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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7970122 No.7970122 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>7957596

FAQ (Please Read!):

Taobao Dictionary:

Store Spreadsheets:
**NEW** https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1f4Ej-xGtGsOjPJOQ2cxr3zi-p-F30zyattmxajSvFEs/edit#gid=0

Shopping Services Spreadsheet:

Budgeting Spreadsheet Template:

Pop-up dictionary: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zhongwen-a-chinese-englis/kkmlkkjojmombglmlpbpapmhcaljjkde?hl=en
Good EL-CH dictionary: nciku.com
Translate text from images: newocr.com

If the above links look the same, disable add-ons (like 4chanX), clear cache, clear cookies, and/or try a new Internet browser. This problem happens sometimes. There's also an anon that will translate stuff if you wanna keep it personal or whatever and don't mind waiting: fortranslatetaobao@gmail.com.

A rough guide on the new forwarding service by anon! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/myoq4zzz5s5pu5t/5GGaij-8os


To fix the browser problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcXkGdwQIAw [Embed]

>> No.7970132

Anyone know how to go through the 12/12 sales?

>> No.7970133
File: 48 KB, 609x357, Screenshot 2014-12-01 at 3.41.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to be watching this like a hawk. 1.4kg full of artist alley supplies and I need them by January 1st.

>> No.7970136
File: 249 KB, 800x1099, TB23M.6apXXXXXSXXXXXXXXXXXX-197324142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed a few anons buy this same pair of boots. Does anyone have an estimate for how heavy they are? I'm trying to get a feel for the shipping on my current order.

>> No.7970137

not directly, I don't think. the closest you can get is probably loafers (便鞋), and then sort for women's or men's. you can try adding british (英伦) or retro (复古) as well, but for the most results you're better off just searching for loafers.

to go through? do you mean to see the deals themselves? you can search "1212" with whatever item name, or you can click the taobao logo directly to the left of the search bar, and then click the department you want to look at on the lefthand side.

>> No.7970157

Thanks. Yeah I wanted to see if any shoes/cosplays were on sale.

>> No.7970196

These sales going to get me broke.
Should I buy my spring clothing NOW since there's a 12/12 sale, or later? (Will there be another sale for this stuff in the spring ?)

>> No.7970261

Would hate to get that fabric wet.

>> No.7970279

Couldn't wear that in my state with 5'' of snow.

>> No.7970305

I guess it's a good thing my town hasn't seen snow in over a decade and we're currently in the middle of a drought. Positive thoughts.

That's what I'm doing. Winter doesn't last long where I live, it gets warm in February already.

>> No.7970311

Would you mind sharing your favorite shops for artist alley supplies?

>> No.7970336
File: 244 KB, 556x371, T2CHpHXblMXXXXXXXX_!!24083100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are still any shops that sell VM style flower hair accessories? I already have the kind I want from Surface Spell and I can no longer find them at Red Maria. Rococo Soul only has a few colors left. I'm looking for beige, brown and black in particular.

>> No.7970349

How do you look up head circumference with wigs? My head is around 23 1/4 inches. I tried 头围 but that didn't work.

Trying to find a Kankei black wig. I found this but there is no size information:



>> No.7970359

How much usually takes the items to arrive to the SS?
First time, 5 days passed and I'm just wondering

>> No.7970362

Just wondering... this dress isn't in stock yet or it is just so expensive? http://tw.taobao.com/item/42034204598.htm?spm=a1z3p.7398038.0.0.wOXekR&scm=1007.10146.1967.0&id=42034204598&pvid=28b97a24-9989-46c3-8287-68bc8cbf2b27

>> No.7970364

The order I made I only got items from this one store but it's pretty good. They've got everything from DIY supplies to product packaging.


>> No.7970378

I placed my order on 11/11 from 2 stores with Yoybuy. The first store sent the stuff and it arrived in about a week. The second store has been more troublesome; I contacted Yoybuy's CS livechat and they said that the store hasn't said anything to the guy that purchased it for me, nor have they sent it. Today or tomorrow I might contact them and see about getting a refund.

So to answer your question, give it a few more days.

>> No.7970390

Work days or normal days?

>> No.7970393

Ciciwork does.

>> No.7970394

Thank you a lot

>> No.7970396

5 normal days including today? It was only just the weekend, calm down.

>> No.7970404

Depends on the item and the seller. I've been waiting since 11/10 so calm down. All of my items arrived but my Kaneki hoodie.

>> No.7970414

Hey gulls. Potential noob quesiton.

So I'm using Taobaonow for the second time. My package is 1.77kg (slightly lighter than last time), yet the shipping is higher than last time.

Then I noticed that the "Invoice Amount" and the "Payment Received" are different amounts (~$25 difference), although in Paypal it shows that I paid the full amount invoiced to me. On Taobaonow it says that I still have a balance of about ~$25USD owed, and it's tacked onto the ~$49USD EMS shipping, bumping it up to ~$75USD. I don't know if it's worth noting, but it also says "Payable / Refundable" beside the ~$75USD shipping price -- don't know what that means.

I hope this is clear.

Does anyone know what all that could be about? Anyone have experience with this?

>> No.7970487

What >>7970396 said. It usually takes from 2-5 business days.

>> No.7970488

it doesn't get "warm" until early april maybe here...

>> No.7970496

I'm not sure I'm understanding what you're saying. When did you pay the invoice? Perhaps your bank has simply not transferred the money yet. Either way, best to contact them and ask about it. I don't know if it's intentionally, but I've often SS caught charging me more than what I owe. They often rectify it when I email them about it though, with simply math calculations to back me up.

>> No.7970499

> mfw where I live, it's still kinda chilly in May some years

>> No.7970525

Try June here.

>> No.7970535

Where do you live, anon?

>> No.7970568

I paid the invoice on November 14th.

I will just ask them then, thanks for replying even though I didn't make much sense!

>> No.7970584

Chicago, IL. The problem isn't the cold but the fact that the wind makes it feel colder than it should be. I remember it rained/snowed during on year at Anime central and it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the wind.

I don't feel bad because at least I don't live in Russia.

>> No.7970615

Anyone knows some lolita hand muffs?

>> No.7970753

appropriate for sweet, but looks kind of... goofy, and are probably better for use inside:

otherwise, solid-colored plain ones are probably the only thing you're going to get. some are fake fur, others are rabbit/some other fur, so be wary.

bonus USB-charged macaron hand warmers

>> No.7970759

>That strawberry pot.

>> No.7970821 [DELETED] 

I'm looking for the knockoff milk heart purses and if they exist, star purses similar to the AP star bags

nothing I was typing into the search was bringing it up so here I am, thanks for any help in advance

>> No.7970919

Depends, I ordered a coat on thursday and my SS just got it, I also made a bigger order at the 13th and a sweater still didn't arrive while the shop said it would only take a week to get it in stock but didn't happen.

>> No.7970968

I just put my order in today. I'm not expecting it at all this month, of course, but I was wondering if all of the items arrive by this month, should I still send it out, or should I just wait until January rolls around?

>> No.7970973

It doesn't hurt to send it out earlier than later. You might be pleasantly surprised and get it earlier than expected.

>> No.7970986

If I remember correctly they got a quite big festivity on China around January or February, so be careful to hit that.

>> No.7970997

More on my Taobao Forwarding Service experience:
>pay final shipping for from seller to me
>success screen after alipay
>immediately get a call from China
>ignore because I don't have an international calling plan
>they call again twice the next day, ignore
>check taobao,stuff has not shipped yet, kind of hoping they'll just ship it without having to talk to them
>they called again today, ignore, check taobao, still not shipped
>they called again so I finally answered because I wanted my stuff shipped
>they called to ask for my postal/zip code and to confirm my address - which is weird because I have all this info on taobao and they knew my address but they just didn't see my postal/zip code?
>confirm everything in about 2 minutes, I didn't really want to take too long in case this does rack up my phone bill
>lady told me that they'd ship out my stuff later on today (it was morning over there), confirmed how many items were in my package and told me that if I had any other questions I could contact them on aliwangwang or whatever that chat thing is called
>btw I spoke to her in chinese, but she used terms like "postal code" in english

I haven't read about another case where they've called the buyer so just in case this happens to someone else, I hope this helps.

Can any anons who use yoybuy confirm how accurate their cost calculator is? I wanted to do a comparison for anons now that I have my shipping weight and fee.

>> No.7971003

Hey, which SS would be best to use if you have a small order? My comm never does group orders and neither does my bjd groups it seems.

>> No.7971009

That really is strange; did you not have an aliwangwang set up before then? Usually they'll just message you through there first; might have resorted to calling you because you didn't reply

>> No.7971012

Like I also mean SS who are good about talking to people for custom size orders and such. I'd rather not have an SS who doesn't speak very good english and my measurements get lost in translation.

>> No.7971025

Different anon, might as well also review the TB Forwarding Service:
>used them for order before this, no hiccups, everything went smoothly and was very fast
>previous order mostly wigs and weaboo shit
>this time around, order some cloth and wigs and weaboo shit
>order multiples of same cloth (since they come in half meter lengths, ordering multiples just gives you a bigger length)
>all items arrive, wait for them to be put on the page where you can merge them into one shipment
>one item still not put on the page
>clearly has arrived, came before some of the other stuff that had been put on the page already
>message customer support about it, they tell me that the seller only sent 1 piece instead of the 4 i ordered
>contact seller, seller says that it's just a longer length since i ordered more quantity
>tell the customer support this, they measure the cloth and say ok, but they still can't move the item on to the page for some reason
>at the same time, notice when i merge all the other items together for a shipment (excluding the item that's having issues) it says that it has negative 8 kg of weight for for some reason
>know they probably fucked up on inputting or something, but if i made a shipment just with those items i'd only be charged 11 bucks on a shipment of 6 kg because they're also having some half off on international shipping for items ordered during 11.11

>> No.7971032

>customer service person asks me if i have any other items that i want to ship the problem item with so that she can manually create the order for me
>tell her the other items without thinking
>she asks me the weight of the items, and i tell her i don't know because it's listed as -8kg
>customer service still trying to find out why it's doing that, apparently hasn't happened before

i hope i still get the 50% off on shipping from the 11.11 thing at least

I guess basically don't order multiples of the same listing (for cloth) if you're going to use the forwarding service, unless you're willing to go through the trouble of contacting them and can speak chinese.

>> No.7971091

Yoybuy or Taobaotrends.

>> No.7971100

I just did a 'Buy For Me' order so I hope this helps.

>Weight: 1.4kg
>AIR Shipping: $25.55 (without fees)

Cost Calculator AIR Estimate: $25.55

So I'd say it's 100% accurate.

>> No.7971119

/r/ing navy loliable purses, I don't think Loris will do navy as a custom colour

>> No.7971231

>first order since almost a year of restricting myself
Did the EMS rates change? My last order says it was just 70usd, now my SS calculator says that a package of that same weight is 180usd.

>> No.7971278

I'm not sure...I've used it before though? But I didn't install any plugins because I was never prompted to. I used it to talk to another seller before though.

I paid for my international shipping fee ~2 days ago and the 11/11 shipping promo was applied to my order. So if they don't give it to you due to all the weight confusion in the end then maybe just contact them about it? They'll probably still honor it. btw it's 50% off the flat fee for the first kg, the rest of the shipping fee you don't get any discounts.

Awesome. Thanks anon, I'll do a quick comparison later today.

>> No.7971283

So is the taobao official shipping overseas thing working for the US yet? If so is it cheaper?

>> No.7971297
File: 430 KB, 1288x986, 635501222149107730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh joy CD is back but with a new policy for budget express courier so now it's not much different than EMS prices without the refunded difference after you receive your package.

"Hi, your purchases are ready to be shipped! The weight is 2.7 kg.

However, if you wish to ship by budget express courier, there is a new policy:
As couriers under this method have low tolerance for bulky parcels, they often incur volumetric weight charge. As such, all parcels shipped by this method will be charged by its volumetric weight first, which is taken as actual weight in kg x 1.5 for convenience's sake. If less shipping fees are incurred, the excess money will be refunded to you once you inform me that you’ve received your parcel with no issues.

So if you go with budget express courier, the weight would be estimated at 3.7 kg and the shipping fees are charged accordingly."

Now the only thing with significant savings is SAL so I'm torn between EMS and SAL. I kind of want the chance to see my package before next year so I will probably go with EMS even though I'd be saving over $20 with SAL.

Such painful shipping for my weeb goods and likely late christmas presents.

>> No.7971321

It's definitely cheaper since you don't have to pay SS fees (between 5-10% of your order!), but you then also dont have someone checking your stuff over for you, so if anything is wrong you're basically fucked

>> No.7971346

>bonus USB-charged macaron hand warmers


thanks, anon

>> No.7971483

Can anyone explain the little 12.12 coupon earning game? I somehow earned 22 yen in 12.12 coupons.

>> No.7971489

>>7970997 here, just wanted to update that the post office in China received my package (according to the tracking #) around 4 hours after the phone call. Here's my comparison of tb fs fees vs yoybuy's fs fees:

Taobao Forwarding Service:
>Package weight: 5.12kg (gets rounded up as the price is calculated per 500g after the first kg flat fee)
>Shipping method: EMS - expected arrival within 5-9 days
>Shipping without 11/11 promo and fees: 417 yuan = ~$68USD
>Shipping: 417 yuan - 78 yuan (11/11 international shipping promo) = 339 yuan = ~$55USD
>Paid: 339 + 3% (alipay visa payment fee) = 349.17 yuan = ~$57USD

11/11 international shipping promo is 50% off your first kg flat fee. Wasn't sure if I could still get it since I paid for that shipping just 2 days ago but it was auto-docked off for me at the shipping calculation page, so yay!

Compared to Yoybuy's Forwarding Service cost calculator:
>DHL (2-4 days): $87.63
>EMS (5-10 days): $95.21 + $1.34
>Air Parcel (15-35 days): $92.01 + $1.34
>SAL Parcel (20-45 days): $60.58 + $1.34
>E-express (5-10 days): $82.89 + $1.34

>$1.34 is customs charge on their calculator
>3.5% handling fee for VISA and 4% + 0.3USD for paypal according to their payment method page
Not going to do all the math for yoybuy since it's apparent that taobao is cheaper compared to all yoybuy's shipping methods (even without the payment fee and 11/11 promo) except for SAL parcel.
>SAL Parcel: ($60.58 + $1.34) + 3.5% = $64.09 but 20-45 days - saving $4 but having to wait an extra 1-4 weeks is not worth it imo

Some things to consider:
>only 20 days of free storage for tb, you get 90 days with yoybuy
>taobao's alipay fee is cheaper than yoybuy's visa and paypal fee
>yoybuys offers repacking & consolidation, you may be able to ask tb for this too but I didn't want to mess around in chinese to ask
>yoybuy has many shipping method options, if you're buying very little it'll be cheaper to go with them vs taobao's flat first kg fee

>> No.7971490

My order was mostly clothes, heaviest item was a coat that weighed ~0.55kg. I'll update with if my package actually arrives within 5-9 days.

>heavy package + arrives fast = taobao
>light package + flexible arrival = yoybuy

>> No.7971502
File: 48 KB, 425x422, 61WWBRITqHL._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any shops with cute-ish self defense stuff?

>> No.7971514

Sorry I don't have any suggestions, but be careful incase customs seizes them? I know they take weapons and most SS won't even order weapons for you for this reason (even fake ones or anything that looks like a weapon).

>> No.7971516

Are you in the US? Also do you know what the fee is after the 20 day free storage?

>> No.7971523

that shit won't help you, just saying. Learn to run fast, scream loudly and carry a torch (or a gun if you live in 'Murica)

>> No.7971526

Just use the keys your keyrings attached to

>> No.7971539

I went with 4px and they said they do not offer repacking or checking of items (not sure with the other f. services)

The max 20 orders per package is non-negotiable either

>> No.7971608


Yoybuy is cheaper if you're doing a small order (under 2kg) and ship via Airmail Small Package. Air Parcel isn't the same.

Yoybuy forwarding anon
I received my order just fine yesterday in only 8 days, which is amazing for only paying $3 in shipping. And yep, you don't have to sign with Airmail Small Package, which is a huge relief since I sleep weird hours. Definitely using this for now on.

>> No.7971610


this is why i am using it too... i dont want to be forced to choose between ems and dhl. dhl always causes me custom fees everytime i order and ems is you want it quick and don't mind paying for it. i'd rather just buy a few things at a time and keep a trickle of orders coming in. it's easier to manage for me...

>> No.7971656

From an outsiders point of view I think it's a toss up between paying less for the forwarding service and having someone deal with any issues with sellers or products for you. From the sound of it, if something goes wrong with a seller or your products are bad, you're kinda screwed unless you can speak Chinese and know what you're doing. At least some shopping services are joining in on the forwarding program so you have some help if you're too chickenshit to fully do forwarding on your own.

>> No.7971658

>$3 in shipping
Holy crap how did you manage that?

>> No.7971677

Seems so, a 1.5kg coat I just ordered did cost the same EMS shipping of a 2.3kg coat I ordered last year around the same time.

>> No.7971843

Question about Yoybuy and/or Taobao forwarding
Do you have to speak Chinese to do it? The anons saying they received a call from China intimidates me a little as I wouldn't know what to do if I can't speak Chinese.

I also gather that Taobao's forwarding service is better for orders over 1kg, while Yoybuy's is better for under 1kg.

>> No.7971859

If it happens just say:
( Ni[knee] hao[how], ni shuo[shoe-oh] hua[who-ah] Yingyu[ying-you] ma?)
and they'll probably find someone who speaks English.

>> No.7971871

I'm native chinese and if I heard that I would have absolutely no idea what you were saying for the most part ...
Better to just keep it as short as possible, just say
Shuo (shoo-oh) ying (ing) wen (won) ma?

>> No.7972179

Do you have a link for those boots?

>> No.7972217

I have a big head, too, anon. The struggle never ends. Especially when most brands (Eastern or Western) only fit ~20". I don't think Taobao's the best place to shop for wigs for people like us.

>> No.7972235

Any news if FF system available to Canadia?
Nah, there's this one shop that offers wigs that stretch from x to y, legit I bought too wigs there and It fit my huge head and huge afro.
I'll search around and try and find the shop

>> No.7972243


Is the store, not much cosplay shit, but whatever

>> No.7972278

No sorry, link below says "CNY 1/goods receipt/day" I guess that means 1 yuan per order (items from the same shop counts as 1 order?) per day? I wasn't going to let myself allow the item to sit there for more than 20 days anyways so I wasn't too concerned.

Sorry if it wasn't clear but I am also >>7971490 so ya I agree with lighter packages definitely go with yoybuy to forgo the flat fee.

4px wasn't an option for me, just wondering what was your first kg flat fee? Mine was pretty pricey so the shipping promo helped but I can see how it wouldn't make much of a difference if other fs has cheaper flat fees. I didn't even know about the 20 orders max but luckily I think I only ordered items from maybe 15 sellers? I did order multiple items from the same sellers so item count isn't an issue.

No you don't really need to, I think my address confirmation was a rare thing. If you're really worried then go with yoybuy? I haven't used them myself but other anons in the thread have and they seem to be fine. Or just ask "do you speak english?" lol they'll likely understand you need english assistance more than if you tried to ask them in chinese.

>> No.7972317
File: 1.08 MB, 3264x1836, WP_20141202_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my package from the 11/11 order I made with the forwarding service to the US today, should've been yesterday but I missed it. This is how it was packaged.

>> No.7972321

Was it just clothes?

>> No.7972337

I live in Australia so I have 3 fs options, I went wih 4px because it's the one I see people go with the most. First kg is 85 yuan and subsequent 500g are 28 yuan. The other fs prices were pretty much the same give or take 1 yuan

>> No.7972415

Yeah all of it was cloth. Small pillow, scarf, shirt and dress.

>> No.7972423

That's pretty standard packaging then. Though last time I ordered I had some stationary in with plushies and they just tossed them in and let them get all bent up.

>> No.7972456


Thanks a lot anon they actually have Tokyo ghoul wigs here! Just what I was looking for.

I just wanted to get that wig from Taobao since I'm getting the rest from Arda wigs.

>> No.7972486

>, I think my address confirmation was a rare thing
Oh cool, I might give it a try then. Thank you

>> No.7972497

Mine was packaged like that too, guess they do that no matter what
Better not to buy fragile items then

>> No.7972537

>Fragile items

Oh shit I bought a Gintama milk mug I hope it doesn't get damaged.

>> No.7972580

What SS did you use? I use TBS and they always give me a box, even if nothing I order is fragile.

>> No.7972765

>forwarding service

>> No.7972793 [DELETED] 

Anon who hasn't Taobaoed in a year here again. Taobao has the forwarding service for the US up and running now? I'm not seeing it on the SS spreadsheet. So they're cheaper than an SS and so far so good?
I should have come here and lurked before making my order with Taobaoring so hastily.

>> No.7973022

>8 days
So fast! Where do you live anon? Thinking of putting in a small order, but only if it can reach me in time with cheaper shipping.

>> No.7973233

Guys I'm kinda new here!
I've tried to look through all these posts but I'm getting even more confused on which Taobao agent to choose!
I also took a look at the Taobao Shopping Service Guide to clear things up but it didn't help that much.
I'd like to buy a tablet (but probably I will order two, one for my friend and one for me) and I'd like to know which is the best agent out there for reliability and costs... One more question: do you think it's a good idea to have it shipped with SAL instead of Airmail or EMS so that I can save money and avoid the customs fees, or that's too risky?

>> No.7973248

Don't buy electronics off Taobao. Cheap USB stuff is probably fine but don't buy a tablet. If it arrives messed up or doesn't work at all, you're screwed.

>> No.7973255
File: 551 KB, 909x512, Screenshot 2014-12-03 at 5.53.50 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just got an email about this. Some kind of limited time extreme discount shipping?

>> No.7973336

I know that but I'd like to get it anyway... I mean, if I don't get it at Taobao, I think I'll buy it on Aliexpress. Moreover, doesn't the Taobao agent check the quality (turning on the device, and so on...) and asks for refund from the seller he buys the item from?
I mean, why calling them AGENTS if they only re-ship the item I want? :D AFAIK I read they also do a quality check. Please correct me if I'm wrong! Thanks for the support!

>> No.7973351
File: 516 KB, 1576x1142, tborder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally paid for my order after putting it together for weeks. The shoes go up to size 43 if anyone's interested.

>> No.7973373

I'm searching for lace gloves in beige or white that will fit my western quite large hands. Any ideas?

>> No.7973378

I don't think they test your electronics before they send them. They probably just open the box to make sure it's in one piece.

Look, if you're getting a computer tablet, get something with a warranty from an online store in your country. If you're getting a drawing tablet, at least get one from Ebay where you can actually get a refund if it doesn't work. They're damn cheap on there.

Plus if you get it from Taobao and it doesn't work, you can't get your money back. The shopping service won't refund you if it doesn't work because it's not their product and it wasn't an accident from shipping.

But if you want to waste your money, have at it.

>> No.7973382

They only do cursory checks, i.e. no obvious stains/tears/imperfections (for electronics they're probably just check that the wires aren't torn and that all the listed parts are there), ain't nobody got time to do full checks for you.

They're shopping agents because they are being a middleman for you non-Chinese speaking foreigners, the same way a real estate agent buys/sells houses for people

>> No.7973401

Are you talking about an android or something tablet? Because even if you get one from china, it'll still run in chinese. If you're talking about a drawing tablet, just go pick up a huion from amazon or something. It'll run you about the same price in the end and you'll actually be able to make a proper deal.

Use taobao for stuff that can't actually be easily obtained in your own country.

>> No.7973403

Ok guys many many thanks for your help! I might get the tablet on Aliexpress so that at least I'm a little protected if the tablet doesn't work!
You were incredibly helpful to me!

>> No.7973408
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>> No.7973412

lol enjoy your wrong language device

>> No.7973415
File: 621 KB, 440x247, 423487921.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anon wants to throw their money away, who are we to stop them?

>> No.7973417

Not that hard to switch the default language on a device but we all know it'll be a piece of shit anyway. Someone needs to screencap this for when anon comes back to whine.

>> No.7973487

Any suggestions for classic or gothic appropriate hats in white, beige, cream or black?

>> No.7973871

Interested in shoes!

>> No.7973875

So an arcade stick would be a no go then? I wanted to buy one from there and take it apart/put Sanwa pieces in it.

>> No.7973951

When did this promotion start? I literally just shipped my order from them 1.5 weeks ago. Fuck.

>> No.7973954

Link to the tall boots?

>> No.7973985

link to nightie?

>> No.7974103

If you're taking it apart and stuff, go ahead. The 'don't buy electronics' suggestion is more for big stuff like tablets/computers/cameras/printers where you're dishing out a lot of money and just hoping it'll work. I know people who have bought headphones, USB devices, flashdrives, and stuff like that and been fine but they don't pay much for them.

>> No.7974189

I was more concern that it would be sniped by customs since well it's an arcade stick which is a sorta big electronic. I thought about buying one from taobao since they are made in China away and just swapping the parts with Japanese buttons/joystick when I get it.

>> No.7974302

It's been a long time since I've done another taobao order. That Bhiner new express shipping is tempting me and I'm wondering if Bhiner is good or should I go for something else? I'd be getting clothes/cosplay stuff mostly and I've only ever used taobaoring.

>> No.7974328

I know an anon or two were dissuading someone from using Bhiner. I just used them for the first time recently (still waiting for my items to arrive) and so far my experience was okay. They do tend too overcharge for domestic shipping though. I believe their minimum domestic shipping charge is 20 CNY per store, unless it's free shipping. However, there were times where I ordered just one small item and asked them to readjust the domestic shipping rate since there's no way it would cost 20 CNY and they complied. They also reply fast and take pictures of each individual item, which I like.

I typically use TBR as well. I'll wait for my order to arrive before determining whether I'll start using Bhiner or TBR from now on. The only thing I really don't like about Bhiner is how you have to load your account with money to pay (though they accept PayPal.)

Their lower agent fee of 5% is nice, but their international shipping cost is higher. Though with their new Bhiner Express promotion it may be cheaper than TBR. No clue.

>> No.7974348

Link to the pink dress below/between the pink and brown ruffle shoes?
Also if you wouldn't mind reviewing the pink sailor accessories that'd be great.

>> No.7974558

link to pink bow dress below brown shoes and left of the kiss me apron dress please?

>> No.7974994

Tall boots:

Ruffle boots:

Sure thing. Mind you, the rating's a bit low but I'm taking a shot at it.

Here you go. Yeah, I usually post when my orders arrive. Although with Christmas around the corner, I'll probably have to wait until January to pay for shipping.

Just a heads up, it apparently takes 10-12 days for it to arrive to your SS.

>> No.7975018

Just got my shipping charge for my order..

12.4kg.. $140USD.. converts to $195NZD

Aahah haha hah ha ahhhh.. fuck the dollar being low.. my bank is crying..

>> No.7975099

What are you buying?
Also in New Zealand, ordering probably 0.5 kg worth of stuff

>> No.7975150

Jesus what shipping method are you using? That's cheap compared to what I got charged.

>> No.7975155

Lol, I felt like crying seeing the conversion rather from USD to CAD. Welp, it was like an unexpected kick to the face.

>> No.7975226

Im pretty much buying everything.. A bunch of sweaters, 4 pairs of shoes, a TON of craft stuff

0.5kg You should be able to get for under $10 at least, I can never contain my orders..

Just EMS? I go through Pruany, I know a lot of people dont use them though cos of not having a cart option, but I find theyre so much cheaper.?

Yeah.. I mean I knew the dollar was already shit, but then paying through PayPal and its even worse.. sucks sooo baddd.. the shipping is like, a third of my order cost..

>> No.7975344

I'm trying to find lolita stuff with piano print/theme (or at least, music notes)
But I found nothing, only a shoes out of stock... help anyone? Thank you.

>> No.7975360

seifuku: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=35108270964
blouse?: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=35121648018
(there's more from this set in this store)

skirt: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=41221224571
dress: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=41207337852
skirt?: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=8406989109
skirt?: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=22951720676
jsk: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4319842393
op: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=40727602011 (has matching blouse not linked)
skirt: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=42260916445
blouse: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=36352535616

knee socks: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=38995287251
tights: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=20120713408

bag: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=22098708070
bag: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=40084157647
bag: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=8253720977

There's probably more but I got bored

>> No.7975371

Mother of Jesus

Thanks a lot!

>> No.7975438

I forgot to do a search for 音符裙 which has some stuff I didn't link before, like the To Alice dress

shoes: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=18653861372
expensive shoes: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=40528155356
My absolute favourite shoes that I found and lost but now found again: http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=40434773843

>> No.7975461
File: 33 KB, 600x589, nsbht425-img600x589-1414466197atglvh14422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone post a link to the taobao shop that sells all kinds of acsessories like picrelated?
I remember it even had its own name and design, but unfortunatly I can't remember it.
All of its stuff are probably replicas of Katie/Amo.

>> No.7975515

Pink Savior?

>> No.7975526

>Pink Savior
Thank you so much, anon.

>> No.7975612

Noob question - is it always cheaper to make a huge order than say, buying two or three things at a time when you're using an SS?

>> No.7975614

>fuck the dollar being low
You mean high

>> No.7975616

Because shipping is done by "first 500g $$$$, after that only $$ every 500g", that's why bigger orders are more 'cost efficient' for shipping

If you only want like a few small things, maybe use Yoybuy's forwarding thing since it's like peanuts on shipping that way

>> No.7975618

I think they meant
>fuck the (New Zealand) dollar being low
Also it's not so much the US dollar going up as it is the AUD/NZD dropping low

>> No.7975642

It's cheaper if you don't use the dollars you save in shipping to justify spending more money on stuff you dont want.

>> No.7975803

Thank you anon! I get it now. Is yoybuy's forwarding service particularly cheap? Does every 500 g cost the same after the first?

>> No.7975820

Yoybuy still hasn't received the shirt and jumper I ordered on 11/11. I might message them on Livechat today and ask if they can get a refund from the seller. Any advice?

>> No.7975953

>send packages out from forwarding service
>tracking hasnt updated in four days

;_; please tell me this is normal. i'm using 4px

>> No.7975981

Once, my DHL package's tracking didn't update at all but arrived in like four days.

>> No.7976085

Does anyone know where I can get this on taobao? I'm certain this is mega overprices but I can't find it when I look up things like sailor moon sweater :/ http://pluscutie.storenvy.com/collections/602125-jumper/products/9824176-l-xl-plus-size-chibi-moon-jumper-exclusive-selling-full-payment-reservation

>> No.7976331

My package tracking finally appeared, yay!

> polite sage

>> No.7976387

I'm still waiting for mine ;_;

>> No.7976390

Guys, do you know any good sites to get fake phone numbers to make a Taobao account? I haven't found anythng that works.. I'm living in a country that's not available yet to make accounts.

>> No.7976396

...then why do you need to make an account if you can't even use it to order forwarding with?

>> No.7976400

Any recommendations for black skirts?
I'm searching but I only can found very plain ones...
I want something for everyday but quite cute

>> No.7976418

Same anon, I just put my tracking number into toll's website instead of using the built-in tracking on taobao and now I can see the events I'm so glad

>> No.7976421

Whoops misquote, meant to be >>7976387

To be on topic, what's the weirdest thing you've seen on a taobao listing? I've seen a photo of a neo-nazi using the cosplay accessory on the listing and death threats (on separate listings though)

>> No.7976426

Because I could still use Yoybuy to send the package to me, isn't that right?

>> No.7976601

If you plan on using yoybuy's forwarding service sign up with their phone number and the address they give you

>> No.7976725

Update, I contacted them on livechat and she said the seller still didn't send them through. Asked her if she could get a refund, that was 20 minutes ago. Have the credited amount in my account now - Good stuff.

>> No.7976761

that's incredibly vague. knowing length and style at least would help more.

it's really easy to find if you search 美少女战士 then sort for women's; it's usually on the first page, and most of the time the blue version has a secondary pink version. I think anons tried to find the plus-size version on taobao a while ago and nothing turned up from what I remember; most of the ones on taobao are one-size only.

>> No.7977074

I was the anon who originally was looking for the plus size version of that sweater. I believe spreepicky makes deals with the shops to make larger sizes of certain items just for their shop. But correct me if I'm wrong

>> No.7977128

seconding this

>> No.7977335

I used an app on my iphone called textnow, worked like a charm

You can still use the forwarding service... some specific country numbers aren't taken in to account (for example my Irish number won't work but they have a UK option, they probably lumped all that stuff together and didn't realize).
Besides which, why do you need to use the forwarding service to justify making an account? It's so much easier to add stuff to favourites and follow shops just by having an account. That's a good enough reason in and of itself.

>> No.7977339

pleaseeeeee review all those shoes when you get them... I've seen them before and have been tempted to buy them myself but wasn't sure if they would be ok or not, I'm a 42 so I would love some cute shoes.

>> No.7977340

Anyone got any cute blazers for work? I really want to find some that are casually cute

>> No.7977370

What's the worst quality thing you've gotten from Taobao before?
What's the best/most surprising quality thing youve gotten from Taobao before?

>> No.7977379

Some replica "knit" distressed sweater
the material was awful and I can't even wear it because the sewing is so fucked up on the sleeves. one is longer than the other and the armpits aren't aligned.

The amavel replicas I've gotten have all been really nice, good thick material, sewing is nice etc

>> No.7977385

How much is shipping/weight ratio to Ireland? Does it pay off if you order under 1kg? I was thinking of getting some buttons and fabric but if I have to pay out the arse for it I'll stick to ebay and haberdasheries

>> No.7977406

The shipping is pretty much the same everywhere worldwide, going to Ireland doesn't make much of a difference.
It really depends on your posting method. If you are ordering tons of stuff for really cheap on taobao but it only weighs 1kg then it might be worth it.
You can ship with EMS and it'll probably be pricey but I think for packages so small you can ship Small Airmail Packages or SAL and it's not that expensive.
Yoybuy have a cool cost calculator here: http://www.yoybuy.com/en/service/tools/costestimation.html
Looks like it'd be about €15-20 for 1kg so I think if you're ordering a lot of fabric and buttons and things like that for cheap (since they are so light anyway) it might be worth it.
Word of advice incase you are ever making a future order; don't ship with DHL, you'll get charged customs. I've shipped with everything except SAL and have only been caught with customs when I shipped with DHL (I even had a 12kg package come in with EMS and customs didn't charge me).

>> No.7977503

Has anyone ordered from here:
They have some secret shop tea parties at $14 for the sale

>> No.7977543

I overcame the urge to do 11/11 and now 12/12 is tempting me.

>> No.7977546

> Worst
This itchy woolen grey miniskirt
> Best
CP bloomers probably

>> No.7977578

A few threads back there was an anon who'd bought a ton of replica AP jewellry, does anyone know what the source store? My usual search tricks aren't working.

>> No.7977630

so should i wait to 12/12 to buy more stuff?

>> No.7977720

link to 'kiss me' apron pleeeeease

>> No.7977734

Could someone tell me if this pillow, in either size, will add too much to my shipping?
I wouldn't imagine it would be heavy, just large.


>> No.7977747

I'm confused by yoybuy. I did the shipping calculator and it's showing discounted rates for DHL and EMS. Do these actually apply when ordering and are they one of those always on sale sort of things?

>> No.7977772
File: 53 KB, 600x800, tie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone look up Kira Yoshikage's tie in Taobao in Chinese? Here's pic related for reference

>> No.7977784


or you could not be a lazy fucker and do it yourself.

>> No.7977787

I can't into Chinese

>> No.7977818

They are the normal rates, no special promotion or anything. They just have big shipping discounts.

>> No.7977884

Well isn't that too bad.

> seriously tho go to the spreadsheet, find "tie", and then combine it with the chinese name of the show
> you might also want to add 'cos' in the search bar as well

>> No.7977906

Some shops have 12/12 deals up already.

>> No.7977909

Because clearly all of us know Chinese? Stop being a lazy asshole.

>> No.7977945

I've looked in all the spreadsheets and THE GOOGLE and I can't find any reviews for the tomybear/To Alice. Has anyone ever purchased clothing from this store? How was the quality? I'd really like to order from them but I've never ordered from Taobao before and the process of finding a shopping service and paying all the fees might not be worth it to me if the quality is too low.

>> No.7977958

I should get my ToAice in a few weeks if you're willing to wait that long.

>> No.7977961

>ToAlice stuff
Don't even know what happened there.

>> No.7977971


I'll definitely watch out for your post! I wasn't planning on ordering until 2015 anyway, I was just curious since I haven't seen anything about them.

By the by, do you happen to know why seemingly half of their stuff runs 9999 yuan?

>> No.7977977

People have posted reviews for them for a while now... I actually only talked about my order in the last thread and 2 threads before that.
Their quality is good, I'd recommend them.

>> No.7977981

lmfao you guys hate that trip fag don't you?

>> No.7977994

Sorry, I haven't seen the reviews. When I searched for any variation of their name and buzzwords that might pull them up on google I just got a bunch of random shit that was completely unrelated. That's why I searched the OP, and still didn't find anything. Is there an archive somewhere of these threads?

>> No.7977999

It's either stuff that are out of stock or pre-preorders (like to judge how many people like it enough to preorder).

>> No.7978003

Speaking for myself, I don't hate tripfags. I just get easily annoyed with people who demand to be spoonfed.

>> No.7978005


>> No.7978006


>> No.7978008

>Use the goddamn faq for tie
>Use Baka manga

I don't hate trip fags but he's just annoying and slightly prestigious compared to Ukraine and Ponfarr. At least Blue wasn't a lazy arse.

>> No.7978021

Ugly sweater that was really small.
Monomi pillow case and 10/10 wigs

>> No.7978042

The shop has its own feedback page on Taobao. Each individual item also has its own feedback section.


>> No.7978044

It's less about being a tripfag and more about someone coming in and feeling entitled to the point where they assume anons are going to do their shopping for them.

>> No.7978449

When should I become concerned about not receiving a tracking number for my package from my SS? They said "We will update with tracking number when we receive it from freighter." It's been 3, going on 4 days.

I wonder if this means things are really backed up? Orrrr I'm just totally impatient and inexperienced with this stuff and this is typical.

>> No.7978459

just message them

>> No.7978740

Hey guys, really sorry for asking but I don't have access to a computer and its so fucking awful trying to navigate taobao on a phone

Does anyone know offhand of a shop that does custom sized cosplays with the catdcaptors winter uniform?

>> No.7978780


The second link has it marked as a used item, but it's cheaper.

>> No.7978792

I haven't used taobaonow in ages, but now it says they have a website called spreenow.
Is there a difference? Do I need to use spreenow or is taobaonow still usable?

>> No.7978793

For the SS I used recently (Taobaoring) they said it would be a couple days to update. The weekend might also interfere with the processing, but I'm not sure.

>> No.7978925

>>7971489 reporting back in with good news, my package has arrived so it took ~3 days for it to arrive (3.5 if you want to include timezone difference) - EMS, came in a box, did not get taxed by customs (then again I never have).

So upon opening my box I found that the forwarding service had repacked my items which actually makes sense now that I think about it because they must have opened my items in order to determine which items they were to weigh and record the weights online (they weighed each item and it showed up on a taobao page when it arrived at their warehouse). Unless repacking means something different...or some forwarding services only check that the return address is the same of the sellers? and mark that as arrived and don't check the items? Not sure.

Everything was packed efficiently into the box leaving no breathing room but nothing was ruined. All my clothes that were folded in those clear bags stayed in the box flat - as in they didn't try to fold it up more to jam it in. I got one plushie and it came out of the box fine as well. I think I got a random ram bracelet (wooden ram on a red string) freebie from one of the sellers but there's no indication from who lol it's not that impressive anyways but I was surprised?

I did some weighing with an electric scale just to see if they had scammed me in anyway.
>Weight of entire package (with box): 5.5kg
>Weight of all items (without box): 5.1kg

My scale only gives one decimal place but I'm pretty sure that Taobao fs gave me an accurate weight. It was literally one box of small stuff that put me over 5kg so they had to round up but I'm pretty sure that they charge you the weight of your items not including the box even though mine ended up being the same.

They marked down about half of my total value/how much I paid for the goods on the invoice and shipping label. Overall pretty A+ experience, hope this was helpful.

Just wondering, are there any perks for leaving feedback on item pages?

>> No.7978954

Sometimes sellers give you a small coupon for leaving feedback but it depends (you have to read the description to see if they do).

>> No.7979012

I ordered a bunch of things through yoybuy but shipping is getting annoying.
For some reason, my old address shows, which was deleted from both my paypal and my yoybuy account.
If I'd select that, all is fine but if I add my new address, which strangely enough was already added to my address records but never shows up when I at the shipping page, suddenly my 1,3 kg parcel is "overweight" and I can't chose any shipping method.
This is insanely annoying! Does anyone else have this problem?

>> No.7979037

That happens to me too: I was surprised, checking my adress, they take an old one (the first I put on my PayPal) which I deleted inmediately because was wrong written. Even in my PayPal that adress doesn't exists anymore (?). So I rewrite it well on YoyBuy.
About the shipping issue, I can't say anything because my items didn't arrive yet (and passed 10 laborable days...) I'll tell when they're ready for shipping.
(sorry for my engrish)

>> No.7979039

A knit cardigan that smelled like a concentrated factory. I threw it away.

>> No.7979040

Are there any good sock merchants that don't have shipping fees?
I need to spend a specific amount of money and want to get the most out of it

>> No.7979042

>laborable days
you're cute anon

>> No.7979043

You can click a box on the search options that says 'Free Shipping'

>> No.7979059


If it shows in your account like that, it means it's not an issue on my end then I think?
Even tried it in 3 different browsers, sometimes it can be a browser issue but it's starting to look like the issue is on their end.
It's likely you will have the same issue as me anon, once they arrive at their warehouse.
I sent them an email about this, hopefully they'll get back with me soon and fix this.
Also, your English isn't that bad anon, plus I'm not English either.

>> No.7979061


Didn't you at least try to wash it first to see if that eleminates the smell?

>> No.7979066

Sorry, I meant from the latest spreadsheet.

>> No.7979069

Try freezing it next time.

>> No.7979070

Am I right to say that http://www.my-lolita-dress.com/ is just a taobao reseller?

>> No.7979072

Bought a knitted dress - what arrived was just a loose big sweater that still barely reached past my butt and was itchy to boot.
All cardigans I got from TB were very thin so I expected turtlenecks to be the same. But then I ordered a cute, frilly one and it turned out to be super warm and comfy, it's now my favourite for winter.

I usually get what I expect and I don't expect very much.

>> No.7979075

Which SS is it?

>> No.7979116

I tried to air it out, and wash it, it was strong as hell.

I'll try it next time.

>> No.7979122

Oh and... can you explain what goes on when you freeze it or why the smells goes away?

>> No.7979128

Sometimes smells are caused by bacteria, freezing it kills them so then it stops smelling as bad

>> No.7979142

Sure! I won't be shipping my package until January so I hope you don't mind the wait.

Here you go

>> No.7979151

Worst: nothing, really. Some t-shirts are a bit see-through and I got a wig that was longer than pictured, but overall taobao has been kind to me.

Best: really cheap wigs from various stores that are perfect, not shiny or thin.

>> No.7979283

You can still use taobaonow but they want to close that down in favor of spreenow sometime in the future.

>> No.7979373

I know two shops that do customized cosplays. You want them?

>> No.7979398

Please. I also tried the spreadsheet shows but they don't have the uniform I want.

>> No.7979404

Where can I find a fitted dress shirt (the button up collar shirts)? I have one but it's boxy, I want one that will actually grab my waist correctly.
I have 29-30 inch waist, and 34DDD bust (or 37 inches) if there aren't any on taobao, where should I look?

>> No.7979442

Taobao isn't going to have anything to fit your fat ass, sorry.

>> No.7979449

wow, what is up with the cattiness? seriously, what is your problem?

you're probably shit outta luck. I'm a 36DD and any shirts I've bought have been way too small for my chest, which is a shame because there has been some really cute shirts on there... they don't really cater to large busts on there, sorry.

>> No.7979450

>if there aren't any on taobao, where should I look?
Try Lane Bryant.

>> No.7979466

You could try some of the plus size shops?

>> No.7979488


http://shop71666493.taobao.com/?spm=2013.1.1000126.2.nIOCha and http://shop62092082.tw.taobao.com/?spm=a1z3p.7398038.2014080701.2.qZGJh1&_lang=zh_CN:TB-GBK

>Still can't shrink links even after being told how to shrink links.

I'll get it one day anons.

>> No.7979570
File: 944 KB, 1012x676, TB2N6OuXVXXXXXnXXXXXXXXXXXX-1023246685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dem bags.

>> No.7979638


>> No.7979648

I really want to buy this bag but i can barely get a good translation of the page. wat do???

>> No.7979658

I don't know what to do anymore.
My package left China 2 months ago and I didn't hear anything from it since then. It was sent with Chinese Air. I'm pretty sure it is lost by now and I contacted TBR already a few times. They always say that it is just delayed because it is a busy season and they will keep an eye on it.
Is there anything else I can do expect going on TBR's nerves?

>> No.7979679

All you need is shop62092082.taobao.com/ or whatever the shop is. Everything after "taobao.com" can be deleted when you're linking to the shop in general.

>> No.7979768

Didn't you get tracking?

>> No.7979776


>> No.7979780

Damn, I had a feeling, getting something to fit my chest when it's button up is hard.
I'm not really plus sized, I'm a medium in America.
Plus size here is more like XL and on.
You don't even know what my body looks like and you're name calling.
>Currently eating healthy
>Live on 1200-1400 calories
Already trying it's hurtful when I just get attacked..
Looking that up

>> No.7979789

So cgl, I can't remember if I asked you this before but do you know where I can find these sorta winter boots with the bunny ears ? They're really cute, I saw a girl with em and I asked her, and she said when she was in China, so I'm assuming it can be found on taobao.
I did a few searches, but they weren't what I wanted.

>> No.7979795
File: 149 KB, 600x800, TB2.ztjaVXXXXaKXpXXXXXXXXXX-66596341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boots or shoes? These are the only ones I can think of.

>> No.7979797

I tried searching for some and these are the styles that turned up




>> No.7979798

They were boots, I know of the shoes you posted though.
I'm no artist, but I'll try to draw it when I get home.

>> No.7979799

Welcome to 4chan, enjoy your stay.

Also, your measurements are likely going to be asian XL, just so you know and that's if you can find anything that will fit your tits which isn't likely.

>> No.7979802


I did, but it didn't update since October 11th. Last status is that it left china

>> No.7979803

Who is it that moderates the stores spreadsheat? I noticed that one of my favourite wig shops is under "meh stores" , and every cosplay I know that has bought from this store loves their wigs. Looks like the information is old

>> No.7979820

...on Taobao, you're going to want to look in the plus size shops. It's the only place you're likely to find stuff that fits your sizes.

>> No.7979823

Well shit. You're probably screwed. I had stuff bought on Ebay in late November (around the 15th) and sent AIR and they've already arrived so I doubt the mail stream is that bad. You're making me paranoid about my Taobao package though.

>> No.7979827

In China, you're considered plus size.

>> No.7979841

Murican medium is pretty large. Not saying this as an insult, but you're fat when compared against international standards. In my experience, the usual bust size of most taobao stores is 32"-34" with 25"-27" waist.

>> No.7979844

She checks back here pretty often imo.

Sounds like your screwed, anon. Where do you live? I sent my package to Canada by HKAirParcel; SS sent it on the 1st and it cleared customs today.

>> No.7979850

The tracking I got for my package from tbring didn't update for like a week after they sent it to me so I figured it just hadn't been checked in and would arrive eventually as this has happened before, I checked today as it's been 3 weeks now and it's saying it's been in Chinese customs for 5 days, it's on it's way now but one of the updates says 'opening' How likely is it Chinese customs have stolen some of my shit?

Also, anyone have ideas about why my tracking didn't update for so long? I was guessing it was just backlogged or something.

>> No.7979853

>anyone have ideas about why my tracking didn't update for so long?
I guess OP forgot to add the info about holidays and shipping.

>> No.7979854

Yeah I figured it was xmas shipping messing it up, but would it really take over 3 weeks just to start moving inside China?

>> No.7979864


>> No.7979867

Ouch, I really fucked up here.

>> No.7979948


>> No.7979963

Just put in an order with taobaotrends. Has anyone bought underwear/bras from taobao? I added a couple to my order because why not.

>> No.7979969

I have looked through a majority of the spreadsheet store list but maybe I missed some; Does anyone have suggestions for headwear for mori? I have bows but I want something that isn't bows or flowers because flowers are out of season right now.

>> No.7979994

ciciwork headbow. turned out to be really cheap materials, doesnt sit on the head like the stock photos :(

everything really, amavel replicas, CP petti, ss shoes and wigs have all been from shops on the spreadsheets

>> No.7980002
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>> No.7980077
File: 246 KB, 1500x473, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered these as part of a larger order

>> No.7980080

If you use those straps in public I want to see pictures of people's reactions.

>> No.7980148

Of course. Though it's just one and it's double sided.

>> No.7980245

http://shop62815623.taobao.com/ - for lols, unless you really want some serious antlers on your head


>> No.7980265

Sauce on the mini-dakimakura straps?

>> No.7980276

Great suggestions Thank you!

>> No.7980298

Sorry i cant give you the specific listing i am on mobile now

>> No.7980452

Yeah, the best time to ship your package to avoid hassle would be around October. It seems the hectic holiday shipping starts earlier every year so don't feel bad, anon. My order hasn't arrived to TBR yet but I'm not planning on shipping it until January.

>> No.7980458

the sweater looks like it will smell

>> No.7980537

Wondering if I should just let my package sit in warehouse since I plan on ordering more stuff, then ship out in January too.

>> No.7980550
File: 60 KB, 618x443, tracking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To those thinking about waiting for shipping their package, mine was shipped Air Mail and it's already in NYC so the mail isn't that bad. I've had a few other packages arrive from China I ordered around the same time also arrive to my house already, faster than the shipping estimate told me.

>> No.7980592


I live in germany. Usally packages take about a week, rarly two to arrive here.
Even if they miss scannig it, it should have been through customs by now.
Shit sucks. I even can't get my money back because obviously the paypal deadline is through.

>> No.7980665

Hmm, sounds like you're screwed. You could contact the postal service but I doubt it will amount to much since your package is in between countries (in transit, right?).

Do it early January so you don't get caught up in Chinese New Year.

>> No.7980727

Have you or someone else purchased from a store that uses those pictures? I got this from Maomao.

You do mean factory smell, right?

>> No.7980818

Question! I was wondering which shipping method would be better at the moment. I heard that EMS would take a while because of Christmas but I'm not sure if that's true. If it is though, would DHL be better? Or does anyone know how long I should expect EMS to take?

>> No.7980842

Everything is going to take a while because of Christmas, sorry

>> No.7980844

Before I make a thread about this, do you guys ever buy from rakouten? Me and my boyfriend have purchased some great cheap designer clothing from there but I haven't seen really much in the way of lolita.

>> No.7980864


If you mean that yeah I do but not often because I need a Japanese proxy usually for that.

If you know any easier way to buy stuff from rakuten that doesn't require a proxy then....

>> No.7980954
File: 1.31 MB, 2000x753, chessstory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw these from Chess Story. I love the print, but each jsk has elements I love and elements I hate.

I wish it was just: skirt and overskirt/lace/tassels of the vest jsk + top of the normal jsk in solid black without the lame gold buttons. I might just try getting the vest jsk and altering it but I'm a noob.

>> No.7980971

colour balance looking pretty tacky there

>> No.7980979

Well many of them ship overseas. Proxy has been easier though because you can combine shipping and they put whatever value you ask on it for customs.

>> No.7981001

I'm not sure if you can buy a suitcase from there unless they changed it or specific items because I tried to buy from Rakuten Hanaism and they said it was a no go.

I'm going to look it up again/attempt it.

>> No.7981082

From what my SS says, DHL charges by dimensions (not weight) and they also check more for bootlegs, which is why they'll automatically switch you to EMS if they think you'll get your items taken. It shouldn't take more than two weeks to get your items though if you're getting a faster shipping.

>> No.7981165

I bought one bra (a minimizer) and it's the best. Holds better than a sports bra and way comfortable, plus you can cross the straps. It came with a chinese bra sizing chart printed on the bag if someone wants me to post it (I know I had some trouble figuring out sizing due to the fact that every website I checked said something different)
Adress : http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z0k.7385961.1997985097.d4918997.MSk8lH&id=38219389010&_u=8227csg90ed4

>> No.7981644

does it actually minimize?

>> No.7982221

everything in my order arrived at my SS office except two things. I was hesitant to ask about them but I did and turns out one of them got lost in the mail so thank god I sent a message. who knows when they would have realized it was lost
>I'm just trying to get this shit before Christmas man

>> No.7982230

EMS has never taken longer than a week for me. My packages have never been opened, never been taxed and last time I monitored it only took about an hour to clear at customs according to the tracking. I've had a few packages shipped to me from Korea and China in the past. Maybe it may help with expected wait times if you posted where you were from?

>> No.7982232

Well it's more because I've been hearing because it's Christmas month it takes a bit longer to get shipped. I'm from the US and I've done EMS orders before, but it's just a bit of a worry if it'll take longer than a week.

>> No.7982240

Well if it helps mine got to me in about 4 days just this past week, but my person was also super efficient in packing my stuff so it was good to go pretty much within the same day of paying. You're probably good go this week if your stuff is ready to be shipped.

>> No.7982246

Is anyone having issues with TBR's shopping cart/know if issues with their cart? I get everything added and what not. Go go continue. Next thing I know, everything is gone from the cart. Try going back to the quick order, and it's empty. Have been fighting with this since last week and am about to give up.

>> No.7982250

Alright! Thank you!

>> No.7982287

Where dat miku shirt from guuurl

>> No.7982299

This might be a stupid question but as someone who's never done lolita I'm just looking around the search results and there is stuff I like that's really cheap. I imagine I really need to double check the quality by googling the item and seller?

>> No.7982312

All the feedback and store rep is on taobao, no need to google (if there's no review and the store isn't a reputable indie or replica store then avoid it)

>> No.7982332

EMS usually clears customs in about an hour for me too, but once it took one or two days and it wasn't even opened. Sometimes when it takes an hour it comes wrapped in "repacked by..." tape so no idea why it took so long.

>> No.7982355

Anyone know what I can search to find shirts/dresses with sheer sleeves? The kind where the body is solid but the sleeves are not.

>> No.7982362

hnngh those ruffle boots.
A rating of 4.5 by 196 people, but no comments though? That seems so odd.
Has anyone else bought them before who can vouch for quality?

>> No.7982368

>seifuku: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=35108270964
This store JUST sold out of this outfit and doesn't look like it will be restocking any time soon. I was getting read to buy it, too. Broke my heart.

Right now they only have the top left in specific colors/sizes. The skirt and bow itself is no longer available.

But they have the design on other pieces--just not a sailor uniform.

>> No.7982372
File: 674 KB, 2048x1448, 2_0d4762c8-476e-4320-a153-35d3b9bbde50_2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone come across a seller of this particular collar from R in my head?

>> No.7982396

I don't usually monitor my tracking in that much detail so I don't recall prior customs times for any other orders. Maybe they were backed up that time?

>> No.7982459

That's the store rating not the item rating? Only 5 pairs of those have been sold.

These have reviews but only go to 39.

This is a store with higher rep that does go to 43 but costs more.

>> No.7982508

That's probably it, I was mostly saying that so people would know that it happens outside of holidays (I'm French but I doubt it's only true here).
I usually check tracking once a day, but I watch it like a hawk when it nears customs, because it says if I'll have to pay taxes on it ([20% + $30] if the package is worth over $60, so I always declare less and pray they won't catch on)

>> No.7982665

Looking at the dictionary which color works best to search for off-white/eggshell clothing?

>> No.7982678

Toss up between a super stinky knit sweater (washed it six times so far, still unwearable) and a slip dress that was supposed to be "free size" but, due to awkwardly placed trim, has a maximum hip circumference of 30 inches. The latter is partly my fault though, I should've known my 40" hips are humongous by Chinese standards.

I can't choose! People are constantly complimenting me on my Pumpkin cat blouse and I have a knit cardigan that was mistaken for brand by at least two very experienced lolitas. Also much of the hosiery I've gotten from taobao has been really great.

>> No.7982684
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Woke up this morning and my package hit my state line last night. Hopefully it'll be delivered tomorrow.

>mfw under 2 weeks to get to me in the postal hell month that is December

>> No.7982687

Did you try freezing the sweater anon?

>> No.7982692

No. My freezer is teeny tiny and full of peas. I'm also pretty sure it's some sort of pesticide and not a bacterial smell.
...Or is this a new /cgl/ meme I'm missing?

>> No.7982706
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My order so far, really love the shop with the retro skirt.

>> No.7982930

I bought a sword and it's 120cm and I got the item cost refunded since it's 1.2 meters
Is there a shopping service that ships over 1.2 meters?
Or what do I do??

>> No.7982932

Not that anon but why does freezing one's clothes remove the scent? An article I just skimmed seems to suggest that there's no proof for this

>> No.7982934

People who don't wash their jeans do that. But that's not factory smell that's rancid human smells and dirt.

>> No.7983009

Wouldn't be wise to buy a sword anyway. Customs usually takes them.

>> No.7983014

No idea how it does it but other anons that have had trouble with factory smell that couldn't be removed by washing/airing/etc said freezing worked for them. I'd try that or oxiclean or white vinegar.

>> No.7983034

Even if it's a prop sword?

>> No.7983246

I mean if you want to chance it go for it and report back results, I'm too cheap to risk spending money on it and getting it taken away

>> No.7983252

Even if.

>> No.7983768

New thread

>> No.7985283
File: 96 KB, 470x464, efefe_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know where to get this cute thing? I was sure it is on taobao, but I can't find it now

>> No.7985290
