which is in the manga. While never mentioned in the manga, the creator has stated in an interview that if he ever got to create a real action movie, that Naruto would definitely be an American actor, In Chibi Vampire, the lead character and her entire family including the cute Lolita girl are fully European. In the movie Metropolis, it is assumed almost all the characters, including the android girl, are American/European except for the 2 detectives stated to be visiting from Japan.

A lot of anime/manga characters are actually white. A lot are Asian. Like Metropolis where the majority of drawn people are supposedly white, there exists series that are majority Asian. It just varies man.

>> No.8000547

The roaches are a commentary on black people.
The black people are commentary on white people.
The non-Chinese Asian people are a commentary on higher class white people.
The Chinese people are a commentary on cockroaches.
The white people are a commentary on gods. See #1

I'm not saying it was aliens, but

>> No.8000551

sometimes they are black orcs!

>> No.8000574


Key word there compared to anon saying always either orcs or black guys.

>> No.8001242
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Your posts in a nutshell

It's really hard to believe you're not joking, instead you call me a /pol/tard and SJW in one go

>> No.8001536

They had a cute black kid in one Terraformars episode.

>> No.8001541

If someone thinks a giant humanoid cockroach is a black person are they not the racist one?

>> No.8001554

Girl let it go already that anon moved on.

Let's go back to talking about how rape is always with orcs or black guys lol.

>> No.8001578

She p much does man
Even when she tries to get revenge they just rape her again or set Pig on her

>> No.8002570

I know this is tumblr central but come on.