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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 21 KB, 480x250, safe_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7973038 No.7973038 [Reply] [Original]

So what do you lot think of Masamune's new stuff and the video from his craptacular lackey chillywilly?

>> No.7973044

watching that made me feel extremely uncomfortable

>> No.7973048

Hahaha that fucking photo. Did baby make a boom boom? It looks like a diaper on the Rei cosplayer. These shoots get funnier and funnier with time as the girls get more awkward and the photogs get sweatier. Also was that girl with the green hair suppose to be sexy beetlejuice?

I love elegant budoir shoots with soft natural light but these 'After Dark' shoots will continue to be shit if the photogs refuse to shoot them properly and the girls refuse to do nice hair, make up and wear good lingerie.

>> No.7973073

I don't know how desperate you have to be to get into this thing. I mean I understand wanting to do erotic shooting but this is like low tier AV.

>> No.7973082

Wow. It's never been clearer that cosplay is a whores hobby

>> No.7973225

this is just sad

>> No.7973242

I just hate how people call anything now remotely sexy, "After Dark". Even shit that isn't cosplay or even photographed at night.

>> No.7973369

This should be a metric unit for desperate.

>> No.7973416

That Panty is quite in character. The rest tho...

>> No.7973441

The rei (?) In the thumbnail looks like she's wearing a diaper

>> No.7973467
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Anon nailed it!!!

>> No.7973544

They get more awkward and cringier every single time.
I'm all for sexy cosplays and all, but
>cheap lingerie
>doesn't even fit the character usually
>shitty artificial light
Not to mention the room looks like a sleazy porno set.

>> No.7973594

It's cold, clinical and degrading and the fact it's Rei only makes the whole thing worse.

>> No.7973614
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Why is she making such a lewd pose like that? Shameful.

>> No.7973676

The horrendous wig quality of all those cosplayers is the biggest turnoff.

>> No.7973722


>> No.7973748


From the right angle (level with the cosplayer from the side) that Rei's pose is fucking sexy. But that's mostly because I appreciate how bendy her back is. Hnnnng if I had that kind of flexibility.

>> No.7974131
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Thought that was a diaper until I watched the video. What the fuck

>> No.7974275

Who's the guy on the left?>>7974131

>> No.7974571
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Norcal cospalyer here. I know these fools.
These guys mainly Tyron and Chilly Willy, do this to raise their egos thinking they get the bitches. All they do is take pics of these whores and get blue balls all day all night cuz I know for a fact after the shoots these girls go fuck the cosplayers they crush on. They also throw these "parties" where they dont invite any decent looking dudes so them and their betamax photog friends can take selfies with the half naked bitches and post it on facebook.

>> No.7974597

One half naked female.
3-4 male "photographers".
yep, looks like a gangbang.

this isn't cosplay. it's nsfw in shitty costumes.

>> No.7974603

I went from
>this is kind of stupid
>I want to touch these women in a 100% homosexual way
so my over-all feeling is "I guess this is fine"

>> No.7974638
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of course it's a gangbang. They get a lot of dumb cosplay whores with daddy issues and pitch in to get that daddy issue poosay. and if the girl doesn't give in, they just get naked and fap together.
-pic very related

>> No.7974646
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this dumb broad was tricked into thinking if she gets trained by the photogs that she'd get cosplay famous.
All she got was ALAids and After Dark Herpes

>> No.7974937

Oh that's me! Kimcaboom. So guys, Glad you guys are at least looking at the project. Imma just leave some water for your guys *places bowl*. You guys seem hella thirsty. Be sure to check out more to come because... we can? If you guys want I can post a full behind the scenes video of everything so you can see how we operate... just like leave something on my Facebook like page or something. I gotta get back to the /gif section

>> No.7974943

That Panty has pox face with caked makeup and a manjaw.

>> No.7974959

mfw I know half of them and their evening antics are kind of annoying

mfw I know her too
she's cool

>> No.7974966

Dude if your seriously from this project you guys need to not take 'after dark' so seriously and think about shooting in natural light and make things more soft and light. Lose the satin sheets too! They dont look sexy they look straight up cheap and are always wrinkled! It way to yellow and artificial and not at all sexy like a proper boudoir shoot should be. I dont care if you wanna do these shoots but the quality really needs to go up. Also recommend that the girls involved take a look at other boudoir shoots so they can get ideas on how to better dress and accessories for these shoots.

>> No.7974980

shame on all those after dark "models" anyone who shoots for this shit is pretty much a five finger discount porn star wannabe.

I mean if I really wanted to fap i'd go fap to jlaw nudes not these less than mediocre free whores with self esteem problems.

>> No.7975004

I remember when I inquired opinions on doing professional boudoir style cosplay shoots a couple years ago, seeing as I do erotic and boudoir photo shotos as part of my real life profession. I know there is a demand for it, I know that they are fun, and I know they can yield fun results. I was met with disdain and very adamant "creep" vibes.

Well here you go, it proves that it's all in the branding. Have some word play and pump out shit results, and here you have "After Dark"

I agree, these style shoots could have potential, but I have yet to see any results beyond some shit photographer trying to hide his manga-boner while shooting.
If you aren't going to use ambient light, at least learn to use your flash/strobes in a non garbage man manner.

>> No.7975011

they just rent a hotel room at conventions. that's why you don't have anything that doesn't look like shit. if they had a static place they could build up over time instead of a traveling roadshow they might actually do something worthwhile.

>> No.7975028


I've used hotel rooms on many occasions. There is no need to build anything up, just be creative with the model and environment and not do.. whatever it is they do.

>> No.7975047

just call it soft porn, sheeesh

>> No.7975052


I wish I could just suggest soft porn shoots with cosplayers. Not a bad idea. Soft porn has full penetration, right?

I'm on it.

>> No.7975055

sorry bro, you're looking for the other kind of soft.

no charmin allowed

>> No.7975063

That black bedsheet ruins it. All wrinkly like a black trashbag. Not inviting at all. Aren't most of these just girls in a wig and lingerie?

>> No.7975069


Yes! That's the thing that is so stupid. It's usually just a wig that is the same color as the underwear. Granted, they are cute girls and stuff, but it's not really a cosplay shoot.
Just commit and do a real boudoir shoot, is how a feel. A wig doesn't change shit.

>> No.7975083

At least the camera quality was nice and they seem to have a basic idea of what they're doing.

I agree they need to fix the tone of the lighting, would benefit from bringing their own sheets, and need to be a bit choosier with who they use

>> No.7975158

Everything about this I dislike. And the main reason, among so many, is that it's associative to the convention that it's filmed at and yet it's a selective little personal fun fest for these guys and contributes nothing to the coverage of the convention that they're at.

I really don't wanna see a vid of this coming from Anime LA this year. :/

>> No.7975166

too bad
it's west coast
it's happening.

>> No.7975216

stuff like this has already been going on. that bondage homestuck thing was going for a while, so i think it's a little too late to worry about being associated with that sort of thing.

>> No.7975246

I used to follow a lot of the cosplay videographers in the scene but got tired of all the After Dark shit. It just seems so attention whore-y and I don't even mean the models. I mean the photographers.

>> No.7975305
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Was waiting for one of these threads to resurface.

Alright, here's some first hand knowledge about the officially AfterDarks with Masa and the rest of the crew. I attended a session at PMX (didn't shoot, just hung out and helped some girls with poses and wanted to get my own opinion since me and Masa are friends) and honestly, rumors gunna rumor. To me, the guys aren't that creepy, there's just alot of them (Ty, Cesar, Kim, Chilly, etc) is alot of people to shoot with in one hotel space (not to mention the people who are stopping by to drink and hang), and there's a lot of equipment all over the place for lighting and recording.
They play music and drinks are available if you want some, but I just brought my own.
The guys are definitely a crew. Seems like they've been best friends forever. I only knew Masa before going in, but the rest of the guys were friendly and didn't give me any creep vibe. Perverted jokes swing here and there, but I think that the atmosphere is about 50/50 on serious and fun, mainly when shooting everyone is quiet or helping the girl and then after everyone starts loosing up.
I think these guys got a bad reputation 1. Some people dislike the photos/videos taken (not in character, overuse of lighting, etc) and 2. Rumor mill here in Cali is pretty fucking bad. People find drama in any little corner of the community that they can, and then it blows up. Dunno how it is in other coms, but yeah.
Overall, if your into those kind of shoots, just be in character, have a good outfit (normally what bugs me about this is the fact that the cosplayers are very much just wigs, props, and lingerie; why not do something canon? and instead of all sexy poses, be in character?), and have fun doing it, if your uncomfortable, say so.

I suppose if anyone has questions, I could attempt an answer from my experience. And just btw, the guys lurk normally, so yeah.

>> No.7975633

>I gotta get back to the /gif section


>> No.7975636
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>> No.7975783

Oh my. Dat video was so good. I had to fap endlessly.

>> No.7975876

Sorry off topic, but deets about the Homestucks?

>> No.7975918

my main problem with them as that i know for a fact that they have shared pictures of nip slips from shoots with each other and other people. it's really, really gross of them.

>> No.7975951

This is why you dont do a boudoir shoot with amateur photographers. This behavior doesnt surprise me at all. Don't be dumb ladies. If you want to do a pin up shoot find a professional in your area and pay the money.

>And just btw, the guys lurk normally, so yeah.
Good. They should read some of the constructive criticism in this thread and not just brush it off as others being 'jelly'. There is some good advice that could elevate their shoots to make them something people want to be apart of and then they can get better quality fap material.

>> No.7975989

Frankly if they stop, that would be fine. They are contributing shit to the cosplay community, photography, cons, anything really. Just their sad spank bank.
But, if they WERE to step up and take the criticism to heart, it would be cool to see some good work.
However, I think I'll just make an attempt to do some none shitty, anti after dark boudoir shoots involving cosplay. So don't or do make changes and listen to anon. Whatever.

>> No.7976027


That's not cool.

My thing is that when I shoot ladies in situations that they are trusting me with, I don't let the photos out there unless they give permission. I just can't feel right about doing that to someone.

>> No.7976057

I heard Blue Shell photo does this. He's east coast though.

>> No.7976304
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That casting couch tho

>> No.7976524

Please tell me they don't do the photo shoot like this.

>> No.7976532


Also, how many fuckers does it take to do a shoot? Maybe that's why the cosplayers look so stiff and dull, I'd be nervous around so many fools running amuck.

>> No.7976535


I did a couple AD shoots a bit ago
I stopped completely because I realized how bad of a rep it gave me even though it never was too bad really
One time during one of my shoots there were like 7 photogs. 4 I knew but 3 were people I wasn't even told were going to be there and I've never met... It was really uncomfortable

>> No.7976591
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Taken from another thread "After Dark proving that no matter how much camera gear you have, your work can still suck."

>> No.7976697
File: 12 KB, 501x504, ShilllaShill.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Im@s picture

>defending these guys

>I wonder who is behind this post

>> No.7976756

> implying idolmaster isn't popular

Shit b8 m8

>> No.7977299


>> No.7977305

no surprise


>> No.7977502

Why are these things always videos? How come after dark shoots are never released as photosets? Like all these videos show pictures being taken but I DONT SEE ANY PICTURES

>> No.7977627


If I were to do this kind of shoot with someone I would want it to be myself and the cosplayer. Maybe a cosplayers friend could be there as well or an assistant.
Would you think that would be better than a bunch of people, in your opinion?

>> No.7977642

As a cosplayer I think I'd prefer that, yeah. Or at least have someone else there that I trust in case the photographers turn out to be creeps.

>> No.7977702

So...I had the misfortune of having to be at one of these AD dark shoots. My gf was invited to do an AD shoot with her friends/group. I tagged along to show support. I found the room to be incredibly distracting and uncomfortable. Why were there 4 other photographers, drunk and inebriated?

I hate, loathe, and despise these AD shoots. I think there are so many things wrong with them on every level. The final results and photos are disappointingly lacking, Masamune's regular con photos are usually better then this. The subject is neither cos nor play, it's just trashy lingerie and a wig. There's no direction in the room, they aren't there to make art, they just want it to serendipitously turn into an orgy.

>> No.7977714

mah waifu
plus it's a fuckin cute outfit.
idol> LL get at me
Aw shit I'm sorry
>> you're uncomfortable
the world has been saved

>> No.7977717

That's really not a good environment for making good photography, especially erotic photography. No wonder it looks shitty.

>> No.7977793
File: 1.03 MB, 260x145, c43ad44d-b6da-40f2-a544-616332d8b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My dick went inward has it ever happened to anybody before?

>> No.7977808

after watching that video..i feel totally uncomfortable...

>> No.7977812

Honestly in my opinion it's up to the cosplayer

the cool thing about having a few photogs is that they get to see each different persons style yknow? But some cosplayers dont like that so like i said its whatever the person feels comfortable with. just ask them

But if its your first time shooting their lingerie def. have them bring a friend. It shows youre understanding about their concerns

>> No.7977878

You sound insecure, did your gf get too friendly with the photogs?

>> No.7977892


The problem with friends and others being around is that it turns into a gigglefest or exacerbates the nervousness.
I find working with models, new or experienced, yield better results when they can focus and get comfortable with themselves.

That may be what is so shitty about the current stat of AD photos.

>> No.7978059

I never drink and shoot. It just isn't professional. I feel it is even worse when shooting something of this subject matter.

>> No.7978198


Hell I can vouch for you that unless it is asshats like Masa, no there is no sex between the subject and the photographer at a boudoir if the photographer is pretty good at what they do.

>> No.7978311

Maybe, but I was the jealous type who didn't want creeps taking pics of his gf, why would I even bother to date a cosplayer? I don't think I echo the wrong sentiments when my gf and her friends also intensely abhor AD and Masamune. Taking into account, how exclusive his photoshoot is, I think it's interesting that there aren't more repeat faces.

I just wanted to give a little insight on what I felt was detrimental. I felt the results and final pictures of AD are really poor even when you have 4 other photographers, who do respectable work in their own right, in the room. They're there to hang out, next to scantily clad girls. In my opinion; they really need to stop thinking with their chauvanistic bragging rights and focus on some direction that they want this to evolve into. Right now, they don't have the hottness of a good budoir shoot. Neither do they have the intimacy that the japanese do with their gravure idols.

>> No.7978357

I don't think you've seen his page. I went through his page and there seem to have a core number of girls he shoots on a regular basis. I know most of the girls he shoots. They come from all over the west coast from Vancouver all the way down to San Diego.

>> No.7978366

I've heard the same story from the cosplayers he shot before. He seems to be a cool person. I messaged him to set up a shoot for ALA but it seems that they are pretty booked for the weekend :(

>> No.7978747

I think he contacted some regulars and their going to be doing a big group or something for ALA.

I'm not sure of other bodior photogs in the area...
I know Paul Stout Photography has done cosplay deviants before and has told me he would offer to do shoots like that, and he's going to ALA

>> No.7978785

because they come out terrible
any photographer worth their salt will not release shit photos

that gif is amazing

>> No.7978922



>> No.7978992
File: 2.07 MB, 426x240, 34f5960d-4367-49d9-8589-5a276ee2f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never learn

>> No.7979085

A chick photog I know often has 5 assistants helping her. I don't get it why so many people are needed. Just like this lot, I suspect they are just there to goof around and say they helped.

>> No.7979514

>Most shoots of this type are in the hotel room
>lighting only really needs to be set up ones and adjusted from time to time

I fail to see why someone would need so many assistants. Like if you had rose pedals or something, sure one or two others to help with that. But a basic shoot like all of these cases have, it is unnecessary and awkward, which shows in the models body language.

>> No.7979682

QUESTION: After Dark sounds stupid, what would a better name be, in your opinion for a non-shitty boudoir style cosplay shoot?

>> No.7979705

This looks and sounds like the worst kind of GWC arrangement that I thought died out on deviantArt 7-8 years ago.

There's no reason to have that many people around for such a simple shoot. These things should NEVER be just the photographer and the subject, either, but more than four people is a joke. Someone for the subject to feel more safe and an experienced assistant, sure. That's four people, tops. These tales of 7 or more people are crazy. There is NO reason to have that many people around unless you're a pro studio running a big studio with multiple models doing multiple looks. The attitude of getting drunk and going to a hotel room to wing it is gross, too. Obviously completely unprofessional.

Honestly there are dozens of profesisonal photographers in every single city in the world, as well as most larger towns. There absolutely will be at least two per city, if not more, who will do lingerie and glamour kinda stuff. A professional shoot doesn't actually cost all that much and it'll be way better and most importantly WAY SAFER. I don't know why cosplayers are so scared of getting professionals involved and instead think it's okay to keep working with these hack yahoos who probably only picked up a camera to try to date rape you.

>> No.7979747

So our video trends went from slow mo steady cam stuff to this?

Wow I thought we could not sink any lower

>> No.7979750


Maybe you should capitalize more words so we think you know what you're talking about.

>These things should NEVER be just the photographer and the subject
You don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.7979791

>Maybe YOU should CAPITALIZE MORE words so WE think YOU know what YOU'RE talking about.
Would have been better.

>> No.7979810

Whenever anyone capitalizes words for emphasis I always read it like they are randomly just yelling mid sentence.

>> No.7979847
File: 64 KB, 1440x960, 10387129_947892358569647_3045653691169456767_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The After Dark pictures come out so terrible and harsh, most of them make the cosplayer look bad. It looks like they don't care about the end product as long as its somewhat sexy. FiveRings does such a better job on these types of shoots imo Masamune should really take note

>> No.7980011

The photo looks really nice
That cosplay though.. Eugh

>> No.7980016

Kidding, but I think just boudoir sounds fine

>> No.7980019

See this is what those After Dark photos should strive for. Even if the costume is shit the lighting in the photo makes the cosplayer look pretty, flattering and not trash.

>> No.7980625

Photographers can call them whatever they want. If it is hentai characters, they can call them hentai shoots, if it is characters in generic lingerie, call them lingerie or boudoir shoots. I don't see a reason to have a special name for a photoshoot unless you are trying to make it like your thing and get known for it.

slow mo steady cam trend is still on going.

Nice picture, not too fond of the costume.

agreed. Regardless of the model or costume, they results should look well.

>> No.7980678

Not to be "pointy knees" but most of these are pretty unappealing and shapeless body wise and wouldn't get any attention without the wig.

>> No.7981260

If you're going to a sexy photoshoot and you're just alone with some guy with a big camera who you're trusting purely because he has a big camera then you are fucking dumb and you deserve the raping.

>> No.7981272

There are ways to vet photographers, you know. I've done sexy shoots alone with photographers after I researched them and talked with other people they'd worked with.

>> No.7981465

Just because someone has seemed safe with ten other people doesn't mean you're safe alone with them. You realise most sexual assaults by photographers are done after they've known the victim for a long time? Like any sexual assault. Most of the time the perp and the victim know and trust each other very well.

You will never ever get a real career professional who will do a shoot like this 1-on-1. Every real pro who makes a living from this will insist on other people being there. It's not worth their reputation to risk it getting out that they do 1-on-1 shoots like that. Some countries even demand a third person for the sake of any releases.

There is every reason to have an extra person there and absolutely no reason to not have a third or fourth person. The pictures won't be worse if there's another person in the room and you're risking a lot by going alone, no matter how safe you think you are.

>> No.7981499

Yeah, except most of the photographers I've shot with are considered professionals. They have brick and mortar photography studios, some have work in magazines, others run their own freelance photography sites. It may be different since I do fetish work and I'm not actually talking specifically about cosplay photography, though one of the photographers did do cosplay photography. The only paid shoot I've done that had other people there just had the makeup artist and then later some women that were shooting after me.

>> No.7981528

That's fuckin weir-
>I do fetish work
Oh well then, yeah. Obviously there are some areas where things are a bit different than your standard fashion or boudoir shoot.

Even still,
>They have brick and mortar photography studios, some have work in magazines, others run their own freelance photography sites.
Doesn't mean much in most areas. Look at Terry Richardson. Sleazy shitbag, takes fuck-awful photos anybody with a P&S could take, for decades accused multiple times of sexually assaulting subjects, co-workers and clients. Several times there has even been hard evidence against him. But he gets off because he's just a big enough of a dick to get published and he can buy & status his way out.

>> No.7981545


Professional here. I do these shoots alone with people who trust me. If you don't trust the person photographing you then why even put yourself in that situation?

You are selling yourself with photography, it would be bad business to do something that could hurt in that manner.

>> No.7981597

Or the makeup.

>> No.7981608

Terry Richardson molests women with other people around, though.

>> No.7981625

I have been to an actual budoir shoot, my girlfriend has done those before too. The difference I felt was not in how many people were present but the actual intent of the photographer. I think there is a fine line between making art/photography and abusing your creative license for your own personal sleazy interest. If, all the photographers present were queued for the set, offering some constructive criticism or gathered together to discuss the potential for better shoots in the future, I would be perfectly okay with this. I would even herald and champion their seriousness for the drive to improve. That wasn't the case at this shoot. Masamune's posse, lack of a better term, were hanging out, drinking and giggling about how they got a girl to put whip cream on her boobs last night. Their lack of austerity is what made me feel uncomfortable. They treat these shoots like a private party and invite girls to be their eye candy and entertainment.

I feel that they treat cosfamous cosplayers differently too, hinging off their success to boost their own and perpetuate a constant net and name recognition to ensnare more "entertainment". I also didn't see any pictures from the set my girlfriend did. It's the cosplayers decision whether they want to be a part of this. I only hope that people will recognize the deplorable quality of these shoots, and stray farrr away from him. I hope that any cosplayer wanting to do this takes a handful of salt and understands that he's a grade-A, premium, Sleeeazebag.

Sorry for necro-posting, g'nite.

>> No.7981631

I'm not sure you know what necro-posting is. This thread was on the front page.

>> No.7981693


I like you.

>> No.7981763
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I dont get it, all of these girls in OPs video are disgusting looking, not even just butter faces just all very ugly, maybe 4/10 if I was nice about it.

>> No.7981779

What don't you get?

>> No.7981794

>cosplay is respectable, honest!

>> No.7981796 [DELETED] 


What actually attractive girl is going to subject herself to >>798162 kind of treatment when she could get fanboys falling all over themselves just showing a bit of cleavage in a selfie?

>> No.7981807


What actually attractive girl is going to subject herself to >>7981625 kind of treatment when she could get fanboys falling all over themselves just showing a bit of cleavage in a selfie?

>> No.7981949
File: 1.49 MB, 290x260, 1384299072906.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more people know how scummy this group is the better. Who would feel comfortable with a group of these guys breathing down their neck for pictures both in person and on facebook. Just to confirm aren't Ty and Casey enlisted? That's a pretty shitty way to represent servicemen, not to sound like /pol/

>> No.7982107

What if you were were approached to do a boudoir/AD/sexy cosplay shoot like these but not garbage. Like, offered a little cash. How would that make you feel?
Being a photographer I am not opposed to being paid for my services, so I pay models sometimes. It'd be the same thing basically but at a con.
and realistically, if you were open with not creepy photographer, what would you want to get paid to do so?

>> No.7982109

one of my friends has. was shocked to see her in a set. it was stupid looking and I thought she was smarter than that.

>> No.7982115

I think most cosplayers at a con would not go for it because they would automatically think you're creepy and solicitating them. Possibly if others approached you (you put up a work ad) it'd go smoother for both parties. You'd be only getting applicants open to that work and you'd be able to talk more/over a longer period of time to get comfortable with each other.

>> No.7982155

I think you make valid suggestions. What would you expect a solid rate to be for the photographer to charge, or the model to expect in your opinion?

>> No.7982238

As somebody who actually does shoots like this for money, I agree with this anon. I'd still be creeped out if I got approached at a con by a stranger asking me about this stuff.

>> No.7982247

I wouldnt mind to do shoots like this as long as they pay me and they are in actually canon outfits.

>> No.7982276

That's good to know. I think it would be fun to do sexier style cosplay shoots, but not shit. Cosplay Deviants is a fun idea, but the cosplay is garbage and when the clothes come off it's just some awkward photos in a wig. AD photos are basically the end results of Cosplay Deviants without the nudity.

Any suggestions you would like to input?

>> No.7982297

honestly? to just not do shoots involving cosplay. at most only do them with characters who the whole sexyness aspect would be applicable to. Characters like Katherine make sense for doing a series of photos about (Omi Gibson is a good example). Akatsuki Tsukasa's Saeko from Highschool of the Dead (if only because what else is HSOTD about but tits, ass, and zombies?) is a good one too.

for the best results there's a fine balance that has to be struck between a character choice and a sensual shoot.

>> No.7982670


That's unsettling

>> No.7982679

if you were ever in service or knew a bunch you'd know there's just as many assholes as there are good folks. kind of like everything else, actually.

>> No.7982734

So after dark means cosplay porn?

>> No.7982740

Soft core pornography with ugly to bangable-but-no cosplayers slapping on a wig and underwear then call it a costume

>> No.7982741

I second this, don't do this stuff at con. Heavily advertise on the con forms and PLEASE post examples of your work to let people know you're legit. I actually think that you should not offer to pay models as that makes you look super desperate as in the cosplay world some guy going "I'll pay you to model" doesn't hold the same weight as in the real modeling world.

Outside of that if you are going to advertise then it would be a list of steps/expectations and what you will be doing and break down the photo shoot process as to let people know what they'll be getting into. You can even take it a step further by putting in a list of "model rights" you can give such as allowing them to bring in a friend, refusing to do certain poses that they are not too comfortable with, approving pictures before you upload of them. Doing these shows that they have a lot of control and that you care about their level of comfort and project quality than getting fap material.

Also maybe revise the inquiry that you're doing boudoir/pin up shoots as opposed to AD. Saying pin up shows that a model has an option to be fully clothed and still get a sexy shoot.

>> No.7982743

Just really tacky pinups.

>> No.7982905


Much appreciated. I'm a trusted photographer in my community and know the value a quality boudoir shoot bring for the model and photographer.

I'll look into this further. I'd post examples of my work here, but I feel like that would be counterproductive and flamed just because it's cgl.

>> No.7983018

As long as you're trusted I don't see an issue, these guys have gone about it the wrong way and it's finally come back around to bite them in the ass.

>> No.7983330

>it would be bad business to do something that could hurt in that manner.
There are lots of guys who don't care about hurting their business. They picked up a camera because they thought it was an easy way to get in womens' pants. To the clueless outsider, the subject who doesn't know how to spot the difference between a professional and a hack pervo shooting on full auto, it's a big risk.

>> No.7983345

Togs have been attacked before for posting their own work here, even when they mean no harm and are good. You know how it is. Just as friends don't post friends, you don't invite trouble by putting your business up on here, either.

>> No.7983346
File: 439 KB, 300x188, 1405094357809.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking as a guy who neither cosplays nor does photography, someone please explain the following to me:

>how is this not just dudes with cameras trying to get laid?
>how is this not a tiny step away from cuckholding one's significant other? (assuming the model in question has a significant other)
>how does this not lower the bar for the cosplay scene in general?

>> No.7983351

>cuckholding one's significant other
How would it be cuckholding? Not like he can't look at the photos too.

>> No.7983356


>To the clueless outsider, the subject who doesn't know how to spot the difference between a professional and a hack pervo shooting on full auto, it's a big risk.

this. especially when the "model" is still in high school and the "photographer" is in his 30's.

>> No.7983369


>> No.7983383


>group of strange men staring at your gf in her underwear
>same men suggesting sexy poses for her to do and talking about her body nonstop
>takes place in a hotel room with alcohol everywhere

actually this is pretty relevant to /cgl/

>> No.7983401

I thought cuckolding was /v/'s thing

>> No.7983410


i think it's in many boards.
>/fit/izen reporting in

>> No.7983425

>>how is this not just dudes with cameras trying to get laid?
It is in many cases. See >>7983330 & >>7983356

The number of people who are in it sincerely are way outnumbered by the creeps and chancers.

>> No.7983538

>there will never be a sexual harassment case against these guys for the things they say to girls

All it takes is a chick wearing a gopro

>> No.7983549

The guys dating these girls usually go into it knowing they're cosplay sluts and whores who thrive on attention so I don't know why they would complain. It's like girls that date alcoholic and cheaters and then complain when they drink too much and flirt with other women.

>> No.7983571

good luck getting a lawyer to take that
there's going to be zero money in it for them unless it's against an organization of some sort which these guys aren't

maybe you can find a sjw cosplay != consent lawyer but lawyer and sjw seem a little mutually exclusive

>> No.7983605


if what >>7981949 said is true about them being enlisted servicemen, there would be money to be made. Bonus points that the guys are based out of California, the state of odd lawsuits.

>> No.7983610

hah-fucking-hah if you think you can sue the military for what a grunt is doing on his own time when on leave. he's not representing the military and you can be damn sure that they are going to have enough lawyers to beat up your lawyers in court.

>> No.7983625
File: 89 KB, 400x254, 24188597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably right, not too familiar with
the legal system. Clarify me if I'm wrong though-
if a case like this happens it would be against
the individual not the organization though;would it not?

>> No.7983634

individual and since individuals, if they aren't rich, don't equal a payoff it's not going to be worth the time for most lawyers. hence the needing of a sjw lawyer who might do it for free to stop the propagation of sex culture at conventions and that cosplay is not consent.

individuals have been hit by cases but they were big name or big money. most times an organization who has money is the target.

>> No.7983636
File: 81 KB, 620x459, Thegangsallhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gotcha, thanks anon. For some reason I was under the impression if servicemen were found guilty of crimes on their leave they could get dishonorably discharged or something along those lines.

>> No.7983659


>After Dark crew confirmed for Anthony Burch


>> No.7983947


That was funny.

>> No.7985620
File: 1.70 MB, 236x244, 1418062777744.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evangelion 4.44: You can (not) change your diaper

>> No.7985751
File: 155 KB, 2048x1367, 10835210_1001922026490273_4371969781778651891_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Characters like Catherine are suitable for this.

>> No.7985760

Kinda thinking this is basically not even cosplay anymore, but whatever.

Do what makes you happy.

>> No.7985851
File: 1.75 MB, 200x200, 1418064621463.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If only these "photographers" could use lightroom properly

>> No.7986250
File: 69 KB, 450x478, Catherine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wig... But agreed characters like Catherine suits to shoots like this since she even sends lingerie/nude snaps to Vincent in game. Too bad I haven't yet seen any good cosplay versions of those.

>> No.7987191

If only he could do photography properly.

>> No.7987343

Honestly Lightroom and Photoshop can't make shitty photos good. They can make good photos great and average photos okay but a bad photo is a bad photo forever.

>> No.7987463


All things said and considering this is /cgl/ why are more people not aware of these guys? If this was in my comm and this kind of thing was going down, it wouldn't be tolerated. Are people in California this spineless?

>> No.7987474

they supposedly have a group chat on facebook where they talk about a lot of the stupid shit they do and they have the girls from these shoots in the chats so I think that most of the girls are just fucking dumb or aren't looking at the chat

>> No.7987502
File: 307 KB, 1000x994, 1418072512088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If there are pictures of the chat and they keep talking shit why don't people post them? That seems like it would change public opinion of this group pretty quickly. It's already been established that they bring nothing positive to the community based on the reactions to their shitty photography as well as their attitudes, doing something along the lines of releasing the pictures would be a public service to the community. I could just be talking out of my ass here though, sorry anon

>> No.7987646

What do you mean it wouldn't be tolerated? They're not doing anything illegal or against the rules. Its in their own hotel room. People can do whatever they want in there as long as its not illegal.

>> No.7987696
File: 34 KB, 450x253, steins_gate_04flv_000902735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>sexual harassment both in and out of the hotel room isn't illegal

/r9k/ sure is out in full force

>> No.7987707

this is California, land of dumb protests, gays, marijuana, and other stupid shit.

letting a woman display her sexuality is probably encouraged.

>> No.7987731


>> No.7987785


They wonder why people dislike them when they do things like this and drag in innocent people. Not to mention this is one of the most annoying things to do on /cgl/. Even if it isn't the guys doing this, it reflects badly on them. ITT calling people out just throws the AD guys under the bus.

>> No.7987817

you're replying to me and I have absolutely no idea what you said
is that a person or?

>> No.7987905
File: 127 KB, 2048x1367, 10712500_968181466530996_749271676034529183_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After Dark is classy
>Photos are Professional
>Photos accurately represent character's personalities
>Photos are edited
>Photos are tasteful

People actually believe this

>> No.7987912

Not even once.

>> No.7987924

I've seen terrible photographers who can't take decent pictures change them into works of art with great photoshop skills. Thought everyone knew this.

>> No.7987931

Great concept, just not for Inori

>> No.7987935


Even if it wasn't Inori, the composition and lighting are still ass, plus the fact the tattoos were left in ruins the picture

>> No.7988020
File: 83 KB, 982x326, 1890655_715819201835222_8272871515851003395_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Congratulations on making yourself looking like a giant asspie and sinking to the level of the rest of the AD group.

>> No.7988126
File: 1.42 MB, 256x255, 1418059274706.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


made me giggle

>> No.7988357


are you stupid? There would be plenty of lawyers anxious to have a suit against military personnel.

>> No.7989000

I hope you are joking.
Lighting bad.
Bad idea.
Underwear doesn't match.
Underwear doesn't suit the character.
Awkward facial expression.
Unsure what is edited except for the logo being placed onto the photo.

>> No.7989129

You might want to read OPs post again.

>> No.7989133

her eyebrows are making me fucking puke

>> No.7989231

You might want to read the tagged post.

>> No.7989490


I feel the same

>> No.7989565

Isn't this Moon Farron?

>> No.7989603


>> No.7989604


>> No.7989911
File: 1.71 MB, 235x240, 1418065205120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I'm using that

>> No.7989937
File: 47 KB, 500x667, 1417087629580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember some dude standing inside the lower floor of whatever hotel ala was at and pulling one of my friends aside who was unfortunately homestuck asking them if they wanted to partake

>> No.7990818
File: 8 KB, 300x168, Takuto_thumbs_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this is the culmination of girls seeking attention and guys seeking easy bangs. It's truly a shame that this is what Cosplay has turned to. As much as I want to point fingers at the people being shot, not worthy of being called models, and the below mediocre photographers enabling them; after seeing that horror I'm better off putting those fingers into my eyes.


Maguma hits the nail on the head once again

>> No.7990845

No one knows or cares what you're talking about, mush.

>> No.7990976

The fact its a erotic photoshoot is not the problem. I think Maguma's issue is in general these After Dark vids are titled in a way that give off an impression that they're featuring the sites and sounds of the con "ALA con video" or something like that then the whole thing is filmed in a hotel room and off con locations. If you're going to have a private fun fest and never even hit the con floor for stuff then don't bother mentioning the con's name.

Least this video says its a private photoshoot so good on them

>> No.7991076

Exactly. "ALA After dark" Just leaves this suggestion that, when the sun goes down and the kids go home, everyone gets horny and risque. And that's not the truth. (some people wanna do those things, and that's what hotels rooms are for.) But they are not an activity, service, event, or otherwise, that is promoted by the con. So seeing videos like this and then related to the event in which their filmed at does no benefit.

>> No.7991375
File: 2.74 MB, 3000x4000, jaqattaq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was one of the photographers who started with them in the beginning and being one of the first unfortunate enough to photoshoot tuna melt chan cuz no else was slutty enough to do these kind of photoshoots. After that horrible experience, I left the group immediately. They will deny the photoshoot with tuna melt chan after realizing how big of a mistake that was. Never again and I don't talk to these guys anymore.

>> No.7991385


bad b8

>> No.7992477

Very bad b8. Proof talks, b8 walks bro.

>> No.7992553


I'd liked to have done a AD shoot with her. She seems open minded and nice and probably spread her asshole. I have always wondered if she used super glue to close up her vag also.

>> No.7992560

For fuck's sake, it's not super glue. She's wearing flesh-colored panties and has crazy cameltoe.
He even posted the fucking high-res original photo so you can see it.

>> No.7992584

no shit lol. i was in 'wtf' mode all the while watching this

>> No.7992668

Panty Anarchy and Fred Flintstone in the same video, so... I'm okay with it.

>> No.7992694

Those girls have some of the worst cases of butterface I've seen in quite a while.

>> No.7992731
File: 729 KB, 267x200, 1418397327154.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I couldn't even make it to Fred Flintstone, how could you finish the cringefest

>> No.7992865


It looks like she's wearing a diaper and that makes me hard as a rock.

>> No.7994786

I'm supposed to shoot with these guys at ALA. After this thread, not sure I want to

>> No.7994795

you had to know what you're getting into, right? at the very least the fact it's a cheesecake photo session?

>> No.7994797


Please don't
as someone who used to shoot with them, don't.
It will harm your reputation (if that's something you care about), and you'll never see any of the pics except for 1 or 2.

There are plenty of other photogs if you'd like to do sexy/lingerie shoots that will actually make you look good.

>> No.7994808

I was going to shoot with them at ALA, but I changed my mind. I was only going to do it for the publicity of it, but honestly, the publicity I'd be getting is not worth the publicity I'd be getting. Terrible idea by all accounts.

The on good person in the team anyway is Masamune. His normal shoots are pretty good, all things considered. Everyone else is second rate af.

>> No.7994816


Indeed, because latching on
and obsessing over every girl
he shoots with and switching
over to a new target once that
girl rebukes him is good, let alone
his photography. It doesn't take
much in the mental department to
look through his personal account
and see girls come in bursts a la
his profile pictures, posts and cover
photos. but for >>7994786
it's your call whether you want someone
to obsess over you and
eventually when you get rid of him
regret everything like >>7994797

>> No.7994873
File: 1009 KB, 353x150, tumblr_ng8h13KqBm1ssv2l9o2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That After Dark video was so cringeworthy. Why can't they do something tasteful and actually erotic like this?

>> No.7994878

What ew that's even worse
Either vendetta or self post

>> No.7994880


just seems like poor taste

>> No.7994882

Self -post desperation

>> No.7994940


what's with the formatting, is this a poem?

>> No.7994945

I think this is better. It's a bit more whimsical and cinematic. OP's video makes me throw up in my mouth. Also, it's not Asia, why are there like 5 photographers inches away from eachother.

>> No.7994948


It's like the iambic pentameter of truth

>> No.7994954


But this goes against this whole thread
Rogue has no reason to be in a little torn up outfit sleeping in the forest like it's fucking Twilight
It makes zero sense
The Catherine pic is better than this

>> No.7994996
File: 122 KB, 600x630, 2844278-shadow_king_confronts_rogue__xx_annual_2001_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's canon.

>> No.7995004


It's not the same outfit tho

>> No.7995021 [DELETED] 

thats her costume from when she was in the savage land with magneto (the wig looks shitty though)

>> No.7995057

who are the others that he shoots with?

>> No.7995796

Actually it is. How people interpret and alter a costume to feel comfortable is up to them. Knowing which cosplayer it is also helps following up on the info to see if it was or wasn't.

If you are gonna spout shit, at least know the shit you are spouting.

>> No.7996129


stupid son of a bitch.

>> No.7999279
File: 2.45 MB, 255x192, 1418503189652.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seeing people not wanna shoot with these guys makes my morning, is this the site of Cosplayers catching onto bullshit?

>> No.7999851

THIS Do the photos look better than the videography? Because the lighting on this shit is AWFUL.

>> No.8000036

I really fucking hope so.

>> No.8001224

These shoots are mostly a gangbang lineup. Everyone ends up with the same pics and these skanks love the attention.

>> No.8001344


>Why can't they do something tasteful and actually erotic like this?

because they don't care about that. they're just trying to get their dicks wet. they literally do no care about producing good photos from these shoots.

>> No.8001833

Why are you a big fat slut

>> No.8001838

>being cucked by asians

Come on

>> No.8001850

Why are you going anywhere without your 1911?

Jesus is this America or not

>> No.8001929

Haha these guys make white bronies look cooler in comparison

>> No.8001946

dat fetal alcohol syndrome face tho

>> No.8002313

And your gf is a e-fame whore, lmaoe.

>> No.8006886

don't let this thread die

>> No.8006971
