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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 435 KB, 784x445, 1416864438234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7957525 No.7957525 [Reply] [Original]

So, how long until cosplays for it start showing up? I already see some landwhales thinking that being in just a wig on webcam = cosplay.

At least fucking be in shape for these, jesus.

>> No.7957527

Not long, I've already seen a few people add it to there list. Personally, in the summer I would love to get a group together of the girl(s) at the start.

>> No.7957529
File: 461 KB, 865x788, 1416798163980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew someone would start a "COSPLAY WHEN?!?" thread about this. I'm not opposed to that either. For those who don't know, look up ME!ME!ME! shit ain't on youtube.

>> No.7957531

Sorry, man. Just trying to brace myself over here for some unfortunate looking bitches to ruin something I like. Wonder if Yaya or JNig will.

>> No.7957532

Wouldn't you need a whole bunch of girls with the right body types though? That could take a while, hell, people might have forgotten about it by then. It's not like this is a series or anything.

>> No.7957538

I understand completely.

>> No.7957550

See >>7956330

>> No.7957552

I never thought it mattered whether people immediately recognized older/obscure things I've cosplayed. I was dressed as something I adored and that experience is what made the entire thing awesome. Especially having photos to look back on.

>> No.7957554

Watch everyone focus on the nudity and snowballing instead of the message. That seems to be all that Tumblr is doing right now, like the fucking helmet wearing children that they are.

>> No.7957564

I just watched it and I'm still confused. It just seems like nudity and edgy gore.

>> No.7957568

Otaku culture.

>> No.7957569

The message is a jab at Otaku culture like >>7957568
said. It's about a guy getting addicted to the 2D world, losing his girlfriend in the process and being unable to escape until it eventually consumes his life.

>> No.7957570

Getting too into "Otaku culture" and becoming a NEET s dangerous and self destructive, getting too attached to a waifu is bad etc.

>> No.7957573
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>these fast responses

Fucking love you guys.

>> No.7957576
File: 1.46 MB, 500x281, love me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link for those who didn't see.

>> No.7957578
File: 12 KB, 320x241, 123458765433954334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love you too Anon.

>> No.7957581

I guess, but I really don't care though. It would just be for a con. If I actually do pics, it would just be complete repetition of two poses by myself or someone.

>> No.7957585

Get some Spanx, at the very least.

>> No.7957595

holy shit this video is AMAZING.
It's so bautiful! and... and.. god I need to show this to my boyfriend

>> No.7957599

A bit OT but for cosplaying characters with deathly white skin like the girls in this MV, Sai from Naruto, half the cast of K Project, etc. would white body paint look better than natural skin?

>> No.7957601

b-b-but my shimapan!
I'm not in bad shape anon, and if everything stays on track, I'll be in great shape by summer. Spanx for the con maybe just in case, but I'm still incorporating pantsu somehow.

>> No.7957609

There are body BB creams. You could get a whitening one.

>> No.7957617

I really enjoy this video but what does it actually mean?
Guessing it's got a meaning other than boobs and NGE references.

>> No.7957621

So, where can I get the music from this?

>> No.7957623

Otaku had girlfriend
Otaku broke up with girlfriend presumably for 2d
Otaku regrets but knows it's too late
His guilt manifests as the crazy pink girl

There's a bit more to it, but it's not very deep

>> No.7957624

It only came out over the weekend, so we're still waiting.

See >>7957569

>> No.7957625

my guess is that it's about the breakup between the guy and the girl.
He's thinking about her, and fighting the fact that he wants to get back with her because:
1- he misses the sex
2- he misses being with her and the good times

>> No.7957627
File: 39 KB, 427x231, tumblr_mohxsy1dK11rzc0ato2_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope to god no one cosplays from this. There is absolutely no reason to, infact, I feel like it would be a front to the creators to feed into the culture by doing so.

Also, as a girl who was in hanachan's place in the past, I cried man. My ex cried, we cried together.

>dem lyrics too

pic related

>> No.7957629

This is ripped from the video but here you go http://www.mediafire.com/download/b1869yr4szd9n5r/ME!ME!ME!+audio+edit.aac

>> No.7957630

>in hanachan's place in the past

Same here, man. Shit brought back really bad memories. It feels nice to have someone better.

>> No.7957633

blocked already

>> No.7957635
File: 22 KB, 500x670, 1416798056848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find lyrics for this. There's a button on the bottom for English subtitles but it doesn't do anything for me and Google didn't give me anything.

>it would be a front to the creators to feed into the culture by doing so.

4chan ruins everything for everyone bro.

>> No.7957636
File: 1.69 MB, 362x204, dont you remember me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was an official statement about it being a jab at otaku culture in a thread on /a/, but the threads started getting pruned.

>> No.7957642

Shit, really? If you really want it throw up an email and I'll send it to you.

>> No.7957643

That's what I got from it but I might just be projecting since I'm going through that fun shit this week.

>> No.7957644

This. You could always just make a throwaway one.

>> No.7957647

I just downloaded from media fire so something wrong on that anon's end

>> No.7957648

It's more otaku culture like has already been said.

I'm >>7957627 and I watched this video a ton of times within the past few days.

You can see at the start of the video that he seems lonely as fuck, regretting losing his gf and the dream sequence seems to be showing how cute sexy anime draws you in, and you are pulled deeper down the hole until it starts to consume you. He is remembering breaking it off with his girlfriend and comes to the realization that in trading a person for, heartless unhuman animu girls he loses the kindness and caring he actually wanted. Then you can see he wants to try to escape it, but there's really no escape or going back at all. Then at the end it consumes him entirely.

The lyrics are also really important and sung from the perspective of hanachan, where she expresses her sadness, weakness, desire to love and be loved and eventually her disdain for his stupid choices that have made him a useless loser.

This is a really really really bold move and it's punched a lot of feels hard. Both in Japan and overseas.

>> No.7957649

The hell is this?

>> No.7957657

See >>7957576

>> No.7957659

tryed again and it worked.

It was showing a "copyright breaking" message before

>> No.7957661

I know Japanese almost fluently, but I know also there are partial lyrics available here.


They are actually fairly accurate barring some mistakes, especially at the beginning, but they give a good jist of it. I might translate them more properly later on if anyone has interest.

>> No.7957662

>tfw I was in spiky-kun's place once
lol well okay

>> No.7957665

Am I the only one who's genuinely disgusted by this video?

Idiots will claim that it's the girl who's evil here, but it hits the right notes when it starts to become clear as day that it's some dude's fantasy as his love turns into full blown lust.

>> No.7957669

Thanks Anon and yes I would be interested in a more proper translation.

Yes, yes you are. Please leave.

>> No.7957671

I still don't get what the fuck I'm seeing.

Can someone dumb it down for a stupid person like me?

>> No.7957672
File: 57 KB, 500x387, holyshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missing all the point of the video
>talking to people who are clearly missing all the point of the video
do you even otaku?

You probably are the only one who is disgusted by it for the reasons you stated you ignorant garbage. I've been starting to dislike you as a trip, but I definitely think you're just retarded at this point.

>> No.7957674

I.. what? Granted, this has only been out for a short time, but I haven't seen anyone blaming the girl unless they're incapable of realizing the message the video and lyrics convey.

>> No.7957676

>dude likes animu titties(and pussy)
>liking animu titties is slippery slope
>he slips down the slope
>breaks up with his gf
>it's too late, he is consumed by animu lust
>realizes this and wants to un-consumed
>it's too late
>he's fucked
>but not by animus, cause animus can't fuck or love

>> No.7957679

The only thing that I'm worried about at this point is it being labeled as "third wave feminism" garbage. I already saw a picture of someone genderbending the characters to make things "equal" from a Tumblr user and I'm just here like.. why, fucker.

>> No.7957684
File: 35 KB, 383x384, uuuh....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew this shit was going to happen. It has nothing to do with fucking feminism and there's no reason to genderbend the characters or make shit 'equal' that makes no sense at all.

It's barely even about objectification or anything, but rather the overabundance of sex in anime consuming the youth.

>> No.7957690

Well, you know how they are. People are too reactionary and anything where a guy is in the wrong, even fictionally, people start getting asshurt about it and feeling the need to go, B-BUT MINNA SAN WOMEN CAN B RUNG TOO NYA!1!!~~

No, shit, but this isn't a goddamned pissing contest.

>> No.7957691
File: 108 KB, 400x400, 4148717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Who the fuck would want to cosplay this?

>> No.7957697

Idiots who want to be con sluts I guess.

It really is going to actually offend me if people cosplay it because even if cosplay isn't exactly the same apsect of otaku culture being conveyed in the video, it is definitely similar enough.

>> No.7957698

Fans of the video or attention whores who don't care about the aesthetic or meaning and just want an excuse to be half naked. I'd love to do a pink wig up into a ponytail for this, but it just feels wrong to cosplay it for some reason.

>> No.7957701

But it's been like that forever. Look at Kite.

>> No.7957706

Couldn't it be argued that cosplaying this is showing your appreciation for the creator's work?

>> No.7957710

Not if it's offensive or you lose the meaning of what the work means.

God it's no different than people thinking that Evangelion is a harem.

>> No.7957711
File: 305 KB, 500x405, 1386289693826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those damn Otaku, dressing up as things they enjoy and having fun with their hobbies. We better find a way to stop them! Come on Anon, lets make bitchy posts on /cgl/ to stop them!

>> No.7957715

That's.. a new one. I've never heard someone tell me that Evangelion was a harem.

>> No.7957717

>/bitchy posts/

You must be new.

>> No.7957719

In some aspects possibly, maybe? You'd have to really good reasoning behind it if you did. Considering cosplayers aren't quite as glorified as the animus themselves it could work, but chances are people would be doing it for attention/bandwagoning rather than anything else.

>> No.7957720
File: 1.96 MB, 500x281, 1416210908562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair the character is still cute
>herp derp generic character design so hard lel
the animations are good, and even if its generic, when clothed she's cute. I can see why the first part would be nice to cosplay just for cuteness.

After thats is where it degenerates into total slut territory.

>> No.7957721

Nah, bitchy posts are pretty standard(though there have been less lately) but they never stopped anyone from cosplaying(save for a few).

>> No.7957722

Not even that anon, but there are idiots who are going to cosplay this without even understanding the gist of the video.

>> No.7957723

>the character is still cute

Well, she is the representation of the guy's ex. In fact, his representation of her was even more sexier.

>> No.7957725
File: 118 KB, 250x379, amireadingright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope to hell that you're just a troll. If not, you are likely someone who uses words like otaku and weeaboo as positive titles.

>> No.7957726

ok so I"ve got an Idea where cosplaying this wouldn't be considered bad.
Anyone want me to share or should I just shut up?

>> No.7957728
File: 40 KB, 500x375, 3rdhandembarassment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his representation of her was even more sexier.
You have absolutely no clue what is going on in the video, do you. Please stop talking until you do.

>> No.7957729

I've heard some anon who -supposedly- speaks moon thats its about a beta loser who never asked a girl out.
However the video obviously shows something clearly different and is interpretable in many different ways.
This changes nothing though? Still a cute character whether its a sex fantasy or not.

>> No.7957730

i wanna hear!

>> No.7957731

I think it would be cool to add to discussion.

Also, I'll just say it right now before the inevitable neckbeard comes in and does it to derail the thread.

>amg lololol jelly hambeests bawwing that men pref0r 2d girls not u XDDDD

>> No.7957733

Someone else who speaks moon here. No it's not about that at all, and the creators infact gave a play by play as to what it is about, which has been mentioned several times ITT.

>> No.7957734

>You have absolutely no clue what is going on in the video, do you.

She is, did you even see the part where she drools on him?

>> No.7957736

Isn't Melty planning to cosplay from this?

>> No.7957739

That's true, I only cosplay series I really like but it is common practice for people to cosplay things they don't know anything about.

Oh hell no, I only used Otaku because that's what the Anon I was replying to used. I meant to put it in quotes but I forgot, my bad.

>> No.7957742
File: 1013 KB, 373x280, FUCKING NO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7957746

Dude, no one ITT probably knows who she is. Take it back to maple leaf general.

>> No.7957747


Here's my idea. I'll share because I'm too fat to do it and my boyfriend is too shy.

It isn't something to wear or do at cons (maybe a skit) but what about a photoshoot or video editing where the boy and original girl are real and the impersonation of her is the animated one?
Like, mix both live action and 2d animation to get the meaning of the lyrics even more obvious ?

>> No.7957748

No, I'm not going to take anything you say about this seriously since you posted this gem >>7957665 about 20 minutes which showcases your ignorance flawlessly.

>> No.7957755

Well see, that may be acceptable.

>> No.7957759

Its not really entirely about her being 2D vs 3D though. Its more that she's an embodiment of sexual desire and tension that he connects to an ex.

>> No.7957761

It's not 'his representation' of her. It's his idealization of her which took her place in his feelings. It's who he wanted the real her to be just like his slutty anime characters, when that was not the reality. The idealized version consumed him.

>> No.7957766

It is though. Read >>7957761
It seems like some points slipped past you. She's not and embodiment of sexual desire or tension, rather than an idealized version of his ex that he thought he wanted her to be.

>> No.7957767


>> No.7957773

I've watched this video a fuck ton of times, I also read and listened to commentary on it from the creators as well as can understand the lyrics.

By the way, >>7957669 I can work on translating it and I'll post ITT when I'm done.

>> No.7957777

How long until someone starts drawing the girls fatter because muh health at every size amg y jap0n so fatphobuk.

>> No.7957778

This is the most deepfag thread I've seen on /cgl/

>> No.7957782
File: 496 KB, 500x281, 1405810226959.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And, I am so proud that I made it.
I love you all.

>> No.7957785

Also, I know that it can be left open to interpretation, but as someone who's been in the situation depicted here and who knows what the creators intent was, I can say that it really shows an amazing representation of what happens in real situations.

>> No.7957788
File: 59 KB, 480x640, 1414106029710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Anon, you're the best.

>> No.7957789

Seconded as someone else who was also in the same situation. It really isn't fun shit to have to deal with, but I had to leave for my own self respect.

>> No.7957793

What I don't like about it is how it's relatable, in a disturbing way.

I guess that's one comment out pointing to how much I hate myself

>> No.7957797

Moonrunes anon here yet again. It looks like someone translated it really well, so I don't have to bother with it haha!


These lyrics are spot on, barring a bit of a rudimentary nature. I may have a go at it a little later.

>> No.7957799

It's understandable. In a stupid way, it's like having a bit of anxiety from seeing it. It's as if now the entire world, or more of it, knows a humiliating piece of your past and it's performed in such a beautiful way.

>> No.7957804

And I thank you again Anon.

>> No.7957809

>it's performed in such a beautiful way.
I really love the juxtaposition between the lyrics and the visuals at the beginning.

The first part with all the girls being kawaii has these super sugar sweet lyrics about being together forever(sung from the viewpoint of hanachan the ex) while syuchan is busy getting entranced by anime titties. As well as the transition into more sexual aspects where you can see him beginning to idealize his gf as slutty animu sex slut, the lyrics are right in line with what's happening on screen and it's really disturbing.

>> No.7957811

I like the song because TeddyLoid.

Brings me back when they were streaming NoPanNight in /a/.

>> No.7957815

That fucking synth buildup near the end at about 5 minute in is sweet as shit!

>> No.7957817

6:40 is where I lose my shit.

>> No.7957818 [DELETED] 

What is all the ***** stuff?

>> No.7957823

If you lads don't have it yet

>> No.7957826

It seems like words that are difficult to hear/understand. I am having some issue with that too. The vocals are really over-processed/indiscernible in some places. To be honest anything in the middle part about the overflow was really difficult for me to understand at all.

>> No.7957828

Maybe it's intentional? As we see him getting deeper and deeper into his obsession, he's distant from her?

>> No.7957832

It could be, I was thinking that as well to be honest. Teddyloid is an excellent producer.

>> No.7957841

Wow guys. I am really really proud of this thread.

>> No.7957842

Ditto, I was expecting to get bitched at.

>> No.7957849

>planning a group of what is literally generic, mass-produced anime sluts

I don't get it.

>> No.7957852

You must be new here. Welcome to cosplay

>> No.7957853


>> No.7957854

His name is a reference to the Mother series, I'd expect class on everything he does and he's yet to disappoint

>> No.7957857

I just really like the music and also when they shoot him with their tits

>> No.7957858

And you don't need to. Whether it's for fun or for certain reasons, it doesn't apply to you.

>> No.7957863

I sort of understand this video, minus the partner bit.
For the past few months I've been addicted to buying figurines, blurays, manga, whatever so much that I'm working 13-15 hr shifts 5-6 days a week and blowing off friends on my days off so I can watch anime/sleep.

I haven't actually been anywhere besides work or seen my friends for a few months now but I'm not really that unhappy. I'll probably feel the pain of loneliness later but for now I fucking love being surrounded by all this shit.

>> No.7957865

Everything in moderation, anon.

>> No.7957869

It'll get to you eventually anon. I was in the same boat as you were a few years ago.

I ignored friends and just bought stuff I wanted. Eventually, it starts to feel lonely because I miss the physical conversations I had with people about these hobbies. I eventually went back to hanging out with people outside of it and I do sort of miss the addiction of weab stuff.

It comes in waves.

>> No.7957870

Most tumblr people who think that Shinji is the main character of a harem with Misato, Rei, Asuka, that one doctor, Touji's sister, and Mari.

>> No.7957871

That... doesn't sound very healthy anon

>> No.7957872
File: 90 KB, 500x624, confuseddisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7957874

What's not to get?
>guy delves too deep into 2D
>ruins and ignores his real life relationships
>is an empty husk and can't do anything beyond his imagination(of him turning all super hero and getting out)

You need to moderate anon, just talk with your friends and try to hang out with someone every saturday.

>> No.7957875

Like >>7957869 said it does come in waves. There are some people who can just lose themselves to it, those who try and fail end up hating themselves.

>> No.7957878

Didn't they do something like this with Welcome to the NHK with the otaku culture?

>> No.7957880

Slightly, welcome to the NHK is really old though and focuses more on fixing the NEET life than just otaku in general. Otaku culture has also gotten much much worse.

>> No.7957915

The manga or anime?

I read the original LN and the manga series and it seem to point out the NEET and otaku culture in general with moeism, loli-con, and just generally being an outcast in society. It sort of reminds me of this but never really caught on with the general masses.

Like at the end the guy wasn't really fixed. He was still a social outcast with a slightly dysfunctional girlfriend. The only person who really changed was the best friend in my opinion.

>> No.7958161

Well, those people are fucking morons..

>> No.7958164

Hey, he's the guy that did the PSG album!

>> No.7958165

Only reason why I watched it.

>> No.7958167

NHK is much more about being a NEET
MC is purely a NEET, he tries to be an otaku and do otaku things but always falls short

>> No.7958171

Well a lot of the moe and lolicon aspects were more geared towards his best friend and like you said, he grew and changed as a person. I know it didn't catch on either in anime or manga form, but it did have a similar message that is true.

However the problem is much worse now.

>> No.7958175

I'm eagerly awaiting the OST(song) release for this.

>> No.7958198

I just want an extended mix of the first song. I managed to crop it out but I wish it lasted more than 1:30

>> No.7958269

I know that's what I recognized immediately! I loved it

>> No.7958300
File: 55 KB, 540x960, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people already testing

>> No.7958307

that's disgusting

>> No.7958311

>but it just feels wrong to cosplay it for some reason.
Because you're an ugly white hamplanet.

>> No.7958314

What a stupid fucking.. ugh.

>> No.7958320

Darling, this isn't Reddit. I wouldn't make a thread bashing on fatties if I were one. I'll take my hungry skeleton moniker, thanks.

>> No.7958341
File: 120 KB, 640x1360, 10479882_10202013240291709_4279425388055978595_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I admire the video for excellent execution and rather ballsy punch

I... I chose to try his mecha suit as a first mech suit project. It seems less fussy than other mech suits when broken down, but I'm at a lost for the helmet.

>> No.7958362

No. White is awful to work with on bigger areas. It gets splotchy and uneven and looks all over weird. If you must then use PAX.

>> No.7958446

I did not notice he seems to have a thigh gap that'd make Barbie jealous.

>> No.7958470

And she's already got seamen in her mouth too.

>> No.7958622

Is there any way to make that drooling look not absolutely disgusting in real life? eugh

>> No.7958678
File: 365 KB, 1477x1350, fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7958935

It reminds me of a cross of zer0 from borderlands 2 and a tiger and bunny helmet. Maybe looking up tutorials for both will help.
I believe at this point he only had a torso and head so the rest of the mech suit parts are just ... Mech

>> No.7958948

Welp, guess it's time to chop off my arms and legs. I won't write you if it works out. I'm sure my keyboard would taste disgusting.

>> No.7958962
File: 60 KB, 720x960, mememe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only been a few days and people are already cutting corners with the cosplays, I'm so disappointed.

Pic not me, just some kid I saw in the tag earlier. I plan on cosplaying her for shits n giggles because I have a wig like meme's sitting around that was going to be spliced with another wig but i never got around to, but good god. if you're gonna jump on something so early to its release people should at least try to make it accurate. and at least have the body, lol.

>> No.7958991

Please dont tell me she is pregnant.

>> No.7958998

I think it is a lot worse now too. I have no idea why considering that they used to ban porn to the point of artists making loli con porn as a protest.

>> No.7959000

And this is why Japan thinks a lot of AsukaxShinji American fans are shit.

>Like yeah let's just ignore the point of the series and Kaworu you dipshits.

>> No.7959072

The ME!ME!ME! Tag on Tumblr is a fucking disgrace. So glad this thread exists.

>> No.7959081
File: 10 KB, 500x187, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case in point

>> No.7959084

What's bad about it? I want to know.

>> No.7959086
File: 2.20 MB, 640x271, 1406148550306.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn, that's pretty sad.

>> No.7959097


>People want to cosplay shimapan girl more than any other character.


>> No.7959107
File: 14 KB, 557x227, fuckno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the unrelated-ness but speaking of the tumblr tag
oh god

>> No.7959110

>fat bitch with titties!!11!!

I hate fat girls with boobs. Boobs do not make you hot, you're fat and ugly they will not fix that.

>> No.7959111

That's been my reaction, as well. I actually like Hana after she's changed herself and I wish I could cosplay enough. Certainly thin enough, but my issue is B cups for breasts. There's some weird catharsis to all of this.

Thanks. I actually made this in a fit of rage last night because of Tumblr's reaction to this video, which has been a retarded mix of weebs not getting the message and being all AMG NUDEY ACID TRIP XDDDD LOLSORANDUM and shit like >>7957679

>> No.7959115

>fat girl with bad teeth trying to be hot

It's MissHannahMinx all over again..

>> No.7959117

I haven't heard that name in a while.

Seriously. They are literally mass produced sex objects.

>> No.7959118

If they made it I'd watch it though.

>> No.7959120

They are not going to make it. It doesn't even have enough of a plot line to work for 1 ep. It's just as statement piece.

If any other media came out of it, I'd want it to be that FPS scene as an actual game.

>> No.7959122

*cosplay it though

Fuck this phone.

>> No.7959123

No just no.

>> No.7959127
File: 14 KB, 432x320, 1406093758469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't need a fucking anime, what the fuck is wrong with all of these dumb motherfuckers. Holy shit. Why the fuck does this place attract such ineptitude..

>> No.7959134

I feel like I need to take a shower opening that image.

>> No.7959190

>it really is going to actually offend me
So fucking what? This whole concept of "this offends me, so this mustn't exist" is a heap of bullshit. Tumblr's that-a-way, tard.

>> No.7959294

I'm kind of disappointed that the dudes suit wasn't more froidian/phallic

>> No.7959354

I really want to do the shimapan girl's pink dress as a night time throw away cosplay but I know I'll either get shit for it or everyone will think I'm some trash version of miku. I'd definitely lengthen the skirt to cover my ass though.

>> No.7959360

More like trash version of Stocking.

>> No.7959366

Show pics if you do.

>> No.7959381

It's already been removed on youtube. For nudity. I don't if it's sjw or what but that's just stupid.

>> No.7959386

I'm so embarrassed for you right now for so many reasons.

>> No.7959387


>> No.7959403

Jnig can finally be the floating tits she's always dreamed.

>> No.7959413

>tumblr still thinks they made Free happen

>> No.7959700

I'm still waiting for someone to link the video in some anime convention's Facebook group. There's a shit storm waiting to happen.

>> No.7959704

It's kind of sad to me that people could be so deluded to think that Japan cares about making the western market happy at all.

>> No.7959707

It's Tumblr, I'm not really surprised. They're such entitled motherfuckers and they think that by demanding things via shitty blog posts and notes that they somehow make an impact.

>> No.7959718

Already happened in the AN group... not sure if it was taken down yet but the comments were just "I don't get it" over and over again.

>> No.7959722

>i dun geddit

The sad thing is that this shit really isn't that deep, yet all I seem to see are these moronic weebs focusing on the nudity, vomiting, or being all LOLSORANDUM XDDD about it. What makes it even more insulting is wanting to cosplay it while simultaneously admitting to not understanding jack shit of it in a post. It's like, just admit you want to be an attention whore or do "me first".

>> No.7959813

That's the one I was waiting for actually, I guess I didn't check it frequently enough, I'm sure that post has long since been deleted.

Yeah, that sounds like the kind of shit I would expect.

>> No.7959822

I could grant an ounce of respect towards those people if they were just honest about their intentions, but they're not.

>> No.7959826

>what is Big O
It's a rare case, but it can happen.

>> No.7959839

>Big O
I really need to watch that
>Didn't this happen with Space Dandy too?

>> No.7959864
File: 234 KB, 1500x1061, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do dance covers on youtube and have been trying to be more active/put more work into my outfits. Longtime Teddyloid fan and two of the songs in the video I really would like to cover. Any problem cosplaying from this for that? I'll probably just do girlfriend because I can't bring myself to go full purple slut. At the same time purple chick makes more sense for dancing so I might just lengthen the skirt. Thoughts?

>> No.7959877

If it makes a difference, the song is sung from the RL girlfriend's point of view, so your original idea makes sense!

>> No.7959891

Forgive me if I'm over thinking, but I've always been used to the "sultry and seductive" characters always having their hair down and it was interesting to see Hana-Chan portrayed with let down hair, being the "sweet" girl. And, HANA has the up-do.. is it referencing that whole "back of the next being visible = seductive" thing in Asian culture?

I apologize if it comes across as too much, like I said, but it crossed my mind because I'm used to anime females being portrayed specific ways.

>> No.7959921

No, I think you could be on to something there and you're far from over thinking it.

>> No.7959933

*back of the neck

Holy shit, I need sleep.

>> No.7959990

She is a slutty version of Stocking.

>> No.7960022
File: 102 KB, 978x828, ME!ME!ME!Niggaplz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you not understand the point of the video?

>> No.7960120

it made me sad that the only way i can get more of my waifu is seeing an "inspired by" character in a music video.

>> No.7960134


>> No.7960146


Why can't people get the style of bangs right? Like, ever?
It's the same with Mako (Kill la Kill) wigs.
The bangs are supposed to be ROUNDED, NOT FUCKING STRAIGHT.
This is a big cosplay peeve of mine.

>> No.7960160

Requesting picture of properly done bangs.

>> No.7960164

Weird question but how do you round bangs properly? Is there a tutorial about that or any tips?

Thought about having Mako's hair style in real life.

>> No.7960170

I think she is pretty hot.

>> No.7960177
File: 2.28 MB, 1280x720, fuark.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never have a full harem of cosplayers to do the booty drop justice
Why even live?

>> No.7960196

That scene actually grossed me out more than the vomiting.

>> No.7960209

O-oh. Personally, never in my life have I been more aroused by animation. 2D makes even twerking look appealing.

>> No.7960221

It's cool, I'm not judging you. We all have our tastes. Maybe if my best friend did that to me I'd say screw men altogether and just worship her.

>> No.7960245

I didn't like the kneeling part, either. The rest was cool, though.

>> No.7960250

If she's got the booty for it, go for it anon. Enjoy that derriere while I admire you.

>> No.7960255

Also sort of happened in Zankyou no Terror and Cowboy Bebop.

And Trigun. All of those shows were influenced/motivated by the west.

>> No.7960339
File: 80 KB, 640x640, 10606411_10203076955109611_6331480966332979461_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So for you Canadafags out there, Meltyfate is planning on doing the pink girl and here's another shimapan girl...

>> No.7960351

figured she'd do something awful and slutty like that.

>> No.7960449


I think she looks really good
better than the other costests of it I've seen so far

>> No.7960453

did melty delete her fb?

>> No.7960455

>mfw I have most wigs of the characters and somebody is bound to ask me to borrow them
>I'd rather sell them than wear their slut juice
>but muh kousplayz wigs

help I'm bad at saying no

>> No.7960458

say you have lice

>> No.7960465
File: 56 KB, 300x360, tumblr_ndz00hzIKo1scam2vo9_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7960467

a.tell them they're stored away and you dont know where they are at the moment because you're moving stuff around.
b. tell them you have dandruff so there may be some in the wig or >>7960458
c. tell them you have trust issues with stuff like that due to multiple past experiences and tell them youre sorry.

>> No.7960479
File: 114 KB, 306x325, 14122345621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm wet

>> No.7960488

got the drooling one on facebook
she said she still needed to cut the wig so i'm guessing it's not finished

>> No.7960542

same girl from >>7958300

>> No.7960552

Me too. Like...the jewel things are in the vaginas? The booty-pop thing grossed me out.

>> No.7960556

Just tell them you think it's unhygienic?
I never let anyone wear my wigs because I think it's unhygienic.

>> No.7960770
File: 290 KB, 1500x1061, 28df8dd5-64e3-4cd9-b7c7-616546fd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does kinda sound dumb for wanting to cosplay from a music video (meanwhile did Pharell's anime video get any cosplay yet ha), and one that gives off a interesting message, but I'm a Teddyloid fan and that animation was damn sexy.
Might just do pic related because she's pulling on my heartstrings, and it would just be super cas, whatever. Clothed obviously. Or maybe a pool shoot with a cute swimsuit or something.

>> No.7960776
File: 56 KB, 648x417, 10505340_1561900234032053_4453323337445902590_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic is shit but that's how you do it

>> No.7960805

*Dangling from their vaginas.

>> No.7960819

if it was pink goo instead of clear/white spit, it would be slightly less disgusting imo

>> No.7960821

Considering the tone of the video itself, I feel like it's part of the point to be kind of disturbed/disgusted by scenes like >>7960177
I mean, you run into some weird shit searching tags or miscellaneous image sites for any specific character, which tends to be where otaku fall into the deep end of the obsession pit. Like I briefly knew a guy who had organized folders separated into specific kinks for one character, so, that's sort of the impression that I was getting from this segment following the prior scenes of cutesy stuff.

>> No.7960848

It will definitely be popular in the West. It's even more pro-Feminist / anti-Male than Kill la Kill was.

>> No.7960865

Yeah bro, you're right. How dare those women show their bodies. They should be covered up in hijabs and burqas and shit!!!

>> No.7960883

bad bait

>> No.7960884

Dude, its a fucking cartoon. Those aren't real people.

Really, get the fuck over yourself. Waddle your ass back over to Tumblr since we can now apparently oppress fictional beings by disliking shit.

>> No.7960886

I honestly wouldn't put it past someone to be that autistic. Not in a time where people think they're galaxies in bodies.

>> No.7960888

We already established that this wasnt about feminism.

>> No.7960889

How is it pro-Feminist? It's pretty much a blatant allegory of a male's battle against degeneracy.

>> No.7960890
File: 19 KB, 450x340, 1392953604638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's even more pro-Feminist / anti-Male than Kill la Kill was.

>> No.7960896

Called it.

>> No.7960901


Random curious question, how did you guys first find this anyway?

>> No.7960906

That link was already posted in the thread earlier.. And, because I go on /a/.

>> No.7960960

Are you implying that Kill la Kill wasn't all that?

>main characters (both the protagonist, the deuteragonist and both antagonists) are female and are stronger than every male character due to the highly sexualized clothes their wearing ("my body, my rules! / I can wear whatever I want and blablah" etc)

The male characters are:
>a one dimensional joke character who literally only exists to be eye candy for the female viewers (Aikuro)
>a one dimensional joke character who unquestionably submits to women and is weaker than them despite it being physically impossible, and who for no logical reason falls in love with the Jar Jar Binks of the show (Gamagori)
(no coincidence that the vast majority of the Tumblr landwhales project herself on said Jar Jar Binks and think that she is a good character too)
>a one dimensional joke^2 character who always loses to women and accepting the female superiority makes him stronger for no reason, except it doesn't really (Sanageyama)
>yaoi / fujo garbage of three different flavors that can't even be described as one-dimensional (Inumuta, Iori, Tsumugu)
...aaaaaaaaaand, let's not forget, the best part:
>the ideal father figure, according to feminism - 'a person of color' (alien immigrant) who is not actually her biological father and who turns Ryuko into a strong independent womyn by dressing her as a prostitute (Senketsu), Ryuko's real dad naturally being represented as a deadbeat abusive loser dad

I've gotta say, I am quite impressed myself with how good this post turned out. Saving it for future reference. Damn I'm so good.

>> No.7960961

They said it wasn't feminist at all, you didn't call shit.

>> No.7960963

*project themselves (or xhemselves, I suppose)

>> No.7960969

Holy shit, I just literally saw that picture seconds ago on a completely different website.

You're talking about the Alice / Plutokin tumblrtard right?

Emily and Alice? Plu/plur/plurself?

>> No.7961341

Read again, retarded piece of shit. I quoted someone who disagreed with >>7960848

You can go drink shit from under the sink now.

>> No.7961366

This I'm not complaining.

She fits the bill.

>> No.7961373

Jesus Christ. You again?? You are even worse than that fat pedo tripfag who used to post here, what was his name... F-? Fatcone?

>> No.7961494

god someone who agrees with me.
this shit tripfag was ok when he started on this board but now he's just shitting around.

>> No.7961520
File: 226 KB, 622x1822, kill_la_kill_me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look him up on the archive
>literally more than half a thousand posts in less than a year
>...and this is what he looks like

>> No.7961533
File: 155 KB, 314x422, uuuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I hate cockworks
>mfw I didn't know what he looked like
>mfw I know this faggot in the pic related
guess my feelings were justified.

>> No.7961574

>a one dimensional joke character who literally only exists to be eye candy for the female viewers (Aikuro)
>implying the scenes with disco milf molesting satsuki were not eye candy for the viewers
>implying the whole transformation scenes were not eye candy for the viewers

>a one dimensional joke character who unquestionably submits to women and is weaker than them despite it being physically impossible, and who for no logical reason falls in love with the Jar Jar Binks of the show

This isn't even canon.
>inb4 b-but the flowers at the end!!!!

>a one dimensional joke^2 character who always loses to women and accepting the female superiority makes him stronger for no reason, except it doesn't really (Sanageyama)
Are you an MRA? Did you watch the show, at all?
>yaoi / fujo garbage of three different flavors that can't even be described as one-dimensional (Inumuta, Iori, Tsumugu)
Yeah you didn't watch the show lol.
>the ideal father figure, according to feminism - 'a person of color' (alien immigrant) who is not actually her biological father and who turns Ryuko into a strong independent womyn by dressing her as a prostitute (Senketsu), Ryuko's real dad naturally being represented as a deadbeat abusive loser dad
Soichiro is not- what the fuck?
Soichiro is her biological father, except that he used KLK physics to change his body completely and raise her under a guise.

I don't know if this is copypasta or intentionally meant to be bait but damn son, doesn't matter if you did write it on your own or you copied it from somewhere else, you're retarded.

>> No.7961584

>more than half a thousand posts in less than a year
I wasn't kidding about the 48k
>mfw I hate cockworks
>mfw I know this faggot in the pic related
how the fuck

>> No.7961614
File: 1.02 MB, 190x167, kingofpopcorn1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7961619

Omg hi.

>> No.7961620

>>implying the scenes with disco milf molesting satsuki were not eye candy for the viewers
>>implying the whole transformation scenes were not eye candy for the viewers
Fan service for males is the standard / something to be expected in anime. What makes KLK feminist is because it portrays these sexualized transformations as empowering (literally, not just figuratively) and men are there only for fan service slash joke characters, as I pointed out. If it wasn't feminist then more Tumblrinas would whine about it on their Tumblrs.

>This isn't even canon.
Are you shitting me? How more could they have possibly implied it? Or are you perchance a Tumblrina yourself, and you vehemently believe that Ryuko and Mako are canon lesbians because of your laughable understanding of the Japanese language (>xhi thinks "deito" means the same thing as it does in English).

>Are you an MRA?
Nope. I'm just applying feminist tactics (after five years of posting on /cgl/, you pretty much know exactly how they think) and flipping the gender that is scrutinized.

>Did you watch the show, at all?
Yes, unfortunately I did.

>Yeah you didn't watch the show.
Xhi says, after I point out that those three characters are ultimately only known / defined by the gay ships they are included in (no, the fact that a minority of people think Inumuta is going to end up as Nonon's luggage lad doesn't mean he's got character depth).

Like, Tsumugu is literally the bara bait, and Inumuta are two degrees of effeminate boy (the fact that Inumuta is actually quite ripped was revealed too late to get into the way of the landwhale's fantasies).

>Soichiro is not- what the fuck?
Is not what? I'd really love to hear the end of this sentence. Nothing you said disproves that he's presented as a deadbeat / bad dad for no reason.

>I don't know if this is copypasta
>intentionally meant to be bait
It is bait, but I'm not pretending to be retarded. It's smart bait.
>damn son,
Xhi confirmed male KLKtard.

>> No.7961624

>"how the fuck could anyone who knows me IRL hate me"
~Cockwork Loyalty, The Greatest Hits, 2014

>> No.7961626

it's the third quote that confuses me

>> No.7961631
File: 249 KB, 1500x1061, 1417023604194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would actually look really cool as a latex bodysuit, ngl

>> No.7961634

Maybe she's the Satsuki cosplayer that you've been hoverhanding so hard that your arm didn't even get above her shoulder?

Or the guy who has taken the picture?

I highly doubt you've met any people in your life, other than those two.

>> No.7961637

sure m8

nigga, give me a clue

>> No.7961638

Damn. That's so empowering that I am literally getting empowered just by looking at it.

>> No.7961640
File: 255 KB, 1500x1061, hana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that's a good idea. Ideally, I'd see out of it, but I was just thinking of leaving the helmet and just having nicely styled wig and boob-punched sfx makeup.

I'll do my best! Binding chest and everything.

My friend wants to do this Hana via fullbody suit too and I feel a lot more comfortable with making something like that. The mech suit is completely out of my experience, and I want to look good.

>> No.7961641

Your friend is a hero for all women! Show dem curves gurl.

I think it would be even more *amazing* if you actually did it without a bodysuit! Perhaps this will finally outdo that Tuna girl who cosplayed some fighting game character? You know who...

>> No.7961650

A joy of a bodysuit is that we can pad and stuff as much as we want. No point halfassing (ahahaha) these characters, it'd be a shame to the PV. We both love it so much!

I really can't wait to start this project, I think AX 2015 was our deal.

Mass googling tutorial/guides 3...2...1...

>> No.7961652 [DELETED] 

I actually can't tell if you two are being ironic or sarcastic or what. How did feminism get into this?

>> No.7961655

I actually can't tell if you two are being ironic or sarcastic or what. How did female empowerment get into this?

>> No.7961657

Are you implying it's not empowering to dress like that?

>> No.7961659
File: 160 KB, 200x150, 1347769138979.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dipshit of a cousin is writing a fanfiction about this...and I don't know if I should punch her or say "Bless your heart" and move on...

>> No.7961668

Just end her life before she breeds.

>> No.7961678

This thread was so beautiful, and now that all the american kiddies are off for holiday it turned into shit.

>> No.7961684
File: 211 KB, 467x348, 1377655041681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please go into more detail.

>> No.7961686

Thanks for shitting up the thread faggots.
There really needs to be another garbage board for shit like this. /cncr/ or something.

>> No.7961690

Yeah, nothing more beautiful than a strong independent womyn who gives a guy a blowjob just so that she can vomit it back into his mouth. That's empowerment!

>> No.7961695

How about /cglg/ or /cglr/?

>> No.7961702

>tfw mememe became a meme

>> No.7961710

"It also soon reached 4chan’s /a/ (anime) board, where numerous discussions[6][7] took place at length, with many threads eventually reaching the limit of 500 posts per thread.[8][9][10]"

>> No.7961717

/a/ went full retard I guess.

>> No.7961728

Having watched it a few times now I still can't figure out where people are getting the "Pro-Feminism" from...

>> No.7961739

implying /cgl/ and the cosplay community, in general, isn't going full retard as well

>> No.7961743

tumblr. that's really it. tumblrtards are just so closeminded and can't grasp what it could possibly be about, so they're guessing.

>> No.7961744

no, maybe she just blocked you

>> No.7961753

Yes, but /cgl/ has always been filled with retarded sheep who jump on what is popular, no matter how shit it is. We literally had daily Attack on Titan threads when the anime ran.

>> No.7961797

>implying that people don't go full retard with popular series/things.


>> No.7961811

But why the fuck is some random, shitty music video so popular?

Try to come up with an answer that's not:
>"Because it has a girl giving a random guy a blowjob and then vomitting the semen back into his mouth! That's so feminist!!"

>> No.7961823

It's probably because it's animu. Anything that Japan shites out becomes popular in the community or have some kind of fandom. The more wild/weird it is (or cliched,) the more popular it is. In some cases it depends on how popular it is with the yaoi fangirls.

Attack on Titan, Naruto, Tokyo ghoul, Free! K-on, Love Live, Evangelion, the list goes on and on.

>Evangelion has been out since 1995 and it's still popular
>Main characters are a bisexual whump and a homosexual alien.

>> No.7961855

yeah, its just her dA now

>> No.7961859
File: 72 KB, 720x466, 10636295_731541523585056_6895140697231864912_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7961866

I am so hyped for the next chapter of the manga where Levi and Mikasa defeat Kenny together and kick the syringe out of Rod's hand in the last nanosecond before Historia becomes problematic.

Well either that or nothing happens again as usual. 10 pages of shirtless Levi and 30 pages of people hooked up to that device that feeds them their own feces are also acceptable (for the AoT fanbase, that is).

>> No.7961875


Yeah she did, but didn't you guys get the notice for how she's moving her page to 'Brigitte Quinn'? 'Meltyfate Cosplay' wasn't special enough for her because she's not all about cosplay anymore, she's about so much more~*~*~ (◡‿◡✿)

>> No.7961896
File: 21 KB, 250x236, yeah well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except that nobody made it about female empowerment. If you or anybody else who continues trying to spout this garbage bothered to pay attention to the message of the video, which is a jab at otaku culture, you'd see that. This thread was actually civil until people like yourself and others decided to come in, as I knew you would, and make it all about feminism when it's far from that. You're probably the type who screams "Tumblr!!11" at every single thing which you don't agree with, yet fail to see that you're a myopic shit who is so closed off from the rest of the world that anytime you see a situation where a man (fictional or otherwise) on the opposing end of something, it just NEEDS to be all about muh feminism empowerment. Women can't be wrong about anything or else it's misogyny. Men can't be wrong about anything or else it's misandry. This is what you fuckers act like.

Stop fucking acting in absolutes and come back when you have something to contribute other than your pissbaby antics.

>> No.7961901

Omg it's that self absorbing attention slut whore 2/10 too many filters with tryhard angle. I'm going to have to shower after seeing this now. This is probably posted by her stinky niglet friend nia who's been bragging about this. I can't believe this slut still hasnt done photoshoots with us.

>> No.7961908

Stop triggering and mansplaining me first, neckbeard.

>> No.7961911

The butthurt is real

This thread has gone to so much shit thank you all

>> No.7961913

holy shit this is just sad

>> No.7961914


Gr8 b8 m8

>> No.7961917

>and men are there only for fan service slash joke characters, as I pointed out.
They're not there for fan service, however.
You keep using that word and I don't think you know what it means.

>If it wasn't feminist then more Tumblrinas would whine about it on their Tumblrs.
Taking tumblr as your only source to dictate what's perceived as feminism and what isn't is a really narrow-minded point of view.
With this being said, I've seen plenty of women saying KLK is sexualizing women.

>Are you shitting me? How more could they have possibly implied it? Or are you perchance a Tumblrina yourself, and you vehemently believe that Ryuko and Mako are canon lesbians because of your laughable understanding of the Japanese language.

Stop using the tumblr insult, it's been overused and honestly makes you look even more stupid.
I don't "ship" characters and never have. I don't see the point in it and never will. I never took any place in those arguments on whether or not Mako said "date" as romantic date either.
Gamako was never canon, and never will, just like Mako and Ryuko.

>Nope. I'm just applying feminist tactics
So you mean your narrow-minded view of "feminism is all I've seen on tumblr" and nothing else. Okay.

>Xhi says,
Stop using this, you look like a sperglord.
The rest of this part doesn't make any sense and you know it.

>Nothing you said disproves that he's presented as a deadbeat / bad dad for no reason.
Lol deadbeat how? He decided to rebel against disco milf after she trashed their second daughter. He was distant, but he had a reason for that.

>It's smart bait.
Keep telling yourself that and maybe you'll believe it someday ;^)

Anyway I'll stop derailing the thread.

>> No.7961922

>accusing me of being a guy on a mostly female board

Really, dumbass? You're doing this old shit? Go fuck yourself. You and every neckbeard like you.

>> No.7961923

I want to cosplay the guy but I'm not sure what version?

>> No.7961931

By dancing you mean twerking, shaking titties and body dancing?
Because that's the only dancing in the video.

And if you mean make a new original dance for it then good luck.

>> No.7961934

Way to miss the joke retard

>> No.7961937

I don't give a fuck. I'm tired of people like you.

>> No.7961940

>fighting game character
It was from the series Air Gear, she was cosplaying Ringo in her "disguise" outfit.

>> No.7961970

>if I go from /v/ to /cgl/, I can pretend that I am a girl and everyone will agree that I am one, because it's the girl board!

You type like a neckbeard, you mansplain me like a neckbeard and you triggered me about 40 times by now. You are a neckbeard alright.

>> No.7961988

>that feel when you will never trigger a qt 3.14 semiauto Glock 40 times

>> No.7962004

Just the thought of girls twerking in harmony makes me crack up more than aroused

>I want to see that
>but is it humanly possible to booty clap only once per beat?
>Is it humanly possible to have a fat ass without twerking recoil?
>but is it really possible to twerk this low, to squat this far, in high heels without dying?

>> No.7962009

Original dance of course, I'm not into the twerking and shit.

>> No.7962031

Why bother then?

>> No.7962054

Song is good.

>> No.7962083 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 547x786, 2014-11-26_175928-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

self posting attention whores

>> No.7962091

>I think I know who posted this so I'm going to pretend to be them, that makes it true
too obvious/10

>> No.7962095

Forget the mememe, her Serenity wig makes me want to throw babies
I don't get people who posted their pictures online and then complain when they get reposted... but by the wrong place. Like it literally doesn't make sense to me. As for the negativity, if it got posted on tumblr or wherever, people would still be THINKING those negative comments, at least people in this place are honest..?

>> No.7962097

my question is
>how do you know all the names of the characters?
>inb4 getoutshitbrick
I'm actually confused on where you find out the names of the characters

>> No.7962156

I'm fairly positive Mememe or Meme-chan is called that because video/song title and the fact that she's kinda the poster girl of it, and poster girl's are usually used to attract attention.
GF is called Hana because she has a flower in her hair (hana=flower)

>> No.7962164

thank you kind person

>> No.7962199

On the official site there's reference picks with their names (in kana).

>> No.7962215

Dude important stuff happened in the last chapter. The poop thing was one panel.

>> No.7962222

>the greentext
That happened?

>> No.7962246

>that's so feminist
It's SJWs that I see
They're so delusional to me

>> No.7962288


>>7957576 enjoy

>> No.7962307

No I saw it, but didn't think of anything as a blowjob and I didn't see the white stuff as semen...

>> No.7962477
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>> No.7962482
File: 106 KB, 640x915, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bangs are killing me.

>> No.7962561

isn't spanish, is portuguese.
Learn to keep your mouth closed and to look like a retard intead of opening it and proving you are a retard.

>> No.7962706

Kill la Kill yourself you feminist KLKtard feminist-ally fedora wearer.

>> No.7962758

At least she has the tits for it.

>> No.7962837

Ugh sorry, I didn't mean to include the link. I meant the video in the first place (ME!ME!ME!), not the lyrics.

>> No.7962973

yeah, but they might be fake.

>> No.7963507


>> No.7963623

I don't think so.

don't ask me I just know

...She's actually the Satsuki in that hoverhand pic I'm in

>> No.7963655

>She's actually the Satsuki in that hoverhand pic I'm in

I had a feeling she was.

>> No.7964009

She's 17...

>> No.7964534
File: 120 KB, 1500x1061, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised nobody brought up the pulse rifle.

>> No.7964539
File: 385 KB, 600x926, tumblr_nfq2krySMW1r3wd4to1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7964544

Two things. How is the kneecap suppose to move and what are the finger joints made of?

>> No.7964713

what sources did you use?I watched it a bunch of times but never got to see the lyrics or official statements

>> No.7964797

who is this?

>> No.7964815

Berry, from Ichigoflavor on tumblr

>> No.7964943


>Clearly asking for it.

I want to see the cosplayers of this bitching about why people keep creeping them.

>> No.7964947


Who cares? the point is, she gots the tits.

>> No.7965041

Is she wearing lenses or is it photoshop?

>> No.7965368

the whole face looks shopped

>> No.7965380
