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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 85 KB, 600x796, moshi-moshi-jimmies-desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7957882 No.7957882 [Reply] [Original]

What rustles your jimmies anon-chans?

>front page of deviantart
>lingerie pokemon cosplay
>photo by Beethy

>> No.7957995

>People who cosplay characters they don't know
>People who only cosplay for attention and don't know the characters
>People who bitch about other people buying a cosplay instead of making it
>People who bitch about other people buying props instead of making it
>People who bitch about someone being able to afford brand and they can't
>People bitching for nothing.

Hell I hate myself for bitching about this.

>> No.7958002

Bitching is healthy, anon. Gossip fosters a healthy sense of friendship and community, as long as you're reasonable about it.

>> No.7958044

> the stupidity of sieg heil
>I don't know how to filter

>> No.7958083

People who wear bright wigs and don't color their eyebrows to match make me unreasonably angry.

Green wig, black eyebrows? Fuck off.

>> No.7958087

>calls me stupid
>can't do something i can

scroll all the way up
click settings

ctrl+c my name and trip code

paste into appropriate text box

if you have any other questions, feel free to ask my dumbass

>> No.7958092

How come you are here? You neither cosplay nor lolita, yes?

>> No.7958095

well sorry for being a newfag and already hating you

>> No.7958096

>print I want
>full shirring version

>> No.7958098

i do both, crossplay lolita at conventions

pisses off cosplayers
and lolitas that hate it when you wear their fashion for cons only

>> No.7958123

cosplayers don't give a shit if you wear lolita. confirmed for shut in troll

>> No.7958132
File: 82 KB, 261x261, 1280371541030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who bitch about not having money for cons or cosplay, then they finally come to a con with cosplay and complain about not having any money for anything else
>weebs who kill the con vibe
>bad panels especially "Ask a [blank]" "RP" panels
>con politics/assfuckery by higher staff (see AX)

>> No.7958153

>when some efamous person does something bad and people start nitpicking her hair, clothes and skin despite there being nothing wrong with her appearance
>people calling anyone who disagrees with them jelly
>countering every argument about how ugly an expensive piece is with "lol shut up u r poor n cant afford it neener neener"

>> No.7958163

>IRL lel I troll u XD
Your life must be extremely unfulfilling.

>> No.7959027
File: 45 KB, 480x640, badmiku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who don't fucking cut bangs for characters with bangs
>dont even try styling them and just plop the wig on their head and swish to the side

>> No.7959054

What's that stuff on her wall under the flag?

>> No.7959055

Looks like Faygo logos. Probably a Homestuck.

>> No.7959062

Not the healthy bitching but, "Omg I didn't win that $100 at the boat so I'm going to bitch about it for months," bitching. The problem is I don't want to feel like a hypocrite because I vent a lot.

>> No.7959067
File: 88 KB, 800x505, Assassins-Creed-3-Conner-Kenway-Jacket-Hoodie-Coat-Cap-Cloak-Cosplay-Costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who wear these fucking hoodies and think they are cosplaying from Assassins Creed as a 'OC modern assassin'. Fuck I just wanna tell them how stupid they look. I realize its totally irrational and I just sound like an elitist jerk but the jackets arent accurate and never fit because they come from some shitty China factory. Also there are lots of modern assassin characters ppl could cosplay as if they just engaged in the fandoms they claim to care about.

>> No.7959073
File: 166 KB, 428x500, 46507804576453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of your picture
>people who can't clean their rooms or bother going into one that doesn't look like complete trash before taking photos of themselves

>> No.7959078

>crossplay lolita

So, you basically have no idea what you're talking about, and never leave your sofa?

>> No.7959113

>Itas who refuse to learn
>People who have to relentlessly bitch about anything that's popular. Kay, I get it, you hate -insert anything popular here-, this doesn't make you special. Also, clearly if I'm cosplaying from it, I'm a huge fan of it, so maybe I'm not the person to go on a rant to about how it's the biggest pile of shit you've ever seen and anyone who likes it has no taste and is just jumping on the bandwagon?
>Jelly bitches
>The fact there are no perfect Elsas
>People who try to justify buying knock-off lolita
>Fat people who don't do a thing about it
>When girls who only cosplay slutty shit say "anime/video games/comic books are mostly created by men, so it's next to impossible not to wear revealing outfits if you want to cosplay!" That is such fucking bullshit unless you're only into super hero comics. Most female anime characters are not dressed like fetish models and there's no shortage of decently covered video game characters. Your decision to wear ridiculously revealing clothing is entirely yours and not the fault of male creators unless. Not saying there's anything wrong with wearing a revealing costume, just that this excuse is fucking retarded.
>The normalization of disregarding the personal space of others at cons
>"Me first!" cosplay
>When people ask to borrow my lolita shit
>People who criticize brand whores
>People who don't wear wigs in cosplay
>When people dye their hair in lolita and it doesn't match their outfit. Seriously, if you dye your hair bright green, you're going to look like shit in your precious CDC or whatever.
>Sexyfying things for costumes. There's no shortage of skimpy costumes, please don't bastardize characters that aren't meant to be slutty. Genderbent bunny girl Morpheus does not need to be a thing.

>> No.7959160
File: 107 KB, 559x215, KCrjXLM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyatto the bitch noseboob is at it again, and her podcast just rustled my jimmies to max (not sharing link, because her podcast can go to hell)

>> No.7959173

Giant fuckoff heels on a character that doesnt wear them.

Costume accuracy>>>Character height accuracy

>> No.7959412

Or a juggalo

>> No.7959428

>people who can't clean their rooms or bother going into one that doesn't look like complete trash before taking photos of themselves

Yeah. I refrain from taking pictures right after I finish a cosplay because my room looks like I just finished sewing.

Also why the fuck is it so hard to make your bed, push some crap to the other side of the room and clean off your mirror is beyond me. That'll take you all of 5 minutes and for something as permanent as a photo it's worth it.
It also makes your work stand out better when we have nothing else to look at in your room.

>> No.7959462

>Genderbent bunny girl Morpheus
sounds hilarious, please tell me it's real

>> No.7959471

This is stupid. 9 times out of 10, colour matched eyebrows will look awful. I'd prefer different colour eyebrows to shitty clumpy eyebrows any day.

>> No.7959540

Hipster!(insert character here) cosplay is really starting to get old...and annoying...

>> No.7959555

They only look awful when people don't do them properly. It's so fucking easy.

>> No.7959674

Even just using eyeshadow/liner to tint eyebrows looks 10x better than black/brown eyebrows. There's literally no excuse.

>> No.7959683
File: 25 KB, 405x289, omgwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in ita or nitpick threads

>is it really trying to be lolita??
>i don't think they meant this to be lolita
>is it in the lolita tags?

every time anyone posts that...

>> No.7959746
File: 57 KB, 650x275, bloop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the easiest way to claim an AC oc without making me cringe is to cosplay the newbies from brotherhood

>> No.7959752

Me too anon

>> No.7959880


I was guilty of saying that once, but after seeing it so many times, I can see where y'all are coming from. Because nine times out of ten, that person WAS going for lolita and just missed the mark horribly.

>> No.7959884

I actually prefer tint than to straight up matching eyebrows. They're supposed to be a few shades darker anyway.

>> No.7960356


>see AX

Can anyone fill me in about what happened on AX or whatever? Never been to one of those.

>> No.7960375

This rustles my jimmies:


Does tumblr even know what yellow face is??? I'm in no way a huge fan of Jnig, but these posts are just fucking retarded.

>> No.7960378


Unless it's homosexual aliens what doesn't rustle anyone's jimmies from tumblr?

Never mind that does too.

>> No.7960385

> People who won't play/watch/buy something because "MUH WAIFU/MUH HUSBANDO isn't in it/doing what I like."

>The whole Naruto/Tokyo ghoul/Guilty gear Community right now.

>> No.7960420

I hate when someone says something retarded like "I like peignoires in lolita" or "navy outfits with black shoes are cute" everyone screams tumblr.
When people make unprovoked sjw comments, it makes sense, but why do just generally stupid opinions get labeled tumblr. It just kind of wears down the word as an insult.

>> No.7960421
File: 982 KB, 320x287, 1410867933209.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this person has a fucking donate button on their tumblr exclusively for "helping them make a cosplay and go to a con"

>> No.7960428

Because it's edgy anon
But what usually happens is that someone would call someone else Tumblr over something that's "edgy" too.
Both party however, look about as "edgy" as a dull spoon and as sharp as one too.

>> No.7960444

ooh yes this.

>people who don't cut their wig bangs but still attempt to style it into "M" shape bangs
>bangs end up in an extremely sharp "M" with one giant fore-lock piece of hair drooping past their nose
>some people get that bald look because their forehead is showing too much

>> No.7962616

>People who don't give a fuck about the character they're cosplaying or the series they're from and do it just to get attention and fame
>People who get their feelings hurt after being called out for doing that and write a long victimized rant about how cosplay is for everyone and they're being BULLIED!!!
>People who do both and are immensely popular cosplayers
>People who do all this and top it off with shitty costumes, talking shit behind everyone's back and always getting away with it because they're skilled ass lickers to balance it out

You'd be surprised at how many people like this are out there.

>> No.7962934

>genderbend bunny girl morpheus

I want this

>> No.7962986
File: 74 KB, 393x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been into lolita for a while now
>move away to new state, join new comm
>comm leader seems nice but her looks like shit
>wears neon vomit handmade and garbage makeup
>handmade looks like its made well but holy shit the colors are terrifying
>want to say something but she seems nice and nobody else is saying anything
>only been to one meetup and already thinking of leaving the comm already because there's a lot of this kind of stuff there
>pissed off because their standard of pretty is absurdly lower than mine
i mean, i know not everyone looks naturally cute or anything but i trust them not to make dresses out of colors like pic related.

>> No.7963074

I...actually like that dress pictured. It would match a neon yellow choker I have perfectly. Would never have guessed it was supposed to be lolita, though, definitely doesn't fit the aesthetic as I understand it. Looks more like something from Hot Topic.

>> No.7963091
File: 88 KB, 960x480, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get notification for lolita sales fb group
>oh yay it was payday a few days ago, I hope it's something lovely~
>see this monstrosity

>> No.7963122

> when fat girls bust take up the entire bodice of a dress.
> so fat you can't fit a proper petti under dress.
> carrying around stuffed animals with no function (unlike a purse etc)

>> No.7963125

>doesn't fit the aesthetic
It definitely doesn't, you're right. I think some people get so caught up in fitting the silhouette they forget there's an aesthetic as well.

>> No.7963135

> plastic toddler jewellery.
> toddler shoes.
> dresses with ponies and toys in them.
> matchy matchy

I don't think I have an issue with any of these things individually but when combined, it makes for some puke worthy toddler-esque coords that make me uncomfortable just being around.

>> No.7963140

It's is pretty much all of sweet lolita now.
I liked it better when sweet lolita was more about a doll/period clothes aesthetic than a child one.

>> No.7963277

Look how BTSSB and AP are going now, sweet isn't going to be resin jewelry and baby prints much longer. Honestly, that trend has been slowing down for over a year now.

>tfw you just sit in anticipation waiting for that moment when anti-AP "AGEPLAY!!" babies to struggle to find something to complain about

>> No.7963333

Sandy much?
A year its hardly that long. Considering it's been 'in' for at least 5. idk what your point even is, but just because it's not as popular doesn't mean people have stopped doing it. It's great that the trend is slowing down but that doesn't make me hate it any less?

>> No.7963340

>People who use 4chan and other forum sites like it's their special blog only for them.

>People who cosplay characters and don't know a damn thing about the character, the series, only that it was cool

>People who think that X character is gay from a series when X character isn't gay at all

>People who think X character is straight

>> No.7963613

Who is it that keeps going into threads and yapping about historical inspiration and "muh real lolita style". It keeps happening, so I want to think it's bait, but at the same time, I feel like there are people who actually really believe this.
If you think pastel toy lolita is ugly, fine. But stop bullshitting yourself about the authenticy or whatever. It's its own fashion.

>> No.7963660
File: 277 KB, 500x494, 27777398599948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone getting to a BIN before you/winning an auction
>looking up the user
>seeing their coords and finding out they be lookin' like a hot damn mess

>> No.7963662

didn't classic emerge as a substyle after sweet? i always remembered classic as being the youngest of the main three

>> No.7963668

I'm with you on the people who fiercely insist a character is gay when they're canonically straight. Same goes for people who insist that a character (or every character) in a series is trans even if it's ABUNDANTLY clear that they're not. And no, this doesn't make me transphobic. It's just annoying as fuck when people turn a canonically butch lesbian character (e.g. Haruka from Sailor Moon) and insist she HAS to be trans or bigender or whatever the fuck.

>> No.7963686

The fashion is based off period fashion/doll fashion. It IS its own fashion buy It's basically comfortable/modern period clothes. The objective has always been to be doll like. pretty much everyone is aware if this except the OTT sweet girls who have the toddler thing happening.

Sweet is dinately the youngest? Lolita came from natural kei -> classic -> sweet.

>> No.7963688

I think this has to do with the fact that Haruka was a man in the manga who would change into a female when turning into Sailor Uranus.

But yeah I agree with everything else.

>> No.7963692 [DELETED] 

I love it that instead of assuming you're missing something you just go "nope must be some samefag who doesn't get anything!" Reaserch.

>> No.7963696

>>7963613 #
I love it that instead of assuming you're missing something you just go "nope must be some samefag who doesn't get anything!" Research. The period influences are loud and clear.

>> No.7963708
File: 70 KB, 640x960, 1463505_829983833691779_150435772654898579_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bothers me even more when the rest of the cosplay is at least 7-8/10... Hell, Katarina doesn't even have bangs.

>Tfw captcha is a picture of a lamp

>> No.7963717


You're getting Haruka mixed up with the Starlights. Haruka was always just a very butch chick.

>> No.7963721

I wanna say there is a quote in a panel where they describe her as being "like a man and a woman" but that could be a translation error and just alluding to the fact that she doesn't dress feminine (except as Uranus, obviously) and that she's with another woman.

>> No.7963729

>When bitches be jealous cause you look better than them
>And they don't even try to hide it
>Thinking turning around means no one else can hear you

Cosplay drama is great.

>> No.7963733

>Michiru explains in Act 31 that Haruka is both male and female, in that she possesses the strengths of both genders.

The fuck wiki.


>> No.7963734

You get rustled over Jnig pictures on dA's front page?
I get rustled by dick pics from fat, hairy men on the front page of dA.
Of course, it's "~ARTISTIC NUDES~" and not pornography (which would be against the rules) because the dick isn't erect, so it's allowed to stay.

>> No.7963745

It looks a bit cyber, well i would totally wear it but without the zig zag part and i'm not really sure if this is really lolita. Where do you have found this dress?

>> No.7963748

on that bullshit cyber lolita blog

>> No.7963795

Beethy is an amazing photographer though

>> No.7963801

Strengths of both genders does not equal is both genders, just means she can punch a bitch and look gorgeous at the same time.
'Course tumblr won't take it that way but gullible is still written on the ceiling over there.

>> No.7963825

Sailor moon anon here.

I know but that wiki is going to make people think that she's cis/trans/whatever.

It's been years since I read Sailor moon but I clearly remember she was a girl and got her confused with the SS's.

>> No.7964281
File: 36 KB, 590x493, spiderman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's meant to be symbolic, anon. I'm pretty sure she's not a hermaphrodite with both a dick and a vagina. She's just a butch lesbian who likes to crossdress.

In Tumblr this kind of "headcanoning" happens all the time. Like, some character isn't as manly as he could be, so he MUST be a transgender. Or at least gay. I'm all for shipping but when you in all actuality call a character gay without any canon confirmation, please don't go on a long-winded SJW rant about how it's cissexist and homophobic to assume that being straight is "the default" sexuality. If we ignore the fact that yes, according to the statistics most of people on the earth are heterosexual, I never said they're straight either.

One of my pet peeves is the case of Chihiro from Dangan Ronpa. Tumblr creams their jimmies thinking he's a transgender because he's a boy dressing up as a girl and ride anyone's ass who "misgenders" him. The game clearly states that he's only dressing up as a girl because he's so fragile and weak that he was bullied as a boy for it. He even fucking asks Mondo to help him train at the gym to become stronger and more manlier. This is a major fucking plot point. He hates acting as a girl. It's a stand against the masculine expectations for men in the society, he's forced to dress up as a girl because he's not "manly" enough to be male even though he wants to. But Tumblr in all their "acceptance" brands him as a transgender and a girl, thus ironically proving the point about the shallow gender roles.

>> No.7964316

Thing about trans headcanons is that most of the time those who use them are very clear that it IS headcanon. Like, there are three levels of headcanon (supported by canon, not denied by canon and fuck canon) and most of the trans HCs I've seen definitely fall under the second group. Even if people might use canon as interpretation material to explain why.
I've only seen people argue that a character being trans is canon (or rather, supported by canon) twice, I think. Jake English and some sailor scout which wasn't Uranus, I think it was?

See most of the headcanoning is done by people who are trans or questioning themselves, and if some fourteen year old feel better playing with the thought that Sailor Jupiter is a transsexual woman then hey, no point in me pissing all over their parade unless they get pissy at other people for having different headcanons. Which in all honesty, I've never seen happen.

>> No.7964341

You're lucky that you haven't seen people get up in arms because I was straight up told to kill myself for not thinking Asuka and Rei were trans. That's my issues with these headcanons. I rarely see the "oh well this is just what I wanna see it as!" attitude. I always see the frothy "if you don't agree you're transphobic/racist/whatever SCUM and you can DIE IN A HOLE."

>> No.7964370

This. There are plenty of people who attack others for not accepting their headcanon as the God's word. If they decide a character is a gay transgender otherkin asexual whatchamajigga and you don't agree, you're a bigot shitlord who should die.

>> No.7964376

>implying we complain because we want to complain and not because that particular trend is ugly and disturbing as fuck
If it really does go away forever I'll stop complaining because I'll be happy.

>> No.7964816

Not Uranus? I don't know what you're talking about because I don't tumblr a lot, but ages ago there was this big campaign called "prince uranus" where people were arguing that Uranus was supposed to be a guy or was a guy in the past but got reincarnated as a woman so therefore she wasn't *really* in a lesbian relationship with Neptune. However, that differs from whatever tumblr usually cooks up because it was obviously rooted in homophobia
Speaking of Sailor Moon jimmies
>Sailor Cosmos is Chibiusa
>Sailor Cosmos is whoever I feel like it

>> No.7964821

>Save up a bit of money to go on a small shopping spree online
> Can't find anything you like/everything you like is out of stock

This feeling always makes me sad. Somehow everything you want only appears when you're broke.

>> No.7964825

Oh god this so much. I feel like it's a mental thing though, like when I'm broke I only want everything because I know I can't have it

>> No.7965005


Well, I agree with you on almost everything. The trouble is, there were trans characters in Sailor Moon. It happened through magic for most of them (aside from Fisheye, and his mental breakdown over a guy not seeing him as a real woman) but it still happened. Honesty, I think it's kind of cool. These characters weren't dreamed up to please social justice warriors, they were simply a part of the story. Of course, it still rustles some jimmies for me that my childhood is going trendy. Not because I have some weird protective bs over my fandoms, but because I always feel a little iffy when nostalgia becomes a trend. It comes with the fear of being disappointed.

>> No.7965018
File: 169 KB, 800x619, 44559746_big_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What rustles my Jimmies to the point that I feel like punching a bitch more than anything else in the world are the people who think Izaya/Sei/Kaworu are not males and protest this loudly if you think otherwise on tumblr/fanfiction/whatever.

I'm not sure who/what started this shit but people honestly think that Izaya is bisexual/transexual, Sei is Cis, and Kaworu is Ace/Cis/Fae.

I was like wut.

To make it worse people use this as an excuse to not bind when they cosplay them because "Kaworu/Sei/Izaya are Cis/Trans!"

I'm trying not to go into a rant but Kaworu, despite being an angel is male and very much gay, Sei is a male, and Izaya has always been male even in the novels. It's like if a guy/girl wants to dress up as a man/woman or change gender roles for whatever reason they must be transgender.

>> No.7965052

This is a giant peeve of mine, especially when the room is grubby or has literal garbage and dirt around.

>> No.7965068


This. I don't mind if they have head-cannons, but why does it have to go to that point? If a show does interesting themes, is LGBT friendly and already stepping out of the norm for its time, isn't that enough? I just cringe so hard because of how normal trans people are going to be seen, thanks to the special snowflake "other-kin ace tri-gender fae spirit" bs.

>> No.7965268

This happens with HxH too. Both Takeuchi and Togashi are really progressive as far as having trans, lesbian, bi, whatever characters in their works (inba joke about them being each others beard/lipstick) but it's not enough for tumblr apparently.
There's reasonable shit like deciding Kurapika is asexual or Killua gay based on evidence in the series but then there's fucking making everyone trans because apparently Alluka's not enough for them.

>> No.7965341

sometimes i want to punch sieg for being an idiot.. but i also feel like i would really enjoy their company in person

>> No.7965495
File: 167 KB, 597x637, Screen Shot 2014-11-28 at 9.29.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My jimmies are rustled any time fatties get angry at people who answer their questions.
>this happens all the time in lolita
>if you're too fat for a 100 cm max bust then you're too fat for fashion gtfo pls
>that smarmy 'thanks for the advice' at the end

>> No.7965500
File: 48 KB, 609x307, Screen shot 2014-11-29 at 12.34.48 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7965517

Woah, what a bitch! I mean, that girl was super nice and actually giving helpful advice.

>> No.7965519

Same here.

>> No.7965524

>82cm waist
>tfw it's almost my freackin bust size
>never ever over 68cm waist even when I was a fat fuck.

I'm 5'3" so I guess that if the girl is like 5'8" it's less awfull, but still. It's just total denial to not want your clothes to fit and be comfortable.

>> No.7965525

The fuck is with that reaction?

>I don't care if I get boobloaf or if it looks bad
>I just want to look good

Also, using her logic, wouldn't she take up more space with something less tight?

>> No.7965528

I just don't get why she thinks it will be loose on her, if it has shirring it will stay tight where it needs to, does she not understand the concept of shirring?

>> No.7965529

I have a friend that is a SJW. Anyway, they trying to be a FTM trans, but they posted a list of their upcoming cosplays and it's all girls. If they don't want people to misgender them they shouldn't cosplay only girls. I don't fucking understand people.

>> No.7965532

I'm your height and a 68cm is fine, anon. How were you a fat fuck?

>> No.7965538
File: 133 KB, 608x427, Screen Shot 2014-11-28 at 9.51.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More. Jesus this girl has as much rage as she has rolls

>> No.7965556

I'm pear shaped so 68cm was literally my smallest measurement. Dropped ten centimeters here and on the hips, so 59cm waist now. It's more fitting for someone my size. At barely 5'3" I'm supposed to fit into EU 32-34, which didn't fit with my previous measurements. I'm sorry anon, but if you're not apple shaped their is most certainly so weight to be dropped.

>> No.7965558

>Roll Rage

>> No.7965563

This happened with Naoto from persona 4 as well.
Its really weird how tumblr tends to be really liberal but is constantly looking at EVERYTHING from a eurocentric viewpoint. (No, most anime characters aren't white people you dipshits)

>> No.7965565

That's extremely tiny, do you have a pic?

>> No.7965593

Unfortunately not on my phone. It's not that tiny, isn't Fanny Rosie near 5'4" and with a 58cm waist or something ?

>> No.7965611

I always forget how tiny Fanny Rosie is. She seems so much taller in photos where she's by herself.

>> No.7965659
File: 812 KB, 774x992, 44891800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who assume that anime characters are all white due to headcanon
>People who get mad when a white person isn't cosplaying an anime character or its a girl and she binds/does it well.

Adding on: It's ok to ship characters but I hate it when people say "X character gets in the way of my ship" or "X character HAS to be gay/cis/trans."

I also hate when people complain about a character not being manly or too whiny or too this or that because they feel in their eyes that if they are in the same situation they wouldn't do what X character would do. Honestly how do you know? It's ok to hate a character but to bash him venomous pisses me off.

Picture very much related.

>> No.7965717

What a bitch. The person that replied to her was nothing but polite.

>> No.7965726

I just hate when anyone mentions anything about race. These shits are fucking imaginary, it's pathetic to see people get so up in arms over imaginary peoples' races/sex/gender etc. Like, don't you have other hobbies?

>> No.7966055

I actually like this. I get a huge Jem/ Misfits vibe off of it.
It is awful for Lolita but as an '80s inspired dress I do dig it.

>> No.7966065

now imagine something with those colors being worn as lolita


>> No.7966097

> Work really hard on awesome Meenah cosplay
> Get 200 notes on tumblr
> Some black girl puts yarn in her hair and tapes a Pisces sign to her shirt
> 5k notes because MUH POC

>> No.7966143

>work damn hard on Cronus cosplay
>maybe 500 notes tops bc shippy photoshoot
>madcarnival slaps on drag-level make up and biker boots

I feel you anon.

>> No.7966147

I think you mean US-centric
because a lot of times they accuse "white girls" for the shit that happened in the US that Europe has nothing to do with, and to them "white girl" generally means "white American".

>> No.7966382

Lose weight or shut the fuck up and be content with the fact you're stuck with offbrand

In Japan, it is in no way socially acceptable to be fat, they even have laws to make your life harder if you are

There is no way one of the most shallow Japanese fashions is going to cater to your whiny fat ass

Deal with it and be grateful you at least have Taobao

>> No.7966391

>be male
>Lose 90lbs and get some muscle mass
>be tall and pretty attractive
>start becoming extremely famous in the homestuck community
>people start accusing me of only being famous because im a "cis male"

No such thing as someone being attractive, it only has to do with me being born as a male.

>> No.7966419

LGBT extremists hate all cis people, not just males. I had a mtf tell me I only had more followers than her just because I was a cisfemale... when she only updated, like, once a month with shitty selfies.

You automatically have it easier than everyone else in the entire world if you're white, not LGBT, not poor, not disabled, or not fat. Logic.

>> No.7966430

>You automatically have it easier than everyone else in the entire world if you're white, not LGBT, not poor, not disabled, or not fat

Whoever feels this way needs to be punched in the face.

>> No.7966433

AX is just a huge clusterfuck with shit management.

>> No.7966435

The convention shoplifters. This ain't food you need to live. It's plain selfishness.

>> No.7966436

Apparently theres a legitimate mental disorder associated with this obsession of "look at me im special and have all of these oppression points die cis scum"
Not that these folks would ever seek help, theyre convinced the doctor is ~ablist cishet scum~

>> No.7966549

Someone should tell this bitch that the officials of angelic pretty would be horrified to see someone like her representing their brand at the tea party lol

>> No.7966571

>crossplay lolita at conventions
I want you to read it aloud and I want you to realize how stupid you sound, Sieg.

>> No.7966583

As someone who always, for some reason, pays attention to the background before what I'm supposed to look at, this bothers me greatly.

I mean it already bothers me some people's lack of decoration skills but I let it slide if it's not messy, but people who have shit lying on the floor or plastic bags everywhere really do grind my gears. You can even tell when their rooms are always like that or if they're just in the middle of cleaning up.

>> No.7966610

>no image


>> No.7966853

this is a weird question but can someone explain to me what cis is? I read the wiki and I'm confused as hell. It says "male assigned male at birth." Isn't that just a boy?

I don't get what is it with cis/trans/SJW/or all of these terms. Maybe I'm an oldfag but we just had people who were themselves not all of these new terms.

I'm asking because someone called me trans or whatever just because I like peeing standing up and dressing up in boys clothing but don't have desire to do the hormones or surgery or any of that shit.

>Really confused

>> No.7966857

Cis is when you identify as the gender you were born as. Most people are cis

>> No.7966892

Okay so you have sex and gender.
Sex is what's between your legs. Gender is how you perceive yourself in society.

Sex = male/female
Gender =boy/girl

Both are not exclusive to each other. You can be biologically female but you may identify as a boy or be biologically male and identify as a girl, which is what happens with trans people.

A cis person is someone whose gender matches their sex, for example a person who is biologically male and considers himself a man.
Just because you like wearing boys clothing doesn't make you a guy because you identify as a girl, and you are biologically female.

>> No.7966914

> 82cm waist
> hang loose

yeah, right.

>> No.7966927

>Gender is how you perceive yourself in society.
Wrong. Gender is not what YOU perceive yourself to be, gender is the social equivalent to sex. Also, no one cares about your little lecture, there's too much of that shit already.

>> No.7966937

Delusional fatty, indeed. It's as if she thinks centimeters are a smaller unit than inches so that must mean they don't matter as much. A 5cm difference is just about 2 inches. You don't have to be a huge fashion connoisseur to know that 2" over the max is not going to be comfortable or look good. My god that would be tight as fuck. How can she say she doesn't care how it looks? Isn't the point of any fashion, lolita included, to look good in nice-looking clothing? Sure she might be able to "squeeze" into the dress, but how long until it seams start popping? That poor dress would look awful with shirring stretched to the max, struggling to contain the fattitude.

Honestly the reply she got was pretty honest and nicely phrased. She even said she couldn't wear things that weren't full back shirring along with the, "I feel your pain". How is that being fatphobic. I hope this girl gets/has been posted in many threads.

>> No.7966976

Holy fucking shit no one cares

>> No.7967105

It's like you want to be dense on purpose or some shit. You also gave too much of a shit to take the time to post such a stupid reply.

I was just answering to the question. You might as well ignore it instead of being a whiny little bitch.

>> No.7967120


Anon >>7966853

I wanted to know because apparently Cis/SJW/etc. is a 'rustle my jimmies' subject so I want to know to prepare myself. I heard people rant/rave here and on tumblr so I'm like "Why?"

I didn't mean to take offense I'm just confused as hell because I never heard of Cis until recently. Did people call each other Cis in the 80s-90s?

>> No.7967123

>Did people call each other Cis in the 80s-90s?
Nope it's a newly made up term that is, honestly, pretty discriminatory against trans people.

>> No.7967142

naw there was just tranny and normal folks
same with straight, straight wasn't a thing for a long time until a gay community formed
same with trans and cis

>> No.7967299

Newfag here, what is a petti?

>> No.7967321

"petti" is the politically correct term for a vertically challenged person//midget/person afflicted with dwarfism

>> No.7967330

Now I know what to call my boss without offending her. Thanks, anon-chan!

>> No.7967355

Can we expand this to include people who cry when POC get more notes than them? Like I know it's going off in a different direction but it irks me when people complain about lack of notes.
>Like for real, you aren't as funny/good as you think you are

>> No.7967367
File: 103 KB, 500x317, tumblr_inline_mniw2ypngj1qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this trans headcanons hate

I literally came here to whine about fucking tumblr-ass bitches and their bizarre insistence that every character in every media be ~genderweird pansexual quoiromantic~

eat my entire ass, ten out of fucking ten times it's a PC way of being a futa fetishist while also getting off on how fucking progressive you are

>> No.7967388
File: 116 KB, 600x600, tumblr_n5bu31wU7N1qimu56o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your picture is 100% related lol.

>Tumblr bitches thought that Akihiko was a homosexual because no love interest, had a fear of a domimatrix like woman, and was a good friend to Shinji that apparently translated to 'couple.'

>P3P comes out that gives more background to him that FES didn't and people still think he's a bara homosexual because of P4A and P4AU and a lack of love interest.

Hello! Lack of love interest does not make you gay! Sure it's good to have headcanons but come on.

>This is how the Trunks/Pan/Marron/Goten war started in Dragon ball Z GT

>> No.7967421
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>i crossplay lolita
>at conventions
hahaha get oatta here, no you don't

>> No.7967605

Top kek

>> No.7967638

>It's like you want to be dense on purpose or some shit
Dude, you say I'm wrong and then post a link that says the exact same thing I said, how stupid are you? I kek'd.

>> No.7967645

>"Can I wear AP, too if I squeeze myself in it?*expecting asspats*
>"You can, but it might look weird and won't be comfy..."

>> No.7967650

someone needs to also tell her the extra bust is going to pull up the dress and make it way too short

>> No.7967655

I think if her only worry is wheter her blood circulation will cut off or not she can't be helped.

>> No.7967657

I don't even think she *can*, at least not without damaging the dress. I have a hard time squeezing my boobs into stuff that are above my actual measurements. I once wore a taobao dress and it's measurements were exactly mine, I could close it with surprisingly little effort, but at the end of the day my boobs were so sore, I'm never gonna wear it again for more than a few hours.

>> No.7967662
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>trolls and legit retards using /cgl/ to talk about stupid gender issues like this is the appropriate place because there are girls here.

Seriously fuck off. I hate all these people who come here. I just want to talk about cosplay and jfash.

>> No.7967663

It's really annoying how every thread get shit due to that sjw bullshit

>> No.7967664

I once did this with a blouse that's bust was exactly my bust. When I took a breath a second after putting it on I popped a button off the bust like I was the hulk or something. It was kind of cool but unwearable if I don't lose some goddamn weight.
I'm a fatty but I'm still a taobao L, sometimes M. I don't know how the hell these 42+ inch bust girls think they're going to make it work.

>> No.7967667

It comes from both sides. I definitely have my own (extreme unpopular) opinions, but when I'm on /cgl/, I could care less about seeing SJWs and MRAs shit at each other like they are chimps and this board is their personal feces-flinging arena.

>> No.7967674

I wonder about that, too. They must buy everything custom made.

>> No.7967675

To be fair, that one anon was asking, I just hate when a simple answer turns into some tirade about sex being a social construct.

>> No.7967684

I feel you anon.
I'm only 155cm tall but my god damn body is so large, I have to wear taobao M-L too.

>when I'm standing sideways I look thin exept for my arms
>when you look at me upfront I look three times bigger

why genetics? why? I'd rather look fat in every angle so it looks more balanced...

>> No.7967686

Oh I don't even mean this thread specifically. Just look at the feels thread.

>> No.7967692

my problem is mostly my waist. my bust is only 34 inches (86 cm) but my shitty waist is 30 inches (76 cm). Thankfully most of my fat is in my thunder thighs so it's mostly irrelevant to lolita stuff but I can't wear any cute patterned tights without making them ultra tight and reverse hombre faded.
When I see girls bigger than me in lolita I want to ask them how they cram themselves in it but that would be rude as fuck.

>> No.7967696

*I want to ask them why for tips to help me out, not to be a jerk.
should have clarified that

>> No.7967700

I feel you, problem is that many small girls look chubs because 1. They often have a wider build because they also need to pop out babies ans 2. The fat has to distribute over a smaller area. When my tall friend gains a few pounds it's barely noticable. I look like someone fucked with the ratio.

>> No.7967891

It's the scientific term for same, much as trans means different. Tumblr sjws didn't make it up.

>> No.7967895

This shit pisses me off so much.
Defensive fatties yelling about "Fuck flatterig!!", why? If you have to squeeze yourself into it, it's too fucking small, alter it or don't wear it if you don't want to lose weight, god.
>82cm waist
>pretty small
even if she was 6ft, that's not small.

>> No.7967903


Not quite. It means 'on the same side of' while trans means 'on the opposite side of.' It's quite different from what you're implying, but hey, we've done worse (e.g. homo- meaning man, organic meaning containing carbon, etc. all bastardised to hell and back). Cis as used in the 'trans' context is quite recent, and not exactly as its use was intended for.

>> No.7967912
File: 156 KB, 503x630, Screen Shot 2014-11-30 at 10.52.51 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that asspained response

That has nothing to do with being a fatty, that has everything to do with her being a fucking bitch who doesn't know how to take advice if it's anything less than an 100% asspat. Such is the way of tumblr SJWs these days.

I found out the other day that tumblr SJWs are the most UNREASONABLE and IRRATIONAL people in the world.
Pic related.
>friend puts up a pic of her baby bump and asks people to guess the baby's biological gender
>was just supposed to be a fun game before her sonogram
>suddenly her SJW sister appears
>starts to tantrum at everyone for "GENDERING" the baby
>calmly explain we're just guessing the biological sex and not necessarily assigning a lifelong gender to it
>she refuses that explanation and insists we're all "abusive binarist transphobic cis assholes."

I AVOID these people like the plague now.

>> No.7967963

Every time some batshit SJW goes on about 'misgendering babies,' I just direct them to the story about that guy that was raised as a girl because of a botched circumcision, and ultimately ended up killing himself even after he re-transitioned to living as a male. Just like you can't force someone to not be trans, you also can't force them to be trans. That's not how it fucking works.

>> No.7967966

How the hell is it harmful to raise a biological girl as a girl unless she tells you she's a boy? They're just as bad as people who force their kids to act like society views their biological gender.

>> No.7967978

It got even better: http://forgetpolitics.tumblr.com/post/103960304272/hello-plus-size-lolita-community

Note the tags: body image tw, fat acceptance, body policing, lolita, plus size lolita, fatphobia tw

My fucking sides.

>> No.7967990

>how can me jamming all my fat into a too small, delicate dress destroy it?? FATSHAMING
Does this girl honestly not understand how much pressure she's gonna put on that poor dress? I'm guessing that she's split seams/ripped things/stained them from eating sloppily before and now is just pretending like her ~super special fatness~ could NEVER hurt any garment or look bad because she ~loves her rolls~ so much.

>> No.7967996


What I don't get is how fat people can squeeze into dresses and not just die of suffocation. Whenever I squeeze into something too tight, I can't fucking breathe, eat, walk, etc. It's awful. I need at least an inch of slack to be truly comfortable. How the fuck do these people live squeezing themselves like that?

>> No.7967999

jesus wept
reminds me of the time when Prince George was born and the Tumblrinas started going on about "stop saying he's a boy!!! stop gendering him!!!"

>> No.7968008
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>>"I’m not trying to hide my body or make it appear less fat than it really is — I love my fat body even though it makes other people uncomfortable and I don’t plan on having anyone shame me into shrinking myself in order to take up less space."
So instead of accepting her big fat body for what it is and finding a dress that actually fits it, she's trying to squeeze it into a dress that's too small for her big fat body? Isn't that going against the notion that "clothes were made for people and not the other way around"? So she's a hypocrite...

>>"you’re also automatically assuming that I’ll look bad if I stretch the dress out or if I have 'boob loaf'"
Someone needs to tell her that in general stretched out dresses and boob load DO tend to look bad. Generalizations aren't always unfounded.

>>"When did me asking if something will be able to fit my measurements turn into me asking for others’ opinions on whether or not I will look good in a dress?"
She's just sticking her fingers in her ears at this point. How embarrassing...
>people warn her that she'll be uncomfortable and will probably be damaging the dress beyond the point of wearability
Bloody hell. Bloody fucking hell.

>>"I’m not sure if you’re plus size, but from your comments I gather that you’ve never had to deal with an entire fashion industry constantly telling you that you need to wear clothes that either cover up your fatness or make you look less fat"
As someone who used to weigh 240, this makes me LAUGH. Doesn't this bitch get that she's just being unreasonable?

>>telling someone to avoid 'boob-loafing' — a term specifically aimed at fat lolitas"
Can someone inform this magnificent idiot that girls with thinner measurements can also get boobloaf too if the bust measurements are too tight for their dresses...

What an IDIOT.

>> No.7968011

>>7968008 again,
I also like how getting the dress ALTERED to fit her doesn't even cross her fucking line of logic. She just automatically defends trying to squeeze into it.

>> No.7968015

How do you pee standing up without making a huge mess?

>> No.7968016

You have to let the stream out at the perfect pace. Not that anon, but I prefer hovering on any toilet but my own.

>> No.7968019


Yeah, I stand up when in lolita because I'm so afraid of my petti taking a dip in the toilet.

>> No.7968023

This so hard. Every time I hear an SJW go on about misgendering a kid, I always think of that case (the documentary is "David Reimer: born a boy, grew up a girl" if anyone's interested) and how messed up both he and his brother were after everything was revealed.

>> No.7968024

This is why I don't feel bad deeming fat lolitas inferior.

One of the main reasons why there are so few fat Japanese people is because it's not socially acceptable to be overweight there. The government even has policies to keep people below a certain size. Look up the Metabo Law.

>> No.7968039

>This is why I don't feel bad deeming fat lolitas inferior.

You're basing an entire group of people because of one SJW?
Oh, okay.
>crazy SJW feminist
>This is why I don't feel bad deeming feminists inferior.
>crazy SJW anti slut shamer
>This is why I don't feel bad deeming any woman who likes sex inferior.

Seriously, I hope you're b8ing

>> No.7968052
File: 131 KB, 270x256, tumblr_inline_mh23ayxedv1roj9wu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Walking around downtown in full visual kei
>Perfect day
>Sit down to enjoy lunch
>Woman with two kids walks by, stops and gives me nasty glare
>"This is no place for a Satanist to be, there are children about"
>She walks off dragging her ankle biters with her
>"Don't be like that horrible person, girls, God won't forgive you!"
>Day completely ruined
>Mfw moral guardians think that they have the right to say things like that to a complete stranger.
>I didn't even get the chance to retort and all I wanted to do was throw my yogurt on her

Goddamn bible thumping moral guardians rustle my jimmies so much.

>> No.7968060

When I say I deem them inferior, I mean as lolitas, not necessarily human beings. Most fat lolitas refuse to do anything about their weight, all they do is baw about how everyone is "fatphobic" and ruin dresses by forcing themselves into them. Being fat is different from being female or enjoying sex. Obesity is a serious health risk. Being a slut can be, but to much less of an extent.

>> No.7968062

What about fat lolitas who actually look good and are reasonable human beings who don't flip their shit over honest friendly advice?

>> No.7968063

I would have said that her children were going to Hell anyway, so it doesn't matter.

>> No.7968068

If I ever met such a being IRL, I'd be fine with them. I have literally never met a fatty-chan that wasn't reminiscent of that Tumblrfag, though.

>> No.7968075

I think people are so caught up in this "my body is beautiful regardless of my weight!" thing that they forget the fact that being overweight is (for lack of a better word) unnatural.
The human body just is not built to actually handle all that excess weight. It's fine and wonderful to be comfortable in your body, more power to you but you still need realize that you are unhealthy and need to do something about it if you actually want to live a full, comfortable life.
And I'm saying this as a fatty myself who is desperately working on losing weight.

>> No.7968090

Well, maybe you should get out more. Sorry to hear that.

>> No.7968095

>How to spot the conspiracy theorist.

Obesity is unnatural, yes.
But human beings have always had fluctuating weight, especially due to hormonal changes like post-pregnancy, loss of testosterone, and menopause. What the actual fuck are you on about?

>> No.7968099


are you an idiot?

>> No.7968107

I love how even though this went so far off topic, but it's still on topic. My jimmies are so fucking rustled right now reading all of this tumblr-talk. Good on you, OP.

>> No.7968178

No, but you sound like one.
People are overweight and they will no doubt die around the same time as you, deal with it.

>> No.7968248

Then maybe she'll leave it unzipped. A girl in my comm does this and either angles the open zipper away from the camera or hides it with a cardigan. It's obvious and looks like shit but even the mildest, nicest criticism triggers a passive-aggressive tirade of
>I don't care what anyone thinks I'm beautiful it's my dress I do what I want with it u jelly I own it and you don't haha does my fatness threaten you I don't care whatever whatever
I don't even wear anything close to her style and don't give a damn about the dresses (I'd honestly prefer she alter them to fit) I just don't like to see her embarrass herself and the rest of the group by showing up to public meets half undressed. But what do I know, I'm just a jelly fatphobic h8er who feels theatened by her womanly curves.

>> No.7968270
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Okay, I'm not going to argue with you since that seems like what you're fishing for but I will reiterate what I said:
Forcing your body to carry around excess weight (barring pregnancy because the female body IS made to handle that) is something the body just is not made for. Putting that strain on yourself is going to cause a world of health issues and in turn most likely shorten your life.

>> No.7968287

Keep in mind this is all feminist fanfiction. Cis/trans and whatever other retarded shit isn't real

>> No.7968296

>What is free speech

>> No.7968297


>> No.7968298

Damn you dumb. Also fat

>> No.7968441


There's an ignore button you know. That's what I use.

I find it stupid that people come here to talk about their personal problems like it's a blog.

>> No.7968447

>not citing sources
>not differentiating BMI
>still being this smug when someone casually disagrees with you
Go home lmao

>> No.7968455

Wow, that's really interesting... but I wonder what happened to all the other kids reassigned female due to the initial "success" with David? I'd really like to hear more about this.

>> No.7968479
File: 64 KB, 720x960, 96880049-22cc-4e50-b696-e4d719c8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who call this cosplay

>it's supposed to be foxy from five nights at freddy's

>> No.7968489


>> No.7968862

Not the anon you're talking to but...you're a special kind of stupid, huh?
P.S. BMI is bullshit and no one should be taking it serious.

>> No.7968889

>still this mad
Stop. Nobody cares.

>> No.7969028

It's becming a thing on there, I once saw a post about some girl that needs money to pay for college and she already spended her money for her own place and is too lazy to go get a damn job so shes making her followers throw money on her broke sorryass

>> No.7969048

Black manbrows here, I've never been able to get mine to be pink or blonde. I can do colours like green or blue but nothing light

>be young naive me
>lets dye eyebrows blond this will be great
>dyes them and they come out orange
>oh fucking great
>but then they start growing back in black
>I have speckled orange and black eyebrows
>tiger eyebrows

>> No.7969069

>get out more and find the fat people

no thank you

>> No.7969078

>BMI of 40
>beached whale who cannot move

>> No.7969104

>BMI is bullshit
Only for people who are swole as fuck, you fucking faggot.

>> No.7969109

I could vaguely tell what she was supposed to be, still a fucking shitty construction. Plus no one should do FNAF cosplays unless you got a group for all the animatronics.

>> No.7969510

>Its just an instagram selfie someone took with a random wig and some makeup on

I can understand if someone does wig and costume trials and takes pictures to share, but when you're basically just throwing on a random wig and calling it a character then...? It's made me cringe at the word "costest".

>> No.7969733

>people who spend a lot of time and money to make the main parts of a costume perfect but then half ass wigs/makeup/shoes
There's a guy in my cosplay community (in Texas) who makes these really beautiful armor sets, but then does fuck all with his hair/facial hair or makeup, and it just fucking ruins it for me.

>what is not being a rude cunt
You can say whatever, sure, but don't be surprised when people don't take kindly to assfuckery.

>> No.7969794

"Free speech" doesn't give someone the right to be a cunt to a complete stranger who was just minding their own business.

>> No.7969804

>When people try to force their obviously incorrect headcanons on people, claiming their word is right even though actual canon proves them wrong
I saw some chick on Tumblr who just Professor Layton trying to say that Layton was gay. She also discovered PW and believes Maya is a fatty and that several characters are gay or POC.

>> No.7969806

can they leave nothing sacred, why fucking Professor Layton?!

>> No.7969812


It does, but it doesn't excuse the person from being an asshole.

Free speech =/= absolution of being called a cunt (rightly so) when you do cunty things. It goes both ways.

>> No.7969821

*just started playing Professor Layton (my mistake)

Any series she gets into she tries her hardest to find anything that might suggest POC, homosexuality, even fattness. It's like she tries her hardest to make a series suit her Tumblr needs.
I feel like this on common on that site though.

>> No.7969829
File: 122 KB, 362x767, catty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lolita mentoring
>small rustling every day

>> No.7969854

That whole group is such a shit show. I joined thinking that I could answer questions out of boredom when traveling etc., and found out that it was some kind of masturbatory aid for a bunch of a girls who have barely been lolita for longer than my new pair of shoes. It's a fucking joke.

>> No.7969896

See, it's people like that make me almost ashamed to even have my own tumblr blog...

>> No.7969941

>most of the headcanoning is done by people who are trans or questioning
if by that you mean tumblrtrans then yes. but most genuine trans people i've met think trans headcanons are kind of pointless or offensive because people who arent trans are making them using stereotypes.
personally i dont really see why tumblr shits itself over giving a specific sexual, romantic, and gender orientation to each character.
have you seen those lists that are easily 20 characters long, all with descriptions like "demigirl, biromantic and lesbian because of [insert a huge stretch from canon to make a point]"?
those are the ones that rustle my jimmies. you dont need to go into THAT much detail, it really doesn't matter considering they're the same character they were before you slapped labels all over them

>> No.7969947

I feel this pain. I'm just so goddamn wide looking from the front, but my waist is 23 in.

And then those are those girls who are both short with a thin bone structure. I envy them.
I only lost about 20 lb. and went down 5 in. in my waist. I feel so close to gaining it all back, it's like it's all just one cheat day away.

>> No.7969949

>scientific term
i hate to burst your bubble but "cis" isn't offensive, it's just meant to be used in sociology/psychology when discussing gender identity. though tumblr throws it around unnecessarily.
also would you rather people continue to say "normal" instead of "cis"? i find people that say "well, x is normal and y is trans" more offensive than using cis

>> No.7970183
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>> No.7970465

its got an even longer history in geography.

Cisalpine Gaul for instance

>> No.7970558

> see dream sky for sale
>get excite
>its the goddamn replica
Happened three times just today

>> No.7970569
File: 75 KB, 624x348, shut it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seagulls falling bait so easily.
How do you even fucking fall for something so easy?
Like a lot of these baits have been low tier and you guys keep falling for it.

>> No.7970602

Don't forget the ones who make up trans headcanons for every goddamn character.
>Go In Tumblr AA tag
>Find an entire tumblr just dedicated to everyone being trans


Also, anyone else getting "This file does not exist" Messages?

>> No.7970607

But Layton's canonically straight and there are plenty of fatties in the PW universe, what the fuck?

>> No.7970611

Aw jesus. I remember when the PW fandom used to be good. I miss the days when court-records reigned supreme.

>> No.7970699

>Fucking up mu husbando
Sit the fuck down, Tumblr.
He's just really fucking beta.

>> No.7970723

Welcome to /cgl/, it's a woman's thing. Just get some popcorn, sit back and enjoy the show.

>> No.7970735

Probably because of the whole time traveling shenanigans and the fact that he travels around with a little boy. Being around a little kid doesn't automatically make you gay but some tumblrs feel that close contact with anyone must be a hint of desire.

Nah he's not my husbando but it just annoys me that people automatically consider a focused guy who isn't interested in dating as homosexual.

>> No.7970742
File: 541 KB, 342x192, miles-objectf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That...what the hell is that blog?

>> No.7970867

>people automatically consider a focused guy who isn't interested in dating as homosexual.

Where's that whole thing about asexuals and how they're totally a thing too!! From your description it seems like Tumblr should've jumped that bandwagon instead.
Not bashing on asexuals, just how Tumblr destroys everything it touches.

>> No.7970892
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>> No.7970898

>size XL
Jesus, I hate when people use sizes like this like they mean jack shit. Give your fucking measurements, or at least a number size.

>> No.7971282

shitty cosplayer in the SE who begs and guilt trips better cosplayers to lend her stuff.
>>Met a good cosplayer thats part of a cosplay group because they were both staff at a small con
>> later asks to borrow one of her costumes for D*Con even though they aren't friends and have only talked once.
>>Now she's been bothering that cosplayer for a blonde wig for her Panty cosplay for YamaCon. Cosplayer responds that its the worng color and isnt layered or styled correctly.
>>"Oh its ok, I'll just flip out, style the bangs!"
>>cosplayer keeps trying to turn her down nicely
>>"Guess I can't do my panty cosplay then..."
>>Cosplayer announces that she found out she can't go to Yama con after all, girl finally leaves her alone

this girl does shit like this to so many people, tries to get other's cosplays and then tries to pretend that she made the cosplay (a friend lent her a bought cosplay and my friend B-Chan asked her where she had gotten it bc B-Chan had a friend looking for that cosplay and hers look really nice, the girl completely deleted the photo B-Chan asked where she'd gotten the cosplay from to hide the fact she didnt make it and then messaged B-Chan trying to pretend that she had made it and then that she had altered it when she literally was given it by a friend, she finally admitted to it after a while)

I fuckin hate bitches like this

>> No.7971284

>>the cosplayer won't lend this girl anything by the way since they don't actually know each other and who the hell lends people they dont really know cosplays?

>> No.7971288

Tumblr wants cute little gay boys more than asexual ones. If it were a girl she probably would have been asexual.

Also, I've seen people on tumblr who think that guys can't be asexual cause testosterone.

>> No.7971318


i've met a few genuinely trans people who have toyed with the idea of trans headcanons, but they were never the "THIS PERSON IS OTHERKIN GENDERFLUID DEMISEXUAL AROMANTIC WITH FAE/FAES/FAER PRONOUNS AND ALSO THEYRE MUSLIM NOW uwu" type you usually see, it'd be "this male character is ftm". i mean, i'm a closted trans individual, and the occasional private self-indulgant discussion and fanworks with internet friends on skype of characters being accepted by everyone they know is a fun form of wish-fulfillment, since i can't come out in real life.

my own problem with it is people refuse to accept that's exactly what it is. it's self-indulgant and probably wish fulfillment. they make it out to be some big thing about representation when it's not, or act like it's transphobic or homophobic to view characters as cis or straight, which it's not. if it makes you feel better to role play dave strider as ftm and gay or whatever, cool, but don't act like this is TOTALLY CANON and REPRESENTATION and whatever.

>> No.7971347


i totally forgot to add - my OTHER problem is, if it's not wish fufullment, it's a big pissing contest to see who can make the most speshul version of a character, and that's not only dumb but incredibly disrespectful? it feels terrible to me to see someone using this thing that's an undeniable part of who i am, usually in a disrespectful and inaccurate way, as a quick way to get praised and feel superior.

>> No.7971381

Is there a place I can go to that will take measurements without requiring me to purchase something based off those measurements?

>> No.7971393

When posting in a sales thread, you need to post measurements. Otherwise its really fucking vague.

>> No.7971397
File: 95 KB, 540x960, IMG_20141124_184732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Related 1/2

>> No.7971400

Well, 'cunt' used to be a scientific term, and now everyone gets super buttmad if you say that too.

>> No.7971403
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>> No.7971409

that's kinda sad though.

>> No.7971446

why would she not have a portfolio of the things she has made for clients....?

>> No.7971447

>Waist 125cm
How can she even be alive ?

>> No.7971448
File: 191 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2014-12-02-04-49-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole post rustled my jimmies. Its a brolita, but all this fucking information about the facial hair is 100% unnecessary.

>> No.7971451
File: 381 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2014-12-02-04-52-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just. No.

The first one was this same guy in ouji.

>> No.7971455

Well SOMEONE is going to wonder why?

>> No.7971457

He's doing a good job at making Lolitas and Brolitas look like a fucking freakshow.

>> No.7971459

We didn't need a fucking book. And how about; don't post pics with your nasty beard in Lolita in a page when you just did it for shits and giggles? It screams "like me, I'm special, I'm a booooooy!"

>> No.7971493

>Muh sektrit frilly club

>> No.7971524
File: 291 KB, 1200x800, Plastic_tape_measure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is called your own fucking house.

>> No.7971664

>purchase measuring tape
>put around your bust, waist and hips
>write down
How do you people even function?
You need more measurments for making a garment, but just look up "how to measure body", and get a friend or relative to help you.

>> No.7971693

My BWH in cm are 101-76-101 and I'm 167 cm tall. I am in excellent shape due to physical job and hours logged at the gym. I would love to wear shiny burando but wear taobao instead because I don't want to look like a damn sausage in too-tight clothes. I mean, fuck - that shit is _nasty_. No-one looks good in clothes that don't fit.

>> No.7971710


>> No.7971712

I would like to see a picture of you in clothes that fits and some that doesn't, as a prof of course

>> No.7971728
File: 18 KB, 500x259, sadfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitches offering noods with whatever their "fans" buy them off of their Amazon wish list.
I wish I could get free shit from strangers. Especially since I'm a poorfag at the moment.
Also, can't help but get jelly watching Jnigger's fan mail videos. Like, shit I want some of those expensive figures and clothes she gets for free.

>> No.7971731

haha wow I'm 80w, 104b and can fit fine into a good variety of brand dresses.. like, my biggest problem is maybe having to wear a binder because Attack Of The Boobs, but as long as you're mindful of shirring and garment measurements vs personal measurements you should be fine.

I really don't understand tumblr SJWs and why she literally shat her pants.

>> No.7971738

Honestly, no joke

I'm pretty fucking stupid, and im pretty fucking hideous....

i have no desire to send anything to Jnig, nor do i even want a nude image of her that she distributes for these gifts...

so that makes me question how fucking stupid are these people sending her shit. like you've seen my responses on this forum and i posted a pic or 2 so use that on the spectrum

>> No.7971742

Anon at least you'll have your dignity and self-respect.

Nothing Jnignog does matters. It only demeans her character.

>> No.7971743

>or at least a number size
idk, this rustles me even more because only men's, baby's and toddlers have a reliable sizing system because women are too much "muh feels" to be practical. Imo, at least with XL we know she's a whale, if she said "size 12" that could be anything because it varies so much by store it's ridiculous.

>> No.7971744
File: 211 KB, 480x640, GermaineOP-chocolat-tile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My BWH in cm are 101-76-101 and I'm 167 cm tall

Anon, sorry to disappoint you, but we are almost at the exact same measurements (99-76-102) and height and there is still burando that fits me. Even if you hate full shirring (like me, which is why I don't own fully shirred stuff) there are still dresses that will fit you. You just need to lurk harder.
>pic related, and there's plenty more

>> No.7971747

except that she will never have an issue finding employment and will never struggle with finances if she continues to live frugally (at her parents house)

what's her net worth now? couple mill?

>> No.7971753

>muh feels
..or maybe because women vary so much with measurements that they had to create a system that generalizes a range of measurements. Do you know how much chaos there would be if we suddenly shot for 'accuracy' with pant sizes and listed the waist as the size by the inseam? Women's bodies aren't straight cut, rectangular, and uniform like men's. We're biologically different and that's that.

>infant sizing
Well who cares, they all tend to be tiny little crotchfruits up until the age of 3. That's easy mode.
>you seriously believe nobody can be a size 12 and still require an XL shirt

>> No.7971760

>trouble finding employment
She will when she gets older and there's fresher meat. She could always get jobs where prior reputation doesn't matter (like retail) but she has no professional skill besides being a showgirl and an actress. Don't you realize how competitive that is? There's a reason why she still lives with mom and dad, she's not financially stable and doesn't have the confidence to be on her own.

And as I've said, it doesn't really matter. She's made of meat and will die contributing nothing to the world besides her selfish tits.

>> No.7971761

con staff that has no fucking idea what's going on or clearly don't care

>> No.7971768

Thanks for the tip and the reminder. I'm also not a fan of full shirring pieces.

>> No.7971774

Nekocon amirite

>> No.7971780

Hey, I'm going by what my teacher and text book told me. There is no standard sizing in the industry because the sizes aren't standardized, and hasn't been for a long time.

>"manufacturers of expensive fashions often downsize their lines so that a dress that is a size 10 or 12 from a budget manufacturer is a size 8 in a more expensive label... Often the more expensive the apparel line is, the more generous the sizing is. This causes the customers of expensive womenswear lines to feel more fashionably slender since they wear a smaller size in that line of clothing"
Source: Fashion Marketing and Merchandising Fourth Edition. It also goes on to say that the sizing is basically dependant on how they make their patterns, so as I see it, if they want 40" hips to be size 8, they're going to make 40" hips size 8.

>you seriously believe nobody can be a size 12 and still require an XL shirt
I was going to answer this question, but realized you were probably talking about asian sizing, but in either case, I only used size 12 as an example.

>> No.7971783

Fashion retailers do that on purpose to build a larger customer base and trick people into buying their products more often.

My hangup is that I thought you were saying "muh feels" drives the market for what they produce when it's actually quite the opposite. What they're marketing has an effect on customer feeling.

>> No.7971789
File: 238 KB, 500x666, FeatherRoseEmbShortCoat-bordeaux-tile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thanks for the tip and the reminder. I'm also not a fan of full shirring pieces.

You're welcome! I know it's hard for us especially with these bust measurements and due to the fact that burando measurements on lolibrary are often inaccurate, but don't give up! Burando is usually worth ot.
>pic related again
I own everything pictured here and in >>7971744
except for the jacket (on my wishlist though) and the AP dress where I just trusted the lolibrary measurements since I heard some of their shirred stuff can be very forgiving. Just to give you an impression of what you can wear and that there is still plenty of stuff you can fit!

>> No.7971791

oh, sorry, my jimmies must be too rustled to convey what I meant clearly enough. It still annoys me when people talk about what size they are when they don't give measurements. Yeah? You're a size 12? According to which company?


>> No.7971797

I'd be interested to know where you heard that one because cunt is one of the few swear words that actually started off as offensive/ "racy" and has continued to be as such in general users hip for cenuries. (Of course individuals had different connotations for the word, bu it has always been a word meant to be shocking/rude/cheeky/disparaging)

Ass might be a better example of what you mean, as it went from neutral -> rude. Or even the old standby of gay and how it's changed over the years. (Sorry if I sound like a bitch, definitely not my intention)

>> No.7971803

I didnt know why vocabulary became hip but I'm willing to blame apple

>> No.7971841

Every year too,con's a damn mess

>> No.7972934

THIIIIIS. I watched (and enjoyed) a show in which the main character makes TERRIBLE decisions, but his possible decisions are TERRIBLE or MORE TERRIBLE. There was no good choice. But everyone I've talked to about the series just calls him an awful character because he made some bad choices. THERE WERE NO GOOD CHOICES! HE CHOSE THE LESS TERRIBLE ONE! That doesn't make him a bad/stupid/evil person.

One of my pet peeves is when people make some small compliment on costume, then tear it apart. Why would you do that? Someone did that to a costume my friend had made in a couple days. The girl didn't even know the character, but she talked down to my friend like she was an idiot. It's not even like the costume was fraying at the edges, it was a fairly simply by really well-crafted outfit.

>> No.7973061
File: 239 KB, 941x371, sanic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jimmies in orbit. Her claim to fame is a sexy sonic the hedgehog hoodie passed off as cosplay

>> No.7973079

Anon was obviously referring to vanity sizing and how a size 12 in one store could be twice as big as the size 12 in another store.

>> No.7973220

>my own problem with it is people refuse to accept that's exactly what it is. it's self-indulgant and probably wish fulfillment

Exactly. This is right on point. I don't give a fuck if your headcanon is this or that but when you start to override the canon, author-confirmed story or switch the character completely with your daydreaming and demand everyone else do the same or they're bigoted, that's where the line gets drawn. Unless there's a confirmation from the author, it's not canon and you shouldn't treat it as anything more than wish fulfillment. I mean I ship a lot of characters because I think they look cute together and make a sweet couple but I also accept the fact that most likely they're not gay and the author probably didn't intend them to be a canon couple. I accept it and don't go apeshit trying to defend my views and how I'm more accredited to decide the character development than the original author is.

>> No.7973229

that's the girl who got put into gravity falls, right?

>> No.7973236

What does it matter? If you're fat, you're fat. People already know this, giving your exact numbers doesn't make a difference. You're still fat either way.

>> No.7973247

If knowing their measurements can prevent fatties from ruining clothes they don't fit into I say we send a measuring service around to every fat lolita on the planet.

>> No.7974840

How did you lose all the weight? What do you weigh now? I don't want to derail the thread, a quick explanation will do. Also, congratulations!

>> No.7974851

That's hamplanet but that's probably only like a size 24. Gigantic but still on the cusp of livable.

>> No.7974921

>cosplayers who try to pass off bought/borrowed costumes as their own

>cosplayers who have literally never made their own costume but get famous because they're attractive

>> No.7974960 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 550x824, cosplay-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but I have a similar situation. Maybe posting my bit might help.

It sucks but it's basically true, diet and exercise man. Well 70% diet 30% exercise anyway. I used to be 220lbs a bit ago and I'm down to 168 which doesn't look to horribly awful at 6ft?? Still chubs tho and not the best I can be, so I recently joined a gym. If you have the luxury join a nice gym close to home, makes it way easier to go. Lots of cardio if you're a lady like myself and aiming for a thin quick body. Start with a treadmill and go maad slow until you get used to it. then just run when you can and walk the rest. Take your time and don't strain. If you can't get a gym membership then just jog in place as often as you feel comfortable. A 30min jog at 4.5 miles a hour will burn you about 250cal! It's great and pretty easy once you start :D

Along the lines of diet, fill up on veggies, learn to love mushrooms, don't be afraid of eating shit like McD's and tacobell just not all the time, make it a treat. Biggest thing I can say is DRINK WATER SO MUCH WATER JUST IT GOING THROUGH YOUR BODY BURNS CALS. I drink around 4 liters a day. Gotta pee a lot but it makes your skin look great and helps your hair grow faster. Also 4 liters is 2 big coke bottles for reference. Thats all I got for now.

tl;dr Drink water shit loads of water, eat lots of veggies and don't fry them in oil or butter, jog and do high cardio but mostly just watch what you eat. easy peasy

>> No.7975103


>> No.7975139


This. This is why my jimmies were rustled. It's ok for a girl to be asexual but not a guy because they are 'dogs and beasts.'

Fuck you tumblr. Fuck you.

>> No.7975141


>> No.7975676

Of all the special snowflake LGBTQ bullshit, nothing rustles these jimmies as much as people who call themselves asexual. Except the "ze" and "zer" thing. Nothing will ever top that.

>> No.7975711

>Femme-Agender, Panromantic Asexual (Demisexual?), Polyamorous, White, Agnostic, Theologian, Fat. Cub/Cubs/Cubself pronouns,alt set They/Them/Theirs
>under the description, a large donation button with the words "HELP ME PAY FOR FOOD"
oh tumblr

>> No.7975781

Only like the same gender? You're gay
Only like the other genders? You're straight
Like both genders? You're bisexual
Like no gender? Then you don't even have a sexual orientation, so there doesn't need to be a name for it that ends in "sexual"

Fuck Tumblr. Actually, it's not just a Tumblr thing. I remember people like this being all over dA as far back as a decade ago.

>> No.7976248

>comm members bitch about there never being big meets
>more people start planning more big meets in response
>several dozen people click attending
>only the same 3-4 people weigh in on food options
>only the same 3-4 people reply to posts on event about anything
>organisers PM attendees to get them to respond to planning enquiries
>people leave group chat without replying to the questions asked, don't change RSVP to "not going", don't reply to any of the posts on the event page
>on the day
>organisers get phone call from people who didn't even RSVP saying we left them behind at X meeting space
>hang around at X meeting space waiting for people who RSVP'd as coming, but don't show up at all

Fucking idiots, this is why people stopped organising meets to begin with. People are inconsiderate as fuck.

>> No.7976257

had a friend showing warning signs of tumblrism and then she went and told me she was apparently demisexual (can't be attracted to someone unless she knows them personally)

this isn't special, why does it need a special title

>> No.7976273

Oh man I'm totally demise yak (demisexual thanks auto correct)
>got a husband
>must be married sexual too

>> No.7976280


They now have grey asexual, which is basically wanting to have sex only once a month.

Which is... also normal... jesus fuck.

>> No.7976283

I don't fucking understand why demisexuality is a thing. Plenty of people don't become attracted to people until they get to know them (me being one of them), it's a normal thing. Is it just the Tumblr way of saying "I'm not like THOSE sluts"?

>> No.7976289

That's... that's just having a low sex drive. Fucking hell, I'll take the "Labels are for soup cans" crowd over these morons.

>> No.7976369

>Is it just the Tumblr way of saying "I'm not like THOSE sluts"?
It's this mixed with a whole new level of special snowflake.

This isn't a thing online as much as IRL, but I know a bunch of people who identify as *insert their name here*sexual because they feel their sexuality is so unique it needs its own word when usually they're just straight with exceptions.

>> No.7976393

It is real tho
Cis= your mind and bits match up
Trans= they don't so you're going to change your bits

>> No.7976399

Try colored mascara! My brows are dark but I can still get them pretty pink

>> No.7976402

>Except the "ze" and "zer" thing. Nothing will ever top that.

>This past Halloween
>Girl brings in a huge tub of homemade cookies with "only take one if you can correctly guess (her name's) pronouns" scrawled on the lid
>She went home with a full tub of cookies

>> No.7976425

I used to be best friends with this girl who was the living embodiment of the worst of the worst of SJWs only she wasn't on Tumblr (this was before it was such a huge thing) and she became obsessed with this girl who identified as "gender neutral" and used "ze" and "zer". It actually caused massive issues in our friendship because I had a really hard time using the preferred pronouns and just kept using female ones. She yelled at me for it all the time then said she wouldn't introduce me to "zer" if I didn't get them right. The thing was, even though her love interest identified as gender neutral, she dressed like a girl and the only androgynous thing about her was having really short hair. In almost all the pics I had been shown, she was wearing things that showed off her boobs. How the fuck can you show me a girl, who looks and dresses like a girl, and expect me to call her "ze", which up until then I had never even fucking heard of?

I actively refuse to use those pronouns and anyone who has a problem with it can go fuck themselves. It's just crazy to me that it's almost exclusively feminists who do this. If anything, its anti-feminist to call yourself "gender neutral" and "zer", you're literally denying your femininity for no good reason other than to feel special.

The best, however, are "gender neutrals" and "mtfs" in lolita. That I will never get over. Unless you're wearing kodona, you cannot honestly expect someone to take you seriously as a transman if you wear this fashion.

>> No.7976430

You mean ftm?

>> No.7976455

Oh, yeah. Oops.

It would be pretty hard not to take a mtf wearing lolita seriously.

>> No.7976461

Fair enough then! But yeah, I see where you're coming from, and I know people say stuff like "Well, you don't automatically consider male-bodied people who wear lolita trans, so why should you doubt the gender identity of an ftm wearing it?". But like... if you're trans, you obviously experience gender dysphoria to at least SOME degree, so wouldn't being in a hyper-feminine fashion like lolita make you uncomfortable? I dunno man.

>> No.7976470

well hey my mind and bits doesn't correspond but I'm pretty androgynous to begin with and I wouldn't be able to afford surgery for them to match up. It's also mostly the fact that I won't be able to experience clit orgasms no more

>mfw some people calls me mtf but im sitting here agonizing with period cramps

>> No.7976475

I stand up while peeing because I won't risk having public toilet germs

>> No.7976511

Dude, you can get STDs from public toilets. For real, look it up.

Plus, it's gross to sit on the toilet in lolita.

>> No.7976518

>But like... if you're trans, you obviously experience gender dysphoria to at least SOME degree, so wouldn't being in a hyper-feminine fashion like lolita make you uncomfortable? I dunno man.
Exactly. All the FtMs I've ever known avoid looking feminine like the plague. It's hard for me to accept that a girl wearing sweet lolita without even binding her tits is that uncomfortable being female.

>> No.7976607

>It's just crazy to me that it's almost exclusively feminists who do this. If anything, its anti-feminist to call yourself "gender neutral" and "zer", you're literally denying your femininity for no good reason other than to feel special.
This x1000000000000

>> No.7976722

I don't really have a problem with people identifying however because I have a good memory, like if it makes you happy then whatever. People who have ducking freakouts over people making honest mistakes rustle my jimmies tho. If you have contrasting or complex pronouns you gotta get that the majority of people are going to fuck it up every once in a while. It's not a blatant vendetta against you Jesus fucking christ. Maybe I'm biased because my long term partner is agender (and chill af about it), but yeah. It doesn't bother me unless people are being dildos about it.

And preachy asexuals/demisexuals/pans exhales piss me off so fucking much. go fuck yourselves because no one else has ever or will ever want to you whiny, self centred assholes.
>be bi
>have to pansexuals telling me what that "really" means
>have pansexuals telling me that I've never experienced "tru opresshun" despite them never having had any nonhet relationships.
>have pansexuals telling me I'm "not really bi, just too chicken to call myself pan"
I hate them I hate them I hate them. Hold me cgl... Oh well at least I know to never go to the GSA at school ever again.

>> No.7976723

>pans exhales
this phone is so intuitive

>> No.7977459

I still don't see the different between bi and pansexual. Pansexuals say it's that they're willing to fuck anyone regardless of if they're trans or cis, but I just see that as being bi. I don't feel like being okay fucking trans people needs its own category. Like, I'm a heterosexual female, but my preferred male is a trap. Not necessarily a trans person because fuck hormones, but a guy who looks and dresses like a girl. People always tell me this makes me not straight, but don't get how.

>> No.7979831


What the fuck are cub/cubs/cubself pronouns oh my God.

>> No.7979849

Thank you! Drives me nuts seeing all these different pronouns >>7975711 I honestly had no clue what half of these were or had heard of them until tumblr shit started happening. It seems like a bandwagon. It just sounds very special snowflake to me.

>> No.7981200

cosplayers missing important details to the character/cosplay

>Aoba's without the Jacket
>cosplayers not wearing wigs because "they have the real hairstyle"