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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7932142 No.7932142 [Reply] [Original]

It's happened at least 50 times now. I'll be browsing cosplays online and I'll stumble across a cosplayer who is very obviously female, but claiming to be male. Or I'll compliment a girl for doing a good crossplay, and she and her friends will become buttenraged and get up in my face for misgendering "him". Usually these "men" will have many photos of themselves in "crossplay", where they dress as girl characters. Pic related. Definitely male, right gaise?

This is not a thread to bash transpeople, as I generally do not have problems with them and have always supported LGBT rights. I just want to know what the connection between cosplay and transtrenderism is. What is the psychology behind it? I've heard people say that it's a phase for some teenage girls, but back in high school, I didn't know any transgender people. I didn't even know it was a thing until I started cosplaying. What about cosplay = gender dysphoria? And how come it's always girls? Why are there no guys pretending to be kawaii transgirls?

Also, how does when tell apart a real FtM from a transtrender cosplayer? It's almost impossible to take anyone seriously who is not on testosterone and claiming to be male, especially in cosplay because there are so fucking many of them! I hate to be disrespectful to an FtM who can't take HRT for medical reasons, but it pains me even more to buy into some fakeboi's delusions.

Do you guys know? Because it's totally lost on me.

>> No.7932151

>It's happened at least 50 times now
Maybe you are gay?

>> No.7932163

I've actually noticed this too. I've nothing against people who are trans, I'll call anyone whatever pronouns they want, but occasionally I come across some people who claim to be a male and a trap, even though it's painfully obvious that they're actually female due to hips, thighs and shit, the bust.

There's somebody on my facebook who claims to be a gay trap living their perfect yaoi life. I just agree and go along with it, calling them out is just unneeded drama.

>> No.7932164

>Why are there no guys pretending to be kawaii transgirls?
Girls think they can become yaoi bishounen guys.

>> No.7932184

this reminds me of ftm cosplayers who have not done hormones cosplaying as girls and calling themselves "flawless crossplayers". no you aren't. fuck off.

>> No.7932185

/cgl/ has had its run-ins with these types of lolcows in the past. Recently there haven't been any but there were a handful back in like 2009-2012 that were constantly posted and made fun of. Probably the "no singling out" rule helped in that.

Honestly 90% of the time even if you get a ton of people to call them out on it nothing will change. Most of these people are either in full delusion or so committed to gaining any sort of e-fame they will deny it to their deathbeds. Notable fake FtMs that I remember were; akidemon(sp?) (one of the original fakes, had cult status), a handful of DA highschoolers and the currently most famous one is that fat goth girl who got into a lot of shit for taxidermying her dead pets and was living in her fans houses free of charge because "muh oppression". Forgot her name though.

>> No.7932193

>see delusional people
>not part of that group
>they are not even remotely in my way
>recognize that they are not worth to ponder
>i just walk along and wander

they'll grow up someday

>> No.7932200

?1/2. This got away from me, sorry.

Queer people in general (not just trans, the whole acronym) are more prevalently represented in counter culture such as fandom and cosplay, probably because they are generally made fun of in school so their friends are more likely to be the counter culture types.
As a quote on quote "real" trans guy (btw I take an approach of live and let live with so called "trans-trenders" simply because I'm sensitive to different life situations and I personally think that everyone should allowed to experiment with their gender presentation, regardless of being trans or not) I know that that was the case for me, that my only friends were the anime geeks because at the time everyone thought I was a lesbian and I was teased mercilessly by everyone but the geeks. I actually discovered that I was trans through crossplay.
I've noticed the big difference between trans cosplayers around my age (mid to late 20s) and those around tumblr age (14-17) is that us old people are more comfortable with admitting that we were born a sex different than what we identify as. I am a hairy, stinky dude at this point, years of T has made sure of that, but up until I had my top surgery, I still referred to my cosplaying as men as "crossplaying." Because I was using crossplay techniques. On the very, very rare occasion that I cosplayed as a girl character (which I think I've done twice since coming out) I didn't feel any need to tell anyone THAT was crossplay, because I didn't feel it was. Now, probably I'd feel a bit different, but that's because my facial structure has completely changed and I'd need to wear fake titties.

>> No.7932210

Tumblr kids have this really poisonous approach to being trans were they try to erase their assigned sex completely, to the point of being angry when they are asked for it on medical forms (which to me is just so damn stupid). It's almost a throw back to the trans of the 70s and 80s in a way, the only difference there being that people were stealth to avoid being brutally murdered, not to get points from their social justice friends.
But whatever, when it comes down to it, they are kids. We all regret what we do at 14-17, and I'm sure they will as well.
Also OP, in regards to your question as to why people born male don't do this, it's generally because making yourself more feminine is really, really taboo so generally people don't do it unless that's really how they feel. Being a trans man is actually a fairly privileged position, one that doesn't put your life in instant danger. The violent reaction to anyone who rejects masculinity is a huge turn off to casual gender experimentation.
>inb4 "TUMBLR"
I've never even made one, I work at a non-profit so I've gotten used to using the language.

>> No.7932259

If someone who says they identify as FtM gets offended over being called a girl when dressing like a girl then they should really just stop dressing like a girl. I'm FtM and on HRT and I cosplay both male and female characters about 50/50 but even before HRT I never had a problem with people calling me "she" if I was dressing as a female character... Seriously, what the hell.... I think all this shit on Tumblr really gives these people the feeling that they are entitled to their preferred pronouns always from everyone all the time regardless of how they present themselves. It's fucking stupid.

>> No.7932261

Well, first off, I'm pretty sure pic related IS a fake trans boy.

But to explain it, I'm FtM and I occasionally crossplay. I don't pick characters to cosplay based on gender, and I don't understand this idea of me crossplaying invalidating my gender while cis people crossplaying is a-ok. When I cosplay, I'm not presenting me as myself. I'm in a costume. I'm portraying a character I presumably really like. No one looks at a cis girl who exclusively cosplays boys and questions their gender, so there's no reason to look at trans individuals and decide they aren't actually trans because they dressed up as a female character one time.

I agree, crying over people using the wrong pronouns when your crossplaying is stupid (I personally just say, "Oh, no, it's he" and move on), and if all of their pictures out of cosplay are the individual not even attempting to pass, I'd be skeptical. But as it stands, the characters people choose to cosplay don't really reflect on the person's identity at all. Cosplaying a gay character doesn't mean you're gay, cosplaying a femals character doesn't mean you're female, ect.

>> No.7932265


Wait, so, girl in pic is actually trying to pretend she's a guy?
is she stupid

>> No.7932271

Does crossplaying ever cause you dysphoria?

>> No.7932276

Neither of those anons, I'm >>7932200 but I'll bite.
The two times I have cosplayed as a girl since coming out, no, it did not cause me dysphoria, because it was a performance of a character and not a reflection of my gender.
It did remind me how grateful I was that us dudes get the comfier undergarments though.

>> No.7932277


I'm >>7932261. Not really? I don't do anything that shows off cleavage or anything and I don't wear the crossplays much. In fact, I have...4? I wear from time to time. Only one shows any skin at all, and that's leg, which I show more of dressed as some male characters.

A big thing that triggers dysphoria with me is the idea if people looking at me and treating me, personally, as female, if that makes any sense? And I don't get that with crossplay, because they're not looking at me as...me, they're looking at x chaacter, and approaching me and addressing me as the character, not as me as a person. Does that make any srnse?

>> No.7932280

It did on occasion before I was on HRT but now I am more comfortable with it than ever. I also cosplay girls way more often than I used to. I was previously more uncomfortable with feminine clothing in general, I guess because I felt like I had to compensate or something. But it's weird because this was before I even knew I was trans.

>> No.7932282


I should probably mention, though, I have a fairly big chest and I tend to cosplay flat-chested or young girls, so I do bind a little with sports bras. That probably helps, too, haha.

>> No.7932285

Those all make sense, thanks for answering.

>> No.7932314

I'm a senior in HS and as it turned out a bunch of tumblrinas clogged up the system by putting their wrong sex on the forms, and it didn't match their other records and shit. The college app people tried to send nice messages but jesus...how many hours and how much work, time and money did that waste? Like, damn, did you have to be a special snowflake 24/7 THAT bad? Did you not think of the consequences--schools might reject you because they think it's not really you applying if you couldnt get such a basic thing right? Damn.

>> No.7932330

Yeah I feel so bad for Unis having to deal with these incoming special snowflakes. I know at least 3 people who made meetings at their potential Unis to discuss their 'gender dysmorphia' to make sure the University understood that even though they were biologically X, they FELT like Y on some days and on other days they didn't feel like anything and please refer to myself as xer/xe/unicorne/whatever in all my paperwork and just fucking Christ learn that you aren't the center of the Universe.

>> No.7932493

First of all, very well said.
But yeah, I agree totally that the emphasis is on the techniques necessary to change one's physical appearance to fit a character.

Someone who binds pretty much 24/7 as a normal part of their appearance, for example, and then binds in a cosplay, I'm still rather undecided whether it would really count to me as crossplay. It does use crossplay techniques to create an altered image of gender, and would make sense, but I can 100% understand/agree with the desire to not call it that when it's part of one's daily life rather than an occasional costume.

But someone who binds and then 'wow' suddenly doesn't for a cosplay? No facial contouring, no padding or visible changes at all from one's current natural physique? That doesn't take any sort of crossplaying skill or techniques, it's literally the opposite; you're just exposing what you naturally look like without your usual efforts. And I think that takes away from the work and practice "real" crossplayers put in to perfecting this change of appearance.

>> No.7932500

Damn. I'm always surprised and pleased on the rare occasion anyone working at the uni even knows my name, rather than just a student number. Let alone preferred pronouns, medical history, mental tendencies; anything more personal than how much I owe them at a given moment

>> No.7932514

Another anon.

I'm questioning, fluctating between male and female identities and have been for a few years. Currently getting therapy and looking to get diagnosed as intergender and maybe get HRT eventually. Cosplay has been a big step to me when it comes to gender experimentation.

So does it make me feel dysphoric? Well... On one hand, these are characters. So no, the cosplays themselves doesn't GENERALLY make me feel dysphoric provided I'm in a good mood to begin with. I tend to bring both male and female cosplays so I can pick one based on how I feel. If my dysphoria is particularly strong I might just go out of cosplay instead and present myself androgynously. It's not really worth it to feel shitty, especially when it's REALLY hard to pass as non-gendered by strangers.

With that said, if I don't pass then yes that can put me in a state of dysphoria. Cosplaying as a guy and have someone without a blink refer to me as female can make a heart drop because that means I'm taken out of the character. Or correcting people's pronouns and still have them use wrong and excuse themselves with that I cosplay a feminine character...

Anyway, this was a hot mess. The guys I cosplay tend to be androgyne by default but they're hardly ever yaoi boys. I usually feel more comfortable in male cosplays because people are more likely to listen when I tell them they use the wrong pronouns which is almost inevitable when meeting new people at cons.

>> No.7932532
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>so there's no reason to look at trans individuals and decide they aren't actually trans because they dressed up as a female character one time.

>tfw ftm
>tfw turned away from HRT because of this
>tfw it wasnt even a female cosplay, just pink

luckily my friends are all accepting and such it's just...

>> No.7932535


>> No.7932549

If you can't decide on a gender you have some kind of mental disorder.

>> No.7932555

Shit, anon, that sucks. I hope you get your HRT one day. I'm ~genderfluid~ (not in the Tumbles way, in the "I literally have to stop myself from maiming my genitalia on bad days" way), so I don't think I'll ever be taken seriously.

>> No.7932564
File: 287 KB, 853x1280, tumblr_net6efHM0o1s3u0h4o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My Name is Asch Hays, and I’m a cosplayer, model and makeup artist from the southern United states. Georgia, specifically.

>I’m a dude so yeah, you’re probably gay.

>Actual Fruit Goth.

Her words.

>> No.7932569

why do you give a shit what sex IT defines ITSELF as?

>> No.7932573

Actually intergender is medically recognized as a thing in my country but I mean people still think of transsexuals in general as being mentally ill so hey.

Man, this is one reason why it took so long for me to get a therapeut, I'm so sorry for you, dude. It's as if guys would be mentally incapable of liking pink or something ):

I'm not that far down, thankfully. I think it might be because of me and the people around me thinking I just had a bad case of body related angst like many teenagers do so I've kind of agressively forced myself to like my body. I mean, I still kind of do it's just not one I feel I can call mine. I don't know, I'm also really scared of self mutilation and surgery and such, but I'm coming to terms with the idea of HRT.

>> No.7932580
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>Actually intergender is medically recognized as a thing in my country

>> No.7932622

Shit like this makes me feel bad for the trans community at large. You aren't a guy, you're a special snowflake who thinks being a fakeboi for the yaoiz and hawtness is so much more exciting. I'm sure in five years all these tumblrinias will have moved on to their next fad.

And that's not even getting into the question of what the fuck is a fruit goth.

>> No.7932625
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>> No.7932637

What does feeling like the you were born wrong gender feel like? I'm comfortable with my gender so I don't really understand. I'm just really curious

>> No.7932647

>Actually intergender is medically recognized as a thing in my country but I mean people still think of transsexuals in general as being mentally ill so hey.
Nope, it isn't. You're mixing things up here. There's people who are physically in between genders, there's people who are transgender (some of them are, for others it's just a symptom of another disorder) and then there's people who are attention whores.

>> No.7932648

Would anyone be interested in a (sort of) answer from someone who used to feel insecure about their gender in her teens but is now fine?
I was never a transtrender, just fyi, back then it wasn't a thing.

>> No.7932652

> that even though they were biologically X, they FELT like Y on some days and on other days they didn't feel like anything
That actually sums up my gender identity, to be honest. However in terms of pronouns I honestly just don't care. The people that I am close and intimate with will use the correct pronouns on both my X and Y days but for the most part stick with a neutral set of pronouns. It's really hard for me to admit being genderfluid because of the tumblr stigma that surrounds it. I'm sorry that some days I feel the absolute worse because my genitalia is wong.

This is my second year in college and my professors for this semester have been referring to me by last name. I didn't have to approach them, they approached me to ask what made me more comfortable since I will present myself how I feel that day, if I feel like being X or Y. Which they noticed

I don't know, I just had to clear up that part since it's not as odd as it may seem. But I fucking hate the xer/xe/zit/bunself/unicornself shit. Some girl who sat next to me insisted that I was the one faking while she was the true dysphoric one. Oh excused me I mean "fae was the true dysphoric one."

In any case, I'm pretty much 50/50 with female and male cosplays. I kinda just call them all cosplays rather than crossplays even if I use crossplay techniques for both. I usually stick to what I find interesting and what I'm into at the time. I had a period where I stuck with female cosplays because they were more intricate and I sucked at prop making. Now that I'm sorta well rounded, I'm picking up more video games and shonen shit just so I can get more practice for prop making. As for pronouns and cosplay, again, I'm pretty at peace with whatever I'm being called and referred to. I guess I'm too relaxed about this shit but I got used to people using the wrong pronouns so it doesn't really phase me anymore.

But ye, just my two cents.

>> No.7932660

But that's normal. I know a lot of teens struggle with their gender identity and think it's something special, but feeling feminine one day and more masculine the next is perfectly normal. I noticed a lot of people go overboard with both but the truth is I went through the same thing and my humble opinion is that people make it a bigger deal than it already is.

>> No.7932672

go ahead!

>> No.7932683


>> No.7932700

>1/2 (sorry about that)
I think the reason these girls are transtrenders is because they think that a certain gender is "supposed to" act a certain way and "has to" like these things or those in order to be a girl "correctly" and not be considered weird, if that makes sense. Likewise, my mum for example always kept saying how a "woman should be feminine" and "be a lady", and little girls are sometimes told by their mothers that they should play with makeup and not footballs, that they shouldn't climb trees or get their dress dirty and that they should always sit still and look pretty while their brothers were allowed to go around and "be boys". I don't think that's necessarily misogyny or whatever a feminist might like to call it (let's not go down that rabbit hole now) just misguided parenting. And it kind of gives a message to the girl that she is somehow different from a boy and to a little girl, sitting still looks like being punished for not acting "correctly", and gives off a message that only boys can act like that and that it's not normal for a girl to like those things.

And when boys grow up they can still keep being kids and they're not really any different, while for girls it's different.
As soon as you spurt tits you stop being a girl and start being a woman to someone else, so people start treating you differently and it comes as a shock to a lot of girls. Suddenly having the body you have is shameful and many other changes come which scares some girls and they become ashamed of their own body, thus resorting to transtrending and gender experiments, thinking they're somehow masculine for wanting to look a certain way and wanting something other than what their mothers and grandmothers have told them to like.

>> No.7932701

I have to agree with >>7932660 here - everyone feels more masculine or feminine from time to time. That's why "genderfluid" carries such a stigma - on tumblr it's just a special snowflake way to describe what just about everyone goes through. The idea of a tomboy has been around for forever.

Can you explain why using neutral pronouns are important to you, if you're bouncing between male and female every day? You're obviously not intersex or intending on reassigning, so I guess I just don't understand why some people make a big deal out of using "their" or "ze."

>> No.7932706

Assuming you’re female – how would it make you feel if you were the person you are now except born a male body, and grew up to be super tall, meaty, smelly and hairy, complete with no boobs and a big penis? Would you feel comfortable with yourself?

>> No.7932713


I live in Eastern Europe and went through a similar thing (as I said), and luckily my parents were very understanding of me at the time and let me wear baggy boys' clothes and cut my hair.
Despite what people think, Eastern Europe may be poor but we're safer than a lot of Western countries and we're not as racist and homophobic as people portray us to be, we just don't have the whole PC culture. So no one actually bullied me and I know some transwomen (real ones, albeit sans hormones) that people just let go on with their lives as they like.
Some people did ask me "are you a boy or a girl" because, back then I still looked like a child; most people actually thought I was a little boy. I would feel proud whenever people thought that but was always kind of embarrassed for lying to them in a way. I had a small chest so I didn't need to bind then.
My mother actually took it rather well, and saw it for what it was, a phase. I had a talk with her and she said it was normal, that every girl feels like that when she's young and that it's okay to be uncomfortable with yourself and your sexuality at this age. The whole dressing up as a boy lasted for about a year or two, and thanks to buying baggy clothes I can now still wear them around the house lel.
I grew out of it and went bra shopping with mum sometime later, then started experimenting with edgy weebwear and later eased into lolita and wearing skirts. I think the thing that contributed to it the most is the realisation that liking x doesn't necessarily make you a dyke or a wannabe dude, that it's okay to be "a bitch" and hurt a guy's feelings, that it's okay not to want something and live life on your own terms, that you can dress in trousers and skirts whenever you feel like it and that people don't like the same things all the time, they change. You don't have to be "feminine" and "ladylike" if you don't want to and not being so doesn't make you uncultured or low-class.
That's what I think.

>> No.7932718

It's not so much that neutral is more important to me it's just that I'm used to people not using the correct pronouns so I've just gotten over it and I've found that neutral is the best I'm going to get. As for surgeries I've had breast reductions because it's actually hurt me more emotionally to see them there.

I guess I should've explained that yes I understand tomboy exist but I am not that because it's not just so much "oh, I'm being more boyish today" it's more so "oh, I really can't stand any part of my body someone help me".

I used the wrong words, I guess but it's not so much "feminine" and "masculine" but rather: 1) I'm a girl today, 2) I'm a guy today, 3) I really just don't care and I'm really tired so it doesn't matter.

Again, the whole neutral thing is just with the environment I'm in, it's the best that I'm going to get so until I know I can get better treatment then I'm good. Hope that clears it up!

>> No.7932720

When I was about 13 my boobs started to grow really big and all of a sudden the girls called me a slut while the boys started bothering and groping me during breaks. I didn't want any of that, and I remember being made to feel so ashamed of my breasts. I can totally see how it would be a shock to some of them to a point where they think they're "supposed to" be boys just because they don't enjoy (what they think) being female (is).

>> No.7932722

Oh, okay. But as the anons above and I said, it's also normal for girls who feel like girls to hate their breasts, although I don't think that seems to be the issue with you now that you cleared it up. Do you just hate your breasts? Or do you also wish you had a penis? Sorry for putting it so bluntly.

>> No.7932723

This. This is how I feel.

I cosplay both males and females so I don't have a problem if they call me h/s. I have issues with it it public but I learned to just adjust and randomly correct people for lulz just to see the shock on their faces.

I look feminine but I have a hairy face so it confuses people. Doctor prescribed me birth control but I only take it for health purposes. I do not nor have any desire to shave unless it's for cosplay purposes.

>> No.7932725

I kind of feel bad for people who had parents like this. I was pretty lucky in that respect. My parents didn't really make me act any certain way. I was expected to be respectful at all times, and be a good kid, but never a "lady"?
I was taught table manners and how to cook, but I thought that was gender nuetral when I was taught it. It was never "a lady eats like..." or "a woman cooks for her husband.."

It was always "it's respectful to not shovel food down your gullet. Get that shit out of your mouth." or "You need to learn to cook for yourself when you're on your own. Otherwise, you'll get pretty tired of ramen and twinkies."

My mom toom me clothes shopping and did girly things if I wanted to, but she also introduced me to video games. My dad called me his little princess and bought me pretty dresses, but every weekend, as sure as day, I would trade it in for a pair of overalls to build the treehouse with him.

I think people put too much into defining genders and their roles when really I think parents should just teach their kids to not be shit bricks

>> No.7932728

Different anon but tbh I don't think I'd mind much, other than obviously wanting to bathe more. I don't ID strongly with being female and don't really care, which is why I'm always scratching my head at the granular-level pronouns and special neutral gender descriptions.

So one day you're disgusted with your body and want to change it, but the next day you're 100% happy with it? Anon, I'm sorry, but that sounds unhealthy.

>> No.7932731
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I'm a majorly girly girl but ngl I'd love to be a big lad for a day just so that I could stroke my beard and schwing my giant cock around like a battleaxe.
I'd also have a posh wank just because I could.
Only for a day though.

>> No.7932735

Nah it's cool, I get that you two are just trying to help, want to make sure the proper information is there and that there are no misunderstandings, and/or are curious.

But anyways, on certain days, I hate my breasts and really wish I had a penis. On other days, I wish they were bigger (woo stuffing, amirite?) and I'm very okay with my vagina. That's pretty much it. So I'm doing the best I can with what I can get and reducing the size has helped me a lot. Since again, I can stuff when I want to but I can't just make a penis grow.

As for cosplaying, to make this relevant, I don't cosplay anything that shows off tits nor ass. I will show off my legs at the very most. I don't show off tum but that's because I don't like my stomach. For males it's pretty much the same.

>> No.7932738

>but the next day you're 100% happy with it?

Not that anon (I'm >>7932555), but I'm never 100% happy with my body. It's just that some days I can look between my legs and think, "This fucking sucks," but I'll be mostly okay, and go on with my day, and not really think about it, while others days I'll be in the shower and I can barely clean my body without wanting to hurt myself because I just can't deal with it. It's kind of difficult to explain really, but it's deeper than feeling like a guy one day, and a girl the next. I'm aware that my relationship with my body is probably pretty unhealthy, though.

>> No.7932741

Well it's not a day to day thing. I get that it's probably unhealthy but I've been dealing with it just fine and making adjustments as I see fit. I have more female days than I have male days. Yes it's disgust but it's also being plain uncomfortable because it's not right. I really don't know how else to explain it, but I'm going to class so I'll answer more later if the thread is still here.

>> No.7932742

Eh, my mother gave off mixed signals. She was obviously 100% fine with how I was but then she shit-talked her fat neighbour and said how she looks like a man and "who would want a woman like that, she looks and acts like a bulldyke". The woman in question came from this mountain village in Montenegro and was built like a refrigerator, could lift two baby cows at the same time and probably bodyslam her husband into the ground, but I always felt it a bit mean because she's as much of a woman as my mum and shouldn't be made to feel bad because of what she looks like. Plus, to this day I think strong burly ladies are mad cool.
I guess parents sometimes make offhanded comments that they aren't aware their daughters will misinterpret or take personally.
My dad always made fun of my mum for buying expensive cosmetics when they couldn't afford it and I grew up feeling ashamed for wanting to moisturise and take care of my face. Only a few years later did I confront him about it and he explained that it's 100% a-okay to buy cosmetics, he just had a problem with the particular ones my mum used to buy.

>> No.7932743


What I've noticed is that it's always girls who pull this shit, and they don't actually have gender dysphoria or want to become trans. Usually they try to adopt that "gender fluid" identity, and adamantly want people to refer to them using gender neutral pronouns, or even male pronouns altogether. You know that they don't actually want to become trans, because they still present themselves femininely, and they want to still do "girly" things. They just have so much internalized misogyny that they've realized that being female sucks in western society, and they want to distance themselves from the oppression that every other woman has to go through. I think it's so stupid of some of them to be """"" gender fluid"""" and then get pissed when someone refers to them as a girl when they're clearly presenting as female. You can't get in on the suffering and discrimination that actual trans people face everyday, and try to include yourselves with them when you actually have the choice to present yourself as female, and not feel horrible.

tl;dr These dumb teens try to pass off what they do as being socially progressive, but they're actually upholding the institutions that continue to oppress women and real trans people.

>> No.7932752

Back in my time, all kids wanted was to be bissexual.

Since all these new words became popular, they use them, but it's always the same thing. They just want to be special.

>> No.7932762

I think you hit the nail on the head here.

>> No.7932767

This. I think genderfluid is this generations bisexual, both in practice and in fakeness.

Fakeness with those like OP trying to get asspates and efame through being a unique snowflake, but also in practice because now that it is seen as an option for people, some are just gonna run with it and make it a lifestyle choice, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Seeing some genderfluid people post, it's interesting to see their perspectives because honestly I've never met a genuine gender fluid person outside of tumblr and I have to say I honestly don't get it. I went through a questioning phase in high school where I wasn't sure if I wanted to be a boy or a girl or what but quickly realized I was a girl who was unhappy with her appearance and had no one to help me become what I wanted to look like, and I had plenty of friends who had had similar situations, but I don't understand not coming to terms with your own gender/sex at an older age?

>> No.7932772

Actually I'm not.
I'm seeing a therapist about this, treatment for intergender, transsexual people is a thing. Funny how the world is slowly realizing not everything is black or white while you people yell "tumblr" as soon as the possibility of there being transsexual people who can't identify as men or women is brought up.

>> No.7932776

This, I went through exactly what you and the Eastern Euro anon explained, I mean sure now I'm a bit of a tomboy but so is my mother-in-law and I'm fairly sure both of us are okay with being women.

I guess some people take longer to mature or come to terms with it than others, and it might be that the whole wishful thinking mentality in the West is actually enabling the lot of them instead of helping them overcome their issues.

>> No.7932796

lol'd out loud

>> No.7932814

You didn't even read what I wrote, right?

>> No.7932872

>so you're probably gay

Yeah no, get over yourself

>> No.7932900

Why would a dude wear a bra? I'm so confused.

>> No.7932937

Shit pisses me off too, and I'm a "real" ftm guy (real being defined by testosterone and breast surgery).
I agree with an anon who posted previously that if you're cosplaying a girl, or using excessive makeup, or whatever the case may be, you really should not be upset when people use female pronouns. Seriously, unless you've talked to them beforehand, how on earth would they know?

People need to relax and realize that not everyone has such an acute sense of what gender someone is. I used to cosplay girls before HRT and top surgery, and while it bugged me that people used she/her, I understood and didn't pester them about it. If I'm dressing in traditionally female clothing, like a dress or a skirt, I'd expect your first thought would be to assume I was female.

I don't care if you cosplay girls, but when you make 0 effort to pass when out of cosplay and have no intention of HRT or surgery I start to get skeptical. I get that kids should be free to explore gender identity, but most of the people I see doing this are using gender as an accessory and making it the focus of their personality.

I don't think I've met a single ftm guy on the cosplay scene that wasn't from tumblr. And I hate to say it, but if people have tumblr and associate with some nonbinary or trans identity, I'm hesitant to believe them. It's kind of a shitty way of seeing people, but it's an instant reaction. I feel kind of bad about it.

>> No.7932990

Gotta support those "manbewbz" somehow!

>> No.7933110

FTM Here too, I relate a lot with you anons, because of the tumblr kids the trans community has such a negative vibe, I'm too nervous on here half the time to admit I'm transgender,and even on facebook and other places because of everything that the new ~*Transgender*~ community has done. I'm glad that I came into this thread though, and other threads that have happened like this so atleast a very good majority of cgl knows that tumblr trans community = / = actual transgender individuals.
Captcha: hemen george

>> No.7933137

What is the line between dissatisfaction with ones birth sex and a dissatisfaction with expected gender roles? I feel like the two cross over. Is true trans body and roles based? Can just role dissatisfaction be enough to want a change?

I personally don't care one way or another about my sex. I'm not going to use it for its intended purpose, so to me it's like an appendix. There but doesn't do anything until it's a problem. But I still call myself female. This is how I choose to deal with it but I can see why some would want to change.

>> No.7933163

I'm not really sure if this belongs in a creeper thread or here.. But anyway, here's a fun story from the 2nd con I ever went to:
>friend and I, both girls and both like, 13 years old and not aware of what make-up was, crossplaying as Son Goku and Sanzo from Saiyuki
>We head to the girls bathroom and am followed by a guy who is cosplaying as Shuichi from Gravitation
>It is very obviously a guy, with a pedo stache, beard stubble and a very male voice
>Follows us into the bathroom and proceeds to harass us for filthying up the girls bathroom when we're obviously totally boys
>Insists that he belongs cause he is a girl and that if we're girls too then we would have no problems proving it by showing him our tits
>Exit bathroom and am followed by the Shuichi who meets up with his friends
>We hear them loudly screaming about how gross we are for being in the girls bathroom

This was in 2005 and with tumblr today I can't really imagine that this sort of thing doesn't still happen at cons. If you want to play reverse gender, that's fine, I'll leave you and your delusions in peace, but don't fucking start attacking me when I'm going by my normal business or just because I don't care about how special you think you are.

>> No.7933179

The two DO cross over, you're absolutely right. I am not trans myself but I think true trans is definitely body based rather than role based. If it were role based you'd have hordes of women wanting to be men.
To most people imo biological sex doesn't really matter, but young people, young women in particular, see being (what they think is) trans as a way to escape the gender roles they're dissatisfied with for fear of dealing with it hands on. Imo it only becomes a big deal when you are actually trans and see yourself in the mirror every day feeling disgusted with your genitals.
The problem with transtrenders is that they feel that everyone sees them first as their gender and then as a person, if that makes sense.
And unfortunately sometimes they are right, especially goes for women who live in an (excuse me sounding like a tumblrina) extremely male-centric environment. I'm just shooting blanks here, but consider:
When you're a (girl) child, you have shows for little girls and shows where a girl is the main protagonist, stories where girls are the heroes, Disney cartoons and so on. Dora, Merida, Tiana, Alice etc.
But when you grow up those start to be less and less prominent. You have Veronica Mars and Buffy, Nancy Drew and some other ones but the older you get you start realising you are seen as a background character; you are not the Doctor anymore, you're just Amy Pond. I'm using a shitty kids' show to illustrate it but it doesn't just go for kids' shows, women and their lives are just rarely talked about and you get this illusion that in order to have an exciting life, a good career, a nice attitude and likeable personality you must be a guy. Otherwise you're too emotional, too weak, too this, too that. At least that's how I felt as a teen, maybe they have it differently or they just want to "belong" to tumblr in some odd way. Maybe I'm reading too much into this.

>> No.7933236

late anon
i strongly prefer not the dress feminine, have the whole fakeboi short hair appearance down, and am working on not having to wear two chest compressors at once, 24/7, because even the tiniest chest bumps make me cringe. too bad i'm too chickenshit and don't really want to to go on any hormones, but top surgery or at least a reduction sounds nice. fakeboi to the max. at least i'm comfy.
fanime 2014 was my first female character cosplay in about 3 years worth of cons. i got all dressed up in the room with only one or two people, (i waited until everyone else left, i was so nervous) put on my face, long wig, etc
as soon as i got to the bottom floor all ready to get on the bus, i started sweating like a goddamn pig and getting stomach flips, along with a siren going off in my head. it sounds retarded because it was. still powered through it though, for about a little over half the day. probably never again though.

>> No.7933252


I really don't get the passivity I see in other women or girls who are being physically (or even emotionally) attacked. If someone touches you in a way you don't like, return the favor with a fist. A lot of people underestimate their own ability to stand up for themselves. It doesn't take a lot of arm strength to put a pencil through an eyeball. Even less to endure or escape the situation and come back well equipped.

>> No.7933263

I don't get it either but I'm guessing "social anxiety" is going to be the excuse

>> No.7933296

When I was younger I would just take abuse rather than fight back. Everyone has their reasons for it.

>> No.7933310
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Unless you're using BIDE and gearing up for some real paypack, I have a hard time imagining a solid reason to let someone hurt you.

>> No.7933317

Because a lot of them are taught that fighting back is "wrong" in a way and that you'll only make it worse. In my situation I did fight back but then the girls started hating me and when asked why they would just say "she's a slutty bitch who sleeps with a different man every day and she hates everyone" or some other stupid shit like that. The only man in my bed at the time was my 14yo labrador.

>> No.7933323

underrated post

>> No.7933342

If you post in the ftmgen I remember you. This is a lot of why when I first started therapy I NEVER mentioned my cosplay (I don't cosplay female characers, but I was still nervous), I only ever said that I knew friends who did it and I thought it was cool.

On another note, I tell people all the time (including the one friend of mine who is slowly and tragically becoming a sjw) that there's a huge difference in having gender dysphoria/being actually transgender vs being unhappy with how you feel society expects you to be as whatever gender you are. And the fact that so many people jumped on the transtrend has made me jaded and pessimistic and I don't believe basically anyone who claims to be trans unless they're on hormones or trying to get on hormones.

>> No.7933358

Good point.
I'm a cis female but due to a thyroid condition my hormones went shit, and I started to grow facial hair. Like, thick black hair on my chin, a few on my cheeks and the rest of my facial hair is pretty dark too; I have facial hair like a sad 13 year old boy starting puberty. And the rest of my body hair is dark and numerous too. And it disgusts me to no end, because as said I am a cis girl, I like to look and dress feminine and I hate these hairs that I associate with masculinity so much. It makes me feel like my body violates my femininity. It sucks and it makes me ashamed, and this is absolutley nothing compared to what trans people go through; I cannot even imagine how awful that can be.

>> No.7933404

on that note, people need to stop using that term like it's a good thing. i have a genuine diagnosis of social anxiety disorder and it's really debilitating, it pisses me off that it's a trend

>> No.7933425

You get punished just as much for fighting back. I have always been a loud, assertive person, so I always did fight back (verbally mainly, but I slapped a few people), and then I was even more ostracized. People would always blame me for being aggressive instead of the perpetrator. Words to describe me included "mean bitch" "unstable" "violent" and "disturbed." You know, like people weren't teasing me to the point of tears or sexually harassing meto make me react that way.

>> No.7933437

>Diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety
>Get on tumblr and see a ton of 'super ~depressed~ girls
I love tumblr, but I also hate tumblr.

>> No.7933438

Call yourself a guy all you want. If you've got a vagina, get your period, can get pregnant, etc., then you're a girl.

>> No.7933465

So if your dick is cut off then are you still a guy then?

>> No.7933473

it sucks, especially because nobody takes my anxiety seriously and expects me to be like
"if i follow u i will need u to put trigger warnings on the following: suicide, blood, food, cats, tractors, benedict cumberbatch, scopophobia and carbon dioxide (⌒_⌒;)"
that's not even how it works! i have massive anxiety to do with phone calls but that doesn't mean i need everyone to warn me in advance when they're about to take out their phone!

>> No.7933481

CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE YOU DISGUSTING CUMSTAIN, my mam was raped by a tractor! ;_;

Jokes aside, I have the same thing regarding people talking about mental illnesses, but you can't forbid people to talk about it. Although I do wish tumblrinas would stop discussing their Wikipedia diagnoses of serious personality disorders with complete strangers at meetups.

>> No.7933486
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>> No.7933500

Exactly the same here. Had issues with it all through my teens until I ended up spending two years of my life drinking until I didn't have the sobriety to feel the anxiety or depression cause it was all far too much. Add a very nearly successful suicide attempt to that and the fact I only ever left my room to buy more booze or if a con was coming up (cosplay is the only thing that kept me going full recluse) and yet I still managed to recover enough to hold down a job and put down the bottle of cheap vodka.
Seeing tumblr glorify this stuff is disgusting. You wont get better hiding on tumblr and saying it's okay, it's just how you are. You need to challenge yourself to do more each day and while getting through it is hard, in most cases, it's very possible.
Sorry if anything is spelt or worded wierd, I'm on mobile.

>> No.7933522

What pisses me off is society thinks that social anxiety is just a form of shyness that you can get over because 'in the real world nobody has social anxiety.'

>> No.7933543

what the hell is this from

>> No.7933544

wouldn't someone that feels neither male of female not be a transsexual? considering transsexualism implies you want to change to the other gender.

>> No.7933546

If you don't mind my asking, do you feel like the other gender because you should actually have their "parts" or because you feel like you bests fit into their gender role that day if that makes sense? Like do you actually feel like the other gender or just feel more feminine/masculine?

>> No.7933548

Same here, then again not everyone had a mother like mine that would tell me it was a-okay to beat anyone trying to hurt me.

So I did exactly that. And nobody ever blamed me for it.

>> No.7933550

>I don't think I've met a single ftm guy on the cosplay scene that wasn't from tumblr. And I hate to say it, but if people have tumblr and associate with some nonbinary or trans identity, I'm hesitant to believe them. It's kind of a shitty way of seeing people, but it's an instant reaction. I feel kind of bad about it.
I am the exact same way. I was looking up transguys on YouTube, and sometimes I'd be like, "well, this guy seems kind of legit!" then later find that they have a link to their Tumblr pasted everywhere.

It's not so much that having a Tumblr alone automatically makes them trenders, but it makes you kind of question their background. Are they REALLY trans by birth, or were they just deluded into thinking they were because of their hugboxing followers?

I feel bad about it too, but there's nothing wrong with making first judgments IMO. It's human instinct.

>> No.7933556

Well they cry tumblr because those who do this on tumblr to fake it want everyone to know how speshul they are and broadcast it to the world. For real intergenders it is actually a struggle and something they don't like to tell everyone.

>> No.7933557

I'm mostly pissed off by the ones that think it's a perfectly normal thing to feel like you're genderfluid or transsexual and that seeking any form of help is overrated.

I don't care what anyone tells me but feeling like you're not the gender you're born as is not a good thing. it's not normal either. is it disease? no. but you should still get help for it.

for the record I have several friends with gender issues and seeing the shit they deal with mentally is exactly what makes me feel like they should seek help.

>> No.7933568

it is perfectly normal. Genderfluid is a 100% snowflake term because the people with the disorder are very, incredibly rare
>inb4 NUH UH
If you're transsexual, you will want to be a guy or girl all the time, not "today this tomorrow that". That's called being insecure with your identity and a lot of teens go through it and grow up without having treatment and taking hormones, as it's relatively n o r m a l.
Talk to your mum first before talking to a professional.

>> No.7933615


>> No.7933622

I've had people telling me that and kindly told them to fuck off
why did you follow me in the first place knowing my blog is 90% gore and blood and it's not even irl gore wtf you weak piece of shit

>> No.7933624

My sister abused me and if I ever fought back my mom would make me regret it. Messed me up for a long time.
Also A+ image.

>> No.7933630

how did she abuse you?

>> No.7933653

Tumblr user lesbianlolita tell me what you think of this person, real trans folk
I'm vaguely acquainted with them and they're nice enough but then they're also a complete sjw. And often complain about being misgendered (their pronouns being he/him whilst presenting themself as traditionally female 24/7).

>> No.7933658

She forced me to eat cooked carrots. She made me stay at the table until I ate them.

>> No.7933667
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>> No.7933675

>pronouns being he/him whilst presenting themself as traditionally female 24/7)
I'm not even going to go look at their tumblr, but I can tell you from that line there that I would immediately assume they're fake, unless they live with very conservative family that forces them to do so, and even then I'd side-eye them. There's someone in my area that's just like that and I have zero belief that they are actually trans. If a person posts pictures of themselves with full makeup and female presenting (lacy bra showing lol) so that people will tell them "you're the prettiest boy I know omg" they're probably fake.

Are you allergic to carrots? I'm not understanding how that's abuse

>> No.7933683

They're trolling genius.

>> No.7933701

I don't see the point in exploiting children on an 18+ website. You're just opening doors for someone to bully or harass her when she's clearly young and misguided.

If she's nice to you, why are you inviting people to criticize her? Something tells me you're a little young to be on this site.

>> No.7933750

Best scene. Fuck Megumi.

>> No.7933752

16 is not young anon, she is not a child.

>> No.7933762

Not sure if you're being serious or not, but thanks for the laugh anyway.

>> No.7933770

Young adult. Not misguided, she's 16 not like she's 10 or something. Jesus Christ. Ive been posted on here when I was 15 and people still said I was ita as fuck, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. You need to tell kids when they are being stupid so they can correct the behaviour, not humour them because they are "young".

>> No.7933796

You can't, FtM trans is rarely if ever convincing. especially if they shave, or remain "effeminate"

>> No.7933806

they need to understand that the people/staff ect need your biological information so they can help you better.
feeling you.
not just with depression and anxiety but you have people listing their mental ilnesses/disorders like theyre *accessories*
i feel this actually a lot.
when i crossplayed for the first time i realised that i was way more comfortable for some reason. right now i dont go by male or female pronouns since it continues to make me comfortable. i still dont know what i identify as or should..
..fruit goth??? is that like pastel goth or? i've never heard of it.

>> No.7933816

From what I understand fruit goth is like hawaiian shirts and shit mixed with goth.

>> No.7933821

I'm glad that being insulted on 4chan was helpful for you, anon, but it's not always helpful for everyone else.

IMO, she should be left alone and figure it out on her own. She's not harming anyone by claiming to be a kawaii genderfluid lolita on a site full of people who are accepting of that kind of thing. >>7933653 even said that she's a nice person. Like people have already said ITT, kids should be allowed to experiment with their own gender identity however they want. Inviting strangers to troll her won't do any good, and if her reactions are bad enough, more people will want to troll her and it's just really unnecessary. Yes, 16-year-olds are KIDS. Kids do not deserve to be bullied.

Give it about 2 years, and she will have grown out of it and in 5 she will have forgotten most of it. Live and let live, ffs.

>> No.7933844

It stems from insecurity, their need for attention, and ironically, their strong (unconscious) desire in wanting and failing to fit into their idea of x gender mold. I would know. I almost fell into the trap until I realized I was fine the way I was and fakeboi shit is a sign of immaturity.

Real guys don't attention whore that much, wear makeup, or make a big deal out of gender. Most of the trans friends I have had don't have a need to strongly correct or educate people if a person has made an honest mistake in addressing them.

>> No.7933847

I didn't troll her, I just asked her why because I am seriously confused and I want to understand so I don't offend people as often in my day to day life.
Once a few weeks ago I was watching a movie with some friends and misgendered a female protagonist, calling her a husband instead of a wife. I corrected myself and a tumblrina I know was like "geez anon don't be so insensitive, she could be a man ON THE INSIDE"
like seriously wtf.

>> No.7933882

If she wants to be called a he, just call her a he. She'll be looking back and laughing about it in the future.

>> No.7933883

this is the weeaboo phase for tumblr.

>> No.7933886

>Female: XX+vagina
>Male: XY+penis
And that's all

>> No.7933889

whoo now I'm actually glad I only went through a weeaboo phase and not this

>> No.7933906

Seriously, looking at all the bullshit on tumblr makes me SO GLAD I was a teenager when I was.
I would have totally fallen for all this shit. I even thought I had DID at one point and joined a livejournal comm for it in secret. If I had been around with tumblr glorifying mental illness like they do, I don't even know.
Thankfully I got out of my teenage phases with only some humiliation and a smattering of knowledge of japanese.

>> No.7933910

No I think you're onto something. I wonder if a lot of this "genderfluid" "transtrender" business is just dissatisfaction with societal gender roles. They're not emotionally mature enough to differentiate between gender roles/presentation vs. actual gender IDENTITY, so they just assume they're trans even tho they're not. I've thought about this a lot actually.

>> No.7933911

I'm so glad I wore a naruto headband and not a flower crown. I cried that Gaara wasn't real but at least I'm not crying because people refuse to use my seahorse pronouns.

>> No.7933912

go to /d/ they have your answer. idk how but that board is really good for talking about these things. but it seems your getting the same answers /d/ would probably give you so what ever. I asked /d/ a year ago about this and they pretty much told me >>7932700 anons reply.
seriously who comes up with these names I mean "genderfluid". how can anyone take a name like that seriously.
I'm sorry but I have to ask. what's your opinion on futa?

>> No.7933942

This is what I have thought for a long time. Those people don't actually want to be the other gender, they just don't like their genders role so assume they must be different.
That said I don't believe there is a male patriarchy anymore, but there are still gender roles (just less defined than in the past, a lot of crossing over).

>> No.7934015

I agree with you on that, I think feminists are blowing a lot of things way out of proportion and have a very unhealthy whiny victim mindset, but there definitely is truth in how women are portrayed in the media. The issue is that militant feminists actually make it worse and bitter girls sometimes bring on the misandry which alienates a lot of men from this issue. The issue of female representation nowadays isn't even a question of misogyny but sales, since people in marketing and producers are always reluctant to try new things. That's why you mostly see indies being more innovative and risky, not just about this topic but in general.

>> No.7934017


Ironically, they reinforce gender roles. Actually breaking gender roles is doing things outside what is your "role", not changing your gender to fit your personality/aesthetic. Headway will never happen if people do the opposite, gender roles will only become more ingrained.

"Transness" is defined by dysphoria, and it doesn't have anything to do with gender roles/aesthetic.

>> No.7934021

It's a really interesting topic, I wish there was a place where we could talk about it at length without either SJWs or /r9k/ shitting up the place.

>> No.7934022

>I asked /d/ and this is what they said
>links to most reasonable reply in thread
I don't even know why I'm surprised

>> No.7934026

Yeah, this is what bothers me. Tumblr should be against all this, having to act a certain way because of your gender, but ironically they are just reinforcing it more with this bullshit. I find this pretty disturbing.

>> No.7934041

Im bi and bi is more a thing than pansexual. people are gonna call trans people all fakes like they do with bi when this transtrender shit ends.
you get it.
it already is used as an excuse m8. just like ADHD and that's why people think there fake these days. also seriously get meds for them if you have them it helps a lot and a change in how you act means that their working.
it depressing watching friends turn sjw.
idk about that. being insulted on 4chan for being autistic (legitly autistic) has helped me with socializing IRL somehow.
well yeah remember gg.

>> No.7934053

serious question. Can I still be bi if I probably wouldn't be with a girl for anything more than a fling? I like girls and I've made out with them and more but I wouldn't be with one long term cause i like dicks more. I've just always been curious if I should even call myself bi or if it's like the transtenders. I don't really tell people about it.

>> No.7934059

Just means you're not 50-50. The only real criteria is you're attracted to both sexes, to what extent doesn't really matter. You may find a lot of hate from certain lesbians, but they're disgruntled by bi people in general.

>> No.7934065

I don't really blame them, tbh. Though I hate using tumblr language, it is kind of privileged that I can be bi but I will never really get any shit for it as long as I don't tell certain people. There is no need to "come out" to my friends and family because it's none of their fucking business about whatever flings I've had in the past, and my longterm partner is a man so no one really has to ever know anything.

>> No.7934073

because /d/ is good for answers and advise on everything but sex. see I got something similar to>>7932700 in a thread about how we found our fetish and started using /d/. there are a lot of trans that were on the thread and someone pretty much asked one of the questions OP asked in said thread.

>> No.7934085

I honestly prefer the Kinsey scale to hetero/bi/homo/pan/whatever labels because it's much clearer for this reason. I'm a 2 but I usually just say I'm bi.

>> No.7934092
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>expect shitstorm
>see insightful opinions and quality posts
I'm pleasantly surprised, /cgl/

>> No.7934097

I hate that it's become a trend to be "trans". sorry if that offends any of you tumblr wankers but I really feel like a lot of these dipfucks do it because they're not getting enough attention or w/e.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very supportive of the LGBT community and even one of my parents is mtf.

maybe they just think it's ~kawaii desu~ or some shit.

>> No.7934100

>even one of my parents is mtf
Damn, how does it feel?

>> No.7934104

I'm the anon you replied to, and this makes me feel a bit better knowing that others feel the same.
I really wish I wasn't so quick to make judgements, but after several bad experiences with tumblr faggotry I feel like it helps me weed out the people I don't want to associate with.

>> No.7934116

i feel like tumblr has created this atmosphere where 14 year olds walk in (and who wasn't an ignorant dumb ass at 14) and are told that if they feel different they automatically fit into some kind of super specific snow flake label.

And naturally, since all 14 year olds feel like they are different and out of place and WANT to be unique, they totally jump on the band wagon.

So as a 14 year old girl you don't like to wear dresses and make up? Must be trans. Or "demi girl" Or some kind of non binary. It takes away from the issues and feelings that face real trans people, whom I support and respect.

>> No.7934124

I would fuck Megumi.
Her and not-Lady Gaga.

>> No.7934125

I agree on the transtrenders thing (i feel bad because I actually like tumblr, but I also avoid these people as much as possible)

You see so many girls wearing pastel pixie cuts and somedays they wear dresses and somedays they don't and wear t shirts so obviously they aren't regular girls so they go by fairy pronouns or some shit.

>> No.7934126
File: 1.43 MB, 250x226, 1383679595325.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanna chime in as an ftm this shit makes it harder for us to be taken seriously socially and medically speaking. Nowadays if you mention 'ftm' to anyone who is familiar with the internet the first thing they think of is transtrenders. Transtrenders take resources and spaces that trans people genuinely need, and then ostracize them from those spaces for not being 'tolerant'. Then in a few years they change their mind or discard the term as if it isn't a medical condition you're stuck with forever. I literally cannot say shit or seek out support because of these people. Luckily I have a few choice ftm friends.

I'm truscum, sorry. If you can dress and be treated female without dysphoria that impairs your ability to function, you should not be considered on the same level as someone with crippling GD. And it's fucking stupid we should have to even defend that.

If you are biologically female and acknowledge you are dressing like a female, I will think of you as female, as will the majority of everyone else.

Honestly at this point I don't really recognize anyone as trans until they start HRT unless they are medically unable to do so. 2 months on T and the transtrenders drop the shit real fucking fast. I didn't like people using male pronouns for me until I at least passed a little. And at that point I was presenting as male 24/7. If you're on T for the long haul for all I care you can run around in skirts and heels so long as you look like a dude running around in them.

Sorry if I sound bitter I'm a pretty nice person but EVERY trans space is now filled with these people. My bar for 'masculinity' is pretty fucking low. I think it has more to do with people actively seeking to be feminine. My medical condition, that has destroyed almost everything for me, has been reduced to a quirky label people throw on and throw away once it becomes an inconvenience for them.

this stealths the ftm

>> No.7934135

this shit started long before tumblr. we were calling out fakebois back in cosplayfucks days.

for me it started on livejournal around when cosplay and jrock seemed to get really big. bishounen aesthetic has been giving young weeby geek women the illusion of gender liberation for at least a decade now.

>> No.7934137

About what, my parent in subject or the situation with tumblr fucks using this shit for attention?

Either way, my mom (which is what she prefers for me to call her now but doesn't care too much regardless if I slip up at times.) doesn't really understand how it can be "trendy". I tried telling her once before that people actually do this and all she could say was, "why would anyone WANT to be born in the wrong gender? it's a constant struggle." As for me, I've always kind of known how she struggled before transitioning so it just really bothers and hurts me that some whiny teenager bored on the internet and desperate for attention would try and use a real issue, a painful one at that, as a means of getting e-fame and all that.

idk if that makes since tho I'm tired and shit at explaining atm.

>> No.7934138

You, I like you.
People need to realize that gender exploration is okay, but insisting you're trans while refusing to look the part only hurts other trans people whose LIVES depend on being taken seriously rather than their internet reputation.

Btw, are there any notable ftm cosplayers aside from TwinFools? I'd like to see more that aren't homestuck or trenders.

>> No.7934142

Elaborating: And I wouldn't give a fuck about it at ALL if they weren't bombing the identity of GD as a mental illness and therefore sabotaging the chances at getting medical coverage for the condition they claim to fucking have.

>> No.7934147

its cool, I actually love tumblr too but I try to avoid the social warrior clusterfuck zone. Too bad it's literally spread to everything.. can't even go on a naruto blog without someone crying over Sasuke not fucking Naruto because he's homophobic or some shit.

the made up pronouns also drive me nuts too. it's she and he, pick one and shut the ever loving fuck up.

>> No.7934152

No. What she said is perfect.

Being trans is awful on so many levels. Even in the best case scenario it blows. There's a difference between accepting yourself and invalidating suffering.

It's like pretending to be paraplegic or some shit.

>> No.7934154

Okay, this is really offtopic but are you a girl? Are there many girls on /d/?
I ask because I always liked /d/ shit and lately I've been reading a bunch of articles (I know) that say stuff like "hoho, girls, don't look at your boyfriend''s internet history, you can't handle it!" and I don't really understand that. Don't guys mostly look at tame shit like gangbangs? Are /d/ girls really so rare?
It's one of those things that would make me ~question my gender identity~ if I spent too much time on tumblr.
Sorry for being super offtopic. I can't ask /d/ because it's a work laptop.

>> No.7934155

oh yeah that's true.. I noticed on a site I used years back how all these fugly weeb chicks obsessed with jrock were all claiming to be male and e-dating each other while shunning anyone who was perfectly okay with being female.

>> No.7934156

Yeah...it seems like people are saying that this is more common with the younger crowd these days but if you think it about it back then had the same age group doing this sort of thing, more or less. I guess the only difference between then and now is that anyone and their mom can set up a pls gib paypal money button on their tumblr blog

>> No.7934159

My boyfriend is not into gangbang, is something wrong with him?

>> No.7934161

i get nervous when i go to conventions because transtrenders make me more likely to be clocked as trans or read as female, whereas i pass as male well in regular life.

post more animal gifs.
wait this isn't /ftmg/.
saging anyway.

>> No.7934166


I mean, I watch my mom struggle constantly even after transitioning.

what's sad is that our generation seems to pretend to be anything at all anymore in order to be that super special snowflake. Hell, I seen a bitch not long ago begging for money because she said her arthritis was too hard for her to handle. bitch my granny has arthritis in her lower back and works every single damn day and she's 68 years old, you ain't getting a damn dime from me.

I'm sorry, all of this frustrates me immensely and I'm kinda high as well.

>> No.7934167

well what is he into? It's just my idea of boring stuff that basic girls would confront their boyfriends over

>> No.7934173

I'm not a FtM and I'm not MtF to begin with, yet, some people have been making claims and spreading rumors about me how I'm either of those or I'm posting HRT process on tumblr. How do I go around explaining myself effectively without sounding like I'm in denial?

>> No.7934179

>I get nervous when I go to conventions because transtrenders make me more likely to be clocked
I feel this. I feel this a lot. And it really blows. And when you politely correct someone they give you a look like "yeah, suuuure" as if they think you're a trender too.

>> No.7934182

Your ma being trans.
Was it a shock for you? How'd the two of you act around each other when she told you? How did you react? Were you okay with it or did it take time to accept? Are you sometimes embarrassed by her/her behaviour or appearance? Do you feel odd being in public with her? How do people at her workplace feel about it?
It's a very peculiar situation so I hope I'm not offending you.
The only trans person I know of where I live is probably not someone I should be basing my opinion of trans people on, so that's why I ask. Sometimes I feel like she's just an elaborate and dedicated troll (certainly looks like one) doing it all for the craic.

>> No.7934187

I think it's the idea of exchanging or sharing a partner that doesn't please him, I'm pretty I wouldn't date him long term if he wasn't into bdsm.
>It's just my idea of boring stuff that basic girls would confront their boyfriends over
Girls are equally as fucked up, those in denial are unsatisfied in bed.

>> No.7934189

I agree with truscum/transmedicalist ideology, too. I'm cis and gender non-conforming, but I have literally had tumblr transtrenders/genderspecials tell me that I must be something else because I don't fit societies's expectation of what a "girl" is. (Honestly, I feel like I'd be okay with my body if it were either sex, but that don't mean shit, and I can't ever know for sure)

I expect most transtrenders who go on hormones will end up giving themselves dysphoria. There are plenty of detransitioners who have said the same.

In an ideal world, I'd define gender as "body configuration needed to alleviate dysphoria".

>> No.7934197

>those in denial are unsatisfied in bed.
I'm plenty satisfied in bed and I exclusively enjoy good aul' sex in the missionary position for the sake of procreation. Not everyone has the same sex drive as you.

>> No.7934200
File: 837 KB, 450x450, tumblr_neh4sldNva1t41tx1o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to cosplay as buff Pit with a qt to play muh Lady Palutena but I know even though I pass irl I'll be clocked or even just suspected and I can't deal with that stress. Gif for you.

I just gotta give you props for supporting your mom. It's actually nice to see someone care so much about a family member's struggles not just as a trans person, but just in general.

with cool people
> I don't conform to societies gender stereotypes but I'm not transgender. I am [FAAB/MAAB] and identify as a [female/male], so I'm not trans.

with tumblr twist
> Identifying as trans when you are not is appropriation, and harmful to actual trans people. I support trans people and do not want to be involved in anything that makes their lives any harder- That includes being implied to be trans by others, when I am not.

>> No.7934207

you sure is convincing.

Mostly trying to call out on the good ol' little basic bitches judging the living hell out of everybody's sex life when they can't figure out how to orgasm themselves. Mostly laughing at straight girls faking an orgasm.

>> No.7934210
File: 1.91 MB, 400x224, sloth-gives-rose-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate you, fellow human being.

>> No.7934216

it's no problem! I'm not easily offended so I have no issue answering any questions.

Certainly, it was a shock but I kinda knew something was off about her when she was my dad. She preferred being the stay at home parent, always cooked and did things that normally the mom would do ya'know? But it wasn't until I was much older that I was told, so I was mature enough to understand it.

both my parents are very accepting and tolerate, so being raised in the same sense while also having a few trans friends I was okay with it 100% so long as she was happy. it was confusing for a long time though because I wasn't sure what to call my dad at that point.. like do I have two moms now? which ended up being totally okay. My brothers were more shocked about it and had difficulty adjusting but they're a lot younger than I am and didn't understand it nor did they know what being trans was.

I could never be embarrassed by her though, she's my mum and I'm sure me throwing fits as a child over Pokemon toys in public was more embarrassing than anything she could do to me. I also think she's super pretty and very looks very womanly to me. I'm a professional make-up artist so I do whatever I can to help her feel beautiful and confident in her skin as well.

Sorry for the length! I get carried away and I love my mom more than anything ever. ;-;

>> No.7934219

Thank you, anon! :)

>> No.7934224

>I have literally had tumblr transtrenders/genderspecials tell me that I must be something else because I don't fit societies's expectation of what a "girl" is
That sucks. I've had some awkward moments with friends and family because of some things I do (or don't do) as a girl as well, but I don't really mind being female. It's just aggravating when people says things like "Oh since you never dated anyone in high school I assumed you were gay/in the closet" and "People are going to judge you negatively because you don't wear makeup!"

>> No.7934237

Literally how? I never wear makeup and people treat me fine. I do look like an earthworm without mascara so it's the only thing that I ever wear, but still. Where do you live that people would treat you differently without makeup?

>> No.7934262

A very backwoods town where they also expect everyone to become a nurse or housewife to their manual-labor working military husband...It's at least a decade behind the times usually.

>> No.7934263

Its probably a combination of things. Like fashion, attitude, yadda yadda.

The fact you wear mascara means you still wear makeup, which is a matter of principle not amount.

>> No.7934264

>>7933942 here
As someone who has seen it firsthand and been referred to as "the only sane girl" on an *interesting* Facebook discussion this week, I completely agree with you. Ive been told that men get off easy for crimes because there is a male patriarchy, that there is a huge wage gap (this is plausible except at my job I get paid more than my male counterparts because Im better at it, muahaha), etc... Feminists say every man is out to get them, when in reality men are just sick of their bullshit. I hate the fact that I cant identify as a feminist anymore. Is there any term that hasn't been corrupted? Is humanism the new thing?

inb4 humanism sucks because it suggests that only HUMANS should have equal rights, lets save the animals too, give them rights to vote ladedadeda...

>> No.7934267

I had similar happen while growing up as well. I had always been a tomboy, had super short hair the majority of my life and always was accused of being a lesbian. A friends mom even refused to let us hang out for almost an entire year because she also thought I was a lesbian due to not being girly enough lol. Even tried to accuse me of wanting to fuck her morbidly obese daughter.

Surprisingly enough, I grew up to be the 'ultra hot' one with big fits and ass, have glorious mermaid hair and am extremely 'girly' and high maintenance.

>> No.7934281

>with cool people
forgot to mention the accusations were made here, kekking endlessly

>> No.7934286


Actually Humanism is an existing philosophy that believes humans are capable of intrinsic morality without the presence or influence of a deity. If someone tells you they're a Humanist and they don't mean that, they're an idiot.

>> No.7934294

I used to cry (and to some degree still do) how much easier things would be if I were "normal" and didn't have all this crippling anxiety and just to see people act like they're almost proud of their anxiety and depression is really upsetting. Like I don't mean to invalidate what they're feeling because chances are there is at least something wrong going on inside them but anxiety and depression aren't personality traits or quirks, they're disorders.

That and tumblr has this attitude of "don't push yourself you beautiful flower you!" which actually hinders most people in their treatment. You need to push yourself out of your comfort zone in order to get better.

>> No.7934315

Egalitarianism is the word you are looking for, anon.

>> No.7934319

Jesus shit I hate when crybabies expect the world to cater to them and then bitch when it doesn't. Grow the fuck up. I have crippling anxiety and depression but at least I know I can't expect life to ~tag my triggers~, learn to take care of your damn self.

>> No.7934392

that sounds much more like he was a pedophile trying to get you to show your tits than anything else.

>> No.7934431

It's bi-"sexual" for a reason. I haven't really seen myself be romantically attracted to women, but I'm definitely attracted to them sexually. If anything a bit more so than men, but I'm also pickier with women than I am with men in terms of looks.

>> No.7934436

Seems like you're bisexual but not homoromantic, but there's really no need to add extra labels when just saying bisexual should suffice.

>> No.7934441

That's so sweet.

>> No.7934447

???? what the fuck i wouldve knocked him sqaure in the jaw for following someone into the girls bathroom and proceed to harass people like that

>> No.7934479

Can I be both? I have been a humanist for a while I guess but never knew the word...

>> No.7934485
File: 107 KB, 485x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, FtM people on HRT are actually pretty hella "convincing," testosterone can do some serious shit. Trans men who have been on T for several years are pretty much unclockable. It makes me feel for trans women even more, because they can never expect results even close to this if they've already gone through puberty before starting HRT.

>> No.7934487

Yes, just don't use words you don't actually know the meaning to. Humanism has nothing to do with your thoughts on equality.

>> No.7934491

Why do they always get such a botched job on the top surgery
>dem uneven nipples

It seems to depend on what you're starting with. I've seen some very convincing MtF's, granted they've mostly been in their early-mis twenties when they started

>> No.7934492

Sorry, I thought humanism was egalitarianism. Because feminism is relating to females being equal I thought humanism is relating to humans being equal. Thanks for teaching me that!

>> No.7934504

Yeah I just chose whatever came up on google. I think the reason gender reaffirming surgeries haven't been perfected yet is because of all the pushback against trans people having easy access to it and the fact that they are a very small part of the population. My main point was the facial/body structure and the androgenic hair. No one would look at this guy without the "seven years on T!" label and think trans, and those who say so are lying. They might think "that dude's nipples are uneven" but hey, I'd take that if I were trans.

>> No.7934514

That's the thing that would be my fucking nightmare, finding out that the person I'm dating is trans.

>> No.7934521


Seriously. I'm autistic, which comes with a host of comorbid anxiety and depression. I've been on cocktails of medication for years, and I'm finally living a normal life because I fucking worked for it. I fought tooth and nail and got burned and had to scream my lungs out in more than one emergency room to make myself heard, but I'd rather be where I am now than sitting on tumblr complaining about how hard it is.

>> No.7934526


It's like, none of those things is actually wrong, but they're just so fucking obnoxious about it. Yeah, transtrenders do make life harder for actual trans people. There are ways to get around that without being a fucking tumblrina.

It's like how people hate Bono. No one who's not a cartoon villain has a problem with feeding the poor, he's just so fucking smug about it.

>> No.7934529

yeah that me. im the disabled anon. hi.

>> No.7934536

fair enough, it was actually pretty dickish of me posting her here

>> No.7934599

r9k raided the weaboo love stories down the hall m8.
let me put it this way there are. however its a bit hard to explain since its the internet and you can't be 100% sure. the women I know IRL go there for the bdsm, trap, tentical, genderswap, and the humor threads if that helps.
surprisingly demographics viewing futa varies from thread to thread from what I've read on there though.
I guess I can only answer you with more than you probably think.

>> No.7934609

sounds like where I live.
you think that's bad tumblr hinders autists the most. there is nothing good about being autistic wtf is wrong with tumblr

>> No.7934620 [DELETED] 

oh sorry about that, autism isnt something i can just get rid of.

>> No.7934630

sorry about that, its not like i can just get rid of it. im trying my best though.
i do that a lot. i dont understand how they can post about their anxiety either, i couldnt that since itd make me a hell of a lot more anxious.
im glad im not the only one who noticed.
what is even happening?? did she steal some crops?smh

>> No.7934631

she was a vampire and killed a ton of people

>> No.7934656

>testosterone can do some serious shit
This makes me wonder though, if a girl is trans and goes on hormones if they're already small would it even do that much? Where I live most women are under 5' 4" so imagining them as a bunch of bearded manlets doesn't exactly seem like anyone's dream of wanting to be a big handsome guy instead.

>> No.7934717

Mine too, but I think I'd be okay with it in the long run. It'd be such a shock though.

>> No.7934726

I went to special education for anxiety issues more then my autism and ended up realizing that going to normal schools for most of my life made me seem way less autistic then those that had been in special education most of their lives.

Basically tumblr cuddles them the same way (some) special education does. Saying it's okay if they get angry over stuff, can't get social hints and all that shit. And that's bad. Growing up going to normal schools and getting a diagnosis only later in life made me at least learn some social skils on my own, and it really made a difference.

>> No.7934748

yeah. like, as one with major depression, I'm all for destigmatizing mental illness, but tumblr is so enabling, it's gross.

>> No.7934822

>wanting to be a big handsome guy
who said trans guys want that
they just want to pass and look male. if they want to be a bodybuilder type that's fine but most guys seem like they just want to get through life without having to deal with female pronouns, names, and appearances.
I'm 5'4" myself and i dont expect testosterone to turn me into a professional mens athlete. i just want a deeper voice and some changes to my features to help me pass. testosterone isn't steroids and won't make you grow much taller if at all.

>> No.7934842

Screencapped, great answer anon

>> No.7934856


Ding ding fucking ding.

Genderfluids and transtrenders piss me off because instead of - hey - providing that females can be masculine and don't have to conform to stereotypical roles, they slap an "I'm a guy" label on themselves to be edgy and special. And then they throw a shit fit when you don't acknowledge their specialness by using their unique identification.

Has anyone else noticed that these fakebois tend to date other fakebois? It's like they think it's a way to live out your yaoi fantasy.

>> No.7934882

You and your mom seem like really cool people. I'm glad she has you to support her.

>> No.7934898

Honestly, I'm trans myself and I wouldn't date another transman. I worry that they're fakebois/not trans at all (which has happened to me in the past, believe it or not), and they're just not attractive to me. You can be gorgeous/handsome/cute whatever, but vagina is the most unappealing thing to me as a result of my own dysphoria and I could not get past that to save my life.
If they want to live out a yaoi fantasy I'm surprised they're not going after gay or bi cis guys.

>> No.7934903


You ask people if you've reason to. Otherwise, you leave them alone.

>> No.7934918

>I went to special education for anxiety issues more then my autism and ended up realizing that going to normal schools for most of my life made me seem way less autistic then those that had been in special education most of their lives.

christ same. i went to "normal" school for three years before I got kicked out (because ew autism can't have that tarnishing our school - they also netted out other disabled people earlier than me, but I was diagnosed late) and by the time I finished secondary school, there were other autists in my class who hadn't been mainstreamed who couldn't even use the fucking bus. one of them was also totally determined to join the army and would cry/scream if you told him otherwise, the other thought combat was like halo. both of them made literally everything they produced about the army/war/halo, and even got really upset and swore at the teacher when our GCSE history subject was medical history and not WWI.

the teacher got his own back though - turned out the guy who wanted to be in the army is really squeamish and actually autism'd out of the classroom during a video about the bubonic plague that wasnt even that gory.

>> No.7934946

>women and their lives are just rarely talked about and you get this illusion that in order to have an exciting life, a good career, a nice attitude and likeable personality you must be a guy
You pretty much nailed it right there. The media focuses a lot on/caters to guys and there's one side that takes it as women being objectified or thrown under the bus and then there's the other that thinks things would be much better like that if they just had a penis.

I used to think that way and my dad would even say stuff like that to me as a kid (he's super old-fashioned kind of guy that thinks women are only good for housework) but after a while it just hit me that if I had been born a boy nothing would really be different....I'd probably just do the same things I'm doing now, and there isn't really a reason for me to change myself if it's just society that's skewing the idea of being one gender or the other. But of course there's still all that sexist bullshit like sports leagues and orchestras being sexist and whatever. Maybe I'm browsing tumblr too much but I'm starting to dislike how overrun the US is by old white guys.

>> No.7934964

I knew that wasn't a guy

>> No.7934974

This, so much.
My anxiety gets really crippling some days, and I get so agitated when I scroll through tumblr and see nothing but "Oh, but you got out of bed today, I'm so proud of you!!" Well yeah, I did, but I've locked myself up in my apartment for a whole week now, how is that any achievment?

>> No.7934997

Spot-on post.

I'm just going to be honest here and say, I'm pretty sure that, had tumblr been around when I was 12-15, I probably would have gone through a "transtrender" phase as well. When I was a kid, I was pretty tomboyish, and people would tell me all over again how what I was acting like a boy, or how I should act more "like a lady", and eventually I became so confused and lost about my own gender, because while I was quite happy calling myself a girl most days, I often felt like I should be a boy in order to fit in more based on the things I liked and my own behavior. I spent a lot of restless nights thinking about what was wrong with me, and I'm pretty sure I would've been happy to call myself genderqueer while I figured this shit out.

It passed, eventually, and I'm a lot more comfortable embracing my femininity, but it was a struggle for sure. I actually think it's pretty healthy to experiment with your gender and sexuality rather than being torn up about it in silence. Most of these people are teenagers, they may be obnoxious online, but then again, teenagers are always obnoxious in some way.

>> No.7935083

Exactly. I went through the same thing and I think girls themselves force each other to squeeze themselves into society's mold of femininity a bit too much in order to feel better about themselves.
Like you have insecure fat girls saying "it's good that I'm 'curvy', men like curves, not bones like YOU have!", or "men like FEMININE girls, not DYKES like you!" or "you're just jealous because boys like my x (hair, style, legs, whatever) and not yours" when another girl criticises them for something. So some of them fail to see it for what it is, an insecure girl's comment (as they will see it when they grow older), but instead see it as a sign that your worth is measured by how much boys are attracted to you. And as much as I agree that people should always be dressed neatly and not walk around in uggs and yoga pants, .
I used to be under similar pressure by my classmates, but since I grew up with my brothers and father who raised us all equally (although they were always kind of upset that da was a bit cuddlier with me over them), I always saw it as normal to like whatever boys like.
And once you grow up you realise boys aren't really picky with appearances and what hobbies you have. I got picked on for my red curly hair and wished I was a blonde, but there's so many people in the world who will find what YOU have cute and attractive! I'm now married to a man who likes me exactly how I am, and I think that's very important for people to know.

>> No.7935088

>And as much as I agree that people should always be dressed neatly and not walk around in uggs and yoga pants,
...you should still feel comfortable with how you look*
I got hungry and ate some of the text.

>> No.7935097

I got a late diagnosis as well and tbh spending just a single year in special education where I was around a lot of people with aspergers made me feel like I'm not sure if I ever HAVE autism.

On that subject, sometimes I wonder if doctors are eager to say it's autism when a child is a social retard. Not that I think I don't have aspergers it's more like being around others made me feel like i'm not /that/ bad

>> No.7935106

My ex is a trans man. He came out not long after we started dating. Won't say id never date another trans man because of it, but man he had some issues. At least he wasn't a fakeboi.

>> No.7935202

It isn't really a secret. If you visit their blog (or in the deviantart days, there) they have a few statements about it.

>> No.7935210

Well, maybe you should attend Trans Day of Rememberance on the 20th and see just why your way of thinking is dangerous. I know this is 4chan and you are probably trolling, but this is where shit gets serious for me, because that sort of mindset is what causes trans people to be murdered.

>> No.7935328

I love you. Whoever you are.

>> No.7935329

Gutterface I think is who you're thinking of. I know a legit transguy who used to buy into all of Gutterface's shit until I showed him the period blood doll pics. Usually makes people realize shit is a little messed up there.

>> No.7935389

I think it is wrong to not tell people. Even if you present as a woman, if you have a dick you are still biologically a man and your partner could be very uncomfortable with that. This would upset both parties.
Not that anon, but I can see where they are coming from.m

>> No.7935394

It's usually during the process of disclosure that they other party gets violent. I'm not saying people can't have preferences, but saying that's your "absolute worst nightmare" just strikes me as sort of dangerous when we are talking about a population that's 4x more likely to be violently murdered than the population at large.

>> No.7935413

I don't think that means it will get violent. Can you imagine being a straight dude who isn't very comfortable with his masculinity and always trys to be macho finding out that he's dating a dude? That would be pretty traumatic and be a big blow to your "masculinity".
If you tell someone straight up then I don't think they would be violent with you, but otherwise that is a pretty major thing that you are hiding, and secrets aren't good in a relationship.

>> No.7935420

I think you have too much faith in the general population to think that they won't be violent.

>> No.7935434

Not the anon you're replying to, but. Just because you don't think that would lead to violence is irrelevant, because it does. It's good to know that you personally would be horrified but not wish to murder someone over it, but you're not the general population. People who don't pass properly are physically attacked by strangers for walking down the street. People are violent.
Personally, I feel like being open about your transition with a partner is important, but I also understand that there are a lot of things that might make someone afraid to do so (especially transwomen). A lot of places, you can be fired if it's discovered you've transitioned, or are transitioning, a lot of housing laws protect against discrimination of race, but not of transgender people. Unless you really trusted a person not to a. become violent OR b. out you to people without your permission, it seems like a safer bet to not tell anyone.
I'm in a good situation, because I've been with my partner since before I began transition, so it's never been an issue.

>> No.7935440

My brothers both had to go into special education for "behavioral issues". It was fucking awful.
>youngest has childhood onset depression
>really fucking severe with self harm, running away, suicide scares
>he is fucking 9 years old so this is terrifying and we can't find any psychologists in the state qualified or willing to deal with someone this young
>school decides he is "disrupting other students experience" and puts him in special needs
>this just makes it way worse because school doesn't make a difference between behavioral or developmental issues, grade level, or severity of issues so its just everyone lumped together doing the same super low level work
>everyone in family is obviously super anxious and tired all the time because of late night fits and trying to keep youngest calm
>this means other brother who is 11 is super tired all the time because they share a bedroom
>teacher notices brother sleeping in class and being fidgety and nervous
>"this child obviously has adhd and should be in the special needs room"
>they don't even fucking tell my mom, they just move him over there
>parents battle it out but school won't budge on it and we can't afford a charter school
>over the course of two years their issues get steadily worse and worse
>parents finally save enough and track down a decent psychology team that help get both out of there and into mainstream class
>youngest brother improves almost immediately now that he's in normal class with his friends
>older one also improves because surprisingly not having your little brother threaten you/the dog/himself/everything with a steak knife helps your anxiety go down
>both left the school system as soon as they could and went to vocational high school
>the youngest has no sign of still having depression and the oldest definitely does not and never did have ADHD (though he does have a mild anxiety disorder, gee wonder why)

>> No.7935459


That's fucking horrifying. I'm sorry you and your brothers had to go through that anon, what the actual fuck was up with that.

>> No.7935474

I've never been interested enough to read their stuff. I only saw their photos occasionally.

>> No.7935507

anon you replied to here, I'm so sorry you're brothers went through all that.
I'm not american and the system here is different, it's not perfect but I was glad that I went to the school because it saved me from going into a full burn out among other things. But I also want to ask, how does special needs work over there? Is it like a small part of the same school? Because over here it's separate schools all together.

>> No.7935518

>If they want to live out a yaoi fantasy I'm surprised they're not going after gay or bi cis guys.
I dunno if you're aware of this but most gay men don't like vaginas.

>> No.7935525

Its kind of hard to generalize because each state and even each area of each state is run a little differently here. In my brothers' school, it was a single classroom fairly isolated down a hall in the regular school. They had their own times they'd use the art rooms or gym or labs, and they ate lunch at an assigned table in the regular lunch room. However I know in the next county over there was actually a whole school that was just for behavioral issues, developmental or mental issues, and any students with physical handicaps that the county couldn't reasonably accommodate in the public schools. Also (at least in my area) you have to pay a higher tax if you want your child to attend a different school district than the one who's zone you live in.

>> No.7935535

>you tell someone straight up then I don't think they would be violent with you
Except that's not really true, unfortunately. Outing yourself can be extremely dangerous, especially if you don't know the person well. That's what gets people beat up murdered.
I'm not trans myself, but two of my friends are, and one of them (who is MTF) has been through some absolutely terrifying shit, all of which happened when she outed herself.

>> No.7935539

if someone is delusional enough to want to be a real life yaoi i dont think they really care because gay men are more appealing to them than bi/straight guys. i never said gay men liked them back

>> No.7935542
File: 31 KB, 415x529, 1376803571034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all of these replies about FtMs not on hormones being fakebois

I just got diagnosed with the GID and my therapist is in the process of writing me a referral for T. The problem is, I'm bipolar and I've been struggling with my stability for over a decade now, and I'm now that I'm finally stable for once in my life, I'm being told that T will probably cause me to be manic all over again, and that I'll have to be "closely monitored". I've heard stories about bipolar people being fine on T, but I've heard many more stories about people being arrested and hospitalized because it caused them so much mania.

I really want a deeper voice and I really want to appear more masculine, but I'm terrified of being unstable again, especially after all I've gone through to get my mental health in order. Not only is it an issue with mental health, but I also on medication for having insanely high cholesterol due to heart disease running in both sides of my family, and T apparently makes that worse.

I'm beginning to think T is not for me. I'm fairly tall for a girl and I have a deep enough voice that many people have called me "sir", even while identifying as male full time. I think if I got top surgery, I'd be happy enough.

I'm just worried about being seen as a another
transtrender or a fakeboi just because I'm not on HRT. This is why I hate fakebois so goddamn much.

>> No.7935546

even while identifying as female** full time
Fuck, I can't type today.

>> No.7935549

Anon, don't worry. We're not accusing people who are actively trying to get hormones of being fakebois. It's the ones who say "I feel 100% ok with my body as is and don't need hormones but I'm a guy!" that are the problem.

I recently started T and one of the concerns was that it might raise risk of blood clotting, seeing as my mother had a serious one a few years ago. However they decided to just start me on a lower dose than normal and see if any issues arise.

I really hope things work out for you, please don't let rude people get you down. We understand if it's difficult to get 'mones if you really want them.

>> No.7935551

*even if you really want them

>> No.7935580

That sucks, special need education will always be an issue I think, since I've always felt like a lot of people don't really understand it.

>> No.7935581

Not that anon but I feel like the other gender because I'm more comfortable with that gender. Being a girl makes me uncomfortable and I personally hate everything associate with it but I have a habit of liking to wear 'girly' items like shimapan, garters, fluffy sushi pillows and cosplaying as some female characters.

So I'm not sure what I am :/

>> No.7935589
File: 224 KB, 853x1280, tumblr_neot5eyI1l1s3u0h4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She actually passes pretty well when she doesn't layer on all that shitty makeup (seriously, most of her selfies involve winged eyeliner and trashy eyeshadow).

>> No.7935597

you're the textbook example of a confused teenager, down to the emoticon.
Seriously, read what that anon wrote upthread if you need an explanation of what is going on.

>> No.7935603

her eyes, cheekbones and jaw are way too obvious for her to pass well.

>> No.7935605

it's called puberty and hormones. if it bothers you too much talk to a professional.

>> No.7935607



Who spat in your cereal this morning mate? Considering that I thought about getting surgery I'm hardly a 'confused teenager.'

>> No.7935609

Anon, I think that WANTING to be on hormones and your medical issues stopping/delaying sets you apart from the fakebois. If your therapist is writing you a script, it means they're going to give it a try and you shouldn't be too scared! You get put on a low dose, and your endo/doctor will have your blood checked pretty regularly. Just be honest with all your health care providers if you have any problems at all.

I used to be really afraid of being lumped in with the fakebois but I don't really care as much anymore. People talk shit, but I know I'm here for the long run and nothing's gonna change that.

>> No.7935612

not that anon but really in that post you just sound like every other confused teenager.
You should have mentioned surgery in that first post really.

>> No.7935613

Did you mention you were 24?
You type like a 17yo girl.

>> No.7935618

> be born female
> never even consider my gender until puberty
> body starts developing so freak out and starve myself in order to try and stop it.
> years later love girly shit and dresses etc.
> hate the fact i dont have a dick and flat chest
> bind erryday
> never show any skin ever even in summer
> can't even refer to my own genitals or reproductive system
> no one will take me seriously if i 'come out' as trans as i dont want to be some big hairy butch guy.
> dont want to get lumped in with tumblfucks so continue to live miserable life getting dressed in the dark every morning

>> No.7935622


Stop that

>> No.7935630

>i dont want to be some big hairy butch guy.
Most FtMs aren't, from what I've noticed they just get some on their stomachs. And if being hairy scares you so much, why not just shave it all off? Cis guys shave their body hair all the time. It's no different than a girl shaving her legs.

>> No.7935635 [DELETED] 
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tiny chat dot com slash third position

>> No.7935637

the obvious solution is to become the cutest guy alive.
Maybe look at some guys wearing jfashions like fairy kei? shit's cute as fuck

>> No.7935644


english isn't my first language. I posted to vent not get a response but if you want to know my situation I'm close to being like anon >>7935618 except I don't bind everyday but I hate having C cup boobs. This is the only place where I can complain without anyone I know of knowing who I am.

>> No.7935645

honestly you sound confused. I say that because I used to feel the same way myself and was so ashamed of my body that I covered up everything. I still cover up everything, but I've come to terms with things and am quite fine with being a girl despite wearing Amishcore. I know some tumblrinas who would jump at me if I even so much as suggested that they might not really be trans because that's "offensive" and I'm "being ignorant", and they would try to convince me and throw tantrums yet now they're all fine with being girls and dressing in jfashion all of a sudden. So I won't say anything, but do consider that things may not be as dire as you think them at the moment.

>> No.7935652

Except I don't enjoy dressing up in jfashion. I literally wish I didn't have a vagina.

>> No.7935660

>passes well
try again

>> No.7935664

Transman here. Just a few questions:
Can you honestly say you feel like a man? If you were a guy, would you feel comfortable with it 100% of the time? Even if you were big and hairy, with a beard?
And when you were young, did you feel like you were born in the wrong body or did it only start in your teenage years?
This doesn't matter much but tells a lot: are you attracted to men or women?

>> No.7935666

I guess difference is I don't feel comfortable being female. I just like the clothes and shit. I have a pretty good body, like i work out and shit and i'm not fat, but i still find it disgusting.

>> No.7935670

neither did they at the time.

>> No.7935671

I feel the same, in touch with my femininity but still have uncomfortable days where I feel better binding my chest and dressing as a boy. I don't know if it's disphoria or what, but I sometimes get myself off by stroking an invisidick? I have no idea what is wrong with me.

>> No.7935681

Same here. First they said I had add though because I didn't pay attention in class and am math retarded, despite the fact I did well or fine in most other classes and I had no behavioral problems outside of being kind of quiet and shy.

Being sent to one of those things did awful things to my self-esteem for years, I only became socially retarded after that.

I'm normal now and have for the most part gotten over my shyness, but it really held me back developmentally and probably worsened whatever anxiety I had as a kid into actual anxiety and whatever else.

>> No.7935682

Yeah, to be fair if i'd been born male i'd probably not even think about fashion and clothes in the same way. It all ends up feeling like cosplay to me anyway some days but i am pretty feminine. I'd feel like i was over compensating by trying too hard to be manly y'know.

I'm attracted to guys so in many ways staying female is easier than suddenly being trans and gay.

I never think of myself as some kawaii tran chan desu ~ more like one of those gross moe otaku guys who wants to be the little girl some days

>> No.7935687

> and shit

Wow i can't type

>> No.7935695

I don't think you're trans, just confused.

>> No.7935729


Wouldn't matter if I was a hairy guy or if I had a small wang.

>> No.7935741

They said I had ADHD as well at first, I just didnt want to deal with that shit and have been feeling that way since 7th grade. My therapist also thinks I have depression.
Thanks misdiagnosis if so.
I'm also math retarded, I wonder if I have dyscalculia??

>> No.7935743

Thanks guys. I definitely want to give T a shot, so I guess I'll try it and see how it goes. I just hope I don't end up getting arrested or hospitalized again...

>> No.7935789

Fuck this thread is perfect. I love you /cgl/ and you my fine truscum ftm buddies.

(Ontopic, I won't wear lolita yet until I get hormones and surgery because I don't want to be a girl in a dress I want to be a man in a dress. They'll have to stay in my wardrobe until then.)

>> No.7935885

Same, anon. This thread has made me so happy, knowing that there are still people who haven't been corrupted by tumblr level speshul snowflake bullshit.

I'm already on hormones and hopefully getting surgery before this time next year, but I just started buying pieces for a lolita wardrobe. I'm not really that fond of feminine stuff and I won't cosplay female characters but for some reason I've fallen hard into lolita fashion.

>> No.7935897

>how overrun the US is by old white guys
You have no idea. Longer life spans mean longer old-fashioned values. I understand these people can /technically/ still work, but the longer you keep them around the more disconnected with the rest of the country they're going to become.

I have an LD and everyone was great about it until my grade 7 and 8 school. tl;dr the "special ed" class was basically "throw everyone we don't want to deal with in a small room with a teacher who shouldn't even be a teacher and only give her help in the morning." It was a complete nightmare trying to get me a computer, and through both years, the VP was a complete brick wall. There's a documentary about a girl I knew whose mother and her battle with the school system to get her the help she needed. I can't remember the name of it but it really hit home when I watched it because my mom and I went through exactly the same things with the school system.

>> No.7935905

tfw you have to identify as agender (gender neutral) with male pronouns even though you plan on getting HRT and top surgery all because you don't want to be grouped in with the fake tumblr faggots

call me what you want but i'd rather not be looked at like i'm a stupid fakeboi

>> No.7936023

I wish I could hug you two.

>> No.7936025

>identifying as a nonbinary in order to get away from the tumblr crowd
>to get AWAY from the tumblr crowd

anon if you're trans, you're trans. giving yourself an unfitting label just because you don't want to be lumped in with idiots is dumb. if you're serious about it, people can tell.

>> No.7936028

Despite what others say might say in this thread, in my experience genderqueer/third gender are pretty legit, ie when you don't feel completely male or female and would have dysphoria at either extreme. To me, when you start fluctuating back and forth is when it enters fakeboi status. I say see a counselor who specializes in gender and see if they can help you reach some sort of medical transition plan that would be happy living with.
Also, since we've been talking about the difference in gender identity and gender expression in this thread with fakebois who are conflating the two, if physically you really want to be male but you express femininely in your fashion, I'd say you are trans.
Also, don't let being a gay trans guy deter you from transitioning. The depression and distress of dysphoria is way worse than dealing with a lack of love life, I know this from experience. The gay cis male population is really cissexist, yeah, but I was able to find a man, and I know a few other gay trans friends who were too. There are accepting people out there, they just take searching for, and in my opinion, that makes the all the more worth it.

>> No.7936036

I would hug you as well anon.

I found a man too. We've been married a year in December (hooray for getting around the whole "gay marriage" thing by being biologically female!)

>> No.7936038


>> No.7936042

Holy fucking shit it's called a preference and it's perfectly understandable
Fuck off back to tumblr, you are the cancer

>> No.7936045
File: 38 KB, 485x436, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, feel the hate flooooow through you. Strike me down with all your hatred, and your journey towards the dark side shall be complete.

>> No.7936062

>I'm a dude
>wearing a bra


>> No.7936069

Congrats anon! If I may ask, what's his sexuality? Feel free not to answer if you're uncomfortable but I'm genuinely curious, as it seems a lot of trans guys date bisexual guys; though I've known gay guys to be into trans guys as well.

>> No.7936091
File: 858 KB, 969x1576, assignedmalespeaker1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7936219

nothing is wrong with being a guy and liking dresses.
transition if youd like.

>> No.7936241


>Literally the worst comic

Id punch that little idiot so goddamn hard

>> No.7936250

Yes, that gay man is very ignorant.

>> No.7936343

Your little story actually helped put things into perspective for me. Thanks, anon.

>> No.7936353

Anon, a lot of people think that agender is some fake bullshit, you're better off identifying as what you actually feel you are. Most people can tell a fakeboi from an actual trans person.

>> No.7936354

so cute

>> No.7936373


being gay doean't make you an expert on all things related to sexuality, or even just homosexuality itself. i've heard.incredibly ignorant things come out of the mouths of gay men.

he can speak about his experience, sure, but the man in this comic is wrong. two men being together is a gay relationship, and the fact that one is trans doesn't somehow disqualify that. he's basically saying "they don't have sex the same way I do, so that doesn't count." which IS ignortant and, considering hard packing is a thing, wrong.

>> No.7936390
File: 683 KB, 1221x1920, assignedmalespeaker2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, which is why I posted the comic.

>> No.7936397

I really don't like this comic because it creates this strawman hyper-ignorant gay male for this overly-eloquent kid to get their point across. There are so many better ways to get across the same message.

>> No.7936400

Well, the kid is trans which is why they're talking about all this. It's a comic made by a trans artist.

>> No.7936406

Fair enough, but it's still a strawman comic, i.e. a way for the author to get on their soapbox. Might as well make an infographic at this point.

>> No.7936420

I think the artist in question has a lot of issues from their childhood they're trying to get off their chest. Her last couple of comics have been about her real life experiences having her gender denied and also about getting molested because of being transgender when she was young. I'd say making comics is probably a healthy way to deal with it, but that doesn't mean anybody, including you, has to like them. And I'm not saying that sarcastically, I understand if you feel they're heavy-handed and don't like them.

>> No.7936439

It does feel like they're just comics to vent, which is fine, I just don't think they're a good way to spread knowledge. So yeah, I don't like them, but good for her if it helps her deal with her experiences.

>> No.7936493


>> No.7936897
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testosterone is a hell of a drug

>> No.7936904

I agree with you. For years the only people I told about my depression, anxiety, and ADHD were my teachers. I don't know why anyone else has a need to know about them and I'm not proud of them. What I am proud of is that I managed to go see Elton John in concert in Oct. I hadn't been to a concert in 7 years.

>> No.7937020


>> No.7937173

It's called Tumblr Trans. The children of tumblr want to feel like special snowflakes so they become trans or have basically no gender at all. It's usually paired with an equally complicated sexual orientation.

>> No.7937530

I prefer Transtrender myself.

>> No.7937562

Only reason you should be asking for money BC of arthritis is if you can't afford your medication or have it so severe that your quality of life is seriously affected. I've been diagnosed for about 7 years and as long as I take my meds I'm usually ok, I try not to make a big deal out of it unless I'm in severe pain, severe as in cant move without tons of cracks
Getting offtopic but thats just really shitty. Arthritis is def manageable and its just pissing me off that she was begging
>end rant

>> No.7937573


My only guess is that its a coping mechanism? So they can feel less ashamed of their situation, but at the same time when I was going through that shit (still do, but better now) tumblrs attitude a a whole was pretty fucking toxic. It presented depression and anxiety as something to be proud of and embrace and me being the stupid, impressionable 14~15 year old that I was did and it seriously fucked me up

>> No.7937608

Not a doctor but you sound like you have BDD, dysphoria can be applied to more than sex

>> No.7939294

men... dont need to be hairy.. lmao

>> No.7939397

I do hope you know genderqueer and such is a thing in multiple cultures, religions and countries.

>> No.7941280

this whole thread is gross and transphobic, gender expression =/= gender identity, and it is not your place to judge the legitimacy of a trans person for wanting to go on hrt or not