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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.02 MB, 974x937, nanabulma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7972663 No.7972663 [Reply] [Original]

Here's a photoshoot I did with Nana Bear as bulma. If you hate, i swear to god not only planet vegeta will be destroyed but as well as uranus

>> No.7972666

She looks like PT with less butterface

>> No.7972668

>less butterface
You know what a butterface is, don't you?

>> No.7972726

she got dem tits

>> No.7972815

Either bad vendetta or clueless photog
You know the hate she already gets JUST for being plus sized right?

>> No.7972832

>1300+ likes
>more likes than any of the basic bitches itt have probably ever gotten on even their most slutty pics

Yes, yes...

>> No.7972847

Most Bulma cosplayers tend to suck anyways, hardly even a handful can do her justice.

>> No.7972849
File: 1.23 MB, 231x161, 1413936996076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus that's one innacurate costume.

>> No.7972852

Which outfit is it supposed to be?

>> No.7972861
File: 421 KB, 640x964, Bulma_bunny_costume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7972869

Wooah, not even close. She made it even skimpier and I don't want to see her "thick" body. (Seems like she'll be the type to claim she's "curvy" as well. Why can't this bitch just admit she's fat?)

>> No.7972873
File: 59 KB, 196x400, Bulma-In-Bunny-Outfit-psd61083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Bulma's bunny suit from dragonball.

Also I'm wondering what is up with the teal underwear? Because it's seriously awkward looking.

>> No.7972892

Why is she even wearing underwear at all if it's going to be teal? I mean, it can't possibly further take away from the inaccuracy of bunny suit.

>> No.7972898

Can we possibly post other horrid Bulmas? Bulma general, kek.

>> No.7972903

I'm wondering why, if she was going to do some kind of "sexy" photo shoot, she's wearing hipster cut underwear. You think she'd have gone with a thong instead. The hipster ones just look awkward as he'll with her bunnysuit. But the whole thing is kind of awkward in general. She could have had a regular style bunnysuit and played up the sex appeal with that instead of trying to do a skimpier version.

>> No.7972927

Confidant people don't go compliment fishing and write essays about how confidant they are.

>> No.7972941

>If you hate, i swear to god
that bait....ahahahahaha

>> No.7972955

I don't care if she's fat. Her bunny suit Bulma is bad. Should have just stuck with the original design instead of this hot mess.

>> No.7972958
File: 101 KB, 351x398, 1405375987865.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet that hole in the center wasn't there until she tried putting it on.

>> No.7973002

Hey, what's up JR?

>> No.7973011
File: 858 KB, 312x130, fuck you gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you assholes hiding on Anon insulting a girl who is confident in her own body to do what she loves... wow. How mature. Bet you feel really cool and super awesome for insulting someone because of their size.

Newsflash...you're all fucking assholes.

Grow the fuck up you shitty cowards.

>> No.7973027

That's a fascinating point, but consider the following.

and you probably are too

>> No.7973031

This is actually logical seeing as there's a fleshtone panel making the "hole" so why would she *purposefully* put it there if it hides her actual skin and isn't in the original design

she didn't. lol

>> No.7973034

And thus the white knighting from fanboys begins.

If you would have bothered to read the replies in the thread, most of them are about how shit tier her costume is, not her size.

>> No.7973036
File: 11 KB, 400x300, chirin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Oh wait that isn't a panel. Wtf?

>> No.7973041

Did you even read the thread? Most of the comments don't say anything about her weight. It's just a bad Bulma cosplay regardless of size. I wouldn't have known what it was supposed to be if "Bulma" wasn't in the filename. The teal underpants are awkward as fuck, and it seems really weird in general to try and make a bunnysuit costume even skimpier than it already is.


>> No.7973045
File: 18 KB, 354x500, Dr.-Rey-Shapewear-Womens-Deep-Plunge-Bodysuit-Black-38C-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a pre-purchased bodysuit/teddy. Not the exact one she's wearing, but pic related is similar.

>> No.7973046
File: 101 KB, 1154x1500, 81nKP3UrQCL._UL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And found a closer one.

>> No.7973050

Lol that's the one in the picture. She is so fat she stretched it out. She is probably wearing the underwear so her vag fat won't show.

>> No.7973056

I was waiting for the moment Nana would get posted on here. She has a ton of potential to be a lulcow. Dumb as a nail and proud.

>> No.7973057

She doesn't look fucking anything like Bulma. Seriously is it that hard to cut a wig? what the hell? fucking cosplay is the biggest bullshit ever, I can't.

>> No.7973058


>> No.7973060

I'd enjoy a paizuri by her

>> No.7973074

Is she wearing pink contacts? Bulma has blue eyes? let's count the things wrong with this costume

>> No.7973090

Hair too long
ears too fluffy
bowtie wrong color
pink eyes and eye shadow for some reason
suit has big hole in it
no wrist cuffs
no tights
no heels

>> No.7973098

Even the ears are wrong. How does this count as cosplay? There are discount costumes at the Halloween store that are nicer and more accurate than this. Wtf those shorts

>> No.7973103

If you read the manga, bulma didn't want to wear this costume at all and was basically forced into it. So she's supporting rape culture. Great.

>> No.7973104

if anyone posted on here with their full name and home address that wouldn't make any difference so shut the fuck up

>> No.7973112

If I had to venture a guess she decided she wanted to post a picture of herself cosplaying on facebook with an accompanying fat-pride message, and threw together a ramshackle outfit and found a character it very vaguely resembled afterwards.

Hell she even listed it as Bulma from DBZ even though the outfit was only from dragon ball. Doubt she knows much or even cares about anime/manga and just wanted to give the fat pride speech and get some compliments in the process.

>> No.7973119

Not sure how serious this post is supposed to be but what I don't get is why she wore the entire outfit.

Like, she put it on because they were the only cloths available, but then why put on the ears and stuff too?

>> No.7973171
File: 8 KB, 286x200, 1411871815814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Needs to assure herself of her desirability by doing slutty photoshoots and costumes and writing snippets about how EVERYONE SHOULD BE ABLU TO COSPLAY ANY1 THEY WANT TO !!!!!
>yeah bye

>> No.7973177

I'm not hating on her because she's a fatty, I'm hating on her because that costume is so inaccurate it seems like she didn't even try. You could really call that a "Hatsune Miku bunny suit" instead of Bulma and nobody could tell the difference.

>> No.7973185

Seriously, at a glance I thought it was some odd bunnysuit version of Morrigan from Darkstalkers.

It's literally vague enough to be any teal haired female character.

>> No.7973187

Doesn't matter. She'll take any and all criticism and claim it's exclusively harassment because she's fat. And every ultra-PC schmuck and thirsty guy will believe and agree with her (or at least pretend to)

>> No.7973546

Why hate on someone at all for such a stupid reason?
How is she hurting you? How childish and sad you must be to hate on someone for such a stupid reason.
Someday you will grow up and someone will really hurt you and then you'll know what hate truly is. Until then keep going on hating random people because their cosplay doesn't live up to your standards.
But really, you people look so sad and pathetic hating on someone because their cosplay isn't perfect. How stupid.

>> No.7973549

Oh it would make a difference. so why don't you shut the fuck up instead?
It would be nice to know who the cowards are that hide behind 4chan so they can feel good about themselves and as they cut someone else down.
She didn't ask for criticisms on her cosplay, she didn't submit it for your review. If you hate it so much go on the page itself and comment about it using your real facebook account. Don't trash her on 4chan like this, which shows a total lack of class.

>> No.7973565

But if you were to pass any of them in real life, you wouldn't know to pin that lack of class on them. Your concern is pointless.

>> No.7973573

Codie, we get get it. You're her fanboy but that's not going to change the fact that we think her costume is a pile of shit.

Agreeing with >>7973112 all the way. She most likely put together the outfit and then googled teal haired characters afterwards.

>> No.7973583
File: 1.30 MB, 250x250, 1404800903216.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7973592

>Her costume is bad she should fix that, as this is a hobby of precision and it looks like she just threw some shit together 3/10.

>Do you know real hurt? No, not like I. Someday you will feel real pain, like when that girl turned me down, that's real pain, grow up. Not sure what this has to do with her shitty cosplay, but real pain blahblahbloop.

What a dipshit. Dude it's just a hobby, not liking it doesn't mean they are filled with consuming and never ending hatred for her, shit. Maybe you need to grow up a little yourself, jeez.

>> No.7973593


Maybe you should get your whiteknighting, attention-whoring ass off 4chan. No one asked you to post her here in the first place. Are we hurting your delicate little ego?

>> No.7973630

Well, looks like the crappy suit was not even suppose to be for Bulma. She has the same suit posted for Poison Ivy on her facebook page.

Nothing to see here but another attention whore using the fact that she's fat to get likes.

>> No.7973642
File: 22 KB, 300x469, princesskraehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7973650

Sauce? Really need this for a cosplay.
Reverse image search wasn't very helpful.

>> No.7973742
File: 234 KB, 1117x675, SJW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7973763

Why not? Bulma thought to go the whole way even though she didn't want to wear it. She was just like that in Dragon ball.

I mean she thought that Goku would give her a dragon ball if she flashed her panties. She was sixteen.

>> No.7973788

just to speak on who she is as a person, she's extremely sweet and has a pretty decent face, but her boyfriend is literally the ugliest person ever. she has some really strong cosplays and other ones that are weak af, like this one.

>> No.7973845
File: 11 KB, 169x133, 1338165113495599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure you're the one taking this a little too seriously.

>> No.7973975

Ok, I don't know who is pretending to be me, but I would never post pictures on this site. 4chan is just a refuge for jerks so they can anonymously trash other people.
If it really is JR I am really sad you would do that...
But whoever it is, you're a jerk.

>> No.7973983

Yeah I did not post this here.

>> No.7973994

I'm pretty sure whoever actually posted this here isn't defending her. He did it because he knew exactly the kind of responses he would get.

>> No.7973999

Why hate on someone who does what she wanted. The person who posted this thread is a douchebag who only has six pack abs, stuffed his underwear because he walked around con's frequently undressed besides a few cosplays. And photo shops all his pictures so he doesn't look as old as he really is. And goes after girls 10-13 years younger than him lying about his age so they don't really know how old he is. JR is a douchebag who only takes pleasure in spreading rumors and posting stuff like this on here to hurt people.

>> No.7974004

I hope the regular anons on this site feel stupid. You were duped. and totally used by the original poster.
He wanted you to trash this poor girl, and you did it for him, while he got to sit back and laugh at what you did. I hope you feel proud of yourselves.

>> No.7974109

Your words are hurtful. Do you not have a clue how much harm they cause?
This is very serious. Its not a joke.

>> No.7974116

duped? it was obvious it was vendetta all along, but it was actually a well deserved vendetta unlike some. that fat bitch needs to learn her place in the world

>> No.7974125
File: 3.49 MB, 1024x768, P7230059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree with this

>> No.7974153

Seconding a sauce on this, please. I've been trying to find a base to start off for my Kraehe cosplay and this is perfect

>> No.7974168


Was just about to ask about that. I have a pancake tutu attached to a leotard already but I'll shove it on that shit if I can find it...

>> No.7974179

It's not like my insult/criticisms are a limited resource. I'll give them out to anybody who asks or deserves them. I hardly feel "duped" out of them.

>> No.7974187


how horrifying

>> No.7974194

anon, i don't think you get it, you used up valuable internet insult points to make fun of this girl's shitty costume. you will run out of insults and when someone mediocre comes along what then?

it's not this girl's fault she's just an attention whore with a shit costume.

>> No.7974198

It's almost a reverse butterface. I bet if she lost 200 she would look super cute.

>> No.7974212
File: 651 KB, 500x422, 1405192198995.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7974226
File: 25 KB, 469x907, 1254148873984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this too. mfw I read it's Bulma

>> No.7974228
File: 855 KB, 1704x2272, edge-thspa-2011-021[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have you know I have tons of class *tips fedora*

>> No.7974411

Sure: http://www.amazon.com/Fashion-Forms-Womens-Plunge-X-Large/dp/B0069KGUAY/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1390322613&sr=8-2&keywords=backless+shapewear

>> No.7974499

lol what is this shit

its so bad i dont even care that shes fat its just a shit 'cosplay'

>> No.7974502

She is a good cosplayer, she should have chosen a more flattering one to her figure.

>> No.7974598

I would actually really like her hair IF she cut it. Most cosplay dye jobs are disasters, this one actually has a chance

>> No.7974599

Oh man, I know this is a joke image but the author must have spent an incredible amount of time on tumblr to create it. I really feel for them.

>> No.7974604

>Someday you will grow up and someone will really hurt you and then you'll know what hate truly is

Calm down there xxDarkSoul_666xx

>> No.7974965

Is her aureole slippin out?

>> No.7975013

Basically you were used.
You played the part you were supposed to like a mindless puppet.
Congratulations on being so predictable.
I'm sure someone could write an app that just responds in the same way. Post a picture of an overweight cosplayer and the insults can be auto-generated. Then you will have lost your usefulness and go kill yourself.
Only please do it where the mess won't matter, like in some remote location...that way the buzzards can eat.

>> No.7975020

Calm down, fattychan. As if telling someone to go kill themselves makes you any better, talk about being a piece of shit.

>> No.7975025
File: 163 KB, 1920x1080, 1381619389737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you're fat too lol

>> No.7975029

I'd destroy heranus if you know what I mean.

>> No.7975033

For some odd reason, I'm starting to like you white knight anon. Lets be friends. You'll have to dump the fat, inaccurate Bulma cosplayer though.

>> No.7975095
File: 13 KB, 251x251, 1332539633399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread, holy shit.

Guys we were duped! Used! Wasted a whole 1 minute it takes to post out opinion about this girl. We better re-think our whole situation on this board.

That Bulma cosplay is horrible, like others ahve said she probably didn't even plan to do this cosplay and just threw shit she had together and called it what she wanted. If she didn't say what it was no one would have even known what it was. Plain and simple, it's bad and she just wanted to attention whore.

>> No.7976145
File: 106 KB, 629x960, 10687200_727352033986513_6943841662517479357_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this on her page,
she's wearing a corsette underneath the shirt to look a lil more slim.
still fat tho

>> No.7976167


May you be blessed, anon

>> No.7976172

>not looking for approval
>dresses in fishnets and makes bedroom eyes at the camera
>totally not looking for approval

>> No.7976175

>I'm doing just fine without your approval
Then why address the disapproval?

>> No.7976213
File: 241 KB, 500x375, 1398117678043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus titty fucking Christ, this chick is trying so hard to become Ivy DoomKitty (Nana DOOMdrops... Really?), it's gross.

We don't need two sacks of flab and bad makeup stinking up the joint, let alone one.

>> No.7976218
File: 166 KB, 590x381, ys_me03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, I think she was trying to be that flavor-of-the-minute ME!ME!ME! chick and realized she's too tubby and went 'Well, Bulma is well known! Fuck the haters! Boy, all this inaccuracy is making me hungry...'

>> No.7976270

Watch out everyone, we have an intellectual over here. Probably just passed their eng comp 101 final and everything.

Also, OP girl is waaay past overweight. Clearly obese.

>> No.7976720


>I am fat and happy
>Pulls down shirt in desperate attempt to hide expanding Captain Kirk gut.

>> No.7976726

>Puts some weird cover over her belly
Congrats, not regular people AND chubby chasers hate you.

>> No.7976792

Okay so parts of her attitude are... meh, but she is really fucking cute for a bigger girl.

>> No.7976800
File: 16 KB, 500x304, meghan-trainor-releases-colorful-lip-filled-for-lips-are-movin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of the cosplayers under the #fat tags woul be pretty hot, if they didn't adopt the bitch attitude that fat tumblr users get when they get all SJW

then again i have shit taste, i'd fuck the living hell out of meghan trainor after i saw how good she looked in that lips are moving video

>> No.7976811

that might explain the hair and eyes

>> No.7977051
File: 539 KB, 974x937, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's this? what's this?
there's bullshit everywhere
what's this? not even the right hair

>> No.7978064
File: 64 KB, 960x960, nanadoomdrops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw her poison ivy. IRL. i puked all my mcdonalds

>> No.7978088

Does she just use that for everything? Why??

>> No.7978123
File: 82 KB, 600x900, hotgluedfleecemooseknuckle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've come to the conclusion that Nana is a butterbody. She's got good face and tatas, that's for sure. But she's still fat and very obviously insecure. If she could drop the jelly h8rs attitude and work on her cosplay skills, she could probably get really popular.

It's really funny that nobody mentioned she was the Velma to that trashy underaged Daphne/Roger Rabbit bunnygirl. It makes sense that they're BFFs.They also cosplayed Starfire and genderbent Beastboy together.

>> No.7978130

>that fabric choice

Why. Also, I didn't even notice that she was the Velma for drunk comic con girl. Wonder if she's still going around saying she was raped when she just scaled a fence like a drunken idiot.

>> No.7978150

How, she never wven wore it at a con...

>> No.7978151
File: 51 KB, 539x960, shittytittysluttybuddies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her and Milly being generally kind of gross.

>> No.7979610

is that a dude?

>> No.7980151

>dem big old biddies and snigglt tummeh
>H-high test alfalfa male breh

>> No.7980182

>Wonder if she's still going around saying she was raped when she just scaled a fence like a drunken idiot.
Probably. Her mother was still stumping that the police are lying just a month or so ago

>> No.7980696

>some of the cosplayers under the #fat tags woul be pretty hot, if they didn't adopt the bitch attitude that fat tumblr users get when they get all SJW
If only. There's a huge difference between confidence and going apeshit with fat superiority to all others

>> No.7983124
File: 2.75 MB, 3000x4000, scene haircuts for girls with long hair ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you dying of hunger and the poos was the only thing in the menu, if u had to choose, which poosay u had to eat. nana bear or tunamelt chan?

>> No.7984204
File: 35 KB, 720x960, 10407783_767277886660594_5049325398884452083_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready for more?

>> No.7986116

Same thing happened in the anime.

You know why.

>> No.7986126

Yeah, what's happening there? Did someone photoshop a completely round gut on her, or is she pregnant, or what? There's no fat roll over it, like a real gut, either. Did she put on one of those pregnant lady Halloween costumes to try and get SJW likes? I'm so confused help

>> No.7986182

Actually, Velma and Daphne aren't the worst choices for them--try non-shitty wigs, better shoes and a pleated(and longer skirt). Redoing this cosplay it would be cute

>> No.7986182,1 [INTERNAL] 

this cunt's body looks like a trash bag

>> No.7986182,2 [INTERNAL] 
