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7979477 No.7979477 [Reply] [Original]

So the winners were supposed to be announced 2 days ago? How hard can it be to pick winners based on votes?

>> No.7979483

Hopefully they're reconsidering the tally based on the fact that Briz cheated.

>> No.7979520

They'd better

>> No.7979622

Who do you guys think that will win the Meta contest if Briz gets disqualified? They took the voting page down and I have no clue who has the most votes. Arthael/Dani/Choke?

>> No.7979743

How'd she cheat?

>> No.7979754

Purchased votes.

>> No.7979759

Already on the website, art, choke and briz

>> No.7979899


>> No.7979907


Welp, time to boycott meta until the next contest and hope they get their shit together. Literally anyone else could've won and I would've been fine, but fuck briz right in her greasy asshole.

>> No.7979911

It's funny to me how they went out of their way to say nice things about Briz and Art's coords, but when it came to Chokes they just said it's beautiful and thats it. Kinda gives the impression Meta didn't like Choke's coord. TBH though, the only one of the 3 winners that deserved to win anything was Art's but thats pretty much a universal opinion.

>> No.7979913


Next contest, I'm going to put together something absolutely horrid and then just buy thousands of likes since that's clearly the way to win.

>> No.7980263

I don't get why Choke and Art even bothered entering. They've each got enough e-fame and money to go around (approx. $100-$150 that you can only spend at Meta seems like it'd be chump change to them). And when I see the three stacked against each other, Briz looks so shit tier and the evidence of her buying votes is so overwhelmingly obvious that I wish they'd all been disqualified.
>nothing really against choke and art as people but it was just so unnecessary of them to enter in the first place /vintage rustled jimmies

>> No.7980314

Briz's disgusting face and photoshop bother me as much as the like-buying. I hope the points are worth it, she is disgusting.

>> No.7980324

Why are you so fanny flustered? You knew you
weren't going to win anway

>> No.7980353

I'm only allowed to be fanny flustered if I had a chance to win? lol.
Meta should've taken more steps to make sure this thing couldn't be rigged so easily, I guess it goes to show how much they really value their product if they're willing to throw it at briz knowing good and well that she cheated. I'm not surprised that someone tried to take advantage of how loosely-coordinated these contests are (though I've definitely lost what little respect I had left for briz), I'm just really disappointed that meta let it happen.

>> No.7980439

Arthael is really rich though, Choke isn't very well off, or am I mistaken?

>> No.7980539

I don't know much about these Lolitas but what the hell were Meta thinking in letting Briz, who's clearly a cheat, come into first place...every other Lolita there looks x10 better.

>> No.7980543

Choke runs Lockshop which is successful. Choke made a post on Tumblr of how her upbringing was marred by poverty and how her parents were unable to afford diapers during her infancy.

>> No.7980555

I said this in another thread, but I don think professional models should be allowed to compete in what is clearly an amateur contest. It's hardly fair.

>> No.7980578

yeah, i agree - it definitely shows that they weren't thinking about the context of the contest too deeply. it is frowned upon for a cosplay veteran with a costume they worked on for 90000 years that has won several awards to enter at a small local cosplay competition, i find it to be similarly distasteful for professional models with plentiful resources to enter a contest with people so far below their skill level.

>> No.7980604

Briz models for GLW, Choke isn't a model anymore, or should ex models be disqualified too? I don't think it should matter for an outfit contest though, maybe for a model contest.

>> No.7980645

>I don't think it should matter for an outfit contest though
Yeah, models are just coat hangers; they may know how to pose better than the rest of us, but it's not like they're actually putting together the outfits. I'm not too salty about that.

>What a glaceful style!

>> No.7980648

Yes, ex models should be disqualified, imo. They have skills and resources that amateurs do not. And GLW is not professional modeling lol

>> No.7980663

Skills and resources that help put together an outfit better than someone who has a fashion sense? Being a model =/= fashionable

>> No.7980686

choke is coming to matsuri as a guest alongside midori and minori, if midori or minori entered it would be completely unfair so i think the same goes for choke. In fact, choke will be in the fashion show and modeling either AP or meta so I REALLY think she should be disqualified.

>> No.7980690

>Briz models for GLW
That's not any kind of achievement though, anon. You may as well have just said that she posts selfies on FB.

>> No.7980691

Yes but it's a "who'll get the more likes" kind of contest, and nice pictures and posing definitly helps a lot, or people wouldn't vote so much for Choke.

>> No.7980712

doesn't that count for all popular/e-famous lolitas though?

>> No.7980741

This. I feel like Choke should be disqualified from contests like this based on her status as a convention guest/official model, not because she has a nice camera and knows how to pose.

>> No.7980746

Agreed, I like Choke and her coords but she's too close to the brands to fairly compete

>> No.7980761
File: 57 KB, 721x462, Meta response.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I and a few others emailed meta during the contest. They replied saying that future ones will be different.

>> No.7980860

I can't believe people are so immature as to cheat over trivial shit like this. Contests are fun and everybody likes to win, but going so far as to purchase votes is retarded when the prize is just store credit. Why not just use your money to buy your own "prize"?
Chokelate has an advantage of being popular and a pro model but at least she (presumably) didn't actually cheat by getting false votes.

>> No.7981249

I kind of think this makes more sense, the e-famous girls are always going to get more votes, even if they weren't good.(people love sucking up) and so shits like briz who aren't very famous and also shit buy likes and post on farming sites. It's like she thought that winning the contest alongside famous lolis would make her more e-famous or something.

That said, I do think people like choke should be more humble.

>> No.7981257

Fuck meta and fuck briz so hard. The worst thing is the lolita community in general doesn't seem to care. I posted a secret about this and all I got in response was "lol, who cares! She's just being creative!" God people are so fucking stupid.

>> No.7981373


Meta shouldn't even award her with the 1st prize. But considering this is the Lolita community and she's like a new queen bee for idiots to potentially worship like the rest of the e-fame attention whores, nobody cares enough to take action.

>> No.7981373,1 [INTERNAL] 

lol the first three are all e-famous, regardless what they put together they are always gonna win.

>> No.7982788

Real talk, if you were in charge, how would you frame the contest to prevent this situation from happening? So far it seems like the only way is to make the rule "No professional or semi-professional (paid) models" - but that won't stop other people from buying votes or "Like"-farming. Would they have to add a rule "Whoever gets the most vote....but not too many vote" ?

>> No.7982794


I think, after what happened, only Meta staff should be able to chose winners.
Less chance of cheating.

>> No.7982798

Meta staff don't want to choose winners themselves, they don't want to risk pissing off customers who might get angry if their coord wasn't chosen.

>> No.7982803

I think that people posting the contest everywhere and asking for their friends to vote for them is part of the brand advertisement that companies get from this sort of contest, though.

>> No.7982809

Notice how all the meta picked winners were Asian. Lol.

>> No.7982813

Arthael had the most innovative and interesting coordinate, she was pretty and showed a lot of skill. Briz is nowhere near her level and I'm kind of glad to see this outrage over her "win". I feel slightly sorry for Meta since it seems they can't extricate themselves from that mess now and a sweet little contest wound up backfiring on them.

>> No.7982823

Maybe instead of Meta's staff picking, they could put together a small group of judges or something made up of people like models, Meta designers etc.

>> No.7982835


>> No.7982838

Those meta picked winners were Japanese-only. I can see why since all three winners were international.


>> No.7982840

Where do you see the winners Meta picked? All I see on their website are the two Facebook-picked winners, both world and domestic/Japan.

>> No.7982842

No the ones meta staff picked. Also briz isn't Asian either. pay more attention anon

>> No.7983473
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Top kek

>> No.7983491

LOL nice

>> No.7983558

That's salty and immature as fuck coming from someone who placed in the contest. shut up Choke, at least be thankful you got third place.

>> No.7983559

Like you would act any different.

>> No.7983563

It's also pretty hypocritical. She exploits her popularity and that she owns a popular lolita wig brand to get votes in a contest, then whines when someone else also exploits the contest.

>> No.7983566

Or maybe she's just a normal person who thinks cheating is disgusting? Posting her coord on Lockshop page isn't the greatest but it's not cheating.

>> No.7983570

I don't see the problem
People do cheat, a lot in the regular system

I don't think she's being all that salty.

>> No.7983578

Briz Blossom has a lot of idiot friends who are going around accusing people of being bitter/salty/other taste related adjectives because that's literally the only thing they can thing of to defend her. Check out this week's secret about her and the comment if you feel like beating your head against something hard

>> No.7983592

I would enter this but I've been too cheap to buy her wigs.

>> No.7983607

Do you have ay friends that have lockshop wigs you can borrow? She said borrowing is fine! You can do it, anon!

>> No.7983609
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You're the one who sounds salty lol.
Cheating is absolutely disgusting and Briz has disgusting character for doing so.

>> No.7983633

Yes, and Choke tried to do the same exact thing but failed...? So where does her high horse come from?

>> No.7983638

What did choke do? Speak to fans of her product? (while using her product may I add) or to people who follow her? There's nothing wrong with that.

I guess that's why Briz has a bunch of people calling her out and Choke doesn't. There's a fine line between the two.

>> No.7983646

She began selling Lockshop diapers. It's the perfect accessory for any person who is an Angelic Pretty brand whore.

>> No.7983655
File: 63 KB, 560x631, 1414029758601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao wow Briz, you sure sound mad that everyone found out you bought votes

>> No.7984297

Yoo, I didn't post my outfit on my Lockshop page. I could've, but I didn't. Only on my personal, lolita page and my Tumblr :)

And this isn't just about the Meta contest, anyone remember the Kawaii.i contest, where people got 3000+ votes overnight even though nobody heard about them? Yeah. Shit like this has been happening for a while, and if I have a contest myself I would like to avoid it.

>> No.7984322

It's one thing to convince people to vote for you and another to outright buy their vote. One actually involves people wanting to vote for you for one reason or another. The other involves you throwing money around and they don't actually give a shit besides the fact you have dollar signs attached to it.

>> No.7984339

didn'tchoke start up a brand re-selling lockshop wigs for significant profit? think some seagulls bought alot from her

>> No.7984343

she went up agaisnt a popular cosplay giant, an she won.

im kind of on her side just because she is the underdog getting kicked down

she won a popularity contest...get over it

>> No.7984365

Make it judge based, please. Or at least have a second round with judges. I'm probably not entering because I am not model quality, but I have entered in outfit contests before I can't stand losing out to someone mediocre just because they have more friends or ask every single person they know for votes. You'll just reward attentionwhoring instead of their outfit.

>> No.7984379

Good luck with your contest Chokelate! Above anon without a wig yet but I'll have one someday. I miss your themed outfit contests, you have some of the most fun and interesting themes. I wasn't able to buy the outfit I wanted for angel or devil but the flower circus contest was a blast. It gave me an excuse to go out of my comfort zone and do a proper photoshoot out of cosplay for once as well as attempt new techniques to build my outfit. I don't regret entering at all even though I didn't win.

I would definitely like to see more contests judged by you expressly instead of just likes, you have great style so would be fine at judging. Adding some side judge's choice prizes even would be nice if you must do likes/general voting.
If judging yourself is too much a panel of guest judges would work like an anon above suggested.

>> No.7984386

Voteless contests are so much better, you don't have to deal with the anxiety of seeing yourself at the bottom while countless of itas are voted up.

>> No.7984396

Aww that's so nice to hear! I've been super busy settling in Germany, and I've been meaning to do more contests and giveaways but there was just no time for it. Everything is getting a bit better now though, so there will be more outfit contests in the future!

I've always partially judged the contests myself (and with others) and really, it's super difficult to make a choice. It's way easier to let people vote for it, but it opens it for unfairness too. What I was thinking is having the first round by votes, but let a big pool of people go through the second round. Maybe a handful of personal picks if I feel there should be people in there that aren't. Since part of it is for finding spokesmodels, popularity does play a rule - but there will be other prizes too :3

Well if you feel uncomfortable because you don't feel like model quality, you can still enter for other prizes! And who knows, maybe you are model quality!

>> No.7984403

How fucking stupid are you? She didn't win a popularity contest, she literally paid money for strangers online to vote for her.

>> No.7984408

she owns lockshop so that makes absolutely no sense

>> No.7984412

plz restock the flax colours

>> No.7984418

idr she said she sourced her wigs from some china brand and resold...years ago

>> No.7984426

winning is winning

the rules did not explicitly state that she could not buy votes

she is using all the resources she has at her disposal

not just her tits and tumblr pages like most girls in the contest

she won because she was resourceful and more strategic, so what she didn't bare as much skin or manipulate as much men as chokelate...she won through strategy

>> No.7984432

If I ran the contest and many people sent me proof that one of the contestants were cheating (buying votes), then I'll drop them after I find out it's true.
Other than that, I would run it the same

>> No.7984440

Sieg, please

Just die already :c

>> No.7984445

>bare as much skin
What the actual fuck are you even spouting this was a lolita coodinate contest not a cosplay contest you braindead scum
And wow, such a strategy to throw around money

>> No.7984448

Dude, it was a lolita coordinate contest there were not tits in view for any of the contestants at least look at the entries before commenting.

It's also not resouceful to pay for votes it's cheating that's like paying a boxer to take a dive
> 0/10 for makin me respond jeez

>> No.7984454

fucking kill yourself you useless piece of shit.

>> No.7984595

>prepares and upgrades wardrobe in anticipation

>> No.7984608

>show skin
>manipulate men
What? Seriously, what?
This was a lolita coordinate contest. Nobody was showing skin and there were probably very few men involved. We're talking about Chokelate here, not JNig.

>> No.7984656

I do't think that'd work. Technically I'm a semi-professional model, I'm with a small agency and have done bridal catwalk. That's "proper" modelling work that I was paid for yet I got like 5 votes in that contest.

I agree buying likes should equal disqualification but banning models isn't a good idea, nor is banning people with a certain level of popularity. Maybe banning people who have modelled for specifically lolita brands, like >>7980741 said but not models in general.

Also, what >>7982803 said. These kinds of competitions, like any facebook giveaway or contest, is all about brand advertising. It's till made of dicks that Briz didn't get kicked out but it sounds like they're taking care of that in future.

As for >>7983563 there's a huge difference between building and then benefiting from a fan base and cheating.

Thanks for trying to make your contest fair.

>> No.7984658

Kill yourself, fatass neckbeard

>> No.7984736

Art and dat steam-loli...

>> No.7984739

are you new? you must be new.

>> No.7984748

>responding to sieg