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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 84 KB, 680x680, leredditmememe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7975650 No.7975650 [Reply] [Original]

So which one of you beautiful ladies is gonna cosplay this shit?

>> No.7975662

Who is she?
>that file name
This can be headed nowhere good.

>> No.7975665


>> No.7975672

>Coming soon from an e-fame hungry cosplayer near you....

It would be way cooler if someone put the work into during a cosplay of her "monster" form.

>> No.7975683

some cunt in my comm is trash talking me because I pretty much own the wigs (that I've previously used to make a bunny bulma costume) and thinks I cosplay the flavor of the month, turns out she's the hungry whore.

>> No.7975688

>211 replies and 89 images omitted

also you're about 1 week late, we already had this thread.

>> No.7975690

she's trash talking you because you're a sleazy thundercunt whom daddums never loved enough so she has to make up for the lost attention by dressing like a whore and calling it cosplay

>> No.7975692
File: 117 KB, 372x351, 1411615315987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really can't wait to see the result though
how about we do a compilation of people WIPing?
which would be mostly slapping on a wig and underwear and call it a cosplay

>> No.7975693

>Don't talk about things that were already previously discussed
Haha, you're funny.

>> No.7975694

I'm not even angry that's perfect reasoning

>> No.7975717

The monster is Hana aka the dude's pink-haired ex and not the blue-haired idol Meme.

>> No.7975723

Would only enjoy if there is a massive group doing it.

>> No.7975732

I wish I had a female friend to cosplay with so we could do blue hair/pink hair girls together.
>tfw no local friends are into cosplay

>> No.7975738
File: 41 KB, 599x925, B3fIW0HCUAAnnUa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it already cosplayed

>> No.7975739

Never said that, was just pointing it out, people already started WIPs.
It will just be the ultimate cringe photo.

>> No.7975740

There are monster memes.

>> No.7975741

Is the idol's name pronounced like the word "meme", or is it "May-May" or "Mimi"?

>> No.7975746

Considering meme IS pronounced maymay, it:s safe to assume her name is pronounced the same

>> No.7975751

i dont even know how "meme" is pronounced so in the end it's all a joke

>> No.7975756

This looks off. The dress looks shitty (just from this picture) and the bangs don't look right. But it could probably be reworked fairly easily and she just wanted to be the first to cosplay her.

Not going to lie, though. I considered cosplaying her. Ultimately I don't feel like my body is nice enough to wear it well, so unless I get in better shape by the time a con rolls around I'm probably not going to.


>> No.7975780

>Not even the right color dress

Lol. This better be a WiP cause this cosplay is like a 0.5/10 on the difficulty scale. Other than the wig you can pretty much buy this costume at Victoria Secret.

>> No.7975782

it's "meem" you plebs
bet you say "jiff" too

>> No.7975787


>> No.7975801

>not getting the joke

Also, her name would be pronounced the japanese way.

Also, you realize it is jiff right? The creator said it was.

>> No.7975805

If someone invented bread and told you it's supposed to go up your ass you'd probably stick it in there.

>> No.7975808
File: 30 KB, 500x339, tumblr_inline_n7loh1wmiZ1s9ouk5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7975815

Don't tell me what I must do with a f*cking tumblr image
It is still "meem"

>> No.7975838
File: 46 KB, 480x486, 7crva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit word anyways

>> No.7975845

I know a few seagulls are doing the girl and one seagull is going to do the guy fully deck with armor. It's floating around in a thread somewhere here.

>> No.7975854

i know who's doing the armored guy and all i can say is don't expect much

>> No.7975860

I will be incredibly disappointed if anyone does cosplay this. It will defeat the point and no doubt the irony will go unnoticed by most who do.

>> No.7975861

>actually pronouncing it maymay
I seriously hope you are joking holy shit

>> No.7975862

Fuck off /a/

On topic though: Teddyloid is fantastic

>> No.7975864

Wow, shut the fuck up.

>> No.7975867

Imo, I didn't know it was pronounced "meem" until like last year.

I always pronounced it "meme", but I hardly used the word anyway.

When you see "meme", you just pronounce it how it looks. You don't automatically associate it with "gene"/a unit of cultural inheritance.

>> No.7975870

I agree.

>> No.7975871
File: 864 KB, 245x150, 76897689.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow you could not be any more pretentious.

>> No.7975873

>When you see "meme", you just pronounce it how it looks.

When has that ever been a rule in english though? English is stupid as fuck.

>> No.7975877

Dude no, coswhores are the only ones in their right mind who will cosplay "meme" who is literally a massed produced anime slut.

>> No.7975895

This makes sense. It'd be like making a movie for Fahrenheit 451.

>> No.7975900

It's true though.

It'll be sad to see someone cosplay it.

>> No.7975913

But they are basicly only naked so I doubt the anon meant that.

>> No.7975927
File: 218 KB, 807x1076, tumblr_nfos6elZEI1tof49vo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People already did/are.
>Did you not see the last thread?

What I don't get is why everyone is doing the slut girl/sex machine and not the gf or anyone else?

>> No.7975931
File: 120 KB, 1572x508, me_me_me__by_maryalfaro-d88cyn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHzMysK4mus Makeup tutorial of it

Someone is doing it for ALA


>> No.7975934

Did you guys even look at the lyrics or? It's from Hana's perspective, saying he probably made her an idol (she probably is Meme too), that his 'lovely' memories about their relationship were created by himself, that she actually always hated him and that he is a loser.

>> No.7975935
File: 315 KB, 700x960, tumblr_nfpzkpbuZR1rk4wnao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm never doing this. I rather do something from an animu, comic book, or mango than this.

>> No.7975937

>The creator said it was

>> No.7975938

This girl jumps on all the bandwagons ever lmao

>> No.7975940
File: 64 KB, 500x559, tumblr_nfty7fEa6r1rrvc9mo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it then. Why is she crying then in the middle of the song and obviously trying to reach out for him if she hates him so much?

I thought the whole message was to not be an Otaku/NEET and that the 3DPD world is your real world, not the 2D world, considering Japan's hysteria/history with otakus (especially the one who used to kill little girls.)

>> No.7975944

I've always pronounced meme as meh-meh instead of meem or maymay. But that might just be because I'm a Finnfag and English pronunciation rules suck anyways.

But yeah, Teddyloid IS awesome and no matter how slutty (to be honest this isn't even the sluttiest character to cosplay), the character looks cute and will be cosplayed.

>> No.7975945

Uh not at all. You probably read a shitty translation. They are indeed from her perspective but they're are from the point of view of a girl who was really happy, got frustrated and then got really sad and then decided to tell him to fuck off.

Also, all the translations continue to translate the word "ideal" to idol. He idealized her, as in he pushed the traits of shitty anime girls onto her, became disillusioned and fell into his anime lust depression.

I hate when bad translations ruin the meaning of things.

>> No.7975950

See >>7975945 Bad translations. People are misinterpreting this shit cause the lyrics are hard to hear, there's no official lyrics and bitches who translated it are doing it literally.

>> No.7975952

It's not Meh-Meh?

>English fag here.

>> No.7975956

It isn't about it being slutty, it's the fact that she's literally massed produced anime fap fuel. She's not like a character, she's just cute and slutty on the screen.

>> No.7975959

People need to realize it's impossible to reach the level of a character so stylized tbh. They all look awful.
The only one that looks halfway decent is the one with photo quality so grainy and shitty it could almost pass as a drawing.

>> No.7975963
File: 563 KB, 500x580, tumblr_ng01kuHN151s3tyjco1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe I should give that MeMeMe cosplay a try? I tweaked the colours of my Rarity Cosplay a bit, of course the haircut isn’t right, but I guess I could pull it off eventually :3

>I’m hot and could cosplay for ME!ME!ME! and look hella.

…but I’m broke and lazy. Hot, broke, and lazy. On the other hand, my hair is already styled like Meme’s, and it’s long, so do I really need a wig? Because I actually have a pink wig (bright pink but whatever) so I could cosplay Hana-chan.

Or HANA. I got a nude colored bra and underwear, I can work with that. Or invest in a nude colored leotard. Because I’d love to make HANA’s mask.


>> No.7975965

meme (mēm)

A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another.

so yes, it's meem

>> No.7975967
File: 75 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nfqomfC5RN1thgb0yo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7975970

This. The character is actually superflat as fuck. A false, 2D character that is even portrayed as false and 2D within a false 2D space.
It's like cosplaying as a very stereotypical, shitty cartoon from a cartoon where the "real" cartoon characters are obsessed with said stereotypical, shitty cartoon. The ultimate self-mockery.
Anyone who doesn't get that and cosplays the character because "hurr cute and popular xDD" is a faggot

>> No.7975972

This is even worse.

>> No.7975998

Who said I was posting good pictures?

>> No.7976010

>acting like people don't cosplay characters only because they're cute
How long has this been happening for? I totally get where you're coming from but being this upset about old news is worrying.

>> No.7976022

>what is cosplay
Almost all cosplay is dressing as stylized 2D characters? Try pulling that stick out of your ass.

>> No.7976026

I'm not really upset, I just felt like insulting people for being plebs who don't fully appreciate the irony in muh Mongolian telegram.

>> No.7976030

>People need to realize it's impossible to reach the level of a character so stylized.

>People nitpick about how a person isn't like a 2D character, their waifu, or their husbando.

>> No.7976040

It's different with this specific character. It's too simplistic and stylized.
Ever notice how L cosplay looks shitty 9/10 of the time? It's the same shit. Unless you nail literally everything, the whole thing is trash.
I'd rather have a stick up my ass than my entire head.

>> No.7976044

Sounds like you were one of the shitty cosplayers ITT

>> No.7976058
File: 66 KB, 300x100, 215.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sounds like you were one of the shitty cosplayers ITT

>I anon >>7975959 the person posting those in this thread

Use google image search. All of those images were from Tumblr or Deviantart.


>> No.7976064

*correction anon >>7975927

>> No.7976080
File: 2.53 MB, 280x358, 1417394001793.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not that fat bitch who cosplayed Bulma in the other thread are you?

>> No.7976087
File: 202 KB, 537x627, 84a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if being a skeleton is fat then yes

>in other words I wouldnt be surprised if my picture ended up here

>> No.7976105

You're supposed to pronounce it as mimi.

>> No.7976110


>> No.7976115
File: 108 KB, 253x253, 1332118295068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a shit about the irony of the video or anything else people are bitching about. The more TNA at cons the better but so far every one of the "cosplays" in this thread have been so hilariously bad my sides hurt.

>> No.7976121

I-i'm starting to think my spoopy scary skeleton ass is better this way now..

>> No.7976125

hopefully no one that message was pretentious as shit and dealt with a non-issue. The people escaping from the world never had an anchor (girlfriend) in the first place.

>> No.7976128

I'm so sick of people bitching about Tumblr on here needlessly.

Tumblr exists. Everyone on the fucking board goes on it even if they hate it. Deal with it.

>> No.7976136

But with this logic anyone who cosplays any background character is a faggot too?

>> No.7976140

>everyone is a faggot here

>> No.7976163

I just imagine most of the girls cosplaying this being all "well I love her design she is so cute". I honestly think it's just for attention. Like yea she's cute but it's really not that great of a design and she looks pretty generic. Everyone just wants to jump on the who can do it first train. It's even worse than when people do that with new anime.

>> No.7976168

this pic looks really weird to me

>> No.7976174

This is how I felt about ebola-chan

>> No.7976185

She never actually cosplays, she just does "face cosplay" where she basically just puts on a wig and makeup and takes a selfie then forgets it.

>> No.7976530

I bet you hate Stardust Witch Meruru cosplays too.

>> No.7976563


>> No.7976565

>Not getting the piercings for an accurate cosplay

>> No.7976576

She doesn't hate him, but by the end of the song she's given up and decides to move on with her life(which he does not/will not do because he won't put in any actual effort to change his life so he just fantasizes about getting her back, even though he's the one who pushed her away and decided she was the big bad at fault[hense making his own "image" of her/fake her/ the monster version)

>> No.7976618

most cons draw the line at underwear.

I don't think an outfit consisting of nothing but 3 piercings and some dental-floss connecting them would fly.

>> No.7976630
File: 163 KB, 1920x1080, 1381619389737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow.
so that's how women interpreted it.

>> No.7976635
File: 427 KB, 355x325, yC8qvBc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoping Jnig does it so we can shit all over it.

>> No.7976727
File: 55 KB, 640x640, 10428414_977002962314311_9041227092743017845_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make way for queen tittyfox

>> No.7976814


isnt this the photo she said she didnt photoshop at all except for lighting?

>> No.7976816

Did you even look up the lyric meaning? they are from the perspective of the gf.

>> No.7976843

I don't think it's possible for anyone to cosplay her well. The reason the character looks so good(besides being designed as fap fuel) is because of the art style imo

>> No.7976849
File: 175 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lvp1qpdGIN1qcmpnao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I actually ended up ordering a wig for this during the Arda Cyber monday sale. The con I plan to wear it at isn't until May and I'm really only going to be wear it for drinking/ late night relaxing. By then it'll either be cosplayed to death or long forgotten.

>> No.7976851

Are you a retard? There are people who know Moonspeak and translated it.


>> No.7976860

Oh god, it'll look so gross with her leathery skin yaaaas

>> No.7976875

Lol that (dumbass) hairline and contacts are shooped to hell.

>> No.7976878

This looks good
pls no butterface

>> No.7976904

At first it wanted to do it, but now I'm reconsidering. If do do it, it would be for a shoot with the other characters, and even then I think it'd be better if I were drawn over to kind of continue on the point of the video.

>> No.7976925
File: 283 KB, 540x540, BeautyPlus_20141205061535_save.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will dump some cosplayers i found on instagram because some of those are hilarious

>> No.7976930
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>> No.7976935
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>> No.7976937
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>> No.7976944
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>> No.7976949
File: 338 KB, 540x540, BeautyPlus_20141205062323_save.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7976951

Why would you even fucking attempt when you neither look like the characters or a woman in general, for that matter..

>> No.7976953
File: 266 KB, 540x540, BeautyPlus_20141205062003_save.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7976956

I feel like she would have made a better blue girl. Meme?

>> No.7976958
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>> No.7976961
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>> No.7976964
File: 66 KB, 748x960, 1779960_811568365551962_2432307140685884119_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7976968
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>> No.7976969
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>> No.7976973
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>> No.7976978
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>> No.7976980
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>> No.7976982
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>> No.7976983

All these blue girls have such punchable faces...friggin cow tongue and dumbass expressions.

>> No.7976985
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>> No.7976988
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>> No.7976992
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>> No.7976993
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>> No.7976997
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>> No.7977186
File: 469 KB, 700x916, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_T25U_BXGVaXXXXXXXX_!!655734967(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of ordering this wig for Hanachan. All the other wigs I've seen used seem to basic pink but I'm not sure if this one is too red.

>> No.7977188

This thread is so good. I love when people tag themselves visually so I can avoid them.

>> No.7977306

That question could be asked of anyone that cosplays, anon. Most of the people cosplaying look nothing like who they're portraying sooo..

>> No.7977309

Like this one >>7976949

>> No.7977429

"Pretentious" implies someone is feigning intelligence. The word does not apply when they are actually right.

>> No.7977454

It's Katyuska MoonFox.
She's pretty.

>> No.7977470

Quit trying to look into this like it's some kind of 2 DEEP 4 U bullshit. It's a shitty dance/club song with a fanservice video. That's ALL.

>> No.7977472

1/10 for making me reply and for the inevitable replies you get

>> No.7977473

This was released in 2009, why is it just now getting so much attention?

>> No.7977476

I don't suppose you're by chance mistaking her for Stocking

>> No.7977481

Why are her eyes looking at different things?

>> No.7977483


You must have mistaken this for the Joe Inoue album with the same title.

This is by Teddyloid, the guy who did Panty & Stocking's soundtrack, and is about a week or so old.

>> No.7977631

She is! Yay.

>> No.7977653

Yeah why can't these women understand the true message of the video.
That 3D can never live up to your waifu and you should stay in your room disregarding bitches.

>> No.7977689

All of them. I wanted too as well and downloaded it when it came out and listen to it every day, but then saw everyone on my friends list was doing it too. I know it's frowned upon to be swayed by others doing the same thing but I am. I'll just support it in other ways.

>> No.7977790

Apex kek. Try going to /g/ and telling them it's pronounced like that. You'll get btfo.

>> No.7977801

wait a sec how is jiff pronouced

>> No.7977853
File: 1.52 MB, 500x268, b89.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if there is going to be an mp3 available? An anon posted one in the first thread that was the first three "songs" cut from the video, but I was wondering if there's somewhere to get the entire thing. I might rip and trim the audio myself, but an official studio version without the occasional background noise would be lovely.

>> No.7977972

My husband has a hard on for the slutty one. That's why. Does there need to be another reason?

>> No.7977973


>> No.7977978

So you're not going to cosplay it outside of the bedroom then?

>> No.7977986

Are you kidding? I'd strut that anywhere. And since there will be clones we can all just photobomb eachother and not fight over the character since it's canon.

>> No.7977987

Is it possible to recreate the kind of heavy stream of white vomit HANA makes? Some kind of, like, stage/fx type chemical or whatever that expands a lot in spit or the air or something that you can safely put in your mouth?

>> No.7977995

Don't be a pussy anon.

>> No.7978010


>Complains about bad cosplayers who do stuff for attention only
>Wants to cosplay a glorified sex machine/whore for husband's attention


>> No.7978019
File: 78 KB, 500x667, ab35951a-99eb-4367-93f4-0928bb2d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7979146

seeeeeelf post

>> No.7979160
File: 52 KB, 444x287, 1409717336407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing but me!me!me! cosplays in this thread
>even shitty ones
>you singled out this specific one as self post

>> No.7979187

I somehow really like this one

>> No.7979205

There's an edit on youtube without the barfing. You could use a site to just rip the mp3 for you.

>> No.7979219

Did anyone else think her vomit was supposed to portray all the dude's semen from wanking it over imaginary girls?

>> No.7979235


>> No.7979239

ugh that is disgusting why would anyone do that...

>> No.7979262

Well being trashy is in character.

>> No.7979275

This is ew/10 she looks like that ugly Reito Neo chick. Also that blinding light to hide her ugly mug
Also a lot of them (and herself probably if that IS her?) are doing it for attention

>> No.7979288

It is Reito anon this girl a serious attention whore tho. wonder if that's her posting herself again.

>> No.7979304

Retards say it with a hard g like the hard g in girl or in Evangelion

>> No.7979306

are you telling me it isnt evanjellyon

>> No.7979313

99% sure this and half assed Hiro are going to flood cons and be this seasons Elsa.

>> No.7979315

Troo, nor like Eh vanja leein

>> No.7979888

she looks like a slutty character, how can anyone like this!?

>> No.7979890

is this a joke post or are you new here

>> No.7979893

look up the song meaning.

>> No.7979932


so is there a deeper meaning

>> No.7979949
File: 2.73 MB, 960x540, 1417849193430.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let people cosplay what they want, why do you care?

>> No.7979960
File: 1.27 MB, 1024x1024, 1402185401447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I can tell its about the self destructive cycle of an otaku.

>He spends all his time watching porn
>This makes him lonely so he begins to think about his ex girlfriend
>He regrets dumping her but is a narcissist (me me me) so he projects his own self loathing onto her and she becomes a monster in his eyes.
>He feels dead inside so he desperately wants her to come back and kiss him better (once again he doesn't actually want her as a person he just wants someone to come along and fix him)
>He starts shooting at the blue haired ladies (this is him getting a flash of ambition and promising himself that he'll change for the better)
>They all eat him (his addictions and loneliness consumes him)
>He wakes up (the cycle starts all over again)

>> No.7979971
File: 173 KB, 1918x1200, ME!ME!ME!10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man goes through breakup. He’s too consumed by 2D anime culture that he expects real women to be pure yet meet all his sexual whims. Girl he’s dating can’t live up to these unrealistic expectations; she tries to reach out to him, but he doesn’t care because he can go back to his perfect 2D waifus anytime. He becomes depressed and disillusioned with females as a whole. A damning piece against otaku culture and society as a whole’s objectification and sexualization of women. It’s satire by being so overt with tits and ass in your face.

>> No.7980003

The wig on this one is really nice

>> No.7980214

Oooooh Zeal my friend! She's always doing amazing Cosplay work... Makes me jelly

>> No.7980367

Seemed more like a warning of the risk of addiction in general.

>> No.7980401

her cosplays are nice, too bad her personality's shit

>> No.7980484

You actually made me laugh out loud. Cute deduction

>> No.7980500

Sounds impossible to cosplay the blue chick without shoop, since she is meant to depict a perfect 2D, and we're all 3D.

>> No.7980708
File: 124 KB, 480x640, 2014-11-25 19.03.14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7980834
File: 80 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel a jealousy >,>

>> No.7980852


>> No.7981394

This whole thread is crappy.
Don't have high expectations from the "firsts".

>> No.7981459

Why are seagulls so salty about attention-whore cosplays? inb4 jealousy
I mean, if parading around half-dressed makes some chick feel better about herself, why do y'all get so worked up over it? She isn't hurting anyone.

>> No.7981624

Because it's bad taste and it further enforces idiots to act out/gawk at women. Now a days cosplays are not about what you like but what looks slutty, gets the most attention, and what's popular. This is no different than the KLK fad.

>> No.7981633

I can taste the salt

>> No.7981638
File: 21 KB, 400x300, I ain't even salty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally don't care but hey if you want to get pervert's attentions at anime cons and then bitch about him molesting/stalking you go right ahead.

>> No.7981652

Because typically the attention whore cosplayers are the coswhores trying to make a living off the hobby/fans by being camwhores. That line of work will never be respected. It's not welcomed at family friendly conventions when there's plenty of fetish cons already for that shit. Simple as that. You can't put "cosplay Idol" on a resume for a real job and expect to be taken seriously. You're basically asking why strippers prefer being called performers. If they feel so ashamed of their "job" that they're trying to hide what they're really selling, they wouldn't feel obligated to defend it. But they do, so It provides kek worthy reads. Not really a hard concept to grasp, you are on 4chan. Whores in general are the only entertainment here. Are you new?

>> No.7981655

You can get the attention of perverts in modest normalfag clothes as well, perverts are perverts.
>tfw 13 at con with friends many moons ago wearing jeans and a t-shirt and much older neckbeard approaches
>You're so cute, I just want to grab you and take you home with me

>> No.7981695

... I think the design is cute and I would want to try it despite no tits if I cosplayed.

>> No.7981704

lol, sure, i doubt you even actually know cathy

>> No.7981708


yes, but it's one thing when it happens to you and you have done nothing to encourage it and another when you complain and it's literally your job to attract neckbeards to the con.

>> No.7982307


>> No.7982326

My friend who isn't the type who should be cosplaying characters like the ones in Me!Me!Me! announced they're going to do Meme.

>they don't want to be seen as female
>decides to wear a very revealing cosplay

>> No.7982336

is she fat? or just crazy?

>> No.7982638

it sounds like she's both

>> No.7982680


I broke it into each chunk.

>happy upbeat colorful anime waifu song is him indulging in his otaku fantasies
>suddenly big-bad monster woman comes along and makes it all dark and kinky
>that's the gallons of semen he's spilled jacking it to anime girls, by the way
>he has an epiphany and becomes a third party observing the mistakes he's made
>he resolves to get the girl back (who is, as you'll notice, portrayed as the monstrous masked girl earlier)
>he tries to drop his addictions and "save" the girl, but she's absorbed by the monster (read: she rejects him) and his addictions consume him once more
>cycle continues

>> No.7983658

Because I don't know any attention whoring women worth talking to.

They might be good for a pump and dump, but the only thing they have inside is a bit of jizz.

>> No.7983886

A common trend I'm noticing that bothers me is that very few of these girls get the eye makeup right. They seem to just want to fucking slather their face in eyeliner when in reality the character's eyeliner ends at the corner of her eye. This girl has it relatively right >>7976980 even though there are plenty of things you could nitpick.

>> No.7983978

At least her eye makeup is better than all this overdone shit in the thread

>> No.7983993

wasn't sure whether to call this shit taste or a self post but
definitely a self post lol

>> No.7984021

> said her eye makeup is ok
> must be self post

>> No.7984885
File: 212 KB, 1280x905, mememe ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropping some refs.

In relation to the earlier argument about how to pronounce her name: It says right here, may-may.
The term "meme" is completely unrelated to this.

>> No.7984886

it says meh-meh not maymay

>> No.7984887
File: 218 KB, 1280x905, mememe ref2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7984889
File: 209 KB, 1280x905, mememe ref3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go be autistic elsewhere, the point was that it's not "meem"

>> No.7984893
File: 225 KB, 1280x905, mememe ref4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7984896
File: 209 KB, 1280x905, mememe ref5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7984899
File: 198 KB, 1280x905, mememe ref6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7984901

The name still confuses but omfg naked lady.

>> No.7984912
File: 252 KB, 1500x1061, mememe ref7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7984914
File: 231 KB, 1500x1061, mememe ref8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7984917
File: 265 KB, 1500x1061, mememe ref9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7984918

Two posts in a row on an inactive thread picking out one mediocre girl with unflattering makeup in a sea of others does seem pretty self post

>> No.7984920
File: 120 KB, 1500x1061, mememe ref0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7984921

A pretty simple dress to make, some coloured scalloped edging in a different fabric, a pattern....
>INB4 horde of lazychans wearing plain yellow sundresses

>> No.7984936

But it's actually unflattering as is most in this thread. I can't image anyone being a selfpost.

>> No.7985020

I doubt the picture itself was a self post, but the comments about it probably were

>> No.7985427

The one thing that's been bothering me is like, if the song is supposed to have a message about the unrealistic standards set by the 3DPD culture, why does Hana have the same exact fucking body type/proportions as Meme? They could have made her like, a little bigger, shorter legs, or some shit.

>> No.7985480

Maybe the idea was that, even if you look like the 2D, you will never be the perfect animu 2D waifu?
I have no idea.

>> No.7985526

He could still be projecting what he thinks she looks like, although it's probably just so her design is pretty

>> No.7985605

Yeah, but I like to think that, literally, the hero has the perfect girlfriend and a decent life, til he went full otaku. She was gentle, sweet and beautiful and truly loved the hero, but once the obsession kicks in, he started to think that she was not slutty or perfect enough, so he dumped her to dedicate his life to fap eternally to unrealistically perfect 2D idols and sculpt flawless anime figures and Gundams as a placebo. Basically, he ended being a shallow fool and also, severely depressed. He tried to overcome the obsession, but it was futile the girl hated his guts and the waifus had taken his personal life and so he end up giving up on life unable to move on.

>> No.7985607

The girl doesn't hate him, the song talks about how she keeps trying to help him. At the end she doesn't hate him, but she knows it's kind of futile and she needs to move on

>> No.7986050


You're amazing.

>> No.7986056

Shit, I'm tempted to do this as a full bodysuit, with white fabric instead of the nude parts. Probably not worth the effort, but I really like the design.

>> No.7987073

That's what I'm going to be doing with both >>7984917 and >>7984887

I'd say it's worth the effort.

>> No.7987095

second this, i really want to like her and stuff but from hanging out with her, i seriously cant stand her personality

>> No.7987097


>> No.7987467

she's very young (still in high school) and while she's slightly immature she's still a perfectly sweet girl.
I don't know why you think her personality is shit but hey, if you don't like her, don't bother with her.

>> No.7987479

it really doesn't seem like you know her at all, maybe at most through association or passing by at a convention...I thought she was really nice and quiet at first too, but after getting to know her better, holy shit she has a terrible personality. have you seen how she treats her "friends", even the ones that are supposedly close to her? Highschool or not, there is no way you should be that rude and unappreciative of what people do for you

>> No.7987491

I actually know her really well but alright anon you know everything

>> No.7987493

>I actually know her really well
Obviously. You wouldn't be playing shit personality defense force if you had no stake in this

>> No.7987511

I'm sorry you're so attached to her you can't see how shitty she is then, because all of the people who kiss her ass seem to be able to ignore how spoiled and entitled she acts. Guess you're one of them.

>> No.7987534

Sadly you know that there are going to be a bunch of lazy girls that are just going to get a yellow sundress and use puff paint to put the designs on there. You could make it really cute and nice too by embroidering the flowers on there or using a nice dyed eyelet trim.

>> No.7987589

Tutorial on how to do this?

>> No.7988001

>i love your fluttershy gajinka!

>> No.7988251

I thought the same thing when I saw her full design

>> No.7988326

Reminder that if you cosplay this character you are completely spitting in the face of women everywhere and disregarding the message in the video. You aren't supposed to make yourself an object of lust for men just to get a few extra likes on your facebook page.

>> No.7988328

Its honestly a boring cosplay like, its basically just a skimpy outfit w/ generic purple stockings, long gloves and generic bright cyan weeb wig. It might be neat for a beginner's "cosplay" though.

>> No.7988338

WTF I feel like my whole life is a lie

>> No.7988340

>You aren't supposed to make yourself an object of lust for men
What if I like making lonely weebs horny?

>> No.7988359


Thankyou for typing this for me anon. I love otaku culture, I love boobs too, but I can't stand the thought of being being brainwashed and the amount of guys who love cosplay boobs but still look at all women contemptuously, as sub standard compared to 2D waifus, or not as human beings at all...

>> No.7988374


I don't go around stalking/molesting men or women I find attractive. No means no. You can look but don't touch. Don't forget that person is a human beingband is not obliged to gratify you. There is no excuse for being a creeper.

Ironically only ever been assaulted when wearing ugly/modest clothing (and in places like libraries and churches, not drunk in a club) so on the occasion I want to attention whore for *me*, whilst I am in control of the situation, I have the right to wear what I please; men and women alike need to fucking control themselves.

>> No.7988385


Lol me too. Crossed with some Love Hina character

>> No.7988549

Congrats, you're a whore! Please see your way to /b/.

>> No.7988566

but you gotta have dem tits tho

>> No.7988570

Sounds like someones mad that none of the boys ever called her pretty growing up.

>> No.7988638

>literally has to dress up as the fotm animu slut to get boys to compliment her
You're kind of like nigri, only not cos-famous or paid.

>> No.7989674
File: 181 KB, 1500x1061, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did
Hana looks pretty normal compared to Meme
That super Hana with the mask I think is the protagonist's mind distorting her

>> No.7989676

>a black and a blue eye

But why?

>> No.7990399

Some people don't even try

>> No.7990442

That's some intense aegyo-sal

>> No.7990625

Why are you so bitter anon? The power of sex appeal is something that feels awesome to have. Although, true power is when you can inspire hard ons without taking your clothes off, yes.

>> No.7990664

I hate when people make this stupid face

>> No.7990666

I like that it seemed to melt his face off
idk why, I thought it was cool

>> No.7991128
File: 296 KB, 621x937, fatmememe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fatty chan slapped on a blue wig and did a "pin up" version of mememe. Notice the circle fabric underneath the chest . keep in mind that's not her skin. A Desperate attempt to cosplay the flavor of the moment.

>> No.7991136

Em, this photo was posted weeks ago as Bulma. I don't know if you are trying to rustle jimmies or troll, but it's a sad attempt and you should stop.

>> No.7991141

I thought she was cosplaying someone else?

>> No.7991147


mememe, miku, bulma, or whatever it is , i just spit my cheeseburger imagining all the cottage cheese trapped in her stomach and thighs

>> No.7991181

it doesn't look like either meme or bulma
fatty chan should stop

>> No.7991239

I can't say it's cosplay, it seems to be more about her boobs

>> No.7991287

What this anime called?

>> No.7991305

Gos she's fat

>> No.7991318


Boku no meme

AKA a pretty bland video thats getting way to much hype because "muh sex appeal".

>> No.7991350


it's just a music video i guess
it's not as shocking as people made it seem to be tbh but the song is fun
and anime twerking is one of those things i didn't know how much i wanted until i had it

>> No.7991469
File: 93 KB, 640x640, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7991514

>but the song is fun

It's by TeddyLoid. It's the only thing that matters.

>> No.7991520

is it shameful that i actually purchased the soundtrack when panty & stocking came out

>> No.7991527

No, I say you did the right thing. I just wish they had the album for the No Pan Night party as well.

>> No.7991544
File: 1.58 MB, 250x220, 1412372567189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Just no. Drool never works.

>> No.7991550

oh god if I see one more fucking cosplayer who uses drool and looks like that I am going to puke. Seriously. I just want to throw up when I look at cosplays of this

>> No.7991717
File: 1.02 MB, 974x937, 1417575061660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troll harder next time.

>> No.7991774

Ugh, looks like that thick drool when my cat drools. Gross.

>> No.7992564
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>> No.7992575
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>> No.7992585
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>> No.7992681

filthy kike

>> No.7992747
File: 129 KB, 500x502, muhbody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fat fucks cosplaying skinny characters is degeneracy.

>> No.7992899

you can just say why do niggers try and cosplay its 4chan m8 :^)

>> No.7993382

I've argued that it's about the addiction to hyper stimulus.

otaku lifestyles just feed into this in a few ways that can compromise relationships and etc.

And of course, he loses the battle - that's why it's eating him in the vid.

>> No.7993387

I tought it was addiction to porn and how it makes you view women maybe
That's why his girlfriend is so distorted and twisted in his head

>> No.7993431
File: 8 KB, 99x106, croagunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a message about the unrealistic standards set by the 3DPD culture
>the unrealistic standards set by the 3DPD culture
>the unrealistic standards

>> No.7994936

fook it, I give up marking them up, these are all terrible

>> No.7994985

>All this analyzing.
The problem isn't with otaku culture or "unrealistic standards", it's with a lot of women being a bunch of cock carousel riding whores regardless of how they look.

As for as asthetics go, anything below a 5/10 can rise to average level with basic hygiene and avoiding degeneracy, maybe minor corrective surgery for anomalies.

>> No.7995078

literally no

>> No.7995178

>cock carousel

go back to /r9k/ friend

>> No.7995608


I thought of anaconda...

>> No.7998173
File: 96 KB, 243x243, 1404339428131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8000719


Don't you ever fucking dare call me a beautiful lady ever again. I am a strong, independent woman. I don't need to, and I don't want to be called a "lady", ever.

>> No.8000720

>actually believing this after-thought rationalization

The video is about one thing only: sex sells. End of line. There is no "deeper" meaning to it. There is no meaning to it whatsoever. The fact that you dared to call it a pro-feminist video just makes me want to puke.

It's like saying that Nazi propaganda videos are "pro-Jewish people".

>> No.8000730

It was created as a part of Hideaki Anno and a japanese media company's program to to promote promising artists. Mememe initially got a lot of attention for being really capturing the vibe of NGE.
But also you're right. Unless you want to call NGE feminist too.

>> No.8000736

I don't think you got the joke anon

>> No.8000803
File: 2.02 MB, 600x337, qcqZuZc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm under the impression that the "girlfriend" is just one of many constructs in the boy's head - she doesn't actually exist as a real person. All of the other female figures in the music video are are representations of something and I don't think the "sweet kawaii girlfriend" is any different.

Syuchan is supposed to represent NEET's, hikikomori's, and people with social anxiety in general who're lonely, frustrated, and frankly afraid of female sexuality.

The base blue-haired Hana-chan is just a generic stand-in image of a hot, sexy, cute girl - the pretty face and TnA you'd find on the cover of a magazine or in an anime/manga with moe elements, etc. Sexualized, but just short of porn. The pornstar-like version where there're beads dangling from her vagina and she's not really covered by much of anything is the more extreme version - a manifestation of his physical urges and desires.

The "girlfriend" is what he imagines his ideal to be - virginal, cute, reserved, loyal, pure. The images we see of the Syuchan and her together are not memories. Rather, it's what having a connection/relationship like that would be like.

Syuchan's latent fears of and inability to connect with about females coalesces into the masked girl. He blames her and the power she seems to command for his inability to have his ideal girl.

He does try to fight past his bias, insecurity, and addictions but is ultimately unable - thus the cycle begins anew.

>> No.8000817
File: 1.29 MB, 1085x698, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A lot of you have probably seen something similar either IRL or in places like /adv/ and /r9k/. You'll have a lot of these guys who'll say things like:

>>All women are whores
>>Lol, she's not a virgin? Yeah w/e she'll just be fantasizing about past bf's throbbing cocks, good luck!
>>All girls want is to hump Chad Thundercock's pussy, once they're all worn out and older though THEN they'll want to latch onto your beta dick so you'll provide for her
>>Man I should just give up, I don't have looks or money so I'll never be able to keep a girl

But of course at the same time there are an innumerable number of posts from guys that are obsessed about their virginity and really wanting to just fuck ANYTHING to the point where hiring a prostitute becomes a serious prospect. I'm sure that the 4channer's, at least, also indulge in their fair share of porn and moe as well.

Also, pic of giant ass scary vagina with teeth.

>> No.8000837

>trying to justify/rationalize it because you liked the video and you feel bad about it because deep down you know it just shows what a shallow sexist pig you are

>> No.8000878

>liking hot girls is sexist

Why don't you go learn a trade?

>> No.8001163

Rhymes with theme
Only weaboos assume its me-me

>> No.8001351

It is one thing to like "attractive" (in a patriarchal sense of word) women and it is a completely different thing to like and watch this sexist garbage music video that would NEVER have been successful based on the music alone and that just blatantly exploits and sexualizes women's bodies and supports the treatment of women as nothing but sex objects. That's exactly the portrayal of women that you explicitly SEE in the video. I absolutely don't care about the pathetic attempts at rationalizing it / making excuses. Anyone who calls the video "feminist" or "empowering" is not a real feminist and is trying to corrupt feminism. It just makes me want to puke.

A real feminist version of the video would focus less on the male (because it's all about HIM) and perhaps feature attractive women of *all* body shapes / sizes.

>> No.8001355
File: 40 KB, 325x325, set your bait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8001365

this is one of those times when I'm not really sure whether it's a troll or a completely serious delusional tumblrina because the more time I spend online the hazier the line between genuine extreme opinions and trolls becomes. God damn it, Poe's Law.

>> No.8001406

Wow, so being against the sexploitation of women and the general misogyny in anime is considered "bait" now. Un fucking believable. This would never have happened in old /cgl/. Old /cgl/ would respect feminist opinions.

>> No.8001414

You're either a SJW or a person who needs to calm down. You're fighting a battle that you can't win. Japanese videos and animu are Japanese videos and animu. NTR, ecchi, etc. all of those things come from Japan and sexploitate or whatever women so bitching about this is like throwing a pebble in a river and expecting a big splash.

I still think it's bait though. I was around /cgl/ and we didn't give a fuck about people like you and still don't give a fuck about people like you.

2/10 because I should had just ignored you.

>> No.8001438

It's obviously bait because oldest /cgl/ was all Kipi, all the time, then old /cgl/ was obsessing over other women all the time. So many PT threads, and those definitely weren't feminist.

>> No.8001450

Yeah I remember the PT threads and the threads with the tripfags. That one trip who was doing hellsing I think or talked about WWII stuff and hated Hetalia?

>> No.8001538

Yo uare pathetic misogynistic scum. Filtered.

>> No.8001546

Holy shit, go back to tumblr you fat ugly cow. Only fat and ugly women complain about this shit.

>> No.8001657

>Also, pic of giant ass scary vagina with teeth.

that's a jellyfish

>> No.8001973


I don't know if you're the same person, but I don't see how was said about feminism.

>>A real feminist version of the video would focus less on the male (because it's all about HIM) and perhaps feature attractive women of *all* body shapes / sizes.

Maybe you ran into that assertion elsewhere and projected that onto me, but I thought I made it plain as day that the video is about the guy. I guess Feminism is tangentially related since women's empowerment does make some men feel threatened or anxious since their role is now not as well defined as it once was or something.

>> No.8001980


I definitely think it's a representation of a vagina - you can see the clitoris near the top of the "opening" and a giant cervix in the back.

>> No.8002097

trying to pull off a version of this as a guy, any ideas?

>> No.8002142

XD how ironic

>> No.8002521

1) Don't mansplain me, you fucking scum.
2) There is nothing feminist about this video. It's just MRA trolls calling it feminist to oppress women all around the world. It is misogynistic to the core. Women are literally nothing but *decoration* and sex objects in it, while the man is the main character who gets to enjoy all the aforementioned decorations.

>> No.8002764

You gotta be bait......

>> No.8004572
File: 134 KB, 500x333, hhhehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>short movie denouncing and parodizing fan service, pointing out how it ruins culture
>sluts line up to cosplay the sexy characters from it