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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7981388 No.7981388 [Reply] [Original]

Or at least she is listed as one. Comments?

>> No.7981392


>> No.7981393

This shit is still happening? God I hate anyone who watches shit reality TV. I hate them so fucking much.

>> No.7981395


but the whale biologist is hilarious

>> No.7981402

>NASA engineer

>> No.7981403

Being a marine biologist makes you a nerd now compared to a fucking Jeopardy winner? Well shit

>> No.7981409

Loool I'll bet my first born child that the "professional cosplayer"'s costumers aren't even as good as Raychelle, who just lists herself as a gamer.

>> No.7981413

Alright /cgl/, what would you guys list yourself as if you were involved in this? Cosplayer? Lolita? PROFESSIONAL COSPLAYER? Professional camwhore?
I'm torn, I'm kind of generally a hopeless nerd. I guess I'd choose lolita, if that even counts.

>> No.7981431

I would chose NONE. I don't understand the point of the show nor I have ever understood the word 'nerd'.

>> No.7981441

Ah, so your tag would probably be "speshul snowflake" then

>> No.7981443

>Professional cosplayer
>Comic book nerd

hell of a lineup here

>> No.7981445

Shit I would love one season for someone to go on and list themselves at a 'tumblr feminist' or 'SJW.' Hell even a 'Superwholock Fan' would just be great tv.

>> No.7981447

Hahaha. Would watch.

>> No.7981448

>quiz master
Woah man we got a real pro right here

>> No.7981455

This reminds me of Beauty & the Geek and how they canceled the show after whatever season where they switched it up with one male beauty and one female geek and all the male geeks were pissed that the beauties were fucking/flirting with the male beauty instead of being stuck flirting with them.

>> No.7981456

Someone needs to make this happen.

>> No.7981458

Never watched this show since HoC was enough cringe to last me a lifetime. What do they actually compete for in what ways? Is it just a giant pop culture trivia? Do they do rocket science? Why isn't it called King of Geeks?

>> No.7981462

They might as well called it something like Nerds vs Geeks because there's such a jumble of interests

>> No.7981463

Cant find anything on the 'professional cosplayer' but did find the gamers FB cosplay page and Youtube (Raychelle Keeling, Pika-Boo).


>> No.7981466


>> No.7981469

something about todds face... like he's patting my head and telling me to take it easy after just drugging me..

>> No.7981470

The "Professional Cosplayer" is in normalfag clothes (presumably), but the "Gamer" is cosplaying in their picture? I thought Raychelle (ugh, that spelling) was the cosplayer until I actually read the center.

>> No.7981484

More cringe.
And there is Yaya!

>> No.7981492

I applied to be on this season. I couldn't narrow myself down to one geek thing though.

>> No.7981493 [DELETED] 

this is the worst thing that I have ever seen.
I'm not liying.

I'm so confused by the 25 years old NASA engineering interested on participating in this.

>> No.7981504

A professional cosplayer no one on an international cosplay board recognizes? Seems legit.

>> No.7981508



>> No.7981628


> so what's your job
> nasa engineer
> nice, what do you do?
> you know, appear on shitty tv shows and stuff

and this is why the space program has gone to hell

>> No.7981643

love how she's a "professional" but none of us knows who tf she is

anyone figured out her facebook at least?

>> No.7981653

The only info I have found is that shes from Denver.

>> No.7981660

Should I watch this shite?

>> No.7981668


it's the most random things - one contest may be comic book trivia, the other may be to make pile of old consoles, the other may be to calculate the number of glasses a ball will break and so on.

>> No.7981669
File: 397 KB, 872x498, super profesh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lilatron cosplay on fb

>> No.7981685
File: 79 KB, 960x960, 10516872_575042109290546_9166116771315875634_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm. She has good taste. Armor work is mediocre, definitely amateur level there. From what I can see she has a good grasp on sewing and garment construction, though. Lines her work. Wait, scratch that, what the fuck is this?

>> No.7981702

That's so broad, I guess it'd be worth studying up on some comic books and shit to get 10k though lel.

>> No.7981706

I wasn't aware that "LARPer" and "brony" were in the same category as "NASA engineer" and "mathematician"
>tfw you spent years studying in a field and have a real job and then you get lumped in with a ponyfucker

>> No.7981707


yeah, but my problem with the shows is that you can't possibly study all of that and tbh watching the contestants fail at things outside their area is not fun. I remember a part of the trivia being something like "you have 5 min to argue why batman is/is not the cause of gotham's crime".

>> No.7981711

> "you have 5 min to argue why batman is/is not the cause of gotham's crime".
that's not that bad everyone's seen at least a batman movie.

I agree though the scope is way too broad, have any girls actually won this?
I don't think it would be too hard to get if you stick with the people who are good, and get immunity for being in their group. (Unless I misunderstood the wiki explaining the show)

>> No.7981713

>professional cosplayer
>less than 300 likes

Someone doesn't know how to network.

>> No.7981718

Both seasons had female winners, Celeste and Kayla.

>> No.7981726

I'm genuinely surprised. This is all set-up isn't it? lel

>> No.7981728

i crave the second hand embarrassment like no ones business

>> No.7981729

it wasn't that at all, anon is exaggerating. They had 5 hours to prepare a debate speech about a super hero topic.

>> No.7981736 [DELETED] 

Oops, I missed a season. Season 3 also had a female winner, Amanda.

Would you be saying that if all the winners were male?

>> No.7981745

Nope. I think the ugly girl is probably legit but I just doubt that hot filipino chick is legit.

>> No.7981747

they're all nerds just about different things
if you watched the show you'd get it

>> No.7981749

no its just that the guys tend to show off and not have anything to back it up with

>> No.7981751

Looking at her ("hot filipino chick") stats, she won 3 "Nerd-offs" and wasn't chosen to participate in 6 of them even though her team lost. The person with the most overall wins is another woman, Danielle. The person with the most personal wins was yet another woman, Genevieve.

>> No.7981866

LOL dat file name.

Shes not awful but her Cersei is pretty underwhelming. Girl your missing all the embroidery.

>> No.7981893
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Anime specialist

>> No.7981901

Superwholock fan would be hilarious but the only way to watch this trash is the king of zimbabwe edits

>> No.7981904
File: 116 KB, 500x500, seesyourdick2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>king of zimbabwe edits
mah nigga

>> No.7982298

One thing that pisses me off is that they're like "Well being a nerd means you specialize in different thing be it pop culture or science!"

Then why don't you have a sports fanatic? You can have a Brony and yet not a Steelers megafan? I know that they're trying to fit the nerd trope for tv but it bugs me.

>> No.7982301

Sports is 'normal' compared to, say, being a brony.

>> No.7982321
File: 24 KB, 611x310, 1417000878594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they already have 4 of them this season already

>> No.7982323

At least they don't have that token "quirky" girl with brightly dyed hair

Kelsey, the japanophile from season 2, is how I imagine the average seagull though

>> No.7982325 [DELETED] 

>professional cosplayer
>normalfag pic

>cosplay pic

ok then

>> No.7982668

all of the fucking women on this show are disgusting seagull tier even if they don't browse

it's tumblr personified

>> No.7982671

Kind of funny how the woman is cosplay is a gamer.

>> No.7982675


>> No.7982694
File: 228 KB, 300x225, tumblr_lyigdf4vil1qhdupc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im cry

>> No.7982708


Somehow I feel explains so much about "nerd boys" everywhere

>> No.7982714

>marine biologist
>NASA engineer
lumped in with
>Jeopardy! champ
>quiz master
>"professional" cosplayer
>comic book nerd

What the fuck.

Same. Being a scientist doesn't mean someone has geeky hobbies (I wish! My lab is 100% normalfags and it's enough to make me cry) and obsessing over a television show for little girls does not mean someone is intelligent. This show's entire premise is full of shit and I hope it crashes and burns.

Then again, I feel that way about all reality shows.

>> No.7982757

Jeopardy champ is intelligent as fuck. He went to Northwestern. If you think you're smarter post your fucking school.

>> No.7982761

oh yeah they confirmed in other threads or something that the neuroscientist works at starbucks so yeah

>> No.7982769

MIT, but whatever.
Never said the Jeopardy champ wasn't smart. I think he should be grouped in with the scientists, personally.

Feels bad, man.

I watched one episode of this in the first season and I couldn't even sit through the whole thing. Not even funny it's so cringe worthy.

>> No.7982772

Rejected from Caltech?

>> No.7982776

>tfw I'm a cosplayer from Denver and I don't know this girl.

How did they manage to pull an absolute nobody? I am almost impressed.

>> No.7982777

Missouri Science and Tech

>> No.7982796

Dis nigga serious?

>> No.7982797

She blew the right people, I assume

>> No.7982801


enjoy your freezing temperatures and disgusting drunkard bostonians and heat activated mugs

>> No.7982804

I think the cosplayer is dressed up too you just cant see/tell because she is using her real hair and the shot is from the neck up. Her hair looks like Cersei's.

>> No.7982806

I didn't say I was smarter, defensive-chan. It's cool to hear the guy in question is legitimately intelligent but you don't HAVE to be intelligent to memorize a ton of random facts, whereas for something like neuroscience it's an absolute given.

So he's only classed as a neuroscientist because he has a degree, not because he's actively working as one? Eh.

>> No.7982808

she had a couple of papers published during her undergrad but they were probably pretty meh or else she'd be in grad school

>> No.7982815
File: 7 KB, 171x183, sorrywut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those "omg i'm such a nerd" losers

>> No.7983320

"Yaoi Expert" I would ship everyone of the males on the show with one another and even carry a paddle that I would speak to in the confessions booth thing.

>> No.7983348

>Old consoles
>Comic book trivia

Damn where do I sign up at?

>> No.7983358

Now that's a show I would watch!

>> No.7983368

Y'all need to learn to fucking read

>> No.7983388

nah son, any papers at all puts you into grad school and there are scientist phd students without any pubs, i bet she just didn't want to. which is fair, the academic environment is trash right now

>> No.7983396

Kelsey is adorable. So sad she left ep 1.

>> No.7983436
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Look out /cgl/, there's a new professional in town. And she's read Kamui's tutorials.

>> No.7983489

Japanese Pop Culture enthusiast

>> No.7983495

>looks at last season
>Pokemon master

Hahahahah wtf?

>> No.7983515

>tfw no literature nerds besides comic book men
Sigh...one day.

>> No.7983522

Brian from season 2

>> No.7983826

Has a page for 10 months, accumulated only 261 likes. Won best in show with a group and won best as intermediate by herself at another smaller con.

Yeah totally a "professional cosplayer" lol

>> No.7983857

He has a degree in neuroscience and is working in starbucks? I hate this country, we are really under utilizing intelligent people. I know someone who was a doctor in china, and they are nothing here.

>> No.7983864

I could be a professional cosplayer too, back in highschool.

>> No.7983867

The "bookworm" in OP doesn't count? Says she has a book blog elsewhere on the net.

>> No.7983891

I guess it was lost on me because the term is so ridiculous compared to the other professional sounding titles, not to say it's the only one, especially considering 'brony' is thrown in there. IMO, there's more professional titles to give to someone who is seriously into reading and studying literature who doesn't just write on blogs about a few light reads.

Idk, it just feels like once again they're giving the shaft to the arts while upholding the professionalism for STEM related fields.

>> No.7984040

I hope the jeopardy champ and quiz master constantly shit on each other

>> No.7984042

>NASA engineer, Neuroscientist, and Marine biologist lumped together with brony and professional cosplayer

>> No.7984045

Weeaboo trash

>> No.7984052

Gamer gurl nerd5ever pegasista super otaku!

>> No.7984342

The "Pokemon Master" was popular Pokemon youtuber JWittz. He won the people's choice on Facebook.

>> No.7984348

show sounds stupid

is it comic book reading losers vs accomplishe scholars or something?

because there is a fucking neuroscience major going up agaisnt some chick who went to harborfreight, bought a $10 heat gun and craft knife and can make it into an anime inspired thong bikini for a gathering

>> No.7984359

I wonder if the STEM field people are more of the bottom barrel of their fields for them to consider a show like this.

>> No.7984378


The man is a legend. Seems like a really nice guy too.

>> No.7984402

usually it's just student loans and not so well paying jobs after their massive top tier college

some tv network comes up offering $10-25k to show up on a game show and make an ass of yourself

which is something other than top ramen that you've been eating for 6+ months seems pretty damn good

"professional cosplayer? sure i can google that and bullshit it!"

>> No.7984527

I would think so. Maybe they're crazy passionate about something else, though, but were asked to put down their occupation in order to have more of a variety. But even so, I personally wouldn't want to be on this show in particular.

If you were successful in the STEM field from a decent school, you should at the very minimum probably be getting $60k a year to start.

If she's working at Starbucks, that makes me think she hasn't graduated yet and is working there on the side, or she dropped out and is just clinging to the title from the past of what she could have been.

Having massive loans to pay back doesn't mean you can't have a well paying job.

>> No.7984543

well most higher tier jobs (anything that is full time, offers a living wage and benefits) is going to run a background check and a credit check, 120K in debt isn't exactly looking great, no matter what your resume says.

not to mention 16 years of horrible leadership in america killed the economy

>Succsessful in the STEM field automatically means $60k to start

one of my good friends who helped me through the community college welding courses i took for shits and giggles back in 2008ish, actually went to a mid-tier nationally ranked state school for mechanical engineering.

last time i saw him he was serving me the mcdonalds i had ordered....

and that's not an isolated case.

honestly america is a service oriented economy (doctors, lawyers...retail?) not a goods motivated one, so the engineering positions are slim.

not to mention that there are indian engineering firms, trained by american schools through the h-1/h-1B visa program who will take jobs per diem at a discounted rate to produce a good in china.

If you buy something for $2.99 at walmart, there is a good chance that someone/organization came up with the idea, outsourced the production specifications/mass production/ material's science R&D to a firm in india, then taken the info, outsourced production to a production facility in china, then hired on a tax-evading specialzing shipping company located in germany

where a college educated american is getting min wage to scan it at a machine.

so the whole "just go for a STEM field" advice from the 1960's is horribly outdated.

im not saying go to law school, that field has too many applicants and not enough positions.

nor am i saying college is a waste of time. (it is for some people)

it's that there is no fall back in this changing world. and you cannot parrot information given to you by a generation of people who get ripped off by nigerian scammers.

realistically teenagers know more about how the world works than their parents

>> No.7985206

Not going to lie watching a show about a bunch of fat yaoi fangirls and fake bois would be amazing. When can we see a reality TV show like that?

>> No.7985213

first elimination challenge is going to probably be anime related at least because the promotional blurb says it's a "steampunk and anime" episode and that near the end the two at risk nerds have to face "nerdzilla." So at least you get that.

>> No.7985385

>realistically teenagers know more about how the world works than their parents

see, people saying thins like this is why we have so many stupid teenagers.

>> No.7985417

See, you stay out well and then you have to ruin it by saying something stupid.
But yeah the "yay stem!" Advice is stupid. Looking forward to seeing all the out of work stem majors in oh about five years, while everyone parrots some new hot field.

>> No.7987891

ben is actually a colleague of mine....we're funded by the same NSF-funded organization (though i'm a marine geologist) that focuses on understanding microbial life in the deep biosphere.

also for those scoffing at the neuroscientist working at starbucks....you have NO IDEA how hard it is to get a postdoc or faculty position these days. i've been looking/applying for another postdoc since march and still don't have anything lined up (current position ends 1/1). no one is getting funded right now, so there's a lot of people who just finished PhDs that can't find a job. i'm fully expecting to do some barista-ing this coming year until i can find something else. academic STEM jobs don't just grow on trees, especially in the medical fields where there's a SUPER glut of postdocs right now.