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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 28 KB, 400x300, 15-taobao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7957596 No.7957596 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>7947734

FAQ (Please Read!):

Taobao Dictionary:

Store Spreadsheets:
**NEW** https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1f4Ej-xGtGsOjPJOQ2cxr3zi-p-F30zyattmxajSvFEs/edit#gid=0

Shopping Services Spreadsheet:

Budgeting Spreadsheet Template:

Pop-up dictionary: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zhongwen-a-chinese-englis/kkmlkkjojmombglmlpbpapmhcaljjkde?hl=en
Good EL-CH dictionary: nciku.com
Translate text from images: newocr.com

If the above links look the same, disable add-ons (like 4chanX), clear cache, clear cookies, and/or try a new Internet browser. This problem happens sometimes. There's also an anon that will translate stuff if you wanna keep it personal or whatever and don't mind waiting: fortranslatetaobao@gmail.com.

A rough guide on the new forwarding service by anon! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/myoq4zzz5s5pu5t/5GGaij-8os


To fix the browser problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcXkGdwQIAw

>> No.7957604

>Is my package going to make it edition

>> No.7957664

>Package hasn't arrived at SS
>SS isn't responding to emails.

>> No.7957704

Anyone got any cute hats or other winter accessories?

>> No.7957708

I did. I'm anon >>7957664. Tried to buy some winter clothing during 11.11 but well.

>> No.7957735

Does anyone know what taobao shop this is?

I saw the skirt on ToAlice but the background was different and there were no shirts.


>> No.7957768
File: 90 KB, 400x400, TB1BwHDFVXXXXc.XFXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if it was in the last thread or the one before that but some anon said they bought this and their SS sent them a picture of it. The quality looked kind of shitty but I'm wondering if that anon ever got it in?
If so, how did it turn out?

>> No.7957779

They are from when To Alice was still part of Mysis.

>> No.7957796

Thank you!

>> No.7957807

That anon here. Still waiting for the rest of my items to arrive at my SS so I haven't received it yet. I can do a review once I receive it though, but with shipping times as it is I have no clue when that'll be.

>> No.7958035

My EMS box just made it to US customs today, it looks like China didn't scan shit after acceptance/sorting. But it'll still be a 10~11 day transit time.

>> No.7958082

>ordered around $100 worth of stuff
>everything arrives to forwarding service within 10 days
>order another $100 worth of stuff

I need to be stopped.

>> No.7958121

Forgive my reposting but the thread died.
This is probably a dumb question but does anyone know where to find your tracking number from the taobao forwarding service? Then what's the Chinese shipping website to track it?

>> No.7958259

Which forwarder did you use? Anyway, this site brings up any tracking number. http://track-chinapost.com/

>> No.7958335

The only forwarding option to the US. Idk what it's called but it says EMS DHL in an image seems the location is Zhongshan

>> No.7958582

got some more things in at the yoybuy forwarding service
my dress only weighted 358 grams, so it only cost me $7 dollars to ship it to me Airmail Small Packages, which is great because I've never had a package get lost this way and I don't have to fucking sign for it.

>> No.7958824
File: 1.24 MB, 2176x1812, order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus size anon here. Just paid for my order. One of the skirts I ordered apparently is "out of stock" after I paid but the item page says there are 88 in stock. Aren't there rumours that taobaoring is banned from certain shops for trying to haggle? or is that a different SS. Bummed cause I was most excited for that skirt but w/e. Excuse the horrid collage.

>> No.7958860

I kek'd

>> No.7958883

Source on the furry berets?

>> No.7958895

here you go!

>> No.7958903

Are you looking for anything specific?

>> No.7958907

Sauce on the ribcage shirt?

>> No.7958916

So my 11.11 shop finally came >>7949878

I'm happy with almost everything that came. The cosmic replica... The bow came separate. No, it wasn't detachable. It looked like it was ripped off. Luckily there was no damage to the dress but I'll need to sew it on myself. I saw in a lot of reviews people mentioned something about the bow (maybe it was a common problem or it was bad quality?) so if anyone else ordered one don't be surprised if the bow isn't great. Apart from that it was fine, it looks quite nice.
The CCS messenger bag is lovely looking but it is way smaller than I was expecting. It also feels sort of flimsy so I wouldn't carry anything heavy in it. But again it looks and feels very nice. It's a bit pricey for what you get though. The seller left a cute note on it but I can't read it sadly lol.
Nothing else really worth commenting on, everything else met the description/pictures.

>> No.7958951


>> No.7958954

How do I find pancake or syrup themed socks/accessories/wearable things? I'm trying to search on my own, but I can only seem to find actual food.

>I just want to wear Honey Cake with pride and nicely matching accessories

>> No.7958997
File: 170 KB, 960x471, Screenshot 2014-11-25 at 2.57.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try sorting the category from food to the one you want.

>> No.7959019

link to top eyelashes, skirt next to them and dark grey cardigan.and could you possibly review the wigs when they arrive?

>> No.7959026

Someone need Taobao anonymous.

You need to budget anon?

>> No.7959034

A different anon here, seconding a review when it finally arrives.

>> No.7959041

take a picture of the note and see if another helpful anon will translate it for you

>> No.7959075
File: 3.54 MB, 1860x1192, tao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the tights I'm buying now end up fitting, I am going to lose my entire paycheck to that store.

>> No.7959352

I have bandage tights like the one in your pic and I have no idea how to wear them. Even wearing something plain with it is too eye-catching urgggghhh

>> No.7959359
File: 453 KB, 600x485, tumblr_ndtxotgcT71tw502mo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you help me find this?

>> No.7959369


Link to dress? I need it.

>> No.7959382

Use these.

>> No.7959391

I wish I could find find some synthetic berets like these.

>> No.7959425

I almost make my first shopping but cannot found a damn gradient tights with stars; like a gradient galaxy

>> No.7959427

/asking again/
I'm confused about this...
it's selling the collar... wrists or the entire blouse...?

>> No.7959443

That butter toast plushie. Do a review when you get it.

>> No.7959496

It is by Onespo, just search the brand's name and you find tons of stuff with cutout hearts.

>> No.7959503

That's a onepiece, anon.

>> No.7959508

Like on the plushie/pillow?

>> No.7959525

it's a deposit for that blouse I think

r u blind?

>> No.7959570
File: 319 KB, 591x1248, 324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, pic related, there is no seperate collar and wrist cuffs.

>> No.7959588

Forgot to mention that the options are for what style of collar and sleeve ends you want, the blouse in the attached pic got the sleeve option of the black one.

>> No.7959597


>> No.7959599
File: 36 KB, 385x578, dear_celine_bell_sleeved_lace_blouse_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Dear Celine restock items? I found this blouse on Clobba, but but it's not in their shop. I'm sure I could get it cheaper from their Taobao directly.

>> No.7959617

Sauce on the straw hat please?

>> No.7959724

Are you thinking of these tights maybe?

>> No.7959762

They'd look great with a plain black dress. They're supposed to be your main piece or else it would look too busy.

>> No.7959794

Thanks a lot, you read my mind !

>> No.7959820

Hey could you do that toalice blouse/brown dress review for me (anon from last thread)? And the top left purple wig if you have the time! thanks!

>> No.7959831

seconding the butter toast plush review

>> No.7959837

occasionally, but not on a regular schedule. i just check their shop every few days. so far i was able to land both of their tweed kodona vests and a blazer that was a re-release of a winter 2013 item.

speaking of which, my blazer arrived at tbtrends today....paid for air shipping already so hopefully it's here soon!

>> No.7959911
File: 56 KB, 677x202, Screenshot 2014-11-25 at 10.24.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hoping that Yoybuy will hurry up and change the status from Bought to Arrived so I can pay for my order. So excited to get this sweater.

>> No.7959947

Does anyone know any taobao stores that does custom sizes for maid dresses?

>> No.7959987

Link to the butter toast plush?

>> No.7960055

Nope, literally no one is selling it unfortunately, even earlier all the stores only had a few in stock

It's the second payment for that blouse, if you didn't pre-order it with a deposit you can't get it, and the options are for high collar (I don't know the exact term but like cuff picture but on the collar?????), and peter pan collar

>> No.7960058
File: 919 KB, 717x538, taobaoorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just paid for my order and I'm inwardly cringing even though I know I got a good deal.

>Item Cost: $16
>Weight: 3.2lbs
>Shipping: $27 (AIR)
>Fees + Insurance: $10
>Total Cost: $53
>Unique Items Bought: 37
>Total Items Bought: 91

>> No.7960072

well done! I thought It would have weighed more, what is that block thing anyway?

>> No.7960082

It's foam blocks for needle felting. Goes with the wool roving beside it in the photo.

>> No.7960089

omg that tight store I'm in love

That said, I did order some of the same tights from a different store that was selling things for slightly cheaper if tights are your thing (but if the stock pictures are correct then it's actually also slightly lower quality if it matters)

>> No.7960412

holy fuck i want all of them.

currently cursing my ginormous hips and thighs.....bet these are all tiny as fuck

>> No.7960480

I looked through reviews but a lot of them are from a little while back/not as recent. Which SS should I use if anyone has dealt with any of these recently.

TBSpree/Spreenow or Yoybuy?
Medium size order of bags, little (nonfragile) trinkets, cosplay, and some clothing and plushies. do not need it right away but before end of Dec is nice

>> No.7960561

How ginormous is ginormous? Some of them fit 12/14 quite comfortably if you're not super tall

Alternatively find keywords for the tights you like and then add MM to the searches and you get plus size tights

>> No.7960818

Spreenow and Yoybuy are both good imo, it'd be down to personal preference for yourself. Something I will say is that spreenow package things better and have better communication than yoybuy but that's not to say yoybuy is bad. I prefer yoybuy's cart system but spreenow is fine too.
>do not need it right away but before end of Dec is nice
At this point it'd be nice if it happened but I definitely would not bank on this happening, I got 2 packages in November and both were really slow/delayed, December is going to be absolutely nuts.

>> No.7960895

hips are 41", thighs are each 25" around....i'm not tall, but i have a lot of leg to cover. there's no measurements listed on the first tights site linked, so i'm assuming the hip only goes to 100cm.

(also inb4 lose weight.....i have a large pelvis and neither my hip nor thigh circumference change with weight gain/loss.)

>> No.7960898 [DELETED] 

your thighs alone are larger than the waist measurement of most women who that chinese clothing was meant for

might want to rethink that

>> No.7960899

stfu sieg

>> No.7960925

Before December is going to be impossible unless you pay through the nose for DHL no matter who you go with

>> No.7960934 [DELETED] 

whatever...ham thighs

>> No.7960982

Will pruany throw a fit if I ask for a picture of my package in the scale? They swear its almost 8kg but that sounds like too much for what I ordered.

>> No.7960988

you're at the point where you may be lucky and you'll fit them, but they'll be likely to rip or be very not-opaque in the bad way. Honestly just don't do it. There are stores that sell tights for bigger thighs, maybe Haenuli or that one storenvy place with the narwhal tights. I'm too tall/big for taobao tights too :p

>> No.7960996

Do it. If they refuse then just choke up the shipping costs and then never use them again. They've been pulling this shit too much lately.

>> No.7961135

yoybuy forwarding anon again
the item i shipped on the 22nd with Airmail Small Package, just arrived at NYC. I paid $3.00 to ship this item and that is the quickest I've ever gotten something to he USA with a cheap option. Hell, EMS for me still takes 5-10 days to even get here (atleast, in my experience).

>> No.7961158

You are a hero among us all, anon.

>> No.7961163

> The real weight of your parcel is 1.400 kg. The estimated weight is 1.479 kg. We have refunded the price difference of international shipping 1.44 USD.to your YOYBUY account. Please have a check.

Well thank you, Yoybuy. After hearing about all the crap going on with shopping services over charging, I'm really glad they emailed me about a .079 difference and gave me a refund even if it wasn't that much.

I wear my free Yoybuy tshirt with pride today.

>> No.7961188 [DELETED] 

A wide pelvis will make your hips bigger but you can still lose weight off those thighs. Don't kid yourself.

>> No.7961264

>You have made such a great choice, for your items looks so wonderful.
lol thanks TBR but you probably say this to everyone you saucy minx

>> No.7961354 [DELETED] 

exactly....hence why i said they wouldn't fit me.
>narwhal tights
OMG. link?

yeaaaaaah nope. lost 15 pounds this year and zero thigh change. it's a genetic thing: all the women in my family have big thighs. they're not all jiggly cellulite....i'm pretty athletic so they're muscular. they're also mostly in proportion with the rest of my crazy figure.

>> No.7961360


Nah usually they just tell me "your items look good!"

So you probably have an excellent haul.

>> No.7961409 [DELETED] 

similar with that hip. I have 41 inch hips and I'm 5'6.

>> No.7961417
File: 2.55 MB, 2417x1103, order3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agencytaobao still hasnt updated my 2nd half of my order to arrived yet and I'm leaving to the west coast on the 18th
What shipping service would get it to me before then? Are they ass hat expensive?

>> No.7961422 [DELETED] 

Maybe anon means Tejajamilla on Etsy? I don't know if she has a storenvy too.

It's almost all socks and tights. Maybe someone at TBR has a foot fetish? Ha.

I also have 40" hips, 23" thighs and a ±31" inseam and I had no problem with the few tights I've ordered off Taobao so far. Lets hope everything from this order will fit me as well.
I get you on the thighs btw. It's practically the only place my body stores fat and they're decently muscular. My BMI is only 17 so losing even more weight just to get smaller thighs is probably a bad idea.

>> No.7961434 [DELETED] 

Unless you are a veritable giant, how is your BMI 17 with those measurements????

>> No.7961449 [DELETED] 

>hips are 41"
>I'm not tall

>40" hips
>BMI of 17

I'm sorry I have to call bullshit on these posts. I have 38" hips and I am not obese but definitely overweight, I have a BMI of about 26. I don't know how it's possible to not be overweight with these measurements. What are your stats? I'd like to believe you but there is no way someone with a BMI of 17 has hips that big... Either you're weighing yourself wrong or you're measuring yourself wrong. I'm tall myself too, I'm about 5'10. I just cannot believe someone with a BMI of 17 can take a size UK16/US18 in pants, it's impossible. What is your BF%?
On this topic to at least contribute: Most tights have fit me fine around the hips but they are always far too short so I can't wear them. I'm hoping that when I lose more weight they may fit since I'll have more material to pull up my leg but I'm not banking on it.

>> No.7961479

Sauce on the heart bags pls

>> No.7961488 [DELETED] 

Maybe >>7960895 >>7961422 are just extreme pears. We all know at least one person with ginormous hips.(Though a 17 BMI does sound odd).

I'm 5'1 and have a BMI of ~22, and last I checked, my hips are 39" and thighs 22". It's just that my weight is concentrated in my lower body (I have a 31" bust, 25" waist).

>> No.7961506 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 500x333, iliac-spine-hip-bone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big hipbones and wide pelvis, hardly any meat. My hipbones look like they could take an eye out and it's not pretty. My shoulders are point and bony too. I'm aware that I need to gain weight and am working on it.
Pic obviously isn't me but I look a bit like that even standing up.

>> No.7961511

OK thank you!

>> No.7961555 [DELETED] 

please come measure me then.....i'm doing that regularly since i'm doing the focus t25 exercise program (finished turbofire earlier this year). last measurements
B- 37"
W- 31"
H- 41"
(my thigh measurement was typo'd above....should have been 23.5". just noticed this, calf is 14.5" and solid muscle)
inseam- 31"

i'm 5'5" and exceedingly shortwaisted, so i'm all leg (another reason why i despair taobao tights). also a pear. ~150lb, size 10/12 pants. trying to get back to 140, but i looked basically the same as i do now and wore the same size, just less of a stomach pooch.

polite sage because i can't believe i'm telling anons this.
>inb4 FATTY.

>> No.7961579 [DELETED] 

But at 5'5" and ~150lb your BMI is 25 and not 17...?

>> No.7961587 [DELETED] 

Uh ok but that is believable for a BMI of 25. Not a BMI of 17, which is where the disbelief came from.

>> No.7961667

I found this cute shop for planners, scrapbooks and a few home goods, maybe it could be added to the spreadsheet?


>> No.7961672 [DELETED] 


>>7961579 and >>7961587 are right, anon.


>tfw BMI 18 and I have nowhere near these measurements

>> No.7961740

Can we get back on topic now?

>> No.7961754

>Tfw only want to buy two things that aren't really on eBay?
Any SS that do really small orders like super small? or do I have to go through the Buychina (or was it Aliexpress) way?

>> No.7961762
File: 306 KB, 1077x600, smallshittyorder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the last thread I commented that yoybuy was charging me more for DHL packet due their volumetric weight system, but I gotta say that the customer service there was excellent after I contacted them. They answered quickly and with good english and changed my shipping method from DHL to EMS. Today I got the message that my parcel has been sent out without additional fees or hassle. Surprisingly, in the mail I got the shipping company has been marked as DHL.

Anyway, small shitty order for small shitty Christmas. Friend has ordered a good quality white fluffy fabric from taobao and since it's hard to come by here (or it priced like a motherfucker) I decided to get a meter for a next project. Few wigs for a friend and me, a handbag and Christmas present I didn't add in this picture.
But if you're looking for adorable and fluffy plushies, especially Alpacas (or LINE characters), I recommend this seller.

>> No.7961775

thanks anon, it's been added!

>> No.7961793

No problems with Yoybuy so far either.

Not getting answers from Taobaotrends despite a good start. It's been a while since 11.11.

>> No.7961858

Go through with Yoybuy's new forwarding service. They do small packages >>7958582

>> No.7961878

What's your friend cosplaying?

>> No.7961909

Damn, I made my first Taobao order ever and I'm super excited and nervous at same time

>> No.7961933

i use tbtrends all the time. they tend to stay quiet unless your order status gets updated "like all your stuff is at the SS, etc). they were very nice when i was waiting for dear celine to add some more blazers in my size, and when i emailed to let them know about the restock, they told me they had already purchased it for me.

>> No.7962061

Link to the cityscape sweater?

>> No.7962062

I emailed them three times about some questions because I wanted to add onto my order but I received no reply and no email back so I was sort of concerned.

I hope I didn't bug them. This is my first time using these guys.

>> No.7962204

Where's the best place to get wrist cuffs? Preferably in black for classic

>> No.7962219
File: 134 KB, 979x1305, dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm expecting it to be super thin and poor quality. My SS took a photo, and ehhhh. It was only $15, though.


>> No.7962252
File: 19 KB, 422x132, Screen Shot 2014-11-26 at 9.18.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, 521feizhuliu is gone. The url leads to the "no shop" error. Have we seen the last of the stolen parfait art hoodie?

>> No.7962264

> dat pic

>> No.7962266

Eyelashes : http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=38906690053
Skirt : http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=38842899154
Cardigan : http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=41898536389
Yeah I'll definitely review the wigs!
Hat : http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=40393690168
Bags : http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=36025087997

Sorry for late replies!

>> No.7962306

Ohmygod what no. They are 80% of my bookmarks.

>> No.7962310

My friend bought me one of those for my birthday that I said I wanted before I realized it was stolen and it is the shittiest quality shit ever.

>> No.7962324

>Have we seen the last of the stolen parfait art hoodie?
Let's fucking hope. Anyone who supported this shop knowing the art was stolen can fuck right outta here.

>> No.7962351

>stolen parfait art hoodie
I remember looking at this store, but I can't remember what was on it

>> No.7962382

There's no "best place," but here are a few.

>spoonfeeding out of boredom

>> No.7962383

I haven't used Yoybuy for a couple of years. Do you still need to add funds to their page?

>> No.7962411

hm, that's odd. though it usually takes them about a day to get back to me when i've emailed in the past.....don't give up, anon!

>> No.7962481 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 998x709, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons who have used the forwarding service before, I need your help. After you put all your items together and go to pay for shipping and it goes to this page, when you press the orange button to confirm can you look over shipping info again before confirming to pay like with ebay?

>> No.7962483

Y-you too?
TBR is cheating on me ;_;

I just had the same thing happen with Pruany and got a $6 dollar refund. Surprised me with all the problems lately, but we'll see when that big box finally gets here.

>> No.7962559

Holy shit. Just received shipping notification from my SS and supposedly shipping to the US via EMS is approx. $150. Does that sound correct for the amount of items I ordered? >>7947927 That's a fuckload more expensive than I was expecting shipping to be.

>> No.7962565

It's EMS and you have a lot of heavy items
I'd estimate you have about 8kg worth of stuff

>> No.7962581

With items that are preorder, will an SS just charge you the full price before ordering? How exactly does it work with SSs that use cart systems?

>> No.7962584

Damn, really? I've never had shipping cost this much so it kind of shocked me. (I'm no longer getting the shoes or necklaces, so it's really just full of clothes. If the shoes were still in the order I'd understand since those are heavy, but jesus.)

>> No.7962586

it's because you have a lot of sweaters which probably weigh anything from 500-700g each the dresses are probably around 300

>> No.7962588

Anyone know if there's still a chance SAL will arrive before Christmas? My purchase is a little small so I would prefer to avoid EMS but I'm also under a time crunch.

>> No.7962650

Thanks anon. That makes sense.

Hm just checked their shipping calculator and apparently UPS or DHL is far cheaper than using EMS. Anyone know which method is most reliable? Looking at time estimates they both seem to be quite fast.

>> No.7962670

Very very very very very slim if you ship out right now. If it's light, maybe try Airmail?

I have a deep set hatred of UPS and DHL. They get your stuff to you on time, but be prepared to pay bullshit fees. You win some, you lose some, I guess.

>> No.7962674

>but be prepared to pay bullshit fees
Where do you live anon? And how much are the fees typically? I've only used DHL once a couple years back with some Bodyline items but never got charged any fees.

>> No.7962678

Canada. They range from $20-40 depending on the cost of the items. It's usually the same deal with UPS and DHL. Always get hit by customs with them too (like 90% of the time).

>> No.7962698

hey anons how much do ya'll usually mark down your packages? my order is about 300$ full of clothes (regular clothes and cosplay.) not sure what I should ask my SS to mark it down to without it being suspicious

>> No.7962714

I got my package, and I have to retract my accusation of Pruany overcharging me for shipping. They just put it in a way too big box and packaged it to survive the zombie apocalypse. Which was kind of nice of them, although a bit unnecessary.

>> No.7962749

I just made an order and didn't have to do that. I used the "Buy For Me" option instead of the 'pay all of it at once for faster shipping out' option and it let me pay via Paypal without adding funds to my account. They did refund excess shipping to my Yoybuy account balance though.

>> No.7962751
File: 464 KB, 400x250, tumblr_mcgitkrAlj1rol1w1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>225 yuan to ship two keychains

Also you left your address on there, anon. Might not be such a good idea to keep that image up.

>> No.7962754

Remember that DHL doesn't charge by weight, it's by dimensions so it may end up costing more like another anon mentioned earlier.

>> No.7962862


It depends on how taxes in your country work. Mexican customs, for example, charge a percentage for all packages over $300 so I just mark it down to around $290 or so.

As a rule of thumb, try to stick to somewehre around %60-%70 of the price - most custom people don't realize that lolita items are expensive, for example, so you can easily claim that a $200 dress is actually $80.

>> No.7962865


fucking this. they charge you import fees 99% of the time, when regular mail only does it if your package gets inspected.

>> No.7962912

I did an order through Pruany a while ago, before some anons started having trouble with them. And now that everything is finally here and has been weighed, I want to make sure I'm not getting over charged for shipping. I ordered 3 knot boleros, 3 pairs of tights, some lace sock toppers, and a floral head band, and they said it came out to. 2.2 KG. Is that a logical weight, or is it too heavy?

>> No.7962985

My customs office has sent me a letter asking for an invoice proving the price I paid for my goods, but my SS marked it down so if I show them one they'll know I was lying. How fucked am I?

>> No.7963000

They are pretty much used to this and don't care about it at all, at least in germany. Also the seller marked the package down, not you so it's not your fault he did - at least you could say so if anybody would ask you about it.

>> No.7963006

I was requested to do so several times. I don't know how the custom in your country works, but here they don't even look that much to the invoice...But I don't even pass the amount that customs request to ask for taxes so.

>> No.7963020

Any good goth/nugoth/creepy cute stores? or stuff like killstar, kreepsville, ect?

>> No.7963029

Why don't you photoshop your invoice?

>> No.7963042

Your SS might make a fake invoice for you. Spreenow always marked my package down without even asking me and they always attached a fake invoice to the package for customs, it worked everytime, I can also access their fake invoice online. Ask your SS. If not and you're really stuck I can send you mine and you can edit it.

>> No.7963093

I was told to ask for help here. I'm trying to order some stuff from fox cherry using taobao now but no matter what I do none of the links are recognized by the shopping cart. I tried removing the tw since that would cause a problem and I tried using a different browser but neither has worked. I just want some headwear, man. What do i do to make it work?

>> No.7963115

>I tried removing the tw since that would cause a problem

You can't just remove the tw part, that doesn't work since it makes it a different link. You need to set your region to global in the top left panel

>> No.7963126

You are talking to a taobao noob here. Top left panel of what?

>> No.7963143

Look in the FAQ and search for the word global. It has a screenshot of what anon is talking about.

>> No.7963152

As an anon said above, sweaters are usually 500-800g each. Boleros are probably similar. The total doesn't sound too excessive.

Can you provide a link for the boleros? I'm having a hard time finding cute ones.

>> No.7963155

The faq on which site? I assume you mean taobaonow but I'm not finding it and my computer is being a butt so I can't just use f3 to search for it. I actually had to movent to using my phone since my laptop stopped working all together when I tried to search for it.

>> No.7963165

The FAQ in this thread in the first post.

Most questions are answered on there already.

>> No.7963166

Ok. Thanks. Sorry about that.

>> No.7963193

>It depends on how taxes in your country work
thanks for the info. where do I find out what amount I start getting charged? I live in the US

>> No.7963203
File: 253 KB, 1400x539, america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry about it. We don't get taxed unless you look like a reseller.

Murrica fuck yeah.

>> No.7963205

For those who were wondering if there was a Taobao shop.

I want everything in their shop

>> No.7963210

Thanks so much for your help guys. I managed to put in my order and I am quite happy. Apparently taobao is automatically on global if you use an ipad. Now to hope nothing I wanted was sold out.

>> No.7963211

I use TBR for small orders, I even bought a single choker once and shipping was only like 2 bucks with airmail.

>> No.7963217


>> No.7963229
File: 305 KB, 750x750, TB2LaacbXXXXXXzXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!115308690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7963367

Thank you for the replies, I'll message Yoybuy about it now, but if they can't come up with a fake invoice then I guess it's not too serious. I'll tell y'all how it goes!

>> No.7963381

Seconding source on the sweaters

>> No.7963402

Question: Does customs care about buying stuff like this?


I wanted to get some COSPA items (even though I know they might be bootleg lol.)

>> No.7963492

So Anons, remember that one SS, was it like Transbao or something?
Got anything new from em?

>> No.7963499

Looking for a Mori poncho
If anyone found some nice ones let me know

>> No.7963599

So I'm a total newbie with Taobao and I want to choose the right agent. What are you favorite agents or which one do you highly recommend?
I was hopping to try out freeshoppingchina, frugirls, and yoybuy

>> No.7963615

Ponchos are okay with Mori right?

>> No.7963619

Yoybuy seems okay,
I just placed an order with Agencytaobao and they were good so far (they are about to send my order)
I have done Celestial and she was good but pricy

>> No.7963621

How were the fees and shipping cost?

>> No.7963624

>How were the fees and shipping cost?
I mean Yoybuy seems to promise the lowest shipping and other seagulls around here seem to like it, so...

>> No.7963625

Ok thanks. I'll still check the package when it comes.

Bolero Link-http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5.w4002-723693995.14.tMZV1A&id=17752918690

>> No.7963640
File: 472 KB, 720x1280, PS_20141127174332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I can't believe you found it. Might as well throw this out there in case anyone recognizes the models or items, this same shop sells feizhuliu and bobon21 items so I know it's all from taobao. Ebay seller ling_lam2008

>> No.7963744
File: 40 KB, 700x490, f51abeb1-54aa-4990-a7ef-a50a81b79.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who has been undercharged by Pruany ? Got a 6,1kg package, paid for 5,8kg.
Guess they are just bad at using scales.

>> No.7963925

do you think they stretch a lot?
>tfw i'm 5'11

>> No.7963930
File: 500 KB, 500x390, sntear.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait for the first anon's order to come in, but chances are if you're not twig thin, you are too tall for most tights that aren't specified to be tall/plus size

>> No.7963945

The only issue with Yoybuy is that they have a 10% fee which is a bit on the high side compared to places like Bhiner.

>> No.7964024

>freeshoppingchina, frugirls

I thought we all learned from Transbao to not stray away from established SS to save a buck? But I guess it's your money to lose

>> No.7964032

Well I am in the process of using agencytaobao and it's going good so fat and their % is on the low side.

>> No.7964035

Then give more that you'd reccomend

>> No.7964044
File: 122 KB, 584x576, 6ie8kq[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently received a taobao order, and this one mori-style sweater has the most horrible industrial smell. I've washed it twice and left it to bask in the sun, but it still has this lingering smell. It's almost... chemical?

Has this happened to anyone else before?

>> No.7964048


>> No.7964050

Yeah but not as strong as the scent you're describing.

>> No.7964060

good tip I'll try it. Thanks

>> No.7964077

There is a tab on the SS spreadsheet called "which SS to pick"
Please read it

>> No.7964086
File: 706 KB, 1748x1200, ch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Almost all I wanted was out of stock.
It hurts.

>> No.7964094

You're using Taobao from Australia but your Taobao page is entirely in traditional Chinese, like what they use in Taiwan, as opposed to simplified, like what they use in the mainland.
That's so odd. I figure it would default to simplified if you're browsing internationally.

I haven't used the forwarding service, so I can't tell you 100%, but that orange button says submit your payment.

But this would switch you to the second tab you see up top, 付款到支付宝 which means along the lines of [proceed to] pay money to Zhifubao/Alipay.
Where you would then be brought to the Alipay site and you would have to put in your login credentials (like when using Paypal to pay with eBay).

tl;dr, it shouldn't make you pay without again asking for your password. You're not on the payment screen.

>> No.7964120

I'm more used to reading traditional Chinese so I have an add-on that converts simplified.

Thanks for your help!

It's not just two keychains lol I just cropped them out but left some stuff in so it looks more like a page.

And yeah I never noticed until you pointed it out ;_; Anyone know how I can delete it? It's too old for me to do it myself. I've emailed 4chan so hopefully it will be taken care of soon...

>> No.7964129
File: 37 KB, 780x271, discount.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf? Is this an error? First time on TBT. (Used to use Pruany, and never had any issues but now I'm paranoid.)

>> No.7964134

Have you checked your emails? There might be an explanation. Or not, then glitch.

>> No.7964136 [DELETED] 

Nope that's not an error it's just ass backwards.

>Price is the normal price
>Discount price should be the shipping fees plus normal price, they adjust it and it reflects it after you submit order.

After you submit your order they will change it around and then you have a final order that you will pay. Same thing happen with me. A 140 CNY shirt was about 160 with shipping.

>> No.7964138 [DELETED] 

If not just submit an email but you have to compose an email because their message system isn't working for some reason. I'm using TBT right now and I had to personally go into my inbox to email them about questions.

>> No.7964155

I just realized my post was autistic as hell because it's late and I'm slightly high.

TBT has a weird glitch that happens when you put items in your cart. The discount price is suppose to be the final price with shipping while the price is just the price. What you do is you put everything in your cart, then submit order. TBT will adjust the price for you and put in the information and then give you another quote. You pay for that.

If you want something like cheaper shipping or have any discrepancies you email them (as in you go into your email inbox and compose a message because for some reason their message system is glitchy too.)

Outside of their communication I haven't had any issues with TBT at all.

>> No.7964174

Not really. They're looking for normal knock offs, like sneakers and purses, not weaboo shit.

>> No.7964333

The spreadsheet isn't opening on my phone :( Can anyone recommend the best cosplay wig store and best clothing store for grunge/dark clothing?

>> No.7964420

Has anyone used the Lucaille store before? (http://shop33700042.taobao.com/))
I tried using them about 2 years back, as a group order to the UK, but they refused to take my order through a shopping service and instead told me to order on their new english website, where the prices were about 10x than the taobao prices.
Has anyone had this problem recently or have they realised how stupid it was?

>> No.7964436
File: 1.17 MB, 1500x1146, Order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my current order! Can't wait for it

>> No.7964482

1. Those shoes are cute as fuck.
2. I gotta have sauce on the boystyle outfit in the bottom left corner.

>> No.7964506

It always happens with stuff made of wool. Sucks to be you.

>> No.7964514

Transbao has been kill for a long time anon

>> No.7964542


>> No.7964614

Nooooes i hate my gargantuan self :(
Not tstick thin, not fat either. Avergare weight - 72 kg.
If anybody cares to share amazing plus sized thights i'll be so happy (I know I know I can always search for myself but I may as well ask right?)

>> No.7964617

Dif anon, what's the term for tights? Just gotta translate that and add MM and I'll get Plussized tights?

>> No.7964623

So which SS would have the lowest shipping AND fees? Also trying to choose my first SS

>> No.7964626

Try washing it with vinager?

>> No.7964634

连裤袜, 打底袜 for tights in general

丝袜 for like, idk, 'silky stockings'??? I don't know the english word

MM is like a weird slang for plus size, there's also 大码

This will probably only get you plain stuff though if you don't add in other search terms like 可爱 (cute), or 韩版 (Korean), etc

You can also add seasonal words like summer/winter/autumn (夏/冬/秋) to get varying thickness

>> No.7964637

Read the faq please

For the record some of the newest SS have really low fees
But also cheapest shipping and fees also mean shittiest english ability and sometimes the trade off isn't worth it

>> No.7964652
File: 29 KB, 401x398, TB1.itLGXXXXXcTXFXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I love you I was trying 褲襪 MM and only got boring stuff now with those new kewywords you gave me I'm so going on a spree.
Also, picrelated I love how they show how much stretch is in dem tights by putting two people inside

>> No.7964657

I'm sorry sempai. Will do.

>> No.7964708


>> No.7964710

TBT anon again, is there anyway to cancel/delete items from orders? I feel super dumb but honestly I am finding this system to be so confusing

>> No.7964714

Are there any taobao brands that make otome-ish dresses? I love ETC's babydoll dresses but most brands I see are poofy extravagant lolita

>> No.7964715

I'm so jealous of you for getting those shoes, they're gorgeous.

>> No.7964720

ugh those shoes are so cute. curse my big feet! Sauce on that hooded scarf thing in the top right corner?

>> No.7964747

anon i want your life

>> No.7964766


>> No.7964812


>> No.7964860

Anons, i've found a really kewl store on Ali Express called Shoes of Dream, you send them pictures of any kind of shes and they make them for you in any size. So far I've bought 3 pairs from them for 28 cm, for the price quality is pretty good! I recomend them :)

>> No.7964861

how much are they?

>> No.7964867

>No google search did not help

>> No.7964885

Boyish outfit is from here!

Scarf is from here http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=41928688489

>> No.7964914

Where can I buy fawn fur material? Or a search term for that?

>> No.7964919

Anybody has the kewwords for "sof sister"? Searched the archives and spreadsheets with no luck. Google translate says 软妹, is that correct?

>> No.7964927

Good that means I can buy my weaboo plates and keychain shit lol.

Also what's 12/12? Are all shops doing it?

>> No.7964932

Sorry totes forgot the link -> http://www.aliexpress.com/store/1359737

I bought 3 pairs that are not available in the shop anymore:


As you can see bots are somewhat expensive but I live in Southamerica and it is impossible for me to find pretty shoes in my size so I had no problem in paying what the store asked for them. They are made from pleather, but the inside has a soft plushie type fabric. If interested I can take closeup pics when I get home but they will look worn. The pink pair arrived one size too big, I pointed it out to the seller and they excused profondly, refunded me for the whole amount and are sending a new pair for free (still in transit)

>> No.7964940

Hungover anon >>7964155

You need to email them and resubmit another order form if you didn't pay for it yet. (guessing you didn't.) Had the same problem on 11.11

>> No.7964994

12/12 is a smaller version of 11/11 sales.

>> No.7965457
File: 143 KB, 600x903, TB2YwocXVXXXXcwXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!55084630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I communicate to my SS (Taobao trends) the specific measurements I need for
>http://tw.taobao.com/item/40007066241.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a1z10.1.w4004-5545451360.22.Dc8cfV ?

Just making sure I get it right, and I hope Chrome translate is telling me that it can be made custom.

>> No.7965465

Email them with the link (using your inbox and not the contact listing.)

It's best to do both because I'm not sure if their contact through the website is working or not. I tried it before three times and they didn't reply but they replied quick when I personally emailed them.

I do know that you have to do it all in cms.

>> No.7965899

It's right there in the dictionary...

>> No.7965901

bls resbond

>> No.7965955
File: 2.85 MB, 1998x2364, Myorder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly just random stuff. Though, been dying to get some of the To Alice stuff that's been around

>> No.7965962

those shoes are adorable!!!!! link?

>> No.7965984

>tfw only 3 days left in storage for forwarder and they fucked up on one of my orders (says that it's received but won't go into the freight forwarding page)
customer service please answer more than once a day...

>> No.7966031

The background looks like To Alice.

>> No.7966032

Link to that SHIELD bag, please?

>> No.7966048

Looks like all their stuff isn't in stock? I hope it's just because they're releasing new stuff. I really wanted those piano shoes.

>> No.7966053

Earlier this year I saw a photo of a flower crown with cute curly ram horns, someone had said it was from a taobao shop but I'm having trouble finding it. Does anyone know of the store or even just have the stock image of the headband?

>> No.7966121

This place's stuff is super cute imho, if you like Amavel's style. I don't think anything is actually a direct replica, only inspired by, so that's a plus to me!

>> No.7966468
File: 4 KB, 78x86, crying taobao guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I prepared an order ~2 months ago, all ready to send off to a SS, but something came up and I will be out of money until mid-December. I daren't yet check to see if the items on my list are still available.

On a scale of 1 to your village in Animal Crossing, how fucked am I?

>> No.7966473

The shoes are here!

That is here

>> No.7966477

Wow link didn't go but it's here http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=41739746724

>> No.7966481
File: 192 KB, 480x480, 141454-2851-2014-08-11582358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These? Everything on Ciciwork is limited, they don't exist anymore.

>> No.7966484

Am I overlooking the size chart for those shoes, or is it just not there?

>> No.7966566

I already read the spreadsheet about the SS, but I would like to know if anyone here bought from agencytaobao/happybuy and if they are good, because I'm a little skeptical about their fees and all

>> No.7966586

Has anyone tried Airmail? What are HK Air Parcel's risk of custom fees compared to EMS?

>> No.7966596
File: 496 KB, 500x257, CryInBoxes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw I want those pretty To Alice shoes
> mfw 40-41 size feet

>> No.7966641

link to rabbit things?

>> No.7966647

You'd probably be better off asking the SS you use.

Here's the shirt http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=41844842584 and here's the hoodie http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=40993566346

>> No.7966648

Unless you're talking about the lolita, it's here http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=42406762441

>> No.7966649

Just man up and check then when you get paid and if things are not there things are not there.

>> No.7966658

thanks! but I was also wondering about the jsk on the bottom with the rabbits

>> No.7966662

Ooh! Haha. It's from here! http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=41341362017

>> No.7966670

Does the 9999 yuan mean it's sold out? Google translate is being a butt for me right now.

>> No.7966671

I'm talking with my SS about that right now. Hopefully they can give an answer about that.

>> No.7966684

How long does TBR take to confirm an order? They're one of my last choice SS's and last time I tried using them they confirmed my order almost a year after I placed it.

>> No.7966690

Hnng. I want those to Alice piano shoes but I can't tell if they are sold out or not. How can I email taobao now to ask? I can't find the email on the site.

>> No.7966715

If they are sold out it should be a 0 next to the cart and something that is voided out. I forgot what but they explain it on the first post anon.

>> No.7966716


Please sauce on the bunny hood/scarf and the cute bag next to it!

>> No.7966721

Usually a day or three, if they haven't confirmed it by 2 days(discounting weekends) I always message them and they get to it.

>> No.7966729

Seriously? Wtf.

They always confirm the next day for me.

>> No.7966731

I'm sorry I just get very confused when dealing with something not in English. Things I should understand I just can't.

>> No.7966743

How can be these shoes so cheap??
It's so pretty to be true...

>> No.7966766

I don't have the exact screenshot but whatever the item is when you click or move the mouse next to it it should have the inventory. If it's 0 then it's sold out. It will also say something like "this baby is sold out."

>> No.7966770

Also, some sellers will keep their items’ listings in their shop even if they don’t actually have the item in stock or if it is a preorder. They usually pick a ridiculous price; what is commonly seen is that the price of an item is 9999 yuan. This is just as a placeholder price. Sellers do this to show a “portfolio” of items they have made/sold/whatever.

>> No.7966774

Thanks guys. I'm not using an actual computer which makes things a little more complicated. The translator on an iPad doesn't translate all the text only some of it. I'll keep that stuff in mind for next time.

>> No.7966792
File: 489 KB, 700x875, piano shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>¥ 9999.00

this is some sort of cruel joke... right...?

>> No.7966800

Means it's out of stock.

>> No.7966804
File: 148 KB, 600x600, IMG_2590_zps3811f52a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a scale from 1 to tacky,

...what if I just put a black sharpie to these shoes?

>> No.7966808

>>7966792 We literally just discussed this. >>7966670

>> No.7966833

>black sharpie
You're screwed.

>> No.7966837

It's going to become purple, that's what.

>> No.7966839

I wonder if the increase of newfags is due to holiday shopping.

> goddammit, read the FAQ

>> No.7966858

Because that store it's from a popular scammer; the items don't exists tho, so you will never receive them....

>> No.7966860

I would if I could. My computer broke down so I'm stuck navigating and iPad that refuses to open links. I'm sorry, I do feel bad but everything on this thing is pulling teeth.

>> No.7966934

It's about 22USD. It doesn't seem that cheap to me (though not expensive either.)

>> No.7966978

Thanks anon!

>> No.7966998

If you want to troll people you should try harder next time.

>> No.7967109 [DELETED] 

>your village in Animal Crossing

sshh, anon ;_;

>> No.7967122
File: 3 KB, 234x200, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are these shoes called? i see them in taobao/ebay threads a lot and theyre made out of like this velvety material and now i really want them but idk where to find them

>> No.7967124

Suede pumps?

>> No.7967125

...suede heels?

>> No.7967173
File: 635 KB, 806x700, taobao42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My SS has received all the items of my order. It mostly looks good except for the stuff from top right. The antler sweater had it's print sewn on upside-down. I'll review it when it gets here if there's enough interest, but from what I can see now, it doesn't look too promising.

> At least it was cheap

>> No.7967185

>print sewn on upside-down
pic? and review when you get it please

>> No.7967207
File: 681 KB, 1150x452, upsidedown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ss pic compared to stock pic
It's not like the sweater itself is unusable, but still, I kind of expected better. Tbtrends managed to get me a small partially refund for it though, bless those people.

>> No.7967237

pretend its nxt level

>> No.7967275

Lol, I think I'll take your advice anon.

>> No.7967427

>tfw I bought that hoodie without knowing the art was stolen
>it's now my favourite casual outfit

>> No.7967438

I got the hungry loli one. The hood is a different stolen print.

>> No.7967447

so you finally got it despite consistently asking in the genso box threads if it's stolen artwork?

>> No.7967454

These are part of To Alice's new winter shoe collection, but haven't gone up for order yet. The store will update the front page with up-and-coming order dates.

>> No.7967457

That's a shame, I was considering buying that sweater but now I don't think I should.

>> No.7967458

Can you please post pictures of the 'Hungry Loli' one and the 'Stolen' one?

>> No.7967467

I've had that shop bookmarked for a while and i check it out regularly so I know their stuff by sight these days.

Anyway, the first two are kinda pinging my memory but I can't quite remember. Model looks familiar. I'll check my bookmarks

>> No.7967492

are you talking about these?

>> No.7967493

Does anyone know if SS will buy + send hair chalk ? I live in Australia.

I was going to use Spreenow and don't see anything in their FAQ, but I have had their previous incarnation (Taobaonow) refuse to send me powders + nail polish on one occasion

>> No.7967584
File: 301 KB, 800x600, 05080ac1fbb923429b19fe6edbd4ea46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what this kind of top is called? It looks like 2 pieces, an undershirt and an... outer woolen thing?
Are there any shops that sell these?

>> No.7967588

>outer woolen thing
you mean the sweater vest? It's a sweater vest lol.

>> No.7967641

Just paid for my shipping from taobao forwarding service to me. Should arrive within 5-9 days according to their shipping service info. The logo for tb's fs has both EMS and DHL on it so I'm not sure which postal service they are actually going to use.

>> No.7967651

http://www.cosmates.jp/en/shop/cPath/346_594/ there you go anon

>> No.7967656

Do you need to use a different kind of SS if the TB shop is located in Taiwan?

>> No.7967665 [DELETED] 

It's a short sleeved blouse with a spencer on top

>> No.7967666
File: 3.28 MB, 350x315, b89.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>outer woolen thing

>> No.7967719

Hey, I just paid for mine too. Which forwarding service did you use?

>> No.7967728

It's a vest over a school shirt lol


search term is 学院 毛 背心

>> No.7967779
File: 103 KB, 562x999, T2Pt8pXi4XXXXXXXXX_!!37312731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to order a couple pairs of socks from secret shop, but my SS says the seller is offline. Anyone bought from them recently?

>> No.7967828

Thanks for it <3

it's not funny :c

>> No.7967844

Crimson Comics is pretty boss

>> No.7967868
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know anything about the artist or the picture in great detail, I just stumbled upon it this morning on page 3 of gelbooru, searching for the tags "rape screaming".

>> No.7967896
File: 354 KB, 700x777, TB2fCHnbXXXXXaRXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!666475850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know when To Alice is going to put these up for reservation? I can't find it anywhere on the website and my feet are screaming for them

>> No.7967900

Maybe I should also add a link


>> No.7967910

It says they'll start taking deposits for the shoes once it's been "favorited" 500 times. It's already been favorited 500+ times so reservations should be up soon.

>> No.7967926

Oh, cool! I didn't even know it was a thing.
But damn, I'm so curious about the shoes that are still only concept sketches. They got some interesting ideas

>> No.7967939

What's the search word for pillow case? Does anyone know a trustworthy shop that sells cosmetics and Palty hairdye? I don't live in the US and don't want to import from there when I can get it with my other stuff.

>> No.7968138

maybe you should import it from japan instead of china. I wouldn't trust getting cosmetics or hair dye from taobao

>> No.7968208

Listen to this anon >>7968138
If anything Chinese people all import their makeup from overseas.

>> No.7968313

Alright thanks! Just thought it'd be nice to get all things from the same place but it's wiser not to as you say. Do any of you know where you can find hairdye online that ships from Japan?

>> No.7968336

Does anyone have any cute Mori clothing to reccomend? Maybe a shop not on the spreadsheet?
I need more ivory and colors that match with brown in my closet. (I just got like 3 pairs of brown shoes and I don't have colors to match it.)

>> No.7968407

Is the bakery top from the same shop as the antler jacket? Can you do a review on the quality of it when you receive it? I wanted it but after seeing how the antler one turned out I'm a little skeptical.

>> No.7968437

Pretty sure secret shop only sells to clobbaonline now a days.

>> No.7968645

pinkyparadise sells palty hair dye. prettyandcute also has hair dye (palty and other brands)

>> No.7968687

it's been a while since I updated the mori tab on the store spreadsheet, huh...

http://xingnuo.tmall.com/ (probably more retro than mori)

>> No.7968894

> ask pruany for picture of package on the scale to confirm weight
> they offer to take pictures of the items

I can't tell if they are fucking with me or don't understand what I want

>> No.7968997
File: 387 KB, 783x616, Screen Shot 2014-11-30 at 9.25.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's this 1212 sale?

>> No.7969220

according to an anon earlier, it's a smaller version of 11/11

>> No.7969287

Yeah, it is. And sure! I don't know when it's going to arrive though, since I went with HK Airmail in the end and have no clue how the holidays is going to affect it.

>> No.7969306

pillow case: 枕头套

>> No.7969447

weigh the package when you receive it and before you open

>> No.7969524

I'm using the one from taobao because I wanted to take advantage of their 11/11 overseas shipping promo.

>> No.7969554
File: 167 KB, 1024x1365, a66c87d5jw1emtej7oymqj20u0140tdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To Alice's irl shops are so cute!

>> No.7969640

does "penny loafers" translate into chinese? (its not in the dictionary)

>> No.7969647

That hype when your package is in your country.

>> No.7969722

Haven't used taobao in a couple months and... everything looks different? There's no descriptions on any of the items I try to look at anymore

>> No.7969743

Are you looking at the mobile version or something like tw.taobao.com? Because everything looks fine to me. Or maybe it just doesn't load ? Do you have a message instead of the description ?

>> No.7969906

Thanks anon!
I was hoping for a non-American site but maybe there are none. Thanks though!

>> No.7970123

new thread >>7970122

>> No.7972481

Omg source on paw print vest please!