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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 181 KB, 640x960, Jacqueline-Goehner-Witchblade-LVCE-02-Lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7958953 No.7958953 [Reply] [Original]

Many conventions have "underwear is not a costume" rules. Because this was made to actually resemble a character, but is skimpier than underwear, does it make it ok?

>> No.7958964

It's not underwear.
It is a costume.

Therefore, it does not fall afoul of the "underwear is not a costume" rule.

>> No.7958969

I think it would depend on how fat you are.

>> No.7958978

I've seen girls wear shit that extreme and worse, so yeah, it's fine.

>> No.7958982 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 863x1300, ld6426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I don't do nudes"


>> No.7959002

Probably not. Some conventions have the "underwear is not a costume" rule, which this is a costume, but they may also have rules about costumes where you have to have the same coverage as a bathing suit.. which this doesn't meet.

>> No.7959017

Each con is different and if you are worried you should just contact them ahead of time about any outfit you think might be against their rules.

>> No.7959033

Don't forget venue rules, too.

You can be in a perfectly fine costume and not get into the con because the front door rent-a-cop the convention center hires is jelly of how good you look.

>> No.7959036

Jesus Christ she's been wearing that same costume for 4 fucking years now! It must stink!

>> No.7959042

You can bet it gets plenty of air.

>> No.7959047

Why are you guys taking this "underwear is not a costume" rule literally? It's meant more to mean the coverage not the actual items.

>> No.7959065

Because they want to run around naked.

>> No.7959066

Can we have Nakey-con plz?

>> No.7959069

Just make an 18+ con

>> No.7959088

Even The Geeky Kink Event only allows toplessness outside of dungeons :(

>> No.7959098

depends on the con, like Dragoncon for instance, because they have almost no boundaries

>> No.7959157

oh look! this thread again.

>> No.7959174
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>> No.7959251

How long is she going to ride that one costume? It's so fucking old now, just stop. Then again, she literally went for the skimpiest thing she could find for attention so all she has left is to go nude to impress anyone....oh wait, she's already showed everyone everything. She's got nothing left.

>> No.7959420

Is she the frumpy overweight office woman that dieted for a week in this analogy?

>> No.7959586

lol she wrote that? her body is not even that nice

>> No.7959642

If you hadn't noticed if you're naked, there's a fetish for it. Welcome to 2014 where cosplayers everywhere are only seen as cam whores and strippers. No straight man is going to turn down free "fan service" from a semi-nude milf looking woman.

>> No.7959659

Yeah. Sorry ladies, I don't care you're half her age, she's sexier than JNig.

>> No.7960078
File: 73 KB, 960x544, IMG_79476086523920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7960340

Oh wow, I actually love this. I just wish the keyhole didn't look so flat/fake. She should have painted it black.

>> No.7960386

>not even that nice

Except it is. Notm any people have a body that nice. Sure it's not quite 10/10 nice, but I'd sure as hell give her an 8 or 9 out of 10 any day.

>> No.7960397

lelno. She has like a 7/10 body. She's chubby and is just lucky that it rounds itself out instead of creating flabs. She has fat arms and probably jiggles a lot when she walks. Her major selling point are her tits.

>> No.7960402

pooper pain alert!

>> No.7960416

That is not the rule at many cons. Most conventions also enforce state nudity laws or have their own stricter rules. This wouldn't fly at most cons but you wouldn't have any trouble some place like dragoncon.

>> No.7960755

How can her boobs be so big and stay up so nicely without any support?

>> No.7960757
File: 343 KB, 640x480, 1286590046020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when security tells some fat sea cow to change and she spergs out

>> No.7960758

>wears less than someone on a beach
>complains about stares

Sure, she can walk around like this but don't complain when people are staring at you. It's obvious you did this for the attention so don't complain when you get noticed

>> No.7960760

Her arm is more covered up than her genitals.

>> No.7960761

your bitter is showing

>> No.7960767

It's called not being a fatass.

I swear, why don't girls understand that they have pectorals too.

>> No.7960802

>implying only fat chicks have saggy boobs
>implying the girl on the photo is superfit and superslim
>implying skin stretchiness has nothing to do with it

>> No.7960807

>it's obvious you did this for the attention so don't complain when you get noticed

she only wants attention from exceptionally attractive men and women and/or movie stars in the vicinity or anybody with any power what-so-ever in the entertainment/modeling industry that can secure her with a paid position.

she doesn't want ugly men looking at her....the vast majority of men are...

hence if you're ugly just ignore people like her exist.

shit im ugly, if someone like her does something for attention, i give them the "you're fucking stupid look" then go back to playing clash of clans

>> No.7960809


I'm chubby and by boobs stay up pretty well if my posture is correct.
Any pair of boobs look saggy if you're not watching your posture, but as >>7960802
said, it also has to do with your skin.

I guess I'm lucki, my mom used to be the same before she had me...

>having children rins your body

>> No.7960843

Is that from Robin Hood men in tights?

>> No.7960887
File: 146 KB, 1284x1922, 437589-cosplay-jessica-nigri-pikachu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really not. Yeah it's nice, but not nice enough to be a dickasaur about it like she was
>omg you fatties my body is purrfect

Now JNig before the idiot implants has a body where she can talk like that

>> No.7960900

I wonder if the woman in OP had kids?

Seems a shame not to pass on such great genes.

>> No.7960910

Another costume where's she's pretty much naked. She should just honestly go back to webcamming instead of walking around practically naked and then throwing herself at ever guy she can at conventions.

>> No.7960920

If you're concerned that your costume may fall afoul of convention rules, contact the convention ahead of time

>> No.7960932

If her ass jiggles, I'm in, jiggly bums are hot

There's a difference between stares and creepy stares though, I'd have guys wriggle their tongues at me in like that creepy old man at the end of that movie Teeth when I'm just heading to the supermarket in sweat pants and a hoodie

>> No.7960935

Is that Nigri in that photo? What's up with the face she's pulling?

>> No.7960937

Why is it a shame?

It's not like there isn't 7 billion people on the planet already

Take it from someone who has kids, kids are overrated

>> No.7961098

>There's a difference between stares and creepy stares though
That's certainly true but I think the situation is more like >>7960807

>> No.7961099

Also the way she talks about it in >>7959174
She sounds so full of herself and the fat women comment really wasn't necessairy

>> No.7961104

I agree, I definitely think it's funny since she's skinnyfat at best. Anyone without a totally fucked up face and a not entirely dumpy body would look as good as she does.

>> No.7961122


>> No.7961129

She has boob implants.

>> No.7961217

Sure, she has a nice body, but not nearly nice enough for that kind of costume.

>> No.7961274

>"Except it is"
>Chubby, fake tits, FUCKING UGLY face
Wow man, your standards are sooooooooooo low. She is only considered 'hot' because she shows a lot of skin in a place surrounded by betas. Nothing else, nothing more.

>> No.7961764

More sexy people for my descendants to breed with.

(And I guess more hot people to perv on when we're old.)

>> No.7961778

What's up?

Really bad pun that I had to make, deal with it.

>> No.7961787

I think her make up is shit and her hair is fried, but honestly, she'd be attractive if her personality wasn't complete shit.
Her body is well proportioned, could use a little more abdominal definition, but cute.

>> No.7962081

I hate to break it to you guys but this screenshot was taken out of context. If you see the whole thing she says she liked the attention, she's not complaining about being creeped on at all

>> No.7962085

What the fuck is up with cgl and calling girls hair fried? Her hair looks fine, it's just normal hair.

>> No.7962115


this is the problem, it shouldn't really matter.

>> No.7962117


Surprised nobody mentioned the fact that the original Witchblade design isn't that skimpy.

>> No.7962132
File: 146 KB, 400x773, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right
>she managed to sluttify an already skimpy costume

>> No.7962533

>dat face

For once, 3D is superior.

>> No.7962536

tumblr plz go

>> No.7962579

See, if I actually saw a GOOD Witchblade cosplay, one where the costume was accurate and the person (or whoever she commissioned to make it) did a good job with the Giger-esque bits and not the "muh hot glue gun" mess in OP AND had a nice wig to go along with it instead of that disgusting flat sorority pledge four days into rush hair then I wouldn't mind how skimpy it is. I actually think it'd look good with a really humongous Miku-tier wig to contrast all the bare flesh and the business of the armor.

I actually think it could be a really wonderful and impressive costume. I'd love to see some of the 4'11" 70 lbs waifs who usually go for Nui-type costumes do more shit like this.

>got myself excited planning out a costume I would never wear because i'm a malnourished 5'6" dyke

>> No.7962583

How fat are you to bother making a gif of this? It's also a fake cherry picked edit to begin with...

>> No.7962592

At AWA a few months ago, a lot of drama went down bc a girl cosplayed a Victoria's Secret angel and handmade the wings and everything, but she's not allowed to wear it next year because it's literally underwear whereas all the super skimpy KLK nudist beach ones are A-okay because they're actually an anime costume. This rule can definitely be taken literally at some cons. Pic related.

>> No.7962593
File: 75 KB, 720x960, 1412300016889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaaand I forgot the pic, fuck.

>> No.7962614

>geeky kink con
>cosplay camgirls
>cosplay deviants

And you wonder why we think you're whores

>> No.7962625

But that isn't "cosplay", it's wearing a shitty pair of underwear

>> No.7962633

the KLK costumes are accurate to a design from the show (or they try to be accurate to the show) the VS angel chick is literally in underwear, heels, and a pair of wings that aren't even constructed that well

>> No.7962646

Let's talk about the upcoming ME!ME!ME! cosplays at cons, shall we?

>> No.7962680

I wasn't defending it at all, just pointing out that this is a case where "underwear is not a costume" is being taken quite literally.

>> No.7962689

and an awesome pair of wings.

It's accurate for the character.

>> No.7962703

what character
VS "angels" are whores in cutesy underwear, not TV show or game characters. It'd be like "cosplaying" a living person, it's not cosplay.

>> No.7962711

>a pair of wings that aren't even constructed that well
I hate those piss-poor wings every time I see them.

>> No.7962802

Eh what? are you sure you replied to the right post?

>> No.7962805

If >>7958953 is allowed, so should >>7962593
It's a costume of a VS angel, it doesn't matter how good or bad it is or if she made it herself or not. People wear closet cosplays or cosplay real people all the time and no one's bothered by that. Also, how about all those sexy no jutsu cosplays or skimped up version of characters wich are usually just underwear too?

>> No.7962818


Is it the same chick who was walking around with a card with her twitter or something on it? I only heard of one shitty VS coser with shitty wings, and almost all of the drama centered around her doing it only as a publicity stunt to get noticed as a model.

Now, I get that cosplayers also do dumb stuff for attention or publicity, but in this case, the VS "cosplay" outs her as not being a nerd, or a comic fan or anime fan, in fact, she doesn't belong in an anime con. I can see how con management might have gotten annoyed at that, and simply picked a rule to kick her out with.

I mean, if she really wants to walk around in her underwear, she's free to come back cosplaying KLK or Witchblade. I'd really rather our cons not get hijacked because some fratgirls or boys think they can get free publicity because beta nerds or whatever.

>> No.7962855

But people do cosplay famous people, like Stan Lee or Richard Hawkins?
VS angel is shit though

>> No.7962859

I'm sorry, I get really uncomfortable when I see cosplays that are extremely skimpy like the one OP posted. Better yet the people who do these kinds of costumes *all the time* complain how BOO HOO EVERYONE'S STARING AT ME AND ONLY CONCENTRATING ON MY BOOBS AND ASS INSTEAD OF THE COSTUME well your costume practically is nothing BUT the t&a.

Nevertheless they also constantly talk about their tits and ass themselves. I'm so sick of people like this.

>> No.7962885

I read somewhere that she doesn't even buy a ticket to the con, she just hangs around in the hotel lobby.

I also get uncomfortable around people who are practically naked regardless of how nice their body is. I wouldn't complain about this at a beach or a pool, but it's a goddamn nerd convention put some fucking clothes on. I hate the costume designers for designing this shit, too. Running around in your underwear in public isn't socially acceptable and it shouldn't be.

>> No.7964186

>but in this case, the VS "cosplay" outs her as not being a nerd, or a comic fan or anime fan, in fact, she doesn't belong in an anime con
I did not think of it this way but you're right

>> No.7964190

yeah i feel like if i was going to wear a costume that skimpy i'd be prepared for people to stare.

>> No.7964359

>Chick goes to cons for a few years
>known for hitting up raves
>did a very similar VS cosplay a year before with no problems
>does it in 2014 and the whole world has a problem.

>> No.7964365

she doesn't have the body to pull it off, imo

>> No.7966624
File: 246 KB, 396x750, tumblr_m7yqljtydX1qk3xwto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But people cosplay Jesus, Cher, Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, whatever. And people eat it up, they think it's hilarious. People also wear that stupid "Free Hugs" sign which works not even as cosplay.

>> No.7966708

That girl actually has implants.

>> No.7967612

I hate this woman

>> No.7967624
File: 148 KB, 525x690, Meghan-Trainor-The-Ellen-Show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs more bass to look hot imo

>> No.7967669

A vs cosplay isn't in any way hilarious. Jesus and Elvis are way more iconic than Angels.

>> No.7971896
File: 58 KB, 263x218, terriblemistake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy hell on a pogo-stick, I thought she was stunning as Zelda in the Smosh rap video but now I'm just grossed out.

>> No.7971923
File: 29 KB, 500x362, tumblr_inline_ne33d1WT3R1r0tofk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-it's her?

>> No.7971930

If convention rules say it's okay, it's okay.
If convention rules say it's not okay, it's not okay.
Have some sense of social decency/awareness/manners, no matter what you are wearing or where you are.

>> No.7971932

Does anyone else just really dislike Meghan Trainor?

>> No.7971960

>girl talking about fat pride still uses Facebook angles to hide fat
She's not even that fat but I hate her message.

>> No.7971999

This isnt cosplay.

>> No.7972000

I know I'm probably gonna get called jelly or something for this but wow I never realized how terrible that costume is
it is literally just a bra, belt, and a sex shop skirt
and the ears oh man

>> No.7972063
File: 979 KB, 400x316, 1385733518342.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, It says Jackie Goener in the credits of the rap video. Sorry for ruining it for you.

>> No.7972123

Those wings are horrible, don't kid yourself. It's like she never saw a bird in her life.

>> No.7972126

Yeah and neckbeards still think of her as teh best cosplayer evarz.

>> No.7972338

>fat pride

WTF is there to be proud of? Lack of self-control? Lack of physical activity?

>> No.7972353

She wore this shit the year before and not a peep about her online. What has changed in just a year that has everyone panties in a bunch.

>> No.7972360
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I was looking at Molly Shannon.

>> No.7972372

How many times we gotta have this same thread, yall

>> No.7972446
File: 980 KB, 480x271, 1414172460642.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it's ruined forever thanks alot

>> No.7972464

Would be snu-snued

>> No.7972471

I mean to be fair Jesus is an anime character now.

>> No.7973762

Looking tubby

>> No.7973884

why being naked is still disgusting in 2014 is beyond me tbh

>> No.7973919

yeah screw self-respect and modesty! Let's all fuck, shit and piss in public because it's aaaaalll natural!
Jaysus you people disgust me

>> No.7973922

It's a good thing, many congoers could use a little Jesus in their life

>> No.7973926

Free wine for everybody, its on Jesus!

>> No.7974320


pure win. love it.

<3 robin hood: men in tights.

>> No.7974329

also, sauce please

>> No.7978090

She did "cosplay" Asuka in the yellow sundress as well, though it was really shitty. I don't know her name so I'm not able to find a pic.

Honestly I think underwear costumes are fine, but I don't think non-anime costumes should be allowed at anime conventions because I'm an asshole weeb.

>> No.7978090,1 [INTERNAL] 

what is that from?