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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 228 KB, 1500x1026, hko_world_juniors_canada_czech_republic_20131228_213644860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7930279 No.7930279 [Reply] [Original]

Last one is dying fast.

What upcoming cons you going to? New cosplay plans for 2015? Latest greatest stupidest dramu?

>> No.7930413
File: 307 KB, 500x1026, kimochi kanada-san.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>What upcoming cons you going to?
The ones I literally want to spend money on is this summer, no biggy until then. I'll maybe pass by the 5$ to 20$ small local cons if I crave a dose of weebs cringe.

>New cosplay plans for 2015?
Trying to not do anything big considering my budget, I'm mostly working with fabric this year. Planning to do Elizabeth Comstock or a Little Sister, whatever I'll feel like until the summer-time kicks in.

>> No.7931031
File: 515 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to contain your jelly, guys.

>> No.7931222

im surprised it wasn't taken. Actually am kind of jelly tbh

>> No.7931680

I actually am o_o

>> No.7932036

Anyone going to DTAC?

>> No.7932052

Probably, just to see people. I imagine people will be giving each other Christmas gifts by then or something.

>> No.7932064

Now everyone knows you're a nerd. gg

>> No.7932149

Not necessarily aimed at you, but:

Is it just me or is the Toronto community jumping hardcore onto the Bioshock and Borderlands trains lately?

When the games came out (excluding pre-sequel), i saw maybe one or two psychos or a little sister

now, everyone and their cosplay clique is doing elizabeth or moxxi

>> No.7932153

I noticed that too, mostly Elizabeth though. I don't see that many borderlands cosplayers.

>> No.7932154

Well, they're popular games/game series aren't they? With some games coming out in the past year or two (Bioshock Infinite and... pretty sure there was a Borderlands game that came out recently), they just happen to be popular and people will want to cosplay from a popular thing.

>> No.7932168

I get your frustration but I mostly want to cosplay Elizabeth because nobody can get her hair right (not to mention the corset or the whole slutifying) or they do the typical "hand oh mah chest bcuz idk who am cozplau as" whenever somebody's snapping a picture, hopefully I'll be able to break that- but then again I'm a /cgl/ landwhale stat so who cares if I do it right

I might as well slap in moxxi in my cosplay list, only 2 out of 50 moxxi cosplayers have done her hair right.

>hardcore bioshock anon lover here who would love to do a big sister
>but oh noes im too fag
>welp looks like imma jump in the mainstream choo choo trail

>> No.7932390


Kinda related but
Meanwhile in frenchland, I noticed that people are jumping into Mass Effect.

>> No.7932568
File: 2.58 MB, 2856x1508, 2013_Chevrolet_Malibu_Eco_2SA_--_02-29-2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>driving a Chevrolet Malibu
Yeah I'm real jealous he drives an ugly ass car with a silly custom license plate

>> No.7933001

try to hide your jealousy better lmao

>> No.7933351

Anyone else find it annoying when photogs post their photos to every single group possible? Not pics of the con, just some random shoot they did? I've noticed it is happening more and more in the canada fb groups

>> No.7933393

I think I know who you're talking about

>> No.7933635
File: 12 KB, 252x157, logo[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it was this weekend. Any other seagulls go? Does anyone in Halifax even browse this board?

>> No.7934024

i saw that trip was toronto who always cosplays link at fanfare and he didnt even say excuse me while squeezing past my friend and i???? fucking rude

>> No.7934033
File: 10 KB, 250x186, _Excuse_me_princess[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a wasted opportunity to be in-character

>> No.7937835
File: 91 KB, 638x960, 10421457_726550400766629_8169942587870271366_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. I dont know what part of this I find the worst but the whole thing's pretty great

>> No.7937886

Why can't retards in zentai at sporting events find zentai that actually fit?

>> No.7937960

Scumbag enver

>> No.7937964

That was always my favourite thing

>> No.7937968

dramu pls

>> No.7938009

Nothing planned until Sakura Con. I'll be going as Juri (SH4) and maybe Lulu (FFX) if I feel like dragging that cosplay across the border again.

Lots of my friends are into Skyrim so they'll be doing cosplays from that (don't really understand why it's so popular though; I just couldn't get into it).

I heard there was a winter edition of Anime Revolution in Vancouver. Is it really improving or are they just prolonging the agony? I didn't go last year but the previous 2 years were terribly underwhelming.

>> No.7938034

Has anyone noticed a lot more people posting their cosplays/planned cosplays randomly on the Anime North FB page lately?

>> No.7938041

Yeah I always seem them doing that as well as posting other bullshit I don't care about constantly.

>> No.7938061

People posting random, irrelevant stuff in the AN FB group? Big shocker.

Anyways, maybe it has to do with this anime season or something. People watch whatever anime's come out in the past while and go, "okay, I'm gonna cosplay this and share it with as many people as I can, regardless of whether or not I actually get around to it"

>> No.7938163

What are some good cosplay photogs in the GTA? Non-creeps/man-children preferred

>> No.7938184

AilesNoire is pretty good. So's Paul Hillier. Neither of them is creepy and they do some nice stuff. I think Hillier might be pretty pro though, so that's probably costly. Droo's also good.

>> No.7938186

AmaLeigh's done some nice stuff. Linkspeaks is okay too.

>> No.7938315

I swear I get more notifications from Droo's random posts than from my own family. How my facebook algorithm fucked me over that way I'll never know...

>> No.7938318

>come ladies, enjoy the sensuality of my dorm room. my roommate doesn't get home till 9 so we can get up to lots of kinky foot fun

but please keep it down or the ra will kill me

>> No.7938379

Detailed-Illusion is actually a total sweetheart, despite that photo.

>> No.7938404

Seai Photography,Zealous Photography, and Lightning Double Dash Baron do quite nice photography.

>> No.7938407

this is a troll right?

>> No.7938408

neither of these 3 are manchild or creeps and they do decent photography work.

>> No.7938414
File: 242 KB, 940x1216, tcc-dec14-2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DTAC- I mean Comicon is next month. What are your plans for it?

>> No.7938519

Never been, is this 6 hour event worth it?

>> No.7938574

not really. It's a pay to shop in their dealers room thing. And you can't loiter in the hallways, as security will kick you out if you don't have a pass.

>> No.7938641

It's even more underwhelming than the first two years overall, but the concert got better. They finally did Origa some justice, fuck. This summer's AR is basically "The usual shit, plus Kancolle".

>> No.7938657
File: 34 KB, 550x366, 1359379356100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your tripcode's changed

>> No.7938670

This has to be a troll

>> No.7938891

Yah seems like it, none of them are good. Maybe decent at best... i know people who have had major problems with the first two.

>> No.7938943

What kind of problems?

>> No.7938956

Considering it is the south building, a decent chunk may just chill on the second floor therefore not having to pay and chill on the bottom floor.

>> No.7938960

Droo I hear may be there which is surprising since he quick Hobbystar cons.

>> No.7938966

>south Building again like the Cattlecon
>Yeah no.

>> No.7938971
File: 17 KB, 720x266, 10414920_726341730763137_5802881506492251197_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are they turning it into a Comicon now? last time they did that, we lost MTAC and got a bunch of comic nerds that outnumbered the anime and gaming nerds.

>> No.7938973

oh and I was meaning to also say that I rather save my money for Frostcon as they at least got some stuff going for them

>> No.7938980
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This is the only real way to be in character as link.

>> No.7938983
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 10659335_730733216981990_8242227217478271564_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yous mean Zelda right?

>> No.7939010
File: 2.14 MB, 3654x2877, WindWaker-remake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not unless Link is from Brooklyn

>> No.7939020

I know you're being ironic, but I still had an aneurysm from this.

>> No.7939022


Stop being autistic

>> No.7939080

At least Frostcon is located near the Eaton Centre. If I get bored, I can go there at least.

>> No.7939085
File: 36 KB, 500x331, tumblr_mnq9ft8mhz1rnf42jo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear that some are thinking of cosplaying Fire Emblem characters at Frostcon. What would some of you suggest a 5'4" girl such as I go for from the series?

>> No.7939108

If FrostCon is being held at the same location as Unplugged then fuck that. You can't even take photos in the lobby because it's a U of T residence and the security guard will telll you off.

>> No.7939131

at least outside has some pretty nice locations.

>> No.7939238

No, but this was.

>> No.7939241

Nope. Not even a little. It is "pay money to stand in a dealer's room, get yelled at by aggressive security guards, and feed the pockets of FanEx".

Do not buy.

>> No.7939579


Depends on your facial type too.

But at that height, I would suggest children characters from FEA (Severa, Lucina, Cynthia), it's always a safe bet.

>> No.7939689

Yeah it was a custom one that I kept forgetting for when I was on mobile so now I just use this one

>> No.7939777

I might go if only because I know people who plan to go to this. It's only $10.00, so, why not. Oh, and StreetPasses are always nice.

>> No.7939849

>Outdoor photoshoots in the dead of winter

Enjoy your hypothermia.

FrostCon and DTAC aren't worth the money. Not even as an excuse to cosplay or see friends.

>> No.7939854

That would be nice, but the security people there are dicks and will tell you to leave. And if you have a pass, they will tell you to go to the con area, and not leave there.
Same shit happened at DTAC 2 years ago, where everyone was confined to the end of a hallway and if we left that area, we were told to leave the building.

>> No.7939862

That's what I did for MTAC last time. I just chilled on the second floor on Saturday and no one came and told me to leave.

>> No.7939868

>we lost MTAC and got a bunch of comic nerds that outnumbered the anime and gaming nerds.

See I have a problem with that. I have been to many different cons across Canada and the US, and I came to realize that "anime" nerds are dicks.
I enjoy some anime myself, but I feel my interests are more varied that being just one kind of nerd. But these exclusively anime only types seem to hate anyone who expresses interests in other areas. There are some anime cons that are somewhat all inclusive, but the anime fans there hate anyone who dares to cosplay as something that isn't from an anime. Fans at comic cons, however, wheter the con is exclusively comics, or not, don't care if anime cosplays show up. If more and more anime fans show up, then they just add more anime stuff to the schedule and let everyone have fun.
Unless you're a homestuck fan. Fuck those little shits.

>> No.7939899

I heard Frostcon lost their venue anyway.

>> No.7939935

wha??? again??? source????

>> No.7939944

Where are they now?

>> No.7939951

Haven't seen any follow up, but yeah I heard this too. Might just be a rumour.

>> No.7939952

Where else could they go at this point, anyway?

>> No.7939972

The lake.

>> No.7939999

Comic fans are boring as fuck
Ill enjoy my anime expo/katsu/colossal/anime rev/ thank you very much

>> No.7940046

Wild stab in the dark here, but anyone know a cosplayer in TO named Brigette? All I know is her name, she's a cosplayer and that she's really into "Japanimation."

I realise it's not much, but short of dropping her full name, it's all I know.

>> No.7940049


>> No.7940051

youre kidding right? Shes a massive cunt

>> No.7940056


I don't fucking know, I'm a stranger in a strange land!


We may have a bingo.

>> No.7940057

Sounds like Meltyfate. Mentioning her and Purblind on cgl is poison, though. I personally have no issue with either of them.

>> No.7940058

Also, I should add she goes by her name, Brigette Quinn, on her public Facebook page now.

>> No.7940059

>Mentioning her and Purblind on cgl is poison, though

Yes, I can see that.

>> No.7940097
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>> No.7940223
File: 168 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where melty bought her kallen costume from? The qualify isn't awful

>> No.7940409

I have no idea, but I dig that wig so much.

>> No.7940861

Do you know of novii charges for photos? I would love to do a shoot with him

>> No.7940870
File: 103 KB, 509x456, 1415774668935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just made a post about that actually

>> No.7940876

she's gorgeous

>> No.7940967


Can you guys self-circle jerk any fucking more?

>> No.7940998

You want to give us something to not circle-jerk about? Toronto is a shithole of drama, anything else is very welcome

>> No.7941150

I want to say nice things because I'm fucking sick of how toxic Canada threads always end up.

>> No.7941226

stop talking about toronto then

>> No.7941234


Yeah, let's talk about Alberta or Ottawa! Hotbeds of fucking activity! Or Quebec! They gave us that bitch Ariel Rebel.

They also gave us poutine, so it's a bit of a draw.

>> No.7941262

Montreal tends to have its fair share of stupid if you know how to google translate all that frog talk

>> No.7941458
File: 72 KB, 540x774, IMG_20141116_164626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pink blush
>red lips

Does Canada not know how to makeup? Ishiggydiggy

>> No.7941483

>one girl represents all of Canada

>> No.7941713

>yfw she thinks she is.

>> No.7941723

get her and her tear troughs to stay in the us we dont need her

>> No.7941761

did people finally tell her that her lips dont exist. fuck

>> No.7941789

Alright, poutine-chan here. Give me something to translate for you

>> No.7941816

How different are american cons from canadian cons? I want to try one in the states but I am not sure what to expect.

Also best american cons for a canadian to go to? or how do they compare to, lets say, fanexpo and anime north?

>> No.7941820

Fellow poutine-chan here.

Hi~ There seem to be very few of us.

>> No.7941831
File: 8 KB, 183x251, 1241145859438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American vehicles

>> No.7941835

>There seem to be very few of us.

Still too many, though.

>> No.7941847

Another poutine here. So that makes just 3 then?

>> No.7941902

we're all dressed poutines here and ready to translate drama

are you all on otaku-ville? This shit reeks cringe.

>still too many, though.
>cgl mtl meet up is 98% toronto

>> No.7941911

I'm on otaku-ville, but I don't go on the forum, but fb page makes me want to shoot myself in the head most times.

>> No.7941920

Poutine-chan here as well. Google translate won't be necessary.

I was on Otaku-Ville for the cringe until it got so fucking retarded I had to leave. It's just that cringy.

>> No.7941984

Another poutine-chan. I lurked on Otakuville to laugh, but then the stupidity level got so high I could only feel second-hand embarrassment.

>> No.7941991

I didn't leave because I need my daily dose of cringe, I'll report from now on if there's anything good.

>mfw there's still not SJW's shitting on the dark-faced white girl for a Korra cosplay

>> No.7942114

American cons are cheaper on the hole (pass, hotel, food , booze, and gas)
And in my experience are better run than Canadian ones, with a couple exceptions.

The ones that most Canadian attend are Youmacon (Detroit, Mi), CollossalCon (Sandusky, Oh) and Katsucon (National Harbour, Md). They are the closest ones to S. Ontario. They are all smaller than AN, but offer either more open space indoors, a cool attraction like Collossal's water park, or good shooting locations like Katsu's gazebo. In my personal experience, dealer's rooms are better laid out and offer better deals in the states, as well as being less crowded than AN/FanEx. Definitely worth attending.

>> No.7942448

Just scrolled through the Otaku-Ville Facebook page and I'd say it's on-par with how dumb people are in the AN Facebook group. Are they all this bad?

>> No.7942658

Since we're on the topic of frogs amd poutines, anybody going to G-Anime in Januray?

>> No.7942860

Naaah not worth it, went there for the last 3 years but after a while you just end up walking around in a square trying to figure out what to do.

>> No.7942961

FrostCon changed locations. AGAIN. But won't say where yet? probably not attending

>> No.7943230

I stopped going last year since shit just got repetitive. I'm gonna use the money to go to AN instead.

>> No.7944380

Thanks Blair, that helps a lot

>> No.7944426
File: 115 KB, 800x1200, 10644724_823260311047028_2329416985289652900_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o god those tear troughs. cant even think how much she must ps to get those out

>> No.7944483

>All of that blur

>> No.7944497

Annual work con. Dunno if I want to fly out this year because I feel lazy and/or cheap.
Only con on the west coast that's always worth the money. Too bad it's not in the same country.
One day, if I go visit friends for the May 24th. Went last year and the layout of the con drove me up the wall.
"I'll give you a free ride in if you get this signed while I play ITG." Maybe I should actually do a panel or two this year and increase the anime content by a fair bit.
Pipe dream. Probably won't play the 40 dollar lottery on this con having guests that will get other people in my group to go.

I was tempted last year to just go to AX/Otacon but not after their explosive snafus. Western Canadian cons a shit.

>> No.7944502
File: 489 KB, 495x545, Screenshot (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems they overgrew the Chestnut and have located a new venue. So let there be photos everywhere!!!

>> No.7944520

Glad they left Chestnut. That place was a horrible location for a convention. Can't wait to see what new venue they might have found

>> No.7944529

Eh, I didn't mind the location. It was right between two subway stations, near the Eaton's Centre and a whole bunch of eateries (like the newly opened Denny's). Though being a university residence didn't really help it much.

Where else could they go at this point? What location are they talking about now?

>> No.7944744


Hi Antonio.

>> No.7944746

Watch it be the Primrose.

>> No.7944905

Yes, let's talk about Atlantic Canada!

Wait, nothing happens out there.

>> No.7945325

I don't hide behind "Anon" tags. If I ever post I would use my name.

Nope, much bigger venue then Chestnut's total space

>> No.7945804

Why don't you straight up tell us where it's gonna be?

>> No.7945859

Because it isn't fully my place to share such information anymore

>> No.7946093

Who's gonna give a fuck? Just tell us so people know what to expect.

>> No.7946110

If I recall correctly she mentioned she borrowed it from a friend on her insta

>> No.7946143

Any other FB cringe groups? I've been having a hard time getting my dose of frog drama and only other pages I've found have tops 200~ people and the same damn guy spam posting.

Never been, but I want to go

>> No.7946150

It's poutine drama not frog drama anon, dem euro frenchies are worse.

>> No.7946238

Ohai, another poutine-chan here.
Anyone got recent dramu on local cons?

Please dont support that fucking joke

>> No.7946256

My bad, I need my poutine drama. All that salty sauce.

Like I said before, I've never been but I want to go because Quebec has so few cons... is it really that bad?

>> No.7946610
File: 61 KB, 640x960, 10303757_744269088957125_2311306900040369412_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone recognize this girl?

>> No.7946628

I guess you don't know the Facebook image trick. Or how to reverse image search. Anyway, I did your work for you and she is Mimi Reaves on Facebook.

>> No.7946635

Sorry, I forgot we were supposed to support the money-hungry Comiccons instead.

I'll be there.

>> No.7946650


Poutine-kun this time around.
I actually might have some info that's potentially kek worthy on G-Anime and a guest. I may or may not decide to tell about it.

>> No.7946955

I've heard that G-Anime is run by a hardcore separatist, is that evident in the way the con is run?

>> No.7946981

Is naru2u officially defunct now? Ochibacon looks like it's gone now too. Any other conventions look like they aren't coming back for a 2015 season? Other than Con-G of course.

>> No.7947008


I won't deny that.

One of the cosplay guest has been invited by "mistake" and due to the lack of background research on credibility.

>> No.7947343

Think just Naru2U, Ochibacon, Con-G and CANterlot won't be returning next year

>> No.7947544

I liked Con-G, to be fair.

>> No.7947623
File: 478 KB, 2048x1462, 10431344_715746901832885_1024214742086207299_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha i'm sorry for the last reply

halcon was fun

I had a bunch of shoots and did a bunch of panels

one of the runners isn't so great in my books, but I think it's a really well run con otherwise. Can't wait for the new con center, photos in WTCC are the worst.

>> No.7948151

He's a hardcore separatist, but it's mostly a joke. Doesn't tend to show through the con cuz most of his staff aren't idiots.

>> No.7948157

Naru2U sucked, Ochibacon sucked, CANterlot sucked HARD. Only Con-G was good.

>> No.7948570

Did anyone even go to CANterlot?

>> No.7951085

So FanExpo just announced their dates for September 3 - 6..... DAFUQ!?!

>> No.7951137

I'm okay with that. Makes it a little less cluttered in the summer.

>> No.7951210

I remember FanEx was the week right after Otakuthon and the reason I couldn't go even if I wanted to.. but next year Otakuthon's changed to August 7-9. What's up with all the convention date changes?

>> No.7951243

One of the big reasons is the sudden splurge of Comiccons. The Montreal/Quebec City/Ottawa/PopExpo guys are all the same company and they're muscling in on a lot of the fan-run conventions. They're essentially being FanExpo, but with a lot more ambition. PopExpo is exceptionally a piece of shit because it's a show created specifically to make sure no other convention can run in their venue at that time of year.

Thus a lot of conventions have been moving around to accommodate for their spread. FanEx, however, is probably trying to keep off of DragonCon and Otakuthon, and Otakuthon is likely doing the same. DragonCon has a HUGE draw and makes life hard for a lot of other cons when it comes to attracting guests during the same timeslot. Celebs go to DC to have fun more than anything. FanExpo's a shithole for any real enjoyment and Otakuthon caters more specifically to the anime crowd of a mostly 14-18yr demographic.

July's starting to get filled up too. You've got SDCC, SGC, ConBravo, all one after the other, all kind of embracing the same things.

There's also the factor that some of these venues get a lot of business they have to shift around clients for. If, say, the Liberal Party wants to hold a big ol political conference downtown TO or something, a fan convention probably won't get that slot. Same if there's something like the Car Show which can generate millions in profit, where a fan con or comiccon might only generate a few hundred thousand at most.

>> No.7951966

So the police in Toronto is looking for someone with an apparent foot fetish after a series of incidents. Could it be?

>> No.7951991
File: 139 KB, 530x600, 1413323183576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can only hope.

>> No.7952007 [DELETED] 

>>7951966 >>7951991
I so hope it's him. Especially not he has added hypnosis to his foot fetish act

>> No.7952011

>>7951966 >>7951991
I so hope it's him. Especially now that he has added hypnosis to his foot fetish act

>> No.7952024


>> No.7952041

novi photography is just a shitty version of think.nu

>> No.7952049

New to this thread, but deets?

>> No.7952054

Couldn't be, the article describes the man as "well-dressed"

>> No.7952064

He has resorted to hypnotizing girls into taking their shoes/boots/whatever and socks off, pretending that they're stuck in glue, other weird things and things the person wouldn't normally do

>> No.7952075

How the hell does that even work

>> No.7952162

No idea how he does. But I heard he's added it to his bag of tricks.

So it would seem he's resorted to paying people and hypnosis to feed his and "friends" fetishes

>> No.7952180

Can confirm he "hypnotizes" girls in public (usually during group hangouts) and makes them take their shoes off/think they're stuck in glue.
The truth is he can't actually hypotize anyone, they just indulge him because "lolz so funny, such attention, wow". I have witnessed this as far back as 2009/10

>> No.7952284

Hypnosis doesn't work on unwilling parties, so it's definitely not an unwilling situation.

>> No.7952308

Wait, why're we talking about feet now?

>> No.7952461
File: 803 KB, 1169x3731, tom savage warning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every Canada thread runs its course and ends up back at Tom, that's why

>> No.7952502


If you're talking hypnosis roleplay, that's fairly common among fethish communities online.

If you're talking about actual hypnosis, it's bullshit. If you think he has acually hypnotised these women, you're as dumb as he is.

Also, apparently Melty did a foot session with him, anyone able to link me up with that?

>> No.7952516

How so?

>> No.7952875

both are pathetic asian photog dudes name kevin who draw shitty chibis and try to bang all the league girls

>> No.7952879

Melty shot with him back in June at a cos picnic in center island and i only saw one foot photo posted to his FB from the set, but I cant find it anymore. I wonder if she told him to remove it after she realized what a huge creep he is.

>> No.7952922

Check his da, there's way more than one.

>> No.7952980

That little thing anrev is holding in the winter, it'll be nice to actual metro last light gear, instead of the stripped down summer version usually I do

>> No.7952999

okay, is there a list of people to avoid in the cosplay scene in toronto?
just like.... a be-all-end-all list?
with reasons?
because that would be greatly appreciated because my head is spinning from the amount of alleged douchebags in the comm.

>> No.7953055

Was it ever made known who made this? Because god bles them

>> No.7953091

Thank you anon. At least she knew not to flash her feet to the camera and keep them out of focus.
I can't blame her for shooting with him though. I have friends who have shot with him and he pressures girls into doing a shoot with him and makes them feel bad if they try not to, and especially since a lot of these girls are younger (in the 16-19 range) they have trouble saying no.

>> No.7953102
File: 396 KB, 1024x1540, code_beach_3_by_everage-d7ouqc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm quite disappointed with it. C'mon, Tom! Your letting the side down!

>> No.7953108

Someone posted a different picture a few Canada threads back.

>> No.7953110
File: 203 KB, 1024x1540, code_beach_9_by_everage-d7oupr5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, there's quite a few on the DA, but they're so tame.

>> No.7953118

Melty's legal, right?

>> No.7953531
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>> No.7953619
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Purblind though...

>> No.7953643
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>> No.7953652

Yes. Now you can feel less guilty when you rub one out.

>> No.7953655


Guilt is a Catholic weakness.

>> No.7953731

Hey, don't go taking that one from us Jews you dick. Our mothers have it down to a SCIENCE.

>> No.7953734


Someone's never met an Irish mammy.


At least we have one, you cut scum.

>> No.7953853

wow can we just shut the fuck up about this? No one cares about him anymore, he doesn't even really go to cons anymore anyways, he's always outside of them.

>> No.7953869


Tom, yelling at us won't change the fact you had a hot alcoholic nympho and a camera, and yet maintain your virginity.

>> No.7953870

melty (and by association novii)
arila insanity
kelly mari

>> No.7953906

What's bad about Novii, Shiro, Arila Insanity, and Kelly Mari?

>> No.7953914

Wait, which one is the alcoholic?

>> No.7954266

The anon said with reasons

>> No.7954268


The hot one.

>> No.7954308


Doesn't put out.


Doesn't put out.

>Arila Insanity

Doesn't out out.

>Kelly Mari

Puts out too much.

>> No.7954319

>Puts out too much.
It's true, she's gone down on a lot of cock.

>> No.7954376

shoves his fetishes down peoples throats
is too immature and has problems (drinking, mental shit) to be in the spotlight, but is better now that she isn't popular anymore
who? oh yah meltys nothing friend
pretends to be blind for pity likes
>arila insanity
dont. just dont. this one is a new grade of crazy.
>kelly mari
true pleb

Jenn Marvel - shit talks good/pretty/skinny cosplayers
The Geekettes - their roster includes nobodies, homewreckers, and twitter porn stars.
Toronto Batman - Everyone here can vouch for this one
Voldie - I love to hate her face

>> No.7954378

Melty. girl is apparently always wasted

>> No.7954390

Am I the only one who doesn't hate melty? Every time I have met her she has seemed so nice.

>> No.7954409
File: 86 KB, 522x708, jenn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jenn Marvel
>Nearly 20k page likes but averages 3 engagements per post

Clearly bought her page likes. She was badgering me for a bit to shoot a cosplay feature of her, but her craftmanship is lousy and she just seems to reek of desperation. It was really awkward for me to politely tell her 'no'

>> No.7954412

Tbh most of the hate is just jelly. But is must admit jelly with good reason. She's more well known than most these anons will be and without having to make a single thing, she's rich, pretty, generally nice, and kind of smart (though I stress kind of). she and her friends also gives the scene a bad name; that everyone is an alcoholic and attention whore... which is more or less true though.
She is a very sweet and down to earth girl, and can be pretty easy to get along with. And anything people say about her, she would probably be the first to admit. It's as easy to love her as it is to hate her.

>> No.7954423

>but I
God damn it autocorrect.
Tbh though, I love Melty too, no homo

>> No.7954431


Wait, she's rich? She's a hot, rich, alcoholic?

TRIFECTA! I need to meet this woman!

>> No.7954441

That is the most unfortunate looking page I have seen in a long while

>> No.7954507

And yet another Canada thread is engulfed by petty bullshit.

Good job anons. You're terrible at this.

>> No.7954513

What did you expect?

>> No.7954514

yeah I met the guy who made it @ the Otakuthon meetup

>> No.7954570
File: 103 KB, 849x553, sav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to bring Savage up again, but I'm actually really curious as to who he got to animate for him. For 2007, it's not too bad.

In the description he adds that he managed to interview the Naruto voice actors Kate Higgins and Yuri Lowenthol, can somebody please confirm that the voices in the opening sequence weren't really of them? Oh god p-please

Other than that, the first comment in the comment section still really summarizes the rest of it though.



>> No.7954572
File: 66 KB, 720x960, 10801623_956571631023200_567940766935577282_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly related, who is that with Purblind and what the fuck is up with both of their eyes?

>> No.7954582
File: 34 KB, 417x624, u lookin at me or.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not blind she's crossed-eyed

>> No.7954583
File: 44 KB, 625x417, def not lookin at me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7954640
File: 91 KB, 671x296, Mark Sprague.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the description it says "Opening animated by the wonderful and talented Mark Sprague, ninja 73 himself!!!"

I did a little digging and found this apparently he has a webcomic and was a guest at Otakuthon in 2011.

>> No.7954685

>wahh you don't like me you must be jelly
Lol no, she's a slutty cunt who shit talks literally everyone. She's also anything but smart.

Posts people on foot fetish sites, general creep, fat, gross, annoying
Cunt, alcoholic, personality disorder, desperate for attention, cries at every con
Desperate for melty and shiros vagoos, follows them around like a pathetic little dog and does anything they say. Only shoots girls he want to fuck (but never will)
Even cuntier than melty and even more immature
Pretends to be blind for likes, spouts memes nonstop
>Arila Insanity
The worst kind of weeaboo. Everything she says and does is cringeworthy. Ex-Tom girl but still milks the foot fetish thing. Has a meltdown every other week.
>Kelly Mari
Also a Tom girl, thinks she's hot despite being really gross and does really shit "burlesque" versions of costumes. Desperate for a bf and will jump on any willing dick (hey maybe she should get with novii)

>> No.7954690
File: 172 KB, 1036x1092, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becketry Cosplay?

>> No.7954878

Purblind on left, Becketry on the right. Purblind has a lazy eye, so they cross every now and then.

>> No.7954934

Kelly has a boyfriend. Im surprised the juiciest bit about her isn't on this thread yet. Let's stay tuned and see.

>> No.7955252

Kelly Mari doesn't work with Tom anymore, at least I don't think so.

>> No.7955285
File: 24 KB, 480x141, allaboutkelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, she thinks this thread is all about her.

>> No.7955304


>> No.7955320

lmao this made me check her fb page and she made a gofundme for her shitty power ranger cosplay "for charity"

>> No.7955329

Whats wrong with the Geeketts turd nuggets

>> No.7955338


Yes... Because you TOTALLY know something is "shitty" before it is made.

4Chan... Where intelligence goes to die...

>> No.7955369

kelly pls

>> No.7955372

hi kelly

>> No.7955383

What isn't wrong with her? Her whole page is a cringefest. Did anyone catch her recent WIP kneepads (literal cotton balls glued on for rivets)

>> No.7955423
File: 18 KB, 488x209, screencap323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know how to feel about this girl.
She takes begging for stuff to a new level.

>> No.7955431


>> No.7955436 [DELETED] 

How much did those page likes cost?

>> No.7955437

>it actually wouldn't have to cost much!
>nearly $200k

What the fuck

>> No.7955447

I totally have 200k lying around!
That's why I have a mortgage on my house and am still paying off my car!

who the fuck actually has that much spare money to lend to some random cosplayer. She probably would have had more luck if she posted that on her normal account.

>> No.7955454 [DELETED] 


>> No.7955461

Her cover photo is one of the least complementary images I've ever seen.

>> No.7955478

I think annon explained it quite well

>> No.7955499
File: 59 KB, 640x960, 10669122_10152704496722324_5607731375896405099_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, we have a pretty good idea it's going to be shitty if you make it.

>> No.7955529

Well it seems there are a lot of people to avoid, so who's worth meeting?

>> No.7955541 [DELETED] 

Its only Tom, Melty and Purblind you need to stay away from. Toms obviously disgusting and the other two are so desperate skanks who think their hot shit
Arilas easy to avoid and Kelly is actually really nice.

>> No.7955555

Purblind is a nice girl
Tom though...
Can't say much about Melty because I've never met her

>> No.7955561

Got it, I'll remember that for AN 2015

>> No.7955562

ill never understand why everyone hates her?? shes sweet and funny talks to her fans and is getting really talented

>> No.7955580

thankfully this list is better then the avoid list
Evie E
Henchmen Props
just to start

>> No.7955587

its because shes poison. She does nothing but talk bad about other cosplayers and will try to make you look like the bad guy if you don't want to be friends with her because of her toxic personality. She also used to play up her cross eye as blindness but doesnt ne more after ppl caught on. but this thread has finally taken a positive turn so let's keep it that way

>> No.7955594

Top kek

>> No.7955596

I can't imagine a nicer and better cosplayer than her in the scene.

>> No.7955605

>It won't actually have a foundation.
>Just lean into the fence
What the fuck?

>> No.7955613


Not if I remember it first!

>> No.7955629

To add some dudes to the list

Nathan DeLuca
Dr. Holocaust
Sir Squish
Naked Dave (if you don't mind constant sex jokes)
Detailed Illusion

>> No.7955641

OK I'll challenge you to a fedora tip off. Winner gets Melty

>> No.7955644

>Winner gets Melty

That's a no-win situation, whatever way you cut it.

Or she cuts herself.

>> No.7955655

>Evie E

lmao no

>> No.7955660

Who are any of those people?

>> No.7955675

they're all tom savage girls

>> No.7955681

I love a girl who wears her psychological scars on her skin.

>> No.7955683

>Tom Savage girls

We truly have started to treat him as the Hugh Hefner of deranged cosplay girls

>> No.7955687

the only one i know out of the three is elle (or purelight as she goes by now). She is only nice to good looking people and loves to friend hop from what i've noticed.

>> No.7955699

Hey hey hey theres a few girls who worked with him who aren't tainted for life (TraumaticCandy, Lossien, Shelle, Amaleigh, Kudrel, Evie). It's just the trashy ones that can't get away from the name

>> No.7955724

I don't hate noviis photos, I have found a few pretty talented cosplayers through him.

>> No.7955777

they're all just the hot girls from the community that he wants to stick his dick in. You can see the patterns of him focusing on one girl, and then switching to a new main bitch when the other girl turns him down. why do you think he made that big post about purblind? because his new gal shiro doesnt like her and told him to

>> No.7955793

Thats Ducesa DeOglinzini (used to be Ducesa cosplay, is now doing shitty photography under D Minor photography) Literally the highest levels of cringe. It's almost a shame she's not popular because she's quite comedic. Super clingy and always says shes quitting cosplay then buys hundreds of dollars in cosplay stuff then complains about not having a job or money. and then is super dillusional and asks people to buy her houses and horses and shit. I should find more caps since im FB friends with her because shes fucking hilarious

>> No.7955803

holy shit looking through her wall is really hard. "So is anyone even interested in coming to my halloween party or does no one really even like me at all? i know barrie is a weird place but... its not unaccessable. Halloween means a lot to me and no one else in the world seems to care anymore. I'm so depressed."

what the fuck

>> No.7955810


To be fair, Barrie is a fucking hole.

>> No.7955884

Unstyled wig and costume not tailored to her body. Her cosplays are not that good.

>> No.7955888

Novii is a shit

>> No.7955971

I can. She's petty, cannot handle the slightest bit of criticism, circle jerks the shit out of her "cosfamous" friends, and is generally pretty shallow and conceded.

>> No.7956008

Enough about this cosplay stuff, let's talk about how most of the cons are run by SJW's.

>> No.7956056

What makes you say that?

>> No.7956189

who was it before shiro and melty?? did they fuck him over too?

>> No.7956259

The real question is, who will be after them

>> No.7956349

Naked Dave is not worth meeting. He's a fucking creeper dude. I've never had someone try so hard to rub his dick on me and "impress" me with his fake wrestling moves.

>> No.7956354

This thread is now shit. Taken over by shitposters.

>> No.7956373

What the hell do you mean now

>> No.7956407

This is just how all Canada threads go. We have a few horrible people in the Toronto area, and for some reason, people love talking about how horrible they are, all the time. To the point where no matter how much others try to change the topic, talk about other cosplayers that don't cause this drama, or even just discuss canadian cons in general, they always go back to "OMG Tom's a perv!" "Melty's crazy!" "Pur's a weeb!"

>> No.7956414

4chan is 18+ go back to tumblr

>> No.7956420

18+ is kind of irrelevant, anon has a point: posters always harp on the same few people in Canadian threads. It's all been said.

>> No.7956422

That is one of the most assbackwards reactions to what I said I can think of.

Your "argument" is essentially, "we are mature adults here, so we can act like immature dicks and rehash the same statements over and over again and never talk about anything positive ever.", which is what tumblr is for.

>> No.7956426

I dunno, hating on tumblr in favour of 4chan is pretty unproductive overall. The real problem is that every community has its shitposters, 4chan's are just anon so they're harder to track.

That said, Canada threads are shitposts all the fucking time because everyone hates Tom but everyone also has no guts to tell it to his face.

>> No.7956431

you reek of tumblr seriously, why do you even come on 4chan?

You know what, I'm fairly new to the toronto cons since I've never been to the east and knowing that there is people I should avoid sounds splendid.
Is there really anything else to canada threads? Yes? Talk about it instead of whinning but then realize this board never (to little) will participate in positive threads.

>> No.7956439

>not wanting every fucking canada thread to be about the same fucking 5 people every fucking time

OMG so tumblr lel gtfo

What part of anything that I said sounds like tumblr? I never said people like Tom and Melty don't deserve the shit talk, as they do. All I did was explain why Canada threads are shit.

>> No.7956443

And now the conversation will reach a new low:

Shitposters whining about shitposters who whine about how shitposts make Canada threads into shit.

>> No.7956462

>still not going anything about it

>> No.7956619

He only wants to fuck pussy

>> No.7956620
File: 30 KB, 501x458, dminor-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>d minor photography

people PAY her for her shitty photos?

>> No.7956637

purblind used to be so desperate for him, it was sad he realized she wasn't legal to fuck.

>> No.7956698

So, you're mad he doesn't want to fuck guys as well?

>> No.7956722

Isn't 16 AoC in Ontario?

>> No.7956726

Yep. Which is why anon is full of shit.

>> No.7956733

bahahah nathan's not a bad guy he's just really into himself. If anything he's more sociable than most cosplayers. He re-wears shit a lot though

>> No.7956734
File: 172 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realize Free has a fujoshit fanbase and Vic McFaiisnotgay is a shit but...
>"Rin is in love with Sosuke"
>being this delusional
Do people really care this much about dubs?

>> No.7956739

I agree up to the point that she claimed that Rin was gay.

Are you new? Things like this has been going on since back during Dragon ball GT.

>> No.7956745

I personally don't give a shit about dubs, but Vic Magina needs to stop being in things. He's such a turd of a person.

>> No.7956746

In other news, PoopExpo was a fucking waste of time. Talk about a barren shithole.

>> No.7956756

Did you really expect a con worth attending? It's in Ottawa.

>> No.7956758

Eh, Ottawa Comiccon, Geek Market, and G-Anime are pretty good. GA has problems being too Quebecois (and yeah, it's actually in Gatineau), but whatever. PopExpo is genuinely awful and only exists because the Comiccon organizers don't want someone else using their space.

>> No.7956760

What on earth does Ottawa have to do with it? It's not like Ottawa is some shithole tiny town like Belleville or Grimsby.

>> No.7956774

Was there, seconding that.

>> No.7956784

>It's not like Ottawa is some shithole tiny town

You actually expect people to believe that? Really?

>> No.7956799

Why's that? Seems pretty nice to me.

>> No.7956806

called out a blind girl for being mean to his friends or something

>> No.7956811

Yeah because it's not. People need to stop doing this "that town is shit because it isn't what I like/where I live" bullshit.

Ottawa's not exciting, but it's the nation's capital. That means it's clean and well-ordered. Lotta money in that city. Definitely not a shithole.

>> No.7956815

He's mostly motivated by his dick and has no ability to think for himself. Being "nice" doesn't count. Shit people can be really nice on the surface and are still shit underneath.

>> No.7956823

>it's the nation's capital


>it's clean and well-ordered


>Lotta money in that city

All in the hands of the old folks.

>Definitely not a shithole

Choke on your LIES

>> No.7956826

She's such a snob

>> No.7956831

She openly admits to being a bitch, but that's kind of an asset. It makes her pretty no-bullshit.

>> No.7956833

Aw, did she reject your penis for being too plebeian? Someone's butthurt for being shit quality.

>> No.7956866

She allows coat tailing. Do we need frogs getting fame and invited to cons too?

>> No.7956876

>She allows coat tailing
how dare she have friends

>> No.7956886

How dare people help others.

>> No.7956940

Wait, I'm confused. Is she a snob and an elitist, or is she overly friendly and gives people a free ride?

In my experience with her, she's generally a nice person, but doesn't take shit from people who act like assholes.

>> No.7957029

anons just being anons complaining about nothing at all. Vicky's nice except to dickheads, which anons tend to be.

>> No.7957114

Everyone says she talks shit, but I haven't seen a single receipt.
Proof anons, or you are full of shit. What is one thing she has said? I'll buy it if it actually sounds like something she'd say and isn't about pb.

>> No.7957193

What's a good way to meet Toronto cosplayers? Are the picnics all 13 year olds?

Right on schedule

>> No.7957199


Your list fucking sucks.

>> No.7957307

If the city isn't Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver it's a shithole. That's all 4chan seems to think of Canada. When the country offers so many other beautiful cities that contain conventions

>> No.7957835

shes actually one of the only ones from that list I can stand. others are:
Vicky, Evie, Henchmen and Traumatic would be too if she wasn't dating dr holocaust

>> No.7958914

>seems nice
He's a thirsty beta fuck who thinks he is cute.

>> No.7958919

she is generally a nice person but she gives off an elitist air.

>> No.7959702

It does? Not in my province.

>> No.7960633

I have a Tom Savage question. Everyone keeps referring to certain models he works with as Tom Girls, but only some. What makes one a "Tom Girl" and how can one successfully avoid becoming one?

>> No.7960749

Anyone else see the shellechii photos of her suckin her ex's dick?she looks like she sucks a goooood penis

>> No.7961223

Only if he wants in your pants, he'll blow you off if you're not someone he's trying to bang.

>> No.7961275

>how do I avoid being a Tom Girl
Don't shoot with Tom

Tom Girls are the ones that hang around him all day every day at every event he attends. They just sit around all day taking pictures and circle jerking each other. If a girl has done multiple shoots with him too then they're also a Tom Girl, even if they don't hang out In his harem the entire time

>> No.7961800

I have no idea how he gets girls to pose nude (or nearly) with him. There are leaks from him of nudes hes taken and it boggles my mind. ..

>> No.7962007

He's good at targeting inexperienced/young girls who just want to have sexy photos taken, but they have no concept about what's appropriate or not appropriate since they've probably never shot with a real photog before. He'll start off doing a normal shoot, then casually suggest they remove their shoes "because it's fun and sexy", and they don't see that it's wrong. When it comes to the full nude stuff, they believe him to be trustworthy, safe, and professional.

>> No.7962049

>they believe him to be trustworthy, safe, and professional.

>implying he's not

>> No.7962075

Hi Tom.

>> No.7962145


Then that would make you a Tom Savage girl Blair as I have personally seen barefoot shots you have done with him.

>> No.7962153

This makes no sense....you say they WANT sexy photos and do barefoot shots. Are barefoots sots so far beyond the usual sexy stuff people do everyday at cons?

Sounds like someone is fetish shaming, which makes you a hypocritical cunt because your Alex Rose page is FILLED with fanservice. So basically you are saying it is ONLY wrong when someone else does it.

Your argument is unvalid.

>> No.7962155

Burn heal Blair?

>> No.7962163


I'm gonna need to see these pictures. For evidence.

Yes. Evidence.

>> No.7962168

I saw them on da back in the day...blair has ugly feet with botched tattoos. She is only mad about barefoot stuff because she cant get hits from it.

>> No.7962175

I was young and inexperienced. Once I saw how unflattering the photos were and saw them all over fb I told him to take them down, and I haven't shot with him since. That was in 2008/09. I didn't say "once a Tom girl, always a Tom girl". Hell, even Kelly isn't a Tom girl since she stopped shooting with him.
At least I know first-hand what he's like so I can warn others.

>> No.7962178

My main issue with you is that you don't just warn others you try and shame anyone who does decide to give him a chance.
People have a right to choose their friends without internet shit hawks like you telling them who they are allowed to be friends with or else they are bullied.

>> No.7962183

>I can warn others.

>They just sit around all day taking pictures and circle jerking each other.

Yes, very warning.

>> No.7962184

Don't forget Blair taking pics of inexperieced cosplayers at anime north and posting them as fail cosplays on cgl. Blair is a class act all the way.

>> No.7962187

The only photos I've ever posted on here are of myself

>> No.7962188

So let me get this straight. A chick that takes pics of cosplayers just to shame them is calling out ANYONE else for immoral picture taking.

Fuck off Blair you have no right to take any sort of moral high ground.

>> No.7962191

That is a lie. You yourself have reposted Tom;s stuff here. Right there you just lied!!!

>> No.7962196
File: 498 KB, 500x236, popcorn yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7962206

As requested. Tom's girlfriend's email address.



>> No.7962273
File: 19 KB, 500x336, 1213222794354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7962831

myex co m/ ontario/ kitchener/ rachelle-shelle-dubeau /15867 /

>> No.7963398

Got a link where you don't have to signup to view?

>> No.7963718
File: 16 KB, 461x510, 1237916094040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i remember this chick on deviantart lol!! i’d tap
>that ass and pussy, she has sexy feet too. she
>obviously loves the attention and free publicity,
>the OP’s attempt at any sort of “revenge”
>backfired and actually she had HER revenge on
>the OP.. Lol!

>she has sexy feet too
Looks like Tom commented