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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 154 KB, 500x750, 1383500790165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7932846 No.7932846 [Reply] [Original]

Previously: >>7918900

> Cosplay Masterpost:
A pastebin full of tutorials, links, and general helpful info for Homestuck cosplays. As always, more input of any kind will always welcomed Tutorials, wig suggestions, any suggestion or contribution is great and will be added.

> What was your HS cosplay community like when you started, and what is it like now?
> What do you think of humanized cosplays of things like the Consorts, Denizens, or even the Planets themselves?
> How many HS cosplays do you see at cons nowadays?

>> No.7932856
File: 868 KB, 1125x2969, HS_crunchy_report_nov2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant to put this in the other thread, but here's the newest crunchy list with the recent cosplay additions. We're running out of space for some BNFs.

>> No.7932857
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> What was your HS cosplay community like when you started, and what is it like now?
I started cosplaying close to the gigapause, so the local cosplays started to die down. The online community seem alright. Kinda glad a lot of shitty people moved on to other fandoms.
> What do you think of humanized cosplays of things like the Consorts, Denizens, or even the Planets themselves?
They are alright. It would be funny to see somebody just literally be a round planet.
> How many HS cosplays do you see at cons nowadays?
I'd say 20-30.

>> No.7932862

I would remove snowchildhero

>> No.7932865

I know people are always eager to knock her off the list but jeeze:

>There will still be Homestuck posts and cosplay on this blog, pertaining to characters like Dualscar, Aranea, and all the others that I STILL love and adore! I have cosplay photos I haven’t put up yet, and there are still some costumes I’d like to make, and gatherings/meet ups I’d like to attend

>> No.7932871

Is this really the most recent one? I thought we dropped DD and angryjaeger and did another round of Crunchy summaries after the original write ups. Or am I way off base on that one?

>> No.7932880

You almost got it, Anon!
Dersedreamer and Angryjaeger were dropped, and I did write additions to my first statements regarding blog layout updates and shown interest in the HS fandom. Nothing major though.

>> No.7932883

Whoops, didn't realize the summaries have ever been updated. I'll go searching through the archives for those.

>> No.7932887
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>> No.7932889
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>> No.7932898

I'm making the new edits but we are really out of room here with the new summaries. I was going to knock the "recent cosplays" list down to 2014 and newer, but this means that some people like Yaexrae and Violetprince only have one cosplay.

>> No.7932904
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>> No.7932907
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>> No.7932910
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>> No.7932914

Yeah, looks like something that needs to be wiped off the side of a glass.

>> No.7932916

Just leave it for a bit and I'll make 2014 summaries for them in December.

>> No.7932917
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Fuck, *Condesce.


>> No.7932919
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>> No.7932921
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Doing a high-waisted silhouette for Kanaya is a good look though.

Why's this promstuck shit so popular? It just seems like a non sequitur to me.

>> No.7932922

>all of those ponies

Dear God, why...

>> No.7932925
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>> No.7932928
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Jesus i didn't even notice those god damn.


>> No.7932935

It's a realistic portrait of being Fanon Dirk's sex slave.

>> No.7932938
File: 912 KB, 1125x2320, HS_crunchy_report_nov2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay! Here's the corrected version. We didn't add Striderian, did we?

Promstuck was a popular homestuck fanfiction when the fandom was at its height. IMO it stems from that.

>> No.7932945
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>> No.7932948
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>> No.7932959
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>> No.7932960
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>> No.7932964


>> No.7932968
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>> No.7932970
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>> No.7932975
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>> No.7932980
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>> No.7932988

No, I don't think so. Striderian's been nominated a few times but no one's really responded to the suggestion one way or another iirc.

>thinks it's a good holy shit
>opens thumbnail
NOPE. That gamzee though, jesus christ.

>> No.7932996

I'm doing a year wrap up in December, so if you want to nominate any additions, tier shifts or removals then do it until then and I'll look into it.

>updated cosplay count
>updated notes
>reviews of nominees
>my own suggestions

Promstuck is a really fun event too, especially for the counter culture kids who maybe didn't enjoy their own prom all that much. IMO it can be enjoyable even for an older crowd provided the younger ones present can behave.

>That fucked up perspective

>> No.7933010
File: 445 KB, 900x547, tumblr_mk8xj8gPDS1qhc1x7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss when communities used to hold events like promstuck or themed meetups. Con popularity is still going strong but the smaller events have really died off.

>> No.7933040
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>> No.7933043

All the BNFs seem to be cooking up stuff for Katsucon or other things. A big Beforus Group at Katsu- CowbuttCrunchies, Terieri and saccharinesylph so far, but maybe noises about JJ and their crew joining in too, and of course Yaexrae with her Condesce.

Are we experiencing a Homestuck Renaissance?

>> No.7933044

> What was your HS cosplay community like when you started, and what is it like now?

When I started, just over 3 years ago, it was a complete shitshow. The person running it was 30+, telling everyone she had cancer, kept showing up to events drunk, threatening physical violence at underage kids. There was accusations but true and false being tossed around about kids getting bad-touched, a lot of bullying of members, death threats... Leaders changed, it got better, then worse again, the person running stepped down after being harassed steadily for a few months by a leader of a different local group that didn't last another 6 months afterwards.

After that, most trouble that happened has been easily cleared up. I'm maybe a little biased in saying that, since I'm one of the current mods, but the biggest issue in the past year was probably two promstucks that were arranged in the same month, by two different groups. It took a bit of fussing at them to get them to combine, but really they were just being brats about it and needed someone to play babysitter.

But yes, significantly less of a shitshow now, even though the majority of the group is younger than what it used to be.

> What do you think of humanized cosplays of things like the Consorts, Denizens, or even the Planets themselves?

They can be wonderful if actual effort and thought is put into them. Little details that work with an outfit can make the whole cosplay. but its the same as any humanstuck- just throwing on a teal jacket and saying you're Terezi doesn't work. You're just a nerd in a teal jacket.

> How many HS cosplays do you see at cons nowadays?

A decent amount. Local small cons and meets have got a steady group that's bigger than what the turn out used to be, but I think its just better communications. Youmacon had a fairly decent amount of homestucks. A lot didn't attend the shoot, but I ran into them just wandering around the con. Probably spoke to 300ish over the weekend?

>> No.7933060

why was she ever put on to begin with?
she's average. she blends right in with the hundreds of other boring average homestuck cosplayers. what exactly about her merits her addition to the list? it's not her seeing, wig work, or prop work, since none of them stand out. so what is it?

>> No.7933066

Community involvement, number of costumes, and consistent average to good quality. She's similar to Kitty-Maru. I think she's more pretty tier at this point whereas Pearlgirl should be bumped up, but her name is worth mentioning.

>> No.7933092

Might seem completely random but on the topic of communities: is there any french community to speak of? Specifically in Paris but elsewhere too.

>> No.7933130

I don't have an opinion on snowchild, but it's about time pearlgirl got bumped up, isn't it? The last time it didn't happen because she didn't have enough costumes, surely by now she does.

>> No.7933145
File: 54 KB, 320x240, tumblr_nee51ywFSX1tnbnw2o3_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't there a homestuck convention coming up? Is that still happening?

>> No.7933153

What requirements do you need to suggest someone for the BNF list? I take quality is pretty important, but what else? Number of followers? Number of costumes? I have a couple of people in mind but I don't know if they'll fit the requirements.

>> No.7933184

Quality cosplays, a certain amount of them, and a blog that contains a lot of homestuck + cosplay. It helps if they aren't a drama magnet and will probably be cosplaying more HS in the future.

>> No.7933193

Advice and fandom/event evovlement are big along with what >>7933184 said.

>> No.7933210

Alternicon. Yeah it's happening this weekend.

>> No.7933222

Pretty tier is more quantity and less quality (see: Kitty-Maru, though their cosplay quality is better some times than others) as long as it's stable quality and variety.
I personally look at good and interesting shoots, WIPs, advice/tutorials and how the blog look, mostly because all that other stuff can be really annoying to find if there's no organization or good layout.
Drama and attitude can pull someone down (see: Mostflogged) but community involvement and activity can bump them up due to being cosplay related activity.

>> No.7933224

I hope that goes well, then.

>> No.7933234

in b4 dashcon 2.0

>> No.7933300

Do you guys have some good and bad examples of Kanaya's wig? I'm planning on cosplaying her and I'm kinda stuck on it because I don't know if I should do her hair as cartoon-ish like in the web comic or try and make it a little more realistic.

>> No.7933312
File: 149 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_newyoaCLgO1r3qsdzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know anything about this? How has WP not shut down a HS con?

>> No.7933316

Go onto the tumblr tag kanaya cosplay and sift through those.

>> No.7933328

i dont think its technically a "homestuck con" its a "web comic con". technically. (but everyone knows its really a homestuck con)
i haven't payed any attention to it tho so maybe im wrong tho.

>> No.7933406
File: 126 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi idk how to make an account but rate my dave cosplay i think i fit him really well

>> No.7933417


Rosining moved to periodicallypapaya.

>> No.7933450
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>> No.7933477

Her last con was Otakon iirc? It's november and if she still hasn't bothered to post her HS cosplay from that then I'd say she thoroughly doesn't give a shit. I don't know why people defend to keep her on there so hard.

>> No.7933487

Because there's people on the list who haven't cosplayed for longer than that. If you're going to remove one person for inactivity you need to be consistent, vendettachan.

>> No.7933490
File: 100 KB, 640x427, 1409215189226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides

>> No.7933523

So remove them too. I swear as soon as someone says something constructive they get called vendettachan. There shouldnt be inactive people on there that are more or less done with homestuck.

>> No.7933524

Different anon, but the other people who have been just as inactive (Dei and Kisbe, I think) are...leagues above SCH in terms of craftsmanship and quality photos. People can shit on her for vendetta reasons because she might not be as attractive as the other BNFs, but her awkward posing and her lack of ability to stand out are valid complaints and they work against her. Obviously you can't tally "standing out" as a measurable quality, but almost all the other BNFs have a wow factor to them that SCH doesn't seem to share. I think she's pretty tier at this point if we keep her on. Cancerously too, maybe.

>> No.7933549

No, you get called vendettachan when you try to get SCH removed from the list every time it comes up. She's nowhere close to inactive. I agree with >>7933524 that she's pretty tier material but the reaching for any reason to kick her is getting old.

>> No.7933564


Thanks! I also noticed most of them (if not all) are American or Canadian. This might sound like an stupid question but why is that? I follow a couple of European Homestuck cosplayers that look like they could be in this list.

>> No.7933578


>> No.7933587

>Opens preview
>Closes preview
I am far too sober to watch this.

>> No.7933688

( >>7933193 here) Do they have tumblrs? A lot, if not all the people on the list have a significant tumblr following.

Also do you mind posting the names/URLs of some of the European HS cosplayers?

>> No.7933695
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x850, tumblr_ney7gcBMqZ1qbeluoo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you're right... it's a webcomic con but half the programming is homestuck. CBC is running a few panels there.

>> No.7933731

Who do you think is the worst cosplayed (by frequency) kid? Troll? Got in an argument with a friend so I'm wondering what ya'll think.

>> No.7933737


I'll put up a decent list for you in a bit.

>> No.7933743

worst kid by frequency: alpha dave
worst troll by frequency: ???
maybe karkat? not sure about that one

>> No.7933755

kid: alpha/lohac dave no contest. tho im seeing less around lately.
troll: karkat? i guess

>> No.7933769
File: 99 KB, 900x675, Blackface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst Beta- John
Worst Alpha kid- Roxy
Worst Troll Beta- Vriska/Equius
Worst Troll Alpha- Porrim
Worst Ansestor Troll- Dualscar

>> No.7933778


kid? dave
troll? gamzee, with karkat a close second

>> No.7933779
File: 133 KB, 282x315, 1413454645767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh this is just too good

>> No.7933890


Remove all inactive people, IMO. It's a reference for people to follow for Homestuck content, not a Best Of Has Beens.

>> No.7933892
File: 546 KB, 900x606, object_head_lands_by_bear_princess-d5f9yvr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was an artist a while back who did a series of object heads for the different lands. Commencing dump.

>> No.7933899
File: 523 KB, 1024x566, object_head_lands__alpha_kids_by_bear_princess-d5oxc85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At one point I wanted to build a LoLaR outfit, but I'm average size, not quite willowy or thin enough, I think, to pull that off.

>> No.7933900
File: 467 KB, 1024x523, object_head_lands__troll_edition__part_2_by_bear_princess-d5tzfi5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>captcha: 420

>> No.7933901


>anon points out photos are less interesting and craftsmanship is middling
>SCH admits to being inactive

If anybody's way too personally invested in her it's you, anon.

>> No.7933903
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>> No.7933909
File: 2.13 MB, 2201x1102, object_head_lands__troll_edition__part_one_by_bear_princess-d5isf2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the other hand, LoLCaT is still doable and makes up in cuteness what it lacks in elegance.

>> No.7933921
File: 66 KB, 422x750, lolar_by_faygolicious-d6800tc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's one cosplay of LoLaR, but ...it didn't go too well.

>> No.7933967
File: 1.58 MB, 800x1200, tumblr_ncdx48Lvhb1qe4fcso4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've worn a LoPaH, and a friend did LoWaS which actually lit up. Unfortunately, I was behind the camera, and he changed out early. A few homestucks took selfies with me? but I never found any pictures in the tag later. Most people didn't recognize the designs though.

>> No.7933990

This picture tells such a story. A horror story.

>> No.7934018


i'd considered doing lotak.

what would you do for the head, though? lotak has that mask, but in other cases, would you wear the character's wig and glasses?

>> No.7934108

Wearing the character's wig and glasses would help people make associations to the land!

But this is a neat challenge, so - for LoCaH and LoPaN, you could probably build a Doc-Scratch-esque head out of a wire frame and paper mache (and cut a mesh slit to see out of). For LoMaX, you maaaayybe could build an x-shaped rig of EL wire around your head and paint your face to match the green bones? It'd be murder to look through, though. Alternately, you could just do a 2-D x-shaped rig behind your head, like a corona.

>> No.7934113

SCH post was a nice way to say she's not posting as much homestuck as she used to and is busy with real life. if that means taking her off fine but agreed with anons who think consistency is key. Waiting for a year end cap and revamping overall is a good idea too.

>> No.7934132

You keep misreading her post. She literally says she's planning more cosplays, how is that inactive? This conversation is stupid if the list is just going to get overhauled in a month.

>> No.7934180

i cant believe i am still on your bnf list

>> No.7934348


>> No.7934393

lol same

>> No.7934397

Hey, all three of you, how does it feel to be on the list? Is it creepy? Is it flattering? Or is it just weird?

>> No.7934412

Imo it's kind of stressful, especially when people expect you to keep cosplaying Homestuck but you're bored of it

>> No.7934416

All of the above for me I think. I feel a little weird about the attention and "the list" so I don't think too much about it. It's flattering sure, but uh. yeah.

>> No.7934445

This were so much more relaxed when I was first getting involved. But the most active people in my community now are kind of bullies, and it colors everything. For example, no is supposed to cosplay a troll character of a blood type other than what the cosplayer would have, based on their birth sign. An original character, or a different gender version, trixter, etc,anything like that is fine, but you can't violate the hemospectrum or you get harrassed non-stop at any convention and on tumblr and instagram and so on. I kind of hate it because I'm a Sagitarius, which means my only choices are robot Aradia, girl Equius, Horus, or Darkleer. It's not like I hate those character, but i wish I had more choices. I hope it'll be different when I move away for college. This kind of community is pretty abnormal, obviously, and it would be really unlucky if I was trapped in two awful ones in a row.

>> No.7934452

What the fuck kind of community have you been in? Who would care that much about what HS character someone cosplays as? And who's stopping you from cosplaying other characters?

>> No.7934454

Jesus Christ this fandom is fucking repulsive.

>> No.7934499

Feel free to call out whoever does this shit. This is some psychopath level idiocy.

>> No.7934513

Sup guys!
If you're sick and tired of being on the list, say so and we'll take it into consideration. Silencedrowns personally stated they didn't want to be on the list and this weighed over on the decision to keep them on (in their case it was also about inactivity). Looking at the stuff I wrote earlier there are also suggestions as to drop and bump people which haven't been further discussed yet (aside from the endless Snowchildhero discussion).

When I get the time to write up a year roundup, I'll probably also try and look into the suggestions of dropping the list entirely.

It's probably because the north American community is more united as a whole as opposed to the bunch of small european communities. The activity in the thread is also mainly NA so a lot of people have met/seen the BNFs brought up. Hammasratas is Finnish, but that's as far as europeans go I'm afraid.
If you have suggestions, any at all, feel free to drop them!

>> No.7934594

How about troll baby names? One of my sister's friends who I introduced to HS named her baby Aradia Megidio *lastname*. I haven't met anyone else, but it seems like it must happen reasonably often already, and it will start be more and more comon to as more fans get older.

>> No.7934597

Aradia is a pretty name but who the fuck uses both the character's first AND last name? What?

>> No.7934598

Flattering but stressful. Every Homestuck costume I do gets looked under a microscope and compared to other "specimens". It would never stop me but it makes me less interested in revisiting it when I could cosplay from fandoms that aren't this creepy.

>> No.7934604

Aradia and Karkat are still pretty cute names for those who're not involved though. I'm pretty sure Karkat already is a legit name anyhow just not in english.

You know those people who dedicate their lives to like, tattooing their entire body, become human panthers, Jessica Rabbit et cetera through plastic surgery and whatnot?
I'm just waiting for that to happen with someone who want to become a troll.

>> No.7934614

Oh dear god, I know that terezi. So much secondhand embarassment.

>> No.7934641 [DELETED] 

They're like 10 dont be such a douchebag.
Atleast its the older generation where bronies didn't exist.
The only names Id use if so would be Dirk, Damara, or Aradia
>naming ur child kankri

>> No.7934650
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To be fair, the Terezi is the best one there.

>> No.7934653
File: 15 KB, 400x400, tumblr_neuk65Mgbr1u2o07eo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7934661

I know but that she's hanging out with the rest of them is what makes me cringe.

>> No.7934662
File: 1.61 MB, 325x217, tumblr_newoi2Yckl1rl9io3o2_r1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7934664
File: 361 KB, 400x569, tumblr_ney89i0lCR1qgotqjo2_r1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice people sometimes don't have good cosplays, but i can understand why you are cringing.

>> No.7934667
File: 407 KB, 1196x1196, tumblr_ney760JqUR1rskpuwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7934668
File: 774 KB, 480x640, tumblr_neyey5SeNP1tbixjyo3_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related is a cell shaded (?) trickster dirk

>> No.7934669
File: 137 KB, 439x782, tumblr_neygso6c0m1s6qoe7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7934671
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>> No.7934676
File: 501 KB, 480x640, tumblr_neym0kuDgS1s2eoijo9_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7934679

Different anon, but yeah, this. On the one hand it's flattering. On the flip side sometimes the nitpicking makes me want to throw my hands up since I know it'll get ripped apart if it's less than perfect.

>> No.7934682
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>> No.7934685
File: 451 KB, 245x432, tumblr_neyz7bIs881sgk4nno4_r1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one for now

>> No.7934709
File: 14 KB, 162x181, dsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7934714
File: 65 KB, 211x212, 0 cgl MSPA Generally Lovely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how i feel about this

>> No.7934715


Yet another different anon, agreeing with this sentiment completely. I'm fine with taking criticism if I made something that looks terrible, but sometimes the nitpicks are borderline idiotic.

I'm honestly surprised I'm on the BNF list, as I don't have much of a following compared to my friends nor do I get mentioned that much by name.

>> No.7934719

I'm... actually kind of liking it? I can't put my finger on why, but the makeup is very clean.

>> No.7934720

Yeah, its just the afro and the look he's giving.

>> No.7934727

It's fun to see there are people considered "good" cosplayers in these threads as well, and not just a bunch of mediocres whining about other people's cosplay.

I can see how it's stressful though, but I'm a bit curious as to what you guys think constitutes unnecessary nitpicks? The only thing which comes to mind is when people pointed out the puckering on Yaexrae's latest Kanaya dress, everything else I can think of is valid criticism with the difference that it was directed to people on the list.

>> No.7934731

I like being on the list. It does feel nice to be recognized, and when nitpicking comes around, I can tell the difference between constructive advice and anons who are plainly searching for something to critique. When the criticism is valid, I take it to heart. When it gets ridiculous, I just laugh it off.

>> No.7934732

"I expected more from x" is a common BNF nitpick I see. The only solution to that is to just make a different cosplay or not cosplay at all.

>> No.7934734

things that can't be helped like face shape or "looking too old" is something I consider nitpicky; that has nothing to do with the costume itself and if thats all thats being said about a cosplay at that point, thats just people trying to find something "constructive" to say

>> No.7934740

We are always watching. Always.

>> No.7934742

Ah, yeah I can definitely see that. I honestly think it's something this general could try not to do, I mean, after all we DO like you guys and we DO like your cosplays so it's a shame if we're contributing to cosplayers taking a step back from the fandom.

I suppose "I expected better" could be just translated into something more constructive, like, "I'm surprise they went with that fabric" or "that's a lazy wig styling, they could do better". And just try and have that in mind because it's honestly escalated a bunch at this point.

>> No.7934743

There's at least one anon here who doesn't understand that fabric wrinkles when you move and loves to shit on both BNFs and nonBNFs about it.

I think people feel we're nitpickers because we either criticise or don't comment at all. The thread used to be a lot more positive before the pause. Now, any time someone says they like a cosplay, three other anons rush in to tell them why they're wrong so nobody bothers.

>> No.7934745

Figured as much, I would too.

It's more a "next time someone post a cosplay of mine and someone comments I'm going to narrow my eyes and wonder if it's Dei-sandvich laughing at my badly shaped eyebrows" type thing.

>> No.7934747

in my high school art class my teacher makes us say one good thing for every "improvement" critique we say, which works both ways so we never got just endless compliments but at the same time we didn't only get mean things. maybe we should start doing that?

>> No.7934753

Same here! I think I have a significantly fewer amount of followers than any of the other BNFs, and I still don't considered myself one even though I'm on the list? Its a bit of an ego boost for sure.

>> No.7934755
File: 54 KB, 575x448, MEGIDO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not megidolaon

>> No.7934757


Or they call selfpost. It's just really annoying to say you like something and get at least three anons saying HURR DURR SO MUCH SELFPOST

>> No.7934758


God, this. Honestly, if they were commenting on the posing, I'd be okay with it, but if it's something you can't change, like "looking too old", I feel like it's bullshit to even mention it. Also considering most of these characters are 13 year old kids... I don't know many 13 year old kids who know how to sew, style wigs, pose, etc, with a level of skill enough to be liked around here.

>> No.7934765

Exactly! Most of us are in our mid to late twenties, and aging is a process that is natural and also can't be controlled. Sorry we don't look like 13 year olds?? If we only chose characters to cosplay based on how old we look, 1) there would be a very limited amount of cosplays we could do, 2) where's the fun in that. Seriously.

>> No.7934769

Like 90% of HS fans are in middle and high school. If you are seriously in your mid twenties and regularly interacting with them, that's kind of creepy, to be honest. Maybe it's time for you to move on to another fandom before you have to dye your gray hairs.

>> No.7934772

As if BNFs hang out with gross middle schoolers instead of other BNFs. Nice try.

>> No.7934773

Wow then say goodbye to about, what 90% of the BNF list?

>> No.7934774

There's more adults in this fandom than you think. Except for periodicallypapaya and virulentmalapropisms I think every other BNF is in their 20s. There's some in their 30s too.

>> No.7934777

I'm fairly sure they hang out with the 10% that aren't teenagers.

>> No.7934780
File: 128 KB, 853x1280, tumblr_ney01cj0ev1s534yio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm always meeting people in this fandom who are in college. I know there's a lot of little kids who make a lot of noise, but there's a number of talented artists and cosplayers who don't draw as much attention to themselves.

>> No.7934796

obviously ur supposed to drop $10million on plastic surgery to look 13 you skrub. if you cant afford that you shouldnt be cosplaying.

>> No.7934804


Silly anon that's what wigs are for

>> No.7935048

anon made their choice

let them reap the whirlwind when all that remains is a gross fat grease pile with smeared grey fingers and apple juice baths

>> No.7935067

BNF power hour was fun. I always knew BNFs lurked the threads, but I didn't realize so many did. I wonder how many anons are trying to figure out who's who.

Not a BNF, but I think it's nitpicky when people automatically dismiss something done well as terrible just because it's not their preferred way of doing that thing. For example, Yaexrae's horn texture doesn't appeal to everyone, but there's no denying it's still a clean, well done texture. Liking a different texture style more doesn't somehow make hers wrong or poorly crafted, especially since we don't have a canon reference for texture to compare it to. At that point, you're just arguing about style choices.

>> No.7935080



>> No.7935120

Why do you think so many BNFs are mostly inactive now?

>> No.7935134

NSA airstrike incoming

>> No.7935142

i dont give a shit about all the cosplay nitpicking because cgl is traditionally unappeasable but theres a creepy obsession with the personal lives of some cosplayers like mf thats gross as fuck or weird bitching about how this or that bnf wasnt as nice or cool in person as you imagined them

like fine put cosplayers on pedestals and crawl all over their work but take a deep breath once in a while and remind yourself these people are humans not robots for your cosplay pleasure

>> No.7935225

Not only that but posting of pictures out of costume and talking about their careers and how hot/ugly they are out of make up. Some people like it, I think it is creepy as fuck and it doesn't increase my desire to dress up from Homestuck.

>> No.7935245

That's a thing with most well known cosplayers outside of HS too, though. Only difference is that our "well known" is lower than the global one.

>> No.7935269

Do you think that makes it less creepy, anon? You're making cosplayers into fuckin celebrities take a look at your priorities

>> No.7935278

That's not what I intended it to sound like, I don't agree with it but fact is that it's a problem you'll encounter wherever you go in the cosplay community as long as you're well known in the slightest.

>> No.7935289

For the average cosplayer, no, it is not. Sure very very popular ones do. But most of the bnf list, no. No other fandom draws this type of attention to their BNFs like this.

>> No.7935304

I don't mind the attention as long as it's innocuous. There's nothing creepy about asking how I act at conventions or if I'm nice or stuck up and so on and so forth. It only gets creepy when the subject matter turns creepy, ie pervy comments or bizarrely interested questions about my personal life. I'm not gothichamlet but the thigh comments she gets make me uncomfortable by proxy every time.

>> No.7935398

I don't mind it. It's all innocent fun so who cares if someone wants to know what I look like out of makeup.

>> No.7935424

Has anyone ever used Latex Face Paint?

>> No.7935435

...Link? I didn't think that existed and I can't find any info on it.

>> No.7935472

Me neither, i was searching the tag for another tag dump and i see a post asking for help with latex face paint or something. (you can find the post in the /tagged/homestuck-cosplay

But every fiber in my being is saying what the fuck don't cover your face in (literal) skin tight latex.

>> No.7935480
File: 1.28 MB, 320x240, tumblr_inline_nezv4f6F9F1qkceqi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping now

>> No.7935483
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Troll Cops apparently

>> No.7935485
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>> No.7935487
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These next three are the same person

>> No.7935489
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>> No.7935490
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>> No.7935494

88%+ of any homestuck tag is horrible garbage.

>> No.7935495
File: 332 KB, 1014x1920, tumblr_nf015czCqt1tecknmo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7935512

What is this supposed to be?

>> No.7935516


Its supposed to be art

Supposed to be

>> No.7935528


Gosh, I love this Peixes trio. It's always fun to see people fill out their Homestuck bingo cards.

I think I like her Feferi the best. She has a sweet, youthful-looking face that doesn't quite match my headcanon for Meenah and HIC. It's neat to see what a difference makeup and posing can make, though.

>> No.7935533

you mistook the number 8 to mean 9

>> No.7935553

I can't tell if these have been heavily shopped or if the exposure/saturation is weird. I'd like them a lot more if the pictures were better. Fef is the best one though. Meenah's so edited I can barely tell where the grey ends and the white wall begins, and I absolutely hate that glasses-stuck-straight-on-my-skin look she did for the Condesce. She wears normal frames, why ignore that?

>> No.7935564

It's overexposed for a CMV she shot. They look promising but it's hard to tell what's what with that level of over the top editing.

>> No.7935583

so is it too late to cosplay homestuck??

>> No.7935599

JJ's crew = CBC and Terieri. If they're doing Beforus, she is too.

>> No.7935615

Not at all.

>> No.7935620

I thought there was more than that. Don't they post big group photos all the time?

>> No.7935639


>>7934650 is their Aradia. There's also that dj guy.

>> No.7935646

"i think were just getting started" (halo ref)
tbh tho; homestuck is not dominating the cosplay scene like it used too, but now snk/klk have died down it may still have/have again the top spot

>> No.7935657

The DJ guy (Matt Miler) is usually Gamzee. The Aradia also doubles as their Dave, and there is a Feferi too though I don't recall her tumblr.

>> No.7935692


You make a point about the glasses, but I can't recall very many HIC cosplayers who actually wear frames and make them look good. Are there any examples of people pulling it off well?

I don't think the no-frames look is necessarily bad, but now that I think of it, it is a little weird that so many people don't bother trying to get that detail right.

>> No.7935717
File: 94 KB, 720x960, 970606_614225405277947_1021456735_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as promstuck goes, I dont remember how it started, but its been around for years. I've been out of the HS fandom for a good year or more and I recall attending two seperate local promstuck events in the 3 years I was a diehard fan. From what I can gather, it gave people creative freedom to see how their favorite characters would dress in the event they had to dress fancy. On the other hand, it could also be that since the kids and trolls are teenagers and reach prom age at some point in the comic, someone might have entertained the idea that homestuck characters attending prom would be fun.

I personally enjoyed the two promstucks I attended. It was a good meetup idea that everyone got excited about and in some ways it was better than my actual high school prom.

There are all sorts of AUs and (insert irrelevant word here)stuck!s around nowadays. At some point you just have to take things with a grain of salt.

>pic related

>> No.7935725

There was also "tumblr prom" going around at the same time, and some people wanted to make it for real with a homestuck twist

>> No.7935730

SnK is still very much around and its popularity means it's not going anywhere. KLK might be dying down though, but I think Tokyo Ghoul is the next big thing.

>> No.7935734

It's because the way she's drawn the pieces aren't joined in the middle. In earlier panels of her, it just looks like pink eye makeup, similar to the red lashes and liner on Aradia's sprite. It wasn't until Act 6 that we got a shot of her detailed or close enough to show that the "makeup" has a hook design similar to Meenah's glasses. Earlier cosplayers get a pass because that reveal came way after her introduction, but current cosplayers should know better imo. Would be posting my favorite Condesce but she doesn't have the glasses since she made the cosplay back when they just looked like makeup.

>> No.7935753

Actually, I just re-checked her intro panel. The hooks are pretty fucking obvious. Idk what I was thinking. I guess there's really no excuse to omit them. Sage because damn I must need some coffee.

>> No.7935756
File: 238 KB, 900x600, tumblr_n8v5ovfDBx1r35os0o1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CBC groups with a lot of different cosplayers but yeah that's their core.

>> No.7935777

i would disagree on snk atleast as far as cosplay goes, iv seen much fewer snk cosplayers at recent cons, although iv only been to two since ota, tho i agree tokyo ghoul is coming up and could be the next thing.

>> No.7935946

i think condesces who use glasses usually use thicker framed glasses and work over that which end up looking bulky most of the time. when i made mine i used wire frames so the area that wasn't part of the points/hook were thin and not as bulky. i'd post a picture to show what i mean but i cant find a decent quality one yet

>> No.7936041

this girl actually has awful cosplays. her youtube is captiancrunch cosplay. her best cosplays however are her piexes.

>> No.7936057

I'd like to see a picture when you find a decent one.

>> No.7936066
File: 70 KB, 480x640, condesce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the front facing camera on my phone has shit quality and the pictures my friend got are at angles where the shape looks a tad bit weird. though, i was kinda stupid when i made them because i never checked her panels so i only made one point on each side and not two

>> No.7936190

absolutely disgusting

>> No.7936205

Should've done the full hood. Eridan's head on top of that pretty well constructed costume is a little disappointing. Not that you're a bad Eridan, but the contrast is weird. Plus, with the hood, even if people didn't know what you were you would've looked neat, as opposed to just Eridan in a larp outfit.

>> No.7936411

Not who you're replying to, but I actually really like these. It's rare to see a Condesce with glasses and I didn't even realize it until the anon upthread pointed it out.

>> No.7936508

Oh god, I've met her IRL. Her and her boyfriend absolutely refuse to hide their headbands under wigs and everything just looks so lazy and bad.
And the CMVs are cringeworthy.

>> No.7936744

ah, actually, it was a friend who wore the LoWaA outfit with their Eridan. The three of us wore the characters with the outfits. Eridan got recognized easiest once people noticed the 'window pants'. They certainly got more than a few pictures taken at the con.

The full hood likely would have been neat, but, the Eridan was already cooking all day so I don't blame them for not doing it. Colossalcon was fucking brutal this year.

>> No.7936771
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>> No.7936783
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>> No.7936785
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>> No.7936787
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>> No.7936788
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>> No.7936789
File: 214 KB, 600x900, tumblr_ndpzottSP41r35os0o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, anon, that's too bad. I'd like to see that.

>> No.7936791
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>> No.7936793
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>> No.7936794
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>> No.7936797
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>> No.7936798
File: 1.08 MB, 320x240, tumblr_nf04flhvAt1rf6r7jo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is supposed to be the Signless/Sufferer

>> No.7936803

Man, I automatically write off any Aradia that uses these stupid Party City horns. I'm so sick of seeing them.

>> No.7936812

...Did someone take a sweater and stitch some X's onto it?
>At least it's not quilt!Signless

>> No.7936831
File: 330 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_nf06plzuUA1szxhoho4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The texture on them is really gross and they're way too big, but i think they make for a good base if you cut them (about) in half

No, i think they made a Signless infinity scarf.

>> No.7936839
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>> No.7936842
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>> No.7936845
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>> No.7936911

For casual wear that's kind of cool? I like homestuck-inspired fashion but you don't see much of it.

>> No.7936968


>> No.7937281

Did that Roxy's torso get stuck in a black hole

>> No.7937307

Maybe one generated by the cosplayer next to her.

>> No.7937368
File: 2.01 MB, 400x300, 5ac69c2d811628a697d8800496d32425-809316284.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also another tag dump is commencing.

>> No.7937374
File: 828 KB, 500x375, DBgmTL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7937378
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>> No.7937381
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>> No.7937383
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>> No.7937387
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>> No.7937389
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>> No.7937398
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>> No.7937406
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>> No.7937408
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>> No.7937411
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>> No.7937416
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>> No.7937418

have there been any actual photosets put up and not just webcam selfies?

>> No.7937612

her cmvs have bad acting, and her horns.. .wanna know how she makes horns? newspaper base, tissue paper mache and liquid latex! they look like slim jims!
she has bad cosplays in general.

>> No.7937632

Yep. They (she and her Bf) asked me and a friend once what we thought about their cosplays, and we gently said they'd be better if they actually hemmed them. And hid the headbands.
They just went "so what?"
Obviously just looking for free asspats like she's used to and surprized by actual concrit.

And when she wore Condy her Bf did an original troll slave which confused the hell out of us since it was basically a Cronus cosplay with the horns on backwards.

>> No.7937642

i totally agree. also, she uses grimas and its really white in her videos... does it look that bright irl?

totally unrelated but whats good to put inside an eridan capes collar? does anyone know, im new to using interfacing so i dont know if theres a certain type i should get.

>> No.7937759
File: 305 KB, 960x960, IMG_20140727_152431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a very thick interfacing that you can purchase at JoAnns by the yard. It even comes with the directions and the cutting person can give it to you.

>> No.7937821

Yo crunchy anon anyway to reach you off the board?

>> No.7937826

Nope, it's just too much light and/or shitty editing that makes it so white.
Ugh. Her cosplays make me so angry.
She isn't ugly, so everything would look alright if she got off her lazy ass and put in some effort. But since her fans lick it for her, I don't see it happening.

>> No.7938001

Damn, that is a very nice Eridan, source? And if possible, source for that tiny thing he's holding? I need to make/buy twenty.

>> No.7938007

Terieri. And that's one of Pukind's dolls.

>> No.7938046
File: 193 KB, 500x647, tumblr_nf2bgxvunk1qjk8d0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just came across my dash. I thought the homestuck fandom decided this stuff was offensive ages ago, I guess this cosplayer didn't get the memo.

>> No.7938058

you have to be a huge asshole to do this shit

>> No.7938077

they're dead who gives a fuck

sorry, forgot to hide this weeks mspa thread

>> No.7938099

I heard it's fine with unmarked stones. At the least we don't see a name being "disrespected", although it could also be on the other side or shopped out.

>> No.7938174

I'm going to make it very clear in my will that attractive women can come and pose on my grave ALL they want.

>> No.7938233

When you guys seal/coat horns, what brand/type do you use? I learned my lesson with ModPodge being gummy and gross. However when I tried a typical Kryolan matte spray, it bubbled up and ruined my pair.

My friend uses some kind of spray enamel that looks great if it was on anything other than the horns, because it makes them look like they were made out of hard shelled plastic. I'd really love something with a satin finish, like Keratin.

Related, has anyone tried to airbrush their horns?

>> No.7938249

just because the name was worn away by time doesn't mean there still isn't a person buried there.

>> No.7938403

Maybe. I want to stay anonymous for understandable reasons so it depends on what you want to reach me about.

>> No.7938564

It is for something list related. Any chance you could create an email for yourself that does not give away your identity? I understand wanting to stay anonymous.

>> No.7938579

Just say it out in the open. This comes off as so shady.

>> No.7938635


>> No.7938639

Man why did they have to remove the email field.

>> No.7938647
File: 175 KB, 742x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad photoshop.

>> No.7938807

lmao what is the source on this

>> No.7938840

Hey anon, mind throwing me a post when you've emailed me so I don't have to keep the tab open?

>> No.7939291
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x1920, tumblr_nezliuUmu31s6zycto1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7939406

I sent you a thing, Crunchy!

>> No.7939411

I saw it!

Also if anyone got nominatioms for the list but don't want to bring them up here to avoid debate then feel free to send then to that same email.

>> No.7939444


please more of dave strider ask blogs
give me your worst

>> No.7939492

But we're going to debate them anyway. Why bother being so secretive?

>> No.7939505

Because some people don't want to deal with getting a shitton of unconstructive "ew no"s or "selfpost!!"s on their suggestions. I mean, post them in the thread too, it'd probably be sooner for me to see but the option is there if people are interested.

>> No.7939509

Also, I'm shit at organization so having stuff in one place helps. Man, sorry about all the shitposting, I'm going to bed now.

>> No.7940458
File: 212 KB, 640x854, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of this scale method this girl used for a Feferi cosplay? I think it's an interesting new take on a Feferi cosplay makeup look.

>> No.7940488

Eh. I think it usually just look like they want to add more detail but without any real consideration put into what. Like if someone made gills or grubscars then that'd be based on some fanon idea but I've never seen something like this as part of a popular fanon designs. Might look better in full cosplay but idk.

Also, their makeup is way too light.

>> No.7940598

>pink lips for feferi

>> No.7940683

Why aren't there any homestuck threads on /co/ anymore?

>> No.7940688

I can't tell if you're joking but I laughed.

>> No.7940701

the idea is kind of cute, but execution is always either severely shitty (people end up covering their entire face basically) or just looks really weird. at least it isn't catching on in popularity like those damn fins

>> No.7942589
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>> No.7942595
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>> No.7942601

This is a good cosplay and it does look like I imagine sollux but it's still...

Is it because I'm simply not used to seeing Solluxes who aren't yaoi boys?

>> No.7942618

for me, i just keep seeing mandark. i mean its funny as shit, but a little offputting lol

>> No.7942635

Hate this wig.

>> No.7942640
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Yeah I like their body type but the wig is killing it for me. I'm never a fan of rigid spikes in troll wigs.

I also want to give them props for trying to use a prop, but this is literally just an ipad with a sticker on it. Come on.

>> No.7942659
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i'm personally just not a fan of how much product goes into a heavily stylized wig; it makes it look shiny and caked with grease

>> No.7942716

who is this? she's really adorable

>> No.7942740
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>> No.7942746

She's really cute, I do think the wig would benefit from being shortened though.

>> No.7942766

i agree, the back of her wig seems longer than the front

>> No.7943089


So how did this go? The tag makes it sound like a smaller Dashcon

>> No.7943162
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I don't know I mean it looks like there was a Cronus which wasn't shit and that's better than most cons I've been at.

>> No.7943165
File: 230 KB, 746x1024, tumblr_nf774piIK61rhey4wo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a link to the drama? The only stuff I'm seeing in the tag is mediocre homestuck cosplay and positive reactions.

>> No.7943167

Who's the Jade in this group?

>> No.7943288

Which size of akujin's shades are recommended for Dirk? Anyone got a picture for comparsion?

>> No.7943292

>people who don't know how to salute
>my disproportionately intense pet peeve
The Rose is the only one who seems to be holding her hand right, though I'm partial to bicep-parallel-to-floor instead of dropped elbow form.

>> No.7943389

i looked over the tag and im not seeing any drama or catastrophe. how can this happen?????? i was so excited this was going to be the funniest thing since dashcon : (

>> No.7943801

those tiny baby horns

>> No.7943870


mini. the others are literally gigantic black kamina lenses and are far too big.

>> No.7943898
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Friends of mine recently did this group. Definitely some of the better militarystucks out there. But this is their last fandom thing. Pretty much everyone in the OC comm is backing out of Homestuck, myself included.

>> No.7943974

insert prerequisite joke: what is this, homestuck cosplay for ants?

>> No.7943989

"better" is such a relative term, like getting getting attacked by 1000 bees versus 1008 bees. It still looks like harajuku just threw up all over.

>> No.7944060

Would it be more fitting for Bro though since he's older and bigger? Or should you just use the regular mini ones for him too?

>> No.7944064

Yeah, no matter how well you do this cosplay, the designs still look pretty awful. I really can't get over the "horns being built into the hats" thing rather than, at least, having holes for them like they should.

>> No.7944083

Unless you're making an over the top Kamina cosplay, x-large glasses are going to look ridiculous. If you have a big head the medium ones will probably look okay but don't scale up just because it's Bro.

A prime example of why oversized glasses are a bad idea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtAKPNX23ts

>> No.7944104

Okay, that does look pretty bad. I was just thinking, there's the mini, then there's a Medium, and then there's the actual Large ones, and I was wondering if Medium would be fine for Bro. But I guess it's better to just go with the mini since that looks fine on either.

>> No.7944160

I made it 30 seconds to the Equius before I had to bail. Jesus Christ.

>> No.7944455
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i think it's made of duct tape.

>> No.7944459

weak. i made it an entire min in.

>> No.7944479

New thread:
