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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7935933 No.7935933 [Reply] [Original]

No thread? I fixed that because this is the first con of the year for many of us and it will be the last one at the LAX Marriott. I'm also looking to make a ribbons to hand out.

>> No.7935986

Which ribbon company are you thinking of printing with? I signed up for ALA's mailing list but the archives haven't been active since Feb. so I'm kinda worried.

>> No.7936017
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I usually always get mine from http://www.ribbonsgalore.com/ because their templates are pretty easy and nice to use. Another place I think people get them done is http://www.marcopromotionalproducts.com/

I like the hotel but I hope with the move we'll get a bigger Artist Alley.

>> No.7936080

What's your experience with galore's quality been like? None of the ones I've gotten from you have fallen apart on me (adhesive etc) but in terms of reprint quality, etc, how would you rate them?

I use Marco for mine, and while I love their pricing and customer service, their adhesive tends to be weaker, particularly under ribbon-chain conditions. I tape my personal collection along the backs so it isn't an issue, but I don't want people who don't know that trick to end up with broken chains because of my ribbons...

>> No.7936103
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I absolutely love Galore's quality. Pic related are ones I had for 2014's ALA.

The ones that have images on them are ones I got from Galore and the Hetalia Historian one was from Marco. Galore, is a bit pricey but their ribbons seem really sturdy. The edges don't seem to fray at all from the ones I had on my badge but Marco's seemed to fray a little easier.

All the Galore I haven't had to reapply but I got from others, I'm not sure where they got theirs, had to be reapplied with some tape.

As far as printing and customer service? Galore, I hadn't really had a customer service need? They shipped really fast so I was impressed with that. I love their template because it's just really easy to put symbols on there that's not from a clipart stock pile. iirc with Marco you had to send them the design for approval first?[It might of changed since I last used them which was two years ago.]

So if you have the bit of extra money, I'd for sure say Galore, especially if you have symbols you want to decorate on it but if you're just going for letters and words? Go for Marco.

>> No.7936112

This is my first ALA, does anyone have a brief description of the ribbon fun? From what I can tell, they are handed out by answering staff/attendees questions or partaking in a task.

>> No.7936114

Wow, those look really nice! It just stings that Galore's price break is at 100 orders minimum, unless it's really that easy to hand that many out.

Do you happen to have a visual comparison of Galore's vs. the ones ALA themselves use?

>> No.7936135

I'm still coming off the Anime California hype train.
Can't wait to see you guys again.
We will once again climb the mountain! This time with the help of jungle juice!

>> No.7936513
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Anon from >>7935986, I recommend getting multiple people on ribbon orders since most places will apply the price break across an order. For example, if you get 75 of design A, and 50 of design B, you would apply for the 100 price break.

As far as recommended ribbon amounts: the most of a single design I have gone through in one con is 300, and that's because it was a homestuck ribbon. You will probably not go through that many; I usually recommend between 50-100 for a design you will be using both to give out, and to trade for other ribbons.

If you are just giving out the ribbon for a specific task, etc, 50 or fewer are recommended.

Thanks for the input! Yeah, Marco's design approval was only an issue last year because they switched from requiring bw images of a certain size to requiring vectorized artwork. What I had a problem with last year was some of the reprints I ordered had problems with mold release residue and foil overflow on the edges; both of these wore off quickly, but Marco increased their prices from 10 base for new designs to 14 base, so in light of that I've been looking for new places to order my ribbons from.

That's the gist of it. You can get longer chains by having a ribbon to trade to other people, but you can also get quite a few just by knowing where to go. Here's a few to get you started:

- since it's your first ALA, go to Info for the ribbon "My First Time"
- scavenger hunt will have ribbons for designated teams
- Fairy Godfathers have ribbons on them, usually the Pixie Dust ribbon and sometimes personal ribbons. Beat them in a trivia game and talk to them for a bit about your experiences at the con.

>> No.7936520
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(cont.) Pic related is the new design I'm 100% getting printed this year, 50 or so; I'm probably doing at least one YWPD ribbon for myself. Of the ones in the previous post, I'll be reprinting at least 50 of the KLK ribbon, and maybe 25 each of the others. I might not bother with the Eiyuus because I don't expect to give many of those out.

This isn't even counting my staff ribbons. I am a heavy ribbon distributor.

>> No.7936878

Thanks for all of the info, much appreciated! Yeah, it sounds like I'll be ordering around 50 at the most for what I have in mind since I'm doing AA and distributing from there. Kinda wish other major cons were into the ribbon thing.

>> No.7936952

Ribbons are like achievements/trophies. There are many official ribbons handed out by con staff for visiting panels and doing certain activities. However the attendees have expanded on this and are giving away their own ribbions for various tasks. Don't be surprised if you get ribbons for cosplaying certain fandoms, doing silly activities or just walking the halls. It really makes the con come and alive and helps attendees interact with one another.

Meanwhile I'm super hype for ALA mainly because its the 1 year mark of the CWF and if we get approved we will make sure it will be one of our best shows yet.

>> No.7936956

pad ribbons? my dick is engorged

>> No.7937076

Freegull ribbon? Yesplz.

>> No.7937198

It's not too late to order ribbons, right?

If I used this anon's site >>7936017
you think I'd still get them before the con?

I was busy and totally spaced getting them last month.

>> No.7937976

I'm placing mine from Marco around Thanksgiving, expecting to get them around mid-december. I usually tend to order around the start of december, and have consistently gotten them before con. Not sure about Galore's turnaround time? But I'm definitely interested.

>> No.7938010
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I was in the AA last year and once people learn you have a ribbon your table will get swamped. I had my Hetalia ribbons and people who weren't even in the fandom came to try to collect them.

I had about 100 of those and now I have maybe 10. So it could be a great way to boost some sales or at least get traffic to your table.

No problem! I thought they still did that with the approval and wait on the design but I wasn't sure. But thanks for telling me! I was gonna try to get a new ribbon this year for my AA table.

As far as shipping, I think I ordered mine and got them within three weeks? Since the holidays are coming up, if you want to do Ribbons , I'd suggest ordering them asap.

Yeah, that really stings especially since I seem to want to do different ribbons for things like characters or in my image's case, the different Military Branches from AOT. I only ordered 50 of my Ragnarok ones because I didn't think anyone would remember or still be a fan of RO but I had a big request for them.

I ca try and take pictures of the ribbons I gathered during ALA and show which have take pretty hard beatings. The only ALA official I had was for "Artists" in the AA but that thing frayed and frizzed out a lot.

>> No.7938022

I'm in Exhibit hall (couldn't get into AA) I was thinking of doing a "mahou shoujo" themed ribbons and giving them out with a purchase of $5 or more! How many should I make and is it really worth the investment? Will it really boost my sales up more?

>> No.7938291

Actually, does Galore's price break apply across different designs? I know Marco's does, and I tried using Galore's price calculator but it refuses to load on my computer...

>> No.7938396

Oh, damn. I was just going to do one for my webcomic for anyone who signed up for the mailing list or bought stuff related to it. I definitely wouldn't want to make anyone do either of those things just for a ribbon.

I guess I'll make a fan-related one on the side to give away with trivia and stuff, how did you turn down the people who weren't fans of the series? (or did you bother turning them away?)

>> No.7938855
File: 48 KB, 292x240, ribbons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Just ordered 200 ribbons off of Marco's site, should be a fun time.

>> No.7939176

Hey, Koe no Katachi.

>> No.7939209

Yeah; I don't have much time to make something, so I'm just gonna do Shouko and carry around a notebook.

Come get a ribbon if you remember.

>> No.7939735

Would anyone be interested if I ended up posting a document comparing the pricing structures of different companies? The main two compared would be Marco Promotions and RV Awards, with mention to Hodges for Full-Color printing, and Ribbons Galore as a viable option if you're a single-person, single-design order.

>> No.7939745

+points if you talk to people through ESL.

>> No.7939751


>> No.7940741

I studied JSL when I lived in Japan; sadly it's not equivalent to ESL.

I might learn a few ESL phrases, like "will you be my friend" and "I only speak JSL", just in case someone who's actually deaf comes up to me and wants to talk.

I thought about writing "I'm deaf." on my notebook for pictures, but I was worried that some tumblrina would get mad because I'm ~not really deaf~ and ~culturally appropriating~ or some shit like that.

>> No.7940794

But if they're deaf... then how would they know how to read?!?

>> No.7940798

Why does she need sunglasses if she's deaf?

>> No.7940806

Are you serious? Deaf people know how to read, anon. That's like saying, "But if they're deaf, how did they learn sign language?!"

>> No.7940834
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>> No.7941529

Fuck your ribbons, who is cosplaying what?

>> No.7941549

I'm thinking of doing a Tonberry gijinka (that's almost anime, right?).

I like cosplaying, but my face and proportions aren't suitable for much. :(

>> No.7941550
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>doesn't like ribbons

I don't think a lot of people have their ALA plans down yet. That, or they're all busy posting about other cons.

>> No.7941554

JSL is actually far more accurate to the character, that's just glorious

>> No.7941942

It's a scam I tell ya..

>> No.7942218
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Thinking of a cosplay schedule at the moment since that's probably gonna be the next con I go to.

Made plans to completely finish my Inumuta crossplay and then hopefully get some good photos to be able to sell the damn thing. It's nice looking but shit the leds bug. Also might be with a Nonon because I adore that ship.

Then I was thinking about redoing my Celty Sturluson helmet and bringing her back since it'll be my 5 year anniversary of attending cons (and that was my first cosplay). Trying to think of a way to get myself to smoke...was thinking of hiding incense sticks or something on my scythe and outfit (neck and arms). Might have a group.

Dramatical Murder's bellydancer chick Jackie is having a huge DMMD meetup I suppose, so I'll bring Morphine Mizuki to that.

also if I have enough time to make, me and some friends are gonna have a DOGS group and I get the honor of being Naoto. One of my dream cosplays. If anyone knows a good sword replica commissioner, I'd love to know.

As for the Touhou gathering, I'll probably make a simple Wriggle or if I get enough time (kill me) I'll make Mermaid hime for pool shoots.

Also expect ribbons. Still thinking of some ideas. So far I have Tree Fiddy and Lobbycon2k15.

>> No.7942372

This is my first time going, so I'm pretty excited! I'm pretty new to the area, so I'm really hoping to meet some new friends and have some fun. I've heard it's PartyCon, after all.

Any seagull meetups planned?

>> No.7942379

I don't even go to ALA and I kind of want to just for the ribbons
I'll be kind of down there in that I'll be in Vegas for CES but don't know if I'll be able to head westward to LA

>> No.7943087

Seagull meetups are just a tripfag circlejerk. If you're not really interested in hanging with the tripfags, then it won't be your thing.

It's a really fun comfy con.

>> No.7944124

Does anyone know about parking at the hotels? Do they offer a con rate or in and out parking?

>> No.7944672

In and out is only for hotel guests iirc. I remember with the Mariott you use your room key for that.

>> No.7944772
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That might be a cute idea actually! I was thinking of doing that with some of my stuff at my AA Table if they buy anything related to the canon. You should absolutely try that.

I know there are often some people who will go crazy and try to collect every single ribbon they can. By late Friday, some girl already had a scarf of them.

I'll let you know whenever I can get the site to work. I keep getting Internal Server Error for whatever reason.

Some people usually do trivia or say you have to act out something so, there could be potential for buying things and giving them a ribbon! Or you can do trivia or offer a ribbon with a sale. I guess it's really a 50/50 chance?

As far as turning people away, I did feel kind of bad? But the questions I asked were also just History questions, very generic. I'd ask them to pick a Nation and I'd ask a question and they answered right they got the ribbon. Got a lot of America questions only to find out, not a lot of people know American history. I'd try not to make them TOO hard but also not ridiculously easy. But if there was a fan of the series, I'd ask them more character based questions.

>> No.7945939

They're not bad, I joined one last AX and it was great to meet guys from /a/, /jp/, /m/ and /o/.

The only thing that kinda ruined it for me was that one crossplayer who hates my guts for some reason. I wasn't able to go to the /cgl/ meetup though but I met 3 people who actually went to /cgl/ out of sheer coincidence.

>> No.7946230

Oh, general 4chan meetups usually aren't that bad.

The /cgl/ tripfag ones get a bit cliquey. Sure, they'll blame you for 'not being social enough' if you complain about it afterwards. Been there, done that, not worth it.

Is there a general 4chan meetup at ALA? I don't think so. AX is a much bigger con.

>> No.7946265

Unfortunately, I don't think so. It would still be a sizable meet up though if /cgl/ planned for one since it's still in the California area.

>> No.7946556

Meet up is almost always Friday night. Possibly Thursday as a suggestion since there will be some Thursday Night programming this year.

Also stay tuned for new info about ALA 2016. Big shit's coming and we're super fucking hyped!!!

>> No.7947288

Ribbongalore finally connected for me, but here's their prices for ribbons.
Quantity -Price Per Ribbon
10 - 24 -$3.00
25 - 49 -$1.28
50 - 99 -$0.68
100 - 199 $0.40
200 - 499 -$0.35
500 - 999 -$0.21
1000 - 2499 -$0.18
2500 - 4999 -$0.17
5000+ -$0.15

>> No.7950591 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7950806

Because of my inability to say no, I feel like I have too many cosplays.

Yazawa Nico (Natsuiro Egao de 1, 2 Jump, two secret cosplays)
Shiro - No Game No Life
Ciel Phantomhive - Kuroshitsuji
Nishinoya Yuu - Haikyuu

>> No.7952483


What ribbons are you bringing with, if any?

>> No.7954585

Trying to get that one British guy to come to ALA :<
If I succeed, I'm def bringing coke zero + rum, cheesecake, and a lot of post-sugar regret.

>> No.7956285
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Not bringing any alcohol sadly but I'm bringing some chocolate chip cookies that I love baking, and a rum-cake for the gathering since it'll still be that Holiday Season in the air feel. I'm not sure what else to bring that people might enjoy? I brought fudge last year but maybe snickerdoodles.

Only gonna work on one costume for this con, Coco(RWBY) but I'll bring my Miriel (FE:A), and maybe Hanji (AOT) and finish up a pair of horns for God's Devil Is A Part-timer.

Ribbons? I just got a RWBY Emblem Ribbon to give out if people stop by my booth to just say hi, buy some buttons or a print or are in RWBY Cosplay.

I'm mostly stressing about making new stuff for my table. I think KLK stuff is pretty popular? Then there's always Sailor Moon since Crystal came out and there's still hype for the series. I've also sculpted some generic horns to sell since I had left over model magic.

Good luck everyone else on whatever you're working on!

>> No.7958157


>> No.7958160

Alcohol and a shameful online-bought cosplay

>> No.7958709
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Jameson and Good Vibes

>> No.7962294

When does badge pick up on Thursday start? I'm planning to arrive around 7pm at the hotel. Will it still be open at that time?

>> No.7963239

Badge pick up will still be open. I think Pre-reg is open till 9? and I think we're starting at 4 or 5? But we had people lined up FAR earlier than that this year so prep yourself for a line none the less.

>> No.7966785

ALA confirmed for Ontario, CA 2016-2018

>> No.7966942

Honestly nothing wrong with online-bought as long as you put in the effort to make it look good (wig, makeup, adjusting the fit if needed.) I've bought a few cosplays online simply because I don't have the time or skill to make it.

>> No.7967159

>Not even in LA county

Fuck off you IE scum.

>> No.7969068

no ribbons but were gonna hunt them

KLK elite $ cosplay prob

bringing lots of drinks

>> No.7969681
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Just finished this one up, if I can't piggyback on the ALA ribbon list then I'll be ordering it from Marco or Galore later today.

>> No.7971289

I love you too david cho

>> No.7972708


Going to try to rid myself of leftover ribbons form last year. Team Gaim ribbons for anyone who dances for me, "Let's go Gokaiger!" ribbons for answering Super Sentai trivia, and "Wanted Dead or Alive" Zangyak Space Empire ribbons for Kamen Rider/Super Sentai cosplayers. Besides those three I'm also gonna do an X-Men ribbon for shitty out-of-date 90's X-Men trivia because why the fuck not.

As for cosplays, bringing Aguri from GARO: YamiTera, 90's Rogue, Phantom Blood Speedwagon and the fairytale idol outfit version of Maki from LLSIF. Not entirely sure when I'm going to wear all of these.

>> No.7974932

for people handing out trivia ribbons, do you guys just go up to people and ask them questions? or how does that work?

going as ryuko matoi + tf2 genderbends, gonna have A LOT of booze

>> No.7974989
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Sometimes, it seems, if you have a ribbon and give them to a handful of people they'll spread it like wild fire that you have them but will usually say "oh this person cosplaying as so and so has a ribbon go find them!" and if they find you, then usually it's trivia, doing a little action like a dance or a pose, or being in cosplay if you have a series-centric ribbon.

You can go up and ask people if they'd like to win a ribbon too, but mostly it's if people see that ribbon on someone's badge, they'll ask where they got it from. Kind of like a scavenger hunt.

>> No.7975006


If you announce it ahead of time on the con FB group, or on here, or god forbid on your tumblr, you'll usually have people specifically seeking you out for your ribbon. Which can be awkward when they mistake someone else in the same costume for you.

>> No.7975031

okay that makes sense! thanks. its too late to do ribbons this year, but maybe next time, it sounds fun to hand them out

>> No.7975102
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How much booze are you guys bringing?

>> No.7975244
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It doesn't matter, getting crunk either way

>> No.7976286

are most cosplayers in LA just really anti-weed? i want to bring some of mine to ALA for parties, but i have a feeling no one would smoke with me. maybe gulls have a different view?

>> No.7976547

So Chaz posted on the ALA Facebook. Looks like the con's moving to the Ontario convention center.

So looks like Anime Los Angeles is moving all the way out to San Bernardino county.

>> No.7976625

You could find people to smoke with a seagull meetup.

>> No.7976683

Well that sucks.

>> No.7976687

>Anime Los Angeles
>not in Los Angeles

>> No.7976918

Should have either moved to Long Beach or San Fernando Valley, at least they are still in LA County.

>> No.7976926

I remember when Chaz got all snarky that the SoCal picnic was only in LA/OC instead of truly going all over "southern CA". Now ALA's not even in LA county.

>> No.7976939


Not seeing his post on the page?

But if this is true, I'm pretty excited. The Ontario Convention Center looks really nice.

>> No.7976942

At least it's still near an airport
And if you get bored/hungry/2016 sucks/all of the above Ontario Mills is 10 mins away

>> No.7976945

Face book dot com slash groups slash 5090278205

>> No.7976955

>long beach

because people really want to drive up and down crenshaw dressed up like cartoons

SFV, nobody lives there

if you really want to be diplomatic stick a con right in the middle of orange county or riverside county for the san diego fags and the LA-fags

which is the heart of socal

SFV is more the south-most border of central california

>> No.7977099

Is it bad form to cosplay something from an ecchi manga? I want to show up with a shaved head, glasses, and a tshirt that reads "I<3WT".

>> No.7977135
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Huh. On one hand I think Ontario's a closer drive for me, just straight up the 15 to the 10? But on the other hand, what.

I've never been to the Ontario Convention Center but it looks rather nice and as >>7976942 said thankfully it's by an airport for people flying in.

>> No.7977152

jennifer, temecula is only about 40 miles from there

just go straight up the 215

>> No.7977289


>> No.7977292


>> No.7977300
File: 22 KB, 96x96, pusheen18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God no, the 215 is a two-laned nightmare from here to nearly Riverside. From the 15 it's about 45 minutes to the airport VS from here to LAX being about an hour and 20 minutes IF the 91 isn't backed up.

I will miss the hotel party vibe though. I liked ALA for being kind of this cozy cosplay party time and seeing all the mermaid tail users use the pool.

>> No.7977907

I only have money for one con,
would you guys recommend sacanime or ala?
I am leaning towards sacanime cause it has twice the attendance, (10k vs 5k) but size isnt everything
to those that go to both which would you rather attend

>> No.7977917

ALA for the party vibe
SacAnime for the guests

ALA because they don't give a fuck about the parties

>> No.7977932

Sorry unrelated but the tiny pusheen keeps making me smile every time I scroll past it

>> No.7977953

I like SacAnime personally because its bigger and the parties happen no matter what because of my friends that attend. I go to both though so I't doesn't matter to me

>> No.7978245

I don't mind actually, you IE fags need a con anyways.

>> No.7978546

heh, it's not that bad it opens up around perris, or romoland

i used to commute to san bernadino every day for 2 years

i prefer larger cons tbh, at the smaller ones you're kind of forced to interact with people which sucks

that and half the people on /cgl/ - socal are kind of vicious people

>> No.7978814

Sac is definitely more family oriented ie kids, teens, and it's nicknamed "homestuck con" so theres that

ALA is a more mature crowd because it is party con and usually better cosplays

>> No.7978859

What cosplays is everyone planning for ALA?
I'm probably going to be Ririchiyo from Inu x Boku and Shiro from No Game No life.

>> No.7979369
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Shame this con is moving to Ontario. Won't be able to go this year and none of my regular roomies are willing to commute all the way over. RIP

>> No.7979453

A MgRonald's employee

>> No.7979529

a ton of jjba shit because i need this pleb nonsense out of my system

>> No.7979753

Rule 63 of Foxfire Ahri. Currently revamping my tails.

>> No.7980050

I'm going to need a picture of this

>> No.7980131

Does Chaz and the majority of the ALA higher ups live in the IE or something? I can't see any benefit moving Anime "Los Angeles" there. It won't be a fun hotel party con that it's known for since they'll use the convention center instead of halls in a hotel.

RIP Anime Los Angeles. You're just now another small anime con.

>> No.7981204

>want to go to ALA again
>timeslot does not correlate to our schedule
>ask if I can alter my leave dates during standdown to leave later and get back later
>have done before usually okay
>underway cannot do
>no ALA
>go to Christmas party
>captain tells us schedule shifted
>extra leave days fer erryone
>i could go to ALA
Except Delta won't refund my $7000 plane tickets.

>> No.7981240

I'd smoke with you, anon!

>> No.7982089

Most 4chan users are degenerates so you shouldn't have too much of a problem finding someone else to smoke with you, you degenerate.

>> No.7982974

Chaz lives in Yorba Linda

>> No.7983453

So, is this the last year ALA is going to be a hotel party con?

Also in other news, somebody who was in Con Ops went missing then was found dead. Didn't know the guy, but it certainly hit me like a truck. I can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that he's dead; death is awfully whimsical. He also shares the same last name as the head of the con op's person, but I'm too afraid to ask if they're related.

I'm pretty sure multiple members of ALA con ops browse /cgl/, so maybe I'll get an answer here.

>> No.7983455 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder that when posting on 4chan you are giving google the following information;

>Your home address
>Your computer details
>Your phone records/messages(if posting on a phone)
>Allowing them to install software on your computer
>They will give your details to other companies

When giving this to google, m00t aka the cuckinator is allowed to take this information as well.

So have fun letting m00t and the mods know where you live. :^}



Read it all faggots!!!!!!

>> No.7984014

I'd you're trying to smoke, contact Juan De La Meme on Facebook
He's got a room and shit

>> No.7984238

I think this is a farse. I have heard nothing about that lol.

Despite the convention center there will be a lot stationed at the Main Hotel which will keep traffic running between the two and the atmosphere that's been established is to be kept in tact the best we can. There's gonna be a lot of logistics~

There are a few public transit ways to get out there. You may not be out of luck anon.

SFV: Everyone lives there.

>> No.7985710

>if you really want to be diplomatic stick a con right in the middle of orange county

>What is Anime California?

>> No.7985764


Anaheim is like, Socal anime fandoms back yard.

>> No.7985788


I like going to cons and I didn't even know about Anime California. It's right in my area, too.

>> No.7985828

YES! Finally, a con that is close to where I live!!!

>> No.7986705

List of approved panels are up.


Outside of the ask panels, I'm really like their roster, many unique ideas being presented

>> No.7986729

Google "Greg Almodovar". Great job making fun of a dead guy, "lol"! So are you too busy stroking your own ego to give a shit about your fellow staffers?

>> No.7986759
File: 265 KB, 1536x2048, 1529894_10152164224662922_1740476685_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got this off of Greg Almodovar's (RIP) FB page, and he is wearing staff member badge. So yes he was ALA staff in 2014.

>> No.7986844 [DELETED] 

ALA department head of promotion, everyone!

>> No.7986847

ALA department head of promotion Maguma, everyone!

>> No.7986962

did you expect any less? maguma is a known man-child

>> No.7987083

Do any lolitas attend this con? Was thinking about stopping by as I'm close, but I don't really have any cosplay to wear outside of a few maid outfits and a seifuku.

>> No.7987087

Why do we need 4 SnK panels?

>> No.7987118

>making fun of a dead guy
He never made fun of him? All he said was he's never heard of it

Reading comprehension is haaarrrrdddddddddd huh?

>> No.7987126

because whoever approved the panels thinks it's still 2013

>> No.7987428 [DELETED] 


> Implying there's anything wrong with making fun of dead people, anyway.

This is 4chan, are you lost?

>> No.7987430

> Implying there's anything wrong with making fun of dead people

This is 4chan, are you lost?

>> No.7987546

We might be in 4chan but this is /cgl/

>> No.7987718


>because people really want to drive up and down crenshaw dressed up like cartoons

>implying all of Long Beach is one big ghetto

Downtown LBC is pretty tame compared to other parts of LA. The convention center is less than a few blocks away from LBPD headquarters. I doubt security would be much of an issue.

>> No.7987722

>Doesn't know Season 2 will air in Spring 2015.

>> No.7987996

Nah making fun of them is fine

I just can't stand autists like you who can't read and understand a simple sentence

>> No.7987999

yeah! not as many as PMX, but there's a handful of lolitas that show up

>> No.7990298

Not until it was actually posted amongst our staff page did I believe it to be true. Mostly because I hadn't heard of it till anon said something. And I tend to not believe /cgl/ on things that involve real life situations until there's some proof in the pudding. But I've already said my condolences and it's a sad thing to hear :(

>> No.7992356

Less than a month to go

>> No.7992366

Actually they moved it to 2016.


>> No.7995033

Only 130 badges left!!

>> No.7998012
File: 115 KB, 500x351, 1333861961842.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game room head here

I so excite!

>> No.7998255

Gone now fuckers

>> No.7998373
File: 265 KB, 334x393, 1324519094759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People are already bitching


>> No.7998455
File: 967 KB, 245x180, 1417234967482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find Facebook Group Anime Los Angeles Membership Transfer Group
>Those posts

>> No.7998468

QT grils at ALA, pls be my con gf

>> No.7998475
File: 16 KB, 400x320, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why these retards didn't buy their badges in the first place. Now they're in a panic mode to find badges. They had a whole fucking year to buy them!

>> No.7998480

Not to mention the con actively said that space is limited and there would be a cap THEN also mentioned the scarce quantity over and over again

>> No.7998501

Sorry to burst your bubble, ALA is a notorious sausage fest.

>> No.7998525

Life is fun when you're in charge of the social media for a convention. My inbox has not stopped ringing...

>> No.7998580

Are expecting that you'll hook them up or something? Or are they complaining?

Either way goodness people. I get a few people out there wait, but the con was pretty specific about space issues all year round. You'd think also how quickly the rooms booked people would get the hint to plan hotel and ticket together.

>> No.7998628

Some people might be unsure if they were going to be able to go.

p.s. I may (but probably won't) need an extra ticket. If anyone has one and wants to hold on to it just in case, I'll pay you double for it.

>> No.7998718
File: 1.02 MB, 966x2126, 2014-12-16 23.45.59 HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post last years ribbons!

if you were at that one video game panel, i was the guy who won the Super Mario no coin challenge

i absolutely cannot wait for ALA 2015.
Or to carelessly blow $400.
Marriot reservation master race

>> No.7998833

Wait, if you were going to volunteer were you supposed to buy the badge before getting the discount? I waited forever for an email and now preregistration's closed

>> No.7998836

Both. I feel for those who's jobs and schedules require them to make last minute decisions but at the very least you can buy a badge early and if you can't attend you can roll it over to the next year or transfer it to someone who needs it. Better safe than sorry.

Hahaha a kajet xbox achievement, very nice! I need to find my ALA badge for said ribbon chain. It was long... They're all long.

>> No.7998837

If you were planning to volunteer you needed to have your badge purchased already. if you were going to STAFF the con, you need to do your staff registration and make sure you've verified who you are working for before you do said registration.

It sounds that you are supposed to be Staffing the con.

>> No.7998838

Er, I don't think I'm actual staff since I was only at one of the meetings...I guess I was just misinformed.

>> No.7999555

You do not need to attend the staff meetings in order to be considered staff. The meetings have been open to all staffers and guests who would like to see the process, but the people who really need to be there are the Department and Division Heads. I wouldn't worry about your meeting attendance affecting your position as a staffer.

tl;dr - if you're supposed to staff a department, make sure to contact the department head asap and figure out what you need to do.

>> No.7999624 [DELETED] 

Uh, you're probably not even in staff.

The fact that you don't even have a badge now pretty much confirms that you're not staff or an attendee. If you're staffing, you get sent an email that directs you to the staff badge discount. Then after obtaining the staff badge discount, you're sent the ALA postcards and invited to the staff slack and ConOps page.

Maguma is right about not needing to attend staff meetings to be regarded as staff, but if you don't have a badge yet or weren't sent the email, you're pretty much not staffing.

top kek at the FB drama though. All the senior ConOps making drama on the page for no reason. Power trip 2 strong

>> No.7999628

Are you staffing or volunteering?

>> No.7999641
File: 98 KB, 577x1024, B5Fm67xCQAEFgZs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are my ribbons from years past~

>> No.7999651

.hack wallscroll! I like you

>> No.7999660

Thank you~ .hack is my #1 life choice.

>> No.7999687

Volunteering I think

>> No.7999702
File: 160 KB, 1920x561, Screenshot_2014-12-17-14-05-27-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how there blaming ALA for not getting badges when it's their fault for not buying them earlier this year.

>> No.7999713
File: 974 KB, 250x180, tumblr_inline_ng6nk65Pwv1qgl6qf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Restricted policy

How dare a convention sell out of badges that have been available for an entire year and at half the price for almost half a year.

>> No.7999716

Want me to ask if you can still get in as a volunteer? You were supposed to have your badge a long time ago, and the final day to join as a volunteer was weeks ago. If you are volunteering, you get sent an email that directs you to a staff discount badge purchase.

I can still ask; I think they still need more volunteers due to people bailing out in ConOps. Though, since badges are sold out now, it might be impossible.

>> No.7999731
File: 179 KB, 1835x486, SucksToBeHer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a great laugh just reading these posts.
But I do feel bad for her...

>> No.7999733

Hm, isn't ALA a hotel party con anyway?

She could just not go to the pool or any panels. She has a right to be in the hotel due to having a hotel room there. It's not ghosting if she doesn't go into any convention-exclusive areas.

>> No.7999743
File: 1016 KB, 320x240, 1416110180333.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's no such thing faggot.

>> No.7999763

Whew, nevermind! I just found the staff registration page and got my confirmation email

>> No.7999826

HOLY mother of santa claus, based trip trips.

I'm really shy and will be going to this con alone. Should I just bring a sketchbook and sit in a corner while looking at all of the pretty cosplays? I've never been to a con alone before, but I was one of the last, if not the last person to get a ticket, so I can't invite friends.

Sorry to all of the other sausages, but I'm a sausage too.

Wow. Dat wall scroll. 8/8

Ugh, I remember seeing that one. I almost feel like I should sell mine to somebody who "deserves it more" but I've worked really hard this semester, and I want to go and enjoy seeing other human beans for a change ;_;

>> No.7999874

I am going alone too... Friend didn't buy his pass...
Let's both sit in a corner

>> No.7999881
File: 267 KB, 524x354, is it true.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

110% down for that. That's my throwaway email, if you're actually serious...

>> No.7999889

The juxtaposition of these posts with the email address amuses me.

>> No.7999895

Totally bring your sketchbook but don't feel free to sit on the side, there's lots to do and keep you entertained and allow you to socialize~ :)

ALSO WOO DOUBLE TRIPS!! and of course the best kind of wallscroll~

>> No.7999899
File: 109 KB, 1332x982, cyborg bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I first began using it on /adv/ where (when the board was good) would have seriously heart-felt exploratory talks with many people, and they would expand out of the thread and into email. Definitely made a strong positive impact in a few people's lives using it. lol This ain't one of the ones that needed to go into email, but I def liked it. Dude was cool.

>> No.7999903

Thanks for the kind words...I will try walking around when I get the courage together, I just hope I can actually talk to people. My taste in anime is a little sporadic, so I don't know how well I'll be able to talk with other cosplayers/con-goers cause they all seem like pros to me. Anyway, not talking about myself anymore would make this thread a lot better, so that should happen now @v@ thanks again.

polite sage for double post.

>> No.7999907

Did you get my email

>> No.7999917

>All these faggots coming out of nowhere now asking if anyone selling their badge

Fuck off, you had an entire year to purchase one. No sympathy for you stupid fucks.

>> No.7999920
File: 242 KB, 475x300, 1415713114503.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, really you lost yourself a guy who was about to be a Voice Actor.

This guy probably sucks anyways

>> No.7999941

TIL that people use the convention group pages on Facebook to request shoots from cosplay photographers, and now I'm way too late to the party :( Any chance I'd be able to score a shoot with the people on /cgl?

>> No.7999978

There are TONS of amazing photographers in ALA who don't have shoots lined up. Just spot one who is just standing by and ask for a quick 5 minute shoot.

If their photos are great, ask for a longer one if they aren't busy. If they are, friend them on facebook or like their page and ask them again in a future con.

>> No.7999985
File: 493 KB, 509x2220, essperiences.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this guy and why is he so incoherent?
Was he triggered by the people whining about not getting a badge?
Finally, why are they always sonic cosplayers?

>> No.8000011
File: 67 KB, 1221x218, image:5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found another one of his post.

>> No.8000028

Is there any etiquette I should note when asking photographers for shoots? I just started cosplaying and going to cons very recently (PMX) so I don't want to come off as a rude person.

>> No.8000032

Oh man, I know this guy. He's just another one of those socially awkward con-goers that doesn't know how to talk with people IRL, let alone talking online.

>> No.8000035

There really isn't any, just go up to a photographer, ask them if they have some time for a quick shoot. The worst thing they can say is "no" and it is normally because they have a shoot scheduled.

If they say yes, ask for a quick shoot. Do a couple of poses and ask to see some of the photos. If the photos are nice, ask for a longer shoot or ask for a business card and ask them if you can do a longer shoot in (insert future California convention there).

Remember than when people post about creepy photographers or photographers who overcharge, they typically don't talk about the California guys because they know they got lots of competition, so they are on their best behavior (in general). I am friend with a bunch of them and there are some really awesome guys in there. I would name some names, but I don't want them to get too busy that they can't do a shoot with me.

>> No.8000065
File: 6 KB, 240x240, 1416288910732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So...I would still be able to do some things without a badge, right?

>> No.8000084

Only to stand and sit outside of the hotel.

>> No.8000174

Nvm, the deadline was Dec 31st. Top kek. I'll see you at the con, buddy.
You could probably do everything excluding go into panels and the pool area. Which is... just about everything. I suspect most of the staffers won't care too much about badge checking. Well, they're supposed to "escort you out", but they can't do anything more than than that. There are 4000 people at the convention, go get lost in the crowd. Also, most of the people staffing people are really shy and have massive assburgers. Just shove through them; what's the worst that can happen? What are they going to do--call security on you? Chase you down if you run? They aren't allowed to touch you. Come and be a dick to the staff, it'll be great fun seagull.

>> No.8000466

oh he does. i accidentally had the pleasure of suffering through his literal life story and he can't talk for shit, he spits everywhere, and he wants to be a voice actor because he talks a lot

>> No.8000474

Apparently the event manager of the Mariott was emailed and had responded saying they're aware the site and ALA says that the pool is closed off for badge holders, but hotel guests actually will be allowed in.

>> No.8000481

Sweet, one less reason to buy a badge.

Who ghosting here

>> No.8000507
File: 89 KB, 353x282, 1414282070674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current hype level: no chill

>> No.8000584

>No money til after Christmas
>Need to order custom print fabric from Spoonflower

Guess I'm just sewing my costume in like a week, idgaf.

>> No.8000586

Says the shithead who can't even do his own fucking duties.

>> No.8000590

hey fuck you nigger, are you picking a fight?

>> No.8000594

>just about everything
lol no

>> No.8000598

what's your point

>> No.8000608

I do my duties just fine. Better than what you could accomplish, anyway.

>> No.8000615

>no trip


>> No.8000734

Sweet, I don't have to get a badge.

>> No.8000818
File: 466 KB, 199x229, 1296552924967.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me the appeal of this con?
Like it seems like a small con with some decent spots for shoots and nothing to do outside of room parties.

Whats the fucking appeal? Why do so many people crowd this con?

>> No.8000849
File: 10 KB, 183x163, 1256562559729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The convention space is a badge zone, the pool deck is a badge zone. if you're gonna be in t hose areas you need a badge. If you're found without one, you'll be asked to show your badge, pick up your badge or leave the convention area.

Yeah don't do that. You're not gonna have a good time if you get caught.

Do you even know what my job is? lol

Socializing, friendly and comfortable atmosphere, great parties and venue.

>> No.8001183
File: 22 KB, 225x350, zori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think I can pull this off?

>> No.8001497
File: 94 KB, 595x124, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys wanna help me pick which one to print?
I wanted to do both, but I'm not dropping $70 on ribbions (it would be 2x50=70), but I can drop $30 (1x50=30)
The sukusuku is a Touhou related thing, and I made a kigurumi of one and was gunna pass them around Touhou-related things
The Celty one is because I'm remaking my first cosplay (Celty) and it'll be my 5 year anniversary at the first con I ever went to. Was gunna pass them to basically everyone

>> No.8001498

You shoulda named it HakuTaku rather than SukuSuku.... I don't think most people would even know about "SukuSuku Inufuku".

>> No.8001531

where the hell's schedule for the panels?? Convention's less than a month and not even Friday schedule's up?

Nevermind badge being sold out, you ALA people being lazy as fuck is the biggest problem here!

>> No.8001540

The schedule has been out for a little over a month. I'm pretty sure it's on the main website.

If it isn't, then idk. It's my first year and I'm volunteering, so I got the panel schedule a while back. They don't seem to have any good panels; the concerts seem fun but all the panels seem just like filler.

Anybody with previous ALA experience want to tell me which type of panels are good?

Also, volunteers aren't allowed to give out the schedule. I'm not sure how the senior staff are going to handle it. But I'm nearly positive the schedule is out to public

>> No.8001558

wait, you guys got panel schedule when the actual panelists are kept in the dark? Are you kidding me?

>> No.8001593
File: 147 KB, 1920x1080, day 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow. top kek

I think volunteers were supposed to not have the panel schedule either, but they released it on accident on slack. Then my friend copied it and gave it to me.

Here's day 0. I won't be givin' out the other days, though. They probably have their own reasons for not releasing the schedule.

>> No.8001597

they have no excuse when the convention is in 22 days

>> No.8001894

Mostly just the parties and hanging out with people. Trying to shoot there is pretty bad in my opinion, but then I actually like my photos to not have a bunch of people or the same overused locations.

>> No.8001920
File: 7 KB, 179x178, 1290926441334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when come 2016 I can't do a shoot in a underground parking garage

>> No.8001985

>ALA says that the pool is closed off for badge holders

Best news of the day.

>> No.8001989
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1080, 1415169261165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Panels on Day 0

>> No.8002020
File: 259 KB, 640x480, rSDlh96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw friend's gonna be cosplaying Konata in a school swimsuit
>Mfw when she expects me there
>Mfw I didn't buy a ticket because I made a vow that I won't be going to cons unless I cosplay at least one day

Fuck me. Do the check your IDs with the badges like what they did for ALA?

>> No.8002024

meant PMX, sorry

>> No.8002032

With the large number of attendees being there on Day 0 we decided to have some stuff.

:| Good hustle.

>> No.8002043

Is your liver ready?

>> No.8002052

To save everyone some time, the Fanvibe panels are terrible, avoid.

>> No.8002132
File: 99 KB, 500x461, cIRW0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jelly that I can't make it this time round. I better see some of you calibros at Colossalcon!

Pour one out for me

>> No.8002135

Most certainly my man!!

>> No.8002191

Hahahaha most conventions don't put out their schedule until 1-2 weeks ahead of time these days.

>> No.8002213

Sauce please?

>> No.8002216

>Why do so many people crowd this con?

People are still on winter break and ALA is notoriously known to be one huge sausage fest.

>> No.8002303

you probably go to very little cons then. Most cons tell the panelist at least one month before the convention. some cons will tell them 'don't promote until we put up schedule officially', but they still tell you set schedule so the panelist can prepare.

ALA has not done any of that yet. Every panelist friends I know have no idea when their panel will be.

>> No.8002312
File: 33 KB, 356x432, 1416893249450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has never stopped anyone every year

No they never do and never will

>> No.8002321

For those wondering about access to the pool deck without a badge:

I just got off the phone with the manager on duty at the Mariott. Currently they said that hotel guests are allowed within the pool area, however warn that it will be very crowded.

Having said that; He asked me to call back Monday for a concrete answer, as it's possible that ALA may have altered the contract to include exclusive rights to the pool deck, but they won't be able to check until they confirm it with the event manager.

So there you have it, a loose secondary confirmation that you just need to be a hotel guest to get into the pool.

>> No.8002344

Last year I heard someone gave out drinks laced with his semen at one of the first floor room parties

It made me realize how much of a bad idea a party con like this is because someone could fuck with the drinks and no one would know

>> No.8002352

That's why you only drink with seagulls.

>> No.8002359
File: 142 KB, 1920x1080, staffingfor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8002362
File: 149 KB, 1920x1080, AX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8002368 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 960x960, better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8002370

thats if no glass gets in the fucking pool this time

>> No.8002372
File: 165 KB, 1920x1080, wasbetter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8002406
File: 45 KB, 600x564, 1289533802801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw ALA 2015 starts the year of the Titty Sweater meme

>> No.8002416

>KLK cosplayers will still be here
>Titty sweater
>Rise of Kancolle

Lewdest year incoming

>> No.8002425

I can only hope my body is ready.

>> No.8002437

Not enough cosplay is not consent panels. Very disappointed.

>> No.8002441

Mfw at least one person will do a disastrous mix of MeMeMe's wig and armsleeve, the titty sweater, Nonon's speakers and hat, and Shimakaze's bottom

It will be the sluttiest cosplay of all time. All nerds within 100 miles will simultaneously jizz in their pants when she walks into sight.

>> No.8002493

I actually want to see this

>> No.8002497


>im@s: Cinderella girls starts coming out on Day 1 of con
Your body had better be L@dy too.

>> No.8002513

my body is always l@dy

>> No.8002526

Bet that Ops is on a man hunt now.

>> No.8002536

ALA Spec:Ops, Con Team 6.
The hunt for Osama bin Leak.

It's probably more than one guy .

>> No.8002541

they should've took care of schedule finalization sooner then

>> No.8002552

Lol it's being handled. it's quite funny actually.

>> No.8002557

you mean 'should've been handled'

>> No.8002561

You or somebody in this thread betta tell us who it ends up being.

Internal drama best drama.

Also, at least that person didn't post the schedule on reddit, tumblr, or something more crowded. /cgl/ only has like 10 people in this thread tops

>> No.8002563

It's being handled don't worry about it. lol

>> No.8002568
File: 1.63 MB, 295x254, 1413435318686.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these butthurt posts on the ALA Facebook page

That place is full of comedy gold

>> No.8002569
File: 355 KB, 1600x1600, 1418198267040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its quite funny actually

>> No.8002575

I don't see how a schedule leak, especially if this is a preliminary one, is that big of a deal. Integrity of the team however...

>> No.8002585

are we sure it's not maguma's gf posting all these replies under his trip? or is he seriously this childish?

>> No.8002589

>implying it wasn't Maguma who leaked the schedule

I don't think anyone staffing for the con was given the schedule unless they were the head of a department. That's probably how they never had a leak for.... ya' know, the decade plus they've been running the con. Why would you give something you want to keep secret to random 1st time volunteers you've never met before?

>> No.8002604
File: 17 KB, 400x389, Can you Diglett.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to know that myself. And for whatever it's worth, some serious action is gonna be taken once it's all sorted out.

> Integrity of the team however...
This is the actual issue. I personally think that the leak, while bad, isn't that harmful as we're trying to make sure all things fit into the schedule as we plan and intend to. All guests, events, panels, workshops and so forth in the right places to cater to everyone's requests and needs. If that means taking more time running up to the con to get it done, then we'll get it done. If someone thinks they're being clever, foolish, spiteful or otherwise by leaking whatever info they were given, while we're all hard at work fighting tooth and nail to put on the show people expect from us, then they only prove that their best interest is not in the same place as the rest of us and it's a mark against what the con stands for (to a degree.) Come day 0 we will still stand tall and be ready to celebrate our fandoms and our love of cosplay/anime/etc with our friends in a fun, nurturing and caring environment.

tl;dr - The leak happened. We'll just keep working up till the deadline and do our damnedest to make sure that when you guys get here, you're gonna have fun.

My girlfriend's not posting as me. that's a riot. she's got her own trip to use.

>> No.8002669



>> No.8002869

How is it being a sausage fest make it any different than Anime Expo, FanimeCon, Pacific Media Expo, and Anime California?

>> No.8003017
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>> No.8003277

>Oh boy, dramuuuu happening in the ALA thread!
>Go to bed expecting maxed out thread by the time I wake up
>There's nothing

Even the FB "I don't have a badge" bitching was better than this. Shame on you all

>> No.8003303

You're expecting some golden age tier shit from a generation that's lost its way.

>> No.8003365

Tell us about the golden age, Maguma.

Also, who the fuck are you. I googled your name, and all I got was a tall black dude with an orange Mohawk.

>> No.8003386

That's because it's him idiot.

>> No.8003404

I'm only average height but thank you~

Back in the good ol' days of /cgl/ people had an actual sense of humor. Drama and blatant lying ran rampant as floods of adorable asian reposting was everywhere, yet her teeth were torn a sunder within her mouth. People consistently cried self post and unleashed torrents of jealous fatty comments as the dark hoardes of Pixyteri followers tried to take a foothold during the uprising.

BUT THEN A GOLDEN LIGHT SHOWN DOWN UPON THE DARK DISMAL WORLD THAT WAS /CGL/ Moot started hanging out on /cgl/, Ultros entertained all with his horridly beautiful puns, Volpin, Kamui and Jeugo were inspirations to us all, Thread Hijacking, Cosplay Power Hours, Thread rolling, Vocaroos, and tripfag fascination was the second wind that brought /cgl/ wings!!

It was a golden time where everyone did what they wanted but everyone still enjoyed eachother's bullshit and newfag summer was almost a distant nightmare long since forgotten.

Then Hobbes and a ton of other people started posting and derailing all the threads and all the new /cgl/ anons had no creativity or decent drama to bring to the table. Lolitas snuck underneath the guise of unrelated posting and began saturating the boards with their brand and fashion. Clothing took over the lands.

Now it's just a radioactive mish-mash of cosplay and lolita, Homestuck threads that still stand and don't do anything, and below average drama shits.

tl;dr - CGL was cool between mid 2008-2010

>> No.8003592

Can we bring back Power Hours? Those were great.

>> No.8003614

Start up big drama Maguma, you have the power.

>> No.8003649
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Maaan back in the day all I had to do was selfpost. It ain't that easy now, kid.

Power Hours were the fucking best. I'd totally be down to do power hours again!! Fuck.

>> No.8003915

3 weeks left! How are your progress?

>> No.8003936

Good. I deactivated my Facebook account to make the most out of winter intersession. If the retarded hunt for Osama bin Leaken fails, I'll be enjoying ALA free, courtesy of the convention. I'm going to enjoy watching Lee be even more of a dick than usual to first years.

>> No.8003994


I hear it's an achievement to smoke with some one piece tripfag at ALA

>> No.8004163
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ALA is one of the few conventions I love to buy a badge for and actually give them support by paying for my badge. I ghost so many cons that arent worth the money, and never look back.

Its funny that this year is probably the first and only year Ill be forced not to pay for one against my will. I suppose thats what I get for being busy with school and work. Looks like I should probably join the other rabble begging for badges on facebook

Still look forward to ALA badge or not. Im sure Ill be able to snag a badge from a friend temporarily for the things I like to do, they owe me anyways. I got too much cosplay progress not to show it off after months of work.

>> No.8004185

AnhQuan Nguyen.

>> No.8004212

Matthew Lewis

>> No.8004213

Jack Miov

>> No.8004253

In case anyone was wondering, this is AnhQuan Nguyen

>> No.8004260


>> No.8004264

Who is this?

>> No.8004267

Lee Almodovar

>> No.8004431
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>> No.8004579


Make sure the questions for the Gamer ribbon aren't absurdly obscure this year please.

>> No.8004585


My group always hits up bevmo the morning before the con and picks up about 5-6 of the bigger handles of various liquor for day-drinking/pre-gaming/sharing, but we're only 3 guys.

The last couple years we had to visit that shady liquor store a block away to restock satruday since people always follow us back to our room after the bigger parties.

Most of our alcohol comes from bartenders at parties anyways.

>> No.8004743


The leaker, staff were aware

>> No.8005067 [DELETED] 

How did they even find the leaker?

>> No.8005073

>mfw the leaker actually got caught

oh wow

>> No.8005302

What games are happenin'?

Convention Operation LoL or DotA 2 team where?

>> No.8006136


I need another chance at that KLK Ribbon.

You beat me at rock paper scissors all 3 times I saw you ;_;

>> No.8006993

This this this. Power hours were spectacular.

>> No.8007191


We're gonna have a binder full of ~100 questions. You roll a d100 and get answered that question. If you don't know it, come back in 30 min and try again. Questions vary on an easy medium hard scale.


I wish we could get internet in the room. Maybe next year (at the con it would cost a massive amount of money when I asked about it the number that was stated was absurd, around 5k i believe).

As for new games, we will have Wii U's running the new smash, as well as some new games for the PS4 (Little Big Planet 3, Advanced Warfare, and a couple others I can't remember).

Smash tournament is gonna be on saturday at 1pm IIRC

>> No.8007199

Holy crap.... 5k for internet? That's a load of bullshit.

Surprises me, though; how did Touhoucon rent the hotel space, hire people, get internet, 1000+ boxes of pocky, ect when they only sold like.... 500 tickets tops? For 20$ each. It was probably more like 200~ tickets. How did the managers even make a profit?

Sounds like a sweet game room, though. Maybe a karaoke machine would be bomb....suggestion suggestion baby

>> No.8007206


The Karaoke room is right next to us :D (or :/ depends on how you feel about Karaoke lol)

>> No.8007209


Originally we had an idea to set up a webcam and actually livestream the game room. That's where all the internet talks came from.

>> No.8007211

How do conventions make profit in general?

ALA capping its max at 4,000 seems counterproductive. If you're going to cap at 4,000, making the tickets higher priced seems wise.

I mean, if you have like 6000~ people who want to go, but you cap at 4,000... you could probably sell tickets for like 100$. Or get rid of the 30$ early bird completely, and have tickets go from 60$ to 100$.

>> No.8007217


No idea, your questions have now progressed beyond my scope of knowledge.

Any inquiries about the game room I can help with though!

>> No.8007226

>Almost 2015
>drinking the liquid Jew

>> No.8007235

The liquid Jew is soda, m8.

Alcohol is mankind's oldest friend; it is one of the reasons civilizations were created. Do you really think people would have abandoned the leisurely hunter-gatherer life without incentive?

Alcohol is the reason you're sitting here today on a chair manufactured from China, using a computer with parts shipped from all over the planet, communicating to others with the magic of technology. Alcohol is not the liquid Jew; it doesn't plan the downfall of mankind--it's only here to give us progress and joy.

>> No.8007241


>> No.8007243

You poor, deluded fool. Looks like theyve done a number on this one. Goldstien and Shekelsburg are rolling in their graves right now at the thought of people like you who willingly walked into their money grubbing hands.

>> No.8007259

having worked for various conventions before, I can tell you that most conventions don't make profits.

The best scenario for any convention is to break even. Since many small conventions are registered as non-profit organization, making huge profit would land them in trouble with IRS. It's not uncommon for convention to make a minus each year, but with the most minimal loss as possible.

>> No.8007266

Fuckin Jews man, I swear

>> No.8007289

Hmm, I see. I just did like, a quick google search to see some associated costs.

I'd imagine something like Touhoucon probably loss a bit of money. But since it was a small con and they only rented the floor for 2 days, it probably cost them around 2k~ tops. Getting internet, printing their brochures, getting the pocky(free from sponsors?), advertising(mostly online), hotel room+food for staff, getting entertainment/panels, ect.

Considering they probably sold 200-500 tickets @ 20$ a pop, they probably went in the negative or just slightly positive.

What about AX and ALA, though? AX= 55k attendees for 62$ and.... 220$ instant-sold out VIP tickets. ALA= 4000 60$ tickets.

I'd assume AX/ALA pay way more for their space, considering one gets the entire Staple Center and the other... I'm not too sure. AX probably pays a lot for companies, singers, famous VAs, ect to come. I'm not sure about ALA, though.

I'd imagine it'd be difficult for any bigger con to be a non-profit organization. 240k~ in tickets for ALA. And like 3.3 million for AX.

After typing all this out; why the hell do I care.

>> No.8007432

When I get home from vacation I think Power Hours might have some Sunday scheduling at least till ALA if that plays out for others as well. I'm working on cosplays pretty much every sunday at my brother's so that's easiest for me~

Cosplays look like Norman and Ash Crimson for now. Ribbons I'll have a special ribbon upon handing out and the other is a KOF ribbon which you can win by answering questions, trivia or challenging me to fightan games (Win or lose, just step up)

I can tell you, that we spend a good amount of money on MANY many things. But we make enough money to keep the con running and all the money we earn, even if in the green, goes back into the convention for future endeavors, new expenses, etc. As far as I know, we've been in the green and this year is no exception.

>> No.8007435

>sunday scheduling
oh maguma you magnificent monster, thats my one day off work and classes

>> No.8007444

>make megabucks
>roll profits into general fund
>just raise your officer salaries instead and have them be expenses
>even when you have losses it's okay and the officers still get their salaries

>> No.8007462

speaking of AX they had 4.1 mil in revenue in 2013
expenses were 3.8 mil (a little over 400k is marked as salaries and compensation)
that leaves about 300k which is in their running total, of which they are still in the negative (2010 loltanzio still kicking them in the ass)

if they aren't positive after 2014's insane year then nothing can make them positive.

also of curiousness is the discrepencies between 2012 and 2013 as far as expenses/revenue/assets goes. someone goofed on 2012's numbers or on the 2013 numbers goofed on 2012's because they are waaaaaaaay different and if the original 2012 numbers are true AX should be almost even after 2013.

I find the whole thing fascinating. It's like a rollercoaster since Lattanzio came and went.

>> No.8007463

Can we challenge you to a fistfight instead for the ribbon?

Drunken brawling with Maguma!

>> No.8007483
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Won't be doing the ribbon thinger b/c I am but a broke ass cosplayer. Might order from Marco if I can figure out how to work their system since their prices seem okay?

Either way, I will be upholding my tradition of giving out pins to people who recognize me, my cosplay, or are cosplaying from the same thing. These puppies will be for Sunday when I'm Sanetoshi. Making waaaay more, but this is a start. Thought I'd share on here.

>> No.8007506

Can you post a picture of yourself so we can recognize you?

Hey, old buddy ect

>> No.8007539


I'll actually be costesting Sanetoshi for my Christmas special post, so I'll post that on here too, I guess. And I typically update the day of the con on my page for my location so people can find me if they want a pin. I'm ClaptrapCosplay on FB.

>> No.8007562

Do you not have facial hair, or is there some secret to passably hiding your beard under bright lighting that the rest of us don't know about?

>> No.8007566

So we planning a meetup or what?

>> No.8007567

somehow i did not expect you to post on cgl

>> No.8007570

Sweet, see you at the con.

>> No.8007575


I usually lurk and don't actually post. BUT AIGHT SON, WHO IS YOU???

>> No.8007653

That's what I do~

Haaaaaa no.

Meet ups normally end up on Friday nights! I think this one's at 9??

>> No.8007705


So you don't even get to pick a game/topic anymore?

Seems even more unfair :/

>> No.8008053

One thing you're neglecting is that that you're only counting attendee badges. Dealers and Artist pay a premium to sell in the space. Sponsors usually help cut costs buy covering prizes, or equipment for certain areas so that's another area to consider.

>> No.8008166

it's completely random. How is that unfair? It's scrub tier if you just can pick things you automatically know. And it's not like you can't try your luck over and over again

>> No.8008293

all prepped have coupon ready.
get a job 38h hours a week
suddenly its today
coupon expired
tickets are gone
being a wage slave is lovely

>> No.8008663


We've consistently had a problem with us running out of gamer ribbons before Sunday even rolls around. This will hopefully ration them out a little more by adding some difficulty and variety to the questions.

>> No.8009435
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>MFW /cgl/: the con is sold out.

>> No.8009438

Thread is kill, someone with pretty pictures make a new one