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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7986914 No.7986914 [Reply] [Original]

"Emoti-Con Indy is sad to announce that we are cancelling our 2015 event. Due to many concers— personal, financial, and safety —the June 2015 event will not be taking place. At this time, we have no plans or intentions of rescheduling. Refunds have been issued to those who bought tickets. Thank you all for your support."

>> No.7986920

in other news the sky is blue and water is wet

>> No.7986922

I wonder how many death threats they got.

>> No.7986924

Well damn. I was hoping for more lulz.

>> No.7987183

More like financial threats. People aren't dumb enough to fall for the same trick twice. No one was willing to be a guest without signing contracts.

>> No.7987608

I wonder if they really are going to refund all the people who pre-regged.

>> No.7987613

All 5 of them?

>> No.7987619
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That's kind of sad actually. Dashcon was some of the most delicious drama

>> No.7987622

betting 17k they blame the cancellation on the furry con "terrorist" attack, like they could be a target

>> No.7987630

well, they did say they had "safety" concerns...very curious what the catalyst actually was for them cancelling though...

anyone got any more dirt?

>> No.7987861

They probably realized they were in over their heads and smartly quit while they were ahead.

>> No.7987892

"The staff and people who have expressed genuine interest in the event were receiving far too much hate for us to put on the event in good conscious.
It just didn’t seem safe, it didn’t seem like we could protect ourselves or attendees from harassment online or at the event."


>> No.7988314

Listing online harassment as a reason for quitting.

Idiot tumblr bitches.

>> No.7988317

>There's a Nik. This Nik isn't totally sure what he is, but he does know he identifies as male, and wants to present that way to the world, but maybe he doesn't mind his breasts if he can hide them, and maybe some sexy underwear is in order. Nik only likes dick, except for that junk he's kinda curious about? Nik knows not. In the mean time, Nik likes fandoms, and social issues, and running his business, and apparently speaking in fucking third person. How fucking pretentious, Nik. Damn.

I remember why I blocked tumblr from loading client side now.

>> No.7988661

oh my god...

>> No.7988668

I keep hoping that the sjw generation will grow the fuck up and realise how idiotic they are.

>> No.7988863

Eh, good riddance. I always felt Indy should have more conventions but recently we've been inundated with a bunch of shitty tiny ones. I'd rather just have GenCon alone than it + a variety of awful cons.

>> No.7989966

whatever happened to all that donated money?

>> No.7989989
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Never forget

>> No.7990022

I'm sad it's gone but I'm happy because tumblr doesn't learn from mistakes and there'll be a new dashcon in a year or two

>> No.7990024

I don't remember if it was ever 100% confirmed but back when Dashcon was in progress/had ended I think a few people in the threads concluded that it was highly likely the admins fucked up on paying the hotel on time (sounds like they misunderstood the payment plan?). There's pictures of the letter that the hotel handed them demanding like 20k or something (I guess they already had some ready to go and that's why they were asking for 17k)

>> No.7990053

It was having fun and had a really good time so it doesn't matter~

>> No.7990697

Good riddance. However, like >>7990022 said, tumblr doesn't learn from their mistakes, so there's going to be plenty of drama in the future.

>> No.7990758

Seriously, how can you not understand your hotel's payment policy? How can you organizationally mess up that bad?

>> No.7990764

We know what they claimed you idiot, but that's not what actually happened.

>> No.7992911

>Seriously, how can you not understand your hotel's payment policy? How can you organizationally mess up that bad?

TBH it's not hard. I've run a few events, usually the policy says "Apply for credit 90 days in advance or pay the bill in full 30 days in advance" but hotels only enforce it if they think they're going to not get the money. #1 priority for any first year con is to not get on the hook for more money than you can afford.

>> No.7993089


>> No.7993098

I've already heard so many 16 year olds like "Oh I am going to run my own con and it's going to be SO MUCH BETTER!" ...

>> No.7993115


Not defending Dash Con but if there is one thing all business love to do is word their shit as crazy as they can, that way you don't read the fine print or just give up trying to comprehend everything and just sign away.

>> No.7993147

from what I've read by the owners, it was in print that they needed the full 20k by the end of the day, however they had reached a "verbal agreement" with someone that it could be spread out amongst the weekend. When teh hotel realized that they might not have that money by the end of the weekend, they went back to the print agreement, which of course is the legally binding one. So it was kind of the owners fault for not getting that in print.

They keep saying "oh we did nothing wrong!" but my question is, why hasn't this ever happened before at any other first year or start up con? Because the owners fucked up and were way in over their heads.

>> No.7993160

also they stiffed their guests and removed their hotel rooms from the Dashcon account. that was so malicious and intentional that I highly doubt their problem with the hotel was the hotel's fault

>> No.7993176

I don't understand why people are so hateful about that situation, or gleeful that it almost ruined the whole event for people who just wanted to have a fun time together. It was actually kind of heartwarming when they got together the money to keep things going against the hotel staff's stupid bullying and almost everyone in the room all quietly made a Mockingjay salute together.

>> No.7993179

Go a way tumbler.

>> No.7993181

Because the SJW part of Tumblr relishes ruining happiness for others because how dare people have fun while POC are starving in Africa!

>> No.7993196

it's because drama is delicious you fucking autist

>> No.7993198

There's nothing heartwarming about a scam

>> No.7993205

I think it's kind of telling, if predictable, how certain kinds of people react to teenagers, and especially girls suddenly having some real, though obviously limited power. The only people Tumblr social justice can 'hurt' are the kind of idiots who post racist, sexist, anti-homosexual, or whatever kind of bigoted comments in a public way. And if you don't see that people like that being 'hurt' as a good thing then you're probably one of them. The more timid SJ makes you about acting in public, the better the world is for everyone else, in a very real way. What have you ever done that had that much influence? And easily half or more of the most active SJ people on Tumblr are still in high school.

>> No.7993209


Look kiddo, I know you're all for justice and so on, but in the past several days, I've seen the doxxing of several people, who while they don't fit your ideals of 'social justice,' have never espoused, racist, sexist, or otherwise bigoted beliefs.

One of them had a comment carried way out of context. He was also noted to be an abuse survivor himself and is now being hounded by mob campaign, courtesy of SJW.

Another one makes comics poking fun of the SJW movement, and has come under fire, with people calling into her work and getting her fired. SJW's responses to it? "Oh, she literally doxed herself."

Yeah, what does that sound like hmm?

Your movement had good ideas - they were socially progressive and open. And then you guys had to go fuck up and become a toxic circlejerk that can't stand any dissent. Don't fucking tell me the SJW movement only hurts 'bad people.'

>> No.7993225
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are you actually standing up for plebcomics making hundreds of enemies then doxxing herself thinking nothing will come of it?

>> No.7993231

Didn't the SJW doxx her first and then she went fuck that I'll just post my personal info?

>> No.7993240

I hope you're a troll.

>> No.7993254
File: 593 KB, 641x469, plebabby1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking into it, she had her address and employer information on her facebook. someone found it and then she posted it on her own tumblr for god knows what reason
there are two ends of the edgelord spectrum on tumblr an abby is absolutely one of them. her actions are absolutely tumblr and if she was a raging sjw rather than a raging anti sjw everyone would thinks this was hilarious

>> No.7993262

I only take issue with how little emphasis is put on getting sources. In addition to taking markiplier's comments out of context, there was a case where someone deleted the caption off of some girl's post of a picture of her with a face mask on from lush that happened to be brown. That someone or someone else down the line then told their followers that the girl was being racist implying that she was doing blackface. So now this girl has gotten threats, had her info posted, and who knows what else because no one bothered to fact check.

I get it. You want to make a difference. Don't be a fucking moron about it. Despite what some Tumblr SJWs would have you believe, flying into a blind rage every time you see a post (that was written on purpose to fire you up) isn't productive. Spreading lies is damaging to your causes and poisons people against you who might have otherwise listened to what you had to say.

>> No.7993267

What the fuck?

Also why do fucking SJWs assume that "black face" is a black face. It is more attitude than looks if looks are even involved. It's being a stereotypical caricature not just painting your skin.

>> No.7993270

remember when tumblr got mad at a dark link cosplayer because he was wearing "black face" and it turned out the dude was actually black

>> No.7993283

>why do SJW assume
because thats what they do dipshit. are you really so ignorant you can't see the writing on the wall? SJW are cancer.

>> No.7993289
File: 15 KB, 225x239, notfuckingaround.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen bitch, calm your tits, it was a rhetorical question. Do you not understand this concept? Obviously I understand that, but I'm just baffled at their utter stupidity.

>> No.7993367

no they're hurting more then that. They're making any form of social justice including feminism seem like a joke.

Thanks to those shits I have a hard time believing anything related to actual good social justice because I'm just convinced it's somehow related to tumblr shits blowing things out of proportion. Even fucking south park had an episode on how ridiculous it was to randomly say you're a different gender.

>> No.7993374

>how ridiculous it was to randomly say you're a different gender
are you saying it is not?

>> No.7993386

it is, but it was more of an example that it's not just something contained within tumblr anymore, and how we should just ignore it and let those "silly kids" do their thing

>> No.7993391

This might have been how it started it, but the social justice brigade has mutated into a festering caricature of its former self in more than one way. I mean for fuck's sake, I have people simultaneously sucking my dick for being some marginalized brown person who must live in the projects and have it so tough all the time oh-my-god-poor-precious-baby, while at the same time accusing me of "internalizing racism" or whatever just because I don't agree with every single little malformed point that some teenager on the internet has made. And this is assuming my inbox isn't first flooded by people telling me to check my privilege or assuming I'm white or whatever until they find out I'm one of the colorful people they're trying to protect.
Social justice on its own is important, I do agree, but there are just too many younger people and narrow minded 20 somethings on that site that have appointed themselves as the be all end all of information about how the world works and what not and refuse to take a moment to see where a dissenting opinion is coming from before labeling them as cis scum or racist or sexist or whatever other -ist is trending through the tags right now.

TL;DR: I'd rather deal with trolls on cgl than get stuck in a serious conversation with a SJW.

>> No.7993407

You are literally getting angry at people in middle and high school for not expressing themselves perfectly to your liking. Isn't that a little ridiculous? Why don't you take a moment and think of the kind of world these people will help create when they grow up.? It's a better world for you, and for everyone else, because it'll be one where people actually do think about their privilege before they comment on something. Not just that bigots will hesitate to express themselves, but that everyone will put a little energy into being more thoughtful. Why not be glad for the way that will make things better, and not annoyed that it's not perfectly executed right this moment?

>> No.7993432

go back to tumblr if you think SJW are actually making the world a better place

>> No.7993435

>You are literally getting angry at people in middle and high school for not expressing themselves perfectly to your liking. Isn't that a little ridiculous? Why don't you take a moment and think of the kind of world these people will help create when they grow up.?
Not that anon, but they won't. This generation is just going through the same iteration of attention whoring the last generation did, only replacing "bisexual" with "trans
and "LJ and high school GSAs" with "Tumblr". You know how many ~bisexuals~ and ~teh gays~ I knew in high school? You wanna guess how many of them still are, now that we're all 25?

Not to mention >>7993391 is getting harassed by these people. Telling them to let that be because "maybe possibly some of those SJWs might make a difference in the future I guess" is absolutely retarded.

You're literally defending a bunch of 12-17 year olds playing white man's burden.

>> No.7993443

If it was a question of them not expressing themselves perfectly, I wouldn't have a problem. We've all been 12 and stupid. What I'm bothered about, and what a majority of people are bothered about, are the more vicious pirahanas in this group who will, idk, attack another user's inbox because they went out for a tan at the beach with their friends and posted up a photo of their outing. I'm talking about the people who believe that any straight cis person is the literal spawn of satan and has no place talking about anything ever or participating in any productive social movement in helping achieve equal rights, regardless of the fact that any successful civil rights movement requires the participation of EVERYONE, not just that singular group of marginalized individuals. And yes, as another anon mentioned, I'm talking about the people that do leave random anon garbage in my inbox about an opinion I expressed on my own blog, but then cease and desist when they find out that I'm not the white male thing they assumed I was just because I expressed a slightly different opinion from the norm.
I've had plenty of very good debates and exchanges with social justice warriors who were polite, rational and were younger than myself. We might not have come to an agreement on certain things at the end of the discussion, but we both carried on like civilized people. These are not the people I'm angry about. The people I'm angry about are the ones that literally come screaming insults into my inbox, try to prove at every turn that I am wrong and they are right, and when they can't convince me that I am ignorant or what have you, stoop to assuming society has ruined me or make me out to be this horrible insensitive jerk.

>> No.7993458

The Markiplier thing bothers me especially. I'm not exactly a fan of his, but taking something he said out of context and literally turning it into "Markiplier thinks men should hit women" is just absurd.

They're doing the same thing to OMOcat too, claiming she's a pedophile and supports domestic abuse because of her "shota" shirt (which she took down) and "Pretty Boy" comic. And many of them are trying to ruin her business entirely.

>> No.7993470

what's the markiplier thing about? and yeah Omocat wasn't the only one. Hell indie rpg maker Mogeko got chased of tumblr because they suddenly got bombarded with hate messages (one of the games involved sensitive content but that was also mentioned and warned about), and some other artists as well for saying the word shota/loli and other shit

>> No.7993480

He and his friend were doing a co-op video, and talking about equality, and he said that he feels that if a woman hits a man, the man should be able to fight back and vice versa, and then a few seconds later he corrected himself and said "nobody should be hitting anybody" and something about wanting equality to be a world without violence or something. Feminists see the whole "If we have equality it means I can hit a girl!" thing as an MRA trope, so they took Markiplier's words in that way, and ignored the fact that he later came out and said he was speaking from personal experience as somebody who has faced domestic abuse.

>> No.7993489

>Believing in privilege
You are the cancer that is suffocating /cgl/ pls go.

>> No.7993493

>if a woman hits a man, the man should be able to fight back
and that's something I agree with as a woman. It isn't equality when one party is shamed for defending themselves just because the other is weaker. If I got hit by a midget or something people wouldn't give me shit for fighting back because I have tits. Not saying you should hit anyone first but if a crazy cocaine-addled cunt comes charging at you, you're not going to sit there and let her do it.

>> No.7993549

That is where the huge problem with Tumblr lies.
Tumblr feminism isn't about them fighting for the rights of women and POC; it's about what they perceive as "justice".
Tumblr believes that people who have been oppressed should be given special attention and care than the baddies who have oppressed them. So over the course of history, who has been traditionally painted as the bad people?
Straight white men.
Whether that's true or not, it's what the creepy, shitty little warped mind of your average Tumblr blogger believes.
"Equality is not the answer to oppression!" THAT is their drive! And all these impressionable young girls are brainwashed to thinking that because their gender and/or skin color has been a source of oppression in the years past, they have power to harm the oppressors in any way they see fit. Because JUSTICE.

The worst thing is, because they are getting into this so young and impressionable, it will eventually carry over into their real-life lives.

They take their opinions and FORCE it on the people around them, not thinking about who it affects others as a whole, but thinking about how THEY are offended and how THEY don't think it's right, so it should be stopped!!!
They are taking their ideals and making the whole world revolve around them, no matter the cost to other.

God forbid you are straight, white, or male, or god forbid, ALL 3, because now you have no say and whether you have anything logical to say, they will drown it out with screaming, because no one matters but their own ideals.

It's gross, scary, and it's already leaking out into irl society.
Please see: "Matt Taylor Sexist Shirt".

>> No.7993556

Men hit women in their families or that they're in some kind of relationship with, or who they want to be in a relationship something like 400 times more than women hit men in comparable situations. Men kill women in these same situations ~900 times more often than women kill men. Maybe you're not aware of how lopsided reality is. But now that you are, you should be able to understand why 'equality isn't the answer to oppresion' is literally the only response to domestic violence (and many other things).

>> No.7993559
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this is just so embarrassing to read

>> No.7993567


Seriously, equality IS the answer. In an equal society, the more numerous women who are the victims of abuse are defended (and not shamed), along with the fewer men.

To say otherwise is like saying to one of those fewer men, who IS a victim of abuse, "but you should feel OK, because your gender is in the minority for this particular problem".

To oppress the oppressor gains people nothing. Most people who are "oppressive" or "priviledged" are that way because they've never seen the alternative. It's like when people on Tumblr jump down the throat of some 15-year-old girl who posts a "x is why I don't need feminism" image, as though she's the worst thing on earth. She's a kid! Kids say things they regret when they're older.

Thank fuck TwitFace wasn't around when I was a kid.

>> No.7993568

Except they don't. Domestic violence is split pretty much fifty fifty between the sexes. Women don't get a free pass to behave like a shit just because they're not physically strong enough to do any damage.

>> No.7993571

you forgot one anon, being cis.
they all talk about cis as if it's a bad thing to be even though whether they like it or not it's normal to be cis. anything that isn't cis is not normal or the usual norm, yet they force trans stuff down your throat because how dare you not ask someone for their pronouns.

The whole tumblr cis stuff reminds me of when I just got diagnosed with aspergers, and I wanted to look if I could find a forum about it since i wanted to learn more.
I ended up finding forums where everyone who had autism was called 'a-typical" (something like that) and everyone without it "neurotypical" and I remember being put off by the way they used those terms constantly that I stopped looking for forums all together. And I feel the same way anytime I see stuff like "cis people"

>> No.7993574

Hey fucktard. I've been in an abusive relationship before where I've been hit. I'm well aware that the gender issues are different. I'm well aware that men usually don't have to worry about having someone drug their drinks at a bar in order to have them raped. Women have to be pretty damn careful.
What you're saying is that women can't be abusers. Mothers that horribly abuse their male children is cool with you? Unstable women taking a knife to their spouse for no real reason?
Let's pretend for a moment that I was a man. If a woman was coming at me with a knife, I'd knock her the fuck out.
That's equality.
If a girl is punching some dude in a bar or trying to hit him with a bottle because she's pissed drunk and needs someone to take it out on, he has every right to knock her the fuck out to defend himself.
That's equality.
If a woman if being abused, she should be allowed to defend herself.
That's equality.

Take a minute to stop congratulating yourself on being able to lick your own cunt.

>> No.7993575

The hilarious thing is that asking a trans person what their pronouns are is basically like saying "I can't tell which gender you're attempting to pass as, you've failed." It's such a horrible thing to say to someone.

>> No.7993583

Wait, isn't "cis" just another word for "straight"?
Or is it just someone who identifies with their "original" gender? Or something? or both?

Pardon my ignorance, as I don't really give a fuck what the autists of Tumblr think, either way, nor do I care about their retarded vocab of "bunself" and "otherkin fae" and made up sects of sexuality.

It's narcissistic how much they think people should care about them and their labels.

>> No.7993586

This. I see so many SJW saying shit like, "You should ALWAYS ask for someone's pronouns! It doesn't matter what they look like." Go ahead and ask the six foot four guy what his pronouns are, and let me know what he tells you.

I remember reading a story somewhere, maybe here, about some girl that showed up to a GSA meeting, and got kicked out because she went around asking people for their pronouns, and ended up offending all the trans people.

>> No.7993591

it's someone who feels comfortable with the gender they're born as, so most people. basically everyone without gender issues.

and another thing to my earlier post, where I compared what asperger forums vs tumblr does, is another similarity. They both try to differentiate themselves from the norm, rather then trying to fit in. I didn't want to join said forums because I wanted to talk about problems but not act like we were some sort of separate species, yet that's what they did. and tumblr does the same.
They don't want to be treated normally, they want to be put on a pedestal for being different and everyone should follow their words and commands and heed their every little problem.

>> No.7993596

Those are the numbers globally. The only reason it's any different in the west is 50 years of feminism.
I'm not saying anything like 'women can't be abusers'. I'm saying men are the ones doing the hitting and the killing in almost all cases. Like, the number of women that kill their partners is so small it's hard to even study, because you can't get significant sample sizes.

There aren't any figures for this that I know of, but why don't you consider for a moment how the numbers of men who start fights in bars and women who start fights in bars would probably compare? Do you understand that it's titled like hundreds of times over more often on the side of men? If your ethics start out in some kind of abstraction, they can lead you to places that don't make sense in reality. And in reality, women aren't attacking men in numbers you can even count. If you thing you're taking some kind of pricipled stance to justify men hitting women in situations that almost never happen in reality, what you're doing is actually making the real violence that men do a little easier. Don't do that.

>> No.7993602

Statistics are only so because so many men are afraid to admit that they are getting abused for fear of being called "not man enough" or people dismissing them, which happens a lot.
Remember when a woman accuses someone of rape and everyone automatically believes her over her partner? That's why.
Also don't act like emotional abuse is not a thing.

>> No.7993608

>There aren't any figures for this that I know of

Then come back when you have some facts, cunt.
This is why Tumblr is cancer. They base their logic on emotion instead of facts.
Just because you "feel" or "think" something doesn't make it true of valid.

Shut the fuck up you pile of garbage and come back when you have something on value to contribute.

Have some facts, though I highly doubt your thought process of "emotional" logic know show to comprehend anything other than your opinion.

>"Domestic abuse against a man is just as abhorrent as when a woman is the victim."
>"Accusations such as “You’re saying abused women are asking for it,” or “You’re blaming the victim,” get hurled. No person — female or male — is asking for it, and no victim — female or male — should be blamed for what is done to them."

>> No.7993610
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This is a troll just trying to get jimmies rustled.
Don't fall for this.

>> No.7993616

That's actually what a lot of MRA types believe, and people who are emotionally vulnerable can fall for it without being malicious. I wish it was just trolling, but it's actually very believable that someone would end up thinking ideas like that are somehow decent.

>> No.7993644

Oh, don't get wrong! I know it's an actual real ideas that are held by people.
But on 4chan?
This is some fine trolling.

>> No.7993703

No. Cis and all those "vocab" related to pronouns and otherkin* have nothing to do with sexuality. Gender and sexuality are not mutually exclusive--why can't people get that through that through their heads? It is not autistic.

The insistence on neopronouns (anything other than he, she, and they), nouns-as-pronouns, all that other special snowflake shit is indeed autistic, or in the very least delusional and narcissistic. Also taking on labels like agender but then tacking on qualifiers like "femme." All these transtrenders are just confused little girls who are doing nothing meaningful with their lives so they put so much weight on shit like their gender identities and sexual orientations, and in this postmodern world those two things can't possibly be ciswoman and heterosexual, oh no! Meanwhile legitimate trans people or people seriously questioning their genders and/or sexualities get caught in this tornado of retardation.

*The otherkin phenomenon on the other hand has nothing to do with gender or sexuality. It's literally people who think they are shit other than human.

>> No.7993750

remember when tumblr attacked a Korra cosplayer for using a darker foundation to make her skin more brown, when she was actually a Latina in the first place.

>> No.7993758
File: 21 KB, 408x408, 1418198307703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks to you fucking people muh sexuality and identity feel like a goddamn joke that i just don't understand

>> No.7993805
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, 1395169475196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, i never heard about any of this! any links? these sound too funny

>> No.7993854

Korra: http://www.dailydot.com/society/cosplay-brownface-whitewashing-racial-controversy/
(article also mentions a darker skinned caucasian girl)

dark link: http://yaphi1.tumblr.com/post/44296660924/horriblecosplay-seriously-someone-took-the

Skin color in cosplay is serious business.

>> No.7994013


omg is that frillyrabidraver or whatever her name is in the background?

>> No.7994024

remember when tumblr told a girl she was a stupid cracker cultural appropriator for wearing a kimono but she was actually japanese

>> No.7994027

>mfw 1/4th japanese
>mfw my grandma buys me yukata etc all the time
>mfw tumblr bitched me out over simply owning a fucking yukata
>mfw bitched at over how it doesn't count since I'm only 1/4th
>mfw people claim they're 1/16th black means they're a POC

fuck tumblr.

>> No.7994041

>dark link: http://yaphi1.tumblr.com/post/44296660924/horriblecosplay-seriously-someone-took-the
Still laughing at this.

Oh, I remember! Wish I could find it. If anyone has them please share.

>> No.7994083

tumblr doesn't believe in the mixing of the races.

>> No.7994384

I remember this white ass Tumblrite claiming to be Asian, whom I was fine with at first. Then I found out she was a raging SJW who used her 1/24th Asian heritage to give herself more authority in her 'cultural appropriation!!1!' spewing.

>> No.7994690
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>cosplaying in a Smiling Man mask from The Purge
>sometimes mistaken for presidential cosplay
>girl in concession line rages vociferously at me as I walk by for doing blackface
>thanks Obama

>> No.7994943

Are you serious? You don't think women start fights in bars? I live in a college town, which means there are a lot of bars and a lot of people going out on the weekends, all year round. Between what I've seen and what I hear from my roommates/friends, starting fights in bars and on the street is not something specific to any one gender. Girls can be catty, violent bitches when they're drunk, and the worst thing you can do is assume they won't be.

>> No.7994979

I think logic fails them at that point because they have the privilege (kek) of not living in an area where a cocaine addled anyone would charge at them. I see the craziest of sjw as people born into lower middle class that might have experienced being "poor" college kids once and now think they know life. Like I'm mentally disabled, and have had the joy of being inpatient and laugh a little when sjw bitch about their made up mental disorders, and then shit on me for telling them how and why they're wrong. I recognize that I'm extremely fucking lucky to have had insurance, but if it's severe enough to be disabling, you'll have seen a doctor about it from being in the ER

>> No.7994983

My issue with privilege isn't so much the idea of being grateful for what you have, but moreso how it often sounds like 'be happy you're white and cis and think about dem poor other people each time you talk!!11!!" like it always sounds like they imply that you're life is good by default. or at least better.

Like fuck you, you don't know me or my life. Being white didn't stop people from bullying me, stuff like that.

>> No.7994986

>my problem with people telling me about racism and sexism is that it takes the focus off ME and MY issues.

>> No.7994991


>> No.7994993


>> No.7997258

Alright, this is just getting ridiculous so I'm going to come out and say it. I hit my husband. I'm a woman and I hit the man that loves me. We were arguing and it was bad so there was reason behind it, but that does not in any way justify it. You know what his response was when I hit him? He locked himself in a separate room to get away from me and he cried. Eventually I got him to open the door and we hugged and cried together and I apologized profusely. He had a hard time trusting me for a a long while after that and was scared of me. He was never a shy, nervous guy either. He's been in bar fights, will stand his ground to a police officer or anyone else, if someone's being a dick he's going to call them out on it as loudly as he can. But for those few months half the time he would be his normal self and the other half he would crawl into a shell and be too scared to talk to me. I feel like a monster when I think about what I did and how horribly it affected him. I would give whatever it took to go back and change what I did. One person hurting another is never the solution regardless of the traits of those involved and what statistics say about those traits. It will destroy both of you.

>> No.7997271


This is SUCH bullshit. I always see SJWs posting that gifset of Whoopi Goldberg saying the EXACT same thing (if someone hits you, you have the right to hit back regardless of gender) and they constantly praise her for saying it.

>> No.7997281


that works both ways, champ.

>> No.7998637

See, yes, white people have problems. But they aren't systemically because you're white. They can be because you're poor, in a bad situation, etc. But they are NOT because you're white.

When a black person suffers, or an Asian person, it can OFTEN be because the system or society values them less and therefore provides less care or support for them. It may even be that the system or society actively oppresses them.

In the low-income arena, a white family and a black family enter. The white family is poor and suffers. The black family is poor and suffers. But the black family is less likely to obtain social assistance because of discrimination by the government worker. This is too common a tale. Where the white family may be described as "down on their luck", the black family gets described as "indicative of larger problems in the black community", as if it's some kind of inherent thing for black people.

Your life isn't good by default, it is /less problematic/. That's what being the default is. It isn't that you necessarily have better things automatically, but that non-default groups in the same situation are treated far more poorly and have less recourse.

That's why it's called INEQUALITY.

>> No.7998676

I was struck by my girlfriend during an argument and had the same reaction as your husband did. I'm completely and utterly not like him and totally beta, haven't been in a fight in my life and never came to blows. I didn't react and just simply hid away in a room. She apologised but there's still the issue of me being scared of being struck again. I can safely say women do strike men and it happens, just the fact is that it's less frowned upon and that's totally wrong. Hitting anyone is wrong, doesn't matter what they have between their legs.

>> No.7998692

>I'm saying men are the ones doing the hitting and the killing in almost all cases
Nobody ITT said anything to imply otherwise

> Like, the number of women that kill their partners is so small it's hard to even study, because you can't get significant sample sizes.
Small statistics =/= it doesn't happen or happens in small amounts. Remember that there is a huge stigma against men fro speaking out against female abusers and that comparatively there are significantly fewer resources for men than there are for women survivors of abuse.

>> No.7999066

It has happened. Atsuicon was an anime con that tried to start up around 2006, they went around begging for money friday night or they would be "kicked out" of the hotel. Ulitimacon is a con that tried to start up in New Orleans but canceled less that two weeks out because the hotel knew they had no money. They kept everything they had msde pre-con, all pre-reg and artist table money.