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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 19 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7920862 No.7920862 [Reply] [Original]

Hi galls,
I need help to coord this dress.
I really cant deside on anything with it.
Please help :(

>> No.7921323

hi i reckamend a wite blause like the one in the pikshure

>> No.7921327

Bro I'm not even a lolita and I know there's a coord help thread >>7899681

>> No.7926058

You're going to have to give us a bit more than that. Can you imagine a coord for it? What in your wardrobe would work?

>> No.7926111

I think it would look nice with some fire to contrast the ice!

>> No.7926138

Is that a fucking Frozen jsk?

>> No.7926314
File: 214 KB, 710x557, detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the new coord thread? Okay, cool. Just bought babby's first Fluevogs and I'd love some ideas for how to wear them aside from solid pieces in matching colors. Not lolita, obvs, more in the casual jfashion spectrum.

Anon was being snarky, but they're right - a white blouse is probably the best way to go. Chiffon would give the outfit an ethereal look. Maybe some tall white boots, to play up the winter princess look?

>> No.7926510
File: 1021 KB, 200x113, 04389.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7926891

I would still like some coord ideas? http://www.pinterest.com/mboarder/my-wardrobe/

>> No.7926979

You can't wear those ugly ass shoes with any jfash to be honest. I can't see anyone pulling those off with any category of jfashion.

>let me post a snarky, bitchy gif with no context
How cool of you. Welcome to 4chan, little teenager. Those two kids are fucking disgusting. Don't post this again.

>> No.7927004
File: 229 KB, 841x567, ragnarok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell in love with this print but I have no idea how to coord it. I was thinking about getting the headdress but I'd like to see what else I can do!

>> No.7927009

I actually think that a madonna crown would really suit this...

>> No.7927331

Really? I thought they looked like a more rugged version of those pastel fairy kei sneakers that were popular for a while. Oh well, my feet are still happy.

>> No.7927344
File: 434 KB, 160x160, 1412096518105.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7927353

Yes get the headdress so I can live vicariously through you!
I'll pull something together in a minute

>> No.7927363
File: 485 KB, 500x259, huh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tacky christian accessory made out of bbq sticks
>Norse mythology

Honey, no.

>> No.7927442

Sorry I meant the veil that goes behind madonna crowns, not the actual crown itself. Do like a milkmaid braid hairstyle and then the veil behind that.

>> No.7927474
File: 603 KB, 650x1038, tertert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The theme is so good but the execution is so awful.

Pic related is my first try at otome. Any thoughts?

>> No.7927499

I don't think you'd necessarily get them into an outfit that would look specifically jfash, but you could definitely wear them as part of a pastel outfit.

>> No.7927509

Mantilla. The word is mantilla.

>> No.7927519

Gracias! I actually have a one but I hadn't worn it and I said my little sister could borrow it. She put it in her room as a tablecloth type thing and won't give it back, which sucks because I still want to wear it occasionally. It doesn't even go with her room decor, but I get in a screaming match with our parents every time I go and try to take it back from her, because she wants to keep it even though it looks like shit in her room. I swear, she is doing it just to spite me.

>> No.7927545


>> No.7927549

That doesn't really help. What's so horrible about it? How can I improve?

>> No.7927551

I think they're cute anon

>> No.7928037
File: 393 KB, 592x406, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this dress and I have no idea how to coord it in a look that isn't extremely basic. I've never worn anything but pastel-vomit AP so this is a challenge for me... I'm trying to change my style to a more mature sweet though.

The bag is just something I own that might work? I also am going to purchase gold teaparties and a gold bag (since I've heard to match your bag to your shoes). The necklace isn't the one pictured, its a BTSSB one I couldn't find a stock photo of. Any ideas how to make this less basic/boring?

>> No.7928047

Princess sleeved blouse in pink and some gold shoes plus a pink or gold purse.

>> No.7928203
File: 275 KB, 500x600, 11032032_545767c8389a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got pic related. I don't like the shoes and AP didn't have any socks. What would look good? I'm thinking brown shoes and some sort of leggings or stockings, but I'm not sure.

>> No.7928215

>didn't like the shoes
but theyre so cute

>> No.7928217
File: 194 KB, 500x600, 10251039_544aff3e38aa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're clunky and too large and I just don't like them. Plus I'm tall enough. I don't need no extra 9cm on my height.

>> No.7928230
File: 21 KB, 250x333, 143906_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like these for hosiery?

>> No.7928238
File: 366 KB, 600x800, 17274_large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's this one from AP Utsunomiya with different colourways from what you imagined, but the shoes don't match and that shade of mint would be a bitch to match.

Personally I'd just go with ivory tights or socks (maybe with a music note pattern like anon above suggests) and a white blouse. Any pair of brown lolita shoes would probably work.

>> No.7928276
File: 150 KB, 800x1066, 120644-480-2014-07-19897255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the old coord help died, I assume it would be appropriate to ask here. Been eyeing this on and off for a while, but I've never coorded something so busy. Any ideas? Completely lost.

>> No.7928288


eegh. should be *ivory blouse instead of white, oops.

>> No.7928290


That particular dress isn't too hard, I think. If you don't mind being a little boring, then a lacey frilly black blouse, black tights and brown shoes would be the easy route.

If you're after a bit more drama than princess sleeves, then you could try adding a few colours in, eg- a red or blue bolero instead of black blouse, a mocha-coloured bag, a more colourful headdress, that sort of thing.

>> No.7928312

I have nothing in my current wordrobe that fit that jsk. I'm pretty new and havent collectet alot of stuff yet, so I bought this and planing to work around it to build a coord, but cant really decide on blouse, shoes accessories or anything, so it would be really nice with some coord ideas. :) thank you.

>> No.7928320

Yes this is a fucking frozen jsk. but not why i bought it tho.

>> No.7928326

Where on earth can I find these? I need them in my life.

>> No.7928332

Buy her a shitty one from eBay that matches her room a bit better and swap them when she's out since it's your fucking mantilla.

>> No.7928444

I give free rains, just imagination

>> No.7928449

It has the brand name right there on the picture.

>> No.7928455

Haha I know right, now everyone will think you're a wannabe little-girl

>> No.7928457

More like that you have shit taste in movies.

>> No.7928492

Please keep to the topic please

>> No.7928529

Please tell me the sauce on this dress!
Little Red Riding Hood is my favourite fairytale and the illustration is beautiful.

As for coording, play up the black and gold perhaps? Lacy black tights, gold shoes, something gold in your hair.

>> No.7928531

It's JetJ, Grimm something JSK.

>> No.7928536

No. You should go to the coord thread.
Lets make this a stupid prints thread. Dumping what I have.

>> No.7928546

This isn't a co-ord thread, it's a fucking car crash thread. Also >>7920862 is hideous. Would match well with a refund or the bin.

>> No.7929012
File: 1.36 MB, 2400x2400, bleh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nearly impossible to find loliable shoes in a color that fits. So hear you go. My google fu sucks.

>> No.7929111

I tried that before I asked. They're not listed. Not on Rakuten, Closetbaby, or any where else I tried. Thanks for your imput.

>> No.7929126
File: 192 KB, 615x590, frozen princess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collage for you!

>> No.7929128

They are Innocent World tights anon. It says it right there. Of course they aren't readily available on Rakuten. You have to stalk sales posts to see if someone will ever sell them. How new are you?

>> No.7929135

I understand they're Innocent World tights. Logic says the first place any person should check is the original maker's site. Then check second hand sites after. Having no luck finding them, I asked if anyone knew if they were available anywhere. Why are you treating this like a crime?

>> No.7929143

I'm >>7929128
I think you are confusing me with the first anon you asked.
I'm not treating it like a crime defensive chan. I'm just not babying you in telling you where to look. Try posting a wtb post instead of asking people to find it for you.

>> No.7929295

mu-fish has replicas if you're into that sort of thing

>> No.7929333
File: 182 KB, 500x600, 179039-5313-2014-09-24582724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any blouse suggestions for Moon Drop? The chest ribbon is throwing me off.

>> No.7930199
File: 1.23 MB, 1169x804, cthulhu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just having fun with this but I actually have no idea how to coord this. I'm unsure how fond I am of this jsk but it's growing on me. Anyone else have ideas on how to coord it?

>> No.7930220

Those look really good with a bolero!
Blouses that are relatively plain with smaller collars look better.

>> No.7930234
File: 188 KB, 1386x922, 07102235_53be969140e68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried an Antique Beast chiffon bolero and it looked awful. Switched it for an IW short sleeved bolero and it looked okay (sorry for the awful photo), but the bow peeks out really awkwardly. Would a blouse like fairy pearl be okay?

>> No.7930239

I think the blouse would be perfect!

>> No.7930313

dont overdo/force the theme like that

>> No.7930323

Agree with >>7930313, have some neutral pieces in there too, like a beret instead of the headband..

>> No.7930339


I'm in disagreement with the other two.

Don't overdo the theme if you're looking to skate under the radar, eg- if you're wearing toned down lolita to go buy groceries, or going out with normalfag friends.

If you're wearing it for a meet or for Halloween, though, I don't see why you shouldn't go overboard with the theme in full.

Only thing I would remove from the collage is the bat headband, I would have to see it on an actual person's head before being convinced it doesn't look "off".

>> No.7930365

It is the JetJ Ete Des Contes de Grimm JSK. I decided to purchase this so I hope I do this justice. This is my first JetJ piece!

>> No.7930425

I don't understand why anyone bought this dress with this ugly print. Cthulu is not kawaii.

>> No.7930452

> implying all lolita is uguu kawaii

>> No.7930491

It's not, but still this print does not fall anywhere near the lolita aesthetic.

>> No.7930608

yeah i just got some pieces that goes with the theme (but not necessarily things i'd wear all together at the same time). i'm not wearing this and was just making it for fun so I didn't include any staples like white blouses/tights and solid colored flats to go with this. It's not a thing I would wear but I was considering it before thinking naaah. my wardrobe is too sweet for something this "unique". I agree that a beret would look pretty nice and tone it down, especially since the print isnt blatantly everywhere

>> No.7930755

thank you guys so much :)

>> No.7930812

I went through 6 pages of your tumblr to find a source for the tights and I couldn't find the post for this. Mind sharing the source for the tights here?

>> No.7930886

http://www.spirithalloween.com/product/gg-snowflake-tight/ <--- i found them here

>> No.7931016

Ty! Love your tumblr btw, you have a lot of creativity!

>> No.7931025

Its not my tumblr, :) im not that anon xD im just the stupid thread starter that didn't know there was already a coord hel thread

>> No.7931038

> anon that started the thread
> xD
>making not needed threads

are you new?
drop the xD bullshit and just go by OP

>> No.7931205

You seem really new, better spend some more time browsing the board before you post.

>> No.7932035
File: 183 KB, 450x657, T2bAxBXpxXXXXXXXXX_!!11942814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this OP and i have shoes300 in gold... but im stuck what to do with my head because i cant get the bonnet and cant decide on legwear.

anon suggested a bridal-ish gold headpeice but im not finding any that match the theme.

Would black, navy and gold work together? I heard alot nitpicks of black and navy.

>> No.7932058

Pair it with cream lace tights and a cream flower crown like in the example pic. Please do not use black.

>> No.7932283
File: 95 KB, 283x719, trickhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self-postan for concrit I guess? Also Ideas for coording trick heart?
wore this for a masquerade tea party. I'm wearing wine lace tights and those classic black double-bow taobao shoes.
Accessories wise, I made the hat, rings and a little pin cushion heart ring.

>> No.7932425

The problem with navy x black when you don't have that colour combo on the dress is that you have to balance it very carefully. What about small gold hair combs/clips holding in a navy veil in an updo?

>> No.7933526
File: 78 KB, 480x640, B38OJ223-p-480x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this JSK a while ago and have no idea how to coord it, pls help /cgl/
The colors slightly more pink in person.

>> No.7936279
File: 487 KB, 2142x1102, Hj8TTieWgf7O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still in the middle of hunting for the perfect jacket, but some white blouse suggestions would be great. My blouse game is weak.

>> No.7936381

Is this a troll?

>> No.7936401

not that anon, but you managed to make basic colors clash and none of those clothes go well with the others.

i know otome can have colors that clash, but that's definitely not the way of doing it. the red bag feels incredibly random. if the skirt is black, your coord is boring, if it's blue, fucking why? and the brown part looks very alone eitherway. also that jacket doesn't really give out an otome feel, at least here.

i guess it and the bag are the things that bother me the most, the rest might be okay with different accessories.

>> No.7936403

How about going with a beige blouse, straw hat with ribbon to match the bows on the dress, beige tights and pink shoes?

>> No.7936407

Could you maybe lay the coord out and take a pic?

>> No.7936425

I think the bag is fine, navy and red go pretty well together. I don't like the jacket or the shoes though, and what color is that blouse? It looks pink-ish on my screen.
If you want to do red, I'd go for some red shoes or red accessories. Off-white blouse, and possibly a cardigan. If it's cold, wear a neutral-colored jacket or coat.

>> No.7936748
File: 454 KB, 1200x1800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Sorry about the terrible collage and phone photos)

Which blouse/cutsew looks best in this coordinate? The rest of my accessories are red/pink as well and I'm having a little trouble deciding.

>> No.7936862


The pink blouse looks like it's out -- have you tried it on? the collar looks like it would either dip below the jsk neckline, or the V-neck would look odd visually cutting into the jsk neckline.

I'm not a fan of the red socks either, it looks a bit shocking somehow.

Either the white or blue cutsew works though.

>> No.7936973

White or blue cutsew, if you insist on having the red socks you need something else fairly 'big' and red in there as well such as your bag or a cardigan. I assume you have either pink or blue shoes.

>> No.7936981

I agree with what others have said, but where did you get the blue cutsew, it's so cute!

>> No.7936987

Ah you're right about the neckline. I'm so focused on the colors matching that I never thought of it. Would the socks match better with a red bolero? I haven't chosen my outerwear, and it might balance things better that way.

I'm still growing my wardrobe so items are a bit limited.

>> No.7936990

The red socks are the only ones I have that really match this coordinate unless I chose a similar pair in black. Would that be better? I have a red cardigan that I recently sold but the buyer never paid so I may keep it and wear that. Would that be balanced enough?

>> No.7936993

>little teenager
how menacing!!!!

>> No.7936995

It's from AP actually, they had it on sale in their SF store :)

>> No.7937001


Red bolero would work, yes (so long as it's not a clashing red).

I like the idea of black socks, but some girls may nitpick it as it's not a major colour in the print. If you're doing black socks I'd pick the white blouse; being more colourful makes the different-coloured socks look more intentional, if that makes sense.

White socks would also work, if you're doing crew socks like these they don't to be need a matching print, they just need to be cute.

>> No.7937012

I'm planning to wear the red socks, white blouse, and red bolero. I'm actually wearing black shoes.... I haven't gotten around to ordering anything online yet and at this point a package wouldn't arrive in time. I'm going to reassemble the updated coordinate tonight and see how it looks everyone has been super helpful! I really appreciate the feedback I've gotten :)

>> No.7937053

ah didn't reply to you whoops!

>> No.7937074


No worries, hope your coord comes together nicely.

>> No.7937346

That sounds really cute (not OP).

>> No.7937391

I think a blue blouse with red shoes/bolero/purse would be cute. And white frilly ankle socks.

>> No.7937415

I will definitely be investing in more white/red items to go with all the new blue in my wardrobe. I'm in the middle of a big color shift right now :)

>> No.7937596
File: 27 KB, 460x576, ash-ivory-theory-sweater-dress-dashana-leuna-turtleneck-product-1-4888869-891814058_large_flex[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a winter date soon, and I have no idea what to wear,
I have a White turtleneck sweaterdress but want to wear it in a J-fashion way

I'm not used to dressing for cold weather, so I'm not sure what to expect.

I have a lot of pink and mint in my closet though

Any coord suggestions?

>> No.7937741
File: 21 KB, 345x437, 144615-s-03-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really wanted pic related, but it sold out in navy l before i could snatch it, thinking about getting it in gray but what color shoes would you wear with a dress like this? ivory/white? black?

>> No.7937756
File: 59 KB, 512x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink beret with a white bow, those sheer white tights with the dots, lacy ankle socks, and himekaji platforms, something like dreamv or lizlisa would make.

>> No.7937866
File: 9 KB, 300x300, img-thin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute idea! But I'll be in new england, I'll probably have to wear super thick tights as well. A jacket and a scarf too.
heels are a no go as well unfortunately. I'm really digging the Beret idea.

A necklace like this would work with your idea too,

black shoes.

>> No.7937890

Whoops, I forget not everyone is in CA. It was 70 degrees by me today.

>> No.7937893

I'm from Cali too,
That's why I'm needing some help here lol

>> No.7937935
File: 1.75 MB, 1094x1379, stradivarius .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No headpiece yet. Is this overkill? I'm going for a sweet-classic look

>> No.7937949
File: 349 KB, 529x711, BeautyPlus_20141114011141_save.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what to do with this, and does the jacket look too awkward?

>> No.7937951

A bit, yes. Maybe switch it out for a black bustier?

>> No.7937972
File: 874 KB, 993x742, Screen Shot 2014-11-14 at 8.00.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am officially a failure now, please forgive me. I made you a collage, though.

>> No.7938011

The skirt is gorgeous, but that crushed velvet jacket looks cheap... I understand the look you're going for, and would love it if only the velvet wasn't so bleh.

>> No.7938015

das cute
sauce on shoes?

>> No.7938017

It's not crushed velvet, it's the same quality as the 'velvet' on those asos dresses. Bathroom lights make it look shiner than it is irl.

I was thinking of adding some small black lace trim on it somehow, but I'm not sure if that would help

>> No.7938020

Cork flatforms:
Rubber sole boots:
You can probably find them pretty easily on Taobao, but my Chrome translation wasn't working.

>> No.7938113
File: 677 KB, 724x559, choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some help. I'm still pretty much in the beginner stage of lolita but I wanted to get a wig from lockshop. I really liked the auburn because I want to start getting classic pieces and I think it'll look pretty on me but theres a lot of meetups coming soon so I kinda wanted a versatile wig for now that works with my sweet wardrobe until I can start branching out more.

Pic related, my current dresses, pictures of me and the wig i wanted. The middle pic of me is the most recent, posted my selfies there to help decide which wig would work with my skintone.


These were the other wigs I kinda wanted but I'm unsure what to pick that could work best with me. I asked my friends and they said the auburn can totally work with sweet and I shouldn't worry but I'm unfortunately still not feeling secure about this decision! Any advice is appreciated thanks!

>> No.7938127

Oh alright, well if it looks good in person then go for it, looks like it would be a great coord.

>> No.7938257

May He come and devour your soul and drain you of your sanity.

>> No.7938469

wtf is you're aesthetic
fucking rattles?

>> No.7938769

I'm a beginner with wigs as well, but my first wig was just a simple shoulder length wavy wig with straight bangs in brown. Sometimes it is best to stick with a subtle color and a simpler hairstyle so you can maintain the wig :)

>> No.7939647

Yeah that's why I'm iffy with the auburn but I can't decide on the other 4 which would work best. I guess if it comes down to a subtle color and simplicity, it has to be between mermaid royal brown or beachy, hm.

>> No.7939718

Your hair looks like it's already a naturally dark color so beachy might be nice. My hair is naturally dark brown as well so my wig is almost a dirty blonde color with some lighter Browns actually. You don't have too choose a lighter color but it's nice variety.

>> No.7939921
File: 84 KB, 480x640, 138203-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've having trouble finding a blouse or fancy enough bolero that matches the ivory (??) color on Baby's Labyrinth JSK. I've coorded it with pink before but I wanted to try something else.

>> No.7939932

i'm a sweet lolita and i want the fuck out of that dress

>> No.7939955
File: 51 KB, 250x334, image:.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7939957
File: 96 KB, 720x949, image:.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently got my hands on this dress, any idea for winter coordinate s?

>> No.7940142

White beret and boots.

>> No.7940150

Silver bracelet with hearts as well

or perhaps a straw ribboned hat instead of a beret

>> No.7940269

She's looking for winter Coords, not summer...

>> No.7940273

White Lolita coat to go over it.
thick tights. boom.

>> No.7940279

Straw hats are a summer acessory it would be like wearing sandals in the winter. Sure you can just wear super thick socks and boom, but that would just be a tacky mess honestly. Go for a felt hat or something.

I mean I live in the south where its hot practically all year and winter is just 60 degrees, and a straw hat in the winter is tacky. I can't imagine how stupid it would look in places that have an actual winter.

>> No.7940512
File: 870 KB, 1008x720, Night Carnival.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impulse bought this last night to twin with a friend. How does this look? I feel like it's not bad, but maybe something like a pink blouse/shoes might be a little more adventurous?

>> No.7940588

I would try and break up the colors a little bit more. The dress is already a dark color so I would wear light socks and darker shoes. It seems to balance out the ratio of light items to dark items a little bit more.

>> No.7940621

I would go for the RHS and the white blouse + socks for the maximum Meta feeling.

>> No.7940698

I'm from Canada, it's real winter, straw hat would look stupid.

In theory I'll just wait till the summer to wear it again, I was just curious if anyone had innovative ways to make it winter ready.

>> No.7940723

Thank you! I foolishly ordered the navy but they're off Saturday/Sunday so I've contacted them about a change. Do you think a plain gold star bag would go well?

Thanks again!

>> No.7940829
File: 32 KB, 385x578, krad_lanrete_auralia-lost_in_sea_jsk_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I adore this dress but coording it has been driving me insane

>> No.7940846

I haven't seen a single good coord with it yet, even with all the matching items. So glad I missed out when I was planning on purchasing it.

>> No.7940875

I have a shameless love for this stupid whale jsk... Any suggestions are appreciated~

>> No.7940877
File: 71 KB, 974x651, Z5tzjlx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow sorry pic didn't attach I guess!

>> No.7940986

I would honestly choose silver since then you'll be wearing all cool colors. Navy, black, and white are all quite cool toned while gold is more warm.

>> No.7940991

I really like the Coord you're planning. The necklace is a little questionable (Just not a fan of how it looks) Maybe add some more accessories?

>> No.7941002

Yeah, kind of conflicted since the stars on the dress/bow are gold too.. hmm

>> No.7941030
File: 76 KB, 480x640, QSPJSK-sax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm trying to find a pair of shoes that'll match this sax and not be overly sweet. I have a bodyline pair that I thought would match, but they are way too light in color. Any ideas on where to find shoes to match this blue or when a different color idea? Maybe silver since I have the silver accessories, but man I'm having so much trouble with this.

>> No.7941042

Why not try working in the dark blue?

>> No.7941081

dark blue or silver, anon. i think silver would probably be the best, especially since you've got silver accessories covered already

and that dress is super cute!

>> No.7941289

I don't think it's overkill but I do think the violin socks may be a bit lost with the shoes, and given that you have the piano key wrist cuffs I would seriously consider getting the Stradivarius tights instead. If you could please get a miniature orchestra to put on your head, that would be appreciated.

I would've said Labyrinth was closer to white than ivory, so maybe looking for 'off-white' will work better? Obviously it's really hard because you want it to match closely in person, so maybe a chiffon blouse would be better as your skin tone will influence the colour match anyway.

I want to go very natural-otome with this and just say peach/cream rose hairband, peach cardigan, cream tights, and tan boots/bag.

I definitely think that dress lends itself to having a plain cropped cardigan or bolero over the top (with the neckline sitting under the existing collar) rather than shirt underneath - however for warmth I would wear a scoop-neck thermal underneath it. I like lighter colours in winter, so maybe a white cardigan and white tights with navy boots. A sweet-styled white coat would be nice over the top as well.

The only coords I've liked with it were really simple ones which were more vintage - plain blouse, plain tights, heels, bag, updo.

Seconding silver!

>> No.7941860

Thanks anons! I'll try looking for silver, it seems like my only option for now. Any ideas of brands? I'm trying to find something more elegant, but I can really only find sweet shoes that could be appropriate from antaina, and can't seem to find the silver ones. Baby doesn't seem to be selling anything in silver and I'm not sure what brands sell shoes in that color.

Thanks for any help!

>> No.7941952
File: 50 KB, 385x581, surface_spell_sword_saint_jsk_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been eyeing this for a while and I think I'm finally going to order it, but I haven't really worn a JSK with a bold center print like this before. I was definitely planning to wear it with a black blouse and black shoes, but I'm not so sure what to do about the legs. Would stained glass or cross-print tights be too much? Would black semi-sheer patterned tights work better? I'm also not quite sure what type of hair accessory would best suit the JSK. Many thanks in advance for suggestions!

>> No.7942049
File: 375 KB, 679x1031, PDN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have zero ideas on what to do with this, any help would be greatly appreciated!

>> No.7942103

one suggestion could be if you get tights with crosses on them, you can have a black hairpiece with a cross charm on them too to fit the theme. Just one idea!

>> No.7942376
File: 310 KB, 500x600, ap_magicaletoilehwjsk_2__51290.1408278489.1000.1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought this but I'm a bit unsure about a coord for it. I was looking to see what people had done with it and was a bit uninspired. I would be grateful for any advice.

I'm mostly stuck on leg wear and shoes. Any suggestions?

>> No.7942382

Irregular Choice? Or look for silver Mary Jane pumps online

>> No.7943754
File: 280 KB, 500x400, crits pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for crit for my first "coord". It's pretty basic atm, but I'm not sure how to spice things up. I'd like to keep the all-black theme.

>> No.7943858
File: 73 KB, 541x533, 773669f09a12b10e0d08a52c6d15c63e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try adding tights with a subtle lace pattern and adding a bag more suited for lolita. You can also accessorize with more gold or go for black flowers. Personally, I would switch for a nice black chiffon blouse with a large jabot or bow.

>> No.7943872
File: 86 KB, 546x747, celestial unicorns and stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing with black is that interest is usually created by different textures or a single interesting piece. Because your outfit has 4 fairly plain things - dress, tights, bag and boots - and the one slightly more embellished blouse, by definition it will be a boring outfit. If you are on a budget probably the cheapest way to spice things up is to get a more interesting pair of tights, either black and gold or textured black such as a brocade. You can also introduce texture through things like fur boot toppers, shoe clips, a handbag accessory and hair accessories as well, or consider further gold accents with jewellery.

I went with rose gold accessories to pick up on the moon and stars theme and the vague pinkness about the unicorns, but this is just an idea. I also thought it would be cute in a sweeter coord.

>> No.7943880
File: 60 KB, 533x800, hmhm-coffee-cafe-chiffon-lolita-blouse-hm-771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blouse I have it paired with is this one. The picture doesn't show it well, but it is chiffon. That said, I've been wanting to look for a different blouse anyway because this one can only be worn with jsks (it came to me with a button missing).

Thanks for the advice! Might I ask where that bag is from? I can't read the text.

I'm not on a budget at all, I'm just clueless when it comes to accessorizing. Thanks for the advice! I'm def on the prowl for a new pair of tights. Would something like this work?

modcloth com shop tights ornate-opulence-tights

>> No.7943883
File: 543 KB, 1080x1920, Picture 1317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a lot of trouble with ideas for accessorizing this,I feel there's no room for anything without throwing it off? If it helps, I have a creme bonnet with roses I wear with it already. I'd like to stick with gothic/oldschool style as well

>> No.7943890
File: 43 KB, 500x380, tumblr_lxtsmmm4Jz1r0q6x8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this velveteen beauty
>those fucking socks
>cream bonnet

>> No.7943891

That's a Alice and the Pirates bag. I think there's only gold and brown left, though, I don't know if they're sold out on the website. Like the other anon suggested, I think fur boot toppers would be a cute addition.

>> No.7943893

Any suggestions for changes?

>> No.7943909

I can't tell if that's a bad thing or not oh god

>> No.7943916

Yes, I definitely think that would work. I think that bag is well out of stock, but there are some cute novelty bags on asos including a perfume bottle shaped one and a clock one. Restyle also has some more gothic bags.

>> No.7943918
File: 2.86 MB, 400x204, golly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would suggest looking at other girls for inspiration before going out dressed up.

>> No.7943921

White lace-topped kneesocks, red maxipad headdress or red hairbow with white lace, and black mary janes. Bonus points if you have naturally black or dark-brown hair that is either pin-straight and long or in ringlets.

Go old school or go home.

>> No.7943926

Thanks anons! Hopefully my first coord will go well.

>> No.7943942

Those socks are very ugly. Get cute lolita-styled ones!

>> No.7943945

I have been looking around but I suppose I'm having trouble because I'm looking for worn photos for inspo instead of looking at the style as a whole?
Thank you for the suggestions! Do you think it'd be odd looking with the white since the dress is offwhite/vintagey red? I wear a long black wig with it and black heels, I probably should've posted a worn photo woops

>> No.7944059
File: 255 KB, 1764x1083, queenofsnowcoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, that definitely helped! But for some reason silver mary janes turns into GLITTER mary janes. While the otks are glittery... I have to go with tights or I'm going to freeze.

Thoughts on the shoes and blouse? I'm still not feeling it with this coord. Why can't I find things that match, Baby?

>> No.7944287
File: 537 KB, 589x385, s08kFv3[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get some advice on legwear for this? Would plain ivory tights, or ivory lace tights be better?

I'm finding the colours hard to match, since the dress itself has so many different tones

>> No.7944397
File: 540 KB, 1000x1000, ragnarok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any suggestions for footwear on this? all those ones i've considered so far just seem kind of off

>> No.7944424

Definitely ivory lace to add a bit more texture, unless you've got some very nice boots in which case plain.

>> No.7944456
File: 277 KB, 500x600, d4a9ab0e-d33d-4556-8921-20ca86b54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love some help coording this, please! this will be my first brand piece and I've never worn classic before so I wanna do it as much justice as possible. (this would be considered classic, right?)

>> No.7944458

It's more like a mature sweet. You can coord it either way you want. But it can easily go either way.

>> No.7944480

I personally think you should wear plain ivory tights, simply because the lace tights with the dress is pattern overload. The plain tights will make it less complex and compliment the dress. Tights are accessories, not the main dish.

>> No.7944617
File: 363 KB, 622x524, ragnarokjsk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which blouse, and any purse suggestions? I have a crossbody purse that would look fine with it, but I think it would get in the way of the necklace. I have some ivory lace BTSSB otks, but the stock photo is crap so I didn't include it.

>> No.7944623
File: 25 KB, 250x333, ebbf1febf445cdb7ba5751d0d596c544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought my first brand dress, i have a couple brand pieces but this is my first dress thats not bodyline.

Could you help me coord this? My previous coords had have been with JSKs and I'm having trouble coording with an OP. Pic is the dress I bought.

>> No.7944844

I think I'm not feeling it because everything looks too white for the ivory on the dress....did you consider dark blue for the blouse?

I think the far left are my current preference, the reason they are all a bit off I suspect is due to colours not matching

The top one, if the neck bow can be removed

>> No.7944857
File: 232 KB, 400x593, T2w29vXX0cXXXXXXXX_!!11942814 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need alot of help. so far i have gold tea parties, gold star bag, gold hair accessories and the matching beret. i was going to pair it with a black blouse but i'm pretty sure that's not going to work. i should probably find a decent red blouse that will be here in time. i'm super stuck on legwear too.

>> No.7944879

Late to the party, but where is this dress from, OP?

>> No.7944934

I think boots would be really nice with this. Otherwise the ones on the left are the best out of your options. Source on these? They're gorgeous

>> No.7944945

If you look at AP's store blogs they have some coords up, anon!

Easy way to coord it is to buy the the blouses/cutsews and accessories that came with the series if you have the money.

>> No.7945097
File: 1.86 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20141118_085842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, I'll try looking for blue blouses, I wasn't set on that blouse anyway.Thanks anon. But the actual color of the dress isn't ivory, I tried to edit the picture in my collage to make the color more accurate, but I seem to have failed. Here's the actual coloring. Thanks for all your help!

>> No.7945287

Why not just wear a black bolero over the top of it, and black/gold harlequin socks

>> No.7945373

taobao :)

>> No.7945381

What styles do you like best? What's in your wardrobe so far? I assume you're into sweet but do you have other black pieces, etc.? If you could post a collage of your wardrobe it'd be easier to make suggestions based on what you have and what would be the most versatile additions.

>> No.7945469
File: 266 KB, 600x600, clock bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I use this bag in a coord ? I plan to use this with a grey and black skirt, a black bustier and a deep green blouse. Should I accord the necklace color for match the gold in the bag, too ?

>> No.7945471


It's really hard to visualise without a picture, but I've seen this bag used plenty of times in coords both online and IRL to great effect. Go for it, just make sure you have gold accents.

>> No.7945525
File: 110 KB, 975x449, coordhelp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two different ideas for you, anon... Left is a more 'mature' take, the dress reminded me a lot of Cinema Doll so I went for a vintage inspiration. Right is trying to play up the cutesiness and make a winter-esque coordinate since it's velveteen.

>> No.7945630
File: 134 KB, 1128x432, coordhelp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried.

>> No.7945951

Source on the pink cutsew?

>> No.7946051

Angelic Pretty, it's the cutsew from Lucienne Dream.

>> No.7946216


Thanks for the suggestion! I've done some searching and I've only been able to find a couple of hairpieces like that, though. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places. Might a floral theme work too?

>> No.7946664

I prefer more sweet styles. The only pieces of brand I have besides this OP is a pink BtSSB cutsew, and a black AP print hairbow (name of print escapes me atm but i know it wouldn't match) Since I'm a newer lolita I'm trying to build a stronger wardrobe but right now everything is really random and doesn't fit.

>> No.7946666

I like both outfit suggestions!! Thank you so much anon. I didn't even think about coording it with pink, but looking at your suggestions I love it.

>> No.7946709

floral could work if its a subdued theme and you balance it out with your accessories. There's also a ton of colors in the print so you can use them as an accent color to your coord. Like the gold, red, etc.

>Cross tights
>Stained glass tights (i feel like these would be hard to pull off though)
>Black tights with a silver print. They remind me of the frames that wrap around the stained glass.

Sorry if this wasn't helpful, I only looked through one shop and I'm heading to bed. I wish you luck though!

>> No.7946713

the good thing is, since its a solid dress, you can dress it up in numerous ways. Just keep in mind with the texture of the dress if you try to layer the op. I agree though, blackxpink is one of my favorite combos. You should look up that color combination as well as "bittersweet" in general for inspiration.

>> No.7946760 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 266x360, ss (2014-11-16 at 07.39.17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help I have no idea what I'm doing here

>> No.7946762
File: 799 KB, 1119x1039, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops wrong image
How did this get here I am not good with computer

>> No.7946803

Not feeling your accessories, and I'd probably go with plain OTK tights as knee high boots with what look like socks can be awkward. Gold and pearls seem like a nice idea but I would've gone with a gold candle pendant on a long chain, simple pearl ring and bracelet combo, and maybe another candle themed ring. Hair wise, maybe a braided updo with pearl hairpins in it and the same mini veil over the top rather than that weird yellow and white pearl plate.

>> No.7946805

Ugh, *plain tights rather than otk socks

>> No.7946813

>lazy boring gold blouse
>ugly offbrand crap
>solid-colored tights

>> No.7946843


There is nothing wrong with solid and offbrand dude

>> No.7946865

What's lazy or boring about the gold blouse? Also nothing wrong with solid lights, especially if anon is wearing boots.

>> No.7947255
File: 1.10 MB, 684x1220, innocent rosier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first try at classic and third coord ever, so concrit would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.7947303
File: 11 KB, 254x350, api_op_nutcracker_color1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some help coording this. I mainly have darker colours in my wardrobe, is there any way I can make this dress work with darker colours?
Boleros don't really work for the dress because of the high waist and I'm not sure how I feel pairing it with a dark blouse.

>> No.7947312
File: 29 KB, 400x540, flocked-rose-tights_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not feeling the tights. If you're going to use rose motifs, why not rose tights?

>> No.7947322

Would look lovely in mori style. Loose shawl and layers with earthy tones

>> No.7947432

Thanks a ton Anon, these are really helpful! I think I've started to have an idea of where I want to start now. Much appreciated!

>> No.7947433

That's an idea. I think I'll get both so I can see which look better. Also which headdress would you pick? I'm scared the red one might be a different red than the dress, but then again the black one might not look good (?) with the rest of the coord.

>> No.7947447

I think that black would be fine - with black tights and shoes it makes sense.

>> No.7948085
File: 43 KB, 333x400, $_sss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get some black otks (only offbrand) for both black and dark red jsks usually in solid colors. The style i want is gothic and not classic, these socks are good enough for a dark red jsk or i have to choose solid black otks?

>> No.7948262
File: 792 KB, 911x627, coordhelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this JSK and bolero combo a good start? Haven't ordered either yet, and I am considering a blouse rather than the bolero, but the JSK has shirring and I wanted to hide it.
Beyond this, I'm stumped. I want to be able to acquire a new head accessory (pref with ivory and pink because I think I'm going to wear pink lace OTKs) and possibly new shoes (USsize 5.5) by the first week of Dec, so I could use some help ASAP. Thank you!

>> No.7948741
File: 175 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first post on here so please help me if I mess anything up. I recently bought the jsk (Magic Potion's Magic Library) and I'm having trouble with a coord. I added a few things that I think would look nice. I'm not sure what accessories would go nicely with the print.

>> No.7948790


From your description (gothic, dark red/wine jsk), I'd pick black lace tights instead of socks. Black so that it's only one colour to match, and the lace texture gives it interest, plus you have the option of layering it over opaque tights for a different look.

Honestly, though, you're kind of going at this ass backwards. Start with the dress itself, then chose the socks to match. It's cheaper to buy a pair of matching socks than buy a dress to match a pair of socks.

>> No.7948797


Mhm I heard that this JSK isn't deep black... more dark grey... I am not sure if a deep black blouse and Acc go well with it?

>> No.7948800


I'd be wary if you have big boobs or aren't generally skinny -- high-waisted jsks can end up mid bust instead of properly underbust on bigger-busted girls. The combination with the bolero means there's a lot of fluff and layers on top, and since the rest of the skirt is high waisted, your figure will be really puffed up.

If you're fairly flat or at least kinda small on top, it's a cute combination, though. Make sure you get a nicelly fluffy petticoat to heighten the "small cute person in a lot of fluff" effect.

As for adding pink to the combo, just adding pink socks and pink headwear seems a little random, I'd add other touches of pink, such as a pink floral brooch and either a pink bag, or hang some pink charms off an ivory bag. If you have trouble sourcing them and are on a time crunch, you can look for plain ivory ribbons, pink roses are pretty easy to find, and put together a simple hairbow or brooch.

>> No.7948857

I think a book bag would be nice, rose theme jewellery (bitsweet on etsy makes nice stuff), if you want to keep the beret maybe a cropped blazer, seamed stockings and heels would be a nice way to keep it elegant

>> No.7948915

Where was this dress from again?

>> No.7949023
File: 736 KB, 1200x1200, collagea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gulls help me find some shoes for this. It's a simple coord because it's for my parent's vow renewal, which is going to be on a cruise ship so...I went with this motif.
But I'm having trouble picking out shoes.

>> No.7949027

can't go wrong with navy blue or black mary janes

>> No.7949034

I feel like the bolero might hide the best details of the JSK.

>> No.7949038
File: 57 KB, 800x800, shoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of these, anon?

>> No.7949082

Taobao, I recently bought it from someone else.

>> No.7949085

I like them a lot

>> No.7949105

I said that because i see some people using black/white otks in gothic coords (but into only black dresses usually), i can try to use lace tights over super opaque tights or maybe lace otks?? I just have no luck to find them for cheap on ebay, only shitty fishnets. I want to coordinate wine red wool tights (yes i'm that cold during winter) with black lace otks if they exsist because wearing two pair of tights isn't really confortable.

>> No.7949139

I like that! I have a pair of heels that would be nice. I was thinking of a simple rose choker with a matching bracelet perhaps?

>> No.7949225

Ah, I know it's Taobao, but I was wondering which brand. Sorry for not specifying.

>> No.7949229

It says in anon's original post that it's Magic Potion.

>> No.7949242


Try sock dreams for lacey tights. They aren't as fancy as rose motif ones from taobao but they aren't fishnets either.

Btssb sells lace otks every now and again but they become under knee socks on me, would not recommend if you're not short.

>> No.7949886

God, I'm retarded. Sorry about that.

>> No.7949923


>> No.7949942

They're cute, but the golds being different tones bugs me a bit

>> No.7950064

I'm only 5'2 but the BTSSB lace socks (even the replica ones) look knee length rather than otk, my legs are average but not thin as sticks so they would look awful.
There is any European shop selling good lace socks instead? I live in Italy.

>> No.7950438
File: 100 KB, 503x372, original[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this and I'm in love with it, but my waist looks a little boxy when I wear it. I'm thin but my waist just isn't naturally super defined. Does anyone have any tips on making it look better? Cardigans? Something untucked? I could really use the help, fellow box-chans.

>> No.7950499

is it your waist or like your waist combined with your hips? if you could show a picture of it, it might help more. I was going to recommend shapewear but then I realized that might not have any effect. A cardigan would work. Also are you sure it's not your blouse tucked in that making it look like that? because maybe a cutsew or something loose could help with it as well.

>> No.7950521


A petticoat. A very short petticoat.

There's one that's 38cm up on AP's shop:

I bought mine from cmloli, but they're around 40-ish cm so I end up having to pull it up above the waistband and then wear something loose over it. Still looking for a cheaper alternative cos as much as I love AP I'm not throwing $100-120 at a petticoat.

>> No.7950530

I've actually used shitty leg avenue pettis for APs miniskirts and they work really well, especially the pleated ones.

>> No.7950540

But anon, everyone knows that OP is always a fag on le 4chans.

>> No.7950560


Ah, awesome, I'll go look into getting some of them. Thanks for the tip!

>> No.7950646

I'm super petite, so I can pull off high-waisted. But yeah, I want different ways to incorporate pink into my coord. Thank you very much for the suggestions!

Yeeeah I'm kind of worried about that too. I was planning on leaving it open, though. I just wanted to hide the shirring because I'm not used to it and it looks ew to me, so I wanted a bolero rather than a blouse.

>> No.7950656
File: 222 KB, 700x1200, l387-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this dress in green and I haven't been able to come up with a proper coord. I wanted to a mint chip sort of deal but none if my ideas seem good enough.

>> No.7950894

Think it might just be my waist, since the skirt looks fine over the hips. I'm off to work soon, but I may take a picture after. I actually tried it on with an ETC cutsew.

There's a Ricky's that carries Leg Avenue products near my job, so I may get lucky and come home with a petti. Thank you for the advice, guys!

>> No.7950908
File: 10 KB, 176x278, skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, found a picture of it looking pretty similar to how it does on me.

>> No.7951060
File: 113 KB, 480x640, 109P233-p_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this dress but is the first time I am going to coord something that isn't blue and i have no idea where or how to start can somebody help me?

>> No.7951123
File: 679 KB, 694x594, mariaのsisterOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little bit at a loss here for what I should do with the leg wear and a bag. I wanted to go for mostly gold and red.

>> No.7951255

Sorry for the late reply, anon. Hopefully you see this!

I find ebay brands to be hit or miss so when they get here I'll let you know the quality.


>> No.7951728

it's just shirring? a lot of dresses have them so you're bound to get used to it. it's on the back of it anyways so you're not really going to see it. I mean, having a long length wig can help cover it a bit as well if you decide to use a blouse instead

>> No.7951762

Book purse and ivory tights.

>> No.7951814
File: 130 KB, 720x960, 1491692_369572069885698_4297967392617518232_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got the lavender fur jsk, but I'm kinda stuck on the kind of blouse to wear with it, since I want the fur collar to be the focal point

>> No.7951877

Well my personal preference is to hide shirring? Sorry I think it's ugly and lazy-looking...?

>> No.7951885

you're dumb.

>> No.7951915

It looks like ruched fabric which is super ugly. People always bitch if a dress is fully shirred because it takes away from the rest of the dress. Have you seen the back of that jsk? It'd ugly as hell. But the front is pretty, so I still want it. I don't own any shirred dresses for a reason and I want to hide the shirring. Chill.

>> No.7951931

Source on the shoes?

>> No.7951971

You could wear a cardigan with the fur sitting on top of it.

>> No.7951975

That is kind of tough, since most lolita blouses already have prominent collars. You don't want to pop double collars on this. Maybe do what the previous anon suggested with a cardigan? Maybe a snowy white one?

>> No.7952076
File: 130 KB, 500x600, 11142253_5466095aac42b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would these sock loo good with LBC skirt in pink if I threw some gold elsewhere in the coord too?

>> No.7952080

an tai na

>> No.7952166

a cardigan sounds like a good idea. thanks for the input!!!

>> No.7952325
File: 44 KB, 572x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got these socks last year in a meta LP. any ideas on potential pieces I could wear these with?

>> No.7952386

Are you one of those people whose voice goes up at the end of every sentence? Stop that shit

>> No.7952391

Around here we call that the local accent?

>> No.7952394

Like mint chocolate? I would go with the idea of mint x white chocolate, possibly with the ivory melty royal chocolate tights, ivory blouse and chocolate themed jewellery. Either that or a light brown.

Red and white and gold with crown themes. Use what's on the print, white blouse with crown theme (maybe that bodyline cutsew that everyone has), white tights, red or gold shoes, decent gold mini crown or tartan bow, and that IW crown bag everyone wants

That's a lot of colours and prints. I'm not convinced...

Seeing them worn you don't really notice the cat motif, so any plain pink or lilac dress is probably fine. I'd also consider wearing them with mint or sax with the main coord colours being mint/sax x lilac and the pink being an accent

>> No.7952409

>That's a lot of colours and prints. I'm not convinced...
LBC has the two shades on pink and brown accents, it's just the gold the is new.

>> No.7952416

Ok, they look like pink and black on my screen. Still not convinced about the merits of diamond patterns with that print though

>> No.7952548

thank you so much anon!!!

>> No.7952718
File: 54 KB, 675x589, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here's my idea for a coord. I'm trying to work with the things I have (the jacket, pink purse, and pink heels)
I'd rather buy a new purse than shoes, but I'm open for suggestions. I'm also a bit stuck on a headpiece. I was thinking either some ear muffs, or a beret

>> No.7952789
File: 1.83 MB, 1440x1280, sugarplumfairy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our christmas meet-up is nutcracker-themed and I want to go as the sugar plum fairy, because I can't think of another opportunity to wear this dress. I usually stick to jewel tones and simpler more classic styles and have a hard time with this coord. I am mostly at loss what to do with my hair and what accessories would fit the dress and the theme. Can somebody here please help me? This coord is really out of my comfort zone.

>> No.7952925

Congrats anon, it's very cute.
Why not wear a simple standing collar blouse?

>> No.7952927

I've always thought of those as more classic/gothic rather than sweet. Not sure it'd be super flattering on me either. Thanks for the idea though!

>> No.7952943

It looks like you're off to a great start, the Melissas were a great idea! Looking through google images, the Sugar Plum Fairy usually has an updo (I'd look at Fanny Rosie for inspiration) and a small tiara or crown. I think a Baby-style scepter would also be a great accessory. If you want a necklace or bracelet, I'd stick with pearls to match the dress.

>> No.7953020

Well the sugar plum fairy has very sweet colors but shes also very elegany and regal. So i think that classic is perfect for her. You could do a style with a braid headband sort of thing with flowers and blingish sort of stuff and that could look really pretty.

>> No.7953059
File: 330 KB, 500x573, crownbraid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I love the Melissas, but I guess I have to practice walking in them a bit more...they are a bit painful and slide off my feet easily. But they are so beautiful, I just couldn't resist! I know it's a long shot, but do you have any recommendations for buying a tiara/crown?

I actually thought about braiding my hair like I did in pic related. Do you think this could work with a few flowers and a small tiara instead of the crown? I am afraid,that it might look unbalanced with the poofy dress and the wide princess sleeves.

>> No.7953067

I was looking for ita fodder on tumblr and found a collage someone made for this using iridescent purple sparkle uggs. I kind of don't want to find it again.

>> No.7953080

Fur muff/handbag, and fluffy earmuffs?

>> No.7953161
File: 560 KB, 1200x1200, uuugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far I've got this. I need to find a good blouse now, but I can't afford the 160 dollar one that I really like on IW. I just don't have the funds right now.
Besides a blouse, are there any other recommendations?

>> No.7953165

I'm not sure how I feel about the socks. The black in them feels disjointed with the rest of the outfit, and tights tend to look best with high heels, anyway.

>> No.7953168
File: 622 KB, 2400x3000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A small tiara with flowers would be great!

>> No.7953190
File: 237 KB, 1936x968, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you search "mini tiara" there are a ton on Aliexpress, just make sure to sort by orders. Also, get some insoles! They should help the pain and slipping.

>> No.7953200

It's not black, it's actually a navy blue. Black wouldn't fit at all with the rest of the coord.

>> No.7953202
File: 19 KB, 345x437, 144915-s-03-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped picture, sorry.

>> No.7953203

look up blouses on my-lolita-dress.com
gewd stuff. you could probably find a lot of it on tao bao but it's so much easier to search through for ideas.

>> No.7953213

Yo, This >>7950894 anon again. I found the petti pretty easy. Hopping back in to vouch for it as the perfect length for AP's shorter skirts. The poof is huge, btw. I lean way more toward otome so I'm going to wait until the poof fades a bit but I tried it with Chess Choco as well. Lengthwise it's an A+

>> No.7953291

I'll be making collages for anyone that needs help for an hour or two!

>> No.7953345
File: 886 KB, 980x900, otome for anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My take on it, I like the bag and skirt combo.

>> No.7953414

I think that would be super cute! I dont think it would be unbalanced if you used smaller flowers. If you used big ones, it totally would be.

>> No.7953427

one for me maybe?

>> No.7953445

Can you hook up an otome? >>7950438

>> No.7953450

I have a skirt like this and I think that loose shirts tucked in look best with them!

>> No.7953497
File: 55 KB, 250x333, marinerose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you anons coord this?

>> No.7953517

With striped sheer and white tights, red shoes, red blouse and a floral hair accesory that matches the whole print.

>> No.7953518

striped tights? why?

>> No.7953532
File: 156 KB, 620x620, TB2bnMwaXXXXXa8XXXXXXXXXXXX-69244970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to read, they mean these style of striped tights. The lines would reflect the lines in the print without being too overpowering, it's cohesive.

>> No.7953536

Exactly, anon!

>> No.7953541
File: 1.79 MB, 1400x900, coords for anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried utilizing your stuff in a few different ways! Love your vintage-y coord with the strawberry Meta skirt, btw.

>> No.7953542

>Learn to read
I don't think it's about reading comprehension.

Also no, they would look horrible together, especially since the lines on the dress are going horizontally, vertical striped tights are going to look stupid as fuck.

Plus the rest of >>7953517 suggestions are awful.

>> No.7953547

What size are you? OL blouses on ebay/ali/taobao tend to have lots of ruffles down the front, which are usually good with that style of dress...
I would also recommend a cropped military-style jacket for it.

>> No.7953550

If you can do one for >>7951123 I'd appreciate it!

I thought about the book purse, but all the ones I found had a really yellowy gold instead of champagne. I don't want the gold to be too over powering, but I wouldn't mind switching if I had to.

>> No.7953601

What would you suggest?

>> No.7953606
File: 922 KB, 833x738, chocolate rosette for anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, this ended up almost casual sweet lolita instead of otome. I hope you still find it inspirational, though?

>> No.7953633

Anon, the socks originally made to go with this print are vertically striped. They look fine. Chill.

>> No.7953634
File: 26 KB, 250x333, MarineRoseJSK-beigexred-zmod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic

>> No.7953639
File: 1.11 MB, 1400x900, btssb nun for anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't really contribute that much, sorry. I just really like all the choices you made already!

>> No.7953663 [DELETED] 

>>7953517 here, I was thinking this coord in the picture. The stripes match! I couldn't find a good hair accessory online but the one pictured matches the lace on the straps of the jsk iirc so it goes with the coord. Couldn't think of a purse or accessories offhand.

>> No.7953666

Holy crap, for whatever reason that helps out. How can something so small be so much better? Thanks, anon

Ahhh, I don't care. This is so cute! I'm in love with that cardigan

>> No.7953670
File: 137 KB, 357x487, Screen Shot 2014-11-23 at 4.07.24 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7953517 here, I was thinking this coord in the picture. The stripes match! I couldn't find a good hair accessory online but the one pictured matches the lace on the straps of the jsk iirc so it goes with the coord. Couldn't think of a purse or accessories offhand.
The stripes look fine.

>> No.7953706
File: 110 KB, 137x405, Screen Shot 2014-11-23 at 4.39.30 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I have worn something very similar to the one on the top right before, just with my brown shoes. I think its ok because my hair is brown? I definitely need pink shoes though!
I am glad someone else thinks the bolero could go with this jsk, I really want to try it now.

>> No.7953795

So I just won the auction for this beautiful dress. I have suitable shoes and tights but I'm totally stuck on what sort of head piece to pair with this. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

>> No.7953797
File: 100 KB, 300x400, carlotta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped the pic, erp.

>> No.7953913
File: 98 KB, 427x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this one from Red Maria would work well with it.

>> No.7954027
File: 662 KB, 588x660, winter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what season you're in, but it would be cute if you made this into a winter coord. If you could find some off-brand ear muffs in the same shade of dusty rose or off-white (I couldn't spot and brand ones) and a knitted cardigan to match, you would look great. You can always look at Fanny Rosie for inspiration.

>> No.7954701

this post is balls old but sauce on the cuff things on the bottom right?

>> No.7955018


>> No.7955327


>> No.7957688

new thread?