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File: 58 KB, 560x373, skincare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7929297 No.7929297 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't see one in the catalog, so skincare thread. Post about your routines, products you like, etc.

>> No.7929324

I like Simple's products.

>> No.7929412

why though

>> No.7929415

Because their products work for me and don't irritate my face.

>> No.7929427

What masks do people use?

>> No.7929430

I have two questions.
- Is BB cream supposed to be applied around the eyes as well?
- Are night creams supposed to be applied at night or just before going to sleep? If I want to go out at night and moisturize my face before, should I pick a day or a night cream?

>> No.7929455

my beauty diary

>> No.7929462

BB creams work the same way as foundation, so yes.
Night creams are supposed to have higher levels of hydration than day creams and they're also supposed to work better during your sleep, so if you want to go out you can pick a night or day cream without much difference [this is assuming you'd be wearing some sort of makeup and would wash it out when you go home]

>> No.7929479
File: 1.17 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought a bottle of 40% and 60% glycolic acid... Did my first peel yesterday and so far no adverse reactions but it did fucking sting. I have a decades worth of acne scars from my mom picking at my face... Sigh.

Here's to hoping the discoloration will go away. If anyone's interested in progress photos I'll be more than happy to post my results week by week here.

>> No.7929486

Make sure you moisturise well afterwards - massage and (non-comedogenic) moisture are important for scar tissue!

>> No.7929500


Definitely interested in seeing progress pics...

I have some skin discoloration as well. What has your research into glycolic peels revealed? I know nothing bout this but am very interested

>> No.7929583

Yep moisturize and sunscreen are crucial to any peels!

>> No.7929585

>my mom picking at my face
Dear God anon, I would have shot a bitch. Doing it to yourself is one thing, but to another? Fuck that and fuck her.

>> No.7929587

My mom did the same thing to my sister. Thank god she didn't try that shit on me (I didn't have much acne issues)

>> No.7929588

that's really vague thanks anon.

>I was thinking about buying but now I'm convinced

>> No.7929593

I'm sorry, haha. I didn't really know how else to answer that other than it works. It feels nice against my skin, it hasn't caused any breakouts, and it doesn't smell terrible. I use their cleansing wipes, moisturizing wash, and their toner. All three have been kind to me. I have oily skin, if it helps.

>> No.7929613

oh okay I was wondering what type of skin you had. I have dry acne prone and I've been wanting to try it but idk

>> No.7929660

okay i have a problem
my skin is really smooth and clear and I'm not at all allergic to skin care products or makeup but i used MAC foundation powder and the area around and on my nose is peeling, burning, and rough compared to the rest of my skin (very similar to a sunburn). Is it just a rash or a reaction, and how can i fix it? The rest of my skin on my face is perfectly fine, it's just that area

>> No.7929675

Suspend the usage of that foundation and try to moisturize the area. The foundation probably dried you out.

>> No.7929691

MAC foundation is shitty for my skin, had terrible results with it. itching around my nose and breakouts mostly

>> No.7929742

my skin is a lliittlleeee oily, should i use a moisturizer designed for dry type skin? Also i threw that foundation away

i had faith in it because my friends with similar skin types raved about it but this area on my face hurts so much, I'm so stunned and angry

>> No.7929753

That's why it's best to only get a sample or do a spot test.

>> No.7929770

it's fine literally everywhere else on my face and neck and erases any imperfections, it's just this ONE area, i tried a sample on my cheek. basically, i had no idea it was going to do this

>> No.7929782

Use it only on the affected area to restore the damage caused by the foundation. Products with aloe might help you.

>> No.7929794

>it just werks

>> No.7929795

I hope that's some maymay just going way over my head and not passive aggression.

>> No.7929797

ha yeah, it's /g/ cancer.

>> No.7929803

Can we have a list of unanswered posts in the OP for all the threads to come? I really liked the idea.

>> No.7929805

i didn't think to use aloe products, that might work! thank you so much anon

>> No.7929806

Thank god, these threads can bring out the worst in people.

>> No.7929808

the idea that the previous OP had* I meant
like list all the questions from the autosaging thread in the new one like before, so the anons don't have to ask again.

>> No.7929810

Yeah, could we please have a list of everything that went unanswered because people were lazy and ignorant and refused to admit that they were? That'd be great. Trying this clay mask and hoping it works.

>> No.7929815

Now that the dust has (hopefully) settled... Any suggestions on infographics? I'm fixing the fonts in the first one fwiw

>> No.7929819
File: 151 KB, 500x500, 9111285c-d915-41d2-bee1-008701631bd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to pass this along because someone recommended it to me in a thread long ago.

I LOVE this product. Made the bags under my eyes just about vanish and it can be used as a hair styling product (which is really great for my frizzy, curly hair). It also claims to be good for nail bed health although I haven't seen much of a difference yet. Got it for $10 at my local Japanese makeup store, and it goes for around the same price on Amazon or Ebay. If you have dry skin and puffy eyes, give this product a try!

>> No.7929825

would you say this is the best thing you've tried for under eye bags?

>> No.7929827

I wish I could vouch for this, but I can't. My best treatment that lightened bags was Shiseido.

>> No.7929830

how much does that usually run for? I've heard pretty good things but never got around to looking for some reason

>> No.7929837

Nature Republic (same brand as this cream) also has First Fermenting Eye Cream which reduced my under eye circles significantly.

>> No.7929841

It's $55. It isn't the most expensive eye treatment I've used, but it honestly was worth it. It took me a month with twice a day usage to run out of the jar, despite how tiny it is. I've been using it since August and I'm going back for another jar either Wednesday or Thursday. The second best I've used produced slow but actual results, which was Clinique's Even Better Eyes Dark Circle Corrector. That one is about $40. I only stopped using the Clinique because I have a preference for being able to pat my under eyes with my ring finger.

>> No.7929901

Aloe Vera poster here; how long did it take using that produce to notice a difference? I'll have to try it as well, thanks! Nature Republic hasn't failed me yet.

>> No.7929904

Shit lol, fudged my reply.

>> No.7929906

I think I may have mild rosacea. I notice that the redness stops in a perfect line across where my nasolabial folds would be, so it looks like I have puffy grandma cheeks. I try to cover it with concealer, but it usually gets oily and fades back. I always thought I just had fat cheeks, but I just recently realized that that I don't even have a crease, it's just redness causing the illusion.
Should I go to a derm and try to get it checked out? Is there some over the counter thing I cam try first?

>> No.7929923

I have skin that only dries out really badly during the winter. During the summer months it stays well hydrated.
I don't drink a lot of soda/coffee/tea and drink close to 2 liters of water a day.
Even if I use lotion every day, my skin still dries out and itches until I scratch myself to the point of bleeding.
Any ideas?

>> No.7929926

You could try vitamin e products or aloe. Laniege makes a nice night mask for hydration.

>> No.7929927

do you moisturize? also please don't do that anon, it's bad for your skin :c the scratching i mean

>> No.7929929

I was going to suggest Clinique's redness solutions, but you should probably see a dermatologist first.

>> No.7929931

I didn't actually notice anything until I finished the tub because I forgot to look, I'm that particular brand of stupid where I kind of mechanically do things without thinking as to why. There must have been some earlier on, but only when I finished the tub did I actually go "Wait a minute... My dark circles are nearly gone! I knew there was something different!"

>> No.7929935

Oh and another thing: one thing that rustles my jimbobs when it comes to skincare is that the differences are sometimes so subtle that I'm constantly questioning whether there's some actual change or I'm going insane.

>> No.7929944

Thanks for the suggestion!

I try not to but the urge gets so bad. I use a moisturizing lotion from aveeno.

>> No.7929948

I know, but I can't pretend that just because something is from Asia that nothing I have bought over here works and works well. Too many people already do that and it's annoying.

>> No.7929954

Oh, no didn't mean it that way. Was just an FYI related to the topic and brand, I mostly use western pharmacy cosmetics myself.

>> No.7929955

It may not be strong enough if you're still suffering. From my experience, Aveeno products tend to be used by aged women with menopausal, dry skin. I'm sure it may work for younger girls, but their target demographic seems to be older women and you may need something different.

>> No.7929957

Oh, shit. Okay. I thought it was one of the weeaboo things and I'm here like god damn it, no, not again. I do enjoy some Korean skin care products, but I've disliked when these threads turn into nothing but weebs pushing Asian products by virtue that they're Asian, even when Western options exist.

>> No.7929985

would you swear by this stuff? aa in do you think it would work for generally everybody? I'm only asking because $55 is not a big dent to the wallet but it's money all the same

>> No.7929993

But the reason "They're shit works better" is because in Korea they have less stringent regulations, and the market place is much more competitive. If you see two drug store products on the shelf and one has a better price for the same ingredients, you go for the cheaper one. If one has better ingredients and is cheaper, then it's a no brainer.
Also, pale as fuck girls like me have no where else to go but to either the Korean products or to fork over a first born.

>> No.7930005

I don't really have a choice, because it DID work for me. I need to go by more this week, so I do think it would work. In the past, prior to Clinique and Shiseido (aka the only ones to have worked), I have used..

>The Body Shop's Vitamin E Eye Cream
>Yes to Blueberries Eye Treatment
>Mizon's Snail Repair Eye Cream
>Etude House's Moistfull Eye Cream

Those didn't do anything for me and all claim to have things for dark circles. I've seen reviews where those products work for others, and that's great, but they didn't work for me.

I'm part Asian and I already know the pale girl gig, but this hasn't been an issue for me. I don't know where this is coming from with everyone.

>> No.7930033

It's not all that many people really, just a handful. I was lurking in the other couple threads looking into their suggestions because I have all the same skin things as them.

I was trying to figure why nothing was working for my under eyes, and I realized it's not because of lack of sleep or anything, it's just because my skin is super fragile. Maybe it's the same for you?

>> No.7930038

>Maybe it's the same for you?

Das it mane. My Mom has this shit and you can see her veins, under her fucking eyes. She gave that shit to me. My Father's side is Italian/Asian and they're all fucking brown with the exception of my Grandmother. You can't see anything.

>> No.7930144

I've developed some gnarly acne in the past few months. I think it's because I stopped taking birth control. The last time I had an acne issue, I used the Proactiv three step system and it cleared my skin up just fine. This time around, not so much luck. So I'm going to take a natural approach. I want to cleanse my face/remove my makeup using extra virgin olive oil, exfoliate with baking soda, tone with apple cider vinegar (diluted in water) and Simple moisturizer. I also want to do DIY treatments and masks. Maybe a chemical-free route will clear my skin up finally.

>> No.7930151


Ugh, I remember my Mom ordering that for me in high school and it did nothing. It worked for my cousin and cleared her acne up completely. An ex of mine, it just worsened his. Skin is some voodoo shit and highly individualized.

Olive oil, I was told, would clog. You could use jojoba. Coconut works for SOME people, but others get clogged by it. Please don't make the mistake of doing lemon-sugar masks, I beg of you. You could try witch hazel as a toner, if it helps. Tea tree is good for acne, yet harsh to some people.

>> No.7930163

Thanks, anon, I'll keep your suggestions in mind!

>> No.7930180

You could try cucumber juice on your face or even drinking lots of cucumber water. I've noticed that once I began to take more soy, salmon, cucumber water, and blueberries into my diet my skin became less and less prone to doing this shit where it would flare up and get red.

>> No.7930188

Make sure when you cleanse your skin that whatever you're using (be it olive oil or otherwise) has the right pH level, or else your skin can get really out of whack.

Seconding other anon, olive oil can be comodogenic for some people. If you want oil, I'd suggest heading over to skincareaddiction on reddit. They like their oil cleansing and can probably recommend one that's better than olive oil. Tea tree oil is also pretty good as a spot treatment for acne but you have to be careful not to apply too much.

I've heard oatmeal is good as a mask for calming & soothing skin. Perhaps try that?

I have this shit going on under my eyes too. Right now I'm using Mizon Returning Starfish but I don't see much of an effect. Do you use the whitening eye cream or the wrinkle cream?

>> No.7930190

>returning starfish



I use the white lucent cream. I also use the face wash and the day cream from that brand. They're very good.

>> No.7930198
File: 12 KB, 300x300, $_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES! The name is pants-on-head stupid but the packaging is so fucking cute that I bought it anyway.

I'll have to try the white lucent cream then. I got a sample of the wrinkle cream and liked it, but I don't need wrinkle help (yet).

>> No.7930201

I'm not 100% sure as I'm fairly new to this myself but definitely make sure to keep up with a 1/4 tsp of sunscreen on your face because the glycolic acid makes your skin extra sensitive to sun damage! (ofc sunscreen prevents scarring anyway so you're probably applying it already but always good to be sure)

>> No.7930203

lmfao disregard I should have read the thread properly!
Best of luck op!

>> No.7930207

The jar is tiny as fuck, but it lasted a full month for me. I was using it twice a day. The size may be alarming at first.

>> No.7930222

I've heard pretty bad things about using baking soda on your face, apparently it screws up your acid mantle and creates an environment for bacteria (and acne) to flourish. I've read it mostly on skincare addiction, I know...
but the studies referenced seem pretty legit.

I've been using apple cider vinegar and having great luck with it though! And I've recently tried a sample of paula's choice (I know she's awful but if it works...) and had similarly good luck with it!

Unfortunately though immediately the day before my period I've had a massive breakout. So I still have a long way to go. But yeah, maybe avoid the baking soda and take a look at tea tree oil or a cheapo clay mask with gentle physical exfoliation via a cloth or sponge?

>> No.7930275

Does anyone have any recommendations for a gentle exfoliant for someone on roaccutane? I used to use a brush but it doesn't have a sensitive head available and I don't really want to replace the whole damn thing for six months.

UK based, super oily skin (still although I'll probably have my dosage upped at the beginning of next month). I can't use anything Simple, it makes my face explode like nothing else, but willing to try anything else.

>> No.7930285

I use a konjac sponge with my regular cleanser. It's gentler than a brush by far. The only problem is that you have to replace it fairly often (about every 2 months). Ecotools has one that's around 3 pounds and you can get it at Ulta if you have one near you. If not, amazon also has them. Boscia has a really nice one for $15 that I'd highly recommend, but the price is pretty steep for something you have to replace on a consistent basis. I'm currently using one from Missha that's super gentle and wonderful, and it was about $7.

>> No.7930286

What about..


>> No.7930316

A friend of mine swears by that one and while her skin isn't the best, I've definitely noticed a huge improvement since she started using it. She's actually the one that turned me on to konjac sponges in the first place.

>> No.7930326

I posted this back in spring and wanted to post again.. At my Asian supermarket, these run about $5 to 7 per bottle. The maker of the product is Kracie and the product itself is called Naive.

The peach one is noted to be for all skin types.

The aloe one is for sensitive skin.

There's a white rose one for moisture and whitening. I use this one and I am oily skinned.

The green tea one is best for oily and acne prone skins.

The pomegranate one is for all skin types, but best used on skin that is mature or experiencing first signs of aging.

There are other washes from this line, but my store doesn't carry them.


>> No.7930330

1. Your whole routine still has chemicals in it, and really harsh ones too. I think you are going to irritate the fuck out of your skin with that routine.
2. As everyone has mentioned, olive oil can be very comedogenic
3. Physical exfoliation on skin already irritated by acne could make it all worse. I would consider using those chemicals that you seem so anti about - I like salicylic acid and lactic acid for my face.
4. Sun protection!
5. Have you considered using aloe Vera gel with tea tree oil in it as a moisturiser?

>> No.7930331

puffy face and eyes what do help please. i'm unable to purchase any new products atm but i got a lot of natural oils at my disposition

>> No.7930482

We don't have Ulta in the UK as far as I know and Boots carries ecotools but not konjac sponges. I'll have a look around online and see what I can turf up. Thanks!

>> No.7930514
File: 28 KB, 300x300, 300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using this for my toner but it will be running out soon so I'm wondering what I should be purchasing next. It's my first toner so I don't have anything to compare to and I'm not sure how well it works. Everyone talks about witch hazel but I was wondering if anyone has used pic related and could tell me if they've found anything better or if there's just some magic toner that everyone loves.
Skin is pretty normal but I get a super oily nose and a build up of skin/dirt in certain areas.

>> No.7930537

Eh, for some things I can see why. Innisfree has that one compact that has nothing that will clog your pores and uses silica instead of talc, I'm all over that shit because any other powder breaks me out. Same with biore sunscreen and MBD masks.
Most western sunscreens I tried were greasy and there was this one that I used to use but recently when I put it on I get these tiny bumps all over my face. I guess it depends on the product, but for that price they certainly can have really good skincare stuff (not that sure about makeup since most Asian makeup was kinda shit to me)

>> No.7930544

Depends in the night cream. Sometimes the only real difference is the lack of SPF (which you wouldn't want at night, especially if there will be flash photography) and sometimes a night cream is super thick and goopy and would look ridiculous under makeup. Generally I'd wear the day cream for going out unless it has a white cast.

>> No.7930568
File: 90 KB, 500x500, cicaplast-crema-reparatoare-40ml-la-roche-posay-500x500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been using this Paula's Choice AHA... It was the Daily 5% one and I didn't use it every day even, but after a while I noticed that my cheeks and nose started to hurt and I broke out.
I had a tube of pic related from before so I put it on and holy shit, my whole face started burning and I turned beet red. I just applied my moisturiser over it and went to bed.
Next morning I wake up and the redness and hurting were gone, the acne had disappeared aside from the few troublesome ones and my skin wasn't as bumpy as I thought. The red face and burning continued for a few more days and after that it felt like regular cream. Now my skin's thankfully back to normal. Thank you based LRP.

>> No.7930569

Just a rule of thumb but clinique only puts $.09 of every dollar into their product and the rest in to marketing. It is a pretty shit tier overpriced product when compared to others.

Source, i work in a dermatologist office and get many pharmaceutical reps every week and get to test all the samples on patients.

>> No.7930571

Source; It worked for me and so has their other things. I don't really know what to tell you.

>> No.7930576

Glad it did, but it is a fairly poor product for high price. Especially the clinique men products.

>> No.7930596

to be fair "men's" products are just shitty marketing in general for poor autistics who are too insecure to use normal products because they're "4 girlz", I thought you knew that. Clinique is no different from any other brand in that sense.

>> No.7930605

There is some difference in what is optimal for a male face as opposed to a female face given in regards to consistent facial shaving. But yes i agree 99%

>> No.7930849

I wish I could get my boyfriend to start using skincare products by just painting the bottles black and navy and changing the name to something more manly. His skin is so ridiculously dry and flaky that he looks like a lizard and in the winter it sometimes cracks and bleeds. He complains about it but refuses to use moisturizer because idk skincare is icky? A few days ago I smeared some Decubal stuff on his nose because the flakiness was killing me and it improved his skin significantly in just a day. He still won't use the stuff himself. Whyyyy

>> No.7930859

iktf, just smear stuff on his face when hes otherwise busy.

>> No.7930883

Simple products really fucked my face up.

>> No.7930888

put it on his face while he sleeps.

Honestly, I'd tell him that he's not allowed to complain about cracks and bleeding unless he does something about it. Your skin is the largest organ in your body and you have to take care of it same as anything else.

>> No.7930925

my husband has the BIGGEST pores in the world and the DIRTIEST, OILIEST skin that I have ever seen yet the daft spacker (and I say that with love) won't use any skin products because "why should I lol". He just doesn't take his appearance seriously at all and is so bloody proud of it, I mean he goes to work in a wrinkled shirt that he sleeps in and when I try to explain that there's such a thing as basic etiquette he pulls the teenage slag card and goes "only Lord can judge me idc xD".
All three of my brothers are the same, they go out in the sun and return looking like turnips but the sole mention of skincare and sunblock gets them pulling faces.
Fucking... men. Ugh.

>> No.7930939


>> No.7930947

.. Alright, see, this is part of the reason why these threads always go to the shitter. You guys are allowed to have your opinions, obviously, but I don't see how all of you fail to see how passive aggressive your posts can come off. There's always someone feeling the need to nitpick or say something contrary, seemingly for the sake of, even when a person stated nothing wrong with their routine.

I thought we've covered many times that what works for one girl isn't going to work for another, and if you find it to be shit, then so be it. However, how you all word things and what you choose to be contrary towards needs a little work. This is part of the reason why questions go unanswered and people don't feel as comfortable in these threads.

>OMG prices
>omg ew its lush
>AMG ew pc
>fuk chemikuls
>fuk naturull

Just.. Guys. Really. I don't know if you don't realize you're doing it or if some of you just enjoy being condescending, but it helps no one.

Not mad. Really. Just feeling nauseous today and this is something I thought we were past.

>> No.7930990
File: 16 KB, 450x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somhow I got suckered into buying an exfoliator from one of the mall kiosk guys, but somehow it works amazingly well. It's called vivo per lei exfoliating gel and it cleared my mild acne up in a week and a half, or four treatments. It's stupidly expensive on their online shop, but you can find it on amazon for like $15 dollars. I wasn't sure how I'd like it, but I really do love it.

>> No.7931000

Oddly enough, burt's bees men's products are really good. They smell amazing. I hate burts bees stuff in general, but I like their men's line.

>> No.7931007

this is the most condescending post of the whole thread, I don't know if that was intentional but conversations about products should be encouraged, if people feel uncomfortable on a chinese cartoons image board about frilly dresses and dressing up as chinese cartoon characters then they have bigger problems than their acne and blotchy dry skin

>> No.7931011

>dead sea minerals
I swear they're everywhere. There's a bunch of stands in my local mall too and they usually pester you to death, not sure if it's the same brand but all the dead sea [insert name] cosmetics here are run by literal >j00s (Israelis) who prey on old women.

Poor lads, I once actually stopped to talk to one of them and he said they're forced to do what they do best and shill, otherwise they don't get paid at all. They're apparently told it's a vacation and then threatened with shady shit once they arrive to their destination.
Still wouldn't buy any of it because of the price, but I'm glad to hear it at least works. For what they charge, it ought to.

>> No.7931013

Oh hey actually, I've been wondering why everyone in these threads are so against Lush? I've always had pleasant experiences when I go in, and they give me free lipstick on my birthday. Like..is there something in their products that's bad for you?

>> No.7931014

But, you didnt even understand the context.. I'm explaining that these threads often go to shit or people seek help elsewhere and you guys get a bad rep because of how condescending people in here can be. If people don't feel comfortable asking you for advice, how do you expect to help anyone? How does if help people to draw an imaginary line between those who use everything else and only those who use what you personally approve of? I really don't understand why this is so difficult to see. I don't understand why people just blindly deny any sort of cliquey nature within these. You're on /cgl/; If you've never been in these threads in the past, someone ALWAYS gets defensive. Someone ALWAYS condescends.

If you don't like to help, why are you here?

>> No.7931021

iirc people in this thread hate Lush because of their whole "chemikuls r bad >:(" schtick while their own products contain harsher and more potentially irritating ingredients than any of the stuff they're so vehemently against. Their scrubs in particular.
Still, every brand has its good and bad products and for all the hate Clearasil, Neutrogena, Clean & Clear etc get they have some good things as well.

>> No.7931022
File: 2.33 MB, 4320x3240, IMG_1681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get rid of back acne and the discoloration, I just want to go swimming again without feeling self conscience.

>> No.7931027

You do rugby?
What helped me with sweat-induced bacne was this long exfoliating towel thing (got mine off iherb) + Le Petit Marseillais body milk for whatever reason. And of course sweating less, changing undergarmets etc.

>> No.7931030

I think you're reading too much into this, one person says they like x product another person says x product didn't work for them - what's the big deal? if people don't feel comfortable anonymously asking anonymous people for help on the internet, then it's their own problem, especially when they're asking those people for their opinions on products. everyone's skin reacts differently, which is why it's important that we get as many viewpoints as possible.

>If you don't like to help, why are you here?
I could ask the same to you, but this is all anonymous, so I don't know if you've helped or not, and you don't know if I've helped or not. no one is on this thread to insult anyone else, if it feels that way then it's best to take a step back and think about things in a better perspective.

>> No.7931037

I'm not reading too much into something I've witnessed over and over again. I even said in my first post, had you read, that people can have their opinions and no one is saying they can't. I stated that its how they are worded, which tends to cause shit. And, yes, it often does.

>> No.7931046

I managed to haggle it down to $40 and I'm actually glad I bought it. The guy selling was a student I'm assuming got pulled into the pyramid scheme. I'm going to order from Amazon now though because it's cheaper and doesn't condone guerrilla marketing. It doesn't really exfoliate in a traditional sense, but whatever it does takes care of hormonal cyst acne I get, takes care of the peeling skin I have in my t-zone that nothing else worked on, and makes my skin absorb moisturizer really well.

>> No.7931099

Mainly because of the scent. Lush products can be harsh on some people because they're scented.

>> No.7931146

I didn't get a condescending vibe from it?

>> No.7931707

I was told that modern anti aging creams are designed to work best on skin that has not yet begun to wrinkle. It may be true. I've used them on and off since my teens and I don't have any crows feet or forehead wrinkles forming yet.

>> No.7931714


If you have a whole lot of money or become a student at a cosmetology center which teaches skin care; I fully recommend microdermabrasion twice a month for about 6 months. By the end of the 6 months, you will notice a visible reduction in all scarring EXCEPT pocket scarring (icepick scars.) It didn't get rid of the few icepick scars on my face but it erased most all the almost brown scars, white raised ones, and those nasty reddish purple scars.

>> No.7931719


That being said, I have a medical condition that makes me susceptible to bacterial infections, thus I get both body acne (acne is a bacterial) and, the problematic one, staph and flesh eating boils.

I've been using the non antibacterial Dial liquid soap at my doctor's recommendation, it has been working wonderfully. Suds up with it WELL then rinse a good five to ten minutes. The non antibacterial is kind of hard to find.

>> No.7931760
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Need serious help. I hit the benzoyl too hard and popped it. What can I do for damage control.

>> No.7931764


Warm compresses, retin-a

>> No.7931813

Has anyone had experience with oil cleansing? I've beenreally frustrated with my skin lately, but I'm reluctant to spend even more money on expensive oils. I've just started today using extra virgin olive oil because I actually had that kek

>> No.7931837

I've been meaning to try this as well. My best friend uses safflower oil and her skin is fucking perfect, so I might try that.

>> No.7932332

Sounds like a keeper

>> No.7932394

>they go out in the sun and return looking like turnips but the sole mention of skincare and sunblock gets them pulling faces
Ugh this. I'll admit I'm more into skincare than the average person and I don't expect people to be as enthusiastic/obsessed about it as I am, but it really busts my chops when people act like the entire concept is ridiculous. Last summer two of my friends went to the beach and came back looking like lobsters and whining about how ouchy their booboos were. When I talked about sunblock and soothing aftersun products with aloe vera they looked at me like I was a nutcase preaching the benefits of tinfoil hats. They were still peeling like onions a week later but lel it can't be helped rite?
I'm secretly really looking forward to twenty years from now when my skin will probably still be relatively nice and theirs will look like shit.

Sage for ranting.

>> No.7932414

I use macademia or jojoba oil and then a gentle foaming cleanser to remove makeup and it works really well for my slightly dry skin. Olive oil broke me out but it works really well for some people. The oils I use aren't special cleansing oils or anything and they're quite cheap from my local health food store.

>> No.7932437


>> No.7932438
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Holy shit this

>tfw past 30 I'll be the only hot one left because I stayed inside all day while the rest of these sluts baked on the beach and chugged thousands of calories worth of cheap alcohol.

>> No.7932511

So I'm in need of advice. I really have yet to find a skin are routine that really works for me. I have dehydrated skin that's easy to dry out, but also certain products can give me these under skin pimples that if I treat enough will go away but ALWAYS leave dark spots. What's weird is that is a problem that's just developed this year, I've never had anything that left marks before. Anyone have similar skin that can recommend a routine or some products? I hate that my dehydrated skin makes makeup look crappy.

>> No.7932800

Seagulls, please help me fade my acne marks faster. My pimples heal quickly, but the red marks left behind stick around for a long time.

I eat a healthy diet, drink lots of water, and use cocoa butter enriched with vitamin E. I don't know what else to do.

>> No.7932806

>I have a decades worth of acne scars from my mom picking at my face
My mom did this to me as a teen, but she also got at my back and other parts of my body. Truth be told I never learned any good skincare habits. Now I have this compulsion to pick whenever I see a clogged pore. I know it's not something I should be doing, but it's like I can't stop myself.

In any event, I too have scars and discoloration, but I still have acne and some active scabs from picking.
Are acid peels only recommended for when your acne stops, or can you use them while there's acne on your face?
I ask because I don't think my acne will ever go away, it really didn't even when I was taking antibiotics. My mom is in her 50s and even she still has acne.

>> No.7932828

I use both AHA and BHA peels on active acne, but not picked at acne/open skin

>> No.7932841

I'll wait for the skin to heal then, but oh man...this is going to be really difficult for me. I suppose I can lay off picking while I wait for the order to be mailed I suppose.

>> No.7932845

Might be the wrong thread for something like this, but my hands get super dry when I work. I've tried standard creams, Johnson's, Olay, but none of them work. Any suggestions?

>> No.7932851

It's the right thread, anon!
I use Nature Republic's Lilac hand cream and the Nivea in a tin (not sure if it'll be the same if you're in the US).

>> No.7932893

I feel you anon.

>> No.7932905

I never thought about using the can Nivea.
Does the lilac smell nice or like old ladies?

>> No.7932913

Smells nice, I really like it.

>> No.7932946

Posted my question in the make up thread accidently haha. Do you have any recommendations for chemical exfoliants? I've never used them before and read that they're supposed to be better than physical ones. Preferably something for sensitive skin.

>> No.7932954

Alpha Hydrox has some, and St Ives has 5% AHA lactic pads but they contain fragrance. Paula's Choice also sells many, but you decide if the price is worth it.

>> No.7932963

Wouldn't it be fun to post pictures of our skincare items? I'd love to see other anons' collections!!

>> No.7932967

Oh nice, I'll get all my products out now and take a big pic haha give me a few minutes

>> No.7933002
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I don't know if this is a redundant tip or not but in case anyone doesn't know. You can save tons of money on expensive vitamin e cream etc by just buying the cheap capsules, puncturing them, and using that on your skin instead. Really good for when you do microdermabrasion, etc.

>> No.7933021
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Here! Blue arrows are seagull recommendations, and I recommended the ACO cream before on here too.
Thanks for improving my skin, guys!

>> No.7933035

I actually didn't know that. That's gonna save me so much money on cream. Good star, anon~

>> No.7933037

I hate you too, mobile.

>> No.7933059

i recently got my hair chopped off, and I've been noticing more pimples on the areas where my hair now lands, near my jaw/cheek, and my neck, where I've never had acne before, but now it's pretty noticeable. I'm thinking it might be because of my shampoo and conditioner, do you guys have any recommendations? I was thinking something more natural would help, but if someone has experience I'd appreciate it!

>> No.7933151

Thank you, probably going to try Alpha Hydrox for now.

>> No.7933217

it might be because of your hair, but you are not necessarily using a bad shampoo/conditioner combo (unless your hair feels unnaturally oily, then yes, you probably need to change it). try to prevent your hair from touching your face as much as possible, at least when you do not care about having your hair styled.

>> No.7933219

Try Organix brand if you live in the US. My hair holds dirt and grease easily, and Herbal Essences was just exasperating my acne problem. I switched to Organix Cherry Blossom (because I'm weeb trash) and it works great. I'm assuming the other types would help, too, but I'm in love with Cherry Blossom. It makes me dream of blushus and senpais.

>> No.7933278

I'm from the western EU and we have Organix here, too! I use the coconut one and it's great.
Can't say anything about acne, though. I agree with >>7933217 about keeping it out of your face as much as possible.

>> No.7933535

To fade the marks your best bet is to wear a correct amount of sunscreen and exfoliate with AHAs. I've been pretty nervous to try ahas because of the increased chance of sun damage after if you aren't careful, so I have not specific recs. But any exfoliation, esp chemical, should help fade those marks anon.

And on the vitamin side, vitamin c topically and orally is supposed to help but vitamin c serums are so finicky that it may not be worth it for you.

>> No.7935020


I just realized that I'm retarded and am still under my Dad's healthcare plan which includes going to a dermatologist, thanks for the advice though.

Also, got any recommendations on lotion for a face with facial hair, and a tiny bit of acne?

>> No.7935346
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I feel you anon. I've had back acne for 6 years and I'm a girl. It sucks so fucking much. I'm 19 and on birth control but if I don't see an improvement I'm planning to go on accutane even though I've been really resistant thus far (acne on my face isn't so bad). I've tried everything but. Good luck

>> No.7935659
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Has anyone bought any of these?
If so how were they and do you think they worked? If so on what?

>> No.7935663

I tried a pack I got from PinkyParadise with my order of contacts. It felt nice on my skin and was cooling, but I don't think it did anything else. It could be that you have to use them daily to see results or something.

I think you'd be better off just getting a nice eye cream tbh.

>> No.7935703

Does anyone have any recommendation for anti-aging eye creams? I used to squint a lot from not having glasses as a child and now Im 18 and starting to get slight crows feet and some noticable undereye wrinkles.
I did this when I got a oil burn on my arm.
No longer there.
It got better for me once I started washing my hair first then my body, that way dirt and soap from your hair wont sit in/on your pores.
I use to do it randomly before but now that I do it this way its much better for me.Rinsing off with cold water helps too since it closes your pores. Also moisturize too!
I kind of want to try that now.
Do you have any before and after pictures if you dont mind?
Woah thanks!

>> No.7935713

I've gotten them as gratis. Agree with >>7935663 on the eye cream. Remember actual collagen molecules are too large to penetrate the skin, so the use of collagen in a topical product like this is for marketing purposes only. The eye masks are nice moisturizers but that's all.

>> No.7935751

where did you buy them? considering doing peels too after years of the most annoying scars

>> No.7935794

Good luck to you too, maybe one day we will both have beautiful backs.

>> No.7936340

Another compulsive skin picker here. I learned that using one of those "blackhead" tools doesn't scar unless it's an under skin pimple. I use it to clear large sebaceous filaments and it works well.

>> No.7936700

I recently had an iud inserted and the weather is a lot warmer as a result my skin has worsened I have black heads and small pimples all on my t-zone and under my chin with a few larger pimples on my cheeks. I have combination skin with a slight discolouration around my cheeks at the moment.

Since my skin has gotten quite bad I think it's time to remedy this completely and I was wondering if someone could help me work out a revised skincare routine to sooth this issue. The only thing is all products must be animal cruelty free.

>> No.7936721

I also have eye bags.

>> No.7936736

All this jelly.

>> No.7936739

>dat waist
fug I feel fat asfuck now ;_;

>> No.7936743

Does this dudes stuff check out?
>btw I'm a dude btw

>> No.7936891

Does anybody remember the name of that charcoal scrub/wash that you guys have recommended before for blackheads?

>> No.7936898

I got some Organix and tried it out today, it smells so nice, and hopefully I'll notice some change in the next couple weeks! I've been trying to keep my hair away from my face too, especially at home.
Thanks for the suggestions, guys!

>> No.7937038

>"you need"
>get this, buy that
If he formulated it to sound less demanding and more along the lines of "this helped me, I'm putting it out there in case it helps you, too" it would have been fine. Everyone's skin is different, but he sounds like your average /fit/izen who thinks me=the world so I'm not surprised.

>> No.7937100

I'd trade having no acne for gaining like 50lbs in a heartbeat.
Having this skin has wreaked such havoc on my self esteem and reduced the quality of my life so tremedously (social anxiety, avoidance, developed compulsive skin picking habits, etc) that losing weight would seem so easy compared to dealing with this. I feel like there's no way out other than destorying my gastrointestinal system/liver by taking Accutane or just waiting a few more years and hope it clears up.

>> No.7937205

You may have a food intolerance or nutrient deficiency. I suggest looking into that before starting Accutane, since you seem open to alternatives.

>> No.7937213

How often do you guys cleanse your skin? I'm trying out only cleansing at night and just washing with water in the morning, but (mentally) it feels weird to go out without a 'clean' face.

>> No.7937277

What do you guys use for spf protection? Currently I'm using Juice Beauty's SPF 30 Oil-Free Moisturizer since all of the other sunscreens I've tried left my face irritated.

>> No.7937298

im a dude is there something not gay i can use for my face?

Live at home and my dad really hates gay and effeminate things.

>> No.7937333

>non-gay skin products

Just use whatever. Tell your dad that what you use will be worth it to get nice skin to fuck chicks. Bitches love nice skin.

>> No.7937348

just rip off the label maybe?
Cetaphil is pretty normal looking and it's gentle. My boyfriend uses that.
Idk what's wrong with your skin though, gotta give us more than that...

>> No.7937351

I actually have ok skin. Maybe some blackheads on my nose. I don't really breakout at all anymore. And maybe I'd like smoother skin.

>> No.7937356

As long as a bottle of moisturizer doesn't jump on your dick and start suckin, I think you're fine anon

>> No.7937357

Nivea, cerave, cetaphil, and similar brands have very neutral packaging and have been well received by others. Looking for "utilitarian"/older brands will also help you out a fair bit. For example- Kiehl's has a variety of products, a men's line included, and all of them are in very simple no nonsense containers. I don't believe they're scented either.

All of those brands have moisturizers, sunscreens, and cleansers which are necessary to having healthy skin and a young face! Be careful of cetaphil cleanser tho because the formula looks and feels just like cum tbh, and I think that would be counter to you/your dad's no homo lifestyle.

Hope that helps bro

>> No.7937364

oh thank you anon, I had no idea. I will be buying some bottles.

I think it would only count if i started sucking dick after using it.

>> No.7937372

My back's been looking like that for 10 years now. I would never take accutane for it though because it might fuck you up. I've noticed that my back gets better when I stop eating dairy products.

>> No.7937419

I'll trade your backne for my buttcne. You think you have problems before, oh boy, having pimples all over your ass is even worse.

>> No.7937593

I started getting it when I was 13 ;___; it got better at some point when I took Yaz, but when my dermatologist said I should try another brand, it came right back full force. I'm on Yaz again but it's definitely not working the same way, I'm just less oily overall which is nice.

I have buttne too now :( Started getting it 2 years ago.

>> No.7937627

Scrub your butt better

>> No.7937678

I like the way you word, it's soothing.
Gonna go full Shinji Hikari and say 'like a mother'

>> No.7937839

I am in need of some help please ;___;

I have REALLY sensitive skin, I am allergic to most makeup products (to shorten this their chemical ingredients and some natural additives).
Though with all of this I have very clear and smooth skin. (I am of Chinese ethnicity so I rarely suffer from acne). But I want to get into makeup, I'm not sure if this is the right thread to ask but what are the best makeup lines for extra sensitive/very sensitive skin please?

>> No.7937860

It's one of my many qualities, such as my good looks, calm temper and healthy liver.

>> No.7937899
File: 108 KB, 640x480, chemical burn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you've never heard about glycolic peels I highly recommend you do your own research. I've been using a 10% glycolic cream for a year so my face is prepped to handle higher percentages. If you aren't careful, you will give yourself chemical burns and look like pic related; this was done with a 35% glycolic peel.

I think it runs in the family... It wasn't just my mom, but my cousins had this insatiable urge to pop all my pimples. My aunt has schizophrenia and attempted acupuncture on her own face (please don't ever do this. she lost a lot of nerves and sensation and is permanently scarred) and tried to do it on me too
>sorry for the horrifying childhood bit

No problem! It's good to mention anyways, since some people seem interested in glycolic peels too

How bad is your acne? If you have small pimples here and there it should be fine. Any more and you will be putting yourself in more pain as they will cause ALL of them to turn into heads and pop all at once. If you want to do spot treatments, look into getting glycolic creams at a lower percentage and dabbing them on your breakouts.


>> No.7937912
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Here are the products I am using

>Sweet Bee Magic Cream
This stuff is amazing. It uses organic products and has natural healing properties that help with any type of skin issue. I have incredibly oily skin and it has not caused me to break out, but every skin type is different. I've been using this before and after using ANY glycolic products and it has reduced any redness and pain caused from the acid

>Skin Obsession 40% and 60% Glycolic Peel
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do your own research before purchasing this. You do need to prep your face with alcohol and baking soda or else you will burn your face. You must use sunscreen and a moisturizer with this (I use sweet bee magic)

>Reviva 10% Glycolic Acid Cream
I prepared my face for heavier peels by using this. I was able to tolerate the stinging just fine, but it burned my mom's skin and caused scars. I started with a thin layer once a week and then gradually moved onto 3-4 times a week. After my face was able to handle it once a day, I moved onto the actual peels. It has definitely improved the TEXTURE of my skin, but has done nothing with the redness. I'm on my second tub

>Philosophy's Purity Face Wash
>Shiseido Face Brush
I don't use my hands to wash my face, and the brush is SUPER soft and does not irritate my skin. This in conjunction with birth control has stopped my acne completely

You NEVER exfoliate when doing chemical peels. Since I'm familiar with glycolic acid, I'm going to attempt my second peel of 40% tomorrow (normally you'd do it every 3 weeks)

>> No.7937927

I believe you wear a night cream while your skin rests at night to heal/whatever.

>> No.7938042

Holy shit, really considering one of those brushes, the price is so good compared to that Clarisonic one I was thinking about buying. Does anyone else have experiences with it?
I'm desperate for a good exfoliator, and have been considering using a brush/cleanser combo instead of the exfoliating scrubs, I think theyre causing more harm than good.

>> No.7938047

I can personally vouch for using salicylic acid peels with active acne. Had horrible acne on my cheeks that wouldn't go away but disappeared with peels and never came back. Now I just have scarring to deal with.

>> No.7938751
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It's been one week since I did my first peel. I had it on for 6 minutes before I started feeling the burning sensation. I did not experience any peeling or flaking but I have noticed my skin is incredibly sensitive to light and heat. I've been applying sunscreen periodically throughout the day. I'm going to try for 7-8 minutes for my second peel today

>> No.7938839

I have massively sensitive skin too, what ingredients are you allergic to? I know a lot of people dislike cosdna, but it's good for situations like yours. Sephora has a really nice return policy (30 days) so if something bothers you, you can take it back. Have you tried tarte or obsessive compulsive cosmetics? Both are more natural and occ has nice formulation. Other than that, mica is what more natural companies use to add pigment to eyeshadows and such, so you can try that.

>> No.7938850

>I know a lot of people dislike cosdna
man fuck those people. I have really sensitive skin and it helped me 100%. CosDNA is awesome if you know how to read it.

>> No.7938961

How does one get the ultimate perfect skin that pretty girls like ulzzang always have?

>> No.7938990

i thought it was olive skin tones? no one ever matches me right and even finding my shade in different brands is hard because they dont even exist most of the time.

>> No.7938998

sell ur soul then use photoshop

>> No.7939023


Im using aloe vera on my face and curious if to its just this one or not but when it dries is it supposed to feel like its getting kind of hard..? Kind of like if youve put egg white on your face and let it dry, it feels similar to that but not as much. Thanks in advance.

>> No.7939046

It's normal anon don't worry I have the same thing as well when I let it dry.

>> No.7939060

anything for getting rid of freckles? i heard lush had something, but i'm in the dark and pissed off about these babyfuck skin marks

>> No.7939062

No, sorry anon. Most things that claim to get rid of freckles are bullshit. Sunblock + BB cream do it for me fwiw

>> No.7939073

Any good sunscreen to recommend?

>> No.7939077

I ordered Biore UV Aqua Rich with SPF 50, should come in any day now. I'll let you know how it turns out.
So far I've been using LRP Anthelios Dermo Pediatrics, same SPF, but lately it started breaking me out, no idea why.

>> No.7939078

need something that won't make me break out. i have dry itchy flaky baby skin.

>> No.7939126

Freckles are pretty cute anon why do you want to get rid of it?

>> No.7939140

i used their spf sunscreen and whenever i rubbed it in there would be gross small chunks.
never again.

>> No.7939143

moisturizer** wow.

>> No.7939153

Any suggestion on how to control eczema rashes? Naturally preferred. It's all over my face as a result of my flaky hair.

I haven't been to previous skincare threads.

>> No.7939572

I already have forehead wrinkles at 18, is there any way to get rid of them?

>> No.7939602

I use hydrocortisone cream, although mine are on my arse.
Chemical peels might either help or irritate it further, but that's one idea.
My mum also got me some nappy rash cream with boric acid when she went to Greece, and it worked marvellously as well.

>> No.7939627

The Biore one should do, at least according to CosDNA. I'll see how it is yet, I have sensitive skin myself.

>> No.7939643

Any recommendations for something to treat under eye dark circles? I've got olive skin and have had these damn things since the day I was born. I'd use what >>7929819 suggested, but I'm allergic to aloe vera.

>> No.7939644

Speaking of, is it possible for something to break you out even if CosDNA gives no results?
I've been using this moisturiser and patch tested and everything, but I keep getting random bumps on my skin in different places and I'm not sure if it's the moisturiser or not. I'll try switching out bedclothes and see, but I've never had problems with them before.

>> No.7939658

So it's pretty aright then?

>> No.7939660

You tried Nature Republic First Fermenting Eye Cream or Shiseido?

Not sure if those have aloe vera or not. Going to google them up.

>> No.7939666

Because freckles suck hard if you have them. Makeup application is im-fucking-possible with mine because they're so dark they're nearly black and I'm otherwise pale as hell. I can't even use concealer to cover them and people always assume I never wear sunscreen even though I wear spf 50+

That being said, >>7939060 I've noticed that I have fewer of them after using naruko's st Job's tears line.

>> No.7939671

So far I've tried Yes to Carrots (hydrated and tightened, but not what I needed) and Origins GinZing (just made the circles puffier). I'm kinda just getting back into skincare stuff, so I'll definitely check those things out.

>> No.7939678

Ah, aren't those beauty marks then? Freckles are usually lighter in colour. I have them too (as well as freckles, kill me) and the only thing I've been told works was lasers.

>> No.7939681

Eh, the average Chad will listen to him over someone else so I guess he'll do.

>> No.7939690
File: 208 KB, 1600x1200, 20130327_173942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some dark spots on my face and just started using this since it has a lot of positive reviews of it working at fading marks. Hope it works for me.
Anyone here have any personal experience with it?

>> No.7939692

Nah, I had both, but beauty marks are slightly raised. I had the beauty marks lazered off by my derm because my insurance covered it. He called the freckles freckles and told me to never go out in the sun ever. Mine are the genetic kind of freckles though. Apparently my ancestors were mole people because my skin is pants on head retarded when it comes to the sun. I blister at least once a summer, even with sunscreen.

>> No.7939697

Try both. I looked them up and the eye cream doesn't have aloe vera in it.

>> No.7939702

Do you take hot showers?

>> No.7939720

Thanks! I'll probably go with the Shiseido since there's a Sephora near me, but if it doesn't help I'll try the other one.

>> No.7939723

Ah, mine are freckles too then, but I have light ones on my cheeks as well. I went to see a dermatologist but she just lectured me on how cute they were and said that were I to remove them they'd scar and look even worse. Never mentioned anything about lasers, now I'm sad.

>> No.7939730

anon earlier say aloe, try that?

>> No.7939757

Mine is convinced that I'm a beach trip away from turning into a giant tumor I can't even get a gel manicure because I was getting freckles on the back on the back of my hand, there's even one on my palm. Asian "whitening" stuff has mostly taken care of my lighter ones, didn't do shit about the dark ones.

>> No.7939771

I have a lot of skincare products that I have discovered over the years and fallen hard for.

My Clarisonic is one of the things that has made a huge impact on my skin, my skin became less oily and prone to breakouts since I started using it 4 years ago now. I still own the same one, it has been worth so much more than the price I paid for it! I was skeptical at first so I purcahsed from somewhere that had a good return policy. You cannot compare normal and manual face brushes to this beauty. Just make sure you purchase the correct brush head for your skin type or you could end up being too rough on your skin. Start with once a day (I recommend night time for makeup wearers for obvious reasons) and work up to twice if you feel you need/want.

Cleansers that have always worked well for my skin are as follows: Origins Checks and Balances, it is a great basic cleanser that will remove your face makeup and is quite frothy. Ole Henrickson Aloe Cleanser is a nice soothing herbal cleanser, not as foamy or frothy as the Origins but it does just as good of a job, I find this one better for those irritated skin days. Michael Todd Charcoal Detox for the added bonus of charcoal for those super oily problem skin individuals or the Michael Todd Honey and Oat cleanser for combo/more dry skin types, they both remove makeup and leave my skin feeling lovely.

I love exfoliating as I find my skin texture quickly changes for the worse if I don't keep up with it. The DDF 10% Glycolic toner was a lifesaver for me when I had super oily skin, I highly recommend trying this toner out if you like Glycolic acid based toners. The REN AHA concentrate is also a lovely serum/treatment that I would recommend if you prefer to go that route. As for actual scrubs I am unconvinced I will ever find a scrub better than Origins Modern Friction, it does the job without irritating my skin, I use this stuff almost every morning.

>> No.7939772

Another scrub I would recommend is the Michael Todd Jojoba Charcoal scrub, it is less intense than Modern Friction and has the added benefits of active charcoal for those with oily skin.

Other than the DDF toner I would also recommend trying the Organic Lemon Michael Todd toner for those with oily/acne prone skin. If you have sensitive or skin that is irritated and sore you should check out the Origins Dr. Weil Mega Mushroom Soothing Toner, I LOVE putting this on my face, everything from the smell of it to the way it calms and makes my skin feel instantly happy. If you have dehydrated or dry skin I would try the Origins Make a Difference toner, it packs a punch of hydration and leaves your skin soft and hydrated.

Moving on to serums... For skin tone I have been a fan of both REN Radiance Perfection serum and the Origins Dr. Weil Mega Bright, they both claim to help with overall radiance and I usually switch it up between the two. For dehydrated and tired or mature skin you can't go wrong with Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair serum, I don't know what it is about this stuff but I can always tell when I have and haven't been using this in my bedtime skin routine, it truly makes a visible difference! Also for the irritated or sore especially (but it really is great for all skin types) I would recommend the Origins Dr. Weil Mega Mushroom Serum, it adds hydration while helping reduce redness and calm skin suffering from those painful breakouts.

Some of my go to moisturizers: ANY AND ALL of the ones from Origins except Night-A-Mins. Dry skin: Make a Difference cream, Dr. Weils, A Perfect World, Starting Over. Normal/Combo: A Perfect World, Mega Bright, Dr. Weils, Make a Difference moisturizer/treatment (there are 3 kinds of this lotion). Oily: Make A Difference treatment (the gel one), Mega Bright, Dr. Weils, Zero Oil.

>> No.7939776

Eye creams: Origins GinZing for the morning as it adds a great glow and is a perfect pick me up. For nightime I use Origins Starting Over currently, it adds just the right amount of moisture and keeps your undereye area smooth.

For face masks: REN Glycolactic Radiance Renewal Mask because it was and still is the only face mask where I have used it and woken up the next day and actually saw a difference and could only say WOW, is this for real?!?! Yes my friends, it is. Runner ups: Origins Out of Trouble Mask for problem skin (can be used to spot treat as well), Glamglow Supermud Clearing Treatment for problem skin (again can be used to spot treat). Origins Drink Up for dehydrated skin that needs a moisture boost.

>> No.7939785

If you are willing to drop a few $$ I know a girl who had success using the Dior Capture Totale Eyes Essential Serum (comes in a little red pump bottle). She had olive skin tones and chronic dark circles. Maybe hit them up at Sephora for a sample?

>> No.7941918

>imblying I'm a Chad
Well, any suggestions are always useful so...

>> No.7942050

My face suddenly broke out in being very red, itchy and dry even though I moisterize daily. I believe it might be because it suddenly got cold again here.
I applied a raw honey and oat facial mask hoping to help.
Any mask anyone likes using?

>> No.7942390




>> No.7942485

Sure, CosDNA only takes relatively common irritants into account so if you're allergic or hypersensitive to something it might completely fly under their radar. It's more of a guideline than a rule.

>> No.7942513

When do you guys normally remove makeup/clean your face/switch to night-time products? I usually do it just before I go to bed and after I brush my teeth around 11 pm but it always wakes me up a bit which is annoying. I'm considering doing it earlier (like directly after sundown), especially on days I have heavier makeup on. Is there a disadvantage to putting on night creams and treatments several hours before you go to bed?

>> No.7942518

Mandom! That stuff's great.

>> No.7942522
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I got a sample of this in the mail and used it. It's amazing! It definitely did what it said within a few hours and the few wrinkles under my eyes seemed to lessen.

>> No.7942552

Night creams and such are heavier and it might annoy you if they leave your face sticky.

>> No.7942615

this shit probably won't work for you.
get something legit with hydroquinone in it

>> No.7943101

I don't know if this necessarily falls under skincare but I'm starting to grow an uncomfortable number of dark chin hairs. Previously I'd just grow one or two sporadically and I'd pluck them out with no issues but now it's getting to be so many so frequently it's hard to find time to pluck them all. Do hair removal creams work or would I be better off with an epilator or trying to save up the money to have it laser removed

>> No.7943115

I personally dislike hydroquinone (dark freckles anon here) generally brightening products work so much better and mOst stuff with hq in it is so heavy comparatively. HQ is really outdated for freckles and is a carcinogen anyway, almost as outdated as pure lemon juice

>> No.7943906

Okay, O'Keefe's Working Hands is like the best thing for that. I used to work folding tons of rough denim every day, my fingers got so dry that they would snag against the fabric. This hand lotion like turned that around in like a week.

I just put a ton on at night, and put those silly cotton gloves they sell at like Bed, Bath, & Beyond on them. It was like a miracle.

>> No.7944193

Okay so I'm 99% sure I have an ingrown hair on my lip, its right on the edge of the top of the cupid's bow area and its all swollen... it looks exactly like an ingrown hair, not a pimple. Its been there for a couple weeks now getting worse and I've tried leaving it alone and also squeezing it with no luck... Any ideas to get rid of it?? Its becoming really unsightly.

My routine:
> Innisfree volcanic pore foam wash
> Benton BHA aloe toner
> Benton Snail Bee Essence
> Skinfood Vita-C cream

>> No.7944203

Have you tried bringing it to a head using a hot compress? The more you force it out, the worse it's going to get

>> No.7944273

I think it might already be at a head? Its hard to tell, I would take a pic but my upper lip has gotten a bit... ahem... hairy, since I've stopped removing hair to reduce any further irritation. I'll try the compress!

>> No.7944489

is it slightly sore?
i get those from time to time, never thought they were ingrowns

>> No.7944525

I agree with >>7944203 use a hot compress, bring it to a head and if nothing happens take a thin pin and pop that sucka. If it is an ingrown hair then you can deal with it from there rather than letting it potentially rot and fuck up your face any longer. Try this when you have a day off lmfao.

When you pop it using one of those blister bandages or an acne patch can help suck out the pus and shit which will help it calm down as well. And honestly, no one's gonna actualy care if you post your upper lip on here. We've all had to skip hair removal routines at some point. Just don't do a full face shot so that no-one dog piles you.

Hope something helps anon! And can I ask you how the Vita-C cream is? any good results with brightening?

>> No.7944526

It could be a cold sore. Anon maybe check that before following my advice!!! Because you cant pop a cold sore haha

>> No.7944560

Looking for good wax for sensitive skin. Sick of my skin getting ripped off every time I wax my eyebrows.

>> No.7946983 [DELETED] 
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ive had one crease under my eyes for while, then two and i thought hey whatever maybe im not getting enough sleep. but now i am and its getting to three.
im really concerned because its the only part of my face that there are wrinkles. honestly.
im just not sure if its aging or allergies, dry eyes ect.
if they are allergies will they go away once i treat them? and if not, what should i do?

>> No.7946988
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ive had one crease under my eyes for while, then two and i thought hey whatever maybe im not getting enough sleep. but now i am and its getting to three.
im really concerned because its the only part of my face that there are wrinkles. honestly.
im just not sure if its aging or allergies, dry eyes ect.
if they are allergies will they go away once i treat them? and if not, what should i do?
& sorry for the crappy picture, i dont have my tablet but i think it gets the point across.

>> No.7946990

Are you using any moisturising creams around your eyes? Chamomile helps, as do cucumbers.

>> No.7947011

My boyfriend washes his face with fucking 99p hand soap. When I said his skin will look like shit he said that men look better with wrinkles.

>> No.7947012


>> No.7947013

I have a friend whose husband used to bathe with Dawn dishsoap. No shit. I have no idea how/if she got him to stop, but maybe ask him what his favorite scent is and buy him a basic facewash of that?

>> No.7947044

Oh, your poor friend! I'll give it a go, but I'm pretty sure he thinks skincare is a huge waste of money. I think he just picks up whatever soap in a pump dispenser is cheapest. He once got annoyed at me for picking up £3 make-up remover wipes when there were 49p ones available, for example.

>> No.7947054

Sounds like a keeper.

>> No.7947056

You might want to get your hormone levels checked, anon. Chin hair for women is relatively normal but if you see a sudden increase for no reason (not pregnant, haven't changed BC) that could mean something is out of whack.
Sorry I can't help you with your question, though. I always just pluck mine.

>> No.7947064

how many is uncomfortable? 10?

>> No.7947125

hey, looking for a good clay mask to sort out my blocked pores and a few blackheads. I don't tend to have that many blackheads (only tiny ones on cheeks) but they're there lol, the blocked pores tend to be on nose and chin, few on my cheeks. I have oily/combination skin, generally the worst on my t zone and upper lip. I've heard some good things about the fig and yarrow black clay mask, but was wondering what had worked for other people?

>> No.7947140

This is why you want to get a really cool best friend.
Tried the face hair creams, but it grew back more noticeable to quickly for me. Prefer them to be plucked myself, but it was hard to do because most of them where on the part under your chin/neck (I dunno what you call it). Have about 20 at a time to pluck every 2 weeks or so

>> No.7947145

Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque!

>> No.7947151

Those are probably sebaceous filaments. They're supposed to be there and you can't really get rid of them permanently.

>> No.7947156

I know they're permanent, but they're pretty enlarged so I'm just sort of looking for a way to make them less obvious and clay masks are apparently good for that.

>> No.7947159

Could anyone recomend products to stop acne for sensitive skin? My doctor won't understand that using normal expensive as shit acne products won't do the deal.

>> No.7947179

seconded. Help us seagulls

>> No.7947190

all I use is noxzema

>> No.7947196

Some anon recommended SebaMed Clear Face here, and I took the foam wash. They also have topical acne medication. I also tried the soap bar but didn't like it, the wash + moisturiser from my local drugstore + clean pillowcase/sleeping on a towel helped me tremendously. Also AHAs.

>> No.7948725
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Any specific products to treat this?

>> No.7949028

Any recommendations for creams that will help fine lines under eyes?

>> No.7949036


that's just genetic, there's not really anything you can do unless you aren't currently using moisturizer at all which can make them look more dramatic. You'd need to have a procedure done if you want a significant improvement.

>> No.7949073

I started cleansing my face with oil mixed with water, which helped a bit. That's the only thing I've really tried, though, so I can't really recommend anything else.

>> No.7949217

i wash and moisturize twice a day and thanks, i'll try that.

>> No.7949222

i heard about that aztec clay mask stuff, not sure what its actually called.

>> No.7949277
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can we talk about periods or what

>> No.7949669

hormonal acne?

>> No.7949685

Oh boy, can we?
I don't know if it's purely hormonal for me or if the fact that my eating habits go to shit around that time has anything to do with it. It's not just pimples either, my entire skin looks bad and I just try to hide away as much as possible. Staying hydrated helps, though.

>> No.7949687

>staying hydrated helps

Pretty damn hard if even drinking water makes you nauseous due to those cramps.

>> No.7949754

im supposed to go on vacation in a month and due to my calendar it says my period is going to come and end the date i leave my home and said place.
basically are there any herbal remedies known to bring your period faster or delay it? id rather not take birth control.
sometimes it's like that for me, there's no junk food in my house right now so im just eating healthy and drinking lots of water.
perhaps get someone to hide the food.
yup, my forehead is kind of gross right now. any tips?

>> No.7949784

Ugh I have the same problem. It's like a week or two before my face decides it wants to break out and look shitty.

>> No.7949999

I've got Ole Henriksen Truth Serum (Vitamin C Collagen Booster) shipped to me, will let you lads know how it works out for my skin. I'm trying to get rid of my dark eye bags. I've also got REN ClearCalm 3 Replenishing Gel Cream, because I'm a spendthrift, but now I'm having regrets about buying this particular one.

also, can anyone recommend a volume-adding shampoo for dense, fine hair? Within reasonable budget, I guess.

>> No.7950003

Got you covered m8, Paul Mitchell has some and TIGI has some volume sprays and lotions as well, although they aren't shampoos.

>> No.7950005

Look upthread

>> No.7950218
File: 32 KB, 331x251, 1404796441942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls, don't be as dumbass like me. Read the shit that you put on your face.

>stay at boyfriend's every weekend
>he has Burts Bees cleanser which he barely uses since he has naturally great skin
>use it 1-2 times every day I stay there
>skin gets noticeably dry and flaky
>assume it's just the wintertime air being a jerk
>last Sunday we get on the subject somehow
>"Do you.. actually use that?"
>uh, yeah. My skin is awful so I have to cleanse it.
>"It's for acne, that shit will dry you out. I don't even use it often!"
>it even says 'acne' on the bottle
>Suddenly the second mens' face wash in the shower makes sense
>used burts bees every weekend since September
>fucking hell

>> No.7950240
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>> No.7950310

I know, I'm still kicking myself for it.

>> No.7950337

Aztec Healing Clay, sometimes the sebaceous filaments will completely come out with this stuff. Probably depends on how soon you do it after a shower or something.

>> No.7950342

emergency contraceptives cause you to have a crazy period. I'm not sure if it changes your cycle because I've never taken it, but it's worth looking into.

>> No.7950353

They'd probably make her feel really sick though

>> No.7950509

How to they "come out" for you? Like after you use it their just gone? Or do you have to scrub them out or use a tool? I feel like after I use it they become loose(?) like easier to see to extract but I don't feel like it just magically washes out for me.

>> No.7950522
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>How do they "come out" for you?

>> No.7950588

I'm a student who doesn't have mad $$$ to spend on expensive skin care products. I'd like to know what brands/products other people use that won't break the bank. Right now I'm using a combination of Aveeno cleanser and moisturizer, and The Body Shop's Nutriganics toner, and looking to find a product to help with my veiny eye bags.

I'd prefer brands/products from North America, since I'm not comfortable with using stuff I can't first hold in my hands and look at/test (sorry Korea).

>> No.7950635 [DELETED] 

who is this girl, i need to know
she sued right i just
whats her name

>> No.7950718
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>> No.7950720

yeah idk i spent way too much time on this, i didnt want them to be too matchy so i gave /cgl/ a smaller head wrap.

>> No.7950880

They use a lot of scented stuff in their skincare products, which is apparently a big no-no. I used their charcoal soap once and it burned my face to hell, but their bath bombs are nice.

>> No.7950883

Overpriced though. There's tutorials on making your own for less and you get way more of them.

>> No.7950890

Apparently tons of people have gotten UTIs from their bath bombs. The charcoal soap worked for me, though.

The thing with LUSH is that their products are full of useless fancy-sounding shit that some people react really badly to while others don't experience any trouble. Most of their products are kind of a gamble in that way, and why spend money on an overpriced gamble that may fuck you up when you can get safer products for a lower price? I admit I like some of the scents but that's what perfume oils are for.
There's also the "chemicals r bad lol btw here's some lemon juice for ur face" attitude that rubs many people (including myself) the wrong way because it's such bullshit.

>> No.7951034

They're overpriced as fuck but they have the only conditioner that doesn't weigh down my hair so I just suck it up.

>> No.7951044

I'm 24 and I have wrinkles under my eyes, but they are not severe.
I always took care of my skin, but I have never used cream for wrinkles.

What creams do you suggest me to fix this stuff and prevent future ones?

>> No.7951244

I've got crazy oily skin around my t-zone resulting in a lot of blackheads around my nose. Actual black heads, not sebaceous filament. My cheeks are also usually pretty red. Anyone have any recommendations? I'm a bit in the dark about skin care in general , my mom was one of those 'don't wear makeup or use skin care products, they'll just destroy your skin' types. I don't want to end up looking like I'm made of old leather at 40 like she did!

>> No.7951487

So I really like Clean & Clear face wash with the microbeads. Problem is those microbeads are terrible for the environment so I'd like to switch to something with a natural scrub so I can feel less selfish for washing my face. I tried St. Ives with the walnut shells, but it's too thick and it's hard to wash off my face when I'm using the sink.

Any recommendations for acne face washes with a natural, biodegradable scrub that's fairly liquid and available in the US? Target has a lot, but they cost too much too just try them all.

>> No.7951489

Have you tried a chemical peel or a wash with AHA or BHA acids?

>> No.7951831

If you liked the walnut stuff, Ole Henriksen has a walnut/ginger scrub that I like a lot and that you could get at Sephora. It's $24, though, which is kind of steep, so I only use it a few times a week.

>> No.7951914

St. Ives Apricot Scrub is good, they have a blemish control formula I've had decent results with. I accidentally got the non-blemish control formula and it's all right as well, but doesn't have the salicylic acid.

>> No.7951926

That shit has been widely known to screw up people's faces. Even Reddit had an entire discussion on this.

>> No.7951928

Yeah, it never helped my skin in the least. It irritated my face after awhile.

Target has Alba Botanica products and they're affordable/friendly for the environment.

>> No.7951937

Funny you mention AB. That was a previous brand of mine. Their products do work well.

>> No.7951953

What IUD do you have? I just got the Paraguard and while it is supposed to be non-hormonal I have had slight acne problems in the same spots you're mentioning.

>> No.7951956

did it hurt?

>> No.7952030

I don't know what any of that is.

Yikes, yeah I need something to use twice a day,

I think I'll try the Botanica. I used their face wipes and they were good. They have a bunch if other fairly natural beauty products at my target. Something like Try Carrot, and Try Blueberry, or something like that. Just a whole isle of natural face products. Not sure if this is normal or becasue I'm in hippy land.

>> No.7952035

yes to carrots is the brand, but they make other skin stuff like yes to blueberries

>> No.7952179

Yes and no. I normally tend to tell people it's more of a very strong uncomfortable feeling. The worst part is the measuring of your uterus, its feels like a very strange, strong cramp. After it was over I walked home and was back to work the next day! I highly suggest looking into it, it's the best form of birth control on the market imo.

>> No.7952346

Have you tried them and if you have, what do you think?

>> No.7952536

Damn, I'd kill for your experience. I had a Mirena inserted a month ago and I still cramp every day, I had to skip college for a week. Not to mention the stiff lower back.

How recently was this? It can take up to 6 months for things to 'even out' I was told.

I don't know about cruelty free, but I'd probably start with a BHA toner in the evening for a while.

>> No.7952629

I've only tried yes to blueberries and the scrub/wipes from yes to tomatoes. Blueberries is a nice line, but its for anti-aging. So it might not help everyone. Tomato is for acne. Their scrub is good and their wipes need to be carefully used or else rubbing too hard causes irritation.

>> No.7952704

Can someone please explain to me how birth control works in regards to acne? I had been taking Doryx since I was 14 for my acne but it just wasn't working as well by the time I was 21. My dermatologist sucked so I'm switching, but I couldn't get an appointment until January with the new one, and I scheduled this in October. Ever since I've been off my antibiotic, I've had the worst hormonal acne in my life. My one cheek, where I usually lay on my pillow at night, is a mess of painful, cystic acne that takes something like 3 weeks to go away, and then just comes back again. Same with my jawline.

I have a good eating, water intake, and facial wash routine. I just need something more to help. My family is anti-birth control for various reasons, but most of my friends are on it and it clears their acne right up. I couldn't give two shits about why my parents are against birth control, but I don't want to wait another two months for the dermatologist. I'm so upset and self concious that I don't want to leave my house anymore.

Sorry if I seem dumb, my family is just really old fashioned. Would I be able to just go to my regular, family doctor instead of a dermotologist to get a proper dose? I can get a doctor's appointment in less than a week and I'm just so frustrated with having to wait another two months.

>> No.7956312

is that meant to be /x/-tan?

>> No.7957563

if it is then people are trying way too hard