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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 89 KB, 1280x720, 1101101011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7945300 No.7945300 [Reply] [Original]

pic related
hbu /cgl ?

>> No.7945304 [DELETED] 

Nice. meepygirl is my pure loli virgin waifu

>> No.7945316

that's a pretty legit MtF

>> No.7945317

Jnigger and Grandma Han

>> No.7945376

Who is that?

>> No.7945385


>> No.7945404

she has nice skin.

>> No.7945413

Go away meepy

>> No.7945414

just went to her youtube. wtf is this? so much second hand embarrassment

>> No.7945438
File: 254 KB, 1280x853, amie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one and only

>> No.7945448

Calssara <3

>> No.7945511

Forever have a girl crush on Enji.

>> No.7945595

You have shit taste.
Her cosplay is shit. Her videos are shit. Her plugsuit book is an insult to shit if I call it shit. And her personality is disgusting.

Research a few other cosplayers and you'll find that she's a shit drop in a huge pool of amazing talent.

>> No.7945608

Vampy is totally my cosplay senpai, plus she's gorgeous and has a wonderful personality.

>> No.7945676
File: 87 KB, 730x1095, 10548201_802625416437658_3086098989311466385_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7945688

her face is pissing me off

>> No.7945741

...really? She looks mediocre at best

>> No.7945745

a bit rich coming from you

>> No.7945831

The one time I watched one of meepy's vlogs she reminded me of Garth Algar.

>> No.7945918

I'm just being honest, matey. No need to be offended.

>> No.7945962
File: 135 KB, 450x675, malink_2_by_pikminlink-d5x00i7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have the biggest perpetual ladyboner for PikminLink and her cosplays, but I suppose that goes without saying by now

>> No.7946151

Megan Marie, Riddle, Heidi, Lindze. I love them sultry looking lasses.

>> No.7946197

ai honey

>> No.7946336

Boobgan Boobie, Boobdle, Boobdi, Boobze. I love them sultry looking boobies.


>> No.7946337

Me too, I wish she did porn already.

>> No.7946442

newfag here

Someone recommend me to good cosplayers? Meepy seems fine but the consensus is that shes terrible so someone inform me why?

>> No.7946444

Me. I'm the best cosplayer. You can follow my posts here on /cgl/.

>> No.7946446

Ain't nothing wrong with a nice set of titties. It doesn't hurt when they're attached to talent either.

>> No.7946638
File: 82 KB, 1200x900, derpterstrunge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite <3

>> No.7946645
File: 41 KB, 476x475, ronman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He does a great Iron Man too.

>> No.7946714

God Save the Queen Fashions and J.Hart Design are good startes. Both make amazing things and post helpful tips and tutorials.

>> No.7947005
File: 392 KB, 800x1109, resize-3181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't follow her anymore, but if you want to drool over a constant supply of cute dresses and no drama, Doxiequeen is worth watching. She makes great stuff but I'm too jelly over her neverending supplies and free time.

>> No.7947025

oooh, I love her
definitely follow her, anon

>> No.7947030

I want to find something to dislike about her, but I just can't. She's so young and talented since she has people that can and do help her, and she seems like such a little sweetheart.
I'm just mad jelly.

>> No.7947082

I commissioned God Save the Queen once like 4 or 5 years ago. They were amazing.

>> No.7947229
File: 157 KB, 570x858, 10689988_723698817699143_5672482379100662324_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could meet her one day....

>> No.7947286

She goes by Li Kovacs now

>> No.7947360

you insulted their self post, how else are they supposed to take it?

>> No.7947507
File: 106 KB, 800x1200, 1655661_607213309387577_5998409357215565927_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm obsessed with Jynx.

>> No.7947518


Now this is a fantastic genderbend. I don't even care for Darius as a character, but I love everything about the way this looks.

>> No.7947533

The thing that irks me is that she's homeschooled for a few hours a day and has the rest of the time to make anything her heart desires. She lives traveling distance to NYC's fashion district, and her parents have given her her own little sewing studio. I love her work and she's so talented, but it's hard to swallow as someone with long work hours and bills to pay.

>> No.7947541
File: 875 KB, 600x900, 942090_371161146326129_355441360_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one. She literally IS Vayne. I just can't get over how clean her work is.

>> No.7947562

ok, so?

>> No.7947586

I understand how you feel. Life sucks. I have to work hard and long and my only parent tells me to kill myself if everything I do isn't 100% perfect. Meanwhile there's this self proclaimed agender fifteen year old with more sewing talent than I could ever have because she's homeschooled with rich parents that buy her anything.

>> No.7947595


So we're discussing why we're so jelly of her mad resources and skills....? Glad you guys added so much to the conversation.

>> No.7947601


>> No.7947732
File: 185 KB, 454x435, 10154964_1564172287129684_2573074556377310298_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7947814


The self post is strong with this one

>> No.7948087

I smell selfpost.

>> No.7948091

Voldie-mort from /cgl/

>> No.7948096

lol that I have lice pose

she hot though

>> No.7948105
File: 75 KB, 480x720, 561195_390757050978019_1523732830_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My waifu.

>> No.7948106

is that... the legendary nose satsuki?

>> No.7948116
File: 48 KB, 377x960, 1689471_627424250644630_1068481697_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, plz no bully. I really find her cute.

>> No.7948129
File: 84 KB, 600x898, 10616451_716749075065622_5158683022875011401_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7948135

If the tails stuck up behind her it would look a lot nicer.

>> No.7948141
File: 1013 KB, 245x251, ohhun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7948144

agreed! that elsa costume needs to be finished. she is the elsa we need.

>> No.7948170

just gonna be honest here i posted her so people would destroy her...... yes im a bitch ok

>> No.7948311

Well then

>> No.7948426


Thanks! I'll look into both

>> No.7948434

Well, you're in /cgl/, aren't you?

This place is pretty much Mean Girls central

>> No.7948608

Korin, Temjin (Flfags represent), PikminLink, Yaya.

Probably more but those are the ones who immediately came to mind. Oh also that WoW cosplayer who used to post here, what was her trip again?

>> No.7948609


>> No.7948648


>> No.7948854

Yeah, thanks m8.
Sure she had drama but the girl can fucking sew/build

>> No.7948926

Dem thighs

>> No.7949243
File: 256 KB, 703x576, sexy cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7949257

>but not the elsa we deserve

>> No.7949265

yes, i'm aware. pikminlink still a quicker/more recognisable name though when referring to her online

>> No.7949297


>> No.7949301
File: 500 KB, 633x900, 53187-75e358bf47f8726791c36a49ee6e316e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really have one, but I guess off the top of my head, I would have to say MF.

At first I was like "this bitch is nothing special" until I noticed her thighs and now I want to find her and pay her to let me put my face in between them.
Ew no. Sexy as she is, her face and body shape are in no way suitable for my waifu.

>> No.7949303

cool. i haven't seen anything other than her satsuki. she is a cutie

>> No.7949362

i know it's inevitable sometimes, but it just makes me so uncomfortable in pictures/poses like this when you can just tell that everything's slipping out of place and there's like a full inch of space between the bodice and her actual breasts

i dunno if it's intentional or not, but like you just know she's a second away from a nip slip on her right side and i'm wincing/just really need to fix it for her

>> No.7949689

That's what happens when you lift your arms in a reinforced bodice, though. Like the pose isn't the best idea to begin with considering the structure of the garment, but it's so stiff that there's no way it would move with her body.

>> No.7949707
File: 35 KB, 900x583, 10556238_642791182502208_5272405743077815973_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like a dude with her Satsuki cosplay.

That said, AlienOrihara is the best Satsuki.

>> No.7949737

I think you CAN see a nip slip actually. There is a very distinct pink spot poking out...

>> No.7949748

oooooo she's beautiful. name?

>> No.7949752

She has the perfect body for an elin.

>> No.7949757

dats a nipple

>> No.7949833

>dat armpit stubble
>dat nip slip
You'd think with all that terrible editing on the face and contrast they could've taken two seconds to edit that shit out

>> No.7949885

Amie Lynn, probably one of the few I know who only chooses to cosplay characters from videogames they actually like.

She's the best human being I've ever met

>> No.7950234

My heart melted from how adorable her berserker Yuna cosplay was.

>> No.7950244

God damn it, why do I think she's so cute.

>> No.7950248
File: 12 KB, 620x264, misshabit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's her personality that really sold things for me, she's pretty much the first big cosplayer I met who felt down to earth and just fun to be with. I got to hang out with her back in AX'12 and she really felt like a long time friend because she was so fun to talk to, she even gave me half her Hi-Chew.

Imagine Kagura from Gintama, that's basically her.

>> No.7950253

Because she is.

>> No.7950313

>armpit stubble
Oh my god, you jelly girls will nitpick at anything, won't you? I didn't even notice it until you pointed it out and even then it's barely visible. Also, I'm pretty sure it's not stubble, most people's armpits are slightly darker than the rest of their skin.

>> No.7950316

That reminds me.

Random dude here; how do you shave and not get stubble?

Is it just female witchcraft?

>> No.7950335

Some people wax/epilate. That and female hair tends to be finer.

>> No.7950990

ok that's a great satsuki

but you can't make me unlike her no matter how much you say she is manly

>> No.7951041

It's a shame she runs with the JNig crew I hope it doesn't change her if she's cool like you say.

By the way, is she White/Asian?

>> No.7951066

This girl is awfully cute in a weird way. She makes me feel a bit cuter about having a big nose.

>> No.7951075

Pretty much this >>7950335
I'm a girl who was cursed with hair thicker than most guys' and I can never escape the stubble. For my legs I just wax instead (which suits me better anyway because my legs get horribly itchy after shaving), but I can't be bothered with that for my armpits, so I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to deal with my armpit stubble.

>> No.7951103

A mix of both iirc, she mentioned having Chinese ancestry

>> No.7951167
File: 50 KB, 500x748, 1381985801795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was posting best girl part of your plan?

>> No.7951174
File: 205 KB, 900x735, 2ade89ebde3effd9346dd3905cd27f59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm >>7948105 >>7948116

I feel happy that more people like her cosplay like >>7950244 and >>7950253

Anon, I really like her, I know many here and on /a/ like to make fun of her but I would genuinely date her.

She always pays attention to her costumes and work really hard. Also she has a cute smile.

I don't mind when people laugh at my taste but don't bully her.

>> No.7951177

>Allergic to wax
>Always going to have stubble

>> No.7951181

and she also knows her shit too she is love

i want to marry tattobot

>> No.7951206
File: 71 KB, 638x960, 1383237048544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't trying to bully, brother. Now the fire rises.
I saved this just because of her smile. Also, I'd fight you for her. you double nigger

>> No.7951221

Spoilers don't work here newfag.

>> No.7951235
File: 252 KB, 538x900, 1381540427535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't post on cgl a lot.

>> No.7951284

>but I would genuinely date her

god damn the cringe nearly paralyzed me

>> No.7951473

She probably won't have as much time if and when she starts college.

>> No.7952009

I'm not jealous of her because she seems so horribly lonely. She appears to have no friends whatsoever of her own age and she spends all day inside sewing or blogging. She's really awkward in real life in that cliche home schooled kid way. I feel bad for her. When I think of how lonely and repetitive her life of home school and secluded sewing must be I just feel so sorry for her.

>> No.7952047

Why would you like a cunt? Idgaf about her looks, she's just a massive cunt irl

>> No.7952240


>> No.7953042

I used to be a huge fangirl of hers until I saw her in person. She is the queen of shoop, and her cosplays are nowhere near as impressive up close. I hate when cosplayers do that.

>> No.7953053

dat nose tho

>> No.7953412
File: 891 KB, 610x609, 1381454717926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why but its the only big nose that is attractive to me.

>> No.7953458

Doesn't she have like a 6 year relationship going?

>> No.7953461

Yep, tatto is with the guy in >>7953053

Her boyfriend is my prop senpai.

>> No.7953468
File: 59 KB, 537x468, 1359045049153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grandma han

>> No.7953473

it's true though, why take the time to shop everything else but not the nip and armpit? it's not about having in the first place, it's being too lazy to not shoop it out

>> No.7953769
File: 95 KB, 612x612, ff43e354011c11e389dc22000aa805fd_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has the right amount of fat in all the right places.

>> No.7954450
File: 195 KB, 800x1200, IMG_20141123_100135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vampybitme, Sheena duquete cosplay, the Chu sisters

pic related of sheena

>> No.7954891

Shee shoops her face so much....

>> No.7954914
File: 254 KB, 1024x683, fire_emblem_awakening___sumia_iii_by_calssara-d7ziuzm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7954916

You can't even see her costume in that picture.

>> No.7954923

my nigga
she's adorable. fight me.

>> No.7955245
File: 175 KB, 1023x1820, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love tatto!

>> No.7955311

-2 pts for not photoshopping some wings on that horse

>> No.7955615

top fucking kek

>> No.7955620

I love her so much, she works that nose

>> No.7955623

go away tatto

>> No.7956973

Nobody's mentioned Jessica Nigri?

>> No.7957024

believe it or not dipshit people actually admire other cosplayers

>> No.7957030

>favorite cosplayer is a chink

no wonder why you hate on all the "sexy" cosplays posted here

ever see an asian chick in a sexy cosplay?
looks like a 13 year old crosplaying sailor moon

>> No.7957034

i thought she was doing porn before she got into cosplay?

thats the chick that ripped everyone off for the gamers helping gamers metal gear photo shoot and fucks married dudes at cons just to breakup marriages right?

>> No.7957043

blur tool on face

>leaves nipple and armpit hair

still would run my tongue on that pit stubble

>> No.7957045

Tbh if a married dude fucks her she's probably doing the wife a favour

>> No.7957964
File: 93 KB, 640x960, 10384461_10154798479180251_5268213850101748505_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Uncanny Megan she's fun a great artist and is even better at cosplaying Xmen characters. She's even a better bulma dbz cosplayer.

>> No.7957970
File: 194 KB, 640x960, 10480223_10154798479485251_7129534268742780386_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7958131


Atleast op can spell and isn't a racist twat

>> No.7958187

Actually she gets +2 points from me for that. Photoshopped wings would have ruined the photo.

>> No.7958189
File: 456 KB, 525x700, tumblr_mq24w0o3bS1soc2y6o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cifera, the queen.

>> No.7958191

The bottom of that dress needs to be ironed, and the make up needs less lipstick and more 'rouge'

>> No.7958206
File: 123 KB, 720x960, 1415718831939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7958245

asuka looks emaciated
cute eva bikini but NOT on her

>> No.7958390

The juiciest thighs and belly.

>> No.7958397

My thighs look like her right one does that mean i'm a fatty or that they're cute?

>> No.7958433

Let's see, anon. Post 'em, please?

>> No.7958434

They're cute anon

>> No.7958448

Yeah, that's pretty much why she opted not to. Cosplay wings would have also been uncomfortable for the horse, which is dangerous for both the rider and the animal, so she decided to go for a normal horse photo.

>> No.7958457

if you have dat gap cute

>> No.7958925

You realize she only has a gap because her feet are apart, right? She would not have it if they were together, it would be physically impossible with thighs that big.

>> No.7958928

This girl is definitely the hottest butterface I've ever seen.

>> No.7959680
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>> No.7959682
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>> No.7959689
File: 59 KB, 480x720, 10662124_657604447671580_1591437535017100661_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kana. My waifu. She doesn't know it yet though

>> No.7959691
File: 71 KB, 651x417, 10603922_655915887840436_8613156053074413752_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7959696
File: 34 KB, 513x769, 1904023_592464180852274_1824098707060764084_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7959701

When will there be a good super sonico cosplay?

>> No.7959706

I''ll fite you for her.

>> No.7960090

Pffft.. this girl is such an attention whore...I know her personally and she uses other cosplayers as her accessories and makes sure the spotlight is on her.

>> No.7960436

never gotten these vibes from her ever so idk what you are talking about?

>> No.7960440

>implying that pic related isnt good

>> No.7960514

She's a fucking cunt,
She uses the fuck out of everyone. & It really takes a lot to get on my bad side.
Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if she posted this herself

>> No.7960519

That proves you've never gotten to know her outside of maybe meeting her once at a con.

>> No.7960535

I hang out with her outside of cons, and she's never acted that way. Vendetta much?

>> No.7960576

Lol not so much. Good try.... like I said she uses and abuses her friends to get what she wants. Thats why I stopped being her friend. So unless you hang out with her for a lot of time outside a con you have no right telling me I have a vendetta... she's mean and manipulative. And judges other cosplayers with this attitude of being so much better.

>> No.7960587

You must not have anything she wants so she's being relatively sane.... girl is nuts to room with at conventions... if one little thing goes wrong she hysterically starts crying and throwing things until someone fixes it for her. I've roomed with her and have seen it.. it's crazy

>> No.7960611
File: 340 KB, 531x800, afa05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clive Lee is amazing in his mecha cosplays.
It'd be fun meeting him in costume in one of my own mecha.

>> No.7960694

never seen any of this come from her. so its coming off real vendetta how long have you known her?

>> No.7960788

around 3 years

>> No.7960987

so tell us all about it, then. you'll feel better anon

>> No.7960989

the second fucking post in this thread mentions jnig

>> No.7961016
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>> No.7961022
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>> No.7961033

Not implying, stating.

>> No.7962409

This is such a bad picture of MF. I know she's probably just trying to look like Ryuuko with that facial expression, but she just looks like she does not want to be there at all.

>> No.7962413

just looked at all the cosplays you stated..theyre all terrible..this has to be a self post...

>> No.7962419

literally who?

>> No.7962423

no not a self post i really think she's cute and does good work

>> No.7962436

You're blind then

>> No.7962503

what do you look like anon? since you talk mad shit

>> No.7962521

Not so much about looks...it's about her shit personality and crappy costumes :)

>> No.7964103
File: 109 KB, 843x1259, IMG_70889505305629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chick I met a few years back at AZ and follow her shit on Facebook. Not e-famous, just fuckable cute.

>> No.7964226

Seconding this

She doesn't even have the right buttons for her HoneyLemon cardigan
The main piece of the cosplay

>> No.7964722

I just think she looks like a 40 year old woman. And her wig isn't right for honey lemon. I let costume imperfections slide for now because a lot of people fussed their honey lemon costumes with intent on going back to update them.

>> No.7964725

I like how this list is all white or Asian. GJ seagulls.

>> No.7964734

Gawd I know, rite? And no trans cosplayers either, what shitty representation. Anyone who isn't a bigoted pig knows to keep their mental list of personal favorites split equally between all races, sexes, and gender-orientation, duh.

>> No.7964737

She doesn't look fuckable at all

>> No.7964777

To each their own.

>> No.7964779

Maybe you should post one of those.

>> No.7964788

I'm... pretty sure that was sarcasm, anon

>> No.7964789

She has the yellow fever. You don't want this.

>> No.7964883
File: 18 KB, 320x423, tmp_9678-10639544_557809871019156_1363337590655011565_n2102136400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zerggiee. She's ultra cute and says she browses /pol/

>> No.7965336

Whats her cosplay niche?

>> No.7965411

If she browses /pol/, her fans prolly consist of anti-GG folks.

>> No.7965880

I know she did a Nui cosplay with an insane wig earlier this year

>> No.7965890

I don't like watching meepy speak. Her mouth moves really awkwardly because of her teeth.

>> No.7965921 [DELETED] 
File: 2.36 MB, 1280x720, 1414541597205.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7965922 [DELETED] 
File: 612 KB, 960x540, 1414593164240.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7965923

the amount of shoop on her face is hilarious

>> No.7965937
File: 252 KB, 1200x1600, 3437249.gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7966328

>Not posting source