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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 127 KB, 400x299, DwD5P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7969419 No.7969419 [Reply] [Original]

Old one on autosage.

Share your feels seagulls!
And maybe let's try to keep it lolita/cosplay related this time!
>as if haha...

>> No.7969500
File: 32 KB, 300x544, 1412791100816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/ related:
>got Biscuits & Chocolates sleeveless OP
>can't wear it now due to shite weather
>ordered new sunscreen in the mail, it's amazing but spent it all in a flash and now I have to order it again

not very /cgl/ related:
>always sound like a brain-dead eejit
>born in predominantly English-speaking country
>mother tongue is not English, but started learning English at around 5 years of age and became fluent around 12-13 thanks to lessons in school (we had a separate English teacher, our lessons were conducted in my mother tongue)
>don't sound very ESL anymore, have a slight accent but it's unnoticeable unless you really pay attention to it
>passed English tests with flying colours and have flawless understanding of the language
>but I feel that I sound like a Polish construction worker, vocabulary level around the same as that of a 14yo and use very basic words
>all my friends are so eloquent, even non-Anglo students in my uni/college are more well-spoken
>being bilingual isn't of any use since the language was pretty much killed off and sometimes you have to use English for certain topics anyway
>literally only thing it's good for are elaborate curse words
>everything in uni revolves around using business slang and sometimes I have to try really hard to understand what the text/teacher is saying
>often I just unwillingly switch off and my eyes glaze over while I stare at the text without registering a single word
>I'm scared someone will call my bluff when I use a word I don't understand or talk about a topic I don't know anything about
>mfw we're strongly encouraged to take up a foreign language
>mfw I'm fucked

>> No.7969542

I feel you anon, I had a similiar problem.

>be me, born in Germany with just immigrated russian family (or rather german family that lived in Russia and came back after some generations)
>grow up bilingual, but family encourages me to speak german so I won't have trouble at school
>mainly speak german, but understand russian very good
>consider myself german, deny russian heritage as I think I have to 'choose one over the other'
>family regrets not forcing the russian language earlier
>get mad at people thinking I'm polish or russian just because of pale skin, they try to find an accent
>get bf 3 years ago, german with full german heritage
>bf and family mock me over some weird word choices or unusual word order (f.e. I sometimes forget the 'easier' word for something, I once said something like "Should I elaborate this?" instead of "explain" over a simple matter, making me sound like an intellectual holier-than-you snob, but I just forgot the easier word)
>realize I'm not as german as I believed to be
>"what am i? Do I even have a fluent mother language?"
>doesn't matter, interested in japanese culture to make up for feeling like a culturelesd fuck

>> No.7969553

Half person problems unit.

>be half French half african (can't give my ethnicity, some would recognize me)
>family never lived in africa
>I don't speak a word of my ethic language, nor does my father
>don't know anything about their culture either
>never been there
>always considered myself as fully French
>african body type (really pear-shaped with muscular long legs) and frizzy hair
>try really hard to be white
>I'm never gonna really fit in the white case because of my natural body
>had an hard time with that as a teenager
>it's ok now but it's still kind of difficult to process sometimes
>mixed person immediatly get that I'm mixed too, but crackers won't believe me until I show a familly picture.
>makes me feel kind of uncomfortable in some situations.
>makes-up by getting involved in other culture.
I speak english, japanese, and I'm currently picking up swedish. Being half is a weird thing but it's kind of nice at the same time.

>> No.7969555
File: 396 KB, 797x444, eggcellent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no lolita gf

>> No.7969558

B-but I'm not half, I just speak a dead language... Genetically I think some family on my father's side is even inbred a little.
Maybe that's why I'm stupid.

>> No.7969559

Don't give up ont it anon ! As a linguist it breaks my heart to see some language just vanish like that !

>> No.7969560

This is why racemixing is bad, identity problems

>> No.7969562

Or if racemixing was more common half wouldn't have so much identity problem. I consider myself as French though, just a bit more international than usual.

>> No.7969563

I can't help it anon, most people treat it as if I spoke Klingon or something along those lines.
I can't even apply to teach English because English isn't my mother tongue. When I went on Erasmus some people even thought I was joking. It's virtually useless for business, which is a degree I'm pursuing.

>> No.7969564
File: 128 KB, 581x443, japs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mother is German and Irish, Dad's Peruvian
>Live in America so native language is English
>As a kid, Dad would always be away for work so no hablo espanol
>Years later Dad decides to take brother and I along with him to Peru to visit his family
>Only have 2 years of High School Spanish under my belt, (Pretty much nothing, all we did was fucking worksheets)
>All throughout the trip, Dad keeps bringing up that we never made an effort to learn spanish
>Can't interact with Dad's brother's and sisters because of language barrier
>Feel really bad because I'll probably never see any of them again
>Thought about learning Japanese for a long time and going to Japan and living out some weeaboo pipe dream
>Guilt of not learning about my Uncles and Aunts stops me
>tfw growing up and thinking you white
>tfw people thought you were filipino, brazilian, middle eastern, or "muslim" as one girl put it
>tfw getting stopped by the NSA at the airport

>> No.7969571

you can't force people to racemix if they don't want to though, and for many people it's quite normal to like someone of their own kind. Saying "racemixing is bad" isn't the solution either, because people who are born with parents of different ethnicities didn't really have control over it and usually didn't see any problem with it as kids.

I think people shouldn't get so caught up on who's what, you're you and that's it. What race you are isn't even registered in my country, just nationality.

>> No.7969575
File: 389 KB, 600x896, Item-Kinomoto-Sakura-Card-Captor-Sakura-Nendoroid1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I caved to my inner week and just sent the money to my friend who was nice enough to preorder a nendo for me.

Aww yeah. Tiny Sakura you will be mine soon.

>> No.7969576

>tfw 6'1" female
>tfw desperately love sweet lolita
>tfw too tall for most Japanese burando
>tfw AP and Baby both barely hit mid-thigh
>tfw don't want to spend hundreds on clothes I can't even wear properly in the fashion
>tfw considering buying replicas just to have them and look cute while still not really being lolita

On the one hand, I don't support art theft. On the other, if I could find a couple cute replicas secondhand, I wouldn't feel guilty. I really want a couple AP skirts, but it would be fucking stupid of me to pay two or three hundred bucks for what would essentially be a mini-skirt on me and not at all appropriate for lolita without a mile of underskirt underneath. Hm.

>> No.7969580

>tfw newfags want to buy replicas

>> No.7969590

Not at all a newfag, just a tall lolita stuck primarily with classical who just wants to own some cute ass sweet prints without forking over hundreds just to never actually use them in lolita. Stay crusty.

>> No.7969595
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>but I feel that I sound like a Polish construction worker, vocabulary level around the same as that of a 14yo and use very basic words
>all my friends are so eloquent, even non-Anglo students in my uni/college are more well-spoken
I'm like that with my mother tongue whereas I'm decently eloquent in English. When I'm speaking English I manage to sound relatively intelligent but when I need to switch back to my mother tongue I sound like a backwater herpaderp. It doesn't help that all my preferred media is in English and any time I tune into a television programme in my mother tongue I recoil in horror. Books aren't much better.

What sunscreen was that, anon? I'm always looking for good sunscreens.
>mfw someone asks for a bit of my imported facial sunscreen ("I forgot to bring my own!") and they empty the entire bottle on their arm
>mfw they get angry with me for being upset because the bottle being tiny and them being unable to read is somehow my fault
Fucking imbeciles I swear.

>> No.7969599

thats adorable.

>> No.7969603
File: 74 KB, 480x480, cardcaptor-sakura-sakura-kinomoto-nendoroid_Hyperionz_4_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Yes it is. Nendoroids are pretty cute in general but I had to get Sakura.

>> No.7969608

Actually in my case people are more accepting of me being half than I am myself.
Once a therapist told me "But why anon? Why not be both equally? Who forced you to do that? Who decides you can only be one? You should try to engage more in your russian side!"
I was furious, I told him I decided so myself because I wanted to.

>> No.7969617
File: 48 KB, 800x600, 1373623966312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made Taobao order at the end of October
>full of cute winter stuff
>shit happened and it only got sent out yesterday
>mfw despite all my planning I ended up in the Christmas rush after all

Non related but something I need to get off my chest:
>in university
>combination of several different illnesses and plain bad luck have left me a big burnt out mess
>don't like asking for help so I try to pull my shit together on my own
>six months later, that hasn't worked
>"Anon you should contact these five people! You won't be the first person they've met who has these problems and it's literally their job to help people like you!"
>turns out every single person I try to contact is dealing with personal stuff at the moment
>mfw I finally managed to ask for help and nobody has time for me
>mfw Christmas break coming up and the entire uni will be deserted for at least two weeks
>mfw I'll probably have to wait for mid-January to even hear back from anyone

>> No.7969618

Baby sometimes does longer dresses, so they may be an option. AP's Victorian Letter has a long JSK if you like the print.

I would really advise against replicas as it's often very easy to identify replicas even without the original next to it.

>> No.7969620

Biore Aqua Rich Watery Base Long Name something... I think you can find it using those keywords alone, it's SPF50

>> No.7969621

I use exactly the same one and the name is Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence Water Base.

>> No.7969628

What is your mother tongue by the way? You sound leagues better than I do at English...
I had a friend in college from some Slavic country, I forgot which one it was but she went back to her country now. She had an accent, but her vocabulary just blew mine away at the time. She once asked me something and used the phrase "as opposed to what?" and it confused me so she had to explain. I feel like crying whenever I remember that.

>> No.7969705

I'm usually not interested in those options, but thank you. I wouldn't even be wearing the skirts as actual lolita coords, and absolutely not to meets or anything, so I'm not terribly concerned with someone calling me out about it.

>> No.7969711

Starting to lose weight which I'm happy about, I know I shouldn't be happy with how it is happening. I can't tell if it's because of my depression or something else but, I no longer have an appetite. I even tried to eat a cookie earlier and took one bite and no longer could eat another bite. I eat one meal a day with really tiny snacks. I don't even think I can call it a snack as it's usually just eating one slice of turkey or a roll.
I know i should go to the doctor but, If i could just lose 15 more pounds and i'll be happy. I just want to feel confident wearing my dresses again.

Is being 125 at 5'9 all that bad? Everyone I talk to seem to think that would make me too thin but, I was always around that weight until last year when my meds made me gain around 20 pounds.

>> No.7969725

diff anon, honestly, i don't see why not if you're buying secondhand and not planning on flaunting them. if you wear them with normalfag clothes - like as mini-skirts like you seemed to imply - unless you're around people who know you're otherwise into lolita, the worst anyone who can spot a replica will think is that you're ignorant of the fashion and maybe try to enlighten you but probably not. secondhand replicas hurt exactly no one.

>> No.7969745

You're in the clear, but 1 lbs less and you'd be underweight. I'd say if weighing 125 lbs makes you feel better about yourself, go for it. Just make sure not to drop any lower.

>> No.7969750

Just take care of yourself. "I'd be happy after just fifteen more pounds" easily spirals out of control, especially if you're already restricting your eating a lot. 125 at 5'9 isn't horrible, but depending on how you carry your weight, I bit you'll look very slim at 130 or even a little more. Take care, anon.

>> No.7969930

>125 lbs
Uh, that's dangerously close to anorexic territory anon. Please be careful with your diet and don't hurt yourself.

>> No.7969960

>anorexic territory
You mean underweight? I'm 5'9" and 125lbs but I don't really look like it. It all depends on your bone structure, how you hold your weight, etc.

Eat protein rich foods and try to get in shape instead of saying "I just need to lose 15 lbs" because, as another anon said, it's a very dangerous mentality especially if you're suffering from depression. Exercising should help with your appetite and could possibly alleviate your depression, but really, you don't want to be underweight because it means your body isn't going to be functioning as it should and you'll be colder than you would at a healthy weight.

>> No.7969961

As someone who has suffered from an ED I would say you are displaying a lot of signs that I and a lot of other people have shown when your ED starts spiralling out of control.
I would definitely go to a doctor anon for your own health and safety especially since you say you are suffering from depression.

>> No.7969965

No, I mean anorexic based on both anon's height/weight and her description of her eating habits.

>> No.7969966
File: 84 KB, 300x351, 1410807206815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to buy a wig for cosplay I've been meaning to do for a while
>see Arda's CM sale, hell yeah!
>every wig I want is sold out
I don't know what I expected

Unrelated to cgl:
>want to buy bf's birthday present
>website's server has been down for a few hours
>apparently a lot of people want to buy bougie snowboarding merch

>> No.7970129
File: 419 KB, 500x500, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read a person's work for fifteenth years from a niche website
>Really loves their work
>Updates are slow as fuck but it's understandable because the series is as big as a bible and it's pretty good
>They finally collect their work to get published
>Is really excited and decides to try to buy the whole thing
>Writer announces that she will finally finish her work
>Finds out that she passed away recently

>> No.7970138

I used to read this grand story of 41 or so chapters until the author just disappeared one day
She's probably alive though, but it's still so disappointing

>> No.7970163

>tfw finally finished putting together Secret Santa package
>partner is in UK
>partner doesn't want to have to sign for stuff so no Priority mail
>$27.85USD for a First class package

Ugh. Just for reference, it would have been $15.50 if I shipped Priority in the US ($5.90 if I used flat rate)

>> No.7970176

Why doesn't the partner want to sign for stuff? Honestly I would just do Priority anyway because it's costing you.

>> No.7970188

apparently it goes back to the wrong post office and the package ends up being sent back to the sender.

Next time I guess. Priority would have saved me only $7. The timing/tracking would have been nice.

>> No.7970194

>which looking at the Royal Mail website, it seems that my partner may be a bit silly.

>> No.7970209
File: 40 KB, 500x333, 4597694536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally caved and bought a new instrument
>except it's not actually new because it's used
>but the description for it's refurbished well and the seller seems reliable
>it's also half the price of what newer models sell for ($680 compared to $1400ish)
>feel like I'm selling myself short because I've spent more money on shit like getting my car fixed than buying something for myself that I saved over 1.2k for

I don't really understand why I feel guilt about this, it's not like the instrument is a bad one and I can return it if I don't like it. Am I just getting too wrapped up in the money game because I'm kind of poor or something?

>> No.7970220


>> No.7970248

Yeah, I must be getting too materialistic. So what if I paid half for a secondhand instrument when it's a model that supposedly has better sound quality than the one I nearly paid over a thousand bucks for.

>> No.7970254

That's the spirit. Secondhand doesn't mean it's worse. Hell I bought brand new items and they ended up being lemons.

>Replaced five brand new skullcandy headphones in less than a few months.

>Had off brand used ones and they lasted a whole year.

>> No.7970262

What instruments do you play?

>> No.7970265
File: 268 KB, 900x864, 9e4fdfd14b561ca0a8e0d0f9e55776f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had a weird ass dream
>Imaged I was in Joypolis
>Giant amusement park filled with random goods and rides
>Some random animu character is on a school trip with someone outside of the gate
>Couldn't go in the amusement park for some reason
>Somehow ninja myself in
>End up in a section with the Velvet room and Persona/Shin Megami items
>"Velvet oh Velvet" is played in the back ground along with Battle of my Soul
>Have a good time on the rides and everything
>Try to buy special limited edition items
>Wake up
>Have the sudden urge to buy the same items from Joypolis
>"I don't have money." My conscious reminds me
>But I want to buy it
>"YOU don't have the money."

>> No.7970268

>had an anxiety attack this morning
>ended up scratching my hand until it's completely red and raw in a bid to calm myself down
>it actually worked but looking at my hand was kind of sickening after I realized what I'd done
I really don't want this to become a habit because I know myself well enough to know I'll eventually overdo it. What do

>> No.7970298

B flat clarinet, I can also play bass clarinet but I don't own one.

That's not good, maybe find something else to do that helps you calm down but isn't as harmful? Maybe writing or going out for a run by yourself?

>> No.7970307

>super cute coord planned for later
>A wild breakout appears!

>> No.7970312
File: 28 KB, 232x184, Screen Shot 2014-11-22 at 12.55.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone I know owns my dream dress and is doing closet clear outs
>not posted dream dress for sale but says there's more to come
>don't know if it's rude or not to ask if she's selling dress

>> No.7970314

>used to use photography to cope with depression and inferiority complex
>was kinda good at it, people liked my photos
>2 years ago depression got worse
>took less and less pictures
>jumped too late on the social media and facebook fanpage wagon
>dont even have my photos stolen by other sites bc apparently so bad/lame
>end up ruining my own projects and plans due to excessive anxiety and depressive episodes

I am wondering if I should give up the hobby as a whole since I cannot seem to find a place for me, but on the other hand when I only have one person tell me they like the picture I took of them at the con the best out of all, it motivates me again. Sorry for the negativity seagulls.

>> No.7970315

Get a stress ball or a sturdy soft-toy that will take a beating and use that to grip onto and dig your fingers in. I sort of do what you do, I make deep scratches in my hand if I'm in a very er... bad (to say the least) mood

>> No.7970331

what helped me was getting a rabbit hide. it has fur and skin, and is a bit similar to human scalp. i put it over something sturdy and scratch it.

>> No.7970342

Just ask. It's not rude if she's doing closet clear outs.

>> No.7970353

>jumped too late on the social media and facebook fanpage wagon
That is no excuse. It's never too late! You can still start a new blog and create various pages where you can upload your stuff. It might need some time until you get popular again but you can still do it.

>end up ruining my own projects and plans due to excessive anxiety and depressive episodes
Post your old stuff and already finished projects, do some small stuff. If you are a photographer maybe something like instagram might help you to fill gaps between bigger projects? Also, knowing you have an audience and followers might motivate you too.

I've been in the same situation except I used to draw but gave up due to depression/not feeling good enough/not having a platform because I missed the current trends.

I believe in you Anon! Don't give up your hobby, especially if it helps you coping with your depression!!
I am currently getting back into drawing and I really regret not having done this before because I did all the mistakes you listed or are about to make. So please take my advice: Don't give up! Keep going! Create yourself a platform to post your stuff, and I promise you will not regret it. I wish you all the best! <3

>> No.7970454

>tfw a cosplayer you've known for a month gets more excited and supportive about your costumes and progress and future opportunities to do stuff together than your "best friend" and cosplay partner does

>> No.7970460

You need new friends then.

>> No.7970463

I agree. I've felt kind of neglected by her for a while and have even spoken up about it twice just to have her say "aww i'm sorry i suck" and then nothing changes. I'm not even sad about it, honestly, just sort of driving it home that this person I barely know is more interested in knowing how my day was than someone I've known for seven years who will hollowly tell everyone I'm her best friend and then never make any effort.

...that actually sounds like I'm upset, haha. I'm just a bit annoyed. But yeah, totally agree, time to make better friends.

>> No.7970529

Why not just partner up with the cosplayer you known for a month who's actually doing something positive?

It sounds like your 'best friend' is just using you as a front and not really being/is a friend.

>> No.7970550

>>Order a bunch of second hand lolita items
>>Finds out that a delivery was attempted during thanksgiving break
>>tfw lives in college dorm so no one was there to sign for them
>>Because of that I have no notice slip
>>Contemplating calling post office to see if they can redeliver it/hold it for me so I can pick it up
>>Would they even let me do that even if I don't have the slip?

Am I overreacting?

>> No.7970553

I understand...
>tfw 5'8 female with flat chest.
>love sailor lolita and classic lolita.
>too afraid to buy brand bc worried it will be too short or I'll look like a man.
>showed a dress I liked to a friend who's into anime and visual novels once and he recognized the fashion and told me wearing that out would be asking to get molested.
>n-never mind.

Have you seen those fidget ring for people with dermo to help keep your hands busy so you don't scratch? One of those might help you. In the mean time, keep that welt on your hand clean and covered, hope you feel better soon, love!

cgl related:
>haven't been motivated to work on cosplays for a while
>friend expresses interest in cosplaying a pair of characters from a series we both like with me
>we started planning stuff out
>my motivation goes through the roof, feels good man.

non cgl related:
>be me, saving up for new laptop for months.
>buy new laptop, be super careful with it.
>spilled tea on it in a freak accident.
>immediately turned it off, wiped it down, flipped it over and put in rice.
>waiting 96 hours before turning it back on, currently ~30 hours in.
>stress of not knowing if it's okay is killing me, I can't believe I was so stupid.

>> No.7970554


>be me, americunt, from the northeast
>nobody else speaks perfect english like I do

I feel like a fucking asshole for thinking that way, but northeast US, parts of Canada, and west coast US are the only places that actually speak pure proper english, and I get so pissed off listening to certain accents (especially more improper british accents) because fuck this is your mother tongue and you can't even speak so that most other english speakers can fucking understand you.

Don't feel bad, anons. At least you didn't grow up your entire life speaking a language and are still impossible to understand.

Deep southerners, heavy UK, and boston and new york accents are the fucking worst. No english speaker, and even a lot of people who speak very little english, has ever had trouble understanding me.

>inb4 >>7969559 linguist anon rips my head off for being such a cunt

>> No.7970557


Just live in America where there's no such thing as ethnicity, you're black, white, yellow, or "one of those half-breed" mulattoes.

You're not Russian, German, French, or anything else, you're white.

>> No.7970559

We are already planning some costumes to do together for next year for sure, and I'm super stoked to have a new friend for sure. Just felt kind of frustrated after sending both her and the "bff" excited texts about cosplay (after specifically avoiding texting bff for a couple weeks in case I was bugging her, during which time she never reached out), and only getting excitement from the one. I dunno, it was just a feel to share, not one I'm going to wallow in, though.

>> No.7970561

I mean, if you have the tracking information and your own personal identification and whatnot, I don't think that slip should matter too much, right?

>> No.7970566

Holy shit, you sound like such a pretentious twat. NE USA accents can be annoying as fuck, friend. There's no such thing as "proper" English; all dialects are valid.

>> No.7970574

If you know her, just say, "Hey, I know you're cleaning house, if you happen to be selling x, I'd really like to buy it from you."

>> No.7970581

What about them is annoying? I'm genuinely curious here.

I'm not actually as awful as I sound, it's just something I've always thought on the side.

>> No.7970583

>Thought I was going to miss ILD because I got volunteered to be facepainter at boyfriend's nephew's birthday
>Party is moved to next day! Yay! I can go again!
>Now missing ILD because of house cooling party for boyfriend's uni friends
>House cooling is over an hour away in another city
>Don't even know these people that well (and fairly sure they think I'm an idiot/don't like me), but he committed "us" to the party and I've already backed out on several similar get togethers this year
>Also missing Christmas party with friends because family Christmas party changed
>Everyone going overseas for Christmas, "so let's do it early!"
>Was going to be Thursday-Friday, now is Saturday
>Family refuse to move it back to Friday because their in-laws won't be in town until the Saturday "and we should all do it together"
>Family will be overseas with the in-laws for the entire trip, why is their participation with US so vital?!
>Chose a location and time that means I can't make it to both events and am now obligated to attend the family one
>Probably missing comm Christmas party as well, not sure yet

"Why aren't you more social?!" they ask. "Why don't you get out more?!" they complain. Maybe if you didn't fucking take every weekend I had, I could. Christ.

>> No.7970588

You sound like a doormat. Learn how to say no.

"I can't, I already have plans that day and I've canceled plans with these people multiple times because of you."

>> No.7970594

I have said no. Please see
>I've already backed out on several similar get togethers
Which is why my boyfriend is pushing me going to the house-cooling. As for my family, they're leaving for a month to go overseas. This is the last time I will see them for a month. And they're being obstinate as fuck about it.

>> No.7970598
File: 14 KB, 250x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I want to sew my boyfriend a stocking for Christmas because he's never had one

>tfw I've never sewn anything before in my life

Wish me luck /cgl/

>> No.7970599

Your boyfriend should be more understanding and not force you to go to an event full of people you don't know where you won't feel comfortable.

If you know when things are, just say , "Hey all, I have a thing this day, don't plan anything, I won't be there."

>> No.7970606

Stockings are easy as fuck to make, they're like pillowcases. Find a pattern if you want to be safe.

>> No.7970609

It depends on which one you speak. People are annoyed by different things, obviously. It's often a vowel quality thing for me, though, when it comes to that region.

I'm not linguistics anon, if you were wondering, but I am someone who comes from the south but only avoided the accent through training myself not to have it from a young age because I didn't want the negative associations. Now it really pisses me off to hear people with "prestigious dialects" act like their English is the REAL English. When people are surprised to learn where I'm from, they always, without fail, say "but you sound so smart! you use, you know, actual English!", and I think that's such a limiting and sad way to look at the ways people naturally learned to talk. Find it annoying, sure, but don't tell people their English isn't "proper" just because it evolved differently from yours and you just happened to be born in different geographical locations. /rant

>> No.7970617

Honestly, anon, there's nothing wrong with just telling your boyfriend you had plans and would rather be celebrating ILD.

As for Christmas, can't you just hang out with your family for part of the day and friends the other? How old are you that you can't have your own life? And a month is not a long time at all, dude.

>> No.7970630

I'm in mid/southeastern Pennsylvania, I probably sound just about the same as you do. I grew up around a mix of dutchies (PA basterdized German) and ridiculous fake southern accents along with what I consider "accentless" and I always hated how it was harder to understand the people with the accents, so I just... never picked up on it.

Sometimes when I get pissed off I get a little bit of that dutchiness with my vowels - off becomes awhf and such, but it's light and only when I'm really angry.

I know how pretentious it sounds, but I always thought that speaking this was was really without accent? Words are pronounced the way the dictionary has them written, without the strange emphasis and vowel pronunciations that other accents have. Brits especially put emphasis on the words in really strange ways.

Native English speaking Canadians are mostly the same (except four the ou thing), and the West Coast speaks in pretty much the same way, which is why I've always thought that it must just be English without any accent, otherwise three separate places wouldn't speak like this.

The UK is interesting to me, though, there are SO many dialects in such a small area.

I know it sounds super ignorant, but it's like... when you have those thoughts that are sort of ingrained, and you know it's not right, but you always think about it anyway and still think you're right, if that makes sense?

>> No.7970643

>Bostonfag without strong accent
> always wanted accent bc people ask me why i don't have one when i tell them I'm from Boston/I don't feel Bostonian enough
>read this
>feel a lil better

>> No.7970648

The other anon has five inches on you.

I'm 5'8" and sort of busty and my brand dresses and skirts all generally hit just above the knee, which is fine with me. Just take some measurements of yourself to compare to dress lengths and take the petticoat poof into account. If you have a long torso look into skirts or Haenuli. Some brands also release longer items.

Your concerns about getting molested are dumb. Yeah, you'll probably look a little weird to most people, but the fashion is pretty far from being overtly sexual.

>> No.7970661

Don't feel bad, I can't understand people with thick boston accents speaking right to my face.

Plus I think they sound kind of obnoxious/rude all the time? IDK what it is, maybe it's because all of the people from boston that come to my place of employment are fucking assholes so I have negative associations.

>> No.7970664

You don't sound like you have an accent to yourself. Everything is an accent, some are just more common, especially when it comes to stuff like broadcast tv and whatnot. And different dictionaries often have pronunciations written in different ways, some taking the time to include multiple dialects, some not even using IPA. I also think people don't give the USA credit for the dialects it does have. In my home town, you can tell when someone's visiting from a neighboring city just by the way they talk a lot of the time, but people who aren't from around here probably wouldn't pick up on the difference and it would just be a "Southern" or "X state" accent.

I get what you're saying, truly. It took me a long time to accept that I'd bought into this idea that some accents are naturally inferior or bad and robbed myself of my hometown sound just so other people wouldn't think I'm a dumb hick anytime I open my mouth. And I still dislike a lot of southern accents, absolutely, I hate them, but they're still "real" English and don't necessarily reflect anything about a person aside from where they grew up.

>> No.7970672

If you ask me, an accent is just something that gives away where you're from. You may not have a strong, specific accent, but everyone can tell you're an American, because you have an American accent. There is nobody on this earth who has no accent, unless they're mute.

>> No.7970677

And I love Boston accents. They're easily one of my faves, while I dislike English accents in general. It's all preference, which is fine until you start saying someone's actually inferior for speaking a version of English that mutated differently from your own. There isn't a "pure" modern English. There probably never was a pure English to begin with.

>> No.7970679

>robbed myself of my hometown sound just so other people wouldn't think I'm a dumb hick anytime I open my mouth
Those fucking feels. I'm a linguist myself now and it's so depressing to hear people congratulate me for speaking so well when they hear where I'm from. I wish I had more of an accent. ;_;

>> No.7970683

A friend got posted on BTB recently.
IMO her coords aren't always the best but shes a great person and honestly just wants to help and include people.
There's been a lot of drama in our comm lately and a second comm was formed because of it. I am a member of both comms because I am friends with girls in both of them. Girls in one comm are all laughing and saying mean things about the secret that was posted about the girl who was posted on BTB and I'm like "ha ha... yeah...." not wanting to cause more drama by arguing. But I find it really sad how immature everyone is being.
>tfw why can't we all just get along

>> No.7970696

My bad, by "I dislike English accents in general", I meant England English, sorry.

>> No.7970701

I know. I understand looking at a dress though and thinking "this will probably look eh on me bc I'm tall".

Also yeah they are dumb, I'm not really worried about being molested given I live in a pretty safe neighborhood as much as being judged, since people are assholes here. Especially bc the guy I showed the dress too's comment was something like "Eugh [asking to get molested comment], at least it's not that weird lolita stuff..." . Especially since he's really into anime/visual novels/hentai.
Thank you for the reassurance!

They are sort of obnoxious, I guess it's a city pride thing. Also ye, people tent to be way ruder here than in the south.

Thank you!

>> No.7970734

That's what I wanted to hear! I want it to be nice, so a lot of the patterns call for making a lining, some even with a layer of fleece inbetween the fabric and lining. I hope I don't fuck it up.

>> No.7970737

Maybe buy extra fabric so you can remake it if things go south. A stocking is a great first project and I'm sure he'll really appreciate it.

>> No.7970952
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Definitely. Thanks anon!

>> No.7970988

>tfw had to move out of state and live with my mother again due to having to move out from where I used to live suddenly
>tfw haven't been able to find a job in over 2 months now
>tfw target turned me down even though I have a good amount of retail experience
>tfw just a college student and all my savings are gone now
>tfw can't go back to school without a job
>tfw already sold off everything valuable I owned

Welp, probably just going to kill myself soon. Life is so unfair when you don't have connections and you're not some 5+/10 white girl especially when you live in the south.

>> No.7971013

sigh here goes

>started college
>gained 5 lbs (added onto 140 lbs @ 5'5"... everything goes to my love handles and belly...)
>hate being fat
>but feel no motivation to try and lose

I feel like, what's the point? I've been overweight my entire life. Will I ever be skinny?

>> No.7971022

Try to find an exercise you enjoy. I started going to the gym when I started college because the freshman 15 hit me hard, but I ended up making a habit of it because I like how it makes me feel.

>> No.7971096


>Probavly just going to kill myself soon.

Anon I think you need some help if you are serious and this isn't the place to do it considering how we seagulls are with the random shitposters.

Keep on trying to find a job. Did you try crap like gifthulk and random craigslistings? If you keep it up you can hustle up at least something to start off a savings.

>At least your mother isn't a drunk or a crackhead or a rapist.

>> No.7971126

>Having to deal with a drunk ass uncle because it's my mom's brother and oh he used to have skin cancer so she's worried he's going to die but he's a deadbeat
>Stuck living with mom because I just lost my job
>She's a total bitch and actually blamed me for my ex bf raping me
>Fuck my whole family

>> No.7971136

Provided you aren't a dependent or you family has low enough income+ you moved out of state into another state

Apply for financial aid.
Possibly apply for foodstamps and such(I don't know about this, never done it)

But a lot of people who can get large sums of money in financial aid don't bother applying.

>> No.7971143
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/cgl/ related
>have a bunch of lolita items
>none of them match eachother
>I just hoard them

kinda cgl related
>cgl talked about the diva cup
>I order it
>actually excited about getting my period so I could try it out
>its leaky as shit
>this means my vagina is big enough for a size two
>was late to work since my flow is extra heavy and the diva cup was leaking like the devil himself requested the red tides to come out of my vagina

>I have a illegal immigrant living in the garage
>she turns the laundry off every time I try to do it at night and yells at me
>I work the night shift
>all my favorite clothes are dirty
>this fucking bitch came from a 2nd world country and is complaining about the noise of laundry when she doesn't even pay rent
>too embarrassed to hang out with my fashion friends since all my cutest clothes are dirty
>I have to stay up ungodly hours just to wash my sheets and clean my work clothes

>> No.7971147

>I have a illegal immigrant living in the garage

>> No.7971151

there's 3 of them in total.
>the one in the garage got kicked out to the garage because she hit one of the other ones in the face with a frying pan

Hope that bitch is enjoying winter

>> No.7971166

>hopelessly in love with asshole friend
>confessed even though I KNOW it isn't returned, like a moron
>hugged me while i cried, then ignored me for a week over thanksgiving
>since coming back asshole friend has been going out of their way to do the asshole things I told them attracted me to them in the first place
>they know exactly what they are doing, so what the hell do you want dickwad

>> No.7971169

They're using you as an ego boost, obviously your friend is insecure as hell and also an asshole, as you've already pointed out.

>> No.7971170

This sounds really lame and stupid probably, but I was the same way and I found that just putting on good, upbeat music around your dorm will make you want to dance a little, and eventually make you more active.
Perhaps though I'm just really white and don't care that I dance horrifically, so it's easier for me to do.

>> No.7971172

Fuck I'm so angry. My family considers cosplay a waste of time and money because I'm doing it as an adult. Everyone keeps bitching at me to do a real hobby or to be a real girl or some other kind of bullshit.

Fuck this I'm taking a walk.

>> No.7971173

yeah i know, it's just really fucking irritating
i mean i told him I'd suck his dick if he wanted, i still would, so like I'm not sure what the hell else i can offer here. i have terrible taste in men.

>> No.7971195
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>only got one thing online from all these sales this weekend
>even then I had to really justify why I would want it
>sort of wanted to buy contacts but no idea what I would want and what kind I should even get
>never even got my eyes checked by a doctor yet which I heard was highly suggested before buying contacts
>still have some money leftover to buy... something, but absolutely no idea what

I could buy a cosplay. I've never bought a full cosplay before, and once I get the wig to go with it, I would then have another cosplay But... I hear bought cosplays are usually bad quality.. I could buy a sewing machine, I've seen a Brother machine for like $95.00, and then I could learn how to make my own cosplays... but I hear I should avoid those inexpensive, modern machines and go for older ones, or if I have to go modern, be willing to pay over $200.00 for one. I could buy a 4chan Pass, but it's now Tuesday and though the site still says they're on sale, that most likely won't last for that much longer and the CAPTCHA usually doesn't bother me THAT much anyway. I could look around for cheap clothes or games, but... I don't know.

I'm super, super stingy about money now and I have to make sure every purchase counts. Not necessarily that I'm poor, but I just don't want to buy something then regret it, you know?

>> No.7971202

Man, don't suck his dick, it more than likely won't make you any happier and it'll make him think he can use you for whatever.

>> No.7971209

Modern sewing machines are okay, a $95 machine would suit a beginner just fine.

>> No.7971215

>confess 'love' to friend
>friend kindly reject me
>make agreement that we'll still be friend since we get along so well
>spend at least a day a week together just the two of us
>we have exactly the same interests
>he goes out his way to talk to me everyday yet sometimes strangely cut me out/diseappear
>he even told me that it was nice we spent so much time together
>we go to the theatre and to exhibitions together
>everyone think we're a goddamn couple
>we talk endlessly
>he act like he is interested in me (shy geeky style, stuttering and blushing included) yet he told me we were just 'really good friends'
>what kind of good friends ? It's been litterally two months we met.
>Starting to feel like he hide something from me and that's why he don't want a girlfriend
>Behind his really nice and social behaviour, I found some lightly strange stuff by hanging out so much with him.
>Next Friday night we're going to do a small sake-tasting session just both of us at his place
>I hope I'm gonna find out a bit more.

I'm a women, I know when a man is attracted by me. If he wasn't at all I would've understood : I'm pretty ok but no model-tier. But he act like he is, which is the weird thing here. Maybe he is/was depressed and doesn't feel confident about a relationship ? Maybe he is asexual ?
I shouldn't get my head on a twist about that, but I'm too curious.

>> No.7971217

Do kegel's maybe?

>> No.7971220
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>con rooming situation is probably going to be awkward and, as usual, group is roomstuffing
>friend mentions wanting to visit me during that time
>tells friend about the con, but also mentions not knowing how room situation will be at the con itself
>friend suggests we room together, just us
>mfw probably saved from an awkward situation AND roomstuffing

>> No.7971221

I feel your pain, I've been chubs since puberty. I only managed to be sorta skinny when taking loads of caffeine pills, 2 hours of excercise per day and only consuming liquids. Onviously, I couldn't keep this up forever, so I was back to chubster mode after 2 years.

>> No.7971223

yes, but why are they there?

>> No.7971224

I also once thought a guy was interested in me, also turned me down, no idea why. He was always like, looking at me and when I catched him he looked away. Constantly.

>> No.7971228

He does that in the few classes we have together ! And he always twitch his hands and look down, he don't do that with other girls.

>> No.7971229

I'd be calling border patrol REAL damned quick.

>> No.7971234

Just try to forget him, anon. It broke my heart when I got turned down and I learned my lesson, never chase a guy. Sad thing is, he was the first and only crush I ever had, it's been more than 7 years since then. I'm forever alone. But I got a cat, so hey...

>> No.7971242

I'm kind of the same. I already had a few boyfriends but I'm not attracted by a lot of persons, and even when physically attracted it's rarely interesting mind wise. It was not so flattering because I'm objectvily pretty (I'm not braggin, I put a lot of effort in my clothes and make up) so I'm not used to being turned down...
At the same time it's one of the most interesting person I've ever met so I'm glad we're still friend, because it's rare for me to find likeminded persons, especially in my age range.
I'll find someone else. One day. I'm allergic to cats, that's my bane.

>> No.7971244
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>Room stuffing

Good. Room stuffing is awful. Did that in my earlier years of con going. The worst year was when one roommate attacked another con attendant and later on my "friend" who was in the room didn't even lift a finger to help me when my car battery died and she had a working car.

>> No.7971245

Oh no anon, now I dragged myself down by thinking about my sad sad love life. I never get hit on or anything, so sad.

>> No.7971251

You're not alone anonette.

>> No.7971254

It's really bringing me down when I go to cons and not even unattractive neckbeards try to flirt you up. I mean, I like nerds and I see them talking to girls I perceive to be equally or less attractive, so why am I invisible to guys?

>> No.7971256

I don't know. I'm into nerds too, and well versed into nerds shit and I know some are attracted with me (that one guy back in high school in my tabletop club) but they would never ever dare ask me out because I'm 'too girly' and it's 'frightening'. I don't get it.

>> No.7971260

I once had someone telling me they heard a certain person wanted to clean their wardrobe and they had my dream dress. I messaged them and got a kind response, even if they didn't want to sell this specific dress. Asking never hurts, especially in lolita where dress-hunting is hard.

>> No.7971262

I only had one friend telling me he was into me and too shy to tell me. For the rest of mankind I'm appearantly a red flag. People at work and my parent's friends often assume I'm a lesbian because I'm still single, when I tell them that I can't find a guy despite all my efforts they won't believe me. I also tried online dating but that's just too much effort for the dissapointing outcomes.

>> No.7971271


my group is usually fine, surprisingly enough. it just gets too crowded and messy, even with (almost) everyone containing their stuff to little areas. the worst offender is one girl bringing several bags, her entire makeup case, AND all of her wigs on wig heads (when all all but one or two would be fine in bags), but everyone else is fine.

the awkwardness with the situation at this con isn't even them, it's due to another person several people aren't particulary fond of possibly joining.

>> No.7971272

Lol, this is what amuses me about SJWs. They put all people together in the "white" category and say white people have no culture. But in europe we have so much cultures clashing sometimes, throwing us all together seems so stupid.

>> No.7971276

do you mean... british?

>> No.7971280

Do you have a behaviour considered as 'off' ? I'm myself a bit flamboyant if I may, so mayb you're scaring people away. Also, sometimes people feel like you're too good for them (yes it's stupid). I'm not gonna lower myself to please people though, so I just go out in different circles to try and meet people.

>> No.7971291

I dunno, I get along well with most people, especially girls and women though, but I also have some male and gay friends. Usually, people like me, there's only some older women at work that hate my guts. It's like men don't even see me, especially not men my age. I often have younger guys and really old men flirting with me, but never guys I's be interested in. My best friend met her boyfriend online on a certain site, and another friend looked at me, her eyes full of pity "Yeah, maybe you should try that." I wanted to slap her. It makes me feel even worse to be perceived as problematic dating material that needs help or else all is lost.

>> No.7971294

Yeah, I wasn't being serious. It's just fucking depressing. I've stalked all jobs sites and craigslist religiously.
Most things on craigslist are either a scam or I never get a reply. I had one reply from craigslist and had a job interview with a lady. I know I aced that interview but all her shop girls were white and it was just obvious she wanted another girl who was white to work for her.
I'm not racist but I hate living in the racist south and there's just no other way to describe the obviously racist job encounters I've had..
I applied for food stamps last month, but I don't qualify for any other benefits.
I'm going to try and apply for financial aid soon, but I still need a job.
Like half the jobs I applied for are still looking for people too.
Ugh, I just want to finish school and get a semi decent job so I can be happy and afford my hobbies.

>> No.7971298

Honestly, I wouldn't bother wasting my time with such a guy.
You already confessed your love and showed clear interest in him. Maybe he likes you but is one of those who can never make up their mind or he is clinging to a 2D waifu. Either way I would distance myself but clearly tell him why, so that's he'll either make a move or leave you alone. Some men need this or they will just stay in their comfort zone forever.

>> No.7971301

That sounds a lot like what my ex would do, I'd hold her hand just to make her stop. Time to go drink now.

>> No.7971306

>TFW its so cold in my room I can't even sleep
>with a comforter and three blankets, long sleeves, and pants on

My dad won't let me have a space heater because it's a fire hazard? And will run up the electric bill, but he won't turn up the heat at all either. My room is completely unsheltered from wind and has really shit insulation, on the corner of the house constantly being hit from two sides with wind. It sometimes gets so cold I can see my breath, even if its 69 in the rest of the house.

>> No.7971309

get a heat lamp. space heaters suck, are dangerous, smell bad and can release bad fumes. are your windows weather treated get on that shit.

>> No.7971311

is the a free couch anywhere else in the house to sleep?

>> No.7971323

How about a hot water bottle? Also don't wear too much clothing and put a woolen blanket underneath you as well. I needto sleep cold or else I feel like I'm suffocating, so the door to my balcony is open all year round.

>> No.7971324

Only in the living room which has a big opening into the kitchen, and my parents get up at 5am for work, while I work until 1am.

My window is insulated to hell and back, no light gets in through it at all. I should try to get my closet door insulated more, but I actually need to go in there daily so its tricky.

>> No.7971344

It doesn't help that sleeping in clothes is pretty uncomfortable for me, too. I'd prefer to sleep in my skivvies but that is not an option. I used to have a heated blanket, but it was old as dirt and died on me, and a good one ain't cheap.

>> No.7971354

But if you're wearing clothing it can have a negative effect and you'll be even colder than without.

>> No.7971356

>a good one ain't cheap.
Where the hell do you live? You can get a nice double for $30 or so.

>> No.7971358

All the Ines around here are $50+. Maybe I can ask for one for Christmas.

>> No.7971363

Order online?

>> No.7971380

>heavy UK
The UK has a bunch of different accent. England alone has a shitload of different accents all different from one another. "Standardised" does not mean "improper" and different regions have different rules when it comes to pronunciation and spelling. In the UK, your way of speaking and spelling would be considered improper. Where I live, "I'm finished my homework" is absolutely correct while in the UK or the U.S. I would be considered some sort of white trash I'm sure.

>> No.7971384

>tfw i just spent over 300 dollars on brand this week
>makes minimal wag
>but doesn't have to pay bills rn because of college
>knows lifestyle is going to have to end soon when i get an apartment next year
>hoarding as much brand as I can before next year

I'm sure 300 is nothing compared to how much some lolitas on here spend on here, but I still feel really bad because my mom really discourages lolita, and here I am using my money to make stupid decisions to her.

>> No.7971385

Diff anon but ctually "I'm finished my homework" is perfectly acceptable in parts if america.

Also "the milk is all."


Where are you from if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.7971402

Turn her in.
If I and so many other people can legally immigrate to another country and spend a fortune on paperwork, why can't she? What makes her a special snowflake, especially when she is going to be a rude-ass bitch?

>> No.7971413

>Also "the milk is all."

This sounds so much like german being translated word by word it's almost scary.

>> No.7971422

>Heavy UK
UK is at least four countries, and some definitions include the commonwealth. Your smug pretentiousness is only matched by how shit you are at geography.

>> No.7971426

She's a yank, your expectations are too high

>> No.7971432

>pennadutch bastard

I'm p. Sure I know other anon up there, actually. The old people around here say shit like, "anon! Go on dahn to the store, the milk is all!"

"Nana... I don't want to."

"Gut fah dummt nah yungin! We neet milk!"

Its... Scary? And sometimes they'll slip into half German bastardized and half English. I speak German and I still have no fucking idea what they're saying half the time. Its a shame, though, PA Dutch is dying with the old people who speak it.

>> No.7971434

I meant any heavy UK accents. Irish are no better than Brits when the accent is so thick you can cut it. There are so many different thick accents that are frankly impossible to understand if you're not around it forever, its easier to just say UK.

>> No.7971438

>Irish accents
>hard to understand
Clearly you've never heard Scots
Or read Scots, for that matter

>> No.7971441

>to illustrate
"Aw richts is pitten by. Nae pairt o this darg shuid be doobelt, hained in ony kin o seestem, or setten furth in ony shape or by onygate whitsomeiver, 'ithoot haein leave frae the writer afore-haund.

A hae nae pleens whan the abuin is duin for tae fordle the Scots leed in eddication, sae lang's naebody is makkin siller oot o't. Ony speirins, write us."

>> No.7971442

Scots are the absolute worst. My boss at work always talks in this shitty fake Scottish accent and then expects us to retort back?

I loved Brave and their accents were very light, but, "If yeu could cheeeeng year feeeht, would yeeeu?!" Got really old, really fast

>> No.7971443

Oh man, it's this time of the year again.

>loner lolita for almost 2 years now
>trying to go to meets for a year, always chicken out
>this weekend planing to go to my first meet of neeby comm
>next week planning to go to meet of my local city's comm
>feels so weird to meet other lolitas
>not easy making friends
>wonder if they'll like me
>try not to chicken out again

It's about time, but I'm still so nervous...

not /cgl/-realted:
>order sis pewdiepie backpack she wants for christmas 2 weeks ago
>got confirmation for package being sent out week ago
>usps still doesn't find package or tracking code might be wrong
>so mad
Does anyone else here know if usps takes over a week to update and find the tracking code? I never had problems with usps before.

>lost bet with my bf that I'll lose 8 kg in three months
>almost reached goal
>few weeks ago got a major set back
>people everywhere telling me how only the best students will get a chance to do their master's degreee
>nowhere near the best
>basically no chance to get a place at university
>will lose current job after bachelor's degree because they only employ students as they are cheaper
>gave up on myself
>depressed, start eating and stop working out
>lost bet over new dress
>everything is shit

>> No.7971450

If he talks like that all the time then it isn't fake. Unless he's a yank, then it's absolutely fake.
And I meant Scots the dialect/language, not the people, Scotland has a wide range of dialects within itself.

>> No.7971453

He's super american. He's like 34 and still plays DnD and larps at renfairs in his shitty accents and gets all spergy about dragons and shit.

>> No.7971462

well if it's a LARP I'd honestly give him a break, but if he does that out of LARPs then yeah it's a tad cringey.
I'm personally very worried about being called fake because of my accent since, well, English isn't my first language. Most of the time people don't notice but sometimes they just look at me and say "wait, where are you from?"

>> No.7971464
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speaking of shitty accents

i can't understand a word of what this bitch spergs out on NHK

awkward pauses in the middle of words

fucking south park had better japanese in their chinpokemon episode and the black friday episode where they make fun of sony

>> No.7971470

That's another thing I don't get - some people from some places, and not just English speakers - cannot put in certain accents at all. Like Japanese people can't into English, but I've heard them flawlessly switch to French. I don't understand. When I learn a new language I always make sure to pay attention to the accents so I don't sound TOO much like a stupid american speaking their language.

>> No.7971472

Good feel for once

>used to be not pretty
>worked hard, lose weight, got a new hair cut, learned how2makeup, dress for my height and size.
>now better
>my friends get nervous when we're going out together because people look at me all the time
>several time a day people say to me I'm pretty/stylish/beautiful etc
>people litteraly drop their jaws/forget what they were doing
>deemed as "charismatic", "masterful", "beautiful", "striking", "georgeous"
>I'm mistaken for waaaaay older than I am.
>people are nice with me, polite and helpful in every case, they smile etc., best being male waiters and shop assistants
>the down size no one except over-confident douche try to hit on me.
>I can live with that.
>Best of all ? I'm not even a superficial bitch, I'm in one of the best school of Europe for my formation.
>looking at myself in the mirror
>God it's nice to not hate yourself.

I can't talk about these feels unanon obviously. Sometimes making efforts is worth the hassle.

>> No.7971475

No matter what I do, I won't drop any jaws ever.

>> No.7971479

That's so sad to hear, not because of you but because of the fact that if you're ugly people will treat you like shit.
I have invisible eyebrows, my nose is too big, my face is round, I'm ginger, my mouth is shaped weirdly and I'm short. When I was younger I used to do makeup, do my brows, wear a wig, wear pretty clothes etc and in the end I realised people were being nice to me because it really isn't me that they're seeing. When I took it all off and walked out people were either dismissive or mean, telling me I look like a baby etc because I just can't look "mature" and "sexy" which is apparently what a woman is "supposed to" look like (>"quotation marks").
In the end I just stopped giving a shit. I have a pretty friend that people are nice to and I look like a leprechaun in comparison and no one takes me seriously but I just don't give a fuck anymore.

Nothing against you personally anon, you go and be pretty. I'm at peace with who I am, I just find it sad that people treat others differently because of appearance, but I guess that's life.

>> No.7971481

But I feel like this applies extra hard to females.

>> No.7971500
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>I'm not even a superficial bitch

>> No.7971512
File: 103 KB, 400x553, sailordresspattern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy sounds like a creep. It almost sounds like he's setting you up to molest you himself, and then cry that you were asking for it and he warned you.

>at least it's not that weird lolita stuff...
That's what my best friend in high school said when I told her I was considering buying myself a parasol. It wasn't such a crazy idea at all since I burn extremely easily and often faint out in the heat but her response was "UGH people will think you're one of those LOLITAS" accompanied by the biggest sneer I've ever seen. So I didn't buy a parasol and fainted a lot that summer.
A few years later I realized I didn't actually enjoy her company and cut her off. Now I can dress otome and carry a parasol around without someone following me around and telling me how weeeirdd I look. I'm so much happier now.
So wear your sailor/classic lolita and rock it! Classic is called classic for a reason and sailor motifs and accents have been showing up in (Western!) women's fashion for well over a century. If some hentai loser assumes you're dressing like that because of the Japanese teenagers in his porn games then he is just being an ignorant ass.
Innocent World often makes longer versions of dresses, including classic and sailor stuff.

>> No.7971518

Could be. It applies to males as well, though.

>> No.7971519
File: 54 KB, 500x500, tumblr_inline_nd6s7xKfXy1rw96go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me, white 17 year old weeb escapee with a considerably hot bod
>Looking into cosplaying some actual quality stuff
>I'm really good at props and wigs, but I can't sew for shit, so I usually buy stuff off of aliexpress
>I've convinced myself that I'm terrible at cosplay, and after looking at all those bad cosplay threads I don't want to at all

I've somehow become a cosplay elitist without actually wearing anything to any cons. Doesn't help that my boyfriend is constantly telling me I should just have fun and try my best, and I keep trying to explain that's not how it works in this community.

What do I do, cgl?

>> No.7971520

underage b&

>> No.7971522

17 was the age I started looking into cosplay stuff, anon, just shitty sentence structure. I assure you I don't need parent permission to access the internet anymore

>> No.7971542

I gained 15 when I was in college and lost it all after I graduated, It was the super unhealthy college food that got me, that and spending all my time in front of a computer and not exercising. Try to eat as healthy as you can and exercise when you can, even just going for a walk is something.

>> No.7971544

well this is the site that will ban you if you say you're underage, so be careful

>> No.7971546

>still plays dnd

Table top is a life long thing, man. I mean, you get together with friends, have a few snacks and beers and roll some dice.

>> No.7971548

>applied for a school
>they said they would inform us if we got in by 9.12. (d/m)
>I did a kind of mediocre job but did alright in the interview
>they still haven't contacted me
I probably didn't get in, schools usually tend to contact the ones who got in first.
This makes me upset, it's my only shot for a school here because my diploma isn't valid anywhere else (I went to a specialised prep school that only sends students to this one university, and I had to move to another country where it isn't accepted)

>> No.7971552
File: 18 KB, 267x200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>message on LaceMarket
>hey anon I like your thing, but I'm ballon' on a budget.
>tfw when they ask for $20 off
>tfw it's a $37 item (handmade)

Shit man, I don't know if I should feel insulted or sad.

>> No.7971554

I understand this greatly. When I begin to panic or get really paranoid I tend to scratch at my right arm. It's really become an unconscious thing at this point.
I've been doing my best to work on that but it's been a little hard as the people who do call me out on it aren't around much.

>> No.7971565

a hair cut and some cake face won't make a 3/10 a 6/10 .......c-check yourself

>> No.7971569

Well... I was right, I didn't get in.

>> No.7971576

Sign up for Japanese culture at the local community college and apply to Wendy's

Say hello to your shit tier future

>> No.7971577

They don't think your item is worth $37

Either your skill level isn't there or you used sub par materials in the construction, you over looked several details or a combination of all of the above

>> No.7971578

Or that person is a cheap low balling cunt.

>> No.7971580

Well it's easy to get mad at others and hurl insults.

Harder to reflect on your own work

>> No.7971581


It's hardest to reflect on your own life. Particularly yours, Sieg.

>> No.7971582

I don't have a Wendy's in my country and I don't have a working permit.

>> No.7971587

It's really pathetic how you're trying to bring down people's self esteem to make yourself feel like less of a loser. Aren't you way too old for this?
Everyone on /cgl/ already knows what a sad, fat sack of shit you are so it's not like people are taking what you say to heart. You might as well save yourself the embarrassment.

>> No.7971590


Says the person who has to filter someone to ignore them rather than have the emotional maturity to ignore them manually kek

I ignore your shit and you even went anon so I couldn't...troll master

>> No.7971592

lmao you're fucked
at least do something, be a whore or whatever instead of being a sad waste of space in someone else's country

>> No.7971593

There are some languages that just can't happen for certain speakers. For example,Ukranian, my mom's friend was talking about it and saying a few things but I'd never for the life of me be able to pronounce it properly because some of the sounds just don't exist in English or French. It's not a matter of whether or not they're trying, it's that it's virtually impossible because of how their mother language works.

Same thing with Danish, there's a word they'd use to catch foreign spies during the war (I'm not sure what it is) because it's so hard to pronounce if you're not Danish.

>> No.7971597

>virtually impossible
that's bullshit though. You have people who are able to pronounce anything perfectly and a lot of them are native English speakers. It's a matter of practice.

>> No.7971605

No, they probably meant English rather than Scottish or Welsh.

>> No.7971616

no because there is no such thing as a british accent holy shit

>> No.7971617

Americans think Britain, England and the UK are synonyms. They don't get that the UK is four countries and Britain is the island three of them are on.

>> No.7971619
File: 32 KB, 207x157, mmpu73lHV41rvhjms.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find highly coveted piece on Y!J, low starting price, no bids, 17 hours left, hell yeah, send request to SS
>at 13 hours, SS tosses up my max bid for fuck knows why
>i get outbid nine minutes before the end of the auction anyway

So just because I didn't explicitly tell them to bid in minimum increments they couldn't have used common sense? I know it probably would've become a bidding war anyway but I feel like I would've had a chance if I used a different SS. This isn't the first time Celga's disappointed me and I think I'm done with them.

>> No.7971622

All accents from England? Because there's a fuckload, not just what the bbc and bad reality shows serve up...

>> No.7971623

I just reread the thing, it said lower the price to $20 then take off $20. either way, that wouldn't cover the materials. Sieg, you're just a butthead.

>> No.7971638

There's a phrase like that in Dutch, too!
>Scheveningse kacheltjes
There's also "angstschreeuw" which is practically impossible for non-Dutch people to pronounce correctly. Often they can't even hear themselves that they're saying it wrong. It has to do with how your brain develops while you're learning a language. Some people may be more flexible in this but for others it's set in stone which sounds they can distinguish or not.

>> No.7971639

They probably mean RP

>> No.7971643

who the fuck still uses celga

>> No.7971645
File: 495 KB, 500x293, =T Hmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Worked my ass off to lose weight for cosplay
> Cue semester restarts
> Cue ballooning up to initial weight again
> What is even the point
I have lost motivation to do anything while simultaneously wanting to shave off my weight again

>> No.7971648

>have cfs
>also have the flu
>also going through med withdrawal
Damn, I feel like a wreck.

>spend all of my income on (j)fashion every single month
>try to stop multiple times
>isn't working
>realize I might have a bit of a problem
>agree to let my dad change the password of my paypal account
>bye monthly spending sprees, I will miss you

>> No.7971662

>tfw want to into lolita better
>tfw just keep eating


>> No.7971667
File: 35 KB, 500x277, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sister got a sweet Lolita dress
>it's too big
>later that day I go into her room when nobody is home for shenanigans
>see dress
>put it on because why not
>go make cute poses in mirror because why not
>realize my sister is behind me
>she has her phone out and taking photos
Rip me. Brojou btw.

>> No.7971670

>Get dream dress(MmM stained glass corset JSK)
>Should fit according to measurements
>Doesn't fit.
I'm a wreck gulls. I don't know wether to take it to a tailor or seriously try to lose extra weight. I have a 68cm waist and 90cm bust. The dress will fit my bust but I can't get the damn thing to zip over my waist. What do?

>> No.7971673

Feel known sis

I can fit most burando with partial shirring but I crave that Mary Magdelene

>> No.7971681

So i feel i'm not alone in this! I had few people i liked in my life because it's very difficult to me find like minded people, especially if you live in a smaller town. Usually i met people online infact, also friends and i'm average in looks, nothing special but i dress and act different from girls in my age (dressing lolita and usually not wearing sexy clothing) also i feel i'm a bit behind about love life and i'm still virgin in my mid 20s. Now i have finally found a bf that really likes me but i'm still at the beginning of a relationship, i hope we would work together and see each other next year in rl.

>> No.7971687

S-sell it to me.

No but seriously, you sound like you're already skinny enough with a 68cm waist. If you're not scared of lowering resale value, get it tailored.

>> No.7971696

[No we don't]

When its laid on thick, any accent from the UK sounds vaguely similar. Like... Steps sort of? You go English to Welsh to Irish to Scottish (in terms of speaking English with that type of accent) and it gets increasingly difficult to understand as you go.

>> No.7971699

I think you might just be mistaken about your waist measurement if that's the case. 68 cm is pretty small.

>> No.7971711


No, not literally ALL of them, haha. I said "in general", as in usually, sorry for being unclear. I'm sure there are some that I'd like if I heard them. Just like I love Irish accents "in general", but there are some that are exceptions.

>> No.7971720

I know how to use a measuring tape. I just measured myself today. The dress is just very small. I think the issue may be the lining in the area having no give. The corset body has a bit of give to it, the skirt waist fits where it's supposed to, but the dress is too tight to zip up past my underbust.

>> No.7971726

Did you take measurements of the JSK yourself? Lolibrary only lists "82cm bust" and the length.

>> No.7971733

Choke posted measurements of it.
The bust measurement on lolibrary is wrong for sure.

>> No.7971740

I can take some flat ones of the dress when I get home. Don't know why I haven't yet.

>> No.7971749
File: 31 KB, 497x403, sad bird is sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not having an idea of where you, your husband, or your dog will be in less than a year. Or if you will be able to live with your husband at all.
>Having to make new friends all over again in a new place just when I finally found some here.
Military life is hard. My husband tells me not to worry about future stuff it but my life sucks when he's not around at the end of the day. The thought that I may be on my own for a year wrecks me. The military tells you they make your family a priority but it doesn't feel like it sometimes.

>> No.7971754

They also tell you they don't spy on you, yet...
I honestly don't think the military is a good choice for a married person, it takes a toll on both of you and is unfair to both you and your spouse. That's why so many pilots are bachelors and massive manwhores.
My grandpa was a geologist who travelled a lot and in the end he got divorced because my grandma just couldn't handle him being away so much.
You do what you think is best anon, but perhaps you should consider another career path later on.

>> No.7971758

joined a facebook group for a class reunion coming up

all the guys that joined the military and got married, are now divorced

turns out wives don't like it when men are off 2 years fighting in the desert and end up cheating/running off with their money/savings

>> No.7971764

But Irish isn't really that difficult to understand... It sounds a lot closer to American, even. Especially in the big cities.
As someone from the UK, the only issue I've had with Irish accents was with old people and those from the Gaeltacht. Only reason why they're so difficult to understand sometimes is when they talk very fast or use the local slang, and I won't mention pikeys here because they have their own jargon and are a story for themselves.

I'd even put Scouse as more difficult to understand. Those people are terrible.

>> No.7971772

I'm kind of confused by your issue, sorry for being dense, but if you can't zip it up past your underbust, doesn't that mean you've already gotten it over your waist and can't get it past your bust?

>> No.7971785

Sorry like...the dress zips up like a cm past my real waist but then refuses to go past that. I'm not entirely sure if it's too small in the waist it too small slightly above the waist.

>> No.7971788

The English language diaspora has rendered the search for "pure" English foolhardy at best. All dialects and accents are correct, and classifying one of those accents or dialects as the "pure" one will only lead to embarrassment.

>> No.7971799

I'm the anon with the sometimes-abusive boyfriend from the other thread.

The good news is that for the past couple of weeks or so he hasn't done anything bad, hasn't shouted at me, hasn't been violent or thrown anything with me and has shown real signs of wanting to change.

>> No.7971804


Abusive people can't change just on a whim. His desire to be a good person may be genuine but this wont last, see the link.

>> No.7971812

I'd recommend trying to get him help and having a safety net in case something goes wrong. It's really hard to change at a drop of a hat and while everything might be good now, what about in a month? Or a year? You should know where you can get help at the very least.

>> No.7971827

>tfw someone writes passive-aggressive comments on your coord pics
>tfw that someone can't coord for shit and has less than a hundreth as many followers

I can't help it, ceeg. I get so happy when someone's obviously jelly.

>> No.7971839

>I'd recommend trying to get him help and having a safety net in case something goes wrong.

He'd see it as her not trusting him. I really don't know what to say about the situation, it feels all too volatile.

>> No.7971840

>tfw no more Vic Mignogna threads because of the "new" cgl rules

>> No.7971849

That's what the thin veils are for, silly.

>> No.7971895
File: 641 KB, 741x419, 1417509031604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw mutually followed by cosplayer you have a crush on
>tfw their posts make you feel closer to them, but you'll never get to know them personally

This happened to me when I cosplayed a female protag of a game and someone posted a picture of me on tumblr.
>reblogs it saying I'm that cosplayer
>gets followed by handsome guy who happened to be cosplaying the male protag of the same series at the con (too bad we never found each other)
>followed him back after seeing similar interests
>dashboard goes from slow and boring to being filled with his posts (I don't follow many people in the first place)
>gets persuaded to try new games/shows from seeing his posts (which now are my favorites)
>gets a feeling I understand him from his personal posts
>crush intensifies
>starts subconsciously posting things he would probably like. my tastes are most likely molded from his.
>year passes. still never contacted him.

God dammit. I wish we found each other that one day, because I would have felt a lot more comfortable messaging him if I we met in person. Now it's too late and I'm not sure if I'll ever meet him in person because it turns out he's not much of a convention goer.

>> No.7971904

Even if abusive persons CAN recover, staying within their current relationship with the abused person shows that they didn't change.
A recover needs supervision in some form, in a self-help group or threapist. If your boyfriend really changed and showed he knows what he did wrong, he would leave you as he knows it's the right thing, to him and to you.

>> No.7971920

Really heavily depends where you are in Ireland, I'm from the South-West and even other Irish people have terrible trouble understanding a lot of people here. We're fairly nearish the Gaeltacht, though, I suppose. I don't have much of an accent myself, though.

>> No.7971934


What model are you getting?

>> No.7971935

>need money for cosplay
>don't know how to finish cosplay
>I got an invite for the OnePlusOne phone but I used it on Black Friday when they decided to sell it to any pleb and now I'm waiting for another invite
>I'm trying not to be angsty about being a virgin but it's hard
>at least I have completely screwed over my academic life yet

>> No.7971973

as long as you don't ask for some chihhen and a cohh

>> No.7972034
File: 13 KB, 208x249, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw when no Lolita gf

>> No.7972046

>parents are both German
>grow up in German countryside, only speaking heavy Bavarian dialect
>never speak high German until I am about 12 years old
>only able to speak relatively slowly in high German
>can't speak English without accent either, but it still sounds more pleasant than me speaking my native tongue

>> No.7972054

>finally become competent enough to make friends and get into a community
>forced to move around the country for my job,
>can't keep any friends ecept for my old ones because I am never in one place for more than two months

>> No.7972066

It's not too late anon. I started getting together with my boyfriend after having him on Facebook for a year. Granted we met before, but we wouldn't have if not for /cgl/
Just ask what's up and if he has any cosplay plans

>> No.7972076

I don't, but by god, some people I went to school with would.

>> No.7972079

hey not all pilots are like that, I been single for a year since I dont like the vibe basic bitches give. I just want to have a comfy gf. I party every weekend, but I just want to unwind with someone other than my waifu pillow

>> No.7972080
File: 77 KB, 483x562, 1403100583764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grade 12
>doing a class project with two other people
>accidentally do it on the wrong person because I grossly misinterpreted what the teacher instructed
>teacher complains and gives us a zero
>one of my group mates says "Anon, you said it was [x] person. You ruined my grade."
>feel like shit
>leave class
>meet up with group mate afterward
>say I'm sorry for what happened
>"It's okay."
>"Did you say something to the teacher?"
>"Yeah, he said we could redo it."
>apologize again
>he repeats "It's okay" but won't look in my direction
>still feel bad because it's literally all my fault
>not sure if he meant he and the other person get another chance to improve their grade and I'm still failing, or if we're all doing it over
>not even sure I deserve the right to re-do it with them because 1) I wasn't there when they were discussing it with the teacher and 2)I'm the one who fucked it up
>scared I'll look like an asshole and/or a retard if I send him an e-mail asking if by "we" he meant all of us or not
I don't know what to do. If you're reading this, I'm sorry, Ghassan.

>> No.7972082

Are you Irish, by any chance?

>> No.7972087

eeww why would you want be with a mentally unstable person that is likely to have a poor financial habit?

>> No.7972088

Also, I don't know if you're gone, but if you are Irish (even if you're not), please don't be ashamed of your language, nothing makes me more sad than people shitting on a language because it's not "useful". When a language dies, a culture dies, you do your damndest to keep it alive even if you think it's in vain.

>> No.7972090

she sounds like it

>> No.7972093

Could be Scottish, though. I know Scots Gaelic is all but wiped out but there's still the chance.

>> No.7972120

Why can't you just go ask? I guess an e-mail is fine, but in person would at least give you the chance to not appear "retarded". And why weren't YOU the one to go to the professor and plead for mercy for your fuck up for at least your partners if not yourself?

>> No.7972143


Jesus Christ, you girls are some crusty ass cunts.

>> No.7972166

Because they advice her to not stay with her abusive boyfriend?
I'm not saying all abusers are done for, but even after recovery they shouldn't go back to their old relationships, they both risk relapse.
I bet OP would rather stay in this relationship and hope for the best instead of being alone. But it isn't.

>> No.7972171

I can't meet him in person unless I wait until tomorrow and search for him, so e-mail would be the easiest option.
>why weren't YOU the one to go to the professor and plead for mercy for your fuck up for at least your partners if not yourself?
I wanted to, but from how he was talking I thought everything was fucked and there was no point anymore. I only realized he had discussed it with the teacher after I saw him and the other group member walk out of the class, and then I talked to him.

>> No.7972181

You sound awfully cute anon, where are you from?

>> No.7972189

Okay, on the teeny tiny minuscule chance that an abuser can stop being abusive in a couple weeks, good job, but the second he acts violently again, I want you to remember this. I want you to realize that it's not going to get better, at least not on its own, and you need to get out.

>> No.7972200


gr8 b8 m8

>> No.7972281
File: 38 KB, 640x338, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me, 5'11, white, wears glasses
>Boyfriend wants me to cosplay No Game No Life with him
>Boyfriend is white, has very bad skin (acne), has a shit tier beard that looks like pubes that he won't shave
>Bearded sora, whatever babe...
>I make the crowns out of PVC, get us both wigs that actually aren't shit and I make him the shirt and order a shiro outfit on aliexpress
>Was stoned as fuck when I ordered, ordered it in the wrong size
>send it back to china 2 months ago, seller hasn't confirmed delivery and USPS says it's "somewhere in china"
>mfw boyfriend suggests I just wear a cheap maid dress with the wig
>Tall megane maid shiro with shorter bearded sora

>> No.7972285
File: 108 KB, 500x442, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because for some reason I love crazy unstable women fucking future dairies

>> No.7972310

>tfw NEET living off inheritance
>tfw only half-heartedly job searching for the past year
>tfw starting to get into lolita
>tfw bought first three dresses
>tfw fighting the impulse to buy buy buy left and right, could technically afford it but guilty and don't want to waste inheritance more than I already have
>tfw taking job hunting way more seriously because of this stupidly expensive fashion

Thanks, lolita.

>> No.7972320

>want to play instrument
>too stupid to play instrument
>too stupid to actually learn something from youtube tutorials
>can't afford real lessons
>oh yeah also 700€ in debt
a bloo bloo bloo

>> No.7972324

Good for you for looking for work and trying not to go spend happy. Good luck!

Wow, what a cgl-related feel this was.

>> No.7972343
File: 74 KB, 278x340, 1371151560699.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>developed hyperthyroidism in the last like.. 2-3ish years?
>become stick thin
>pass out randomly
>constantly shaking
>monthly or bi-weekly hospital trips
>mfw i can fit in brand now and all the fatty-chan assholes in my comm are booty blistered

is this thin privilege? am i finally living the dream?

>> No.7972345

well, it has to do with cosplay. can't tell you the details. this is a vent thread too so yeah

>> No.7972355

It's arguably a blessing in disguise.

You still need to deal with possible stretch marks though.

>> No.7972364
File: 50 KB, 449x425, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pictures plz

>> No.7972375


man shut the fuck up

>> No.7972380


That sounds horrible, weight loss aside. Is there some consideration of other treatment at least? I'm surprised they haven't removed your thyroid entirely at this rate, since hyperthyroidism can have some pretty damning long term consequences.

>> No.7972383

What the.... When it is my turn to get offered a bj.

>> No.7972385

Be born attractive and then act like an asshole.

>> No.7972400

i didn't find out until about 2 months ago during some blood tests when the fainting got to the point that my mom witnessed it (we don't live together and when she saw, it was like the worst it had ever been) and asked me to see a doctor. i find out the rest of the blood test results this week, so here's hoping good news will follow.

good news aside from being newly privileged and thin. i can't wait until i start getting called anorexic or bulimic!

>> No.7972590

...but then how do you know that your bust fits if you can't zip it up? Just because of Choke's measurements? I hope you figure it out, anon. I know my rib cage is a bit big and make high waist skirts hard to fit, so I can feel that pain.

>> No.7972603

sorry just saw this.
they're there because the leiseowner's mother works in some sort of immigration. She tells people "if you go through us, you can stay in our house till you are verified" The other home residents are lied to and told they are family, but we all know what's up. they come from Vietnam.

I plan to report the house once I find a new place to live. Since reporting them now gives me a very high possibility of getting kicked out.

>its so cold at night
>no one is allowed to turn on the heat because the whiny immigrants don't like the noise
Its just air blowing? I don't understand why I have to freeze. This house used to be so nice..

>> No.7972609

lol anon, that may have been me who brought up the diva cup before. If it makes you feel any better I need a size 2 as well and I'm 24, never had children, and my bfs dick isn't abnormally large or anything. I used a size 1 from when I was 18ish to around 23 when it started to leak. Apparently the size difference between the two is only a few millimeters though so it doesn't mean you have a massive vag or anything.

On the plus side, once you get the right size they actually do work really well. Sorry that happened to you :c

>> No.7972642


a male friend of mine told me that guys will often talk to women who they believe they have a chance with instead of girls they think are out of their league. Probably not always true but its a nice thought to tell yourself lol

>> No.7972664

ah, that actually makes me feel a lot better.

>> No.7972718

why don't you all just like, ask the guy out yourself

>> No.7972760

I just, don't have the will to live.
What the hell is even still moving me at this point.

>> No.7972779

> really used to having heavy periods
>get on BC
>periods are so much lighter! No cramps! Yay!
>suddenly, no period last month
>no period this month either
>now horribly paranoid about being pregnant by .001% chance, bf and I don't use condoms
>buy highwaisted jsk to cheer myself up >roommate who knows nothing offhandedly says "you're gonna look pregnant in that"
Fuck this. I'm going to go get a damn test tomorrow or Im gonna drive myself crazy.

>> No.7972802

>Ship small items internationally
>Get reemed on international shipping charges because USPS sucks and they misquoted how much it was going to cost to ship the items.
>Feel very upset.
>Bother sellers offer to pay at least some of the difference even though I didn't ask them to.

Faith in humanity restored.

>> No.7972809
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>tfw your keyboard keeps fucking up while trying to shop online

>> No.7973051

>tfw cold

>> No.7973257

To be fair... The culture's already been dead for a while. At this point we're not much different from Americans culture-wise.

>> No.7973258

Yeah, I don't get it. I've never been afraid to ask guys out, and as a result gotten with pretty much any guy I've set my sights on.

>> No.7973261
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>Pokémon fan since I was six years old
>never had the guts to cosplay but want to try it out
>see this
>holy shit, it's me and my boyfriend
>boyfriend thinks Pokémon is childish and cosplay is weird, would never agree to this
>tfw no easymode cute couple cosplay

>> No.7973263

call him a faggot

>> No.7973267

4chan summed up in one post

>> No.7973268

I don't think that will help anon.

>> No.7973271

Offer kinky cosplay sex.
See if that doesn't coerce him.

>> No.7973288
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I read all the replies, thank you everyone. I am starting to worry about this as it's becoming a bit more severe in my head. I am now paranoid to eat more, i check calories on everything and I'm scared to even eat a piece of bread. I make sure to make myself eat at least a good meal but, between my thoughts and lack of appetite I know I'm not getting what I need. I was just trying to clean a bit and I got too lightheaded and had to lie down.

I'm not sure how I'm going to talk to someone about this. I'm just too shot to. I tried talking to my mother the other day about something else on my mind. as I have been thinking I might hav borderline personality disorder but, I'm always met with "You're being a hypochondriac" or I feel like I'm being laughed at. I've been on medications since I was 15 for anxiety and depression. I feel like even if I try I won't be taken seriously anyways.

I can't have myself start to have an ED, I need to snap myself out of this. All I keep doing is finding all this self-destructive behavior.

God dammit, all I want to do is be thin again right now. All I have in my mind is "I'll feel better if I do this".

I have so many mental problems I couldn't even put down into one damn post. So many things I want to complain about.

>> No.7973404

Well I already act like an asshole....

I guess I'm ugly but at least I'm strong and not fat.

>> No.7973418

I just realized how my lolita comm is turning more and more elitist and some people are creating a hierarchical atmosphere in their desperate and hasty attempts to become looleeta famoos and it's making me uncomfortable.

It's not as if we haven't had those before, but these people (especially two of them) have are good at make other members - especially newer ones - interpret them as if they have a lot of influence on various events, brands and whatnot while they don't - they are just really good at pulling believable stuff out of their asses. Don't misunderstand me, they are good people, just this behavior is sort of scary and I don't know how it will affect the comm if I call them out, especially since we all are bending over backwards to prevent drama.

Now one of them even has a youtube channel and I see that it has gotten mentioned on cgl a couple of times I'm worried that she is going to turn even more arrogant and be even more desperate to climb on other people to receive her imaginary status.

>> No.7973426
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>my horrible self-confidence has been troubling me all of my life and held me back way too many times
>every time I start getting somewhere with several exercises and whatnot I fall into a slump and end up back on square one
>fuck it I need some professional help with this anything will do
>muster up the courage to tell my therapist about my horrible self-image and my self-hatred
>"well I can't help you with that"
>Oh..okay...what should I do now?

It's not like I'm disappointed, I didn't expect any miracles and I know they don't practice magic but I was hoping for at least some advice to point me in the right direction so now I'm just a bit confused if anything

>> No.7973430


I can help with this. I grew up poor in the northeast.

Put one blanket (or even a few towels) UNDER your fitted sheet. Get thermal curtains for your windows -- this makes almost a ten degree difference in my room. You can also get rugs, hang tapestries or blankets on the wall, or curtain off an area around your bed (like a tent or a four-post bed) to retain more of your own heat.

I operate a space heater for a few hours before I go to bed, and then shut it off. I don't trust them. Ask your dad if you can do that. In general, hit up a goodwill or a thrift store and buy as many blankets, rugs, curtains, and fabrics as you can. You can even put them up over your ceiling.

If your house is uninsulated, speak to your dad about upgrading the house. It would save him money in the long run. When he next needs new roofing, he can get metal sheeting instead of shingles, as they retain MUCH more heat in winter and deflect it in summer. Blow in more insulation in the walls and attic. Get double pane windows. Get paste to seal in cracks around window frames and walls. Get skirters (not sure of name) for under the door to fill in the cracks (they're like a foam-fabric band).

Before you go to bed, do manual exercises, or masturbate under the covers. This builds up body heat by burning calories--two benefits in one.

This will be controversial, but I sleep naked with socks. If I try wearing clothes to bed it just makes me colder.

>> No.7973433


Are you having any health issues? Real talk. I dieted heavily to slim down for some revealing cosplay, and felt the same way while dieting. I wasn't "scared", but I was watching things closely.

I'd say do what you want to get where you want to. Fuck the fatties that are telling you you have a disorder.

>> No.7973434

>PA Dutch

I used to visit Amish country with my grandparents, and I loved the accent. I still remember two kind old ladies in a restaurant in a field, sitting at their table conversing in PA Dutch. I think it sounds cool.

>> No.7973435

Your therapist sucks get a new one. They aren't maid but geese they have to at least be willing to talk with you about the issue to see where it comes from.

>> No.7973439

I had an ED in high school anon, and no, you won't feel better. It took me years to get over it, but now I eat healthy meals and exercise in safe ways. I weigh a bit more than I did at my slimmest, but I'm almost as thin, and the things my body can do now, without any threat of fainting, really amaze me. ED will not make you happier or even necessarily thinner as fast as you want to be.

Do you have a therapist you can talk to? Psych, since you're on meds? They should be able to help. Mine, at the very least, set me up with a dietitian who helped me with meal plans that would help me work toward recovery slowly. Good luck.

>> No.7973443

I'm having a similar problem in my apartment and could use some advice too. I think the air conditioner wasn't installed properly, like years ago, and no one removes it in the winter because it's a hassle. Because of that, my room is the coldest in the house. It's almost like I have the window open all day.

I'm fucking freezing all the time. I can't think and can't move from my computer chair sometimes because it's the only place I can retain some heat when I'm not in bed. How do I fix this properly?

>> No.7973446
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/cgl/ related

>Suffer from depression and anxiety.
>Go to therapy regularly.
>Be mega /fit/ because working out to combat depression.
>Stop therapy because meds are working and I feel great.
>Go to conventions and cosplay.
>Get nice confidence boost due to compliments, even though I can't do anything because I'm married.
>Do well for a few months.
>Con season ends.
>Post con depression.
>Meds stop working as well.
>Begin to have seasonal issues due to Winter weather.
>Suicidal thoughts, anxiety, and existential crisis bullshit happening again.
>Call to go back to therapy.
>"Sorry Anon, but because you didn't fill out a form back in March your insurance won't cover therapy".
>Call employer.
>Can't get therapy covered until upcoming March.
>Can't talk to anybody about issues.
>Feel like shit every day.
>Don't know what I am doing.
>Try working on cosplay because it's one of the few things I actually enjoy
>No motivation.
>No satisfaction.
>Panic attacks thinking about upcoming con deadlines.

At least alcohol is cheap.

>> No.7973459

If you have a smartphone there's an app called Recovery Road that my therapist had me use during my own ED issues and it was incredibly helpful.
Another thing I've learned is that while I had (and still have) days when I don't feel hungry and can only get myself to drink liquids, protein/meal replacement drinks are a godsend, so is protein powder. This way you get the nutrients and calories you need, but without having to be hungry or anxious about eating.
You are the first person who needs to like yourself, anon.

>> No.7973468

Im fucking dying
if he had shaved and used make up, you guys couldve cosplayed the version were Shiro was an Onee-san and Sora was short bishonen

>> No.7973490

not even close to being the same, first person theyd kill would be you or themselves, had to actually live throught that shit once, its not as fun as it seems.
lel you are so pregs, bc doesnt mean shit if you blasted with the full load everytime, its bound to happen, like it did my friend.
call him an insucure faget that cant rock anything he puts on and give no fucks.

I went through that shit before and it lasted 2 years, you know what stopped it?
be impulsive if you have to be, but nigga you gotta love you for you, if your wife is being a cunt then cut her out the picture.Do what makes you happy or what used to make you happy. Booze is fun and all but alcohol is meant to be used as a tool, not make you into a tool
tl;dr man up faget, dont be another self loathing piece of shit like every other man in this era

>> No.7973493


Thank you so much for telling me the key is to just stop feeling depressed and anxious. This whole time I was doing it on purpose, but with your sage advice I now know I just need to STOP BEING DEPRESSED! God it's like I have a new lease on life. Thank you so much for contributing.

>> No.7973500

youre welcome faget
maybe now youll stop being a pussy and overthinking everything until it drives you bonkers

>> No.7973517


Without removing the AC:

Cover with plastic sheeting, then curtains so it doesn't look like a crackden. I'm not sure what adhesive to use, but google it. Plastic should extend a few inches from the window edges, probably about 3 or maybe 4. The window is already useless because there's a huge AC unit jammed in it, so just cover it up and pretend it doesn't exist. If you don't think plastic is good enough, you can also use plastic plus an emergency blanket (that metallic sheeting crap).

Also, slap your landlord/parents upside the head and tell them to fix that shit. Unless you have another window in the room, that's a fire hazard and probably violates code.

>> No.7973638

Dunno if you're still here, Anon, but check out the sticky in /fit/. It has a ton of info on eating properly.

>> No.7973648

Not really, only in the cities. Traditional culture is still strong in a lot of places.

>> No.7973911

>Reserved Nameless poem on storenvy
>Realized probably should have done it with a real SS

If anyone had experience with buying from Woody lolita that would be reassuring. Its been mentioned a few times here and there they were doing reservations and the prices seem around SS prices. Im just scared becasue no feedback....

>> No.7974321

I reviewed Woody's lolita in the Indie thread, only positive things to say about them.
Hope you see this!

>> No.7974981
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>Be me
>Be collegefag at a good university second year into a good degree (nursing) but really don't like it
>Keep telling myself that I'll just bite the sheet and graduate and everything will be fine
>My grades are shit (2.3 GPA) due to failing a semester
>Tried therapy once and lifted myself out of depression sans meds with lifestyle change but depression seems to kick in again
>Feel totally unmotivated with stronger physical symptoms, headaches, nausea and shit, shitty sleepy schedule, feel like I'm sleeping most of my days through outside of internship
>barely attend classes but excessively browse kawaii shit on taobao and ali since it makes me happy
>Used to care much about my appearance but now I can't even motivate to dress myself. At least my wallet is spared though, I used to have taobao orders every month or two.
>Missed my therapist appointment yesterday which was already hard to come by
>Fucked up internship today when instructor's colleague saw me texting, a thing I never did in the past
>Lied through my fucking teeth but I'll see my instructor tomorrow and am super scared because of it

>> No.7975027

Just drop out. It doesn't matter how good the degree is if your grades are shit and you don't like what you're doing.

>> No.7975053

I'm halfway through and scared that my shitty grade won't get me elsewhere.
I don't want to waste an extra year doing shitty minimum wage job while still not having a sense of what to do with my life.

>> No.7975120

Thanks for the reassurance! I'm pretty sure he's not planning to molest me though, I've been close friends with him for a while and talking about his hentai was an exaggeration because we're always joking about his hentai addiction in our friend group.

Him and another friend are the only ones I've expressed my interests too and the other friend's reaction was along the lines of "Wow, that's cute but the name is unfortunate", she's a lit major tho so ye.

Sorry to hear you had a friend with a similar response. Also yeah, Innocent World is great! Their Vilma OP was the first dress I fell in love with.

>> No.7975187

This. Landlords are required by law to make sure heat can get supplied to tenants. If not, look up code and inform them. They can't kick you out easily, either, since tenants have rights. (If you didn't sign a lease and you're their illegally, though, you're screwed.)

>> No.7975196

You'd be surprised how little some employers care about gpa. Many are just happy that you can finish something to the end.

I could see merits to either option of dropping out, or just toughing it out. The first will make things difficult for future employment, but it may make anon happier. The second will get something shoved our of the way (and anon had a better chance in the job market, she could even just get a cushy admin position at a private clinic), but it will suck until she finishes the degree.

>> No.7975200

THANK you so much!
I was getting worried about how they keep directing people to the new customs store.. which is a bit priceyer but i think its because theyre including shipping in the "customs" store

>> No.7975232
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Boyfriend keeps pestering me into sex.

I don't want to feel like one of those girls who denies their boyfriend sex and then calls it rape or whatever, but I said no on like 5 separate occasions last night and he just refused to listen and I eventually relented.

It's not that I don't want him, there are just periods where I just want light intimacy but no sex. Any other girls feel this way?

>> No.7975265

Give him what he wants and don't be a selfish bitch.

>> No.7975275
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>> No.7975463

If he can't respect your wishes, leave him. If he cares more about his dick than your choices for your body, he does not respect you. And people with different sex drives don't make very good partners for this exact reason. Let him go find someone who will give him what he wants without having to "give in" and maybe resenting him for it, and you go do the same.

>> No.7976703

>Live on campus
>Since I work parttime i have a lot of money to blow on brand
>orders some stuff from japan the week before thanksgiving break
>It'll be in the last day the campus is open, no worries
>gets delivered during when the campus is closed
>Since EMS no one there to sign
>I don't receive a delivery notice
>don't even find out they attempted delivery till next week
>Try to reschedule redelivery during when the school is open
>Mfw package is returned to seller

I mean the items I ordered aren't essential for my coord I have planned but it was items that were on my wishlist for awhile.
I already emailed the sender, but I'm so pissed at the post office and the school right now.