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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 214 KB, 1474x961, Part II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7940881 No.7940881[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Eirtakon / Irish Thread: Part II

>>7923178 is in autosage

Less than a week to go folks!

>Weekend Schedule

>> No.7940887
File: 15 KB, 160x160, 1985197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hyped for baby's first Eirtakon

>> No.7940889

Is this alcoholics anonymous?

>> No.7940893

That would imply we're all trying to get off the drink. Fuck that.

>> No.7940894


>> No.7940897

Anyone else got deets on the Sean Burke retard? I'm having great crac hearing about it!
we don't get this kind of drama in my country, It's hilarious

>> No.7940898

I thought I was socially retarded.

But I still have enough sense to avoid doing stupid things. I just avoid the goddamned situation and take the loneliness hit than bother people.

>> No.7940906

no, this is the /bitching about people nobody cares about and half-assed /eire/ invasions/ general

>> No.7940911

Are you the same person who was crying at the start of the last thread as well?

>> No.7940917
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Except you used the word 'crac' which is irish slang, so please, gtfo.

>> No.7940919
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are you sean burke

did I hurt your feelings

>> No.7940921
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>> No.7940925

Who is your favourite Irish /cgl/ personality?

Mine's Potsy, because he's such a pleasant guy. You could have a beer with him.

>> No.7940926

I am Irish, But i've been living in Australia for the past two years. Con scene here is non-existent

>> No.7940928
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>> No.7940930

And he's just so agreeable!

>> No.7940936

Ah, Fair enough. You're not missing much. Just the regular fucking nutballs and this sean douche who's popped up. Other than that it's the same old shit, different day.

>> No.7940940

Boastful Reminder that Wexford had the biggest sci fi festival in Ireland


Wexford proving it's superiority again without skipping a beat

>> No.7940944
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>Con scene here is non-existent

I'm not trying to make fun or anything, but do you live in the outback or somewhere far away from the main cities? I thought australia had a pretty lively con scene (person never gone to Australia speaking).

>> No.7940947

Are you kidding me?!
Katsyuska Moonfox and Eve Beauregard are both Aussie cosplayers that go to pretty much every convention in their country

>> No.7940948

I'm living with my uncle who lives in the back arse of fecking nowhere. I hate it here but it's better than Ireland i guess. I'm bored out of my mind so I come on here more than i really should.

>> No.7940950
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Wexford has a con?

>> No.7940952


>> No.7940955

You should go meet tuna-chan. It's a sight to behold I hear

>> No.7940959


Jeez, well good luck back there. TBH there's not much going on here either, just a lot of wank, but it's all good fun.

>> No.7940963

it's been gone for like 3 years or so apparently, i don't care either

>> No.7940966

I have heard of tuna-chan, I am really tempted to go find her and see if she actually smells like tuna!

>> No.7940994

skip to 5:30

>> No.7940999


>> No.7941005

What the hell does that have to do with anything on this board?

>> No.7941006

It's gas :^)

>> No.7941014

>the fat spic DJing
>the underage manlets falling over
>the spastic in the green shirt
>the- oh jaysus is she taking the rest of her clothes(?) off
how was that allowed?
what did they argue about?

>> No.7941017

This is a message board about irish conventions. It's nothing to do with any of that

>> No.7941072

>This is a message board about irish conventions

/cgl/ isn't a 'message board about irish conventions'. There were people putting up videos of some autistic girl and slagging off another eejit by name and this is what gets your own autism firing on all cylinders?

>> No.7941083

You fucking gobshite, I meant this specific page that we are posting on is in regards to Irish conventions and stuff relating to said conventions

>> No.7941095

>calling anything to with 4chan a 'messageboard' and calling someone a gobshite in the same sentence
>slagging off people on a first-name basis and linking irrelevant videos is fine but please don't link anything else, it upsets my autism about everything not being 100% on topic

Perhaps you'd be more comfortable at Reddit, anon :3

>> No.7941101

So you think a vid about some hag getting a water balloon chucked at her is relevent, oh please explain to me how it is on a board mostly dealing with cons and congoers, Dickless?

>> No.7941104

Why aren't you going back and responding to every off-topic post from the last thread as well, Autismo?

>> No.7941109

Amazing nickname chucklefuck, why do you think a water balloon getting thrown at a woman is even possibly related?

>> No.7941111

>talking to yourself

This is just getting embarrassing Autismo

>> No.7941112

The word messageboard and the word gobshite were never used in the same sentence!

There are too many grammatical errors here for me to bother correcting!

>> No.7941115

Go wank yourself into a coma cunt

>> No.7941117

take your cancer to /eire/
trinity is a bender

>> No.7941118

>talking shit about Trinicuck

>> No.7941119

Well that's what I'll be doing as soon as yer ma's porno finishes downloading!

>> No.7941127


>> No.7941128

...you wank off to fat 60 year old women?

>> No.7941129
File: 194 KB, 500x500, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Irish women so talentless?

>> No.7941131

you don't?

>> No.7941134

why are you such a massive poof?
I guess some questions just don't have answers

>> No.7941137

lol, nope

>> No.7941139
File: 16 KB, 145x160, well fuck your shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a NatCuck Ireland, cosplaying will only be legal for straight, white males.

Women who cosplay shall be sent down to the Anime Mines in Laois for all eternity.

>> No.7941140

Well I usually prefer fat 70 year old women but she'll do!

>> No.7941141

shite gimmick m8

>> No.7941143
File: 163 KB, 960x1280, Nyanners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /cgl/ think of based Nyanners?


>> No.7941146

>hurr if you don't want to fuck a woman you're obviously gay

classic defensive reactionary victim-blaming. I have also already detailed how homophobia is not welcome in this general.

>> No.7941148

she's prettier and more talented than any of the Irish women lurking this thread

don't be surprised if the only responses you get are pure jealousy

>> No.7941149

at what

>> No.7941151

Potsy is that you?

>> No.7941155

being an Illustrious Personality

the only Irish woman from /cgl/ who is even slightly illustrious used to have a penis

>> No.7941158

don't say its name you eejit
who says she doesn't anymore

>> No.7941162

Hey Potsy, you're the ugliest fucking woman ever

>> No.7941165

>who says she doesn't anymore

I'm pretty sure I remember hearing it got whacked off and fed to her cats

>> No.7941174

unlikely, the cats are still alive

>> No.7941180

Irish people in general are shit because anyone with talent leaves and all those who are left get by with the "it's shit but it's Irish excuse". Look for Irish kick-starter campaigns and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.7941189

at least dumb yanks buy our dirt

>> No.7941192

Yeah, out of pity at this stage.

>> No.7941195

you're underestimating the power of heritagefags
we shall be a proud and mighty nation as long as there's someone actually willing to kiss the blarney stone

>> No.7941215
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>> No.7941216





>> No.7941220
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pic related

>> No.7941349

More bitching, please. I love reading irish threads to know the weirdos to look out for.

>> No.7941352

Anyone remember Sarah San?

She was pure cray-cray

>> No.7941382

Tell me more

>> No.7941469

Potsy > /Eirefags/

>> No.7941500
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>> No.7941638

Holy shit where did she go please tell me. That chick was nuts

>> No.7941662

She got put on about 3 different pills and shes LESS crazy now.

>> No.7941793


The autistic girl is on /cgl she probably put the videos up herself

>> No.7941799

Did Potsy get rid of her dick? (Potsy is Leigh Walsh right?

>> No.7941811

Is that Sinead Lynch/Missie Chan on the right?

It's shit but it's Irish

>> No.7941815

I noticed people bitching about Geek Eire, who the hell is he?

>> No.7941901



>> No.7942357

That's Missiechan on the left yes

>> No.7942361

Ah, everyone's favourite pedo hasn't improved much then.

>> No.7942381

unfortunately there's more than one of them

>> No.7942414

an autistic douchebag who keeps making a fool of himself and makes a really shitty podcast with his buttbuddy. He once claimed that if he gets enough hate he'll become a saint. You can sense the overwhelming austisim a mile off

>> No.7942418

I think you need a new sense of humor.

>> No.7942423

Really? Childminder who showed kiddie hentai at a con isn't particularly funny, it's just worrying that people seem to flock to her.

>> No.7942486

Sean Burke has his own pod cast, is he the same person as the Geek Eire autist?

She also sang a song about 'the people who find in your neighbourhood' at KitaCon and one of the verses 'A shota is a person who you find in your neighbourhood, another year they cut her mic on stage because she sang a song about taking drugs

I heard row about the kiddie porn at the first Nom Con was one of the reasons Lorraine Scanlon left the committee (apparently their guest of honour walked out of the hentai panel due to the Lolicon)

She also put lolicon in the hentai panel at the second nom con despite it being illegal in Ireland and telling the rest of the committee she wouldn't put it in the panel

That was the last year she was on the committee surprisingly

>> No.7942491

Lorraine was voted out, she didn't leave on her own terms. She has a multiple personality disorder so depending on the day she will give you a different story to why she is no longer on the Nom Con Commitee.

>> No.7942495

One and the same. Why else do you think Geek Eire is a fucking train wreck?

>> No.7942497

>multiple personality disorder
that's a bullshit disorder, she was just an annoying cunt

>> No.7942499

Didn't one of the other committee members leave with her? I remember the other committee member being co-director of Arcade Con or something

>> No.7942500


Although the diagnosis of multiple personality disorder (nowadays called dissociative personality disorder) is controversial, it's considered by many to be a disorder that exists. However, dissociation is key to the disorder. If the person doesn't literally forget what they did when they 'enter' another personality, they probably don't have MPD (or as they call it nowadays, dissociative personality disorder).

TL;DR: unless she's having dissociative episodes, it's likely she doesn't have it.

>> No.7942503
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Eirtakon this weekend, lads!

Holy sheeeit. Pretty excited.

>> No.7942505

Well she's also a compulsive liar so she might be lying about the disorder.

>> No.7942511


I was kind of implying that if she stated that her DPD is causing her to tell different stories about the same incident, it's definitely not memory loss or dissociation about the event or her personal history. Which is key to the diagnosis.

So yup, take what you will from it.

>> No.7942532
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Stay sexy there Mark.

>> No.7942539

Me too bro!

Anyone else going to the whiskey tasting thing again this year. I went last year and it was actually pretty interesting. Plus you got hammered drunk off of some really nice tasting stuff!

>> No.7942549

I'm thinking of the cocktail panel if it isn't sold out

>> No.7942553


My name is John, m8.

>> No.7942554

Can you buy tickets on the night of it like last year?

>> No.7942557

>getting hammered from it

Count me in

>> No.7942560

I thought of giving it a go this year.
Should be a laugh.

I may have nobody to go with though, so I could end up a hammered Billy-no-mates for a bit....

>> No.7942563

Friend I'm going to the con with doesn't drink so I'll be on my own too. I'll be sure to drunkenly ask you all if you're seagulls

>> No.7942569

Sound as, bro.
Just wait til we've all had a few jars before we all come out of the 4chan closet.

>> No.7942572
File: 23 KB, 393x375, 60921178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pfff, no wories man! I went last year by myself and ended up chatting to loads of guys at it as we sipped our delicious whiskeys and were agreeing what it tasted like.

Its a good time :)

(pic related)

>> No.7942581

Any women at it? The most important bit

>> No.7942585
File: 44 KB, 409x393, 81310573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes to a convention expecting to meet women

Well when I went last year there werent any at it that I'd want to sleep with

>> No.7942586

>not wanting a qt autistic Irish weeb gf

>> No.7942594

>name one such girl that matches that description and is single

Full disclosure, the women at last years whiskey tasting, you wouldnt ride them into battle

>> No.7942604

Jesus, that desperate was it? Maybe you just needed more to drink

>> No.7942620

lol, and deal with them the next morning?! No thanks.

Besides, maybe the qt's of which you speak might be old enough to drink this year around, lord knows I havent seen any the past couple of conventions of been to

>> No.7942632

We can only hope they are anon. We can only hope

>> No.7942769

Top 5 hottest girls at conventions?

>> No.7942818

I'm not sure

>> No.7942858

>tfw that Sean Burke autist has 3 friends in common with me on Facebook
>tfw one of my friends liked an utterly shit photo of him


>> No.7942866

Anyone remember camle-toe Yoko?
This was back in the Helix.

>> No.7942867

Gonna need pics son

>> No.7942879
File: 68 KB, 512x768, whothehelldoyouthinkvagina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7942881

Any more lies and slander about me and I will be contacting my lawyer.


>> No.7942885

Oh no! Not another deformation case!


>> No.7942888

Would throw it in/10

>> No.7942933

My autistic rage gives me super strength. Be warned.

>> No.7942979

It's an anonymous board you fucking retard. Who are you going to sue? The entire of 4chan? Feck off back to your cave ya fecking goblin.
Maybe people wouldn't call your podcast shit if it wasn't in fact a steaming pile of shit.

>> No.7942990

I think it's safe to assume it wasn't actually him posting anon-kun

>> No.7942993

You never know, He might just be that fecking stupid. He made it clear he reads the boards so even if it's not him, he should still know that his podcast is shit.

>> No.7942994

This autist is sorta cute, but she's not Irish nor is she going to Eirtakon

>> No.7942995

Post the shit photo! Post it!

>> No.7942996

How do we know you're even Sean and not one of the regulars have a wee bit of a troll?

>> No.7942997
File: 26 KB, 568x569, Cunt destroyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7942998

>4chan is being mean to me, bring them to court.

Do the world a favour and just jump off a fucking bridge already.

>> No.7943000


>dat file name

>> No.7943002

I would immediately think it couldn't be him if it weren't for the fact that he is super retarded!

>> No.7943003

he looks a bit like tone abet

>> No.7943005


Jesus Christ he does!

>> No.7943007

>the whiskey tasting is going to be €22

I'd better be fucking hammered by the end of it at that price.

>> No.7943012

Potato quality camera

>> No.7943019

It doesn't help there's a potato quality subject in the photo either.

>> No.7943023
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>> No.7943027

That's the picture he has on his linked in.
wow. Much professional. so hire.

>> No.7943033

I would dress her up in my finest frills, shes pretty cute.

>> No.7943037

It looks like his face got put through a meat grinder. Poor guy, with a face like that, no wonder he's a giant retard

>> No.7943042

well, we are in Ireland

>> No.7943045 [DELETED] 

My podcast is my weapon of destruction. You will soon feel my wrath.

>> No.7943048 [DELETED] 

Didn't we have confirmed reports in one of the last threads that those two autists fucked a protitute together?

>> No.7943049 [DELETED] 

Our best cameras our potato, we live in Ireland

>> No.7943053 [DELETED] 

The only wrath coming out of that podcast is captain mumbles dick up your ass faggot.

>> No.7943054 [DELETED] 

Wasn't the same prostitute, they each got their own one at the same time!

>> No.7943057 [DELETED] 

It's pretty common knowledge.

>> No.7943058 [DELETED] 

Nah, pretty sure they shared one.

>>N-no homo...

>> No.7943062 [DELETED] 

Either way that's pretty pathetic. Imagine how shit you must be to have to hire a hooker in the first place.

>> No.7943064 [DELETED] 

Please don't pretend to be me and stir shit by making comments that I might be accused of and which might negatively affect me in that way. I am monitoring this.

>> No.7943071 [DELETED] 


>> No.7943075 [DELETED] 

ow do we know you are the real Sean Burke? and not just another equally austitic faggot?

>> No.7943079 [DELETED] 

Stop plagerising me. I will get Captain Mumbles and his dog after you.

>> No.7943082 [DELETED] 

False. Captain mumbles doesn't have a dog. Only a pet penis he carries around in his ass all day.

>> No.7943083 [DELETED] 

I reckon it isn't Sean. If it was him the grammar and spelling would be too horrendous to read!

>> No.7943085 [DELETED] 

Nope. Same hooker, same time. Vaguely recall being told she robbed 'em, too.

>> No.7943106 [DELETED] 

Wow. The guy just gets more and more pathetic.

>> No.7943168 [DELETED] 

By the power of Geek Eire, I am Sean Alpha. He does have a dog, he fucking loves the thing, sleeps with him and everything, his name is Snowy.

>> No.7943178 [DELETED] 


I am curenty traking all of your ip addreses .istop pretening to be me right now or I will let the hole world know about this on my podcast !!!

>> No.7943181 [DELETED] 

If you have my IP, where am i posting from buttrag?

>> No.7943182 [DELETED] 

an we did not share a hooker

>> No.7943187 [DELETED] 

I thought you loved me.

>> No.7943191 [DELETED] 

Yeah we did.

>> No.7943193 [DELETED] 

This is just the best.

>> No.7943194 [DELETED] 

I just wanted to take a moment out of everyone's time to confess my love for Sean Burke, he is my bae.

>> No.7943196 [DELETED] 

That's good, 'cause he was saying to me he wanted to get in ye.

>> No.7943200 [DELETED] 

My body is ready.

>> No.7943201 [DELETED] 

I want to get into anyone. Please don't make me pay again

>> No.7943203 [DELETED] 

This is the most fun i've had on here in years.

>> No.7943206 [DELETED] 

You still owe me 200 euro for that blow job I gave you.

>> No.7943212 [DELETED] 

I would have done it for 20 euro, you over charging skank.

>> No.7943217 [DELETED] 

I love you baby, don't leave me. I'll stalk you if you do.

>> No.7943219 [DELETED] 

I'd do you for free baby.

>> No.7943221 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 1024x768, broken-f5-button.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is absolutely fantastic!

>> No.7943229 [DELETED] 

I would have done it for free for you mate, if you were about 20 years younger.

>> No.7943233 [DELETED] 

Fuck you, he's my man.

>> No.7943235 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry CM, Do you still worship me as your lord and savior?

>> No.7943240 [DELETED] 

"Bows" yes master Sean Alpha.
Will you be going in raw again tonight?

>> No.7943242 [DELETED] 

no free
ten eulo sucky sucky

>> No.7943243 [DELETED] 

I have ghosts in my cereal. Have you guys seen Torchwood?

>> No.7943246 [DELETED] 

Bite the pillow Bumboy. It's your lucky night

>> No.7943248 [DELETED] 

See, now I know you're not Sean, because everyone knows he'd be a receiver

>> No.7943250 [DELETED] 

The hooker stole Captain Mumbles penis. I do what i must do.

>> No.7943253 [DELETED] 

You'd think, but if you've seen them together, Mumbles is definitely the bitch.

>> No.7943254 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 500x584, 1415135076021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you post things like this not only is it incredibly immature it makes it so I can't really come into the thread and post normally (When I do actually try to do that fairly often). The janitors aren't really helping the situation if they're gong to encourage this shitposting.

Really in these communities everyone has an obligation to be inclusive and you can't shift all your responsibility and mock a group of people who already get the short end of the stick(and thus isn't in much of a position to contest what you're doing to them).

I'm not even just talking about the LGBTQA* population, but you people seem to do that a fuckload. Seriously, check your privilege homophobic shitlord.

>> No.7943255 [DELETED] 

"Bites pillow"
Tell me you love me and fill my asshole with your cherry ice cream filled Popsicle? "Mumbles" hehe tell me you love me.

>> No.7943259 [DELETED] 

I check it this morning, it's completely fine.

>> No.7943264 [DELETED] 

Stop oppressing me or I'll yell rape. It's as if the harassment I get from selling my body to old men is not enough.

>> No.7943265 [DELETED] 

I want the short end of your stick in my ass. Aghhhhhhh... feels so good.

>> No.7943270 [DELETED] 

My stick is already short bae, the surgery went badly

>> No.7943296 [DELETED] 
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>Really in these communities everyone has an obligation to be inclusive

>> No.7943314

well that was fun.

>> No.7943316
File: 45 KB, 531x471, 1414267700939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at recent Eirtakon tags on Tumblr
>homestuck and pony shit everywhere

>> No.7943340 [DELETED] 

Well isn't this a fucking incestuous toilet/ Change the record and pick on someone else you cuntdrips.

>> No.7943344 [DELETED] 

After careful consideration...No.
Change the record and stop being so sensitive.

>> No.7943352 [DELETED] 

Not being sensitive, its just fucking boring to rip on the same guy every time. Change it up a bit for Christ's sake.

>> No.7943359

We do. we rip on Potsy, Amy king, Otakucon, we were previous ripping on that lizard lady.
Keep up dude.

>> No.7943361

He's the one who keeps posting his name in here as bait. We're just rolling with it

>> No.7943370

True but MAYBE, just MAYBE, it might be an idea to not bitch about people behind anonymous like faggots and come out and say it to the guy? I mean he's a string of misery who puts his foot in it but this is hardly the fucking center of social competence.

>> No.7943376

You clearly have missed the entire point of these threads!

>> No.7943380

Have you met him?

>> No.7943381

This is 4chan, go back to tumblr for asspats

>> No.7943383

Oh I get it. Ireland is like one big village and here everyone is taking turns being the spinster cunt in the back of the church. How about a bit of openness? Less schoolyard bullying maybe?

>> No.7943385

Not particularly well but he seems a decent chap and even if he isn't. he doesn't deserve this bollocks.

>> No.7943388


>> No.7943390

If you think he is in anyway decent then you have clearly been living under a rock!

>> No.7943394

Never done anything to me.

>> No.7943397

Then you really don't know how much of a super douche he is.

>> No.7943400
File: 21 KB, 217x208, 1413796705105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read some of the past threads. He's an absolute dic (and this is coming from an anon here)

>> No.7943401

Unless you are lost, You are in fact on 4chan. What do you expect? Everyone to sit and hold hands and tell everyone they are awesome?
Seriously dude, Leave before your feelings are hurt, k?

>> No.7943405

How are you supposed to hurt me? Go on. Try.

>> No.7943406

You cant use that as an argument for him!

By that logic Potsy is an perfectly lovely human being because she has never done anything directly to me!

Allow me to take it over the top:
Charles Manson is a top bloke. My reasoning for saying this is that he never did anything to me!

>> No.7943409

Well if you are getting over sensitive over people ripping on Sean, then you're going to have a bad time on here buddy.

>> No.7943412

Are you 12? Did you hear about 4chan on Buzzfeed?

>> No.7943413

and I've nothing against Mr Bojangles either. Personally, it just seems petty and a bit obsessive to go on and on about him.

>> No.7943416

Than talk about something else? Your the one that seems obsessed, tbh

>> No.7943418

To be fair if it wasn't him it would be someone else!

>> No.7943419

Are you Sean?

>> No.7943424

Everyone needs to calm down, maybe get some snacks, listen to some music, maybe a bit of marvin Gaye sexual healing AND CHILL THE FUCK OUT!

>> No.7943429


>> No.7943432

Got me some chocolate fingers, listening to some fine ass Taylor swift.

Couldn't be more chill tbh.

>> No.7943440

>tfw psycho ex loved Taylor Swift

I never understood the obsession.

>> No.7943467

Hi Sean

>> No.7943472

Loony lizard lady is still spamming

>> No.7943478
File: 223 KB, 2197x1463, paisley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then he told me "Irish women are beautiful"

>> No.7943495

no one is denying that they're ugly, but Brits shouldn't be the ones talking
>maisie williams

>> No.7943501

don't you have a monster truck rally to attend, Billy Bob?

>> No.7943507

nah braw, that's monster truck sunday.

>> No.7943564
File: 155 KB, 360x325, 66770802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should someone start posting the hottest girls you can see at Irish conventions?

>> No.7943586

I was on a course and there was a girl who looked like Maisie Williams if she'd fallen out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down

>> No.7943601

What happened to that whole Ireland taking part in the World Cosplay Summit thing

>> No.7943609
File: 28 KB, 720x720, dat asslocke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot irish cosplay girl number 1!
Mistress J. She isnt single so dont even bother asking her out

>> No.7943620

Is Mistress J the same one who cosplays Fem!Joker?

>> No.7943626

Samantha Brick is another fugly bitch

Speaking of Game of Thrones I'd like to jizz on Sophie Turner's hair

>> No.7943629

Same one

>> No.7943643

So uh, any other cute cosplayers?

>> No.7943648

You're a faggot Lucas.

>> No.7943654

lol, someones jealous of Lucas

>> No.7943660

If this is the same Lucas I think it is, I've heard he actually is a faggot from a girl he tried to get stuck in with.

>> No.7943662

Lucas go home you autistic faggot and stop being so obvious on 4chan.

There's enough dirt on you to get you put away for a long time.

>> No.7943664
File: 65 KB, 526x701, stick it in their poopers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two are very cute, dont know their names but the one on the left is a cock tease and the one on the right is bordeline>>7943662

>> No.7943665

Did we talk to the same girl haha

>> No.7943671

Possibly. Initial of first name?

>> No.7943672

I'm not Lucas you ass

>> No.7943681

Nah I'm not into milfs

>> No.7943686

This wouldn't be a con regular who gave me the dirt, but apparently he has a think for slightly under age girls.
Fuck off Lucas, nobody likes you.

>> No.7943689

Girl I heard it from isn't a con regular either, kek

>> No.7943696

Not to defend the freak but there seems to be a growing trend of unemployed losers going after 17/18 year olds since none else is impressed with their bullshit.

>> No.7943704

Hadn't she already?
Does she know your mam then?

>> No.7943708
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 56586721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps I'll make a collage of all the cute ones I know tomo, posting them one at a time is painfully slow

>> No.7943712

Deets please?

>> No.7943717

Ok I'll play along. It will be all the more fun as I'm not Lucas. Fuck you you dont have shit on me motherfucker! :P

>> No.7943732

It has to be the same girl then haha, what deets do you have?
I would but I don't want to be to blame as he would probably start shit with the girl who told me but let's say he was saying things he shouldn't to an under age girl and he got a warning.

>> No.7943737

Thats not "having shit" on anyone, faggot.
You go to the guards with that and it will turn into a game of he said she said

>> No.7943741

>Thats not "having shit" on anyone, faggot.

I'm sure the court of public opinion would just dismiss some faggot trying to talk dirty to underage girls as merely he said, she said too!

But c'mon anon, >>7943732, you can't just dangle it in front us and not tell us what he said.

>> No.7943790

You guys do realise how young Lucas is though right?

>> No.7943803

Lucas go home.
Okay fair enough but I'm not going in to detail. He start messaging an under age girl in graphic detail what he would do to her, that good enough for you? "I want you so bad, suck my dick, I love you". Sort of shit.

>> No.7943806

So how old is he then?

>> No.7943807

Hes either 19 0r 20, alot younger than you'd think to look at him

>> No.7943809


>> No.7943820

No he isnt...

>> No.7943827

Even if he's 20, the girl is far from legal, she didn't even go a long with it.

>> No.7943828

Well when did this even happen and secondly how do you even know how old the girl was?

>> No.7943844

I'm mates with her cousin and her age is on her facebook and what makes it worse is she looks even younger than she already is. I don't know when but I can find out in the morning for you?

I know more dirt on him from his band days but I'm not that much of an asshole to ruin his life for being a bit of a pedo.

>> No.7944416

He's young enough that I felt vaguely bad for cursing so much when he was on my team of stewards at the last zombie walk.

That says more about me than him I think...

>> No.7944887
File: 201 KB, 1024x1536, red_does_not_mix_with_blue_by_cairdiuil-d81jlwr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this smokin hot Rei

>> No.7944891

Is that cosplay from Milanoo?

>> No.7944898

Amy never did know how to style a wig

>> No.7944902

or brush one.

>> No.7944929

Stop making fun of me, you're just jealous I'm a model and a good one too. That picture that was posted that's what I call my constipated look, it's very desirable.

>> No.7944931

>howaya buzz, d'ya think im fuckin kawaii wha giz sum a ya chips

>> No.7944932

Her face is almost as red as the background.

>> No.7944936

Don't worry Amy, you can join us at The Arcade. It's where all the rejects go, you will fit right in.

>> No.7944947

Please stop talking about one of our clients that way.

Thank you.

>> No.7944951

Ah, Arcade. The epitome of spite-fuelled Irish cons.

How hard you planning on having the heating turned up this year? I hear you're going for 3 boiled weeaboos next summer in whatever new hotel basement you can get?

>> No.7944953

Any jobs going?

>> No.7944956

Leave it out or we will schedule our con the same weekend as Brocon again and we will put Potsy on door staff.

>> No.7944957

I can think of a job I can give you ;D

>> No.7944960

I make millions at Geek Eire but sure what job do you have for me? :P

>> No.7944963

I'd love to see that - then Brocon would end up with their biggest attendance to date, even more than you guys!

>> No.7944969

You're just jealous because we're comfortable with our sexualities. We have monthly orgies, you should come if you think you can handle us loser. We're so hardcore.

>> No.7944983

I guess I'll bring along some C4 then...

>> No.7944985

Don't make me go Declan Doody, you wouldn't like me when I'm Declan Doody..

>> No.7944990

Bring your C4, I'm a fucking tank.
They used me as a human shield in Iraq.

>> No.7944991

What, an overhyped diva? Please, Sean Burke's more of a diva than you, and I've dealt with him before.

>> No.7944997

This is your last warning, prepare to perish. I trained with many ninja, one more word and I'll have to unleash a move I have been perfecting for many years. Don't make me use the "Homosexual, erotic, ass penetrating, obnoxious, fart smelling, fault in our stars loving jitsu" on you.

>> No.7945000


>> No.7945003

Arcade Con Committee Assemble!
"Combines together to become the Megazord" You have found out our secret, we really are Power Rangers.
"Runs at anon" ARRRGGGHH!

>> No.7945018

The thread gets cleaned up and ye all go back to shitposting the next day.

Never change, lads.

>> No.7945029

By the power of Greycock...

>> No.7945030


>> No.7945315

This thread is a wreck, scarlet for the lot of ye

>> No.7945329

Jaysus, you are so not a Dub; I'm bleedin' scarleh' for you fecking up the terms.

>> No.7945333

Pure morto for that fuckin' eejit

>> No.7945354

not a Dub but here's a Trip ayyyy

>> No.7945359
File: 90 KB, 600x625, 1384089090879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never go to Eirtakon with some masso Dublin girlos 2k14

>> No.7945369
File: 287 KB, 496x331, scoobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In the history of not getting it, no one has ever not got it as much as you don't get it.

>> No.7945375

Fuck off Bolger.

>> No.7945390

I got it, I simply responded to the taking the piss with even more taking the piss.

>> No.7945417
File: 44 KB, 496x331, scooooooobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol, yeah, sure ya did.

>> No.7945424

Whatever you say, Uncle Vernon.


>> No.7945487

Footage from the lads doing the Miku concert


What do we think?

I don't know, I think it's alright but the overall production seems to fall a bit flat. Sort of like going to see a metal concert and leaving a bit disappointed because they had all the energy of a pop act.