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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 153 KB, 800x533, the_tarot_cafe__pamela_by_revien_fiennes-d46if3z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7995333 No.7995333 [Reply] [Original]

Do you cosplay from a series or character that isn't popular? Like, at all?

Or do you prefer the attention of a popular or sort of rare character?

>> No.7995334

Most of my cosplays are from really obscure series. I get an average of two pictures per con.

I don't really mind.

>> No.7995336

I do a mixture of obscure niche cosplays and more popular ones. The con days that are more busy I tend to go for the more popular characters cause that just makes sense.

I tend to have more fun/get talking longer with the people who recognize the more obscure costumes though so that's a benefit of being a cosplay hipster.

>> No.7995337

same here. it makes it so much better when you're recognized.

I feel like I should stop cosplaying characters that are so obscure.

>> No.7995339

I actually like it when people don't recognize the character but ask who are they.

Then I can ramble about everything about the series and the character and maybe inspire them to watch a space opera from the 70s that was lost in space and time.

It's just destiny. Even when I pick a popular character, I always tend to choose the less popular design. I only discover it on the day of the con when I wonder why nobody is taking pictures.

>> No.7995424
File: 22 KB, 550x309, cristo98qx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually cosplay from not so known series. I think it's better than having 20 other people cosplaying the same character as you but I can't say that I'd never felt sad when no one recognized me. I was supposed to cosplay someone more popular character to next con but I found a perfect fabric for Haydee (Gankutsuou). So I guess I'm not gonna be recognized next time either...

>> No.7995434

The Tarto Cafe! Loved that manwha although the ending was shit. I had no idea there was cosplay of it.

To answer your question, OP, I only have fun when I'm cosplaying characters I care about, so yes, I'll cosplay from series that are obscure. Most of what I like is pretty old or has a dying/dead fandom anyway...

>> No.7995452

Most of my obscure cosplays are dream shit- I don't care if I don't get a single photo the entire con; I'm making/wearing it because I love the source material, and it's purely for me. When I do get photos, I usually get really excited, and go full spaghetti.
My popular character cosplays, of course I like them, but I can't say I don't feel disappointment if I don't get at least a few photos.

>> No.7995453

I do both but most of the things I like are obscure or not popular so yeah.

>> No.7995459


Same. I just cosplay characters I like. Most are from obscured or games. Don't care if I do not get any photos taken. I do love running into people that know my character. We sit and talk about the series.

>> No.7995460


Let me love you. You will be posting your progress in the progress threads right.

>> No.7995500
File: 230 KB, 1280x720, 2008-10-27-121856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cosplay obscure series and don't mind if nobody recognizes my character. What really gets me is that nobody is willing to do a cosplay group with me.

>tfw nobody wants to me the Ernula to my Cuilan

>> No.7995512

Isn't that the shota poster boy from that one video game that Po-ju was into?

>> No.7995531
File: 19 KB, 336x274, Friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not exactly obscure, but I've never seen someone cosplay this on a West Coast con. Regardless, I'll be cosplaying him for AX'15 provided I can find the solution on how to breath through he mask.

>> No.7995596

Cut little slits into the black lines; not large enough to be noticeable, but enough that it improves your ventilation.

>> No.7995620

I never thought of that, thanks!

>> No.7995763

I do it a lot from things that are just less popular in my area to things that nobody cares about really at all. Cosplaying from stuff no one cares about is one of my favourite things because it makes meeting other fans so much fun, whereas cosplaying popular stuff, people see so many cosplays from the series and are less willing to talk with you for ages about it. Even if I don't get recognised in an obscure cosplay (it's happened) I can use it as an opportunity to recommend the series to people.

>> No.7995834

I cosplay from niche series almost exclusively. Don't get a ton of pictures but there's no better feeling in cosplay than seeing somebody's whole face light up because you share their obscure interest. It's hard to go back to 'normal' stuff for me, even when I get more pictures that way.

>> No.7995933

This. Also, there's a bit of pride in being one of the few of the only cosplayers of x title or character in the country (or world even). To remedy the problem of not being recognized, going to larger cons helps. With more people, the higher the chances of someone knowing and appreciating who you're portraying.

But... >>7995500 this...

I have a really weird problem with what I've cosplayed so far and what I plan to cosplay. The characters I like are from one of the biggest anime franchises ever, but hardly anyone gives a fuck about it here in the States. There's hope of a comeback now that another company has stepped in to finally start licensing series again after Bandai Ent. royally fucked up, but who knows if that will truly save things. The other thing that keeps me stuck with hipster weeb status is that the characters I cosplay are from the least popular series in the franchise. GJ me.

>> No.7995955
File: 1.59 MB, 1000x1958, Glitter_n_Gold_80s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually stay safe with recognizable cosplays, but I'm planning on cosplaying this Jem design because I just love the series so much, and the new doll that recently got put out of it is gorgeous.
I'm hoping the series will get some attention with a new comic coming out soon, but I'm not doing her main design so the chances of being recognized at anime con are slim to none.

>> No.7995959
File: 264 KB, 471x706, img-glitter-jem-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the doll, which would cost me as much as the cosplay will. (And what my cosplay will be referenced from)

>> No.7995961

Nobody cares what you wanna cosplay, mush.

>> No.7995965

What characters? Now I'm curious.

>> No.7995969

Yea I often cosplay characters that aren't that well known. I have a few friends who are fairly decent photographers so I can make sure I get at least a couple decent photos. It's always nice to have a good photo of something I work hard on to remember it. I've had some amazing conversations about things with people who recognise them though.

>> No.7995976

>That shitty '80's elegant slut wear
Not even once. Good luck with it though!

>> No.7995990
File: 1.65 MB, 353x270, getout.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't insult my waifu!

>> No.7996279
File: 330 KB, 431x856, 58057_turna_13_n_122_1062lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eheh... don't make me spill my spaghetti... But my "obscure fandom" is Gundam, and pic is one of the two guys I've cosplayed so far.

>> No.7996289

I generally cosplay from a Niche community. Recently went to an event with 75k+ people attending throughout the day, and had a grand total of 6 people recognize me, and those 6 were awesome.

>> No.7996297

...gankutsuou is pretty popular though I mean not like klk but still

>> No.7996298
File: 281 KB, 500x597, 500px-SRTEFReiji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working on making the props for cosplaying pic related and i have had exactly one person acknowledge that they even know who the character is.

>> No.7996330
File: 182 KB, 566x800, aria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I think I know this dude.

Gundam fan here but I couldn't figure out who to cosplay from the series. Mobile suit, Z, ZZ, Wing, X, you name it. The only series I didn't watch was Age/Turn A/Seed/Astray and part of 00 lol.

Like seriously I thought about doing Gundam Build fighters but I wasn't sure if I could pull off Tatsuya Yuuki or Aila jyrkiainen but I'm probably a 4/10 at best and black.

>> No.7996334

Cosplay the weeb black kid

>> No.7996354
File: 150 KB, 640x446, nils.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too tall. I'm like 5'10'' so it would bug me since he's suppose to be 12 years old.

Wait how is he a weeaboo? Nils is suppose to be half Japanese in the series so I'm kind of confused. He's closer to being a Gary stu than a weeaboo.

>> No.7996384

One of the following tends to happen in my case:
>cosplay character from series that is not popular yet or never quite caught on


>cosplay series that WAS popular maybe three to ten years ago, but is no longer.

It's hit or miss when it comes to what people recognize. I only go to one convention a year, and I spend most of that year planning and getting my crap together, so I tend to miss trends. There's also cosplays on my dream list that I never got a chance to do for various reasons. Right now, I don't expect to get recognized too much on my current line-up except for one I did last year (if I can fix it in time). One character is from a series that I don't remember if it's popular or not. I think I saw one cosplay from it two years ago at the convention and my character probably isn't nearly as recognizable. The SECOND character (if I can get my act together and actually get the damn thing done) is from an older series, so I'm prepared for no one to recognize me.

I still do it though, for no other reason than fun. There's a ton of characters on my wishlist very few would recognize, but I appreciate them and their source material, so why the fuck not, right?

>> No.7996428
File: 136 KB, 321x400, this little fucking bastard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too casual so nobody will know who you are but the fans

>People will think you are from Mirai Nikki

>People will think you are from Evangelion

>> No.7996467

Literally every goddamn character I have ever cared about cosplaying ever. Most recently, 4 different Phobs characters, a Dragon Nest NPC, and Lee Pace cosplay bingo (aka every character Lee Pace has ever done ever). I am doomed forever to never be recognized at cons for any reason but my cosname.

>> No.7996475

>Dragon Nest
Holy crap, someone else that's played that game. What character do you want to cosplay?

>> No.7996482

Please do this anyway. Samflam cosplay makes me so happy.
And to be fair, very few people would probably recognize you even if he had a less generic outfit because SamFlam flopped so tremendously (despite being AOTS/Y/forever). Not that that should deter anyone from SF cosplay anyway. It's worth it. Plus since the SF fandom is like a cult, the few who do recognize you will be really excited. I want to cosplay Delinquent Moon at some point and I am 99% no one will know what the fuck I'm supposed to be but I don't care because I really really like this show. I'd kill to see a Miami Ballerina cosplayer.

Anyway, maybe you could carry around kanojo's phone (to delete texts) with the tako charm to make it clearer who you're supposed to be (maybe put it in the front pocket so the charm sticks out)
But your best bet for being recognized is probably to have a group or at least a Masayoshi with you

>dat filename

>People will think you are from Mirai Nikki
>People will think you are from Evangelion
no this isn't what I wanted.jpg

sorry I just get really excited about Samumenco

>> No.7996493

I pretty much cosplay a mix. More obscure series, popular series, etc...

It's mostly cosplaying what I like. Sometimes even occasionally doing a lesser series then cosplaying the same character again when there's a boom in popularity.

I've also occasionally acted as a filler in a group. Usually if somebody else is making the costume for me.

>> No.7996516
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, [Zero-Raws] Samurai Flamenco - 22 END (CX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_12.35_[2014.03.28_15.31.51].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a huge fan of the series but I'd probably see you and think I was just imagining it because of how small the fandom is. I agree with >>7996482 have the phone or a gun but a group would be best.

I'm another to-be samflam cosplayer and can't wait to meet new fans of the series, although I expect to spend half the day having people ask if I'm from such and such mahou shoujo anime (Flamenco Diamond).

>> No.7996528
File: 970 KB, 1155x1711, 317357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WATCH TURN A NOW. Your life is incomplete without it. AGE and SEED are garbage and your life is better having not watched them. I know mine is.

There was a black China at Otakon this year... If you can pull it off a black Aila would be extremely interesting. Otherwise if you want to play it safe you could be an overgrown Nils, hahaha.

I mean, I'm nowhere near as tall or handsome as Harry, and I'm now six years older than him and because LOLanime he's managed to accomplish more in his relatively short life than I probably ever will. So I waste my life away sperging out about him and his show on cesspools like /m/ and Dumblr, and when the time and money comes, hope to spread the message of UNIVERSE at weebfests like Otakon with my shit costumes but it falls on deaf ears because people would rather lick space nazi anus... or continue circlejerking over Wing for all eternity because muh nostalgia.

TL;DR Turn A faggot bitch tears...

>> No.7996573
File: 268 KB, 150x150, tumblr_n36e2pOj4d1smzwlao6_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow I never thought to see Samflam fans here on 4chan.

I wanted to do him but I was scared that I was too old (me and Goto are around the same age) and I wanted to do it with a Goto or a Masayoshi (none of my friends watch this and no boyfriend.)

So I thought about doing Masayoshi because I'm a big dorky Sentai fan in real life. I used to watch Godzilla, Power rangers, Kamen, you name it so I can easily do Sentai poses for pictures. If people notice me.

The only problem is that I wanted to do the third version with the armor and there are no cover images of it. Ugh. I'll do either Haiji or Masayoshi in 2015 anons.

>tfw you can't find an anime group of Samurai Flamenco but can find DmmD, Attack on Titan, One Piece, Naruto, KnB, Persona and so many others because you live in the Midwest.

So tempted to live in California.

>> No.7996580

>I never thought to see Samflam fans here on 4chan
There was a huge following for it on /a/ when it aired, probably fans for it on /m/ too.

>> No.7996589

I read a lot of manga, very few of which have an anime made of them, and for most of them I never find anybody else has read them. I don't mind not being recognized, but I think it'd kill me if I found out I passed by another fan that didn't recognize me because my interpretation of the black and white outfit didn't fit their interpretation.

>> No.7996590



very related

>> No.7996611
File: 510 KB, 500x245, tumblr_mwwe72j2xa1sdhuzuo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AGE and SEED are garbage

Lol the majority of people have been telling me that.

I'll give Turn A a try after Build fighters try. I was hesitant after I seen Gundam Reconguista in G. I just couldn't watch it and I never dropped a Gundam series before. Apparently >>7996590 thinks it's good shit too so Turn A is a winner so far

>Picture related. I wanted to do him more than Aila but had no idea how to do his hair....thing.

>> No.7996620

SamFlam has a strong fujoshi fanbase. They are the main target demographic after all.

>So tempted to live in California.

I love it here, the West Coast have the best anime cons in the US.

>> No.7996627

AGE is alright. SEED is pretty boys the gundamu.

>> No.7996644

>They are the main target demographic
Didn't they come out after the show was over and say "Nope it wasn't gay at all, no gay to be seen here)? I have a feeling toku fans were the real target.

>> No.7996648
File: 5 KB, 148x227, 1416175732662-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that was Gundam Wing?

I actually liked Wing when I saw it even though it was baby's first animu (yes Wing was the first anime series I finished. Irony.)

But Seed? God people begged me to watch Seed and Ass...Astray but couldn't give me a good reason to do so.

Worse than the people saying that Reconguista is good because it's Tomino. And mind you I watched Z and the original Mobile suit Gundam.


>> No.7996653
File: 1023 KB, 2096x990, 1415365361188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convince your friends to watch it. I've gotten a good handful of my friends to give it a chance and a few of them really liked it.
Is this the suit you want to make? I have a lot of various SamFlam refs saved if you need them.

Please come to California and cosplay samumenco with me.
I've done Mari's plainclothes and I plan to do her flamenco girl/diamond version eventually. I've also been thinking about doing crapsuit Masa, too. I just really love this show.

I am so happy that samflam love is alive and well here.

there are still devoted SF fans around on both

>> No.7996665


Geraint b/c I'm a sucker for hot blonde tragic boys and also solid excuse to make wings.

>> No.7996668
File: 3.92 MB, 3300x2280, gays in the front lesbian couple and third wheel in the back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they came out during a card set. Masayoshi and Hazama got married apparently. I wish the series had a 2 cour though because I loved it. Not because of the fujoshi bait but because it was a pretty original show for the most part.

I wish. My friends (make that ex friends who do cosplay,) are into Attack on titan, Dramatical murder, and otome games like Diabolik lovers. The few I do know (that we haven't broken it out over) don't cosplay or they are into Persona/SMT and Street fighter. I'm seriously thinking about moving because there's nothing here in Chicago.

There was a guy watching it with me on an anime community but he said it was too gay and gave it a 2/10. He has shit taste anyway (he hates lolis because of insecurity issues and apparently hates me because I trolled him.)

Oh my god that's what I need! I wish I could hug you. I'm thinking about making this cosplay as my New Years resolution project and finishing it by mid 2015.

>God I hope it doesn't turn out like shit.

>> No.7996672
File: 8 KB, 300x200, Kurata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure fujoshi were not the target demographic. It may have actually sold better if had been promoted that way.

Yeah there's a whole interview, but it's pretty awful. They basically say that a bunch of character development didn't happen.
Whether you think goto and masa are the gayest gays to ever gay or you think they are heterobros for life and masa is just confused by what he understands love to be, you still can't ignore Goto's development.
They did have a mobage wedding so there's that.

>> No.7996678
File: 945 KB, 1474x940, Booklet11C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have this one, too
if you ever come to California I will buy you curry and talk about samflam and we can watch toku shows together
Okay I'll try to stop being creepy now, but seriously I am excited to see your suit in progress/when it's done

>> No.7996680

Cockwork faggotry is an idiot, don't worry.

>> No.7996685
File: 273 KB, 899x512, 47196985_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

;____; Almost every rendition of Moon or Tsuki no Mayu I find is beautiful. Have you heard this one?


More like egregious sameface, rehash/bastardize 0079/Zeta, and stock footage rape the gundamu. AGE is all right if you're a fan of the idea of "heroines" that are nothing more than baby factories.

B-but I'm liking G-Reco and I'm a huge fan of Tomino... But I also have shit taste. I won't argue that G-Reco's good, certainly not because Tomino's at the helm, but from what I'm hearing about Try(hard) it seems like the far more entertaining Gundam this season at least...

Plus it has this guy.

And wait, Ashtray's an anime? I though it was just a manga. Whatever, don't give two shits about Cosmic Era. I just want more Correct Century.

>> No.7996748

Yep. But I'm not 100% sure if it's the same as Seed because I never seen both.

http://myanimelist.net/anime/864/Mobile_Suit_Gundam_Seed_MSV_Astray and http://myanimelist.net/anime/94/Mobile_Suit_Gundam_Seed_Destiny

> Shit taste

No you don't anon. I sort of have shit taste because I likied Aldnoah zero. But that's because the dramu is funny as hell in the fandom with people raging over Slaine.

Gundam Build fighters Try isn't that bad. It's like Build fighters so if you didn't like that then you won't like this. I do like how it has a lot of shout outs and mechs. Like a lot. But compared to the first part it's more like G gundam.

>> No.7996761

I don't cosplay (lolita) but I love seeing obscure cosplays. I mainly see obscure/old gaming cosplays. I'd love to see some more cosplays of older shoujo or even better, josei characters.

>> No.7996778 [DELETED] 

Huh. Didn't know that even existed. /m/ has been whining about SEED and SEED Destiny ever since the damn board was created and will occasionally praise Stargazer, but never seems to mention that OVA (but will talk about the manga it's based on). Maybe I just never noticed because I usually avoid SEED threads.

Thing with the first BF series was that I really liked it at first, but then after a certain point it became a chore to watch. It seemed like all that it had going for it was the references. Strip those away and it was rather generic shounen fare. I was extremely pleased that it hit all my favorites though, if only to destroy them in some cases!

I might watch Try once G-Reco's done to see how it really is. G Gundam is one of my other favorites so if Try indeed has heavy ties to G that may be in Try's favor.

>> No.7996785
File: 80 KB, 956x539, 1386347625180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. Didn't know that even existed. /m/ has been whining about SEED and SEED Destiny ever since the damn board was created and will occasionally praise Stargazer, but never seems to mention that OVA (but will talk about the manga it's based on). Maybe I just never noticed because I usually avoid SEED threads.

Thing with the first BF series was that I really liked it at first, but then after a certain point it became a chore to watch. It seemed like all that it had going for it was the references. Strip those away and it was rather generic shounen fare. I was extremely pleased that it hit all my favorites though, if only to destroy them in some cases!

I might watch Try once G-Reco's done to see how it really is. G Gundam is one of my other favorites so if Try indeed has heavy ties to G that may be in Try's favor.

>> No.7996825

Late reply but the main character literally uses a Gundam from the show and the opening has someone that looks a lot like Domon so yeah.

Go ahead anon with Try. It's not bad but it's sort of kiddy like so people usually put it down. It's not Pokemon bad but more like battle shounen almost. It does have some deep points but it's not 'edgy' like the main series.

>> No.7996837
File: 261 KB, 150x150, tumblr_n36e2pOj4d1smzwlao9_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finds http://www.instructables.com/id/Power-Rangers-Helmet/step6/Creating-the-visor-and-Painting/
>Oh my god I can do this with Masayoshi!
>Finds armor working and tons of other useful links.
>"It's so damn easy!"
>Getting really excited. Never did something like this before but pumped because it's cheap as hell
>Realize that I don't know how to do the spandex part of his outfit.
>Never sewed before

Well it's back to hunting for more information. Thanks again. I have a general idea to do everything but his boots and under outfit.

>> No.7996850
File: 224 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting out of cosplay and more into lolita, but I'd still really love to cosplay King Graham, and make a little plush Cedric to carry around. I've never done a "fun" cosplay, and it'd be the best feeling if someone recognized me.

>mfw when 5'5" 120lbs grill
One day.

>> No.7996873
File: 73 KB, 640x480, Episode_7_Kaze's_Memory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first cosplay was Aura from Final Fantasy Unlimited. I don't even have pictures. It was 11 years ago. The series is super unpopular even though I loved it. People were so obsessed with existing Final Fantasy characters that they didn't expect it to me a completely unique Final Fantasy universe. Sad they ended the series at 25 episodes when it was going to be 50. I bought the books that included the material that would've been in the anime and if they didn't cut it off more people would've liked it.

>> No.7996911
File: 85 KB, 640x603, OtakonDB 56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did Tobli from X-2 once. Mainly because the gf was being Yuna and wanted to do something together. I liked it. People either got really excited to see the character or thought I was a bird messenger from Wind Waker.

>> No.7997430

I live in a small country. I've met only one other gankutsuou fan here. I've cosplayed even more popular charachters than Haydee but no one has recognized me.

>> No.7997848

>Nice trips

When not doing group, I'd choose to do more obscure characters usually. Part of that is from liking shows that aren't well known though, or choosing not to pick the main characters.

I like the idea of making a costume for something that hasn't been done, so you can't be compared to other people, or have people think you just copied another design.

>> No.7997867


You got all his swords and guns?

>> No.7997869
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 2151504-niijima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love going as obscure characters, especially if its in groups. Personal favorites were our giant 999/VLR group along with Ghost Trick

>> No.7997878

Senko no Ronde was my JAM. I was so bad at it but anything for my delicious Cuilan. If you're EC I'd be HAPPY to be a shitty Ernula for you.

I've cosplayed IIDX a handful of times, usually a super small handful of people recognize me, and it's super exciting. makes it super duper worth it.

>> No.7998503
File: 134 KB, 224x506, sneakysawada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought of something else to make Sawada recognizable. Make a pink MMM tour crew jacket for sneaking in to poison idols, pic related. He also wears a suit in one of his many background appearances.

>> No.7998516

LOL you know what episodes he has that in? I might re-watch the series just to see if I can catch him.

Also do you know offhand where to get the concept artbook?

I'm thinking about doing Haiji if I can't find someone to commission the first outfit with Masayoshi (going to make the third and try to squeeze that into 2015 lineup just so I can spread the Samu love lol.)

>> No.7998537
File: 89 KB, 180x328, Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 10.07.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've wanted to cosplay niea for like 10 years

>> No.7998546
File: 844 KB, 586x1341, suitsawada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mmm one is in 21 and the suit here is in 12, I think

I don't know where to get the book, but I have a bunch of scans and refs if you need them. Is there something in particular?

SamFlam is important, never stop spreading the love. And never stop flamwencoing for a S2/OVA/western release/etc.

>> No.7998578
File: 753 KB, 778x600, nox1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you live in Sydney, everything is unpopular.

>> No.7998583
File: 193 KB, 150x150, tumblr_n36e2pOj4d1smzwlao8_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it then.

Anything with Haiji and Masayoshi's first suit? I'm going to see if I can make Masa's helmet over Christmas break if I figure out how to do the ridges on the top.

>tfw you are going to stay up watching animu instead of going to bed and it's almost 1am.

Also why do people do his hair Ash Gray? I don't remember him ever having that hair color.

>> No.7998589
File: 249 KB, 1500x945, concept01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's this, let me see what else I have

>> No.7998590
File: 125 KB, 471x678, alice_all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on Alice Seno from Alice 19th for ALA! I wish the series has had more people cosplaying from it, to be honest. I think it mattered a while back when I first started to try to make cosplays people would easily recognize, like popular stuff, but it's just more fun to make things you really like, no matter how obscure or what. It's your money and time and committment anyway.

I usually cosplay a lot of visual novel characters from a lot of my favorite titles, so it's rare at times to have someone recognize me. But it's pretty nice when you meet someone who does, and it's mutually fun to see some rare cosplays on the floor.

>> No.7998594
File: 229 KB, 1495x940, Haiji&BG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's this fucker

Good luck with your sf endeavors, anon. Please post pics/progress and such. And cosplay samflam in California somehow.

>> No.7998658
File: 1015 KB, 500x281, tumblr_n17dz8z6Mc1skw6elo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks again!

I'll see what I can do for pictures. Even if I don't post cosplay results I'll still try to post in the progress thread.

I'm thinking about moving to California in the future so yeah.

>> No.7998697

Ahhh man! Back in the day I loved the heck out of Watase Yuu.

For me, I think seeing an obscure character being cosplayed is really great. I'm much more excited to see that person rather than the 15th MC flavor-of-the-season being cosplayed.

>> No.7998702
File: 427 KB, 1279x1437, 1415422933090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem!

>> No.7998724

All the Samurai Flamenco love in this thread makes me stupidly happy.

I'm also going to cosplay Masayoshi at some point. Currently planning on just recreating his hoody collection, but I'm planning on making his first suit at some point as well. I'm in Finland though, so I won't be able to join any of you other SamFlam people. Sadface.

>> No.7999315
File: 110 KB, 575x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one ever seems to know Blood+, when I cosplayed Diva everyone thought I was Princess Luna from MLP. I also did Musubi from Sekirei and Minatsuki from Deadman Wonderland right after the anime came out in Japan.

>> No.7999373

Oh cool, other cosplayer from Finland! Samurai Flamenco has been on my to-watch-list a while now. Maybe I'll watch it soon so I can recognize you at con!

>> No.7999378

Some years ago, that was so popular, everyone was cosplaying from it.

Never saw a good Haji, though, for my great disappointment

>> No.7999451

Ahh this SamFlam love is making me really happy.
I've also been thinking of cosplaying Masayoshi in his first suit without the helmet.
Germanon though, so I doubt anyone would recognize me at all.

Btw, so glad I never heard about that horrible interview that retconned all the gay. That's backpedalling if I ever saw it.

>> No.7999476

Wait what interview?

>> No.7999478
File: 464 KB, 500x500, 32307446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done Towa from DNAngel

Husband and I are doing Kumatora & Duster when we can get everything together

>> No.7999490
File: 475 KB, 960x540, naginoasukarahikari3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning on doing Hikari for Nagi No Asukara for a con in the future. Not sure I've ever seen any other cosplayers from this show.

>> No.7999493

I think I seen a few in the December cosplay thread. Check it out.

>> No.7999504

Still, seems like it's a show that is extremely underrated yet really good.

>> No.7999506
File: 157 KB, 1000x900, 1392592611408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cosplay Venera from Sekai Seifuku Bouraku no Zvezda. Not a lot of people have watched it but I got some of my friends to watch it and convinced my boyfriend to do it too
> tfw he might be making Dva
> tfw he's 20+ cm taller than me
Feels good

>> No.7999514

Unless you're short, I don't know how you'll get away with it. Venera has a loli frame.

>> No.7999522

I'm 160 so I think it's alright?

>> No.7999523

I yet to see anyone do this, I want to see one up close for reasons

>> No.7999536

!! I cosplay her too! Glad to see others doing stuff from that series

>> No.7999553

oh god... I know people like you. That shit is annoying btw.

>> No.7999556

Are you the person who asked me about Dva in that other thread?

>> No.7999575


>> No.7999579

Wow I didn't think that World domination plot had a fanbase. Most people I know hated it or thought it was boring. I was disappointed because my friend who's into stuff like this didn't like it either.

>> No.7999625

I really want to cosplay Prince Alexander from King's Quest 6 and have someone cosplay as Cassima. Maybe one day.

>> No.7999972

Wow. I love you two. Big long time KQ fan here.

>> No.8000345
File: 154 KB, 238x378, manglobequality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice justice
fill your wardrobe with Masayoshi's casual clothes and show off samflam's beautifully hideous color combinations, pic related
you're with us in spirit

Germany did get a dub (I am still waiting for the american sub-only release that will definitely happen some day) so maybe more people will have seen it and recognize you after all. Good luck, anon.

It was in a magazine. The creators were talking about the show. >>7996672

>> No.8000351
File: 229 KB, 680x1000, Mamiya-bow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the same way, it's pretty fun to be one of the only cosplayers of X character. Or at least to do an alt version of a more popular character.

Pic related is my only cosplay I was disappointed no one at con recognized, cause I worked super hard on it. Normally I don't mind too much.

>> No.8000447
File: 201 KB, 500x190, tumblr_n28y2w2k5I1s61xwoo5_r1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a really awesome tutorial with foam but I'm not really sure how to do the ridges for his helmet. I did go to the help thread but I'm going to keep on looking around for information.

Ironically I found a guy who did the whole third suit so I'm kind of excited.

Damn I wasn't going to do this cosplay but now I suddenly want to do it. It's bad because I had a Persona cosplay planned which means I have to either drop that or figure out what else to cut out.

>> No.8000453

I don't know who that is but she's hot and you probably did her justice.

>> No.8000454

>*Wasn't going to do this cosplay original because I had a cosplay plan set up for 2015.

>> No.8000699

Is Gundam really obscure though? My friend and I have been cosplaying as Amuro Ray & Char Aznable for the past year and we've always had a lot of attention. (We're in the UK)

>> No.8000711

Certain Gundam series are obscure and others are wildly popular (or used to be).

>> No.8000715

Ah fair enough. We're planning on doing Kamille Bidan & Quattro Bajeena next year, hopefully that'll go well.

>> No.8000930
File: 334 KB, 1010x1472, Aikawa.Ayumu.full.452416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing this coming up in February, not sure if it's "unpopular" but I know I haven't seen many people at past cons.

>> No.8000934

Well, Gundam used to be huge in the US, but over time people stopped caring because Bandai couldn't get their shit together (and probably other reasons). Exactly as >>8000711 said; even now cosplays from, say, Wing, G, 00, maybe Build Fighters would be instantly recognized. Cosplay from anything I like though (Turn A, Victory, X, hell I don't even like ZZ much but I'd love to see cosplay from it because I love wacky 80s shit)...

>> No.8003865

I hope you're a qt.

>> No.8003927

I would love to see a Gundam Z cosplay. But most people don't know what the hell it is.

>> No.8004169

My girlfriend had me cosplay this guy, no idea who he was, but she wanted me dressed as him.

>> No.8004183

zore wa zombie desu ka


>> No.8004211

I cosplay from a game that's kinda popular on tumblr, but not a lot of people know about it yet.

The only people who take my photos are people who are also cosplaying from the game. Not that I mind, I love the game to death :)

>> No.8004245


>> No.8004272

OFF by Mortis Ghost

>> No.8004279

>ZE and Ghost Trick

Do you have pics anon?

>> No.8004291
File: 175 KB, 569x850, ed1fe1ae85d0e60151e0896a7f6298bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have this

>> No.8004611


>> No.8004629

Oh wow we got some Flamenco going on here.


I may or may not the the guy in question.

By the ridges, you mean the one on his third suit's helmet, right? If so, my helmet's base is made out of multiple parts. I think it was 3 each sides. The silver part and the v-fin were added on afterwards.
If you need anything don't be shy to ask.

>> No.8004744

>ZE and Ghost Trick
My fuckin nigga. Wish I could get a big ZE group together.

>> No.8004833

Hell yes more ZE and Ghost Trick cosplayers

>> No.8004905
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, first oe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh wow I didn't think I would get a response.
>mfw sort of

I'm trying to do this one anon as well as the third one but I can't figure out how to do the design on the helmet or what tutorial would be the easiest version to get a helmet like picture related.

The foam one I mention in post >>8000447 is easy and god tier but it looks like it would cost $100 in just tools alone so I'm trying to find another method if possible.

>> No.8004962
File: 411 KB, 1920x948, fuck you i liked the game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay as one of these but I'm a shitter.

>> No.8005118
File: 116 KB, 720x960, 10613058_10205162403085877_3321452661158393852_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't expect this much Flamenco. Are any of you part of the Flamencult on /a/? There's a collection of concept art and such on Google Drive if anyone needs reference: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5H2AUH9NOZhN2JBNncyNFNIeGc&usp=drive_web

My own plans for Flamenco Ruby got messed up earlier this year. I do have the outfit itself finished- but I might make some modifications. Still need to work on the wig and gems. I did finish my boyfriend's Goto for Otakuthon though! As expected, only a handful recognized him and it was mostly when he was with a friend of our's who was cosplaying Samurai Flamenco.

>> No.8005136
File: 169 KB, 150x150, tumblr_n36e2pOj4d1smzwlao7_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I went on /a/ after the ending of Aldnoah zero because my friend wanted to show me dramu, went there when Yugioh Zexal just came out, and went there recently to see what's up for less than 30 minutes.

I found the Flamenco thread there once and hung out for a while but didn't stay to see if that one drawing anon made me the Haiji picture or kept tabs.

I wish there was a Flamencult here but it's mostly HS, Hetalia, Persona, AOT, and SF.

Also thanks for the google drive!

>> No.8005480
File: 1.72 MB, 1200x1672, 1417927662657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fellow flamencult anon reporting in
(I only trip on cgl)

They look good! SF cosplay always brightens my day.

the flamencult is alive everywhere in my heart

>> No.8006258

Are you the one who wished Anna Fischer would shoot her

>> No.8006616
File: 185 KB, 1000x565, bompage08-09-scanpixen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to cosplay Miyamoto from one of the Pokemon CD dramas, already do a Madame Boss cosplay that never gets recognized at cons and know someone will just think I'm doing an alt Jessie cosplay/Cassidy.

>> No.8006645

Thanks anon, looks great! Love how shiny the gun looks too.

>tfw ghost trick will never gain the popularity it deserves

>> No.8006727

samurenco, yes thank you anon

>> No.8008547


Hmph, maybe you can use EVA (1/4 inch thickness)

That`s what I used for my Flamenco Mk3 helmet,

As for the make of the helmet itself, I`d suggest a long strip of EVA that makes the contour of your head, another one for the middle and more arc-shaped ones of the sides. I hope I understood what you meant by that.

>> No.8008621

I plan on doing Venera as well. I only really do young characters now and days but, I think she's cute and I like this outfit.
I also want to cosplay the knight version of Yuko from Criminal Girls: Invitation.

>> No.8009198
File: 298 KB, 150x150, tumblr_n36e2pOj4d1smzwlao4_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if I don't I'll google it and use trial and error. I'm pretty resourceful and not the typical lazy anon.

>Most of the time.

>> No.8011638
File: 247 KB, 1456x998, akazukin_v01_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't usually cosplay as characters that aren't all that unknown, but I've wanted to cosplay as the MC from Tokyo Akazukin since I was an edgy 15 year old. I doubt ANYONE would recognize it, and I'm kind of worried about the kind of people that would...

>> No.8011654

Oh god I remember this manga.

>> No.8012194

Do it anon!!!! I'd recognize you and it'll likely make my con. I love obscure Pokemon cosplays.

>> No.8012354

Oh. OH. My bf had me watch that. "I'm a zombie?!" Or something like that right?

Pls make the chainsaw.

>> No.8012368

see >>8004183

>> No.8012374

I'd probably recognize it.
At first I'd be happy, then I'd get confused and disturbed, and then I'd go right back to being happy again