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7979290 No.7979290 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody get their box yet? I've been thinking about buying but I'm waiting for reviews. They seem to be partnering with cute businesses (including Haenuli I believe?), so that's good news. Did anybody here win the giveaway?

>> No.7979333

There's already a thread for shit-tier blind box scams

>> No.7979390

is this the one anons were going to make? because I remember a bunch of seagulls saying something similar to this

>> No.7979412

Funny how so many people were against Gensobox, flipping sit over it and saying it's a scam, then there are at least three people if not more suddenly coming up with their own version when Gensobox failed.

There versions are no different. What makes Gensobox a scam, but this one isn't?

>> No.7979438

This is supposedly full of actual brand
Gensobox was full of cheaply made knockoffs and stolen art. Gensobox lied about its contents.

>> No.7979504

I thought Mirukuma was the one that's supposed to be full of brand? I'm torn between the two, I want a subscription from at least one of them but don't know who to choose.

>> No.7979507

It wouldnt have mattered if gensobox was filled with $60 worth of pure gold, people were mad because there wasn't enough stuff for the price.
This is going to be the same, unless they make a special deal or buy secondhand stuff.

>> No.7979860

Well I went and got a box to hell with it. I will be getting the sweet lita box.

>> No.7979873

> sweet ita box
Fixed it for you

>> No.7979881

Ah yes, how could I misspell it. I am curious as shits if it will be horrid or not.

>> No.7979889

I really hate it when I see business have spelling errors. Individual people can make all the annoying mistakes they want, but businesses should show a little bit of care and attention to detail.

>> No.7979891

I looked at some of the photos they provided, and the shops seemed to be decent quality, I'm on the fence myself I think I'll shoot them an email.

>> No.7980137

I've talked to the girl behind it a few times and she seems really nice? I told her about the site and she said it'll be getting a big revamp soon. I'm looking forward to it. I think I'll get a box. I'm not sure.

>> No.7981203


more like my litter box.

>> No.7981227

It's a sound idea and it COULD work, but the people running were a bunch of shady fuck-ups.

Honestly? Basic starter kits (Top + Skirt + Petti + headdress) from stores like surface spell or classical puppets, or whatever decent taobao shops, would make for a great gift.

>> No.7981241

The problem is that most people can get those things for cheap enough on their own, there's nothing new that a blindbox service can provide, unless they can somehow get those things cheaper than it would cost to get them from taobao or cheaper than resllers can sell them for (not likely)

Even Infanta is selling direct on aliexpress now

>> No.7981259

OOO link to infanta's store please. I had no idea they were doing that now.

>> No.7981269

Just go on aliexpress and type in infanta?

>> No.7981285

Just saw their first tumblr review, disappointed it's just a few junk bows and those star bracelets.... I was going to order one but this is just sad.

>> No.7981293


>> No.7981303

this is awful, they advertised all these brands and this is all she got? I'd be pissed

>> No.7981334

Yeah, but I'd like to be sure it isn't some reseller.

>> No.7981342

Whelp I typed it in for seller and it got me nothing.

>> No.7981350

Same, I even talked with the seller and I was pretty confident but this is just disappointing.

>> No.7981359

lol fucking garbage

Just do an item search for Infanta lolita, their store is called "infanta of lolita dress"

>> No.7981378

Boxes work more on targeting people who want a super convenient experience, those giving others a gift subscription, and people who are new to makeup/skincare/tea and in this case lolita.

That's the formula for things like brichbox, ipsy, memebox etc. People who are more savvy/bargain hunty are not, and very rarely will be, the target audience

>inb4 anons wank about the appropriate value of a box vs profits for a million posts again

>> No.7981410

Yeah but I'm still interested. Someone asked on tumblr about the low amount of items and she said the first box was discounted plus free shipping. I think it could do better.

>> No.7981419

They did do at least two of the brands they said they would. I do sorta want the choker though.

>> No.7981420

>believing that pitiful excuse
have fun with your shitty box

>> No.7981424

I'm not trying.to give them an excuse I'm just saying at least it wasn't stolen art and all taobao stuff.

>> No.7981425

It is their first box and the seller keeps acquiring new stores and sounds very enthusiastic. I feel like the boxes will keep improving. I'm going to order one

>> No.7981487

I hope so since I don't care for wee clip in hair bows much. She was kind in knowing my likes and dislikes for the box I listed like stuff I had so I wouldn't get double themes. Responds pretty quickly as well.

>> No.7981494

>fucking f21 $3 pack of bows

jesus christ come ON

>> No.7981500

Am I bad for liking the bows?

I think boxes are all convenience.
Buy the box if you'd rather get multiple accessories instead of paying the shipping for small items and going from store to store.

But store to store you get to pick what you like. Its all up to the person

>> No.7981502

Am I bad for liking the bows?

I think boxes are all convenience.
Buy the box if you'd rather get multiple accessories instead of paying the shipping for small items and going from store to store.

But store to store you get to pick what you like. Its all up to the person

>> No.7981510

Gensobox would have worked if they weren't idiots who thought they could please everyone.
Even after the first boxes shipped,, a lot of people were saying they were cute and they wanted to order one. The only problem they had was listening to dramamongerers and cheapskates on cgl. Any future box that doesn't do that will be fine.

>> No.7981521

it's ok to like them. i even like them. fuck i even own them myself.
but the box cost OP $39 and none of the items would cost someone more than $10. the most expensive thing in the box is the choker, which according to the artist's etsy costs $8.50. the bows and the bracelets looks ridiculously cheap too and the pins would cost at most $3 each (they look pretty big, but if they're smaller they'd be even cheaper)
at most the box's value is $20, when it costs nearly double of that to purchase. i can't imagine that anyone would rather spend an extra $20 on cheap accessories just so that they don't have to shop around to find them. that's a waste.

>> No.7981532

One of the girls in my comm bought one and she said it was $25? There's a post on the Facebook that said it was a discounted box so for 25, with free shipping I wouldn't call it horrible.

I really think it's just a waiting game to see improvement.

>> No.7981538

I think so too honestly. Obviously, don't use stolen work and they would have been fine, some of the items were super cute . I just think some girls are really rude sometimes.

>> No.7981564

They do have a smaller box.

>> No.7981569

minis are $25, normals are $39. OP refers to the box as just "the lita" so i may be wrong?? the site refers to the normal lita as having 9+ items and the mini having 5+. OP's box has one choker, one large bow, one pack of mini bows (i'm gonna count them as one item since that's how they were originally sold), two bracelets, and two pins, totaling to seven items. so it might be the mini? still i'd rather just go searching for accessories instead.
at least it's not all taobao goods and they're working with etsy artists and stuff. but i'm just not really impressed. the bracelets and bows are boring and the buttons barely count as lolita goods. the only thing that's eyecatching is the choker imo. it'd be a lot better with some rings or real brooches.
idk maybe i'm just being a bitch here

>> No.7981570

True. Well I still think for their first box they did ok. Obviosly more would have been great but for 25 and free shipping, they did ok.

Plus I really want the choker and bows now..,

>> No.7981573

No no I totally get what you're saying! I just feel bad writing them off with only one box out. It seems they are working with more stores and I'm assuming with higher prices well get more? Like I said I think it's all a waiting game.

>> No.7981580

Well on their facebook there is photos of a ref box with a nice looking star hair clips, rose headband and I think it was ref of some gothic and sweet items in the boxes and seemed like a lot.

>> No.7981588

As a buyer you shouldnt have to play the 'waiting' game for a seller to be decent. If all they coudl afford is meh stuff, then they shouldnt be doing this. The idea of indie brands is nice, but they are ruining it by being shit.

Their first boxes should be great ones to get people to buy. Most people are going to look at the shit box and go..no, and never look again.

>> No.7981592

> my litter box

That is actually what google suggested for the search

>> No.7981595

I understand that but not all stores are great when they start? It takes time. I mean the stuff they posts now looks amazing and I'm going to assume they will be in the box since the theme is sweets and almost every post she made has been like treats.

I just don't believe in writing people off so quickly. It's like if you first start making a craft, it'll probably be not as great as others but with time you get better and learn how to do things better

>> No.7981602

Apparently there is a Gothic box they're calling "ember box"

>> No.7982457

Discount = better deal than usual, not pay less get less. Maybe they'll change but I mean really? "well that was a discounted box" is not good business etiquette. Otherwise they should have labeled it as a smaller box rather than some sort of ***discount!!!***

>> No.7982519

Fucking hell anon, the Infanta dresses on Aliexpress are like $50 more than Clobbao/My Lolita Dress/Qutieland. Just buy from one of those and save your money.

>My Lolita Dress is not Milanoo, let's not have this argument again

>> No.7982744

Okay, but how the fuck was I supposed to know if I never saw the storefront? I would of guessed not to go through that if I saw the prices myself and decided to back off. Damn you act like I saw the storefront and wanted to pay more.

>> No.7982770

Don't forget the people who aren't in the fashion but are just getting something for their loli love ones

>> No.7984965

So I guess this is the new way to make easy money off idiots. Brb going to Claires to raid their 10 for $10 section

Ticket to Europe here I come

>> No.7985000
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Another girl got one

>> No.7985003
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part 2

>> No.7985004

Wow this is beyond shit, Not even remotely CLOTHING related. Like you can argue style is off or whatever for some stuff, or not worth the value, but this is just JUNK. Like getting tissues, qtips, and some promo pamphlets when you ordered a makeup blindbox.

>> No.7985008

The girl was "pleasantly surprised"

>> No.7985014

Yeah this garbage. Idk what they're thinking. Are the owners even into lolita/ not ita? Honestly I wish Choke, Fannyrosie, Peachie, or Lor would put one together. At least I'd know what the duck they're doing. Why is it so hard to make these boxes not shit?

>> No.7985018


This was $25?

>> No.7985021

My Lolita Dress isn't Milanoo? Can somebody else confirm? Not that I doubt you anon, I've just been wondering if they were for a while now and would like to get more opinions before looking to buy from them.

>> No.7985025

just google it, there are tons of reviews, they're reputable resellers

>> No.7985030

Hah, I should have done that first, my apologies. Thank you though!

>> No.7985035

This is all junk I could easily make myself. I don't mind offbrand things if they're well made but this looks like crap I made in middle school...

>> No.7985763

plus if any of those girls were doing one they would NOT let us down. They pack that shit up cute

>> No.7985782

god damn, none of these looks remotely like her model boxes. Only the pins and the chokers are even from the brands she advertised. What the actual hell

>> No.7985789
File: 70 KB, 622x960, example boxes of LIES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like look at this shit, I wouldn't mind a few headbows like this and fluff clips and cute things like this in my box.

>> No.7985790
File: 91 KB, 686x960, example boxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this

>> No.7985809

Oh. I see, you don't get the full examples you get part of it. Instead of the packet of stickers you get a few. Maybe a random nail deco is in under that tissue paper.

>> No.7985848

She's super spamy and sketch, but no, she's not milanoo. I wouldn't order from them, personally because the owner is shady as all get out, but she's got a whole ita fan club so she gets good reviews.

>> No.7985859

A box of Pocky? Are you fucking serious?

>> No.7986872

I don't understand why you guys hate so much when it doesn't really matter. You like it or you don't. If the girls that buy it want to then good for them. No point in talking about it anymore.

>> No.7986894

You could apply that logic to itas though. Some girls actually like those Milanoo lacemonsters, but that doesn't mean they're not expensive and ugly as fuck.

>> No.7987064

I've ordered Mirukuma's box, should I post a review when I get it?

>> No.7987065

Please do! Which box did you get?

>> No.7987066

Yes, that would be lovely.

>> No.7987068

It's the last day to order one of the boxes for December, and I still can't decide if I want to risk it....

>> No.7987072

It's true, plus with their online status they couldn't really afford to get it wrong

>> No.7987084

Of course. We need the mild drama to live.

>> No.7987104


I got the Sweet box! I'll do a comprehensive review once I get it with photos and we'll see if this shit's worth it.

>> No.7987128

I don't understand all this hate for the box. If you don't like it then don't buy it. Others have bought it and loved it and the girl who runs it seems very nice and excited to do this

>> No.7987134

I also got a sweet box, as well as a kawaii box. will post, I'm honestly kind of hopeful.

>> No.7987148

Did anyone order a lucky pack from Lolita Desu? I ordered one of their kawaii packs before and I was happy with it, it contained stationery, a small plush, some Swimmer stuff, I felt like I got my money's worth and I liked most of the stuff. I couldn't afford one of the lolita packs though so I skipped them this time.

>> No.7987169

I got one larger one and one smaller one with accessories. I also have a beauty one that is in the mail. I am kind of excited but at the same time prepared to be disappointed since not all of their stuff is great.

>> No.7987175
File: 955 KB, 300x162, 1417118050568.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samefag, go away Mylitabox owner
pic is u

>> No.7987185

Off topic and I've asked this before, but since my memory is that of a fly...
What movie is this gif from again?

>> No.7987211


Me too, I like Mirukuma. I hear a lot of people on here talk shit about her, but I've never seen receipts so I have faith this could work. I'm really interested to see the difference between Kawaii and Sweet; I'm assuming one will be either Fairy Kei or Milky Planet-esque lolita stuff whilst sweet will be sweet lolita or more mature sweet items?

>> No.7987299

Yeah, I've never heard problems with her sending poor quality items or anything? Mostly scalping/poorly packaged item complaints (which are valid things to complain about!) but I don't think those should apply to her lucky packs. The bigger lolita ones shes been doing for a while all have fairly decent reviews as well.
I'm really hoping the kawaii one has some extra san-x stuff or something like that - i mean there's a lot of overlap between sweet and other jfashion/general kawaii so I'm wondering how different it'll actually be.

>> No.7988259

Could you link some of the reviews? I've been trying to find them with no luck.

>> No.7988318

Super Junior - Attack on the Pin-Up Boys / Wonder Boy movie, at 10:40

>> No.7988369


The thing is, since it's a blind box and she has a confirmed reputation for scalping, you will always wonder how much she ripped you off for. Sure, the non print dress you received probably cost $250 brand new from AP, but if it's from 2005 and slightly stained, that's a ten-year old damaged dress that should cost under $50 from yja. Since Gensobox is getting reviews, she might send something good for her first round of boxes to get favourable reviews, but two months down the track, her scalper heart is going to tell her to send one skirt instead of two, omit a cutsew, and replace all the AP jewellery with swimmer ones. For the price I'm paying, I'd really rather go on yja or mbok and put together my own "happy box" rather than take a risk with her.