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File: 143 KB, 668x960, 10549201_889087687770103_5424991316779522154_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7941459 No.7941459 [Reply] [Original]

feels like we haven't had one in forever. something about the shoes/socks throws me off about this. either more pink on top or less pink on bottom would've balanced it out more??? idk

>> No.7941477
File: 79 KB, 662x960, socksnmakeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the socks
>the makeup

>> No.7941480

Red shoes would've been better

>> No.7941491

I don't really like that she has cherries on her socks but strawberries on her dress.

>> No.7941506

This just needs red shoes and it would be adorable.
The socks go fine with this, she just needs a pink blouse.

>> No.7941508

I love the socks, honestly. Agree with >>7941506
a pink blouse would be a lot better. Maybe some cute pink wristcuffs, too?

>> No.7941509

Should have gone with red shoes or a pair that's at least close enough to the sax(?) shade in her dress. the pnk shoes just blends into her socks.

shitty picture. i would have gone with shoes to match the blue in her jsk but i get why she went with pink shoes, especially if she already had them. again, shitty picture but did she put a whole bunch of white eyeshadow around her eyes?

>> No.7941510
File: 619 KB, 600x951, tumblr_ne20gc6pBX1qe8515o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 vendetta
i love this coord but i hate how she's styled that wig. it looks so awkward

>> No.7941518

agreed re: red shoes

as for the socks though, it's not that the colors don't match (seems like they do), but that she's mixing the diagonal stripes of the socks with the vertical stripes of the dress. maybe i'm just being an autist though.

>> No.7941521

>this whiteknighting
>nitpick thread

>> No.7941541

It honestly looks like white and maybe light blue to match the dress? Not good at all. I wish she had kept the eyes simple, her face is pretty cute.

I don't like the tights but I am honestly not sure why.

>> No.7941590

too busy with that print maybe

>> No.7941591

I'm glad I'm not the only one who was bothered by those things...

>> No.7941618

Probably the fabric and the pattern.

>> No.7941633

She really can't pull off "cute." She should stick to elegant and classic.
The fact that she's a 6 foot amazon with a mature face just makes her look like a trap.
>inb4 whiteknights pounce on me for stating the obvious

>> No.7941634

Is that an elbow tattoo?

>> No.7941635 [DELETED] 

The socks go well with the carnival theme of the dress. The stripes look really nice with it, they echo the movement of the carousel horses to the right, and match the dress in terms of color. Would love to see this with gold shoes and pink blouse.

>> No.7941641

The socks go well with the carnival theme of the dress. The stripes look really nice with it, they echo the movement of the carousel horses to the right, and match the dress in terms of color. Would love to see this with gold shoes and pink blouse.

>> No.7941719

that's not whiteknighting...

I have to agree, honestly, and I generally love Choke. She looks lovely here but going for cute isn't really her thing..


>> No.7941737
File: 679 KB, 1233x1920, tumblr_ncimc0MO4u1qlzgyfo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for enormous pic
but god why the ruff that doesn't match anything, and the lack of socks and the choice of shoes and the pink nails and the no hair accessories and

>captcha: poldryi and

>> No.7941836

That neckruffle is out of place with the coord.

>> No.7941850

Lots of people gave her concrit on CoF and she's taken it really well, and honestly for a first complete coordinate this was not a bad attempt and I personally wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen with her in public. She's got a really great attitude about lolita and I think she's gonna do well.

>> No.7941855

>honestly for a first complete coordinate this was not a bad attempt

My only issue is that she somehow did something just a bit off with a full set.

>> No.7941867

Well, there's still going to be some mismatching within sets if you don't select the right colorways. I remember her posting WTBs for the OTKs in white or mint and I guess these are the only one's she's been able to find so far; I know the pink ones weren't her first choice though.

>> No.7941871

Guess that's true. Milky berry is old as fuck.

>> No.7941878

Definitely. I owned the mint OP for a while and in that time I only saw one greasy yellowed headbow go up for sale (though to be fair I wasn't looking that hard for matching accessories because I wasn't in love with the dress).
Either way, OP is a fair nitpick and I'm glad the girl in the photo is genuinely open to concrit. More newbies should be like her.

>> No.7941880

Totally agree. She looks like she loves the style rather than the idea about being a kawaii lacey princess.

>> No.7941894
File: 684 KB, 1215x1600, tumblr_ndyn1e6MSp1qeqbwfo1_1280 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reds.

>> No.7941905

A solid red or white tight would've looked much better. It's just too busy.

Is this thread open to self-posting or would the coord help one be better? I'd be interested in the straightforwardness.

>> No.7941925

Coord help.

>> No.7941929

Art student?

>> No.7941932
File: 238 KB, 668x960, 1416185368952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red balances it out better imo

>> No.7942110
File: 72 KB, 640x960, cof bleh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell did this get 156 likes? Nothing really matches.

>> No.7942118

What do you mean nothing matches? Everything here goes, although I'm not keen on the tights or wristcuffs.

>> No.7942121

because totes kawaii rilakkuma and angelic pretty and asian girl. why so surprised?

>> No.7942126

Lol, have you been into lolita for just a year then?

>> No.7942140

because she is asian, cof is full of webaos, itas and anime fan gurls who loves japan and asia stuff

>> No.7942141
File: 2.65 MB, 1240x1440, FTFY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7942145

If the socks were gold and ivory instead of brown and gold maybe I wouldn't mind the harlequin print. Why the pink and random deco accessories? The hat and star clips would have been fine. Really hate the blouse - I get she's trying to pull navy but it isn't working with the rest of the shit she has going on. Black wristcuffs. Rilakkuma is too saturated for the dress. She's really cute and I love her makeup and wig but everything is ita as fuck

>> No.7942151
File: 183 KB, 800x1067, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone keeps saying they love the disgusting yellow blazer. Why would you pair chocolate rosette with fucking yellow?

>> No.7942153

I was just debating on liking this picture or not. I think the coord is cute, but that blazer is all the wrong kinds of color.

YES, thankyou! The socks are too busy for how busy the print is. and the rilakkuma is way too random.

>> No.7942154

Isn't this that obnoxious girl who tried to post a friend seeking post in the lolita general and got told to fuck off?
Sure looks like her.

>> No.7942157

I agree, plus the yellow blazer/gold bag are just not a good combination, they clash with each other so bad.

>> No.7942166

it's complimentary to navy, the gold acessories are too much though since they're not the same tone even

>> No.7942167

Do you not understand color theory? Yellow and blue look great with each other... you can't go wrong with all the primary colors. If she used a red bag I think it would have made it more balanced

>> No.7942171

The blazer is not the right shade for the dress.

>> No.7942175


>> No.7942194

disregarding the girl's outfit, what complementary shade of yellow would you use instead to work for navy then? maybe it's my computer screen but navy works better with that yelloworange than a bright yellow. the red in chocolate rosette also uses dark red, which is analogous to yelloworange

sorry i just like it when lolitas use primary colors instead of sticking with safer color palettes

>> No.7942196


>> No.7942198
File: 169 KB, 649x395, navy-blue-mustard-yellow-gold-offwhite2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's kind of what i'm talking about

>> No.7942200

I totally get you don't get me wrong but the yellow stripes on the navy dress is actually cream coloured, the mustard yellow blazer and the golden bag just ruins how it should be presented. If the cream stripes wouldn't be there, the yellow you're mentioning would be perfect.

>> No.7942203
File: 15 KB, 236x314, 73ab9dde2a3af70b5acd68a4f64abe6c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A lighter yellow.

You disregard that her whole dress is covered in a slew of other colours, including red and gold, and she's also already carrying a pale gold bag. The yellow-orange clashes with everything other than the navy and brown, that's why it's hard on the eyes.

>> No.7942205
File: 179 KB, 800x1067, 1416204972876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried

>> No.7942214

ah that makes sense. i thought the cream stripes were actually gold, which matched the bag

>> No.7942228

If I recall correctly this is the same girl that used the same blazer for honey cake and it matched the yellow on her dress. It might be poor lighting contributing to the weird color since CRs navy isn't that dark IRL. I'll see if I can find it

>> No.7942234 [DELETED] 

This one? It has a filter on it but if this is closer to what it looks like then it's much better than the orange in >>7942151

>> No.7942237


>> No.7942238
File: 86 KB, 400x533, 1405278006598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one? It has a filter on it but if this is closer to what it looks like then it's much better than the orange in >>7942151

>> No.7942249

Yep, that's the one! It looks closer to >>7942203 than
>>7942198 which is why it was bugging me.

Navy, gold, and red look the best.

>> No.7942283

gurl those roots ain't attractive

>> No.7942287

I honestly thought it was kammie at first.

>> No.7942445

Because yellow is a complimentary color to navy. I think it looks really nice, only the handbag throws me off a little.

>> No.7942460

Her nails are disgusting...

>> No.7942523

The wristcuffs and ring are completely random. She should have just gone with all black at that point.

>> No.7942535

looks 800% better, thank

>> No.7942558
File: 95 KB, 640x640, 10152634_607025592717442_6276547169727361817_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strangely reminds me of this coord which uses a fucking tartan jacket on a chocolate print. Here if she used red bag and shoes, the yellow blazer might've worked.

>> No.7942593


>> No.7942608

i think they're friends actually. the rilakkuma stuff is also likely because she works some sort of mascot event.

personally i don't really like her coords, they always seem to be lacking cohesiveness.. but that's just me.

>> No.7942805

This looks insanely cute, I don't see the problem with tartan at all I like the mixed patterns

>> No.7942814

It's the same girl though isn't it? The tights are the same.

>> No.7942992
File: 500 KB, 650x780, tumblr_nf68pvHLvu1szv1f7o7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they all seem so nitpick-y

>> No.7943018

I will find that wig. And I will kill it.

>> No.7943030
File: 187 KB, 615x1280, 1414176611072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least John Belushita seems to have gotten slightly better.

Ever so slightly, that is.

>> No.7943050

Left--interesting idea with the wig, don't think it really fits the dress though. Needs more appropriate hair accessories, too.
Center--pairing the red and white dress with black looks dumb to me, it would be perfect if those were white.
Left--outfit is fine for a chubby girl, but she needs a more flattering hairstyle soooo badly. It makes her look like a bald man the way it is.

>> No.7943076

I'm convinced that that "chubby girl" is a man.

>> No.7943132
File: 42 KB, 600x325, rob1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She would wear a wig jesus. She looks like Bruce Bilagow lmao

>> No.7943137

Left needs a better wig. I like the idea behind it, but it doesn't look good with the coord.
Center needs better stockings. Maybe a solid color.
Right needs to change everything except for the dress, so more ita than nitpick but at least she's improving.

>> No.7943171

I heard her talk at the event, pretty sure she's a she, but I don't know her personally. She desperately needs to learn to wig and makeup if she doesn't want to get mistaken for a dude...

>> No.7943207

It can't be unseen now.

>> No.7943347

Different socks and/or shoes and she's grand. She's got a really adorable face.

>> No.7943355

I love this. Maybe I'm blinded by her beauty, though.

>> No.7943360

Nah, the themes don't match at all.

>> No.7943365

Yeah, it's too busy with shoes, bag and shoes in all different colors.

>> No.7943372

The colors is what the original anon had their jimmies rustled about, I can't make her dress differently.

>> No.7943375

I don't like this, either. Mixing tartan with ANY other pattern is just almost impossible to pull off.

>> No.7943378

The coord looks more like cute/casual, what made her think this wig, put aside that it's hideous, would match?

>> No.7944749

Hi op here thanks for the constructive criticism and for not being too mean. I only have pink black and white tea parties atm and didn't want to order any from bodyline because of the recent hack. Thanks again for being gracious ;)

>> No.7944759

For future reference may I ask what is considered shitty? My posture the lighting or the setting? I want to improve so if you could give me specifics that would be cool!

>> No.7944760

Different anon, but general photo quality. Poor lighting is one thing, but a direct flash is never flattering for anyone.

>> No.7944798

Thanks! It was raining outside when I wanted to take pictures :(((( but my boyfriend took these so I'll let him know to lay off the flash next time and instead set up some lighting!

>> No.7944890
File: 481 KB, 1000x1500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That hair pice kills it for me, does not match anything.
Chuck in a random clock bag, why not?!
While the collar and front of the blouse look really nice, the sleeves make it look like a basic t-shirt.
500 notes? Come on tumblr, I know you like cats, but this is ridiculous.

>> No.7944892

Tumblr notes mean nothing. Half those people will just be "OMG DAT CAT DRESS <3". The brown and black don't work together IMO.

>> No.7944900

True... its just the dress and the tights

>> No.7944919

I think she pulled it off very well. I like this one.

>> No.7944941

Try putting a white index card in front of the flash, or something else to help diffuse the light. Flash tends to make photos look harsh, and a softer light is way more flattering and will keep things like highlighting make-up from popping too much (I suspect your make-up looks really cute in person, but the flash is making the highlights around your eyes much more white than they should be).

>> No.7945190

That's really good advice! He just got a new DSLR camera and is kind of lost on how to use all the diffrent functions so I'll let him know about that trick! And yeah like I didn't put on too much white like it seems on the photo but I liked my posture and how well you could see the coordinate in this picture which is why I chose this to post over one that made my make up look less vibrant but cut out the shoes or had blurred the print ect. Thank you for your posotivity and suggestions! !

>> No.7945547

Chubby/fat people shouldn't wear lolita only thin is cute

>> No.7945554

nice b8 m8

>> No.7945600
File: 50 KB, 660x960, 1559567_558323250967700_8616634837278789689_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugly face + ugly hair
lots of pastel bears on the print but "yeah sure, give me the brown teddy"

>> No.7945614

dat cheappo accesories
And that poor girl trying to pirate

>> No.7946175
File: 112 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nf7jcdFQ3w1qahsqho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting Raggedy Ann vibes because of the wig and socks...

>> No.7946249

she looks like a lolita ronald mcdonald
i'm so confused by this coord even if it's not my taste, i still see them as cute.

She should get a better wig, and shoes. if she wore cute black boots or something, the socks wouldn't look so bad imo

>> No.7946257

it also looks like she's... copy and pasted onto the picture?

>> No.7946275

Nope. That's Arthael.

>> No.7946290

No it doesn't, she just looks really out of place and the photo was taken from a high angle.

>> No.7946320

Arthael ? it's Joana/redtonic

>> No.7946356
File: 241 KB, 600x700, tumblr_nf9j5pelj51r5e5vio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is this, there is just way too much going on, and is she even wearing a petticoat? there is absolutely no shape and it just looks sad. I don't think this would look good on a skinny gorgeous girl either.

>> No.7946424

I really like this.

>> No.7946599

She got best coord at a btssb tea party for an outfit that was equally as busy. They liked that it had so many parts. I like her style.

>> No.7947380

It's too busy/OTT for my taste, but at least everything matches in color scheme and theme. I think she needs a better petticoat and a different bag.

>> No.7947384

Everything I hate about what lolita is turning into.

>> No.7947398

I love this and the colours but the bag needs to go and I would say it is more dolly kei than lolita.

>> No.7947422

So fat girls?

>> No.7947454

Anon could just mean the tea length dress/under skirt/busy head dress/who the fuck knows. No need to jump to conclusions.

>> No.7947594

I think it matches the Circus theme.

>> No.7947605

I never like this wig on her, but it is a cute coord if she wasn't hunching over!

>> No.7947672

she needs white gloves, and to style the wig differently- otherwise it matches the theme and isn't horrendous.

>> No.7947687

I don't like the silhouette, the combination of busy at the top and bottom and that stretch of nothing but dress in the middle makes her look misshapen.
If those ankle things were removed then the tea length would be perfectly fine, it's that extra shit and volume at the feet that throws me off.

>> No.7947704

No need for a sense of humor either apparently.

>> No.7948283

the headdress and blouse look the worst to me, the bag isn't too bad, could be better though.

>> No.7951611
File: 177 KB, 1024x1409, tumblr_nbwi4w3tiA1s0s3nuo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this on tumblr...I'm not a fan of the underskirt, and the tights are awful

>> No.7951771

2/10 photoshop skills

>> No.7951798

Underskirts being noticeably less full than skirts is my biggest pet peeve. I get what she was trying to do with the tights and it almost worked before i clicked on the thumbnail. Pity too, because it would've been a pretty fantastic coord imo.

>> No.7951977

I think the underskirt was done right, bu man I feel you re: the tights. this is one instance where she miiiight have been able to get away with plain red/white vertical stripes tights, but that weird blue shit matches nothing and looks so cluttered and busy

>> No.7951995

>weird blue shit
sorry couldn't see from my phone